Letter DT 12-07-2023

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C-13, 2nd Floor, Paryatan Bhawan, Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226010
0522-2301142, 2301492 Fax: 0522-4013560
email: [email protected]
Work Order No- /UPEIDA/18/1175/Tech. Date June, 2023

Work Order
Name of Work : Landing of Indian Aircraft on Emergency landing Facility (ELF) Air Strip on
(Package-IV) Purvanchal Expressway.
Estimated Cost :- 45,12,376.00

Work Order Amount:- 45,12,376.00 (Excluding GST taxes)

Time Allowed :- 7 days (from date 21-06-2023 to 27-06-2023)

Ref.:- Your letter no. F/GRIL/SISA-IV/R-313/O&M/246 dated 12-06-2023

Order for work described below given to M/S G R Infraprojects Ltd. EPC Contractor of Package-IV, of
Purvanchal Expressway Vikram Naga, Near Payagipur Chauraha Sultanpur (UP) 228011 to be executed as per
conditions attached and the rates the schedule :-
Sr. No of
Description of Activity Unit Quantity Rate Total Amount
No. Days
Arrangement of Diversion for Expressway
a) Hydra Crane Hour 1 1 1182.50 14,190.00
b) Light Source Hour 2 23 789.80 4,35,969.60
c)Supervisor Day 2 23 431.20 19,835.20
d)Labour Day 6 23 349.80 48,272.40
2 Shifting of Median Crash Barrier
a) Hydra Crane Hour 7 5 1182.50 4,96,650.00
b) Trailers Hour 7 5 2678.50 11,24,970.00
c)Supervisor Day 6 5 431.20 12,936.00
d)Labour Day 14 5 349.80 24,486.00
3 Washing of Airstrip
a)Water Tankers Hour 8 4 1584.00 6,08,256.00
b)Labour Day 28 4 349.80 39,177.60
4 Rearrangement of Median Crash barrier
a) Hydra Crane Hour 7 5 1182.50 4,96,650.00
b) Trailers Hour 7 5 2678.50 11,24,970.00
c)Supervisor Day 4 5 431.20 8,624.00
d)Labour Day 14 5 349.80 24,486.00
5 Opening for Traffic
a) Hydra Crane Hour 2 1 1182.50 28,380.00
b)Supervisor Day 4 1 431.20 1,724.80
c)Labour Day 8 1 349.80 2,798.40
Total 45,12,376.00
Add 18%

1. Necessary statutory deductions will be made as applicable from the payment made to the EPC Contractor
PKG-IV Purvanchal Expressway by UPEIDA .
2. All taxes as levied by Govt. of India/Govt. of Uttar Pradesh will be deducted from the bills of the EPC
Contractor PKG-IV Purvanchal Expressway and nothing extra will be paid beyond Work order amount.
3.The rate are inclusive of all taxes and overhead charges and nothing extra shall be payable to the EPC
Contractor PKG-IV Purvanchal Expressway beyond Work Order Amount.
4.The time allowed for carrying out the work is 7 days w.e.f. 21.06.2023 to 27.06.2023.

Add. Chief Executive Officer

UPEIDA, Lucknow

Authorised Signatory
M/S G R Infraprojects Ltd.
EPC Contractor of Package-IV, of Purvanchal Expressway
Vikram Nagar, Near Payagipur Chauraha
Sultanpur (UP) 228011

Copy to following for information and necessary action:-

1. Finance Controller, UPEIDA, Lucknow.

2. Chief Engineer, UPEIDA, Lucknow.
3. Executive Engineer, PIU-2, UPEIDA Lucknow.
4. Team Leader, Egis India Consulting Engineer Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 1/597, Sector-1,
Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow 226010.

Add. Chief Executive Officer

UPEIDA, Lucknow
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vuqeksnuksijkUr Diversion for Expressway Traffic, Shifting of Median Crash Barrier, Washing of Air Strip,
Rearrangement of Median Crash Barrier RkFkk Opening of Traffic vkfn ds dk;Z iSdst 4 ds bZŒihŒlhŒ
Bsdsnkj ls odZ vkMZj ds ek/;e ls djk fy;s tk,aA

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