Bain Academy Brochure

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Bain’s client training mission


We are obsessed with results and with helping our clients to become
even more effective through world-class learning experiences

We achieve this by bringing the "best of Bain’s” knowledge and training

content, highly customized to each of our clients

We are collaborative by nature and design training solutions hand-in-

hand with our client partners to address their specific objectives

We are experienced business practitioners and leverage our extensive

client experience in designing and delivering content

We support Bain clients across two
distinct offerings


• 100+ interactive masterclass offerings on expert • Executive Programs are designed to enhance the
topics, designed and delivered through in-person or general manager and strategic toolkit and advance
live, virtual training leadership skills for senior to mid-career
• Blend of multi-day programs, full day workshops,
single modules, and certifications • Multi-day, multi-session programs of our
masterclasses include participants from one or
• Customized learning delivered in fun, interactive several companies, learning in highly interactive,
sessions which utilize the latest research in adult small group collaboration through stimulating and
learning fun exercises

• Programmatic, practical, highly tailored solutions • Programs are highly customized and adapted to
to build capabilities and embed learnings participants’ needs and interests, ensuring
participants receive the most relevant learning
• Scaling of learnings across organizations via Train experience possible
the Trainer approach
• Regional and global experts bring the ‘best-of’ in
topic mastery and maximize experience sharing
through networking and inspirational guest
speaker forums

Bain is world class in training top business
talent; we consistently outrank our key
competitors WHO WE ARE

Asia Europe North America

#1 Bain & Company Asia #1 Bain & Company Europe #1 Health Advances
#2 McKinsey & CompanyAsia #2 McKinsey & CompanyEurope #2 Bain & Company
#3 Boston Consulting GroupAsia #3 Implement Consulting Group #3 ClearView Healthcare Partners
#4 Roland Berger Asia #4 Roland Berger Europe #4 McKinsey & Company

#5 Simon-Kucher & Partners #5 QVARTZ #5 Boston Consulting Group

#1 Bain & Company Asia #1 Bain & Company Europe #1 Bain & Company
Informal #2 McKinsey & CompanyAsia #2 McKinsey & CompanyEurope #2 Putnam Associates
#3 Boston Consulting GroupAsia #3 Teneo (ManagementConsulting) #3 McKinsey & Company

#4 Roland Berger Asia #4 HTS Consulting #4 ClearView Healthcare Partners

#5 Oliver Wyman Asia-Pacific #5 Implement Consulting Group #5 Boston Consulting Group

We have developed a unique set of
‘golden rules’ which defined our 35+
years of training experiences OUR APPROACH

Make Immediate Constant Apprentice-

training real use repetition ship model

Live group Fully Training Enjoyment

learning immersive consistency of learning

We bring a proven approach to client
capability building, beginning with strategic
business context OUR APPROACH

1 Strategic Business Priorities

• Envision an ideal future state for the organization, that
clearly defines what talent will be able and need to do

• Develop customized learning programs that link outcomes

to specific goals
5 Reinforce
• Define KPIs to measure
success of training program 2 Define
• Track results and use to • Get meaningful results by defining
continuously improve training the scope of the learning program
Strategic • Identify and prioritize critical skills
Business people need and develop learning
Context experiences to quickly acquire
those skills

4 Deliver
• Execute a learning
experience that flows with a
balance of experiential and 3 Design
conceptual learning • Create learning experiences that
clearly define what talent will be able
• Delivery by blended visual to do
presentations, interactive
exercises, and interpersonal • Develop customized programs that
discussions link outcomes to specific business


We work with clients to design impactful

learning experiences across many topics

Agile Leadership Micro-battles and Strategic Thinking

Bootcamp Agile Team Launch Bootcamp

Overview/key •Learn Agile values and Scrum • Learn the fundamentals of • Learn Bain’s fundamental
learnings framework and roles Micro-battles, Agile values, and analytical toolkit and
the Scrum framework and roles presentation skills including:
•Practice innovating in Scrum
through building a LEGO® city • Mobilize for your team’s Agile - Answer First
•Conditions and leadership - Answer First workplanning
behaviors required for success - User story drafting
- Presentation development
•Anticipating and mitigating - Product backlog building/
refinement - Presentation delivery
- Prioritization
- Effort estimation
- Sprint planning

•50-70% •70-80% •60-70%
NPS (2019)

Timing •Half-day workshop •~2-3 day team workshop •~1-2 day bootcamp


We work with clients to design impactful

learning experiences across many topics

Executive Program Procurement Personal and team

University effectiveness

Overview/key •Multi-day, multi-session executive • Learn strategic procurement • Develop core capabilities
learnings forum focused on comprehensive skills including: (may include):
‘CEO agenda’
- Category management - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
•Topics include: - Market intelligence (MBTI®)
- Supply base management - High impact communication
- CEO fireside chats
- Compliance and demand - Managing upwards
- Strategy management - Coaching and mentoring
- Team skills - Strategic sourcing
- Inspirational Leadership
- Change management
- Digital innovation • Features SAVE! Strategic - Personal productivity
- Design thinking Procurement Game - Leadership and teamcapability
development using LEGO®
- Inspirational Leadership

•65-75% •~90 •80-90%
NPS (2019)

Timing •Multi-day or multi-session program •~2 day workshop •Single modules/Half-day/Full day

Reasons our clients love to work with us


Deep knowledge andexpertise Collaborative partnership Practical in-line solutions

“Very impressed to see you all come “Appreciate the late hours the Bain “You gave us a lot to consider and
in with so much knowledge and team put in to… make sure that we some immediate things that we
understanding of a new industry. were fully prepared for each day. can start to change.”
You were very helpful and The attitude and energy was
respectful at all times and did a always positive and infectious!” “Thank you for helping us pull our
fantastic job facilitating.” real world scenarios in to the agile
“I really feel like we are in a process!“
“Overall, this was an excellent collaborative partnership, like Bain
is invested in our success.” “I have found this to be incredibly
opportunity. The Bain team was useful right out of the gates…
knowledgeable, patient and very “I appreciate the effort and Really appreciate all the time you
helpful in explaining the process. approach of the Bain team, spent with us bring concepts to life!”
You are fabulous!” compared to previous consulting
experiences, you feel far more like “Using activities to walk through the
part of team.” process… relieved the anxiety of
how we would start.”

We deliver a differentiated virtual training
experience, with consistently
positive feedback

Experience with multiple digital Leading IP on virtual effectiveness Positive client feedback

Communication platforms •Playbook to work confidently in a “The fact that we were able to get
virtual environment all the participants through Bain’s
Agile training virtually at such high
quality is just simply amazing.”
- Vice President, US

“Thank you for an awesome training.

You not only made the training
Teamcoordination and planning engaging via video, I think it helped
us see that video meetings really
can work and keep us productive
•Tactical “how-to” for virtual sessions moving forward.”
- Participant

Brainstorming andwhiteboarding
“You all did a fantastic jobin general
and moving us in and out of breakout
rooms, simulating the whole virtual
exercise seamlessly on Zoom.”
- Director, EMEA Digital Media Company
Feedback and real-timeinput
“The best virtual training I’ve ever
experienced, and the best possible
use of my time over the past few days”
- VP, E-Commerce Co.

Agile LeadershipBootcamp
program overview
/ E XAM P L E /

Agile bootcamp program overview Agile simulation example

What is Agile? • Teams experience all Scrum roles and

• Agile is a time boxed method for getting work done in an iterative and events and use scrum tools (e.g., visual
incremental approach backlog, estimation)

• Agile is characterized by the division of activities into short phases of

work and frequent reassessment and adaption of plans
• While developed for software development, Agile is applicable more Virtual session -
broadly to companies across industries Teams work
iteratively and
What are the benefits? incrementally in
• Increases project success rates with faster time to market and lower risk
• Ability to manage changing priorities and test and learn based on
customer feedback
• Increases team productivity, morale and motivation In person session -
Teams review
• Focuses on highest value work sprint output at
sprint reviews
• Complimentary to design thinking and rapid prototyping

Recommended length of Agile bootcamp for aleadership team is 4-5

hours, to allow for discussion on leadership mindsets, behaviors, and

Agile Team Launch
comprehensive training and hands-on
working sessions
/ E XAM P L E /

In-person / Virtual offerings highly Differentiated approach to prepare the backlog and ensure the full
customized for client context agile team is ready for the initial sprints

2.5 day in-person agenda • Program NPS 73-

• Agile boot camp training covering Agile ways of working, Scrum team
activities and immersive Scrum simulation
- Teams experience all Scrum roles and events and use scrum tools (e.g.,
visual backlog, estimation)

• Hands-on working sessions to prepare team for sprint 1 and beyond:

- Review the initiative/product vision and hear key insights from diagnostic
5 x half-day virtual agenda - Draft and refine the backlog:
> Understand the customer and draft user stories
> Break work into small, manageable modules
> Draft and refine acceptance criteria
> Estimate the backlog
- Participate in Scrum events: daily scrum, sprint 1 planning, retrospective
- Identify and discuss impediments
- Agree on team norms (virtual or in-person) and plan for team connectivity/fun

Strategic ThinkingBootcamp
sample management training program
overview, Software Co.
/ E XAM P L E /

Program overview Program results

• Overall program NPS 88%

• Participants highly engaged in the full program

- “Hearing the Software Co examples were fantastic. The

internal language and team members mentioned during the
session really helped illustrate the principles.”
- “The case grounds the theory in practice, which is great.”
- “I like having a use case and examples to back concepts into.”
- I would agree the session was very successful and I can’t
thank you enough for your effort and time on this! The whole
program and our interactions exceeded my expectations. It
was fantastic watching the team employ the learning and
use the language (“Answer First,” “Hypothesis”, “Assertions,”
• 1-day Strategy Bootcamp to develop skills within etc.) throughout the week, with other team members, and
the Junior team of a senior Bain client; 9 participants across the various exercises we conducted – Learn teach
learn…the appetite is strong so I would like to continue doing
• Training focused around three learning objectives: more of this.”

- 1) Answer First approach • We continue to discuss options for future Client Training
- 2) Analytical Toolkit
- 3) High Impact Communications

• Trainers employed tailored Software Co case examples

to make the learning realistic and practical

Executive Program
executive CEO program overview
/ E XAM P L E /

Program design Program results

• Bain Academy Executive Program is a multi-day,

multi-session program focused on developing
emerging CXO talent

• Development of each program focused on identifying

the specific capability gaps of emerging Executives to
build a program that addresses relevant learning

• Internal Bain staff drive end-to-end program


- Capability gap assessment in-market and program scope

- Module and content design, including company projects
(co-operation with client CEOs) and a tailored • Average program NPS across all geographies
integrative exercise through the program ~85% (participants) and 100% (partner
- Participant identification and selection companies)
- Delivery channel - “It was different to any other program I have been on. It
- Trainer selection and Train the Trainer was extensive and included real Bain experts in their field”
- Speaker selection (Bain and externally sourced) • ~35% of participants promoted to a new role within
- Logistics, including international travel and accommodation 12- months of completing the program

Procurement University
category management training
program overview
/ E XAM P L E /

Category management training overview Typical session example – short version

This program is a customized, interactive session that covers
procurement best practices, applying Bain’s Buy Better, Spend
Better sourcing levers in their organization, and improving supplier
negotiations through more thorough preparation guidelines andtechniques
What will employees from my organization get out of a
Procurement training program?
• Understand the key elements of a best-in-class category mgmt. strategy &
procurement org
Exampleagenda Timing
• Become familiar with key analysis to gain spend visibility
Introduction &LearningObjectives 45 Min
• Recognize the benefits of understanding supplier landscape & dynamics
World Class ProcurementOrgs. 45 Min
• Master Buy Better & Spend Better sourcing levers to devise saving initiatives
Break 15 Min
• Acknowledge importance of increasing knowledge of sourcing needs and
SpendAnalysis 30 Min
conducting thorough RFx process
Category/SupplierLandscape 30 Min
• Understand need for effective preparation before a negotiation
Lunch 1 Hour
What makes this program different?
SourcingLevers 1 Hour
• Personalized & applicable: Training will include exercises specific to your
organization and is tailored and relevant to participants Defining Requirements/RFxprocess 30 Min

• Hands-on expert training: Bain will facilitate the session in person to upskill Negotiations 1 Hour
your employees on procurement best practices and apply them via hands-on Wrap-up/Q&A 30 Min
exercises and proprietary learning games that bring the concepts to life
• Customized training takeaways: Bain will provide a takeaway pack after the
session so that participants can refer back to what they learned and use it on
the job

Who should participate?

• Participant tenure and role: New and experienced category management
team members
• Suggested number of participants per session: <25 people per session
Personal and Team Effectiveness
decision-making effectiveness
(RAPID®) Train the Trainer overview
/ E XAM P L E /

RAPID® Train the Trainer program overview Typical session example

• Appropriate for clients who have engaged Bain to help

teach, install and reinforce high quality RAPID® in
When to use their organization
Train the • Train the trainer will help build the client’s
trainer internal capabilities and embed RAPID® in the
dailyroutines and lexicons of the organization

• A RAPID® Train the trainer program typically includes–

- Design phase: Bain co-creates client-specific exercises
for participants to use during the sessionto
learn RAPID® Exampleagenda Timing
What is - An in-person session training the ‘trainers’: Bain provides Group intro toRAPID® 15 Min
included a half-day training to the ‘trainers’ so they achieve 45 Min
content fluency and be ready to coach others in the
organization Typical RAPID®questions - Relay game 20 Min
- Training content: Bain provides content after the
session so that trainers can be ‘ready togo’ Break 10 Min
Training design principles,choices and
• ~4-6 week lead time for design and logistics preparation 1 Hr 40 Min
Break 10 Min
• This program takes ~5-8 hours with participants engaging
in high intensity immersive learning RAPID®applications 60 Min
Logistics • The ideal participant size is 15 with a max of 30 people Effective trainerfundamentals 40 Min
so participants have plenty of opportunities to askquestions Training roadmap and nextsteps 10 Min

• The client typically provides the venue andrelated

minor logistics support

• Train the trainer programs have various legal considerations

to protect Bain training IP, including the client is not allowed
Further details
to share training content outside the clientorganization
or with other vendors 15

We have a robust curriculum platform

oriented to the critical issues and topics
our clients face

Agile Innovation Leadership Development High Performing Teams

• Agile Center of Excellence • Introduction to Inspirational Leadership • MBTI® Overview
• Agile Leadershipworkshps • Inspirational Leadership: Buildingyour • Managing Your Team
Personal Leadership Brand
• Agile Team Launch • Giving and Receiving Feedback
• Inspirational Leadership: EmbeddingIL
• Agile Bootcamp & Scrum Fundamentals • Coaching Skills
within the Organization
• Product Owner and/or Scrum Master • Working Collaboratively in Teams
• Influencing Others
• Effective Upward Management + Situational
• Finding and Following Purpose
• Training for Certification Engagement
• Centeredness
• Scaling Agile Training • Unconscious Bias
• Personal Productivity • Growth Mindset
Strategy and Strategic Thinking • LEGO® Serious Play®
• LEGO® Serious Play®
• Answer-First Problem Solving Leadership Reflection
Team/Department Identity
• Answer-First Workplanning • LEGO® Serious Play®
Leadership Development Change Management
• Founder’s Mentality
• Leading Change: Results Delivery
• Micro-battles High Impact Communications
• Leading During Uncertainty
• Strategy Development: Sustained Value • Presentation Development
Creation (SVC), Profit from the Core, • LEGO® Serious Play®
• Presentation Delivery Organizational Change
Repeatable Models
• Facilitation Skills
• CEO/GM Agenda
• Business Storytelling
• Elements of Value
• Having High Quality Conversations


We have a robust curriculum platform

oriented to the critical issues and topics
our clients face

Organization Customer Strategy and Marketing Corporate Finance and M&A

• Decision Effectiveness • Customer Strategy (incl. Intro to NPS) • Financial Statements
• Customer Strategy Analysis (Using NPS) • Financial Analysis
• Effective Project Management
• Customer Strategy: NPS® deployment • Advanced Financial Analysis
• LEGO® Serious Play® Creating
a Winning Culture • Customer Segmentation • Making Investment Decisions
• Capital Allocation

Visual Effectiveness • CFO Agenda

Private Equity
• Individual Productivity • Total Shareholder Return (TSR)
• Lessons from Private Equity Tool: Finding Profit and Value
• Behind the Scenes of VirtualTrainings
• Private Equity Due Diligence/Commercial
• Team Productivity Due Diligence
Learning & Development and
• Winning Virtual Meetings • Value Creation Fundamentals
• Virtual Learning • Board effectiveness
• Design for Learning

Performance Improvement
• Category Management Bootcamp with
“SAVE! The Game of Strategic Procurement”
• Bain Accelerated Transformation:
Results Rhythm
• Supply Chain Simulation

• Zero-Based Budgeting: Package Owner and

Budget Owner Launch


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