Bain Academy Brochure
Bain Academy Brochure
Bain Academy Brochure
We are obsessed with results and with helping our clients to become
even more effective through world-class learning experiences
We support Bain clients across two
distinct offerings
• Programmatic, practical, highly tailored solutions • Programs are highly customized and adapted to
to build capabilities and embed learnings participants’ needs and interests, ensuring
participants receive the most relevant learning
• Scaling of learnings across organizations via Train experience possible
the Trainer approach
• Regional and global experts bring the ‘best-of’ in
topic mastery and maximize experience sharing
through networking and inspirational guest
speaker forums
Bain is world class in training top business
talent; we consistently outrank our key
competitors WHO WE ARE
#1 Bain & Company Asia #1 Bain & Company Europe #1 Health Advances
#2 McKinsey & CompanyAsia #2 McKinsey & CompanyEurope #2 Bain & Company
#3 Boston Consulting GroupAsia #3 Implement Consulting Group #3 ClearView Healthcare Partners
#4 Roland Berger Asia #4 Roland Berger Europe #4 McKinsey & Company
#1 Bain & Company Asia #1 Bain & Company Europe #1 Bain & Company
Informal #2 McKinsey & CompanyAsia #2 McKinsey & CompanyEurope #2 Putnam Associates
#3 Boston Consulting GroupAsia #3 Teneo (ManagementConsulting) #3 McKinsey & Company
We have developed a unique set of
‘golden rules’ which defined our 35+
years of training experiences OUR APPROACH
We bring a proven approach to client
capability building, beginning with strategic
business context OUR APPROACH
4 Deliver
• Execute a learning
experience that flows with a
balance of experiential and 3 Design
conceptual learning • Create learning experiences that
clearly define what talent will be able
• Delivery by blended visual to do
presentations, interactive
exercises, and interpersonal • Develop customized programs that
discussions link outcomes to specific business
Overview/key •Learn Agile values and Scrum • Learn the fundamentals of • Learn Bain’s fundamental
learnings framework and roles Micro-battles, Agile values, and analytical toolkit and
the Scrum framework and roles presentation skills including:
•Practice innovating in Scrum
through building a LEGO® city • Mobilize for your team’s Agile - Answer First
•Conditions and leadership - Answer First workplanning
behaviors required for success - User story drafting
- Presentation development
•Anticipating and mitigating - Product backlog building/
refinement - Presentation delivery
- Prioritization
- Effort estimation
- Sprint planning
•50-70% •70-80% •60-70%
NPS (2019)
Timing •Half-day workshop •~2-3 day team workshop •~1-2 day bootcamp
Overview/key •Multi-day, multi-session executive • Learn strategic procurement • Develop core capabilities
learnings forum focused on comprehensive skills including: (may include):
‘CEO agenda’
- Category management - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
•Topics include: - Market intelligence (MBTI®)
- Supply base management - High impact communication
- CEO fireside chats
- Compliance and demand - Managing upwards
- Strategy management - Coaching and mentoring
- Team skills - Strategic sourcing
- Inspirational Leadership
- Change management
- Digital innovation • Features SAVE! Strategic - Personal productivity
- Design thinking Procurement Game - Leadership and teamcapability
development using LEGO®
- Inspirational Leadership
•65-75% •~90 •80-90%
NPS (2019)
Timing •Multi-day or multi-session program •~2 day workshop •Single modules/Half-day/Full day
Reasons our clients love to work with us
We deliver a differentiated virtual training
experience, with consistently
positive feedback
Experience with multiple digital Leading IP on virtual effectiveness Positive client feedback
Communication platforms •Playbook to work confidently in a “The fact that we were able to get
virtual environment all the participants through Bain’s
Agile training virtually at such high
quality is just simply amazing.”
- Vice President, US
Brainstorming andwhiteboarding
“You all did a fantastic jobin general
and moving us in and out of breakout
rooms, simulating the whole virtual
exercise seamlessly on Zoom.”
- Director, EMEA Digital Media Company
Feedback and real-timeinput
“The best virtual training I’ve ever
experienced, and the best possible
use of my time over the past few days”
- VP, E-Commerce Co.
Agile LeadershipBootcamp
program overview
/ E XAM P L E /
Agile Team Launch
comprehensive training and hands-on
working sessions
/ E XAM P L E /
In-person / Virtual offerings highly Differentiated approach to prepare the backlog and ensure the full
customized for client context agile team is ready for the initial sprints
- Review the initiative/product vision and hear key insights from diagnostic
5 x half-day virtual agenda - Draft and refine the backlog:
> Understand the customer and draft user stories
> Break work into small, manageable modules
> Draft and refine acceptance criteria
> Estimate the backlog
- Participate in Scrum events: daily scrum, sprint 1 planning, retrospective
- Identify and discuss impediments
- Agree on team norms (virtual or in-person) and plan for team connectivity/fun
Strategic ThinkingBootcamp
sample management training program
overview, Software Co.
/ E XAM P L E /
- 1) Answer First approach • We continue to discuss options for future Client Training
- 2) Analytical Toolkit
- 3) High Impact Communications
Executive Program
executive CEO program overview
/ E XAM P L E /
Procurement University
category management training
program overview
/ E XAM P L E /
• Hands-on expert training: Bain will facilitate the session in person to upskill Negotiations 1 Hour
your employees on procurement best practices and apply them via hands-on Wrap-up/Q&A 30 Min
exercises and proprietary learning games that bring the concepts to life
• Customized training takeaways: Bain will provide a takeaway pack after the
session so that participants can refer back to what they learned and use it on
the job
Performance Improvement
• Category Management Bootcamp with
“SAVE! The Game of Strategic Procurement”
• Bain Accelerated Transformation:
Results Rhythm
• Supply Chain Simulation