3. Method of Preparations:
Various methods for preparation of nanoemulsion including the high-energy and low-energy emulsification methods and therefore
the combined methods are reviewed. Among the high-energy methods, the stress is placed on high-energy stirring, ultrasonic
emulsification, high homogenization including micro fluidics and membrane emulsification. Among the low- energy emulsification
methods, the phase inversion temperature method, the emulsion inversion point method and therefore the spontaneous
emulsification. Employing a combined method, which incorporates the high-energy and low energy emulsification, it's possible to
organize reverse nanoemulsions in highly viscous systems. Main advantages and limitations off different methods of nanoemulsion
preparation are discussed and therefore the potential fields of nanoemulsion applications are considered.xii
3.1 High Energy Methods:
3.1.1 High-Pressure Homogenization:
This method is performed by applying a high over the system having oil phase, aqueous phase and surfactant or co-surfactant. The
pressure is applied with the assistance of homogenizer. Some problems related to homogenizer are poor productivity, component
deterioration leads to generation of much heat. With this method only Oil in Water (O/W) liquid nanoemulsion of but 20% oil phase
are often prepared and cream nanoemulsion of high viscosity or hardness with a mean droplet diameter less than 200 nm can't be
3.1.3. Ultra-sonication:
Ultra-sonication is best than other high energy methods in terms of operation and cleaning. In ultrasonic emulsifications, ultrasonic
waves provide cavitation forces that break the macroemulsion to nanoemulsion. During this method, ultrasonicators are used, which
contains a search that emits ultrasonic waves. By varying ultrasonic energy input and time, It will achieve the specified particle size
and stability of the nanoemulsion. In ultrasonic emulsification, physical shear is especially provided by the method of acoustic
cavitation. Cavitation is that the phenomenon of formation and growth of microbubbles then collapse of microbubbles, which are
caused by the pressure fluctuations of the sound wave. xv The collapse of microbubbles causes intense turbulence that causes
formation of nano-sized droplets. Irradiation of an oil and water system by ultrasound causes cavitation forces and supply excess
energy for brand spanking new interface formations, forming nano-sized emulsion droplets. Through ultrasonication,
nanoemulsions are often produced within the absence of surfactants. During a recent study, it had been shown that efficiency of
Figure 4 : Ultrasonication
ultrasonic emulsification depends on ultrasonication intensity, time, and nature of the surfactant. Ultrasonication has been used
extensively for producing nanoemulsions of medicine and food ingredients. Food grade ultrasonication nanoemulsion shows greater
stability and smaller droplet size, and requires less energy input than other high energy method.xvixvii
C. Emulsion Inversion Points (EIP):
In the EIP method, phase inversion occurs through CPI mechanisms. The Catastrophic Phase Inversion (CPI) is induced by changing
the fractioned volume of the dispersed particles instead of the surfactant properties. Because the water phase is added to the oil-
surfactant mix, the system starts acting as a W/O nanoemulsion. When increasing amounts of water is added to above a critical
water content with continuous stirring, water droplets merge with one another and therefore phase inversion point is reached; this
causes bi-continuous or lamellar structures to be formed. Further dilution with water causes phase inversion from a W/O to an O/W
system through intermediate bi-continuous microemulsion. The sizes of the nanoemulsion droplets formed depend upon the method
variables, like the speed of water addition and therefore the stirring speed. For catastrophic phase inversion to occur, the surfactant
should primarily present within the dispersed particles, therefore the rate of coalescence is high and rapid phase inversion occurs.
Small molecule surfactants are often utilised in catastrophic phase inversion. These surfactants are ready to stabilize both W/O
emulsions and O/W emulsion. Initially in catastrophic phase inversion, the surfactant is especially present within the dispersed
particles, thus it behaves as an abnormal emulsion (unstable emulsion) which doesn’t obey Bancroft’s rules. Consistent with
Bancroft’s rules, for a stable emulsion (normal emulsion) emulsifier should predominantly present within the continuous phase.
Therefore, catastrophic phase inversion occurs from the abnormal emulsion to make a more stable normal emulsion.xxii
3.3. The shelf-nano emulsification method:
In the self-emulsification method, nanoemulsion formation is achieved without changing the spontaneous curvature of the
surfactant. Surfactant and/or co-solvent molecules rapidly diffuse from the dispersed phase to the continual phase, which causes
turbulence and creates nano-sized emulsion droplets. The self-emulsification method is additionally mentioned because the
spontaneous emulsification method. SNEDDS are supported the self-emulsification phenomenon and contain more hydrophilic
surfactants or co-surfactants (co-solvents), and a lower lipid content. xxiii SNEDDS are often defined as isotropic mixture of an oil,
surfactant, co-surfactant, and drug. When this mixture is diluted by aqueous fluids in vivo, it forms fine and optical clear O/W
nanoemulsion, aided by gentle agitation provided by digestive motility of the stomach and intestine. The two most ordinarily
reported mechanisms of nanoemulsion formation from SNEDDS are diffusion of the hydrophilic co-solvent or co-surfactant from
the organic phase into the aqueous phase, and formation of nanoemulsion negative free energy at transient negative or ultralow
interfacial tensions. SNEDDS also are the foremost popular and promising tool for delivery of hydrophobic drugs with low
bioavailability. SNEDDS have also been used for delivery of bioactive food components. xxiv
and coalescence are discussed taking under consideration the effect of stabilizers.xxxi In, optimization of nano-emulsion preparation
by submitting a rough emulsion to subcritical water conditions is presented. The optimization was analysed by selective variation
of composition parameters (surfactant and oil concentration), and preparation parameter (temperature). For this technique small
sizes, 40 nm, are obtained. For other condensation methods, variables whose effect is usually studied are the surfactant oil ratio and
therefore the ratio between surfactants when a surfactant mixture is used. For nano-emulsions prepared by the phase inversion
temperature method, optimization by selective variation parameters is presented in several cited references of recent bibliography.
In variation of droplet size is studied with respect to oil surfactant ratio with the apparent result that the upper the oil surfactant ratio
the greater the droplet size, and in variation of droplet size with surfactant mixing ratio is studied with the remarkable result that
IJCRT2107133 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org b90
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droplet size doesn’t depend on surfactant mixing ratio if nano-emulsions are prepared by cooling from the HLB temperature. For
nano-emulsions prepared by the phase inversion composition method, there are also several studies in recent bibliography. In
optimization with reference to preparation method and variation of droplet size with oil surfactant ratio are presented. xxxii In several
routes for emulsification are studied and droplet size variation with HLB, water fraction and surfactant concentration is additionally
reported. In, effect of variables HLB and oil surfactant ratio are separately studied with the expected result that there’s an optimum
HLB which the upper the oil surfactant ratio the greater the droplet size. In optimization of W/O nano-emulsion preparation is
presented. For various combinations of Span-Tween surfactants, an optimum surfactant composition presenting a water solubility
maximum is chosen, and droplet size variation is studied with reference to water concentration.xxxiii Also, with W/O nano-emulsions,
the result’s, needless to say and coinciding with, that the upper the water concentration the greater the droplet size. For nano-
emulsions prepared by self-emulsification, there’s an in-depth work on optimization. Droplet size variation with oil, surfactant
HLB, and solvents, was studied. The results indicated that there are optimum values for HLB and proportions of solvents. As an
example of optimization of nano-emulsion function, within the influence of sucrose surfactants on percutaneous penetration is
studied, and in the efficacy of a schistosomicidal agent is improved by incorporating the agent in nanoemulsions.xxxiv
Experimental designs allow to experimentally studying the influence of several variables with a limited number of experiments.
Statistical analysis of results will allow to understand which variables have a big influence, and to correlate desired response with
variables by polynomial equations. Experimental design wants to determine the influence of two qualitative independent variables:
sort of oil and sort of lipophilic emulsifier. The opposite four references correspond to an equivalent research group. Within the
incorporation of retinol to a self-nanoemulsifying formulation is studied, being oil, surfactant and cosurfactant amounts within the
formulation the three independent variables, and mean droplet size, turbidity, and dissolution rate, the four response variables
studiedxxxv. Response equations are presented, and system is optimized for dissolution rate at 30 min using the opposite three
responses as restrictions. Within the surface response technology explained during a more detailed way and six response variables
are analysed.xxxvi In, an equivalent methodology to judge ultrasonic technique in characterization of nano-emulsions. During a
complete explanation of experimental design application to review the preparation of nanoemulsions is presented. Methodology is
applied to low-energy emulsification by phase inversion composition method, and effects of composition variables were all at ones
evaluated. Droplet size as response surface was minimized separately, first with reference to composition variables, and afterwards
with reference to preparation variables. The results confirm that the upper the oil surfactant ratio the greater the droplet size, which
there’s an optimum surfactant mixing ratio or, what’s equivalent, an optimum HLB. Concerning the preparation variables, addition
and agitation rate have little but significant influence and an optimum agitation rate is found. In, optimization methodology by
experimental design is applied to nano-emulsions in an ionic surfactant system obtained by the phase inversion composition method.
Again, the upper the oil surfactant ratio the greater the droplet size, and there’s an optimum ratio of surfactants within the mixture
used. Concerning the preparation variables, they present again no or low influence on droplet size. Other not published results of
the authors on nano-emulsions prepared by the phase inversion temperature confirm that preparation variables like cooling rate or
agitation don’t have a big influence on droplet size. A general conclusion of papers using experimental designs is that this
methodology constitutes a really good tool for studying preparation of nano-emulsions.xxxvii
5. Instabilities in Nanoemulsion: xxxviii
5.1. Physical Instabilities:
5.1.1. Creaming:
Creaming may be a process which occurs when the dispersed droplets separate under the influence of gravity to make a layer of
more concentrated emulsion, the cream. Creaming occurs inevitably in any dilute emulsion containing relatively large droplets (~1
µm) if there’s a density difference between the oil and water phases. Most oils are less dense than water, in order that the oil droplets
in an o/w emulsion rise to the surface to make an upper layer of cream, whereas water droplets sediment to make a lower layer in
w/o emulsions. Although a creamed emulsion is often restored to its original state by gentle agitation, this is often considered
undesirable because the emulsion is inelegant and, more seriously, the patient may receive an inadequate dose if the emulsion isn’t
agitated sufficiently before use. The foremost effective way in practice to scale back creaming is to organize emulsions with small
droplet sizes, and to thicken the external phase by the addition of viscosity modifiers. Density adjustment to decrease the density
difference between the two phases has received little attention.
5.1.2. Flocculation:
Flocculation may be a weak, reversible association between emulsion droplets which are separated by trapped continuous phase.
Each cluster of droplets (floccule) behaves physically as one kinetic unit, although every droplet within the floccule retains its
individuality. Floccules are often redispersed by mild agitation, like shaking of the container. Thus, the tendency for flocculation
can be reduced by the utilization of an appropriate emulsifier. Although the timescale between flocculation and coalescence are
often extended almost indefinitely by the adsorbed emulsifier, flocculation is usually considered undesirable because floccules
cream sooner under the influence of gravity than individual emulsion droplets.
5.1.3. Coalescence:
Coalescence describes the irreversible process during which dispersed particles droplets merge to make larger droplets. The method
will continue until the emulsion breaks (cracks) and there’s complete separation of the oil and water phases. Coalescence occurs
when the emulsion droplets are ready to overcome the repulsive energy barrier and approach the first minimum. Once during this
minimum, they’re in very close proximity to every other, so stability against coalescence is decided essentially by the resistance of
the interfacial film to rupture. Coalescence begins with the drainage of liquid films of continuous phase from between the oil
droplets as they approach each another and become distorted, and ends with the rupture of the film. Rigid close-packed elastic films
formed by specific emulsifier mixtures and thick multi-layered films provided by many polymers protect droplets against
coalescence as they’re highly immune to film rupture.
The term Nanoemulsions is usually wont to designate emulsions with the interior phase droplets smaller than 1000 nm. The
nanoemulsions also are referred as mini emulsions, ultrafine emulsions and submicron emulsions. Phase behaviour studies have
shown that the dimension of the droplets is governed by the surfactant phase structure (bicontinuous microemulsion or lamellar) at
the inversion point induced by either temperature or composition. Studies on nanoemulsion formation by the phase inversion
temperature method have shown a relationship between minimum droplet size and complete solubilisation of the oil during a
microemulsion bicontinuous phase independently of whether the initial phase equilibrium is one or multiphase. Thanks to their
small droplet size, nanoemulsions possess stability against sedimentation or creaming with ostwald ripening forming the most
mechanism of Nanoemulsion breakdown.xliThe major difference between emulsion and nanoemulsion albeit emulsion is kinetically
stable but thermodynamically unstable, emulsion is cloudy and nanoemulsion is extremely clear in physical appearance.
Nanoemulsions might be and are used as effective drug delivery system vaccine delivery, prophylactic in bioterrorism attack, non-
toxic disinfectant cleaner, cell culture technology, formulations for improved oral delivery of poorly soluble drug, ocular and optic
drug delivery, intranasal drug delivery, parenteral drug delivery cosmetics and transdermal delivery of drug, cancer therapy and
pulmonary drug delivery.xlii
8. Acknowledgement:
The corresponding author wish to acknowledgement to Principal of DSTSM' College of Pharmacy, Solapur. And Head of
Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Dr. M.S. Kalshetti and special thanks to guide Assistance Professor A. M. Ansari.
Without whom and their constant caring support we would be unable to achieve this advancement and precious stage of our life.
9. Conclusion:
Nanoemulsion is colloidal dispersion of two or more immiscible phase i.e., oil and water. They need more recently received
increasing attention as colloidal carriers for targeted delivery of various anticancer drugs, photosensitizers, neutron capture therapy
agents, or diagnostic agents. Nanoemulsion drug delivery systems effectively overcome the low bioavailability drawback related to
drugs and food components which are hydrophobic, and having high first pass metabolism. High energy methods are employed by
researchers to enhance delivery of drugs and bioactive food components. Optimizations by selective variation of parameters or
experimental designs allow to conclude that, with reference to composition variables, generally there’s an optimum surfactant
mixture composition, or HLB, which the upper the oil surfactant ratio the greater the droplet size. Stability of formulation could be
enhanced by controlling various factors such as type and concentration of surfactant and co surfactant, sort of oil phase, methods
used, process variables and addition of additives used over the inter phases of nanoemulsion formulation. The applications of
nanoemulsion are limited by the physical and chemical instability. During this review, the new strategies and considerations for
successful nanoemulsion formulation have been presented with the hope that it will function the inspiration for several more success
in the field.
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