TR Ships' Cooks NC III
TR Ships' Cooks NC III
TR Ships' Cooks NC III
Page No.
This section gives the details of the contents of the units of competency required in
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to lead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas,
information and issues in the workplace.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Communicate 1.1 Appropriate 1.1 Organization 1.1 Organizing
information communication requirements for information
about method is selected written and 1.2 Understanding and
workplace 1.2 Multiple operations electronic conveying intended
processes involving several communication meaning
topics areas are methods 1.3 Participating in
communicated 1.2 Effective verbal variety of
accordingly communication workplace
1.3 Questions are used to methods discussions
gain extra 1.3 Methods of 1.4 Complying with
information Communication organization
1.4 Correct sources of 1.4 Types of requirements for
information are Question the use of written
identified 1.5 Communication and electronic
1.5 Information is Tools communication
selected and 1.6 Questioning methods
organized correctly Techniques 1.5 Reporting
1.6 Verbal and written occupational hazards
reporting is during safety meeting
undertaken when
1.7 Communication
skills are
maintained in all
2. Lead 2.1 Response to 2.1 Leading as a 2.1 Communicating
workplace workplace issues management effectively
discussions are sought function 2.2 Consulting the crew
2.2 Response to 2.2 Barriers of on the prepared
workplace issues communication menu for the month
are provided 2.3 Effective verbal
immediately communication
3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and 3.1 Types of issues 3.1 Identifying cause
communicate problems are and problems in of problems
issues arising identified as they the workplace 3.2 Communicating
in the arise 3.2 Written and with the Master of
workplace 3.2 Information electronic the Ship on the
regarding problems communication possible shortage
and issues are methods of the food supply
organized coherently 3.3 Communication due to change of
to ensure clear and barriers affecting ship’s port
effective workplace 3.3 Identifying
communication discussions problems and
3.3 Dialogue is initiated issues
with appropriate 3.4 Organizing
personnel information on
3.4 Communication problems and
problems and issues
issues are raised 3.5 Relating problems
as they arise and issues of call/
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1 Dealt with a range of communication/information at one
1.2 Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
1.3 Sought workplace issues effectively
1.4 Responded to workplace issues promptly
1.5 Presented information clearly and effectively written
1.6 Used appropriate sources of information
1.7 Asked appropriate questions
1.8 Provided accurate information
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Variety of Information
2.2 Communication tools
2.3 Simulated workplace
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Written Examination
3.2 Oral Questioning
3.3 Portfolio
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in simulated
Assessment workplace environment
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to
lead small teams including setting and maintaining team and
individual performance standards.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Provide team 1.1 Work 1.1 Company 1.1 Communication
leadership requirements are policies and skills required for
identified and procedures leading teams
presented to team 1.2 How 1.2 Team building
members performance skills
1.2 Reasons for expectations are set 1.3 Negotiating skills
instructions and 1.3 Methods of 1.4 Evaluation skills
requirements are Monitoring
communicated to Performance
team members 1.4 Client
1.3 Team members’ expectations
queries and 1.5 Team member’s
concerns are duties and
recognized, responsibilities
discussed and dealt 1.6 Definition of
with Team
1.7 Skills and
techniques in
promoting team
1.8 Up-to-date
dissemination of
instructions and
requirements to
1.9 Art of listening
and treating
individual team
members concern
1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency 1.1. Maintained or improved individuals and/or team
performance given a variety of possible scenario
1.2. Assessed and monitored team and individual
performance against set criteria
1.3. Represented concerns of a team and individual to next level
of management or appropriate specialist and to negotiate on
their behalf
1.4. Allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to
individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs
of the tasks to be performed
1.5. Set and communicated performance expectations for a range
of tasks and duties within the team and provided
feedback to team members
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment where assessment can take place
2.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to collect information in order to negotiate to a desired
outcome and participate in the negotiation.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Plan 1.1 Information on 1.1 Knowledge on 1.1 Communication
negotiations preparing for Codes of practice skills (verbal and
negotiation is and guidelines for listening)
identified and the organization 1.2 Active listening
included in the plan 1.2 Knowledge of 1.3 Setting conflict
1.2 Information on organizations 1.4 Preparing conflict
creating non- policy and resolution
verbal procedures for 1.5 Problem solving
environments for negotiations strategies on how
positive negotiating is 1.3 Decision making to deal with
identified and and conflict unexpected
included in the plan resolution questions and
1.3 Information on strategies attitudes during
active listening is procedures negotiation
identified and 1.4 Concept of 1.6 Interpersonal skills
included in the plan negotiation to develop rapport
1.4 Information on with other parties
techniques is
identified and
included in the plan
1.5 Information is
checked to ensure it
is correct and up-
to- date
2 Participate in 2.1 Criteria for 2.1 Outcome of 2.1 Negotiating skill
negotiations successful outcome negotiation 2.2 Communication
are agreed upon by 2.2 Knowledge on skills (verbal and
all parties Language listening)
2.2 Desired outcome of 2.3 Different 2.3 Observation skills
all parties are Questioning 2.4 Interpersonal skills
considered techniques to develop rapport
2.3 Appropriate 2.4 Problem with other parties
language is used solving 2.5 Applying effective
throughout the strategies on questioning
negotiation how to deal with techniques
unexpected 2.6 Setting conflict
questions and
1. Preparing for 1.1 Background information on other parties to the
negotiation negotiation
1.2 Good understanding of topic to be negotiated
1.3 Clear understanding of desired outcome/s
1.4 Personal attributes
1.4.1 self awareness
1.4.2 self esteem
1.4.3 objectivity
1.4.4 empathy
1.4.5 respect for others
1.5 Interpersonal skills
1.5.1 listening/reflecting
1.5.2 non verbal communication
1.5.3 assertiveness
1.5.4 behavior labeling
1.5.5 testing understanding
1.5.6 seeking information
1.5.7 self disclosing
1.6 Analytic skills
1.6.1 observing differences between content and
1.6.2 identifying bargaining information
1.6.3 applying strategies to manage process
1.6.4 applying steps in negotiating process
1.6.5 strategies to manage conflict
1.6.6 steps in negotiating process
1.6.7 options within organization and externally for
resolving conflict
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Explain the 1.1 All the 1.1 Problem 1.1 Conducting
analytical analytical identification investigation and
techniques techniques are techniques root cause analysis
identified 1.2 Observation, 1.2 Implementing
1.2 Use of each investigation and corrective
technique is analytical actions
applied in real techniques
life situations 1.3 Cause and effect
1.4 PARETO analysis
1.5 SWOT analysis
1.6 GANT chart
1.7 PERT CPM and
2. Identify the problem 2.1 Variances are 2.1 Competence includes 2.4 Using range of
identified from a thorough formal problem
normal knowledge and solving
operating understanding of the techniques
parameters; and process, normal 2.5 Identifying and
product quality operating parameters, clarifying the
2.2 Extent, cause and product quality to nature of the
and nature of recognize non- problem
the problem are standard situations 2.6 Evaluating the
defined through 2.2 Competence to effectiveness of a
observation, include the ability to present process
investigation apply and explain, in the galley
and analytical sufficient for the 2.7 Applying
techniques identification of analytical
2.3 Problems are fundamental cause, techniques
clearly stated determining the
and specified corrective action and
provision of
equipment and
4. Determine corrective 4.1 All possible 4.1 Understanding the 4.1 Identifying and
action options are procedure in clarifying the
considered for undertaking nature of the
resolution of the corrective action problem
problem 4.2 Principles of 4.2 Devising the
4.2 Strengths and decision making best solution
weaknesses of strategies and 4.3 Evaluating the
possible techniques solution
options are
5. Provide 5.1 Report on 5.1 How to make a report 5.1 Writing report and
recommendatio n/s recommendati and recommendation recommendations
to manager ons are prepared
5.2 Recommendat
ions are
presented to
5.3 Recommendat
ions are
followed-up, if
2. Resource Implications 2.1. Assessment will require access to an operating plant over
an extended period of time, or a suitable method of
gathering evidence of operating ability over a range of
situations. A bank of scenarios / case studies / what ifs
will be required as well as bank of questions which will
be used to probe the reason behind the observable action.
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 In all workplace, it may be appropriate to assess this
unit concurrently with relevant teamwork or operation
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required in the application of mathematical concepts and
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Problem areas are 1.1 Fundamental 1.1 Identifying and
mathematical identified based on operation selecting different
tools and given condition (addition, measuring tools
techniques to subtraction, 1.2 Applying
1.2 Mathematical different formulas
solve problem division,
techniques are in solving
selected based on problems
1.2 Units of
the given problem 1.3 Describing the
measurement and
its conversion units of
1.3 Fundamental of measurement and
units fundamental units
1.4 Standard 1.4 Stating arithmetic
formulas calculations
1.5 Basic measuring involving the
tools/devices following;
1.6 Measurement addition,
system subtraction,
1.7 Basic measuring division,
tools/devices multiplication
1.8 Steps in solving 1.5 Stating arithmetic
problem calculations
involving the
1.6 Applying theory
into actual
application on
1. Mathematical techniques May include:
1.1 Four fundamental operations
1.2 Measurements
1.3 Use/Conversion of units of measurements
1.4 Use of standard formulas
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in
a simulated work place setting
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Study/select 1.1 Usage of different 1.1 Awareness on 1.1 Identifying
appropriate technologies is technology and relevant technology
technology determined based its function on job
on job requirements 1.2 Communication
1.2 Appropriate techniques
technology is 1.3 Health and
selected as per work safety procedure
specification 1.4 Company policy
in relation to
1.5 Machineries/
equipment and
their application
1.6 Software
1. Technology May include:
1.1 Office technology
1.2 Industrial technology
1.3 System technology
1.4 Information technology
1.5 Training technology
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
surviving at sea in the event of ship abandonment.
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Respond to the 1.1 Muster signal is 1.1 Types of 1.1 Donning lifejacket
indicated identified and emergency 1.2 Donning and
emergency appropriate action situations and using an
to respond to the actions to be immersion suit
identified taken when- 1.3 Jumping from a
emergency is Called to height into the
taken based on survival craft water
established stations 1.4 Righting an
procedures. Required to inverted life raft
1.2 Timing and abandon ship in while wearing a
sequence of the water lifejacket
individual actions Aboard a 1.5 Keeping afloat
are practiced based survival craft without a lifejacket
on prevailing A person falls
circumstances and overboard (man
conditions and overboard)
potential dangers
1.2 Types, uses and
and threats to
location of life-
survival are
saving appliances
1.3 Value of training
1.3 Life-saving
and drills
appliances are
used in 1.4 Types and uses
accordance with of personal
standards protective
operating clothing and
procedures. equipment
1.4 Recommended
techniques are
practiced with or
without wearing a
1. Identified emergency May include:
1.1 Collision
1.2 Fire
1.3 Foundering
1.4 Person falling overboard (man overboard)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
performing fire-prevention and firefighting activities
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Carry out fire 1.1 Fire hazards on 1.1 Relevant 1.1 Implementing fire
minimization board vessel are maritime prevention and
procedures identified and regulations minimization
action is taken to concerning measures and
eliminate or minimization of the procedures
minimize them. risk of fire on 1.2 Assessing the
1.2 Responsibilities for board vessel operational
checking fire 1.2 The chemistry of capability of fire-
prevention fire and its detection
equipment and relationship to equipment and
systems are fulfilled materials typically systems and
and appropriate carried on vessels taking any
action is taken to 1.3 Flammable required
ensure that they are materials and fire maintenance or
operational. hazards replenishment
1.3 An awareness and 1.4 Factors that action
understanding of influence the
fire hazards and spread of fire
their 1.5 The importance
minimization is of constant
maintained through vigilance in fire
participation in fire prevention and
drills and related minimization
instructional 1.6 A basic
programs. understanding of
1.4 A state of the types of fire-
readiness to respond detection, fire-
to fire fighting equipment
emergencies is and systems used
maintained at all on board vessels,
times. their features,
principles of
operation and the
procedures for their
use and
1. Fire hazards and their Fire hazard minimization procedures may include:
minimization 1.1. Housekeeping in work areas
1.2. Following of fire safety procedures
1.3. Checking and maintaining shipboard fire prevention
1.4. Identification and elimination or minimization of fire
1.5. Precautions when using and storing flammable
1.6. Precautions that need to be taken when responding to an
electrical fire
1.7. Precautions that need to be taken when responding to
uptake and hydrogen fires
1.8. Precautions when using naked flames or welding
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
fighting and extinguishing fires
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Operate portable 1.1 Type of fires is 1.1 Knowledge of 1.1 Applying fire
fire- fighting correctly identified relevant maritime prevention measures
regulations and procedures
equipment in accordance with
1.2 The chemistry of 1.2 Determining the
accepted fire- fire and its operational
fighting practice. relationship to capability of fire-
1.2 Correct portable materials typically fighting
fire-fighting carried on vessels appliances,
equipment is 1.3 Principles equipment and
underlying the systems
selected and used to
spread of fire and
fight specific classes how it is
of fires. extinguished
1.3 Class F fires are 1.4 The different types
correctly of fire, their
extinguished with characteristics and
a fire blanket in strategies and
equipment needed
accordance with to extinguish them
accepted fire- 1.5 Principles and
fighting practice. procedures for the
1.4 Correct use of self-
techniques are contained breathing
applied for the use apparatus (SCBA)
when fighting fires
of hose lines to 1.6 Fire-fighting
extinguish fires on clothing, outfits
board a vessel. and personal safety
1.5 Where applicable, equipment used
correct techniques when fighting a
are applied for the fire onboard a
setting up of foam 1.7 Types fire-fighting
making equipment appliances,
to extinguish B equipment and
Class fires on board systems used on
a vessel. board vessels, their
features, principles
of operation and the
procedures for their
use and
1. Type of fire Standard types of fires may include:
1.1 Class A
1.2 Class B
1.3 Class C
1.4 Class F
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
taking immediate action upon encountering an accident or
other medical emergency.
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Determine the 1.1 Patient condition is 1.1 Relevant sections 1.1 Providing first-aid on
need of casualty determined in of maritime board a vessel
regulations 1.2 Identifying problems
accordance with
1.2 Emergencies, and emergencies and
established first aid injuries and medical taking appropriate
procedures and the problems that may courses of action
nature of injury or occur on board a
illness is established. vessel and
1.2 Probable cause, nature appropriate action,
treatments and
and extent of injuries
are identified and 1.3 Relevant OH&S
appropriate action is and health
taken to prevent further legislation and
harm to the victim and to policies
self. 1.4 Duties and
1.3 The position of the responsibilities of
the designated first
patient is adjusted to aid officer on
optimize personal board a vessel
comfort for the 1.5 Ways in which
medical condition or disease can spread
injury concerned. on board a vessel
1.4 Where there are doubts and ways of
preventing the
over the seriousness of spread
the injury or illness 1.6 Knowledge of body
and how to treat the structures and
patient, assistance is functions relevant to
sought from senior possible injury,
officers or shore- based illnesses and disease
that may be
medical advisers. encountered on
board a vessel
1.7 Maritime
techniques related
to health care and
receiving radio
medical advice from
shore-based advisers
1. Patient May include patient having:
1.1 Heart attack
1.2 Stroke
1.3 Asthma attack
1.4 Diabetes
1.5 Epilepsy seizures
This unit deals with the knowledge and skills required
to take appropriate initial action on becoming aware of an
emergency on board a commercial vessel in conformance with
the established emergency response procedures.
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Take action on 1.1 Emergency 1.1 Types of 1.1 Applying
becoming situations are emergencies navigational
aware of an recognized and 1.2 Shipboard emergencies for
emergency identified. contingency plans vessels and
1.2 Responses to an 1.3 Knowledge of appropriate
emergency situation relevant maritime action and
followed the regulations solutions
established vessel’s 1.4 Relevant OH&S 1.2 Applying
emergency response legislation and appropriate
procedures. policies action in various
1.3 Correct actions are 1.5 Navigational types of actual or
taken on discovery of emergencies for potential
an actual or potential vessels and emergency
emergencies/ appropriate action situations
emergency and solutions 1.3 Using
situation in 1.6 Indications of emergency alarm
accordance with various types of signals and
established vessel’s emergency systems
emergency response situations and the 1.4 Using various
procedures. action to be shipboard items
1.4 Information given on followed when to be used for
raising alarm is various types of damage control
prompt, accurate, actual or potential purposes such as
complete and clear. emergency mattresses,
situations are canvas and
identified clothing
1.5 Using personal
1. Emergency situations May include:
1.1 Collision with another vessel
1.2 Explosion on board vessel
1.3 Fire on board vessel
1.4 Impairment of integrity of hull and ingress of water
1.5 Loss of steering control
1.6 Lost of motive power
1.7 Foundering
1.8 Grounding
1.9 Beaching a Vessel
1.10 Person overboard
1.11 Rescue and evacuation of injured personnel
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
taking precautions towards protection of the marine environment.
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Practice 1.1. Relevant regulations 1.1 Relevant 1.1 Completing
compliance and procedures for the legislation, codes activities aimed at
with protection of the of practice, compliance with
legislative marine policies and relevant
requirements environment are procedures to regulatory
for protection identified. protect the requirements for
of the marine 1.2. Appropriate action is marine protection of the
environment taken in day-to-day environment marine
work to ensure 1.2 Impact of environment
compliance with shipping on the 1.2 Identifying and
relevant regulations marine environment evaluating
and procedures for the and the effects of problems related to
protection of the operational or compliance with
marine environment as accidental pollution relevant
required. on it regulations for
1.3 Basic environmental
1.3. Appropriate action is
environmental protection and
taken where incidences
protection determining an
of non- compliance or
procedures appropriate
potential non-
compliance are courses of action
identified in
accordance with
regulations and
1.4. Any breach of
regulations and
procedures concerning
protection of the
marine environment is
rectified and/or
reported as required
within the limits of the
crew’s/ officer’s
1. Protection of the marine Protection of the marine environment may be observed:
environment 1.1. By day or night in both normal and emergency situations
1.2. Under any possible conditions of sea and weather
1.3. While underway
1.4. During berthing and unberthing operations
1.5. While anchoring or mooring
1.6. While moored or at anchor
1.7. During loading and unloading operations
1.8. During maintenance operations
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge and skills required
to observe established maritime safe working
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify and 1.1 Safety regulations and 1.1 Knowledge of 1.1 Applying OHS in
follow established vessel’s relevant maritime the workplace,
workplace safety and hazard
and OHS and activities
procedures for control practices and
hazard procedures are obtained, regulations required under
identification interpreted and applied 1.2 ISM Code Safety OHS legislation,
and risk to day- to-day work Management System 1.2 Communicating
control activities. procedures (where skills
1.2 Workplace procedures applicable)
for Occupational 1.3 The provisions of
Health and Safety and
related work OHS Acts,
instructions for regulations and codes
controlling risks of practice relevant
onboard a vessel are to the workplace,
followed. including the rights
1.3 Workplace procedures and responsibilities
for dealing with
shipboard accidents, of the workplace
fire and parties under OHS
emergencies are Acts, regulations and
known and followed. codes of practice;
1.4 Hazards in the 1.4 The ways in which
workplace are OHS is managed in
identified and
appropriate action is the workplace, and
taken to report them activities required
and to minimize or under OHS
eliminate risk to legislation, for
personnel, vessel and example:
the environment. Policies
1.5 Where relevant, Procedures
procedures and
precautions necessary Plant and
for entry into a pump equipment
room, fuel tanks or maintenance
other confined spaces Hazard
on a vessel are identification
followed. Risk assessment
1.6 Personal protection
clothing and and control
equipment is used in OHS instruction
accordance with Training and
provision of OHS
2. Contribute to 2.1 Occupational Health 2.1 Workplace OHS 2.1 Applying order
arrangement s and Safety issues and procedures of ways to
for the identified safety relevant to the control risks
management hazards are raised work being (known as the
of with designated undertaken, hierarchy of
occupational personnel in including control)
health and accordance with procedures for: 2.2 Designating
safety workplace procedures Recognizing and personnel
and relevant reporting on responsible for
occupational health hazards, for OHS onboard a
and safety legislation. example, work vessel
2.2 Contributions to area inspections
occupational health Work operations
and safety to control risks,
management in the for example,
workplace are made permit to work
within workplace systems and
procedures and isolation
provisions of relevant procedures
legislation. Responding to
Occupational health accidents, fires
and safety issues are and emergencies
raised with designated Issues
personnel in Employee
accordance with participation in
workplace procedures OHS
and relevant management, for
occupational health example,
and safety consultative or
legislation. OHS committees
1. Emergencies May include:
1.1 Loss of propulsion
1.2 Loss of electrical power
1.3 Loss of steerage
1.4 Flooding of vessel
1.5 Fire or explosion
1.6 Loss of refrigeration
1.7 Loss of water making ability
1.8 Fuel oil, lubrication oil, steam and gas leaks
1.9 Overheating and over speed of machinery,
governors, emergency trips
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
demonstrating security awareness practices.
Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Contribute to the 1.1 Requirements 1.1 IMO ISPS Code 1.1 Reading and
enhancement of relating to enhanced applicable to interpreting
maritime maritime security are vessels and ports instructions,
security through identified. 1.2 Procedures for procedures and
heightened 1.2 All critical factors maintaining security other
awareness relevant to the awareness information
security and safety of 1.3 Relevant security relevant to the
a maritime workplace and safety maintenance of
are monitored regulations, rules, vessel and port
continuously during policies and security
work operations. procedures 1.2 Working as a
1.3 Relevant team with others
information on matters
concerning the relevant to the
security and safety of maintenance of
vessel and port
a maritime security
workplace is 1.3 Selecting and
recognized and using
interpreted and appropriate
timely action is taken communication s
in accordance with equipment
workplace 1.4 Taking
procedures. appropriate
1.4 Changes to work initiatives related
environment and to vessel and
related risks are port security
monitored and within limits of
managed to ensure a role and
safe outcome to responsibility
workplace operations. 1.5 Interpreting
1.5 A security-related and applying
contingency plan of security and
action is studied and safety practices
interpreted and where and regulations
necessary appropriate 1.6 Communicating
action is taken. with others on
1.6 Reports on matters matters related to
related to vessel vessel and port
security are prepared security
1.7 Modifying
and submitted to activities
designated dependent on
1. Maritime workplace Workplace may include:
1.1 Vessels
1.2 Port facilities
2. Relevant security personnel May include:
2.1 Ship security officer
2.2 Port security officer
2.3 Company security officer
2.4 Master or skipper of the vessel
2.5 Other personnel on vessel (in terms of their security
awareness, preparedness and vigilance)
3. Persons posing potential May include:
security risks 3.1 Unknown persons photographing vessels or facilities
3.2 Unknown persons attempting to gain access to
vessels or facilities
3.3 Unknown persons loitering in the vicinity of vessels or
port facilities
3.4 Unknown persons telephoning to ascertain security,
personnel or standard operating procedures on a vessel or at
a port facility
3.5 Vehicles or small vessels with personnel in them loitering
and perhaps taking photographs or drawing diagrams of
vessels or facilities
3.6 General aviation aircraft operating in proximity of vessels
or facilities
3.7 Unauthorized vendors attempting to sell merchandise
3.8 Persons carrying suspicious parcels which could be
3.9 Unknown persons acting suspiciously
3.10 Unknown persons seeking information from vessel
personnel or their families about vessels or port facilities
via either face-to-face discussion or email
3.11 Unauthorized workers attempting to gain access to a vessel
or port facilities to repair, replace, service or install
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
in preparing nutritionally- and health-balanced
calendar menu.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Incorporate 1.1 Balanced menu is 1.1 Trade Theory 1.1 Incorporating the
desirable prepared based on Nutritionally following trade
components for
health balanced religious and balanced diet theory in the
menu cultural aspects Food allergens formulation of
of crew and intolerances nutritional
1.2 Components of Religious and balanced menu:
nutritionally cultural beliefs Nutritional
balanced diet Nutritional physiology
foods are applied physiology Physiological
in accordance with Physiological factors
budgetary and factors Body metabolism
ship’s crew Body metabolism Role of nutrients
requirements Diet and Nutritional
1.3 Food allergens exercise recommendations
and Lifestyle such as
intolerances are diseases and carbohydrates,
observed in diet dietary fiber, fats,
accordance with 1.2 Rules and proteins, etc.
declaration reports Regulation Importance of diet
1.4 Diet and nutrition World Health and exercise
to combat lifestyle Organization Connection
disease is (WHO) between lifestyle
considered in Food and disease and diet
accordance Agriculture
HACCP(Hazard Organization
Analysis Critical Flag State
Control Point) requirements
1.5 Calendar / Maritime Labour
Cycle Menu is Convention
prepared and (MLC) 2006
designed based on ILO Guidelines
available resources on the Training
and dietary of Ship’s Cooks
requirements International
System (SMS)
4. Request 4.1 Number of crew 4.1 Trade Theory 4.1 Applying trade
ingredients and and days of Victualing / theory in control
voyage are Budget and inventory
determined in Management programs
accordance with 4.2 Materials, Tools 4.2 Conducting
the budget and Equipment: Inventory
allocated by the Usage 4.3 Applying the rules
company Forms and regulations in
4.2 Availability of Computer purchasing
stocks/ supplies 4.3 Systems and
are checked in Procedures
accordance with Catering
the requirements Software
4.3 Request order is Forms (e.g.
prepared in Purchase Orders)
accordance with 4.4 Understanding
company company systems,
systems, policies and
policies and procedures
1. Religious and cultural beliefs May include:
1.1 Crew profile (Nationality and religion)
1.2 Recipe bank (list of recipes) for various cuisines
1.3 Availability of stock on board
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
demonstrating practical cookery.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Prepare stocks, 1.1 Ingredients and 1.1 Procedures on 1.1 Applying
soups, sauces, flavoring agents are stocks, soups , techniques of
dips and used according to sauces, dips and producing stocks
dressings standard recipes dressings soups , sauces, dips
1.2 Clarifying agents , preparation and dressings
thickening 1.2 Use of various 1.2 Observing work
agents, stocks and bases safety practices
convenience for a variety of 1.3 Demonstrating
products and soups and sauces waste
methods are used 1.3 Use of various minimization
according to Ingredients and techniques and
procedures flavoring agents environment-
1.3 Various stocks, for a variety of friendly practices
soups, sauces, dips dips and on handling,
and dressings are dressings preparation and
used according to 1.4 Logical and time disposal of stocks
calendar menu efficient work soups , sauces,
1.4 Variety of stocks, flow dips and dressings
soups , sauces, 1.5 Rapid cooling 1.4 Applying rapid
dips and 1.6 Temperature cooling
dressings, are 1.7 Standard of 1.5 Record keeping
produced according shelf life of of time and
to standard recipe foods temperature
1.5 Stocks, soups, 1.8 HACCP (Hazard 1.6 Observing
sauces, dips and Analysis Critical HACCP (Hazard
dressing are stored Control Point) / Analysis Critical
in accordance with Food Safety Control Point) / Food
standard operating Management Safety Management
procedures System System
2. Prepare and 2.1 Tools and equipment 2.1 Operational 2.1 Using of various
present meals are identified, procedures on tools and
and side checked for defects, tools and equipment (e.g.
dishes (Hot or damages and equipment Using knives)
Cold) conditions in 2.2 Various 2.2 Following/
accordance with Ingredients and interpreting
manufacturer’s flavoring agents Recipes
according to
4. Prepare bread 4.1 Tools, equipment 4.2 Operational 4.1 Using various tools
products and and utensils are procedures on tools and equipment (e.g.
hot/cold identified, checked and equipment Using knives)
desserts for defects, damages, 4.3 Various 4.2 Following/
and conditions in Ingredients and interpreting
accordance with flavoring agents recipes
manufacturer’s according to 4.3 Applying cutting,
manual based on the standard recipes of portioning and
required tasks bread products and presentation
4.2 Ingredients and hot/cold desserts techniques for
flavoring agents are 4.4 Various bread products
used according to cooking/preparati on and hot/cold
standard recipes of methods for desserts
meals of bread bread products
products and
1. Stocks May include:
1.1 Beef stock
1.2 Chicken stock
1.3 Fish stock
1.4 Vegetable stock
1.5 Brown stock
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes
in practicing food safety, sanitation and hygiene procedures.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Observe 1.1 Causes and 1.1 Causes and 1.1 Applying HACCP
prevention prevention of prevention of food (Hazard Analysis
measures for food borne borne disease and Critical Control
food-borne disease and food hazards Point) / Food
diseases food hazards 1.2 Specific Safety Management
are identified temperature of System
1.2 HACCP (Hazard foods 1.2 Applying safety in
Analysis Critical 1.3 Principles of handling cleaning
Control Point) / receiving food and sanitizing
Food Safety provisions equipment
Management 1.4 Principles in re- 1.3 applying cleaning
System is applied heating and serving and sanitizing
1.3 Specific of leftover food methods and
temperature of 1.5 Principles and procedures
foods are approved method 1.4 Demonstrating
checked of storing foods personal hygiene
according to (refrigerated and 1.5 Records keeping
cooking dry)
methods 1.6 Approved method
1.4 Principles of of thawing
receiving food 1.7 Favorable
provisions are conditions that
applied support bacteria
1.5 Principles and growth
approved method 1.8 Galley tools
of storing foods and equipments
are applied to cleaning and
refrigerated and sanitizing
dry food items methods and
1.6 Approved procedures
method of 1.9 Good personal
thawing are hygiene
applied 1.10 HACCP (Hazard
Analysis Critical
Control Point)
/Food Safety
1. Food-borne disease May include:
1.1 Listeriosis
1.2 Botulism
1.3 E. coli
1.4 Staphylococcus
2. Cooking methods May include:
2.1 Dry method
2.1.1 Roasting
2.1.2 Grilling
2.1.3 Broiling
2.1.4 Pan frying
2.1.5 Stir frying
2.1.6 Deep Frying
2.1.7 Braising
2.1.8 Baking
2.2 Moist method
2.2.1 Boiling
2.2.2 Simmering
2.2.3 Steaming
2.2.4 Poaching
2.2.5 Stewing
3. Favorable conditions that May include:
support bacteria growth 3.1 Food
3.2 Air
3.3 Time
3.4 Temperature
3.5 Oxygen
3.6 Moist
4. Galley May include:
4.1 Floor
4.2 Drainage
4.3 Bulkhead (wall)
4.4 Ceiling and lights
4.5 Port holes
4.6 Exhaust/hood
4.7 Preparation table
4.8 Sinks
5. Cleaning and sanitizing tools May include:
and agent is maintained 5.1 Follow procedure in cleaning and sanitizing
5.2 Follow manufacturer’s instructions in using cleaning and
sanitizing chemicals
5.3 Cover foods while cleaning is in progress
5.4 Practice using the three bucket system/three sink
6. Personal hygiene May include:
6.1 Taking a bath daily
6.2 Brushing teeth daily
6.3 Trimming of hair and fingernails
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and
attitudes required to observe workplace health and safety
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Handle 1.1 Catering equipment 1.1 Catering tools 1.1 Cleaning and
catering are cleaned/ sanitized and equipment sanitizing
equipment washed and dried in 1.2 Procedure/s in catering
accordance with ship’s cleaning and equipment
standards stowage of 1.2 Handling
1.2 Catering equipment is catering tools galley tools and
tested for functionality and equipment equipment
and breakage, 1.3 Operational 1.3 Operating
malfunction or defects procedures of catering tools and
are reported in catering tools and equipment
accordance with ship’s equipment 1.4 Securing tools,
standards and/or 1.4 Common utensils and
manufacturer’s causes of equipment based
instruction accidents in the on Ship’s Heavy
1.3 Catering equipment are galley Weather Bill
stowed in accordance 1.5 Ship’s Heavy 1.5 Records
with ship’s standards Weather Bill keeping
and/or manufacturer’s
1.4 Tools, utensils and
equipment are secured
in accordance with the
ship’s heavy weather
3. Apply first- 3.1 Hazards that could 3.1 Work place 3.1 Keeping
aid and result in work-related hazard and risks records
firefighting injury or illness are 3.2 First-aid kit , 3.2 Using fire
procedures in identified and assessed facilities and extinguisher
the galley 3.2 First-aid kit and treatments 3.3 Applying first
facilities is checked 3.3 Types and aid
3.3 First aide need is causes of fire 3.4 Identifying
assessed 3.4 Fire prevention potential
3.4 Trained as Basic 3.5 Different types hazards and its
first-aider is of fire prevention
assigned or extinguishers 3.5 Providing
arranged and their uses medical care on
3.5 Causes and types of board ship and
fire are identified ashore as per
3.6 Prevention of fire are Regulation
identified 4.1 and Standard
3.7 Appropriate type of A4.1 of the
fire extinguisher is MLC,2006
selected and used
1. Catering equipment May include:
1.1 Oven/ Microwave
1.2 Hot Plate
1.3 Griller
1.4 Griddle
1.5 Deep fryer
1.6 Rice Cooker
1.7 Pots and Pans
1.8 Utensils
1.9 Knives
1.10 Mixer
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to implement waste management and
disposal system.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Collect and 1.1 Characteristics of 1.1 Systems of 1.1 Handling waste
segregate the wastes are waste collection 1.2 Sorting waste
waste determined prior to 1.2 Types and 1.3 Sanitizing
segregation categories of containers and
1.2 Waste is collected garbage/wastes bins
using sanitized bins 1.3 Types of labeled 1.4 Using
and containers based waste bins appropriate
on relevant 1.4 Waste systems of
regulations management for waste collection
1.3 Waste is each type of waste 1.5 Applying
segregated and 1.5 Relevant appropriate waste
placed in designated regulations management for
bins and containers (MARPOL, etc…) each type of
in accordance with 1.6 Waste waste
relevant MARPOL segregation
regulations and procedures
procedures 1.7 Personal
1.4 Task is performed protective
using the approved equipment (PPE)
Equipment (PPE)
2. Store waste 2.1 Waste minimization 2.1 Different waste 2.1 Determining
and pollution/spread characteristics waste
of food-borne disease 2.2 Relevant characteristics
preventions are regulations 2.2 Applying waste
considered (MARPOL, etc.) minimization and
2.2 Waste is sealed and 3.7 Personal pollution/ spread
packaged in protective of food- borne
accordance with equipment (PPE) disease
MARPOL Annex V 3.8 Ways of prevention
2.3 Waste is labeled and minimizing food strategies
placed in a location wastage using
designated for the leftovers
1. Waste May include:
1.1. Biodegradable waste
1.2. Non-biodegradable waste and
1.3. Hazardous waste
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with knowledge, skills and attitudes in
the supervision/ administration of the maintenance of the
galley area.
Italicized terms REQUIRED REQUIRED
are elaborated in KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
the Range of
1. Maintain galley 1.1 Cleaning 1.1 Cleaning methods 1.1 Practicing
stores and materials for and procedures Interpersonal
supplies food 1.2 Cleaning and relationship skills
processing sanitizing agent 1.2 Demonstrating
equipment is 1.3 Trade Theory cleaning and
supervised/ Victualing/Budget sanitizing
managed in Management procedures
accordance System 1.3 Demonstrating
with port Principles of personal hygiene
state/ship’s Receiving 1.4 Converting standard
standards provisions recipe
1.2 Storage of Storage of food 1.5 Demonstrating
cleaning and items (frozen, HCCP(Hazard
sanitizing refrigerated, dry, Analysis Critical
agents are slop chest) Control Point)
supervised/ Calendar Menu 1.6 Applying principles
managed in Plan of receiving and
accordance HACCP (Hazard storing provisions
with port Analysis Critical (First-In First-Out)
state/ship’s Control Point)
standard 1.4 Mathematics
1.3 Number of crew Basic
and days of calculations and
voyage are conversions
determined in 1.5 Systems and
accordance with Procedures
the budget Inventory
allocated by the Company
company policies and
1.4 Quantities of procedures
food supplies/ Forms (e.g.
ingredients Purchase
required to Orders)
complete 1.6 Personal hygiene
recipes/ menus
are estimated
1. Cleaning materials May include:
1.1 Detergent
1.2 Sanitizing agent
1.3 Degreaser
1.4 Floor squeegee
1.5 Cleaning rags
1.6 Spray bottle
1.7 Buckets
1.8 Sponge and scrubbing pad
Floor Brush
2. Processing equipment May include:
Food Processing equipment
2.1 Slicer
2.2 Mixer
2.3 Grinder
2.4 Blender
Cooking equipment
2.5 Oven/ Microwave
2.6 Hot Plate / Burner Stove
2.7 Griller
2.8 Griddle
2.9 Fryers
2.10 Rice Cooker
2.11 Pots and Pans
2.12 Utensils
2.13 Knives
These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for SHIPS’ CATERING NC III (SHIPS’ COOKS).
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to include
MLC-2006, green technology, issues on health and drugs and catering to persons with
disabilities (PWD’s).
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of SHIPS’
CATERING NC III (SHIPS’ COOKS) in accordance with industry standards . This
covers competencies that a person must achieve in managing all galley operations,
including both the procurement of supplies and practical food production in
compliance with the national and international requirements for the duration and nature
of the voyage. It also includes competencies in serving proper quantities of quality
nutritious food that fulfills cultural, religious and hygiene requirements including storing
and handling food hygienically.
This course is also designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an
individual in the field of cooking.
To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.
1.2 Lead Method/technique of Written and Electronic Self-paced Written Test 2 hours
workplace discussion communication handout/ Demonstration
discussions How to lead discussion activities module
How to solicit response Debate Exercises Discussion
Role Play
1.3 Identify and Identify problems and issues Communicate with the Brainstorming Interviews 2 hours
communicate Organizing information on Master of the ship on the Self-paced Written exam
issues arising problem and issues possible shortage of the handout/ Demonstration
in the Relating problems and food supply due to module
workplace issues change of ship’s port of Role Play
Communication barriers call/voyage Self-paced
affecting workplace Resolving conflict in the handout/
discussions workplace module
Making a report about
problem and issues
Practice communication
5. Use 5.1 Identify Measurement system Prepare ship’s Monthly Direct Written exam 1 hour
mathematical mathematical Basic measuring Budget based on the observation Practical/
concepts and tools and tools/devices minimum safe manning Demonstration performance
techniques techniques to requirement test
solve problem Practice mathematical
concepts to solve
problem in the
6.3 Maintain/ Corrective and preventive Identify monthly Case studies Interviews 1 hour
enhance relevant maintenance maintenance tasks Simulation/ Demonstration
technology Upgrading of technology based on the Planned role playing
Communication Skills Maintenance System
Organizational set–up / work Application of corrective
flow and preventive
maintenance to
3.2 Carry out fire- Principles and procedures for Participating as a Discussion Written 4 hours
fighting the use of self-contained member of an interior Self-paced examination
operations breathing apparatus (SCBA) search and rescue and handout/ Practical
when fighting fires fire-fighting team on module performance
Fire-fighting clothing, outfits and board a vessel Demonstration Portfolio
personal safety equipment used Determining the Demonstration
when fighting a fire onboard a operational capability of with
vessel fire-fighting appliances, questioning
Types of fire-fighting equipment and systems
appliances, equipment and
systems used on board
5.3 Follow General principles of damage Using emergency alarm Discussion Written 1.5
procedures control and the manner in which signals and systems Self-paced examination hours
for the use of watertight integrity of hull is Using various shipboard handout/ Demonstration
various life- maintained on a vessel including items to be used for module with
saving the importance of preparation, damage control purposes Demonstration questioning
equipment control and repair such as mattresses, canvas Simulation Practical
Ways of controlling damage and clothing performance
during a flooding emergency, Using personal safety
including the use of various equipment
shipboard items that can be
used for damage control
purposes such as mattresses,
canvas and clothing
6.2 Practice anti- Pollution control problems and Following anti-pollution Discussion Written 2 hours
pollution related measures to protect the procedures Self-paced examination
procedures marine environment handout/ Demonstration
Complexity and diversity of the module with
marine environment Demonstration questioning
Requirements under local and/ or Simulation Practical
international legislation and performance
conventions for reporting
incidents related to breaches of the
statutory codes and measures for
the protection of the marine
8. Demonstrate 8.1 Contribute to IMO ISPS Code applicable to Applying the above Discussion Written 4 hours
security the vessels and ports knowledge to the Self-paced examination
awareness enhancement of Procedures for maintaining management of handout/ Demonstration
practices maritime security awareness situation awareness module with
security during workplace Demonstration questioning
through operations Simulation Practical
heightened Reading and
NOTE: *Applicant-trainee who already possesses relevant certificate of training and/or certificate of competency in Basic Training (BT) and Ship Security
Awareness and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (SSA/SDSD) Training shall not be required to undergo training/ certification on
Common Competencies.
6. Supervise/ 6.1 Maintain galley Cleaning methods and Performing physical Self-paced Written Exam 5 hours
Administer stores and procedures inventory, Hand-outs/ Oral
galley area supplies Cleaning and sanitizing agent requisitions in Module Questioning
Trade Theory accordance with Video showing Demonstration
Victualing/ Budget company standards Group
Management System discussion
Principles of Receiving Practical
provisions exercises
Storage of food items
(frozen, refrigerated, dry,
slop chest)
Calendar Menu Plan
HACCP (Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point)
Basic calculations and
Systems and Procedures
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery shall
be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.
Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following
Must be High School graduate
Must have completed Basic Training (BT), Ship Security Awareness and
Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (SSA/SDSD) Training
Must have at least 3 months relevant sea service or/
Graduate of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM) or
List of tools, equipment and materials for the training of a maximum of 24 trainees for
Area in Sq.
Space Requirement Size in Meters Total Area in Sq. Meters
Lead workplace communication
Lead small teams
Develop and practice negotiation skills
Solve problems related to work activities
Use mathematical concepts and techniques
Use relevant technologies
Survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment
Minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of
readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire
4.1.3 Candidates applying for competency assessment and certification for Ships’
Catering NC III (Ships’ Cooks) must undergo either 1) Written Examination or
2) Written Examination plus Demonstration of Practical Cookery
skills or 3) Portfolio Assessment, as follows: Those who have trained and been certified under Ship’s
Catering Services NC II or Commercial Cooking NC II or
Cookery NC II or Commercial Cooking NC III with valid
National Certificate (NC). Those who have at least three (3) months relevant shipboard
experience as Cook or Assistant Cook or Catering
Personnel. However, must show sufficient evidences in their
portfolio on the following documents: Seaman’s Book,
Passport, Attestation Letter (Optional)/Certificate of
Employment, Sea Service Certification, Certificates of
Trainings, valid National Certificate on Ship’s Catering
Services NC II or Commercial Cooking NC II or Cookery
NC II or Commercial Cooking NC III.
4.1.4 Conduct of assessment and issuance of certificates shall follow the procedures
manual and implementing guidelines developed for the purpose.
and care forProvidesimple
in performing assistanceImplement
splicing marlinspike
and canvas handand
receiving andManagement and toolsstoring provisionsDisposal System
Supervise/ Administer Galley Area
Perform housekeepingProvide
duties support in cargo operations
Perform engine watchkeeping duties preparation of meals
Perform navigational watchkeeping duties clean engine room, machinery
deck maintenance and spaces
Perform victualing services
Demonstrate work Practice career
basic housekeeping procedures
values Practice
occupational health andDevelop
safety procedures
and practice negotiation
Solve problems
skills related to work activities
Develop Apply
Utilized specialized communication skills teams problem solving techniques
and individuals in the
Collect, workplace
analyze and organize
Use information
mathematical concepts and techniques
Use relevant technologies
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend
thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and government
agencies who donated their time and expertise to the development and validation of these Training