Habitat Suitability Index (Hsi) Model of Punjab Urial (Ovis Vegnei) in Pakistan

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Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci.



S. Suleman*1, W. A. Khan1, K. M. Anjum1, W. Shehzad2 and S. G. M. Hashmi1
Department of Wildlife & Ecology, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.
Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.

Corresponding author’s email: [email protected]

Unprecedented losses in biodiversity due to habitat loss and fragmentations in the current era have not only alarmed the
scientists worldwide but also urged the need to devise suitable conservation strategies which are impossible without
understanding the habitat requirements of the concerned species. Among many conservational methods Habitat
suitability models are effective for identification of potential habitat and its relationship with the species. Punjab Urial is
an endangered mammalian species of Kala Chitta Range and Salt Range in the Punjab, Pakistan. Maxent model was
applied to identify the potential habitat by applying 120 sighting point, topographical and current bioclimatic variables.
Possible area under receiver operating characteristics curves (AUC) test for current prediction is 0.988 that shows
significant correlation between testing points and variables. In Pakistan total 3477 km 2 area is suitable for Punjab Urial
and potential habitats lie in limited areas in Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Gujrat, Mardan, Swabi, Nowshera, North Wziristan,
Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, Laki-Marwat and some area in Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Habitat of Punjab Urial is shrinking
due to certain reasons including habitat fragmentation. In-situ and Ex-situ techniques are the major recommendation for
species conservation in suitable and potential habitat of Punjab Urial.
Key words: HSI model; Kala Chitta Range; Maxent; Punjab Urial; Salt Range.

INTRODUCTION of spatial data for conservation and management of

species protection area (Vincenzi et al., 2006). The use of
As a result of urbanization and deforestation of GIS in wildlife habitat conservation allows development
forest lands, different species of flora and fauna are being of database of large quantity and performs analysis
lost that has alarmed the biologists to protect the near through evaluation and assessment for present as well as
extinction specie by preserving their habitats (Gazetteer, for future scenarios. Habitat suitability models not only
1884). There are several environmental variables which help in assessment of habitat but also provide alternative
are associated with species distribution and abundance habitat for conservational strategies. These models
and also contribute for the species preservation (Debinski describe the species relationship with their habitat on the
et al., 1999). basis of research studies, previous knowledge and
Habitat study has key importance for the literature review (Brooks, 1997).
development of wildlife conservation policies, evaluation Among other endangered faunal species, Punjab
and conservation (Gerrard et al., 2001). Ecological Urial (Ovis vignei punjabiensis) the major mammalian
studies such as; Habitat Suitability models provide plenty game animal of Kala Chitta Range and Salt Range is also
of knowledge about the relationships of wildlife with endangered and efforts are being made to conserve it in
habitats and potential habitat identification (Van Horne its distribution range. Punjab Urial is prevalent in the
and Wiens, 1991; Verner et al., 1986). Among many northern Punjab (Schaller, 1977; Schaller and Mirza,
conservative methods related to ground-based studies for 1974) that is typically related with low round stony hills
conservation and management of habitats, habitat which are spotted with Accacia modesta and Olea
mapping is the most effective method (Lamprey, 1963) ferruginea (Roberts, 1997). In addition to hunting and
but actually in practice the whole calculation of habitat of poaching, Punjab Urial is usually prized as a pet (Awan,
a species especially for those having large distribution 2006; Aleem, 1977; Frisina et al., 2001; Mirza et al.,
range is impossible. The application of satellite remote 1980; Roberts, 1997). Further, its habitats have been
sensing technique is being widely used for accurate and disturbed in past and ran to noticeable decrease in
quick attributes estimations (Kamat, 1986; Panwar, restriction therefore, the present study was devised to
1986). Geographical Information System (GIS) is one of ascertain and evaluate the potential habitats of the species
the tools that can be used by wildlife managers and through species distribution modeling (SDM).
conservationists to manage and interpret a large amount
Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

MATERIALS AND METHODS To check the model accuracy Jacknife test, Area under
curve with training and test data were calculated. Species
An area of 8803 km2 in six districts of Pakistan distribution map was developed by converting ASCII
was visited for the assessment of distribution and habitat outputs to raster. Raster was reclassified to calculate the
of Punjab Urial. The study area was located in Mianwali, area (Ashraf et al., 2016).
Khushab, Chakwal, Kohat, Jehlum and Attock districts.
These areas lies in Salt range (between 32ᵒ41" to 32ᵒ56"N RESULTS
and 71ᵒ50" to 74ᵒE) and Kala Chitta Range (between
33ᵒ42"N to 34ᵒ32"N and 71ᵒ41"E to 72ᵒ56"N) (Arshad et The relative contribution of each variable for
al. 2014). Major forest type in the study area was dry Punjab Urial prediction is shown in the results of
sub-tropical semi evergreen scrub forest (Figure 1). Jackknife test from Maxent (Figure 3a). For the
All the potential habitats spotted in literature and prediction of potential habitat of Punjab Urial major
proposed by officials of Punjab wildlife & parks contributing environmental variables were Precipitation
department, WWF-Pakistan and local hunters were of Warmest Quarter (bio18), Precipitation Seasonality
evaluated during 24 field surveys. After confirmation of (bio15), Precipitation of Driest Quarter (bio17), Land
species presence, geographical coordinates were recorded cover (LC25) and Precipitation of Wettest Quarter
with GPS receiver (Garmin map 76) from each site. GIS (bio16) that contributes 39.9%, 15.9%, 14.2% , 14.1%
laboratory at Department of Wildlife and Ecology, UVAS and 5.7% respectively (Table 1). Precipitation of
was used for the field data assimilation. Warmest Quarter (bio18), Annual Mean Temperature
A total of 120 sighting points (Figure 1) and two (bio1), Precipitation of Driest Quarter (bio17),
types of variables i.e. topographical (Digital Elevation Precipitation of Wettest Month (bio13), precipitation of
Model (DEM), Slope, aspect), and current bioclimatic driest Month (bio14), Iso-thermality (bio23) and DEM
variables (Temperature, precipitation, slope, aspect, land are the major contributing factors as they have higher
cover and mask) were used for Maxent (Maximum AUC values (Figure 3b).
entropy) modeling. DEM layer was downloaded from By applying Maxent model possible area under
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) website. receiver operating characteristics curves (AUC) test for
Spatial analysis tool of ArcGIS 10.5 was used to extract current prediction is 0.988. The results of AUC values (<
the slope and aspect from DEM and converted in to 0.9) shows high significance of our results (Figure 4b).
World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 Universal For current prediction total calculated suitable
Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 42 North. The current area for Punjab Urial from present bioclimatic is
bioclimatic variable data was downloaded from Worlclim approximately 3477 km2 that is 0.41% of the total study
website for the study area with a spatial resolution of 1 area. By Using Maxent results Punjab Urial distribution
Km. DEM (Digital Elevation Model), slope and aspect maps were developed that are categorized into three
were combined to 1 x 1 km pixel size to align the dataset classes which are highly suitable (0.45-0.87) moderately
with bioclim datasets. All layers were converted to ASCII suitable (0.18-0.44) and non-suitable (0-0.17) (Figure. 6;
(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Table. 2).
format by using model builder function of ArcGIS On the basis of the Maxent model results, it was
(Ashraf et al., 2016). The detailed methodology for the found that highly suitable areas for Punjab Urial was
prediction about the distribution of Punjab Urial is shown present in Attock, Jehlum, Chakwal, Khushab, Mianwali,
in Figure 2. The Maxent model was applied for current Kohat, Dera Ismail Khan, Karak and Nowshera districts.
prediction with all variables to find out the most While limited areas in Rawalpindi Sargodha, Gujrat,
contributing with an option of 15 replicates. All the Mardan Swabi, Haripur, North Wziristan, Bannu, Laki
variables used in Maxent model are listed in table (1) Marwat and some area in Azad Kashmir i.e. Bhimber and
For the prediction of suitable habitat of the Mirpur has some probabilities to own the species (Figure
species, the Maxent work based on available secondary 5; 6). All the most suitable areas for Punjab Urial were
data. Maxent 3.3.3k version was used with random seed present up to 1500m elevation with steppe mountains of
option with 5000 iterations and 20% of test sample size. low ranges and broken hills. These were dry sub-tropical
areas with semi evergreen scrub forest.
Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

Figure 1. Current distribution of Punjab Urial in Pakistan

Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

Figure No. 2. Maxent HSI Procedure

Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

Figure 3. Jacknife of regularized training gain (a) and area under curve (AUC) (b) for Punjab Urial
Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020


Figure 4. (a) Average Omission and Predicted Area; (b) Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for
Punjab Urial prediction
Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

Figure No. 5: Habitat Suitability Index for Punjab Urial

Figure No. 6: Habitat Suitability Index for Punjab Urial

Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

Figure No. 7: Historical distribution of Punjab Urial in Pakistan (c) WWF Pakistan

Table 1. Percentage contribution of used variables.

Sr. No. Percent Permutation

Variable Variable name
contribution importance
1 BIO1 Annual Mean Temperature 0.2 0
2 BIO3 Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7)(* 100) 0.1 12.2
3 BIO4 Temperature Seasonality (SD *100) 0.1 12.7
4 BIO5 Max Temperature of Warmest Month 0.3 11.4
5 BIO7 Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6) 0.1 9.4
6 BIO13 Precipitation of Wettest Month 0.1 2.3
7 BIO14 precipitation of driest Month 0.3 2.3
8 BIO15 Precipitation Seasonality 14.2 2.6
9 BIO16 Precipitation of Wettest Quarter 5 7.5
10 BIO17 Precipitation of Driest Quarter 14.1 16.6
11 BIO18 Precipitation of Warmest Quarter 39.9 0.8
12 BIO19 Precipitation of Coldest Quarter 0.4 0.3
13 Tree20 Tree 0.9 0.2
14 Slop21 Slope 0.2 0.5
15 Dem22 1.1 7
16 ASP23 Aspect 0.8 0.3
17 LC25 Land Cover 5.7 3.1
18 Mask 15.9 10.5

Table. 2. Suitable area for Punjab Urial distribution in Pakistan.

Sr. No. Suitability Threshold Current prediction (Km2) Percentage

1 Highly suitable area 0.44 – 0.87 3477 0.41%
2 Moderately suitable area 0.18 – 0.44 10945 1.27%
3 Non-suitable area 0 – 0.17 843229 98.32%
Total 0 – 0.87 857651 100%
Suleman et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 30(1):2020

DISCUSSION Kala Chitta Range hills of Pothwar region,

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(Gazetteer, 1884). Among three representatives of Ovis Sci. Ind. Res. Ser. B: Boil. Sci. 61B (2): 95-102.
vignei; the Ovis vignei punjabensis (Punjab Urial) is the Ashraf, U., H. Ali, M. Chaudry, I. Ashraf, A. Batool, and
most important game species in Pakistan in general and Z. Saqib. (2016). Predicting the potential
in Punjab in particular because it is endemic and native to distribution of Olea ferruginea in Pakistan
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