Journal Pone 0254057
Journal Pone 0254057
Journal Pone 0254057
OPEN ACCESS Discovering low-dimensional structure in real-world networks requires a suitable null model
Citation: Humphries MD, Caballero JA, Evans M, that defines the absence of meaningful structure. Here we introduce a spectral approach for
Maggi S, Singh A (2021) Spectral estimation for detecting a network’s low-dimensional structure, and the nodes that participate in it, using
detecting low-dimensional structure in networks
any null model. We use generative models to estimate the expected eigenvalue distribution
using arbitrary null models. PLoS ONE 16(7):
e0254057. under a specified null model, and then detect where the data network’s eigenspectra exceed
pone.0254057 the estimated bounds. On synthetic networks, this spectral estimation approach cleanly
Editor: Gabriele Oliva, University Campus Bio- detects transitions between random and community structure, recovers the number and
Medico of Rome, ITALY membership of communities, and removes noise nodes. On real networks spectral estima-
Received: September 4, 2020 tion finds either a significant fraction of noise nodes or no departure from a null model, in
stark contrast to traditional community detection methods. Across all analyses, we find the
Accepted: June 19, 2021
choice of null model can strongly alter conclusions about the presence of network structure.
Published: July 2, 2021
Our spectral estimation approach is therefore a promising basis for detecting low-dimen-
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the sional structure in real-world networks, or lack thereof.
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here: Introduction
Copyright: © 2021 Humphries et al. This is an open Network science has given us a powerful toolbox with which to describe real-world systems,
access article distributed under the terms of the encapsulating a system’s entities as n nodes and the interactions between them as links. But the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
number of nodes is typically between 102 and 109 [1, 2], so networks are inherently high-
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
dimensional objects. For a deeper understanding of a network constructed from data, we’d
author and source are credited. like to know if that network has some simpler underlying principles, some kind of low-dimen-
sional structure. Two questions arise: what is that low-dimensional structure, and which nodes
Data Availability Statement: A full list of URLs to
all code and data are provided in the dedicated
are participating in it? We propose here a spectral approach to answer both questions.
“Data and code availability” section of the Methods. One way of detecting low-dimensional structure is to specify a null model for the absence
All code and data necessary to reproduce the of that structure, then detect the extent to which the data network departs from that null
figures in the paper are hosted at: https://github. model. The problem of community detection is a prime example of this approach, where we
com/mdhumphries/NetworkNoiseRejection. seek to determine whether a network contains groups of nodes that are densely interconnected
Funding: This work was supported by grants to M. [3–7]. To give some examples [6, 8, 9]: in social networks, these communities may be groups
H. from the Medical Research Council [grant of friends, of collaborating scientists, or of people with similar interests; in biological networks
numbers MR/J008648/1, MR/P005659/1, and MR/ these groups may be interacting brain regions, interacting proteins, or interacting species in a
S025944/1] and a National Council of Science and
food web; more abstractly, these groups may be webpages on the same topic, or words com-
Technology (CONACyT) Fellowship to J.C. The
funders had no role in study design, data collection monly found together in English. Finding such a community structure in a data network
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of requires a null model against which to assess the relative density of connections in the data.
the manuscript. We use community detection as our prime application here as it illustrates both the key chal-
Competing interests: The authors have declared lenges we want to address.
that no competing interests exist. First, community detection algorithms overwhelmingly use the same null model, the expec-
tation of the configuration model [4, 6], which then often determines the form of the algorithm
itself. Moreover, typically community detection algorithms are unable to detect the absence of
community structure. We’d like the freedom to choose a null model for how we want to define
a community structure, or its absence, not least different variants of the configuration model
itself [10]. This is an example of the more general problem of detecting low-dimensional struc-
ture in a network, for which we would like to able to use any suitable null model for that
Second, community detection algorithms rarely consider the problem of nodes that do not
belong to any community [11, 12]. In any network constructed from data, such “noise” nodes
may be present due to sampling error [11], or to sparse sampling of the true network (as in net-
works of connections between neurons). Or they may be generated by some random process
marginally related to the construction of the main network, such as minor characters in narra-
tive texts. However they arise, ideally we would be able to detect such noise nodes by defining
them against the same null model for the absence of communities. This is a special case of the
more general problem of detecting nodes that are not participating in the low-dimensional
structure of a network.
Our proposed solution to these challenges is a simple sampling approach. We frame the
departure between data and model as a comparison between the eigenspectrum of a real-world
network and that predicted by the specified null model, an approach motivated by current
spectral approaches to community detection [4, 13–17]. We give an algorithm that samples
networks from a generative null model to determine the expected bounds on the data net-
work’s eigenspectra if it was a sample from that generative model. The upper bound is used to
construct a low-dimensional projection of the data network from its excess eigenvectors; we
then use this projection to reject nodes that do not contribute to these dimensions, extracting
a “signal” network. All code for this framework is provided at
Applying our spectral estimation approach to synthetic networks with planted communi-
ties, we show that the low-dimensional projection recovers the correct number of planted
communities, and successfully rejects noise nodes around the planted communities. On real-
world networks, we show significant advantages over community detection alone, which finds
community structure in every tested network. For example, our spectral approach reports no
community structure in the large co-author network of the Computational and Systems Neu-
roscience (COSYNE) conference, pointing to a lack of disciplinary boundaries in this research
field. We also demonstrate that spectral estimation can recover k-partite structure in a sub-set
of real networks. Finally, we show that the choice of null model can strongly alter conclusions
about the low-dimensional structure in both synthetic and data networks. Our spectral estima-
tion approach is a starting point for developing richer comparisons of real-world networks
with suitable generative models.
Our goal is to compare a weighted, undirected data network W to some chosen null model
that specifies the absence of a particular low-dimensional structure. A simple way to compare
data and null models is C = W − hPi, where the matrix hPi is the expected weights under some
null model. For example, if we choose P to be the classic configuration model, then C is the
modularity matrix [4]; as we are framing this as a general problem, we thus here term C the
comparison matrix. Our idea is to test whether the data network is consistent with being a real-
isation of the generative process whose expectation is hPi, namely that W � hPi.
To do so, we generate a set of sample null model networks P�1 ; . . . ; P�N from the generative
model whose expectation is hPi. We then compute each sample’s comparison matrix
C�i ¼ P�i hPi, and the eigenspectra of C�i . Combining the sampled eigenspectra thus esti-
mates the expected eigenspectrum of C due solely to variations in the null model, illustrated
schematically in Fig 1a. Here we focus on estimating its upper bound: finding eigenvalues of
the data network’s comparison matrix exceeding that bound is then evidence of some low-
dimensional structure in the data that departs from the null model. Moreover, the number of
eigenvalues exceeding the upper bound gives us an estimate of the number of dimensions of
that low-dimensional structure.
We can then obtain a low-dimensional projection of the data network (Fig 1b), by using the
eigenvectors of C corresponding to the eigenvalues that exceed the limits predicted by the
model. In that low-dimensional projection, we can do two things: first, test if individual nodes
exceed the predictions of the null model, and reject them if not (Fig 1c, grey circles); second,
cluster the remaining nodes (Fig 1c, coloured circles). Full details of this spectral estimation
process are given in the Methods.
The choice of null model network is limited only to those which can be captured in a gener-
ative process, for we need to sample networks. For some null models, like the classic configura-
tion model, we know hPi explicitly; if not, we can simply estimate hPi as the expectation over
the sampled networks. We use two null models here. One is the weighted version of the classic
configuration model (WCM) [18]. For the second we introduce a sparse variant (sparse
WCM) that more accurately captures the distribution of weights in the data network, as we
illustrate for a real network in the Fig 1 in S1 Appendix. As we show below, the choice of null
model is crucial.
Fig 1. Elements of the spectral estimation algorithm. (a) Schematic of eigenvalue spectra. We estimate the null model’s distribution of
eigenvalues (blue) for C, by generating a sample of null model networks. The vertical orange line is the estimate of the distribution’s
upper bound. The eigenvalues of the data network (crosses) are compared to the upper bound; those above the upper bound (red)
indicate low-dimensional structure departing from the null model. (b) Schematic of low-dimensional projections of the network after
spectral estimation. Retained eigenvectors, corresponding to eigenvalues above the null model’s upper bound, define a projection of the
network’s nodes (circles). (c) Schematic of node rejection. Nodes close to the origin (grey) do not contribute to the low-dimensional
structure of the network, so are candidates for rejection. Nodes far from the origin are contributing, potentially as clusters (colours).
Fig 2. Performance on synthetic weighted networks. (a) Proportion of synthetic networks identified as modular by spectral estimation, as a
function of the difference in connection probabilities within and between planted modules. All results in (a-c) are from sparse networks with P
(between) = 0.05, with 100 synthetic networks per P(within) tested. (b) Number of modules detected as a function of the difference in
connection probabilities. We compare here examples of agglomerative (Louvain) and divisive (multi-way vector) community detection
algorithms against the number of communities predicted by spectral estimation. Symbols are medians, bars are inter-quartile ranges over 100
synthetic networks. (c) Performance of community detection, as a function of the difference in connection probabilities. VI: normalised
variational information as measure of recovering the ground-truth community assignment [19]; VI = 0 if a partition is identical to the ground-
truth (note we score VI = 0 for networks labelled as not modular). The sparse WCM performance is from clustering in the low-dimensional
space defined by the null model (see Methods). Symbols are medians, bars are inter-quartile ranges over 100 synthetic networks. (d-f): as (a-c),
for denser networks with P(between) = 0.15.
When modular structure is detected by the sparse WCM model, the number of eigenvalues
d above the null model’s estimated upper limit is a good guide to the number of planted com-
munities (Fig 2b). By contrast, using the full configuration model dramatically over-estimates
the number of planted communities.
To further illustrate that spectral estimation’s ability to distinguish structure is non-trivial,
we test examples of standard unsupervised community detection algorithms—Louvain and
multi-way spectral clustering—on the same synthetic networks. Both these algorithms always
found groups even when the network had no modular structure (Fig 2b). Correspondingly,
the accuracy of their community assignment was poor until the synthetic networks were
clearly modular (Fig 2c). These results remind us that standard algorithms can give no indica-
tion of when a network has no internal structure. We are not claiming spectral estimation to
be unique in this regard: other approaches to community detection can also detect transitions
between structure and its absence in these simple block models, for example those using the
non-backtracking matrix [15] or using significance testing on sampled partitions [20, 21].
When network structure is detected, we have the option of using the d-dimensional space
defined by spectral estimation to find d + 1 groups using simple clustering (see Methods). This
approach always performed as well or better than the community detection methods in recov-
ering the planted modules (Fig 2c).
In more densely connected synthetic networks, we find spectral estimation performs simi-
larly in detecting structure, jumping rapidly between rejecting all and accepting all networks as
containing modules (Fig 2d). Comparing detection in the sparse (Fig 2a) and dense (Fig 2d)
synthetic networks hints that the detectability limit for spectral estimation is constant for the
magnitude difference P(within) − P(between); future work could explore the robustness of this
constant limit to changes in the network’s parameters, especially size, strength distribution,
and number and size of modules. Notably, on these denser networks spectral estimation is
always better than community detection alone in detecting both the number of groups (Fig
2e), and in the accuracy of recovering the planted modules (Fig 2f). Spectral estimation can
thus successfully both detect low-dimensional structure and its absence at the level of the
whole network; we thus next turn to the level of individual nodes.
Fig 3. Node rejection performance. (a) Top: weight matrix for an example synthetic network with noise, showing the planted modules (block
diagonals) and the halo of noise nodes (P(noise) = 0.05, fnoise = 0.25); throughout we set P(between) = 0.05 and P(within) = 0.2. Bottom: for the example
network, the projection of its nodes onto the first two dimensions retained by spectral estimation (three were found). Nodes are colour-coded by their
ground-truth group (colours) or as noise (grey). (b) Proportion of synthetic networks identified as modular by spectral estimation, as a function of the
level of noise. Three sizes of noise halo (fnoise) are plotted. Vertical lines indicate where the link probability for noise nodes was equal to between module
(P(between)) or within module (P(within)) link probabilities. (c) True negative rate (TNR) of node rejection, as a function of the level of noise. TNR is
the fraction of correctly rejected noise nodes. Symbols are medians, bars are inter-quartile ranges over 50 synthetic networks. (d) As (c), for the true
positive rate (TPR) of node rejection. TPR is the fraction of correctly retained modular nodes. (e) Number of modules detected as a function of the level
of noise. For each community-detection algorithm there is one line per fnoise, with lighter shades for higher fnoise. Symbols are medians, bars are inter-
quartile ranges over 50 synthetic networks. (f) Performance of community detection, as a function of the level of noise. Ground-truth here is with each
noise node in its own group. VI: normalised variational information. For each community-detection algorithm there is one line per fnoise: at a given P
(noise), higher fnoise corresponds to higher VI. Symbols are medians, bars are inter-quartile ranges over 50 synthetic networks. (g) As (f), for ground-
truth with a single additional group containing all noise nodes.
predicting the projection of each node from the set of sampled null model networks, and
retaining only those nodes whose data projection exceeds the prediction (see Methods). We
term this network of retained nodes the “signal” network.
In practice, the combination of spectral estimation and node rejection works well on noisy
synthetic networks. The spectral estimation algorithm consistently detects the embedded mod-
ular structure when P(noise) < P(within), and correctly detects the absence of embedded
structure when P(noise) = P(within) (Fig 3b; panel e plots the number of detected modules).
When the embedded network structure is detected, node rejection does well at detecting
the noise nodes (Fig 3c), always detecting some noise nodes and thus performing better than
without this step. Maximum accuracy at rejection appears to occur at intermediate probabili-
ties of links to and within noise nodes. At the same time, the rejection procedure does well at
not rejecting nodes within the embedded modules (Fig 3d).
Again, we can further illustrate the utility of node rejection by looking at the performance
of standard community detection algorithms on these synthetic networks with noise. The Lou-
vain algorithm almost always finds too many modules, and both Louvain and multi-way spec-
tral clustering find modules when none exist at P(noise) = P(within) (Fig 3e). By contrast,
spectral estimation almost always detects the correct number of modules when they are clearly
distinguished from the noise nodes (i.e. P(noise) < P(within), Fig 3e).
To assess the accuracy of community detection, we measure performance against two alter-
native ground-truths: one where each noise node is placed in its own group; and one where all
noise nodes are placed in a single, fifth group. We again also test our simple clustering in the
d-dimensional space, using the retained nodes; we thus compare to a ground-truth of just the
retained nodes. For either ground-truth, the Louvain algorithm performs poorly, and increas-
ingly so as the fraction of noise nodes is increased (Fig 3f and 3g). Multi-way spectral cluster-
ing performance is similar to our simple clustering for sparsely connected noise nodes (low P
(noise)); with more densely-connected noise nodes, simple clustering in the d-dimensional
space outperforms the other algorithms at all sizes of the embedding noise (Fig 3f and 3g). The
combination of spectral estimation and node rejection thus allows the extraction of embedded
community structure in networks.
Fig 4. Distributions of expected eigenvalues for the comparison matrix C of real networks under the sparse WCM null model. (a)
Density of null model eigenvalues λ for each network, pooled over all 100 sampled null model networks (here the sparse WCM). Each curve is
a kernel density estimate normalised to its maximum. (b) Distribution of the null model’s maximum eigenvalue l�max for each network, over all
100 sampled null model networks.
eigenvalues bounds predicted by the null model. Spectral algorithms for community detection
typically use the eigenspectra of C = W − hPi, using only the expectation hPi of the null model;
consequently, all positive eigenvalues of C are possible dimensions in the network [4, 14].
Fig 5a shows this to be a poor assumption: establishing an upper bound on the expected eigen-
value distribution reduces the estimated dimensionality of the real network (and hence the
estimated number of communities) by orders of magnitude (Fig 5a).
The choice of null model to establish the upper bound can strikingly change our conclu-
sions about a given real network. We find the full and sparse WCM models disagree strongly
about the dimensionality of some real networks (Fig 5b): notably there are two networks in
this data-set where the full WCM model finds more than 35 dimensions, and the sparse WCM
model finds at most one. The sparse WCM model mostly estimates fewer dimensions, consis-
tent with its closer estimates of the real network’s sparseness, and its more accurate perfor-
mance on synthetic data (Fig 2). Most striking is that we are able to reject the existence of low-
dimensional community structure for a handful of the real networks (0’s in Fig 5b), but the
null models do not agree on which networks have no structure (no real network has 0’s for
both null models in Fig 5b). These results underline how the choice of null model is critical
when testing the structure of a network.
Node rejection stabilises analysis of real networks. When we then test for node rejection
using the sparse WCM model, all real networks with low-dimensional structure have nodes
rejected. The resulting signal network is up to an order of magnitude smaller than the original
network (Fig 5c).
This offers some straightforward but nonetheless useful advantages. As we demonstrate
below, one advantage is that the signal network can simplify interpretation of the network’s
structure. Another advantage is that it reduces the variability of unsupervised analyses of the
network. To demonstrate this, we apply the Louvain algorithm to the full and signal versions
of each real network. As expected, the number of modules detected in the signal networks is
usually—but not always—smaller than in the full network (Fig 5d). Over repeated runs of the
Louvain algorithm, the range of detected modules can vary considerably in the full real net-
works, but this variation is markedly reduced for the signal versions of the same network
(Fig 5e).
Hidden k-partite structure in real networks. Throughout this paper we estimate the
upper bound of the eigenvalue spectrum predicted by the null model; but we could equally
well estimate the lower bound, and check if the data network at hand has eigenvalues that fall
Fig 5. Detecting low-dimensional structure in real networks using spectral estimation. (a) Number of retained
dimensions for each network when using spectral estimation to obtain an upper bound on the null model, against
using all positive eigenvalues (for the sparse WCM). Note some networks have no retained dimensions when using
spectral estimation, so appear only in the “All” column. (b) Number of retained dimensions for each network when
using the full (‘WCM’) or sparse weighted configuration model; the third column (‘Neg’) gives the number of retained
dimensions below the predicted lower bound of the eigenvalue spectrum, for the sparse WCM. (c) Number of nodes in
each full network against the number of nodes in the signal network (those remaining after node rejection in the low-
dimensional space). Data for the sparse WCM. (d) Mean number of modules found in the full or signal version of each
network (Louvain algorithm). (e) Range of the number of modules found across five runs of the Louvain algorithm, in
the full and signal versions of each network.
below this lower bound. Real networks with eigenvalues of C below the lower bound indicate
k-partite structure [4]. In the simplest case, one eigenvalue below the lower bound is evidence
of bipartite structure (k = 2), with two groups of nodes that have more connections between
the groups and fewer within each group than predicted by the null model.
When we use the sparse WCM to estimate the predicted lower bound of the real networks
here, we find seven have eigenvalues below that lower bound. All but one of those networks
have just one eigenvalue, and so are bipartite (third column in Fig 5b). Applying node rejection
to the corresponding eigenvector rejects a considerable proportion of nodes, indicating that
the k-partite structure is embedded within the network; we show examples in Section 2 in S1
Appendix. Thus, spectral estimation using the lower bound can reveal hidden k-partite struc-
ture in larger networks.
Fig 6. Spectral estimation of Les Miserables scene network. (a) Eigenvalues of Les Miserables’ comparison matrix,
and the maximum eigenvalues predicted by the sparse WCM model (red line). (b) Projection of all nodes into the two
dimensional space defined by the retained eigenvectors. Colours correspond to the modules in panel (c). Rejected
nodes are coloured grey, and are centred at the origin. (c) Modules found by consensus clustering in the low-
dimensional projection. A heatmap of W for the signal network, ordered by detected modules (white boxes). Lightness
of colour is proportional to the integer weights between nodes.
structure in real networks faces the problem that meta-data about network nodes can be a
poor guide to ground-truth [22]—and indeed that there need exist no “ground-truth”. Thus
here we use domain knowledge to aid interpretation of the results. We first look at networks
derived from a narrative structure in order to compare the recovered signal network and its
modules to the narrative.
Les Miserables narrative. The Les Miserables network encapsulates the book’s narrative
by assigning characters to nodes and a weighted link between a pair of nodes according to the
number of scenes in which that pair of characters appear together. Spectral estimation detects
a departure from the sparse WCM model (Fig 6a), and hence a low-dimensional structure to
the narrative (Fig 6b). Node rejection in this two dimensional space removes 30 nodes, yet
retains all major characters (for example, Valjean, Marius, Fantine, and Javert), considerably
simplifying the identification of the main narrative structure.
We use unsupervised consensus clustering on the low-dimensional projection of the signal
network in order to identify small modules potentially below the resolution limit. This recov-
ers four modules, corresponding to major narrative groups, including Les Amis de l’ABC (the
“Barricade Boys”: Enjoiras and company), and the student friends of Fantine (Fig 6c). Thus for
the Les Miserables network, spectral estimation can correctly identify the major characters,
and identifies key narrative groups.
Star Wars dialogue structure. The networks of dialogue structure in Star Wars Episodes
1 to 6 illustrate how we can detect qualitative differences in narratives using spectral estima-
tion. In each of these six networks, each node is a character in that film, and the weight of each
link between nodes is the number of scenes in which that pair of characters share dialogue.
Applying spectral estimation to each film’s network reveals that only four of the six have a
low-dimensional structure beyond that predicted by the sparse WCM model (Fig 7a). Charac-
ter interactions in Episode 4 (A New Hope) and Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi) do not depart
from the null model. From this we might conclude that the complexity of dialogue structure is
no predictor of the quality of Star Wars films. Plotting the strength of departure from null
Fig 7. Star Wars dialogue networks for Episodes 1–6. (a) Eigenvalues of each episode’s comparison matrix, and the
maximum eigenvalues predicted by the sparse WCM model (red line). Two of the original trilogy do not exceed the
maximum eigenvalue predicted by the null model. (b) Departure from the null model against film ranking (Ranking
source: Departure is:
½lmax hl�max i�=lmax , the distance between the data’s maximum eigenvalue λmax and the predicted upper bound from
the null model, normalised. (c) Modules in Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back), found by consensus clustering of the
low-dimensional projection. Each module corresponds to a story arc.
model against a respected critic’s ranking of the films’ quality supports this conclusion
(Fig 7b).
Nonetheless, when there is low-dimensional structure, consensus clustering of the signal
network recovers modules that correspond to narrative arcs in each film. In Fig 7c we illustrate
this for Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back), where the clustering recovers the separate arcs of
the fleeing Millennium Falcon, Luke on Dagobah, and the Empire and its associates.
Notably, Star Wars Episodes 1–3 are also the only ones to have a bipartite structure (see Sec-
tion 2 in S1 Appendix), indicating an overly-structured narrative in which there exists both
well-defined groups of characters that converse, and well-defined groups that do not interact
at all.
Co-author network of the COSYNE conference. Networks of scientific fields are useful
surrogates for social networks as we can bring considerable domain knowledge to bear on
their interpretation. As an example of this, here we take a look at the network of co-authors at
the annual, selective Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) conference. This
network’s nodes are authors of accepted abstracts in the years 2004–2015, and the weight of
links between authors is the number of co-authored abstracts in this period. The full network
has 4806 nodes, from which we analyse the largest component containing 4063 nodes.
As shown in Fig 5b, using the full configuration model as the null model for spectral estima-
tion predicts 38 dimensions in this network. If we run the Louvain algorithm on the full net-
work, it finds 728 modules. This order-of-magnitude discrepancy in the predicted dimensions
and detected modules is reminiscent of the poor performance in estimating modules that we
observed in Fig 2b for synthetic networks without modular structure.
Indeed, when we instead use the sparse WCM as the null model for spectral estimation, no
low-dimensional structure is found. And this is useful, as it suggests this particular null model
captures much of the structure of the real network. Here the sparse WCM model suggests that
the collaborative structure in the COSYNE conference is no different to a model where, once a
pair of authors have begun working together, then the number of co-authored abstracts by
that pair is simply proportional to their total output. The consequent absence of low-dimen-
sional structure suggests there is no rigid subject-based division (into e.g. vision and audition;
or cortex and hippocampus) of this conference network.
Gene co-expression in the mouse brain. Our final detailed example demonstrates the use
of spectral estimation on a general clustering problem. The Allen Mouse Brain Atlas [23] is a
database of the expression of 2654 genes in 625 identified regions of the entire mouse brain.
From this database, we construct a network where each node is a brain region, and the weight
of each link is the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between gene-expression profiles in those
two regions. One goal of clustering such gene co-expression data is to detect correspondences
between gene expression and brain anatomy [24].
An advantage of using spectral estimation on such a clustering problem is the unsupervised
detection of the dimensionality of any clusters. Using sparse WCM as the null model, we find
the gene co-expression network has five eigenvalues above the expected upper limit (Fig 8a).
Projection of the nodes onto the first two of the five retained dimensions indicates a clear
group structure (Fig 8b). Reassuringly, no nodes are rejected from this network. (For if we
found rejected nodes here, it would mean either that small brain regions existed with profiles
of gene expression that bore no resemblance to others, which would be difficult to reconcile
with known patterns of brain development; or that there was a considerable error in those
regions’ gene expression profiling).
Fig 8c plots the partition with maximum modularity that we found by clustering in this
five-dimensional space (consensus clustering gives us 26 groups, which are subdivisions of
Fig 8. Network of gene expression in the mouse brain. (a) Eigenvalues of the gene expression network’s comparison matrix,
and the maximum eigenvalues predicted by the sparse WCM model (red line). (b) Projection of all nodes into the two
dimensional space defined by the top two retained eigenvectors. Colours correspond to the modules in panel (c). (c) Modules
found by clustering in the complete five-dimensional projection. The detected modules map the 625 brain regions onto highly
distinct regions of neural tissue.
these groups). As shown on the figure, the detected modules correspond remarkably well to
highly distinct broad divisions of the mammalian brain.
Detecting low-dimensional structure in a network requires a null model for the absence of
structure. The choice of null model in turn will define the type of structure that can be
detected. Here we introduced a spectral approach to detecting low-dimensional structure
using a chosen generative null model. We have shown that this spectral approach allows rejec-
tion and detection of structure at the level of the whole network and of individual nodes.
Our results emphasised that the choice of null model can strongly change conclusions
about network structure. Here we contrasted the classic configuration model with a sparse var-
iant that accounted for the problem that using the classic configuration model as a generative
model creates networks that are denser than the data network at hand. Indeed, for the syn-
thetic networks, using the classic configuration model consistently predicts a vastly more com-
plex structure than actually exists. By contrast, using the sparse variant correctly detects the
absence of structure in synthetic networks, and sharply transitions to detecting community
structure when present. It also reveals the absence of community structure in a set of real net-
works. Using analysis of network structure to do scientific inference will thus need careful
choice of an appropriate null model.
Indeed there are now a wide range of null model networks to choose from. Variations of
the configuration model abound [10, 12], including versions for correlation matrices [25], and
simplical models [26]. Other options include permutation null models, derived directly from
data networks by the permutation of links [27], and specific generative models for network
neuroscience applications [28]. Exploring the insights of these null models in our spectral esti-
mation approach could be a fruitful path.
We illustrated the advantages of using spectral estimation over naive community detection,
using the Louvain algorithm and multi-way spectral clustering as examples of unsupervised
agglomerative and divisive approaches. In particular, we demonstrated that “noise” nodes
without community assignment are dealt with by spectral estimation, but invisible to standard
algorithms, which can result in them performing poorly in finding the number and member-
ship of true communities. This raises questions over the accuracy of standard algorithms’
results on real network data, in which the prevalence of “noise” nodes is rarely assessed.
Indeed, our analysis of real-world data suggests all but one data network we tested contains a
substantial fraction of noise nodes—and the one that did not was a network of gene expression
correlations across brain regions, for which finding “noise” nodes would have indicated an
error in our approach.
Once we have derived the signal network using spectral estimation, we can apply any unsu-
pervised community detection algorithm to it, including the Louvain and multi-way spectral
clustering. And indeed for multi-way spectral clustering, we can specify the number of groups
to find directly from the number of dimensions found by the spectral estimation algorithm. Of
course, this does not change the limitation that any community detection algorithm that maxi-
mises modularity contends with the twin problems of the resolution limit [29], and the degen-
eracy of high values for modularity [30]. For our analyses of real networks, we supplemented
our community detection with consensus clustering to address these issues.
Our work here continues a considerable body of work using spectral approaches to detect-
ing the number of communities in a network [4, 13, 31, 32]. A recent breakthrough has been
the idea of non-backtracking walks on a network, as the eigenvalues of the corresponding
matrix can detect community structure in synthetic sparse networks down to the theoretical
limit [15–17]. Our work complements this prior work by allowing a choice of null models to
define structure at the network level, and goes beyond them by creating an approach for reject-
ing nodes.
While we have focussed here on community detection, in principle the type of structure we
can detect depends on the choice of null model. For example, we could fit a stochastic block
model to our data network [33–35], and use this fitted model to generate our sample null
model networks P� . The spectral estimation algorithm would then test the extent of the depar-
ture between the data network and the fitted block model. Similarly, one could use fitted core-
periphery models [36] as the generative null model, and test departures from this structure in
the data.
While our approach allows the use of any null model, this also brings the inherent limita-
tion that we must explicitly generate a sample of null model networks. The computational cost
scales with both the number and size of the generated networks. However, as we discuss in
detail in the Methods, there are a number of approaches to ameliorate the computation time;
indeed, the primary bottleneck in our code implementation is not computation time but mem-
ory for storage of all generated networks (see Methods section “Practical computation of the
sampled null models” for details). For scaling our approach to networks of n � 104, future
development of more efficient memory usage is a priority.
Of the other possible developments of our spectral estimation approach, two stand out.
One is that we could construct a de-noised comparison matrix from the outer product of the
eigenvectors retained by spectral estimation. This approach has been successfully applied to
analyses of both financial [37, 38] and neural activity [39, 40] time-series, where de-noised
matrices of time-series correlation allow for more accurate inference of structure. Another is
to further develop node rejection. Here we tested an initial idea of comparing projections
between the data and null models, which performed reasonably well, with clear scope for
improved performance with more rigorous approaches. These and other potential develop-
ments suggest that our spectral estimation approach is a promising basis for richer compari-
sons of real-world networks with suitable generative models.
We develop our spectral algorithm for weighted, undirected networks. For a given network of
n nodes, we will make use of both its adjacency matrix A, whose entry Aij 2 {0, 1} defines the
existence or absence of links between nodes i and j, and the corresponding weight matrix W,
whose entry Wij defines the weight of the link between nodes i and j. Weights can real valued
or integer valued; in the latter case the weights are equivalent to the number of links between i
and j. For binary networks A = W.
Detecting the existence of low-dimensional structure in networks requires that we compare
the data network with some null model for the absence of that low-dimensional structure. A
simple comparison is
C¼W hPi; ð1Þ
where hPi is an expectation of the link weights over the ensemble of possible networks consis-
tent with the chosen null model. The comparison matrix C thus encodes the departure of the
data network from the null model. If we choose the classic configuration model as the null
model, then C is the well-known modularity matrix [4]. But we’d like the freedom to choose
the most appropriate null model, according to the structural hypothesis we want to test.
In seeking to detect low-dimensional structure, it is particularly useful that the eigenvalue
spectrum of C contains much information about the structure of the network [4]. In general,
the separation of a few eigenvalues from the bulk of the spectrum indicates low-dimensional
structure in a matrix [37–40]; for networks, this can indicate the number of communities
within it, and form the basis of a low dimensional projection of the network [4, 13, 14]. So our
goal is to estimate the spectrum of C predicted by a given class of null model, and compare it
to the spectrum of C for the data network; a departure between the predicted and data spectra
then indicates the presence of meaningful structure in the network. It also gives us additional
information about the data network, as we detail below.
Our general approach then is to sample null model networks from a generative model with
expectation hPi, and so sample the expected variation in C solely due to the ensemble of net-
works consistent with the null model. We then use these samples to estimate the eigenspec-
trum of C due solely to variations in the networks consistent with the null model. In
particular, we estimate its upper bound: if any of the data network’s eigenvalues exceed that
bound, we have evidence of low-dimensional structure in the data network W that is not cap-
tured by the ensemble of null model networks. Moreover, data eigenvalues that exceed the lim-
its predicted by the model provide us with additional information about the structure of the
data network; and, as we show below, a basis for testing node-level membership of a network
define a d-dimensional space into which we can project the data network’s comparison matrix
C (Fig 1b): we can then use this projection to infer properties of the structure of W (detailed
below for community detection), and perform a rejection test per node.
Node rejection. Each node will have a projection in this d-dimensional space. Nodes that
are weakly contributing to the structure of the network captured by this space (e.g. nodes that
are not in any community) will have small values in each eigenvector, and so have short pro-
jections that remain close to the origin (Fig 1c). We can thus reject individual nodes by defin-
ing a boundary on “close”.
Here we do this by comparing the data network’s projections to those predicted by the sam-
pled null model networks. For node j, we compute its L2 norm from the d-dimensional projec-
tion of C: LðjÞ ¼ i¼1 ½li ui ðjÞ�. We also compute the L2 norm for the jth node in the d-
dimensional projection of each C� obtained from the N sampled networks, giving the distribu-
� � �
tion LðjÞ1 ; LðjÞ2 ; . . . ; LðjÞN over all sampled networks. From that distribution, we compute the
expected projection hL(j)� i for that node. A node is then rejected if L(j) < hL(j)� i, which
defines here our boundary on “close” to the origin; otherwise the node is retained. Again we
frame this here as an estimation problem; interesting extensions of this work would be to test
node rejections based on confidence intervals or hypothesis tests that make use of the null
� � �
model distribution of projections LðjÞ1 ; LðjÞ2 ; . . . ; LðjÞN .
We call the retained nodes the “signal” network. Rejecting nodes from a sparse network
may fragment it; it may also leave isolated leaf nodes with a single link to the rest of the net-
work. Consequently, in practice, we strip the leaf nodes and retain the remaining largest com-
ponent as the “signal” network.
times. In the absence of an analytical form for hPi, we compute it as the expectation over the N
generated networks, with elements hPij i ¼ N1 k¼1 Pij� ðkÞ.
Poisson generation of links. When weights between nodes are binary or integer valued,
then an exact way of generating a sample network P� from these null models is by stub-match-
ing, where node i is assigned si stubs, and stubs are linked between nodes at random until all
stubs are matched. Stub-matching in the sparse model would be restricted to the linked nodes
in the sampled adjacency matrix A� . While we provide code for building these models using
stub-matching, generative procedures using stub matching can be prohibitively slow with
many links, many nodes, or real-valued weights converted to integers—all of which we have
We thus use a Poisson model for drawing the link weight between any pair of nodes (the
use of the Poisson model is motivated by the fact that all networks we deal with have, or are
converted to, integer weights—see below). We draw the weight between nodes i and j from a
Poisson distribution with
lij ¼ Nlink pðlinkji; jÞ; ð2Þ
where p(link|i, j) is the probability of placing a single link between nodes i and j, and Nlink is
the total number of links to place in the null model network P� .
For both classic and sparse weighted configuration models, it follows from the stub-match-
ing model that the probability of placing a link between a pair of nodes is:
si sj
pðlinkji; jÞ ¼ P : ð3Þ
ij2A� i jss
In the classic configuration model all pairs of nodes are linked in A� , so the sum in the denom-
inator of Eq 3 is over all pairs of nodes; the total number of links to place is then
Nlink ¼ 12 i si .
In the sparse model, only a subset of nodes in A� are linked, so the sum in the denominator
of Eq 3 is over just those linked nodes. We then generate P� by drawing weights only for those
pairs of linked nodes, with the total number of links to place being Nlink ¼ 12 i si 2m, where
m is the number of unique links already in A� .
As well as dramatically speeding up computation time, this Poisson approach has two
appealing features. First, it gives a model that is closely linked to the generative process of
many real-world networks, for which weights are counts of events in time or space (e.g. word
co-occurrence; co-authorships; character dialogue). Second, it also closely approximates the
multinomial distribution of link weights that results from stub-matching (M(Nlink, {p(link)1, p
(link)2, . . ., p(link)m}), for all m unique links), becoming arbitrarily close as Nlink ! 1.
Practical computation of the sampled null models. The Poisson model and stub-match-
ing work for binary or integer weights. To deal with data networks of real-valued weights, we
first quantise them to integer values: we scale all weights by a conversion factor κ > 1 and
round to get an integer weight. Once all links are placed, we then convert back to real-valued
weights by rescaling all weights by 1/κ. The choice of κ is strongly determined by the discreti-
sation and distribution of weights. For networks with weights in steps of 0.5, we use κ = 2; for
networks based on similarity 2 [0, 1] we use κ = 100 (which implies that weights less than 1/
100 are not considered links). These scalings are used for all types of generative model in this
Typically we generate N = 100 null models for each comparison with a data network. The
generative model approach is of course more computationally expensive than using just the
expectation of the null model hPi in Eq 1. However, as each generated null model network is
an independent draw from the ensemble of possible networks, this process is easily paralle-
lised; all code was run on a 12-core Xeon processor. Moreover, the Poisson model is quick;
even our largest weighted network (4096 nodes) took a few seconds to generate each null
model network.
Rather, a potential bottleneck for scaling our spectral estimation algorithms is memory
(RAM). For example, given a data network of n nodes we create a n × n × N matrix of sampled
weight matrices (and the same size matrix of eigenvectors). For a data network of n = 105
nodes and N = 100 sampled null models, the sampled weight matrices would require 74.5 GB
at the default double-precision float used in our code; an immediate improvement in memory
could be had if the data networks used binary or integer weights, and so could be cast to the
appropriate data class: using unsigned 8-bit integers for a binary network of that size would
require 9.3GB; unsigned 16-bit integers for an integer-weighted network of that size would
require 18.6GB. But even then, a data network of n = 106 nodes, which are common, would
require 930GB just to store the 100 generated null models for a binary network. Further
improvements to the algorithm’s code implementation could also create more efficient mem-
ory usage by, for example, first taking a two step approach of generating only the eigenvalues
to do spectral estimation, then generating only the specified number of leading eigenvectors.
the binary matrix S with Sij = 1 if node i is in community j, and Sij = 0 otherwise [4]; from this
we compute the modularity Q of each partition as Q = Tr(ST[W − hPi]S), where Tr is the trace
operator, and using the expectation hPi over our chosen null model. We retain the partition
that maximises Q.
For real networks, we address the resolution limit [29] and degeneracy of maximal Q solu-
tions [30] by also using our unsupervised consensus clustering approach [43], which we extend
here to use an explicit null model for consensus matrices. Briefly, given the p partitions, we
construct a consensus matrix D whose entry Dij = nij/p is the proportion of times nodes i and j
are in the same cluster. We construct the consensus comparison matrix Ccon = D − Pcon, given
a specific null model for consensus clustering (defined below). As the purpose of using the
consensus clustering is to explore more and smaller module sizes than can be accessed by max-
imising Q alone, we use the number of positive eigenvalues K of Ccon as the upper limit on the
number of modules to check. That is, we project Ccon using the K top eigenvectors, then use k-
means to cluster the projection of Ccon p = 100 times for each k between 2 and K. From these p
(K − 1) partitions, we construct a new consensus matrix. The general consensus null model is
the proportion of expected co-clusterings of a pair of objects in the absence of cluster structure,
with entries: Pijcon ¼ 1=ðpðK 1ÞÞ c¼l p=c, where the sum is taken over all tested numbers of
clusters c from some lower bound l (l = K for the initial consensus matrix above; l = 2 other-
wise). We repeat the consensus matrix and clustering steps until Ccon has converged on a sin-
gle partition.
Data networks. All real-world networks were checked for a single component: if not con-
nected, then we used the giant component as W for spectral estimation.
The following networks were obtained from Mark Newman’s repository (http://www- the Les Miserables character co-appearances; the dol-
phin social network of Doubtful Sound, New Zealand [44]; the adjective-noun co-occurrence
network of David Copperfield; the USA 2004 election political blogs network; the C Elegans
neuronal network, and the Western USA power grid [45].
Networks of shared character dialogues in Star Wars Episodes I-VI were constructed by
Evelina Gabasova [46], and are available at
Data on abstract co-authorship at the annual Computational and Systems Neuroscience
(COSYNE) conference were shared with us by Adam Calhoun (personal communication).
These data contained all co-authors of abstracts in each of the years 2005 to 2014. From these
we constructed a single network, with nodes as authors, and weights between nodes indicating
the number of co-authored abstracts in that period.
We obtained the Mouse Brain Atlas of gene co-expression [23] from the Allen Institute for
Brain Sciences website (, using their API. The Brain Atlas is the
expression of 2654 genes in 1299 labelled brain regions. However, these regions are arranged
in a hierarchy; we used the 625 individual brain regions at the bottom of the hierarchy as the
finest granularity contained in the Atlas. We constructed the gene co-expression network by
calculating Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the gene expression vectors for all pairs
of these 625 brain regions; all correlations were positive.
MATLAB code implementing the spectral estimation algorithms, synthetic network genera-
tion, and scripts for this paper are available under a MIT License at
This repository also contains all data networks we use here, and all results of running our
algorithms on those networks.
Supporting information
S1 Appendix. Extended results and methods. (1) Demonstration of how the sparse WCM
model better captures a data network’s weight distribution. (2) Results for k-partite structure
in real networks. (3) Discussion of using generative null models for statistical testing of data
network eigenvalues. (4) Details of the unsupervised multi-way clustering algorithm.
We thank Adam Calhoun for permission to use his collated COSYNE submission data-set.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Mark D. Humphries, Javier A. Caballero.
Data curation: Mat Evans.
Formal analysis: Mark D. Humphries.
Funding acquisition: Mark D. Humphries.
Investigation: Mark D. Humphries, Mat Evans, Silvia Maggi, Abhinav Singh.
Methodology: Mark D. Humphries, Javier A. Caballero, Silvia Maggi, Abhinav Singh.
Software: Mark D. Humphries, Javier A. Caballero, Silvia Maggi.
Supervision: Mark D. Humphries.
Visualization: Mark D. Humphries.
Writing – original draft: Mark D. Humphries.
Writing – review & editing: Mark D. Humphries, Javier A. Caballero, Mat Evans, Silvia
Maggi, Abhinav Singh.
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