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Basic level

TP 101



1Z1 1Z2

1V3 1 1 1V4

2 2
1V2 4 2

14 12

1V1 2 5 3
1 1

1 3

1S1 2 1B1 2 1S2 2

1 3 1 3 1 3

Festo Didactic
541088 en
Table of contents

Exercises and worksheets

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses _________________________________________________________________1

Exercise 2: Opening a fodder silo _____________________________________________________________9
Exercise 3: Clamping boards to a saw bench __________________________________________________ 15
Exercise 4: Sorting packages _______________________________________________________________ 21
Exercise 5: Stopping milk bottles ___________________________________________________________ 31
Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline ___________________________________________________ 37
Exercise 7: Shutting off a pipeline ___________________________________________________________ 45
Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device _______________________________________________________ 51
Exercise 9: Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses ___________________________________ 59
Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece __________________________________________________________ 65
Exercise 11: Loading wire baskets __________________________________________________________ 73
Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door ________________________________________________________ 79
Exercise 13: Feeding wooden boards ________________________________________________________ 87
Exercise 14: Compacting beverage cans ______________________________________________________ 93
Exercise 15: Packaging of brochures ________________________________________________________ 99
Exercise 16: Mounting locking pins_________________________________________________________ 105
Exercise 17: Labelling paint pots___________________________________________________________ 111
Exercise 18: Cleaning workpieces __________________________________________________________ 117
Exercise 19: Pressing labels into place ______________________________________________________ 123

© Festo Didactic 541088 I

II © Festo Didactic 541088
Exercise 1:
Pressing cheeses

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a single-acting cylinder.
 Be able to calculate the piston force of a single-acting cylinder.
 Be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a normally closed 3/2-way valve.
 Be able to recognise and sketch the various types of actuation for directional control valves.
 Be able to explain and set up direct actuation.

Presentation of the problem

Presses are used to press cheeses into moulds during the production process. Develop a control system
with which this process can be executed


Cheese production

© Festo Didactic 541088 1

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

 Use a double-acting cylinder.
 Pneumatically control the cylinder using a manually actuated valve.

Project assignment
1. Describe the mode of operation of a single-acting cylinder.
2. Describe the mode of operation of a normally closed 3/2-way valve.
3. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the pressing tool.
4. Set up the control system.
5. Double-check the control system configuration.
6. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
7. Create an equipment list.

1. The cheeses are placed into the tool manually.
2. When the pushbutton is activated, the cylinder advances and presses the cover onto the tool.
3. The pushbutton is pressed and held until the pressing operation has been completed.
4. When the pushbutton is released, the cylinder is retracted and the tool can be accessed.
5. The cheese can be removed.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit for this exercise to a maximum of3.5 bar (350 kPa). Immediately
deactivate compressed air supply if the tubing slips off.

2 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

Set-up and mode of operation of a single-acting cylinder

1 2 3 4 5

8 7 6

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a single-acting cylinder

– Compare the circuit symbol shown above with the schematic diagram of the single-acting cylinder.
Determine whether or not the two representations coincide with each other.


– Describe the set-up and mode of operation of a single-acting cylinder.




– Match up each component with the corresponding number from the above drawing.

Component Designation

Cylinder barrel

End cap

Bearing cap

Piston rod


Spring return

Supply port

Exhaust port

Table of component designations

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 3

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

Calculate the piston force of a single-acting cylinder

Theoretical piston force is calculated using the following formula:

Fth = A·p
Fth = theoretical piston force (N)
A = effective piston surface (sq. metres)
D2  
= ( )
p = working pressure (Pa)
D = cylinder diameter (m)

Piston force Feff is important in actual practice. Frictional resistance has to be taken into consideration when
calculating piston force. Under normal operating conditions (pressure range of 4 to 8 bar or 400 to 800 kPa),
it is assumed that friction forces (FR) amount to roughly 10% of the theoretical piston force.

The following applies to the effective piston force of single-acting cylinders:

Feff = A · p – (FR + FF)

Feff = effective piston force (N)
FR = friction force (approx. 10% of Fth ) (N)
FF = return spring force (N)

– Calculate the effective piston force for the advance stroke of the used cylinder with a working pressure
of 6 bar (600 kPa).

The required data is included in the data sheet for the cylinder.

4 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

Mode of operation of a normally closed 3/2-way valve

– Complete the circuit symbol of a manually actuated, normally closed 3/2-way valve with spring return.


1 3

Circuit symbol and schematic representation of a normally closed 3/2-way valve

– Describe the mode of operation of the 3/2-way valve.












© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 5

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the control system and enter the port designations.





Pneumatic circuit diagram

6 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.





















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 7

Exercise 1: Pressing cheeses

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components and their quantities in the table below.

Quantity Designation

Equipment list

8 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 2:
Opening a fodder silo

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a normally open 3/2-way valve.
 Be able to recognise and sketch the various types of actuation for directional control valves.
 Be able to explain and set up direct actuation.

Presentation of the problem

The slide of a fodder silo is to be opened by pressing a pushbutton. When the pushbutton is released, the
slide is once again closed.


Fodder silo

© Festo Didactic 541088 9

Exercise 2: Opening a fodder silo

 A single-acting cylinder is to be used.
 The cylinder will be pneumatically controlled using a pushbutton.

Project assignment
1. Answer the questions on the normally open 3/2-way valve.
2. Create the pneumatic circuit diagram for controlling the slide.
3. Set up the control system.
4. Double-check the control system configuration.
5. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
6. Create the equipment list.

1. When the pushbutton is activated, the cylinder is retracted to the retracted end position.
2. The pushbutton is pressed and held for as long as the slide is to remain open.
3. When the pushbutton is released, the cylinder is advanced and the slide closes the opening in the silo.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

10 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 2: Opening a fodder silo

Mode of operation of a 3/2 way valve

– Complete the circuit symbol of the 3/2-way valve. It needs to include the following functions: manual
actuation, spring return, normally open.

1 3

Circuit symbol, 3/2-way valve, normally open

Schematic representation of a 3/2-way valve, normally open

– Explain the mode of operation of a 3/2-way valve, normally open.









© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 11

Exercise 2: Opening a fodder silo

Change the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Change the pneumatic circuit diagram for the control system and enter the port designations.





Circuit diagram

Please note that control systems must be represented in their initial positions.

12 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 2: Opening a fodder silo

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.

















Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit for this control system to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa).

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 13

Exercise 2: Opening a fodder silo

Change the equipment list

– Change the equipment list shown below such that it corresponds with the requirements for this control

Quantity Designation

1 Compressed air source

1 Distributor block

Tubing material

1 Single-acting cylinder

1 3/2-way valve, manually actuated, normally closed

Equipment list

Quantity Designation

1 Compressed air source

1 Distributor block

Tubing material

1 Single-acting cylinder

Equipment list

14 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 3:
Clamping boards to a saw bench

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to recognise and sketch the various types of actuation for directional control valves.
 Be able to explain and set up direct actuation.
 Be able to analyse and optimise control systems.

Presentation of the problem

Boards are manually laid on the saw bench where they are cut to length with a circular saw. The sawing
operation is controlled from a separate control panel and thus the boards are pneumatically clamped to the
saw bench. The control system is implemented with only one cylinder for the test set-up.


Sawing fixture

© Festo Didactic 541088 15

Exercise 3: Clamping boards to a saw bench

 Use one of the control systems from the previous exercises and modify it for this task.
 Use, by way of example, only one single-acting cylinder to design the control system.

Project assignment
1. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the clamping tool.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Change the equipment list.

1. A board is manually laid on the saw bench.
2. After activating a switch, the cylinder advances and clamps the board.
3. The cylinder remains in the advanced position, even when the switch has been released.
4. After turning the switch back to its initial position, the cylinder is retracted to the retracted end position,
where it remains until the switch is activated again.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

16 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 3: Clamping boards to a saw bench

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagrams shown below by entering the required type of actuation.

a) b)

Circuit diagram

– Select the best control system and justify your answer.












© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 17

Exercise 3: Clamping boards to a saw bench

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.

















Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit for this control system to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa).

18 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 3: Clamping boards to a saw bench

Change the equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Change the equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Cylinder, single-acting

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

Changed equipment list

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 19

Exercise 3: Clamping boards to a saw bench

20 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 4:
Sorting packages

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a double-acting cylinder.
 Be able to calculate the piston force of a double-acting cylinder for both the advance and the return
 Be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a 5/2-way valve.

Presentation of the problem

Packages are sorted manually from a roller conveyor into large containers at a sorting station. When the
containers are full, they’re removed and new containers are provided. At this point the material flow should be
interrupted, but the roller conveyor continues to run. The material flow is interrupted by mechanical blocking
(slide). The slide has to be operated at the sorting station.


Sorting station

© Festo Didactic 541088 21

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

 A double-acting cylinder will be used, because work is carried out during both the advance and the
return strokes.

Project assignment
1. Describe the set-up of a double-acting cylinder.
2. Describe the mode of operation of a 5/2-way valve.
3. Create a pneumatic circuit diagram for the package blocking slide.
4. Set up the control system.
5. Double-check the control system configuration.
6. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
7. Create an equipment list.

1. When the selector switch is activated, the cylinder advances and pushes the slide into the flow of
2. The cylinder remains in this position after releasing the selector switch and the material flow remains
3. After turning the selector switch to its initial position, the cylinder moves to its retracted end position
and the material flow is resumed. The cylinder remains in this position until the selector switch is
activated again.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

22 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Set-up of a double-acting cylinder

1 2 3 4 5

7 6

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a double-acting cylinder

– Compare the circuit symbol shown above with the schematic diagram of the double-acting cylinder.
Determine whether or not the two illustrations are the same.


– Make a note of the characteristics of a single-acting and a double-acting cylinder designs that are the
same as well as those that are different.



– Match the numbers from the schematic drawing with the individual components of the double-acting

Component Designation

Supply port, piston chamber


Cylinder barrel

Supply port, piston rod chamber

Piston rod

Bearing cap

End cap

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 23

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Mode of operation of a double-acting cylinder

– Describe the mode of operation of a double-acting cylinder.





















24 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Calculate the piston force for the advance and return strokes
Theoretical piston force is calculated using the following formula:

Fth = A·p

The following applies to double-acting cylinders:

Advance stroke Feff = (A · p) – FR
Return stroke Feff = (A' · p) – FR

Feff = effective piston force (N)

A = effective piston surface (m2)
D2  
= ( )
A' = effective piston ring surface (m2)

(D 2  d 2 )
= 4
p = working pressure (Pa)
FR = friction force (approx. 10% of Fth ) (N)
D = cylinder diameter (m)
d = piston rod diameter (m)

– Calculate the effective piston force for the advance and return strokes of the cylinder with a working
pressure of 6 bar (600 kPa).

The required data is included in the data sheet for the cylinder.

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 25

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Determine the requirements for the directional control valve

– Write down the requirements for the directional control valve.










– Indicate why the directional control valve has to be actuated with a switch.










26 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Mode of operation of a 5/2 way valve

– Complete the circuit symbol of a manually actuated, 5/2-way valve with spring return and locking
function, and enter the port designations.

4 2

5 3
1 5 4 1 2 3

Circuit symbol and schematic representation of a 5/2-way valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a 5/2-way valve when valve port 2 is connected to the piston rod end
of a double-acting cylinder.












© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 27

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Complete the circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.




Pneumatic circuit diagram

28 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 29

Exercise 4: Sorting packages

30 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 5:
Stopping milk bottles

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to explain and set up indirect actuation.
 Be familiar with the mode of operation of a 5/2-way valve with pneumatic actuation.
 Be familiar with the difference between a signalling element and a control element.

Presentation of the problem

A filling system fills bottles with milk. The bottles are fed to the system on a conveyor belt and are stopped
underneath the filler using a pneumatic cylinder. The positioning accuracy of the stopping operation will be
checked during a test set-up. The stopping operation will be activated at the system’s control panel.


Milk bottle filling system

© Festo Didactic 541088 31

Exercise 5: Stopping milk bottles

 Stopping of the material flow will be carried out at a central control panel.
 As compressed air is available at the control panel, a pneumatic solution will be used.
 The control valve for the cylinder will be pneumatically actuated.

Project assignment
1. Determine the requirements for the control system with regard to actuating components and the control
2. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for stopping the material flow.
3. Set up the control system.
4. Double-check the control system configuration.
5. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
6. Create an equipment list.

1. When the selector switch is activated, the cylinder advances and pushes the slide into the flow of
material, thus stopping the bottles.
2. After setting the selector switch back to its initial position, the cylinder is in its retracted end position
and once again enables material flow.
3. The cylinder remains in this position until the selector switch is activated again.

Additional task
Explain the term “indirect control”.

32 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 5: Stopping milk bottles

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below and enter the missing connection and component


1V1 2


5 1 3




Pneumatic circuit diagram

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 33

Exercise 5: Stopping milk bottles

Sequence description

– Explain the mode of operation of the control system by describing its operating sequence.





















34 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 5: Stopping milk bottles

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 35

Exercise 5: Stopping milk bottles

Additional task

– Explain the term “indirect control”.


















36 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 6:
Opening and closing a pipeline

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to measure pressure in pneumatic control systems.
 Be able to differentiate between the various types of flow control and use them in accordance with

Presentation of the problem

The gate in a pipeline needs to be opened and closed. Actuation is via a valve with selector switch. A
double-acting cylinder will be used as an actuator.


Wastewater treatment

© Festo Didactic 541088 37

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

 The gate must be opened and closed slowly because the pipeline would otherwise be overloaded (the
forming of waves should be avoided).
 The speed of the opening and closing strokes should be steady.

Project assignment
1. Create a pneumatic circuit.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.
6. Observe pressure conditions upstream and downstream of the flow control and document them.

1. When the selector switch is activated, the cylinder is advanced and opens the gate.
2. When the selector switch is returned to its initial position, the cylinder is retracted to its initial position
and the gate is closed.

Additional tasks
 At which pressure level do you observe jerking motion?
 Explain how jerking motion occurs.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

38 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

Mode of operation of a one-way flow control valve

1 2

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a one-way flow control valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a one-way flow control valve.




– Describe two types of flow control used with double-acting cylinders.






– Explain how a one-way flow control valve is tested for correct functioning.




© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 39

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

Create the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below. Complete the symbols for the one-way flow control valve.
Observe the specified basic conditions when doing so.


1V1 1 1 1V2

2 2

1S1 4 2

5 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

The on-off valve with filter regulator and the distributor block are not shown. These components are
required in order to set up the control system.

40 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components and their quantities in the table below.

Quantity Designation

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 41

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its operating sequence.





















42 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

Additional tasks

– At which pressure level do you observe jerking motion?



– Explain how jerking motion occurs.

















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 43

Exercise 6: Opening and closing a pipeline

44 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 7:
Shutting off a pipeline

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to adjust cylinder advancing and retracting speeds.
 Be able to differentiate between the various types of flow control and use them appropriately.

Presentation of the problem

A filling system fills bottles with milk. The pipes through which the milk flows are opened and closed using a
gate. The gate should be opened slowly in order to prevent any spillage at the beginning of the filling
process. Closing, on the other hand, should take place as quickly as possible.


Milk bottle filling

© Festo Didactic 541088 45

Exercise 7: Shutting off a pipeline

Basic condition
 Speed control should enable a smooth opening process.

Project assignment
1. Select the appropriate type of flow control.
2. Create a pneumatic circuit diagram for the shut-off mechanism.
3. Set up the control system.
4. Double-check the control system configuration.
5. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
6. Create an equipment list.

1. A gate valve is opened slowly after activating a selector switch.
2. The gate valve is closed quickly when the selector switch is returned to its initial position.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

46 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 7: Shutting off a pipeline

Select the type of flow control

Determine whether supply air or exhaust air flow control is required for the application.

– Justify your selection and write your reasons down.













© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 47

Exercise 7: Shutting off a pipeline

Create the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below. Observe the specific constraints when doing so.


1S1 4 2

5 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

The on-off valve with filter regulator and the distributor block are not shown. These components are
required in order to set up the control system.

48 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 7: Shutting off a pipeline

Create an equipment list

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components and their quantities in the table below.

Quantity Designation

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 49

Exercise 7: Shutting off a pipeline

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its operating sequence.


















This control system works with exhaust air flow control. Use a stopwatch in order to set the
required time value. The setting can be secured with a lock nut.

50 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 8:
Actuating a shut-off device

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise:
 You’ll be familiar with one type of signal storage in pneumatic control systems.
 You’ll be able to adjust cylinder advancing and retracting speeds.

Presentation of the problem

The gate in a filling system for plastic pellets needs to be closed quickly. However, it should be opened slowly.


Plastic pellet filling system

© Festo Didactic 541088 51

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

 A double-acting cylinder will be used.
 The closing operation should be executed by the cylinder’s forward stroke.

Project assignment
1. Describe the mode of operation of a quick exhaust valve.
2. Describe the mode of operation of a 5/2-way double pilot valve.
3. Draw a pneumatic circuit diagram for the shut-off mechanism.
4. Set up the control system.
5. Double-check the control system configuration.
6. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
7. Create an equipment list.

1. A shut-off mechanism (ball valve) is opened slowly after activating a pushbutton.
2. The shut-off mechanism is closed quickly after activating a second pushbutton.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

52 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

Mode of operation of a quick exhaust valve

3 1

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a quick exhaust valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a quick exhaust valve.














© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 53

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

Mode of operation of a 5/2-way double pilot valve

14 5 4 1 2 3 12

Schematic diagram of a 5/2-way double pilot valve

– Explain the mode of operation of the 5/2-way double pilot valve.








– Describe the performance of the valve depicted above when port 14 is briefly pressurised with
compressed air.






54 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

Complete the circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.



1V2 1

2 2

1V1 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

The on-off valve with filter regulator and the distributor block are not shown. These components are
required in order to set up the control system.

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 55

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.





















56 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components to the table below.

Quantity Designation

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 57

Exercise 8: Actuating a shut-off device

58 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 9:
Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to expand existing control systems.
 Be able to analyse a proposed solution.
 Be able to implement an OR operation.

Presentation of the problem

Presses are used to press cheeses into moulds during a cheese production process. The cheese presses are
operated by using one of two pushbuttons, so that pressing can be done at the loading or unloading end.
There is a possible solution which, however, does not achieve the piston force required to press a cheese.


Cheese production

© Festo Didactic 541088 59

Exercise 9: Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses

 Design pneumatic control of the cylinder using an additional manually actuated valve.
 Operation should be possible using either of the valves.

Project assignment
1. Analyse the proposed solution.
2. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the pressing device.
3. Set up the control system.
4. Update the equipment list.

1. The cheeses are placed into the press manually.
2. After actuating a pushbutton at the loading or unloading end of the system, the cylinder advances and
presses the lid onto the press.
3. The pushbutton is pressed and held until the pressing operation has been completed.
4. When the pushbutton is released, the cylinder is retracted and the press can be accessed.
5. The cheese can be removed.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit for this exercise to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa).

60 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 9: Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses

Analyse the pneumatic circuit diagram

The required functional expansion has been achieved with the help of the control system shown below.
However, it has been noticed that the piston force required to press the cheese is not reached. Piston force
is only adequate when both pushbuttons are activated simultaneously.


2 2

1 3 1 3

Circuit diagram for proposed solution

– Analyse the control system depicted above and explain why the required piston force is not achieved.










© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 61

Exercise 9: Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses

Mode of operation of a shuttle valve

1 1 1 1

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a shuttle valve

– Describe the mode of operation of the required components.












62 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 9: Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses

Complete the circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram below.


1V1 2

1 1

1S1 2 1S2 2

1 3 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 63

Exercise 9: Expanding the control system for pressing cheeses

Update the equipment list

The equipment list for the original control system must be changed in order to document the current control

Quantity Designation

1 Cylinder, single-acting

1 3/2-way valve with pushbutton, normally open

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

Existing equipment list

– Fill in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Cylinder, single-acting

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

Updated equipment list

64 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 10:
Clamping a workpiece

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to implement an AND operation.
 Be familiar with one option for end-position sensing in cylinders.

Presentation of the problem

A rotary indexing machine is used for feeding workpieces in production process. The workpieces have to be
clamped in the individual workpiece holders for machining. A clamping tool is to be developed and tested by
means of a test set-up.


Rotary indexing machine

© Festo Didactic 541088 65

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

 The clamping process can only be started when the cylinder is in the retracted end position.
 After activating a second pushbutton, the cylinder returns to the retracted end position and releases the
 Pressure gauges will be installed between the one-way flow control valve and each of the cylinder’s two
working ports in order to indicate pressure.

Project assignment
1. Describe the mode of operation of a dual-pressure valve.
2. Describe the mode of operation of a 3/2-way roller lever valve.
3. Complete the pneumatic circuit.
4. Set up the control system.
5. Double-check the control system configuration.
6. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
7. Create an equipment list.

1. A double-acting cylinder can only be advanced when a pushbutton is activated and the cylinder is in the
retracted end position; otherwise it’s not possible to insert a workpiece for machining.
2. The clamping cylinder should be held in the advanced end position until the workpiece has been
machined. Machining time may vary.
3. The workpiece is released by pressing a second pushbutton.

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3.5 bar (350 kPa) for this exercise.

Additional task
 What happens if the 3/2-way roller lever valve is readjusted?

66 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

Mode of operation of a dual-pressure valve

1 1
1 1

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a dual-pressure valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a dual-pressure valve.
















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 67

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

Mode of operation of a 3/2-way roller lever valve

1 3

Circuit symbol for a 3/2-way roller lever valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a 3/2-way roller lever valve.









– Explain how the roller lever valve has to be mounted in order to ensure correct functioning of the control








68 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.


1Z1 1Z2

1V3 1 1 1V4

2 2
1V2 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

1B1 2

1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 69

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.




















70 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 71

Exercise 10: Clamping a workpiece

72 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 11:
Loading wire baskets

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to implement a latching circuit with OR operation.

Presentation of the problem

Wire baskets are loaded with packages at a loading station. They are positioned at two supply points along
the conveyor belt so that the continuous flow of packages doesn’t have to be interrupted. When one wire
basket is full, the flow of packages is diverted to the other supply point by means of a deflector, so that the
full wire basket can be removed and an empty one moved into place.


Loading cage boxes

© Festo Didactic 541088 73

Exercise 11: Loading wire baskets

Material flow will be controlled by two valves with pushbutton, one for disabling and one for enabling. Due to
the fact that the pushbutton signals are of short duration, a control system must be set up which stores the

Project assignment
1. Describe the mode of operation of a shuttle valve.
2. Complete the pneumatic circuit.
3. Set up the control system.
4. Double-check the control system configuration.
5. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
6. Create an equipment list.

1. When the pushbutton is activated, the cylinder advances and pushes the deflector into the flow of
2. The cylinder remains in this position after the pushbutton has been released and the material flow is
3. After activating the second pushbutton, the cylinder is retracted to the retracted end position and the
material flow reverts to the original supply point.
4. The cylinder remains in this position until the pushbutton is activated again.

74 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 11: Loading wire baskets

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Develop the required latching circuit and complete the circuit diagram shown below.


1V4 1 1 1V5

2 2

1V3 4 2


5 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 75

Exercise 11: Loading wire baskets

Mode of operation of a latching circuit

– Describe the mode of operation of a latching circuit.




















76 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 11: Loading wire baskets

Create an equipment list

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below. Take all components
into consideration that are required for the set-up.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 77

Exercise 11: Loading wire baskets

78 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 12:
Actuating a sliding door

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise:
 You’ll be able to combine logic operations.
 You’ll be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a pneumatic proximity switch.
 You’ll be able to differentiate between 5/2-way valves and select and use them in accordance with

Presentation of the problem

A sliding door between two rooms needs to be opened and closed using a pushbutton. Only one pushbutton
should be located at each side of the door in order to prevent operator error in case of an emergency.


Sliding door

© Festo Didactic 541088 79

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

 Either process can only be started when the door is in one of its end positions.
 Pressure must be limited to 3 bar (300 kPa) for safety reasons (danger of pinching).

Project assignment
1. Create a pneumatic circuit diagram for the sliding door’s control system.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. When the sliding door is in one of its defined end positions, it can be moved to the other end position by
pressing the pushbutton. The door can thus be opened and closed.
2. The opening and closing processes cannot be started as long as the door is not in one of its end

Safety note
Limit pressure at the service unit to a maximum of 3 bar (300 kPa) for this exercise.

Additional tasks
 What happens if compressed air supply fails during advance or return motion?
 How can the control system be put back into operation, what must be done?

80 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

Mode of operation of a pneumatic proximity switch

2 S

1 3

Circuit symbol and schematic diagram of a pneumatic proximity switch

– Describe the mode of operation of the pneumatic proximity switch.













© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 81

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.

1B1 1B2

1V5 1 1 1V6

2 2

1V4 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

1B1 2 1S1 2 1S2 2 1B2 2

1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

82 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

Create a sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.





















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 83

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

84 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

Additional task: malfunction due to pressure failure

Compressed air supply to the control system fails during forward or reverse motion of the sliding door. What
happens, and how can the control system be placed back into service?

– Describe the consequences of a pressure failure and explain how the control system can be placed back
into service.
















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 85

Exercise 12: Actuating a sliding door

86 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 13:
Feeding wooden boards

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be familiar with the NOT operation.
 Be able to combine logic operations.
 Be able to further develop existing control systems.

Presentation of the problem

Wooden boards need to be fed from a magazine to a machining process. Workpieces should not be pushed
out of the magazine if the picking area is occupied.


Stacking magazine

© Festo Didactic 541088 87

Exercise 13: Feeding wooden boards

 A roller lever valve is used to mechanically determine whether or not a board is located in the picking
area. The cylinder is throttled while advancing and retracting.

Project assignment
1. Complete the pneumatic circuit.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. The ejecting process is started by means of a pushbutton when the cylinder is in its retracted end
position. The ejecting cylinder only pushes a workpiece out of the magazine when the roller lever valve
in the picking area indicates that the picking area is NOT occupied.
2. If the picking area is empty, the cylinder advances to the advanced end position with restricted exhaust
air, pushes the workpiece out and immediately returns to its retracted end position with restricted
exhaust air.

Additional task
 How would you have to change the control system if the ejecting process could only start when a
workpiece is in the magazine AND the picking area is empty?

88 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 13: Feeding wooden boards

Complete the circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.

1B1 1B2

1V4 1 1 1V5

2 2

1V3 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

You can use a 3/2-way valve with selector switch in the control system instead of a 3/2-way roller
lever valve, if you want to simulate whether the picking area is empty or occupied.

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 89

Exercise 13: Feeding wooden boards

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.



















90 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 13: Feeding wooden boards

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 91

Exercise 13: Feeding wooden boards

Adapt the control system

The control system must be changed so that the ejecting process can only be started when a workpiece is in
the magazine AND the picking area is empty.

– Explain how the control system has to be changed in order to meet this requirement.


















92 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 14:
Compacting beverage cans

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise:
 You’ll be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a pressure sequence valve.
 You’ll be able to set up pressure-dependent control systems.

Presentation of the problem

Beverage cans are pressed into bales so that they take up minimal storage space at a recycling plant. The
compacting process is started using a pushbutton. The return stroke can also be triggered with a
pushbutton. The compacting process should only be started when enough pressure is available.


Can press

The required protective guard is not shown.

© Festo Didactic 541088 93

Exercise 14: Compacting beverage cans

 The initial position of the compacting cylinder is the retracted end position.
 The compacting process should only be started when system pressure is greater than 6 bar (600 kPa).
 The return stroke can be triggered manually if the compacting cylinder does not fully reach the
advanced end position due to the quantity of cans to be compacted.

Project assignment
1. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the can press.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. A pressure sequence valve is switched when the specified pressure value is reached and supplies
compressed air to the control system. The control system should not be operable at a pressure of less
than 4.5 bar (450 kPa).
2. It should only be possible to start the compacting process using a start button when the compacting
cylinder is in the retracted end position. The compacting cylinder moves to the advanced end position or
as far as it can depending on the amount of material to be compacted.
3. The return stroke is triggered either by a limit switch or a pushbutton.

94 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 14: Compacting beverage cans

Mode of operation of a pressure sequence valve

12 1 3 3 2 1 12

Circuit symbol for a pressure sequence valve Schematic diagram of a pressure sequence valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a pressure sequence valve.








© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 95

Exercise 14: Compacting beverage cans

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.

1B1 1B2

1V6 1 1 1V7

2 2
1V5 4 2

14 12

5 1 3
1V3 2 1V4 2

1 1 1 1

1B1 2 1S1 2 1S2 2 1B2 2

1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

1V2 2

12 1 3

1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

96 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 14: Compacting beverage cans

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 97

Exercise 14: Compacting beverage cans

Sequence description
Set up the control system and put it into operation.

– Describe the control system’s working sequence.




















98 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 15:
Packaging of brochures

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise:
 You’ll be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a pressure regulator.
 You’ll be able to set up pressure-dependent control systems.

Presentation of the problem

Sets of 10 brochures each are to be wrapped in plastic film. The brochures have to be clamped in order for
the film to seal properly. An operating pressure of at least 4 bar (400 kPa) is required in order to be able to
clamp the brochures securely. However, the maximum operating pressure of 6 bar (600 kPa) should not be
exceeded as otherwise the brochures risk being damaged.

The advance and reverse strokes are triggered using a pushbutton. The retracted end position of the
clamping cylinder is sensed via a pneumatic proximity switch.


Brochure production

© Festo Didactic 541088 99

Exercise 15: Packaging of brochures

 The process can only be started when the clamping cylinder is in the retracted end position.
 The operating pressure has to be greater than 6 bar (600 kPa) before the control system can be started up.
 The return stroke is triggered manually, because the duration of the packaging process varies.

Project assignment
1. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the packaging unit.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. A pressure sequence valve is switched when the specified pressure value is reached and supplies
compressed air to the control system.
2. The tensioning process starts when the clamping cylinder is in the retracted end position and a
pushbutton is activated. The cylinder is advanced and remains in the advanced position.
3. The process ends when a second pushbutton is activated and the cylinder returns to the retracted end

100 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 15: Packaging of brochures

Mode of operation of a pressure regulator

p1 p2

1 3

Circuit symbol for a pressure regulator Schematic diagram of a pressure regulator

– Describe the mode of operation of a pressure regulator.












© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 101

Exercise 15: Packaging of brochures

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.


1 1V7


1V5 1

2 1 3

1V4 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

1V2 2

12 1 3

1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

102 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 15: Packaging of brochures

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 103

Exercise 15: Packaging of brochures

Mode of operation of the one-way flow control valve

– Describe the function of the one-way flow control valve which is connected in parallel to the pressure














104 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 16:
Mounting locking pins

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to set up pressure-dependent control systems.
 Be able to analyse and optimise existing control systems.

Presentation of the problem

Locking pins are to be mounted on plug connector housings at an automated assembly machine. So far,
pressure has been set using a pressure regulator at the assembly machine. This has led to repeated
malfunctions in the assembly process.
The assembly process will now be examined using a test set-up. Each assembly step is triggered manually.
The control system will be changed so that it only functions when pressure does not exceed a certain value.


Automated assembly machine for plug connector housings

© Festo Didactic 541088 105

Exercise 16: Mounting locking pins

 Pressure at the working port of the assembly cylinder must have a value of at least 3.5 bar (350 kPa), in
order to ensure that the locking pins are securely mounted.
 It should not be possible to start the process if pressure is greater than 3.8 bar (380 kPa).
 The return stroke of the assembly cylinder is started automatically when it reaches the advanced end

Project assignment
1. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the automated assembly machine.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. The process will be started with a pushbutton when the assembly cylinder is in the retracted end
2. The cylinder should move to the advanced end position with minimal force.
3. It actuates a limit switch in this position.
4. It should then quickly return to the retracted end position.

Analyse the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Analyse the circuit diagram shown below and determine whether or not it’s suitable for the required task.


– What are the advantages or disadvantages of the characteristics of the required control system?



106 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 16: Mounting locking pins


1 1V7


1V5 1

2 1 3

1V4 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

1V3 2
1 1

1B1 2 1S1 2 1S2 2

1 3 1 3 1 3

1V2 2

12 1 3

1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 107

Exercise 16: Mounting locking pins

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram shown below, taking all required conditions into consideration.

1B1 1B2

1V7 1 1 1V8

2 2
1V6 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

108 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 16: Mounting locking pins

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

Equipment list

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 109

Exercise 16: Mounting locking pins

Sequence description

– Describe the control system’s working sequence.




















110 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 17:
Labelling paint pots

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to set up time-dependent control systems.
 Be familiar with the set-up and mode of operation of a time delay valve.

Presentation of the problem

Paint pots are labelled at a gluing machine. The gluing process is triggered using a pushbutton at the machine.
A drying time of approximately 10 seconds is required for the adhesive to become effective. The system is
not ready to start until the piston of the pressing cylinder is in the retracted end position.


Farbe rau
lichtg 35

Farbe au
lichtgr 35
RAL 70

Labelling fixture

© Festo Didactic 541088 111

Exercise 17: Labelling paint pots

 As the label has to be glued to the paint pot with minimal pressure, working pressure must be
 The cylinder should be retracted as quickly as possible.
 Working pressure must be adjustable within a range of 3 to 7 bar (300 and 700 kPa).
 Pressure should be indicated by a pressure gauge upstream of the cylinder.

Project assignment
1. Complete the pneumatic circuit.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. The process will be started using a pushbutton when the cylinder is in the retracted end position.
2. The cylinder should advance to the advanced end position with minimal force and speed and remain in
this position for an adjustable period of time.
3. It should then quickly return to the retracted end position.
4. Pressure during the forward stroke should be indicated at a pressure gauge.

112 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 17: Labelling paint pots

Mode of operation of a time delay valve

1 3

Circuit symbol and photo for a time delay valve

– Describe the mode of operation of a time delay valve and enter the most important technical data in the







Technical data

Pressure range

Switch-on pressure

Standard nominal flow rate

Delay time

Setting accuracy

Pause period for reset

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 113

Exercise 17: Labelling paint pots

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.

1B1 1B2


1V6 2

1V5 2

1V4 4 2

14 12

5 1 3
1V2 2
1 1


1B1 2 1S1 2 1B2 2

1 3
1 3 1 3 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

114 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 17: Labelling paint pots

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

Equipment list

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 115

Exercise 17: Labelling paint pots

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.




















116 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 18:
Cleaning workpieces

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to set up control systems with oscillating motion.
 Be able to use time delay valves in accordance with specific constraints.

Presentation of the problem

A wire basket with workpieces needs to be moved up and down in a cleaning bath. The process is started
using a pushbutton.


Automatic cleaning system

© Festo Didactic 541088 117

Exercise 18: Cleaning workpieces

 A roller lever valve will be used in order to detect the retracted end position.
 The cleaning process should be limited to a period of 20 seconds.

Project assignment
1. Convert a 5/2-way double pilot valve to a 3/2-way double pilot valve.
2. Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram for the automatic cleaning system.
3. Set up the control system.
4. Double-check the control system configuration.
5. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
6. Create an equipment list.

1. The process is started using a pushbutton when the lifting cylinder is in its retracted end position.
2. The cylinder for the lifting device moves to the advanced end position. It then goes back to the mid-
position and returns to the advanced end position. This motion sequence is repeated until the process
is stopped by the time delay valve.
3. The cylinder then returns to its retracted end position.

118 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 18: Cleaning workpieces

Convert a 5/2-way double pilot valve

4 2

14 12

5 1 3

Circuit symbol for a 5/2-way double pilot valve

– Convert a 5/2-way double pilot valve to a 3/2-way double pilot valve.

– Describe what has to be done.








© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 119

Exercise 18: Cleaning workpieces

Complete the circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.

1B1 1B3 1B2


1V4 4 2

14 12

5 1 3

1V3 2

1 1

1B1 2 1B3 2 1B2 2

1 3 1 3 1 3

1V2 2

10 12

1 3
1V1 2 1S1 2

1 3
1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram (solution)

120 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 18: Cleaning workpieces

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.





















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 121

Exercise 18: Cleaning workpieces

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

122 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 19:
Pressing labels into place

Learning objectives
After completing this exercise you’ll:
 Be able to analyse and set up control systems with two cylinders.

Presentation of the problem

Rating plates are pressed into valve housings at a workstation. First of all, the labels are inserted into
recesses in the valve housings. Then they’re pressed into place with a pressing cylinder.
The valve housings are clamped by pressing a pushbutton. The pressing process is started once the valve
housing has been clamped. Both cylinders should be retracted after the pressing cylinder has reached its
advanced end-position.


Necessary protective guards
are not taken into

Labelling fixture

© Festo Didactic 541088 123

Exercise 19: Pressing labels into place

 A single-acting cylinder will be used to clamp the valve housings.
 A roller lever valve will be used to detect whether or not the clamping cylinder has reached its advanced
end position.
 A double-acting cylinder will be used as a pressing cylinder.
 The feed speeds of both the clamping and the pressing cylinders should be adjustable.

Project assignment
1. Analyse the pneumatic circuit diagram for the pressing fixture.
2. Set up the control system.
3. Double-check the control system configuration.
4. Describe the mode of operation of the control system.
5. Create an equipment list.

1. The pressing process is started using a pushbutton.
2. A limit switch will be used to detect whether or not the clamping cylinder has reached its position.
3. The pressing cylinder should not advance until the clamping cylinder has reached its advanced end
4. After the plastic cap has been pressed into place, both cylinders are retracted.

124 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 19: Pressing labels into place

Complete the pneumatic circuit diagram

– Complete the circuit diagram shown below.

2B1 2B2

1V3 2 2V2 1

1 2

1V2 2 2V1 4 2

12 10 14 12

1 3 5 1 3

Pneumatic circuit diagram

© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 125

Exercise 19: Pressing labels into place

Create an equipment list

In addition to the circuit diagram, complete project documentation also includes an equipment list.

– Create an equipment list by entering the required components in the table below.

Quantity Designation

1 Distributor block

1 On-off valve with filter regulator

1 Compressed air source

Equipment list

126 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

Exercise 19: Pressing labels into place

Sequence description

– Set up the control system and describe its working sequence.




















© Festo Didactic 541088 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ 127

Exercise 19: Pressing labels into place

Proximity switch failure

What happens if the position of pneumatic proximity switch 1B2 is shifted along the cylinder?

– Make a note of the resulting consequences.












128 Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________ © Festo Didactic 541088

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