Abbreviations and Symbols
Abbreviations and Symbols
Abbreviations and Symbols
This is not to be regarded as a complete list although every attempt has been made to make it comprehensive.
There are often variations between hospitals in the use of abbreviations.
A-P. / A.P Antero-Posterior or Abdominal-Peritoneal
a.c. (ante cibum) Before Meals
A.H. Every Other Hour (From Latin Alternis Horis)
A/B Acid-Base Ratio
A/biotic Antibiotic
A/C Assist / Control
A/E Air Entry
A/G Albumin-Globulin (ratio)
A/G Abdominal Girth
A-PD Antero-Posterior Diameter
A-R Pulse Apical-Radial Pulse
A/S Apgar Score
A/W Abrasion Wound
a/w Associated with
A&E Accident & Emergency
A&O Alert and Oriented
A&P Anterior and Posterior
A&P Auscultation and Percussion
A&W Alive and Well
A1c Glycated Haemoglobin
A2 Aortic Second Sound
A-Fib Atrial Fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
Aa Of Each
AA Alcoholic Anonymous
AA Amino Acid
AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
AACG Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
AAL Anterior Axillary Line
AAOx3 Awake, Alert and Orientated to Person, Place, and Time
AAPMC Antibiotic-Associated Pseudomembranous Colitis
AARD Atlantoaxial Rotatory Displacement
AAT Activity as Tolerated
AB Asthmatic Bronchitis
Ab Antibody
Ab Antibiotics
AB neg or AB -ve Blood Group AB Negative
AB Pos or AB +ve Blood Group AB Positive
ABC Advance Breast Cancer
ABC Airway -Breathing-Circulation
ABC Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
ABC Aspiration Biopsy Cytology
ABCD Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability
B Bilateral
B-ALL B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
B-E Below the Elbow Amputation
B/L Bilateral
B/O Baby of
B/S Bishop Score
BA Bronchial asthma
Ba. E Barium Enema
Ba. M. Barium Meal
Bab Babinski (Reflex or Sign)
BAC Blood Alcohol Content/ Concentration
BAC Bronchoalveolar Carcinoma
BAD Bipolar Affective Disorder
BAI Basilar Artery Insufficiency
BAL Blood Alcohol Level
BAL Bronchoalveolar Lavage
BAO Basic Acid Output
BAP Bilateral Antral Puncture
BAT Brown Adipose Tissue
BAWO Bilateral Antral Washout
BB Bed Bureau
BBA Born Before Arrival
BBB Bundle Branch Block
BBB L Left Bundle Branch Block
BBB R Right Bundle Branch Block
BBF Branchiobasilic Fistula
BBS Buried Bumper Syndrome
BBV Blood-Borne Virus
BC Birth Control
BC Basal Cistern
BC Blood Culture
BC Buccal Cellulitis
BCC Basal Cell Carcinoma
BCD Basal Cell Dysplasia
BCF Bilateral ClubFoot
BCF Brachiocephalic Fistula
BCF Bulbocavernosus Reflex
BCG Bacillus Calmette Guerin
BCHA Bone Conduction Hearing Aid
BCL Bandage Contact Lens
BCLP Bilateral Cleft Lip Palate
BCLS Basic Cardiac Life Support
BCP Birth Control Pill
BCR Bulbocavernosus Reflex
BCV Brachiocephalic Vein
ĉ With
c Close
C Centigrade, Celsius
C Cephalic
C Child
C/F Chills, Fever
C/S Caesarean Section
C-spine Cervical Spine
c/o Complaint of
c/over Carry Over
C/Tube Chest tube
C/W Consistent/ Continue with
C&S Culture and Sensitivity
C# Cervical Fracture
C1 Atlas - First Cervical Vertebra of the Spine
DS Diagnosis
D Day(s)
D Distal
D Diopter
D-dimer Fibrin Degradation Product
D/C Distal Circulation
D/C Discharge
D/C Discontinue
D/D Diabetic Diet
D/E Distal End
D/S Dextrose Saline
D/T Distal to
D/T Due to
D/T Drainage Tube
D/w Discuss with
D&C Dilatation and Curettage
D&E Dilatation and Evacuation
E Ecstasy
E Electrolytes
E Enterococcus
E Epinephrine
E Esophoria
E short Short Repetition Technique Based on ECHO
E Coli Escherichia Coli
eg Example Given
E/A Elective Admission
E.T Expressive Therapy
E.T Essential Thrombocytosis
E(T) Intermittent Esotropia
F Facial
F Fahrenheit
F Father
F Female
F→N Finger-To-Nose Test (One Simple Clinical Test of Motor Coordination)
F-Z Fronto-Zygomatic
F/C Fevers And / Or Chills
F/F Full Upper and Full Lower Denture
F/U or F/up Follow-Up
G Guanosine
G and A Gas and Air
g or G Gramme
G-CSF Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor
G/P+A Gravida / Para + Abortion
G6PD Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
GA General Anesthetic
GA Gestational Age
GABA Gamma Amino Butyric Acid
GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder
H (hora) Hour or Hours
H Histamine or Its Receptors (If with Subscripts)
H Hemagglutinin
H→S Heel-To-Shin Test
h. (hora) Hour
H.Pylori Helicobacter Pylori
h.s. At Bedtime (From Latin Hora Somni)
H/A Headache
H/L Home Leave
h/m Hand Movement
H/O History of
H/O PI History Of Present Illness
H/P History and Physical/House Physician
H/V Home Visit
H&E Hematoxylin and Eosin, A Standard Tissue Stain
H&H Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
H&M Hematemesis and Melena
H&P History and Physical Examination (Which Very Often Are Considered as A Pair)
H2O Water
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
HA Headache
HA Hearing Aid
HA Hydroxyapatite
HA Hyaluronic Acid
HA Hypertonia Arterial
HA Hemolytic Anemia
HAA Hepatitis-Associated Antigen
HAART Highly Active Anti-Reproval Therapy
HACE High-Altitude Cerebral Edema
HAD HIV Associated Dementia
HAE Hereditary Angioedema
I Intermediate
I-131 Radioactive Isotope of Iodine
I and D Incision and Drainage
I/L Intralesional
I/O Intestinal (Mechanical) Obstruction
I/O Intake/Output
I/O Intra Oral
I/O Input / Output
I/V Intravenous
I/v/o In view of
I/W Incisional Wound
I&C Incision and Curettage
I&D Incision and Drainage
I&O Intake and Output
IA Industrial Accident
IA Intra-Arterial
IABP Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump
IAC Internal Auditory Canal
IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily living
IAI Intra-Amniotic Infection
IAM Internal Auditory Meatus
IAP Intra-Abdominal Pressure
IAS Internal
IB Infectious Bronchitis
IBC Inflammatory Breast Cancer
IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBS Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
IBW Ideal Body Weight
IC Ileocecal
IC Interstitial Cystitis
IC Immune Complex
ICAD Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease
ICB Intra Cranial Bleeding
ICB Intracerebral Bleeding
ICCE Intracapsular Cataract Extraction
ICD Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
ICD-10 International Classification of Disease - 10th edition
ICD-9CM International Classification Disease, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification
ICDS Integrated Child Development Services
ICF Intracellular Fluid
ICF informed Consent Form
ICG Impedance Cardiography
ICG Indocyanine Green
IP Inspiratory Pressure
IPC Device Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device
IPCV Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
IPF Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
IPH Intrapartum Hemorrhage
IPJ Interphalangeal Joint
IPL Interpupillary Line
IPMN Intraductal Papillary Mucinous neoplasm
IPP Intermittent Positive Pressure
JCA Juvenile Chronic Arthritis
JCV JC Virus (Named After the Initials of An Anonymous Patient)
JE Japanese Encephalitis
JEV Japanese Encephalitis Virus
JIA Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
JIS Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis
JMS Junior Medical Student, Aka MS-3
JOAG Juvenile-Onset Open-Angle Glaucoma
JODM Juvenile-Onset Diabetes Mellitus
JORRP Juvenile-Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
JRA Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
JRU Joint Replacement Unit
jt. Joint
JVC John Cunningham Virus
JVD Jugular Venous Distension
JVP Jugular Venous Pressure
K Potassium (From Latin Kalium)
K Keratometry
K/C Known Case
k/c/o Known Case of
K+ Potassium
K-wire Kirschner Wire
KA Ketoacidosis
KA Kinetic Alignment
KAFO Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
Kcal Kilocalorie
KCCT Kaolin Cephalin Clotting Time
KCl Potassium Chloride
KCOT Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor
KCS Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
Kg. Kilogram
KG Kindergarten
KI Potassium Iodide
KIV Keep in View
KJ Knee Jerk
KK Klinik Kesihatan
KLS Kidney, Liver, Spleen
KMNO4 Potassium Permanganate
Kod Knocked Out
°L °S °K Liver, Spleen, Kidneys Not Palpable
L Longitude
L Lumbar
L Left
L Lingual
L/a Large Amount
L.U.L. Left Upper Lobe (Lung)
L/W Laceration Wound
L&D Labor and Delivery
L1, L2, L3 etc First Lumbar Vertebra, Second etc
L-DOPA Levo-Dihydroxyphenylalanine
LA Local Anesthetic
LA Lupus Anticoagulant
LA Lymphadenopathy
LA Left Atrium
Lab. Laboratory
LABBB Left Anterior Bundle Branch Block
LABC Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
LACI Lacunar Anterior Circulation Infarct
LAD Left Axis Deviation or Left Anterior Descending
LAD Left Anterior Descending (A Coronary Artery)
LAD Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
LAD Left Axis Deviation (See Electrocardiogram)
LAD Lymphadenopathy
LADA Latent Autoimmune Diabetic of the Adolescent
LAE Left Atrial Enlargement
LAHB, LAH Left Anterior Hemiblock
LAM Lactational Amenorrheic Method
Lam Laminectomy
LAM Levator Ani Muscle
Lang, lg Language
LAO Left Anterior Oblique
LAP Left Atrial Pressure
LAP Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase
Lap Laparoscopy
Lap. Laparotomy
LAR Low Anterior Resection
LARP Left - Anterior, Right - Posterior (Path of The Vagi as They Wander from Thorax to
M Male
M Mesial
M. (misce) Mix
N Normal
N Nitrogen
N and T Nose and Throat
n/m Not Married
N/S Normal Saline
n/t Numbness and Tingling
n/v, N&V Nausea and Vomiting
Na+ Sodium
NAB Needle Aspiration Biopsy
NABS Normoactive Bowel Sounds
NaCl Sodium Chloride
NAD No Abnormality Detected
NAD No Acute Distress
NAD No Absolute Diagnosis
NAD No Active Disease
NAD No Acute Distress
NAFLD Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
NAI Non-Accidental Injury
NAION Non-Arteritis Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
NAR Nasal Airway Resistance
NAS No Added Salt
NASH Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
NASSA Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressant
NB Newborn
NB Note Well
NBCCS Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
NBHS Newborn Hearing Screen
NBI No Bony Injury
NBM Nil by Mouth / Nothing by Mouth
NBN Newborn Nursery
NBO No bowel
NBTE Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis
NC Nasal Cannula
NC Negative Control
NC Nerve Action Potential
NCC Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy
NCCT Non-Contrasted Computed Tomography
NCD Neurocognitive Disorder
nCPAP Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
O Occlusal
O Nothing
o/put Output
O&G, OB-GYN, OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynecology
O&P Ova and Parasite
O/E On Examination
O2 Oxygen
OA Osteo-Arthritis
OA Occipito-Anterior
OAB Overactive Bladder
OAC Oroantral Communication
OAD Oral Anti-Diabetic Drug
OAE Otoacoustic Emission
OAF Oroantral Fistula
OASIS Obstetric and Sphincter Injuries
OATS Osteochondral Autograft Transfer Procedure
OB Overbite
OBD Out Of Bed
P Para
P Parturition
P Palatal
P Phosphorous
P plan
P Post
P Pulse
P and A Percussion and Auscultation
P.c. (Post cibum) After Meals
P.O Per Oral
P/- Partial Upper Denture
P/A Per Abdomen
P/E Physical Examination
P/P Partial Upper And Partial Lower Denture
P/w Presented With
P2 Pulmonic Second Heart Sound
PA Pernicious Anemia
q (quoque) Every
Q.H. (quo hora) Every Hour
q2h, q4h, q6h… Every 2 hours, every 4 hours, every 6 hours etc.
qam Every Morning
q.d Each Day
q.d.s Four Times a day
q.h Every Hour
q.h.s Every Bedtime
q.i.d Four Times a Day
q.m.t Every Month
q.n Every Night
q.o.d Every Other Day
q.o.h every Other Hour
q.s As Much as Suffices
q.v As Much as You Please
R Resistant
R. Roentgen
R (recipe) Take (Also Right)
R/O Rule Out
R/H Right Hypotropia
r/g/m Rubs/ Gallops/ Murmur-Heart Sounds
R/T Ryle’s Tube
R/V Retroverted
r/v Review
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
RA Refractory Anemia
RA Right Atrium
RAD Right Atrial Axis Deviation
RAD Reactive Airway Disease
Rad Ther. Radiotherapy
RAI Radioactive Iodine
RAO` Right Anterior Oblique
RAP Right Atrial Pressure
RAPD Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect
RAS Renal Artery Stenosis
RBBB Right Bundle Bunch Block
RBC Red Blood Count
RBL Radiographic Base Line
RBLM Recurrent Benign Lymphocytic Meningitis
RBS Random Blood Sugar
RCA Rotator Cuff Arthropathy
RCA Right Coronary Artery
RCC Renal Cell Carcinoma
RCF Radio Cephalic Fistula Infection
RCM Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
RCM Right Costal Margin
RCT Root Canal Treatment
RCT Randomised Controlled Trial
RD Retinal Detachment
RDI Recommended Daily Intake
RDS Respiratory Distress Syndrome
RDT Rapid Diagnostic Test
RDU Renal Dialysis Unit
RDW Red Cell Distribution Width
Re Regarding, Regards, Regard
Reg Register
s Without (Sans)
S.Bil Serum Bilirubin (Direct/Indirect)
s.c. Subcutaneous (From Latin Subcutis)
s.d. Subdermal
S.I Systems International (unit)
S/B Seen by
S/C or SC or Sc Subcutaneous
S/E Speculum Examination/Side Effect
S/L Slit Lamp
s/l or sl Sublingual
s/p Status Post
S/S or s/s Signs and symptoms
S/T Spoken to
S1, S2, S3, etc. First Sacral Vertebra, second etc.
S1S2 First and Second Heart Sound
S2 Second Heart Sound
SA Sinoatrial
SAA Synthetic Amino Acid
SAB Spontaneous Abortion
SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder
SAH Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
T Temperature
T and A Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
t.d.s Three Times A Day (From Latin Ter Die Sumendus)
T/O Transfer Out
T&A Tonsillectomy with Adenoidectomy
T&C Type and Crossmatch (Blood Transfusion)
T&H Type and Hold (Stay Ready for Blood Transfusion)
T&S Toilet and Suture
T2DM Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
T3 Triodothyroxine
T4 Thyroxine Hormone
TAA Thoracic Aorta Aneurysm
Tab Tablet
TAB Therapeutic Abortion
TAB Typhoid and Paratyphoid A and B
TAGA Term Appropriate with Gestational Age
TAGVHD Transfusion Associated Graft Versus Host Disease
TAH Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
TAHBSO Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Bilateral Salphingo-Opherectomy
TAPVD Total Anamalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage
TAT Thematic Apperception Test
TB Tuberculosis
TBG Total Binding Globulin
TBG Thyroxine-Binding Globulin
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TBI Total Body Irradiation
TBLC Term Birth Living Child
TBW Tension Bend Wire
TCA To Come Again
TCC Transitional Cell Carcinoma
TCI To Come In (For Admission to Hospital)
TCN Tetracycline
TCT Thrombin Clotting Time
TD Tardive Dyskinesia
𝛍g Microgram
U/3 Upper Third
U/L Underlying
U/L Upper/ Lower
U/O Urine Output
U&E Urea and Electrolytes
UA Urinalysis / Uric Acid
UA Unstable Angina
v/o or VO Verbal Order
V/Q Ventilation-Perfusion
V/Q Ventilation/ Perfusion Scan
V/V Vulva & Vagina
V/V Varicose Vein
VA Visual Acuity
VAD Ventricular Assist Device
VAD Venous Access Device
VAD Vincristine, Adriblastine, Dexamethasone
w With
w/o Without
W/U Workup
WAP Wandering Atrial Pacemaker (See Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia)
WAT White Adipose Tissue
WB Whole Blood
WBC White Blood cell or Count
WBR Whole body radiation
WBRT Whole-Brain Radiotherapy Treatment
WC White Cells
WC Weak contraction
WCA Wheelchair Ambulation
WCC White Cell Count
WD Wound Debridement
WDL Within Defined Limits (As Per Hospital Defined Policy)
WH Well Hydrated (Not Dehydrated or Hyperhydrated)
WI Wound Inspection
Wk. Week
WL Working Length
WLE Wide Local Excision
WN Well-Nourished / Within Normal Limits
WNL Within Normal Limits (Also: We Never Looked)
WO Written Order / Weeks Old / Wide Open
WOP Without Pain
WPW Wolf-Parkinson-White Syndrome
WR Wassermann Reaction
WS Warkany Syndrome
Wt. Weight
WWF Widal Well Felix
WWF Widal-Weil-Felix test
WWI Walking While Intoxicated (Ethanol or Other Drugs)
WWI World War I
XLA Extraction Under Local Anaesthesia
Xn Extraction
XRT External Radiation Therapy
YF Yellow fever
YMRS Young Mania Rating Scale
YOB / DOB Year of Birth
yr Year
# Fracture
∆ Diagnosis
∆∆ Differential Diagnosis
↑,↓ Increase, Decrease
↓ Under
↔ Equivocal
1°, 2° Primary, Secondary
-/P Partial Lower Denture
6. Multivitamin MVT
9. Chloramphenicol CMC