Grade 5 Curriculum Designs - Agriculture

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Kenya requires competent manpower for its agro-based economy. Agriculture for upper primary level will build on competencies introduced
in Early Years Education under Environmental Activities contributing to human capacity development. The learning experiences will
involve active learner participation conducted through practical and experiential learning activities to develop applicable competencies for
sustainable agriculture. The curriculum will focus on developing skills for production of indigenous and exotic crops and domestic animals
through innovative agricultural practices and use of limited resources to enhance food security. The acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes
will form a foundation for development of agricultural competencies for lower secondary and beyond.

General learning outcomes

By the end of upper primary, the learner should be able to:
1. Participate actively in agricultural activities for environmental conservation.
2. Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards nutrition and food security.
3. Rear small domestic animals as profitable agricultural enterprise for self-sustainability and economic development.
4. Apply technological skills, digital and media resources to enhance sustainable agricultural practices.
5. Appreciate agriculture as a worthy niche for hobby, career development, further education and training.

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question
1.0 Conserving 1.1 Soil Conservation By the end of the sub strand the  Learners to tour the school 1. Why do we
our Environment (9 lessons) learner should be able to; and neighbourhood, identify conserve soil
a) give the meaning of soil eroded sites and discuss their from erosion?
1.1.1 Soil Recovery erosion in the environment understanding of soil erosion
b) give the meaning of soil  Learners to discuss and 2. What is the
recovery in the environment present ideas on how eroded importance of
c) identify sites for erosion soil could be collected and recovering
deposition by runoff in the use9d for farming purposes. eroded soil?
community  Learners to tour the school
d) collect soil from erosion and neighbourhood, identify
deposition for farming and list places where soil is
purposes deposited by runoff water.
e) demonstrate usefulness of  Learners to collect soil from
recovered soil for growing of deposition sites using
crops applicable methods to
f) show genuine interest in soil recover it for growing crops.
conservation activities and  Learners use the recovered
growing of crops. soil to grow crops of their
choice in the school.
 Learners to collaborate with
parents and guardians to
recover and use eroded soil
from deposition sites to
appreciate the importance of
conserving soil from erosion.
1.1.2 Soil Improvement By the end of the sub-strand the  Learners to discuss and

learner should be able to; identify sites in the school 1. What materials
a) identify sites for soil and community that have should we damp
improvement in the school or poor soil for crop growth. in an organic
community  Learners to construct a pit, a waste pit?
b) construct organic waste pit for site or a structure for
soil improvement damping plant residue and 2. How can we
c) demonstrate use of plant food remains and organic improve the soil
remains for soil improvement. kitchen wastes in school. using crop
 Learners to plant crop in a remains?
residual pit to observe and
appreciate soil improvement 3. What is the
from accumulated organic difference
wastes. between organic
 Learners to collaborate with waste pit and
parents and guardians to compost heap?
recover eroded soil and use
organic waste pits to improve
soil for kitchen gardening.
Core competencies to be developed: Critical thinking and problem solving in determining contextual soil recovery procedures, sites for
soil improvement in the school and applying the knowledge to improve their solve soil’s fertility.
PCIs: Environmental awareness: Soil as a resource in the environment, organic Values: Collective responsibility in maintaining clean
wastes as useful resources in agriculture; Financial literacy in re-cycling of organic living environment through activities for soil
waste for soil improvement. improvement.
Links to other subjects: Science and technology in construction of organic waste Suggested community service learning activities:
pit and experimenting by growing a crop on the pit to observe soil improvements. Learners to raise community awareness on soil
recovery and improvements for utilization in
agriculture during environmental days in the locality.

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Identifying soil Correctly and proficiently Correctly identifies the Identifies some soil Identifies, with
deposition points identifies soil deposition soil deposition sites deposition sites resulting assistance, a soil
sites resulting from resulting from runoff in from runoff in the deposition site resulting
runoff in the community the community community from runoff in the
Meaning of recovering Correctly and proficiently Correctly gives meaning Attempts to give meaning Attempts to give meaning
soil from deposition gives meaning of soil of soil recovery in the of soil recovery in the of soil recovery in the
points recovery in the environment environment environment when
environment probed
Constructing organic pit Correctly and Correctly constructs and Attempts to construct and Attempts with external
innovatively constructs uses organic pit structures use some organic pit guidance to construct and
and uses organic pit for soil improvement structure for soil or use some organic pit
structure for soil improvement structure for soil
improvement improvement
Demonstrating soil Correctly and creatively Correctly demonstrates Makes some meaningful Makes some attempts to
improvement demonstrates soil soil improvements attempts to demonstrate demonstrate soil
improvements resulting resulting from soil soil improvements improvements resulting
from soil recovery and recovery and resulting from soil from soil recovery and
improvements. improvements. recovery and improvements with some
improvements. guidance.

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.0 Conserving 1.2. Water By the end of the sub strand the  Learners to use devices that have 1. What happens
our Environment conservation learner should be able to; appropriate software to search for when we do not
(7 lessons) a) find information on information on water conservation. conserve water
conservation of water in  In groups, learners share on the in the soil?
farming practices information acquired on water
b) identify different ways of conservation. 2. What farming
conserving water in farming  In pairs, learners to brainstorm or share practices can
practices experiences on importance of conserving help to conserve
c) practice water conservation water and how to conserve water in water in the
within the school compound farming activities. soil?
d) store photos on water  Learners watch video clips and cuttings
conservation obtained from from magazines on various water
digital resources and conservation practices in farming
magazines (Mulching, shading, cover cropping).
e) demonstrate importance of  In groups, learners practice various ways
conserving water in farming of conserving water in farming
practices. (Mulching, shading, cover cropping)
within the school.
 In groups learners to experiment on
mulching (mulch some crops and leave
others un-mulched and compare moisture
 Learners visit neighbouring farms to
observe how water is conserved in the
farm during farming activities.
 Compile and store photos in digital

devices or printed copies on methods of
water conservation.
 Individual learners to make presentations
on photos acquired and stored.
 Learners to collaborate with their parents
and guardians to practice shading,
mulching and cover cropping for water
Core competencies to be developed: Digital literacy through use of digital devices and resources to search for useful information on water
conservation activities and applying the gained knowledge to solve water conservation in their environmental contexts.
PCIs: Life skills: recognizing water as a scarce resource in the Values: Personal commitment and sense of responsibility in
environment and applying appropriate measures to conserving the initiatives and activities of water conservation.
Links to other subjects: Science and technology in re-use of waste Suggested community service learning activities: Learners to
organic materials for mulching purposes and construction of shades for use songs and recitation verses to raise community awareness on
plants. water conservation practices during tree planting days in the

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Acquiring information on Proficiently presents Presents correct Presents some Attempts, with probing,
water conservation in correct information on information on water information on water to present some
farming practices water conservation in conservation in farming conservation in farming information on water
farming practices and practices conservation in farming
justifies some ways in the practices
local contexts
Conserving soil water Correctly and proficiently Correctly demonstrates Sometimes demonstrates Rarely demonstrates soil
demonstrates soil water soil water conservation soil water conservation water conservation
conservation practices practices practices practices
Identifying ways of Correctly and proficiently Correctly identifies Identifies some ways of Identifies some ways of
conserving water in identifies different ways different ways of conserving water in conserving water in
farming practices of conserving water in conserving water in farming practices farming practices when
farming practices farming practices

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question
1.0 Conserving 1.3. Living better By the end of the sub strand the  In groups, learners to discuss 1. What are the
our Environment with wild animals learner should be able to; and share experiences on measures for wild
(5 lessons) a) identify measures that can be measures that people in the animal
carried out in the community to community can take to live conservation?
live better with wild animals better with wild animals by
b) control small wild animals in reducing damages caused by 2. What methods are
the local environment wild animals without killing used to control
c) demonstrate care when relating the wild animals. small wild
with wild animals for personal  Learners to watch video clips animals?
health and safety or listen to a resource person
d) appreciate importance of living on methods of controlling
better with wild animals. wild animals and importance
of living better with wild
 In groups, learners practice
various methods of
controlling small wild
animals (use of sounds,
repellant crops, use of other
 Learners to watch video on
how to safely handle animals
to avoid dangers of
contracting animal diseases
and injuries (physical
injuries form animals and
avoid diseases such as rabies

from animal bites).
Core competencies to be developed: Critical thinking and problem solving in use of locally available materials and methods to solve wild
animals menace where the wild animals destroy crops and domestic animals.
PCIs: Conserving animal diversity: Conservation of small wild animals in the Values: Appreciating National diversity: appreciating
environment; Safety and security in securing self and domestic animals from harm; the value of wild animals in Kenya and living better
Animal welfare in living with wild animals without killing and mistreating them. with them in the various environmental contexts.
Links to other subjects: Science and technology (innovating methods of keeping Suggested community service learning activities:
off small wild animals from destroying crops and domestic animals). Learners to involve local wildlife office to initiate
community mobilization activity towards conserving
wildlife and living better with the animals.
Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Identifying measures Correctly and proficiently Correctly identifies Identifies some measures Makes attempts to identify
for wild animals identifies measures for measures for wild for wild animals some measures for wild
conservation in the wild animals animals conservation in conservation in the animals conservation in the
community conservation in the the community community community when probed
Controlling small wild Innovatively controls Controls small wild Makes attempts to control Makes attempts to control
animals from the farm small wild animals animals against crops small wild animals small wild animals against
against crops and and domestic animals in against crops and crops and domestic animals in
the local environment.
domestic animals in the domestic animals in the the local environment when
local environment. local environment. guided.
Demonstrating care Proficiently demonstrates Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates some care Demonstrates some care
when relating with adequate care when care when relating with when relating with wild when relating with wild
wild animals for relating with wild animals wild animals for animals for personal animals for personal health
personal health and
personal health and for personal health and health and safety. and safety if prompted.
safety safety.

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question
1.0 Conserving 1.4 Growing Fruits By the end of the sub strand  Learners use stimulus material 1. What are the
our Environment (Climbers) the learner should be able to: such as media, print and realia to planting
(15 lessons) a) identify various identify various climbing fruits materials for
climbing fruits in the which include but not limited to climbing fruit
1.4.1 Planting materials environment passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and plants?
b) identify suitable planting various types of berries such as
materials for raspberries, blackberries, 2. Where could
establishing climbing blueberries, goose berries. you obtain
fruits  Learners to discuss suitable planting
c) identify where materials planting materials for climbing materials for
for planting climbing fruits such as passion fruits, climbing fruit
fruits can be obtained in berries, kiwi and grapes. plants?
the environment  In groups, learners to suggest
d) collect suitable planting where planting materials for
materials for climbing climbing fruits could be obtained.
fruits from the local  With help of the parents or
environment. guardians, learners to collect
suitable planting materials for
climbing fruits.
1.4.2 Planting By the end of the sub strand  In groups, learners to prepare 1. How can we
the learner should be able to; suitable planting materials for prepare planting
a) prepare planting materials climbing fruit plants such as to materials for
for establishing climbing various varieties of passion fruits, climbing fruit
fruits in the school or at grapes, kiwi and berries. plants?
home  Learners to plant the selected
b) establish planting planting materials on suitably 2. How are climbing
materials for climbing fruit plants

fruits on a suitable site. prepared site. The site could be on established?
the ground or appropriate
container, on a plot or along the
1.4.3 Care for young By the end of the sub strand  In groups, learners construct How can we take
climbing fruit the learner should be able to; shades to protect young fruit plants care of climbing fruit
plants a) protect young climbing from damages. plants after planting?
fruit plants from  In groups, learners water the young
excessive sun heat and fruit plants.
physical damage  Learners to apply manure and
b) support climbing fruit fertilizer to the fruit plants.
vines using appropriate  Learners to weed for the fruit
materials plants.
c) water the young fruit  Learners to use appropriate
plants on the established materials to support the climbing
site fruit vines.
d) apply manure and  Learners to engage their parents or
fertilizer to the guardians and other community
established climbing fruit members in growing climbing
plants fruit plants.
e) protect the young
climbing fruit crops from
Core competencies to be developed: Self-efficacy while conducting selected activities in the project (engaging one-self in the entire
process of growing the climbing fruits and enjoying the fruits when ripe)
PCIs: Health and nutrition: personal health and nutrition from consumption Values: Responsibility and accountability: all learners
of varieties of fruits on regular basis from own fruit plants (the climbing engaging in the projects for growing the climbing fruits to
fruits) that may be grown in varied home contexts; Food security: engaging share tasks (responsibility) and be accountable to the group
in initiatives contributing to food production while growing the fruits. for daily dutiful performance of the tasks while managing

the climbing fruit plants.
Links to other subjects: Health, Food and Nutrition in recognizing the Suggested community service learning activities:
value of fruits in the diet; Science and technology in use of technology to Learners to demonstrate and offer some fruit seedlings to
water fruit plants and to construct support structures. community members during environmental conservation
days and sensitize them on using them alongside other
agricultural enterprises for soil conservation, nutrition and
food security.

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Identifying and collecting Correctly and proficiently Correctly identifies and Identifies and collects Identifies and collects
planting materials identifies and collects collects suitable some suitable planting some suitable planting
suitable planting materials planting materials for materials for establishing materials for establishing
for establishing climbing establishing climbing climbing fruit plants climbing fruit plants with
plants fruit plants some guidance.
Preparing planning Adequately and expertly Adequately prepares Prepares some planting With guidance, prepares
material and establishing prepares planting material planting material and material and establishes some planting material
climbing fruits and correctly and correctly establishes the the materials for climbing and establishes the
innovatively establishes the materials for climbing fruit plants on suitable materials for climbing
materials for climbing fruit fruit plants on suitable site fruit plants on suitable
plants on suitable site site site
Caring for climbing fruit Correctly and innovatively Correctly protects, plant Makes some protection, Makes some protection,
plants protects, plant supports and supports and some plant supports and some plant supports and
appropriately manages the appropriately manages some attempts to manage some attempts to manage
climbing fruit plants the climbing fruit plants the climbing fruit plants the climbing fruit plants
with guidance.

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question
1.0 Conserving 1.5 Conservation By the end of the sub strand  In groups, learners to take care of the 1. What activities
our Environment Project: Managing the learner should be able established climbing fruit plants by are carried out
climbing fruit to; carrying out appropriate activities in the
plants a) care for climbing fruit such as protective shed around the management
(9 lessons) plants in the fruit plants, watering, manuring, of climbing
environment removing excess branches and training fruit plants?
b) identify right stage for the fruit plant.
harvesting climbing  In groups, learners share experiences 2. When are
fruits to avoid wastage on how to identify a mature fruit of fruits ready for
c) harvest fruits climbing fruit plants harvesting?
appropriately to reduce  In groups, learners to carry out
damages harvesting of climbing fruits. 3. How are fruits
d) demonstrate  Learners to assist parents or guardians from climbing
understanding of the in the activities for caring for climbing fruit plants
importance of fruit crops at home. harvested?
consuming fruits for
Core competencies to be developed: Self-efficacy: developing an empowered self in the project process to produce their own food (fruits)
and in managing the climbing fruit project contributing to their own nutritional supplement.
PCIs: Life skills: developing project skills for self reliance through the Values: Unity of purpose and cooperation at work achieved
climbing fruit project; Food security: contributing to community foods through delegation of responsibilities in the project while
through fruits production. managing climbing fruit plants.
Links to other subjects: Home Science (preparation of fruits for Suggested community service Learning activities:
consumption and appreciating the nutritional value of fruits in the diet. Learners to initiate outlet points for sale and sensitization of
community members on fruit plants and how to establish.

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Caring for established Correctly and Correctly takes care of Takes some caring Takes some caring
climbing fruit plants innovatively takes care of established climbing fruit practices care of practices care of
established climbing fruit plants established climbing fruit established climbing fruit
plants plants plants when prompted to
do the activity
Identifying right stage for Correctly and proficiently Correctly identifies right Makes attempts to Makes attempts to
harvesting climbing fruits identifies right stage for stage for harvesting identify right stage for identify right stage for
to avoid wastage. harvesting climbing fruits climbing fruits to avoid harvesting climbing fruits harvesting climbing fruits
to avoid wastage wastage
to avoid wastage to avoid wastage when
given some prompts.
Harvesting fruits at the Correctly and skillfully Correctly harvests fruits Harvests some fruits at With some guidance,
right stage to reduce harvests fruits at the right at the right stage to the right stage to reduce harvests some fruits at the
damage stage to reduce damage reduce damage damage right stage to reduce

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
2.0 Domestic 2.1 Uses of By the end of the sub strand the  In pairs learners to brainstorm and share 1. How are
Animals Domestic learner should be able to; experiences on the uses of domestic domestic
animals a) identify the uses of various animals (bees, rabbits, camels, fish, pigs, animals
(3 lessons) domestic animals to human donkeys, dogs, cats and horses). important to
beings  Learners visit the neighbouring farms to human beings?
b) relate various domestic animals explore various uses of domestic animals.
to their uses  In groups, learners to match domestic
c) appreciate the importance of animals to their uses.
domestic animals to human  Learners watch video clips on various
beings. types of domestic animals and their uses.

Core competencies to be developed: Digital literacy in searching and storing photos and information on small domestic animals using
digital devices; Communication and collaboration in sharing and consulting with other learners and facilitators on how to access and store
information using digital devices.
PCIs: Animal welfare: Appreciating small domestic animals as part Values: Care and concern for others while seeking and sharing
of the ecosystem. Career awareness: while searching for information, information on domestic animals and their uses to various
learners get information linking keeping of domestic animals to communities in Kenya.
various careers in agriculture.
Links to other subjects: Home science (linking animal products to Suggested community service learning activities: Learners to
their nutritive value in the diet). visit some elderly persons in the community to be enlightened on
cultural values attached to various domestic animals in their

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Identifying uses of Correctly and proficiently Correctly identifies uses Identifies some uses of Identifies some uses of
domestic animals identifies uses of various of various domestic domestic animals to domestic animals to
domestic animals to animals to human beings human beings human beings when
human beings probed.
Relating domestic Adequately and Adequately relates Relates some domestic Relates some domestic
animals to their uses proficiently relates domestic animals to their animals to their specific animals to their specific
domestic animals to their specific uses uses uses when guided.
specific uses

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
3.0 3.1 Indigenous By the end of the sub strand the  In pairs, learners to brainstorm on the1. What types of
Gardening food crops learner should be able to; meaning and importance of indigenous crops
Practices a) give the meaning of indigenous indigenous food crops. are found in the
(9 lessons) food crops in the community  In groups, learners to brainstorm and community?
b) identify types of indigenous food share experiences on types of
crops grown in Kenya indigenous food crops (indigenous
c) display various types of vegetables such as pig weeds and 2. Why are
indigenous food crops for black night shade, indigenous cereals indigenous crops
identification purposes such as millet and sorghum, and important?
d) demonstrate understanding of the indigenous root crops such as yams
importance of indigenous food and cassava).
crops to nutrition, health and food  Learners to visit the neighbouring
security. environment to identify the various
indigenous food crops (vegetables,
cereals and root crops).
 Learners to collect, preserve and
mount identifiable parts such as leaf
specimen of various indigenous food
crops on manilla paper such as
indigenous vegetables: pig weed,
pumpkin, black night shade, spider
weed; indigenous cereals: millet,
sorghum and; indigenous root crops:
Cassava, yams, sweet potato, arrow
Core competencies to be developed: Communication and collaboration in group activities while searching and mounting displays of
indigenous food crops; Creativity and imagination in developing displays of specimen of indigenous food crops on manila surfaces.

PCIs: Healthy and Nutrition in adopting change in eating habits, achieved Values: National diversity: while learning about varieties of
while discussing the value of indigenous crops to human beings; Food indigenous foods treasured by various Kenyan communities,
security in realizing the contribution of indigenous crops to current food the learner appreciates importance of national diversity.
status in the country.
Links to other subjects: Home Science while appreciating nutritional Suggested community service learning activities: learners to
value and importance of indigenous food crops. visit elderly persons in the community to be enlightened on the
various indigenous food crops valued by the community.

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Meaning of indigenous Adequately and Adequately explains the Makes attempt to explain Makes attempt to explain
food crops proficiently explains the meaning of indigenous the meaning of the meaning of
meaning of indigenous food crops in the indigenous food crops in indigenous food crops in
food crops in the community the community the community when
community probed.
Identifying types of Correctly and proficiently Correctly identify the Identify some types of Identify some types of
indigenous food crops identify the types of types of indigenous food indigenous food crops indigenous food crops
grown in Kenya indigenous food crops crops grown in Kenya grown in Kenya grown in Kenya with
grown in Kenya some guidance.
Displaying indigenous Competently and Competently displays Displays some identified Displays some identified
crops creatively displays identified types of types of indigenous food types of indigenous food
identified types of indigenous food crops on crops on a manila chart crops on a manila chart
indigenous food crops on a manila chart with extra assistance.
a manila chart

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question
3.0 3.2 Vegetable By the end of the sub strand the learner should be  In groups, learners 1. What are the
Gardening Gardening able to; brainstorm and share gardening
Practices Practices a) identify gardening practices for vegetables experiences on importance of practices for
b) establish a nursery bed for vegetables growing vegetables. vegetables?
(15 lessons) c) take care of a nursery bed for vegetables  In groups, learners
d) transplant seedlings from a vegetable nursery brainstorm and share 2. Why should we
to a suitable site experiences on gardening grow vegetables?
e) sell surplus vegetable seedlings to earn income practices of vegetables such
f) take care of growing vegetable crop after as mulching, watering,
transplanting thinning, weeding, removal
g) use correct tools and equipment appropriately of pests and diseased plants
in taking care of growing vegetables to ensure or parts.
safety of self and others  Learners watch video clips
h) determine appropriate stage of harvesting on how to prepare nursery
vegetables bed and sow vegetable seeds
i) harvest vegetable crops appropriately to avoid into the nursery bed.
damage  In groups, learners prepare a
j) appreciate the importance of growing suitable nursery bed for
vegetables for nutrition and food security. planting vegetables.
 In groups, learners to sow
vegetable seeds on the
prepared nursery bed.
 In groups, learners take care
of the nursery bed (mulching,
watering, thinning, uprooting
weeds, removing pests and

diseased plants).
 In groups, learners transplant
vegetables into a prepared
 Learners to sell surplus
vegetable seedlings to the
 In groups, learners take care
of the established vegetable
crop using correct tools and
equipment appropriately.
 In groups, learners to
brainstorm on appropriate
stage of harvesting
 In groups, learners to harvest
vegetables for consumption
and nutrition.
 Learners to sell surplus
vegetables to the community.
 Learners to assist parents and
guardians in the activities for
growing vegetables and
maintaining tools and
equipment at home.
Core competencies to be developed: Self-efficacy in own contribution to production and sale of vegetables and starting to make financial
gains from their own efforts and initiatives.
PCIs: Safety: safe handling and use of tools and equipment to ensure personal Values: Team work in group activities and tasks on

safety and that of others; Career link to occupations and entrepreneurship growing and selling of vegetables.
opportunities in agri-business; Financial literacy: selling, making incomes and
expenditures from surplus vegetable seedlings.
Links to other subjects: Home Science (linking the nutritional value of Suggested community service Learning activities:
vegetables to the actual vegetables that the learners grow); Science and technology Learners to sensitize community members on the value
(importance of maintaining of tools and equipment to make work easier). of using wide variety vegetables for nutrition and food
security through community open days.

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Establishing a nursery Correctly and proficiently Correctly follows the Partially follows the right Partially follows the right
bed follows the right procedure right procedure in procedure in establishing procedure in establishing
in establishing a vegetable establishing a a vegetable nursery bed a vegetable nursery bed
nursery bed vegetable nursery bed with some guidance.
Taking care of vegetable Adequately and innovatively Adequately takes care Partially takes care of Partially takes care of
seedlings in a nursery bed takes care of vegetable of vegetable seedlings vegetable seedlings in a vegetable seedlings in a
seedlings in a nursery bed in a nursery bed nursery bed nursery bed when guided.
Transplanting vegetable Correctly and proficiently Correctly follows the Partially follows the Partially follows the
seedlings follows the procedure in procedure in procedure in procedure in
transplanting vegetable transplanting transplanting vegetable transplanting vegetable
seedlings vegetable seedlings seedlings seedlings when assisted.
Care for vegetable crop in Correctly and proficiently Correctly takes care of Partially takes care of Partially takes care of
the seedbed takes care of vegetable crops vegetable crops in a vegetable crops in a seed vegetable crops in a seed
in a seed bed seed bed bed bed when guided.
Choice of tools and Correctly and proficiently Correctly selects Correctly selects some Correctly selects some
equipment selects and explains the appropriate tools and appropriate tools and appropriate tools and

choice of appropriate tools equipment for taking equipment for taking care equipment for taking care
and equipment for taking care of vegetable crops of vegetable crops of vegetable crops when
care of vegetable crops guided.
Using tools and Responsibly and skillfully Responsibly uses Partially uses correct Partially uses correct
equipment appropriately uses correct tools and correct tools and tools and equipment tools and equipment
to ensure safety equipment appropriately equipment appropriately while appropriately while
while taking care vegetable appropriately while taking care vegetable taking care vegetable
crops and ensuring safety taking care vegetable crops and ensuring safety crops and ensuring safety
crops and ensuring when assisted.

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
3.0 3.3. Innovative By the end of the sub strand  In groups, learners to brainstorm on the 1. How can
Gardening Gardening the learner should be able to; difference between horizontal and vertical gardening be
Practices (18 lessons) a) distinguish between innovative gardening. done on vertical
horizontal and vertical  Learners watch or observe stimulus materials and horizontal
3.3.1 Vertical and innovative gardening (video clips, pictures, and photographs) on spaces?
Horizontal b) prepare innovative gardens innovative gardening practices showing
gardening for sowing vegetable seeds various crops in innovative gardens (vertical 2. What materials
c) sow vegetable seeds in the and horizontal gardens). can be used to
innovative gardens  In groups, learners to identify suitable ways construct
d) show interest in growing of and materials (sacks, walls, plastic pipes and innovative
crops using innovative plastic bottles) for practicing innovative gardens?
gardening. gardening.
 In groups, learners to discuss how innovative
gardening can be practiced and where they
could locate the innovative gardens.
 In groups, learners to prepare innovative
gardens (vertical and horizontal types) for
sowing vegetables (sacks, plastic bottles,
walls, plastic pipes).
 In groups, learners to sow vegetable materials
in the innovative gardens.
 In groups, learners discuss the importance of
innovative gardening.
 Learners to collaborate with parents and
guardians to establish innovative gardens for
growing vegetables at home.

3.3.2 Innovative By the end of the sub strand  In groups, learners to use digital and print 1. How can we
gardening the learner should be able to; resources to acquire information on innovative care for
project a) find information on gardening. innovative
innovative gardening  In groups, learners discuss and make vegetable
b) identify the gardening presentations to share experiences on gardens?
practices for vegetables in innovative gardening practices for vegetables
innovative gardens such as gardening practices they carried out, 2. How are
c) carry out the gardening harvest and produce made from the gardens, vegetables
practices for vegetables in importance of innovative gardens and how harvested?
innovative gardens they resolved encountered challenges.
d) store photo records on  Learners watch video clip on innovative
activities carried out on gardening practices carried out on vegetables.
innovative gardening  In groups, learners carry out gardening
e) harvest vegetables from practices on vegetables in the innovative
innovative gardens gardens.
f) show responsibility in  In groups, learners harvest vegetables from the
growing crops in innovative innovative gardens.
gardens at home and school.  In groups, learners to use digital devices to
keep records on vegetable gardening practices
such as practices done and dates of the
practices, date of harvest and amount of
 Learners to make pictorial presentations on the
various milestones of the innovative garden
project (such as photos showing the activities
in planting, weeding, watering and harvesting
of vegetables in the innovative gardens).
 Learners to collaborate with parents and

guardians to establish innovative vegetable
gardens and keep records at home.
Core competencies to be developed: Creativity and imagination in designing and preparing innovative gardens; Digital literacy in
searching and compiling data on innovative gardens that have been done by others.
PCIs: Environmental protection (re-use of waste plastic, metal Values: Personal responsibility and initiative while participating in
and wood waste materials in preparing innovative gardens); Food innovative gardening activities.
security (contributing to community food production through
innovative gardening).
Links to other subjects: Science and technology (use of Suggested community service learning activities: Learners to liaise
technology and innovations); Mathematics (use of measurements with community agriculture extension officers to develop innovative
in preparing innovative gardens). gardens for demonstration purposes to convince community members
to adopt the technique for wide variety of vegetable production to
enhance food nutrition and security at household level.

Assessment rubrics
Indicator Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches expectation Below expectation
Preparing horizontal and Correctly and skillfully Correctly prepares Partially prepares suitable Partially prepares suitable
vertical gardens prepares suitable suitable horizontal and horizontal and or vertical horizontal and or vertical
horizontal and vertical vertical gardens for gardens for sowing gardens for sowing
gardens for sowing sowing vegetables vegetables vegetables when guided.
Establishing a vegetable Correctly and skillfully Correctly establishes a Partially establishes a Partially establishes a
crop in horizontal and establishes a vegetable vegetable crop using vegetable crop using vegetable crop using
vertical gardens crop using seeds in seeds in horizontal and seeds in horizontal and seeds in horizontal and
horizontal and vertical vertical gardens vertical gardens vertical gardens, with
gardens some guidance.
Carrying out routine Correctly and skillfully Correctly carries out Partially carries out some Partially carries out some
practices on horizontal carries out routine routine practices on routine practices on routine practices on
and vertical gardens practices on vegetable vegetable crops in vegetable crops in vegetable crops in
crops in horizontal and horizontal and vertical horizontal and vertical horizontal and vertical
vertical gardens gardens gardens gardens with guidance.
Harvesting vegetables Correctly and skillfully Correctly harvests the Harvests some vegetables Harvests some vegetables
from innovative gardens harvests the vegetables at vegetables at the right at the right stage at the right stage with
the right stage stage some guidance.
Participating in Actively and Actively participates in Fairly participates in Fairly participates in
innovative garden project enthusiastically all project activities for some project activities for some project activities
activities participates in all project growing vegetable crops growing vegetable crops for growing vegetable
activities for growing in horizontal and vertical in horizontal and vertical crops in horizontal and
vegetable crops in gardens. gardens. vertical gardens when
horizontal and vertical followed or prompted.


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