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Math 5 Week 3

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Teacher: SHARMAIN A.

Grade Level/Subject: V-MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates: May 15-19, 2023
Quarter and Week: Quarter 4 Week 3



a. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of area, volume and temperature.

b. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, volume and temperature in mathematical problems and real -life situations.
c. Most Essential Learning finds the volume of a given cube and finds the volume of a given cube and estimates and uses appropriate units of estimates and uses appropriate units of finds the volume of a given cube and
Competencies (MELCs) rectangular prism using cu. cm and cu. rectangular prism using cu. cm and cu. measure for volume (M5ME - IVd -82) measure for volume (M5ME - IVd -82) rectangular prism using cu. cm and cu.
m. (M5ME - IVd -81) m. (M5ME - IVd -81) m. (M5ME - IVd -81)

estimates and uses appropriate units of

measure for volume (M5ME - IVd -82)
d. Learning Objectives a. Find the volume of a given cube and a. Find the volume of a given cube and a. identify the units of measure for large a. identify the units of measure for large
rectangular prism using cubic rectangular prism using cubic volumes and small volumes; and volumes and small volumes; and
centimeters and cubic meters; and centimeters and cubic meters; and b. estimate and use appropriate units of b. estimate and use appropriate units of
b. appreciate the value of understanding b. appreciate the value of understanding measure for volume measure for volume
the concept of and being able to find the the concept of and being able to find the
volumes of cubes and rectangular volumes of cubes and rectangular
prisms. prisms.
II. LEARNING CONTENT Finding the Volume of a Given Cube and Finding the Volume of a Given Cube and
Estimating and Using Appropriate Units Estimating and Using Appropriate Units
(Subject Matter) a Rectangular Prism and Using cm3 and a Rectangular Prism and Using cm3 and WEEKLY TEST
of Measure for Volume of Measure for Volume
m3 m3
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages

d. LRMDS Materials (SLMs/LASs) Crieta, MP. (2020). Quarter 4 – Crieta, MP. (2020). Quarter 4 – Module Ompad M. (2020). Quarter 4 – Module Ompad M. (2020). Quarter 4 – Module
Module 6: Finding the Volume of a 6: Finding the Volume of a Given Cube 7: Estimating and Using Appropriate 7: Estimating and Using Appropriate
Given Cube and a Rectangular Prism and and a Rectangular Prism and Using cm3 Units of Measure for Volume [Self- Units of Measure for Volume [Self-
Using cm3 and m3 [Self-Learning and m3 [Self-Learning Module].Moodle. Learning Module].Moodle. Department Learning Module].Moodle. Department
Module].Moodle. Department of Department of Education. Retrieved of Education. Retrieved (March 30, 2023) of Education. Retrieved (March 30, 2023)
Education. Retrieved (March 30, 2023) (March 30, 2023) from https://r7- from from
from 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/mod/folder https://r7-2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/ https://r7-2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/
https://r7-2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodle/ /view.php?id=13093 mod/folder/view.php?id=13093 mod/folder/view.php?id=13093

e. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop,
SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens,
notebook notebook notebook notebook notebook


b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous lesson/Drill Directions: Copy and complete the Directions: In your own words, explain Directions: As shown below, the edge Directions: Name at least 5 objects of
following. how to find the volume of a cube and a length of each cube that the prism is different shapes and sizes. For each
1. 7 000 cm³ = ________ m³ rectangular prism. You may use the made up of is 0.5 cm. What is the object, state an appropriate unit of
2. 25 L = ________ cm³ figure below in your explanation. volume of the prism? measure to express their volumes.
3. 15 000 cm³ = _______ m³ Estimate their volumes.
4. 4 m³ = __________cm³
5. 2 cm³ = ________L
Object Unit Estimate
measure d volume
1. Volume


C. Establishing a purpose for the What is volume and how is it Why Rizal Park is kilometer zero?
lesson/ Motivation determined?

Why we are using km in distance?

D. Presenting examples/instances of Volume is the amount of space that is Volume is the amount of space that is There are units of measure which are There are units of measure which are
the new lesson/Motivation enclosed in a 3-dimensional or solid enclosed in a 3-dimensional or solid used for large volumes and so are for used for large volumes and so are for
figure. Cubes and rectangular prisms are figure. Cubes and rectangular prisms are small volumes. Knowing this lesson is small volumes. Knowing this lesson is
some examples of solid figures. To get some examples of solid figures. To get very much important in our real-life. very much important in our real-life.
their volumes, you may need to their volumes, you may need to
determine first their dimensions: determine first their dimensions:
lengths, widths and heights. lengths, widths and heights.
E. Discussing new concepts and In order to find the volume of a given In order to find the volume of a given In order to estimate and use appropriate In order to estimate and use appropriate
practicing new skills No. 1 cube or a rectangular prism, you may cube or a rectangular prism, you may units of measure for volume, you may units of measure for volume, you may
need to master the skills in identifying need to master the skills in identifying need to determine if the object has large need to determine if the object has large
the edge of the cube and the height, the edge of the cube and the height, volume or small volume. It may help you volume or small volume. It may help you
length and width of the rectangular length and width of the rectangular understand the concept of the lesson. understand the concept of the lesson.
prism. These basic skills may h prism. These basic skills may h
F. Discussing new concepts and You already know that volume is the You already know that volume is the You already have an idea how big or You already have an idea how big or
practicing new skills No. 2 amount of space that is enclosed in a 3- amount of space that is enclosed in a 3- small everyday objects are. You should small everyday objects are. You should
dimensional or solid figure. Since it is an dimensional or solid figure. Since it is an have an idea of how big or small the have an idea of how big or small the
amount of space, it has to be expressed amount of space, it has to be expressed different units of volume are so you can different units of volume are so you can
in in match these with the objects. The match these with the objects. The
cubic units. If the dimensions are in cubic units. If the dimensions are in common units of measure for lengths, common units of measure for lengths,
centimeters, the volume would be centimeters, the volume would be width, and height are meter, centimeter, width, and height are meter, centimeter,
measured in measured in millimeter, foot, yard and inch. In our millimeter, foot, yard and inch. In our
cubic centimeters or cm3. If the cubic centimeters or cm3. If the country, we are usually using the units in country, we are usually using the units in
dimensions are in meters, the volume dimensions are in meters, the volume metric system like meters, kilometers, metric system like meters, kilometers,
would be in would be in centimeters and millimeters. Other centimeters and millimeters. Other
cubic meters or m3. Cubes and cubic meters or m3. Cubes and countries use the units in imperial countries use the units in imperial
rectangular prisms are some examples of rectangular prisms are some examples of system like feet, yards and inches. You system like feet, yards and inches. You
solid solid may have seen people using feet, yards may have seen people using feet, yards
figures. figures. and inches for measuring lengths. If we and inches for measuring lengths. If we
need to measure the dimensions of a need to measure the dimensions of a
small object, we can use centimeter, small object, we can use centimeter,
How can we find the volume of a cube or How can we find the volume of a cube or
millimeter, decimeter, or inches. millimeter, decimeter, or inches.
rectangular prism? In the previous rectangular prism? In the previous
However, for bigger, longer or wider However, for bigger, longer or wider
module, you already derived the formula module, you already derived the formula
objects, the units that can be used are objects, the units that can be used are
for finding the volume of a given cube for finding the volume of a given cube
foot, yard, meter or kilometer. You foot, yard, meter or kilometer. You
and and
already know that volume is the amount already know that volume is the amount
a rectangular prism. The volume is a rectangular prism. The volume is
of space that is enclosed in a 3- of space that is enclosed in a 3-
computed by multiplying the length, computed by multiplying the length,
dimensional or solid figure. Since it is an dimensional or solid figure. Since it is an
width and width and
amount of space, it has to be measured amount of space, it has to be measured
height of the rectangular prism. height of the rectangular prism.
in cubes. For instance, if the dimensions in cubes. For instance, if the dimensions
of a solid figure are in meters, the of a solid figure are in meters, the
The faces of a cube are squares. Its The faces of a cube are squares. Its volume would be measured in cubic volume would be measured in cubic
length, width, and height are equal. The length, width, and height are equal. The meters or m3. If the 3-dimensional figure meters or m3. If the 3-dimensional figure
sides of the square are called the edges sides of the square are called the edges is measured in inches, the volume would is measured in inches, the volume would
of the cube. The edges are usually of the cube. The edges are usually be in cubic inches or in3. be in cubic inches or in3.
symbolized symbolized
by s. by s.
What do you think is an appropriate unit What do you think is an appropriate unit
of measure to be used for finding the of measure to be used for finding the
Therefore, the volume of a cube is s × s × Therefore, the volume of a cube is s × s × volume of the book? volume of the book?
s or s³. s or s³. A book may represent a solid figure. Its A book may represent a solid figure. Its
dimensions are small. Hence, the volume dimensions are small. Hence, the volume
is also small. is also small.
s=4m s=4m Therefore, you may use inches or Therefore, you may use inches or
centimeters as units of measure for the centimeters as units of measure for the
V=s×s×s V=s×s×s length, width and height of the book. length, width and height of the book.
V=4m×4m×m V=4m×4m×m The volume of the book can be in cubic The volume of the book can be in cubic
V = 64 m V = 64 m inches or cubic centimeters. inches or cubic centimeters.

Note that 64 m³ can be read either as 64 Note that 64 m³ can be read either as 64
cubic meters or 64 meter cubes. cubic meters or 64 meter cubes.
Read and study the examples below. Read and study the examples below.

Example 1 Example 1
For the volume of the water in an For the volume of the water in an
aquarium, the appropriate units of aquarium, the appropriate units of
measure to use are cubic centimeters measure to use are cubic centimeters
(cm3) or cubic inches (in3). (cm3) or cubic inches (in3).

Example 2 Example 2
The appropriate unit of measure for the The appropriate unit of measure for the
amount of space enclosed in the tank is amount of space enclosed in the tank is
cubic meters or m3. cubic meters or m3.
There are 9 s in each layer. There are 9 s in each layer.
There are 3 layers. There are 3 layers.
Then, the volume is 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 Then, the volume is 3 × 3 × 3 = 27

s. s.

Hence, there are 27 s in the Hence, there are 27 s in the

Rubik’s cube. Rubik’s cube.

In a rectangular prism, the base is always In a rectangular prism, the base is always
a rectangle. The area of the base is the a rectangle. The area of the base is the
product of its length (l) and width (w). product of its length (l) and width (w).
Thus, to get the volume of the prism, we Thus, to get the volume of the prism, we
may multiply the area of the base with may multiply the area of the base with Example 3 Example 3
the height (h). Volume of a rectangular the height (h). Volume of a rectangular Let the volume of Figure A be 100 cm3. Let the volume of Figure A be 100 cm3.
prism = area of the base × height of the prism = area of the base × height of the We can estimate the volumes of the We can estimate the volumes of the
prism prism other figures. other figures.

𝑉=l×w×h 𝑉=l×w×h

Study the rectangular prism below and Study the rectangular prism below and
the computation for its volume on the the computation for its volume on the
Figure B is almost half of the size of Figure B is almost half of the size of
right. right.
Figure A. Figure A.
Figure C is almost double the size of Figure C is almost double the size of
Figure A. Figure A.
Figure D is about the same size of Figure Figure D is about the same size of Figure
A. A.
Thus, the volumes of Figures B, C and D Thus, the volumes of Figures B, C and D
are approximately 50 cm3, 200 cm3 and are approximately 50 cm3, 200 cm3 and
100 cm3, respectively. 100 cm3, respectively.

Example 4 Example 4
V=l×w×h V=l×w×h A box is in the shape of rectangular A box is in the shape of rectangular
V = 5 cm × 3 cm × 4 cm V = 5 cm × 3 cm × 4 cm prism. Its length, width and height are prism. Its length, width and height are
V = 60 cm V = 60 cm 2.8 m, 1.1 m and 0.95 m. Multiplying the 2.8 m, 1.1 m and 0.95 m. Multiplying the
dimensions, rounded off to the nearest dimensions, rounded off to the nearest
whole numbers, gives a good estimate of whole numbers, gives a good estimate of
the volume of the prism. the volume of the prism.
Length: 2.8 m is rounded up to 3 m. Length: 2.8 m is rounded up to 3 m.
s = 5 cm s = 5 cm
Width: 1.1 m is rounded down to 1 m. Width: 1.1 m is rounded down to 1 m.
Formula: V = s × s × s Formula: V = s × s × s Height: 0.95 m is rounded up to 1 m. Height: 0.95 m is rounded up to 1 m.
Solution: V = 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm Solution: V = 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm Approximate volume = length × width × Approximate volume = length × width ×
Answer: V = 125 cm³ Answer: V = 125 cm³ height = 3 m × 1 𝑚 × 1 𝑚 = 3 m3 Thus, an height = 3 m × 1 𝑚 × 1 𝑚 = 3 m3 Thus, an
estimate for the volume of the box is 3 estimate for the volume of the box is 3
m3. It could also between 2 m3 and 3 m3. It could also between 2 m3 and 3
m3. m3.

Example 5 Example 5
A piece of wood is in the shape of a A piece of wood is in the shape of a
cube. If its edge is 0.21 m, estimate the cube. If its edge is 0.21 m, estimate the
volume of the piece of wood. volume of the piece of wood.
Note that 125 cm³ is read either as 125 Note that 125 cm³ is read either as 125 Solution: If we are going to estimate the Solution: If we are going to estimate the
cubic centimeters or 125 centimeters cubic centimeters or 125 centimeters volume of the piece of wood, it is not volume of the piece of wood, it is not
cube. cube. logical to round it off to the nearest logical to round it off to the nearest
whole number, as that would be zero. whole number, as that would be zero.
This would give us a zero cubic meter for This would give us a zero cubic meter for
Example 2 Example 2 volume. volume.
Since rounding off to the nearest whole Since rounding off to the nearest whole
number is not a good strategy, we may number is not a good strategy, we may
do it another way. You already know do it another way. You already know
that 1 m = 100 cm. It follows that that 1 m = 100 cm. It follows that
0.21 m = 21 cm ≈ 21 cm. 0.21 m = 21 cm ≈ 21 cm.
Let us use 20 cm as our estimate. Let us use 20 cm as our estimate.
Approximate volume = 20 𝑐𝑚 × 20 𝑐𝑚 × Approximate volume = 20 𝑐𝑚 × 20 𝑐𝑚 ×
20 𝑐𝑚 = 8 000 cm3 Thus, an estimate for 20 𝑐𝑚 = 8 000 cm3 Thus, an estimate for
the volume of the wood is 8 000 cm3. It the volume of the wood is 8 000 cm3. It
must be less than a cubic meter. must be less than a cubic meter.

Formula: V = l × w × h Formula: V = l × w × h
Solution: V = 5 cm × 3 cm × 4 cm Solution: V = 5 cm × 3 cm × 4 cm
Answer: V = 60 cm³ Answer: V = 60 cm³

Example 3 What is the amount of space Example 3 What is the amount of space
that is occupied by a rectangular pool that is occupied by a rectangular pool
which is 5.5 m in width, 10 m in height which is 5.5 m in width, 10 m in height
and 7 m in depth (height). and 7 m in depth (height).

Formula: V = l × w × h Formula: V = l × w × h
Solution: V = 5.5 m × 10 m × 7 m Solution: V = 5.5 m × 10 m × 7 m
Answer: V = 385 m³ Answer: V = 385 m³

Direction: Find the volume of the cubes Direction: Find the volume of the cubes
and rectangular prisms. On your answer and rectangular prisms. On your answer
sheet, copy and supply your answers for sheet, copy and supply your answers for
the following. the following.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

G. Developing Mastery (Leads to Directions: Look at the figures carefully. Directions: Read the statement below. Directions: Select the appropriate unit of Directions: Match the items in column A
Formative Assessment) Count the cubic units to find the volume On your answer sheet, write T if the measure for the volumes of the with the units of measure in column B in
of each figure. Follow the steps given sentence is correct and F, if it is following objects. finding the volume of the given objects.
above. Number 1 is done for you. incorrect.

1. The volume of a cube

with 9-m side is 27 cu. m.
2. The volume of a cube
can be found by multiplying the length of
its edge by 3..

2. 3. The volume of
rectangular solid with dimensions 3 m ×
4 m × 7 m is 84 cu. m.

3. 4. A prism, with
dimensions 15 cm × 8 cm ×10 cm, has a
volume of 400 cu. cm. 1.

5. Volume is the number km3 cm3 mm3

of cubic units needed to fill a shape.


km3 cm3 m3

km3 cm3 mm3

km3 cm3 m3
ft3 dm3 km3
H. Finding Practical Application of How can you use your knowledge about How can you use your knowledge about How can you use your knowledge about How can you use your knowledge about
Concepts and Skills in Daily Lives volume in real life situations? Cite an volume in real life situations? Cite an volume in real life situations? Cite an volume in real life situations? Cite an
example and explain your answer in 5-8 example and explain your answer in 5-8 example and explain your answer in 5-8 example and explain your answer in 5-8
sentences sentences sentences sentences
I. Making Generalization and How to find the volume of a given cube How to find the volume of a given cube
How to estimate and use appropriate How to estimate and use appropriate
Abstraction and rectangular prism using cu. cm and and rectangular prism using cu. cm and
units of measure for volume? units of measure for volume?
cu. m.? cu. m.?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Find the volume of the solid Directions: Find the volume of the Directions: A. Let the volume of Figure A Directions: Write on a separate piece of
figures below. Write your answers in following objects using the appropriate be 100 cm3. Estimate the volumes of the paper the appropriate unit of measure
your Math Activity notebook. formula. Write your answers and other figures shown below. used for volumes of the following items
solutions in your notebook. in our kitchen. Estimate the volume of

B. A box is in the shape of rectangular

prism. Its length, width and height are
1.95 m, 1.02 m and 0.97 m. Estimate of
the volume of the box.

C. A coffee pod is in the shape of a cube. 1.
If its edge is 19.2 cm, estimate the a jug full of water
2. of the pod in cubic centimeters.

one tub of rice


a refrigerator

4. 4.
A kitchen cabinet


5 .
A round food container
K. Additional activities for application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and
expectations meet the purpose and expectations meet the purpose and expectations meet the purpose and expectations meet the purpose and expectations meet the purpose and
objectives of the lesson because the objectives of the lesson because the objectives of the lesson because the objectives of the lesson because the objectives of the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners learners

VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in the teaching- Learners are engaged in the teaching- Learners are engaged in the teaching- Learners are engaged in the teaching- Learners are engaged in the teaching-
learning process when incorporating learning process when incorporating learning process when incorporating learning process when incorporating learning process when incorporating


A. No. of learner who earned 80%

B .No. of learner who scored below 80%
( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No of learner who continue to require

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