OU-ExchangePrograms 2022 A4
OU-ExchangePrograms 2022 A4
OU-ExchangePrograms 2022 A4
PROGRAMS for Students from Partner Universities
Osaka and
Osaka University
P02 Study as an Exchange Student at Osaka University
P04 OUSSEP OUSSEP is a full- or half-year program designed for 2nd or 3rd year students of
an overseas university. Participants take academic lectures taught in English called
International Exchange Subjects.
P06 FrontierLab FrontierLab@OsakaU is a program for accepting 3rd year or higher international
students into science laboratories. Participants mainly study research themes
provided by the laboratory. This program was created so that international students
could conduct cutting-edge research and achieve results under the guidance of
supervisors while acquiring the skills necessary for continuing research.
P08 iExPO Schools and graduate schools at Osaka University accept international students who
can freely choose classes from various courses at OU and conduct research under the
guidance of supervisors. International students are required to possess a high level of
fluency in Japanese as well as knowledge of their major equivalent to that of a 3rd or
4th year student as they will be taking classes with regular students.
P10 Maple The Maple Program is designed to help 3rd year or higher students improve their
Japanese language skills as well as enhance their knowledge of Japanese culture and
society, moving them further towards their own academic goals. Moreover, it aims to
cultivate individuals who deeply understand Japan from various perspectives by
giving students the skills to compare and contrast Japanese language, culture, and
society with their own, and then share that knowledge widely.
P12 OUICP The Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) is managed separately
from other exchange programs. It is a hybrid educational program in collaboration
with partner universities in ASEAN countries. Participants take online or face-to-face
subjects in ASEAN countries and practical subjects in Japan such as laboratory
studies, field studies, and internships.
Study as an Exchange Student
at Osaka University 大阪大学への交換留学
Exchange Students 交換留学生とは Enrollment Requirements 在籍年数
Exchange students at Osaka University are defined as: Students must be enrolled at their home university for
International students who are officially recommended at least one year and graduate students for at least six
by their home university (partner universities*) to study months at the time of application. Graduate students who
at OU without aiming to earn a degree from OU. have been enrolled for less than six months are eligible to
Exchange students may study at OU for up to one year. apply if they have been enrolled for at least one year in
* Partner Universities: Universities and institutions that have total, either between an undergraduate and master’s
established academic exchange agreements with OU. program or a master’s and PhD program within the same
university. Students must also be continually enrolled and
progressing as a full-time, degree-seeking student at their
home university.
1年以内です。 申請段階で、学部生は1年以上、大学院生は半年以上所属大学に在籍
How to Apply 応募方法
Information concerning exchange program applications
will be sent to relevant exchange program staff at partner
universities. Please request the information from them.
OU cannot respond to requests from students or third Academic Requirements 成績要件
parties. Please also note that we do not generally accept Exchange students with excellent academic performance
repeat exchange participants in principal if they are are expected to be nominated. Generally, this means
applying for the same degree level. having a 3.0 GPA on the 4.0 scale; upper second-class
in the UK’s undergraduate honours grading system;
a B in ECTS grading scale; or 80-85% in Chinese and
Korean universities in the current degree program at
their home university.
ち 3.0 以上、ECTS B 以上、中国や韓国の大学で80-85% 以上と
How to Study at Osaka University
as an Exchange Student
Students at partner universities are requested to visit the Language Requirements 語学要件
websites of their home university and contact relevant Students must meet the Japanese or English proficiency
exchange student program staff. Even students requirements of the exchange program to which they
recommended by their home university must pass apply. All students, including those in the iExPO program
a screening at OU to study here. in which Japanese is the main language of instruction,
must be able to read and understand simple English to
apply for these programs.
阪大学の書類審査等に合格しなければ、大阪大学に交換留学生とし プログラムにより日本語または英語の語学要件を満たさなければな
て入学することはできません。 りません。iExPO 申請者であっても、申請のため基礎的な英語力が
Citizenship 国籍
Students must be a citizen, legal resident, or visa holder
in the country/region of their home university. Students
with Japanese citizenship may be considered if they were
mainly educated outside of Japan.
Health 健康状態
Exchange students must meet the minimum requirements of physical, mental, and social health to study abroad.
OUICP は12ページを参照してください。
Language Eligibility
Program (Credited) Campus Outline
Suita, Toyonaka,
OUSSEP 〇 〇 △ CIEE liberal arts courses in English
Suita, Toyonaka,
iExPO 〇 〇 〇 Lectures in Japanese
* U: Undergraduate / G: Graduate
大阪大学は4ターム制ですが、大学間交換留学のうち、OUSSEP、FrontierLab、iExPO は4月もしくは10月に授業が開始し、Maple は10
OUICP の留学期間は12ページを参照してください。
April May June July August September October November December January February March
4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月
EN | osku.jp/f0787 JP | osku.jp/n0357
OUSSEP Osaka University
Short-term Student Exchange Program
International Exchange Subjects
Osaka University tries to balance the number of students
majoring in the natural sciences (including engineering
and medicine), the humanities, and the social sciences.
Students may select their subjects according to their
majors and interests. At the same time, students are
“Students’ Voices
encouraged to take subjects outside their own majors as
this will help them to broaden their perspective and gain
a deeper understanding of Japanese society and culture.
Independent Study Course (Spain)
One of the unique features of the Full-year and Half-year
Doing a student exchange, especially in these
OUSSEP programs is the Independent Study (2-4 credits
days, is not an easy task. It can be hard to
per semester). Students can propose a study topic and
leave your home country and dear ones, as
are then assigned to a supervising professor in an
well as to prepare everything you need for
appropriate school/faculty/graduate school. Students your stay in a completely different country.
may study a particular subject that is not found in the However, Osaka University will always try to
International Exchange Subjects (Individual Study) or help all of us as much as possible. A serious
conduct a research project on a particular theme and prestigious university, but at the same
(Independent Research). Students and their supervising time close and caring towards its students.
professor will agree upon the scope and depth of the During my stay in Japan, I have been able to
study at the beginning of the program*. For full-year successfully complement my studies, while at
OUSSEP students, the Independent Study usually the same time improving my Japanese and
continues for two semesters. At the end of each semester opening my mind towards the culture not only
students submit their report on the topic to the of Japan but also of many other countries.
supervising professor. Refer to the Guide to Independent I am very grateful to be able to live this
Study found on the OUSSEP Website for further details. experience.
Those who wish to undertake Independent Study must fill
out the Independent Study Proposal along with the other
application documents.
Outline How to find a prospective supervisor
FrontierLab is a unique, long-term exchange program that Check the researcher database (link below) to find
functions as an academic internship in science and a prospective supervisor. After you are officially nominated
technology. Participants will become student members from your university, you may email them directly.
of a research group in one of Osaka University’s
internationally renowned science and technology fields https://rd.iai.osaka-u.ac.jp/#/
and do full-time research work under the academic
supervision of a faculty member.
3. Supervised Study
15 20 30 40
(Meeting with a faculty supervisor)
4. Tutorial
@OsakaU 30 30 60 60
(Supplementary advice from senior students)
Study Hours
5. Participation in Seminar 15 20 30 40
*Numbers indicate hours per 1 semester (Labs C & D) or 2 semesters (Labs E & F). On average, daily contact hours in FrontierLab C/D/E/F will
be from 4.0 to 5.6 hours for each course. The ECTS-compliant workload table is provided to facilitate credit transfer between Osaka University
and partner institutions. Osaka University’s credits are awarded based on contact hours (laboratory time) stipulated in item 1 in the table
above. The other study hours written in items 2 to 7 are estimates that vary by laboratory.
Student Status
Special Auditor (Credited): Applicable for both
undergraduate students and graduate students
1) Duration: Fixed period (semester-based)
i. 1 semester (15 weeks): From April to August,
or from October to February
“ Students’ Voices
Student from USA
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
I have nothing but good things to say about my
ii. 2 semesters (30 weeks): From April to February, time in my assigned lab.
or from October to August My research environment was very enjoyable,
2) Applicant will participate in credited supervised while conducting research was my primary job.
research and have an option to take other credited I never felt like I was too busy. My supervisor
courses was very involved in guiding my research
during my time in the lab. The senior students
Final Presentation were also very helpful whenever I needed help
While we encourage all exchange students for as well.
FrontierLab to give a presentation and actively participate
in the Q&A session, it is mandatory for Special Auditors. Student from Germany
Final presentations are usually held twice a year in (Institute for Protein Research)
February and July/August. It is a very big campus and has good research
opportunities. My supervisor was very
professional and friendly. I was treated with
the same respect as other lab students.
http://osku.jp/s0999 Thank you, that you let me be part of this
program! It was a very great experience in
and off the laboratory.
Outline 概要
iExPO students will be placed in a school/faculty/graduate school/research institute at Osaka University to take courses
in a specific major or do graduate research under the guidance of a faculty member. The Special Auditor option is for
those who wish to take specialized courses in a degree program, while the iExPO Special Research A/B option is for the
graduate students who wish to do research under the guidance of a faculty member of their choosing. Since the majority
of degree courses are taught in Japanese, participants need to have a high level of general Japanese language proficiency.
iExPO 生は特定の学部・研究科の科目履修、または指導教員の下研究を行うため、学部、研究科に配属されます。特別聴講学生は学位取得
のための専門科目を履修します。指導教員の下研究を行いたい大学院生は iExPO 特別研究 A / B を履修してください。ほとんどの科目は日
Letters/Foreign Studies/
Humanities (L)JLPT *N1
文学部/外国語学部/ (F)JLPT N2
Human Sciences
Engineering Science
Faculty of Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine (for PhD candidates only) JLPT N2 JLPT N2
医学部/医学系研究科(PhD 取得予定者のみ)
Frontier Biosciences
* The JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) is used to certify the Japanese language proficiency of those whose native language is not Japanese.
iExPO – Special Auditor (Credited)
For graduate students wishing to do research under the guidance of a faculty member
* The JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) is used to certify the Japanese language proficiency of those whose native language is
not Japanese.
** The exchange period must be exactly one year for PhD candidates only.
*** You must receive informal acceptance from a prospective supervisor.
Student Status
Special Auditor (Credited): Both undergraduate students and graduate students are eligible
Duration: Fixed (semester-based)
1 semester (15 weeks): From April to August, or from October to February
2 semesters (30 weeks): From April to February, or from October to August
Students will take courses offered in each school/faculty/graduate school and earn credits.
If you were graduate students who wish to do research under the guidance of a faculty member, please take either
iExPO Special Research A or B depending on the study duration.
*Duration: iExPO Special Research A, 1 semester (14 credits) / iExPO Special Research B, 2 semesters (28 credits)
EN |
iExPO 特別研究 A または B ※を履修してください。 JP |
※ iExPO 特別研究 A:1学期(14単位)/ iExPO 特別研究 B:2学期(28単位) http://osku.jp/k0079
Maple Program
The Maple Program is an intensive Japanese language and Independent Study courses. You can put the
and culture program for exchange students designed by knowledge and skills you acquire through these courses
Osaka University’s Center for Japanese Language and to use in the Directed Research and Reading (MDR),
Culture (CJLC). The program officially starts in September a required subject that is the core of the Maple Program.
with placement and orientation (classes start in October) The Project-based Learning (PBL) activities of the MDR
and comes to an end in August of the following year. course focus on developing students’ skills to acquire
A Certificate of Program Completion will be issued to knowledge, convey information, and discuss. It aims to
students who earn 30 or more credits throughout the year. raise talented individuals that can connect with different
This program was designed to meet the diverse needs of cultures and their people. At the same time, the program
students studying Japanese language and culture. aims to train students to view Japan from a broader point
The program offers around 160 credit-bearing subjects, of view and from various angles, and to process and
including research subjects, Japanese language subjects, convey their findings.
Conveying Acquiring
information knowledge
Research Subjects Independent Study
Subjects aimed at deepening Independent research under
your knowledge of Japanese the guidance of a specialized
linguistics, literature, history, etc. academic advisor.
• Students who have Japanese language proficiency equivalent to or
higher than Level N4 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
• Students who are, in principle, in the third year or higher in
an undergraduate program.
Course Information
The Maple Program features four courses: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced. Students
are placed in one of these four courses based on the results of a preliminary placement test.
2 credits
Research Subjects in Japanese Studies (R)
Independent Study (MIS)
Pre-Intermediate Japanese α:
4 credits
Required Grammar & Vocabulary (MGVα)
(Pre-Intermediate 30 or more credits in a year
Japanese Course) Pre-Intermediate Japanese β:
2 credits
Grammar & Vocabulary (MGVβ)
Intermediate Japanese α:
4 credits
Required Grammar & Vocabulary (MGVα)
Japanese Course) Intermediate Japanese β:
2 credits
Grammar & Vocabulary (MGVβ)
1 credit
Electives Japanese Language Subjects (L)
Subject Details
Directed Research & Reading (MDR) Research Subjects
This seminar stimulates comprehensive understanding of Research Subjects are electives aimed at deepening your
Japanese language and culture. By experiencing understanding of Japanese linguistics, language
Japanese culture and society first-hand by going on field education, literature, history, sociology, Japanese thought
trips, and by participating in project-based learning and so forth. During these classes, students approach the
guided by teaching assistants (graduate students), above topics from a comparative-contrastive point of
you will come closer to this seminar’s ultimate goal: view, analyze them and then discuss their findings. While
a comprehensive understanding of Japanese language, most classes are conducted in Japanese, we also provide
culture, and society. To ensure effective and smooth classes in English.
communication, we will focus on the development of
three key skills: acquiring knowledge, conveying Independent Study (MIS)
information, and discussion. For this elective class, students gather and read primary
source material and/or conduct survey research under the
Japanese Language Subjects supervision of a specialized academic advisor.
Japanese Language Subjects are designed in such a way Students gather and analyze data autonomously as
that students can register for courses matching their a means of gaining a profound knowledge of Japanese
present Japanese language skills. In accordance with the linguistics and culture.
level of each of your language skills, you can choose pre-
intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate and
advanced level Japanese language courses focusing on
reading skills, listening skills, writing skills, speaking Maple Program Website
skills, grammar/vocabulary and kanji/vocabulary. https://maple.cjlc.osaka-u.ac.jp/
OUICP Osaka University
International Certificate Program
*This program is offered only to students of Osaka University ASEAN Campus partner universities ASEAN Campus
and working people from ASEAN countries where OU ASEAN Campuses are established. Partner Universities:
Application Selection
OU ASEAN Campus Osaka University OU ASEAN Campus
period period
Application Selection
OU ASEAN Campus Osaka University OU ASEAN Campus
period period
Application Selection
OU ASEAN Campus Osaka University OU ASEAN Campus
period period
Participants take online or face-to-face lectures from their home country and study abroad at OU in a winter, spring or
summer term to take Practical Study Abroad courses. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the
program on a specific field with 6 to 8 credits.
• Graduate students of OU ASEAN Campus partner universities who will be registered as a student until the end of
the program
• Working people who have received at least a bachelor’s degree
Course Information
OUICP consists of the following five programs for 2022.
Introduction to To reveal the factors which donate material properties Graduate School of
Computational Materials Design by computer simulation based on quantum mechanics. Engineering
Tuition Fee
Graduate students of ASEAN Campus partner universities: There is no required payment to Osaka University since
students are already paying tuition to their home institution, based on a valid student exchange agreement.
Working people (non-students): Enrollment fee 28,200 yen, Examination fee 9,800 yen, Tuition fee 14,400 yen per credit.
OUICP Scholarships
OU offers a certain number of scholarships (50,000 JPY/month) to incoming exchange students.
Scholarships will be provided to a limited number of OUICP participants during their stay in Japan.
As the number of scholarship awards is limited, students should make an appropriate financial plan that excludes
any scholarships.
Living Expenses, Scholarships,
Housing, and Visa 生活費と奨学金、住居、ビザ
Average Monthly Expense for International Students 留学生の1ヶ月の平均生活費
Utilities ¥9,000
Food ¥27,000 合計
145,000 JPY/ 円
Rent ¥50,000
、もしくは大阪大学交換留学奨学金(月 交換留学生は、日本渡日前に、日本の大使館や領事館が発給する「留
額8万円)を受給できる可能性があります。受給可能人数は、年度 学ビザ」に申請し取得する必要があります。大阪大学のサポートオ
によって異なります。 フィスがビザ申請のサポートを行い、渡日の3か月前からの申請が
OUICP は13ページの“OUICP Scholarships”を参照してください。 必要です。
Residential Facilities for Exchange Students 大学間交換留学生の住居
Exchange Students are strongly recommended to stay at Global Village*, one of Osaka University’s dormitories.
OUSSEP, FrontierLab, and iExPO students are asked to stay at GV Tsukumodai, and Maple students are asked to stay
at GV Minoh Semba.
OUICP students may be asked to stay at a dormitory other than GV Tsukumodai depending on the time of year.
*Global Village Tsukumodai is an integrated facility with student dormitories, staff housing, and mixed-type living units where students from
Japan and overseas can interact.
Global Village Minoh Semba, located on the Minoh campus, is a dormitory for Japanese and international students. Living among a variety of
languages and cultures will nurture diverse individuals and give rise to mutual respect and cultural understanding to develop globally-focused
education, research, and innovation.
に入寮していただく予定です。OUSSEP、FrontierLab、iExPO に参加する学生は GV
津雲台に、Maple に参加する学生は GV 箕面船場に入寮予定です。
OUICP に参加する学生は、時期により、GV 津雲台以外の学寮に入寮することがあります。
た、GV 箕面船場は、箕面キャンパス内にあり、日本人学生と留学生混住型の学寮です。異なる言語、文化的背景を持つ人々がともに暮らし、多様性を受入れ、
Monthly rent
Number of rooms Room type Duration of residence
(utilities not included)
部屋数 部屋タイプ 入居期間
賃料 / 月(光熱水費等除く)
Shared Unit
225 rooms Up to 1 year
GV Tsukumodai for 5,7 or 9 students 46,310-49,410 JPY*1
225部屋 1年以内
5人 /7人 /9人ユニット制
*1 Rental fees for the room’s air conditioner, desk, chair, bookshelf, bed, bedlinen, curtains, desk lamp, clothes drying stand, and Wi-Fi are included.
*2 Rental fees for the room’s air conditioner, desk, chair, bed, curtains, IH cooker, and bedlinen set are included.
GV Tsukumodai
GV Minoh Semba
Campuses/Access Map
Suita campus, the largest of the three campuses and the headquarters 万博記念公園の北側に位置する広大なキャン
of Osaka University, is adjacent to the north edge of Expo ’70 パスには、2つの附属病院に加え、世界トッ
Commemorative Park. プレベルの研究所や学部・大学院および大学
A large number of industry-university joint projects are conducted 本部があります。イノベーションの中心地と
here, and it also houses numerous world-renowned research institutes, して多数の産学連携プロジェクトが行われ、
schools, and graduate schools in addition to two university hospitals. 新たな知の創出の拠点となっています。
Considered to be the center of innovation at Osaka University, you will
find many opportunities for research, learning, and collaboration in our
centers and facilities here.
The Main Library, the Museum of Osaka University, five schools, 総合図書館、総合学術博物館、5つの学部と7
and seven graduate schools are located on our Toyonaka campus. つの大学院を擁しており、つねに学生たちで
It is always bustling with students and is considered our most lively 賑わう最も活気のあるキャンパスです。学部
campus. It is a great place to find friends and get in touch with the 1、2年生は全学教育推進機構で共通教育を学
community! First and second-year undergraduate students spend ぶため、このキャンパスで多くの時間を過ご
most of their time on this campus studying general education at the します。
Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences, and a number of
graduate students and researchers study and work at the numerous
graduate schools and research institutes on the campus.
Minoh Campus 箕面キャンパス
In April 2021, the Minoh campus has been moved to a new 箕面キャンパスは、2021年4月に吹田・豊中両キャ
location that can be easily accessed from both the Suita and ンパスからのアクセスが便利な箕面船場に移転し
Toyonaka campuses. It is home to 25 language departments in ました。
the School of Foreign Studies, and Center for Japanese Language このキャンパスには25もの世界の諸言語の専攻語
and Culture. A student dormitory, Global Village Minoh Semba, 教育課程を擁する外国語学部や、日本語日本文化
has opened for both Japanese and international students. 教育センター、留学生と日本人学生が入居できる
Students of the Maple program, one of the short-term student グローバルビレッジ箕面船場などがあります。
exchange programs at Osaka University hosted by the Center for Maple プログラムに参加する交換留学生は主にこ
Japanese Language and Culture, will mainly study here. のキャンパスで過ごします。
Access Map
OUSSEP, FrontierLab, iExPO, OUICP: OUSSEP, FrontierLab, iExPO
International Student Affairs Division, http://osku.jp/f0787
Department of International Affairs [email protected]
Maple: https://maple.cjlc.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/
The Center for Japanese Language [email protected]
and Culture