There are 3 routes to become a professional engineer in Malaysia:
1. Pass the Professional Assessment Examination and have 3 years practical experience including general training and professional development/training under a professional engineer.
2. Be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia and have the required experience and training.
3. For engineers registered overseas, submit certification of equivalent qualifications and experience to the Board along with verification of good standing.
There are 3 routes to become a professional engineer in Malaysia:
1. Pass the Professional Assessment Examination and have 3 years practical experience including general training and professional development/training under a professional engineer.
2. Be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia and have the required experience and training.
3. For engineers registered overseas, submit certification of equivalent qualifications and experience to the Board along with verification of good standing.
There are 3 routes to become a professional engineer in Malaysia:
1. Pass the Professional Assessment Examination and have 3 years practical experience including general training and professional development/training under a professional engineer.
2. Be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia and have the required experience and training.
3. For engineers registered overseas, submit certification of equivalent qualifications and experience to the Board along with verification of good standing.
There are 3 routes to become a professional engineer in Malaysia:
1. Pass the Professional Assessment Examination and have 3 years practical experience including general training and professional development/training under a professional engineer.
2. Be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia and have the required experience and training.
3. For engineers registered overseas, submit certification of equivalent qualifications and experience to the Board along with verification of good standing.
or Route No. 2 or (Route for a Professional (Professional Assessment (Corporate Member of IEM) Engineer from an overseas Examination) Regulatory Body) (i) has obtained 3 years (1) A Corporate (i) The applicant need practical experience Member of the not sit and passed as specified in Institution of the Professional Regulation 22(1) Engineers Malaysia Assessment which shall include (IEM) Examination or be the following: corporate member of (2) has complied with IEM. (a) at least two years the requirements as of general determined by the (ii) Applicant shall training that will Board as follows: submit to BEM a provide a sound certified latest basis for (i) has obtained 3 Professional professional years practical Engineer Certificate development; and experience as issued by a specified in Regulatory Body of (b) at least one year Regulation 22(1) other country. of professional which shall include career the following: (iii) The professional development and engineers status training (a) at least two years shall be check that it providing wide of general is equivalent to exposure to the training that will BEM’s professional various provide a sound engineer managerial and basis for qualifications technical professional eligibility. expertise in development; and engineering (iv) The applicant is not practice where; (b) at least one year entitle to be of professional registered as a (c) at least one year career Professional of the above development and Engineer if at any training must be training providing time prior to his obtained in wide exposure to registration there Malaysia under the various exist any facts or the supervision of managerial and circumstances which a Professional technical would have entitled Engineer in the expertise in the Disciplinary same branch of engineering Committee to cancel engineering as practice where; his registration that practised by pursuant to section the Graduate (c) at least one year 15 of the Engineer. of the above Registration of training must be Engineers Act 1967 Professional obtained in (Revised 2015). Engineers in Malaysia under other related the supervision of branches of a Professional engineering Engineer in the (v) Summary of practical may be same branch of experience not less accepted engineering as than 3 years using with the prior that practised by company letterhead approval of the Graduate certified by a PE in the Board Engineer. same branch of engineering at which (ii) has passed a Professional the applicant did his Professional Engineers in practical experience Assessment other related and; Examination branches of conducted by the engineering (vi) has complied with the Board; may be requirements as accepted determined by the (iii) has satisfactorily with the prior Board. attended the approval of required courses the Board determined by BEM as follows: (ii) has satisfactorily attended the (a) Code of Ethics – required courses 12 hours determined by BEM as follows: (b) Health & Safety at Works – 12 (a) Code of Ethics hours – 12 hours
(c) Engineering (b) Health & Safety
Management at Works – 12 Practices – 12 hours hours (c) Engineering (d) Courses related to Management graduate’s branch Practices – 12 of engineering – hours 24 hours (d) Courses related to graduate’s branch of engineering – 24 hours