Generic BS Program Nursing Jan 2023 Updated

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The City University of New York
The upper division nursing program, which leads to a B.S. degree, is designed to prepare students for a career as a
professional nurse and provide a foundation for graduate study in nursing. The program fulfills the requirements of
the New York State Education Department, is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
(, and entitles its graduates to take the National Council Licensing Examination
(NCLEX) for licensure as a registered professional nurse.

The program is a 75-credit major of the total 120 credits required for graduation. Independent study courses and
honors projects are available to qualified students.

The bachelor’s program is designed to be completed in four academic years. The Department requires that prior
to applying to the Nursing Program, students complete their general education and prerequisite courses.
Students planning to enter nursing must declare their major by the time they have earned 60 credits, and seek
advisement regarding the nursing program in the Department of Nursing. Faculty advising hours will be posted
during the semester. Nursing is offered as a full-time program during the day. The Department of Nursing also
offers an accelerated program for students who have a bachelor’s degree in another field. The pre-requisites are
and the admission processes is the same as that for the generic students. Application to the Accelerated Program
MUST be submitted by March 15th. The program is designed to be completed in 15 months.

Students planning to enroll in NUR courses in the Summer (accelerated) and Fall (traditional) semesters of the Junior
year must complete a separate nursing application to the Department of Nursing between the January 1st to
March 15th deadline for the year of entry. Application is available on Lehman 360.

The clinical laboratory sections of the nursing courses are conducted in the diverse and culturally rich clinical facilities
in the Bronx, Westchester, Manhattan and other surrounding communities.

Graduates of the program will have gained the knowledge and experience to function independently as well as
collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team. Graduates will have sharpened their skills in critical
thinking and have the ability to provide competent and compassionate care to assist individuals and families in
achieving maximum levels of health.

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A. To Be Considered For Entrance To The Nursing Program*

1. Admission to Lehman College.

Applicants will not be considered for admission to the nursing program unless they have been admitted to Lehman
College. It is highly recommended that you verify Lehman College’s admission requirements and deadlines with the
Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Shuster Hall, Room 161. You are responsible to follow-up on the status of your
application for admission to the college to ensure you are admitted on time.

2. Completion of College Requirements

a. General Education Requirements
b. Declaration of major
c. Evaluation of transfer credits
d. If you are unsure of the college requirements then you should schedule a meeting with Academic Advising early
in your college experience to verify any required Assessment or Placement exams.

3. Completion of Pre-requisite Courses

Pre-requisites must be completed: 1) Accelerated: by the end of the Fall semester, prior to the Spring intake period; 2)
Traditional: by the end of the Spring semester (May).

4. Meet with a Nursing Advisor

You are encouraged to speak with a nursing advisor before applying to the Nursing Program if you have questions
or need further clarification about the program and requirements. Advising hours are posted on the Department
of Nursing website and change every semester. Check the Lehman College Department of Nursing website for the current schedule.

5. Proof of Legal Status - The City University of New York has instituted the following requirement: all
CUNY nursing departments will require applicants for admission into nursing programs to provide documentation:
6. Minimum Grade Point
A minimum grade of C (73) or better is required in each of the pre-requisite science courses, and a MINIMUM
CUMULATIVE INDEX OF 2.75 or greater in these courses, or their equivalents, is required to apply for admission
to the generic program.
PLEASE NOTE: Although courses can be repeated in accordance with college policy, for consideration
in determining admission to the Nursing Program, the first grade earned will be used to determine

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7. Pre-Nursing Exam
Applicants must take a standardized Admission Assessment Exam, HESI A2. An Admission Assessment Exam
Review book is available in the bookstore.

* NOTE: Students who have been dropped from another nursing program are NOT eligible for admission to the nursing
program at Lehman College. Students enrolled in another nursing program cannot transfer directly into Lehman’s nursing
program. You must follow the Generic application procedures and must take all nursing courses required to complete the
Generic nursing major.

B. Submitting the Nursing Application

• The Annual Application Period for the Nursing Program is January 1st through March 15th

This is a Self-Managed Application Procedure. You must complete your online nursing application in Lehman
360 with all required documents uploaded by March 15th.

• Required Documents That You Must Submit to Apply to the Nursing Program

1. Completed Online Nursing Application (Lehman 360).

2. General Education Requirements (Academic Advisement Office, Shuster Hall, Rm. 280). (Not needed if you are
a second degree student or received an Associate degree from a CUNY Community College).

3. Proof of Legal Status

4. Pre-Nursing Exam Scores (HESI-A2)

• All applicants will be notified by email during the month of April (Accelerated applicants) and June (Traditional
applicants) as to their status and acceptance into the nursing program for classes starting in the first Summer session
and Fall, respectively.

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B a c h e l o r o f Science P r o g r a m in Nursing

Accelerated (Generic) Nursing Program

Accelerated Generic Nursing Program to start the first summer session for 15 months!
Application Deadline: January 2nd to March 15th (each year)

Prospective students with a bachelor's degree in another field can apply to the 15-month
Accelerated nursing program. Applicants must successfully complete all the following nursing
prerequisite courses by the fall and take the HESI- A2 pre-admission exam prior to the
submission of an application: general chemistry (with lab), organic chemistry (with Lab),
anatomy and physiology (I and II), microbiology, and human growth and development. A grade
of C (73) or better is required in each of the science courses. If a required prerequisite science course is
repeated, the first grade earned will be considered.

Applicants are encouraged to apply by the application deadline noted above. No applications
will be accepted for the accelerated program after the deadline.

To be eligible for the Generic Accelerated Nursing Program, you must have a 4-year Bachelor’s
Degree (any discipline) and meet the admission requirements for the Nursing Department.

Applicants will follow the Generic Nursing path, conditions, and application procedures as
described in the Department of Nursing’s “Bachelor of Science Program in Nursing – Generic”
brochure/handout (aka Generic brochure/handout). PLEASE SEE* sections A and B of the
Generic brochure/handout and read it carefully before contacting the Nursing Department
with questions.

Applicants for the accelerated component of the Generic Nursing Program must meet all of the
same eligibility requirements outlined in the Generic brochure/handout: pre- requisite courses,
testing, legal status, and any other college and department requirements and deadlines in order to
submit a Generic Nursing Application.

Generic Nursing is a full-time program. Accelerated nursing courses will be held every semester:
Fall, Winter, Spring, and both Summer sessions. If accepted into the Accelerated Program-
Generic, this program must be completed in 15 months.

*SEE: Generic BS Program in Nursing (PDF)

Nursing webpage:

Accelerated Generic Nursing Program 1/2023

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75-Credit Major in Nursing, B.S.
The distribution of courses and credits to be earned by all majors in the generic track are as follows:
21 In Sciences (Prior to admission)
CHE 114 Essentials of General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHE 115 Essentials of General Chemistry 1.5 Credits, lab
CHE 120 Essentials of Organic Chemistry 3 Credits
CHE 121 Essentials of Organic Chemistry 1.5 Credits, lab
BIO 181 Anatomy and Physiology I 4 Credits
BIO 182 Anatomy and Physiology II 4 Credits
BIO 230 Microbiology 4 Credits

6 In Foundation Courses (Department permission required)

HIN 268 Human Growth & Development 3 Credits, 3 hours (Prior to admission)
HIN 269 Analysis and Action for Community Health 3 Credits, 3 hours

48 In Nursing Courses (Department permission required)

NUR 300 Nursing as a Human Science 3 Credits

NUR 301 Therapeutic Intervention I 6 Credits
NUR 302 Ways of Knowing 3 Credits
NUR 303 Therapeutic Intervention II 6 Credits
NUR 304 Therapeutic Intervention III 3 Credits
NUR 330 Pharmacologic Basis of Nursing Practice 3 Credits
NUR 344 Altered Health States 3 Credits
NUR 405 Therapeutic Intervention IV 6 Credits
NUR 406 Clinical Decision Making 3 Credits
NUR 408 Trends & Issues in Nursing and Health Care 3 Credits
NUR 409 Therapeutic Intervention V 6 Credits
NUR 410 Professional Nursing Management 3 Credits

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NUR 304: Therapeutic Intervention III: NUR 410: Professional Nursing
COURSES IN NURSING Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. 2 Management. 3 hours, 3 credits.
hours lecture, 4 hours clinical laboratory, 3 Professional role of the nurse in the health
HIN 268: Human Growth and credits. Clinical focus on nursing care of care system. Emphasis on leadership and
Development. 3 hours, 3 credits. Physical, adults with acute and chronic psychiatric and management theory as related to nursing
cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of mental health conditions. PREREQ: NUR administration, organizational design and
human development from conception 301, NUR 344, HIN 269. COREQ: NUR governance. COREQ: NUR409.
through late adulthood. PREREQ: Thirty 303, NUR 330.
college credits. NUR 489: Honors Project. One semester, 3
NUR 330: Pharmacologic Basis of Nursing credits (maximum 6 credits). Independent
HIN 269: Analysis and Action for Practice. 3 hours, 3 credits. General study or investigation, under faculty
Community Health. 3 hours, 3 credits. pharmacological principles as they relate to direction. A written report is required.
Health needs of families in the context of nursing practice and health care. PREREQ: PREREQ: Satisfactory completion of 24
their community. Introduction to Completion of College requirement in credits in NUR and/or related fields and
epidemiological method and the principles mathematics. COREQ: NUR 303, NUR 304. departmental permission; cumulative college
of epidemiological investigation as tools index of 3.2 and an index of 3.5in Nursing.
for analyzing health needs. Issues of NUR 344: Altered Health States
prevention, environmental health, special (Pathophysiology). 3 hours, 3 credits: The COURSES OF INTEREST
risk families, planned change, the concept relationships of normal body functioning to
of health teams, and the roles of health the physiological changes that occur as a NUR (SOC) 240: Death, Dying, and
workers in the community. PREREQ: result of illness. Epidemiological, preventive Bereavement. 3 hours, 3 credits.
Thirty college credits. and pathological aspects of disease. Sociological, psychological, and healthcare
COREQ: NUR 300, NUR 301. perspectives and ethical issues surrounding
NUR 300: Nursing as a Human Science. the processes of dying and bereavement.
3 hours, 3 credits. Historical, philosophical NUR 405: Therapeutic Intervention IV: Topics include the history of attitudes toward
and theoretical foundations of nursing and Childbearing and Childrearing Families. death, the new medical technology, the ways
selected topics relating to the 3 hours lecture, 12 hours clinical laboratory; individuals confront their own death and that
intersubjective nature of professional 6 credits. Relation of nursing care to positive of others, dying in institutions, death and the
nursing and its moral, ethical and legal health experiences and outcomes in child, and suicide.
dimensions. PREREQ: Admission to the childbearing and childrearing families.
nursing major. COREQ: NUR 301, NUR PREREQ: NUR 303, NUR 304, NUR 330. NUR 350: Topics in Nursing. 3 hours; 3
344 COREQ: NUR302, NUR406 credits (maximum 6 credits). PREREQ:
Permission of the Chair.
NUR 301: Therapeutic Nursing NUR 406: Clinical Decision Making. 3
Intervention I: Introduction to hours, 3 credits. The processes of clinical NUR 385: Independent Study in
Professional Nursing Practice. 3 hours judgment and decision making. Examination Nursing. One semester; 1-3 credits.
lecture, 12 hours clinical laboratory, 6 of the interaction between diagnostic and (Limited to Juniors and Seniors in nursing)
credits. Emphasis on therapeutic therapeutic reasoning within the context of Independent study on a specific topic or
communication, health assessment and ethical reasoning. PREREQ: NUR 303, NUR clinical area of interest, under the
data analysis. PREREQ: Admission to the 304, NUR 330. COREQ: NUR 302, NUR supervision of a faculty member in the
nursing program. COREQ: NUR 300 and 405. Department of Nursing. PREREQ:
NUR 344. PRE or COREQ: HIN 269 Permission of the Chair.
NUR 408: Trends & Issues in Nursing &
NUR 302: Ways of Knowing in Nursing. Health Care. 3 hours, 3 credits.
3 hours, 3 credits. Methods of research and Identification and exploration of trends and
inquiry in nursing and their implications issues with opportunity to debate and to
for clinical practice. PREREQ: NUR 300. defend a position on issues. PREREQ: NUR
NUR 303: Therapeutic Intervention II:
Adult Health Nursing. 3 hours lecture, 12 NUR 409: Therapeutic Intervention V:
hours clinical laboratory; 6 credits. Clinical Nursing Synthesis. 3 hours lecture. 12 hrs
focus on nursing care of adults with acute clinical laboratory; 6 credits. Synthesis of
and chronic illnesses. PREREQ: NUR 300, knowledge and skills required to effectively
NUR 301, NUR 344, HIN 269. COREQ: support clients, families and groups with
NUR 304, NUR 330. chronic illnesses. PREREQ: NUR 405, NUR
406. COREQ: NUR 408, NUR 410.

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A minimum grade of C (73%) is required for a student to progress in the undergraduate nursing program. A student
who does not achieve a grade of C or better in a nursing course or in the foundation courses may repeat the course only
once. Students may repeat only one NUR or HIN course, regardless of the reason for non-completion.

It is recommended that students planning graduate study take MAT 132: Introduction to Statistics. This course fulfills
the college math requirement. In fulfillment of the language requirement, it is recommended that a level of proficiency
in speaking Spanish equivalent to completion of SPA 207 (or an equivalent proficiency in speaking some other
appropriate foreign language) be achieved by those who expect to work in the metropolitan New York area. American
Sign Language can be taken to fulfill the foreign language requirement.


Students admitted to the nursing program must complete the baccalaureate in nursing within five years. Students who
do not meet this time requirement may reapply to have the currency of their nursing courses reevaluated. Students
may be required to demonstrate current knowledge as evidenced by recent or present practice, portfolio, certification,
or validation by examination.


Once admitted as a transfer student, you will receive an evaluation of transfer credits before your first registration at
Lehman College. The Office of Transfer Credit Evaluations will notify you when your transfer evaluation is complete
or request that you come in to discuss your credit evaluation.

Contact Information

Department of Nursing Lehman College/CUNY

250 Bedford Park Boulevard West
T-3 Room 201
Bronx, NY 10468

Phone: 718-960-8214 Fax: 718-960-8488

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José Luis Cruz, Ph.D.

Executive Vice Chancellor and

University Provost

[email protected]

Date: June 25, 2020

To: College Presidents, Provosts, Chief Student Affairs Officers & Chief Enrollment Managers
Deans, Chairs and Academic Directors of Nursing Programs

From: José Luis Cruz, Ph.D.

Executive Vice Chancellor and University Provost

Re: Revised Nursing Programs Admission Policy

The Office of Academic Affairs is issuing this revised guidance for students seeking admission to
CUNY’s nursing programs to reflect current law, recently updated CUNY policy, and better reflect
the University’s strong support of non-citizen students and its long-standing reputation for
creating a pathway to education for immigrants. To this, end, effective immediately, all CUNY
nursing programs will consider students to be eligible for admission consistent with the
regulations of the New York State Education Department (NYSED) that make professional
licensure available not only to U.S. citizens but to non-citizens so long as they are “not unlawfully
present in the United States,” including those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
and those who are permanently residing in the United States under color of law (PRUCOL).
New Nursing Admission Eligibility Requirements
To be admitted or advance into a NYSED-approved nursing program in fall 2020 and beyond,
students must provide documentation for one of the categories listed in the attached policy.
Namely, applicants may demonstrate eligibility through documents that verify that they: 1) are
U.S. citizens, 2) have legal permanent resident status, or 3) are in another eligible category set
forth in the policy, generally through presentation of an employment authorization document
(see useful document from U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services: List of Documents that Establish
Identity and Employment Authorization).
Nursing Admission Policy Communications
Each campus must include the official criteria and documentation requirements cited in the
revised policy in all virtual and written communications on admission eligibility for nursing
students. This includes adding the new criteria to the list of other eligibility requirements for
advancement into the nursing program (i.e., prerequisites, minimum GPA, etc.).
The updated policy does not affect students who have advanced into the clinical component of
CUNY’s nursing programs, or those considered for advancement prior to summer 2020. Students
who were not previously eligible for admission may re-apply for consideration under the revised
policy, pending their satisfactory completion of ALL required admission criteria, as outlined and
reviewed by the respective nursing program.
Each campus must also disseminate the revised admission policy and criteria to faculty, academic
advisors, career counselors, admissions, registrar, and other relevant staff.
Student and Faculty Support Services
Students may be directed to consult with CUNY Citizenship Now! for free and confidential
immigration law services available to all members of the community (both CUNY students and
non-students). Faculty are advised to consult with the College Legal Affairs Designee for any
questions on eligible immigration categories and documentation to verify status.

cc: College Registrars

College Legal Affairs Designees
Allan Wernick, Director, CUNY Citizenship Now!
Office of Academic Affairs
205 East 42 Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10016


June 24, 2020

Effective immediately, all CUNY nursing programs will consider applicants for admission who are eligible
for licensing in New York under the regulations of the New York State Education Department. The
regulation provides eligibility for citizens and non-citizens who are “not unlawfully present,” including
those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and those permanently residing in the United
States under color of law (PRUCOL).

Applicants may demonstrate eligibility through documents that verify that they meet the required
criteria. The most common documents include:

1. Proof of U.S. citizenship through a birth certificate, U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, or a
certificate of citizenship.
2. Proof of legal permanent resident status with what is known as a “Green Card”.
3. Proof of various eligible categories, listed below, generally through an employment authorization
document (EAD) or other satisfactory documentation.

Eligible immigration categories:

1. International student with F-1 status

2. Asylee
3. Refugee
4. Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
5. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
6. Individuals paroled into the United States whose parole has not expired
7. Persons residing in the U.S. pursuant to an Order of Supervision
8. Persons granted a stay of deportation/removal
9. Persons granted an indefinite voluntary departure
10. Persons on whose behalf an immediate relative petition has been approved
11. Persons who have filed an application for adjustment of status to permanent resident
12. Persons granted Deferred Action Status
13. Persons who entered and have continuously residency in the U.S. before 01/01/1972
14. Persons granted suspension of deportation or cancellation of removal
15. Cuban/Haitian entrants
16. Persons with a pending application for asylum, withholding of removal or deportation,
protection under the Convention Against Torture (CAT), cancellation of removal, or TPS
17. Persons in T or U non-immigrant status
18. Self-petitioner under the Violence Against Women Act
19. Other persons living in the U.S. who are not unlawfully present

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