A Fast Wavelet Transform-Domain LMS Algorithm
A Fast Wavelet Transform-Domain LMS Algorithm
A Fast Wavelet Transform-Domain LMS Algorithm
~2 = m (m + 2) (3)
2 The error to be minimized is defined as:
Therefore for a Two-band tree, wether it is dyadic or
uniform, the computational complexity is O(m(m+2)/2). e(@= d(n) - ycst(n) (11)
3. M-BAND MAXIMALLY DECIMATED The adaptive filter coefficients are updated using the
FILTER BANK following equations [31
Let Z(n) be the wavelet transformed data column vector of C-ms = 2N + m ( m + 2) + m +8 (17)
length N, that is 2
E.g.: m=4, CFWTDLMS = 2N + 24 (comparable to the
Z(n) = TwX(n) (6) normalized LMS complexity). Whereas the direct method
Where @M) presents the following computational complexity
X(n) = [x(n) x(n-1) ....x(n-N+l)]' (7)
and (fig. 1)
z(n) = Pho(n) Zfil(n)f (8) = 7N + 8 (m = 4 is considered to
E.g.: m=4, C~irea-~eth~d
be very short !)
Data are supposed to be real, the superscript t to denote
vector transposition and Tw to represent the orthogonal For relatively long adaptive FIR filters, our method has a
wavelet transform matrix. Now, let g(n) be the adaptive computational complexity very comparable to that of a
filter column vector that we split down into two subfilters simple time-domain normalized LMS. Herebelow, we give
of length N/2 each such that a table (fig. 4) where we show the improvement of our
method as compared to the direct method for different k
wavelet filter lengths and different values of N. We define C = C (m - i M)
the reduction in the complexity as compared to the direct
method0M) as
= (k-+ 1) m - M (1 + 2 + 3 + ...+ k) (24)
= (k+ 1 ) m - M- k ( k + 1 ) (25)
= (k+ 1) (m - kM)
where CFWTDLMS is the complexity of our fast algorithm NOW replacing k in eqt (26) by m/M drawn from eqt (21)
and C~irca-~ahod
is the complexity of the same algorithm 1- to
based on the direct method for computing the wavelet C = m (m + M) (27)
transform. 2M
4-2 FWI"I'LMS BASED ON A M-BAND For a filter bank of M subbands, eqt (27) leads to eqt (5),
CM= (m + M)
Extension of the above algorithm to M-bands is 2
straightforward. Following thesame way as before, it is Now if we replace M by 2 we get the result given by
very easy to show that for a M-band maximally decimated eqt (3).
filter bank, the computational complexity of the
FWTDLMS is given by: 7. REFERENCES
in [2]. The proposed method is computationally more
efficient than other transform based algorithms such as
DCT. because the latter has a computational complexity
0((6N+l)+NTR) where NTR = N log2(N) - (3/2)N +4,
[3], which is clearly higher than our method's one.
In this appendix, we proove the results given by eqt (3)
and eqt (5). Since m is by hypothesis a multiple of M,
then we should have
I 1 I
m=kM (22)
- 1:used
Fin. M-band maximally decimated filter bank that is
to generate orthognal M-band wavelets
where k is a positive integer. Eqt (4) can be rewritten as
nth iteration
Fig. 2: Redundancy in the calculation of the wavelet coefficients as the data window
slides on by one sample at each iteration (only one subband is shown).