Pertemuan 26 & 27
Pertemuan 26 & 27
Pertemuan 26 & 27
Fanny K Putri
(Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris UPI)
Reading 45 soal
Latihan Soal & Review
Latihan Soal
Tes Bahasa Inggris – Grammar 1 & 2
Source: Longman (Structure Diagnostic Pre-test - Paper)
Pg 185 -181
(Multiple Choice)
Pengunaan A, An, dan The
Articles (Memberikan informasi apakah noun yang dimaksud plural/singular, spesifik/tidak spesifik)
Indefinite A/An Sebelum singular noun, merujuk pada She drives a car (sebuah mobil apapun,
benda yang tidak spesifik. tidak spesifik)
He needs an umberella (sebuah payung
manapun, tidak spesifik)
Definite The Sebelum singular atau plural noun, merujuk Digunakan untuk:
pada benda yang spesifik . • Benda yang sangat spesifik dan hanya
ada satu, contoh: The Sun, the Earth, The
Peace Corps, The United Nation
• Superlatives: The best car, The most
Zero - Article tidak dibutuhkan pada beberapa • Noun plural dan generalisasi, contoh:
kondisi. Cars are expensive to run.
• Uncountable Noun, contoh: Water is
essential to life.
• Sudah menggunakan jenis determiner
lain, contoh: It is her car.
Review: Parallel Structure
Keseluruhan, All of All of the apple had been eaten. All of the apples were missing. All of the salt were soaked.
Kuantitas total
Whole The whole street was being cleaned. Whole streets were being cleaned.
Jumlah yang tidak Some X I want some apples. I want some attention.
diketahui Any Any car is fine. Any cars are fine. She doesn’t have any
(Beberapa) confidence.
Setiap, Each Each child was assesed. X X
Jumlahnya tidak Every Every garden had a fountain. X
bisa ditentukan X
Review: Adjective vs Adverb
Perbedaan Penggunaan Adverb dan Adjective dalam kalimat
Adjective menjelaskan noun atau pronoun
Adverb menjelaskan adjective, verb, atau adverb lain.
1. John held the plate careful.*
2. Julia is a carefully person. *
Judul Materi
• Sentence Structure • Subordinate Conjunction
• Identifying Subject and Verb (Dependent Clause: Adjective
• What can be Verb Clause, Noun Clause, Adverb
• What can be Subject Clause)
• Parts of Speech • Apposition
• Other Sentence Problems • Reduced Clause
• Coordinating Conjunction • Inversion
• Paired Conjunction • Passive Voice & Basic Tenses