Consumer Studies Grade 12 Term 4 Week 2

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Directorate: Curriculum FET

SUBJECT and GRADE Consumer Studies Grade 12

TERM 3 CAPS Term 4, Week 1-2; TAPs 2020 Term 3, Week 8
TOPIC  The Consumer: Sustainable consumption of electricity
 The Consumer: Sustainable consumption of water

AIMS OF LESSON /  Sustainable consumption refers to the way in which humans use their resources to meet their needs while ensuring that the future
INTRODUCTION generations will also be able to meet their needs. Electricity is the main energy source used in households. South Africa is
classified as a water-stressed country and our limited water resources are being further diminished through e g climate change
and pollution. Sustainable consumption of electricity and water is essential to preserve this valuable resource.

RESOURCES Printed Resources Extra resources:

 Textbooks Renewable energy Videos:
Focus: The Consumer: Chapter 19 and 20 -
OR -
Oxford Successful Term 4: The Consumer, Chapter 1, Unit 1-2 -


SKILLS • Review the concept of "sustainable use of resources" (The Consumer Grade 10; The Entrepreneur Grade 12)

Sustainable consumption of electricity (CAPS)

• Comparison of the main sources of electricity supply e.g. fossil fuels and regenerative (renewable) sources like water, wind and
• Responsible use of electricity related to housing and household equipment and appliances.
• The use of gas in households as an energy source: advantages, disadvantages and costs.
Directorate: Curriculum FET

Unlocking concept /content:

Learning content (What you as the learner must master)

• Sources of electricity:
• How do we get electricity? Explain the main sources of electricity supply - fossil fuels and renewable sources such as water,
wind and solar power.
• Renewable energy Videos:
• Compare the advantages and disadvantages each of these sources for sustainability.

• Responsible use of electricity:

• Refer to the choice of household appliances covered in week 3 and discuss ways to save electricity in connection with
housing and household appliances and equipment.

• The use of gas as an energy source:

• Discuss the use of gas in households. What kind of gas, what do we use gas for, how should we use it?
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages as well as the cost implications of the use of gas.
New vocabulary to teach:
• Fossil fuel
• Regenerative / Renewable
• Natural gas
• Refined
• Crude oil / Petroleum
• Nuclear Power
• Hydroelectricity / Hydro power
Directorate: Curriculum FET

• Energy saving

Water: Sustainable use of water

• Water (explain the issue in general, but then focuses on households), water pollution, water shortage, lack of fresh, clean water.
• Responsible use of water related to housing and household appliances and equipment

Unlocking concept /content:

Learning content (What learners must master)

• Lack of water and shortage of clean, fresh water
• Describe the context of water in South Africa, especially with regard to drought and its effect on the consumer /households.
• Water pollution - causes and prevention with a focus on households
• Responsible use of water.
• Discuss tips for responsible use of water in the household. Focus on specific appliances and equipment in and around the

New vocabulary to teach:

• Reservoir
• Water Pollution
• Grey Water
• Black water
• Marine dumping
• Desalination
• Sewerage
ASSESSMENT Activities you can complete/do in your textbooks.
CONSOLIDATION The following content is to be consolidated in the learners' workbooks through written work.
Directorate: Curriculum FET

 Comparison of the main sources for the supply of electricity, for example. Renewable vs. non-renewable sources
 Ways/suggestions to responsibly use electricity/saving electricity
 Costs, advantages and disadvantages of the use of gas
 Provision of water
 Causes and prevention of water pollution
 Responsible use of water

Activities/assessment learners can complete/do in their textbooks (variety of questions at different cognitive levels): Complete the
following activity included:
Sustainable use of electricity and water.
 Click on the link below to access worksheets on responsible use of electricity and water.

VALUES  Responsible use of electricity can curb the rising cost of energy. The production of electricity from fossil fuels pollutes the
atmosphere and causes the greenhouse effect and global warming. This should be avoided. South Africa receives only about half
of the earth's average rainfall and is classified as a water-poor country. The average suburban household can reduce its water
consumption by 30-40% without suffering any inconvenience.

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