PE-101-Chapter 3
PE-101-Chapter 3
PE-101-Chapter 3
The term aerobic means “with oxygen.” During an aerobic workout,
the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart, lungs and blood vessels,
responds to the physical activity by increasing the oxygen that is available to the
body’s working muscles.
Aerobic activity involves an exercise routine that uses large muscle groups,
is maintained for long periods and is rhythmic in nature. Regular aerobic exercise
improves your fitness as your heart becomes stronger and begins to work better.
The result is that the heart can pump more blood (thus increasing oxygen delivery
to the tissues) with each heartbeat. As your aerobic fitness increases, you can
work out longer with greater intensity and recover quicker at the end of the
Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic
exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving
all elements of fitness.
What to expect: At the end of this lesson students are expected to:
Many activities can give you an aerobic workout. Some examples include
biking, running, swimming, cross-country skiing, playing basketball, jumping rope,
roller skating, walking briskly, dancing (Hi-Lo, zumba, Hip-Hop, Latin) and
Kickboxing. In addition to these activities, you can get an aerobic workout through
stationary exercise machines such as cycles, treadmills, stair-steppers and rowing
machines. These can be found at a local gym or health club. Most of these
machines can also be used at home.
Along with strengthening your heart, studies show repeatedly that there are
many benefits to aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise can:
• Increase resistance to fatigue and give you more energy. Aerobic
exercise can add life to your years along with years to your life.
• Improve mood and reduce depression and anxiety. Positive mood
changes have been noted after as little as two to three weeks of starting
aerobic exercises.
• Improve the quality of your sleep. Studies show people who exercise
regularly fall asleep quicker and sleep better. Finish your aerobic exercise
routine one to two hours before bedtime.
• Increase good (HDL) cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is known to
reduce the risk of heart disease.
• Help control and reduce body fat. Aerobic exercise with a healthy diet
can lower body fat.
• Reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Aerobic exercise has been
associated with a reduction in the incidence of colon cancer in men and
women, and the incidence of breast and reproductive organ cancers in
There are 5 basic rules that should be the basis for every aerobics class.
Choreography – the art of designing and arranging ballet and other dance
compositions. When you choreograph make 4 sets of 8
Low Impact
March/Walk Tap Step touch Easy Walk/V-Step Twist Double Step Touch
Grapevine Leg curl Knee Lift Low Kick Step Knee/step Kick
Plie Lunge/s Mambo chasse’/Sashay Scooping Squat
High Impact
These are some of the basic moves. Feel free to create your own. Who knows?
You may be that creative. You just didn’t take time out to think about it.
1. Arm work
1. Short range
2. Long range
1. Horizontal
2. Vertical
3. Diagonal
a) Directional
1 Basic directions – forward, backward, sideways, diagonal,
and stay in place.
2 Alternative directions
b) Rhythmic
1. Sound
2. Look
3. Feel – staccato and legato
c) Intensity
1. Physiological
2. Psychological
1. Beat
4. Cross Phrase
5. Block
- The musical Paragraph
- In group exercise, a block is composed of 4 phrases which is a
total of 32 beats.
“The speed of your music will determine the progression and
the range of intensity of your class”.
a. For Six (6) seconds, count each beat then multiply by ten (10) to get
the beats per minute (bpm).
b. Quick check for speed: can your students still do the movements in
correct form?
FINAL NOTE: Listen to your music and let your body flow with the rhythms. Find
your inner beat and Enjoy!
11. Alternately Sideward R & L Leg 27. Alternately Forward R & L Leg
A. Punches
B. Kicks
1. Frontal 3. Round
2. Side 4. Back
The energy used during exercise comes from various sources, depending
on exercise intensity, and previous training. Fats and carbohydrates are broken
down and converted into ATP that contains the energy used for muscular
contraction. The muscle fibers use anaerobic and aerobic means of producing
ATP from glucose and fat. The ability of the body to produce ATP changes as a
result of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise. The adaptation to aerobic
exercise and resistance exercise occurs when the exercise is performed with
correct intensity. The intensity of aerobic exercise is monitored by computing the
target heart rate. The intensity of the resistance exercise is monitored by
estimating the 1RM. The frequency and duration exercise, on the other hand,
should be adjusted according to the intensity of the exercise and previous training.
The frequency, intensity and duration will also depend on the type of training
program. Flexibility exercises should be incorporated in the training program as
Activity 4
Jimena, E. (1999) Making Fitness Your Own, Manila: Rex Book Store,