SIP Kalachuchi
SIP Kalachuchi
SIP Kalachuchi
of Cell Growth
An Official Entry to the 2023 Division Sci-Tech Expo SIP Individual Category
Submitted by:
Marc Laurence M. Adigue
Theresa A. Rocaberte
June 2023
Kalachuchi (Plumeria acuminata) Petal Extract as Potential Inhibitor
of Cell Growth
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or
nearly one in six deaths. The study was conducted to determine the inhibitory capacity of
Kalachuchi (P. acuminata) Petal Extract on the growth of germinated Mung beans and may serve
as the basis for the development of medicines which is affordable and can help patients suffering
from cancer-related illnesses. Flavonoids in P. acuminata have been shown to possess a wide
variety of anticancer effects: they modulate reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenging enzyme
activities, participate in arresting the cell cycle, induce apoptosis, and autophagy, and suppress
cancer cell proliferation and invasiveness. Kalachuchi (P. acuminata) Petals were air-dried and
soaked in 95% Ethanol for 72 hours and were extracted using the Ethanol-Water bathing
technique at 90°C for an hour. Setup A of 3 sets with 10 germinated Mung beans have 5ml of P.
acuminata extract have been observed for 3 days. The result showed that after days, the
germinated Mung beans shrank from their normal germinated size thus no growth happened
compared to Setup B of 3 sets with 10 Mung beans which have 5ml of water where significant
average growth of 1cm. daily were observed. Therefore, the inhibitory capacity of P. acuminata
as a cancer growth blocker is very effective and beneficial to people suffering from such illnesses
as the extract directly penetrates the growth factor part of Mung beans.
sound cliché, but life is priceless. deaths in 2020, or nearly one in six deaths
lifestyle, others redirect routine into a healthy Cancer is now the third leading cause
lifestyle to enjoy life. Some people indulged of death nationwide, with lung cancer
in fitness programs, and different physical ranking number one in mortality. Dr. Rosario
activities and take food supplements to Pitargue – the Philippine Society of Medical
minimize worn-out cells that might lead to Oncology president- noted 184 cases
some serious illnesses like cancer. diagnosed in 100,000 patients and that 96
deaths related to cancer are reported daily terminal end of the branch, commonly oblong
More targeted cancer control centimeters wide, and spirally arranged at the
interventions and investment in improved ends of the branches. Flowers are numerous,
early detection and treatment would facilitate fragrant, and large, the upper portion whitish,
reductions in cancer mortality. (Cancer while the inner lower portion yellow, 5 to 6
closely involved with the dead. The flowers acuminata has yielded the presence of
were mostly grown as ornamental which are tannins, phlobatannins, saponins, flavonoids,
usually offered to the dead. This tradition is steroids, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, and
usually a sign of respect for the dead as well reducing sugar from the crude extract. The
deciduous tree, 3 to 7 meters high, with a bacteria. The extract of the flower was more
succulent, with abundant sticky, milky latex. The study was conducted to
Bark has a smooth, papery outer layer that is determine the inhibitory capacity of
grey, shining, and constantly exfoliating in Kalachuchi (P. acuminata) Petal Extract on
small flakes. Wood is yellowish-white and the growth of germinated Mung beans and
soft. Branches are thick, fleshy, swollen, and may serve as the basis for the development of
leafy at the tips. Leaves are crowded at the medicines which is affordable and can help
patients suffering from cancer-related Edgardo A. Haspe, Officer in Charge of the
from the graveyard of San Pedro Cemetery, platter, strainer, funnel, rice cooker, glass
Davao City. The samples were brought to the bowl, ruler, wooden knife, syringe, plastic
City Agriculturist’s Office for verification petri dish, and mung beans.
beans were bought at the Bankerohan Public The P. acuminata petals were shaken
an empty container.
Figure 1. Collection of Kalachuchi
Figure 3. Kalachuchi in Ethanol reached the solution of more than half of the
On the other hand, about 2 handfuls previous volume. The extract gathered after
of Mung beans were washed and soaked with bathing is about 300ml.
running water.
three Petri dishes with P. acuminata extract In a study in Indonesia, six cytotoxic
and with water within 3 days. Results constituents were isolated from the bark of P
revealed that in Setup A there was no rubra - another Scientific Name for
beans after Day 3, the extract was absorbed cytotoxic activity with a panel of murine
by the beans and it started to reduce its lymphocytic leukemia cell lines and several
normal size, while in Setup B, Mung beans human cancer cell types (breast, colon,
with water increases its germination size to fibrosarcoma, lung, melanoma (
Day 3. which are significantly visible. investigated the cytotoxic and apoptotic
Table 1. Size of Mung Bean Sprouts effects of saponins from P. acuminata aid on
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Mung Beans Average
Setup A with oral squamous carcinoma cells. Results
Kalachuchi 0cm. 0cm. 0cm. 0cm.
Setup B with
showed cytotoxic and apoptotic effects with
1cm 1cm. 1cm. 1cm.
potential as an anticancer agent for OSCC.
This result supported the study that Mung beans in this project were used
Flavonoids have been shown to possess a to represent the easy growth of cancer cells as
wide variety of anticancer effects: they it has the metabolite substance for growth and
modulate reactive oxygen species (ROS)- reproduction, Mung beans also have
arresting the cell cycle, induce apoptosis, and Kalachuchi plant. It showed that the
Flavonoids of Kalachuchi are more Mung beans. For the reasons above, I say,
concentrated which caused the shrinkage of Kalachuchi from the graveyard to a life
This project proved that P. acuminata Based on the results of the study: the
Mung beans. The Mung beans shrank when 1. It is suggested that using Kalachuchi petal
applied with P. acuminata extract which can extract within a proportional concentration
prove that if it will be applied to cancer cells, ratio for significant effect as a cancer blocker.
According to the Canadian Cancer and decoction method were also suggested to
Study, a tumor will develop and grow as be used for the desirable extraction of
cancer cells divide. Cancer cells have the flavonoids - a potential inhibitor.
extract in this project significantly blocked a highly equipped laboratory to observe its
the growth of Mung beans which were phytochemical components which leads to
already germinated thus, if applied to cancer the development of effective and affordable
cells it will eventually do the same. herbal or synthetic medicines for patients
very effective and beneficial to people growth factor (VEGF) from attaching to the
suffering from such illnesses as the extract receptors on the cells that line the blood
directly penetrates the growth factor part of vessels. This stops the blood vessels from
growing ( It is financial support, and patience for the