DM No 316 S 2023000

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je te Asner Republic ot the Philippines oT Department of Coucation CARAGA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR June 14, 2023 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 4)", s. 2023 VIRTUAL ORIENTATION ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST FOR GRADE 10 (NATG10) FOR SY 2022-2023 TO: Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Office of the Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Personnel of the Office of the Curriculum Implementation Division Personnel of the Office of the School Governance Operation Division Public Schools District Supervisors/ District In-charge Public and Private Secondary School ‘This Division 1. Relative to the Memorandum DM-CT-2023-140, the field is hereby informed on the Administration of the National Achievement Test for Grade 10 (NATG10) for School Year 2022-2023 on June 27, 2023 through paper and pen .In line with this, there will be a Division Orientation of the Testing Key Players on June 19,2023 at 8:00 A.M-5:00 P.M. via MS Teams using this link- Gri0. 2. The virtual orientation aims to: 2.1. orient the testing key players on the NATG10 Administration (Before, During and After the NATG10 Administration). 2.2. provide an overview to all participants the test design, test administration, scoring and assessment data utilization for NAT G10. 3. The assessment will be given to public and private select Grade 10 learners per school. Attached are the list of secondary schools with its number of select learners per school under “Allocation” column, 4, There will be 30 learners per room basis for the needed Test Administrators per school. Test Administrators shall be Teacher 1 to Master Teacher position coming from other school to be identified by the PSDS/PSDI who shall also join the above orientation. 5. Participants to this orientation are the following: a. All Secondary School Heads both private and public; b. School Testing Coordinators of every public secondary school; and c. Test Administrators d. Division Medical Officer e. District /School Nurses f. PSDS/PSDI fo D.O Plaza Goverment Center, Pain-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur B. Republic of the Pb lippines Department of Education CARAGA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR ‘Schnaleivon Autom del Sur 6. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. | Pita sony Q./ emer sta traton ,/ butcances JOSITA B. CARMEN, CESO V ‘Schools Division Superintendent ar KA 9 Un of eon Agi Br ‘isinent S48 6.0 3057) {et nied Inthe rp! decd he owing jet Po D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur Enchsre to 0M _ ¢ 2023 dated G/ik]2029 2029 NAT GRADE ID ACUSAN DEL SUR Region Division BEIS ‘Schoo! Name Municipality Sector | Cluster | Allocation School ID CARAGA ‘Agusan del Sur 317449 TUMALOG NATIONAL HIGH TALACOGON: Public 6 s 1 SCHOOL | aed | RS | ce HE Hi | ' > CARAGA Agusan del Sur 304715 LORETO. Public 4 9 3 CARAGA Agusan del Sur 304738 Cecilia National High School SAN LUIS Public 4 9 4 CARAGA | Agusan delSur | a17«2a uangan Nhs ESPERANZA 4 10 | CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 317440 | Catmonon National High School ESPERANZA 4 10 ¢ CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 317639 Savon Nhs SanTasoserA | Public | «| 10 (CARAGA Agusan del Sur 317416 | Causwagan National High School TALACOGON: Public 4 wo ¢ CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 317446 | San Vicente Nat tigh School LORETO Public 4 nq CARAGA | Agusan del sur | 304721 | Mabuhay National High School PROSPERIDAD Public | 4 11 pl (Capital) CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 501727 Jose T. Cuyos Sr. Il Integrated ROSARIO. Public 6 uy School CARAGA | Agusan delsur | 305634 | _Ulanguan National High School TANS é no} CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 317442 ‘Alga National High School ‘SIBAGAT 4 un 0 CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 317409 | Kapatungan Nat TRENTO. 4 1 tf [Gnomon BROSPERIDAD (Seial ree CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 317427 ‘Nueva Gracia Nhs LORETO 4 r | CARAGA | Agusan delSur | 317429 ‘Novele National High Schoo! ROSARIO 4 RU CARAGA |" Agusan del sur [317402 | Boyuzanl Navona High Sehool | SANFRANSCO | rable [a | a > s Region Division BEIS ‘School Name Municipality Sector Allocation 2 =) School 1D. ia> | Ge EE Ga Ge | ee Zoi os Bene ag 7s CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 304739 Laminga NHS SAN LUIS Public | 4 2 8 y CARAGA | AgusandelSur | S01286 ‘San Pedro integrated School ‘SAN LUIS. Public | 6 12 (a 3 gq | CARAGA | Agusandel Sur [317432 Labnig NHS. TALACOGON Public 4 2 |a : 3 CARAGA | AgusandelSur_| 317407 Manat NHS TRENTO Public | 4 12 |2? [5 2 CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 317404 ‘San Vicente NHS PROSPERIDAD Public | 4 13 lay 3 (Capit Sl | ES | aa amy i Boils cCARAGA | AgusandelSur | 317437 Salvacion Nhs TRENTO Public | 4 3B |% [earaca | Agusan del sur | 304734 San Isidro NHS LORETO Public | 4 aa*(|2? {_CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 500952 | Singapore integrated School TRENTO, Public | 6 14 (| 2p {_caRAGA | Agusan del Sur | 317415 San Toribio NHS ESPERANZA Public [4 1527 {caRAGA | Agusan del Sur [317430 San Jose NHS PROSPERIDAD Public | 4 is | 40 (Capital) | caraGa | AgusandelSur | 317412 Pulang Lupa NHS TRENTO. 4 15 " CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 317414 | _ Hawilian National High School ESPERANZA 4 16 | 72 [Tcaraca | Agusan del Sur_| 304708 | Binucayan National High School LORETO 4 is | 39 CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 304704 | Agusan del Sur National Science PROSPERIOAD 4 6 lay High Schoo! (Capital) CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 304713 Guadalupe NHS ESPERANZA 4 17 we CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_|_317431_|__ Magaud National High School LORETO 4 (3% CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 304755 | _Zillovia National High Schoo! TALACOGON 3 a ((3? CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 501291 | Bentahon Integrated Schoo! ESPERANZA, 6 is |i CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 501294 | Anolingan Integrated School ESPERANZA Public | 6 as |? Region Division BEIS School Name ‘Municipality Sector | Cluster | Allocation g School 10 z cARAGA | Agusandelsur_| 305616 jonal High School_ | SANFRANCISCO | Public | 6 38 |4o § CARAGA | AgusandelSur_| 501289 ed Schoo! SAN LUIS Public | 6 18 4 se cARAGA | Agusan delsur_| 304705 | sta. Maria National High School TRENTO Public | 3 as |¢z = CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 501728 | _Mahayahay integrated School ‘SAN LUIS Public | 6 2/49 2 CARAGA | Agusandelsur | 317438 | SAN ROQUE NATIONAL HIGH TRENTO Public | 6 3 | 4g é SCHOOL i cARAGA | “Agusan delsur_| 501285 | Maasin integrated School ESPERANZA 5 2/45 [5 caraca | Agusan delSur_| 501726 | Sta, Rosa Integrated School ROSARIO 5 20 |4u ‘CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 317435 Maharlika High School TALACOGON 5 2 (|47 CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 304751 | STO. TOMAS NATIONAL HIGH LORETO 3 a | SCHOOL CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 304711 Democrito 0. Plaza MHS ‘SAN FRANCISCO, 3 a |f CARAGA | Agusan delSur | 304720 Los Arcos NHS 3 2 | CARAGA | Agusandel Sur_| 501126 ‘Maligaya Integrated School ROSARIO 5 2 |e CARAGA | AgusandelSur_| 317422 | Corpus National High School TALACOGON 5 2 \¢2 CARAGA | _Agusandel Sur_| 317408 | Sinobong National High School VERUELA 3 zie CARAGA | Agusan 317405 | Azpetia PROSPERIDAD (Capital) 3 2 ley CARAGA | AgusandelSur_| 304714 | Kasapa LORETO 5 2 le Bal | i i Fiber es nS sbaeat) a gic CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 305479 | Kolambugan National High School SIBAGAT, 5 2 |e CARAGA | AgusandelSur_| 500798 | _ Patrocinio Integrated School SANTA JOSEFA 5 2 |e CARAGA | AgusandelSur_| 317443 | _ Sanisidro National High Schoo! TRENTO 5 wy CARAGA | _AgusandelSur_| 317439 | Sta, Fe National High School ESPERANZA 5 2 | CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 304744 | Sta. Cruz National High School ROSARIO 3 3 | a ‘Schente Hlon Ofce-Aguson del Sur Region Division BEIS ‘School Name Municipality Sector | Cluster] Allocation School ID caraca | Agusan del Sur_| 304745 | Bayugan il National High Schoo! ROSARIO Public} 3 3 be fara | | moos (macocon aa] Ble CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 304754 | Veruela National High Schoo! VERUELA Public| 3 2s lee CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 304733 | Sampaguita National High Schools, VERUEWA, Public} 3 lar CARAGA | Agusandel sur | 501290 Balobo Integrated School ESPERANZA 5 26 |b Ey | 6 y E Bia CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 304722 Lucena NHS PROSPERIDAD (Capital) 3 26 las CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 317403 | Lapinigan NHS-New Visayas Ext. | SAN FRANCISCO 5 2 | be CARAGA | Agusan del sur | 317448 | Cebolin National High School TRENTO 26 (| 7 CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 308738 Ubertad NHS BUNAWAN Public 2 |e Ges | a a a Bix cARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 317406 la Fortuna NHS ‘VERUELA, Public] 3. 27/39 CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 317401 Panagangan NHS APAZ Public 28 ity CARAGA | Agusan del Sur | 304730 Patin-ay National High School__| PROSPERIDAD (Capital) | Public | 3 23 cARAGA | AgusandelSur | 304726 | New Tubigon High School of Home SIBAGAT Public] 5 a lh Industries CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 306093 ‘Comota National High Schoo! LAPAZ 5 2 wm CARAGA_| Agusan 317426 | Buenasuerte National High School | SAN FRANCISCO s 2 lw CARAGA | Agusan delsur_| 317445 Nueva Era High School VERUELA, Public] S$ 29 (174 CARAGA | Agusandel Sur_| S01288 | Caimpugan Integrated School SANFRANCISCO | Public| 5 3 |r CARAGA | Agusandel Sur | 317418 | San Luis National High School -Balit SAN LUIS Public] 5 a |S Annex : CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 304748 ‘Marfil NHS ROSARIO Public} S 32/2 CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 317411 | Desamparados National High School | __TALACOGON Public] 5 32 (83 CARAGA | AgusandelSur | 317434 | Marbon Nhs TALACOGON Public [Ss 32 ley 3 E Dison Schoal Name Munidpalty | Sear ta i ifs Praere Scr ee el gg TausandelSur a TaTasoseta | pobie| 5 [3a i dq! ‘Agusan del Sur TALACOGON Public| 2 | 34 _(¢t il cS aE i Agusan del Sur_| 304737 SAN LUIS Public| 5 {| 36 4 ‘Agusn del Sur_| 304719 LORETO | Pubic] 213740 Agusan del Sur 305480 ‘SAN MARTIN NATIONAL HIGH PROSPERIDAD (Capi Ss 37 | SCHOOL ! fv ‘Agusan delSur | 304745 | "Sra. rene National High School | PROSPERIDAD (Capi BAe ‘Agusan delSur_| 500419 “SANTA JOSEFA 99 Aessandeisor_[ SOS TACOS eee roonndeisar | Sa Hprsaoolsa | — SAT SSA =e sofa. “Agusan del Sur | 305478 | Katipunan National High School VERUELA 3 Oe ‘Agusan del Sur | 317425 Oro Nhs. ESPERANZA, s 30 oP ‘Agusan delSur_| 304736 La Paz NHS i LAPAZ 2 3 6% seamaelsur | ea | Sepa atapadengmidaat | sa 2 Highs ‘Agusan del Sur_| 500951 San Pascual Integrated School | ‘SANTA JOSEFA. Pubic 5 3s Acnetour | a7 Token Ne (oietO aS | as a a 1 a ‘Schon Division Office Agusan del Sur Region Division BEIS School Name Municipality ‘Sector | Cluster] Allocation School 1D CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 317447 | KAUSWAGAN National High School LORETO Public| 5 aa ig CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_[ 317433 _| Buena Gracia National High School TALACOGON Public| 5 3 | py CARAGA | Agusan delSur | 317428 | West Prosperidad National High | PROSPERIDAD (Capital) | Public| 5 Ne Schoo! CARAGA |" Agusan del Sur [304717 | Lapinigan National High School SANFRANCISCO | Public| 2 45 | oy cARAGA | Agusan delsur_| 304710 | Del Monte National High School TALACOGON. Public| 2 46 lee CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 317441 Salug Nhs ESPERANZA Public] 5 a7__|ig CARAGA | Agusan delSur | 304740 | SIBAGAT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SIBAGAT Public| 2 47 | [09 OF HOME INDUSTRIES, CARAGA | Agusan del Sur Aurora National High School PROSPERIDAD (Capital) | Public| 5 48 Ud Ena i ry fOSAnId Ema) 8 @ a CARAGA | Agusan del sur_| 501681 ‘Wasian Integrated School ROSARIO s 49 [lia CARAGA | Agusan del sur_| 304743 Padiay NHSHI SIBAGAT 5 49112 CARAGA | Agusan del sur_| 304736 San Luis NHS SAN LUIS 2 30 |hHy CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 304742 Magsaysay Nhs SIBAGAT Ss 3 lu CARAGA | Agusan del sur | 304750 _| Sta. Josefa National High School ‘SANTA JOSEFA 2 3 IK CARAGA | Agusan delsur_| 304712 | Esperanza National High School ESPERANZA 2 35 Ii CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 304731 Prosperidad NHS PROSPERIDAD (Capital) 1 B_ lng CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 304709 | _ Bunawan National High School BUNAWAN, 1 os 9 CARAGA | Agusan delSur_| 304753 TRENTO. Public| 1. 120 | (oo CARAGA | Agusan del Sur_| 304703 _| Agusan del Sur National High School | SANFRANCISCO__| Public] 1 226 | /2f

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