Bolt Load Design Calculation
Bolt Load Design Calculation
Bolt Load Design Calculation
Wm1 = H + Hp = 0.7859 G2 P + (2b x 3.14G m P) Where: G = diameter at location of gasket load reaction. G is defined as follows (see table 2-5.2) When bo >1/4 in (6mm), G = outside diameter of gasket contact face less 2b. 2876.55 2 * 25.98 = 2824.59 mm 25.98, basic gasket seating width (from Table 2-5.2) bo = N/2 216.075/2 = 108.0375 mm Effective gasket or joint contact-surface seating width obtained from table 2b= Cbbo When bo >1/4 in (6mm) 2.5108.0375 = 25.98 mm m = Gasket factor obtained from table2-5.1 1, Material used for the calculation is Elastomers without fabric or high percent of asbestos fiber: 75A or higher shore durometer 14.06 kg/cm2, Min. design seating stress obtained from table 2-5.1 5 kg/cm2, Internal Design Pressure .785 * 2824.592 * 5/100 + (2 * 25.98 * 3.14 * 2824.59 * 1 * 5/100) 313148.6 + 23042.214 336190.82 kg (1)
bo =
b = 5.2
y = P = = = =
Minimum required bolt load for gasket seating Wm2 = 3.14 bGy = = 3.14 * 25.98 * 2824.59 * 14.06/100 32397.35 kg
Note: - The total cross section of bolts Am required for both the operating condition & gasket seating is the greater of the values of Am1 & Am2. Where, Am1 = Wm1/Sb = 336190.82 / 492.1 = 683.17 cm2 Am2 = Wm2/Sa = 32397.35 / 492.1 = 65.77 cm2 Sa = Allowable bolt stress at atmospheric temperature ASTM A307 Grade B used for the calculation as per AWWA C207 (Sec. 4.1.2) Refer ASME B31.1, Appendix A (Sa = 492.1 kg/cm2)
Sb = Allowable bolt stress at design temperature ASTM A307 Grade B used for the calculation as per AWWA C207 (Sec. 4.1.2) Refer ASME B31.1, Appendix A (Sb = 492.1 kg/cm2) M56 Bolts cross-section area calculations for 96 inch Pipe Flange Ab = .785 d2 * No. of Bolts
Where d = 4.9252 cm No. of bolts as per AWWA C207 for the pipe size 96 inch is 68. = = .785 * 4.92522 * 68 1249.870 cm2
A selection of bolts to be used shall be made such that the actual cross-sectional area of bolts Ab will not be less than Am.