IMT - Ceres - Hoang Thuan Nguyen
IMT - Ceres - Hoang Thuan Nguyen
IMT - Ceres - Hoang Thuan Nguyen
Question 1
The profits estimated for the year 2006(E) that will translate to the 'cash flow from
operations' for the same year is $6.132 million. Investing cashflow caused the decrease
in the “change in cash”.
The decrease in cash flow from operating activities is due to the decrease in the
company's profitability and an increase in changes in working capital, specifically the
increase in the change in accounts receivable and the decrease in the change in
inventories. This means that the company is not collecting cash from its customers as
quickly as before and is carrying more inventory.
The increase in cash outflow from investing activities in 2006(E) is mainly due to the
company investing more in PP&E to support its growth.
The decrease in net cash inflow from financing activities in 2006(E) is mainly due to an
increase in debt retirement and a decrease in dividends paid out to shareholders.
The Ceres Gardening company does not have enough cash to finance its investments
and will need to obtain external financing. They can try to generate more cash from
operating activities or reduce its investment in property, plant, and equipment to reduce
their debts.
Their investment in property, plant, and equipment is the main reason for its negative
free cash flow in 2006(E). The company needs to invest in PP&E to support its growth,
but it does not have enough cash to finance these investments.
The company's negative free cash flow in 2006(E) indicates that it is not generating
enough cash from its operations to fund its investments. That is a concern as it indicates
that the company may have difficulty in funding its growth in the future.
Question 2
When Ceres Gardening Limited gives a long credit period to its dealers, it means that
the company is extending its accounts receivable period. Ceres Gardening Limited is
essentially using their working capital to fund its dealers' purchases. This can lead to a
decrease in the company's working capital, which may result in liquidity issues.
Question 3
Liabilities &
Shareholders Equity
Accounts Payable 2.034 2.973 4.899 6.660 9.424
Question 4
The trend in RoE from 2002 to 2006(E) is a decrease from 24% to 16%. The operating
expensed (marketing, R&D,..) might increase every year and it leads to the decrease of
The trend in RoE from 2002 to 2006(E) is a decrease from 15% to 12%. A possible
reason is the company decided to spend more money for investments, but these
investments did not generate profit during this period.
Question 5