3BSE030340-510 en 800xa For AM 5.1 Configuration

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800xA for Advant Master

System Version 5.1

Power and productivity

for a better world
800xA for Advant Master

System Version 5.1

This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a
description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to
the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a
standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document
support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine
the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the
product specifications for the particular ABB product.

ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intel-
lectual property in the ABB products described in this document.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard-
ware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This
product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC.

All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respec-
tive owners.

Copyright © 2003-2010 by ABB.

All rights reserved.

Release: June 2010

Document number: 3BSE030340-510
Table of Contents


About This Book

General ............................................................................................................................11
Document Conventions ...................................................................................................11
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons................................................................11
Related Documentation ...................................................................................................13

Section 1 - Introduction
Product Overview ............................................................................................................15
Product Scope.......................................................................................................15
What You Can Do with 800xA for Advant Master ..............................................15
Prerequisites and Requirements ......................................................................................16

Section 2 - Configuration
Before You Start ..............................................................................................................17
Libraries and Object Types..............................................................................................17
Controller Documentation ...............................................................................................19
Getting Started.................................................................................................................21
Steps for New Systems.........................................................................................21
RTA Board Configuration................................................................................................22
Setting Up the RTA Board....................................................................................22
Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings.................................................22
Process Object Lock ........................................................................................................28
Process Object Sensitive Hot Keys..................................................................................30
Predefined Hot Keys ............................................................................................31
The Verb Map Aspect...........................................................................................33
Min and Max Dialog .......................................................................................................34
Min and Max Dialog According to Security........................................................34

3BSE030340-510 5
Table of Contents

Section 3 - Engineering
Building the Control Structure ........................................................................................ 35
Building the Control Structure On-line........................................................................... 37
Building the Control Structure Off-line .......................................................................... 41
Building a Control Structure for Test and Demo Purposes............................................. 45
Engineering with Control Builder A (CBA) in an 800xA System.................................. 47
CBA Installation Prerequisites............................................................................. 48
CBA Installation Procedure ................................................................................. 49
CBA Post Installation........................................................................................... 59

Section 4 - Alarm and Event

Defining Event Treatments Using RTA Board Configuration ........................................ 67
Defining Event Treatment for Process and System Objects ........................................... 67
Default Alarm and Event List Configurations ..................................................... 67
Defining Event Treatment.................................................................................... 69
Defining Event Filter on Node Level .............................................................................. 78
Alarm Hiding .................................................................................................................. 79
Audit List for Operator Actions ...................................................................................... 79
External Alarm..................................................................................................... 80
Events to 3’rd party clients .................................................................................. 80

Section 5 - History Logs

Time Tagged Data (TTD)................................................................................................ 82
The TTD Source Aspect ...................................................................................... 84
The Log Template Aspect .................................................................................... 84
TTD Node Configuration Aspect......................................................................... 87
Working with TTD logs ....................................................................................... 92
Direct OPC Logs ........................................................................................................... 102
OPC Direct Logging - 1, 3 and 9 Seconds......................................................... 103
OPC Direct Logging - Other Storage Intervals.................................................. 103

Section 6 - Quick List

Quick List Data Source Aspect ..................................................................................... 105

6 3BSE030340-510
Table of Contents

Section 7 - Data Transfer via OPC DA

OPC Subscriptions.........................................................................................................107
OPC Read Operations....................................................................................................108
OPC Write Operations...................................................................................................108

Section 8 - System Administration

System Diagnostics .......................................................................................................113
Fault Finding and User Repair ...........................................................................113
System Status .....................................................................................................113
System Alarms ...................................................................................................126
Backup/Restore Procedures...........................................................................................129
Backup ...........................................................................................................129
Restore ...........................................................................................................130
Advanced Connectivity Server Configuration...............................................................132
Connect Several MB 300 Networks to an 800xA System .................................132
Add Multiple Connectivity Servers to the Same MB 300 Network...................132
Required Settings to Make an Upload from a Client.....................................................135

Appendix A - Event Treat Elements

Introduction ...................................................................................................................139
The Event Treat Database Element ...............................................................................141

Appendix B - MB300 Uploader

Using the From FCB Tab to Upload ..................................................................149

Appendix C - Event Texts

Analog Input Signal AI .................................................................................................154
Analog Output Signal AO .............................................................................................155
Digital Input Signal DI ..................................................................................................156
Digital Output Signal DO ..............................................................................................157
Sequence SEQ ...............................................................................................................157
Process Controller PIDCON..........................................................................................160

3BSE030340-510 7
Table of Contents

Process Controller PIDCONA....................................................................................... 162

Manual Station MANSTN ............................................................................................ 164
Ratio Station RATIOSTN ............................................................................................. 165
User Defined Controller GENCON .............................................................................. 166
Binary Object GENBIN ................................................................................................ 168
User Defined Object GENUSD..................................................................................... 171
Motor Control MOTCON ............................................................................................. 174
Valve Control VALVECON .......................................................................................... 177
Group Start GROUP...................................................................................................... 180
Group Alarm GRPALARM........................................................................................... 182
Motor Control MOTCONI ............................................................................................ 183
Standard Alarm Text from MOTCON PC Element........................................... 185
Standard Warning Texts from MCU .................................................................. 187
Standard Alarm Text from MCU ....................................................................... 190
Standard Event Text from MCU ........................................................................ 193
Event Treatment in Operator Station ................................................................. 194
Engineered Drive, DRICONE....................................................................................... 195
Standard Drive, DRICONS ........................................................................................... 216

Appendix D - Messages
Fatal, Error, Warning and Info Messages ...................................................................... 227
Fatal Messages ................................................................................................... 228
Error Messages .................................................................................................. 228
Warning Messages ............................................................................................. 231

Appendix E - Control Aspect

RTA Board Control Aspect ........................................................................................... 233
RTA Board Control Tab ..................................................................................... 234
RTA Board - Network and Node Configuration Tab ......................................... 237
RTA Board Configuration Tab ........................................................................... 238
Control Connection Aspect (CCA) ............................................................................... 239
CCA Property View Tab .................................................................................... 239
CCA Property Info Tab ...................................................................................... 240

8 3BSE030340-510
Table of Contents

CCA - Additional Info Tab.................................................................................241

CCA MasterBus 300 Tab ...................................................................................242

Appendix F - Cyclic OPC Properties

OPC Object Type Properties..........................................................................................245

Appendix G - Object Type Names

Appendix H - Special Configuration

Alarm and Event ............................................................................................................263
Data Access ...................................................................................................................266

Appendix I - Hardware Installation

RTA Board PU515A ......................................................................................................269
RTA Unit PU410............................................................................................................270
Hardware Use Cases...........................................................................................279


3BSE030340-510 9
Table of Contents

10 3BSE030340-510
About This Book General

About This Book

This instruction On-line Helpdescribes 800xA for Advant Master. The 800xA for
Advant Master product is used for connecting the workplaces to a MasterBus 300
control network with connected AC 400 Controller Series, including MasterPiece

Document Conventions
Microsoft Windows conventions are normally used for the standard presentation of
material when entering text, key sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen
elements, etc.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This publication includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate
to point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to
point out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be
interpreted as follows:

Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in
electrical shock.

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in personal

Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept

discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could
result in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

3BSE030340-510 11
Terminology About This Book

Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
fully comply with all Warning and Caution notices.

A complete and comprehensive list of Terms is included in the IndustrialIT
Extended Automation System 800xA, Engineering Concepts instruction
(3BDS100972*). The listing included in Engineering Concepts includes terms and
definitions as they that apply to the 800xA system where the usage is different from
commonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions given in standard
dictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms.

Term/Acronym Description
AC 400 Advant Controller 400 - The ABB family of controllers:
AC 410and AC 450.
Control Builder A (CBA) The configuration tool for Advant Master Controller.
Control Builder A consists of Application Builder, Bus
Configuration Builder, Function Chart Builder and the
option On-Line Builder.
Control connection Contains the name, data type, access rights (read/write)
aspect (CCA) and subscription update rate of each attribute and the
name of the corresponding OPC item (object of the
controller). CCA also contains a user interface to inspect
the object type attribute information. It can also be used
to subscribe for the current value of each attribute.
Function Chart Builder Part of the configuration tool Control Builder A.

12 3BSE030340-510
About This Book Related Documentation

Term/Acronym Description
MB 300 MasterBus 300 - the control network communication
protocol that is used by the AC 400 controllers.
RTA board Real Time Accelerator board - the Communication board
used for connection to the MasterBus 300 control
network, either a PU515A RTA board or a PU410 RTA
The RTA configuration, dialogs, and status indications do
not differ or depend on the type of RTA hardware used,
once the installation is completed.
TTD Time Tagged Data - the name of the log functionality in
Safeguard and AC 400 Controllers.

Related Documentation
A complete list of all documents applicable to the 800xA IndustrialIT Extended
Automation System is provided in Released User Documents, 3BUA000263*. This
document lists applicable Release Notes and User Instructions. It is provided in
PDF format and is included on the Release Notes/Documentation media provided
with your system. Released User Documents are updated with each release and a
new file is provided that contains all user documents applicable for that release with
their applicable document number. Whenever a reference to a specific instruction is
made, the instruction number is included in the reference.

3BSE030340-510 13
Related Documentation About This Book

14 3BSE030340-510
Section 1 Introduction Product Overview

Section 1 Introduction

Product Overview
The 800xA for Advant Master is a product for process monitoring and control. It has
a generic design and can be used for different process control systems.
This product enables you to integrate an Operator Workplace to a system of AC 400
Series (with Master software) controllers in a MasterBus 300 network.

Product Scope
The 800xA for Advant Master is a product that is integrated in the Operator
Workplace. This provides the following features:
• A connection to the control system through a dedicated communication board -
the RTA board (Real-Time Accelerator board).
• Tools to build your Operator Workplace Control Structure on-line from
the AC 400 controllers or off-line from the AC 400 Engineering tools
• The possibility to customize the event and alarm reporting and presentation
with just a few configuration actions.
• To use the AC 400 TTD historical logs as data source to Operator Workplace
Historian, but also tools to configure new TTD logs in the controllers.
• Powerful maintenance and supervision of the Advant Master Control system
itself using the System Status, System Alarms and RTA Board Control

What You Can Do with 800xA for Advant Master

This list is an example of the configuration that you can do with
800xA for Advant Master.
• Configure the connection of the workplace to the MasterBus 300 control

3BSE030340-510 15
Prerequisites and Requirements Section 1 Introduction

• Build new graphic displays.

• Setup the workplace for handling the process data that is defined in
the database of the AC 400 controllers. You do not need to define the database
again, it is read from the controllers over the network.
• Setup the event handling for the process events that are reported from
the AC 400 controllers.
• Define and activate the logging of process data, including presentation of
the stored data logs.
• Collect and present System status for the entire control system, including
the AC 400 controllers and the MB 300 control network.

Prerequisites and Requirements

The general hardware and software requirements for the Operator Workplace
product are described in the IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Installation

16 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Libraries and Object Types

Section 2 Configuration

Before You Start

Ensure to have access to one of the following:
• The Connectivity Server is connected to the AC 400 Series controllers (the
MasterBus 300 control network).
• The database instances from the Function Chart Builder (AC 400 Series
Controller Engineering tools).
For more information, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Operations, Operator Workplace
Configuration (3BSE030322*).
The user should login as an Application Engineer or System Engineer to be able to
perform the configuration work described in this section.
The Application Engineer or System Engineer should belong to the MS Windows
“Power Users” group or the “Administrators” group to perform the configuration.

Libraries and Object Types

800xA for Advant Master defines a set of object types. An object type is a
predefined aspect object defined in the Object Type Structure.
Object types in 800xA for Advant Master (for example, AC 450 Controller, MB300
AI, MB300 PID Controller, and MB300 Valve) represent the data base element
types in the AC 400 series controller.
During upload from controllers, the Uploader aspect creates instances of the
controller objects with the respective object types in Control Structure.
The Advant Master object types are included in libraries in the 800xA system
version 5.1 and later versions. The Base Library AdvantMasterObjectTypes defines
all Advant Master object types including the graphics independent aspects. The
Extension Library AdvantMasterObjectTypesPG2Ext defines all process graphics

3BSE030340-510 17
Libraries and Object Types Section 2 Configuration

aspects, and AdvantMasterObjectTypesVB6Ext library defines all VB process

graphics aspects in the object types.
Extension libraries can be easily activated or deactivated in a functioning system.
This is beneficial while working on VB process graphics. The user can easily
deactivate the PG2 extension, which removes the corresponding aspects from the
system. The extension library can be activated later when required.

Figure 1. 800xA for Advant Master Libraries in the Library Structure

Figure 2. Base Library AdvantMasterObjectTypes in the Object Type Structure

A library is in one of the following states, Open, Closed, or Released.

After installation of the product, libraries are in the Closed state and are protected
from unintentional modifications. Custom modifications are possible if the library is

18 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Controller Documentation

forced to the Open state. Observe that the modifications may be lost in future system
The extension library AdvantMasterObjectTypesVB6Ext is included in the system
extension, 800xA for Advant Master VB Extension. This system extension is
required for the users of VB process graphics.
For more information on library handling and object types, refer to IndustrialIT
800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).

Controller Documentation
The AC 400 Series controller documentation covering all manuals needed for
configuration, operation or maintenance of AC 450 or AC 410 controllers are
included in 800xA for Advant Master. The manuals are available in the following
• Via object type specific bookmarks available as aspects in the Control Structure
on the uploaded Advant Master objects. The manuals can also be opened via
the context menu on Advant Master objects in the System Status viewer. See
Figure 3 below.

Figure 3. Documentation

3BSE030340-510 19
Controller Documentation Section 2 Configuration

• The complete collection of AC 400 Series manuals can be found on the AC 400
Documentation object in the Object type structure. The manuals that do not
have a related object type in 800xA for Advant Master can only be opened via
the AC 400 Documentation object. See Figure 4 below.

Figure 4. AC 400 Documentation Object

20 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Getting Started

Getting Started
Below are some different steps to take into consideration when configuring an
800xA for Advant Master system.

Steps for New Systems

1. Build the Controller Application, if required, in the Engineering station.
a. Create and configure Process and System objects
b. Define Log groups (TTD)
c. Write your AMPL applications
2. Setup the parameters for the RTA Board (network and node address, time
synchronization, character conversion).
3. Download the applications to the controllers, using the Online Builder.
4. Build the Control Structure (Create controller objects and retrieve the
information about the Process and system objects from the respective
5. Modify (if required) the Alarm and Event default setting.
6. Configure the TTD logs in the controller and the corresponding log hierarchies
above them.
The Engineering of the controllers and the various steps to perform is not described
in this book. Please read the corresponding User´s Guides.

3BSE030340-510 21
RTA Board Configuration Section 2 Configuration

RTA Board Configuration

Setting Up the RTA Board
The configuration settings for the RTA Board include configuration of:
• Network and node number on the MasterBus 300 Control Network
• Time synchronization setting for RTA / PC clock synchronization
• Character Conversion
The network and node numbers must be setup before the 800xA system can
communicate with the control network.
The RTA Board configuration view (Network and Node configuration) will also
come up during the configuration of the system. The view is included when you
run the Configuration wizard.

Setup Network and Node Number

Use Configuration Wizard in order to setup network and node number. For more
information on adding the RTA Board, which also creates the network object, refer
to IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Post Installation (3BUA000156*).
For more information on adding multiple Connectivity Servers to the same MB 300
network, refer to Add Multiple Connectivity Servers to the Same MB 300 Network
on page 132.

Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings

This document describes two possible configuration settings for time
synchronization with MB 300 network.
• AC 400 Series controller as Clock Master, in a configuration with MB 300.
• 800xA for Advant Master Connectivity Server as Clock Master, in a
configuration with AC 400 Series controllers on MB 300 and 800xA for AC
800M controllers on a TCP/IP network.
A thorough description of synchronization strategies and overall configuration is
provided in IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Automation System Network, Design and
Configuration (3BSE034463*).

22 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings

AC 400 Series Controller as Clock Master

When you have MB 300 as the only control network in your configuration, it is
recommended to use an AC 400 Series controller as clock master. The described
configuration will receive time synchronization from the MB 300 network and
distribute it to other Operator Workplace nodes (e.g Aspect Servers, Clients) in the
system. Manual time settings (e.g from client nodes) or local time shifts in the
system are propagated to the RTA Board and the MB 300 network.
The following settings are used for this configuration:
• Verify that the Clock Master setting in the Configuration Wizard is correct.
The 800xA as Clock Master (REVERSE_SYNCH_MODE) check box shall
be unchecked.

Figure 5. AC 400 as Clock Master

• RTA Board Settings

No changes of the default configuration values are required.

3BSE030340-510 23
Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings Section 2 Configuration

• Time Service Master Settings

To distribute the time received from the MB 300 network to other Operator
Workplace nodes (e.g Aspect Servers, Clients) in the system, you have to configure
the time service in the dedicated Connectivity Server as time service master.
This is done in the following way.
1. Go to the Service Structure and select Time Service.
2. Select Basic, Service Group.
3. Select the Service Group Definition aspect.

Figure 6. Service Structure

4. Select the Configuration tab in the aspect window.

5. Place the Provider, selected to be master, first in the list. The providers below
will automatically be configured as standby.

24 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings

6. Place the redundant provider second in the list.

All Time Synchronization services should be enabled.

800xA for Advant Master Connectivity Server as Clock Master

This description is valid for a system configuration with AC 400 Series controllers
on MB 300 and 800xA for AC 800M controllers on a TCP/IP network. The
described configuration will synchronize all nodes on the MB 300 network from the
RTA Board in the configured CS.
1. Expand the Control Structure in the Plant Explorer, and select the RTA Board
2. Select the RTA Board Control aspect in the aspect list.
3. Select the Network/Node Configuration tab and change the synchronization
direction between the Connectivity Server and the RTA Board. Check the
800xA as Clock Master (REVERSED_SYNC_MODE) check box, Apply.

Figure 7. 800xA as Clock Master Check Box

3BSE030340-510 25
Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings Section 2 Configuration

4. Select the RTA Board Configuration tab and click the RTA Board Config
In the RTA Board Configuration window, enter mdb CLOCK_SYNCH.
Change the “CLK_MAST” parameter to “1” and the ‘’LOC_TIME’’ to ‘’0’’ as
described in window, see Figure 9.
This is done locally in the Connectivity Servers with a RTA Board.

Figure 8. RTA Board Control Aspect

26 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Configuration of Time Synchronization Settings

Figure 9. CLOCK_SYNCH DB Element

5. Close the window.

6. Start RTA Board Backup.
7. You have to Stop and then Start the RTA Board, to activate the changes.
This is done from the RTA Board Control tab in the RTA Board Control

No Synchronization
If you for some reason (mixed systems) do not want any synchronization between
the RTA Board (MB 300 network) and the Connectivity Server, you can set the
parameter SYNC_INTERVAL to a specific value in the registry (FFFFFFFF).

3BSE030340-510 27
Process Object Lock Section 2 Configuration

It is always a risk to change values in the Windows registry edit. Be sure you
have a backup for safety reasons, so the computer can be restored if something
goes wrong.
1. Go to the Start menu, select Run and enter regedit. The registry is opened.
2. Open the KEY:
3. Change the parameter SYNC_INTERVAL from A to FFFFFFFF.
4. Restart the time server.

Process Object Lock

800xA for Advant Master uses the manual lock (no configuration required) or the
autolock (configuration via Graphics Profile Values aspect). This lock mechanism
uses the lock flag (select) in the Advant Master controller.
It is possible to lock a process object via the lock button in the Faceplate to exclude
other operators from operation on the specific object. The lock is released when the
Faceplate is closed, the lock button is clicked or after a specific time-out period of
inactivity. It is however not required to lock an object before starting to operate it.
The autolock function can be configured so that the object is automatically locked at
Faceplate call-up. This function can be enabled for a specific user via the User
Profile aspect Graphics Profile Values in the User Structure (see Figure 10).
See IndustrialIT 800xA, Operations, Operator Workplace Configuration
(3BSE030322*) for details on how to configure User Profile aspects.

28 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Process Object Lock

Figure 10. Autolock Enabled in an Graphics Profile Values Aspect

800xA for Advant Master does not support the 800xA Base System Lock Server
function and its extended functions, such as Break Lock.
It is thus not supported to uncheck the checkbox "Do not use standard lock server
for process object locking" in Special Configuration tab of OPC DA Service
Group Definition.

3BSE030340-510 29
Process Object Sensitive Hot Keys Section 2 Configuration

In the controller, a process object may remain locked up to 5 minutes in the

following scenarios:
1) The power of the connectivity server system is turned off.
2) The connectivity server is disconnected from the MB300 network.
The object can be operated after the timeout but the lock (SELECTED) flag in the
controller will not be reset to indicate this in the Faceplate.
This problem does not occur if the following versions of Advant Controller 400
series are used:
1) Advant Controller 410 *1.5/8 (or later).
2) Advant Controller 450 *2.3/8 (or later).
The faceplates that are open will display a yellow colored locked-by-other symbol.
It is not possible to lock the object by clicking the Lock button.
To resolve a locked-by-other situation in a faceplate, execute the following steps:
1) Wait 5 minutes after the lock is released for the process object.
2) If autolock is configured, close and reopen the required faceplates.
If manual lock is used, ignore the yellow indication and perform any operation that
is safe for the process (for example, block and directly deblock the alarm).

Process Object Sensitive Hot Keys

The Hot Keys Aspect is located in the workplace structure.
You use the Hot Keys Aspect System to configure Hot Keys. It enables
configuration of key combinations that perform specific functions, such as opening
an aspect view or activating a verb. The hot key operation is done on highlighted
To secure that all hotkeys can be used, refer to the procedure described in Hot
Keys section in IndustrialIT 800xA, Operations, Operator Workplace
Configuration (3BSE030322*).
For more information about highlighted objects, see IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Operation (3BSE036904*).

30 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration Predefined Hot Keys

Predefined Hot Keys

The following set of Hot Keys are predefined in 800xA for Advant Master:

Table 1. Predefined Hot Keys 1

On/Start/ Off/Stop
Acknowledge Man Auto
Open/True Close/False
Object Type CTRL+ CTRL+
1 0

3BSE030340-510 31
Predefined Hot Keys Section 2 Configuration

Table 1. Predefined Hot Keys 1 (Continued)

On/Start/ Off/Stop
Acknowledge Man Auto
Open/True Close/False
Object Type CTRL+ CTRL+
1 0

Table 2. Predefined Hot Keys 2

Small Small Large Large

E1 E2
Increase Decrease Increase Decrease

32 3BSE030340-510
Section 2 Configuration The Verb Map Aspect

Table 2. Predefined Hot Keys 2 (Continued)

Small Small Large Large

E1 E2
Increase Decrease Increase Decrease

The Verb Map Aspect

The Verb Map aspect extends the support provided by the Hot Keys aspect.
It provides a cross connection, which makes it easier to apply the Hot Key support
for highlighted and selected objects. It makes it also easier for different connected
OCS systems to apply the same hot keys for their objects.
Objects with the Verb Map aspect can be part of a hot key scheme using the selected
and highlighted concepts.
For more information about the Verb Map Aspect see IndustrialIT 800xA,
Operations, Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*).

3BSE030340-510 33
Min and Max Dialog Section 2 Configuration

Min and Max Dialog

Min and Max Dialog According to Security
In order to reflect min and max dialog of the AS500OS all writable properties in the
control connection for each of the Advant Master objects types have been defined to
require either tune or operate permission. This together with the corresponding
system security definition will allow the operators to operate the min dialog but not
the max dialog properties.
The introduction of min/max dialog does not hide any information from the user;
instead it will give the system configurator the means to restrict the operations
available for a single user or a group of users.
When the user does not possess the permissions required for an operation the
buttons in the faceplate will be dimmed. Number fields will not be open for input
The most common is that an operator is permitted to operate, e.g. enter values.
If you have more permissions (as an Application Engineer) you may be allowed to
tune, e.g. set alarm limits or blocking parameters.
For more information about Security settings, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Administration and Security (3BSE037410*).

34 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Building the Control Structure

Section 3 Engineering

This section contains information about how to build your Control Structure (on-
line, off-line and for test purposes) and how to include Control Builder A in an
800xA System.

Building the Control Structure

The Control Structure is based on the controllers in your Advant Master System.
Preferably it should be built on-line, with connection to the controllers, see Building
the Control Structure On-line on page 37.
The Control Structure can also be built using the output from the Controller
Engineering tool FCB, see Building the Control Structure On-line on page 37. This
has some advantages for a new site:
• You can create the Control Structure step by step as the Controller Engineering
proceeds and thereby extend your Operator Workplace applications stepwise.
• You can work off-line from the controllers (without connection to the control
network), also in a site geographically separated from where the Controller
Engineering is made.
Before starting to build the Control Structure the RTA Board object shall be created
using the Configuration Wizard. This action will also create the corresponding
Network object and the necessary Service Providers. see IndustrialIT 800xA,
System, Post Installation Setup (3BUA000156*) for details.
The MB300 Uploader aspect is used both when building the Control Structure on-
line and off-line. The MB 300 Uploader aspect is placed in the Control Structure on
network and node level. See Figure 11.

3BSE030340-510 35
Building the Control Structure Section 3 Engineering

Network Level

Figure 11. Upload - Control Structure

If you want to make an upload from an 800xA client see Required Settings to Make
an Upload from a Client on page 135.

36 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Building the Control Structure On-line

Building the Control Structure On-line

Add each AC 400 Series or MP200/1 Controller to the structure using the correct
node object type as template and enter the correct network and node number.

Figure 12. Creating a Controller Node Object

3BSE030340-510 37
Building the Control Structure On-line Section 3 Engineering

The From Controller tab in the MB300 Uploader aspect is used to upload from one
controller or from all controllers on a MB300 network depending on the location of
the MB300 Uploader aspect.
Before starting the upload procedure it is important to select a character
conversion in the RTA Board Control aspect that matches the controller
application to prevent incorrect naming. Possible values are English, German and
Swedish with English as default.
If character conversion is changed after the upload and a new upload is done,
object identities might change. For example, links from Trends and process
graphics can be lost as well as event treatment element settings. See Industrial IT,
Localization (2PAA101940*) for more information.
Perform Upload in the MB300 Uploader aspect on a specific controller node to
upload the whole structure of I/O boards and Process and System objects from one
controller. If Upload instead is performed in the MB300 Uploader aspect on
network level (see Figure 11), all nodes below are uploaded, one node at a time.

38 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Building the Control Structure On-line

Figure 13. MB 300 Uploader, From Controller

Adding or Removing Object Types to Upload

Click Add or Remove to modify the list with object types that you want to include
in the Upload. If you leave the list blank, all object types are included (this is the
The following object types are valid for Upload:
• All object types located in MB 300 Process Objects group.
• Bus and Station object types under Advant Fieldbus 100, Lonbus and Profibus.
• S400 MasterFieldbus object type.

3BSE030340-510 39
Building the Control Structure On-line Section 3 Engineering

Create Uploader from Source File and Build Control Structure

These check boxes should always be marked. They are only used for fault tracing
and simulation, and should not be modified. They should only be modified on direct
request from the supplier.

Starting the Upload

Click on Start Upload when you are ready for the upload. The window in the lower
part of the aspect view presents messages describing the progress, see Figure 13.

Stop the Upload

Click on Stop Upload if you want to interrupt the upload.

Uploading may take time depending on application and controller type.

If you have two parallel connectivity servers, the upload is performed through the
primary connectivity server, irrespective of which connectivity server or client
you are making the upload from. However, if the primary connectivity server is
down, the upload is performed through the secondary connectivity server.
The primary connectivity server is the first provider in the OpcDA service group.

40 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Building the Control Structure Off-line

Building the Control Structure Off-line

Building the Control Structure Off-line involves the following additional work
compared to the on-line procedure:
• Use the FCB 6.0 MB 300 Uploader option or a later version on the Engineering
PC. Create source files for each controller and copy them to the 800xA for
Advant Master Server.
• Run the MB 300 Uploader aspect for each controller using the source files as
input. You can populate one controller at a time or one or a couple of object
types at a time.
• When the controller is available on the network, you can retrieve some of
the addresses, that are only available in the controller, to the Control Structure.
Run the MB 300 Uploader directly towards the controller. This is required
when the controller is ready to go on-line.
The following step by step tutorial describes how to create the complete
Control Structure for the AC 450 Controller (node address 31,18) starting with an
empty Control Structure. We assume that you have already installed the MB 300
Uploader option on the PC where you have the engineering software running.
Refer to the Function Chart Builder User’s Guide for a detailed description on how
to build the controller objects.
1. Build the Controller objects with the Function Chart Builder engineering tool.
2. Use FCB 6.1 /0 MB 300 Uploader option or a later version. Go to the Start
menu and select Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Product Suite
> Engineer IT > Control Builder A > Utilities > MB 300 Upload >
Uploader FCB on the Engineering PC.

3BSE030340-510 41
Building the Control Structure Off-line Section 3 Engineering

The following dialog box appears:


Figure 14. FCB Upload

3. Browse to the FCB database file in the project structure.

4. Enter the name of the file that should be created (the Uploader Source File).
For example. set the name to Node50.ocd.
5. Ensure that only the object types that you want to upload are shown in the
Object Types to upload list. You move object types between the lists by
selecting them and using the arrow buttons.
6. Start the upload process by clicking the Start FcbUpload button.
7. Make the source file you just created accessible from the Operator Workplace
server. There are several ways to make the file accessible.
– Copy the file to a shared disk that is available from the server.
– Copy the file to a removable media.
Login to the 800xA server machine as a System Engineer and perform the
1. Select the Control Structure in Plant Explorer.
2. Open the context menu on Network object and select New Object.

42 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Building the Control Structure Off-line

3. Select the AC 450 Controller Object Type, enter the Node name, and click

Figure 15. Selecting the Object Type AC 450

4. From the Controller 31, 18 object, select the MB 300 Uploader aspect,
and select the From FCB tab. See Appendix Appendix B, MB300 Uploader
for details and limitations regarding the FCB Upload.
5. Clear the Create Uploader Source File check box. This allows the user to edit
the Uploader Source File text field.
6. Enter the name of the transported source file, for example, Node50.ocd.
7. Select Start Upload and then click Apply to save the changes. Refer to
Figure 16.

3BSE030340-510 43
Building the Control Structure Off-line Section 3 Engineering

Figure 16. Creating the Control Structure for Node 31, 18

This step can be split up into several parts, as it is possible to work with one
object type at a time. If you know that you have only added or modified objects
of type AI in the engineering database, then other object types do not have to be
8. Now that the Uploader step is done, the Control Structure is updated with
the objects included in the FCB source file. You can start building applications
based on these objects. For more information, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA,
Operations, Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*).
9. Before you can go on-line with your system, you need to make an additional
upload session, directly toward the controllers. The reason is that some of the
physical addresses in the controllers are not available in the FCB files.
However, you have saved considerable time by using the time-lag between
Controller Engineering and the time the controllers are installed and up and
10. Select the From Controller tab and click Start Upload. This will upload all
object data from the controller.

44 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Building a Control Structure for Test and Demo Purposes

Building a Control Structure for Test and Demo Purposes

It may sometimes be an advantage to be able to test or demonstrate your
applications in a simulated Control Structure.
Note that the graphic presentation of object data, in the shape of faceplates or
display elements, does not work directly with simulated values from the Property
Signal Generator. You must define supervision and presentation properties to
input “simulated live data” into the presentation of faceplates or display elements.
You can build a Control Structure with simulated values through the following
1. Select the Control Structure in Plant Explorer.
2. Build a structure that includes the process and system objects that you want to
3. Add the Property Signal Generator aspect to each object (process and system
objects) that you want simulated data from.

Figure 17. Add Aspect Property Signal Generator

3BSE030340-510 45
Building a Control Structure for Test and Demo Purposes Section 3 Engineering

4. Set up the configuration of the Signal Generator aspect to generate data for the
specific attributes. This set up includes specifying variable data style - Sin
wave, Ramp, Random, Static Value etc. You specify the set up for each object

Figure 18. Setup for Property Signal Generator

5. Build your applications to work with this Control Structure with simulated
6. Test your applications (demo applications, test applications).
7. Save the controller node objects in the Control Structure for future use by
exporting each node separately, one by one. Start the Import/Export tool via
Start > All Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System > Import
Export. Use drag and drop when exporting the objects from the
Plant Explorer to the Import/Export tool.

46 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering Engineering with Control Builder A (CBA) in an 800xA System

Engineering with Control Builder A (CBA) in an 800xA

Control Builder A is used for engineering of Advant Controller 400 Series.
Control Builder A 1.2/1 (including Online Builder 3.0/2) can be used for
engineering on 800xA client nodes in an 800xA for Advant Master:
• The connectivity server is used for downloading the application to the

Figure 19. Control Builder A (CBA) Engineering in an 800xA System

3BSE030340-510 47
CBA Installation Prerequisites Section 3 Engineering

CBA Installation Prerequisites

The installation prerequisites for CBA generally do not deviate from the
prerequisites for 800xA for Advant Master, see IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Installation (3BSE034678*) for details. Additional requirements and clarifications
are listed below:
• 800xA for Advant Master shall be installed before CBA is installed.
• Install the software logged in as an 800xA Installing User (800xAInstaller).
• To install Control Builder A you need the following media:
– AdvaBuild Engineering Software CD1
– AdvaBuild Engineering Software CD4
• You may have own media (diskettes or CD-ROM) with element libraries.

Default Directories
Certain default directories where some start-up files or local configuration files are
stored are created during setup. If you do not want to use the default directories you
may change them during the setup. Some directories require environment variables
if values other than the default names are used. These environment variables are set
automatically during setup by the setup program.

Table 3. Environment Variables

Default Directory Remark
C:\Advabldenv ADVABLDENV Used for storing some client specific
data like used drives, Builder specific
settings, etc.
C:\TCLEV1 TC$LEV1 Used to store type circuit libraries of
level 1
C:\TCLEV2 TC$LEV2 Used to store type circuit libraries of
level 2

48 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Installation Procedure

Table 3. Environment Variables

Default Directory Remark
C:\PC_LIB PC$LIB Used for installation of user defined
C:\PB_LIB PB$LIB Used by PROFIBUS library editor

The environment variables listed in Table 3 are case sensitive, that is, they have to
be written in all uppercase letters.
It is strongly recommended that the system environment variable ADVABLDENV
points to a directory which is used only by this client PC. This directory may be on a
local or a personal network drive.

If not explicitly mentioned, names are not case sensitive.
Note that the setup dialogs in this document may look slightly different for the
actual version. They may, for example, show another version string.

CBA Installation Procedure

CBA needs to be installed on the following nodes:

• 800xA Client nodes used to run the CBA from.
• All Advant Master Connectivity Servers to be used by 800xA Clients with
CBA for connection with the controllers.
Perform the following steps to install CBA on any of the above node types:
1. Log in as 800xAInstaller.
2. Start the program setup.exe on the root directory of the AdvaBuild
Engineering Software CD 1:
<CD-ROM Drive>:\setup.exe
After a short initialization procedure the Welcome dialog is displayed.
Click Next.

3BSE030340-510 49
CBA Installation Procedure Section 3 Engineering

3. Type your name, company, and the serial number that you received together
with your software, in the User Information dialog box. Click Next.

Figure 20. User Information Dialog Box

4. The Select Products dialog shows all components and options that match your
serial number (license) and can be installed on the current Windows System.
If you have not bought the option On-line Builder, On-line Builder is not
It is mandatory to install the CBA option On-line Builder on all nodes (this
includes the Advant Master Connectivity Servers) used by CBA. The limited
version of On-line Builder in 800xA for Advant Master can not be used for
Select the options and components you want to install, clear the options and
components you do not want to install. Click Next.

50 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Installation Procedure

Figure 21. Select Products Dialog Box

5. Always select Local in the Setup Type dialog box. Click Next.

Figure 22. Setup Type Dialog Box

3BSE030340-510 51
CBA Installation Procedure Section 3 Engineering

6. Control Builder A will be installed in this directory and its subdirectories.

If you do not want to use the default directory C:\AdvaBNT, choose another
directory in the Choose Destination Location dialog. Click Next.

Figure 23. Choose Destination Location Dialog Box

7. Control Builder A needs to copy some configuration files on your local hard
disk. If you do not want to use the default directory C:\Advabldenv, choose
another directory in the Choose Configuration Directory dialog. In this case the
environment variable ADVABLDENV is set by the setup program. Click Next.

It is recommended not to change the value of this directory once set, because
other Builders are also using it. See also Default Directories on page 48.

52 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Installation Procedure

Figure 24. Choose Configuration Directory Dialog Box

8. Check the settings in the Check Setup Information dialog box.

All selected options and components are displayed. You may click Back to
change the settings or click Next to start the installation procedure.
The component setup starts now. Some of them may require some additional
user input. If you need additional information of the component’s setup see the
respective Release Notes, for example, the Application Builder Release Notes.
9. The Control Builder A setup displays the Choose Project Destination Directory
dialog box. If you want to change the directory for your project data click
Browse. Click Next to continue with the installation of the components and
option of Control Builder A installation as selected.

3BSE030340-510 53
CBA Installation Procedure Section 3 Engineering

Figure 25. Choose Project Destination Directory Dialog Box

If you are installing on a server or single engineering node follow the steps in
Specific Steps for Connectivity Servers on page 54. If you are installing on a client,
proceed to Specific Steps for 800xA Client Nodes on page 55.

Specific Steps for Connectivity Servers

1. Click Yes in the ONB question dialog box for Connectivity Servers.
If you click No in the ONB question dialog box this will cause the RTA board to
stop functioning together with 800xA for Advant Master.

54 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Installation Procedure

Figure 26. ONB Installation Question

2. Wait until the installation is finished and the Setup Complete dialog is
displayed. Click Finish to exit the setup. After restarting your computer the
installation of CBA is complete.

Specific Steps for 800xA Client Nodes

1. Click No in the ONB question dialog box for 800xA Clients.

Figure 27. ONB Installation Question

3BSE030340-510 55
CBA Installation Procedure Section 3 Engineering

2. Select the No Engineering Board in the Engineering Board Type dialog.

Click Next.

Figure 28. Select Engineering Board Type Dialog Box

3. In the Advant Base for On-line Builder Installation dialog, select the Support
for PU516 in Engineering Board Server check box. Click Next.

Figure 29. Advant Base for On-line Builder Installation Dialog Box

56 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Installation Procedure

4. Choose the directory where Advant Base for On-line Builder shall be installed,
see Figure 30. The default directory is the directory where an Advant Base
installation was found on your PC, if any, or the Program Files\Abb\Advant
directory. Click Next.

Figure 30. Advant Base Installation Folder

5. If you intend to use a LONWORKS (LON) and/or HART fieldbus connected to

your AC 400 controller you select this in the Fieldbus Support dialog.
Click Next.

Figure 31. Fieldbus Support Dialog Box

3BSE030340-510 57
CBA Installation Procedure Section 3 Engineering

6. Wait until the installation is finished and the Setup Complete dialog is
displayed. Click Finish to exit the setup. After restarting your computer the
installation of CBA is complete.

Figure 32. Setup Complete Dialog Box

Go on with the local installation of AMPL PC and DB element libraries or similar

own PC and DB element libraries that are necessary for working with Function
Chart Builder.
Before working with CBA follow the necessary steps in CBA Post Installation on
page 59. You can start the Control Builder A Components Function Chart Builder,
On-line Builder and Bus Configuration Builder via the Application Builder.
Start Application Builder with the following shortcut:
Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Product Suite > Engineer IT > Control
Builder A > Application Builder 4.1-0
Release Notes are available by the following shortcuts:
Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Product Suite > Engineer IT > Control
Builder A > Release Notes > Control Builder A 1.2-1
Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Product Suite > Engineer IT > Control
Builder A > Release Notes > Application Builder 4.1-0

58 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Post Installation

CBA Post Installation

800xA Client Configuration

Configure the following on 800xA Clients with CBA installed:
1. Enter the Connectivity Servers with the CBA option ONB installed that are
planned to be used for connection to the controllers in the Engineering Board
Setup dialog as follows:
a. Select Start > Programs > ABB Industrial IT > Product Suite >
Engineer IT > Control Builder A > Utilities > Engineering Board
Setup 3.0-2.
b. Select the Use Engineering Board of the following servers check box in
the EBSetup dialog box. Select Add and add the concerned Connectivity
Servers in the displayed dialog. Click OK.

Figure 33. Engineering Board Setup Dialog Box

3BSE030340-510 59
CBA Post Installation Section 3 Engineering

c. Browse to the folder Advabldenv default located below “C:”, right-click

and select Properties. Select the Security tab and add the user group
IndustrialITUser and check Allow for all permissions listed.
You can replace IndustrialIUser with the user group or the user(s) you want to
allow access to CBA from 800xA Clients. This is applicable for the remaining
Note that the CBA user must be member of the Windows group Power Users.

Figure 34. Advabldenv Properties

d. Perform the same settings as in the previous step for the Proj folder and
the AdvaBNT folder.
e. If FCB is installed also perform the same settings as in step c for the
folders PB_LIB, PC_LIB, TCLEV1, and TCLEV2.

60 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Post Installation

Connectivity Servers
1. The following DCOM settings are required on 800xA Connectivity Servers to
enable access in CBA from 800xA Clients:
a. Click on Windows start icon, select Run... and type dcomcnfg.
b. Click on Component Services > Computers > My Computer, right
click and select Properties.
c. Select the COM Security tab.
d. Select Edit Default... in the Access Permissions area.

Figure 35. COM Security Tab

3BSE030340-510 61
CBA Post Installation Section 3 Engineering

e. Add the user group IndustrialITUser and check Allow option for all
listed permissions.

Figure 36. Access Permissions

f. Perform the same configuration for Launch and Activation Permissions

as in the previous step.

Figure 37. Launch Permissions

62 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Post Installation

g. Select the Default Properties tab, check the Enable Distributed COM
on this computer.

Figure 38. Default Properties Tab

3BSE030340-510 63
CBA Post Installation Section 3 Engineering

h. Browse to Advabuild Engineering Board Server in the main DCOM

window, right-click and select Properties.

Figure 39. Component Services

64 3BSE030340-510
Section 3 Engineering CBA Post Installation

i. Select Edit in the Launch and Activation Permissions area.

Figure 40. AdvaBuild Engineering Board Server Properties

j. Add the user group IndustrialITUser and check Allow option for all
listed permissions.
k. Perform the same configuration for Access Permissions as in the previous
l. If FCB is installed perform step g-j for AdvaBuild Communicator.
2. The following folder settings are required in Windows Explorer:

3BSE030340-510 65
CBA Post Installation Section 3 Engineering

a. Browse to the folder Advabldenv default located below “C:”, right-click

and select Properties. Select the Security tab and add the user group
IndustrialITUser and check Allow for all permissions listed.

Figure 41. Advabldenv Properties

b. Perform the same settings as in the previous step for the Proj folder.

Windows Firewall Support

In case the Windows Firewall are planned to be an activated node some Windows
Firewall Exceptions should be enabled on the Connectivity Server. This is done
from the Autorun menu of the System 800xA installation media:
1. Select Automated installation, SystemSetupTools / Configure windows
2. Check the checkbox for CBA.FWC, click OK.

66 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Defining Event Treatments Using RTA Board Configuration

Section 4 Alarm and Event

To obtain a proper Alarm and Event functionality, configuration of following levels

has to be done:
• The Database Element in the controller representing the process object.
See Defining Event Treatment for Process and System Objects on page 67.
• Event Treatment Database element in RTA Board. See Defining Event
Treatments Using RTA Board Configuration on page 67.
• Alarm and Event List configurations in the Library Structure. See Default
Alarm and Event List Configurations on page 67.

Defining Event Treatments Using RTA Board

You define the Event treatment by configuring the ‘Event’ data base elements on the
RTA Board. See Appendix A, Event Treat Elements to get a detailed description of
the data base elements that you can configure. Appendix C, Event Texts contains a
detailed description how to setup the event text elements.
When you have setup the event treatment, you shall perform a RTA Board Backup
to save your work. Look in RTA Board Configuration Tab on page 238 for guidance
how to save the RTA database.

Defining Event Treatment for Process and System Objects

Default Alarm and Event List Configurations
The Alarm and Event list used by MB 300 Object Types are configured to use the
Common Alarm & Event List Configurations located in the Library Structure.

3BSE030340-510 67
Defining Event Treatment for Process and System Objects Section 4 Alarm and Event

They are predefined to meet your needs.

Figure 42. Common Alarm and Event List Configurations in the

Library Structure

How to change Alarm and Event List Configurations are described in IndustrialIT
800xA, Operations, Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*) and
IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).
800xA for Advant Master defines the following alarm categories:
• Process - Alarm and Events from process objects in the controller.
• System Alarm - System Alarms from the controller.
• PcEvent - Events from the PC Element EVENT.
Operator Messages are reported via the category ‘’Operation’’ (SimpleEvents).
Some Advant Master specific attributes, such as ProcessSection and
UncerationTagTime, can be added to the list. These attributes are found in the
Columns tab in the configuration view of the list. Lists with a look and feel similar
to legacy product AdvaCommand can be achieved by manually importing list

68 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Defining Event Treatment

configurations from the file <installation folder > \ importExamples \


Defining Event Treatment

The Event Treatment for Advant Master objects are defined during the engineering
phase of the controller. When you build the process objects in the controller you
assign values to special parameters in the DB-element that are important for the
event handling. These parameters are mentioned in many “Advant OCS documents”
under the collective designation “Event-Treat-pointers”. They are used, for example,
to determine whether a change of status is to be handled as an alarm or an event. It is
also possible to determine color priority and whether an acoustic signal is to be
activated, separate handling of changes 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 etc.
Different types of events from a process object are assembled in groups, which are
allocated a pointer, with which you determines the event handling of the group.
For example, signal errors in an analog input are collected in a group with a pointer
ERR_TR. Passages of limits Low and High (L1 and H1) are another group with a
pointer LIM1_TR. A third group of passages of limits Low low and High high
(L2 and H2) have a pointer LIM2_TR. The event handling, within a group, is the
same in principle, but each individual event has its own text in the presentations.
Each pointer has been allocated a default value on delivery (a norm value). In many
cases this selection is satisfactory and permits you to start the system without further
Figure 43 shows the Event Treat pointers for a digital input.
The pointers are given a number, which points out a standard alarm and event
handling description (on the RTA Board in the Connectivity Server).
The Event Treat pointers 1-18 are, with standard handling, ready for use and cannot
be changed. Event Treat pointers 20-300 can be used by the user, without restriction,
to adapt the event handling to the requirements of the process concerned.
Standard pointers adapted to the individual Object types are given in Appendix A,
Event Treat Elements.

It is important that all RTA Boards in a system with redundant connectivity

servers are configured identical.

3BSE030340-510 69
Defining Event Treatment Section 4 Alarm and Event

Example 1: Standard Event Text

Figure 43 shows the alarm handling with a Standard event text for a DI signal



Digital Input


1 4 ACT ERR 5
0 25 INV


1 23 RP F CTL
0 20 AL BLK
0 22 PR BLK
0 21 AL P BLK
2 36 ERR TR
RTA in Connectivity Server 2 37 VALUE TR

E3 Group Alarm

Event Treat


S2 Event Texts

S3 Property Texts

Figure 43. Linkage Between Data Base Elements

70 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Defining Event Treatment

ERR_TR and VALUE_TR are pointers to elements in the Event Treat DB-element.
In this example, both ERR_TR and VALUE_TR point at EVENT2.
The data base element EVENT2 has the following properties, see also Appendix A,
Event Treat Elements:
AUDIBLE 1 = audible alarm
AL_PRIO 2 = Priority 21
AL_TOBLK N = acknowledgment required at alarm
AL_FRBLK Y = blocking of acknowledgment when the alarm returns to its
normal status
PERSISTB N = remaining alarm persists in the list despite acknowledgment
TEXT_TOB N = printout with alarm
TEXT_FRB N = printout when the alarm returns to the normal status
TEXTCOMB 0 = standard property and standard event texts
Appendix C, Event Texts contains the standard texts for alarms and events for DI.

Example 2: How to Configure User Defined Alarm and Event Text

Following information has been built for the AI signal during the engineering phase
of the controller. The signal has the name K540, the description OIL LEVEL and
measurement range 0 - 1000 liters with alarm limits at 50 and 950 liters.
• EN_H2 and EN_L2 are set to 1 to enable alarm handling
• ERR_TR points at EVENT4.
• LIM_1_TR is set to 0, that is no event handling.
• LIM_2_TR points at EVENT20.
The values are shown in Figure 44.

1. This terminal also defines the alarm color in lists.

3BSE030340-510 71
Defining Event Treatment Section 4 Alarm and Event

Analog Input

K540 1 NAME VALUE 19

0.10V 7 CONV PAR
0.1% 8 DEADB
0.0 59(3).109 ERR VAL
1 59.74 EN H2
950.0 59.70 HI LIM2 VALUE>H2 29
0 59.75 EN H1
850.0 59.71 HI LIM1 VALUE>H1 30
0 59.76 EN L1
150.0 59.72 LO LIM1 VALUE<L1 31
1 59.77 EN L2
50.0 59.73 LO LIM2 VALUE<L2 32
1.0 59.78 HYST


0 56 CLASS
0 28 H2 R FCL
0 34 H1 R FCL
0 40 L1 R FCL
0 47 L2 R FCL
0 48 ER R FCL RP F BLK 49
0 38 AL P BLK
4 53 ERR TR
- -- -- -- -- -- --
0 59.79 LIM 1 TR
20 59.80 LIM 2 TR

E4 Group Alarm

Figure 44. Data Base Element Analog Input

72 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Defining Event Treatment

As presented in Appendix A, Event Treat Elements, EVENT4 has the following

AUDIBLE 1 = audible alarm
AL_PRIO 2 = Priority 2
AL_TOBLK N = acknowledgment required at alarm
AL_FRBLK Y = no acknowledgment required when the alarm returns to its
normal status
PERSISTB N = remaining alarm persists in the list despite acknowledgment
TEXT_TOB N = printout with alarm
TEXT_FRB N = printout when the alarm returns to the normal status
TEXTCOMB 24 = standard property text
No pointers are set for H1 and L1. EN_H1 and EN_L1 are set to 0 since no warning
limits (H1 and L1) are set in the controller.
LIM _2_TR points at a data base element, EVENT20, in the Event Treat data base
on the RTA Board.
Define the alarm and event text for EVENT20.
Do the following as Application Engineer on the connectivity server.
1. Select the Control Structure in Plant Explorer.
2. Select the Network, Node, and then the RTA Board object.
3. Select the RTA Board Control aspect and when it is started, select the RTA
Board Configuration tab.

3BSE030340-510 73
Defining Event Treatment Section 4 Alarm and Event

Figure 45. RTA Board Configuration

4. Click on the RTA Board Config button. This will startup the On-line Builder
tool which is used for the configuration of the RTA Board.
5. MDB EVENT20 and press <CR>. The data base element is displayed on the
6. Enter the values as shown in Figure 46.

74 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Defining Event Treatment


Event Treat


S2 Event Texts

S3 Property Texts

Figure 46. Changes in the Data Base Element EVENT20

The properties in the first part of EVENT20 are the same as for EVENT4 that
ERR_TR points at. Another TEXTCOMB is used since property and event
texts shall be user defined and not standard.
When you define the event and property texts, take note that the events are
linked to predefined lines in the segment Event Texts and Property Texts. These
lines are listed in the table for standard event texts for AI
(see Appendix B, Event Texts).
Since only the LIM_2_TR pointer is of interest, it is selected in the following

Table 4. Standard Texts for the Pointer LIM_2_TR

Standard Line Standard Line

Event Pointer
property text no Event text no
Upper limit H2 exceeded LIM_2_TR Limit H2 1 Alarm 1
Upper limit H2 re-entered LIM_2_TR Limit H2 1 Normal 3
Lower limit L2 exceeded LIM_2_TR Limit L2 2 Alarm 2
Lower limit L2 re-entered LIM_2_TR Limit L2 2 Normal 4

3BSE030340-510 75
Defining Event Treatment Section 4 Alarm and Event

The property texts Limit H2 on line 1 and Limit L2 on line 2 shall be changed
to Full and Empty. The standard event text Alarm on line 1 and 2 shall be
changed to 950 l and 50 l (liters), respectively.
The standard event texts on line 3 and 4 shall be the same. These texts shall be
entered in EVENT20.
7. Expand Section S2, Event Texts, and enter the text in accordance to the


Event Treat

S1 Base part

950 l 9(1) EV1

50 l 9(2) EV2
Normal 9(3) EV3
Normal 9(4) EV4
9(5) EV5
9(6) EV6
9(7) EV7
9(8) EV8
9(9) EV9
9(10) EV10
9(11) EV11
9(12) EV12
9(13) EV13
9(14) EV14
9(15) EV15
9(16) EV16

S3 Property Texts

Figure 47. Population of Segment S2 in the Event Treat Element

76 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Defining Event Treatment

8. Expand Section S3, Property Texts, and enter the text according to the


Event Treat

S1 Base part

S2 Event Texts
Full 10(1) PRTE1
Empty 10(2) PRTE2
10(3) PRTE3
10(4) PRTE4
10(5) PRTE5
10(6) PRTE6
10(7) PRTE7
10(8) PRTE8
10(9) PRTE9
10(10) PRTE10
10(11) PRTE11
10(12) PRTE12
10(13) PRTE13
10(14) PRTE14
10(15) PRTE15
10(16) PRTE16

Figure 48. Population of Segment S3 in the Event Treat Element

9. Save the RTA Board configuration according to the following steps:

a. Go to the Control Structure, Network, Node, and RTA Board object.
b. Select the RTA Board Control aspect and the RTA Board Configuration
c. Click the Save Config button.
The configuration of the event handling for the AI signal is now complete.

3BSE030340-510 77
Defining Event Filter on Node Level Section 4 Alarm and Event

Defining Event Filter on Node Level

It is possible to filter alarm and events to be sent from selected controllers on a MB
300 network to certain connectivity servers. This can be useful when;
• Multiple connectivity servers are connected to the same MB 300 network.
• Only a selection of controllers connected to a MB 300 network are included
into a 800xA system.
Instruction how to configure Event filter on Node level.
This function is configured on the RTA board in the connectivity servers.
Follow the steps below logged in as Application Engineer on the connectivity
1. Start the RTA board configuration from the RTA Board Control aspect.
2. Create one instance of the data base element NODE_DESCR for each
controller node you want to prevent from sending events to this RTA board.
3. The following terminals should be defined:
NETW_NO – Network number. For redundant networks, specify one of the
two networks.
NODE_NO – Node number for the controller node to be filtered.
EVENT – 1 = Filter is active.
4. When all NODE_DESCR elements are defined, terminate the RTA board
configuration session and start a RTA Board Backup (also from the RTA Board
Control aspect).
5. Restart the RTA board from the RTA Board Control aspect.
6. Now the configuration is completed for this connectivity server. In case
redundancy is configured for this you need to repeat the configuration on the
redundant connectivity server.
7. Restart the concerned controllers to make the changes take effect. If not
possible to restart the controllers, consult ABB Technical Support.

78 3BSE030340-510
Section 4 Alarm and Event Alarm Hiding

Alarm Hiding
800xA for Advant Master supports hiding of alarms. Hidden alarms does not appear
in alarm lists. Hiding of individual conditions is possible if the Alarm Conditions
aspect is used. The condition names added to Alarm Condition are dependent of the
language selected on the RTA Board. Active hiding condition is indicated in the
Alarm Control button in faceplates. For more information on alarm hiding, refer to
IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).

Audit List for Operator Actions

An Audit List can display audit logs for operator actions. It can be a useful help to,
for example, see what changes the last operator on shift made in the system.
The logs are displayed in an alarm and event list, which is configured to show
operator actions. Lock operations are by default not logged in Audit Lists.
For configuration and creation of an Operator Actions List see IndustrialIT 800xA,
System, Administration and Security (3BSE037410*). See Appendix E, Control
Aspect for information about how to customize the description column.

Figure 49. Example of a customized Audit List for Operator Actions

3BSE030340-510 79
Audit List for Operator Actions Section 4 Alarm and Event

External Alarm
The External Alarm function makes it possible to activate and deactivate an external
alarm notification object in the controller. To prevent write conflicts when outputs
are concurrently activated and deactivated, it is only supported to use object type

Events to 3’rd party clients

All access from 3’rd party OPC AE clients should be connected through “ABB OPC
AE Server for 800xA”, ProgId ABB.OPCEventServer.1.
To enable sending of events to clients, please refer to Appendix H, Special

80 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs

Section 5 History Logs

When configuring Log Configurations in Basic History there are three collection
methods to choose from:
• TTD Logging (See Time Tagged Data (TTD) on page 82.)
• OPC Direct Logging with controller generic cyclic (1, 3 and 9 seconds)
subscription (See OPC Direct Logging - 1, 3 and 9 Seconds on page 103.)
• OPC Direct Logging without controller generic cyclic subscription (See OPC
Direct Logging - Other Storage Intervals on page 103.)
Consider the following to optimize performance:
• Best availability, accuracy, and RTA performance is obtained when making use
of TTD logs in the controller. The History Server can read from TTD logs
much more efficiently compared to using direct OPC property subscriptions.
• Use OPC Direct Logging with cyclic rate 9, 3 or 1 seconds (preferably 9s) and
only for properties that support controller generic cyclical subscriptions if TTD
logging cannot be used. See Section 7, Data Transfer via OPC DA for more
details and alternative subscription rates since the rules for data subscriptions
also applies to OPC Direct Logging subscriptios.
• Do not read recent History values too frequent when the log’s data source is
Properly configured time synchronization is a key to get stability and performance
in logging values from the Advant Master controllers.

3BSE030340-510 81
Time Tagged Data (TTD) Section 5 History Logs

Time Tagged Data (TTD)

The configuration of TTD is based on the History Configuration Aspect System
which is an integrated part of IndustrialIT 800xA System. This section describes
mainly the Aspect Categories for TTD. The History Configuration Aspect System
user interfaces in general are described in detail in the IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Configuration (3BDS011222*).
The AC 400 Series Controllers have a Historical logging feature called
Time Tagged Data (TTD). The framework for this, called log groups, must be
defined during the Controller Engineering phase. Adding logs to the log groups can
then be made from the workplace.
Before going into the details on how to create the TTD logs in the controllers,
here is a short description of some of the terms and functionality of the
AC 400 TTD logs:
A log is a collection of time stamped (tagged) data.

t1 t2 tn tx = time x
v1 v2 vn vx = value at time x

Figure 50. A Collection of Time Stamped (tagged) Data

The process or system object from which the data originates is called the data
A log also contains information about the data source.

Data Source t1 t2 tn
Source Info v1 v2 vn

Figure 51. Information About the Data Source

A log is always part of a log group, one log group in TTD can manage up to 127
logs. There are up to 15 log groups. The log’s sequence number within the log group
is called log index. The log group keeps the important parameters, storage interval

82 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs Time Tagged Data (TTD)

and storage size (in controller documentation storage size is called log period)
common to all logs in the log group.
The following History Configuration Aspect System user interfaces, which are
specific for 800xA for Advant Master, are described below:
• The TTD Source Aspect
• The Log Template aspect, the TTD log tab
• The TTD Node Configuration aspect
• The Log Configuration aspect, the TTD log tab is the same view as the
Log Template aspect.
History Primary Logging should preferably be done by using TTD as data source.
TTD normally causes less impact on the system than OPC logging on a cyclic
Too heavy History logging may cause unnecessary load in the control network
and controllers in such a way that the operator interface may get slow, or even
stops working properly.
The minimum length recommended for TTD Logs in the controller is 40 minutes.

TTD requires a time synchronization accuracy between the 800xA system and
the MB300 network that is better than 20 seconds to work properly.

3BSE030340-510 83
The TTD Source Aspect Section 5 History Logs

The TTD Source Aspect

The Configuration Wizard creates this aspect when adding an RTA board.
The aspect defines the service groups for TTD Config Source and TTD Data
Source. TTD Source is placed on the MB 300 Network object and does normally
not need to be changed.

Figure 52. TTD Source Aspect

The Log Template Aspect

A Log Template is a re-usable template representing one log group. If you modify
an existing Log Template, the changes will affect existing logs that have been
created using that Log Template.You define the Log template via the Log Template
To create this aspect you preferably invoke an upload from the Synchronize View on
TTD Node Configuration aspect. This creates a Log Template aspect for each TTD
log Group on the corresponding AC 400 Series Controller object.
The aspect has two tabs:
• The Log Definition tab
• The TTD Data Collection tab

Property log Template area

You select the log to define in the Property log Template area on the left side.

84 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs The Log Template Aspect

You can add new Log templates by clicking the Add button and delete
Log templates by clicking Delete. You quit the Log template definition without
storing anything by clicking Cancel.
You save the Log template definition by clicking the Apply button. On-line help is
available by clicking the Help button.

Log Definition Tab

Figure 53. Log Template - Log Definition Tab

Log Name. Enter the log name in this field. We recommend that you include the
following parts in the name:
• “TTD” for TTD logs
• the storage interval for the log (30s)
• the total log capacity (2h) in the log template name.
This makes it easier to find the correct log template.

Log Type. Log type is set to Direct for primary logs, and Hierarchical for
hierarchical logs. The Log type and Source definitions are defined when you create
the log template.

3BSE030340-510 85
The Log Template Aspect Section 5 History Logs

TTD Data Collection Tab

Figure 54. Log Template - TTD Data Collection Tab

TTD Log Storage Interval. This is the storage interval for the TTD log in the
controller. Select the log storage interval for the TTD log in the drop-down menu.

TTD Log Value Count. This is the storage size (number of stored values) in the
TTD log in the controller. The Capacity (in time) is automatically calculated and
presented to the right of the entry field.
The TTD log storage interval and the TTD log value count must match a
Log Group in the controller.

History Log Value Count. This is the storage size (number of stored values) in the
history server. The default size of the History log is double the size of the TTD log.
If you want to change the History log size, you enter the number of stored values in
the History log in the Value Count field. The Capacity (in time) is automatically
calculated and presented to the right of the entry field.

86 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs TTD Node Configuration Aspect

TTD Node Configuration Aspect

TTD Node Configuration is an aspect of the AC 400 Series Controller object in
Control Structure. It has three different views:
• Main View - presents the TTD logs in the Control Structure
• Controller View - presents the structure of the Log Groups
• Synchronize View - used for upload and download of TTD configurations.

Main View
The main view of the TTD Node Configuration aspect presents the TTD logs in the
Control Structure.s

Figure 55. TTD Node Configuration, Main View

Object. Name of the object that has a property included in a TTD log.

Property. Object property that is included in the TTD log.

Enabled. Indicates if the TTD log is enabled or disabled in the History server.

3BSE030340-510 87
TTD Node Configuration Aspect Section 5 History Logs

Mapped. Indicates if the TTD log is mapped to a TTD Log Group (in the
controller). This will normally be set to Mapped. Unmapped indicates that a
download to the controller is required.

Log. TTD log name (defined in the Log Template aspect that represents the Log
Group) that the object property is included in.

Controller View
The Controller View of the TTD Node Configuration aspect has two lists:
• one overview list with all groups in the controller node, see Figure 56.
• one list for a selected Log Group, see Figure 57.
The following columns are presented when you have selected the controller node in
the left window:

Figure 56. TTD Node Configuration: Controller View, Log Groups

• Log Group No - Log Group number 1 - 15.

• Log Group Name - The name of the TTD Log Group.
• Interval - The storage interval displayed in suitable time scale.

88 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs TTD Node Configuration Aspect

• Capacity - The number of stored data items before they are overwritten
(circular log).
The second layout of the Controller View, showing the details for a selected
Log Group has the following columns in the right window, see Figure 57.

Figure 57. TTD Node Configuration: Controller View, Details About one Log Group

• Index - Index in the Log Group 1- 127.

• Object - The name of the logged object.
• Property - The name of the logged object property.
• Treatment - The logged value could be calculated from the real-time value.
Four calculations (treatments) are available: Mom (momentary), Mean
(average), Max (maximum) and Min (minimum). The treatment should always
be Mom for primary logs.
• Source - Source shows if the log is primary or secondary. Only primary logs
are handled by history server, secondary logs are ignored.
• Active - The state of the log - Active or Not active (shown as blank in the list).
The header above the list of logs contains information about Log group address,
the storage interval and capacity.

3BSE030340-510 89
TTD Node Configuration Aspect Section 5 History Logs

Synchronize View
The Synchronize view of the TTD Node Configuration aspect has the following
• Upload of the current TTD groups and logs from the selected controller.
• Download of new TTD log configurations into the controller.

Upload of TTD Logs from Controller. To load the existing TTD logs into the
History Configuration Aspect System,
you use the synchronization view of the TTD Node Configuration aspect.
The upload process creates all necessary Log Template and Log Configuration
aspects. Click Upload and wait. The progress is presented in the text window,
see Figure 58.

Figure 58. Upload of TTD Logs

90 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs TTD Node Configuration Aspect

The result of a completed Upload is as follows:

• A Log Template aspect for each type of TTD Log Group is created on the
corresponding AC450 and AC410 Controller object.
• A Log Configuration aspect is created on each logged object. It has the primary
log being a TTD log configured according to the information read from the
controller and with an extension into a corresponding hierarchical log twice as
large as the primary log. To extend it, change the corresponding Log template
and it will affect all logs belonging to that Log Template.
• The hierarchical logs are disregarded.

Download of new log configurations into the Controller.

You can also do Download for an individual log from the Log configuration
aspect on the process object.
To download and activate new TTD logs you can use the synchronization view of
the TTD Node Configuration aspect. Click Download to the right and wait.
The Match Existing dialog box appears, see Figure 59.

Figure 59. Match Existing

Click Yes for logs that have not been mapped to a TTD log in the controller.
The download function will try to find a suitable log in the controller to map the
downloaded log to. Click No when a new log will be created in the controller for
each configured un-mapped log.

3BSE030340-510 91
Working with TTD logs Section 5 History Logs

The progress is logged in the text window, see Figure 60.

Figure 60. Downloading the new TTD logs

When the download is finished, you can check the result in the log on the screen but
you can also bring up the Main View to check specific logs.

Working with TTD logs

We have now discussed each configuration aspect. In this section you will find three
examples of how to make the configuration. The assumption is that you have a
Control Structure for an AC 400 Series controller and that the controller has
configured TTD log Groups with some logs.
1. The first example shows how to view the current TTD logs in the controller.
2. The second example shows how you prepare the configuration of new
TTD logs by creating Log Templates for them.

92 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs Working with TTD logs

3. The third example utilizes the Log templates when you create new logs and
download them to the controllers.
The recommended method to configure the History Aspect System if the
controller already is configured by terms of TTD groups and logs is however to
perform Upload. This is done from the Synchronize View of the TTD Node
Configuration aspect of the controller objects. This action creates all necessary
objects and aspects.

Example 1: View the TTD logs in the Controllers

1. Go to the Control Structure in Plant Explorer.
2. Click on the object representing the controller you want to work with.
Select the TTD Node Configuration aspect.
3. Select the Controller View. See Figure 61.

Figure 61. TTD Node Configuration: Controller View, Log Groups

To the left you see a list with the existing Log Groups, and to the right a storage
interval (Interval) and storage size (Capacity) for each Log Group. If you select one

3BSE030340-510 93
Working with TTD logs Section 5 History Logs

of the groups you can see the existing logs in that group to the right, see also
Figure 62.

Figure 62. TTD Node Configuration: Controller View, details about one Log Group

Example 2: Create a Log Template for a TTD log

We want to create a log template for a TTD log with storage interval 30 seconds and
a storage size of 2 hours (240 values). We already know (from example 1) that a
suitable TTD log group exists in this controller and there are at least one free index
in the group. The TTD log shall be stored and extended in the History Configuration
Aspect System to a storage capacity of 4 hours.
Furthermore, a hierarchical log shall be created within the History Configuration
Aspect System which aggregates the primary information into an average, stored
with 1 minutes interval over 1 day (1440 values) aggregated as average.
1. Select the Library Structure in Plant Explorer.
2. Create a new object of the History Log Template type. Give it a proper Name
and Description. Let the name reflect to the TTD log template and the storage
interval and size. It makes it easier to select a log template during log creation.

94 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs Working with TTD logs

It is recommended to save the log template in the Library Structure,

History Log Template Object Type.

Figure 63. Creating the Log Template Object

3. An aspect of the category Log Template is created by default. Select it in the

preview window or as a pop-up (double click on it).

Figure 64. Log Template Aspect

3BSE030340-510 95
Working with TTD logs Section 5 History Logs

4. Start creating the new TTD log. Select Property Log and click Add.
See Figure 64. The New Log Template dialog is displayed, see Figure 65.

Figure 65. New Log Template

5. Select TTD in the Data Source drop-down menu. In the Log Type area, select
the Direct radio button. Click OK to save the settings.

Figure 66. Creating TTD Log Templates

96 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs Working with TTD logs

6. Enter the name of the new TTD log (TTD_30s in the example above).
Name the logs according to the type of log (TTD in this case), and the storage
interval (30s). See Figure 66.
7. Select the TTD Data Collection tab and enter the “TTD log storage interval”
30 seconds and a storage “TTD log value count” of 240 values (2 hours
capacity), see Figure 67.
The storage size in History Aspect System is defined by History Log Value
Count. Choose twice the size of the TTD log, in this case 480 values (4 hours

Figure 67. Log Configuration - TTD Data collection

8. Save the TTD Data Collection parameters (click Apply) and go back to
the Log Definition tab to enter the definition of one hierarchical log.
9. Select the TTD_30s log and click the Add button and OK button.

3BSE030340-510 97
Working with TTD logs Section 5 History Logs

Figure 68. Creating the Hierarchical Log

10. Enter the following for the hierarchical log and save it:
– Log name: SecTTD_1m_24h
– Log type: Hierarchical

98 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs Working with TTD logs

Figure 69. Hierarchical Log, Filling in Capacity

11. Select the Data Collection tab, enter the following data and click Apply.
– Aggregate: Time Average
– Exception Deviation = 0
– Bad Data Quality Limit = 0
– Min Time: 5 minutes
– Max Time: 5 minutes
– Storage Size (Time): 24 hours
The log template is now finished and ready to use.

3BSE030340-510 99
Working with TTD logs Section 5 History Logs

Example 3: Create TTD logs from workplace and Download them

1. Go to the Control Structure in Plant Explorer.
2. Click on the object representing the controller that you want to work with.
Browse down to the process object that shall be placed in the TTD log.
3. Select the process object. Add the Log Configuration aspect. Give it a proper
Name and Description and save it.
4. Select the aspect and then - in the preview area - select the object and click
Add Property Log.

Figure 70. New Property Log Dialog

5. Select VALUE in the Property list and the

TTD_LogTemplate_30s_24h:Log Template in the Template drop-down
menu. Click OK.

100 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs Working with TTD logs

6. The preview area now looks like Figure 71.

Figure 71. Log Configuration - presentation

7. Go to the Presentation tab and enter the following. Save it by clicking Apply.
– Engineering Units: KPa
– Normal Maximum: 200
– Normal Minimum: 0
– Decimals: 2
– Display Mode: Interpolated.
8. Repeat Step 2 to Step 7 for each log that you want to create.
9. Now it is time to download all the new logs to the TTD logs in the controller.
Click on the object representing the controller. Select the TTD Node
Configuration aspect in the aspect list.

3BSE030340-510 101
Direct OPC Logs Section 5 History Logs

10. Select the Synchronize view and click Download. Select No in the Match
Existing dialog box that appears. Study the results on the screen as the
download proceeds:

Figure 72. Downloading new TTD Log Definitions

11. If there were no error messages displayed during download, the TTD logs
should now be mapped to a Log Group in the controller and started. You can
bring up the Main view and study all TTD logs.
For more information, refer to TTD Node Configuration Aspect on page 87.

Direct OPC Logs

Configuration of Direct OPC Logs is described in IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Configuration (3BSDS011222*).
Please note that if a communication failure occurs between controller and
connectivity server, all log points in the failure period will be lost.

If a process object is used directly as data source, it is not supported to have faster
sample time than 9s. Always use 9s sample time for the primary log when a
sample time faster than 2 min are wanted. Sample times from 2 min and upwards
can be used in primary OPC logs without causing load problems in the system.

102 3BSE030340-510
Section 5 History Logs OPC Direct Logging - 1, 3 and 9 Seconds

OPC Direct Logging - 1, 3 and 9 Seconds

Direct OPC logging for 1, 3 and 9 seconds use the same method for data
subscriptions as cyclic subscriptions in for example process displays. This type of
subscriptions is controlled and optimized in the Connectivity Server, which for
example will subscribe data only once if same data is requested by both logs and
displays. The AC 400 Series controller is optimized for 1,3, and 9 second
Subscribe only to OPC properties that support cyclic subscriptions.
The properties that support cyclic subscriptions are listed in Appendix F, Cyclic
OPC Properties.
The recommended Direct OPC Logging cyclic rate is 9 seconds.

OPC with controller generic cyclic subscriptions is the least costly alternative
regarding CPU and memory resources in the controller and the data transfer
between the controller and History Server is also optimal. If other clients (such as
Process Graphics) subscribe to the same object property as the History Server, only
one common subscription is setup in the controller.

OPC Direct Logging - Other Storage Intervals

Using OPC logs without controller generic cyclic subscriptions does not allocate
resources permanently in the controller.
Please note that it can cause high overhead in data transfer between the controller
and the connectivity server (require ten times more data transfer per log point/sec
than 1,3 and 9 seconds).
For more detailed information about other subscriptions see Section 7, Data
Transfer via OPC DA.

3BSE030340-510 103
OPC Direct Logging - Other Storage Intervals Section 5 History Logs

104 3BSE030340-510
Section 6 Quick List Quick List Data Source Aspect

Section 6 Quick List

The Quick List can be used for searches. Some Quick Lists may be predefined in
your system, but you can also configure your own Quick Lists. See IndustrialIT
800xA, System, 800xA for Advant Master, Operation (3BSE030352*) for more
information regarding Quick List configuration.

Quick List Data Source Aspect

If the Quick List aspect is created in the Control Structure, it is not necessary to
create any Quick List Data Source aspect. In case it is created on an object in
another structure e.g. the Functional Structure, a Quick List Data aspect need to be
added to the same object. In the configuration view of the Quick List Data Source
aspect you choose provider, see Figure 73.

Figure 73. Quick List Data Source Aspect

3BSE030340-510 105
Quick List Data Source Aspect Section 6 Quick List

106 3BSE030340-510
Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA OPC Subscriptions

Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA

800xA for Advant Master supports OPC (DA) OPCs. See Appendix E, Control
Aspect for detailed information about CCA.
For detailed about the 800xA OPC DA interface see IndustrialIT 800xA,
System,Configuration (3BDS011222*).
The OPC client application defines the Update Rate for the OPC Group in
milliseconds unit (ms). If Update Rate 0 is specified, the default update rate defined
in CCA is used. Negative Update Rate .
To optimize performance of the MB300 RTA Board:
• Subscribe cyclically, and use only 1, 3 and 9 second cyclic rates.
• Only subscribe to items that can be fed cyclically by the controllers.
• Avoid overriding the default UpdateRate in Process Graphics.
• Only write to MB300 DAT objects.
Do not read recent History values too frequent when the log’s data source is TTD.

OPC Subscriptions
When configuring OPC subscription of properties from process object, it is
important to understand the different types of available subscriptions. The following
types exist:
• Properties available in predefined cyclic subscription.
Properties in this group have the default update rate –9000 ms in CCA, and are
also found in Appendix F, Cyclic OPC Properties.
Supported update rates are 1000, 3000, 9000 ms for cyclic updates and –1000,
–3000, –9000 ms for cyclic update with additional event driven updates.
• Properties available in predefined event driven subscription.
Properties in this group have the default update rate –9000 ms in CCA, but not

3BSE030340-510 107
OPC Read Operations Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA

found in Appendix F, Cyclic OPC Properties.

Cyclic update is not possible.
• Properties available in predefined demand update.
Properties in this group have the default update rate 9000 ms in CCA.
Typically, static data such as text properties belong to this group.
Cyclic subscription less than 10000 ms and Event driven subscription is not
• Other properties.
Properties in this group have the default update rate 20000 ms in CCA.
The method used to retrieve data is cyclic polling, which is much more
resource consuming compared with predefined subscriptions. Event driven
subscription is not possible.
For all groups above the following is applicable:
• Update Rates greater than 10000 ms are possible. However, a cyclic polling
method is used. This method is not optimized in terms of CPU load in RTA and
in the Controller, and should therefore be used restrictive. There are no
possibilities to get event driven updates with this method.
• Actual data from the Controller is always notified to the client once the
subscription is started.

OPC Read Operations

To minimize load on the system, use 1000, 3000 or 9000 ms Subscriptions and do
Synchronous cache read.

OPC Write Operations

It is only supported to do Write Operations towards DAT object marked .
The CPU load in the controller has to be taken in account.

108 3BSE030340-510
Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA Performance

The most visible ‘bottleneck’ in an 800xA System connected to Advant Master
network is the CPU load of the RTA board in the connectivity server.
Consider the following when setting up the OPC Data Access subscriptions from
the 3rd party client to minimize load:
• Set up the subscriptions as cyclic subscriptions for 1s, 3s or 9s. Preferably 9s.
Only subscribe to OPC properties supporting cyclic subscriptions.
• Max 500 subscriptions are allowed with update rate greater than 10s per
connectivity server (single or redundant pair).
• For 1s, 3s and 9s the following applies: The RTA CPU load is independent of
how many properties you will request on the same tag, provided the same
Update Rate is used.
• Do not load the RTA CPU higher than 50%. Use ‘RTA Board Config’
command ANPER - SYSTEM LOAD analyze to monitor the RTA CPU load.
• To minimize disturbance when the subscription is started, divide your
subscriptions into several OPC groups. Not more than 1000 process objects in
each group are recommended. When starting up or stopping the subscriptions,
do it group by group in order not to overload the RTA and Controller.
• The average CPU load in the Controller should not exceed 80% after starting
up the subscriptions.
• If 3’rd party clients are subscribing for many items, there is a risk for
communication jam between the controller and connectivity server when client
are started. See Appendix H, Special Configuration for how to set up Data
Subscription flow control to minimize problems.
Calculation of RTA CPU load originating from data subscriptions is complicated.
Here follows an instruction how to calculate load from 1, 3 and 9s subscriptions.
Please note that the total RTA CPU load depends on many other functions, such as
Time Tagged Data and Event handling.
• The load is directly related to the number of MB 300 signals (data package sent
on MB 300) received per second. A flow of 1 MB 300 signal/second consumes
0.3% RTA CPU load if PU515A is used and 0.25% if PU410 is used.

3BSE030340-510 109
Performance Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA

• Data from a process object is sent from the controller even if value is not
changed (frozen), according to the chosen update rate (1, 3 or 9s).
• Each MB 300 signal consists of data from 1 up to 38 process objects in the
controller. Use table below for maximum number of objects (instances) in each
MB 300 signal dependant of object type.
• Each MB 300 signal only contains data from one node and from one object
type with the same update rate. As a result of this optimization, data from 23 AI
objects from one node utilize the same resources as 1 AI.

Calculation Example
3 s subscription from node A: 100 AI, 10 MOTCON and 5 PIDCONA
9 s subscription from node A: 400 AI
1 s subscription from node B: 1 AI, 25 AO
Average number of MB300 signals each second:
(5 + 2 + 2) / 3 + 18 / 9 + (1 + 2) / 1 = 8
RTA CPU load caused by subscription: 8 * 0.3% = 2.4 %

Table 5. Object Type Specific Signal Packing

Object Type Max Instances in One Signal

AI, AO, FI 23
DI, DO 38
DAT 35

110 3BSE030340-510
Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA Performance

Table 5. Object Type Specific Signal Packing

Object Type Max Instances in One Signal

GI 14

3BSE030340-510 111
Performance Section 7 Data Transfer via OPC DA

112 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration Fault Finding and User Repair

Section 8 System Administration

System Diagnostics
The AC 400 Series Controllers produce a number of event and alarm messages to
inform you about errors concerning the Advant Master system. These Advant
Master specific system alarms are found in a System Alarm List aspect on the
network object together with the 800xA system alarms. The System Alarms are
presented in plain text.

Fault Finding and User Repair

Here are some hints on how to identify the cause of malfunctions within
the Advant Master System. It could be difficult to decide whether the problem you
see is a problem within the process, or a problem within the Advant System system.
There are some tools you can use for your trouble shooting:
• System Status aspects
• System Alarm List aspects
• RTA Board aspects
• Communication aspects

System Status
The System Status presents the status of the control system. It presents the result
from the control system internal supervision programs. The System Status is
available for the Network, the Operator Workplace node, and the Controller node.

System Status Viewer

The System Status Viewer shows status of different parts in the system. System
status information can be available for both software processes and hardware units.

3BSE030340-510 113
System Status Section 8 System Administration

The System Status Viewer aspect can be located on objects on different levels in all
The System Status Viewer shows all objects that provide system status information.
All status information in the System Status Viewer is updated dynamically when a
change of status occurs.

Show Details Refresh Alarm and Events

Find Child Error View Mode Button Help Button
Previous Error Show all Errors

Next Error


Figure 74. Example of a System Status Viewer on Network Object in the Control

If you have several controllers it may cause a delay of the data update.

114 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Status

System Status - Network

As a start you should have a look at the System Status for the entire network.
Go to the Control Structure in Plant Explorer, select the Network object, and then
the System Status Viewer aspect.

Figure 75. System Status for the Network

In this case you can see that there is something wrong with the AC 450 Controller.
The next action should be to study the System Status for this controller.

3BSE030340-510 115
System Status Section 8 System Administration

System Status - Operator Workplace Node

The System Status for the Operator Workplace node itself is presented if you select
the Operator Workplace node, and the System Status View aspect in the Control
Structure. See Figure 76.

Figure 76. System Status View for Operator Workplace Node

To continue identifying the source of the error, study the system messages,
especially those that have been sent from the faulting service. If no obvious error
can be found, such as disk full or similar, the service error should be reported to the
supplier, see Fault Finding and User Repair on page 113.

116 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Status

System Status - MB 300 Control Network

The System Status for a MB 300 control network is presented if you select the
Control Structure, the MB 300 Network Board object, and the System Status Viewer

Figure 77. System Status View for MB 300 Network Object

When an RTA Board object is marked with a cross in the Details column, double-
click in the column to show the Advant Master Connectivity Server Communication
The display is also shown in the Advant Master CS Communication aspect of the
MB 300 RTA board object in the Control Structure.

Figure 78. Advant Master Connectivity Server Communication Display

3BSE030340-510 117
System Status Section 8 System Administration

The display lists the communication status for each node the RTA Board can
communicate with. The columns are:
• Node. It shows the node number.
• Primary and Secondary. They show the node communication status, and are
further described in Table 6.
• Name. It shows the node name. The name originates from the node object in
the control structure. If the node object is missing, then the name is missing.
• Type. It shows the node type, and are further described in Table 7.
For single network only one column is displaying information.

Table 6. Node Connectivity Status

Primary Secondary
MB 300 Description
Column Column
Communication is OK.
Communication error for an redundant MB 300
Communication error for an redundant MB 300
MB 300 communication error.

Table 7. Node Type

Type Column Node Description

RTA AC 400 Connectivity Server
AC AC 400 Series Controller
MP MP 200 Controller
OS AdvaCommand Operator Station

118 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Status

Table 7. Node Type (Continued)

Type Column Node Description

IMS Information Management System
MG Master Gate

In the top-right corner of the display, the status for the RTA Board Location is
shown, see Figure 79.

Figure 79. Status Indication

An error indicates that there is no communication with the RTA board, while a
warning indicates a problem with the communication. If the status indication
shows a warning or an error, restarting the RTA board may solve the problem. To
restart the RTA board:
1. Right-click the status indication, and select RTA Board Control.

Figure 80. Context Menu

3BSE030340-510 119
System Status Section 8 System Administration

2. In the displayed aspect tab, click Stop and wait for the RTA Board to stop
(check status).
3. Click on the Start button.

System Status - Controller Node

The System Status for a Controller node is presented if you select the Control
Structure, the Controller node, and the System Status Viewer aspect. In the example
below (Figure 81), the AC 450 Controller (Node 4) has a problem with an Analog
input board no. 2.

Figure 81. System Status View for Controller node

The next step in your fault finding is to study the system alarm list for the failing
Controller, see System Alarms on page 126.
When an object is marked with a cross in the Details column, double-click in the
column, and then select Local Devices, to show the Local Devices graphic display
for the controller node.

120 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Status

This function is not supported for MP 200/1 controllers.

Figure 82. AC 400 Local Devices Display

3BSE030340-510 121
System Status Section 8 System Administration

No Description Condition
1 Controller power
supply header
1.1 24V supply indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
1.2 24 supply name Grey OK
Red Error
2.1 Regulator indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
2.2 Regulator name Grey OK
Red Error
3.1 Battery voltage Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
3.2 Battery voltage name Grey OK
Red Error
3.3 Battery backup Green filled OK
supply indication
Red crossed Error
3.4 Battery backup Grey OK
supply name
Red Error
4 I/O power supply
4.1 I/O 24V supply Green filled OK
Red crossed Error

122 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Status

No Description Condition
4.2 I/O 24V supply name Grey OK
Red Error
5.1 I/O regulator Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
5.2 I/O regulator name Grey OK
Red Error
6 Controller header
6.1 Processor module Green filled OK
Green empty Standby
Yellow crossed Warning
Red crossed Error
6.2 Processor module Grey OK
Grey Standby
Grey Warning
Red Error
7.1 Program card Green filled OK
Yellow crossed Warning
Red crossed Error
7.2 Program card name Grey OK
Grey Warning
Red Error

3BSE030340-510 123
System Status Section 8 System Administration

No Description Condition
8.1 Free pgm card & Green filled OK
M500 indication
Yellow crossed Warning
Red crossed Error
8.2 Free pgm card & Grey OK
M500 name
Grey Warning
Red Error
9 Subrack fan header
9.1 Fan indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
9.2 Fan name Grey OK
Red Error
10.1 I/O fan indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
I/O fan name Grey OK
Red Error
11 S100 I/O bus
extension header
11.1 S100 I/O bus Green filled OK
extension indication
Red crossed Error
11.2 S100 I/O bus Grey OK
extension name
Red Error
12 Additional header
12.1 User defined Green filled OK
Red crossed Error

124 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Status

No Description Condition
12.2 User defined Grey OK
supervision name
Red Error
13.1 PC triggered Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
13.2 PC triggered Grey OK
supervision name
Red crossed Error
14 Terminal header
14.1 Terminal indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
14.2 Terminal name Grey OK
Red Error
15 Printer header
15.1 Printer indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
15.2 Printer name Grey OK
Red Error
16 External
16.1 XCom indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
16.2 XCom name Grey OK
Red Error

3BSE030340-510 125
System Alarms Section 8 System Administration

No Description Condition
17.1 RSCom indication Green filled OK
Red crossed Error
17.2 RSCom Grey OK

System Alarms
System Alarms provide valuable information for fault tracing. By default, you have
a System Alarm aspect on the Network object in your Control Structure. You should
use it since it will give you an overview list for all system alarms in your system.
Two types of Advant Master System Alarms exist:
• System alarms from MB300 nodes
• System alarms from Services

System Alarms from MB300 nodes

System Alarms from MB300 nodes do not indicate the current state of the alarm if
the alarm is active or inactive and are always removed from the alarm list after
acknowledged. All these system alarms have the priority level three. An example of
the Object Name and Condition for a System Alarm from MB300 nodes is “MN
STATUS Conn. lost netw/node 11 52”.
Do not delete objects related to Advant system alarms which may be created in
Control Structure > Lost&Found if any character conversion other than
English is selected in RTA Board Control aspect or if the Advant system alarms
are rephrased.

System Alarms from Services

The most important System Alarms from services in 800xA for Advant Master are
described in the table below.
• The Message Description column lists short descriptions of system events.

126 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration System Alarms

• The Extended Description column explains system events further.

Table 8. System Alarms from Services

Message Description Extended Description

Failed to create RTA Management The 800xA for Advant Master data
Handler service failed to connect to the RTA
board Server.
This indicates that no data from the
controller(s) will be available through
this Connectivity Server Node.
Failed to initialize Could not start the 800xA for Advant
Master data service due to severe
problems in the system. This indicates
that no data from the controller(s) will be
available through this Connectivity
Server Node.
No nodes available on MB 300 network No contact with the controller(s) on the
MB 300 network. This indicates that no
data from the controller(s) will be
available through this Connectivity
Server Node.
Failed to send data to client The 800xA for AC 400 TTD Server has
lost contact with a History Server.
This indicates that no history data from
the controller(s) will be logged from this
Connectivity Server Node.

3BSE030340-510 127
System Alarms Section 8 System Administration

Table 8. System Alarms from Services

Message Description Extended Description

RTA Board failed (stall) The RTA Management Server has lost
or contact with the RTA board.
RTA Board failed (connection lost) This indicates that no data from the
controller(s) will be available through
this Connectivity Server Node.
RTA Board startup failed This indicates that no data from the
controller(s) will be available through
this Connectivity Server Node.
RTA Board startup failed (Network This indicates that the Node and
address not set) network address has not been
configured on the RTA Board. No data
from the controller(s) will be available
through this Connectivity Server Node
unless the address is set on the RTA

For more information regarding System Alarms see IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Configuration (3BDS011222*).

128 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration Backup/Restore Procedures

Backup/Restore Procedures
General backup procedures are described in IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Maintenance (3BSE046784*).

Backup the following as described below:
• RTA Board Configuration
• Network Configuration Settings
• Time Server Setting

RTA Board Configuration

Changing language settings (character conversion) will change to the default

You use the RTA Board Control aspect to save changes to the configuration of the
RTA board. Use Plant Explorer to locate the Control Structure, the MB300 Network
object, the RTA Board object, select the RTA Board Control aspect, and then the
RTA Board Configuration tab.
This view contains a RTA Board backup button. When you have made changes to
configuration data on the RTA Board, you shall save the new configuration (if not,
the changes will be lost after the next restart of the RTA Board or PC). Click on the
RTA Board backup button and check the log messages that are presented in the
text window. If there are no errors, the new configuration has been saved (and will
automatically be loaded to the RTA Board at startup).
The RTA board configuration files are locally stored on the computer with the RTA
board. If you want to export the files for backup or for importing to another machine
with an RTA board, you can do as follows:
Path: \ProgramData\ABB\AC400Connect\AdvantBase\Data\RTA\Init
In order to view and access the ProgramData folder, in the Windows Explorer, go
to Tools > Folder. The Folder Options dialog appears, select the View tab and
choose Show hidden files and folders option.
Save these three files on a safe location, such as a CD or other server.

3BSE030340-510 129
Restore Section 8 System Administration


Network Configuration Settings

To backup the network configuration settings for an RTA Board:
1. Select the Control Structure, a Server node object, and then an RTA Board
2. Select the RTA Board Control aspect, and then the Network/Node
Configuration tab.
3. Relevant settings are the values of:
– Network Number 1
– Network Number 2
– Node Number
– Time Server Setting
4. Write down these settings and store the information on a safe location, such as
a CD or other server.

When you make a restore, you first have to make a general 800xA restore as
described in IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Maintenance (3BSE046784*).

RTA Board Configuration

To restore the configuration for an RTA Board, copy the three files you saved during
backup from the safe location to the folder\..\ProgramData\ABB\AC400Connect\
AdvantBase\Data\RTA\Init. (If prompted, answer Yes to replace existing files).
Before you restore these three files you have to make sure that the system to
which you restore to, is running on the same “Character conversion language” as
the machine from where you took the dump.

130 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration Restore

In order to view and access the ProgramData folder, in the Windows Explorer, go
to Tools > Folder. The Folder Options dialog appears, select the View tab and
choose Show hidden files and folders option.

RTA Network Settings

To restore the network configuration settings, setup network and node numbers
using the settings you wrote down during the backup. The settings are performed in
the RTA Board Control aspect, in the Network/Node Configuration tab. See
Figure 5 for an example.

RTA Board Backup

Saves the RTA Board configuration. The saved configuration will be loaded on the
RTA Board after the board is started.
The window also contains a progress log (information about the communication
with the RTA Board) and the RTA Board status.

Figure 83. RTA Configuration

3BSE030340-510 131
Advanced Connectivity Server Configuration Section 8 System Administration

Advanced Connectivity Server Configuration

There are two configuration possibilities if it is desired to connect more than 20
controllers to one system, or if it is needed for performance reasons:
• A second Connectivity Server (single or redundant pair) can be connected to
support up to 20 additional controllers.
• Split the MB 300 Control Network into two or several networks (maximum of
six). The multiple Connectivity Servers function allows several MB 300
Control Networks to be connected from a common 800xA System.

Connect Several MB 300 Networks to an 800xA System

Multiple Connectivity Servers allow you to connect several MB 300 control
networks from a common 800xA System.
To add multiple Connectivity Servers to your Aspect System, see IndustrialIT
800xA, System, Post Installation (3BUA000156*).

Add Multiple Connectivity Servers to the Same MB 300 Network

A maximum of four pair of connectivity servers can be configured on the same
MB300 network, to reduce the load on existing connectivity server(s). The steps
specified below describe how to add a second connectivity server pair. The third or
fourth pair are added correspondingly based on the described steps.
1. Follow the steps below to configure a second single connectivity server for a
MB 300 network:
a. Add a connectivity server by performing the Add Connectivity Server
task in the Configuration Wizard.
b. Select Add RTA in the Configuration Wizard. Assign the same network
tens as the primary network, but change the last digit to something
different, e.g. by adding 2 to the number (enter 13 if primary network
number is 11). To avoid confusion, do not use the next consecutive
number as this normally indicates network redundancy (11 and 12).

132 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration Add Multiple Connectivity Servers to the Same MB 300 Network

c. Select MB300 RTA Settings in the Configuration Wizard to set network

and node numbers for RTA board(s).
Assign the RTA Boards with real network and node numbers, not the network
number used in previous step.

Figure 84. Network Object with Redundant RTA Board Objects in Control Structure

d. Configure the RTA Board event filtering to avoid duplicated alarms and
events. See Defining Event Filter on Node Level on page 78. Remember to
backup the RTA Board configurations.
e. Add controller objects to the networks. Use the real network and node
numbers. Perform an MB 300 Upload for each controller. Optionally,
perform a TTD Synchronization (Upload) to create log configurations.
2. Follow the steps to configure redundancy for the second Connectivity Server:
a. Add a redundant connectivity server via the Add Redundant Server in
the Configuration Wizard.
b. Perform procedure b-d in Step1.

3BSE030340-510 133
Add Multiple Connectivity Servers to the Same MB 300 Network Section 8 System Administration

Figure 85. Controller Objects added to the Network Objects in the Control Structure

3. Follow the steps below to move controllers already assigned to the first
Connectivity Server, without having problem with history logging and data
a. Move selected controllers from the first network to the other network by
using drag and drop.
b. Make a dummy modification in the Adapter Data Source Definition aspect
of the MB 300 Network object from which the node is moved.
c. Restart all Basic History Services on both connectivity servers involved in
the move.
d. Restart all services with active subscriptions towards the moved controller
node in all servers.
4. Verify the things below:
– Each network shall have one Service Group for the following services:
AdvMbStatusList, Alarm Logger, Basic History, Event Collector,
MasterBus TTD Configuration Server, MasterBus TTD Data Server and

134 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration Required Settings to Make an Upload from a Client

– The following aspects of the MB 300 Network objects shall refer to its
corresponding Service Group: Adapter Data Source Definition, Quick List
Data Source, History Source and TTD Source. For example, the Adapter
Data Source Definition of Network 13 shall refer to “SG_Network 13”.
– Use the System Status Viewer in the Service Structure to verify that all
related services have started up and are running without error.
– Verify that it is possible to subscribe for live data from all controllers.
5. Renaming of Network Objects and Service Groups:
In order to get a more user friendly naming it is possible to rename Network
objects and Service Groups in the Plant Explorer. For example, “Network 13”
can be renamed to “Network 11_2” and corresponding Service Groups can be
renamed to “SG_Network 11_2” and “Basic 11_2”.

Required Settings to Make an Upload from a Client

Follow the steps below to set up the required settings for making an upload from a
1. Run dcomcnfg in the Run dialog on the connectivity server.
2. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.

3BSE030340-510 135
Required Settings to Make an Upload from a Client Section 8 System Administration

Figure 86. My Computer

3. Select the COM Security tab and press the Edit Limits button in the Launch
and Activation Permissions area.

Figure 87. My Computer Properties

136 3BSE030340-510
Section 8 System Administration Required Settings to Make an Upload from a Client

4. Add the engineering user, in this case Max Johansson, and give him/her the
permissions according to Figure 88.

Figure 88. Launch Permissions Dialog Box

3BSE030340-510 137
Required Settings to Make an Upload from a Client Section 8 System Administration

138 3BSE030340-510
Appendix A Event Treat Elements

Appendix A Event Treat Elements

When an event occurs it is analyzed in the Controller. As a result of that an
information package is sent to the Operator Workplace server. Using your Operator
Workplaces and functionality you can study the alarm and event information in
various formats. The presentation of an Alarm or Event generated in
an AC 400 Series Controller is made according to the specified event treatment.

Audible alarm 1
Alarm priority 2
OperatorIT Workplace Alarm To Block NO
Alarm Fr Block YES
Textcomb 5

Controller Conveyor 2
Control mode A
Control status TO
Interlocking status
..... .
Process Ev_Tr 1 EVENT10
Object Ev_Tr 2 EVENT12
or IMS
object ....

Figure 89. Alarm and event handling

The alarm and event message includes:

3BSE030340-510 139
Appendix A Event Treat Elements

• NAME of the object, for example “MOTOR 2”.

• DESCRIPTION of the object, for example “Conveyor 2”.
• A set of status flags for the internal control.
• Pointers to elements (EVENT) in the Event Treat data base, where the event is
Each Process and System object contains at least one pointer to the Event Treat data
base. A digital input. DI for example, contains two Event Treat pointers, ERR_TR
(Error Treat) and VALUE_TR (Value Treat).
ERR_TR is used for internal signal errors when the ERR flag changes status.
VALUE_TR is used for process events and process alarms when the signal value
(VALUE) changes status, possibly together with the process error flag

140 3BSE030340-510
Appendix A Event Treat Elements The Event Treat Database Element

The Event Treat Database Element

The contents of the Event Treat data base, and ways to vary the event handling, are
described below:


Event Treat


S2 Event Texts

S3 Property Texts


Figure 90. Data Base Element for Event Handling

1. Name and element number in the Event Treat data base.

2. Logic file number and element number.
3. Properties whose values can be changed.
4. Property numbers.
5. Start values applied.
6. Segment S2 containing User defined event texts for use instead of the standard
system texts (applies only to EVENT20 - EVENT300).
7. Segment S3 containing User defined property texts for use instead of the
standard system texts (applies only to EVENT20 - EVENT300).
The properties in the EVENT element are described below:

3BSE030340-510 141
The Event Treat Database Element Appendix A Event Treat Elements

AUDIBLE. Must be 0 for events and 1 for alarms. See IndustrialIT 800xA, System,
Configuration (3BDS011222*) for configuration of Audible Alarms.

AL_PRIO. Alarm Priority defines the Alarm priority in the presentation. Read the
IndustrialIT 800xA, Operations, Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*)
and IndustrialIT 800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS0112222*) for information
about how to configure text color and font, sound effects etc. The priority you define
in the Event Treat elements are converted to a corresponding 800xA Priority Level
according to the following:

Table 9. Default Mapping Event Treatment Alarm Priority to 800xA Priority Level

Event Treatment Priority 800xA Priority Level

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 4
6 4
7 4

AL_TOBLK - Alarm To Block. Blocks alarm handling of a supervised alarm

signal/flag when it makes a 0 -> 1 transition. Since most alarm signals/flags are
active high, AL_TOBLK should be set = N (No) to invoke alarm handling for 0 -> 1
transitions and = Y (Yes) to disable it.

AL_FRBLK - Alarm From Block. Blocks alarm handling of a supervised alarm

signal/flag when it makes a 1 -> 0 transition. Since most alarm signals/flags are
active high, and since alarm handling on return to normal makes little sense,
AL_FRBLK should normally be set = Y (Yes).

PERSISTB - Persistent Alarm Block. Should be set = N (No) when alarm

handling is required and = Y (yes) when it is not.

142 3BSE030340-510
Appendix A Event Treat Elements The Event Treat Database Element

TEXT_TOBLK - Text To Block. Flag that blocks generation of text in lists and
printouts when the alarm/event changes from 0 ->1.

TEXT_FRBLK - Text From Block. Flag that blocks generation of text in lists and
printouts when the alarm/event changes from 1 -> 0.

TEXTCOMB - Text Combination code. Integer to select if standard or User

defined property text and event text shall be used.

Event text:
11 characters
Property text: Event text + Step no:
8 characters 8+3 characters
(except Value + unit:
and 17) 11 characters

Figure 91. Maximum number of characters for the property and event texts

3BSE030340-510 143
The Event Treat Database Element Appendix A Event Treat Elements

Table 10. Formats for Property and Event Texts

TEXT COMBination
Property text Event text
0 Standard Standard
1 User defined
2 Standard Value + unit
3 Standard User defined
4 User defined Standard
5 User defined User defined
16 User defined (2) Standard
17 User defined (2) User defined
18 (3) Standard Standard + Step no
19 (3) Standard User defined + Step no
20 User defined Standard + Step no
21 (3) User defined User defined + Step no
24 (1) (4) Standard Value + unit
(1) Suitable for analog values only.
(2) Suitable for long property texts (up to 20 characters).
(3) Specially adapted for the function unit Sequence (SEQ).
(4) Similar to TEXTCOMB=2, but only events caused by a process event will be
entered in the list.

Description can NOT be displayed if long Property texts are used (TEXTCOMB
16 and 17).

144 3BSE030340-510
Appendix A Event Treat Elements The Event Treat Database Element

As mentioned earlier, EVENT20 - EVENT300 can accommodate your own event

texts as an alternative to the standard texts in the system. You can enter these by
expanding segment S2.

Event Treat

S1 Base part

9(1) EV1
9(2) EV2
9(3) EV3
9(4) EV4
9(5) EV5
9(6) EV6
9(7) EV7
9(8) EV8
9(9) EV9
9(10) EV10
9(11) EV11
9(12) EV12
9(13) EV13
9(14) EV14
9(15) EV15
9(16) EV16

S3 Property Texts

Figure 92. Segment S2 in Event Treat

Line numbers for 16 event texts. Each text can have a maximum of 11 characters.
Each event points out a certain line number. It is important when you use a user
defined event text that you put the text into the correct line number.
You enter the user defined property texts in EVENT20 - EVENT300 by expanding
segment S3.

3BSE030340-510 145
The Event Treat Database Element Appendix A Event Treat Elements

Event Treat

S1 Base part

S2 Event Texts

10(1) PRTE1
10(2) PRTE2
10(3) PRTE3
10(4) PRTE4
10(5) PRTE5
10(6) PRTE6
10(7) PRTE7
10(8) PRTE8
10(9) PRTE9
10(10) PRTE10
10(11) PRTE11
10(12) PRTE12
10(13) PRTE13
10(14) PRTE14
10(15) PRTE15
10(16) PRTE16

Figure 93. Segment S3 in Event Treat

The relative line numbers for 16 property texts. Each text has a maximum length of
20 characters.
TEXTCOMB decides max number of characters to be presented in the lists.

The coupling between the event and the line number is the same as it is for the event
texts. For this reason, you must put the different texts on the correct lines.
Appendix C, Event Texts describes the events that generate different line number

146 3BSE030340-510
Appendix A Event Treat Elements The Event Treat Database Element

There are 300 EVENT elements available, as described below:

Table 11. Event Elements

EVENT1-18 Predefined for standard event handling (see Table 9).

You are not allowed to change these
EVENT19 Reserved for future extensions of the standard handling.
You are not allowed to change it.
EVENT20-94 Available for user defined event handling.
You can change all properties.
EVENT95-100 Reserved for Batch applications.
EVENT101-300 Available for user defined event handling.
You can change all properties.
EVENT301 Reserved for other applications.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
AUDIBLE 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
AL_PRIO 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 2
TEXTCOMB 0 0 24 24 18 18 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 17 17

3BSE030340-510 147
The Event Treat Database Element Appendix A Event Treat Elements

Table 12. Recommended Usage of the EVENT Elements

EVENT Number Usage

EVENT1, EVENT2 Are suitable for binary process signals and objects, for
example DI, DO, GENBIN.
EVENT3, EVENT4 Are suitable for analog process signals and objects, for
example AI, AO, GENCON and PIDCON.
EVENT5, EVENT6 Are specially adapted for SEQUENCE. EVENT1,EVENT3
and EVENT5 block all alarm handling whereas EVENT2,
EVENT4 and EVENT6 permit alarm handling.
EVENT7 Not recommended to use in 800xA.
EVENT8 Is specially adapted for use as I1_TR for GROUP.
EVENT9 Is specially adapted for use as I2_TR for GROUP.
EVENT10 Is specially adapted for use as I1_TR for MOTCON.
EVENT11 Is specially adapted for use as I1_TR for VALVECON.
EVENT12 Is specially adapted for use as I2_TR for MOTCON.
EVENT13 Is specially adapted for use as I2_TR for VALVECON.
EVENT14 Is specially adapted for use for texts generated from the
AMPL element EVENT in the Controller.
EVENT15 Not recommended to use in 800xA.
EVENT16 Is specially adapted for use as ADAP_TR for PIDCONA.
EVENT17 Is specially adapted for SPC (Statistical Process Control).
EVENT18 Is specially adapted for SPC (Statistical Process Control).

148 3BSE030340-510
Appendix B MB300 Uploader Using the From FCB Tab to Upload

Appendix B MB300 Uploader

Using the From FCB Tab to Upload

The From FCB Tab in the MB300 Uploader aspect makes it possible to request an
upload of object data based on information from the Function Chart Builder
Engineering tool.

Figure 94. MB 300 Uploader, From FCB

Adding or Removing Object Types to Upload

Click Add or Remove to modify the list with object types that you want to include
in the Upload. If you leave the list blank, all object types are included (this is the

3BSE030340-510 149
Using the From FCB Tab to Upload Appendix B MB300 Uploader

The following object types are valid for Upload:

• All object types located in MB 300 Process Objects group.
• Bus and Station object types under Advant Fieldbus 100, Lonbus and Profibus.
• S400 MasterFieldbus object type.

Selecting Type of Upload

You can select three types of upload from this view.
• Check the Create Uploader Source File and Build Control Structure check
boxes to build the Control Structure based on information from the engineering
software FCB (Function Chart Builder). You have to fill in the name of the
FCB Database File (ODB file) to retrieve information from. This choice
requires that FCB is installed at the same node.
• Uncheck the Create Uploader Source File check box and check Build
Control Structure check box to build the Control Structure from a previously
created Uploader Source File (OCD file). You have to enter the name of the
Uploader Source File. This choice does not require that FCB is installed at the
same node. See Building the Control Structure On-line on page 37.
• Check Create Uploader Source File and uncheck Build Control Structure to
create a Uploader Source file based on the information from the engineering
software FCB (Function Chart Builder). You have to fill in the name of the
FCB Database File (ODB file) to retrieve information from, and the name of
the Uploader Source File (OCD file) to create. This option does not update or
create the Control Structure. Can be used to produce the OCD file for other
800xA systems using the same controllers. This choice requires that FCB is
installed at the same node.

Starting the Upload

Click on the Start Upload button when you are ready for the upload. The window
in the lower part of the aspect view presents messages describing the progress,
see Figure 94.

150 3BSE030340-510
Appendix B MB300 Uploader Using the From FCB Tab to Upload

Stopping the Upload

Click on the Stop Upload button when you want to interrupt the upload.

Workaround 1
S800 I/O modules are not created correctly from FCB upload which results that the
I/O channels are not created in the Control Structure.
To create the S800 I/O modules, perform the following:
1. From FCB tab, check Create Uploader Source File and uncheck Build
Control Structure check box. Click on the Start Upload button.
2. Open the Uploader Source file (.OCD file) in an editor. The path and file name
are found at Uploader Source file in MB300 Uploader aspect.
3. Edit the lines containing second argument "S800_INTF" as described in the
example below and save the file. The 8th argument in:
AI800_1, S800_INTF, -5, 2, 125, 325, -1, 0, 0 should be changed to the used
type. The first argument is the name of the DB element where the used type is
AI800_1, S800_INTF, -5, 2, 125, 325, -1, AI810, 0, 0, 0
DRISTD_3,S800_INTF,-5,2,125,325, 1,ACS600 STD,0,0,0
4. From FCB tab, uncheck Create Uploader Source File and check Build
Control Structure check box. Click on the Start Upload button.

Workaround 2
S400 I/O modules are not created correctly from FCB upload which results that the
I/O channels are not created in the Control Structure.
To create the S400 I/O modules, perform the following:
1. From FCB tab, check Create Uploader Source File and uncheck Build
Control Structure check box. Click on the Start Upload button.

3BSE030340-510 151
Using the From FCB Tab to Upload Appendix B MB300 Uploader

2. Open the Uploader Source file (.OCD file) in an editor. The path and file name
are found at Uploader Source file in MB300 Uploader aspect.
3. Edit the lines containing second argument "SIO_INTERFACE" as as described
in the example below and save the file. The 4th argument (-1) in:
SIO_INTERFACE_1, SIO_INTERFACE, 2, -1, 1, 181, 1, 0, 0, 0 should be
changed to a value as given below depending on the used type of basic unit and
expansion unit. The first argument is the name of the DB element where used
types can be found.
1 DSAX 452
17 DSDX 452
18 DSDX 454
21 DSDI 452
22 DSDI 454
1717 DSDX 452 + DSDX 451
2117 DSDX 452+ DSDI 451
1721 DSDI 452 + DSDX 451
2121 DSDI 452 + DSDI 451
1818 DSDX 454 + DSDX 453
2218 DSDX 454 + DSDI 453
1822 DSDI 454 + DSDX 453
2222 DSDI 454 + DSDI 453
4. From FCB tab, uncheck Create Uploader Source File and check Build Control
Structure check box. Click on the Start Upload button.

152 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts

Appendix C Event Texts

The events defined for the various signal/object types are described in the tables
below with the following layout:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Upper limit H2 LIM_2_TR Limit H2 1 Alarm 1

Figure 95. Event Text Table Layout

1. Description of the event.

2. Pointer to data base elements in Event Treat. All pointers for each signal/object
type and the recommended values for standard event handling are described in
the manuals Functional Units, Part 1 to Functional Units, Part 9.
3. Standard property text that describes the event (applies to EVENT1-
EVENT18). EVENT20- EVENT300 have user-defined texts.
4. Line number in the EVENT data base elements where your own text should be
placed (applies to EVENT20- EVENT300).
5. Standard event text that describes the state of the event, alarm-normal,
blocked-deblocked, etc. If EVENT20-EVENT300 are chosen, you can define
the appropriate text yourself.
6. Line number in the EVENT database elements where your own text should be
placed (applies to EVENT20- EVENT300). The line number is the same for
standard event texts (applies to EVENT1- EVENT18).

3BSE030340-510 153
Analog Input Signal AI Appendix C Event Texts

Analog Input Signal AI

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Upper limit H2 exceeded LIM_2_TR Lim H2 1 Alarm 1
Upper limit H2 re-entered LIM_2_TR Lim H2 1 Normal 3
Upper limit H1 exceeded LIM_1_TR Lim H1 1 Alarm 1
Upper limit H1 re-entered LIM_1_TR Lim H1 1 Normal 3
Lower limit L1 exceeded LIM_1_TR Lim L1 2 Alarm 2
Lower limit L1 re-entered LIM_1_TR Lim L1 2 Normal 4
Lower limit L2 exceeded LIM_2_TR Lim L2 2 Alarm 2
Lower limit L2 re-entered LIM_2_TR Lim L2 2 Normal 4
Measured value entered LIM_1_TR Value 4 ValueChg 8
H2-value entered LIM_2_TR Lim H2 1 ValueChg 5
H1-value entered LIM_1_TR Lim H1 1 ValueChg 6
L1-value entered LIM_1_TR Lim L1 2 ValueChg 7
L2-value entered LIM_2_TR Lim L2 2 ValueChg 6
Signal error On ERR_TR Sig.Err 1 Alarm 1
Signal error Off ERR_TR Sig.Err 1 Normal 2
Blocking of event handling ERR_TR Alarm 2 Blocked 3
Deblocking of event ERR_TR Alarm 2 Deblocked 4
Blocking of printout ERR_TR Printout 3 Blocked 3
Deblocking of printout ERR_TR Printout 3 Deblocked 4

154 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Analog Output Signal AO

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Blocking of DB-update ERR_TR Update 4 Blocked 3
Deblocking of DB-update ERR_TR Update 4 Deblocked 4

Analog Output Signal AO

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Manual control mode ERR_TR Manual 3 On 5
Auto control mode ERR_TR Auto 3 On 4
Block output signal against ERR_TR Output sign 6 Blocked 6
Deblock output signal ERR_TR Output sign 6 Deblocked 7
against process
Measured value entered ERR_TR Output sign 2 ValueChg 3
Max limit value entered ERR_TR Max limit 7 ValueChg 3
Min limit value entered ERR_TR Min limit 8 ValueChg 3

3BSE030340-510 155
Digital Input Signal DI Appendix C Event Texts

Digital Input Signal DI

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Abnormal position On VALUE_TR Value 1 Alarm 1
Normal position On VALUE_TR Value 1 Normal 2
Abnormal value entered VALUE_TR Value 3 ValueChg 5
Normal value entered VALUE_TR Value 3 ValueChg 6
Signal error On ERR_TR Sig.Err 1 Alarm 1
Signal error Off ERR_TR Sig.Err 1 Normal 2
Blocking of event handling ERR_TR Alarm 2 Blocked 3
Deblocking of event handling ERR_TR Alarm 2 Deblocked 4
Blocking of printout ERR_TR Printout 3 Blocked 3
Deblocking of printout ERR_TR Printout 3 Deblocked 4
Blocking of data base update ERR_TR Update 4 Blocked 3
Deblocking of data base ERR_TR Update 4 Deblocked 4

156 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Digital Output Signal DO

Digital Output Signal DO

Property text Event text
Event Treat Line No in Line No in
Events Standard Standard
pointer Event Event
text text
Treat Treat
Order On ERR_TR Output sign 2 On 3
Order Off ERR_TR Output sign 2 Off 4
Manual control mode ERR_TR Manual 3 On 6
Auto control mode ERR_TR Auto 3 Off 5
Blocking of output signal ERR_TR Output sign 6 Blocked 7
against process
Deblocking of output signal ERR_TR Output sign 6 Deblocked 8
against process

Sequence SEQ
Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Change the step POS_TREAT StepChg 1 ValueChg 1
Step number for jump POS_TREAT Jump 2 Enter 2
entered mode
Number of turns entered POS_TREAT Turn no 3 Enter 2
Interval time entered POS_TREAT IntervT 4 Enter 2
Indication Active On IND_TREAT Active 1 On 1
Indication Active Off IND_TREAT Active 1 Off 2
Indication Last Step On IND_TREAT Last Step 2 On 3

3BSE030340-510 157
Sequence SEQ Appendix C Event Texts

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Indication Last Step Off IND_TREAT Last Step 2 Off 4
Indication Auto control mode IND_TREAT Auto Ind 3 On 5
Indication Manual control IND_TREAT Man Ind 4 On 5
mode On
Indication step Hold On IND_TREAT Hold Ind 5 On 5
Indication Unconditional IND_TREAT Uncond 6 On 5
control mode On Ind
Indication Next step On IND_TREAT Next 7 On 5
Position error On FAULT_TR Jump error 1 Alarm 1
Position error Off FAULT_TR Jump error 1 Normal 2
Sequence error On FAULT_TR SeqAlarm 3 Alarm 1
Sequence error Off FAULT_TR SeqAlarm 3 Normal 2
Step error On FAULT_TR StepAlarm 4 Alarm 1
Step error Off FAULT_TR StepAlarm 4 Normal 2
Blocking of event handling for FAULT_TR PosAlarm 7 Blocked 3
position change
Deblocking of event handling FAULT_TR PosAlarm 7 Deblocked 4
for position change
Blocking of printout for FAULT_TR PosPrint 11 Blocked 3
position change
Deblocking of printout for FAULT_TR PosPrint 11 Deblocked 4
position change
Blocking of event handling for FAULT_TR Disturb 5 Blocked 3

158 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Sequence SEQ

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Deblocking of event handling FAULT_TR Disturb 5 Deblocked 4
for disturbance
Blocking of printout for FAULT_TR DistPrint 9 Blocked 3
Deblocking of printout for FAULT_TR DistPrint 9 Deblocked 4
Blocking of event handling for FAULT_TR TEAlarm 6 Blocked 3
type error
Deblocking of event handling FAULT_TR TEAlarm 6 Deblocked 4
for type error
Blocking of printout for type FAULT_TR TEPrint 10 Blocked 3
Deblocking of printout for FAULT_TR TEPrint 10 Deblocked 4
type error
Blocking of event handling for FAULT_TR IndAlarm 8 Blocked 3
ind. changes
Deblocking of event handling FAULT_TR IndAlarm 8 Deblocked 4
for ind. changes
Blocking of printout for ind. FAULT_TR IndPrint 12 Blocked 3
Deblocking of printout for ind. FAULT_TR IndPrint 12 Deblocked 4
Blocking of operator order FAULT_TR OprOrder 13 Blocked 3
Deblocking of operator order FAULT_TR OprOrder 13 Deblocked 4

3BSE030340-510 159
Process Controller PIDCON Appendix C Event Texts

Process Controller PIDCON

Property text Event text
Event Treat Line No in Line No in
Events Standard Standard
pointer Event Event
text text
Treat Treat
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Lower limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV<L 3 <Value> 1
exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV<L 3 <Value> 2
re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV>H 4 <Value> 1
exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV>H 4 <Value> 2
re-entered <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>

160 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Process Controller PIDCON

Property text Event text

Event Treat Line No in Line No in
Events Standard Standard
pointer Event Event
text text
Treat Treat
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
PC-gate LOCALFL decides MODE_TR LOCAL !! 1 On 1
control mode
PC-gate MANFL decides MODE_TR MAN !! 2 On 1
control mode
PC-gate AUTOFL decides MODE_TR AUTO !! 3 On 1
control mode
PC-gate E1 decides control MODE_TR E1 !! 4 On 1
PC-gate E2 decides control MODE_TR E2 !! 5 On 1
PC-gate E3 decides control MODE_TR E3 !! 6 On 1
AI-error On ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Alarm 1
AI-error Off ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Normal 2

3BSE030340-510 161
Process Controller PIDCONA Appendix C Event Texts

Process Controller PIDCONA

Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Lower limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV<L 3 <Value> 1
exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV<L 3 <Value> 2
re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV>H 4 <Value> 1
exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit (1) for deviation H1L1_TR DEV>H 4 <Value> 2
re-entered <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
PC-gate LOCALFL decides MODE_TR LOCAL !! 1 On 1
control mode

162 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Process Controller PIDCONA

PC-gate MANFL decides MODE_TR MAN !! 2 On 1

control mode
PC-gate AUTOFL decides MODE_TR AUTO !! 3 On 1
control mode
PC-gate E1 decides control MODE_TR E1 !! 4 On 1
PC-gate E2 decides control MODE_TR E2 !! 5 On 1
PC-gate E3 decides control MODE_TR E3 !! 6 On 1
AI-error On ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Alarm 1
AI-error Off ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Normal 2
Autotuning aborted ADAP_TR AT Abort 1 Alarm 1
Autotuning aborted ADAP_TR AT Abort 1 Normal 2
Autotuning failed ADAP_TR AT Fail 2 Alarm 1
Autotuning failed ADAP_TR AT Fail 2 Normal 2
Autotuning. Question to ADAP_TR AT Quest 3 Decision 3
Autotuning. Question to ADAP_TR AT Quest 3 Answered 4
operator answered
There is an invalid sample ADAP_TR TS Fault 4 Alarm 1
There is an invalid sample ADAP_TR TS Fault 4 Normal 2
Adaptation failed ADAP_TR Ad Fail 5 Alarm 1
Adaptation failed ADAP_TR Ad Fail 5 Normal 2

3BSE030340-510 163
Manual Station MANSTN Appendix C Event Texts

Manual Station MANSTN

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
AI-error On ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Alarm 1
AI-error Off ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Normal 2

164 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Ratio Station RATIOSTN

Ratio Station RATIOSTN

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L1 for measured H1L1_TR MV<L1 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H1 for measured H1L1_TR MV>H1 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Lower limit L2 for measured H2L2_TR MV<L2 1 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 1
value exceeded <Unit>
Upper limit H2 for measured H2L2_TR MV>H2 2 <Value> 2
value re-entered <Unit>
AI-error On ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Alarm 1
AI-error Off ERR_TR AISign Err 1 Normal 2

3BSE030340-510 165
User Defined Controller GENCON Appendix C Event Texts

User Defined Controller GENCON

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
AI-error On AL_TR AISign Err 1 Alarm 1
AI-error Off AL_TR AISign Err 1 Normal 2
Limit for control deviation AL_TR Big Dev 4 Alarm 1
Limit for control deviation re- AL_TR Big Dev 4 Normal 2
Upper limit H2 for measured AL_TR MV>H2 5 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Upper limit H2 for measured AL_TR MV>H2 5 Normal 2
value re-entered
Upper limit H1 for measured AL_TR MV>H1 6 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Upper limit H1 for measured AL_TR MV>H1 6 Normal 2
value re-entered
Lower limit L1 for measured AL_TR MV<L1 7 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Lower limit L1 for measured AL_TR MV<L1 7 Normal 2
value re-entered
Lower limit L2 for measured AL_TR MV<L2 8 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Lower limit L2 for measured AL_TR MV<L2 8 Normal 2
value re-entered
Max limit for output sign On LIM_TR SpMaxLim 1 On 1
Max limit for output sign Off LIM_TR SpMaxLim 1 Off 2
Min limit for output sign On LIM_TR SpMinLim 2 On 1

166 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts User Defined Controller GENCON

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Min limit for output sign Off LIM_TR SpMinLim 2 Off 2
Max limit for output sign On LIM_TR OpMaxLim 3 On 1
Max limit for output sign Off LIM_TR OpMaxLim 3 Off 2
Min limit for output sign On LIM_TR OpMinLim 4 On 1
Min limit for output sign Off LIM_TR OpMinLim 4 Off 2
Op. mode Balance On IND_TR Balance 1 On 1
Op. mode Balance Off IND_TR Balance 1 Off 2
Op. mode Manual Forced On IND_TR ManFrced 2 On 1
Op. mode Manual Forced Off IND_TR ManFrced 2 Off 2
Op. mode Manual On IND_TR Manual 3 On 1
Op. mode Manual Off IND_TR Manual 3 Off 2
Op. mode Auto On IND_TR Auto 4 On 1
Op. mode Auto Off IND_TR Auto 4 Off 2
Op. mode E1 On IND_TR E1 5 On 1
Op. mode E1 Off IND_TR E1 5 Off 2
Op. mode E2 On IND_TR E2 6 On 1
Op. mode E2 Off IND_TR E2 6 Off 2
Controller output On IND_TR Controller 9 On 1
Controller output Off IND_TR Controller 9 Off 2
Controller On Binary control IND_TR BinCtrl 10 On 1
Controller Off Binary control IND_TR BinCtrl 10 Off 2

3BSE030340-510 167
Binary Object GENBIN Appendix C Event Texts

Binary Object GENBIN

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Signal error On AL_TR SignErr 1 Alarm 1
Signal error Off AL_TR SignErr 1 Normal 2
Feedback error On AL_TR FBErr 2 Alarm 1
Feedback error Off AL_TR FBErr 2 Normal 2
Upper limit H2 for measured AL_TR MV>H2 5 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Upper limit H2 for measured AL_TR MV>H2 5 Normal 2
value re-entered
Upper limit H1 for measured AL_TR MV>H1 6 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Upper limit H1 for measured AL_TR MV>H1 6 Normal 2
Lower limit L1 for measured AL_TR MV<L1 7 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Lower limit L1 for measured AL_TR MV<L1 7 Normal 2
value re-entered
Lower limit L2 for measured AL_TR MV<L2 8 Alarm 1
value exceeded
Lower limit L2 for measured AL_TR MV<L2 8 Normal 2
value re-entered
Op. mode Interlock INTL_TR ModeIntl 1 On 1
Op. mode Interlock INTL_TR ModeIntl 1 Off 2

168 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Binary Object GENBIN

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Process Interlock INTPROC INTL_TR ProcIntl 2 On 1
Process Interlock INTPROC INTL_TR ProcIntl 2 Off 2
Switchgear Interlock INTL_TR SwgrIntl 3 On 1
Switchgear Interlock INTL_TR SwgrIntl 3 Off 2
Emergency Stop Interlock INTL_TR EmTrpInt 4 On 1
Emergency Stop Interlock INTL_TR EmTrpInt 4 Off 2
Op. mode Central On IND_TR Central 1 On 1
Op. mode Central Off IND_TR Central 1 Off 2
Op. mode Local On IND_TR Local 2 On 1
Op. mode Local Off IND_TR Local 2 Off 2
Op. mode Remote On IND_TR Remote 3 On 1
Op. mode Remote Off IND_TR Remote 3 Off 2
Op. mode Manual On IND_TR Manual 5 On 1
Op. mode Manual Off IND_TR Manual 5 Off 2
Op. mode Auto On IND_TR Auto 4 On 1
Op. mode Auto Off IND_TR Auto 4 Off 2
Op. mode Blocked On IND_TR CtrlBlk 6 On 1
Op. mode Blocked Off IND_TR CtrlBlk 6 Off 2
Op. mode Standby On IND_TR Standby 7 On 1

3BSE030340-510 169
Binary Object GENBIN Appendix C Event Texts

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Op. mode Standby Off IND_TR Standby 7 Off 2
ON-indication On IND_TR On/Open 9 On 1
ON-indication Off IND_TR On/Open 9 Off 2
Indication changing On IND_TR PosChnge 10 On 1
Indication changing Off IND_TR PosChnge 10 Off 2

170 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts User Defined Object GENUSD

User Defined Object GENUSD

Property text Event text
Event Treat Line No in Line No in
Events Standard Standard
pointer Event Event
text text
Treat Treat
Alarm ALQ1 On AL_TR Quality 1 1 Alarm 1
Alarm ALQ1 Off AL_TR Quality 1 1 Normal 2
Alarm ALQ2 On AL_TR Quality 2 2 Alarm 1
Alarm ALQ2 Off AL_TR Quality 2 2 Normal 2
Alarm ALF1 On AL_TR Fault 1 3 Alarm 1
Alarm ALF1 Off AL_TR Fault 1 3 Normal 2
Alarm ALF2 On AL_TR Fault 2 4 Alarm 1
Alarm ALF2 Off AL_TR Fault 2 4 Normal 2
Alarm ALF3 On AL_TR Fault 3 5 Alarm 1
Alarm ALF3 Off AL_TR Fault 3 5 Normal 2
Alarm ALF4 On AL_TR Fault 4 6 Alarm 1
Alarm ALF4 Off AL_TR Fault 4 6 Normal 2
Alarm ALF5 On AL_TR Fault 5 7 Alarm 1
Alarm ALF5 Off AL_TR Fault 5 7 Normal 2
Alarm ALF6 On AL_TR Fault 6 8 Alarm 1
Alarm ALF6 Off AL_TR Fault 6 8 Normal 2
Interlock INTLU1 On INTL_TR Interl 1 1 On 1
Interlock INTLU1 Off INTL_TR Interl 1 1 Off 2
Interlock INTLU2 On INTL_TR Interl 2 2 On 1
Interlock INTLU2 Off INTL_TR Interl 2 2 Off 2

3BSE030340-510 171
User Defined Object GENUSD Appendix C Event Texts

Property text Event text

Event Treat Line No in Line No in
Events Standard Standard
pointer Event Event
text text
Treat Treat
Interlock INTLU3 On INTL_TR Interl 3 3 On 1
Interlock INTLU3 Off INTL_TR Interl 3 3 Off 2
Interlock INTLU4 On INTL_TR Interl 4 4 On 1
Interlock INTLU4 Off INTL_TR Interl 4 4 Off 2
Interlock INTLU5 On INTL_TR Interl 5 5 On 1
Interlock INTLU5 Off INTL_TR Interl 5 5 Off 2
Interlock INTLU6 On INTL_TR Interl 6 6 On 1
Interlock INTLU6 Off INTL_TR Interl 6 6 Off 2
Op. mode M1 M1 On IND_TR OperPos1 1 On 1
Op. mode M1 M1 Off IND_TR OperPos1 1 Off 2
Op. mode M2 M2 On IND_TR OperPos2 2 On 1
Op. mode M2 M2 Off IND_TR OperPos2 2 Off 2
Op. mode M3 M3 On IND_TR OperPos3 3 On 1
Op. mode M3 M3 Off IND_TR OperPos3 3 Off 2
Op. mode Manual On MAN IND_TR Manual 5 On 1
Op. mode Manual Off MAN IND_TR Manual 5 Off 2
Op. mode Auto On AUTO IND_TR Auto 4 On 1
Op. mode Auto Off AUTO IND_TR Auto 4 Off 2
Op. mode Blocked On BLK IND_TR CtrlBlk 6 On 1
Op. mode Blocked Off BLK IND_TR CtrlBlk 6 Off 2
Op. mode Standby On STBY IND_TR Standby 7 On 1
Op. mode Standby Off STBY IND_TR Standby 7 Off 2

172 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts User Defined Object GENUSD

Property text Event text

Event Treat Line No in Line No in
Events Standard Standard
pointer Event Event
text text
Treat Treat
Indication IND1 On IND_TR Indic.1 9 On 1
Indication IND1 Off IND_TR Indic.1 9 Off 2
Indication IND2 On IND_TR Indic.2 10 On 1
Indication IND2 Off IND_TR Indic.2 10 Off 2
Indication IND3 On IND_TR Indic.3 11 On 1
Indication IND3 Off IND_TR Indic.3 11 Off 2
Indication IND4 On IND_TR Indic.4 12 On 1
Indication IND4 Off IND_TR Indic.4 12 Off 2

3BSE030340-510 173
Motor Control MOTCON Appendix C Event Texts

Motor Control MOTCON

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Control voltage absent I1_TR ControlV 1 Alarm 1
Control voltage restored I1_TR ControlV 1 Normal 2
Bimetal relay has tripped I1_TR BimetalR 2 Alarm 1
Bimetal relay triggered I1_TR BimetalR 2 Normal 2
Local Stop I1_TR LStop 3 Alarm 1
Local Stop ended I1_TR LStop 3 Normal 2
Safety Monitor tripped I1_TR SafeMon 4 Alarm 1
Safety Monitor triggered I1_TR SafeMon 4 Normal 2
Main contactor Error I1_TR MainCErr 5 Alarm 1
Main contactor Error I1_TR MainCErr 5 Normal 2
Monitor Low tripped I1_TR MonLow 6 Alarm 1
Monitor Low restored I1_TR MonLow 6 Normal 2
Monitor High tripped I1_TR MonHigh 7 Alarm 1
Monitor High restored I1_TR MonHigh 7 Normal 2
Position A reached I1_TR Pos A 8 Alarm 1
Position A left I1_TR Pos A 8 Normal 2
Current limit 100 % exceeded I1_TR HighCurr 11 Alarm 1
Current limit 100 % re- I1_TR HighCurr 11 Normal 2
Position B reached I1_TR Pos B 12 Alarm 1
Position B left I1_TR Pos B 12 Normal 2

174 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Motor Control MOTCON

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Control mode Local On I2_TR Local 2 On 1
Control mode Local Off I2_TR Local 2 Off 2
Control mode Test On I2_TR Test 3 On 1
Control mode Test Off I2_TR Test 3 Off 2
Control mode Standby On I2_TR Standby 4 On 1
Control mode Standby Off I2_TR Standby 4 Off 2
Control mode Sequence On I2_TR Sequence 5 On 1
Control mode Sequence Off I2_TR Sequence 5 Off 2
Op. mode Auto On I2_TR Auto 6 On 1
Op. mode Auto Off I2_TR Auto 6 Off 2
Interlock IC1 On I2_TR CInterl1 9 On 1
Interlock IC1 Off I2_TR CInterl1 9 Off 2
Interlock IC2 On I2_TR CInterl2 10 On 1
Interlock IC2 Off I2_TR CInterl2 10 Off 2
Interlock IB1 On I2_TR BInterl1 13 On 1
Interlock IB1 Off I2_TR BInterl1 13 Off 2
Interlock IB2 On I2_TR BInterl2 14 On 1
Interlock IB2 Off I2_TR BInterl2 14 Off 2
Interlock IB3 On I2_TR BInterl3 11 On 1
Interlock IB3 Off I2_TR BInterl3 11 Off 2
Interlock IB4 On I2_TR BInterl4 12 On 1
Interlock IB4 Off I2_TR BInterl4 12 Off 2

3BSE030340-510 175
Motor Control MOTCON Appendix C Event Texts

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Interlock IA On I2_TR AInterl 15 Off 1
Interlock IA Off I2_TR AInterl 15 Off 2
Control mode Local ORD_TR Local 1 Order 1
Control mode Test ORD_TR Test 2 Order 1
Control mode Standby ORD_TR Standby 3 Order 1
Control mode Central ORD_TR Central 4 Order 1
Control mode Sequence ORD_TR Sequence 13 Order 1
Op. mode Auto ORD_TR Auto 5 Order 1
Op. mode Manual ORD_TR Manual 6 Order 1
Blocking of IB1 and IB3 ORD_TR Blk.BI 7 Order 1
Deblocking of IB1 and IB3 ORD_TR Norm.BI 8 Order 1
Order Forward ORD_TR Forward 9 Order 1
Order Reverse ORD_TR Reverse 10 Order 1
Order Start ORD_TR Start 11 Order 1
Order Stop ORD_TR Stop 12 Order 1

176 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Valve Control VALVECON

Valve Control VALVECON

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
User defined Fault 1 coming I1_TR F1 1 Alarm 1
User defined Fault 1 passing I1_TR F1 1 Normal 2
User defined Fault 2 coming I1_TR F2 2 Alarm 1
User defined Fault 2 passing I1_TR F2 2 Normal 2
Position error open coming I1_TR PosErrO 3 Alarm 1
Position error open passing I1_TR PosErrO 3 Normal 2
Position error closed coming I1_TR PosErrC 4 Alarm 1
Position error closed passing I1_TR PosErrC 4 Normal 2
Valve in open position I1_TR Pos O 8 Alarm 1
Valve changes from open I1_TR Pos O 8 Normal 2
Valve in closed position I1_TR Pos C 12 Alarm 1
Valve changes from closed I1_TR Pos C 12 Normal 2
Valve in intermediate position I1_TR IntPos 16 Alarm 1
Valve not in intermediate I1_TR IntPos 16 Normal 2
Control mode Local On I2_TR Local 2 On 1
Control mode Local Off I2_TR Local 2 Off 2
Control mode Test On I2_TR Test 3 On 1
Control mode Test Off I2_TR Test 3 Off 2
Control mode Standby On I2_TR Standby 4 On 1

3BSE030340-510 177
Valve Control VALVECON Appendix C Event Texts

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Control mode Standby Off I2_TR Standby 4 Off 2
Control mode Sequence On I2_TR Sequence 5 On 1
Control mode Sequence Off I2_TR Sequence 5 Off 2
Op. mode Auto On I2_TR Auto 6 On 1
Op. mode Auto Off I2_TR Auto 6 Off 2
Interlock IC1 On I2_TR CInterl1 9 On 1
Interlock IC1 Off I2_TR CInterl1 9 Off 2
Interlock IC2 On I2_TR CInterl2 10 On 1
Interlock IC2 Off I2_TR CInterl2 10 Off 2
Interlock IB1 On I2_TR BInterl1 11 On 1
Interlock IB1 Off I2_TR BInterl1 11 Off 2
Interlock IB2 On I2_TR BInterl2 12 On 1
Interlock IB2 Off I2_TR BInterl2 12 Off 2
Interlock IB3 On I2_TR BInterl3 13 On 1
Interlock IB3 Off I2_TR BInterl3 13 Off 2
Interlock IB4 On I2_TR BInterl4 14 On 1
Interlock IB4 Off I2_TR BInterl4 14 Off 2
Interlock IA On I2_TR AInterl 15 On 1
Interlock IA Off I2_TR AInterl 15 Off 2
Op. mode Local ORD_TR Local 1 Order 1
Op. mode Test ORD_TR Test 2 Order 1
Control mode Standby ORD_TR Standby 3 Order 1

178 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Valve Control VALVECON

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Control mode Central ORD_TR Central 4 Order 1
Control mode Sequence ORD_TR Sequence 11 Order 1
Op. mode Auto ORD_TR Auto 5 Order 1
Op. mode Manual ORD_TR Manual 6 Order 1
Blocking of IB1 and IB3 ORD_TR Blk.BI 7 Order 1
Deblocking of IB1 and IB3 ORD_TR Norm.BI 8 Order 1
Order Open ORD_TR Open 9 Order 1
Order Close ORD_TR Close 10 Order 1

3BSE030340-510 179
Group Start GROUP Appendix C Event Texts

Group Start GROUP

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Timeout sequence I1_TR Timeout G 1 Alarm 1
Timeout sequence I1_TR Timeout G 1 Normal 2
Timeout step I1_TR Timeout S 2 Alarm 1
Timeout step acknowledged I1_TR Timeout S 2 Normal 2
User defined Fault 3 coming I1_TR Fault 3 3 Alarm 1
User defined Fault 3 passing I1_TR Fault 3 3 Normal 2
User defined Fault 4 coming I1_TR Fault 4 4 Alarm 1
User defined Fault 4 passing I1_TR Fault 4 4 Normal 2
User defined Fault 5 coming I1_TR Fault 5 5 Alarm 1
User defined Fault 5 passing I1_TR Fault 5 5 Normal 2
Position A reached I1_TR Pos A 8 Alarm 1
Position A left I1_TR Pos A 8 Normal 2
Position B reached I1_TR Pos B 12 Alarm 1
Position B left I1_TR Pos B 12 Normal 2
Control mode Local On I2_TR Local 2 On 1
Control mode Local Off I2_TR Local 2 Off 2
Control mode Test On I2_TR Test 3 On 1
Control mode Test Off I2_TR Test 3 Off 2
Control mode Standby On I2_TR Standby 4 On 1
Control mode Standby Of I2_TR Standby 4 Off 2f

180 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Group Start GROUP

Property text Event text

Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Control mode Sequence On I2_TR Sequence 5 On 1
Control mode Sequence Off I2_TR Sequence 5 Off 2
Op. mode Auto On I2_TR Auto 6 On 1
Op. mode Auto Off I2_TR Auto 6 Off 2
Interlock IC1 On I2_TR CInterl1 9 On 1
Interlock IC1 Off I2_TR CInterl1 9 Off 2
Interlock IC2 On I2_TR CInterl2 10 On 1
Interlock IC2 Off I2_TR CInterl2 10 Off 2
Interlock IB1 On I2_TR BInterl1 13 On 1
Interlock IB1 Off I2_TR BInterl1 13 Off 2
Interlock IB2 On I2_TR BInterl2 14 On 1
Interlock IB2 Off I2_TR BInterl2 14 Off 2
Interlock IB3 On I2_TR BInterl3 11 On 1
Interlock IB3 Off I2_TR BInterl3 11 Off 2
Interlock IB4 On I2_TR BInterl4 12 On 1
Interlock IB4 Off I2_TR BInterl4 12 Off 2
Interlock IA On I2_TR AInterl 15 On 1
Interlock IA Off I2_TR AInterl 15 Off 2

3BSE030340-510 181
Group Alarm GRPALARM Appendix C Event Texts

Group Alarm GRPALARM

Property text Event text
Event Treat
Events Standard Line No in Standard Line No in
text Event Treat text Event Treat
Abnormal position Off DISTR_TR Disturb 1 Alarm 1
Abnormal position On DISTR_TR Disturb 1 Normal 2
Blocking of event handling DISTR_TR Alarm 2 Blocked 3
Deblocking of event handling DISTR_TR Alarm 2 Deblocked 4
Blocking of printout DISTR_TR Printout 3 Blocked 3
Deblocking of printout DISTR_TR Printout 3 Deblocked 4
Blocking master On PREV_TR Blk Master 1 On 1
Blocking master Off PREV_TR Blk Master 1 Off 2
First error On PREV_TR First Err 2 On 1
First error Off PREV_TR First Err 2 Off 2
Prevent event handling On PREV_TR Event 3 Blocked 3
Prevent event handling Off PREV_TR Event 3 Deblocked 4
Blocking of the members PREV_TR MembAlar 4 Blocked 3
event handling m
Deblocking of the members PREV_TR MembAlar 4 Deblocked 4
event handling m
Blocking of the members PREV_TR MembPrint 5 Blocked 3
event printout
Deblocking of the members PREV_TR MembPrint 5 Deblocked 4
event printout

182 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Motor Control MOTCONI

Motor Control MOTCONI

Alarms and events in this context are divided in three groups:
• Warnings, alarms from the Motor Controller Unit (MCU) which does not trip
the motor. Acknowledge by operator. Color: Yellow
• Alarms, alarms from the MCU which trips the motor. Acknowledge by
operator. Color: Red.
• Events, appears only in the event list. Not able to acknowledge. Color: Green.
Some alarms are reported from the PC element MOTCON directly, such as
communication error. Most events and alarms are however generated and time
stamped in the Motor Control Unit itself, for best possible time resolution, and sent
via the LONWORKS network to the Controller.
Figure 96 below shows the principles for how the events are translated and
associated to proper texts in the Operator Station.

Advant Controller 410/450 Operator Station

Event & Alar m list
MMCXx Alarm
I1_EVBLK Event list
LonWorks Network CI572 LON Device
ALOBJx EVENT346..352
Event Treat


Figure 96. Event Handling from LONWORKS Network to Operator Station in Principles

3BSE030340-510 183
Motor Control MOTCONI Appendix C Event Texts

In principle, the following processing is done in the Controller for every event
message received from the MCU via network variable 2040:
• The LONDEV data base element that represents the sending device (MCU) is
• The LONDEV data base element points out three objects, of type MMCX. One
object for warnings (ALOBJ1), one for alarms (ALOBJ2) and one for
events(ALOBJ3). Each MMCX object can deal with up to 32 different
warning/alarm/event indications. The event message is then forwarded to each
alarm object.
• The MMCX object in it’s turn forwards all state transitions to the Operator
stations for presentation according to defined treatment and texts defined by
terminals I1_TR or I2_TR. The treatment is divided in groups represented by
data base element Event Treat. For each group different handling can be
selected for status changes 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively see Table E-6.
It is possible to block the update of events and alarms in different manners. It could
be done either from the operators dialog affecting all alarms and events from each
MCU. Separate alarms could be blocked by the bit masks I1_EVBLK and
I2_EVBLK in MMCX data base element. The terminal EV_BLK in LONDEV data
base element could also be used to block events received from each MCU.
The translation of events and alarms for MOTCONI is described below. They are
divided into four groups. For each group one data base element MMCX is needed.
The groups are:
• Alarm from MOTCON PC element
• Warnings directly from MCU
• Alarm directly from MCU
• Events directly from MCU

184 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Alarm Text from MOTCON PC Element

See table below for network variable bindings that has to be done to correctly
receive events and alarms from MCU.

Table 13. Network Variable bindings needed for event and alarm handling from MCU

Description SNVT
NV-Index NV-Name NV-Index NV-Name
Clock Warning, broadcast 0 2042 nvoClockWrng 8 nviClockWrng
from CI572 before the clock
synchronization message
Clock synchronization 0 2041 nvoClock 7 nviClock
broadcast message. The
send interval is defined by
LONCHAN database
Alarm Report message with 0 2040 nviAlarmRepor 51 nvoAlarmReport
warnings, alarms, events t
and time stamp

Standard Alarm Text from MOTCON PC Element

Table 14. Alarms reported from MOTCON PC element, translated via data base element

IND bit Event

Description Property text
in MMCX Text

Communication error IND1_00 CommErr Warning


Over load IND1_01 Overload Warning


Local Stop IND1_02 LStop Warning


3BSE030340-510 185
Standard Alarm Text from MOTCON PC Element Appendix C Event Texts

Table 14. Alarms reported from MOTCON PC element, translated via data base element EVENT352

Emergency stop IND1_03 EStop Warning


Main contactor error IND1_04 MainCErr Warning


Monitor low IND1_05 MonLow Warning


Monitor high IND1_06 MonHigh Warning


186 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Warning Texts from MCU

Standard Warning Texts from MCU

Table 15. Warnings reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT346 or

IND bit Event
Description Treat Property text
in MMCX Text

Thermal Overload IND1_00 EVENT346 ThermOL Warning


Phase Loss L1 IND1_01 EVENT346 PhLossL1 Warning


Phase Loss L2 IND1_02 EVENT346 PhLossL2 Warning


Phase Loss L3 IND1_03 EVENT346 PhLossL3 Warning


Under load IND1_04 EVENT346 UndLoad Warning


No load IND1_05 EVENT346 NoLoad Warning


Stall IND1_06 EVENT346 Stall Warning


Feedback CFA IND1_07 EVENT346 FeedbCFA Warning


Feedback CFB IND1_08 EVENT346 FeedbCFB Warning


3BSE030340-510 187
Standard Warning Texts from MCU Appendix C Event Texts

Table 15. Warnings reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT346 or EVENT347

Feedback CFC IND1_09 EVENT346 FeedbCFC Warning


Earth Fault IND1_10 EVENT346 EarthFlt Warning


Unbalance IND1_11 EVENT346 UnBalanc Warning


U/L Cosphi IND1_12 EVENT346 Cosphi Warning


Rotation IND1_13 EVENT346 Rotation Warning


PTC temperature IND1_14 EVENT346 PTCtemp Warning


Under Voltage IND1_15 EVENT346 UnderVlt Warning


Start limitation IND2_00 EVENT347 StartLim Warning


Autoreclosuer IND2_01 EVENT347 AutoRecl Warning


Device temperature IND2_02 EVENT347 Dev temp Warning


O/L IND2_03 EVENT347 Overload Warning


188 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Warning Texts from MCU

Table 15. Warnings reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT346 or EVENT347

Maintenance A IND2_04 EVENT347 MaintenA Warning


Maintenance B IND2_05 EVENT347 MaintenB Warning


Maintenance C IND2_06 EVENT347 MaintenC Warning


Maintenance hour run IND2_07 EVENT347 MaintMot Warning


Fail-safe activated IND2_08 EVENT347 FailSafe Warning


No external memory IND2_09 EVENT347 NoExtROM Warning


ROM write fail IND2_10 EVENT347 ROMWrFai Warning


ROM read fail IND2_11 EVENT347 ROMRdFai Warning


Drawer location IND2_12 EVENT347 DrawLoc Warning


PTC short circuit IND2_13 EVENT347 PTCshort Warning


PTC open circuit IND2_14 EVENT347 PTCopen Warning


3BSE030340-510 189
Standard Alarm Text from MCU Appendix C Event Texts

Table 15. Warnings reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT346 or EVENT347

Startup inhibit IND2_15 EVENT347 StrtInhb Warning


Standard Alarm Text from MCU

Table 16. Alarms reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT348 or EVENT349

IND bit Event
Description Treat Property text
in MMCX Text

Thermal Overload trip IND1_00 EVENT348 ThermOL Warning


Phase Loss trip L1 IND1_01 EVENT348 PhLossL1 Warning


Phase Loss trip L2 IND1_02 EVENT348 PhLossL2 Warning


Phase Loss trip L3 IND1_03 EVENT348 PhLossL3 Warning


Under load trip IND1_04 EVENT348 UndLoad Warning


No load trip IND1_05 EVENT348 NoLoad Warning


Stall trip IND1_06 EVENT348 Stall Warning


190 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Alarm Text from MCU

Table 16. Alarms reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT348 or EVENT349

Feedback trip CFA IND1_07 EVENT348 FeedbCFA Warning


Feedback trip CFB IND1_08 EVENT348 FeedbCFB Warning


Feedback trip CFC IND1_09 EVENT348 FeedbCFC Warning


Earth fault trip IND1_10 EVENT348 EarthFlt Warning


Unbalance trip IND1_11 EVENT348 UnBalanc Warning


U/L Cosphi trip IND1_12 EVENT348 Cosphi Warning


Rotation trip IND1_13 EVENT348 Rotation Warning


PTC temperature trip IND1_14 EVENT348 PTCtemp Warning


Under Voltage trip IND1_15 EVENT348 UnderVlt Warning


Start limitation trip IND2_00 EVENT349 StartLim Warning


PTC short circuit trip IND2_01 EVENT349 PTCshort Warning


3BSE030340-510 191
Standard Alarm Text from MCU Appendix C Event Texts

Table 16. Alarms reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT348 or EVENT349

PTC open circuit trip IND2_02 EVENT349 PTCopen Warning


Torque trip IND2_03 EVENT349 TorqTrip Warning


Parametering failure IND2_04 EVENT349 ParamFail Warning


External trip IND2_05 EVENT349 ExtTrip Warning


Test mode failure trip IND2_06 EVENT349 TestTrip Warning


EM stop activated IND2_07 EVENT349 EMstop Warning


Internal fault trip IND2_08 EVENT349 InterFlt Warning


External trip command IND2_09 EVENT349 ExTrpCmd Warning


Main switch OFF IND2_10 EVENT349 MainSwOf Warning


spare IND2_11 EVENT349 spare Warning


MCB trip IND2_12 EVENT349 MCBtrip Warning


192 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Event Text from MCU

Table 16. Alarms reported from MCU, translated via data base element EVENT348 or EVENT349

Motor still running IND2_13 EVENT349 MotIsRun Warning


Start Interlock trip IND2_14 EVENT349 StrtIntl Warning


Standard Event Text from MCU

Table 17. EventsreportedfromMCU,translatedviadatabaseelementEVENT350

or EVENT351

IND bit in Event
Description Treat Property text

TOL reset level reached IND1_00 EVENT350 TolResLv McuEvent

Motor started 1 IND1_01 EVENT350 MotStrt1 McuEvent

Motor started 2 IND1_02 EVENT350 MotStrt2 McuEvent

Motor stopped IND1_03 EVENT350 MotorStp McuEvent

Control mode ‘local’ IND1_04 EVENT350 Local McuEvent

Main switch in Test-position IND1_05 EVENT350 TestPos McuEvent

Trip reset IND1_06 EVENT350 TripRes McuEvent

Device set to off-line IND1_07 EVENT350 Off-line McuEvent

Motor started CW by RCU-switch IND1_08 EVENT350 RcuStrt1 McuEvent

Motor stopped by RCU-switch IND1_09 EVENT350 RcuStop McuEvent

Motor started CCW by RCU-switch IND1_10 EVENT350 RcuStrt2 McuEvent

3BSE030340-510 193
Event Treatment in Operator Station Appendix C Event Texts

Table 17. EventsreportedfromMCU,translatedviadatabaseelementEVENT350

or EVENT351 (Continued)

Trip bypass activated IND1_11 EVENT350 TrpBypas McuEvent

Motor stopped by limit position 1 IND1_12 EVENT350 StopLim1 McuEvent

Motor stopped by limit position 2 IND1_13 EVENT350 StopLim2 McuEvent
Start interlock alarm IND2_01 EVENT351 StrtIntl McuEvent

Event Treatment in Operator Station

The treatment of events and alarms in Operator Station (such as color of event line,
audible alarm or not, text line appearance) is defined in the EVENT Treat database
element. The table below describes the predefined settings for different Event Treat
elements for MOTCONI.

Table 18. Predefined Event treatment for MOTCONI

Terminal Index of EVENT treatment data base element

352 346 347 348 349 350 351

AUDIBLE 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

AL_PRIO 2 3 3 2 2 4 4

AL_TOBLK No No No No No Yes Yes

AL_FRBLK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

PERSISTB No No No No No Yes Yes

TEXT_TOB No No No No No No No

TEXT_FRB No No No No No Yes Yes

TEXTCOM 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

194 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Engineered Drive, DRICONE

This section describes the principles for events and alarms, the standard event texts
for DRICONE main data base element and DRICONE fault and alarm data base
elements. The section contains also a layout of the Event Treat configuration for
Figure 97 shows diagrammatically the relation between indications and the
parameters which can be used to block event handling for certain indications and
points out a required handling in the operator’s station.
The possibilities of the operator to block event printouts and alarms are shown under
the heading ‘Event and alarm blocking’ below.

Parameters Advant Station 500 Series

Advant Controller 410/450 Operator Station
Data base element
Event Treat
PC element MMC-IND
Y I1_EVBLK Blocking
Fault in Drive
Limit X
Warning from Drive
IND 1 events

Event treat


- Event/Alarm
- Acoustic alarm
- Layout of texts
- Std. texts

Figure 97. Event Handling Principles

The events are divided into groups. One pointer is allocated to each group which
means that the individual events of the group are, in several respects, handled in the
same way in Advant Station 500 Series Operator Station. For each group different
handling can be selected for status changes 0-->1 and 1-->0 respectively. The texts
which are written out in different lists are individual for each event. The group

3BSE030340-510 195
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

division - which events are associated with the pointer - is given in ‘Event
description with standard texts’ below. This also specifies which event handling is
obtained as default and which alternative standard function.

Table 19. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element, EVENT Treat element
334 - 335

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No Stand
Treat No in
pointer Standard text in Event ard
Treat text

IND1_01 Out of window I1_TR Speed Outside 2 Alarm 1


IND1_01 Within window I1_TR Speed Outside 2 Norma 2

Window l

IND1_02 Emergency I1_TR Emergency Stop 3 Alarm 1

stop Fault

IND1_02 No Emergency I1_TR Emergency Stop 3 Norma 2

stop Fault l

IND1_04 Run disabled I1_TR Run Disabled 5 Alarm 1

IND1_04 Run enabled I1_TR Run Disabled 5 Norma 2


IND1_06 First start not I1_TR First start not done 7 Alarm 1

IND1_06 First start done I1_TR First start not done 7 Norma 2

IND1_07 Alarm from I1_TR Alarm from drive 8 Alarm 1


IND1_07 No alarm I1_TR Alarm from drive 8 Norma 2


IND1_08 Start inhibition I1_TR False Start Inhibit 9 Alarm 1

196 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 19. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element, EVENT Treat element
334 - 335 (Continued)

IND1_08 No start I1_TR False Start Inhibit 9 Norma 2

inhibition l

IND1_09 Limit exceeded I1_TR Limit 10 Alarm 1

IND1_09 No Limit I1_TR Limit 10 Norma 2


IND1_11 Fault from drive I1_TR Fault in Drive 12 Alarm 1

IND1_11 No fault I1_TR Fault in Drive 12 Norma 2


IND1_12 Communication I1_TR Communication 13 Alarm 1

fault Error

IND1_12 Communication I1_TR Communication 13 Norma 2

fault Error l

IND2_00 In service ready I2_TR In service 1 On 1

to switch on

IND2_00 Not in service I2_TR In service 1 Off 2

IND2_01 Drive ready to I2_TR Ready to Start 2 On 1


IND2_01 Drive is not I2_TR Ready to Start 2 Off 2

ready to start

IND2_02 Running with I2_TR Run 3 On 1


IND2_02 Stopped I2_TR Run 3 Off 2

IND2_03 Motor is I2_TR Motor Magnetized 4 On 1


IND2_03 Motor is not I2_TR Motor Magnetized 4 Off 2


3BSE030340-510 197
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 19. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element, EVENT Treat element
334 - 335 (Continued)

IND2_04 OFF 2 I2_TR Emergency 5 On 5

IND2_04 No OFF 2 I2_TR Emergency 5 Off 6

IND2_05 OFF 3 I2_TR Emergency stop 6 On 5

IND2_05 No OFF 3 I2_TR Emergency stop 6 Off 6

IND2_06 Switch on is I2_TR Inhibit Switch On 7 Yes 3


IND2_06 Switch on is not I2_TR Inhibit Switch On 7 No 4


IND2_07 Drive runs at I2_TR At Setpoint 8 On 1


IND2_07 Drive is not at I2_TR At Setpoint 8 Off 2


IND2_08 C-Interlock I2_TR C-Interlock 9 On 1

IND2_08 C-Interlock I2_TR C-Interlock 9 Off 2

IND2_09 Drive runs I2_TR Remote 10 On 1


IND2_09 Drive runs I2_TR Remote 10 Off 2


IND2_10 B-Interlock 1 I2_TR B-Interlock 1 11 On 1

IND2_10 B-Interlock 1 I2_TR B-Interlock 1 11 Off 2

IND2_11 B-Interlock 2 I2_TR B-Interlock 2 12 On 1

IND2_11 B-Interlock 2 I2_TR B-Interlock 2 12 Off 2

IND2_12 B-Interlock 3 I2_TR B-Interlock 3 13 On 1

IND2_12 B-Interlock 3 I2_TR B-Interlock 3 13 Off 2

198 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 19. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element, EVENT Treat element
334 - 335 (Continued)

IND2_13 B-Interlock 4 I2_TR B-Interlock 4 14 On 1

IND2_13 B-Interlock 4 I2_TR B-Interlock 4 14 Off 2

IND2_14 A-Interlock I2_TR A-Interlock 15 On 1

IND2_14 A-Interlock I2_TR A-Interlock 15 Off 2

IND2_15 Override I2_TR Override Interlock 16 On 1


IND2_15 Don’t override I2_TR Override Interlock 16 Off 2


Table 20. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
336 - 337

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No Stand
Treat No in
pointer Standard text in Event ard
Treat text

IND1_00 Short circuit I1_TR Short Circuit 1 Fault 1

IND1_00 Short circuit I1_TR Short Circuit 1 Normal 2

IND1_01 Over current I1_TR Over Current 2 Fault 1

IND1_01 Over current I1_TR Over Current 2 Normal 2

IND1_02 DC over voltage fault I1_TR DC Over 3 Fault 1


IND1_02 No DC over voltage I1_TR DC Over 3 Normal 2

fault Voltage

3BSE030340-510 199
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 20. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
336 - 337 (Continued)

IND1_03 Power plate over I1_TR Over Temp Pow 4 Fault 1

temperature fault Plate

IND1_03 No power plate over I1_TR Over Temp Pow 4 Normal 2

temperature fault Plate

IND1_04 Earth fault I1_TR Earth Fault 5 Fault 1

IND1_04 No earth fault I1_TR Earth Fault 5 Normal 2

IND1_05 Motor over I1_TR Over Temp 6 Fault 1

temperature fault Motor

IND1_05 No motor over I1_TR Over Temp 6 Normal 2

temperature fault Motor

IND1_06 Motor over load fault I1_TR Over Load 7 Fault 1


IND1_06 No motor over load I1_TR Over Load 7 Normal 2

fault Motor

IND1_07 System fault I1_TR System Fault 8 Fault 1

IND1_07 No system fault I1_TR System Fault 8 Normal 2

IND1_08 Under load fault I1_TR Under Load 9 Fault 1

IND1_08 No under load fault I1_TR Under Load 9 Normal 2

IND1_09 Over speed fault I1_TR Over Speed 10 Fault 1

IND1_09 No over speed fault I1_TR Over Speed 10 Normal 2

IND1_10 Supply Section fault I1_TR Supply Section 11 Fault 1

IND1_10 No Supply Section I1_TR Supply Section 11 Normal 2


IND1_11 Master/Follower fault I1_TR Master/Follower 12 Fault 1

IND1_11 No Master/Follower I1_TR Master/Follower 12 Normal 2


200 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 20. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
336 - 337 (Continued)

IND1_12 Short circuit INT1 I1_TR Short circuit 13 Fault 1


IND1_12 No Short circuit INT1 I1_TR Short Circuit 13 Normal 2


IND1_13 Short circuit INT2 I1_TR Short Circuit 14 Fault 1


IND1_13 No Short circuit INT2 I1_TR Short Circuit 14 Normal 2


IND1_14 Short circuit INT3 I1_TR Short Circuit 15 Fault 1


IND1_14 No Short circuit INT3 I1_TR Short Circuit 15 Normal 2


IND1_15 Short circuit INT4 I1_TR Short Circuit 16 Fault 1


IND1_15 No Short circuit INT4 I1_TR Short Circuit 16 Normal 2


IND2_00 Supply section fault I2_TR Supply Section 1 Fault 1

IND2_00 No supply section I2_TR Supply Section 1 Normal 2


IND2_02 DC under voltage I2_TR DC Under 3 Fault 1


IND2_02 No DC under voltage I2_TR DC Under 3 Normal 2


IND2_04 Run disabled I2_TR Run Disabled 5 Fault 1

IND2_04 Run enabled I2_TR Run Disabled 5 Normal 2

IND2_05 Encoder fault I2_TR Speed Encoder 6 Fault 1

IND2_05 No encoder fault I2_TR Speed Encoder 6 Normal 2

3BSE030340-510 201
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 20. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
336 - 337 (Continued)

IND2_06 I/O link fault channel I2_TR I/O Link channel 7 Fault 1
1 1

IND2_06 No I/O link fault I2_TR I/O Link channel 7 Normal 2

channel 1 1

IND2_07 Cabinett I2_TR Cabinett 8 Fault 1

overtemperature overtemp

IND2_07 No Cabinett I2_TR Cabinett 8 Normal 2

overtemperature overtemp

IND2_09 Over svitching I2_TR Over Switching 10 Fault 1


IND2_09 No over switching I2_TR Over Switching 10 Normal 2


IND2_11 PPCC link fault I2_TR PPCC Link 12 Fault 1

IND2_11 No PPCC link fault I2_TR PPCC Link 12 Normal 2

IND2_12 Communication fault I2_TR Communication 13 Fault 1

Channel 0 Ch 0

IND2_12 No Communication I2_TR Communication 13 Normal 2

fault Channel 0 Ch 0

IND2_13 Pannel loss I2_TR Pannel loss 14 Fault 1

IND2_13 No pannel loss I2_TR Pannel loss 14 Normal 2

IND2_14 Motor stalled I2_TR Motor Stalled 15 Fault 1

IND2_14 No motor stalled I2_TR Motor Stalled 15 Normal 2

IND2_15 Motor phase missing I2_TR Motor Phase 16 Fault 1


IND2_15 No motor phase I2_TR Motor Phase 16 Normal 2

missing Missing

202 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 21. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
338 - 339

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No
Treat Standa No in
pointer Standard text in Event
rd text Event

IND1_00 Prevent unexpected I1_TR Prevent Start 1 Alarm 1


IND1_00 No preventation of I1_TR Prevent Start 1 Normal 2

unexpected start

IND1_01 Emergency stop I1_TR Emergency 2 Alarm 1


IND1_01 Emergency stop I1_TR Emergency 2 Normal 2


IND1_02 Measured motor I1_TR Meas. Motor 3 Alarm 1

temp alarm Temp

IND1_02 Measured motor I1_TR Meas. Motor 3 Normal 2

temp alarm Temp

IND1_03 Over temperature I1_TR Motor Overload 4 Alarm 1

alarm of the thermal

IND1_03 No over temperature I1_TR Motor Overload 4 Normal 2

alarm of the thermal

IND1_04 Power plate over I1_TR Temp Power 5 Alarm 1

temperature alarm Plate

IND1_04 No power plate over I1_TR Temp Power 5 Normal 2

temperature alarm Plate

3BSE030340-510 203
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 21. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
338 - 339 (Continued)

IND1_05 Pulse encoder alarm I1_TR Pulse Encoder 6 Alarm 1

IND1_05 No Pulse encoder I1_TR Pulse Encoder 6 Normal 2


IND1_07 Standard digital I/O I1_TR Standard Digital 8 Alarm 1

alarm I/O

IND1_07 No Standard digital I1_TR Standard Digital 8 Normal 2

I/O alarm I/O

IND1_08 Standard analogue I1_TR Standard 9 Alarm 1

I/O alarm Analog I/O

IND1_08 No Standard I1_TR Standard 9 Normal 2

analogue I/O alarm Analog I/O

IND1_09 External digital I/O I1_TR Ext. Digital I/O 10 Alarm 1


IND1_09 No External digital I1_TR Ext. Digital I/O 10 Normal 2

I/O alarm

IND1_10 External analogue I1_TR Ext. Analog I/O 11 Alarm 1

I/O alarm

IND1_10 No External I1_TR Ext. Analog I/O 11 Normal 2

analogue I/O alarm

IND1_11 Master - Follower I1_TR Master - Follow 12 Alarm 1

alarm alarm

IND1_11 Master - Follower I1_TR Master - Follow 12 Normal 2

alarm alarm

IND1_12 Communication I1_TR Comm. Channel 13 Alarm 1

alarm Channel 0 0

IND1_12 Communication I1_TR Comm. Channel 13 Normal 2

alarm Channel 0 0

IND1_14 Earth fault alarm I1_TR Earth fault 15 Alarm 1

204 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 21. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
338 - 339 (Continued)

IND1_14 No Earth fault alarm I1_TR Earth fault 15 Normal 2

IND2_00 Power failure I2_TR Power Failure 1 Alarm 1

IND2_00 No power failure I2_TR Power Failure 1 Normal 2

IND2_01 Under load alarm I2_TR Under Load 2 Alarm 1

IND2_01 No under load alarm I2_TR Under Load 2 Normal 2

IND2_02 Identity run I2_TR Identity run 3 Alarm 1

IND2_02 No Identity run I2_TR Identity run 3 Normal 2

IND2_03 DC under voltage I2_TR DC Under 5 Alarm 1

alarm Voltage

IND2_03 No DC under voltage I2_TR DC Under 5 Normal 2

alarm Voltage

IND2_04 DC over voltage I2_TR DC Over 5 Alarm 1

alarm Voltage

IND2_04 No DC over voltage I2_TR DC Over 5 Normal 2

alarm Voltage

IND2_05 Over current alarm I2_TR Over Current 6 Alarm 1

IND2_05 No over current I2_TR Over Current 6 Normal 2


IND2_06 Over frequency I2_TR Over Frequency 7 Alarm 1


IND2_06 No over frequency I2_TR Over Frequency 7 Normal 2


IND2_07 Power failure file I2_TR Power Failure 8 Alarm 1


IND2_07 No power failure file I2_TR Power Failure 8 Normal 2


3BSE030340-510 205
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 21. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element ACS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
338 - 339 (Continued)

IND2_08 Power down file I2_TR Power Down file 8 Alarm 1

IND2_07 No power down file I2_TR Power Down file 8 Normal 2

IND2_08 Motor stalled alarm I2_TR Stall 9 Alarm 1

IND2_08 No motor stalled I2_TR Stall 9 Normal 2


IND2_09 Supply phase I2_TR Supply Phase 10 Alarm 1

IND2_09 No supply phase I2_TR Supply Phase 10 Normal 2


IND2_10 Timeout channel 0 I2_TR DDCS Timeout 11 Alarm 1


IND2_10 No timeout channel I2_TR DDCS Timeout 11 Normal 2

0 Ch0

IND2_13 Pannel loss I2_TR Pannel loss 14 Alarm 1

IND2_13 No pannel loss I2_TR Pannel loss 14 Normal 2

Table 22. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
340 - 341

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No Stand
Treat No in
pointer Standard text in Event ard
Treat text

IND1_07 Alarm from drive I1_TR Alarm from 8 Alarm 1


IND1_07 No alarm I1_TR Alarm from 8 Norma 2

drive l

206 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 22. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
340 - 341 (Continued)

IND1_11 Fault from drive I1_TR Fault in Drive 12 Alarm 1

IND1_11 No fault I1_TR Fault in Drive 12 Norma 2


IND1_12 Communication fault I1_TR Communication 13 Alarm 1


IND1_12 Communication fault I1_TR Communication 13 Norma 2

Error l

IND2_00 In service ready to I2_TR In service 1 On 1

switch on

IND2_00 Not in service I2_TR In service 1 Off 2

IND2_01 Drive ready to start I2_TR Ready to Start 2 On 1

IND2_01 Drive is not ready to I2_TR Ready to Start 2 Off 2


IND2_02 Running with I2_TR Run 3 On 1

selected reference

IND2_02 Stopped I2_TR Run 3 Off 2

IND2_08 C-Interlock I2_TR C-Interlock 9 On 1

IND2_08 C-Interlock I2_TR C-Interlock 9 Off 2

IND2_10 B-Interlock 1 I2_TR B-Interlock 1 11 On 1

IND2_10 B-Interlock 1 I2_TR B-Interlock 1 11 Off 2

IND2_11 B-Interlock 2 I2_TR B-Interlock 2 12 On 1

IND2_11 B-Interlock 2 I2_TR B-Interlock 2 12 Off 2

IND2_12 B-Interlock 3 I2_TR B-Interlock 3 13 On 1

IND2_12 B-Interlock 3 I2_TR B-Interlock 3 13 Off 2

IND2_13 B-Interlock 4 I2_TR B-Interlock 4 14 On 1

3BSE030340-510 207
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 22. Event Text for Main MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
340 - 341 (Continued)

IND2_13 B-Interlock 4 I2_TR B-Interlock 4 14 Off 2

IND2_14 A-Interlock I2_TR A-Interlock 15 On 1

IND2_14 A-Interlock I2_TR A-Interlock 15 Off 2

IND2_15 Override interlock I2_TR Override 16 On 1


IND2_15 Don’t override I2_TR Override 16 Off 2

interlock Interlock

Table 23. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
342 - 343

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No
Treat Standar No in
pointer Standard text in Event
d text Event

IND1_00 Auxiliary under I1_TR Auxil. 1 Fault 1

voltage Undervoltage

IND1_00 Auxiliary under I1_TR Auxil. 1 Normal 2

voltage Undervoltage

IND1_01 Over current I1_TR Over Current 2 Fault 1

IND1_01 No Over current I1_TR Over Current 2 Normal 2

IND1_02 Armature over I1_TR Armature 3 Fault 1

voltage fault Overvolt.

IND1_02 No Armature over I1_TR Armature 3 Normal 2

voltage fault Overvolt.

208 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 23. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
342 - 343 (Continued)

IND1_03 Converter over I1_TR Overtemp Conv. 4 Fault 1

temperature fault

IND1_03 No converter over I1_TR Overtemp Conv. 4 Normal 2

temperature fault

IND1_04 Earth fault I1_TR Earth fault 5 Fault 1

IND1_04 No earth fault I1_TR Earth fault 5 Normal 2

IND1_05 Motor 1 over I1_TR Motor 1 6 Fault 1

temperature fault overtemp

IND1_05 No over I1_TR Motor 1 6 Normal 2

temperature fault overtemp
motor 1

IND1_06 Motor 1 over load I1_TR Motor 1 overload 7 Fault 1


IND1_06 No over load fault I1_TR Motor 1 overload 7 Normal 2

motor 1

IND1_07 I/O-board not I1_TR I/O-board not 8 Fault 1

found found

IND1_07 I/O-board found I1_TR I/O-board not 8 Normal 2


IND1_08 Motor 2 over I1_TR Motor 2 9 Fault 1

temperature fault overtemp

IND1_08 No over I1_TR Motor 2 9 Normal 2

temperature fault overtemp
motor 2

IND1_09 Motor 2 over load I1_TR Motor 2 overload 10 Fault 1


IND1_09 No over load fault I1_TR Motor 2 overload 10 Normal 2

motor 2

3BSE030340-510 209
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 23. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
342 - 343 (Continued)

IND1_11 Main supply I1_TR Mains 12 Alarm 1

under voltage undervoltage

IND1_11 No main supply I1_TR Mains 12 Normal 2

under voltage undervoltage

IND1_12 Main supply over I1_TR Mains 13 Fault 1

voltage overvoltage

IND1_12 No main supply I1_TR Mains 13 Normal 2

over voltage overvoltage

IND1_13 Not synchronized I1_TR Synchronism 14 Fault 1

IND1_13 Synchronized I1_TR Synchronism 14 Normal 2

IND1_14 Field exciter 1 I1_TR Fld ex 1 15 Fault 1

over current overcurrent

IND1_14 No over current I1_TR Fld ex 1 15 Normal 2

field exciter 1 overcurrent

IND1_15 Field exciter 1 I1_TR Fld ex 1 16 Fault 1

communication commerror

IND1_15 No I1_TR Fld ex 1 16 Normal 2

communication commerror
fault field exciter

IND2_00 Armature current I2_TR Arm current 1 Fault 1

ripple ripple

IND2_00 No armature I2_TR Arm current 1 Normal 2

current ripple ripple

IND2_01 Field exciter 2 I1_TR Fld ex 2 2 Fault 1

over current overcurrent

210 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 23. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
342 - 343 (Continued)

IND2_01 No over current I1_TR Fld ex 2 2 Normal 2

field exciter 2 overcurrent

IND2_02 Field exciter 2 I1_TR Fld ex 2 3 Fault 1

communication commerror

IND2_02 No I1_TR Fld ex 2 3 Normal 2

communication commerror
fault field exciter

IND2_03 Phase sequence I2_TR Phase sequence 4 Fault 1


IND2_03 No phase I2_TR Phase sequence 4 Normal 2

sequence fault

IND2_04 No field I2_TR Field 5 Fault 1

acknowledge acknowledge

IND2_04 Field I2_TR Field 5 Normal 2

acknowledge acknowledge

IND2_05 Measured speed I2_TR Speed 6 Fault 1

fault measured

IND2_05 No measured I2_TR Speed 6 Normal 2

speed fault measured
IND2_06 No external fan I2_TR Ext. Fan 7 Fault 1
acknowledge acknowledge
IND2_06 External fan I2_TR Ext. Fan 7 Normal 2
acknowledge acknowledge
IND2_07 No main I2_TR Main cont ack 8 Fault 1

3BSE030340-510 211
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 23. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
342 - 343 (Continued)
IND2_07 Main contactor I2_TR Main cont ack 8 Normal 2
IND2_08 Type coding fault I2_TR Type coding 9 Fault 1
IND2_08 No type coding I2_TR Type coding 9 Normal 2
IND2_09 Parameter I2_TR Par backup 10 Fault 1
backup fault
IND2_09 No parameter I2_TR Par backup 10 Normal 2
backup fault
IND2_10 No central fan I2_TR C Fan ack 11 Fault 1
IND2_10 Central fan I2_TR C Fan ack 11 Normal 2
IND2_11 DDCS ch. 0 I2_TR DDCS Comm. 12 Fault 1
communication Ch 0.
IND2_11 No DDCS ch. 0 I2_TR DDCS Comm. 12 Normal 2
communication Ch 0.
IND2_12 Field exciter 1 I1_TR Fld ex 1 13 Fault 1

IND2_12 Field exciter 1 ok I1_TR Fld ex 1 13 Normal 2

IND2_13 Field exciter 2 I1_TR Fld ex 2 14 Fault 1


IND2_13 Field exciter 2 ok I1_TR Fld ex 2 14 Normal 2

IND2_14 Motor stalled I2_TR Motor stalled 15 Fault 1

IND2_14 No motor stall I2_TR Motor stalled 15 Normal 2

212 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 23. Event Text for Fault MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
342 - 343 (Continued)

IND2_15 Motor over speed I2_TR Motor overspeed 16 Fault 1

IND2_15 No motor over I2_TR Motor overspeed 16 Normal 2


Table 24. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
344 - 345

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No No in
Treat Standar
pointer Standard text in Event Even
d text
Treat t

IND1_00 Prevent unexpected I1_TR Prevent Start 1 Alarm 1


IND1_00 No preventation of I1_TR Prevent Start 1 Normal 2

unexpected start

IND1_01 Emergency stop I1_TR Emergency 2 Alarm 1


IND1_01 Emergency stop I1_TR Emergency 2 Normal 2


IND1_02 Motor 1 over I1_TR Motor 1 Temp 3 Alarm 1

temperature alarm

IND1_02 No over temperature I1_TR Motor 1 Temp 3 Normal 2

alarm motor 1

IND1_03 Motor 1 over load I1_TR Motor 1 4 Alarm 1

alarm Overload

IND1_03 No over load I1_TR Motor 1 4 Normal 2

alarmmotor 1 Overload

3BSE030340-510 213
Engineered Drive, DRICONE Appendix C Event Texts

Table 24. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
344 - 345 (Continued)

IND1_04 Converter over I1_TR Conv. 5 Alarm 1

temperature alarm Overtemp

IND1_04 No converter over I1_TR Conv. 5 Normal 2

temperature alarm Overtemp

IND1_05 Register Blocked I1_TR Register 6 Alarm 1

alarm Blocked

IND1_05 No Register Blocked I1_TR Register 6 Normal 2

alarm Blocked

IND1_07 RAM backup alarm I1_TR RAM backup 8 Alarm 1

IND1_07 No RAM backup I1_TR RAM backup 8 Normal 2


IND1_08 Motor 2 over I1_TR Motor 2 Temp 9 Alarm 1

temperature alarm

IND1_08 No over temperature I1_TR Motor 2 Temp 9 Normal 2

alarm motor 2

IND1_09 Motor 2 over load I1_TR Motor 2 10 Alarm 1

alarm Overload

IND1_09 No over load I1_TR Motor 2 10 Normal 2

alarmmotor 2 Overload

IND1_10 Main supply under I1_TR Mains 11 Alarm 1

voltage undervoltage

IND1_10 No main supply I1_TR Mains 11 Normal 2

under voltage undervoltage

IND1_12 Converter Fan alarm I1_TR Converter Fan 13 Alarm 1

IND1_12 No Converter Fan I1_TR Converter Fan 13 Normal 2


IND1_13 Armature current I1_TR Armature 14 Alarm 1

deviation alarm current dev.

214 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Engineered Drive, DRICONE

Table 24. Event Text for Alarm MMCX Data Base Element DCS type of Drive, EVENT Treat element
344 - 345 (Continued)

IND1_13 No armature current I1_TR Armature 14 Normal 2

deviation alarm current dev.

IND1_15 External fan I2_TR External Fan 16 Alarm 1

acknowledge alarm

IND1_15 No external fan I2_TR External Fan 16 Normal 2

acknowledge alarm

IND2_00 Pannel loss alarm I2_TR Pannel loss 1 Alarm 1

IND2_00 No pannel loss alarm I2_TR Pannel loss 1 Normal 2

IND2_01 Type code changed I2_TR Type code 2 Alarm 1

alarm changed

IND2_01 No type code I2_TR Type code 2 Normal 2

changed alarm changed

IND2_02 Init values read, S2 I2_TR Init values read, 3 Alarm 1

alarm S2

IND2_02 No init values read, I2_TR Init values read, 3 Normal 2

S2 alarm S2

IND2_03 Parameter set 2 I2_TR Param set 2 4 Alarm 1

missing alarm missing

IND2_03 Parameter set 2 not I2_TR Param set 2 4 Normal 2

missing missing

IND2_04 Backup not allowed I2_TR Backup not 5 Alarm 1

alarm allowed

IND2_04 Backup allowed I2_TR Backup not 5 Normal 2


IND2_05 Write backup alarm I2_TR Write backup 6 Alarm 1

IND2_05 No write backup I2_TR Write backup 6 Normal 2


3BSE030340-510 215
Standard Drive, DRICONS Appendix C Event Texts

The Event Treat data base element in the Advant Station 500 Series of Operator
Station has a predefined configuration shown in Table 25.

Table 25. Predefined Event Treat for DRICONE

Property EVENT

334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345

AUDIBLE 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

AL_PRIO 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2

AL_TOBLK 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

AL_FRBLK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

PERSISTB 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

TEXT_TOB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TEXT_FRB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TEXTCOMB 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Standard Drive, DRICONS

This section describes the principles for events and alarms, the standard event texts
for DRICONS main data base element and DRICONS help data base element. The
section contains also a layout of the Event Treat configuration for DRICONS.
Figure 98 shows diagrammatically the relation between indications and the
parameters which can be used to block event handling for certain indications and
points out a required handling in the operator’s station.

216 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Drive, DRICONS

The possibilities of the operator to block event printouts and alarms are shown under
the heading ‘Event and alarm blocking’ below.

Parameters Advant Station 500 Series

Advant Controller 410/450 Operator Station
Data base element
Event Treat
PC element MMC-IND
Y I1_EVBLK Blocking
Fault in Drive
Limit X
Warning from Drive
IND 1 events

Event treat


- Event/Alarm
- Acoustic alarm
- Layout of texts
- Std. texts

Figure 98. Event Handling Principles

The events are divided into groups. One pointer is allocated to each group which
means that the individual events of the group are, in several respects, handled in the
same way in Advant Station 500 Series Operator Station. For each group different
handling can be selected for status changes 0-->1 and 1-->0 respectively. The texts
which are written out in different lists are individual for each event. The group
division - which events are associated with the pointer - is given in ‘Event

3BSE030340-510 217
Standard Drive, DRICONS Appendix C Event Texts

description with standard texts’ below. This also specifies which event handling is
obtained as default and which alternative standard function.

Table 26. Event text for main MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 330 - 331

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No
Treat Standa No in
pointer Standard text in Event
rd text Event

IND1_09 Limit exceeded I1_TR Limit 10 Alarm 1

IND1_09 No Limit I1_TR Limit 10 Normal 2

IND1_10 Warning from I1_TR Warning from drive 11 Alarm 1


IND1_10 No warning I1_TR Warning from drive 11 Normal 2

IND1_11 Fault from drive I1_TR Fault in drive 12 Alarm 1

IND1_11 No fault I1_TR Fault in drive 12 Normal 2

IND1_12 Communication I1_TR Communication 13 Alarm 1

error error

IND1_12 Communication I1_TR Communication 13 Normal 2

error error

IND2_00 In service ready I2_TR In service 1 On 1

to switch on

IND2_00 Not in service I2_TR In service 1 Off 2

IND2_01 Drive enabled to I2_TR Enabled 2 On 1


IND2_01 Drive is not I2_TR Enabled 2 Off 2

enabled to start

IND2_02 Running with I2_TR Run 3 On 1


218 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Drive, DRICONS

Table 26. Event text for main MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 330 - 331

IND2_02 Stopped I2_TR Run 3 Off 2

IND2_04 No OFF 2 I2_TR Emergency 5 Off 5


IND2_04 OFF 2 I2_TR Emergency 5 On 6


IND2_05 No OFF 3 I2_TR Emergency stop 6 Off 5


IND2_05 OFF 3 I2_TR Emergency stop 6 On 6


IND2_06 Switch on is I2_TR Inhibit switch on 7 Yes 3


IND2_06 Switch on is not I2_TR Inhibit switch on 7 No 4

(1) inhibited

IND2_07 Drive runs at I2_TR At setpoint 8 On 1


IND2_07 Drive is not at I2_TR At setpoint 8 Off 2


IND2_08 C-Interlock I2_TR C-Interlock 9 On 1

IND2_08 C-Interlock I2_TR C-Interlock 9 Off 2

IND2_09 Drive runs I2_TR Remote 10 On 1


IND2_09 Drive runs I2_TR Remote 10 Off 2


IND2_10 B-Interlock 1 I2_TR B-Interlock 1 11 On 1

IND2_10 B-Interlock 1 I2_TR B-Interlock 1 11 Off 2

IND2_11 B-Interlock 2 I2_TR B-Interlock 2 12 On 1

3BSE030340-510 219
Standard Drive, DRICONS Appendix C Event Texts

Table 26. Event text for main MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 330 - 331

IND2_11 B-Interlock 2 I2_TR B-Interlock 2 12 Off 2

IND2_12 B-Interlock 3 I2_TR B-Interlock 3 13 On 1

IND2_12 B-Interlock 3 I2_TR B-Interlock 3 13 Off 2

IND2_13 B-Interlock 4 I2_TR B-Interlock 4 14 On 1

IND2_13 B-Interlock 4 I2_TR B-Interlock 4 14 Off 2

IND2_14 A-Interlock I2_TR A-Interlock 15 On 1

IND2_14 A-Interlock I2_TR A-Interlock 15 Off 2

IND2_15 Override I2_TR Override interlock 16 On 1


IND2_15 Don’t override I2_TR Override interlock 16 Off 2

(1) IND2_04 - IND2_06 are only valid if a Drive with software version 5.0 is used.

Table 27. Event text for help MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 332 - 333

Property text Event Text

Event Line
Signal Events Line No
Treat Standa No in
pointer Standard text in Event
rd text Event

IND1_00 Short circuit I1_TR Short circuit 1 Fault 1

IND1_00 Short circuit I1_TR Short circuit 1 Normal 2

IND1_01 Over current I1_TR Over current 2 Fault 1

IND1_01 Over current I1_TR Over current 2 Normal 2

IND1_02 DC over voltage I1_TR DC over voltage 3 Fault 1


220 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Drive, DRICONS

Table 27. Event text for help MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 332 - 333

IND1_02 No DC over voltage I1_TR DC over voltage 3 Normal 2


IND1_03 Power plate over I1_TR Over temp pow 4 Fault 1

temperature fault plate

IND1_03 No power plate I1_TR Over temp pow 4 Normal 2

over temperature plate

IND1_04 Earth fault I1_TR Earth fault 5 Fault 1

IND1_04 No earth fault I1_TR Earth fault 5 Normal 2

IND1_05 Motor over I1_TR Over temp 6 Fault 1

temperature fault motor

IND1_05 No motor over I1_TR Over temp 6 Normal 2

temperature fault motor

IND1_06 Motor over load I1_TR Over load motor 7 Fault 1


IND1_06 No motor over load I1_TR Over load motor 7 Normal 2


IND1_07 System fault I1_TR System fault 8 Fault 1

IND1_07 No system fault I1_TR System fault 8 Normal 2

IND1_08 Under load fault I1_TR Under load 9 Fault 1

IND1_08 No under load fault I1_TR Under load 9 Normal 2

IND1_09 Over speed fault I1_TR Over speed 10 Fault 1

IND1_09 No over speed fault I1_TR Over speed 10 Normal 2

IND1_10 Supply Section I1_TR Supply Section 11 Fault 1


IND1_10 No Supply Section I1_TR Supply Section 11 Normal 2


3BSE030340-510 221
Standard Drive, DRICONS Appendix C Event Texts

Table 27. Event text for help MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 332 - 333

IND1_11 Master/Follower I1_TR Master/Follower 12 Fault 1


IND1_11 No Master/Follower I1_TR Master/Follower 12 Normal 2


IND1_12 Short circuit INT1 I1_TR Short circuit 13 Fault 1


IND1_12 No Short circuit I1_TR Short circuit 13 Normal 2


IND1_13 Short circuit INT2 I1_TR Short circuit 14 Fault 1


IND1_13 No Short circuit I1_TR Short circuit 14 Normal 2


IND1_14 Short circuit INT3 I1_TR Short circuit 15 Fault 1


IND1_14 No Short circuit I1_TR Short circuit 15 Normal 2


IND1_15 Short circuit INT4 I1_TR Short circuit 16 Fault 1


IND1_15 No Short circuit I1_TR Short circuit 16 Normal 2


IND2_00 Prevent I2_TR Prevent start 1 Alarm 1

unexpected start

IND2_00 No preventation of I2_TR Prevent start 1 Normal 2

unexpected start

IND2_01 Emergency stop I2_TR Emergency stop 2 Alarm 1

IND2_01 Emergency stop I2_TR Emergency stop 2 Normal 2

IND2_02 Measured motor I2_TR Meas. motor 3 Alarm 1

temp alarm temp

222 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Drive, DRICONS

Table 27. Event text for help MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 332 - 333

IND2_02 Measured motor I2_TR Meas. motor 3 Normal 2

temp alarm temp

IND2_03 Over temperature I2_TR Motor overload 4 Alarm 1

alarm of the
thermal model

IND2_03 No over I2_TR Motor overload 4 Normal 2

temperature alarm
of the thermal

IND2_04 Power plate over I2_TR Temp power 5 Alarm 1

temperature alarm plate

IND2_04 No power plate I2_TR Temp power 5 Normal 2

over temperature plate

IND2_05 Pulse encoder I2_TR Pulse encoder 6 Alarm 1


IND2_05 No Pulse encoder I2_TR Pulse encoder 6 Normal 2

IND2_07 Standard digital I/O I2_TR Standard Digital 8 Alarm 1
alarm I/O

IND2_07 No Standard digital I2_TR Standard Digital 8 Normal 2

I/O alarm I/O

IND2_08 Standard analogue I2_TR Standard 9 Alarm 1

I/O alarm Analog I/O

IND2_08 No Standard I2_TR Standard 9 Normal 2

analogue I/O alarm Analog I/O

IND2_09 External digital I/O I2_TR Ext. Digital I/O 10 Alarm 1


IND2_09 No External digital I2_TR Ext. Digital I/O 10 Normal 2

I/O alarm

3BSE030340-510 223
Standard Drive, DRICONS Appendix C Event Texts

Table 27. Event text for help MMCX data base element, EVENT Treat element 332 - 333

IND2_10 External analogue I2_TR Ext. Analog I/O 11 Alarm 1

I/O alarm

IND2_10 No External I2_TR Ext. Analog I/O 11 Normal 2

analogue I/O alarm

IND2_11 Master - Follower I2_TR Master - Follow 12 Alarm 1

alarm alarm

IND2_11 Master - Follower I2_TR Master - Follow 12 Normal 2

alarm alarm

IND2_14 Earth fault alarm I2_TR Earth fault 15 Alarm 1

IND2_14 No Earth fault I2_TR Earth fault 15 Normal 2


The Event Treat data base element in the Advant Station 500 Series of Operator
Station has a predefined configuration shown in Table 25.

Table 28. Predefined Event Treat for DRICONS

Property EVENT

330 331 332 333

AUDIBLE 1 0 1 1

AL_PRIO 2 4 2 2

AL_TOBLK 0 1 0 0

AL_FRBLK 1 1 1 1

PERSISTB 0 1 0 0

TEXT_TOB 0 0 0 0

TEXT_FRB 0 0 0 0

TEXTCOMB 17 17 17 17

224 3BSE030340-510
Appendix C Event Texts Standard Drive, DRICONS

3BSE030340-510 225
Standard Drive, DRICONS Appendix C Event Texts

226 3BSE030340-510
Appendix D Messages

Appendix D Messages

Fatal, Error, Warning and Info Messages

Messages are grouped into Fatal, Error, Warning and Info messages.
• Fatal - Fatals will stop conversion immediately and produce no output files.
• Error - Errors will continue conversion but produce no output files.
• Warning - Warnings will continue conversion and produce output files.
Warnings can be suppressed by unmark the check box in the Config dialog
(Figure 74)
• Info - Infos are informations about the ongoing conversion.
Information messages are not described here. Infos are mainly for the
situations where the user want to have an exact overview of the conversion.
Enabling Infos will produce lots of text in the log. Infos can be suppressed by
unmark the check box in the Config dialog (Figure 74).
Fatal, Error and Warning messages are all in the form:
• nnnn, The Fatal/Error/Warning number.
– Warnings, 1001 - 1999
– Errors, 2001 - 2999
– Fatals, 3001 - 3999
• s, The Severity code
– F, Fatal
– E, Error
– W, Warning
• text, Plain text describing the message
Information messages have the format:

3BSE030340-510 227
Fatal Messages Appendix D Messages

• text, Plain text describing the message

Fatal Messages
Table 29 shows the Fatal numbers and texts

Table 29. Fatal Messages

Number Text Reason

3001 Fatal-3001-System error System error, Try rebooting the PC
3002 Fatal-3002-Cannot open this file: A crucial file was not found, check that the
<path\filename> path are correct

Error Messages
Table 30 shows the Error numbers and texts

Table 30. Error Messages

Number Text Reason

2001 Syntax error in input file <path\filename> The syntax in the specified file is incorrect,
2002 Error-2002-OSCOLOR not found The specified token was not found in the
configuration file, correct
2003 Error-2003-RED not found
2004 Error-2004-GREEN not found
2005 Error-2005-BLUE not found
2006 Error-2006-TYPE not found
2007 Error-2007-Error accessing file: The specified file can not be accessed,
<path\filename> check access rights
2008 Error-2008-Negative value not allowed

228 3BSE030340-510
Appendix D Messages Error Messages

Table 30. Error Messages (Continued)

Number Text Reason

2009 Error-2009-FONT not found The specified token was not found in the
configuration file, correct
2010 Error-2010-FONTNAME not found
2011 Error-2011-FONTNUMBER not found
2012 Error-2012-RELSIZE not found
2013 Error-2013-SIZE not found
2014 Error-2014-CHARSET not found
2015 Error-2015-ELEMENTNAME not found
2016 Error-2016-CONTROLNAME not found
2017 Error-2017-LIBNAME not found
2018 Error-2018-PROGID not found
2019 Error-2019-WIDTH not found
2020 Error-2020-HEIGHT not found
2021 Error-2021-FIXPOINT not found
2022 Error-2022-PROPERTIES not found
2023 Error-2023-FROM not found
2024 Error-2024-TO not found
2025 Error-2025-ADAPTOR not found
2026 Error-2026-OUTPUTTO not found
2027 Error-2027-NAME not found
2028 Error-2028-PROGID not found
2029 Error-2029-REFERENCE not found
2030 Error-2030-STATIC not found
2031 Error-2031-LIBNAME not found

3BSE030340-510 229
Error Messages Appendix D Messages

Table 30. Error Messages (Continued)

Number Text Reason

2032 Error-2032-No Registry (CLSID) found The CLSID token was not found in the
for <progid> configuration file, correct
2033 Error-2033-Cannot instantiate object for Instantiation of the specified object failed,
<progid> check that the object is correct installed
2034 Error-2034-Failed to do The specified object does not implement
PersistStreamInit for <progid> the specified interface correct.
2035 Error-2035-Failed to do The specified method of the interface failed
2036 Error-2036-Expected <number> Wrong number of parameters, mismatch in
parameters, got <number> the input (*.g) file
2037 Error-2037-Expected at least <number>
parameters, got <number>
2038 Instance <object> not found in input file No entry for the specified object is found in
<path\filename> the configuration file(s).

230 3BSE030340-510
Appendix D Messages Warning Messages

Warning Messages
Table 31 shows the Warning numbers and texts

Table 31. Warning Messages

Number Text Reason

1001 Warning-1001-No center found for the three
points: <point>,<point>, <point>,<point>
1002 Warning-1002-No Configuration file for No configuration file found for the object,
<object> Create and include
1003 Warning-1003-No Configuration file for
1004 Warning-1004-No Configuration file for
1005 Warning-1005-Cannot create OLE font for Internal error when creating the
<object> specified font
1006 Warning-1006-Cannot set property An objects property could not be set.
<property> for <object> Check the configuration file for that
1007 Warning-1007-Invalid Command/Attribute, Internal error when accessing the object
[Number,Type] = [<number>,<type>]
1008 Warning-1008-Unknown Command = The command is unknown
1009 Warning-1009-<attrib>=<value> already An entry in the configuration files are
defined with <attrib>=<value>, ignoring new double defined. Second definition will be
definition: <value> ignored
1010 Warning-1010-<attrib>=<value> already
defined with <attrib>=<value>, ignoring new
definition: <value>
1011 Warning-1011-<attrib>=<value> already
defined with <attrib>=<value>, ignoring new
definition: <value>

3BSE030340-510 231
Warning Messages Appendix D Messages

Table 31. Warning Messages (Continued)

Number Text Reason

1012 Warning-1012-Include File <path/filename> A circular reference in the include files.
already read Check and correct the #include
1013 Warning-1013-Failed to create stream A stream could not be created/read
1014 Warning-1014-Failed to save stream
1015 Warning-1015-Failed to set seek pointer Failed to manipulate the binary output
1016 Warning-1016-Failed to get global handle
1017 Warning-1017-Failed to set persist data
1018 Warning-1018-No vbcolor defined for The specified color is not specified in the
oscolor=<color> configuration files. Correct.

232 3BSE030340-510
Appendix E Control Aspect

Appendix E Control Aspect

RTA Board Control Aspect

The RTA - Real-Time Accelerator Board - is an intelligent communication board for
connection to the MasterBus 300 network on which the AC 400 Series Controllers
communicate. The RTA Board Control aspect makes it possible to perform some
maintenance and fault tracing work on the board.
The RTA Board aspect is located on the RTA Board object under the network object
in the Control Structure. See Figure 99 for a fast location of the RTA Board control
object and its aspects.

Figure 99. Locating the RTA Board Control Aspect

Select the RTA Board Control aspect using any of the possible techniques for aspect

3BSE030340-510 233
RTA Board Control Tab Appendix E Control Aspect

The aspect has three tabs:

• RTA Board Control, see RTA Board Control Tab on page 234.
• Network / Node Configuration, see RTA Board - Network and Node
Configuration Tab on page 237.
• RTA Board Configuration - see RTA Board Configuration Tab on page 238 for
details on how to use it for configuration.

RTA Board Control Tab

This tab is useful for the following purposes:
• You can request the current status of the board
• You can Start and Stop the RTA Board (for example after changing the network
address or if it has halted).

Figure 100. RTA Board Control

The aspect view contains a Progress log, the Current Status and the following

234 3BSE030340-510
Appendix E Control Aspect RTA Board Control Tab

Loads the RTA Board load image and the previously saved configuration and starts
the RTA Board in Operational mode.

Stops the RTA Board. A warning message, see Figure 101, will pop-up and must be
acknowledged before the stop command is executed.

Figure 101. Confirming the Stop of the RTA Board

If you stop the RTA Board, the Operator Workplace server does no longer collect
any data from the AC 400 Series Controllers, and can not be used to monitor or
control the process during the time the RTA Board is stopped.

Get Status
Requests the current status from the RTA Board, and presents the result in the
window. (Status is also updated cyclically).

Table 32. RTA Board Status

Status text:
RTA Board....
Running Normal state. Everything OK
Stopped Manually stopped. No run-time data is available.
Start-up in progress The start-up is progressing, please wait

3BSE030340-510 235
RTA Board Control Tab Appendix E Control Aspect

Table 32. RTA Board Status (Continued)

Status text:
RTA Board....
Stop in progress The stopping is progressing, please wait
Start failed, network Network and Node must be set before the RTA can
address not set be started
Start failed There are a number of potential possible causes:
One of the files required for boot does not exist or
The path to the file is incorrect.
If start fails, the cause will be displayed in the
“Progress log” list in RTA Board Control. If you have
tried to find the cause repeatedly, a reinstallation is
advised. If reinstallation fails, the RTA Board could
be out of order.
Stop failed Bootstrapper file not found, see Start failed

236 3BSE030340-510
Appendix E Control Aspect RTA Board - Network and Node Configuration Tab

RTA Board - Network and Node Configuration Tab

You use this tab to change the network and node addresses on the MB 300/AC 400

Figure 102. RTA Set Network and Node

The tab contains the following:

Network Number 1
Network address (network number) for the normal MB 300 network.
Network number range: 11-19, 21-29, 31-39,...81-89, 91-99, 126-127.

Network Number 2
Network address (network number) for the redundant MB 300 network.
Redundant network number range: 0, 11-19, 21-29, 31-39,...81-89, 91-99, 126-127.
Redundant network number 0 indicates no redundant network.

Node Number
Node address (node number) for this node. Node number range: 1-99.

3BSE030340-510 237
RTA Board Configuration Tab Appendix E Control Aspect

You must be very careful when setting up network and node numbers. If you get
two nodes with identical addresses, the entire network communication could be
disturbed with unpredictable consequences. Changing network and node
numbers should normally only be necessary when the control network is
Use the buttons in the figure as follows:
• Click Cancel to interrupt the input.
• Click Apply to set the new network address (network/node number). You must
restart the RTA Board to get the new network/node address to take effect (see
RTA Board Control Tab on page 234).
• Click Help to get information about this window.

800xA as Clock Master

Select this check box if you want to have this connectivity server as Clock Master.
You must restart the connectivity server to make the changes take effect.

RTA Board Configuration Tab

Use the RTA Board Configuration tab to start the On-line Builder program and
setup the configuration for the RTA Board.The window contains the following:

RTA Board Config

Starts the On-line Builder tool that is used for configuration of the database on the
RTA Board.

RTA Board Backup

Starts an application backup of the RTA Board. See Backup on page 129 for more

Character Conversion
In the drop-down menu you select which language the RTA Board shall use.
For more information, refer to IndustrialIT 800xA, Localization (2PAA101940*).

238 3BSE030340-510
Appendix E Control Aspect Control Connection Aspect (CCA)

Control Connection Aspect (CCA)

There is a CCA for all process and system objects. The CCA:s can be useful to trace
problems specific for a certain object or for the presentation of an object.
Configuration of this aspect is preferable done on the object type, but can also be
done locally for each instance in the Control Structure. The CCA has a number of
tabs, here is a short description of some of the tabs and how you can use them in
your trouble shooting. For more detailed information about the tabs see IndustrialIT
800xA, System, Configuration (3BDS011222*).

CCA Property View Tab

The CCA Property View tab, see Figure 103, gives you a list of all the properties,
their data format and how they can be accessed. If you mark the Subscribe for live
data check box, you will also get the current value of all properties updated

Figure 103. CCA Property View Tab

Use this tab to verify the property values of an object, how they are configured and
the current property values to compare with other presentations of it. If you suspect
an error in a node, an I/O board or a transducer, you can use the CCA:s to narrow in

3BSE030340-510 239
CCA Property Info Tab Appendix E Control Aspect

on the problem by verifying which objects that are available over the network and
which are not - and what their status properties tell you.
The CCA Property View tab gives you a complete list of properties, their names,
data type, access.
A “-” before the update rate value enables “on event” updating, of the values in
between the cyclic updates according to AC 400 Event handling. If you locally
change the update rate in a graphic display, “ - “ must be included if you want the
“on event” updating to be activated. Acceptable numbers are: -1000, -3000 and

CCA Property Info Tab

The Property Info tab presents all details about the selected property. An example of
a Property Info tab is found in Figure 104.
The Property Info tab includes the possibility to set the definitions for the
Property values. To define property value handling and to set these values could
severely affect the control of the industrial process, including loosing control of
the process. This functionality is only included for testing and fault tracing, and
should not be used during normal operation. Do not change any Property values
unless you are fully aware of all the consequences.

240 3BSE030340-510
Appendix E Control Aspect CCA - Additional Info Tab

Figure 104. CCA Property Info Tab

The following Property values are presented in the dialog box:

• Type - Type of value (boolean, integer, float, etc.).
• Name - The name of the property.
• Update Rate - The default update rate for this property (in ms).
• Description - A user friendly name of the property. This name can be
presented in Audit Trail lists.
• R/W - Flag that indicates if the property is Readable and/or Writable.
• Permissions - Defines the Read and Write permissions for the property.
• Flags - Indicates how the property is updated.

CCA - Additional Info Tab

The Additional Info tab presents details on property specific information.
The example in Figure 104 presents information about an analog value.

3BSE030340-510 241
CCA MasterBus 300 Tab Appendix E Control Aspect

The Additional Info tab includes the possibility to set definitions for the values.
To define value handling and to set these values could severely affect the control
of the industrial process, including loosing control of the process.
This functionality is only included for testing fault tracing, and should not be
used during normal operation.
Do not change any Additional Info values unless you are fully aware of all the
The following Additional info values are presented and could be changed:
• Normal Maximum - Maximum range value (for an analog value).
• Normal Minimum - Minimum range value (for an analog value).
• Engineering Unit - Engineering unit for this property.
• No of Decimals - This value should be presented with this number of decimals.
• Presentation Mode - Defines if this value should be presented between the
discrete points in trend curves: Stepped (value is constant between points) or
Interpolated (value is linear between points).
The Additional Info values are changed when you click on the Set button.
The Presentation Mode makes it possible for you to select the default presentation
mode in Trace presentations: Stepped or Interpolated, see IndustrialIT 800xA,
Operations, Operator Workplace Configuration (3BSE030322*) for more

CCA MasterBus 300 Tab

The MB 300 tab presents detailed address information about the MB 300 object.
The following information is available for each object:
• The MasterBus 300 address: Network number, Node number, Logical file
number, Logical record number, Reference type.
• The ID property number of each attribute.

242 3BSE030340-510
Appendix E Control Aspect CCA MasterBus 300 Tab

Values in this tab are updated when upload is performed, and should not be
altered manually.

3BSE030340-510 243
CCA MasterBus 300 Tab Appendix E Control Aspect

244 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

OPC Object Type Properties

The following table lists process objects and the properties that supports cyclic
subscriptions. The cyclic subscription times are 1, 3 and 9 seconds.
See Section 7, Data Transfer via OPC DA for more information.

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC

Object Type Property Subproperties


3BSE030340-510 245
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties


246 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

B10_VAL, B11_VAL, B12_VAL, B13_VAL, B14_VAL,
B15_VAL, B16_VAL, B17_VAL, B18_VAL, B19_VAL,
B20_VAL, B21_VAL, B22_VAL, B23_VAL, B24_VAL,
B25_VAL, B26_VAL, B27_VAL, B28_VAL, B29_VAL,
B30_VAL, B31_VAL

3BSE030340-510 247
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

DRICONS, AU_IND1_03, AU_IND1_04, AU_IND1_05,
GROUP, AU_IND1_06, AU_IND1_07, AU_IND1_08,
MOTCON, AU_IND1_09, AU_IND1_10, AU_IND1_11,
MOTCONI, AU_IND1_12, AU_IND1_13, AU_IND1_14,
(cont.) AU_IND2_02, AU_IND2_03, AU_IND2_04,
AU_IND2_05, AU_IND2_06, AU_IND2_07,
AU_IND2_08, AU_IND2_09, AU_IND2_10,
AU_IND2_11, AU_IND2_12, AU_IND2_13,
AU_IND2_14, AU_IND2_15
IND1 IND1_00, IND1_01, IND1_02, IND1_03, IND1_04,
IND1_05, IND1_06, IND1_07, IND1_08, IND1_09,
IND1_10, IND1_11, IND1_12, IND1_13, IND1_14,
IND2 IND2_00, IND2_01, IND2_02, IND2_03, IND2_04,
IND2_05, IND2_06, IND2_07, IND2_08, IND2_09,
IND2_10, IND2_11, IND2_12, IND2_13, IND2_14,

248 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

AU_ST_01, AU_ST_02, AU_ST_03, AU_ST_04,
AU_ST_05, AU_ST_06, AU_ST_07, PC_STATUS,
PC_ST_00, PC_ST_01, PC_ST_02, PC_ST_03,
PC_ST_04, PC_ST_05, PC_ST_06, PC_ST_07,
PC_ST_08, PC_ST_09, PC_ST_10, PC_ST_11,
PC_ST_12, PC_ST_13, PC_ST_14, PC_ST_15
STATUS_2 PC_ST_16, PC_ST_17, PC_ST_18, PC_ST_19,
PC_ST_20, PC_ST_21, PC_ST_22, PC_ST_23,
PC_ST_24, PC_ST_25, PC_ST_26, PC_ST_27,
PC_ST_28, PC_ST_29, PC_ST_30, PC_ST_31
MV -
SP -
OP -
H2 -
L2 -

3BSE030340-510 249
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

MV -
TS -

250 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties


3BSE030340-510 251
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

TS -

252 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties


3BSE030340-510 253
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties


254 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

ZLIM12 -
ZLIM23 -
ZLIM34 -
ZLIM45 -

3BSE030340-510 255
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

(cont.) TS_MV_BELOW_L1 (TS_MV<L1),
MV -
TS -

256 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties

(cont.) RNO_OF_DEC -

3BSE030340-510 257
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties


258 3BSE030340-510
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

Table 33. Properties Supporting Cyclical Subscriptions via OPC (Continued)

Object Type Property Subproperties


3BSE030340-510 259
Appendix F Cyclic OPC Properties

260 3BSE030340-510
Appendix G Object Type Names

Appendix G Object Type Names

The Object Types have different names in the 800xA Object Type Structure and in
the Advant Master controller. The table below contains the Object Type names as
displayed in the Object Type Structure and the corresponding Object Type names
(Functional Unit names) as named in the 800xA for Advant Master controller.

Advant Master Controller Name

800xA Object Type Structure Name
(Functional Units)
MB300 Adaptive PID Ctrl PIDCONA
MB300 Binary Control GENBIN
MB300 Engineered drive DRICONE
MB300 Genusd GENUSD
MB300 Group Alarm GroupAlarm
MB300 Group GROUP
MB300 Manual Station MANSTN
MB300 Motor MOTCON
MB300 PI Controller GENCON
MB300 PID Controller PIDCON
MB300 Ratio Station RATIOSTN
MB300 Sequence Control SEQUENCE

3BSE030340-510 261
Appendix G Object Type Names

Advant Master Controller Name

800xA Object Type Structure Name
(Functional Units)
MB300 Standard drive DRICONS
MB300 Text data TEXT_DATA

262 3BSE030340-510
Appendix H Special Configuration Alarm and Event

Appendix H Special Configuration

Some special behavior of Alarm & Event OPC server and Data Access (OPC DA)
can be obtained by editing the configuration files located in the “800xA for Advant
Master” installation folder in the connectivity servers. This is only recommended in
very special occasions and should only be done by system engineers with thorough
knowledge of the system. Notepad or Excel application can be used to edit the file.
The numbers in bold below should be altered according to description for each

Alarm and Event

Examples of special configuration of Alarm and Event are:
• Mapping of Priorities to OPC Severity.
• Handling of events to 3’rd party clients.
The concerned configuration parameters reside in the following file in each
connectivity server:
C:\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\AC 400
Search the relevant line and alter the numbers to a suitable value according to
comments in the file. After modifying the file, restarting the event collector is

Mapping of Advant Master Priorities to OPC Severity


3BSE030340-510 263
Alarm and Event Appendix H Special Configuration

The values in bold (the OPC severity) above can be altered and the range can be
from 1..999. Note that the value must be lower than previous line.
For more informtaion on how to map OPC Severity into 800xA Priority Level, see
the “Advant Master OPC Event Server” Alarm Collector definition, aspect Alarm
Priority mapping.

Definition of severity for Advant Operator Logging

By default, the severity of events from OperatorLogging (MB300) category is
defined by the EventTreat DB element. This can be overridden by altering the
parameter as given below:
Severity 1..999 is allowed

Use description text from controller in Alarm/Event lists

By default, the description from Name aspect is presented in the ObjectDescription
column. The Name aspect is updated at Upload from the controller.
0=Use Description text from Name Aspect (Default).
1=Use Description text from controller.

Keep System Alarms in Alarm List after acknowledge

By default system alarms are removed from alarm list when acknowledged.
0=System Alarms remain in list after acknowledge.
1=System Alarms are removed from list when acknowledge (Default).

264 3BSE030340-510
Appendix H Special Configuration Alarm and Event

Sending of Events to third party clients

By default, no process events (only alarms) are sent to third party clients. The user
can customize the behavior using the following three parameters.
1. Switch for sending of events as OPC type Simple.

This is used to send events as OPC type Simple to clients using the category
0 = No sending (default)
1 = Send Process Events as OPC type Simple
2. Switch for suppress events of OPC type Condition. It avoids dual events if
SimpleSendMode switch is enabled.

This is used to suppress the events of OPC type Condition using the category
0 = No (default)
1 = Yes
3. Selections of text in Message attribute.

This is the content of Message attribute from category SimpeProcess(MB300).
0 = Only Message (default)
1 = Description + Message
2 = Condition + Message
3 = Description + Condition + Message

3BSE030340-510 265
Data Access Appendix H Special Configuration

Data Access
One example of special configuration of Data Access is the configuration of Data
Subscription flow control. The configuration parameters concerned reside in the
following file in each connectivity server:
C:\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Operate IT\AC 400
Find the relevant line, and alter the numbers to a suitable value according to
comments in the file. Restart of the OPC DA Service provider is needed after some

Enable function Advant Operator Logging

0 = Off (default).
1 = On.
No restart is needed for this parameter.

Controller nodes not supporting fast write to DAT object

Older controllers (of type MP2x0) do not support the protocol for fast write to DAT
objects. With this parameter it is possible to define those nodes and thus use the
suitable protocol. Enter the node numbers for these (max 20) nodes. -1 = All nodes:
Restart is needed for this parameter.

Data subscription flow control

This data subscription flow control function divides the items in one OPC DA
subscription request call (AddItem and RemoveItem) into several chunks with delay
in-between. This is useful particularly when having large subscriptions from 3'rd
party clients. This function prevents jam in data communication on MB300 when
clients are started, which could lead to high controller load and lost subscriptions. A
too slow setting will affect the display call up time negative.

266 3BSE030340-510
Appendix H Special Configuration Data Access

How to configure:
By default, each AddItem and RemoveItem request is divided into chunks of 2000
items with a delay of 1000ms between each chunk. The parameters below can be
altered to achieve a more evident flow control. No restart is needed after the
parameters have been altered. Just save the configuration file:
AddItems requests with more items than this will be split up in several chunks with
delay in between. Allowed value: 100.. 2000.
Delay time in ms between each chunk of added items. Allowed value: 0.. 4000.

3BSE030340-510 267
Data Access Appendix H Special Configuration

268 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation RTA Board PU515A

Appendix I Hardware Installation

RTA Board PU515A

To install the PU515A:
1. Disconnect the computer power cord from the power line.
Remove the computer power cord from the power line before removing the cover.
There are unisolated and potentially fatal power line voltages present under the
2. Remove the computer cover. Refer to the computer hardware manual for
Wear a properly grounded antistatic wrist strap and handle the PU515A with care.
Static discharges may damage the PU515A when it is removed from the antistatic
bag. Do not touch connectors with bare hands.
3. Unpack the PU515A.
4. Detach the plastic handle from the PU515A, if required.
5. Remove the cover plate of any PCI slot and mount the PU515A in the slot.
6. Install the computer cover. Refer to the computer hardware manual for details.
7. Connect the computer power cord into the power line.
8. Turn on the computer.

3BSE030340-510 269
RTA Unit PU410 Appendix I Hardware Installation

RTA Unit PU410

The RTA Unit PU410 is a standalone hardware unit which supports both single and
dual point to point connection with the connectivity server node through Ethernet.
Single or redundant connection with MasterBus 300 is enabled through RJ-45
Redundant connectivity server pair supports the combination of connectivity server
node with RTA Board PU515A and with RTA Unit PU410.
Once the installation has been completed, the term RTA Board is used in Plant
Explorer, dialogs and system status independent of whether the RTA hardware is
PU410 or PU515A.


RTA Unit PU410

Figure 1. Overview - Typical Installation

PU410 Specification
– Connectors:
Two shielded RJ-45 connectors for 100Mbit/s full duplex communication
with the PC (Connectivity Server), PC 1 and 2 ports.
– Two shielded RJ-45 connectors for 10Mbit/s half duplex communication
with MasterBus 300/300E or eDCN control network, MB300/eDCN 1 and
2 ports.

270 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation RTA Unit PU410

– Two 15-pos Dsub socket connectors for DCN communication, DCN1 and
DCN2 ports. (Not used for PU410)
– One 15-pos Dsub socket connector for RS232 and RS422 communication
with Control Builder A and CBA port. (Not used in 800xA for Advant
Master connectivity server)
– One 9-pos Dsub socket connector for RS232 communication for debug
and upgrading of firmware, SERVICE port.
– Power:
100-230Vac 50-60Hz
– Power Consumption: Typical 12W without I/O connected, maximum 25W
– Size:
HxWxD (mm): 45 x 443 x 243
– Net weight: 3.2 kg

3BSE030340-510 271
RTA Unit PU410 Appendix I Hardware Installation

The informative label is attached underneath the unit.

Control Builder A

MOD 300 DCN1

MOD 300 DCN2

Power supply



In case of rack assembly, place the PU410 Unit so that the connectors and the
reset button are within reach.

Before returning the PU410 Unit for replacement or repair, always remove
accessories such as brackets and cables.

272 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation RTA Unit PU410

Figure 2 shows the rear and front view of PU410.

Rear View


LED RJ-45 15-pos Dsub IEC 320

indicators connectors socket power
9-pos Dsub connector connector
Reset switch connector
Front View holes


LED indicators meaning, front and rear: Two spare

P= Power (green) LEDs
F = Fault (red) Ventilation
IP = IP address reset (yellow) holes
R = Run (green flashing)

Figure 2. The PU410 External RTA Unit, Front and Rear View

Since the PU410 unit includes a supervised fan, it is recommended to check the fan
and vacuum clean the unit from time to time.
If a fan problem is detected, the red fault LED will be illuminated and the unit
will shut down. The 800xA for Advant Master connectivity server will try to
restart the unit. The red fault LED will still be illuminated until the unit is reset,
even if the fan problem disappears.
The red fault LED can illuminate for other problems as well.

The red fault LED will also illuminate for a few seconds at PU410 start-up.

3BSE030340-510 273
RTA Unit PU410 Appendix I Hardware Installation

Mechanical Installation
The PU410K01 kit includes brackets for 19” rack mount and for floor or desktop

Two brackets included for 19”

rack mounting

Two feets included

for stand alone

Figure 3. Brackets for PU410 Installation in 19” Rack or Stand Alone

Connection To Connectivity Server

The PU410 unit has two ports called PC 1 and 2 for connection to the connectivity
server. Only one port is necessary for the communication but if redundancy is
wanted both ports can be used.

The PC 1 and PC 2 ports

have shielded (RJ-45)
800xA connectors PC
Connectivity 1
Server (PC) PU410
2 RTA Unit

Shielded Cat 5e twisted pair cross-over cables,

maximum length 30m

Figure 4. Connecting PU410 to Connectivity Server

274 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation RTA Unit PU410

• Always use shielded Cat 5e (or better) twisted pair cross-over cables to reduce
electric noise disturbances. The maximum cable length is 30m but keep cable
length as short as possible.
• The default IP addresses of PU410 are for the PC 1 port and for
the PC 2 port
• The recommended IP address for the Network Interface Card, NIC, in the
connectivity server is with subnet mask when
using single cable.

Figure 5. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

• The default IP address of PU410 and identical IP address of NIC can be used in
multiple connectivity servers as 172.16.168.x and 172.17.168.x are ‘local’ IP
• When using dual cables, the IP address of the additional NIC in the
connectivity server is recommended to be with subnet mask The status of the dual connection can be viewed in the RNRP
network event monitor.

3BSE030340-510 275
RTA Unit PU410 Appendix I Hardware Installation

• When the connection between connectivity server and PU410 is lost. For
example, due to communication problem or power loss in PU410, it will be
reported in the connectivity server after four seconds and appropriate actions
will be taken. The connectivity server will periodically try to reconnect and
restart PU410.
• The PU410 unit communicates with 100Mbit/s on the PC 1 and 2 ports. It is
recommended to configure the network interface card in the connectivity server
to 100Mbit/s full duplex.

Figure 6. Example of NIC Configuration

• RNRP is used to supervise the communication between the connectivity server

and PU410. The detection time for lost communication will increase from 4s to
at least 30s if RNRP is not configured correctly. No additional RNRP
configuration is required when the default implicit configuration of RNRP is
• If the default implicit configuration of RNRP is modified, an explicit
configuration of RNRP must be added for the PU410 connection. Configure
“Network area” to 10 and “Network area local" to 1 if the default IP addresses
for PU410 are used.

276 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation RTA Unit PU410

• The IP address and subnet mask of PU410 can be modified by a tool, but this is
required only if Network area 10 (NetId is already used in the
connectivity server (refer to Modify IP address of PU410 on page 277).
RNRP requires the IP address of the first port of PU410 to always start with
172.16. The default IP addresses of PU410 are restored by pressing and
holding down the reset switch of PU410 for about 20 seconds until the yellow
IP LED is lit.

Modify IP address of PU410

The IP address of PU410 shall be modified only if NetId is already

used in connectivity server.
Execute the following steps to modify the IP address of PU410.
1. Start the ManagementTool.exe located in C:\Program Files\ABB Industrial
IT\Operate IT\AC 400 Connect\RTADriver\ManagementTool.
2. Select the IP Config view and click Get.
3. Modify the IP settings and click Set.
The modified IP address will be effective when the PU410 is reset, in the Reset view
or by pressing the reset switch of PU410 unit.

3BSE030340-510 277
RTA Unit PU410 Appendix I Hardware Installation

Figure 7. IP Config view of Management Tool

After modifying the IP address of PU410, the Target IP address of Management

Tool must be modified in the Settings menu to get contact again. The Target IP
address is shown at the bottom left in the Management Tool.
A registry setting must be modified in the connectivity server to match the modified
IP address of PU410 (see Figure 8). Right click the IP address, select Modify from
the context menu, and enter the Primary IP address of PU410. This modification is
effective when the connectivity server is restarted.

Figure 8. IP address setting in Registry

278 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation Hardware Use Cases

Hardware Use Cases

The different methods of connecting the connectivity server to the MB300 control
network are described below.

Connecting PU410 to a 10BaseT MB300 Control Network

If the MB300 control network is made up with HUBs with RJ-45 ports then use
shielded Cat 5e or better straight-through cables to connect the PU410 unit.

PC number 1 and 2
800xA port (RJ-45)
Server PU410
MB300/eDCN number 1 and 2
RTA Unit
port (RJ-45)
MB300 Control Network
HUB with 10Mbit Shielded Cat 5e
RJ-45 ports HUB twisted pair
Media converter straight-through cables
AUI to RJ-45 maximum length 30m
AC 4xx controller
with AUI port
Advant Advant Advant
Controller Controller Controller
4xx #1 4xx #2 4xx #3

Figure 9. Connecting the PU410 to the MB300 10BaseT Control Network

3BSE030340-510 279
Hardware Use Cases Appendix I Hardware Installation

Connection to MB300 Control Network (10Base5 “Thick Ethernet” cable)

Connection to a MasterBus 300, MB300, control network made with 10Base5
“Thick Ethernet” cable is shown below:

PC number 1 and 2
800xA port (RJ-45)
Connectivity PU410
Server MB300/eDCN number 1 and 2 RTA Unit
port (RJ-45)

Repeater with one RJ-45 port 10Mbit
and one AUI port Repeater
AUI cable:
TK576V050, DSTK 128 (5m) or
AUI port TK576V115, DSTK 129 (15m)
Repeater power Maximum AUI cable length is 50m
(not recommended)

AUI to 10Base5 Transceiver

“Thick Ethernet” Cable
MB300 Control Network

Advant Advant Advant

Controller Controller Controller
4xx #1 4xx #2 4xx #3

Figure 10. Connecting the PU410 to the MB300 10Base5 Control Network

• The MB300/eDCN RJ-45 connectors must be connected to a converter,

repeater, that converts RJ45 interface to AUI interface.
• Note that the AUI to 10Base5 transceiver must be powered with 12Vdc 0.5A
from the repeater to work. Therefore the repeater must have its own power

280 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation Hardware Use Cases

• Always use shielded Cat 5e twisted pair straight-through cables for connection
between PU410 and the repeater to reduce electric noise disturbances. The
maximum cable length is 30m but keep cable length as short as possible.
• The AUI cable between the repeater and the 10Base5 transceiver must have
locking posts at the repeater end and a sliding latch at the transceiver end
(standard AUI fixing).

AUI cable with AUI cable with

locking posts sliding latch at the
at the repeater 10Base5 transceiver
end end
15-pos Dsub pin 15-pos Dsub socket
connector connector
AUI cable:
TK576V050, DSTK 128 (5m) or
TK576V115, DSTK 129 (15m)

Figure 11. AUI Cables and Connectors for Connection to 10Base5 Transceiver

Replacing The AdvaCommad Unix Workstation With 800xA

The AdvaCommand Unix workstation has an internal RTA board for connection to
the MB300 Control Network. If this board is an ISA board (PU513, PU513V1,
PU513V2) it can not be reused in the 800xA connectivity server. Instead the PU410
unit must be used.
If the Unix workstation has a PCI RTA board (PU515A) it may be possible to reuse
it since this board can be connected to internal 3.3V and 5V PCI buses as well as the
PCI-X bus (3.3V). But if the Unix workstation has another PCI board (PU515,
PU519) it may not be possible to reuse it since those boards only can be connected
to 5V PCI bus. In this case the PU410 unit must be used.

3BSE030340-510 281
Hardware Use Cases Appendix I Hardware Installation

Table 1. Reuse of RTA Boards from AdvaCommand Unix Workstation

RTA board in
AdvaCommand Unix Reuse in 800xA Need PU410
PU513, PU513V1, No (ISA bus not available in 800xA Yes, see connection to MB300
PU513V2 connectivity server). “Thick Ethernet” above.
PU515, PU519 No (5V PCI bus is normally not Yes, see connection to MB300
available in 800xA connectivity server). “Thick Ethernet” above.
PU515A If the 800xA connectivity server has a If the 800xA connectivity server
3.3V or 5V PCI slot or a 3.3V PCI-X slot does not have any suitable PCI
the PU515A can be reused. If so, reuse slot for the RTA board then you
the same AUI connection cable, see need the PU410.
connection of RTA below.

Connection of the PU515A RTA board to the MB300 control network with 10Base5
“Thick Ethernet” cable is shown below.

AUI cable:
800xA TK626V003 (0.3m)
Connectivity TK626V050 (5m)
Server TK626V115 (15m)
TK626V130 (30m)
Maximum AUI cable length is 50m
(not recommended)

AUI to 10Base5 Transceiver

“Thick Ethernet” Cable
MB300 Control Network

Advant Advant Advant

Controller Controller Controller
4xx #1 4xx #2 4xx #3

Figure 12. Connecting the PU515A RTA Board to the MB300 10Base5 Control

282 3BSE030340-510
Appendix I Hardware Installation Hardware Use Cases

For connection to the RTA board a special AUI cable is available. This cable has
screws instead of posts for fixing to the RTA board.

AUI cable with AUI cable with

screws at the sliding latch at
RTA board 10Base5 transceiver
end end
15-pos Dsub pin 15-pos Dsub socket
connector connector
Special AUI cable for RTA board:
TK626V003 (0.3m)
TK626V050 (5m)
TK626V115 (15m)
TK626V130 (30m)

Figure 13. AUI Cables and Connectors for Connection of RTA Board to 10Base5

3BSE030340-510 283
Hardware Use Cases Appendix I Hardware Installation

284 3BSE030340-510
Numerics Error messages 228
800xA for Advant Master Product 15 Fatal messages 228
Functionality 15 Warning messages 231
Hardware and Software requirements 16
Product overview 15 E
Environment variable 48
A EVENT elements 147
ADVABLDENV 48 Event text
Audit List 79 Analog Input signal AI 154
Analog Output signal AO 155
B Binary object GENBIN 168
Backup and Restore 129 Digital Input signal DI 156
Building Control structure Digital Output signal DO 157
Create FCB source file 41 Group alarm GRPALARM 182
Demo structure 45 Group start GROUP 180
Off-line from FCB source file 41 Manual station MANSTN 164
Test structure 45 Motor Control MOTCON 174
Process Controller PIDCON 160
Process Controller PIDCONA 162
Ratio station RATIOSTN 165
Clock Master
Sequence SEQ 157
800xA for Advant Master 25
Standard event text 70
AC 400 Series Controller 23
User defined controller GENCON 166
Configuration 17, 107
User defined object GENUSD 171
Before you start 17
User-defined alarm and event text 71
Getting started 21
Valve control VALVECON 177
Control Connection Aspect 239
Additional information 241
Event treat 153
MasterBus 300 242
EVENT TREAT properties
Property information 240
Property view 239
Default Directories 48 TEXT_FRBLK 143
Display converter TEXT_TOBLK 143

3BSE030340-510 285

Event treatment 67 Simulated process data
Overview 139, 152 Export control structure 46
Standard event text 69 to 70 Property signal generator 45
User defined alarm text 71 System Alarms 126
User defined event text 71 Alarm list for Controllers 126
Alarm list for network 126
F System Error Messages 113
Fault Tracing 113 System Status
Controller node 120
H Network 115
Hot Keys in 800xA for Advant Master 30 Operator Workplace Node 116

Log index 82 TCLEV1 48
M TTD Logs
MB300 Upload Create log template 94
Upload from AC400 controller 40 to 41 Create TTD log in a controller 100
Log template
Log definition 84
Node configuration, controller details 89
OPC Logs 102
Node configuration, Download to
controller 91
P Node configuration, Main view 87
PB_LIB 49 Node configuration, Upload from
PC_LIB 49 controller 90
Setup in IndustrialIT 800xA System 92
R View TTD log in a controller 93
RTA Board - Get status 234
RTA Board configuration 22 V
Network and Node numbers 22 variables 48
Save configuration 238
Setup Network and Node 237
Start On-Line Builder 238
Start/Stop of RTA 234
RTA Board PU515A 269
RTA Unit PU410 270

286 3BSE030340-510
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