A Study For Electric Environment Characteristics in 154kV AC / 80kV DC Hybrid Transmission Line
A Study For Electric Environment Characteristics in 154kV AC / 80kV DC Hybrid Transmission Line
A Study For Electric Environment Characteristics in 154kV AC / 80kV DC Hybrid Transmission Line
http : //www.cigre.org
Hybrid Transmission line, HVDC, Jeju test line, Electric Environment, Radio Interference, Audible
Noise, Space charge
[email protected] 1
AC 154kV / DC 80kV Hybrid transmission line is been constructing to contact operating T/L and test
electric environment interferences. DC T/L will be installed lower two lines in vertical two T/L of
tower (total 4 T/L). Upper two lines are AC 154kV in operation. The electric environment
characteristics of AC and DC T/L are different due to voltage frequency, corona discharge condition
and space charge effect. Therefore the estimation of hybrid T/L is difficult and couldn’t apply existing
In this paper, the AC and DC in hybrid T/L were estimated respectively using computer simulation
because simulation tool for hybrid transmission line was not developed. Also corona and ion effects
were calculated respectively. Corona effects such as electric field, radio interference, television
interference, audible noise were calculated by TLCALC developed by KEPRI (Korea Electric Power
Research Institute). Ion effects such as electric field on ground surface and charging voltage caused by
space charge in DC T/L were simulated by Ion flow field analysis program developed by KEPRI.
The HVDC test line in Jeju is constructed from Hallim S/S to Geumak C/S with AC 154kV 2 vertical
T/L (total 4 T/L). Upper two lines of the test line are AC 154kV transmission lines in operation. The
test line includes 7km overhead transmission line and 1km underground cable. In 2013 or 2014, about
1km superconductor cable for AC 154kV will be installed between Geumak C/S and Andeok S/S and
tested. The diagram of power system is shown in Fig. 1.
The optimal pole arrangement of HVDC T/L to reduce electric interferences is need to satisfy
an environment design standard becausec the test line will be installed in operation T/L. The
interference fators were estimated by computer simulation because tools calculating electric
environment interferences of hybrid T/L don’t exist.
In this study, corona field effect and ion effect was simulated by two program TLCALC and
Ion flow field analysis program developed by KEPRI. Later, they will be measured by measuring
vehicle on the site.
In the test line 154kV Hallin-Geumak, the span to estimate environmental effect was selected
No.4 ~ No.5 that the ground clearance is lowest in the spans composited by majority type F4
E4 2 - - -
Sum 15 - - -
The line configuration of the No. 5 tower is shown in figure 3. Electric Environment
Interferences were calculated by ‘COMBINED’ developed by BPA Corp. In USA. Input data
is shown in table 2[3].
(a) Coordinate of Conductors (b) Height and width
Figure 3. Line Configuration of No.5 Tower
The results are shown in table 3. The calculated values were reduced along the distance from
center of tower. And they satisfy all environment design standards. Especially, environmental
interferences were very small as negligible as in right of wire (ROW). DC T/L was estimated
exclusively in hybrid T/L following this result.
3.1.2 Electric Environment Estimation of Corona Field Effect in DC 80kV Transmission
DC transmission lines was constructed were located the lowest arm of the tower to minimize
several effects by 154kV AC T/L. The poles of DC T/L were placed to the lowest arm of the
tower to minimize effects induced by AC T/L. Five types of pole arrangement were
considered increasing DC T/L such as two bi-pole in the future. The arrangements were
composited five poles arrangement such as horizontal (Case1), vertical (Case2-1), inverse
vertical (Case2-2), the diagonal (Case3-1) and inverse diagonal (Case3-2). The calculation
conditions to estimate field effect caused by corona and ion flow in DC T/L are shown in
table 4.
(Case3-1) Diagonal Arrangement (Case3-2) Inversed Diagonal Arrangement
Figure 4. Arrangements of Polse to estimate
Table 5 shows the calculation results of corona field effect in five pole arrangements. The
values of all arrangements satisfy environment design standard.
Table 5. Calculation Result of Corona Field Effect in DC Transmission line
Case Case 1 Case 2-1 Case 2-2 Case 3-1 Case 3-2
Distance from
ROW -8 +8 -8 +8 -8 +8 -8 +8 -8 +8
C/L [meter]
≤50 -6.8 -7.9 -5 -4.4 -3.7 -2.6 -8.6 -9.2 -7.9 -6.8
Audible (L50%)
[dBA] Fair
- -0.8 -1.9 1 1.6 2.3 -3.4 -2.6 -3.2 -1.9 -0.8
Radio - 14 10.2 13.2 15.4 14.4 18.2 11.2 10 10.3 14
Fair ≤70 27 23.2 28.4 27.4 31.2 24.2 23 23.3 27
[dBuV/m] 26.2
(L50%) (SNR≥24) (44) (47.8) (42.6) (43.6) (39.8) (46.8) (48) (47.7) (44)
Electric Field
≤25 0.355 0.355 0.104 0.299 0.104 0.299 0.09 0.447 0.09 0.447
MF [mG] ≤400G 19.18 19.18 6.33 8.76 6.33 876 15.87 17.23 15.87 17.23
The corona field effects of three types such as horizontal (Case1), vertical (Case 2-1, 2),
diagonal (Case 3-1, 2) were compared and shown in figure 5~figure 6. The major analyzed
results are followings:
a. The positive pole affects corona field effect more than negative pole.
b. Electric environment interferences of five arrangements do not have any problem to
apply on site because they satisfy design standard.
c. The diagonal arrangement is more eco-friendly than horizontal in all interferences
d. Eco-friendly superiority: diagonal > horizontal > vertical
(A) Audible Noise (b) Radio Interference (c) Magnetic field of groudn surface
Figure 5. Comparison of the electric environment interference(Case 1~3)
Electric environment interferences such as electric field and charging voltage caused by ion
flow were calculated by ‘Ion flow field analysis program’ developed by KEPRI. The results are
shown in figure 6 and 7.
(a) Electric field on the ground (b) Charging voltage
Figure 6. Comparison of the ion flow field effect (Case 1~3)
The comparison of the ion flow field effects shows following results:
a. Electric field on the ground(max. 0.7kVdc/m)
- design standard satifaction, vertical arrangement is advantageous
b. Charging voltage(max. 0.02kV at 100Ω)
- Japan design standar satisfaction, Diagonal arrangement is advantageous
c. Eco-friendly : three arrangement is similiar.
In this study, an effect of ion flow as electric environment factor was negligible and it means
that design and pole arrangement of DC test T/L in 154kV Hallim-Andeok T/L is considered
by effects of corona field. This study is summaried by followings:
a. In design of DC transmission line, the poles can be arranged by consideration of
corona filed effects because the effects caused by space charge are very small.
b. The effect caused by AC transmission line is small in AC/DC hybrid.
c. When negative pole is installed in the bottom arm and is near the ground, electric
environmental effects are small than other arrangements (the opposite angle or
parallel arrangement)
Based on the above results, it is pointed out that several effects caused by DC transmission
line predominate in hybrid transmission line. Aafter construction completion of the test line,
electric environment will be measured on site by mearusing vehicle.
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