Zoom Activity Team Building Detailing
Zoom Activity Team Building Detailing
Zoom Activity Team Building Detailing
sequential “pictures within pictures”. The team is tasked with putting together a story from a set of
sequential images. Each person is given an image but is not permitted to show it to anyone else.
Together, the team has to figure out the correct sequence. The activity focuses on effective
communication and problem-solving skills.
You’ll need to purchase the picture books “Zoom” and “Re-Zoom” by Istvan Banyai.
Alternatively, you can create your own set of sequential images that tell a story. Each image should be
on one sheet of paper (you can laminate them so that they last more than one session). The number of
images should match the number of participants.
(If you’re in a pinch, you may be able to find Zoom and Re-Zoom as images online, but if you’re planning
for a later session, please support the author by buying his books!)
Group Size: 8 to 30. You can use the variations provided for smaller groups.
Explain the activity: The group has to piece together a story from the set of the images that is handed
out. Each participant is given an image but is not permitted to show it to anyone else. Without looking at
each other’s images, the group must put the images in sequence.
Hand out one image to each participant. Encourage them to study the details of the image so this will
help them put together the full story.
When the group believes that they have the images put into the correct sequence, the images should be
laid on the table/floor in order face down.
Turn the images over so that they can see if they got it right.
If there are any mistakes, let participants correct the order and then go through the correct sequence so
that they understand the full story.
Once the sequence of images has been agreed on by the group, they should be laid down on the
table/floor in sequence.
Problem solving
Time management
This is a great activity that allows teams to display communication and problem-solving skills. The
activity becomes more complex with a large number of participants as there are more pieces of the
story-puzzle that they have to put into sequence. It also works well with smaller groups if you use the
variations provided below.
Typically, you may notice that one or more participants will step up and assume a leadership role to help
guide the group.
If there are more people than cards, you can pair up participants
For smaller groups or to increase difficulty, don’t let participants talk at all during the activity. Let them
use gestures and actions to put the images in sequence.
For smaller groups, you can give each participant more than one image.
You can make the activity more competitive and measure team performance by the number of images
that are in the wrong sequence.
What did your team do well when you discussed the sequence of images?
Did everyone agree with the sequence? If not, did you have to compromise?
How well did you work as a team? Is there anything you could have done better?
Did others in the team listen to your opinion? Did everyone have their input?
What is the one thing you can take away from the task?