The Book of Ezra
The Book of Ezra
The Book of Ezra
1:5 Then the leaders15 of Judah and Benjamin,
In addition to the canonical books of Ezra and
Nehemiah, there are two deuterocanonical books that are along with the priests and the Levites – all those
also called “Ezra.” Exactly how these books are designated whose mind God had stirred – got ready16 to go
varies in ancient literature. In the Septuagint (LXX) canonical up in order to build the temple of the Lord in
Ezra is called Second Esdras, but in the Latin Vulgate it is Jerusalem.17 1:6 All their neighbors assisted18 them
called First Esdras. Our Nehemiah is called Third Esdras
in some manuscripts of the LXX, but it is known as Second with silver utensils,19 gold, equipment, animals,
Esdras in the Latin Vulgate. (In the earliest LXX manuscripts and expensive gifts, not to mention20 all the
Ezra and Nehemiah were regarded as one book, as they were voluntary offerings.
in some Hebrew manuscripts.) The deuterocanonical books 1:7 Then King Cyrus brought out
of Ezra are called First and Fourth Esdras in the LXX, but Third
and Fourth Esdras in the Latin Vulgate. The titles for the so- the vessels of the Lord’s temple which
called books of Ezra are thus rather confusing, a fact that one Nebuchadnezzar had brought from Jerusalem
must keep in mind when consulting this material.
sn The first year of Cyrus would be ca. 539 b.c. Cyrus
and had displayed21 in the temple of his gods.
reigned in Persia from ca. 539-530 b.c.
1:8 King Cyrus of Persia entrusted22 them to23
tn Heb “the word of the Lord.” Mithredath24 the treasurer, who counted them
tc The MT reads ( ִמ ִּפיmippi, “from the mouth of”), but this
should probably be emended to ( ְּב ִפיbÿfi, “by the mouth of”),
which is the way the parallel passage in 2 Chr 36:22 reads.
This is also reflected in the LXX, which is either reflecting an
alternate textual tradition of ְּב ִפיor is attempting to harmonize
Ezra 1:1 in light of 2 Chronicles. 11 tn Heb “house.” The Hebrew noun ( ּ ַביִתbayit, “house”) is
tn Heb “from the mouth of.”
sn Cf. Jer 29:10; 25:11-14. Jeremiah had prophesied often used in reference to the temple of Yahweh (BDB 108 s.v.
that after a time of seventy years the Jews would return “to 1.a). This is also frequent elsewhere in Ezra and Nehemiah
this place.” How these seventy years are to be reckoned is (e.g., Ezra 1:3, 4, 5, 7; 2:68; 3:8, 9, 11, 12; 4:3; 6:22; 7:27;
a matter of debate among scholars. Some understand 8:17, 25, 29, 30, 33, 36; 9:9; 10:1, 6, 9).
12 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2;
the period to refer to the approximate length of Babylon’s
ascendancy as a world power, beginning either with the fall of Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
13 tn Heb “from all.”
Nineveh (612 b.c.) or with Nebuchadnezzar’s coronation (605
14 tn Heb “the men of his place.”
b.c.) and continuing till the fall of Babylon to the Persians in
15 tn Heb “the heads of the fathers.”
539 b.c. Others take the seventy years to refer to the period
16 tn Heb “arose.”
from the destruction of the temple in 586 b.c. till its rebuilding
in 516 b.c. 17 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2;
tn Heb “spirit.” The Hebrew noun רוּח ַ (ruakh, “spirit”) has Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
a broad range of meanings (see BDB 924-26 s.v.). Here, it 18 tn Heb “strengthened their hands.”
probably refers to (1) “mind” as the seat of mental acts (e.g., 19 tc The MT reads ( ִּב ְכלֵ י־כֶ סֶ ףbikhley khesef, “with silver
Exod 28:3; Deut 34:9; Isa 29:24; 40:13; Ezek 11:5; 20:32; vessels”). However, part of the LXX manuscript tradition
1 Chr 28:12; cf. BDB 925 s.v. 6) or (2) “will” as the seat of reads ἐν πᾶσιν ἀργυρίῳ (en pasin arguriw), which reflects
volitional decisions (e.g., Exod 35:5, 22; Pss 51:12, 14; 57:8; an alternate Hebrew reading of ֹל־ב ּ ֶכסֶ ף ַ ּ ( ּ ַב ּכbakkol-bakkesef,
2 Chr 29:31; cf. BDB 925 s.v. 7). So also in v. 5. “everywhere, with silver”). The textual variant involves (1)
tn Heb “caused to pass.” simple omission of yod ( )יbetween two words, a common
tn Heb “a voice.” The Hebrew noun ( קוֹלqol, “voice, sound”) scribal mistake; (2) haplography of the preposition bet (;) ּב
has a broad range of meanings, including the metonymical and (3) an alternate vocalization tradition of the first term.
(cause – effect) nuance “proclamation” (e.g., Exod 36:6; 2 20 tn Heb “besides” or “in addition to.”
Chr 24:9; 30:5; 36:22; Ezra 1:1; 10:7; Neh 8:15). See BDB 21 tn Heb “and he gave them.”
877 s.v. 3.a.2. 22 tn Heb “brought them forth.”
sn For an interesting extrabiblical parallel to this edict see 23 tn Heb “upon the hand of.”
the Cyrus cylinder (ANET 315-16). 24 sn A Persian name meaning “gift of Mithras.” See HALOT
10 tn Heb “in writing, saying.” 656 s.v. ִמ ְת ְרדָ ת.
749 Ezra 2:9
out to Sheshbazzar the leader of the Judahite
and 1,000 other vessels.
exiles. 1:11 All these gold and silver vessels totaled
1:9 The inventory of these items was as 5,400. Sheshbazzar brought them all along when
follows: the captives were brought up from Babylon to
30 gold basins, Jerusalem.
1,000 silver basins,
29 silver utensils, The Names of the Returning Exiles
1:10 30 gold bowls, 2:1 These are the people of the province
410 other silver bowls, who were going up,10 from the captives of the
sn A Babylonian name with the probable meaning exile whom King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
“Shamash protect the father.” See HALOT 1664-65 s.v. ׁ ֵש ׁ ְש ּ ַב ּ ַצר. had forced into exile in Babylon. They returned
tn Heb “Sheshbazzar the prince to Judah”; TEV, CEV “the to Jerusalem11 and Judah, each to his own
governor of Judah.” city. 2:2 They came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua,
tn Heb “these are their number.”
tn The exact meaning of the Hebrew noun ’( אֲ ג ְַר ָטלagartal,
Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan,
which occurs twice in this verse) is somewhat uncertain. The Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Baanah.
lexicons suggest that it is related to a common Semitic root The number of Israelites12 was as follows:13
(the Hebrew derivative has a prosthetic prefixed [ אaleph] and 2:3 the descendants14 of Parosh: 2,172;
interchange between [ גgimel] and [ קkof]): Judean Aramaic 2:4 the descendants of Shephatiah: 372;
and Syriac qartalla, Arabic qirtallat, Ethiopic qartalo, all
meaning “basket” (BDB 173-74 s.v.; HALOT 11 s.v.). There 2:5 the descendants of Arah: 775;
is debate whether this is a loanword from Greek κάρταλλος 2:6 the descendants of Pahath-Moab (from the
(kartallos, “basket”), Persian hirtal (“leather bag”) or Hittite line15 of Jeshua and16 Joab): 2,812;
kurtal (“container”). The term is traditionally understood as 2:7 the descendants of Elam: 1,254;
a kind of vessel, such as “basket, basin” (BDB 173-74 s.v.;
HALOT 11 s.v.); but some suggest “leather bag” or a basket- 2:8 the descendants of Zattu: 945;
shaped container of some sort (P. Humbert, “En marge 2:9 the descendants of Zaccai: 760;
du dictionnaire hébraïque,” ZAW 62 [1950]: 199-207;
DCH 1:118 s.v.). The LXX translated it as ψυκτήρ (yukthr,
“metal bowl”). The precise meaning depends on whether
the nouns ( ּ ֶכסֶ ףkesef, “silver”) and ( זָהָ בzahav, “gold”), which
follow each use of this plural construct noun, are genitives
of content (“containers full of silver” and “containers full of
gold”) or genitives of material (“silver containers” and “gold
containers” = containers made from silver and gold). If they thousand four hundred and ten bowls of silver”). The BHS
are genitives of content, the term probably means “baskets” editor suggests revocalizing the term to ( ְמ ׁ ֻשנִ יםmÿshunim,
or “leather bags” (filled with silver and gold); however, if they “changed”).
sn The total number as given in the MT does not match
are genitives of material, the term would mean “basins”
(made of silver and gold). Elsewhere in Ezra 1, the nouns ּ ֶכסֶ ף the numbers given for the various items in v. 9. It is not clear
(“silver”) and “( זָהָ בgold”) are used as genitives or material, whether the difference is due to error in textual transmission
not genitives of contents; therefore, the translation “gold or whether the constituent items mentioned are only a
basins” and “silver basins” is preferred. selection from a longer list, in which case the total from that
tn Heb “knives.” The Hebrew noun ( ַמחֲ לָ ִפיםmakhalafim, longer list may have been retained. The numbers provided in
“knives”) is found only here in the OT. While the basic 1 Esdras come much closer to agreeing with the number in
meaning of the term is fairly clear, what it refers to here is Ezra 1:9-11, but this does not necessarily mean that 1 Esdras
unclear. The verb II ( ָחלַ ףkhalaf) means “to pass through” has been better preserved here than Ezra. 1 Esdras 2:13-15
(BDB 322 s.v. ) ָחלַ ףor “to cut through” (HALOT 321 s.v. II ;חלף (RSV) says, “The number of these was: a thousand gold cups,
see also Judg 5:26; Job 20:24); thus, the lexicons suggest a thousand silver cups, twenty-nine silver censures, thirty gold
ַמחֲ לָ ִפיםmeans “knives” (BDB 322 s.v. ; ַמחֲ לָ ףHALOT 569 s.v.
bowls, two thousand four hundred and ten silver bowls, and
*) ַמחֲ לָ ף. The related noun ( חֲ לָ פוֹתkhalafot, “knife”) is used in a thousand other vessels. All the vessels were handed over,
Mishnaic Hebrew (HALOT 321 s.v. II )חלף, and ( חֲ ִליפוֹתkhalifot, gold and silver, five thousand four hundred and sixty-nine,
“knives”) appears in the Talmud. The noun appears in the and they were carried back by Shesbazzar with the returning
cognate languages: Ugaritic khlpnm (“knives”; UT 19) and exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem.”
sn The list of names and numbers in this chapter of Ezra
Syriac khalofta (“shearing knife”; HALOT 321 s.v. II )חלף. The
Vulgate translated it as “knives,” while the LXX understood it has a parallel account in Neh 7:6-73. The fact that the two
as referring to replacement pieces for the offering basins. The lists do not always agree in specific details suggests that
English translations render it variously; some following the various textual errors have crept into the accounts during the
Vulgate and others adopting the approach of the LXX: “knives” transmission process.
tn Heb “the sons of.”
(KJV, NKJV, NRSV), “censers” (RSV), “duplicates” (NASV),
10 tn The Hebrew term ( הָ ע ִֹליםha’olim, “those who were
“silver pans” (NIV), “bowls” (TEV), “other dishes” (CEV). Verse
11 lists these twenty-nine objects among the “gold and silver going up” [Qal active participle]) refers to continual action
vessels” brought back to Jerusalem for temple worship. The in the past. Most translations render this as a simple past:
translation above offers the intentionally ambiguous “silver “went up” (KJV), “came up” (RSV, ASV, NASV, NIV), “came”
utensils” (the term “[ ַמחֲ לָ ִפיםknives”] would hardly refer to (NRSV). CEV paraphrases: “were on their way back.”
11 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2;
“gold” items, but could refer to “silver items”).
tn The meaning of the Hebrew term ( ִמ ׁ ְשנִ יםmishnim) is Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
12 tn Heb “men of the people of Israel.”
uncertain. The noun ( ִמ ׁ ְשנֶהmishneh) means “double, second”
13 tn The words “was as follows” are not in the Hebrew text
(BDB 1041 s.v.), “what is doubled, two-fold” (HALOT 650 s.v.
ִמ ׁ ְשנֶה3). The translations reflect a diversity of approaches: but are used in the translation for clarity.
“410 silver bowls of a second kind” (KJV, NASV, RSV margin), 14 tn Heb “the sons of.”
“410 other silver bowls” (NRSV) and “410 matching silver 15 tn Heb “to the sons of.” Cf. v. 40.
bowls” (NIV). BDB 1041 s.v. משנה ׁ 3.a suggests it was 16 tc The MT reads ֹאב ָ ( יוyo’av, “Joab”). However, syntax
originally a numeral that was garbled in the transmission demands the reading ( וְיו ָֹאבvÿyo’av, “and Joab”) which is
process, as reflected in the LXX: “two thousand” (so RSV: “two reflected in the LXX and Syriac.
Ezra 2:10 750
2:10 the descendants of Bani: 642; dants of Talmon, the descendants of Akkub, the
2:11 the descendants of Bebai: 623; descendants of Hatita, and the descendants of Sho-
2:12 the descendants of Azgad: 1,222; bai: 139.
2:13 the descendants of Adonikam: 666; 2:43 The temple servants: the descendants of
2:14 the descendants of Bigvai: 2,056; Ziha, the descendants of Hasupha, the descendants
2:15 the descendants of Adin: 454; of Tabbaoth, 2:44 the descendants of Keros, the
2:16 the descendants of Ater (through descendants of Siaha, the descendants of Padon,
Hezekiah): 98; 2:45 the descendants of Lebanah, the descendants
2:17 the descendants of Bezai: 323; of Hagabah, the descendants of Akkub, 2:46 the
2:18 the descendants of Jorah: 112; descendants of Hagab, the descendants of
2:19 the descendants of Hashum: 223; Shalmai,10 the descendants of Hanan, 2:47 the
2:20 the descendants of Gibbar: 95. descendants of Giddel, the descendants of Gahar,
2:21 The men of Bethlehem: 123; the descendants of Reaiah, 2:48 the descendants of
2:22 the men of Netophah: 56; Rezin, the descendants of Nekoda, the descendants
2:23 the men of Anathoth: 128; of Gazzam, 2:49 the descendants of Uzzah, the
2:24 the men of the family of Azmaveth: 42; descendants of Paseah, the descendants of Besai,
2:25 the men of Kiriath Jearim, Kephirah and 2:50 the descendants of Asnah, the descendants
Beeroth: 743; of Meunim, the descendants of Nephussim,
2:26 the men of Ramah and Geba: 621; 2:51 the descendants of Bakbuk, the descendants
2:27 the men of Micmash: 122; of Hakupha, the descendants of Harhur, 2:52 the
2:28 the men of Bethel and Ai: 223; descendants of Bazluth, the descendants of Mehida,
2:29 the descendants of Nebo: 52; the descendants of Harsha, 2:53 the descendants of
2:30 the descendants of Magbish: 156; Barkos, the descendants of Sisera, the descendants
2:31 the descendants of the other Elam: 1,254; of Temah, 2:54 the descendants of Neziah, and the
2:32 the descendants of Harim: 320; descendants of Hatipha.
2:33 the men of Lod, Hadid, and Ono: 725; 2:55 The descendants of the servants of
2:34 the men of Jericho: 345; Solomon: the descendants of Sotai, the descendants
2:35 the descendants of Senaah: 3,630. of Hassophereth, the descendants of Peruda,
2:36 The priests: the descendants of Jedaiah 2:56 the descendants of Jaala, the descendants
(through the family of Jeshua): 973; of Darkon, the descendants of Giddel, 2:57 the
2:37 the descendants of Immer: 1,052; descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of
2:38 the descendants of Pashhur: 1,247; Hattil, the descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim,
2:39 the descendants of Harim: 1,017. and the descendants of Ami.
2:40 The Levites: the descendants of Jeshua 2:58All the temple servants and the descendants
and Kadmiel (through the line of Hodaviah): 74. of the servants of Solomon: 392.
2:41 The singers: the descendants of Asaph: 2:59 These are the ones that came up from Tel
128. Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon, and Immer
2:42 The gatekeepers: the descendants of (although they were unable to certify11 their family
Shallum, the descendants of Ater, the descen- connection12 or their ancestry,13 as to whether they
really were from Israel):
2:60 the descendants of Delaiah, the
descendants of Tobiah, and the descendants of
Nekoda: 652.
2:61 And from among14 the priests: the
tn Heb “to.” So also in vv. 36, 40.
tc The translation follows the suggestion in BHS and reads
descendants of Hobaiah, the descendants of
’( ַאנְ ׁ ֵשיanshe, “the men of”) here rather than the reading ( ְּבנֵיbÿne, Hakkoz, and the descendants of Barzillai (who
“the sons of”) found in the MT. So also in vv. 25, 26, 33, 34. had taken a wife from the daughters of Barzillai
map For location see Map5-B1; Map7-E2; Map8-E2; the Gileadite and was called by that15 name).
tc The translation follows the suggestion in BHS and reads
2:62 They16 searched for their records in the genea-
’( ַא ׁ ְשנֵי ּ ֵביתashne bet, “men of the house of”) here rather than
the reading ( ְּבנֵיbÿne, “the sons of”) found in the MT.
tn Heb “the men of the house of Azmaveth”; some regard
( ּ ֵביתbet, “house of”) as a part of the place name: NAB, NLT
“Beth-azmaveth.” 10 tc The translation follows the Qere reading “Shalmai” (so
tc The translation, with the support of many manuscripts, KJV, NASB, NIV, NLT) rather than the MT Kethib “Shamlai” (so
reads ( יְעָ ִריםyÿ’arim) here rather than the reading ’( עָ ִריםarim) ASV, NAB, NRSV).
of the MT. 11 tn Heb “relate.”
map For location see Map4-G4; Map5-C1; Map6-E3; 12 tn Heb “the house of their fathers.”
Map7-D1; Map8-G3. 13 tn Heb “their seed.”
map For location see Map5-B2; Map6-E1; Map7-E1; 14 tc The translation reads וּמןִ (umin, “and from”) rather
Map8-E3; Map10-A2; Map11-A1. than the reading וּמ ּבנֵי
ִ (umibbÿney, “and from the sons of”)
tn Heb “the house of.” found in the MT.
tc Here it is preferable to delete the reading ( ְּבנֵיbÿne, “the 15 tn Heb “their.”
sons of”) found in the MT. 16 tn Heb “these.”
751 Ezra 3:8
logical materials, but did not find them. They
3:2 Then Jeshua the son of Jozadak19 and his
were therefore excluded from the priesthood. 2:63 priestly colleagues20 and Zerubbabel son of Sheal-
The governor instructed them not to eat any of tiel and his colleagues21 started to build22 the al-
the sacred food until there was a priest who could tar of the God of Israel so they could offer burnt
consult the Urim and Thummim. offerings on it as required by23 the law of Moses
2:64 The entire group numbered 42,360, the man of God. 3:3 They established the altar on
2:65 not counting their male and female servants, its foundations, even though they were in terror of
who numbered 7,337. They also had 200 male and the local peoples,24 and they offered burnt offer-
female singers 2:66 and 736 horses, 245 mules, ings on it to the Lord, both the morning and the
2:67 435 camels, and 6,720 donkeys. 2:68 When evening offerings. 3:4 They observed the Festival
they came to the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem, some of Temporary Shelters25 as required26 and offered
of the family leaders offered voluntary offerings the proper number of27 daily burnt offerings ac-
for the temple of God in order to rebuild it on cording to the requirement for each day. 3:5 After-
its site. 2:69 As they were able, they gave to the ward they offered the continual burnt offerings and
treasury for this work 61,000 drachmas10 of gold, those for the new moons and those for all the holy
5,000 minas11 of silver, and 100 priestly robes.12 assemblies of the Lord and all those that were be-
2:70 The priests, the Levites, some of the ing voluntarily offered to the Lord. 3:6 From the
people, the singers, the gatekeepers, and the first day of the seventh month they began to offer
temple servants lived in their towns, and all the burnt offerings to the Lord. However, the Lord’s
rest of Israel lived in their towns. temple was not at that time established.28
The Altar is Rebuilt Preparations for Rebuilding the Temple
3:1 When the seventh month arrived and 3:7 So they provided money29 for the masons
the Israelites13 were living14 in their15 towns, and carpenters, and food, beverages, and olive
the people assembled16 in17 Jerusalem.18 oil for the people of Sidon30 and Tyre,31 so that
they would bring cedar timber from Lebanon
tn Heb “their records were searched for in the genealogical to the seaport32 at Joppa, in accord with the
materials, but were not found.” This passive construction has edict of King Cyrus of Persia. 3:8 In the second
been translated as active for stylistic reasons. year after they had come to the temple of
tn Heb “they were desecrated.”
tn The Hebrew word ש ָתא
God in Jerusalem,33 in the second month,
ָ ׁ ( ִּת ְרtirshata’) is an official title of
the Persian governor in Judea, perhaps similar in meaning to
Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the
“excellency” (BDB 1077 s.v.; HALOT 1798 s.v.; W. L. Holladay,
Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon, 395).
tn Heb “to stand.”
sn The same total is given in Neh 7:66, but it is difficult to
understand how this number is reached, since the numbers
of people listed in the constituent groups do not add up to
42,360. The list in vv. 3-60 apparently is not intended to be
exhaustive, but the basis of the selectivity is unclear.
tn Heb “besides” or “in addition to.”
tn Heb “the heads of the fathers.” 19 sn Jozadak (also in 3:8) is a variant spelling of
tn Heb “cause it to stand.” Jehozadak.
tn Heb “according to their strength.” 20 tn Heb “his brothers the priests.”
10 tn The meaning of the Hebrew word ּ ַד ְר ְּכמוֹנִ ים 21 tn Heb “his brothers.”
22 tn Heb “arose and built.”
(darkÿmonim, cf. Neh 7:69, 70, 71) is uncertain. It may be a
Greek loanword meaning “drachmas” (the view adopted here 23 tn Heb “written in.” Cf. v. 4.
and followed also by NAB, NASB, NIV) or a Persian loanword 24 tn Heb “the peoples of the lands.”
“daric,” referring to a Persian gold coin (BDB 204 s.v. ; ּ ַד ְר ְּכמוֹן 25 tn The Hebrew phrase ס ּכוֹת ֻ ּ ַ’( אֶ ת ַחג־הet khag-hassukot,
HALOT 232 s.v. ;נִ ים( ֹו) ּ ַד ְר ְּכ ֹמcf. ASV, NRSV). For further study, “festival of huts” [or “shelters”]) is traditionally known as the
see R. de Vaux, Ancient Israel, 206-9. Feast of Tabernacles. The rendering “booths” (cf. NAB, NASB,
11 sn The ( ָמנִ יםmanim, cf. Neh 7:71, 72) is a measuring NRSV) is probably better than the traditional “tabernacles” in
weight for valuable metals, equal to 160/ of a talent or 60 light of the meaning of the term ( סֻ ּ ָכהsukkah, “hut; booth”),
shekels (BDB 584 s.v. ; ָמנֶהHALOT 599 s.v. ) ָמנֶה. For further but “booths” are frequently associated with trade shows and
study, see R. de Vaux, Ancient Israel, 203-6. craft fairs in contemporary American English. The nature of
12 tn Or “garments.” the celebration during this feast as a commemoration of the
13 tn Heb “the sons of Israel.” wanderings of the Israelites after they left Egypt suggests that
14 tn The word “living” is not in the Hebrew text, but is a translation like “temporary shelters” is more appropriate.
26 tn Heb “according to what is written.”
implied. Some translations supply “settled” (cf. NAB, NIV,
NLT). 27 tn Heb “by number.”
15 tc The translation reads with some medieval Hebrew 28 tn Or “the foundation of the Lord’s temple was not yet
mss and ancient versions ( ְּבעָ רֵ יהֶ םbe’arehem, “in their towns”), laid.
rather than the reading ( ּ ֶבעָ ִריםbe’arim, “in the towns”) found 29 tn Heb “silver.”
in the MT. Cf. Neh 7:72 HT [7:73 ET]. 30 map For location see Map1-A1; JP3-F3; JP4-F3.
16 tn The Hebrew text adds the phrase “like one man.” This 31 map For location see Map1-A2; Map2-G2; Map4-A1;
has not been included in the translation for stylistic reasons. JP3-F3; JP4-F3.
17 tn Heb “to.” 32 tn Heb “to the sea”
18 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2; 33 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2;
Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4. Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
Ezra 3:9 752
son of Jozadak initiated the work, along with the
Opposition to the Building Efforts
rest of their associates, the priests and the Levites,
and all those who were coming to Jerusalem from 4:1 When the enemies of Judah and Benjamin
the exile. They appointed the Levites who were at learned that the former exiles17 were building a
least twenty years old to take charge of the work temple for the Lord God of Israel, 4:2 they came
on the Lord’s temple. 3:9 So Jeshua appointed both to Zerubbabel and the leaders18 and said to them,
his sons and his relatives, Kadmiel and his sons “Let us help you build,19 for like you we seek your
(the sons of Yehudah), to take charge of the work- God and we have been sacrificing to him20 from
ers in the temple of God, along with the sons of the time21 of King Esarhaddon22 of Assyria, who
Henadad, their sons, and their relatives the Lev- brought us here.”23 4:3 But Zerubbabel, Jeshua,
ites. 3:10 When the builders established the Lord’s and the rest of the leaders of Israel said to them,
temple, the priests, ceremonially attired and with “You have no right24 to help us build the temple
their clarions, and the Levites (the sons of Asaph) of our God. We will build it by ourselves for the
with their cymbals, stood to praise the Lord ac- Lord God of Israel, just as King Cyrus, the king
cording to the instructions left by King David of of Persia, has commanded us.” 4:4 Then the local
Israel.10 3:11 With antiphonal response they sang,11 people25 began to discourage26 the people of
praising and glorifying the Lord: Judah and to dishearten them from building. 4:5
They were hiring advisers to oppose them, so as to
“For he is good; frustrate their plans, throughout the time27 of King
his loyal love toward Israel is forever.” Cyrus of Persia until the reign of King Darius28 of
All the people gave a loud12 shout as they Persia.29
praised the Lord when the temple of the Lord was
established. 3:12 Many of the priests, the Levites,
and the leaders13 – older people who had seen with
their own eyes the former temple while it was
still established14 – were weeping loudly,15 and
many others raised their voice in a joyous shout.
3:13 People were unable to tell the difference
between the sound of joyous shouting and the
sound of the people’s weeping, for the people were
shouting so loudly16 that the sound was heard a
long way off.
the temple of God in Jerusalem. From that time to 16 tc The translation reads יר ָתא
ְ ( ִבbirta’, citadel”) rather
the present moment12 it has been in the process of than the reading יר ָתא
ְ ( ְּב ִבbÿvireta’, “in the citadel”) found in
the MT. The MT probably experienced dittography here.
being rebuilt, although it is not yet finished.’ 17 tn Aram “In the first year of Cyrus the king.”
5:17 “Now if the king is so inclined,13 let 18 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2;
a search be conducted in the royal archives14 Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
19 tn Aram “raised”; or perhaps “retained” (so NASB;
there in Babylon in order to determine whether
cf. NLT), referring to the original foundations of Solomon’s
King Cyrus did in fact issue orders for this temple.
20 tc The Syriac Peshitta reads “twenty cubits” here, a
measurement probably derived from dimensions given
elsewhere for Solomon’s temple. According to 1 Kgs 6:2 the
dimensions of the Solomonic temple were as follows: length,
tn Aram “and it was written in its midst.”
60 cubits; width, 20 cubits; height, 30 cubits. Since one
tn Aram “all peace.”
would expect the dimensions cited in Ezra 6:3 to correspond
to those of Solomon’s temple, it is odd that no dimension for
tn Aram “stones of rolling.” The reference is apparently to
length is provided. The Syriac has apparently harmonized the
stones too large to carry. width dimension provided here (“twenty cubits”) to that given
sn This great king of Israel would, of course, be Solomon.
in 1 Kgs 6:2.
tn Aram “fathers.” 21 tn Aram “Its height sixty cubits and its width sixty cubits.”
tn Aram “hand” (singular).
The standard cubit in the OT is assumed by most authorities
sn A reference to the catastrophic events of 586 b.c. to be about eighteen inches (45 cm) long.
sn Cyrus was actually a Persian king, but when he 22 tn Aram “stones of rolling.”
conquered Babylon in 539 b.c. he apparently appropriated 23 tc The translation follows the LXX reading ( ַחדkhad,
to himself the additional title “king of Babylon.” The Syriac “one”) rather than the MT ( חֲ דַ תkhadat, “new”). If the MT
Peshitta substitutes “Persia” for “Babylon” here, but this is reading “new” is understood to mean freshly cut timber that
probably a hyper-correction. has not yet been seasoned it would seem to be an odd choice
tn Or “temple.” for construction material.
10 tn Aram “they were given.” 24 tn Aram “let be given.”
11 tn Aram “upon its place.” 25 tn Aram “house.”
12 tn Aram “from then and until now.” 26 tc For the MT reading “the work on this temple of
13 tn Aram “if upon the king it is good.” God” the LXX reads “the servant of the Lord Zurababel” [=
14 tn Aram “the house of the treasures of the king.” Zerubbabel].
Ezra 6:8 756
6:8 “I also hereby issue orders as to what you they offered one hundred bulls, two hundred rams,
are to do with those elders of the Jews in order four hundred lambs, and twelve male goats for the
to rebuild this temple of God. From the royal sin of all Israel, according to the number of the
treasury, from the taxes of Trans-Euphrates the tribes of Israel. 6:18 They appointed the priests by
complete costs are to be given to these men, so their divisions and the Levites by their divisions
that there may be no interruption of the work. over the worship of God at Jerusalem,15 in accord
6:9 Whatever is needed – whether oxen or rams or with16 the book of Moses. 6:1917 The exiles18 ob-
lambs or burnt offerings for the God of heaven or served the Passover on the fourteenth day of the
wheat or salt or wine or oil, as required by the first month. 6:20 The priests and the Levites had
priests who are in Jerusalem – must be given to purified themselves, every last one,19 and they all
them daily without any neglect, 6:10 so that they were ceremonially pure. They sacrificed the Pass-
may be offering incense to the God of heaven and over lamb for all the exiles, for their colleagues20
may be praying for the good fortune of the king the priests, and for themselves. 6:21 The Israelites
and his family. who were returning from the exile ate it, along
6:11 “I hereby give orders that if anyone with all those who had joined them21 in separating
changes this directive a beam is to be pulled themselves from the uncleanness of the nations of
out from his house and he is to be raised up and the land to seek the Lord God of Israel. 6:22 They
impaled on it, and his house is to be reduced to a observed the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven
rubbish heap for this indiscretion. 6:12 May God days with joy, for the Lord had given them joy and
who makes his name to reside there overthrow had changed the opinion22 of the king of Assyria23
any king or nation who reaches out to cause toward them, so that he assisted24 them in the work
such change so as to destroy this temple of God in on the temple of God, the God of Israel.
Jerusalem. I, Darius, have given orders. Let them
be carried out with precision!” The Arrival of Ezra
The Temple Is Finally Dedicated 7:1 Now after these things had happened,
during the reign of King Artaxerxes25 of Persia,
6:13 Then Tattenai governor of Trans-
Euphrates, Shethar-Bozenai, and their colleagues 15 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2;
acted accordingly – with precision, just as Darius Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4.
the king had given instructions.10 6:14 The elders 16 tn Aram “according to the writing of.”
of the Jews continued building and prospering, 17 sn At this point the language of the book reverts from
while at the same time11 Haggai the prophet and Aramaic (4:8–6:18) back to Hebrew. Aramaic will again be
used in Ezra 7:12-26.
Zechariah the son of Iddo continued prophesying. 18 tn Heb “the sons of the exile.” So also in v. 20.
They built and brought it to completion by the 19 tn Heb “as one.” The expression is best understood
command of the God of Israel and by the command as referring to the unity shown by the religious leaders in
of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes king of Persia. preparing themselves for the observance of Passover. On the
meaning of the Hebrew phrase see DCH 1:182 s.v. אֶ ָחד3b.
6:15 They finished this temple on the third day of See also HALOT 30 s.v. אֶ ָחד5.
the month Adar, which is the sixth12 year of the 20 tn Heb “brothers.”
reign of King Darius. 21 tn Heb “who had separated from the uncleanness of the
6:16 The people13 of Israel – the priests, the nations of the land to them.”
22 tn Heb “heart.”
Levites, and the rest of the exiles14 – observed 23 sn The expression “king of Assyria” is anachronistic,
the dedication of this temple of God with joy. since Assyria fell in 612 b.c., long before the events of this
6:17 For the dedication of this temple of God chapter. Perhaps the expression is intended subtly to contrast
earlier kings of Assyria who were hostile toward Israel with
this Persian king who showed them favor.
tn The words “of the work” are not in the Aramaic, but are 24 tn Heb “to strengthen their hands.”
25 sn If the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1 is Artaxerxes I Longimanus
supplied in the translation for clarity.
tn Aram “according to the word of.” (ca. 464–423 b.c.), Ezra must have arrived in Jerusalem ca.
tn Aram “for the life of the king and his sons.” 458 b.c., since Ezra 7:7-8 connects the time of his arrival
sn The practice referred to in v. 11 has been understood to the seventh year of the king. The arrival of Nehemiah is
in various ways: hanging (cf. 1 Esd 6:32 and KJV); flogging then linked to the twentieth year of the king (Neh 1:1), or
(cf. NEB, NLT); impalement (BDB 1091 s.v. ;זְקַ ףHALOT 1914 ca. 445 b.c. Some scholars, however, have suggested that
s.v. מחאhitpe; cf. NAB, NIV, NRSV). The latter seems the most Ezra 7:7 should be read as “the thirty-seventh year” rather
likely. than “the seventh year.” This would have Ezra coming to
tn Aram “made.” Jerusalem after, rather than before, the arrival of Nehemiah.
tn Aram “a dunghill.” Others have taken the seventh year of Ezra 7:7-8 to refer
tn Aram “for this.”
not to Artaxerxes I but to Artaxerxes II, who ruled ca. 404–
tn Aram “people.”
358 b.c. In this understanding Ezra would have returned to
Jerusalem ca. 398 b.c., a good many years after the return
tn Aram “who sends forth his hand.”
of Nehemiah. Neither of these views is certain, however, and
10 tn Aram “sent.”
it seems better to retain the traditional understanding of the
11 tn Aram “in” or “by,” in the sense of accompaniment.
chronological sequence of returns by Ezra and Nehemiah.
12 sn The sixth year of the reign of Darius would be ca. 516 With this understanding there is a gap of about fifty-eight
b.c. years between chapter six, which describes the dedication of
13 tn Aram “sons of.” the temple in 516 b.c., and chapter seven, which opens with
14 tn Aram “sons of the exile.” Ezra’s coming to Jerusalem in 458 b.c.
757 Ezra 7:23
Ezra came up from Babylon. Ezra was the son of
7:1211 “Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the
Seraiah, who was the son of Azariah, who was the priest, a scribe of the perfect law of the God of
son of Hilkiah, 7:2 who was the son of Shallum, heaven: 7:13 I have now issued a decree12 that
who was the son of Zadok, who was the son of anyone in my kingdom from the people of Israel
Ahitub, 7:3 who was the son of Amariah, who was – even the priests and Levites – who wishes to do
the son of Azariah, who was the son of Meraioth, so may go up with you to Jerusalem.13 7:14 You
7:4 who was the son of Zerahiah, who was the son are authorized14 by the king and his seven advisers
of Uzzi, who was the son of Bukki, 7:5 who was to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem,
the son of Abishua, who was the son of Phinehas, according to the law of your God which is in
who was the son of Eleazar, who was the son of your possession,15 7:15 and to bring silver and
Aaron the chief priest. 7:6 This Ezra is the one whogold which the king and his advisers have freely
came up from Babylon. He was a scribe who was contributed to the God of Israel, who resides in
skilled in the law of Moses which the Lord God Jerusalem, 7:16 along with all the silver and gold
of Israel had given. The king supplied him with that you may collect16 throughout all the province
everything he requested, for the hand of the Lord of Babylon and the contributions of the people
his God was on him. 7:7 In the seventh year of and the priests for the temple of their God which
King Artaxerxes, Ezra brought up to Jerusalem is in Jerusalem. 7:17 With this money you should
some of the Israelites and some of the priests, the be sure to purchase bulls, rams, and lambs, along
Levites, the attendants, the gatekeepers, and the with the appropriate17 meal offerings and libations.
temple servants. 7:8 He entered Jerusalem in the You should bring them to the altar of the temple
fifth month of the seventh year of the king. 7:9 On of your God which is in Jerusalem. 7:18 You may
the first day of the first month he had determined do whatever seems appropriate to you and your
to make the ascent from Babylon, and on the first colleagues18 with the rest of the silver and the
day of the fifth month he arrived at Jerusalem, forgold, in keeping with the will of your God. 7:19
the good hand of his God was on him. 7:10 Now Deliver to19 the God of Jerusalem the vessels that
Ezra had dedicated himself to the study of the law are given to you for the service of the temple of
of the Lord, to its observance, and to teaching itsyour God. 7:20 The rest of the needs for the temple
statutes and judgments in Israel. of your God that you may have to supply,20 you
may do so from the royal treasury.
Artaxerxes Gives Official Endorsement to Ezra’s 7:21 “I, King Artaxerxes, hereby issue orders
Mission to all the treasurers of21 Trans-Euphrates, that you
7:11 What follows is a copy of the letter that precisely execute all that Ezra the priestly scribe of
King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priestly scribe. the law of the God of heaven may request of you
Ezra was10 a scribe in matters pertaining to the – 7:22 up to 100 talents of silver, 100 cors of wheat,
commandments of the Lord and his statutes over 100 baths23of wine, 100 baths of olive oil, and
15 tn Heb “sons”; cf. KJV, NAB, NIV, NLT “children”; NCV,
TEV “descendants.”
16 tn Heb “held back downwards from”; KJV “hast punished
us less than our iniquities deserve” (NIV, NRSV, NLT all
tn Heb “who trembled at the words of the God of Israel.” 17 tn Heb “this”; the referent (the guilt mentioned previously)
tn Heb “the exile”; the words “the people” are not in the
has been specified in the translation for clarity.
Hebrew text, but are supplied in the translation for clarity. 18 tn Heb “with much weeping.”
tn The Hebrew word used here is a hapax legomenon. 19 tc The translation reads with the Qere, many medieval
It refers to the self-abasement that accompanies religious Hebrew mss, the LXX, the Syriac Peshitta, and Vulgate עֵ ילָ ם
sorrow and fasting. (’elam, “Elam”) rather than the reading ’( עוֹלָ םolam, “eternity”)
tn Heb “I said.”
found in the MT.
tc The MT lacks “and” here, but see the LXX and Vulgate. 20 tn Heb “in that we have given a dwelling to.” So also in
tn Heb “the kings of the lands.”
vv. 14, 17, 18.
tn Heb “according to a little moment.” 21 tn Heb “the peoples of the lands.”
tn Heb “a peg” or “tent peg.” The imagery behind this 22 tn Heb “upon this.”
word is drawn from the experience of nomads who put down 23 tn Heb “cut.”
pegs as they pitched their tents and made camp after times 24 tn The MT vocalizes this word as a plural, which could be
of travel. understood as a reference to God. But the context seems to
tn Heb “to cause our eyes to shine.” The expression is a
suggest that a human lord is intended. The apparatus of BHS
figure of speech for “to revive.” See DCH 1:160 s.v. אורHi.7. suggests repointing the word as a singular (“my lord”), but this
10 tn Heb “has granted us reviving.”
is unnecessary. The plural (“my lords”) can be understood in
11 tn Heb “to cause to stand.” an honorific sense even when a human being is in view. Most
12 map For location see Map5-B1; Map6-F3; Map7-E2; English versions regard this as a reference to Ezra, so the
Map8-F2; Map10-B3; JP1-F4; JP2-F4; JP3-F4; JP4-F4. present translation supplies “your” before “counsel” to make
13 tn Heb “through your servants the prophets, saying.” this clear.
14 tn Heb “the peoples of the lands.” 25 tn Heb “who tremble at”; NAB, NIV “who fear.”
761 Ezra 10:32
And let it be done according to the law. 10:4 Get Ezra the priest separated out11 by name men who
up, for this matter concerns you. We are with you, were leaders in their family groups.12 They sat
so be strong and act decisively!” down to consider this matter on the first day of the
10:5 So Ezra got up and made the leading tenth month, 10:17 and on the first day of the first
priests and Levites and all Israel take an oath to month they finished considering all the men who
carry out this plan. And they all took a solemn had married foreign wives.
oath. 10:6 Then Ezra got up from in front of the
temple of God and went to the room of Jehohanan Those Who Had Taken Foreign Wives
son of Eliashib. While he stayed there, he did not 10:18 It was determined13 that from the
eat food or drink water, for he was in mourning descendants of the priests, the following had taken
over the infidelity of the exiles. foreign wives: from the descendants of Jeshua son
10:7 A proclamation was circulated of Jozadak, and his brothers: Maaseiah, Eliezer,
throughout Judah and Jerusalem that all the exiles Jarib, and Gedaliah. 10:19 (They gave their word14
were to be assembled in Jerusalem. 10:8 Everyone to send away their wives; their guilt offering was a
who did not come within three days would thereby ram from the flock for their guilt.)
forfeit all his property, in keeping with the counsel 10:20 From the descendants of Immer: Hanani
of the officials and the elders. Furthermore, he and Zebadiah.
himself would be excluded from the assembly of 10:21 From the descendants of Harim:
the exiles. Maaseiah, Elijah, Shemaiah, Jehiel, and Uzziah.
10:9 All the men of Judah and Benjamin were 10:22 From the descendants of Pashhur:
gathered in Jerusalem within the three days. (It Elioenai, Maaseiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad,
was in the ninth month, on the twentieth day of and Elasah.
that month.) All the people sat in the square at the 10:23 From the Levites: Jozabad, Shimei,
temple of God, trembling because of this matter Kelaiah (also known as Kelita), Pethahiah, Judah,
and because of the rains. and Eliezer.
10:10 Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to 10:24 From the singers: Eliashib. From the
them, “You have behaved in an unfaithful manner gatekeepers: Shallum, Telem, and Uri.
by taking foreign wives! This has contributed 10:25 From the Israelites: from the descendants
to the guilt of Israel. 10:11 Now give praise to of Parosh: Ramiah, Izziah, Malkijah, Mijamin,
the Lord God of your fathers, and do his will. Eleazar, Malkijah, and Benaiah.
Separate yourselves from the local residents and 10:26 From the descendants of Elam: Mattaniah,
from these foreign wives.” Zechariah, Jehiel, Abdi, Jeremoth, and Elijah.
10:12 All the assembly replied in a loud 10:27 From the descendants of Zattu: Elioenai,
voice: “We will do just as you have said! 10:13 Eliashib, Mattaniah, Jeremoth, Zabad, and Aziza.
However, the people are numerous and it is the 10:28 From the descendants of Bebai:
rainy season. We are unable to stand here outside. Jehohanan, Hananiah, Zabbai, and Athlai.
Furthermore, this business cannot be resolved in 10:29 From the descendants of Bani:
a day or two, for we have sinned greatly in this Meshullam, Malluch, Adaiah, Jashub, Sheal, and
matter. 10:14 Let our leaders take steps on behalf Jeremoth.
of all the assembly. Let all those in our towns who 10:30 From the descendants of Pahath-Moab:
have married foreign women come at an appointed Adna, Kelal, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattaniah,
time, and with them the elders of each town and its Bezalel, Binnui, and Manasseh.
judges, until the hot anger of our God is turned 10:31 From15 the descendants of Harim:
away from us in this matter.” Eliezer, Ishijah, Malkijah, Shemaiah, Shimeon,
10:15 Only Jonathan son of Asahel and 10:32 Benjamin, Malluch, and Shemariah.
Jahzeiah son of Tikvah were10 against this,
assisted by Meshullam and Shabbethai the
Levite. 10:16 So the exiles proceeded accordingly.