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GLM kcbk kcbo DE ME BY perlakuan


General Linear Model

Output Created 15-MAR-2022 17:57:17
Input Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 15
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values
are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all
cases with valid data for all
variables in the model.
Syntax GLM kcbk kcbo DE ME BY


Resources Processor Time 00:00:00,08
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,08

Between-Subjects Factors
perlakuan P0 3
P1 3
P2 3
P3 3
P4 3

Descriptive Statistics
perlakuan Mean Std. Deviation N
kcbk P0 59.14900 .666964 3
P1 61.68733 .583915 3
P2 62.91300 1.129734 3
P3 63.98967 2.178727 3
P4 63.63167 2.689654 3
Total 62.27413 2.299085 15
kcbo P0 53.50700 1.309188 3
P1 54.31967 1.388311 3
P2 55.82467 1.157960 3
P3 59.12400 2.364216 3
P4 56.48600 2.758003 3
Total 55.85227 2.580476 15
DE P0 8.59100 .720451 3
P1 9.07233 .489081 3
P2 9.69933 .220355 3
P3 10.88833 .307385 3
P4 10.38000 .443149 3
Total 9.72620 .951698 15
ME P0 7.04467 .590800 3
P1 7.43933 .400987 3
P2 7.95367 .180780 3
P3 8.92833 .251923 3
P4 8.51167 .363310 3
Total 7.97553 .780350 15
Multivariate Testsa
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.
Intercept Pillai's Trace 1.000 6197.664 b
4.000 7.000 .000
Wilks' Lambda .000 6188.103b 4.000 7.000 .000
Hotelling's Trace 3536.057 6188.100 b
4.000 7.000 .000
Roy's Largest Root 3536.057 6188.100 b
4.000 7.000 .000
perlakuan Pillai's Trace 1.698 1.844 16.000 40.000 .059
Wilks' Lambda .026 3.177 16.000 22.023 .006
Hotelling's Trace 12.296 4.227 16.000 22.000 .001
Roy's Largest Root 10.047 25.117 c
4.000 10.000 .000

a. Design: Intercept + perlakuan

b. Exact statistic
c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum of
Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F
Corrected Model kcbk 45.915 a
4 11.479 4.087
kcbo 56.867 b
4 14.217 3.910
DE 10.485c 4 2.621 11.940
ME 7.049 d
4 1.762 11.940
Intercept kcbk 58171.015 1 58171.015 20711.474
kcbo 46792.135 1 46792.135 12870.296
DE 1418.984 1 1418.984 6463.609
ME 954.137 1 954.137 6464.556
perlakuan kcbk 45.915 4 11.479 4.087
kcbo 56.867 4 14.217 3.910
DE 10.485 4 2.621 11.940
ME 7.049 4 1.762 11.940
Error kcbk 28.086 10 2.809
kcbo 36.357 10 3.636
DE 2.195 10 .220
ME 1.476 10 .148
Total kcbk 58245.016 15
kcbo 46885.359 15
DE 1431.665 15
ME 962.662 15
Corrected Total kcbk 74.001 14
kcbo 93.224 14
DE 12.680 14
ME 8.525 14

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Source Dependent Variable Sig.
Corrected Model kcbk .032
kcbo .037
DE .001
ME .001
Intercept kcbk .000
kcbo .000
DE .000
ME .000
perlakuan kcbk .032
kcbo .037
DE .001
ME .001
Error kcbk
Total kcbk
Corrected Total kcbk

a. R Squared = .620 (Adjusted R Squared = .469)

b. R Squared = .610 (Adjusted R Squared = .454)
c. R Squared = .827 (Adjusted R Squared = .758)
d. R Squared = .827 (Adjusted R Squared = .758)

Estimated Marginal Means

95% Confidence Interval
Dependent Variable perlakuan Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
kcbk P0 59.149 .968 56.993 61.305
P1 61.687 .968 59.531 63.843
P2 62.913 .968 60.757 65.069
P3 63.990 .968 61.834 66.146
P4 63.632 .968 61.476 65.788
kcbo P0 53.507 1.101 51.054 55.960
P1 54.320 1.101 51.867 56.773
P2 55.825 1.101 53.372 58.278
P3 59.124 1.101 56.671 61.577
P4 56.486 1.101 54.033 58.939
DE P0 8.591 .271 7.988 9.194
P1 9.072 .271 8.470 9.675
P2 9.699 .271 9.097 10.302
P3 10.888 .271 10.286 11.491
P4 10.380 .271 9.777 10.983
ME P0 7.045 .222 6.550 7.539
P1 7.439 .222 6.945 7.934
P2 7.954 .222 7.459 8.448
P3 8.928 .222 8.434 9.423
P4 8.512 .222 8.017 9.006

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets
Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2
P0 3 59.14900
P1 3 61.68733 61.68733
P2 3 62.91300
P4 3 63.63167
P3 3 63.98967
Sig. .093 .148

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2.809.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2
P0 3 53.50700
P1 3 54.31967
P2 3 55.82467 55.82467
P4 3 56.48600 56.48600
P3 3 59.12400
Sig. .105 .070

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3.636.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2 3 4
P0 3 8.59100
P1 3 9.07233 9.07233
P2 3 9.69933 9.69933
P4 3 10.38000 10.38000
P3 3 10.88833
Sig. .237 .132 .106 .213

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .220.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2 3 4
P0 3 7.04467
P1 3 7.43933 7.43933
P2 3 7.95367 7.95367
P4 3 8.51167 8.51167
P3 3 8.92833
Sig. .237 .132 .106 .214

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .148.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

GLM kcbk kcbo DE ME BY perlakuan ulangan

/DESIGN=perlakuan ulangan.

General Linear Model

Output Created 15-MAR-2022 17:58:09
Input Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 15
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values
are treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on all
cases with valid data for all
variables in the model.
Syntax GLM kcbk kcbo DE ME BY
perlakuan ulangan



Resources Processor Time 00:00:00,09
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,08

Between-Subjects Factors
perlakuan P0 3
P1 3
P2 3
P3 3
P4 3
ulangan 1 5
2 5
3 5

Descriptive Statistics
perlakuan ulangan Mean Std. Deviation N
kcbk P0 1 59.09800 . 1
2 59.84000 . 1
3 58.50900 . 1
Total 59.14900 .666964 3
P1 1 61.78700 . 1
2 61.06000 . 1
3 62.21500 . 1
Total 61.68733 .583915 3
P2 1 61.90300 . 1
2 62.70300 . 1
3 64.13300 . 1
Total 62.91300 1.129734 3
P3 1 66.15000 . 1
2 64.02600 . 1
3 61.79300 . 1
Total 63.98967 2.178727 3
P4 1 64.16300 . 1
2 66.01600 . 1
3 60.71600 . 1
Total 63.63167 2.689654 3
Total 1 62.62020 2.667124 5
2 62.72900 2.429976 5
3 61.47320 2.066816 5
Total 62.27413 2.299085 15
kcbo P0 1 52.39300 . 1
2 53.17900 . 1
3 54.94900 . 1
Total 53.50700 1.309188 3
P1 1 53.04200 . 1
2 54.12000 . 1
3 55.79700 . 1
Total 54.31967 1.388311 3
P2 1 54.68600 . 1
2 55.78700 . 1
3 57.00100 . 1
Total 55.82467 1.157960 3
P3 1 61.56100 . 1
2 58.97100 . 1
3 56.84000 . 1
Total 59.12400 2.364216 3
P4 1 56.69600 . 1
2 59.13300 . 1
3 53.62900 . 1
Total 56.48600 2.758003 3
Total 1 55.67560 3.686793 5
2 56.23800 2.733913 5
3 55.64320 1.399868 5
Total 55.85227 2.580476 15
DE P0 1 8.32800 . 1
2 8.03900 . 1
3 9.40600 . 1
Total 8.59100 .720451 3
P1 1 8.98000 . 1
2 9.60100 . 1
3 8.63600 . 1
Total 9.07233 .489081 3
P2 1 9.44500 . 1
2 9.83300 . 1
3 9.82000 . 1
Total 9.69933 .220355 3
P3 1 11.24300 . 1
2 10.69900 . 1
3 10.72300 . 1
Total 10.88833 .307385 3
P4 1 10.17100 . 1
2 10.88900 . 1
3 10.08000 . 1
Total 10.38000 .443149 3
Total 1 9.63340 1.123201 5
2 9.81220 1.133048 5
3 9.73300 .777563 5
Total 9.72620 .951698 15
ME P0 1 6.82900 . 1
2 6.59200 . 1
3 7.71300 . 1
Total 7.04467 .590800 3
P1 1 7.36300 . 1
2 7.87300 . 1
3 7.08200 . 1
Total 7.43933 .400987 3
P2 1 7.74500 . 1
2 8.06300 . 1
3 8.05300 . 1
Total 7.95367 .180780 3
P3 1 9.21900 . 1
2 8.77300 . 1
3 8.79300 . 1
Total 8.92833 .251923 3
P4 1 8.34000 . 1
2 8.92900 . 1
3 8.26600 . 1
Total 8.51167 .363310 3
Total 1 7.89920 .920977 5
2 8.04600 .929052 5
3 7.98140 .637530 5
Total 7.97553 .780350 15

Multivariate Testsa
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.
Intercept Pillai's Trace 1.000 5346.749 b
4.000 5.000 .000
Wilks' Lambda .000 5332.396b 4.000 5.000 .000
Hotelling's Trace 4265.914 5332.392 b
4.000 5.000 .000
Roy's Largest Root 4265.914 5332.392 b
4.000 5.000 .000
perlakuan Pillai's Trace 1.817 1.665 16.000 32.000 .107
Wilks' Lambda .021 2.542 16.000 15.913 .036
Hotelling's Trace 13.464 2.945 16.000 14.000 .024
Roy's Largest Root 11.030 22.059 c
4.000 8.000 .000
ulangan Pillai's Trace .788 .975 8.000 12.000 .498
Wilks' Lambda .256 1.222b 8.000 10.000 .376
Hotelling's Trace 2.742 1.371 8.000 8.000 .333
Roy's Largest Root 2.678 4.017 c
4.000 6.000 .064

a. Design: Intercept + perlakuan + ulangan

b. Exact statistic
c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum of
Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F
Corrected Model kcbk 50.755 a
6 8.459 2.911
kcbo 57.986 b
6 9.664 2.194
DE 10.565 c
6 1.761 6.660
ME 7.103d 6 1.184 6.661
Intercept kcbk 58171.015 1 58171.015 20019.646
kcbo 46792.135 1 46792.135 10623.066
DE 1418.984 1 1418.984 5367.130
ME 954.137 1 954.137 5368.548
perlakuan kcbk 45.915 4 11.479 3.950
kcbo 56.867 4 14.217 3.228
DE 10.485 4 2.621 9.914
ME 7.049 4 1.762 9.916
ulangan kcbk 4.841 2 2.420 .833
kcbo 1.119 2 .559 .127
DE .080 2 .040 .152
ME .054 2 .027 .152
Error kcbk 23.246 8 2.906
kcbo 35.238 8 4.405
DE 2.115 8 .264
ME 1.422 8 .178
Total kcbk 58245.016 15
kcbo 46885.359 15
DE 1431.665 15
ME 962.662 15
Corrected Total kcbk 74.001 14
kcbo 93.224 14
DE 12.680 14
ME 8.525 14
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source Dependent Variable Sig.
Corrected Model kcbk .082
kcbo .150
DE .009
ME .009
Intercept kcbk .000
kcbo .000
DE .000
ME .000
perlakuan kcbk .047
kcbo .074
DE .003
ME .003
ulangan kcbk .469
kcbo .882
DE .862
ME .861
Error kcbk
Total kcbk
Corrected Total kcbk

a. R Squared = .686 (Adjusted R Squared = .450)

b. R Squared = .622 (Adjusted R Squared = .339)
c. R Squared = .833 (Adjusted R Squared = .708)
d. R Squared = .833 (Adjusted R Squared = .708)

Estimated Marginal Means

1. perlakuan
95% Confidence Interval
Dependent Variable perlakuan Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
kcbk P0 59.149 .984 56.880 61.418
P1 61.687 .984 59.418 63.957
P2 62.913 .984 60.644 65.182
P3 63.990 .984 61.720 66.259
P4 63.632 .984 61.362 65.901
kcbo P0 53.507 1.212 50.713 56.301
P1 54.320 1.212 51.525 57.114
P2 55.825 1.212 53.030 58.619
P3 59.124 1.212 56.330 61.918
P4 56.486 1.212 53.692 59.280
DE P0 8.591 .297 7.906 9.276
P1 9.072 .297 8.388 9.757
P2 9.699 .297 9.015 10.384
P3 10.888 .297 10.204 11.573
P4 10.380 .297 9.695 11.065
ME P0 7.045 .243 6.483 7.606
P1 7.439 .243 6.878 8.001
P2 7.954 .243 7.392 8.515
P3 8.928 .243 8.367 9.490
P4 8.512 .243 7.950 9.073

2. ulangan
95% Confidence Interval
Dependent Variable ulangan Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
kcbk 1 62.620 .762 60.862 64.378
2 62.729 .762 60.971 64.487
3 61.473 .762 59.715 63.231
kcbo 1 55.676 .939 53.511 57.840
2 56.238 .939 54.074 58.402
3 55.643 .939 53.479 57.808
DE 1 9.633 .230 9.103 10.164
2 9.812 .230 9.282 10.342
3 9.733 .230 9.203 10.263
ME 1 7.899 .189 7.464 8.334
2 8.046 .189 7.611 8.481
3 7.981 .189 7.547 8.416

Post Hoc Tests


Homogeneous Subsets

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2
P0 3 59.14900
P1 3 61.68733 61.68733
P2 3 62.91300
P4 3 63.63167
P3 3 63.98967
Sig. .106 .158

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 2.906.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2
P0 3 53.50700
P1 3 54.31967
P2 3 55.82467 55.82467
P4 3 56.48600 56.48600
P3 3 59.12400
Sig. .141 .102

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 4.405.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2 3 4
P0 3 8.59100
P1 3 9.07233 9.07233
P2 3 9.69933 9.69933
P4 3 10.38000 10.38000
P3 3 10.88833
Sig. .285 .174 .144 .261

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .264.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

Duncan a,b

perlakuan N 1 2 3 4
P0 3 7.04467
P1 3 7.43933 7.43933
P2 3 7.95367 7.95367
P4 3 8.51167 8.51167
P3 3 8.92833
Sig. .285 .173 .144 .261

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .178.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = ,05.

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