Carbonyl compounds-II S-1
Carbonyl compounds-II S-1
Carbonyl compounds-II S-1
In this chapter we shall discuss reactions that derive from the weak acidity of
hydrogen atoms on carbon atoms adjacent to a carbonyl group. These hydrogen
atoms are called the α-hydrogens, and the carbon to which they are attached is
called the α-carbon.
• The pKa values for the α hydrogens of most simple aldehydes or ketones are of the
order of 19–20.
This means that they are more acidic than hydrogen atoms of ethyne, pKa=25, and are
far more acidic than the hydrogens of ethene (pKa=44) or of ethane (pKa=50).
The reasons for the unusual acidity of the α−hydrogens of carbonyl compounds are
• The carbonyl group is strongly electron withdrawing, and when a carbonyl compound
loses an α-proton, the anion that is produced, called an enolate, is stabilized by
Two resonance structures, A and B, can be written for the enolate. In structure A the
negative charge is on carbon, and in structure B the negative charge is on oxygen. Both
structures contribute to the hybrid. Although structure A is favored by the strength of its
carbon–oxygen p bond relative to the weaker carbon–carbon p bond of B, structure B
makes a greater contribution to the hybrid because oxygen, being highly electronegative,
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Chemistry IV sem Carbonyl compounds-II
is better able to accommodate the negative charge. We can depict the enolate hybrid in the
following way:
When this resonance-stabilized enolate accepts a proton, it can do so in either of two ways:
It can accept the proton at carbon to form the original carbonyl compound in what is called
the keto form or it may accept the proton at oxygen to form an enol (alkene alcohol).
• The enolate is the conjugate base of both the enol and keto forms.
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Chemistry IV sem Carbonyl compounds-II
Digital Learning-DCE Karnatak University
Chemistry IV sem Carbonyl compounds-II
Digital Learning-DCE Karnatak University
Chemistry IV sem Carbonyl compounds-II
Digital Learning-DCE Karnatak University