U.S. Warns China Not To Assist Russia: Abcde
U.S. Warns China Not To Assist Russia: Abcde
U.S. Warns China Not To Assist Russia: Abcde
Partly sunny 69/46 • Tomorrow: Mostly sunny 71/51 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness TUESDAY, MARCH 15 , 2022
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U.S. warns China not to assist Russia
in Africa Zelensky set to address
Congress on Wednesday
In Mali, mercenaries BYA SHLEY P ARKER,
advance the goals of D AN L AMOTHE,
an isolated Kremlin AND C ATE C ADELL
Millions at risk of losing Medicaid after crisis lifts With fewer covid protocols,
these students flourished
States will decide who of students in their seats. Masks
no longer belongs on Colo. district’s experience were optional in elementary
pandemic-swollen rolls offers evidence for those
school. Although middle- and
high-schoolers began with hybrid
learning, in November, high-
opposed to long closures school-aged students with signifi-
cant special education needs were
As many as 16 million low- back in person five days a week.
income Americans, including BY P ERRY S TEIN In the country’s largest school
millions of children, are destined systems, such as those in New
to fall off Medicaid when the monument, colo. — As school York City, Los Angeles, D.C. and
nation’s public health emergency systems around the country were Chicago, teacher unions and con-
ends, as states face a herculean battening down for their first re- cerned parents fought plans to
mission to sort out who no longer mote start-of-school in the fall of reopen. Public health officials
belongs on rolls that have swollen 2020, the Lewis-Palmer district warned that social distancing
to record levels during the pan- here was embarking on another would save lives, and schools re-
demic. kind of experiment: Elementary sponded by devising hybrid pro-
The looming disruption is a students would be in class full grams or simply sticking with
little-noticed side effect of the time, sitting maskless at commu- virtual learning. But, over time,
coronavirus crisis, and it is stok- nal tables. The band program these measures also imposed
ing fears among some on Medic- would resume in-person classes, costs: Today, students are con-
aid and their advocates that vul- saxophonists and flutists playing tending with significant learning
nerable people who survived the a few feet apart. The high school loss and mental health issues.
pandemic will risk suddenly liv- football teams would practice and Yet thousands of school dis-
ing without health coverage. For compete. tricts — typically small ones in
the Biden administration — While most of the nation kept conservative-leaning counties —
which will make the decision on students at home for part or all of reacted to the pandemic like
when to lift the health emergency the past academic year, these Lewis-Palmer District 38 did. Of-
— there is the potential political BRANDON DILL FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
schools in the suburbs of Colora- ficials in this largely White and
stain of presiding over a surge of Bradley Ledgerwood of Cash, Ark., with mother Ann, has cerebral palsy and has long depended on do Springs, like thousands of oth- affluent school district of 6,600
SEE MEDICAID ON A17 Medicaid. His state recently notified him, erroneously, that he is no longer eligible for benefits. ers around the country, opened students near the U.S. Air Force
with the overwhelming majority SEE SCHOOLS ON A18
dominantly Black neigh- ing to block her path to OBITUARIES CONTENT © 2022
borhoods will be fare free A new supervisor in William Hurt, 71,
BUSINESS NEWS ....................... A14
NEW YORK CITY POLICE confirmation. A6 COMICS ....................................... C6 The Washington Post / Year 145, No. 100
for the next two years. A3 the FBI’s D.C. field office was nominated for three OPINION PAGES.........................A19
Manhunt widens A search intensified for Officials renewed calls THE WORLD views collaboration with straight best-actor Os- LOTTERIES...................................B3
Britain’s top court re- local police as key to cur- OBITUARIES ................................ B6
someone thought by police to be targeting to publicize details about
fused to hear WikiLeaks tailing violent crime. B1
cars and won for “Kiss of TELEVISION.................................C3
payments for police mis- the Spider Woman.” B6 WORLD NEWS..............................A7
homeless people in D.C. and New York. B1 founder Julian Assange’s A top Maryland Demo-
For home delivery comments
he is no longer the Proud Boys’ far, investigators are not known to sented the kind of high-level legal immunity for police officers.
leader, is significant in part be- have interviewed those closest to accountability that activists called “They have not begun to ad-
cause he was not in Washington Trump as part of their probe. for during the social justice pro- dress that.”
ceived a call Thursday afternoon person, who did not provide their rutting males. called a paddock, and in Turkey
about a camel that was attacking name, responded to that call to He said their aggressive behav- their aggressive behavior is har-
people near Shirley Farms in say, “We are grieving,” and de- ior usually is limited to “kicking nessed for an annual wrestling
Obion. When deputies arrived, clined to comment further. with their legs, or sometimes festival, Faye said.
they found two people uncon- It is not clear how the camel biting, but sometimes they run That said, camel attacks do
scious on the ground. got loose or why it attacked. after people and can kill” by lying occur. In 2015, a male camel in
Sheriff Karl Jackson said the Veterinarian and camel expert down on people and crushing rut trampled two people to death
ME TO Y animal attacked a police vehicle. Bernard Faye said camels are them under the weight. at a farm in Texas. In 2017, a
CO O Then as the deputies were trying quiet animals that have good Depending on the type of cam- Florida woman sued a Confeder-
E to move one of the victims to relationships with people. el, the animals can grow more ate group, saying a camel bit her
safety, the animal headed toward But Faye, chairman of the than six feet tall and weigh more at the site of the Jefferson Davis
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“It was at this time officers had
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The victims were identified as gerous behavior under certain male camel can go “mad” during Shrine Circus.
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12th grade. through existing cash reserves. Marie Claudette Pierre Noël,
Advocates for free transporta- The buses became free in 2019, 53, lost her job at a hotel during
tion say it increases ridership, and ridership jumped. the pandemic and has relied on
discourages car use and provides “It takes such little money to her son to support her. She is a
greater access to jobs and educa- lift up so many people,” said Rive- regular rider on two of the free
tion, particularly for lower-in- ra, who is now chief executive of routes and was elated by the new
come residents and communities MassDevelopment, the state’s de- service. “It’s good, good, good!”
of color. The major challenge is velopment finance agency. At the she said, laughing and giving a
how to pay for it, especially in end of February, the zero-fare thumbs-up salute.
large cities where fares make up a project expanded to include all of The buses run through areas of
good chunk of transit revenue.
Art Guzzetti, a vice president at
the APTA, said that the current
the bus routes in Lawrence and a
dozen neighboring communities.
Wu, who toggles between
Boston that are home to large
numbers of immigrants and low-
er-income residents. One of them
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Greater push for police transparency Congress: Review drug firms’ tax plans
ment agencies often settle mis- said he hoped Republicans
conduct claims out of the public would focus on the financial
After Post investigation, eye, burying controversies and liability of alleged police miscon-
Feds urged to examine
officials urge publicizing making full accountability im- duct and agree on creating mea- tack by opioid makers to
possible.” sures that track officers involved
misconduct settlements The Post’s investigation, Kaine in repeated claims that ultimate-
deduct settlement costs
said, made “clear that policymak- ly affect “taxpayers’ pockets,” he
ers need this data, and our Cost said.
BY K EITH L . A LEXANDER of Police Misconduct Act would “Every mayor and governor BY D OUGLAS M AC M ILLAN
AND S TEVEN R ICH make sure they get it. We need could be able to see the patterns,
full transparency so that officers and why are there spikes in Congress is calling on federal
Two federal lawmakers and can be held accountable.” payments,” Kaine said in an in- officials to review the plans of
the District’s Office of Police Also in response to the article, terview. “If there is a drop in four large drug companies to
Complaints renewed their calls Michael G. Tobin, executive di- payments, then great job, chief. deduct the cost of a landmark
last week for police departments rector of the Office of Police If you see what the patterns are, opioid settlement from their tax-
to make public details about Complaints, wrote D.C. Police you can reward good behavior. es, after its year-long investiga-
police officers whose alleged Chief Robert J. Contee III to And if there was bad behavior, tion into corporate disclosures
misconduct resulted in multiple renew a push for the department then you can take measures to first revealed in an analysis by
payments for claims including to establish a program to “sys- address it.” The Washington Post.
wrongful arrests and excessive tematically review” lawsuits filed In The Post’s investigation, On Thursday, the House Com-
force. against the department and its Jim Pasco, executive director of mittee on Oversight and Reform JOHN MOORE/GETTY IMAGES
Virginia Democrats Sen. Tim officers. Tobin shared a copy of the National Fraternal Order of sent a letter asking the Justice Four drug companies have planned tax deductions to offset the cost
Kaine and Rep. Don Beyer urged the letter with The Post. Police, said he opposed linking Department and the Treasury of the $26 billion settlement to bring funds to those hurt by opioids.
members of Congress on Friday In the letter, he also told such information to an officer in Department to examine planned
to pass their 2021 bill, which Contee that the department public or using it as a form of deductions from Johnson & There is uncertainty in the law ed to help companies struggling
they called the Cost of Police should publicly publish reports performance review, especially Johnson, McKesson, Cardinal about these types of tax breaks, during the pandemic. Cardinal
Misconduct Act. The bill would regarding the lawsuits and any since in the majority of such Health and AmerisourceBergen. said Matthew Gardner, a senior Health, which agreed to pay
require federal, state and local intervention, training or policy payments, officers do not admit The four firms are seeking tax fellow at the nonprofit Institute $6 billion in the final settlement,
law enforcement agencies to changes that resulted from the wrongdoing nor is there a find- breaks that would help offset the on Taxation and Economic Pol- has said it plans to use the Cares
report police misconduct allega- litigation. ing by a court. “If there’s never cost of a $26 billion legal settle- icy. Though recent changes to the Act tax provision to increase the
tions and related judgments or The Post’s investigation found been a finding of guilt or any- ment finalized last month, to tax code have attempted to close size of its opioid settlement tax
settlements, including court 65 officers in the District were one’s fault, why put that in an bring funds to communities hurt loopholes that permit companies benefit by $420 million, filings
fees, to the Justice Department. named in multiple claims be- officer’s record?” Pasco told The by the opioid epidemic. to deduct legal settlements or show.
The goal of the bill, the authors tween 2010 and 2020, account- Post. “That would be such a “The committee’s investiga- governmental fines from taxes Early on during the coronavi-
say, would be to increase trans- ing for $7.6 million of the more glaring omission of due process tion shows that four companies when they have committed rus pandemic, Congress expand-
parency and accountability, sav- than $90 million in payments — where in the legal system in the that contributed to an opioid wrongdoing, many firms push to ed the ability for companies to
ing taxpayer dollars and poten- the fifth-highest overall of the 25 United States, a person is inno- crisis that has killed half a mil- make sure their settlements in- receive tax refunds on losses to
tially lives. cities surveyed. cent until proven guilty.” lion Americans and continues to clude a “restitution” payment for quickly get cash to businesses
The renewed push for trans- “I have been concerned about claim tens of thousands of lives victims, a measure that often facing economic peril.
parency followed a Washington this for many years,” Tobin said every year may now be attempt- qualifies them for deductions, Because there were few re-
Post investigation last week in an interview, adding that he ing to put taxpayers on the hook Gardner said. strictions, billions of dollars in
that revealed 25 of the largest first requested the measures in “Settlements for for billions of dollars in settle- All four firms agreed to pay tax breaks have gone to compa-
police and sheriff ’s depart- 2019, but the department did not ment costs,” the members said in “compensatory restitution” pay- nies that laid off thousands of
ments spent more than $3.2 bil- implement his recommenda- misconduct are often the letter. “This would be an ments to the victims of the workers and firms largely unaf-
lion to resolve claims of police tions. Contee was appointed outrageous tax benefit to line the opioid crisis but disavowed any fected by the pandemic. There is
misconduct over the past 10 chief in 2021. shrouded in secrecy.” pockets of bad corporate actors.” legal liability or wrongdoing, little evidence the tax relief has
years. The Post’s investigation Tobin said that if cities such as Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), on payments McKesson said in regulatory according to the language in trickled down into the pockets of
also found that more than D.C. were more aggressive in for misconduct claims against officers filings that it plans to claim a their final settlement agree- struggling families.
$1.5 billion had been spent to addressing the allegations that $1.4 billion tax benefit, while ments. The companies said they Cardinal Health, a company
settle claims against officers lead to such payments through AmerisourceBergen plans to produced government-approved with a $15 billion market capital-
who had been named in more retraining, reassigning, disci- The authors of the bill said one claim $1.1 billion, and Johnson & prescription pills, distributed ization, grew its revenue in each
than one paid claim. Those plining and even dismissing offi- of the elements — if sought by Johnson plans to claim $1.1 bil- them to registered pharmacies of the past two years, according
payments — and the officers cers involved, there would be lawmakers as a condition of their lion. Cardinal Health has filed and took steps to try to prevent to regulatory filings. It has over
involved — are rarely tracked by fewer patterns of misconduct — vote — could be that only officers for a $974 million tax refund but their misuse. $3 billion in cash available.
police departments or city offi- and fewer payments. who were the subject of multiple cautioned in a recent filing “it is In their letter, House members In response to a question from
cials who approve such taxpay- A spokesman for the D.C. po- payments or payments of more possible that the tax authorities questioned the legality of the Congress about whether its tax
er-financed settlements. lice declined to comment on than an identified minimum could challenge these tax ben- deductions. Damages paid to deduction was consistent with
The lawmakers hope the Sen- Tobin’s letter, instead saying the would be made public. Identify- efits.” government entities as the result the “intent” of the Cares Act,
ate and House will pass their act, department would respond to ing and measuring such pay- In an email, Jake Sargent, a of a government investigation Jessica Mayer, chief legal and
which would require such pay- Tobin directly. ments is a way, the bill’s authors Johnson & Johnson spokesman, into a potential violation of law compliance officer for Cardinal,
ments involving police officers to Nationally, such police trans- said, to reduce them. acknowledged that the opioid are generally not eligible for pointed out that the law says
be recorded and made public at parency measures face steep “It’s basically physics that you crisis is “a public health issue deduction, the lawmakers said, nothing about tax breaks being
all levels of government. challenges. can’t manage what you don’t that requires a public health citing the U.S. tax code. The available only to companies in
“Police misconduct causes sig- Beyer said he hoped to have measure,” Beyer said. “Once you response,” he said. “Our nation- lawsuits brought by thousands of poor financial condition.
nificant harm and puts lives at his bill up for a vote in the House measure something, then you wide settlement with a majority states, localities and tribes al- “Neither the text of the Cares
risk, but settlements for miscon- by the end of July. can change people’s behavior.” of U.S. states and territories will leged that drugmakers engaged Act nor the legislative history or
duct are often shrouded in secre- But the majority of Republi- directly support state and local in false and misleading market- IRS rulings would prohibit the
cy,” Kaine told The Post in an can senators have balked at po- Paul Kane and Magda Jean-Louis efforts to make meaningful prog- ing about the dangers of their application of the Cares Act pro-
interview Friday. “Law enforce- lice revision measures. Kaine contributed to this report. ress in addressing the opioid products and that drug distribu- visions to facts such as ours,”
crisis.” tors failed to report the misuse of Mayer said in Cardinal’s re-
Cardinal Health spokesman their products to authorities. sponse letter last year.
Erich Timmerman said in an “If the $26 billion settlement As part of its investigation last
email the company has been at issue is related to violations of year, the House committee asked
forthright about its approach to federal, state, or local law, then drug companies to provide “a
tax obligations related to opi- these companies should not be complete list of current and
oids, which he said is permissible allowed to shift the financial former employees who have
under federal law. Spokespeople burden of the damage they have been disciplined” for their roles
for McKesson and Amerisource- caused to American taxpayers,” in opioid sales and compliance
Bergen declined to comment. committee members said in the programs. In response, “none of
sunny or soggy? Nicole Navas Oxman, a Justice
Department spokeswoman, con-
firmed that the agency “has re-
The lawmakers expressed par-
ticular concern over Cardinal
the companies identified mean-
ingful discipline taken against
their executives,” the members
ceived the letter and will review Health’s “highly questionable” said in their letter this week.
it.” Alexandra LaManna, a Treas- plan to use a tax provision Con-
ury Department spokeswoman, gress included in last year’s Meryl Kornfield and Kevin Schaul
Stay one step ahead of the weather with the declined to comment. Cares Act relief package, intend- contributed to this report.
“extremely disappointing” and political and that incarceration in around.” Buildings are reflected in a vehicle window as Julian Assange is transported from court in 2019.
IDAHO country before it can go into as opposed to any private citizen not mention or define the theory,
effect. anywhere in the United States, as and many supporters of the bill
Legislature approves If signed by the governor, the is the case with the Texas law. have said they cannot define it.
abortion-ban bill new version of Idaho’s abortion The Idaho bill would offer at The new law says no school,
ban could take effect as early as least $20,000 to anyone who sued community college or university
The Idaho House on Monday April, several months before the successfully. can teach that any “sex, race,
approved a Republican bill that Supreme Court is expected to rule — Caroline Kitchener ethnicity, religion or national origin
would ban abortions after six on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion is inherently superior or inferior.”
weeks of pregnancy, becoming ban in a case that could overturn MISSISSIPPI The ACLU of Mississippi said
the first state to copy parts of the or significantly weaken Roe v. in a statement that laws opposing
restrictive Texas law that has Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling Governor signs law critical race theory “are thinly
banned most abortions in that that guaranteed the right to limiting race in lessons veiled attempts to silence
state. abortion. discussions of race and gender”
The vote was 51 to 14. While they wait for the Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves among students and educators.
The state Senate approved the Supreme Court ruling, signed a bill Monday to limit how The Republican-controlled
bill earlier this month. The Republican lawmakers in at least race can be discussed in House voted 75 to 43 to pass the
measure heads to Gov. Brad Little 12 states have introduced bills classrooms, and it became law bill March 3 after a six-hour
(R), who has supported similar modeled after the Texas ban, KEITH RIDLER/ASSOCIATED PRESS
immediately. debate in which several Black
abortion bans but has not which employs a highly unusual The Idaho House of Representatives votes to approve a bill that would “Contrary to what some critics lawmakers gave impassioned
commented on this particular legal strategy: empowering ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and allow family members may claim, this bill in no way, in speeches in opposition. They said
bill, which includes exceptions for private citizens to sue anyone of the fetus to sue a doctor who performs one. The bill now heads to no shape and in no form prohibits the legislation could squelch
rape, incest and medical who helps facilitate an abortion Republican Gov. Brad Little’s desk. the teaching of history,” Reeves honest discussion about the
emergencies. after the legal limit. (R) said in a video posted on harmful effects of racism because
Idaho’s current law allows for While Idaho lawmakers social media. “Any claim that this parents could complain if history
abortions until a fetus is viable embraced the novel enforcement bill will somehow stop lessons make White children
outside the womb, around 22 to strategy behind the Texas law, anyone who helps facilitate an They could be sued up to four Mississippi kids from learning uncomfortable.
24 weeks. Another six-week they also made significant abortion, from the receptionist years after the abortion. about American history is just When the bill passed the
abortion ban in Idaho has been changes to the legislation. The who schedules the procedure to The Idaho legislation could be flat-out wrong.” Republican-controlled Senate in
stalled since it was passed and Idaho version narrows the list of the Uber driver who takes a enforced only by family members, The short title of Senate Bill January, all of the Black senators
signed by Little last spring, people who can sue and be sued. patient to their appointment, the including the father of the fetus, 2113 says it would prohibit withheld their votes and walked
requiring a favorable court ruling Unlike Senate Bill 8 in Texas, Idaho law would permit lawsuits and the fetus’s siblings, “critical race theory.” But the out in protest.
on a similar law elsewhere in the which allows lawsuits against only against abortion providers. grandparents, aunts and uncles, main text of the legislation does — Associated Press
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advocated respecting the sover- Chinese officials leave the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Rome after meeting with U.S. officials, including national security adviser Jake Sullivan, to discuss the war in Ukraine.
eignty and territorial integrity of As intense fighting continued and Russian advances stalled, China denied reports that Russia had asked Beijing for military and economic assistance.
all countries and abiding by the
purposes and principles of the a stable world for them to contin- last month before the Pentagon pean countries. “I would just tell and chaos continued to pile up. corridor.
UN Charter.” ue to develop their own economy. withdrew them as it became evi- you that we have multiple routes Shells that appeared to be Rus- Russian and Ukrainian offi-
Still, the statement did not con- For them, this is a disruptive dent that Russia was about to to get security assistance into sian struck a nine-story residen- cials announced Monday that
demn Russia, which unilaterally event.” invade. the hands of the Ukrainians,” tial building in Kyiv’s Obolon dis- they had agreed on 11 evacuation
launched the invasion, saying Geraci added that the Chinese At least 35 people were killed Kirby said. “This was not one of trict at about 6 a.m., prompting routes out of Mariupol, with cor-
that “the reasonable concerns of officials he knows were hoping and 134 more were injured in the them.” frightened civilians to flee the ridors opening at 10 a.m. each day.
all parties should be responded Beijing could play a mediating attack, Ukrainian officials said. The senior defense official, building and firefighters to rush It was not clear if they were
to.” role between Russian President Pentagon spokesman John Kirby speaking at a separate briefing at to the scene. At least one person working effectively, or if Russia —
Earlier, Zhao Lijian, a spokes- Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s Zel- said Monday that several struc- the Pentagon, said Russian ad- was killed, according to Red Cross which has dropped explosives on
person for the Chinese govern- ensky. “In order to sit between tures at the training center were vances on major cities remain volunteers at the scene. previously established humani-
ment, denied the reports that Putin and Zelensky, you need to hit. A senior U.S. defense official, stalled on numerous fronts, forc- In Mariupol, which has been tarian corridors — was honoring
Russia has asked China for mili- be neutral,” he said. speaking on the condition of ano- ing the Russians to attack from a isolated and besieged by Russian the agreement.
tary and economic assistance, The Sullivan-Yang meeting nymity under ground rules set by distance with artillery, rockets forces for days, more than 160 Among the dead in Mariupol
calling them “false information” came as the Pentagon concluded the Pentagon, said that “more and other long-range weapons. cars carrying civilians were able was a pregnant woman depicted
that is “neither responsible nor that Russia had attacked the In- than a couple dozen” missiles Those cities include the capital, to leave the city. They departed in an Associated Press photo-
ethical” and adding, “Recently, ternational Peacekeeping and Se- were involved and that the bomb- Kyiv; the northeastern city of along a previously established graph after a maternity hospital
the U.S. has been spreading false curity Center, a Ukrainian mili- ers were in Russian airspace Kharkiv; and the port city of Mar- humanitarian corridor and were there was hit with a bomb last
information against China on the tary facility about 12 miles from when they launched. iupol in the south. heading north to the city of week. The AP reported Monday
Ukraine issue, with sinister inten- the border with Poland, with Kirby said the Pentagon is not “Clearly, they are increasing Zaporizhzhia, on the Dnieper Riv- that she and her unborn child had
tions.” cruise missiles launched from looking at the missile salvo as an the amount of long-range fires er, the Mariupol City Council said died in the aftermath, as the
At Monday’s session, Sullivan long-range bombers Sunday. Po- effort to “go after” U.S. weapons they are applying to these cities, in a statement. The council’s mes- mother suffered from a crushed
and Yang also discussed North land is a NATO country, and U.S. shipments to Ukraine, which these population centers that are sage, posted Monday afternoon, pelvis and detached hip.
Korea, as well as the importance troops had been deployed at the are entering under a cloak of holding out,” the official said. said a cease-fire was being ob- A convoy of trucks packed with
of keeping lines of communica- Ukrainian facility as recently as secrecy from neighboring Euro- And in Ukraine, the carnage served along the humanitarian food and medicine bound for
tion between their two nations Mariupol was again turned away
open, officials said. As of March 14, 3:00 p.m. EST by fierce fighting Monday, in the
Asked about Biden’s possible Active nuclear latest setback to providing help to
European trip — first reported by Russian-held areas power plants with trapped residents.
NBC News — Psaki said the ad- BELARUS power-generating The convoy, which also could
and troop movement
ministration has made no final capabilities offer residents a chance to get out,
decision but signaled that any R USSIA remains stalled about 50 miles
such visit would involve shoring southeast of Mariupol, near
up NATO and other Western Berdyansk, the Mariupol City
countries. Council said in its statement. The
“We are, of course, closely en- POLAND Che
ernihivv vehicles were originally expected
gaged with our NATO partners to arrive Sunday afternoon, but
and European allies … about the Russian forces continued to
next steps in diplomacy — wheth- Kyiv Sumy thwart them and violate a cease-
er that’s providing additional hu- fire agreement, the city official
manitarian or security assistance Russian forces conducted d said.
Lviv several limited attacks
or the mechanics for future con- As the violence continued,
versations,” Psaki said. northwwest of Kyyiv, Kharkiv House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
Monday’s discussions — an unsuccesssfullly atte
emptingg Ukrainian forces continued Calif.) and Senate Majority Lead-
outgrowth of Biden’s Nov. 15 vir- to bridge the Irpin
n River. to repel several Russian er Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.)
tual meeting with Chinese Presi- attacks near Kharkiv. announced in a letter to their
dent Xi Jinping — took place at colleagues that Zelensky would
Rome’s Waldorf Astoria, a hotel per deliver a virtual address to mem-
isolated from the city and favored U K R A I N E bers of Congress on Wednesday
by politicians and officials visit- morning. Zelensky has ad-
invasion, Beijing and Moscow Kherson to the northwest, but area “The Congress remains unwav-
Russian forces have not Myko
Stories of the past, rediscovered.
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war in ukraine
Russian Soyuz spacecraft. And a only that “at this time there’s no 47, tried to influence the 2018 U.S. Lev Parnas is one of Russian
few hours later, a group of private indication from my Russian part- elections by plotting to send oligarch Andrey Muraviev’s
astronauts is scheduled to launch ners that they want to do anything $1 million to candidates and cam- alleged co-conspirators.
on a SpaceX rocket for a week-long Astronaut Mark Vande Hei in 2017. Currently aboard the ISS, he’s different. So we are planning to paigns, hoping to win favor for the
visit to the station. set to return to Earth aboard a Russian spacecraft March 30. continue operations as we are to- unorthodox cannabis business In the indictment unsealed
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine day.” venture. Monday, authorities say that in
has heightened tensions between he said. “There’s not really an op- the deputy chair of Russia’s Secu- That includes getting Vande The crux of the allegations were early 2018, Muraviev, Fruman and
the United States and Russia to eration that you can just separate rity Council: “Please give it to a Hei home safely. Montalbano said known before his indictment was Parnas decided to launch a busi-
levels not seen since the Cold War. and go your own way, because of Russian mother whose son dies in there would be a team of about 20 made public because his alleged ness that would acquire licenses
But that has not affected the coun- the interdependency that was de- this unjust war.” on-site to take Vande Hei home co-conspirators, Lev Parnas, Igor to sell marijuana and set out to
tries’ partnership in space, which signed from the beginning.” For now, Russia has committed after the Russian spacecraft lands Fruman, and Andrey Kukushkin, make political donations to fur-
has endured for more than two Still, several NASA advisers to being a part of the ISS through in Kazakhstan on March 30. They were previously charged in the ther that goal. Muraviev’s money
decades — at least for now. have urged the agency to be think- 2024. NASA is planning to extend will fly him home on a NASA air- case. Fruman pleaded guilty; Par- was allegedly used to make dona-
“All these activities have contin- ing about contingency plans that the life of the station to 2030. If plane. nas and Kukushkin were convict- tions in Florida, Nevada and Tex-
ued for 20 years, and nothing has would be needed in a worst-case there were any kind of formal dis- Later that day, a group of pri- ed last year at trial. as. He also planned to pay for
changed in the last three weeks,” scenario. Dmitry Rogozin, the solution of the partnership be- vate citizens, who have paid Parnas’s and Fruman’s ties to donations to politicians in New
Joel Montalbano, NASA’s space head of Roscosmos, the Russian tween Russia and the United $55 million each, are to launch to Giuliani played prominently in York and New Jersey, according to
station program manager, said space agency, has said that since States, it would need to go before the space station on a mission President Donald Trump’s first the indictment.
Monday. “We’re aware of what’s Russia is responsible for boosting what is known as the Multilateral arranged by Axiom Space, a Hous- impeachment proceeding, in Muraviev is charged with con-
going on, but we are able to do our the station, it could force it to Coordination Board, the interna- ton-based company that is work- which Trump was accused of spiring to make contributions and
jobs to continue operations.” come crashing down. He has tional coalition that governs the ing to build a commercial space abusing his authority by threaten- donations by a foreign national
He dismissed any notion that threatened to consider dissolving space station. station that could replace the ISS. ing to withhold $400 million in and in the name of another per-
Vande Hei would not fly home the partnership, saying Russia “If the Russians want to leave, After that, NASA is preparing to military aid from Ukraine if offi- son, and making contributions by
with his Russian colleagues as would “closely monitor the ac- it’s going to be up to them,” said send up another crew of astro- cials there did not announce a a foreign national. He is believed
scheduled. “I can tell you for sure tions of our American partners Scott Pace, who is head of the nauts and bring another crew criminal investigation into candi- to be in Russia, a country with a
Mark is coming home on that and, if they continue to be hostile, Space Policy Institute at George home in what amounts to an ex- date Joe Biden and his son Hunter. policy of not extraditing its citi-
Soyuz,” he said. “We are in commu- we will return to the question of Washington University and traordinarily busy time on the sta- Giuliani, Trump’s former per- zens to face charges in the United
nication with our Russian col- the existence of the International served as the executive secretary tion. And for now, everything is sonal attorney, had worked with States.
leagues. There’s no fuzz on that.” Space Station.” of the National Space Council in operating normally, despite the Parnas and Fruman to search for Prosecutors say Muraviev sent
The Russian and American seg- And a state-run news agency the Trump administration. “I war on the ground. anything that would incriminate two $500,000 payments that were
ments of the station depend on published an animated video don’t see the partners or the MCB “The teams continue to work Biden in advance of the 2020 elec- meant to be infused into cam-
each other. The United States pro- showing Russian cosmonauts kicking the Russians out. The Rus- together,” Montalbano said. “Are tion. paign coffers for people seeking
vides power to the Russian side; abandoning NASA astronauts in sians would have to decide on they aware of what’s going on on Giuliani has not been charged offices like governor and state at-
Russia’s Progress vehicle uses its space. their own that they want to leave. Earth? Absolutely. But the teams in connection to the alleged cam- torney general, though Parnas
thrusters to keep the station in the Scott Kelly, a former NASA as- And so far, they haven’t.” are professional. The astronauts paign finance scheme. But he is and Fruman allegedly used some
correct orbit or to dodge debris. tronaut who spent nearly a year on Still, he said, NASA and the and cosmonauts are some of the the focus of a separate investiga- of the money to pay bills.
While NASA’s Cygnus spacecraft the space station with a Russian White House should be “thinking most professional groups you’ve tion by the U.S. attorney in Man- Evidence introduced at Par-
could also boost the station, it colleague, has been particularly about backups and alternatives,” ever seen. … And there’s really no hattan into his work in Ukraine nas’s trial showed one $10,000
would require the Russian thrust- vocal, calling out Rogozin on Twit- because the partnership is “not tensions with the team. This is and whether it violated any feder- donation in Fruman’s name went
ers to keep it in the correct orienta- ter. He also said he would return a invulnerable.” what they’ve been trained to do, al laws about working on behalf of to Adam Laxalt, the former attor-
tion, or attitude, Montalbano said. Russian medal he received for his That was a view also expressed and they’re up there doing that foreign entities. Giuliani has de- ney general in Nevada, who lost a
“It’s a team. We work together,” spaceflight to Dmitry Medvedev, by Wayne Hale, a former space job.” nied any wrongdoing. race for Nevada governor in 2018.
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Former Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Author, “Searching for Peace: A Memoir of Israel”
“I’ve been saying this for froze the country’s assets in their thwart al-Qaeda extremists ad-
years: My inspiration — my com- commercial banks. Bamako soon vancing on Bamako in 2013, the
pass — was the relationship our after defaulted on domestic international intervention has
first president had with the So- debts. failed to curb the bloodshed.
viet Union,” said Diarra, who But the nation is Africa’s third- Fighters have regrouped and
gained prominence as a pro-Rus- largest gold producer and boasts scattered. Fatalities rose by 17
sian activist and social media reserves of lithium, which pow- percent last year, according to
star known as Ben the Brain. ers smartphones, and uranium, a the African Center for Strategic
“But what I care about is Mali. silvery metal used for nuclear Studies in Washington.
Solving Mali’s problems is why reactor fuel. Some in Mali feel pressure to
we are here.” “I have reason to believe that silence their concerns about the
the Malian government tab for junta’s new strategy, said one
A charged arrival Wagner’s services is $10 million a former Malian official. Distrust
Between 800 and 1,000 merce- month,” Army Gen. Stephen of Paris swelled after a U.N.
naries are now working in Mali, Townsend, head of U.S. Africa report found that a French air-
according to U.S. military offi- Command, said on a recent video strike killed 19 civilians last year
cials focused on Africa. France conference, adding: “I think they in the central Malian village of
has put the number at 1,000. will have to trade in kind with Bounti.
When French President Em- natural resources such as gold “Working with mercenaries,”
manuel Macron announced that and other minerals.” the former official said, “we will
Paris would shift troops from The junta is negotiating con- have dozens more situations like
Mali to bordering nations, he cessions with Wagner, according Bounti.”
cautioned that Wagner has to three Western officials who After Paris’s top diplomat ac-
“predatory ambitions.” A Rus- have reviewed intelligence on cused mercenaries of “despoil-
sian military figurehead in the the matter. The junta did not ing” Mali, Bamako shot back by
Central African Republic, Alex- respond to questions about a expelling the French ambassa-
ander Ivanov, responded that he financial arrangement with Rus- dor.
was suing Macron for “flagrant sia. Then Macron announced his
defamation” to raise money for troops would exit, and the 800-
those hurt by “French neocolo- Combat missions PHOTOS BY PAUL LORGERIE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
soldier European counterterror-
nialism.” and a cowboy bar Adama Ben Diarra, a member of the Malian transitional council who was placed under European ism force meant to bolster the
The Kremlin has denied in- About a third of the Wagner Union sanctions this year, attends a protest against French troops in Bamako last month. French effort said it would follow
volvement with soldiers of for- agents in Mali have embedded suit.
tune, saying private firms are with the army around the coun- a Post reporter to look for Wag- The junta invited France to
free to peddle services anywhere. try’s center, where violence has ner at a cowboy-themed bar. On a leave “without delay,” saying the
Yet Washington says Wagner is surged in recent years, according recent Friday night, the hits of Malian army has made more
run by Prigozhin, an oligarch to the five officials close to the Ricky Martin (“She Bangs”) and progress against extremists in
known as “Putin’s chef ” for his operations. They have been Britney Spears (“Toxic”) blasted recent months than it had in
catering empire and ties to the tasked with cornering suspected as Ukrainian waitresses poured years. And pro-Russian rallies
Kremlin. fighters and staging strikes in shots of tequila. Two men sat at continue in Bamako. Video
“There are a lot of rumors overwhelmingly rural areas. the bar, eating pizza and chatting showed demonstrators burning
around Mr. Prigozhin and the Since Wagner joined the Mali- in Russian. When asked what cardboard cutouts of Macron.
Wagner PMC attributed to him,” an convoys, rights groups have brought them there, one replied Others brandished the face of
Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, flagged crackdowns they said in English: “My life is s---.” Putin.
said in an email. “All of them are hurt or killed innocent people — On the afternoon of the French
absolutely unfounded and un- a problem that existed before A geopolitical collapse ambassador’s expulsion, a group
substantiated.” Wagner touched down. Wagner’s arrival in Mali has of friends gathered outside near
The former head of Ukraine’s The junta has said it probes hastened the breakdown of alli- the embassy in question, crack-
main government security agen- every report of abuse and is ances with France and other ing jokes.
cy has referred to Wagner as establishing a court to punish European partners while strain- “We don’t even want to see the
Putin’s “private army.” military wrongdoers. A spokes- ing relations with neighbors. dust he leaves behind,” said Ami-
“Russia could start looking at man for the Malian army did not Ivory Coast’s president said in nata Traore Bassadiki, a 46-year-
Wagner as a revenue source be- respond to questions about the an interview with the Financial old incense seller, slapping her
cause the group has the ability to allegations. Times that hiring Wagner would knee.
seize assets like gold, diamonds European and West African Aminata Traore Bassadiki, an incense seller in Bamako, welcomes be “suicide” for Mali. She hadn’t joined the protests.
and bauxite,” said Samuel Ra- security partners in Mali, mean- France’s being replaced as the security partner in Mali. The country has directed more She just liked the idea of a new
mani, associate fellow at the while, have lost access to areas troops to its northern border, partner replacing France.
Royal United Service Institution, that Wagner patrols, the officials said. They were seen “doing tele- military estimates that between preparing for heightened tur- Sidiki Magassouba, a 52-year-
a British security think tank, and said. The 72-hour requirement communications work” — setting 3,000 and 5,000 are active on the moil. old energy company staffer, nod-
author of a forthcoming book on for surveillance flights began in up phone lines and Internet — continent. Mercenaries tend to “These are mercenaries,” Ni- ded along.
Russia’s presence in Africa. “You January, they said, preventing and fixing the Malian army’s shuttle from one conflict zone to ger’s foreign minister, Hassoumi “The anti-French feeling is
could see a more overt preda- allies from sending aircraft armored vehicles, according to a another. Massaoudou, told The Post. “We more than boiling today,” he said.
tion.” above villages in danger of immi- mining consultancy’s report ob- The Central African Republic are absolutely against mercenar- “It is France who pushed us into
How the mercenaries are be- nent attacks — a move meant to tained by The Post. usually has the deepest bench, ies in Mali and every other coun- Russia’s arms.”
ing paid in Mali remains murky. spook away assailants. In the capital, mercenaries researchers say. Wagner agents try.” “Russians, Wagner — we don’t
Most West African nations “We get the impression there guard the presidential palace, there tail the president as body- West and central African care who they are,” Bassadiki
sealed their borders and ended is something to hide,” one official according to the officials, and guards and attend public events troops have flagged the need for said, pronouncing it Vahg-ner.
all but essential trade with Mali in the country said. operate a military supply hub out — like the premiere of a movie more help. On their own, officers “If it means we will get our peace,
in January after the junta un- Farther north in Timbuktu, of a sealed-off wing of the inter- last year about the heroics of say, they lack the necessary man- we would follow Satan.”
veiled a five-year plan to restore Russian contractors have moved national airport. Russian commandos. power and equipment to end the
democracy. Members of the re- into an airport previously used Wagner numbers in sub-Saha- Mercenaries in Bamako keep a conflict. Mamadou Tapily in Bamako
gional bloc known as ECOWAS by French forces, the officials ran Africa fluctuate. The U.S. lower profile. One diplomat told Since Paris deployed troops to contributed to this report.
Marie Yovanovitch
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine
scored the need to be “nimble”
hen the Federal Re- and left the door open for the Fed
serve raises interest to move more aggressively if in-
rates this week, poli- flation doesn’t fall as interest
cymakers will have rates rise, supply chains heal and
spent months fine-tuning the congressional aid from last year
best moment to begin cooling off fades away.
an overheated economy, which “We will proceed, but we will
by many measures had nearly proceed carefully as we learn
recovered from the once-in-a- more about the implications of
lifetime kind of recession caused the Ukraine war for the econo-
by the global pandemic. my,” Powell told lawmakers.
Yet all that planning to tackle But Fed experts say that kind
inflation, now at 40-year highs, of patience can be hard to justify
has been unexpectedly upended now. Prices rose 7.9 percent in
in just a few weeks, with the war February, with the biggest driv-
in Ukraine now rippling through ers coming from gasoline, shel-
the U.S. economy through re- ter and food. Inflation has
cord-high gas prices. At the same seeped into every corner of the
time, new waves of global supply economy, gutting the Fed’s mes-
chain problems that have already sage from much of last year that
taken hold in Ukraine and Russia inflation would be temporary
could also start appearing in and limited to pandemic-affect-
China, where a new covid surge ed sectors.
has just started to halt produc- Last month, hotels, furniture,
tion at major manufacturing chicken and new cars and trucks
hubs. all saw their largest annual price
The Federal Reserve is poised increases on record. The Febru-
to start putting the brakes on an ary inflation report doesn’t even
economy that some experts now capture the strain on energy mar-
say could be in danger of faltering kets from the war in Ukraine —
anew. Goldman Sachs analysts and already showed the gasoline
have forecast that the economic index rising 6.6 percent com-
fallout of Russia’s war will pull pared with 2021.
back on economic growth and As a result, the Fed has come
raise the risk of the United States under growing criticism, espe-
entering a recession. JONATHAN ERNST/BLOOMBERG NEWS cially from Republicans, who say
There’s a lot of new uncertain- Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell, who will hold a news conference Wednesday, is expected to raise interest rates this week. the central bank should have
ty, and the economic consequenc- intervened with aggressive rate
TECHNOLOGY “We always believed that covid a day. cents for Uber Eats delivery
as a dramatic tail wind would — Bloomberg News orders for the next 60 days.
DocuSign plans come to an end,” Springer said in — Bloomberg News
changes in sales unit an interview. “The place that we RIDE HAILING
missed is how fast we would see ALSO IN BUSINESS
DocuSign chief executive Dan that drop.” Lyft to add surcharge Coupa Software on Monday
Springer is retraining his sales The fix is underway. The to help with fuel costs reported a loss of $96 million in
team and hiring a new leader in company is hiring a new sales its fiscal fourth quarter. On a per-
the division, seeking to mitigate a head, Springer told investors on Lyft will be adding a surcharge share basis, the company based
swift decline in demand for the the Thursday earnings call, and to rides in a bid to help drivers, in San Mateo, Calif., said it had a
company’s electronic-signature bringing on executives from following a similar move by rival loss of $1.29. The company
software. established software providers Uber last week in response to the posted revenue of $193.3 million
DocuSign’s product became a such as Oracle and Salesforce. It’s rising fuel costs across the United in the period. For the year, the
vital lifeline for businesses, also educating a sales team, one States. company reported that its loss
consumers and governments that grew substantially when “We’ve been closely widened to $379 million, or $5.13
when the pandemic hit in early demand for DocuSign’s product monitoring rising gas prices and per share. Revenue was reported
2020, turning the company into was robust, on how to effectively their impact on our driver as $725.3 million.
one of the most-watched sell existing customers on more community,” a Lyft spokesman
software vendors. Now that licenses or additional services. said Monday in an email. “Driver Vail Resorts on Monday reported
heightened demand has “We didn’t properly onboard earnings overall remain elevated a fiscal second-quarter net
evaporated, the shares have them,” Springer acknowledged. LIN WEIBIN/COLORCHINAPHOTO/ASSOCIATED PRESS
compared with last year, but income of $223.4 million. The
tumbled 76 percent, and Springer It’s not uncommon for Workers with Alibaba's food delivery platform Ele.me wait for given the rapid rise in gas prices company, based in Broomfield,
is working to convince skittish software vendors to change their orders in Zhujiang New Town in Guangzhou in south China's we’ll be asking riders to pay a Colo., said it had net income of
investors that DocuSign can leadership teams once certain Guangdong province. temporary fuel surcharge, all of $5.47 per share. The ski resort
flourish in the new world of levels of growth are achieved, which will go to drivers.” operator posted revenue of
hybrid work. often around $1 billion in annual Lyft didn’t elaborate on how $906.5 million in the period.
While Springer said he always sales. That wasn’t the case for high the new surcharge would be
expected the pandemic boom to DocuSign, which reported wasn’t until relatively recently unemployment funds without or which markets would be — From news services
subside, the drop-off caught him $2.1 billion in revenue last year, a that companies began to fully recipients coming into local affected.
and the company flat-footed. decision Springer says probably embrace signing documents facilities and companies used e- Ride-hailing giants are COMING TODAY
DocuSign failed to anticipate contributed to the challenges the online. signatures to tap into new federal grappling with the prospect of 8:30 a.m.: Labor Department
how substantially the return to company is facing now. Once the coronavirus swept aid. drivers leaving the platform as releases the Producer Price Index
quasi-normal operations would The pandemic was exactly the globe, the technology became DocuSign last week gave record-high gas prices whittle for February.
impact sales, as well as how what DocuSign needed to critical for businesses that quarterly and annual revenue down earnings. On Friday, Uber
severely the fallout of one-time establish e-signatures as a viable pivoted overnight to fully remote forecasts that fell short of announced it would be applying Federal Reserve: Policymakers
pandemic use cases would affect alternative to wet ink. While the operations. Governments also analysts’ projections, sending a fee of 45 cents or 55 cents per begin a two-day meeting to set
its business. option became legal in 2000, it needed to disburse shares plummeting 20 percent in trip for rides and 35 cents or 45 interest rates.
6 Monitor your investments at washingtonpost.com/markets Data and graphics by
Wil Haygood
Author, “Colorization: One Hundred Years
of Black Films in a White World”
podcasts are
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@ P O ST L I V E #P O ST L I V E
home. That didn’t appear to change another on the classroom carpet
“My child’s needs were not be- much during the pandemic. with no restrictions.
ing met,” Jones said. “It felt like But the results are hardly de- Giving teachers that freedom
they didn’t care.” finitive. Participation in the tests in classrooms was intentional,
was lower across the state, partic- school leaders said. They didn’t
Paint Again!
‘She needed to go back’ ularly among students from low- have the funds to redesign class-
When Michelle O’Neal relocat- income families. room with new spaced-out furni-
ed her daughters from Washing- Still, early results are promis- ture — and they didn’t want class-
ton state to Colorado Springs in ing. rooms to feel different from a
2019 for her husband’s job, she In third-grade reading — a crit- standard year. So long as teachers
wanted to find a school district in ical year — 60.2 percent of Lewis- and students showed up, they
the region that would have a Palmer students were considered wanted their schools to feel nor-
Our siding products resist extreme climate conditions, including high strong special education program proficient in reading in 2021, up mal.
temperatures, humidity, rain, hail, snow, and even hurricanes. for her second-youngest daugh-
ter, a high-schooler with Down
from 58.2 percent in 2019. During
that same time, Colorado profi-
“Elementary students had
close to a typical year last year,”
syndrome. Parents in online fo- ciency rates dropped from 41.3 to Frampton said. “Some kids are
rums kept referring her to Palmer 39.1 percent. still struggling, but a pandemic is
Ridge High. The school district made even going to be hard on everyone.”
NO payments The family found a house in
and 0% interest Monument, Colo., and enrolled New coronavirus cases, deaths and
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Michelle O’Neal saw Janae re-
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year, the Washington state dis- 0
trict where the family previously Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 March 14
How does
Ron DeSantis
sleep at night?
epublicans are killing us.
No, really.
Until now, we’ve known that
covid-19 death rates were higher
among the unvaccinated, and also higher
in counties that went for Donald Trump,
whose supporters were more likely to
resist vaccinations, masks and other
pandemic precautions.
Now that the omicron wave is over, a
couple of new analyses of state-by-state
data both point to an inescapable conclu-
sion: Living in states run by a Republican
governor is dangerous to your health.
Using data from the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, consultant
Doug Haddix reported Sunday that since
July 1 (when the lifesaving vaccine was
widely available), the 14 states with the
highest death rates were all run by
Republican governors. This included
Florida (at about 153 deaths per 100,000
residents), Ohio (142 deaths per BERNAT ARMANGUE/ASSOCIATED PRESS
100,000), Arizona (138) and Georgia Volunteers sew Ukrainian flags at a workshop in Lviv, in western Ukraine, on Monday.
(134). Contrast that with the deep-blue
District of Columbia (only 27 deaths per MATT BAI
100,000) and California (58 per 100,000).
Republicans. The worst was West Vir-
ginia (about 204 deaths per 100,000), hese opening weeks in Russian indefinitely, he needs the United States but America would sooner see Ukraine as having sold out Poland and other
followed closely by Oklahoma, Tennes- President Vladimir Putin’s in- and Europe to do more than impose cede some territory than risk all-out countries in the Soviet orbit, whose
see, Wyoming and the aforementioned vasion of Ukraine have given us sanctions on Russia and ferry weapons war. It would be an imperfect solution, freedoms were quickly crushed under
Florida. two things we hardly thought across the border. but one in which we’d all live to fight grinding Russian tanks.
The states with the lowest death rates, possible in Washington any longer: The United States, however, has a another day. For decades afterward, American
by contrast, were all run by Democrats — clarity of purpose and relative unity. different bottom line, as it did through- You could argue that any compro- presidents enabled repressive regimes
or, in the case of Vermont, Maryland and But if we expect the war to end with out the 40-year Cold War: to avoid a mise would perversely reward Putin’s — Chile, South Africa, Iran and so on —
Massachusetts, by moderate Republican Putin’s surrender and President Biden shooting war with a country that keeps aggression and invite even more, and all in the cause of containing commu-
governors who had heavily Democratic basking in praise from Congress and nuclear missiles aimed at U.S. cities. it’s true: Our own policies, notably the nism. We abided assassinations and
legislatures and embraced vaccines and foreign capitals, we might want to “We will not fight a war against non-response to Putin’s annexation of undercut democracies when we
masks. The best jurisdictions were D.C., revisit Cold War history. In disputes Russia in Ukraine,” Biden said flatly on Crimea in 2014 and President Donald thought we had to do so.
Vermont, Hawaii and California. Look- between nuclear powers, the cause Friday. “Direct confrontation between Trump’s public slavishness toward Rus- In retrospect, it’s easy to see these
ing at data from the period since May 1 might be clear and just. The resolution NATO and Russia is World War III.” sia, led directly to where we are now. allowances as misguided and shame-
(by which time all U.S. adults theoretical- generally isn’t. As Biden has said, if Russia even But the universe of outcomes in ful. But from the end of World War II to
ly could have been vaccinated) produced At this point, Putin’s unprovoked tiptoes over the line into NATO terri- Ukraine is limited now. The most likely the fall of communism, East and West
similar results. war has provided the United States — tory, we’ll have little choice but to take scenario involves Putin unleashing sav- did not come to all-out war, and not a
Florida residents were, since vaccines and the world — with a simple up arms directly. The same might con- agery on the country to possess it, and single nuclear-armed missile was fired.
have been widely available, nearly seven narrative and uncontroversial choices. ceivably be true if Putin unleashes it ends with Ukraine leveled, Zelensky You might say we avoided Armageddon
times as likely to die from covid-19 as Russia, the behemoth, is isolated from chemical weapons — an option for dead and Russian troops on the Polish at the cost of our collective conscience.
residents of D.C., nearly three times as the world and reeling from resistance. which he appears to be laying a false border. You’d have to think a negotiated It would be nice if Ukraine required
likely to die as residents of California and Plucky Ukraine stands its ground and pretext. alternative that leaves Ukraine partly no such painful calculations — if Putin
212 times as likely to die as residents of pleads for help amid mounting But absent that kind of broader intact, if that window opens, would be would simply put his tanks in reverse
New York. With Florida’s population of casualties. menace, Biden will be forced to take a preferable. and plead for economic mercy. But
about 22 million, that’s a lot of unneces- But this period of easy choices and realpolitik view that most of us will find Such odious calculations aren’t new; Biden must know that he needs to
sary deaths. simple story lines is coming to an end. hard to stomach. No matter how unjust we just haven’t had to contend with prepare the country for a more agoniz-
This raises a question: How does Ron We’re reaching the phase of the crisis Ukraine’s fate, he must continue to them for a while. We remember the ing endgame. His job, in the best case,
DeSantis sleep at night? Florida’s where the interests of Ukraine and the reject any measure that threatens to Cold War now as a principled stand will be to make a negotiated outcome
Republican governor has been among United States are no longer perfectly put U.S. troops in direct conflict with against tyranny — and it was. palatable abroad and at home.
the most outspoken in raising fears of aligned, and the balance will be hard to the Russians. But the story of the nuclear age was If he does, count on this: Our much-
the coronavirus vaccine (most recently navigate. Anything else would be reckless. Yes, also one of pursuing moral ends needed sense of unity will be shattered
suggesting, falsely, that it could harm Like any capable leader in his situa- the absorption of Ukraine into Russia through a cascade of compromises that overnight. Republicans will scream
women’s fertility), suing to stop vaccine tion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr would be a human tragedy and geopo- were morally ambiguous at best. that Biden is the new Neville Chamber-
mandates, promoting ineffective cures, Zelensky wants to repel the invaders litical nightmare. But a shooting war At the dawn of the Cold War in 1945, lain, while internationalists in the pres-
blocking rules requiring face masks, and keep his country whole. His best between NATO and Russia would con- both President Franklin D. Roosevelt ident’s party will complain that he
scolding mask-wearing kids for “covid (and probably only) hope for driving stitute an existential crisis that some and President Harry S. Truman felt walked away from human rights.
theater” and touting misleading the Russians out is to draw NATO large segment of the planet might not compelled to reach unsettling terms In that event, though, Biden will
statistics. deeper into the war. survive. over the future of Europe with Joseph have checked Russian aggression with-
It’s likely no coincidence that Florida, And so Zelensky pleads movingly This might mean pressuring Zel- Stalin. For the United States, the priori- out letting NATO get drawn into an-
under DeSantis, has had by far the with the West for leftover Russian- ensky to accept a negotiated solution ty was defeating Japan, where America other world war. History tells us that in
highest covid-19 death rate among the made fighter jets and a no-fly zone over that is patently unjust — if it’s even wanted Stalin’s help. a showdown between nuclear powers,
most-populous states and is in the top Ukraine. If he’s going to hold out possible. No one wants to say it now, That deal is generally remembered that’s what leadership is.
five of all states. Other factors, including
climate, health-care infrastructure, and
the age and underlying health of the
population, don’t fully account for it.
Maine, with an even older population JOE SCARBOROUGH
than Florida’s, had a death rate just over
half as high. Also, Florida’s vaccination
rate appears to be overstated thanks to
vaccine tourism.
Putin’s war is moving into a new phase.
In addition to the state rankings,
Gaba’s latest county-level data confirms
earlier patterns: Since May, people in the
Biden and the West had better get ready.
most pro-Trump tenth of U.S. counties
had a death rate more than three times n June 1940, Britain stood alone plants, cultural landmarks and residen- an act of war. bly create humanitarian safe zones in
as high as those in the most anti-Trump against a Nazi war machine that had tial buildings. These attacks are not First, Putin claimed that trigger Ukraine that allow civilians to escape
tenth. The number of overall cases, swept across Europe. Winston indiscriminate; they are deliberate at- would be acceptance of Ukraine into slaughter. Putin would be assured that
however, was only 1.3 times as high, Churchill had spent the month be- tempts to slaughter and terrorize. NATO. Then he added the introduction the zones would not be used for military
indicating that vaccines were preventing fore, his first at 10 Downing Street, Even more ominously, Russia has of peacekeeping troops into western purposes; however, any force targeting
death. cycling through doomed military strate- started a misinformation campaign Ukraine. Then the transfer of Polish jets civilians there would immediately be-
Every week, it seems, brings fresh gies designed to save France. But on about Ukrainian biological laboratories, across the border, and then the ship- come a target of U.N. peacekeepers or
confirmation of the basic truths about June 18, the new prime minister traveled parroted by useful idiots in the West, ment of defensive weapons. And then he even NATO. While such a plan would
the pandemic that have long been obvi- to the House of Commons to deliver his suggesting Russian forces could be pre- moved the line again, declaring to young likely cause deep discomfort inside the
ous to all except those consuming the “finest hour” speech, warning Parlia- paring to use chemical weapons. We flight attendants bearing flowers that Biden White House, policymakers in the
disinformation of the Trumpy right: ment that the war against Hitler would must brace ourselves for horrifying even economic sanctions against Russia West may not be able to avoid such
Vaccines work. Masks work. Conspiracy soon enter a dangerous new phase: “The images of families choked to death by were tantamount to war. decisions for long. The only question is
theories don’t. Battle of France is over,” Churchill Putin’s deployment of those weapons of It is as if Putin expects Americans to whether they make the move at the
Last week, a new CDC study con- declared. “I expect that the Battle of mass destruction. If Putin crosses that forget the body bags flown to Dover Air United Nations before or after Putin
firmed that — shocker — masks prevent Britain is about to begin.” moral red line, the political pressure to Force Base because of decades of Rus- deploys chemical weapons.
illness. A study of Arkansas school dis- Over the past month, in response to respond will be overwhelming. Biden sian proxy wars fought against U.S. sol- Guard your words: Just as nothing is
tricts found that those with full mask Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President and his allies need to prepare for that diers. Simply put, an alliance that caves gained by Biden’s declarations of what
requirements had a 23 percent lower Biden has assembled the most impres- now, in three ways: to Putin’s nuclear blackmail today would the United States will not do, the same is
incidence of covid-19 among students sive coalition since President George Stop playing defense: Three weeks be forced to respond to his chemical true of U.S. officials making statements
and staff compared to districts with no H.W. Bush’s skillful diplomatic efforts ago, only 1 in 4 Americans supported weapons attacks tomorrow. Enough. suggesting Putin has no choice but to
mask requirements. Those with partial preceding the Gulf War. Biden has significant U.S. involvement in the war. Be disruptive: At the height of the fight to the end. While cable hosts and
mask requirements were in between, united a fractured NATO alliance, and European allies were wary of confront- Cold War, then-national security adviser opinion columnists are free to call the
and those that switched from no mask to Europeans have responded more force- ing Putin on a range of issues. That made Zbigniew Brzezinski observed, the So- Russian tyrant a war criminal, U.S. am-
masks had reduced illness. fully than Vladimir Putin could have Biden’s public assurances of avoiding a viet Union was confined to playing a bassadors to the United Nations should
Before that, a pair of studies late last ever imagined. Russia’s economy has hot war against Russia politically neces- disruptive role in the world “by the be more prudent. If Putin believes his
month added evidence to the original been shattered by unprecedented eco- sary and diplomatically wise. nature of its one-dimensional power and future is inside a cage at The Hague, he
belief that the virus emerged in late 2019 nomic sanctions, and Putin’s military Now, 3 in 4 Americans support a by the character of nuclear weapons.” will have no incentive to end this war.
in a wet market in Wuhan, China. has been slowed by stalwart Ukrainian no-fly zone over Ukraine. European Russia upended international norms, The same holds true for senior U.S. sena-
Though the matter isn’t settled, the fighters making deadly use of NATO- allies have flexed their military and Brzezinski noted, because it feared “be- tors calling for regime change. Providing
findings make the scenario that the virus supplied weapons, which are crossing economic might in a way not seen since ing locked into the role of the junior Russia’s nuclear-armed president an
was spread accidentally or intentionally the Polish-Ukrainian border at a dizzy- World War II. These dramatic changes partner in effect committed to the off-ramp from the military catastrophe
by a lab in Wuhan — an incendiary ing rate. allow the U.S. president to respond more maintenance of the global status quo.” he created remains the best hope for the
accusation recklessly trumpeted by But Putin’s war against Ukraine is aggressively to the war crimes being Almost 40 years later, little has changed. people of Ukraine and the world.
Trump, DeSantis, Fox News and the like entering a dangerous new phase. Events committed against Ukrainians. Putin threatens nuclear war, levels cit- As psychiatrist Kenneth Dekleva re-
— considerably less likely. are moving rapidly, and it’s time for Biden should stop telling Putin what ies, commits war crimes and raises the cently told former CIA acting director
“Falsehood flies,” Jonathan Swift Biden and his Western allies to adjust. he will not do, stop alerting him to what specter of chemical weapons because Michael Morell, “Sometimes it is better
wrote, “and truth comes limping after it.” The horrors of Grozny and Aleppo are weapons he will not send, stop saying the West rationally moves with caution to let the bear run out of the cage back
The truth has taken the lead, for those being visited upon the people of Ukraine what strategies he will not employ and to preserve the international order. into the forest.” In the meantime, Biden
who care. Alas, for some of those who and witnessed across the free world. stop declaring where U.S. troops will Biden should change the dynamic by should do all he can to make sure that
accepted the lies DeSantis and other Russian airstrikes kill civilians and re- not deploy. It is also time for NATO to employing his own disruptive tactics. bear cannot slaughter millions trapped
leaders told about vaccines, masks and duce cities to rubble, as Putin targets stop being reactive to Putin’s ever- The United States should move expedi- inside the cage that Ukraine has be-
cures, it’s too late. They’re already dead. children’s hospitals, nuclear power changing definition of what constitutes tiously to have the U.N. General Assem- come.
OT QUITE three weeks since it China — against which national security
began, the war in Ukraine seems adviser Jake Sullivan rightly warned Bei-
stuck in a bloody status quo. jing — might be a sign of Russian internal
Russian forces, having failed to disarray or even desperation. The same
achieve the quick victory they anticipat- goes for reports that the Russian presi-
ed, remain positioned around major cit- dent has placed key foreign-intelligence MARTYN TURNER/THE IRISH TIMES
ies, including the capital, Kyiv. Against all officials under house arrest. As Russian
odds, the best conceivable outcome of morale deteriorates, it’s no time to risk
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ag- reviving it by declaring a NATO no-fly
gression — military defeat at the hands of zone or dispatching NATO ground troops
Ukraine, without direct NATO involve- into western Ukraine, thus converting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
ment — remains a possibility, albeit with Mr. Putin’s tale of a war against NATO
an enormous cost in civilian life, imposed from propaganda to reality. [email protected]
wantonly by Russia. Yet military victory It follows that, if the United States and
for Mr. Putin seems all too conceivable as its allies aren’t going to fight on Ukraine’s
well, even if stable Russian political MYKOLA TYMCHENKO FOR REUTERS behalf, they also should not do its negoti- Alexandria, don’t give in bled in less than two weeks, it would have
control thereafter is not. As a result, A member of the Ukrainian Territorial ating for it. Yet alongside the talk of tripled if Congress took another week or
frustration is growing, understandably, Defense Forces on Monday. greater direct NATO intervention, there Regarding the March 10 Metro article two to formally unveil the proposal.” Inar-
among many in the United States and is discussion of various possible settle- “Plan to honor abortion providers is guably, Ukraine needs aid. And yet, the
Europe, who wonder why, in addition to strike on a Ukrainian base about 15 miles ments, in which Ukrainian President withdrawn”: same members of Congress, after months
the military assistance for Kyiv and sanc- from the border of NATO member Po- Volodymyr Zelensky would, say, recog- Though I understand the political ne- of debate, cannot see the humanitarian
tions against Russia, the West is not land, and threatening more strikes on nize Russian control of Crimea and for- cessity of Alexandria Mayor Justin needs of their own constituents: shelter
doing more. weapons supply lines. And we say it swear NATO membership in return for a M. Wilson withdrawing the proclamation for the homeless, child care for low-
In our view, it is too soon to second- despite our own disappointment with cease-fire and Russian recognition. To honoring abortion providers in the face of income households, home care for the
guess, much less abandon, the broadly Mr. Biden’s refusal to transfer combat put it mildly, it is premature to bless any the predictable threats and pressure from aging in place, food insecurity, etc. Many
successful course President Biden and aircraft from Poland to Ukraine. outcome in which Russia could commit the “pro-life” right and the Catholic hier- needs that could be met in President
his fellow democratic leaders have adopt- Critics of Mr. Biden’s approach correct- aggression, fail on the battlefield and yet archy, I am sorry he did not stand up to Biden’s Build Back Better bill. Give it a
ed. The key principle is to defend “every ly argue that the West must show Russia emerge with any such gains. them. The majority of Alexandria resi- different name and maybe Congress (Re-
inch” of NATO territory but otherwise that it will pay a heavy price, in blood and The time for a different U.S. policy — dents and, indeed, all Americans support publicans) can muster aid for its own
limit the alliance’s role to aiding Ukraine treasure, lest it attempt cross-border toward either the fighting or the negotia- abortion rights, but too many of us stay citizens. Finally, congressional aid to
with arms, intelligence, money and hu- aggression against another country later; tions — might yet come. Certainly, the silent in the face of the abusive onslaught Ukraine says we are supporting a free,
manitarian supplies — while punishing the critics incorrectly imply that Moscow war’s catastrophic impact on civilians is a and physical intimidation by the minori- democratic Ukraine against an authori-
Russia. We say this even though Mr. Putin has not been made to pay a heavy price. reason to search urgently for new and ty. We cannot remain silent anymore. tarian government. And yet, Republicans
obviously meant to test the West’s “red U.S. intelligence reports that Mr. Putin’s better ideas. For now, though, Washing- Abortion providers should know that are doing everything to take away our
line” by launching a devastating missile regime has reached out for resupply to ton’s best course is the one it’s on. we both appreciate and support them. democratic rights in the United States
They provide essential health care to through state legislatures’ voting bills. It’s
women and do so under constant threat of time for Republicans to own up to their
violence. They well deserve our apprecia- hypocrisy.
tion and our thanks. I remember the days Sally A. Kemink, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
The high court opens a Pandora’s box pre-Roe, and we are not going back.
Arina van Breda, Alexandria Regarding the March 10 news article
“ ‘Armageddon’ in Mariupol, mayor says”:
The world has been attempting
Its complacency about Texas’s antiabortion law could damage the constitutional order. No mercy for Boston bomber throughout history to get nations to hon-
or the ideals of national self-determina-
HE TEXAS Supreme Court on James M. Doyle’s March 11 Friday tion, sovereign borders and peaceful co-
Friday effectively extinguished Opinion essay, “Why Biden should com- existence. From the distant Treaty of
a lawsuit challenging the state’s mute Boston bomber’s death sentence,” Westphalia to the modern Helsinki Final
antiabortion law, all but ensur- was a metaphysical tour de force if ever Act, Paris Charter, Budapest Memoran-
ing that Texas’s extreme restrictions there were one. He concluded that “de- dum and U.N. Charter, Russia’s assault on
will remain on the books for the spite the thousands of stories we’ve read Ukraine has shredded them all.
foreseeable future. But do not imagine about him, Tsarnaev will remain a With respect to philosopher George
that Texas’s success, the result of the stranger to the community for which the Santayana’s famous aphorism, the fact
U.S. Supreme Court’s permissive atti- jury acted.” That community includes the that humankind has decidedly repeated
tude toward the state’s aggressive legal families of the three people who died, one history is not that people ever forgot the
maneuvers, will affect only pregnant of whom was an 8-year-old boy. That past. For they didn’t. But rather, what was
people within its borders — or that the community includes the more than not cured by these well-intentioned
consequences will be limited to abor- 260 people injured, 17 of whom had agreements was the irrepressible bub-
tion rights. The high court’s compla- limbs amputated as result of Dzhokhar bling up of the basest of human instincts.
cency might open the way for states Tsarnaev’s al-Qaeda-inspired barbarism. Instincts as in governments coveting
that seek to restrict constitutional Despite Mr. Doyle’s confident asser- other nations’ resources; engaging in ir-
rights of many kinds. tion that Mr. Tsarnaev will remain a redentist aspirations; yearning for pow-
Texas law bars abortion when fetal stranger to the Boston community, I’ll er, influence and global acknowledgment
cardiac activity is detectable, usually wager otherwise. of a respected presence on the world
around a pregnancy’s sixth week, which William E. Fallon, Gaithersburg stage; imagining how “the other,” as con-
is before many women even know they venient bogeyman, has supposedly disen-
are pregnant. This contradicts Roe franchised ethnic, cultural or language
v. Wade and other Supreme Court dicta. Mr. Putin’s bogus rationale identities; or not being able to move
But rather than tap state authorities to beyond long-simmering aspirations to
enforce the ban, Texas lawmakers em- The March 9 news article “Putin is right perceived historical wrongs.
powered private citizens to bring civil EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/REUTERS bombing the ‘Russian world’ he claims to In the attack on Ukraine, we’re seeing
suits against anyone abetting a restrict- protect” cited Russian President Vladi- a brazen rebuff of the inviolability of
ed abortion. This means that abortion A protester outside the U.S. Supreme Court in November. mir Putin’s view of Ukraine as part of frontiers, nonintervention, and security
rights groups had no discrete entity to “Russkiy Mir,” the Russian world he has and cooperation predictably play out yet
sue to prevent the law’s enforcement. abortion case that could scrap Roe, and ing to restrict firearms by empowering vowed to protect. Because his “protec- again.
Meanwhile, Texas abortion providers with it any argument that Texas’s ban private citizens to go after gun-shop tion” is increasingly belied by the death Keith Tidman, Bethesda
would have to shut down in fear of violates the Constitution. Yet by condon- owners. State officials across the coun- and destruction of innocent Ukrainians,
ruinous lawsuits. ing Texas’s approach in the meantime, try are rushing to create vigilante including Russian speakers, he turns to With respect to the question of wheth-
Rather than block this end run they have opened up a legal Pandora’s systems to crack down on anti-vaxxers other rationale such as “history, culture er the United States should facilitate the
around the Constitution, the U.S. Su- box that could do extreme damage to the and speech in schools. If the court and spiritual space.” Mr. Putin is correct, transfer of Polish MiG-29 fighter aircraft
preme Court threw up its hands. The constitutional order. treated such cases with the same non- of course, that there were times when to Ukraine, using Ramstein air base in
Texas Supreme Court’s action on Friday A Missouri lawmaker has proposed chalance as it did Texas’s abortion ban, Russia controlled Ukraine, but he ne- Germany, I would like to assure President
— declaring that, indeed, no state au- empowering private citizens to sue those restrictions could remain on the glects the larger part of history when Biden that Americans are not cowards.
thority had any power to enforce the law, anyone — even beyond the state’s books for long periods of time. most of modern Ukraine was part of the Each day, The Post reports on ever
and therefore no state entity could be borders — assisting a Missourian in The court should act to close the legal Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Aus- worse bombing of Ukrainian civilians,
sued to stop it — ended the last hope of getting an out-of-state abortion. The loophole Texas exploited and make tria-Hungary and Kievan Rus. now including even a maternity hospital
substantive judicial review anytime notion that a state could regulate clear that it will not tolerate any state As for spiritual space, he plays on the [“17 injured as concerns deepen over
soon. Unsurprisingly, lawmakers in at out-of-state activity is absurd. But so is seeking to export its abortion policies theme of Orthodox support for the czar escalating civilian casualties,” news,
least 12 other states have proposed Texas’s abortion vigilante enforcement beyond its borders. Meanwhile, those of all the Rus, emphasizing unity of faith March 10]. As with most Americans, I do
similar abortion bans. program, and the Supreme Court failed states that hope to preserve legal abor- as justifying the war but neglecting the not know anyone in or from Ukraine, but
Perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court jus- to stop it. In fact, states could use a tion must consider how to protect their fact that the patriarch of Moscow’s sup- I am haunted by the death from the sky
tices anticipate that the Texas abortion Texas-style system to restrict practically own abortion providers from punish- port for him undermines that very unity, raining down on innocent people. I think
controversy will soon be moot; they are any constitutionally protected activity. ments that other states might try to not only within the Orthodox Church but I might speak for many or most Ameri-
set to rule by this summer on a major California lawmakers are already mov- impose on them. also in Ukraine and the Russkiy Mir, cans when I say I would rather incur
wherever it is. some risk of conflict with Russia instead
A change of heart by the patriarch, of not doing what we can to stop the
supported by a full-court press against slaughter of innocents. So, I ask Mr. Biden
Russia’s information iron curtain, could to help send the Polish aircraft to
umn, “Uncommonly united Congress Let’s hear it for McDonald’s. It appears
N A rare ruling — one believed to be a associated with suicide. officers killed in the line of duty. That she rushes to send aid to Ukraine, with more that losing McDonald’s and the “Big Mac”
first for the D.C. police department — On Jan. 6, 2021, Officer Smith was has yet, according to her attorney, to hear to come,” said “lawmakers in both parties is what is going to teach the Russian
the death of Officer Jeffrey L. Smith, dispatched to assist Capitol Police who directly from D.C. Police Chief Robert J. have pledged an unusual level of unity in people just how wrong Vladimir Putin’s
who died by suicide in the aftermath were being overwhelmed by supporters Contee III or Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) the wake of the Russian invasion” and war is.
of the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. of President Donald Trump aiming to is troubling. Even more troubling is that noted “while the initial Ukraine aid dou- Dave Morine, Great Falls
Capitol, has been classified as a line- upend Congress’s certification of the the men who allegedly attacked Jeffrey
of-duty death. This gives overdue recog- 2020 election. Smith was hit on the head Smith, reportedly identified with the
nition to the toll that police work takes on
those who do it and hopefully begins a
with a metal pole but kept working. After
a week, with seemingly cursory medical
help of a group of cybersleuths who
plowed through thousands of hours of
meaningful discussion about how police follow-up, he was ordered back to work. videotape, have yet to be charged. And FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer
departments can best confront the prob- He shot himself on the day he was sup- not to be forgotten is Howard Lieben- News Editorial and opinion Officers
lem of officer suicides. posed to be back on duty. Jeffrey Smith good, a veteran Capitol Police officer who SALLY BUZBEE RUTH MARCUS JAMES W. COLEY JR.........................................................Production
Executive Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor L. WAYNE CONNELL............................................Human Resources
The D.C. Police and Firefighters Re- had no history of depression or mental died by suicide days after being called to CAMERON BARR KAREN TUMULTY KATE M. DAVEY.....................................................Revenue Strategy
tirement and Relief Board notified Erin health issues before Jan. 6. The injury he duty on Jan. 6 and whose family is Senior Managing Editor
Deputy Editorial Page Editor
ELIZABETH H. DIAZ....................Audience Development & Insights
GREGG J. FERNANDES..........................Customer Care & Logistics
O. Smith, the widow of the 35-year-old suffered on Jan. 6, the retirement board awaiting word on their petition that his Chief Product Officer & ME Associate Editorial Page Editor SHANI GEORGE......................................................Communications
police officer who shot himself nine days ruled, “was the sole and direct cause of death be classified as in the line of duty. Managing Editor STEPHEN P. GIBSON.....................................Finance & Operations
KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY.....................Communications & Events
after he helped quell the mob of Trump his death.” Suicide is a leading cause of death of TRACY GRANT
Managing Editor JOHN B. KENNEDY...................................General Counsel & Labor
supporters who besieged the Capitol, of Ms. Smith will now receive an early police officers. Ms. Smith has said she KRISSAH THOMPSON MIKI TOLIVER KING.................................................................Arc XP
SHAILESH PRAKASH....Digital Product Development & Engineering
Managing Editor
its decision last week. Ms. Smith never annuity equal to 100 percent of her hus- hopes her husband’s sacrifice will help SHARIF DURHAMS MICHAEL A. RIBERO....................................................Subscriptions
wavered in her belief that, if not for the band’s salary, as opposed to the 33 per- others. The death of Officer Smith is a Deputy Managing Editor
JOY ROBINS.........................................................................Revenue
events of Jan. 6, 2021, her husband would cent she would otherwise have received. wake-up call that needs to be heeded. Deputy Managing Editor
be alive today. Not only did she have to But her battle is not over. She wants her Deputy Managing Editor
navigate the red tape thrown up by husband’s name added to the D.C. police If you or someone you know needs help, call SCOTT VANCE
Deputy Managing Editor
skeptical officials, but she also had to department’s list of fallen officers and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at BARBARA VOBEJDA
Deputy Managing Editor
contend with the macho culture tradi- engraved on the National Law Enforce- 800-273-TALK (8255). You can also text a
tionally associated with police work, ment Officers Memorial, and the official crisis counselor by messaging the Crisis Text The Washington Post
which has deepened the stigma too long burial honors traditionally afforded to Line at 741741. 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000
ganizations traditionally have been their due. Despite the worries of extreme
squeamish about publishing images of he world knows about blood Benin’s objects could help offset the wood moment. inflation hawks, the doves are right
people who had been killed in conflict, diamonds. It’s time it learned cost of the war. The global Black Lives Matter pro- about one thing: Some inflation is better
with an especially strong taboo about about blood art. To the Kingdom of Benin and its tests of 2020 put a long-needed spot- than none. Inflation eases problems such
showing victims’ faces. Last week brought the wel- descendants, the works represented light on Western museums and de- as “sticky wages” — workers are reluc-
As an editor, I helped police those come news that some of the treasures of both the pinnacle of their spirituality mands by African governments to have tant to take pay cuts, and employers are
boundaries. Our goal was to inform the Kingdom of Benin looted by the and the perfection of their craft. The their heritages returned. Last year, therefore reluctant to offer them, so
readers while preserving the dignity of British more than a century ago will at British saw a piggy bank for their Germany said it would return Benin when firms run into cash-flow problems,
the dead and their families. We aimed to last be repatriated to Nigeria. The imperial desires. Bronzes to Nigeria. The Metropolitan they lay off some people instead of giving
avoid turning our customers’ stomachs Smithsonian Institution has an- “Blood art” is not a term we typically Museum of Art in New York returned everyone a small pay cut. By providing
to no productive end. nounced that it will return its collection use to describe treasures taken from two of its Benin Bronzes, albeit out of a that pay cut in real terms — if the cost of
That was before social media, howev- of priceless Benin artifacts — 39 pieces colonial subjects. But how are they any collection of 160. living goes up while your salary remains
er. In 1994, when the bloodiest genocide in all — once it hammers out the details different from blood diamonds and In 2012, Boston’s Museum of Fine flat, my friend, you’ve taken a pay cut —
since World War II took place in Rwan- of an agreement with Nigeria’s Nation- conflict minerals? Arts received a promise of 32 Benin inflation avoids some unemployment.
da, there was no way for observers to al Commission for Museums and Mon- The concept of “blood diamonds” Bronzes, to be transferred over time, Virtually all economists agree on this
capture incidents of mass slaughter uments. Other institutions should fol- grew out of violent 1990s conflicts in from the private collection of Robert much; we’re just arguing about how
with the cameras on their phones and low the Smithsonian’s lead. Africa and usually refers to diamonds Owen Lehman (yes, of Lehman Broth- much inflation is too much. But our
then instantly disseminate the images The Benin Bronzes, as they are mined by African rebel groups to fund ers banking stock). Though Nigeria situation is highlighting the high per-
worldwide. The husband and father of known, are a rich trove of centuries-old insurgencies against legitimate gov- demanded the art be returned, the sonal and political costs of inflation —
those victims in Irpin first learned of artifacts. This year marks 125 years ernments. In the early 2000s, repre- museum displayed all 32 of the Bronz- costs that doves might have underesti-
the death of his family from pictures he since the British sent more than 1,000 sentatives of diamond-producing es and took ownership of five of them. mated after so many years of steady
saw on Twitter. In that moment, “I lost troops to slaughter the people of Benin states met to come up with the Kimber- In November 2021, the Boston Globe’s prices.
everyone and lost the meaning of life,” City. The 1897 raid — known as the ley Process to try to curb the trade of Malcolm Gay reported that the mu- As the example above suggests, one
he told The Post. Punitive Expedition — was a response conflict diamonds. The 2006 movie seum would pause the transfer of own- way inflation boosts employment is by
Mainstream news organizations to the Benin ambush of an earlier “Blood Diamond” also served to in- ership of the remaining 27. But mu- lowering real wages — the opposite of
could reasonably ask themselves whose British expedition. The exact number crease global consciousness about dia- seum director Matthew Teitelbaum what most advocates of “running the
sensibilities they imagine they’re pro- of Benin City victims is unknown monds that helped fuel war in Africa. said, “We certainly don’t think we economy hot” seem to expect. And if that
tecting, given the ubiquity of social (some historians say it could be in the What defense can there be for hold- should encourage the return of the lower unemployment rate represents
media. They could also point to other thousands), but the killings and de- ing on to looted objects, then? The stan- objects to the donor.” people lured into the job market by
contexts in which showing images of struction were not the end of the crime dard answer is that returning works To the donor? How about doing the nominally higher paychecks, some of
people as they died and after their that was carried out. from major institutions in the West right thing and sending them home? them will probably march right back out
deaths were universally considered to When the British entered the palace would come at the cost of preservation, Meanwhile, the British Museum again when they realize how little pur-
be in the public interest — the nine- of the Benin king, or oba, they found worldwide knowledge and admiration. continues to hold on to its blood art chasing power that check represents.
minute cellphone video of Derek Chau- “several hundred unique bronze Yet true education about such objects is collection of more than 900 Benin Meanwhile, there are the other costs.
vin’s knee on George Floyd’s neck, for plaques, suggestive of almost Egyptian already minimized. The polite little in- Bronzes, offering only temporary loans Retirement savers, for example, have
example. design, but of really superb casting,” formation cards under these artifacts back to Nigeria. long been cautioned to shift more
Still, I have to wonder whether some- according to Reginald Bacon, an intel- rarely tell viewers that the plundered Lending stolen items back to their money into bonds as they approach 60,
thing more than technology is involved ligence officer with the expedition. Sol- objects helped fund colonial violence. rightful owner adds modern-day insult because bonds are safer. But bonds
in the way this war, as opposed to other diers walked out with the plaques, Proudly owning and displaying sto- to colonial-era injury. become unsafe when inflation rises,
wars, is being presented. The unmistak- along with other art, ivory, brass, jewel- len art is no less shocking than proudly More than a century after the Puni- because their fixed payouts get steadily
able subtext of the coverage is: These ry and garments. Thousands of pieces owning and displaying diamonds that tive Expedition, the British are still less valuable. Nor is that the only way
are people just like us, and we could be were taken. play a role in killing people. If you trying to get away with their plunder. retirees get whacked by inflation: Some
at risk like them. They were “not just loot; they were wouldn’t do one, don’t do the other. But the tide is changing — and it’s good will pay taxes on capital “gains” that
The vast majority of the victims in blood art,” Australian journalist Marc A trickle of change must be turned to see an American institution such as just reflect the general increase in
Ukraine are European, White and Fennell explained on the podcast “Stuff into a torrent, and I hope the Smithso- the Smithsonian helping to rectify this prices; some have pensions without
Christian. Quite a few speak at least a the British Stole.” Indeed, word was nian’s agreement will help to touch one deep harm by repatriating art stolen in cost-of-living adjustments.
little English. With their puffer coats sent back to Britain that selling off off. “Blood art” surely needs its Holly- cold blood. Workers get hit in a different way:
and their rolling suitcases, they look Because salaries rarely adjust to infla-
familiar as they climb onto the trains tion in real time, employees will typically
that speed them into exile. Their chil- see price increases before their pay-
dren play with Muppets dolls and checks rise to meet them. And while
Legos. CATHERINE RAMPELL there will be offsetting gains for some
Whether intentionally or subcon- people — this is a great time to be sitting
sciously, news organizations make this
war more vivid and more tragic by focus-
ing so tightly on victims and refugees.
Buckle up: Inflation and the risk of recession on a mountain of fresh debt — the joy of
homeowners luxuriating in 2 percent
fixed-rate mortgages as the cost of every-
We get to see them as individuals, not as
an undifferentiated mass. Viewers and
readers are invited, if not forced, to imag-
are about to get much, much worse thing else goes up probably doesn’t
outweigh the cumulative anxieties of
renters worried about buying gas and
ine ourselves in similar circumstances. It food.
is no wonder that so many members of he outlook for the U.S. economy elevated inflation, in both the United Fed officials would probably agree that The doves might retort that this all
Congress, reflecting the views of their has darkened. States and the rest of the world. The only they should have begun tightening has nothing to do with what they were
constituents, are pressing the Biden ad- Just as it seemed as though the possible economic upside is that factory months ago. suggesting. They wanted a modestly
ministration to intervene more robust- global economy and its tangled shutdowns will likely reduce global de- Fed officials had delayed taking these higher inflation target, not a convulsive
ly, despite the obvious risks of entering supply chains could be getting back to mand for oil. measures earlier because they feared do- leap to nearly 8 percent. The fact that
an armed conflict with Russia. normal, three factors might supercharge This might be helpful in light of Shock ing so would derail the post-pandemic unpredictable inflation is bad doesn’t
Civilians killed and displaced by the inflation and/or raise the risk of recession. No. 2: the disruptions in commodity mar- recovery. Most previous Fed efforts to mean that the planned kind would also
2003 invasion of Iraq suffered no less The first of the three developed in just kets, including oil, resulting from Russia’s tamp down inflation by making it harder be terrible.
grievously. But the fact is that we rarely the past few days: a new covid wave in unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. to borrow ended with the Fed plunging the Yet one could ask just how much good
get intimately acquainted with the vic- China that has already led to major lock- This issue has obviously generated U.S. economy into recession, after all. it does to double a completely predict-
tims (who, in that case, were neither downs and will further stress the world’s more coverage. Oil and natural gas prices Central bankers have been hoping to able target: If it really all comes out in
European nor White nor Christian) struggling supply chains. If you haven’t have climbed in recent weeks as govern- avoid that outcome this time, particularly the wash, how effective could 4 percent
when U.S. forces are the ones firing the heard much about this yet, you probably ments and individual corporations have because there are still 2 million fewer jobs possibly be? One could also ask whether
cruise missiles and lobbing the artillery will soon. placed new restrictions on transactions today than existed before the pandemic. it was ever reasonable to demand that
shells. Daily covid cases in China have reached with Russia. Oil prices have fallen back a And for a long time, most economic everything stay the same except the
I don’t believe these are willfully numbers not publicly reported since little in the past few days but remain high. forecasters believed inflationary pres- inflation rate.
biased decisions being made by editors. 2020. Thanks partly to low vaccination Equally worrisome are rising prices for sures would largely abate on their own as That predictability was hard-won by
And I have nothing but awed respect for rates for the elderly in China, plus the other commodities produced in that part supply chains normalized. That clearly central bankers who did roughly the
the reporters covering the Ukraine war, relative ineffectiveness of Chinese-made of the world. Russia and Ukraine together hasn’t happened. same thing, decade after decade, giving
including Brent Renaud, the American coronavirus vaccines, the Chinese govern- supply nearly a third of global wheat Engineering a “soft landing” for this the markets confidence that there would
journalist and filmmaker killed on Sun- ment has responded to outbreaks with an exports, with the Ukraine planting season hot economy was always going to be never be another inflationary spiral. Had
day at a checkpoint outside Kyiv. iron fist. Under its so-called “zero covid” usually occurring in mid-March (i.e., difficult. But it got more difficult in light they shifted those targets to a higher
“This was not his first war. This was policy, several areas have been locked now). Even before the war, global stocks of of recent global events, because the Fed is level, they would have sacrificed some of
not his first highly complex situation. down in recent days, with nonessential wheat were low, and prices high, thanks to being pulled in conflicting directions. that credibility. And the transition costs
He was not a cowboy,” said Ann Marie workers mostly barred from leaving their unfavorable growing weather over the Chinese supply chain problems and Rus- were bound to be large, because plans
Lipinski, curator of the Nieman Foun- homes in the major manufacturing hubs past two years. In the wake of Russia’s sia/Ukraine commodity market disrup- made for a low-inflation environment
dation for Journalism at Harvard Uni- of Shenzhen (a city of 17.5 million people) invasion, wheat prices have skyrocketed, tions are widely expected to push overall fall apart when inflation rises, as hap-
versity, where Renaud spent the 2018- and Changchun (9 million). threatening to boost food inflation more inflation even higher, which would nor- pened in the 1970s and early ’80s, and as
2019 academic year as a Nieman fellow. Transportation to Shanghai, the coun- broadly. The risk of widespread hunger mally nudge the Fed to raise interest rates is happening now.
“He was such an unusual man, with a try’s largest city (25 million), has been and economic hardship is especially high faster. But those same forces are also For 40 years, central bankers have
very deep sensitivity, a shyness that severely restricted, raising fears of a possi- in lower-income countries that are most expected to drag down economic growth, shielded us from those costs. That came
made people at ease. There was a pro- ble lockdown there, too. reliant on Europe’s breadbasket. which usually suggests the Fed should at a price. But that’s the point: We were
found humanity about him. It was okay These measures have forced factories, Finally, there’s the third risk: tighten- raise rates more slowly. never choosing whether to impose costs
to love your subject.” including plants affiliated with Apple, ing financial conditions, thanks to the It’s not obvious what path the Fed on people, just which costs to impose,
Wounded in that same incident was Toyota and Volkswagen, to suspend oper- Federal Reserve. should or even could take to get inflation and who would pay them. It’s always
Juan Arredondo, Renaud’s collaborator ations. The backlog of container ships The Fed is widely expected to raise under control without tipping us into tempting to assume that some other
and Nieman classmate, who has under- waiting off Qingdao, one of the country’s interest rates at its meeting this week. recession. Frankly, even without aggres- collection of trade-offs would sting less.
gone surgery at a hospital in Ukraine. biggest ports, has also swelled, with near- Given that U.S. inflation is already at a sive rate hikes, recession risks are piling But before we advocate for any major
Bless the journalists with that kind of ly twice as many ships queued up Monday 40-year high, this is hardly surprising. In a up. policy switch, we should always serious-
courage and compassion. And may the as at the end of February. These bottle- different era, few would have predicted There’s never a good time for a down- ly consider the unfortunate possibility
same empathy be extended to war vic- necks are expected to drive container that interest rates could be at zero when turn. But given all the other suffering and that whatever unsatisfactory thing we’re
tims everywhere who are every bit as freight prices (even) higher. inflation hit nearly 8 percent (as hap- loss of life over the past few years, it’s hard doing now might, in fact, be better than
human as the people of Ukraine. All of this will be bad for already pened in February). With hindsight, even to imagine a worse time than the present. any realistic alternative.
Why do American
app developers build
on Google Play?
approx. 4 p.m.
A new “biography” of Workers remove a Actor William Hurt, 71, was
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
69° 16th Street NW recounts Confederate monument an ’80s leading man and
Precip: 0% ups and downs from the from the Talbot County won an Oscar for “Kiss of
44 58 69 61
° ° ° ° Wind: SSW
4-8 mph thoroughfare’s history. B3 courthouse grounds. B3 the Spider Woman.” B6
D.C., N.Y. police seek gunman in with police
shootings of five homeless people is key for
FBI o∞cial
Agencies collaborated
in 2020 robbery cases
dents to seek shelter. At a Mon- TOP: Burned clothing is seen near a tent on New York veteran from Arizona who, with
day evening news conference Avenue NE where one of the D.C. attacks occurred. his flowing silver hair and beard,
that brought together the may-
ors and top police officials from
both cities, authorities released a
ABOVE: Video surveillance images released by D.C.
police show a person of interest in the shootings. Police
said investigators linked ballistic evidence from at least
looks like Gandalf in camo and on
There are about a dozen tents
on Black
new photograph capturing the
suspected gunman on a surveil-
lance camera.
one shooting in New York to a shooting in D.C. The
attacks come as violence against the homeless has risen.
dotting the grounds surrounding
the Christopher Columbus statue
outside Union Station, an
roil party
Maryland Democrats’
In a first since convoy’s arrival, truckers drive through D.C. deputy treasurer resigns
after email surfaces
BY E LLIE S ILVERMAN, on YouTube. “We’re right in the
K ARINA E LWOOD swamp now and creating a horri-
AND I AN D UNCAN ble mess down here.” BY O VETTA W IGGINS
Police asked for patience amid
Police blocked interstate exits the road closures along interstate A top Maryland Democratic
into downtown Washington as exits, saying authorities were try- Party official who questioned
hundreds of trucks, cars and ing to prevent the convoy from whether voters would elect a
SUVs protesting the govern- leaving the highway. Black candidate for governor
ment’s response to the pandemic “These rolling road closures stepped down on Monday as calls
rode into the nation’s capital to are occurring in real-time as they for her departure escalated.
start a second week of demon- are needed, and will be lifted as Barbara Goldberg Goldman, a
strations. soon as they are no longer neces- prolific donor who was the party’s
Members of the “People’s Con- sary,” said an alert from D.C. deputy treasurer, resigned on
voy” and thousands of other mo- Homeland Security and Emer- Monday. She also publicly apolo-
torists encountered severe back- gency Management. D.C. police gized for the comments.
ups Monday afternoon, when began to reopen exits about “We do not condone or support
highway traffic that already was 3:30 p.m. as the convoy departed the comments in her email,” state
heavy only worsened with the the city. Democratic Party Chair Yvette
convoy’s arrival. The convoy en- On live streams, truckers said Lewis said in a statement an-
tered the city via the 14th Street they never planned to leave the nouncing Goldberg Goldman’s
Bridge on Interstate 395 amid a highway and blamed police for departure. “They do not represent
near-standstill, then continued causing traffic disruptions. Alai- the values of the Maryland Demo-
to Interstate 695 before crossing na Gertz, a D.C. police spokes- cratic Party.”
the Anacostia River and return- woman, declined to comment on The resignation came shortly
ing to the Beltway. the decision to block exits, saying after John B. King Jr., a former U.S.
Eastbound traffic crawled the department doesn’t comment education secretary, and Rushern
along a four-mile stretch from on “operational tactics.” L. Baker III, a former county exec-
the Potomac River to Anacostia The convoy, a group of truckers utive in Prince George’s, called for
in the middle of the day. The D.C. and other drivers protesting pan- MATT MCCLAIN/THE WASHINGTON POST her to step down.
detour represented an escalation demic-related health measures, Kecia Pettey, with her dog Moppett, shows her support for the “People’s Convoy” as it makes its way Her remarks, which surfaced
in the group’s tactics after an spent parts of most days last Monday along Interstate 395 in Washington. Motorists encountered severe backups in the afternoon. Sunday in a report from Axios,
application by convoy leaders for week looping the Beltway as a were made in a December email to
a nearly two-week permitted pro- form of protest, but leaders had the group would resume their to their walls,” said Mike Landis, through the city to display “a party insiders about endorsing
test on the National Mall was avoided bringing the group into Beltway loop. They left the a People’s Convoy co-organizer. bigger presence,” convoy leader former Democratic National
partially denied. the city despite a desire from Hagerstown Speedway about “We’re not going to go in and Brian Brase said in an interview. Committee chairman Tom Perez
“I believe we’re making a good some supporters. 10 a.m., but this time with throat-punch them just yet, even “We are still here, and we’re in the state’s gubernatorial pri-
statement today,” said one truck After taking the weekend off added plans for a detour into though I know we would all love not going anywhere yet,” Brase mary. Goldberg Goldman wrote:
driver whose journey was live- because of a snowstorm, convoy Washington. to do that.” said. “It won’t be stopping, it “Consider this: Three African
streamed under the account ZOT organizers announced Monday “Today we’re getting right next Organizers decided to go SEE CONVOY ON B4 SEE RESIGNATION ON B5
who is clearly depraved and is Holmes, 54. ran south into a gated construc-
targeting people who are vulner- On Monday, police in both tion area screaming for help and
able,” D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bows- cities handed out fliers and tried NW heard another burst of gunshots.
er (D) said at the John A. Wilson to steer homeless residents into NE Police said the assailant shot at
Building on Monday night. shelters and other programs. Po- . NE Detail least five more times but appar-
“Homelessness should not be a lice in the District headed to
K AVE First ently missed.
homicide,” New York Mayor Eric First and M streets NE, near New
W victim On March 9, police said a man
Adams (D) said hours after po- York Avenue and North Capitol First victim in a tent was attacked about
lice had released video of a Street. Holland 2:50 a.m. in the 400 block of New
possible assailant. The area is amid towering
Third victim Tunnel York Avenue NE, blocks from
Authorities said they believe apartment buildings and had where the other man had been
the cases are linked, citing simi- been the site of an earlier home- CA shot the previous week. His tent
larities in the assailant’s actions, less encampment consisting of NA had been set on fire, authorities
the circumstances of the victims, dozens of tents that had been ST said. Police said they learned
photos and video. D.C. Police removed from an underpass. Of- MANHATTAN after an autopsy that he had been
Chief Robert J. Contee III said ficials had also cleared the en- shot and stabbed.
investigators with the Bureau of campment from near Fourth H ST. NE Second victim The attacks in New York City
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Street and New York Avenue, occurred Saturday, the first
Union Second
Explosives linked ballistic evi- where the man died. But nearby, 6TH ST. NE . NE about 4:30 a.m. near the Holland
dence from at least one shooting a few tents were propped on a Station D AVE victim Street Tunnel. Police said a 38-
in New York to at least one muddy wedge of earth between RYL year-old man was shot in the arm
shooting in the District. the eastbound New York Avenue while sleeping, and may have
Contee also credited a captain bridge and a FedEx facility. 1/2 MILE 2,000 FEET avoided further injury by waking
in the homicide unit, Kevin Kent- Sitting on a bike on the slim up and shouting, “What are you
ish, who was scrolling through strip of sidewalk between the Sources: D.C. Police Department, NY Police Department doing?”
social media over the weekend tents and the street, a man who About 90 minutes later, police
and saw an image that helped gave his name as “Dirty Redzz” said a homeless man was found
link the cases in the two cities. said he had been homeless for 18 15 blocks away in a sleeping bag,
Contee said police are still trying years after he was injured while incidents of crime and noted it shot in the head and neck. He
to determine how the gunman working construction. Though was unfair to both homeless died at the scene, and was not
moved between New York and he has a housing voucher, he people and subway patrons to found until 5 p.m. that evening.
D.C. Police are also trying to said, he’s been hesitant about continue the status quo. At that location in Lower Man-
determine where he is from. seeking an apartment. But warn- Jacquelyn Simone, policy di- hattan on Monday, a pair of
“I feel the knot is tightening,” ings about a killer on the loose rector for the Coalition for the broadcast news vans were
Contee said, promising an arrest. has him rethinking his situation. Homeless in New York, said this parked and police fliers an-
Authorities said they have talked “It’s scary,” he said. “We gotta push has contributed to the nouncing a reward were at-
with police departments along stick together.” number of people in the city tached to lampposts and scaf-
the East Coast but so far have Nearby, Wanda Alston ex- spending nights on the streets. folding.
found no other cases. But New plained that she had been home- She said there had not yet been Remnants of a vigil rested on a
York City Police Commissioner less for “the majority” of her 50 an adequate housing system in sewer grate along the side of a
Keechant Sewell warned, “We years. The D.C. native said she place to handle the displace- Blick Arts Materials store, to the
have a perpetrator who is mo- has no family and can’t work ment. right of a garage door where
bile, who has struck in two major because of a disability. Alston “As we saw this weekend, the surveillance video shows the
American cities.” said she has a place to stay, but streets can be very dangerous for sleeping victim lay when a gun-
The attacks occurred over feels safe between the concrete people who are unsheltered,” Si- man shot him in the head and
12 days in two cities 225 miles islands near the street. This is mone said. “They don’t have any neck before fleeing. “Homeless
apart, each with mayors strug- her community, threatened or protection from the elements or New Yorkers need safe haven
gling to find the right social and not. “They’re my friends,” she from people who wish them now,” read one of the signs
political solutions to the complex said. “Just because I’m fortunate BONNIE JO MOUNT/THE WASHINGTON POST harm, and that can have life-or- etched in black marker.
challenges of homelessness and enough to get a place doesn’t D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) speaks Monday during a news death consequences.” Julio Lopez has worked more
crime. In New York, Adams has mean I abandon them.” conference on the shootings of five homeless people in D.C. and The first shooting in the Dis- than five years at the security
begun a campaign to clear home- Jesse Rabinowitz, senior man- New York. “We are looking for a person who is clearly depraved trict attributed to the man took desk at 148 Lafayette, a commer-
less people from subway sta- ager for policy and advocacy at and is targeting people who are vulnerable,” she said. place about 4 a.m. on March 3 in cial building. He wasn’t at work
tions. In the District, Bowser was D.C. outreach organization Miri- the 1100 block of New York at the time of the shooting, but
having homeless encampments am’s Kitchen, said it shouldn’t Last year in the District, 69 Washington Post found a majori- Avenue NE, near Ivy City. The learned about it later on the
cleared from city streets. take a killer for people to care people died without having a ty of D.C. residents support those victim’s injuries were not life- news. He said a rotation of
Advocates say there has been a about people who are homeless. permanent home, advocates efforts, though they also gave the threatening. The victim told po- homeless people sleep outside
spike in violence targeting home- The District needs to spend more said. It could not immediately be mayor low marks for building lice he was shot in the back and his building. “I feel sad for
less people over the last year, and to get people housed, Rabinowitz determined how many of those and maintaining affordable right shoulder as he slept. everybody who is homeless,” Lo-
authorities in both cities de- said, which will in turn ease deaths were linked to violence. housing. Five days later, police said a pez said.
scribed the latest attacks as other problems such as health The Bowser administration In New York, Adams has an- man was shot about 1:20 a.m. in
“coldblooded” and “cowardly.” At care, freezing weather and vio- has embarked on a pilot initia- nounced a plan that would clear the 1700 block of H Street NE, Jacobs reported from New York.
least three men were shot in lence on the streets. “The solu- tive to clean up encampments homeless people from subways outside a grocery store off Ben- Nicole Asbury, Martin Weil and
their sleep, and one was found tion to all of these problems is and fast-track people into hous- and help them connect with city ning Road. The victim told police Devlin Barrett contributed to this
shot and stabbed in a burning housing,” he said. ing. A recent survey by The services and shelters. He cited he had been shot once in the report.
That’s it!
See it.
Choose it.
Love it.
Book on 16th Street’s history paved with accounts of dust and sluggish growth
We often refer to Said Sefton: “They had a Henderson. stable — overwhelmingly
our highways, tendency to rot on you. It was “She was like an imperial residential, compared to, say,
roads and like stepping on a soft force,” Sefton said of Henderson Connecticut Avenue or 14th
avenues as cobblestone: not too good with a who, with husband John B. Street NW — even if national
“arteries,” as if horse’s hoof.” Henderson, lived in a castle on and world events sometimes
they carried But at first the real problem the northwest corner of 16th shape it. The two blocks nearest
John corpuscles wasn’t what the road was made and Florida. She had grand the White House have a new
Kelly's instead of cars, of, but the fact that it wasn’t designs for 16th Street, many of name: Black Lives Matter Plaza.
Washington platelets rather made at all. Though 16th Street which involved demolishing the Among the first things
than pedestrians. was on Pierre L’Enfant’s modest homes of African newcomers notice about 16th
But they are a original design for the new American residents and Street NW is the abundance of
city’s circulatory system, from capital — running north from replacing them with mansions churches. Why are there so
the tiniest cul-de-sac capillary to the president’s house — the and embassy buildings. many?
the mightiest aortic interstate. street was slow to grow. “What Pennsylvania Avenue is “People often ask that,”
And that makes John “Until nearly the end of the is really what she wanted 16th DeFerrari said. “I wish I could
DeFerrari and Douglas Peter 19th century, Massachusetts Street to be,” DeFerrari said. “Of say, ‘George Washington said
Sefton veritable cardiologists of Avenue was the upper limit of course, she wanted to rename it 16th Street should be where the
the asphalt. They are the developed Washington,” LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Avenue of the Presidents.” churches are.’ There isn’t
authors of the new book DeFerrari said. The new book “Sixteenth Street NW” says sections of the street Henderson dreamed of lining anything like that.”
“Sixteenth Street NW: The intersection of 16th Street were once paved with wood blocks. Although the area’s topography the street with busts of every It does have qualities that
Washington, D.C.’s Avenue of with Massachusetts and Rhode and hydrology made it difficult to develop, a wealthy resident in president and erecting on make it appealing to houses of
Ambitions.” Island avenues NW was “just a 1898 proposed building a new Executive Mansion on Meridian Hill. Meridian Hill a new Executive worship. It's centrally located,
Well, I say “asphalt,” but for a dusty crossroads,” said Sefton, Mansion to replace the White thus easy for people to get to. It
while, sections of 16th Street notable mainly for the Louise Run paralleled the route before As in so much of the city, the House, which she saw as small has the cachet of one of the city’s
were covered in another Home, a Second Empire-style cutting east across it south of Civil War spurred growth along and tattered. oldest and most prestigious
material. pile built in 1871 by banker today’s Florida Avenue NW. This 16th Street. Military Both authors have lived near churches: St. John’s, across from
“Washington went through William Wilson Corcoran as a marshy and overgrown area encampments were established 16th Street, traveling upon it the White House.
this phase of being enamored refuge for Confederate widows. became known as the Slashes, on Meridian Hill. As was countless times. DeFerrari grew “There’s also the fact that the
with wood blocks,” DeFerrari (Corcoran was a Confederate since the only way to traverse it common, African Americans up in Crestwood, the commercial prohibition means
said. Portions of 16th Street sympathizer whose wife and was by slashing through the fleeing the South moved to be neighborhood between 16th you’re going to be in a serene
were paved with them. daughter — both named Louise brush. near them. Meridian Hill had a Street and Rock Creek Park. residential neighborhood and
“They learned their lesson — had died young.) The escarpment of Meridian vibrant Black community. “We wrote a biography of the not have a liquor store next to
pretty quickly on that,” he said. The topography and Hill was also forbidding. It also had stunning views of street,” he said. “It’s the story of you or an X-rated theater across
“Definitely in a humid hydrology of the city made “The next big obstacle is the the city below, making it ripe for the life of a street, from infancy the street,” DeFerrari said.
environment, wood doesn't hold extending the street a difficult valley of Piney Branch,” development at the busy hands to maturity.” Added Sefton: “You’re pretty
up that long.” prospect. A creek called Slash DeFerrari said. of people like Mary Foote It’s a life that’s been fairly far from sin.”
No, you’re not crazy: Our strongest wind gusts are becoming more frequent
BY I AN L IVINGSTON south and east as Arctic fronts — 2006. Baltimore recorded nine characterized by an unusually article, but it’s reasonable to ask much in the way hurricanes do.
AND J EFF H ALVERSON is strongest during the winter such days, the most since at least rapid drop in pressure, over a whether bomb cyclones are in- It’s thus plausible that the warm-
months. 1997. Annually, Washington large area. This accelerates air creasing with warmer ocean sur- ing offshore waters are strength-
It might be calm out now, but March is our windiest month, should expect five days with inward toward the storm core. face temperatures lurking off the ening our coastal storms.
Saturday’s storm delivered yet but wind statistics don’t vary a gusts of 50 mph or more. High pressure encroaching on Eastern Seaboard in the past few We do, of course, need the
another windy wallop to the D.C. whole lot from January through So far, 2022 has also proved such storms increases the change years. An example of anomalous- right weather pattern, too, and
area. The month’s second wind April. For March, we might ex- windy. Washington has had two in pressure with distance, typi- ly warm waters persisting from some of the recent spurt of
advisory was issued, and winds pect 11.6 days featuring gusts of days with winds gusting to cally generating D.C.’s strongest this winter is shown below. activity may also be related to the
gusted to around 50 mph. High 30 mph or more, 3.6 days with 50 mph or more, including winds in their wake. Winds are A number of studies have ongoing La Niña. La Niña win-
winds have been pestering and gusts of 40 mph or more, and 0.8 52 mph during the late-season driven by pressure changes. linked intensification of low- ters tend to deliver more atmos-
persistent over the last few days with gusts of 50 mph or snowstorm on Saturday. There Over the past year or two, with pressure systems to warm off- pheric waves than average,
weeks. more. have also been five days with back-to-back La Niña winters, shore waters — nor’easters ex- which increases the chance of
Our analysis of wind data For comparison, the typical wind gusts in the 40-plus range. our windstorms often seemed to tract heat from the upper ocean offshore storm systems as well.
shows that the strongest gusts September might bring 3.8 days Washington averages 12 days a be related to a series of very
have become more frequent re- with gusts of 30 mph or more, year with gusts of 40 mph or strong fronts with wicked pres-
cently. Last year featured more 0.6 days with gusts of 40 mph or more, and already has seven in sure rises just behind the front.
big wind gusts than any recent more, and 0.2 days with gusts of 2022. Arctic fronts occur along the LO C A L D I G E S T
year, a trend that has continued 50 mph or more. Wind advisories have also leading edge of an approaching
into this year. Wind advisories, The warmer spring-to-sum- been on the increase. In 2006, the Canadian high-pressure system.
issued by the National Weather mer months still feature bursts of trendline for average annual is- When isobars — lines of constant
Service when gusts are expected strong-to-damaging winds, but suances was at 13. In 2021, it had pressure — are packed tightly THE DISTRICT the Baltimore Sun reported. The
to top 45 mph, have also been on the gusts are typically associated risen to 18. Less-frequent high- together, and move into the D.C. medical examiner’s office sought
the increase since the mid-2000s. with thunderstorms and are wind warnings, for winds gusting region rapidly, this leads to a Police: Man fatally help last month in managing a
Reasons for high winds in the highly localized. Overall, the fre- over 55 mph, do not show the strong pressure surge, generat- stabbed in Northwest backlog of more than 200
D.C. region are many. The main quency of strong wind gusts same type of rise over time. ing powerful wind gusts. bodies that began in mid-
drivers are intense low-pressure drops in the summer and fall There were also historic wind- This past weekend there was A 42-year-old man was slain December.
systems passing near the region before increasing again. storms here in March 2018; April both a bomb cyclone and a strong in Northwest Washington early The office is responsible for
and powerful Arctic cold fronts Tropical storms and hurri- 2016; February 2011, twice; and cold front to help generate winds. Monday morning, D.C. police determining the cause and
sweeping through in their wake. canes containing high-intensity February 2010. Some of these In Arctic fronts and retreating said. manner of death if a person is
Climate change may also be in- winds are infrequent enough were clear-sky wind events, with bomb cyclones, an additional Police identified him as not under the care of a
creasing the chance of strong here not to really show up in our widespread gusts reaching into impetus for strong wind is desta- Kenneth Thomas Jr., of Silver physician, or if the death is
winds. wind statistics, but they can peak territory of 50 to 60-plus bilization of the atmosphere — Spring. unexpected or occurs under
disrupt a typically quieter Sep- mph. During the worst of these either by cold air moving in at Officers responded to a suspicious or unusual
We’re in high-wind season tember or October once in a events (March 2-3, 2018), power high altitudes and/or surface reported stabbing in the 1900 circumstances, including
There’s nothing particularly while. outages surpassed 750,000. warming by the sun. The unsta- block of Ninth Street NW about homicides and drug overdoses.
unusual about it being windy this ble air begins to stir, mixing 1 a.m. and found Thomas with a In recent years, the office
time of year. The peak of wind It’s been notably windy lately Potential causes down blobs of faster-moving air a stab wound inside an suffered from staff shortages
season in our region runs rough- Last year was a high-end wind Our days with intense wind- few thousand feet above the establishment, police said. and growing delays that have
ly from January through April. year. Washington experienced storms almost always feature surface, adding to the gustiness. He was taken to a hospital, slowed burials and criminal
This is primarily because the jet 10 days with wind gusts at or Arctic fronts or bomb cyclones. where he was pronounced dead. cases and put the office’s
stream — which powers storms above 50 mph. That was higher Bomb cyclones are intense Climate change connection? — Jasmine Hilton accreditation at risk.
and pushes chilly air masses than in any year back to at least coastal storms or nor’easters It’s the subject for a longer The office has been overseen
MARYLAND by the acting chief since last
month, when Victor Weedn
Federal team helps resigned after a year on the job.
MARYLAND clear autopsy backlog Maryland examiners typically
exceed the National Association
Confederate statue taken down in Talbot County A federal team has helped the
Maryland medical examiner’s
office clear a backlog of
of Medical Examiners’ standard
of 250 autopsies a year per
hundreds of bodies awaiting Hiring qualified pathologists
BY F REDRICK K UNKLE or so. autopsies, officials said. has been a national problem.
“It’s all going to the same place, Maryland Department of Owen said the agency “remains
Workers removed a Confederate and it will be re-erected at that Health spokesman Andy Owen focused on recruiting qualified
statue early Monday from the location,” Stamp said. said that as of Friday, no bodies professionals and encourages all
grounds of the Talbot County The Confederate monument were awaiting autopsy at the applicants to apply.”
Courthouse on the Eastern Shore was built between 1914 and 1916, Office of the Medical Examiner, — Associated Press
with plans to reassemble the mon- nearly 50 years after the Civil War’s
ument on a Civil War battlefield in conclusion. The statue depicted a
Virginia, the county manager said. young boy, his chin up and hat
Its removal was approved last tipped back, holding a furled Con- LOT T E R I E S
year by the Talbot County Council federate flag to his side. The gran-
following public protest and con- ite pedestal carried an inscription, Results from March 14 Bonus Match 5 (Sun.): 10-12-17-23-32 *29
tentious debate. “To the Talbot Boys. 1861-1865. Bonus Match 5 (Mon.): 2-8-10-16-34 *4
“The civil war monument in C.S.A.” DISTRICT
front of the courthouse was care- The monument had been built Day/DC-3: 3-9-2 VIRGINIA
fully and respectfully packaged partly through the efforts of Jo- DC-4: 1-2-5-2 Day/Pick-3: 7-1-4 ^4
and removed,” Talbot County Man- seph B. Seth, a lawyer in Easton DC-5: 3-0-1-8-7 Pick-4: 5-6-1-6 ^6
ager Clay B. Stamp said Monday in who said the county had “just pride Night/DC-3 (Sun.): 8-9-7 Night/Pick-3 (Sun.): 5-5-4 ^2
an interview. “However we han- JULIO CORTEZ/ASSOCIATED PRESS
in her contribution of men to the DC-3 (Mon.): 7-4-3 Pick-3 (Mon.): 9-7-9 ^7
dled the statue, we wanted to make Crews remove the base of the “Talbot Boys” statue on the grounds Confederate cause.” In a memoir DC-4 (Sun.): 7-2-9-6 Pick-4 (Sun.): 6-6-4-1 ^7
sure we showed due respect for it, of the Talbot County Courthouse on Monday in Easton, Md. he co-wrote, Seth wrote that “the DC-4 (Mon.): 9-3-7-6 Pick-4 (Mon.): 1-5-0-7 ^3
because there were many people bulk of the slaves were devoted to DC-5 (Sun.): 4-1-4-8-6 Cash-5 (Sun.): 8-17-24-25-35
that honored its purpose.” “We commend our many sup- statue was met with local protests their masters and their families,” DC-5 (Mon.): 0-6-3-3-5 Cash-5 (Mon.): 9-18-22-32-39
The 13-foot copper statue of a porters as well as the County Coun- that eventually led council mem- which “were equally devoted to the
young soldier, which stood atop a cil for seeing that this symbol of the bers to reverse course in Septem- slaves and with the whole South- MARYLAND MULTI-STATE GAMES
pedestal inscribed with the names Jim Crow-era no longer sits on the ber. land had the tenderest affection Day/Pick 3: 3-8-9 Cash 4 Life: 9-19-27-45-55 ¶4
of those Talbot County men who site where justice for all is sup- Stamp said workers spent Sun- for the faithful old Mammies and Pick 4: 3-2-8-5 Lucky for Life: 3-10-12-22-47 ‡14
died for the Confederate cause, is posed to reign,” the organization’s day preparing the courthouse Uncles.” Pick 5: 4-6-7-9-0 Powerball: 21-28-32-44-49 †6
thought to be the last Confederate statement says. grounds for the monument’s re- The Talbot County branch of the Night/Pick 3 (Sun.): 6-2-9 Power Play: 3x
monument standing on nonfederal Efforts to remove the Confeder- moval. Early Monday, a dozen NAACP had long wanted to get rid Pick 3 (Mon.): 6-8-9 Double Play: 7-8-11-19-40 †6
public land in Maryland, according ate monument took on urgency in workers, assisted by a specialized of the monument, calling it an Pick 4 (Sun.): 8-1-1-5 *Bonus Ball ‡Lucky Ball
to the Move the Monument Coali- 2020 as protests for racial justice crane, disassembled the monu- offensive symbol of racism and op- Pick 4 (Mon.): 3-4-1-2 ¶Cash Ball †Powerball ^Fireball
tion. The nonprofit organization swept the nation following the ment into two pieces and lifted pression. The Southern Poverty Pick 5 (Sun.): 8-1-3-3-3
said in a statement that $80,000 murder of George Floyd while in them onto a trailer for removal. Law Center said nearly 170 Confed- Pick 5 (Mon.): 2-7-4-2-9 For late drawings and other results, check
had been raised to relocate the the custody of Minneapolis police. The job was wrapped up by about erate symbols, including monu- Multi-Match: 1-11-14-19-32-38 washingtonpost.com/local/lottery
monument to the Cross Keys Bat- An initial vote by the Talbot County 1 p.m., Stamp said, with delivery to ments, were removed in 2020 fol-
tlefield in Harrisonburg, Va. Council that summer to retain the Virginia expected in the next day lowing Floyd’s killing.
In a first since protest began, detour from Beltway brings full convoy into D.C.
CONVOY FROM B1 for health workers, federal em- already booked during that time was considering reducing the dress it, Brase said, he came up ice form whether the group
ployees and military personnel frame, according to National number of tractors without trail- with a smaller number of partici- thought an individual or group
won’t be blocking anything; intended to limit the spread of Park Service records. ers to no more than 50, down pants, but decided against it. would seek to disrupt their event,
they’ll just be driving through.” the coronavirus. Although many The Park Service was working from about 50 to 75, according to “Ultimately, it just didn’t sit Brase wrote “antifa,” referring to
Monday’s convoy journey drew pandemic-related restrictions at with the group on another date, a letter from Robbin Owen, chief well with me not being able to anti-fascist activists.
comparisons by some drivers to state and local levels have been location and the conditions for of the Park Service’s permits bring everybody down in. I didn’t The application also referenc-
the Battle of Jericho — the bibli- blocked or rescinded, convoy or- the protest when the People’s management division. Brase also like the idea of having to select es “TenFourDC plans,” referring
cal conflict in which the city’s ganizers have rallied supporters Convoy withdrew the application was considering reducing the who gets to go down there,” Brase to the annual demonstration
walls fell to the sound of trum- by calling mandates an infringe- Sunday night, according to Park number of participants from a said. “They never told me I had to Brase has helped to coordinate
pets after being circled by an ment on their freedoms. Service spokesman Mike Litterst. range of 10,000 to 100,000 to no cut it down at all. They were on the Mall. The most recent
Israelite army for seven days. A broader range of grievances The NPS accepts permit applica- more than 200. totally willing to facilitate that. event was this past fall to protest
“Seventh day and we’re blow- has also brought people to the tions on a rolling, first-come first- Brase said the permit applica- It’s a First Amendment right “the ongoing over regulation of
ing our horns,” one driver said cause, evident in signs, flags and serve basis. tion was a “contingent plan in protest. But I was trying to, I the trucking Industry,” according
over a CB radio heard during a chants from drivers and support- “As far as we are concerned, order to bring trucks down in a guess, make it easier on them.” to a permit issued by the Park
live stream. “What do you think is ers in Hagerstown. Some have the books are closed on that symbolic display where we were The application submitted by Service.
going to happen?” expressed far-right beliefs and proposal,” Litterst said. going to park on the National Brase also did not include It’s unclear whether the Peo-
The detour brought the full misinformation that equate man- The convoy originally aimed to Mall.” enough information for the Park ple’s Convoy will again bring its
convoy into the District for the dates to slavery; falsely claim bring 500 trucks, 1,000 cars and On the application, Brase said Service to evaluate it, according protest into D.C. or hold a permit-
first time since it began Feb. 23 in “Trump won,” referring to the campers, and up to 100,000 peo- he estimated “a bunch of num- to a letter that requested plans ted demonstration in the future.
Adelanto, Calif., en route to 2020 presidential election; and ple to the Mall between Third bers because I had no idea who for security, medical aid, trans- “That’s a day-by-day case at
Hagerstown, where its members repeat QAnon conspiracies. and 12th streets on Jefferson and was going to show up and I portation, a final list of equip- this time, and we’re kind of
have been since March 4. The People’s Convoy had also Madison drives from March 14 at wanted to make sure it was pro- ment and information for points weighing those options day-by-
Convoy leaders say they want hoped to hold a nearly two-week 12:01 a.m. until noon March 26, tected.” But after speaking with of contact. The group was not day,” Brase said. “And if I feel that
to hold lawmakers accountable permitted trucker protest on the according to the application sub- authorities about logistics, he planning acts of civil disobedi- it is something that we need to
for the government’s pandemic National Mall starting Monday, mitted by Brase. said he did not feel comfortable ence, according to the applica- do, then I will definitely go back
responses, voicing frustrations but the application was partially In conversations with Park with the “strain” it would put on tion. down to the permits office and
over vaccination requirements denied because of other events Service leadership, Brase said he city and federal agencies. To ad- When asked on the Park Serv- file for a new permit.”
spot in the Class of 2026 and are fessor at the University of Vir- Officials said the revisions ue their systemic racism against
midway through the application ginia, said Fairfax school officials’ were meant to boost diversity at Asian students.” He said the co-
process. best argument is that the TJ the school, which has historically alition will “continue to fight.”
Hilton also denied a subse- admissions system uses race- enrolled single-digit percentages On the opposite side of the
Home heating to increase up to 54%! quent request from the school neutral methods to increase the of Black and Hispanic students. debate, the TJ Alumni Action
board for a temporary stay of his enrollment of underrepresented But the alterations immediately Group — an advocacy group that
order, meant to allow the Class of students — a tactic that has long drew fire as some parents alleged supports the revised admissions
Oil Heat Natural Gas 2026 applicants to proceed been established as legal under they were meant to drive down system — issued a statement
Winter is HERE! through the current admissions precedents including the Su- the population of Asian students Monday praising Fairfax schools
Installing Multilayer Foil Attic Insulation, Blown Insulation and system uninterrupted. preme Court’s rulings in the 1978 — a group that has constituted for appealing the ruling. “We
Air Sealing Can Have an Immediate Impact on Your Energy Bill! The board filed its appeal of Regents of the University of Cali- about 70 percent of the student reject the false narrative of anti-
Hilton’s ruling on Monday with fornia v. Bakke case and the 2016 body in recent years, while ac- Asian discrimination and con-
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fisher v. University of Texas. counting for about 30 percent of demn the one-sided portrayal of
18 Months 4th Circuit. Going by those cases, Forde- Fairfax County’s overall popula- the Asian American community,”
Same as Cash “We believe strongly that
Judge Hilton’s decision just was
Mazrui said, the 4th Circuit
should uphold the TJ admissions
In the first year the altered
the group wrote.
It is unclear when the 4th
Interest accrues from day 1 but is
waived if the amount financed is not reflective of the extensive system. admissions process took effect, Circuit will weigh in on the TJ
paid in full before the promotion federal case law that exists in But “if the evidence does show TJ admitted the most diverse case, although it could take
end date (18 months). Minimum
monthly payments are support of race-neutral admis- — maybe because of statements class of freshmen in recent mem- months. The Supreme Court’s
required from day 1. sions,” the board’s chair, Stella people made — that they actually ory. The percentage of Black, ruling in its next term on the use
Offer expires 4/2/22 Pekarsky (Sully), said in an inter- want to reduce Asian numbers in Hispanic and low-income stu- of race in admissions could have
view Monday. “If we allow this to particular, while maintaining dents rose, while the percentage ramifications for how the TJ case
stand without appeal, it could White numbers, then I think that of Asian students dropped to 50 is ultimately decided, according
have far-reaching repercussions will be struck down because that percent. About 22 percent of of- to Harvard law professor Richard
well beyond Fairfax County.” wouldn’t be considered a legiti- fers went to White students, a H. Fallon Jr.
The school district’s filing was mate purpose,” Forde-Mazrui number largely consistent with He said it has historically been
made by former U.S. solicitor said. the preceding four years, when harder, under Supreme Court
general Donald B. Verrilli Jr., of Natasha Warikoo, a sociology between 17 and 22 percent of precedent, to justify racial prefer-
the firm Munger, Tolles & Olson, professor at Tufts University who offers went to White students. ences in the K-12 arena than in
who has agreed to take the case studies ethnic and racial inequal- Hilton’s ruling last month higher education.
pro bono, according to school ity in education and has been came as part of a lawsuit filed by a “When the Harvard case is
system spokeswoman Julie following the TJ case, said she group of parents and alumni decided, it will undoubtedly have
Moult. He was persuaded by two thinks it will be hard to prove known as the Coalition for TJ, ripple effects,” Fallon said, “be-
of his firm’s lawyers, who are TJ Fairfax officials acted to drive which is opposed to the admis- cause what happens in postsec-
alumni, Moult said. down the Asian population. sions changes. The coalition, ondary education is obviously
Legal experts were divided “I looked at some of the materi- which is being represented by the not wholly unrelated to what
over how the 4th Circuit is likely als that they claim shows that Pacific Legal Foundation — a happens in the K-12 context.”
to rule. this was about anti-Asian bias,” conservative legal advocacy Meanwhile, the Virginia Gen-
Air Sealing Some said it depends on the she said. “I’m Asian American — I group known for fighting against eral Assembly last week passed
composition of the panel of don’t see it.” affirmative action — argued that into law a bill that outlaws racial
with purchase of the judges, while others pointed out Fairfax school officials revised TJ’s admissions system is dis- discrimination at Governor’s
Perfect Attic System that the use of race in admissions the TJ admissions system in 2020 criminatory and called for its Schools, which includes TJ. A
in higher education is a very open by removing a $100 application immediate end. spokeswoman for Gov. Glenn
and controversial question. The fee and a notoriously difficult In his February ruling, Hilton Youngkin (R) said Monday that
202-996-3586 DC Supreme Court has agreed in its test. Instead, the school adopted agreed with the coalition on pret- the governor “looks forward to
next term, which begins in Octo- a “holistic review” process that ty much every point. signing the legislation.”
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New FBI supervisor says most crime now has ‘cyber footprint’ to be investigated
FBI FROM B1 While much of the violence is
still attributed to members of
a city where their jurisdictions gangs or street crews, the consul-
often overlap. They recently tant’s report listed personal dis-
formed joint task forces, includ- putes as among the top motives.
ing one specifically targeting car- Rather than arguments over ter-
jackings across the region. Now ritory or drugs, the report found
federal and local law enforce- shootings were driven by men
ment authorities are also staffing switching between crews, form-
a command center as part of a ing alliances with rivals and per-
group called the Violent Crime ceived disrespect.
Impact Team. Jacobs said about half of all the
Having “all the federal part- shootings in the District are con-
ners sitting in one shared space” nected to previous shootings.
enables them to quickly direct And he said social media has
resources to small groups of peo- added to dangers, “stoking and
ple responsible for a dispropor- driving beefs that just don’t stop”
tionate amount of crime, Jacobs through online taunts, threats
said. and chatter.
A priority, he said, is “making “Now, you have social media,
sure we are operating in the right nothing is being shut off,” he said.
areas and pursuing the folks who “People are going back and forth.”
are driving a large percentage of And, Jacobs said, gatherings
the crime. How are we identifying such as marijuana pop-ups with
those individuals, and how are we “significant sources of cash” ad-
dedicating the resources to mak- vertise online, attracting robbers
ing sure that we hold those indi- as well as customers.
viduals accountable?” “And I don’t even need to guess
The rash of robberies in North- where they are, right?” he said.
west began Oct. 17, 2020, near the “They’re telling me.”
campus of George Washington Jacobs agreed with police that
University and continued at a the proliferation of firearms, es-
steady pace through Halloween pecially untraceable “ghost guns”
weekend, when four groups of built from home kits, is particu-
people were held up in a matter of larly troubling.
hours in Tenleytown, George- An upside for police is that
town and the West End, police most crime now has “a cyber
said. BILL O'LEARY/THE WASHINGTON POST footprint” that opens up new
Police and the FBI developed Wayne A. Jacobs, the new special agent in charge of the criminal and cyber division of the FBI’s D.C. field office, sees a link between avenues of investigation, Jacobs
leads through interviews and sur- violent crime and social media. Online taunts are “stoking and driving beefs that just don’t stop,” he says. said.
veillance videos, and by tracking One challenge, Jacobs said, is
the alleged robbers “moving cash chased him through Georgetown; cial fraud and counterintelli- bygone violent era, noting that As drug markets have changed, “How do we exploit that informa-
between accounts” on stolen the second was arrested in Cali- gence. In his interview, he talked the Internet had largely supplant- so have motives behind the shoot- tion?”
phones, Jacobs said. That, he fornia. A Maryland woman was of the changing nature of gun ed street corners in the sale and ings once largely attributed to One way turned out to be sim-
said, led to additional victims and charged with fraud and receiving crime and drug dealing, and their distribution of illegal drugs. fights over turf. A consultant ple for police investigating the
expanded the scope of the case. stolen property. intersections with the quickly People still sell drugs outside, helping D.C. to form a plan to string of robberies in Northwest
Two 19-year-old men from the Jacobs grew up in South Bruns- evolving computer age and social but Jacobs said that “you don’t combat crime through public Washington. Court documents
District have been charged with wick, N.J., and joined the FBI in media. need to do that right now.” He health initiatives has said a few say one of the men charged had
numerous counts of armed rob- 2003. He has worked in New York, Then-D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. said, “We have folks who are hundred people are responsible used his personal email address
bery and armed kidnapping. One Los Angeles and Newark in jobs Lanier in 2015 declared large leveraging the ‘dark net’ to order for up to 70 percent of the city’s in taking control of a victim’s
man was arrested after police as varied as violent crime, finan- open-air drug markets a relic of a fentanyl straight to their homes.” gun violence. Amazon account.
Md. Democratic Party o∞cial out after questioning Black candidates’ chances
RESIGNATION FROM B1 Black people were “regarded as Harris said he worries about A spokesman for Moore also
beings of an inferior order” with the type of impact these opinions harshly criticized Goldberg Gold-
“no rights which the white man from top party leaders could have man’s email and used it as an
American males have run state- was bound to respect.” on down-ballot races. opportunity to take a swing at
wide for Governor and have lost. Jealous said he thought it was King said in a statement: “This Perez, calling on him to “return
Maryland is not a Blue state. It’s a notable that he has never heard kind of backwards thinking has the money she has donated to
purple one. This is a fact we must anyone in the Republican Party no place in the future of the Demo- him, and cancel his upcoming
not ignore.” make similar remarks about Black cratic Party in Maryland, nor is it fundraiser at her home.”
The state, which according to Republican candidates. acceptable coming from a party In this year’s crowded primary,
2020 U.S. Census data is home to “I haven’t heard them say that official. As someone whose family half of the Democratic candidates
the most diverse population on about Michael Steele, about Boyd went from being enslaved in a vying to replace Hogan are men of
the East Coast, has yet to elect a Rutherford,” he said in an inter- cabin in Gaithersburg to serving color. They include Baker; King;
Black governor. That could view. “Our party needs to take a in the cabinet of the first Black Moore, an author and former non-
change this year, with three Black long look in the mirror and finally president in just three genera- profit chief; Perez, a former U.S.
candidates vying to replace Gov. pull itself out from under the last tions, my family’s story is a testi- labor secretary; and Ashwani
Larry Hogan (R), who is term-lim- remnants of the shadow of Chief mony to the progress that Black Jain, a former candidate for the
ited. Justice Taney.” Americans can achieve. Deputy Montgomery County Council.
Baker, who is making his sec- The email was sent to about 20 Treasurer Goldman must resign Jealous, who mounted a suc-
ond straight bid for governor, ini- people, including Aruna Miller, from her position with the state cessful primary bid winning 22
tially said that he didn’t agree but who had just been named the party.” out of 24 counties in 2018 but lost
that Democratic leaders’ skepti- running mate of gubernatorial MICHAEL ROBINSON CHAVEZ/THE WASHINGTON POST Perez attempted to distance to Hogan in the general election
cism of Black Democratic candi- candidate Wes Moore, who is The Maryland State House. Barbara Goldberg Goldman, the state himself from his backer. by 12 percentage points, said the
dates’ ability to be elected state- Black. No one in the thread re- Democratic Party’s deputy treasurer, resigned Monday and publicly “These ill-conceived comments email proved to him that some
wide was “fair criticism, under- sponded to Goldberg Goldman’s apologized for the comments she made in a December email. do not reflect the values of our leaders within the Democratic
standing we haven’t seen it hap- comments about the electability campaign — as evidenced by Party hold a different set of stan-
pen yet.” But on Monday, after he of Black candidates. she raised a question that African assumed — their support. Kevin Tom’s long career to advance civil dards for Black and White candi-
became aware of the email, he “I am well aware that words Americans across the country Harris, a top aide during Jealous’s rights and expand opportunity — dates and are part of an effort to
lambasted Goldberg Goldman’s matter despite how they might be have been asking for a long time campaign, said he remembers as a or our values as Maryland Demo- hold Black candidates back from
comments, saying “such com- interpreted, and I sincerely apolo- about running in statewide races. young organizer similar whispers crats,” Sean Naron, a Perez spokes- succeeding.
ments merely serve to excuse and gize,” Goldberg Goldman said He added that Goldberg Gold- during Obama’s first run for of- man, said in a statement. “White men lose races all the
legitimize acts of institutional rac- Monday in an email to The Wash- man’s comments do not reflect fice. Naron said Perez, who is His- time, but no one ever ascribes that
ism, whether at the voting booth, ington Post. “I would never want her character, noting that she has “There were these conversa- panic, also urged Goldberg Gold- loss to their DNA,” he said. “Black
in our corridors of government or to distract from the hard work and been a strong supporter for years tions about whether or not the man to step down. women and Black men are en-
our institutions of business and mission of my colleagues and of Black candidates, including president would be able to win State Comptroller Peter Fran- treated to support the Democrats
civic life.” friends fighting for the principles him, Baker, Barack Obama and over some working-class White chot, who is also running for the every single cycle. We are told that
Former gubernatorial candi- upon which the Democratic Party Rep. Anthony G. Brown (D-Md.), a voters rather than to relate to Democratic nomination, said the Democrats are the party that
date Ben Jealous late Sunday de- and I stand.” former lieutenant governor. them,” Harris said. “Time and Goldberg Goldman’s “decision to stands for us. And then when we
scribed her comments as racist in Former Montgomery County The Democratic Party has a time again, we’ve sort of broken resign was necessary. The diversi- stand up to lead, we’re told that
a tweet comparing her words to executive Isiah Leggett, a Black long, fraught history with Black through these myths, but then you ty of Maryland’s Democratic Party our race is an obstacle to us win-
those of Chief Justice Roger B. Democrat, labeled Goldberg voters, who have often felt taken get comments like this and you is its greatest strength, and her ning.”
Taney, the author of the 1857 Su- Goldman’s comment as “unfortu- advantage of by an organization are reminded that it’s just never comments contradict our values The Maryland primary is
preme Court decision stating that nate and inartful” but noted that that has depended on — and often, enough.” as both a party and state.” June 28.
symbol of friendship between the federal investigation into a safety Plaza or Federal Triangle stations James Mitchell, a National Park Service worker, cuts through a branch Friday at the Tidal Basin in
countries. defect that has sidelined about to avoid crowds. D.C. The Park Service predicts cherry blossoms will be at peak bloom between March 22 and March 25.
Longtime NFL field o∞cial became the league’s first Black referee
BY M ATT S CHUDEL his 24th season with the NFL.
Johnny Grier was born
Johnny Grier, a longtime field April 16, 1947, in Charlotte and
official in the National Football later moved with his family to
League who in 1988 became the Washington. His father worked in
league’s first Black referee, or construction, and his mother was
crew chief, died March 8 in Pasa- a homemaker.
dena, Md. He was 74. Mr. Grier played football and
The death was confirmed by a baseball at Dunbar. While serving
granddaughter, Bryanna Grier, in the Air Force in Louisiana in
who did not specify the cause. the late 1960s, he began to offici-
Mr. Grier, who spent most of ate high school and later college
his life in the Washington region, sports.
began refereeing basketball Even in the NFL, officiating is a
scrimmages while he was a stu- part-time job. For many years, Mr.
dent at Dunbar High School. He Grier worked as a planning engi-
was a high school and college neer for the old C&P Telephone
football official before being Co. (now Verizon). He received a
hired by the NFL in 1981. bachelor’s degree in business ad-
At the time, he was one of nine ministration from the University
Black officials in the league. (Burl of the District of Columbia in 1987
Toler, a head linesman, became and a master’s degree from UDC
the first African American official in 1993.
in the NFL in 1965 and was the While still working for the
first to work in a Super Bowl.) NFL, Mr. Grier became the head
Football officials are often of officiating of the Mid-Eastern
loosely called referees, but each of Athletic Conference and hired
the seven officials on the field has the conference’s first female foot-
a specific title and duty. The ball official, Annice Canady, in
referee, who wears a white cap 2002. After his NFL retirement,
during the game, is the head of Mr. Grier became a supervisor of
the crew. He tosses the coin at the officials for the league.
beginning of a game and stands His granddaughter said Mr.
in the offensive backfield before Grier was not married. Survivors
the ball is snapped. (An eighth include a son from a relationship,
official is in the press box to Lowell Grier; a sister; two grand-
review video replays of infrac- BRIAN BAHR/GETTY IMAGES
daughters; and two great-grand-
tions.) Johnny Grier officiates a National Football League game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Diego Chargers on Sept. 17, 2000. sons.
During his first seven years as When Mr. Grier was hired by the league in 1981, he was one of nine Black officials. He was promoted to referee in 1988. Mr. Grier attended officiating
an NFL official, Mr. Grier was a and rules clinics each year and
field judge, taking a sideline posi- “In my games, you’ll see my ing down the quarterback or kick- Super Bowl XXII in 1988, in calling the play an incomplete was instrumental in helping oth-
tion in the defensive backfield guys talking back and forth to the er after the ball has been thrown which Washington defeated Den- pass, leaving three seconds on the er Black officials advance in foot-
about 25 yards from the line of players,” he said in a video inter- or kicked. The referee also an- ver, 42-10. The game marked the clock. It took more than 30 min- ball and other sports. Currently,
scrimmage. In that role, he made view. “If something happens on nounces penalties, verbally and first time there had been a Black utes to bring both teams back about 40 of the approximately
calls on pass receptions, pass the field, we try to explain it to in hand gestures, and signals starting quarterback — Washing- from their locker rooms to com- 120 NFL officials are Black.
interference and on whether a them, especially if it’s something when a first down has been made. ton’s Doug Williams — in the plete a final play, which did not The number Mr. Grier wore as
runner stepped out of bounds. It that’s unusual.” “People may consider me a Super Bowl. change the outcome of the game, a referee — No. 23 — is now worn
was a demanding job, requiring When he was promoted to ref- pioneer now,” Mr. Grier told Jet As referee of a season-ending a 27-24 Miami victory. by Jerome Boger, another Black
Mr. Grier to run on many plays to eree in 1988, Mr. Grier said he magazine in 1988. “But once we game in 2000 between New Eng- Neither team “wanted to come referee.
stay close to receivers and defen- found his new position a little put on those striped shirts, the land and Miami, Mr. Grier contro- back on the field and I could “I’d like to be remembered by
sive backs. No players were sup- easier than being a field judge — first time I make a call that goes versially ruled that Patriots quar- understand that,” Mr. Grier said. my cohorts,” Mr. Grier said in a
posed to get behind him. “babysitting the quarterback,” as against somebody that they don’t terback Drew Bledsoe fumbled He was sometimes criticized 2014 interview with the Massa-
Even when he was throwing he put it. In addition to watching like, I’m going to be just another when he lost control of the ball on for calling too many penalties chusetts School of Law, “as
his flag for a penalty, Mr. Grier for holding by linemen, the refer- referee.” a last-second pass attempt. Mr. and for being slow and indecisive somebody they’d like to walk on
was known for his ability to get ee makes calls on “roughing” the Mr. Grier worked 15 playoff Grier declared the game over. in handling video reviews. Leg the field with on Sunday after-
along with players and coaches. passer or kicker — illegally knock- games and was the field judge in Replay officials overruled him, injuries led him to retire in 2004, noon.”
Quietly passed away on
Wednesday, March 9, 2022, of
Silver Spring, MD. Preceded
in death by her late husband,
Paul Dean, Sr., and her sister
Susan A. Kunkel. She leaves
to cherish her memory her siblings Louise
A. Kunkel, William C. Kunkel and James H.
(Sherry L.) Kunkel. Also survived by sever-
al nieces and nephews, step-children and
grandchildren. A visitation will be held at
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, 15661
Norbeck Blvd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 on
Friday, March 18, from 10 to 11 a.m. fol-
lowed by the Mass of Christian Burial at 11
a.m. Interment private. In lieu of flowers,
memorial contributions may be made to
Alzheimer’s Association, 108 Byte Drive
#103, Frederick, MD 21702 or Frederick
August 7, 1952 - March 15, 2021 CHOON-HI CHANG DOROTHY N. DELGADO (Age 76)
Frederick, MD 21701. Cecelia Jean Lowell, age 56, died peacefully Of Fort Washington, MD, passed away peace-
After a long, hard battle with pancreatic www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com January 30, 1928 ~ March 15, 2020 Passed away on December 13, 2021 in
at home on March 9, 2022, after a short Berkley, CA. She is survived by four chil- fully on Friday March 4, 2022. She will be
cancer we said goodbye to our beautiful illness. Cecelia was profoundly developmen- truly missed by all who knew and loved her.
mother, grandmother and sister Alicia. Ser- Noble, fine and brilliant soul! dren, Eric B. Broome, John L. Delgado, III,
tally disabled from birth but survived happily My beloved mother. Darrie Delgado Brooks and Damion Delga- Her family will receive relatives and friends on
vices were private. into adulthood under the loving care of her March 18, 2022 at St. Paul United Methodist
do; one sister, Mabel Brooks, one brother,
parents and sisters. For the last 30+ years of Your grateful and amazed son Edward Simmons; a host of other relatives Church, 6634 St. Barnabas Road, Oxon Hill, MD
Alicia lived her life to the fullest. She got her life she lived with her sister Margaret and 20745. Visitation is at 10 a.m. The Celebration
her joy from being a Mom, traveling all
corners of the world, staying up dancing HAYNES family, backed up by sister Katie and family. She
was predeceased by her mother, Julia Lowell.
([email protected]) and friends. She was preceded in death by
her father, Willie Nelson; mother; Hattie
Mae Allen Nelson; brother, Willie Nelson, Jr.
of Life begins at 11 a.m. Interment is at a later
date. Funeral services will be streamed live
to her favorite songs, squeezing her grand She is survived by her father, Joseph (Bill) at https://stpauloxonhill.online.church. Funer-
babies extra tight and helping her clients. GARY HAYNES and sister, Carolyn Nelson. On Wednesday,
Lowell; her six sisters: Mary Julia Bailey, Anne March 16, 2022, friends my visit starting al Services provided by Pope Funeral Home.
Members of IUOE Local 77 are (Bill) Cairns, Katie (Ted) Junghans, Margaret
Alicia would light up a room with her infec- hereby notified of the passing at 10 a.m. until service at 11 a.m. at Mar-
tious smile and few things were as com-
forting as her laugh. She had an incredible
of Brother Gary Haynes. on
Sunday, March 6, 2022. Broth-
(Leszek) Syski, Elizabeth Walters, and Frances
(Paul) Speight; and her stepmother, Veronica
(Ronnie) Fellerath-Lowell. Cece is also survived
JACKSON shall-March Funeral Home of Maryland,
4308 Suitland Rd., Suitland, MD, 20746. In-
sense of humor, an ability to find bargain er Haynes was a member of terment: Cedar Hill Cemetery, Suitland, MD.
by 26 nieces and nephews; 39 grandnieces and
shopping better than anybody else and a Local 77 for 49 years. A view- grandnephews; and her loving caregiver Sara
love for sweets that rivals most. ing will be held at Not About Me Ministries, www.marshallmarchfh.com
3106 Branch Ave., Temple Hills MD, on Sat-
Alicia was also a fierce advocate for those urday March 26, 2022 from 10 a.m to 11 A viewing will begin at 10 a.m. on Thursday,
who didn't have a voice. She spent her a.m. Funeral services will directly follow at March 17, followed at 11 a.m. by a funeral Mass
career as a geriatric social worker and 11 a.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church, 9240 Damascus
her free time helping out with causes she Respectfully submitted Road, Damascus, MD 20872. Burial will be
believed in. From the time she was young Steve Faulkner at the Maryland State Veterans Cemetery at
she knew how important it was to fight for Recording Secretary Crownsville, MD.
what you believe in to make the world a
better place. In lieu of flowers please consider making a
Alicia left behind four children, Samantha,
Brett, Kara and Katie; six grandchildren and
donation to Calmra, Inc., 14100 Laurel Park
Drive, Laurel, MD 20707, or to Community
Options/Kennedy Institute, 801 Buchanan St.
three sisters, Barbara, Cindi and Melody. NE, Washington, DC 20017.
We miss her deeply and are grateful for the
years we shared.
March 15, 1956 - June 11, 2019
Happy 66th Birthday!
BRANTLEY SMITH We love and miss you very much!
Your Family and Friends
Kathleen Flattery Smith, 81, of Fairfax, VA,
died Saturday, March 12, 2022.
Mrs. Smith was born in Washington, DC.,
on September 24, 1940 and was the
daughter of the late Michael J. and Mary
Flattery. She was married to the late Wil-
liam T. Smith. Following a full career with
the United States Marshals Service, she CLAUDE MICHAEL HAWKINS
retired to Southport, NC where she was a Entered into eternal rest on Tuesday, Feb-
member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. ruary 22, 2022. He is survived by his wife,
Yvonne Hawkins; daughter, Tahisha Haw-
She is survived by her three daughters: kins; three grandchildren, Damon Hawkins,
Dayquan Hawkins and Demarco Hayes;
JAMES ALPHEUS JACKSON (Age 82) Karen Lois Lombard and husband, John,
two great grandchildren, Aiden Hawkins ERNA A. LANGDON
of Farmersville, TX; Laura Kathleen Idol Erna Ann Langdon, age 77, died Friday March
Peacefully passed away on Sunday, Feb- and husband, Chris, of Centreville, VA; and and Nevaeh Hawkins; six sisters, Linda
ruary 27, 2022. James was a loving father, Wright, Claudette Ward, Diane Edward, 11, 2022 at her home in Asheville, NC after a
Maureen Clare Eck and husband, Albert, long and courageous battle with Alzheimer’s.
grandfather, great-grandfather and devot- of Fairfax Station, VA; nine grandchildren: Joyce Gatling, Wanda Hawkins and Brenda
ed husband of 62 years to Doris W. Jack- Hawkins; two brothers, Jospeh Diggs and Erna was born November 10, 1944 in New York,
Kayla, Jack, Ethan, and Travis Lombard; Al- NY to the late Ernest and Anna Stalzer. Erna
son. He is also survived by a host of nieces, yssa and Amanda Idol; and Anthony, Spen- Darrell Hawkins; a host of other relatives
JAMES R. BRANTLEY (Age 70) nephews, other relatives and friends. On and friends. Mr. Hawkins was preceded in grew up in Queens and Long Island and later
On Friday, March 11, 2022, of cer, and Matthew Eck. graduated from St. Bonaventure University
Saturday, March 19, friends may visit with death by his parents, Francis, Sr. and Doro-
Kensington, MD. Born in Chi- the family from 10 a.m. until time of ser- thy Hawkins; brother, Frankie Hawkins. Mr. with a degree in Math. One of her first jobs
cago, IL, Jim was a graduate A memorial Mass will be held this sum- was a programmer at the Pentagon, where she
vice at 11 a.m., at Marshall-March Chapel mer at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hawkins wll lie in state at Temple of Praise,
of Washington High School in of Maryland, 4308 Suitland Rd, Suitland 700 Southern Ave., SE on Friday, March 18, met the love of her life Norwood "Woody".
East Chicago, IN, of Indiana Southport, NC. Inurnment will follow in the After marrying in 1969, she and Woody lived
Maryland, 20746. Interment Cheltenham Church Columbarium. 2022 from 10 a.m. until service at 11 a.m.
University in Bloomington briefly in Virginia, then moved to Germany
with a double major in criminal justice and
Veterans Cemetery, April 22 at 11:15 a.m.
Online guestbook available at:
DEATH NOTICE Interment at Ft. Lincoln Cemetery.
before settling in Maryland. They later moved
to Houston, TX, then Leesburg, VA, and finally
journalism, and of the University of Mary-
land at College Park where he received a www.moneyandking.com Asheville, NC.
Masters Degree in criminal justice. After
working for many years at the National
DOBLER She had numerous jobs over the years, pro-
grammer, teacher, jewelry sales, and lastly
Criminal Justice Reference Service (As-
pen Systems Corp), he rediscovered his
passion for photography, and in addition
BLOOM raised five children in many different coun-
tries over the course of their 64 year mar-
financial analyst at Computer Sciences Corpo-
ration (CSC), but Erna’s favorite roles were
wife and Mom. She loved her family deeply
to working as a freelance photographer riage. Betty worked in many labs as a Medical and sacrificed much for them. One of the
medical team during the moon landings. happiest days of her life was bringing home
for the remainder of his career, he put in While at the Houston Space Center, Cheri Technician and ran the household while Bob
15 years as a photographer for the Wash- traveled extensively for work. The Dobler her first child, Matthew. And she was thrilled
operated a hematology lab, in which she an- to later welcome two daughters, Melissa, and
ington Times newspaper. Jim also acted in alyzed blood samples taken from the astro- family lived on Springmann Drive in Fairfax
local community theaters for many years. City, VA for thirteen years. Katherine (Kate).
nauts before and after space flight. Erna is survived by her husband Norwood
Jim is survived by his beloved companion Cheri later earned a master’s degree in pa- Betty, or “Te Te” as the grandkids called her,
Christine Lundy, his sister Janet Cooper, was a fearless, strong woman who taught us Langdon; her daughters Melissa (Erik) Thingvoll
thology at the University of Texas, Galveston and Katherine (Steven) Wheat; her brother
and many loving nieces, nephews, and Branch. Subsequently, Cheri matriculated at all to be independent and to help others. She
cousins. A Memorial Service will be an- the University of Houston, where she was was a voracious reader, an accomplished John (Jean Marie) Stalzer; grandchildren Sara,
nounced at a later date. Interment Private. awarded a Doctor of Optometry degree. pianist, but mostly she loved travel. She was Julian, Alyssa, Justin, Jennifer, and Leah; one
Memorial contributions may be made to Cheri married Murray Bloom in Houston in still making international trips at age 90. nephew and six nieces. A viewing will be held
Montgomery County Humane Society. 1983 and relocated to Northern Virginia. Until the last few years, Betty was an active Friday, March 18 at 10 a.m. at First Baptist
www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com Cheri worked as an optometrist at several member and leader at Opequon Presbyterian Church of Wyoming, NY, followed by a funeral
locations around Northern Virginia and D.C., Church in Winchester, VA. We will miss her service at 11 a.m. Funeral arrangements and
specializing in low vision for the nearly blind. sage advice, willing and tireless help, patient details handled by Weeks Funeral Home in
Cheri followed several interests in her per- parenting, but most of all her subtle, dry Warsaw, NY:
sonal life. She was a long time member of humor. www.weeksfuneral.com
the NOVA Annandale Symphony Orchestra, Betty was preceded in death by her husband,
in which she played the violin. As a youth, ELIZABETH DOBLER "Betty" Bob; and sister, Eloise Auxt. She is survived
she attended Interlochen music camp two On Saturday, February 26, 2022, Elizabeth by her sister Luciclare “Ding” Ansel Young
summers in a row, each entirely by scholar- “Betty” Miller Dobler passed away peacefully (Paul) of San Francisco, CA; her five children:
DR. CHERYLANN TUCHMAN BLOOM ship. This was her personal favorite achieve- at the age of 94. She was born in Cumber- Mary Dobler Humbert (Aubrey), Carol Juan
Dr. Cherylann Tuchman Bloom, of Fairfax, ment. After retiring, Cheri took fused glass land, MD to Henry and Arbutus Gordon Miller Stanley (Mike), Robert H. Dobler (Cindy),
Virginia, passed away peacefully on March classes at the Workhouse Arts Center in of Paw Paw, West Virginia. Betty spent her Margaret Dobler Herndon (Jim McWilson),
11, 2022, after a two-year struggle with pan- Lorton. She also audited several classes childhood on Imperial Orchard owned by her and Helen Dobler Streeten (John). Additional-
creatic cancer. She is survived by her hus- at George Mason University. Cheri enjoyed father who grew Mountaineer Brand apples. ly, she has thirteen grandchildren; nine great-
band of 38 years, Murray Bloom, and their foreign travel to many places in Europe, but Betty attended Madison College and grandchildren; and one great-great-grand-
daughter, Sandra Bloom. she especially enjoyed her trip to the Gala- received a double major in Biology and child.
Dr. Bloom— “Cheri” to her friends—was pagos Islands. Chemistry and was also a member of the A celebration of Betty’s life will be held on
born in Benton Harbor, Michigan on October Cheri made friends readily with people in Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority. Later she was May 21, 2022, at 11 a.m. at Woodrow Union
19th, 1944. Cheri graduated from Michigan many different aspects of her life. She will training to be a certified medical technician Church in Paw Paw, WV and is open to all.
State University with a degree in medical be remembered fondly by all and missed at George Washington University when she In lieu of flowers, please donate to CCAP of
technology. After first working in the labo- dearly. met her future husband, Robert F. Dobler. Winchester, VA at P.O. Box 2112, Winchester,
ratory at Grant Hospital in Chicago, she took Graveside service will be held March 15 at She flew to Frankfurt, Germany and they VA 22604.
a position in Houston, Texas, with NASA and 12 Noon at King David Memorial Gardens, married on November 30, 1951. The couple Arrangements are by Phelps Funeral & Cre-
participated in the Apollo Space Program Falls Church, VA. mation Service.
India and bagging the Washington Post for the University of Pennsylvania and George MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
BRUCE delivery. Eventually, he put himself through
Georgetown University Law School and was
accepted into the Bar Association. He spent
Washington Univ., respectively.
General Hallgren served his Army and Na-
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
When the
for a better life for his family. After arriving alz.org) 1973 to accept a position with the National ------
Trust for Historic Preservation as Vice Presi- SUNDAY
alone in Washington, DC with just $7.00 in Color
his pocket and no friends or acquaintances, To view and sign the family guest book, dent of Historic Properties, overseeing the 3" - $665
need arises,
Victor set to work building his future. He please visit: management and, in some cases, the acqui- 4" - $760
worked earnestly at jobs including teaching www.PumphreyFuneralHome.com sition, of the Trust’s growing stable of historic 5" - $926
English to Peace Corp volunteers heading to house museums.
He served as an adjunct professor at Ball 6"+ for ALL color notices
Funeral Services
ist and architectural historian, died Novem-
ber 10, 2021 at his home near Winchester, and groups. He was the principal author of MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
VA. He was 89 years old. He was attended in five books, including A Guide to the Arts All notices over 2" include
his final illness by his wife of 42 years, Shirley and Crafts in America and House Styles in complimentary memorial plaque
Directory. Maxwell, and her two sons and daughters-in- America: The Old House Journal Guide to
law, Timothy and Bridget Markley and Daniel American Houses. For 20 years, he was a Additional plaques start at $26 each
Markley and Alison Sheehy. He is survived by regular contributor to The Old-House Journal and may be ordered.
his cousin, Dr. Melvin Butler, of Pomona, CA. and a contributing editor for much of that
time. All Paid Death Notices
In the course of his 65-year career, James appear on our website through
Massey steadfastly practiced and taught On moving to Strasburg, VA, in 1984, he
To be seen in the about the recognition, documentation,
recording, and restoration of historically sig-
and Shirley Maxwell formed the preservation
consulting firm of Massey Maxwell Asso-
ciates, advising and educating clients across
Funeral Services nificant buildings and areas. He held a profes-
sional degree in architecture (B.Arch.) from the United States. He served on the Strasburg
Planning Commission from 1988 until 2004
Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams
the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a
Directory, please call Because your loved one served proudly...
Master of Planning degree from the Universi-
ty of Virginia. An associate member of the
and on the town’s architectural review board
until 2021. PLEASE NOTE:
paid Death Notices American Institute of Architects.
He was born in San Gabriel, CA, the son of
A memorial service will be held on Saturday,
April 9, 2022 at 2 p.m. at the Unitarian Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
Military emblems are available with death notices and in-memoriams Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Val- email. Photos must be emailed. You can
at 202-334-4122. Carl and Marion Steltz Massey. As a child,
he moved with his mother to Secane, PA, ley, 6380 Valley Pike, Stephens City, VA. In
lieu of flowers, please consider donations
no longer place notices, drop off photos
and make payment in person.
a Philadelphia suburb, and attended schools Payment must be made via phone with
in Upper Darby Township 5, he served for to the James C. Massey scholarship fund,
To place a notice call 202-334-4122 or 800-627-1150, ext. 44122 National Preservation Institute, P. O. Box debit/credit card.
two years in the United States Army in the
Office of Military History, Karlsruhe, Ger- 1702, Alexandria, VA 22313.
C0979 2x3
many, where he and his first wife, Arrangements are by Phelps Funeral & Cre-
mation Service.
The Weather
Springlike and mostly sunny Today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday O FFI C I AL REC O RD
Partly sunny Mostly sunny Cloudy, Partly sunny T‑storms Showers
It’s another beautiful day. There’s shower possible possible Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 71° FEELS: 72° FEELS: 67° FEELS: 72° FEELS: 70° FEELS: 62°
CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 5% P: 55% P: 15% P: 35% P: 30%
WIND: SSW 4–8 mph W: ESE 6–12 mph W: NNE 7–14 mph W: SSW 7–14 mph W: WSW 10–20 mph W: NW 10–20 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Low
Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th
Statistics through 5 p.m. Monday
in the
remember reading a story — a Visually, the focus of this image is a red
lot of us probably remember blanket or cloth, with black dots. Emotionally,
reading the story — of a baby the photograph is centered on the woman lying
born on an airplane. The mother on the blanket, her left arm touching what may
was fleeing Afghanistan and be a wound below her belly, which holds her
Hesse went into labor on a C-17 unborn child. Four men carry her on a
military aircraft somewhere en stretcher from the ruins of a maternity hospital
route to the Ramstein Air Base in Mariupol, Ukraine, bombed
in Germany. Military personnel delivered the CRITIC’S by the Russians on March 9.
of war
infant in the cargo bay. In honor of the plane’s NOTEBOOK The agony of the photo-
call sign, the parents named their new daughter graph, taken by Evgeniy Malo-
“Reach.” letka, expanded on Monday when the Associat-
This is what passes for an uplifting story in ed Press announced that the woman had died.
wartime. At least the baby lived. At least the And so had her baby. Mariupol, under siege and
mother lived. At least the circle of life continued heavy bombardment for days by the Russian
despite the upheaval. The airplane’s call sign, invaders, is a humanitarian disaster, a poten-
thankfully, was appropriately inspirational; it tial “worst-case scenario,” according to the
could have been “Bacon” or “Anvil.” The Ukrainian emergency workers carry an injured International Committee of the Red Cross.
outcome of this story was so happy it was easy pregnant woman from a hospital bombed by Russia Even if the woman, whose name we don’t
to overlook the preamble: the fact that the last week. The woman and her baby later died. know, had survived, this image would have
woman’s blood pressure dropped severely, been one of the defining ones of this terrible
the idiosyncratic and famous.
Over the ensuing years,
though, my interpretation of
Hurt’s spirit animals changed
from a can-you-believe-this-guy
eyeroll to muted respect. The
more I’ve learned about cinema,
and the singular challenges of
acting first for the camera, then,
by extension, the mass audience,
the less cavalier I’ve become
about what it takes to achieve the
Finding the right balance for chores genuinely nice person. Maybe.
Walsh, whose 2018 debut thrill-
er, “Ghosted,” was a bestseller,
splits the first-person narration
Adapted from an stretch; and as needed treat this Do not keep doing anything of this story chiefly between Leo
online discussion. as a time when fewer chores get past the date that he can very and Emma. In the novel’s opening
done. well resume doing it for himself. pages, Leo proudly tells us that
Dear Carolyn: If you still end up with a major Do not do anything he would his wife is an “intertidal ecologist,
I’m moving in and persistent domestic refuse to do for you. which means she studies the plac-
with my fiance. workload imbalance when it’s all Do not do anything you es and creatures that are sub-
Carolyn Unfortunately, it’s over, then break up and move wouldn’t feel right asking of him. merged at high tide and exposed VERITY RIVERS
Hax at the worst time out. Ultimately the problem You are not obligated. Period. at low.” (Suspense metaphor “The Love of My Life” author Rosie Walsh.
of the year. His would be a partner who’s okay alert!) Leo also affirms that
business — which with letting you do all the work, Dear Carolyn: About a month Emma is a loving mom to their advance. Such just-in-case obits marriage. It’s been about fear of
he owns and is trying to keep and the solution would be a ago my husband and I moved to young daughter, Ruby, and their are called “stock.” Because of discovery and deep regret. It is
going during the pandemic — is better person for a partner. a new neighborhood. When I was rescue dog named John Keats; Emma’s BBC fame and her cancer, something I could never commit
at its busiest, and he’s working out to take in our trash cans she’s also a former star of a BBC now in remission, she warrants a to paper, or Facebook, or any-
60-80 hours a week for the next Carolyn: This is his new today, I saw our next-door series on marine wildlife and a “stock,” and Leo, as the person where else.”
two months. We both knew this business. There is no “last year.” neighbor for the first time. I recent cancer survivor. Then who knows her best, accepts the In a sense, the chapters of “The
was happening, but the right I’m asking, is there a good way to smiled and said hello. She comes this kicker from Leo at the assignment to write it. As he Love of My Life” that are narrated
apartment came along. invent or put in place a “reset” frowned at me and turned away end of his opening testimonials: begins researching the facts of his by Emma constitute her own al-
I fully support his business button that I can push in three without responding. I am at a “I think it was Kennedy who wife’s life — clandestinely, so as ternate cancer memoir: her ac-
and understand this situation is months? loss. We pick up after our dog. He said we are tied to the ocean — not to upset her — Leo stumbles count of that obsession and its
temporary. Yet I’m a bit wary — Setting again is never out by himself or off that when we return to it, for upon some “submerged” fibs the backstory. Along the way, at least
that the first few months of leash. He doesn’t bark. We keep sport or leisure or somesuch, we size of the Rock of Gibraltar. three contenders for “the love of
living together will be me doing Setting again: Okay. I still think our home and yard well- are returning to the place from Meanwhile, Emma is cautious- [her] life” surface.
all the cooking, cleaning, chores, the less resetting, the better. If manicured. We are quiet. What whence we came. That’s how I feel ly confiding in us readers, too. As appealing as the characters
etc. you didn’t move in, then he’d be should we do? about us. To be near to my wife, to Here, for instance, are her of Emma and Leo are, the essen-
Any suggestions on how I end managing this and his home — New Neighbor Emma, is to return to source. thoughts in response to her doc- tial draw of a domestic suspense
this precedent? I don’t mind solo. He just would, because he’d “So when I learn, in the days tor’s suggestion that she write a story such as this one is its plot.
pitching in while times are have to. New Neighbor: Invite them over following this morning — this cancer memoir: Walsh concocts a doozy. Her nar-
unusual, but I’m also wary of It’s essential not to lose sight — or for a pandemic-approved innocent, commonplace morn- “I’ve read endless cancer mem- rative is studded with evasively
how to change a trend that starts of that — or, to put it more walk. If the frostiness persists, ing, with dogs and frogs and oirs in the years following my worded passages that lure us
when I move in. plainly from the other side, keep then just ask whether you’ve coffee … — that I know nothing of diagnosis; some written from the readers into dead ends, switch-
— Setting a Precedent firmly in mind you are not done something to offend them. this woman, it will break me.” warm shore of survival, others cut back turns, false sutures between
moving in to be his unpaid Maybe your dog barks Leo stumbles on the first of his short by an end note from a scenes and a startling final cli-
Setting a Precedent: What did domestic. Talk to him about a insanely when you’re out? Still — beloved wife’s fibs because of his bereaved relative. … But every max. All that passes for reality is
he do last year during this fair division of labor for regular that’s no cause for a snub. job: He’s a writer on the obituar- account … has talked about love. unstable in “The Love of My Life.”
period, when you were still living times, then about an adjustment ies desk at a British newspaper, a About how, as we approach the By novel’s end, readers may even
apart? to that for crazy time, then Write to Carolyn Hax at department, he insists, is “the end of our life, we find ourselves begin to wonder whether the
The way to end a precedent is decide if that sounds doable to [email protected]. Get her most cheerful desk on the news turning toward the things and name of that cute family dog,
not to set it in the first place. Tell you. Weigh his attitude carefully. column delivered to your inbox each floor,” because “we spend our people that are most meaningful John Keats, is also an alias.
him you’d like to stay close to And: morning at wapo.st/gethax. time celebrating extraordinary to us.
your normal approach to chores Do not agree to anything you people.” Obituaries of famous “ … My cancer journey, by Maureen Corrigan, who is the book
that each of you had while living don’t want to live with. Join the discussion live at noon people who are getting on in years shameful contrast, started four critic for the NPR program “Fresh Air,”
apart; put a big X on your Do not do more than you Fridays at washingtonpost.com/live- or who have had brushes with years ago with the rekindling of teaches literature at Georgetown
calendar marking the end of this think is fair. chats. serious illnesses are written in an obsession that could end my University.
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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12:37) Kid Cudi, Quinta Brunson, VH1 Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild/Out Wild/Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out
SPECIALS Rhys Darby, Larnell Lewis. WNC8 Smile Healthy BISSELL Gov.Mat. 7News at 6 Sports ABC News News Govt. Matters The National Desk
Catherine Cohen: The Twist …? — Anying Guo LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated
1 Rolex rival
6 Wow
11 Listing at
14 Halloween
costume with
pointy ears
15 Midrange voice
16 One of WD-40’s
17 Wartime
19 Slippery road
20 Multipart sofa
21 Mufasa’s
“The Lion King”
22 ’60s-’70s
Chicago Bears
who is the Director Jane Campion’s remarks at the Critics Choice Awards sparked online condemnation.
inductee into
the Pro Football
Hall of Fame
Finding fault in Campion’s comment
25 German pastry
30 Provide BY S ONIA R AO wouldn’t think to utter something Awards. Variety reporter Marc
money for this stupid and insulting,” wrote Malkin asked her about actor Sam
31 Playground © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 3/15/22 The criticism arrived as swiftly Chicago Sun-Times editor Gene Elliott recently referring to “The
retort as the praise. Farris. Power of the Dog,” a Western with
DOWN 29 Wrap a gift, 43 Super Bowl org. 49 Grand __ Just a day after Jane Campion Writer Saeed Jones noted, a psychological thriller bent, as a
32 __ sci was applauded for the candor “That Jane Campion whiplash is a “piece of s---.” Elliott criticized the
33 Web access co. 1 3:1, e.g. slangily 44 Roaming, like a National Park
2 No more than 32 Halves of qts. knight 52 Just plain plain with which she pushed back on perfect distillation of white femi- film’s “allusions to homosexual-
36 Flute and oboe disparaging remarks made about nism.” ity” in a podcast interview and
40 Drunkard 3 Emergency 33 Holiday and 45 Brief invite 53 Napa prefix
her film, “The Power of the Dog,” Campion issued a statement zeroed in on the behavior of Ben-
copter op Days equivalent of 54 Asian holidays
41 Sorority T’s “Drinks are
the filmmaker herself caught flak Monday afternoon apologizing for edict Cumberbatch’s character. Fi-
42 Sleep disorder 4 Birthday buy 34 Editor’s 55 Israeli for a comment she made while her words. nally, he asked, “Where’s the West-
5 Midrange “Let it be” not on me!” weapons accepting best director at Sun- “I made a thoughtless comment ern in this Western?”
43 Sam or Michelle 46 Like decrees
of Georgia voices 35 Free TV ads 56 Cabinet dept. day’s Critics Choice Awards. equating what I do in the film Campion rejected Elliott’s criti-
6 Without a key 37 Mom’s mom from Francis head After pointing out that the other world with all that Serena Wil- cism. “I’m sorry, he was being a
politics 47 Fish sauce taste
7 Olympic goal 38 Awning, for one 58 QB targets nominated directors in her catego- liams and Venus Williams have little bit of a b----,” she said, spell-
44 Online 48 Screwball ry were all men, Campion turned to achieved,” she said. “I did not in- ing out the word. “He’s not a cow-
marketing 8 Artfully seek, 39 Eco-conscious 59 Top __:
as a promotion govt. group comedy Monopoly piece Serena and Venus Williams, who tend to devalue these two legend- boy; he’s an actor. The West is a
technique attended in support of the film ary Black women and world class mythic space and there’s a lot of
46 Flaky baked 9 Actress Kravitz “King Richard.” She said, “You athletes. The fact is the Williams room on the range. I think it’s a
dough 10 Make a mistake know, Serena and Venus, you are sisters have, actually, squared off little bit sexist.”
50 Human 11 Electricity such marvels. However, you do not against men on the court (and off ), Cumberbatch and co-star Jesse
rights lawyer 12 Letter before play against the guys like I have to.” and they have both raised the bar Plemons have also commented on
Clooney Papa The audience broke out into and opened doors for what is pos- Elliott’s words — the latter saying
51 Greek “Father of 13 Coronas and cheers and applause while the sible for women in this world. The that he “laughed when I heard” —
History” Buds camera cut to Venus Williams, a last thing I would ever want to do but many were especially im-
57 Birdie plus one 18 Venetian seemingly uncomfortable smile on is minimize remarkable women. pressed by the delivery of Campi-
elder of yore her face. The response online mir- “I love Serena and Venus. Their on’s devastating response. Linda
58 “Piece of cake!” rored Williams’s (minus the smile). accomplishments are titanic and Holmes of NPR tweeted that “it’s
... and apt 21 Australian Many people expressed how un- inspiring. Serena and Venus, I the genuine *regret* she manages
description of airport code necessary it was for Campion, a apologize and completely cel- to convey about the fact that he
the starts of 23 “Star Trek” White woman, to compare her ex- ebrate you.” said something so embarrassing
17-, 22-, 36- and helmsman periences of sexism with the uphill The situation was a classic that makes it sing.”
46-Across? 24 __ husbandry battles fought by the Williams sis- “Milkshake Duck” of Hollywood Campion, the first woman to be
60 “Mad Men” 25 Logging ters, two Black women who have proportions, a term coined by Aus- nominated twice for the best di-
network tools faced unrelenting racism and sex- tralian cartoonist Ben Ward to de- rector Oscar, became the Inter-
61 Hazardous gas 26 Fairy tale ism while working toward remark- scribe the Internet phenomenon net’s sharp-tongued heroine. For
62 Shenanigan bears, e.g. able levels of success in tennis, a in which a beloved figure online is one day, that is.
63 Falsehood 27 “Seasons of White-dominated sport. quickly revealed to be problemat- “The Power of the Dog,” which
64 Surgical tube Love” musical “Jane Campion, daughter of fa- ic. In 2016, Ward tweeted from his also won big at Sunday’s BAFTAs
mous New Zealand theatre direc- account, “The whole internet (the British equivalent of the
65 Everycow 28 Amer. money tor Richard Campion & actress loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely Academy Awards), is up for 12
Edith Campion MBE, explains the duck that drinks milkshakes! *5 Oscars. “King Richard” — a biopic
challenges of being a white woman seconds later* We regret to inform of tennis coach Richard Williams
from an established family to Ve- you the duck is racist.” produced by his daughters, Venus
nus and Serena Williams,” tweeted The day before accepting her and Serena — will compete
Did you hear The Post today? BBC reporter Megha Mohan. Critics Choice trophy, Campion against Campion’s film in multiple
S0108 3x.5
Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere Politics • History • Culture • More
“Anyone who knows anything participated in the red carpet at categories, including best picture.
about Venus and Serena’s careers Saturday’s Directors Guild Award season trudges on.
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When all the smoke clears, can a couple’s relationship still work?
Dear Readers: My boyfriend continues to High: When you quit I realize my daughter is an including her laziness. and Alcohol Addicted
Ask Amy Every year I smoke on a daily basis. It smoking, did you quit for adult, but we have had some I don’t care what this other Children.” Rubin says: “You
AMY step away from doesn’t bother me that I your boyfriend? No, you quit issues about her smoking pot, person does, but I do care must take a firmer line and
DICKINSON my column for cannot do this with him, but I for yourself. It is obvious that which I do not allow in my that she is encouraging my tell her to get a full-time job
two weeks to don’t want him to do this for you like the changes that home. daughter to use drugs that or work full-time hours
work on other the rest of his life. We have sobriety has brought to your My daughter works part have kept her from passing a within a specific time frame.
creative projects. (Anyone been talking about marriage life. Now you are hoping your time and has her own money. urine test for a permanent Tell her, ‘If you’re smoking,
interested in my personal and starting a family. He says guy will quit his habit for a Recently, she has been going job. you obviously won’t be able to
essays and photographs can he will quit when we are short time, and you are upstairs and spending a great — Concerned Parent get that job and I won’t be
subscribe to my free ready to have children. I have worried about his choices deal of time with a 60-year-old able to offer you housing any
newsletter: been thinking about our beyond the sobriety he hasn’t female in-law, who lives in our Concerned: You seem longer.’ Give her a deadline
amydickinson.substack.com). relationship. I have never even achieved, yet. building. determined to confront the and calmly stick to it. In
I hope you enjoy these “Best known him when he was The questions for you to One evening she came back wrong person about your addition to preserving your
of ” columns from 10 years ago. sober. ponder are: What will you do if from a visit, and she was so daughter’s drug use. Your own self and health, you have
Today’s topic: “Up in Smoke.” I asked him to get sober for your boyfriend doesn’t make high that her eyes were barely daughter will find someone to the opportunity to influence
Dear Amy: My boyfriend a short period of time so we any changes in his life? Can open and her speech was smoke pot with as long as she her by your example.”
and I are 22. We have been can be together without being you be with him as is — pot impaired. I confronted her and is using, whether it is a family (September 2012)
dating for almost four years. under the influence before we and all? she confirmed that they smoke member, friend or co-worker.
We both used marijuana on take the next steps in our life. And do you want him — as is pot together. Her behavior is the problem Amy's column appears seven days
a daily basis (before we met). When I talked to him about — to be your spouse and the I think a 60-year-old in your household. a week at washingtonpost.com/
Our pot use was a way to bond this, he became angry and father of your children? woman should not be You seem to assume that a advice. Write to
and get to know each other, agitated, but I think he is going (August 2012) smoking pot with my 24-year- 60-year-old should “know [email protected] or Amy
while enjoying life. After a year to agree. Now I am hoping that old daughter. This woman is a better,” but age does not confer Dickinson, P.O. Box 194, Freeville,
of dating, I decided to quit if he quits, he won’t start Dear Amy: My 24-year-old bad influence. Should I wisdom — or moderation. N.Y. 13068. You can also follow
smoking and focus on my smoking again (although I daughter graduated from confront her? She knows I I shared your letter with her @askingamy.
education. After receiving a doubt it). Is it wrong of me to college two years ago and have been concerned about Charles Rubin, author of
degree, I do not wish to ask him to do this? moved back in with me last my daughter’s use and her “Don’t Let Your Kids Kill You: © 2022 by Amy Dickinson distributed by
continue this habit. — High on Life year. recent behavior changes, A Guide for Parents of Drug Tribune Content Agency
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More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; [email protected]; 202-334-4775.
On this day in 44 B.C., dictator Julius Caesar It’s a lovely day with lots of sun, Find an easy recipe for a
was assassinated by Roman senators. gentle breezes and highs in the minty green milkshake to
Caesar was killed because he threatened middle to upper 60s. celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
the Roman Republic by seizing power. ILLUSTRATION BY ALICE VIECHNICKI, 11, SILVER SPRING in our online archive.
which was a side dish for their The Kenmore team, one of six at above, for the contest. That led the team to add low-so-
fter months of brain- entree: a quinoa-crusted quiche. the March 5 competition, finished dium chicken broth and toast the
storming and prepara- This wasn’t a meal for family or making their meal in the kitchens quinoa before adding the filling to
tion, André LaRue and friends, however. LaRue and at Fairfax County’s Hayfield Sec- at school, Ellie said. But she knows doesn’t usually have time to cook the quiche, both of which Bilan-
three classmates from classmates Katelyn Cherbas, Ellie ondary School. A panel of judges the difficulties that school offi- something new for her, her sib- chone said were critical to taking
Kenmore Middle Leichtman and Norah Talbot-Lilly was waiting in a nearby room to cials face. “It’s so much easier to lings and cousins. “It’s very hard their dish up a notch in flavor.
School in Arlington thought they were trying to win the 10th An- taste their creations. [feed a lot of kids] with premade to open them up to new things,” Bilanchone said she is excited
had everything figured out for a nual Real Food for Kids Culinary Ellie Whiteman, one of four things that they can just heat up, ” Ivonne said of her siblings. But she about how contests like these en-
big meal that they were serving. Challenge. Teams representing competitors from Franklin Mid- she said. was pleasantly surprised with courage healthy habits not just in
But on the morning of the meal, D.C.-area middle schools and high dle School in Chantilly, helped Even at home, parents can’t their reaction to her team’s Tropi- competing students, but in other
they discovered that the apples schools were invited to plan and ready her team’s Vegejita Wrapa- always prepare nutritious, tasty cal Stir-Fry. “They loved it,” she kids, too. “We had a lot of folks just
they had chopped had lost their cook a healthy, inexpensive meal dilla. She was impressed with food. said. “So I’d like to make it at home come up [to our table at the con-
color and crunch overnight. The that could be served in a school what all the teams created. Ivonne Clarios, a Herndon for them.” test] and ask for the recipe be-
team rushed to buy and cut up a cafeteria. This year’s meal also “I think the quality of our meals High School student and chal- Dahlia Baht, a Takoma Park cause their child wanted them to
few dozen new apples for their had to be plant-based with half the is much better” than what’s served lenge competitor, said her family Middle School student who won make it for dinner.”
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Soto is treating this as just another spring training For Cohen’s Mets, hype
The face of the Nationals is focused on hitting and says he’s not concerned about his contract situation and expectations grow
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY Grab your lightsaber: Doolittle is
set to return on a one-year deal. D5 BY C HELSEA J ANES ed, his small talk teetering into
west palm beach, fla. — something closer to an inspec-
Monday morning, in the first Washington Nationals’ spring port st. lucie, fla. — Steve tion.
hours of his fourth major league training facility, Soto stepped in Cohen didn’t want the golf cart This world — the Port St. Lucie
spring training, Juan Soto — the to face reliever Steve Cishek, a reserved for him at the New York complex, the Mets and increas-
guy who finished second in rook- new teammate. He took a few Mets’ spring training complex ingly baseball in general — be-
ie of the year voting; was ninth, pitches, fouled off another and Sunday morning. He wanted to longs to Cohen, after all. He is
fifth and second for MVP honors; wagged his hips, the whole thing walk the pathways, shake hands changing the rules, even as his
and won a batting title, two a tad more muted than usual. with the new coaches and say hi fellow owners change them for
Silver Slugger awards and a Then he accepted his make-be- to the fans — just your average, him, pulling the game’s center of
World Series, all before turning lieve walk, spun around, jogged everyday billionaire in a baseball gravity to Queens with every
23 in October — wanted more to the next field over and slapped cap. splurge that most owners
at-bats. a make-believe single off Erick At one point, he ambled into a wouldn’t consider, seizing the
This won’t surprise anyone Fedde. Then he jogged back, dug small patch of shaded grass out- spotlight with every tweet that
who has followed Soto’s still- in against Cishek and skied a side the minor league clubhouse most owners wouldn’t send.
young career even tangentially. If make-believe popup to left. Then and into a wall of cameras wait- Those fellow owners already
someone’s pitching, he wants to he spun around again, jogged to ing there for him. have labeled him the game’s
be hitting. If the game or life is the next field over again and “Beautiful tree,” he told the greatest villain. In fraught collec-
more complicated than that, it’s pulled what he called a make-be- JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST group before noting that it did tive bargaining agreement nego-
not the one he plays or lives. lieve double to right, beating “I always see my future here. [I appreciate] everything they’ve not have leaves. tiations with the players union,
So on a near-empty field at the SEE SOTO ON D5 done for me, and I feel pretty good,” Juan Soto said of the Nats. “Wish it was warmer,” he add- SEE METS ON D4
Hooked on
his success,
Brady can’t
walk away
And on the 41st
day of his
retirement, Tom
Brady said
enough. Who was
he kidding? The
Jerry most prolific
Brewer winner in NFL
history wasn’t
ready for civilian life. He couldn’t
carry on without a jersey to wear,
a defense to dissect, an audience
to captivate.
So Brady is back. He probably
didn’t have time to finish his
wife’s honey-do list, but he’s back.
All those wonderful tributes from
last month are outdated. His
retirement was merely a long
In August, Brady will celebrate
his 45th birthday at training
camp, preparing for his 23rd pro
season, expecting again to be the
surest quarterback thing in the
league. When 2022 ends, he will
have spent more of his life in the
NFL than outside it, another
remarkable feat of longevity. And
if you think one more dance will
satisfy him, well, don’t bet on it.
Competition addicts aren’t
inclined to leave success on the
table. There’s always more to
accomplish, more to prove and,
in this lucrative business, more JOHN LOCHER/ASSOCIATED PRESS
to earn. Stanford, shown during last week’s Pac-12 tournament, is trying to become the first team other than Connecticut or Tennessee to repeat since USC back in 1984.
That mentality drove him to
couldn’t leave with so much good “Love you, Cam,” Hull said.
football left in him. ove, that crucial entity with March Madness teams, is All that was said on a formal interview dais just after Stanford
At 44, Brady led an NFL full of attempting to repeat. cemented its 19-0 run through the Pac-12 regular season and
mesmerizing young This is the season when every team speaks of love, no tournament. “Honestly,” 36-season coach Tara VanDerveer said,
quarterbacks in passing yards one more clearly than at Stanford, where the women “I learn more from them than they could ever learn from me.”
and touchdown passes last will try to do what nobody other than Connecticut and The Cardinal has a roster deeply similar to the one that
season. He carried the Tampa Tennessee has done since Southern California in 1984: win squeezed through one of the stranger Final Fours last April in
Bay Buccaneers when injuries consecutive national titles. The Cardinal is 28-3 and the No. 1 San Antonio, by scores of 66-65 (South Carolina) and 54-53
depleted their star power. It seed in the Spokane Region. (Arizona), but more so by withstanding two harrowing,
wasn’t a season in which he could “I think we’re really hyped,” star Haley Jones said at the Pac-12 hyperventilating finishes. As the Cardinal won VanDerveer’s
economize the physical strain, tournament. first national title in 29 years — since 1992, when dinosaurs
but it didn’t matter. Brady “We love playing with each other,” Lexie Hull said. roamed the earth — love took on a starring role then, too, as if it
dazzled for 17 games in 2021, and “I’m getting really sad about our seniors,” Cameron Brink SEE STANFORD ON D7
while playing as the defending
Super Bowl champions, the
Buccaneers went 13-4 in the Inside: Reflecting on a historically rough season for D.C.-area college basketball. D7 | This may be the year the Big Ten breaks through. D12
regular season. In the playoffs,
they lost in the divisional round,
30-27, to the eventual champion
Osaka is still hurting, and a return to the court may not be helping
Another season is in the
books, so which teams
Naomi Osaka, one like when she withdrew from front-facing CEO of a sports not her sponsors, not her fans It’s hard to imagine this are atop our rankings? D6
of the world’s the French Open after she empire. Tennis doesn’t just stop and not the game. particular taunt having such an GOLF
greatest tennis revealed her struggle with for a four-time Grand Slam On Saturday, Osaka, 24, was impact on another superstar
players, should depression. champion who leaped to the visibly shaken four minutes into athlete of her caliber. But Osaka, Cameron Smith prevails at
give herself Each time she returned to the front of the pack among the her match at the BNP Paribas ferocious competitor that she the Players Championship
permission to sport, she was saddled with highest-paid female athletes, Open when a woman shouted, may be on the court, has lived a
Candace step away from even more attention as a with more than $55 million in “Naomi, you suck!” Osaka had sheltered and shy life off it. She after a dramatic finish. D12
Buckner the court. champion for athletes’ mental off-court earnings last year. just been broken by her and her sister, Mari, started ON THE WEB
For real this health and even more But while Osaka Inc. is opponent, Veronika practicing and playing at age 3.
time. Not a four-month break sponsorships as a global brand thriving, Naomi, the woman, is Kudermetova, but the heckle — They were home-schooled and The Wizards and Warriors
like she took after the U.S. Open ambassador. You always have to hurting. Tennis doesn’t seem to an unimaginative snort but a trained eight hours per day, and played late. For coverage,
last year. And certainly not come back when you’re the be helping. And she doesn’t owe common one — seemed to break their worlds consisted of each
another two-month chill out, leader of a movement or the it to anyone to keep trying — her. SEE BUCKNER ON D3
visit us at POSTSPORTS.COM.
Chargers bolster defense with Jackson; Jaguars bring in six, including Kirk
A SSOCIATED P RESS Khalil Mack from the Chicago only once after Week 5 and losing agents-to-be in pass rusher Em- l BENGALS: To fill perhaps its l EAGLES: Linebacker Haason
Bears for two draft picks. Coach three of its final four games. manuel Ogbah, it also struck deals biggest need, Cincinnati agreed to Reddick and Philadelphia agreed
Cornerback J.C. Jackson agreed Brandon Staley is hoping that l JAGUARS: Jacksonville at three other positions of need — contacts with a pair of offensive to terms on a three-year, $45 mil-
to a five-year contract with the Los Jackson can have the same type of agreed to deals with Arizona Car- including quarterback, where Mi- linemen, Tampa Bay Buccaneers lion contract. Reddick had 11
Angeles Chargers on Monday, impact that Jalen Ramsey did dinals wide receiver Christian ami native Teddy Bridgewater guard Alex Cappa and Patriots sacks for the Panthers last year as
continuing the franchise’s aggres- when Staley was the Los Angeles Kirk, Washington Commanders agreed to come home on a one- tackle Ted Karras. an edge rusher.
sive makeover of the defense. Rams’ defensive coordinator in guard Brandon Scherff, Atlanta year deal presumably to be Tua The 27-year-old Cappa, who al- l BILLS: Buffalo shuffled its of-
Jackson’s contract will be worth 2020 and had the league’s top- Falcons linebacker Foyesade Olu- Tagovailoa’s backup. lowed just one sack last season for fensive line by releasing Daryl
$82.5 million, including $40 mil- ranked defense. okun, Giants tight end Evan En- Also coming to the Dolphins, on the Buccaneers while protecting Williams and signing free agent
lion guaranteed, two people famil- Jackson joins safety Derwin gram, New York Jets defensive deals that are pending and could Tom Brady, agreed to a four-year, Rodger Saffold to a one-year con-
iar with the negotiations con- James in the secondary and up- tackle Folorunso “Foley” Fatukasi be finalized as soon as Wednesday $40 million deal. Karras, 28, tract. Center Mitch Morse is stay-
firmed to the Associated Press. grades a cornerback position that and Raiders wide receiver Zay afternoon: running back Chase agreed to a three-year, $18 million ing after agreeing to a two-year
The people spoke on the condition struggled last season. Michael Da- Jones. Edmonds, formerly of Arizona, deal. extension.
of anonymity because the deal vis was inconsistent in coverage, The six big-time additions are and wide receiver Cedrick Wilson l COWBOYS: Dallas is bring- l TITANS: Tennessee is keep-
can’t become official until the and Asante Samuel Jr., a rookie, expected to fill huge holes for Jr., formerly of the Dallas Cow- ing back defensive end DeMarcus ing center Ben Jones in the middle
start of the new league year dealt with injuries late in the year. Jacksonville, which has lost 35 of boys. Edmonds and Wilson are Lawrence on a deal worth of its offensive line and adding
Wednesday. Jackson also comes to the AFC its last 41 games and is in rebuild- both coming off career-best sea- $40 million over three years with Seahawks offensive lineman Ja-
Later in the day, the team West, which figures to have the ing mode again. sons. $30 million guaranteed. marco Jones.
agreed to deals with defensive league’s deepest collection of Kirk caught 236 passes for The Dolphins will become l PATRIOTS: New England is l JETS: New York re-signed all-
tackles Sebastian Joseph-Day (Los quarterbacks. The Chargers have 2,902 yards and 17 touchdowns in Bridgewater’s fifth NFL team and bringing back a trio of veterans in pro kick returner Braxton Berrios
Angeles Rams) and Austin John- Justin Herbert, but they will have four years with Arizona. his fourth in the past four years. backup quarterback Brian Hoyer, to a two-year, $12 million deal and
son (New York Giants). to face Patrick Mahomes of the l BROWNS: Cleveland re- He went 7-7 in 14 starts for Denver safety Devin McCourty and spe- agreed to terms on deals with
Jackson became one of the top Kansas City Chiefs, Russell Wilson leased five-time Pro Bowl wide this past season. cial teams captain Matthew Slater. former San Francisco 49ers guard
available free agents after the New of the Denver Broncos and Derek receiver Jarvis Landry in a tough l CARDINALS: Arizona is Hoyer, a 13-year veteran, is on his Laken Tomlinson and former Ben-
England Patriots did not apply the Carr of the Las Vegas Raiders. but necessary cost-cutting move bringing back James Conner on a third stint with the Patriots. gals tight end C.J. Uzomah.
franchise tag to him last week. The “You’re in five defensive backs after the invaluable Landry be- three-year deal, rewarding the l PANTHERS: Carolina agreed l SEAHAWKS: Seattle will re-
26-year-old cornerback earned 65 percent or more, so corner is came too expensive to keep. running back for a stellar 2021 to terms on a three-year, tain one of its most important free
his first Pro Bowl selection last definitely going to be something One of the league’s steadiest season that included a fra- $15.75 million contract with free agents, agreeing to terms with
season, when he led the NFL with that we’re looking at,” Staley said pass catchers, the 29-year-old nchise-record 18 touchdowns. agent safety Xavier Woods, for- free safety Quandre Diggs.
23 passes defended and was sec- during the recent NFL scouting Landry was instrumental in the The Cardinals also announced merly of the Minnesota Vikings, l BEARS: Chicago released
ond with eight interceptions. He combine. “You’re aware of these Browns’ turnaround after the that backup quarterback Colt Mc- and a three-year, $29.25 million nose tackle Eddie Goldman.
has 25 picks over the past four receivers that we have to defend.” team went just 1-31 in the two Coy had agreed to a two-year deal, contract with Rams guard Austin Slowed by knee and ankle injuries
seasons, most in the league. Los Angeles, 9-8 last season, got seasons before he arrived via trade linebacker Dennis Gardeck was Corbett. The Panthers also re- as well as a stint on the covid-19
The Chargers had already made off to a 4-1 start but missed the from the Miami Dolphins in 2018. coming back on a three-year deal leased cornerback A.J. Bouye and list last season, Goldman set ca-
a splash last Thursday when they playoffs for the third straight sea- l DOLPHINS: Not only did Mi- and defensive lineman Michael defensive end Morgan Fox in sala- reer lows with a half-sack and one
agreed to acquire edge rusher son, winning back-to-back games ami keep one of its own free- Dogbe signed a one-year deal. ry cap moves. tackle for a loss.
For competition addicts, always unfinished business The No. 5 pick in 2015, Scherff
earned five Pro Bowl selections
and last year became Washing-
and exercised Daron Payne’s fifth-
year contract option, limiting Set-
tle’s impact. Just 24 and only a
ton’s first first-team all-pro since year removed from a five-sack
BREWER FROM D1 championship-caliber roster. parts of himself this opportunity. standards in the sport, but 1996. season, Settle was bound to find a
When we last saw them, they It’s for his curiosity, his ego, his football still defines him. So he’s “He’s a guy that really is an bigger opportunity elsewhere.
Los Angeles Rams. Though there nearly pulled off an incredible sense of identity, his love of the holding on to it and hoping to get anchor on our offensive line and With Buffalo, he joins the league’s
was speculation Brady would comeback against the Rams. sport and his diligently more from it. That desire to someone who’s out there just top-ranked defense.
walk away, his play argued the With good health and a few maintained body. Most of all, it’s maximize a great thing reminds tossing dudes around,” center The Commanders will, howev-
thought was premature. tweaks, Brady and Tampa Bay for his competitiveness. For 40 you he is human. Chase Roullier said in January. er, re-sign backup center Tyler
He convinced himself could win a second title in three days, he tried to imagine a life Those obsessed with legacy “He’s such a physical player and Larsen to a one-year deal, accord-
otherwise. Nine days after that years. The Rams, Bucs and Green without needing to win another sometimes say they want such a smart player, someone ing to a person with knowledge of
playoff loss, Brady made his Bay Packers are the obvious NFC football game. And on the 41st superstars to leave on top. A few who definitely is an asset to our the move, which preserves some
goodbye official. Now, a month front-runners as offseason day, he admitted he wasn’t fortunate ones do. But most offensive line. We definitely love depth up front. And they ten-
and a half later, the transactions start. satisfied. competitors would rather leave having him around, but this game dered a contract to kicker Brian
announcement is obsolete. Never Perhaps a fairy-tale Don’t call it a comeback. No, empty. Brady is just the latest is a business.” Johnson, an exclusive rights free
trust the decisions of a distraught championship ending last season really — don’t. The man didn’t legend who’s afraid to say When healthy, Scherff is agent signed late last season after
competitor so soon after defeat. would’ve convinced Brady to quit miss a game. He didn’t even miss goodbye. Spend a career pushing among the league’s best on the starter Joey Slye suffered a ham-
Brady interrupted Selection for good. But probably not. a minicamp. Don’t call it a the limits, and it makes little interior line and was integral to string injury.
Sunday to reveal that he had Perhaps a fairy tale this season sabbatical or a leave of absence sense to waste lingering Washington’s improvement up Slye is a restricted free agent
changed his mind. Only he would will leave him figuring life can’t or anything else. Brady told greatness. front last year, even amid a rotat- and could still be tendered (a
dare compete with the NCAA get better. But probably not. It’s everyone he was leaving the So Brady, the quiet family ing cast of centers. But he hasn’t right-of-first-refusal tender, es-
tournament. most likely that he won’t exit party, and an hour later he was man, can wait. A week ago, played a full season since 2016. sentially a one-year tag worth
“These past two months I’ve until the game leaves no doubt still there. Just forget it and pour quarterbacks were making all Shoulder and elbow injuries $2.4 million) or signed to a new
realized my place is still on the that his time has passed. As long him another drink. kinds of noise, starting with curtailed his 2019 season, a medi- contract before the start of the
field and not in the stands,” as Brady is an elite player on an “Tom Brady loves to play Aaron Rodgers deciding to al collateral ligament sprain side- league year. If he’s not, Slye will
Brady wrote on Twitter. “That elite team, he will remain greedy football as much as anyone I have return to Green Bay and Russell lined him for part of 2020, and become an unrestricted free
time will come. But it’s not now. I to achieve. ever been around,” Tampa Bay Wilson being traded to Denver. another knee injury and the coro- agent and can sign with any team.
love my teammates, and I love He has the interests and life Coach Bruce Arians said in a Now here comes Brady, the navirus protocols kept him out of General Manager Martin May-
my supportive family. They make perspective to thrive once he’s statement. “As Tom said, his greatest of them all, stopping the six games last year. hew had said before the Wentz
it all possible. I’m coming back done playing. He’s already place right now is on the football sports world on a day reserved Scherff said publicly that he trade that the team’s hope was to
for my 23rd season in Tampa.” becoming a business and field.” for college basketball. hoped to remain in Washington keep as many as of its free agents
He closed by saying he has entertainment mogul. If he His place will always be on the Unfinished business. Look for his entire career, but the as it could. But he also warned
unfinished business. Only he wants, he could run for office and football field. In every sport, the hard enough, and you can always likelihood of that happening fad- that some could hit the market,
would dare consider his body of win. Still, nothing else he does game is undefeated. We like to find unfinished business. ed over the past year. After he was which comes with the risk of
work incomplete. professionally will compare to say some athletes transcend the Some day, he will retire for franchise-tagged a second time, them signing elsewhere. Just how
As free agency begins, the his Greatest Of All Time game, but who are these artists real. But as long as he can throw in March 2021, there was little to many Washington can keep will
Buccaneers will hustle to quarterback status. without their canvases? a football, you should remain no talk on a long-term agreement be determined in the coming
maintain and improve a Brady realized he owes many Brady has redefined several skeptical. with the team before the deadline days.
Osaka is still hurting, and a return to the tennis court doesn’t seem to be helping
BUCKNER FROM D1 a few games last season in months and then emerge whole
which he wore the scars on his and healed. That’s how it works
other and their Japanese mother wrists left by self-inflicted in fiction or in those simplistic
and Haitian father, who raised wounds from a box cutter. features we in the sports media
them to be tennis champions. In These athletes who walked write when an athlete returns
her Netflix docuseries, three away prioritized their mental from an offseason with bigger
episodes of melancholy, Osaka health and themselves. A biceps and a clearer mind. We
hints at a lonely upbringing. healing balm isn’t always found tend to celebrate
“Growing up we kind of kept in suppressing emotional transformations as though they
to ourselves. . . . No one really turmoil through physical acts of happen on a schedule, to
knows all the sacrifices that you strength. describe someone’s problems in
make just to be good,” she says. Osaka, of course, has already the past tense.
Osaka, so soft-spoken that her spent time away and has shown But real growth inches
words sometimes crawl out in a some growth. We’ve heard it in forward. It is continuous and
pained whisper, apologizes her honesty, in how she has uncomfortable, as is happening
when there’s nothing to be sorry worked to overcome extreme with Osaka.
for and gushes out thank-yous shyness, to search for gratitude The purpose of this column is
as though they’re punctuating in the everyday and value not to play keyboard
the end of her sentences. She’s herself as more than a psychologist, and maybe Osaka
so polite that she probably commodity on the tennis court. prefers to live her emotions out
wouldn’t even scream “You Her post-match news loud. In her docuseries, she
suck!” at a vacuum, let alone conferences sound like therapy advises young star Coco Gauff
another human being. sessions. After her first that if she needs to cry she
Yet someone else said it to tournament following the initial should do so in front of U.S.
her, and instead of brushing it coronavirus outbreak in 2020, Open spectators instead of alone
off, Osaka wanted the umpire’s Osaka said she spent some of in the shower. Even as
microphone to address the the shutdown learning to talk to detractors growl about her
crowd. That showed a certain different people. (But it’s telling being a soft millennial and
kind of mental toughness — she that Osaka built up the stamina supporters want to embrace her,
had the willingness to confront to be more outgoing at a time Osaka continues to pour herself
the heckler and protect herself. when there was less human out in public settings, no matter
But maybe the bravest thing interaction and faces were how messy.
Osaka can do now is save herself hidden behind masks.) But as a teaser to the third
by exiting the spotlight. Then last week, after her first- episode of her docuseries, Osaka
Anyone tempted to recycle round win in Indian Wells, says: “Honestly, tennis is not
the hackneyed conclusion that Calif., when she could’ve been necessary for anything. . . . I love
athletes who face real-life crises frustrated by the conditions, she doing it, but there’s more
will find their peace on the instead found humor in the important things in the world. I
playing field hasn’t been paying gusting winds and thanked fans JAYNE KAMIN-ONCEA/USA TODAY SPORTS
think about, what would happen
much attention lately. Simone for staying and watching in the Naomi Osaka was brought to tears by a heckler during her match Saturday at the BNP Paribas Open. if the world stopped? What
Biles stepped away from the cold. During that same would happen if tennis
greatest stage of her sport, the interview session, Osaka didn’t not think you’re important — the jeer started to replay in her heart of a hater? Maybe this stopped?”
Olympics, when her mind and hesitate to admit that in the but like if I’m valuable to mind an endless loop of the woman paid actual U.S. dollars After years of dealing with
body, tormented by memories of past she had linked her self- someone’s life, I feel like they disgraceful treatment that to attend a tennis tournament internal pressure to be great, to
the sexual abuse she and her worth to her success. treat me better or something Venus and Serena Williams just to harass Osaka because of stand as the symbol of mental
teammates suffered, would not “I can’t be bold enough to say like that, you know?” received at the same her skin color. But maybe it’s health and to build her brand,
align for her to perform aerial I completely changed that mind- Maybe, when the taunt tournament in 2001. Then, their not that simple, and neither is Osaka should consider not just
twists. Recently, Ohio State set,” she said. “Of course I feel stabbed through the silence, father, Richard, said the boos Osaka’s journey to wholeness. thinking about what would
lineman Harry Miller said he like I’m the type of person that Osaka felt worthless when all and taunts were racially Growth isn’t tidy, nor is it happen if tennis stopped but
was “medically retiring” from wants to be of value. It feels she was trying to do was motivated. linear. Osaka doesn’t step away actually finding out — before
football — but only after playing better if people think you’re — entertain and compete. She said Who can tell what’s in the from the tennis court for four the game breaks her completely.
Braves trade for Olson;
they fought for (and got) a
fourth competitive balance tax
Freeman is set to leave
threshold that is $60 million
higher than the first — presum- A SSOCIATED P RESS Familia had a 3.94 ERA and one
ably exclusively to put a limit on save in 65 games with the Mets.
Cohen’s seemingly bottomless Freddie Freeman’s tenure with l ORIOLES: Baltimore signed
pockets. Cohen said that he still the Atlanta Braves appears to be catcher Robinson Chirinos to a
probably will go over that over after the World Series cham- one-year, $900,000 contract.
threshold, already known pions acquired all-star first base- The 37-year-old Chirinos hit
around the game as “the Cohen man Matt Olson from the Oakland .227 with five home runs in 45
tax.” Athletics on Monday, a franchise- games for the Chicago Cubs last
“It’s better than having a altering deal that cost a prize pack- season. He now joins an Orioles
bridge named after you,” he said, age of four players, including team whose catcher of the future
as though he had considered the young outfielder Cristian Pache. — former No. 1 overall draft pick
possibility before. Freeman was the 2020 National Adley Rutschman — made it to
As Hal Steinbrenner has League MVP and a five-time all- Class AAA Norfolk last year.
dulled his father’s free-spending star over 12 seasons with Atlanta, l CARDINALS: Catcher Yadier
ways with the New York Yankees and his leadership proved critical Molina will be a late arrival for
and as the Los Angeles Dodgers on last year’s title team. He be- what could be his final spring
have shed stars this offseason, came a free agent after the season, training.
this short man in a Mets pull- but even then it was hard to imag- “I don’t have any details other
over commenting on the foliage ine the career Brave would leave. than he had reached out to me a
has settled comfortably into the General Manager Alex Antho- few days ago just saying that he
void they left by giving everyone poulos said it became clear to him was going to be delayed for per-
else in baseball a common en- Sunday night that Freeman wasn’t sonal issues,” St. Louis President
emy — by becoming the Goliath coming back. At that point, he of Baseball Operations John Mo-
big enough to render everyone went full-steam after Olson. zeliak said. “I said that’s fine. I do
else a relative David. Anthopoulos repeatedly de- hope to talk to him in the next few
The Mets have never needed clined to discuss Freeman, who is days to get a little clarity.”
help with headline-making cha- still a free agent. Still, he admitted Molina, 39, is heading into his
os. In recent years, they devel- he has never had a tougher time 19th season. The 10-time all-star
oped a remarkable knack for emotionally pulling the trigger on and nine-time Gold Glove winner
becoming a parody of them- a trade. agreed to a one-year, $10 million
selves and an unfortunate knack “You get attached,” he said. extension in August. . . .
for regretting hires soon after MARY ALTAFFER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Olson is a two-time Gold Glove Right-hander Alex Reyes, a
they made them. But thanks to Owner Steve Cohen, above, and the Mets have spent big on big new acquisitions, led by Max Scherzer. winner with a .252 career average, 2021 all-star who saved 29 games,
Cohen, his billions and his will- 142 homers and an .859 on-base- is experiencing issues with his
ingness to spend them, the Mets the CBA negotiations, only to ting. He wants to win,” Bassitt sentment last year after the Mets plus-slugging percentage over six shoulder. St. Louis sent him for
enter this season as a substantial wave them off to focus on base- said. “We all want to win, so we gave him a contract worth seasons. The 27-year-old hit more tests, and Mozeliak wouldn’t
talent conglomerate, a reality- ball. On Monday, he stood on a all have a common goal — literal- $341 million and then he turned 39 homers and drove in 111 runs speculate as to when Reyes will
show-ready cast of big personal- mound a few feet from Mets ace ly from the very top to the in one of the worst offensive last season, finishing eighth in appear this spring.
ities charged with coexisting Jacob deGrom as they threw bottom.” seasons of his career, blamed the American League MVP voting. He The 27-year-old flamethrower
amid the ever-building hype. bullpen sessions. By the end of the day, Bassitt media for harsh coverage and is under team control through is expected to compete for a spot in
Fastidious, grizzled manager Within a few hours, Showalter had another new teammate: gave fans at Citi Field a thumbs- 2023. the starting rotation.
Buck Showalter has spent his was telling reporters that de- Cohen and Co. had added reliev- down for booing him and his A career .295 hitter, Freeman l METS: In an effort to defuse
first few days asking everyone Grom is penciled in as his Open- er Adam Ottavino on a one-year teammates. surpassed 20 homers eight times any upcoming drama, right-hand-
around him why things are done ing Day starter — ending a deal. But as he wandered past doz- with a career-high 38 in 2019. In er Jacob deGrom said he intends
the way they are — and then controversy that never began On paper, the advantage ap- ens of boxes of cleats next to his addition to his win, he finished in to opt out of his contract to be-
changing them if the answer but could have been the kind of pears to be financial, but the locker Monday, he wasn’t even the top 10 of NL MVP balloting five come a free agent after this season.
doesn’t satisfy him. Within days story that dominates a day or Mets’ talent edge is real, too. the biggest story in that corner times. He also claimed three Silver DeGrom, 33, is set to earn
of the lockout lifting, Showalter two of spring training under Cohen and new general manager of the clubhouse. Next door, Slugger awards and a Gold Glove. $33.5 million in 2023, with a
had renumbered the Mets’ prac- normal circumstances. The Mets Billy Eppler stockpiled veterans Home Run Derby champion Pete Oakland also receives minor $32.5 million club option for 2024.
tice fields out of concern that the have never found themselves in such as Eduardo Escobar, Mark Alonso called reporters over to league catcher Shea Langeliers The two-time Cy Young Award
old system was so nonsensical normal circumstances. Canha and Starling Marte, add- tell them he had been in a and right-handers Ryan Cusick winner said he wants to stay in
that it would confuse their ever- When former Oakland Athlet- ing them to an already strong “pretty brutal” car crash on his and Joey Estes. Langeliers was New York.
growing list of new arrivals. ics ace Chris Bassitt, acquired lineup that will count on enthu- way to camp Sunday. His car ranked as Atlanta’s No. 2 prospect “For me, I don’t want that to be
One of those new arrivals, just a day earlier, arrived at Mets siastic outfielder Brandon Nim- flipped three times, Alonso said, by Baseball America, one spot any distraction,” he said. “I’m ex-
three-time Cy Young Award win- camp Monday, one of the first mo and a bounce-back season and he explained that he had to ahead of Pache, with Cusick ninth cited about this team, and I’ve said
ner Max Scherzer — with his questions that New York report- from shortstop Francisco Lin- kick out the windshield to es- and Estes 14th. . . . it before, I love being a Met.”
three-year, $130 million contract ers asked him involved his new dor. cape. He held back tears as he Outfielder Marcell Ozuna said l ANGELS: Mike Trout found
— rolled into camp amid ques- owner. Lindor doesn’t deflect atten- said how happy he felt to be he addressed his Braves team- out that Los Angeles was thinking
tions about his outsize role in “Whatever we want, we’re get- tion, either. He generated re- alive. mates and apologized to fans for about moving him out of center
Showalter said later that an arrest last year on charges of field the same way many of his
Alonso sharing that story was aggravated assault by strangula- fans did: He read it on Twitter.
one of two “good moments” the tion and battery. The three-time AL MVP isn’t
team had in a pre-workout meet- Ozuna returned to the team this really the type to get worked up
ing Monday — “good” translat- week for the first time since his about such a revelation. Still, after
ing to reminders for a room full May 29 arrest. He was put on discussing it with Manager Joe
of baseball players about the administrative leave while MLB Maddon and GM Perry Minasian,
fragility of their opportunity. was investigating and missed At- Trout said he isn’t going to move
The other, he explained, was lanta’s title run. He was suspended away from the center of the action
when infielder Robinson Canó retroactively for 20 games in No- just yet — and Maddon agreed.
CALL TODAY FOR FREE QUOTE addressed his teammates in his vember and is now free to play. “He feels very strong,” Maddon
(240) 335-7055
first comments to them since he l WHITE SOX: Chicago added said. “He feels like he’s in great
was suspended for the 2021 sea- pitching depth, agreeing to deals shape. Everything is in order, so
son after testing positive for a with right-handers Joe Kelly and he’s going to play center field.
performance-enhancing drug — Vince Velasquez. That’s that.”
the second lengthy PED suspen- Kelly’s contract is for $17 mil- l TRADE: The Seattle Mariners
sion of his career. Showalter said lion over two years, with a acquired all-star outfielder Jesse
that Canó was apologetic and $9.5 million team option for 2024. Winker and third baseman Eu-
that his teammates received him Velasquez receives a one-year, genio Suárez from the Cincinnati
well. $3 million deal. Reds in exchange for a package of
“In this clubhouse,” Showalter Kelly, 33, posted a 2.86 ERA and players.
said, “we’ve moved on.” two saves in 48 relief appearances The trade gives the Mariners a
Canó is a career .303 hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers in left-handed hitter who can play in
with an .844 on-base-plus-slug- 2021. Velasquez, 29, had a the outfield and a corner infielder
ging percentage who will be a 6.30 ERA in 25 games (21 starts) with major power just three years
total wild card on a roster that is for the Philadelphia Phillies and removed from hitting 49 home
built to survive without him but San Diego Padres last year. runs.
could thrive with him. Showal- l PHILLIES: Philadelphia Seattle is sending pitcher Justin
ALL WINDOWS ter said he expects to use Canó
regularly, rotating him at second
added a pair of late-inning reliev-
ers and brought back a familiar
Dunn, outfielder Jake Fraley, top
pitching prospect Brandon Wil-
base, first base and designated face, agreeing to contracts with liamson and a player to be named
INCLUDING INSTALLATION hitter. outfielder Odúbel Herrera, right- to the Reds.
Plus no interest until October 2023 As constructed, the Mets hander Jeurys Familia and left- Winker is coming off a career
would have the largest Opening hander Brad Hand, according to a year in which he hit .305 with
Day payroll by about $30 mil- person familiar with the deals. 24 home runs and 71 RBI. He is
lion, according to Cot’s Baseball The left-handed-hitting Herre- likely to be in a rotation in left field
Contracts. But Cohen said Sun- ra is an option to platoon with and will get plenty of at-bats at
day that he hasn’t told his staff to Matt Vierling in center field. Her- designated hitter.
avoid pursuing a move for finan- rera batted .260 with 13 homers Suárez hit just .198 last year but
cial concerns, and he doesn’t and 51 RBI and had a .310 on-base still clubbed 31 home runs. He
expect to do so even if he crosses percentage last year after return- closed the season on a surge, hit-
that $290 million threshold and ing to the team following a suspen- ting .370 with an .808 slugging
must pay the tax meant to slow sion in 2019 for violating MLB’s percentage in the final month.
his spending spree. domestic violence policy. Suárez hit 83 home runs and
“I got to live within the base- Hand struggled last season had 207 RBI during the 2018 and
ball confines, and I’m okay with with the Washington Nationals 2019 seasons combined.
it,” he said. and Toronto Blue Jays but finished The acquisition of Suárez also
“We probably will [go over it] strong with the New York Mets. answers the question of who will
— I wouldn’t be surprised,” he Overall, he put up a 3.90 ERA and step in at third base after the re-
added. “Hard to say how much.” notched 21 saves in 68 outings. tirement of veteran Kyle Seager.
Nationals bring back fan favorite Doolittle Caps’ Eller tests positive
Left-hander, Washington’s former closer who helped win World Series, is latest relief addition and isolates in Canada
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY among others, he’s a familiar,
low-risk, likely-somewhat-mar- BY S AMANTHA P ELL C APITALS’ NEX T THREE
west palm beach, fla. — The ginal-return-on-the-field-but-al-
Washington Nationals are pad- so-good-to-have-around sort of Washington Capitals center vs. New York Islanders
ding their bullpen with a famil- acquisition. He makes sense for Lars Eller tested positive for the
iar face: The club and Sean the Nationals at this stage of coronavirus and was in isolation Today 7 NBCSW
Doolittle agreed to a one-year their rebuild. in Vancouver on Monday. The
major league contract, accord- Since the lockout ended, Gen- positive test popped up during at Columbus Blue Jackets
ing to multiple people with eral Manager Mike Rizzo has routine cross-border testing after Thursday 7 NBCSW
knowledge of the situation. been busy, agreeing to major the Capitals’ three-game road trip
Since the deal is still pending a league deals with Doolittle, Cruz, through western Canada, and he at Carolina Hurricanes
physical, the team has not made right-handed reliever Steve was added to the NHL’s coronavi-
it official, and Doolittle’s 2022 Cishek and utility man Ehire rus protocols list Monday. Friday 7 NBCSW Plus,
salary was not known as of Adrianza; and minor league con- It was unclear as of Monday NHL Network
Monday afternoon. But the 35- tracts with starter Aníbal Sán- afternoon how long Eller must
year-old lefty already has a lock- chez, right-hander Aaron San- isolate before he can return to the Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
er at the Nationals’ spring train- chez and outfielder Gerardo Par- United States. Eller scored the
ing facility, his No. 63 jersey ra. And with Cishek and Doolit- game-winner in the Capitals’ 4-3 Sprong back into the lineup and
restored. tle on board, Martinez can tilt overtime victory over the Van- had Anthony Mantha play his
Once Doolittle and designated his head, maybe squint a bit, and couver Canucks on Friday night first game since shoulder surgery.
hitter Nelson Cruz join the team, start to see the faint outline of a to cap a 2-0-1 road trip. The Sprong has eight goals and five
the Nationals will need to clear bullpen. Capitals host the New York Is- assists in 43 games. His most
two spots on their 40-man ros- Unless rosters are expanded landers on Tuesday night at Capi- recent goal came Feb. 1 at Pitts-
ter. Doolittle was with the Na- for April, which remains possi- tal One Arena. burgh. Sprong, who turns 25 on
tionals from July 2017 to Septem- ble given the shortened spring This is Eller’s second stint on Thursday, is in the final year of a
ber 2020, initially arriving from training, the Nationals will carry the coronavirus list this season. two-year, $1.45 million contract
the Oakland Athletics via trade. eight relievers. Cishek, Doolittle, He missed six games after he and is set to be a restricted free
In those three years and change, Tanner Rainey and Kyle tested positive in November. Eller agent in the offseason.
he thrived as a closer, struggled Finnegan feel like the locks. The had traveled with Washington for It was unclear whether Wash-
to stay healthy, helped lead the other relievers on the 40-man the team’s four-game West Coast ington would recall another for-
team to a World Series title and roster are Patrick Murphy, Ma- trip, but a positive test kept him ward from Hershey before Tues-
became a respected voice in the son Thompson, Austin Voth, An- isolated in Anaheim, Calif., for 10 day’s game.
clubhouse and city. Since leav- drés Machado, Jhon Romero, days.
ing, he signed a one-year, Gabe Klobosits, Paolo Espino (a Rookie Connor McMichael Pursuit of 767
$1.5 million with the Cincinnati KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST swing man) and lefties Sam Clay filled in as the Capitals’ third-line Alex Ovechkin will try to make
Reds last year, was designated If Sean Doolittle bounces back from his so-so 2021, he could be a and Francisco Pérez. center at practice Monday, skat- history again Tuesday night. The
for assignment after the trade high-leverage option and potential trade chip for the Nationals. Murphy and Voth are out of ing with Tom Wilson and Daniel Capitals captain remains tied
deadline and wound up making minor league options, meaning Sprong. McMichael impressed in with Jaromir Jagr for third on the
11 appearances for the Seattle with Doo. We know what he can fastballs, spin and location often they’ll either make the club out Friday’s win, playing one of his NHL’s all-time goals list with 766.
Mariners. do when he’s healthy, so I’m are more important than pure of spring training or go on waiv- best games in weeks. He drove Ovechkin tied Jagr by scoring two
Across 492/3 innings in 2021, he looking forward to getting him speed. But status quo velocity, or ers, giving the other 29 teams a the pace of play, created opportu- goals last Tuesday at Calgary. He
had a 4.53 ERA and walked too back here,” Manager Dave Marti- something close to it, is impor- chance to claim them. Thomp- nities and finished with six shots. has 14 shots but no goals over his
many hitters. ERA+, a metric nez said Monday. “Honestly, he’s tant and does show better over- son, Machado, Romero, Klobos- But he hasn’t scored since Feb. 10. past two games.
used to compare pitchers across one of my favorites. I can’t wait all health. its, Espino, Clay and Pérez have He has seven goals and eight “It’s in his blood; it’s in his
the major leagues, considered to see him again, and hopefully As for what this means for the options remaining, meaning assists in 55 games. nature,” Capitals Coach Peter
him a slightly above-average re- he gets right back on track. Last bullpen — and for the club’s they can swing between the “When he is playing his game, Laviolette said Monday.
liever. His first stint in Washing- year, we kept an eye on him. We prospects in 2022 — Doolittle majors and minors a maximum you can tell he is a special, special Ovechkin nearly took sole pos-
ton closed with him limping off watched him get his velo back, so can serve a few functions, none of five times, providing flexibili- player,” Wilson said. “We played session of third place Friday in
the mound with an oblique we definitely think he can help of which are make-or-break. If ty. Veterans Carl Edwards Jr., one game together and had a Vancouver, but he couldn’t con-
strain, struggling to breathe in us.” he bounces back, maintaining Reed Garrett and lefty Luis Avi- bunch of good looks. I was joking nect despite multiple opportuni-
the quiet of an empty stadium. From 2019 to 2020, Doolittle’s some of his increased velocity lán are also in camp with non- on him, he had three or four good ties. Center Evgeny Kuznetsov
For months afterward, he hoped average fastball velocity dipped and shaving down the walks, he roster invites. looks, [and] I’m like, ‘You got to denied Ovechkin’s best attempt at
for a different ending with a from 93.5 to 90.9 mph, accord- could be a high-leverage option Whatever the case, Doolittle is score one — like let’s go.’ We got a No. 767: Ovechkin’s one-timer
team and fan base that grew ing to FanGraphs. In 2021, it and potential trade chip. If his expected to bring his steady diet fun relationship. He’s a good kid.” clanged off the post and hit Van-
close to his heart. ticked back up to 93.3, at times numbers don’t improve much, of fastballs to Nationals Park in Sprong has been a healthy couver goalie Thatcher Demko’s
And now he has a chance for even creeping into the mid- to he could guide younger relievers April. And no matter what that scratch in eight of the Capitals’ left leg before the puck slid
one. high 90s. For a pitcher who and steady an inexperienced yields, he’s due for the ovation past nine games. His only appear- toward the goal line. Kuznetsov
“We have a great relationship throws more than 80 percent clubhouse. For these reasons, that never came two years ago. ance in that stretch was March 3 reached for the puck, knocking it
against Carolina when forwards over the line.
Carl Hagelin and Joe Snively “I just saw the puck there,”
were injured. Instead of calling a Kuznetsov said. “I wasn’t sure.
forward up from Hershey of the Even when I touched the puck, I
American Hockey League for that wasn’t sure who scored it. So he’ll
game, Washington brought score next game for sure.”
Nats’ Soto has only one concern: Taking his at-bats each given a two-minute minor
penalty for cross-checking in the
aftermath of the incident that
last six games (six goals, nine
assists), and Crouse’s goals were
varied: one at even strength, one
happened with 5:05 left. This is on the power play and one
SOTO FROM D1 tionals in November. And to that ment. At the general managers in the meantime, that’s for Rizzo, the first suspension of any kind shorthanded.
end, he stuck to his usual script, meetings in November, Boras Lerner and Boras to sort out. The for Matthews in his NHL career. Barrett Hayton added an emp-
righty Gabe Klobosits. leaving the negotiations to the told a group of reporters — told GM and owner watched from a l TRADE: The Anaheim ty-net goal for the Coyotes, and
No one else raced between the team and his agent, Scott Boras. the baseball world, really — that golf cart as Soto battled Cishek Ducks traded veteran defense- Scott Wedgewood made 40 saves
two batter’s boxes. No one else “Scott is talking with them. I Soto wants to see a commitment on Monday. When Soto switched man Josh Manson to the Colora- to pick up his 10th win of the
answered a third request to sign don’t know what they’re going to winning from the Nationals’ fields to see Klobosits, Lerner do Avalanche for defense pros- season.
a Juan Soto bobblehead, inked through,” said Soto, who’s under front office and ownership. The followed, keeping a close eye on pect Drew Helleson and a sec- Josh Norris had two goals for
two Juan Soto jerseys or took a team control for three more exact question was if there was a the star. ond-round pick in the 2023 draft. the Senators, Connor Brown also
photo with a family of five, just in seasons. “Right now, I just try to number that Mark Lerner, Wash- “How’s your family?” Lerner The Ducks confirmed the deal scored, and Filip Gustavsson
case they each wanted Juan Soto focus on baseball. They’re doing ington’s managing principal asked as Soto hugged him with to part ways with Manson, an stopped 10 shots in his first NHL
in their current or future phone all that stuff, and he will let me owner, could put on a check right one arm. eight-year NHL veteran who has start since Feb. 20.
backgrounds. This is, it could be know if he hears anything.” then to get Soto to sign long- “Everybody’s good. Every-
argued, the first true Juan Soto “We made an offer, and all of a term. But framed by the Nation- body’s happy,” Soto answered.
Year in Washington, given that sudden the lockout happened, als’ sell-off last summer, the “Everybody’s happy that baseball
the team’s other stars were dealt and we didn’t have much dia- response made sense. is back.”
away at July’s trade deadline. He logue after that,” Rizzo explained Soto wasn’t happy with it. He “I’m sure,” Lerner said. “And
is front, center and everyone else Sunday. “But our side plans to didn’t like losing Max Scherzer I’m sure they wanted you out of
for the rebuilding club. On Sun- pick it up very soon. He’s our and Trea Turner, Kyle Schwarber the house!”
day, General Manager Mike Riz- number-one priority.” and Josh Harrison, Yan Gomes, They both laughed. Soto
zo called him the face of the Did the addition of Nelson Daniel Hudson, Brad Hand and tapped the dirt with his bat once,
team, the franchise and maybe Cruz, a respected designated hit- Jon Lester in a hope-crushing twice, then set off for the club-
all of Major League Baseball. ter and fellow Dominican Re- two days. He didn’t like how the house and weight room beyond
Juan Soto, though? Shortly public native, make Soto feel boulders felt on each shoulder. it. Waiting was a small group of
after those four at-bats — “Walk! better about the club’s direction And when ESPN’s Enrique Rojas reporters who wanted to know
Single! Flyout! Double! . . . Yes, and his potential future with it? reported the Nationals’ big offer about the pressure of being Juan
double!” he argued with a report- “I mean, I always see my from November, Soto told Rojas Soto in 2022. Or what it felt like
er — Soto tried to pass for future here. [I appreciate] every- he expected to go year-to-year to have his locker moved to
another young player. He balked thing they’ve done for me, and I and wait for free agency. where Zimmerman, Turner and a
at filling the leadership void left feel pretty good,” he said. “I never This wasn’t new, either. Soto bunch of other veterans used to
by Ryan Zimmerman. Being a vet think about leaving or anything has often dually expressed an sit. Or, more simply, if he felt any
everyone turns to, he admitted like that. . . . I just think about interest in staying in Washing- older than he did a year ago.
with a smile, seems like a lot of baseball and trying to stay in ton and doing so through the For 10 minutes, he held off the
work. He hasn’t played a game shape and trying to get another open-market process of free notions of who he is and what he FRANK GUNN/ASSOCIATED PRESS
since turning down a 13-year, championship.” agency. Eventually, the latter represents. He promised to Auston Matthews was suspended for the Maple Leafs’ next two
$350 million offer from the Na- Simple enough, for the mo- could eliminate the former. Yet “keep doing my thing.” games after a hard cross-check in the Heritage Classic on Sunday.
Wizards will face Warriors in preseason Japan trip GIRLS ’ HIGH S CHOOL B AS K ETB ALL TOP 20
college basketball
After Terps and Hoyas flop, no area men are in big dance
This rare occurrence is mostly Georgetown lost 21 straight games to close its dreadful campaign. Athletic Director Lee Reed publicly gave his support to Coach Patrick Ewing, the ex-Hoyas and NBA great.
a product of the Hoyas and the
Terps having terrible seasons at ning the title in 1984 and losing in gone elsewhere — including
the same time. Georgetown (6-25, the championship game in 1982 standout center Hunter Dickin-
0-19 Big East) lost 21 straight and 1985. Led by legendary coach son to Michigan, along with Paul
games to close its dreadful cam- John Thompson Jr., Georgetown VI products Trevor Keels and Jer-
paign, but Athletic Director Lee became a name-brand program. emy Roach playing for Duke.
Reed publicly gave his support to The Terps had some strong Georgetown and Maryland’s si-
Coach Patrick Ewing, the former teams in the 1980s, which includ- multaneous struggles seem more
Hoyas and NBA great, seemingly ed the Len Bias era, but never coincidental than a cause for
indicating a coaching change is made it past the Sweet 16. After alarm, Knoche said — as long as
not imminent. Bias’s death, Gary Williams re- the trouble doesn’t persist. He
In College Park, the Terps navi- built the program and took the grew up in Fairfax, with Terps
gated a tumultuous season after Terps to 11 straight NCAA tourna- games often on television and top
Mark Turgeon stepped down in ments, a run highlighted by their ACC matchups shaping his col-
December. Turgeon left while in national title in 2002. In the past lege basketball frame of refer-
his 11th season at the helm, hav- two decades, the Terps haven’t ence. Then as a player, assistant
ing guided Maryland to five made it beyond the Sweet 16. and head coach at American, he
NCAA tournaments but never fur- From 2006 to 2008, three of the had a front-row seat for the domi-
ther than the Sweet 16. Athletic six D.C.-area teams made the tour- nant stretches of Georgetown and
Director Damon Evans will soon nament each year, including Maryland.
name a new coach, who he hopes berths for George Mason, George But he also thinks about how
will build the program into a Washington and American. his three children, who are be-
contender for Big Ten and nation- During Butler’s career from tween the ages of 24 and 32, have
al titles. Under interim coach 2001 to 2006, the local programs no interest in the Washington
Danny Manning, the Terps (15-17, “always had DMV talent,” he said. Commanders. Knoche watched
7-13) stumbled through a season “The coaches made sure that they the NFL team that won Super
that ended with the school’s first kept the talent home. I don’t think Bowls in the 1982, 1987 and 1991
losing record since 1993. that was a secret back then.” seasons become mostly irrelevant
“You can say what you want The talent here has not dimin- during his kids’ lives.
about the lack of progress once ished, but Butler, now an assistant “And you know what they do on
they get there, but for the most coach at St. Paul VI Catholic High Sunday?” he said. “They do other
part [Maryland has] been able to After Mark Turgeon stepped down as coach, Maryland stumbled to its first losing record since 1993. in Chantilly and D.C.-based Team stuff.”
get there to the tournament,” said Takeover on the AAU circuit, be- Apathy can be dangerous, he
Chris Knoche, a former coach at since 1968. “I never thought I would see 11th-seeded George Mason on its lieves the competition to land said, especially in a city with plen-
American and now a radio analyst Since the tournament expand- that, but here we are,” said Lamar remarkable run to the Final Four. these prospects has intensified. ty of options to fill free time. The
for Maryland. “You sort of take ed to 64 teams in 1985, one or both Butler, a former George Mason “When you grow up in the DMV The D.C. area is at the “cross- young generation of sports fans in
that for granted. You think it’s a of Maryland and Georgetown has player who graduated from Oxon area, there are so many guys you roads” of several major confer- Washington has hardly watched
birthright and it happens every appeared in all but five editions of Hill High in 2001. During his can look up to, that you have ences, Knoche said. “You’re not Maryland or Georgetown ad-
year. And it doesn’t.” the event. Three of those dual senior year of high school, Mary- access to because it’s such a small going to be able to recruit every- vance beyond the first weekend of
Georgetown and Maryland misses — 2014, 2018 and 2022 — land reached the Final Four and area and hoops is the king sport,” body in the DMV. It just doesn’t the NCAA tournament. This year,
combined for a 21-42 record, the have come in the past decade. Georgetown lost to the Terps in said Butler, who grew up a Terps work like that. As many kids want they won’t be on that stage at all.
worst mark since both schools The thought of these two teams the Sweet 16. The next year, when fan but wasn’t one of Maryland’s to go away from home as want to “That’s why, if you’re down, you
began consistently fielding teams missing the tournament feels for- Butler played his freshman sea- top recruiting targets. stay home.” can’t stay down,” Knoche said. “If
in 1924, according to Sports Ref- eign to those who grew up in the son for the Patriots, Maryland During a 19-year stretch from Georgetown and Maryland you’re serious about it, you’ve got
erence’s database. Both teams had area and watched the programs won the national title. In 2006, his 1979 to 1997, the Hoyas appeared have attracted local players, but to make yourself relevant — and
a losing record for the first time reach great heights. senior year, Butler helped lead in 18 NCAA tournaments, win- some high-profile prospects have do so as quickly as possible.”
bracket, Texas, which seemed drew from a tournament of only keep fighting, keep playing as so this time around in Minneap- Haley Jones (30) is averaging 13.1 points and 7.9 rebounds for the
faintly puckish of the selection 32 teams. Those 32 got whittled long as we can.” olis. Pac-12 champion Cardinal, the top seed in the Spokane Region.
NBA Suns 140, Lakers 111 NHL NCAA men’s tournament NCAA women’s tournament NCAA MEN’S AP TOP 25 POLL
EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Late Sunday ATLANTIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA FIRST FOUR FIRST FOUR The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ college
Miami ...........................................45 24 .652 — Florida .......................... 59 40 13 6 86 245 173 TUESDAY’S GAMES WEDNESDAY’S GAMES basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses,
x-Milwaukee ................................42 26 .618 21/2 L.A. LAKERS ....................... 22 34 34 21 — 111 Tampa Bay ................... 59 38 15 6 82 200 171 IN DAYTON, OHIO IN COLUMBIA, S.C. records through Sunday, total points based on 25 points
Philadelphia..................................41 26 .612 3 PHOENIX ............................ 48 31 40 21 — 140 Toronto ........................ 59 37 17 5 79 219 181 Texas Southern (18-12) vs. Texas A&M CC (23-11), 6:40 for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place
Howard (20-9) vs. Incarnate Word (13-16), 7
x-Chicago......................................41 26 .612 3 Boston.......................... 59 36 18 5 77 180 160 Wyoming (25-8) vs. Indiana (20-13), 9:10 vote and previous ranking
L.A. LAKERS: Reaves 2-4 5-6 10, S.Johnson 0-2 2-2 2, IN AMES, IOWA
Boston ..........................................41 28 .594 4 James 10-20 6-7 31, Monk 5-10 1-1 13, Westbrook 5-10 Detroit.......................... 59 24 28 7 55 170 221 WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Dayton (25-5) vs. DePaul (22-10), 9 RECORD PTS PVS
Cleveland......................................39 29 .574 51/2 Buffalo ......................... 60 20 32 8 48 162 212
x-Toronto .....................................37 30 .552 7
3-4 13, Anthony 6-11 2-4 18, Gabriel 1-3 3-5 5, Howard
Ottawa ......................... 59 21 33 5 47 157 194
IN DAYTON, OHIO 1. Gonzaga (54) 26-3 1518 1
1-1 0-0 2, Bazemore 0-2 0-0 0, Augustin 0-2 0-0 0, Wright State (21-13) vs. Bryant (22-9), 6:40
THURSDAY’S GAMES 2. Arizona (7) 31-3 1470 2
Brooklyn .......................................35 33 .515 91/2 Bradley 3-5 0-0 9, Ellington 2-3 0-0 5, Horton-Tucker 1-8 Montreal ...................... 59 16 35 8 40 147 224 IN RALEIGH, N.C.
Rutgers (18-13) vs. Notre Dame (22-10), 9:10 3. Kansas 28-6 1388 6
Atlanta .........................................34 34 .500 101/2 1-2 3. Totals 36-81 23-31 111. Longwood (21-11) vs. Mount St. Mary’s (16-12), 7 4. Baylor 26-6 1286 3
Charlotte ......................................34 35 .493 11 METROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts GF GA EAST REGIONAL
PHOENIX: Bridges 8-13 1-1 18, Crowder 4-10 0-0 11, IN BATON ROUGE, LA. 5. Tennessee 26-7 1235 9
x-Washington ..............................29 37 .439 141/2 Carolina ........................ 59 41 13 5 87 198 139 FIRST ROUND
Ayton 11-14 1-1 23, Booker 12-25 2-2 30, Payne 4-10 0-0 Missouri State (24-7) vs. Florida State (17-13), 9 6. Villanova 26-7 1211 8
New York......................................28 40 .412 161/2 Pittsburgh.................... 60 36 15 9 81 197 160 THURSDAY’S GAMES
9, Craig 5-8 0-0 11, Wainright 0-1 1-2 1, McGee 4-4 2-2 7. Kentucky 26-7 1178 5
Indiana..........................................23 46 .333 22 N.Y. Rangers ................ 59 37 17 5 79 180 154
Detroit..........................................18 50 .265 261/2 10, Biyombo 1-2 1-2 3, Holiday 4-9 3-3 12, Payton 3-3 0-0 IN FORT WORTH GREENSBORO REGIONAL 8. Auburn 27-5 1144 4
Washington ................. 60 32 18 10 74 197 169 Baylor (26-6) vs. Norfolk State (24-6), 2 FIRST ROUND 9. Duke 28-6 986 7
Orlando.........................................18 51 .261 27 6, Shamet 2-3 1-1 6. Totals 58-102 12-14 140. Columbus ..................... 60 30 27 3 63 199 222 North Carolina (24-9) vs. Marquette (19-12), 4:30 FRIDAY'S GAMES 10. Purdue 27-7 958 9
Three-point Goals: L.A. Lakers 16-40 (James 5-11, N.Y. Islanders............... 56 24 24 8 56 152 157 IN COLUMBIA, S.C. 11. UCLA 25-7 823 13
WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Anthony 4-7, Bradley 3-3, Monk 2-4, Ellington 1-2, New Jersey .................. 59 22 32 5 49 179 208 IN PORTLAND, ORE. 12. Texas Tech 25-9 819 14
y-Phoenix .....................................54 14 .794 — Philadelphia ................. 59 18 30 11 47 148 206 Saint Mary’s (Calif.) (25-7) vs. Wyoming-Indiana win- South Carolina (29-2) vs. Howard-Incarnate Word win-
Reaves 1-2, S.Johnson 0-1, Augustin 0-2, Bazemore 0-2, 13. Providence 25-5 723 11
Memphis ......................................47 22 .681 71/2 ner, 7:20 ner, TBA
Westbrook 0-2, Horton-Tucker 0-4), Phoenix 12-33 14. Wisconsin 24-7 685 12
x-Golden State .............................46 22 .676 8 UCLA (25-7) vs. Akron (24-9), 9:50 Miami (20-12) vs. South Florida (24-8), TBA
(Booker 4-10, Crowder 3-8, Bridges 1-2, Shamet 1-2, CENTRAL GP W L OT Pts GF GA 15. Houston 29-5 665 18
x-Utah ..........................................42 25 .627 111/2 Craig 1-3, Holiday 1-3, Payne 1-3, Ayton 0-1, Wainright Colorado ....................... 60 42 13 5 89 233 170 IN INDIANAPOLIS IN AMES, IOWA 16. Iowa 26-9 661 24
Dallas ...........................................42 26 .618 12 0-1). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: L.A. Lakers 37 (James St. Louis ....................... 59 34 17 8 76 211 165 Murray State (30-2) vs. San Francisco (24-9), 9:40 Georgia (20-9) vs. Dayton-DePaul winner, TBA 17. Arkansas 25-8 578 15
Denver ..........................................41 28 .594 131/2 7), Phoenix 51 (Ayton 16). Assists: L.A. Lakers 24 Minnesota.................... 58 34 20 4 72 218 193 Kentucky (26-7) vs. St. Peter’s (19-11), 7:10 Iowa State (26-6) vs. Texas Arlington (20-7), TBA 18. Saint Mary's (Calif.) 25-7 508 17
Minnesota ....................................40 30 .571 15 (James 6), Phoenix 36 (Payne 11). Total Fouls: L.A. Nashville ...................... 59 34 21 4 72 190 166 IN IOWA CITY, IOWA 19. Illinois 22-9 457 16
L.A. Clippers .................................36 35 .507 191/2 Lakers 14, Phoenix 24. A: 17,071 (18,422) FRIDAY’S GAMES 20. Murray State 30-2 425 19
Dallas ........................... 57 32 22 3 67 170 169 IN MILWAUKEE Colorado (22-8) vs. Creighton (20-9), TBA
x-L.A. Lakers ................................29 38 .433 241/2 Winnipeg...................... 60 27 23 10 64 182 187 21. Connecticut 23-9 353 20
New Orleans.................................28 40 .412 26 Texas (21-11) vs. Virginia Tech (23-12), 4:30 Iowa (23-7) vs. Illinois State (19-13), TBA
Chicago......................... 60 22 30 8 52 161 208 22. Southern California 26-7 170 21
Portland........................................26 41 .388 271/2 Arizona......................... 59 19 36 4 42 153 213 Purdue (27-7) vs. Yale (19-11), 2 SATURDAY'S GAMES 23. Boise State 27-7 165 -
San Antonio .................................26 43 .377 281/2 SO C C ER SECOND ROUND
IN TUSCON 24. Colorado State 25-5 82 23
x-Sacramento...............................24 45 .348 301/2 North Carolina (23-6) vs. Stephen F. Austin (28-4), TBA 25. Texas 21-11 72 22
Oklahoma City..............................20 48 .294 34 PACIFIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA SATURDAY’S GAMES Arizona (20-7) vs. UNLV (26-6), TBA
Houston........................................17 51 .250 37 MLS Calgary ......................... 59 36 16 7 79 204 143 IN FORT WORTH Others receiving votes: Virginia Tech 63, San Diego
Los Angeles.................. 61 33 20 8 74 178 173 Baylor-Norfolk State winner vs. North Carolina-Mar- SECOND ROUND State 33, South Dakota State 33, LSU 25, Loyola Chicago
x-Late game; y-Clinched playoff spot Edmonton..................... 59 32 23 4 68 193 187 quette winner, TBA SUNDAY'S GAMES 18, Memphis 18, North Carolina 16, Michigan State 14,
EAST W L T Pts GF GA Vegas ........................... 61 32 25 4 68 192 183 IN COLUMBIA, S.C. Texas A&M 13, Alabama 9, Ohio State 7, Creighton 4,
SUNDAY’S RESULTS Columbus............................2 0 1 7 9 4 Vancouver .................... 60 29 24 7 65 173 174 IN PORTLAND, ORE. Vermont 3, San Francisco 2, Indiana 2, Davidson 2, Seton
Philadelphia........................2 0 1 7 5 2 UCLA-Akron winner vs. Saint Mary’s (Calif.)—Wyo- South Carolina—Howard-Incarnate Word winner vs.
at Brooklyn 110, New York 107 Anaheim....................... 62 27 25 10 64 180 197 Miami-South Florida winner, TBA Hall 1, Longwood 1, Yale 1.
New York ............................2 1 0 6 7 3 San Jose....................... 58 26 25 7 59 154 182 ming-Indiana winner, TBA
L.A. Clippers 106, at Detroit 102 D.C. United .........................2 1 0 6 4 2
Dallas 95, at Boston 92 Seattle ......................... 61 18 37 6 42 159 220 IN INDIANAPOLIS IN AMES, IOWA
Atlanta ...............................2 1 0 6 5 5 Iowa State-Texas Arlington winner vs. Georgia—Day-
Philadelphia 116, at Orlando 114 (OT) Chicago ...............................1 0 2 5 2 0 SUNDAY’S RESULTS Kentucky-St. Peter’s winner vs. Murray State-San
ton-DePaul winner, TBA
at New Orleans 130, Houston 105 New York City FC................1 1 1 4 4 2 at Pittsburgh 4, Carolina 2
Francisco winner, TBA
at Atlanta 131, Indiana 128 Orlando City........................1 1 1 4 3 2 SUNDAY’S GAMES
Memphis 125, at Oklahoma City 118 New England ......................1 1 1 4 5 5 Buffalo 5, Toronto 2 (at Tim Hortons Field)
IN MILWAUKEE Iowa-Illinois State winner vs. Colorado-Creighton win- COACHES POLL
Cincinnati ...........................1 2 0 3 2 7 Winnipeg 4, at St. Louis 3 ner, TBA
at Phoenix 140, L.A. Lakers 111 Montreal 4, at Philadelphia 3 (OT) Purdue-Yale winner vs. Texas-Virginia Tech winner, TBA The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ college
Toronto FC..........................0 2 1 1 3 7 MONDAY'S GAMES basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses,
MONDAY’S RESULTS Inter Miami CF....................0 2 1 1 1 7 at Columbus 6, Vegas 4 REGIONAL SEMIFINALS IN TUSCON records through Sunday, total points based on 25 points
Washington at Golden State, Late Charlotte FC .......................0 3 0 0 1 6 at N.Y. Islanders 4, Anaheim 3 FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Arizona-UNLV winner vs. North Carolina-Stephen F. for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place
CF Montréal........................0 3 0 0 2 8 Nashville 6, at Minnesota 2 IN PHILADELPHIA vote and previous ranking
at Cleveland 120, L.A. Clippers 111 (OT) Austin winner, TBA
Denver 114, at Philadelphia 110 at Colorado 3, Calgary 0 Baylor-Norfolk State—North Carolina-Marquette win-
WEST W L T Pts GF GA Tampa Bay 2, at Vancouver 1 ner vs. UCLA-Akron—Saint Mary’s (Calif.)—Wyoming- REGIONAL SEMIFINALS RECORD PTS PVS
at Atlanta 122, Portland 113 1. Gonzaga (54) 26-3 1518 1
Los Angeles FC ...................2 0 1 7 6 1 at Los Angeles 3, Florida 2 (SO) Indiana winner, TBA FRIDAY, MARCH 25
Charlotte 134, at Oklahoma City 116 Real Salt Lake ....................2 0 1 7 4 2 Kentucky-St. Peter’s—Murray State-San Francisco win- IN GREENSBORO, N.C. 2. Arizona (7) 31-3 1470 2
Minnesota 149, at San Antonio 139 Austin FC............................2 1 0 6 10 2 MONDAY’S RESULT ner vs. Purdue-Yale—Texas-Virginia Tech winner, TBA 3. Kansas 28-6 1388 6
South Carolina—Howard-Incarnate Word—Miami-
Chicago at Sacramento, Late Colorado..............................2 1 0 6 5 3 South Florida winner vs. Arizona-UNLV—North Caroli- 4. Baylor 26-6 1286 3
Arizona 5, at Ottawa 3 REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP
Milwaukee at Utah, Late LA Galaxy ...........................2 1 0 6 4 3 na-Stephen F. Austin winner, TBA 5. Tennessee 26-7 1235 9
Toronto at L.A. Lakers, Late Portland..............................1 0 2 5 4 3 TUESDAY’S GAMES SUNDAY, MARCH 27 Iowa-Illinois State—Colorado-Creighton winner vs. Iowa 6. Villanova 26-7 1211 8
Minnesota United ..............1 0 2 5 3 2 N.Y. Islanders at Washington, 7 Semifinal winners, TBA State-Texas Arlington—Georgia—Dayton-DePaul win- 7. Kentucky 26-7 1178 5
TUESDAY’S GAMES FC Dallas.............................1 1 1 4 3 2 ner, TBA 8. Auburn 27-5 1144 4
Anaheim at N.Y. Rangers, 7 SOUTH REGIONAL 9. Duke 28-6 986 7
Brooklyn at Orlando, 7 Houston ..............................1 1 1 4 2 2 Arizona at Montreal, 7
Nashville.............................1 1 1 4 2 3 FIRST ROUND REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 10. Purdue 27-7 958 9
Memphis at Indiana, 7 Dallas at Toronto, 7 THURSDAY’S GAMES
Seattle................................1 2 0 3 3 4 SUNDAY, MARCH 27 11. UCLA 25-7 823 13
Detroit at Miami, 7:30 Pittsburgh at Nashville, 8 IN INDIANAPOLIS 12. Texas Tech 25-9 819 14
Phoenix at New Orleans, 8 Sporting KC ........................1 2 0 3 2 5 Semifinal winners, TBA
San Jose .............................0 2 1 1 4 8 Vegas at Winnipeg, 8 Colorado State (25-5) vs. Michigan (17-14), 12:15 13. Providence 25-5 723 11
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Vancouver...........................0 2 1 1 1 6 Boston at Chicago, 8:30 Tennessee (26-7) vs. Longwood (26-6), 2:45 WICHITA REGIONAL 14. Wisconsin 24-7 685 12
Detroit at Edmonton, 9 FRIDAY’S GAMES FIRST ROUND 15. Houston 29-5 665 18
Denver at Washington, 7 SUNDAY, MARCH 6 FRIDAY'S GAMES 16. Iowa 26-9 661 24
Atlanta at Charlotte, 7 New Jersey at Vancouver, 10 IN SAN DIEGO 17. Arkansas 25-8 578 15
at Austin FC 5, Miami 1 Colorado at Los Angeles, 10:30 Arizona (31-3) vs. Wright State-Bryant winner, 7:27
Philadelphia at Cleveland, 7 Portland 1, at Los Angeles FC 1 Louisville (25-4) vs. Albany (N.Y.) (23-9), TBA 18. Saint Mary's (Calif.) 25-7 508 17
Dallas at Brooklyn, 7:30 Florida at San Jose, 10:30 Seton Hall (21-10) vs. TCU (20-12), 9:57 19. Illinois 22-9 457 16
Nebraska (24-8) vs. Gonzaga (26-6), TBA
Portland at New York, 7:30 SATURDAY’S RESULTS WEDNESDAY’S GAMES IN PITTSBURGH 20. Murray State 30-2 425 19
Houston (29-5) vs. UAB (27-7), 9:20
IN WACO, TEXAS 21. Connecticut 23-9 353 20
L.A. Lakers at Minnesota, 8 Chicago 2, at D.C. United 0 Boston at Minnesota, 7:30
Illinois (22-9) vs. Chattanooga (27-7), 6:50 Mississippi (23-8) vs. South Dakota (27-5), TBA 22. Southern California 26-7 170 21
Phoenix at Houston, 8 at New York City FC 4, CF Montréal 1 Columbus at Ottawa, 7:30 Baylor (27-6) vs. Hawaii (20-9), TBA
Ohio State (19-11) vs. Loyola Chicago (25-7), 12:15 23. Boise State 27-7 165 -
Oklahoma City at San Antonio, 8:30 at Columbus 2, Toronto FC 1 New Jersey at Calgary, 10 24. Colorado State 25-5 82 23
Chicago at Utah, 9 Los Angeles FC 2, at Miami 0
Villanova (26-7) vs. Delaware (22-12), 2:45 SATURDAY'S GAMES
Tampa Bay at Seattle, 10 IN KNOXVILLE 25. Texas 21-11 72 22
Boston at Golden State, 10 at Seattle 3, LA Galaxy 2 SECOND ROUND
THURSDAY’S GAMES Oregon (20-11) vs. Belmont (22-7), TBA Others receiving votes: Virginia Tech 63, San Diego
Milwaukee at Sacramento, 10 at Houston 2, Vancouver 1 SATURDAY’S GAMES Tennessee (23-8) vs. Buffalo (25-8), TBA
IN INDIANAPOLIS State 33, South Dakota State 33, LSU 25, Loyola Chicago
Toronto at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 Real Salt Lake 3, at New England 2 Washington at Columbus, 7
IN ANN ARBOR, MICH. 18, Memphis 18, North Carolina 16, Michigan State 14,
Cincinnati 2, at Orlando City 1 Carolina at Toronto, 7 Tennessee-Longwood winner vs. Colorado State-Michi- Texas A&M 13, Alabama 9, Ohio State 7, Creighton 4,
THURSDAY’S GAME gan winner, TBA BYU (26-3) vs. Villanova (23-8), TBA
at Philadelphia 2, San Jose 0 Dallas at Montreal, 7 Vermont 3, San Francisco 2, Indiana 2, Davidson 2, Seton
Detroit at Orlando, 7 Michigan (22-6) vs. American (23-8), TBA
at FC Dallas 2, Nashville 0 N.Y. Islanders at N.Y. Rangers, 7 SUNDAY’S GAMES Hall 1, Longwood 1, Yale 1.
FRIDAY’S GAMES at Colorado 2, Sporting KC 0 Nashville at Philadelphia, 7 IN SAN DIEGO SECOND ROUND
Washington at New York, 7:30 at Portland 1, Austin FC 0 Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 8 Arizona—Wright State-Bryant winner vs. Seton Hall- SUNDAY'S GAMES
Dallas at Philadelphia, 7 Buffalo at Edmonton, 9 TCU winner, TBA IN LOUISVILLE
Memphis at Atlanta, 7:30 at Atlanta 2, Charlotte FC 1
Detroit at Vancouver, 10 IN PITTSBURGH Louisville-Albany (N.Y.) winner vs. Nebraska-Gonzaga NCAA WOMEN’S AP TOP 25 POLL
San Jose at Los Angeles, 10 Illinois-Chattanooga winner vs. Houston-UAB winner, winner, TBA
Portland at Brooklyn, 7:30 Minnesota 1, at New York 0 The top 25 teams in The Associated Press’ women’s
Denver at Cleveland, 7:30 Florida at Vegas, 10:30 TBA IN WACO, TEXAS
Villanova-Delaware winner vs. Ohio State-Loyola Chica- college basketball poll, with first-place votes in paren-
L.A. Lakers at Toronto, 7:30 SATURDAY’S MATCHES Baylor-Hawaii winner vs. Mississippi-South Dakota theses, records through Sunday, total points based on 25
go winner, TBA winner, TBA
Oklahoma City at Miami, 8 D.C. United at Toronto FC, 3 points for a first-place vote through one point for a
Indiana at Houston, 8 Miami at Cincinnati, 1 REGIONAL SEMIFINALS MONDAY'S GAMES 25th-place vote and previous ranking:
New Orleans at San Antonio, 8:30 Philadelphia at New York City FC, 1
L.A. Clippers at Utah, 9 Orlando City at LA Galaxy, 3:30 ARIZONA ................................. 2 1 2 — 5 IN SAN ANTONIO Tennessee-Buffalo winner vs. Oregon-Belmont winner, 1. South Carolina (20) 29-2 739 1
Chicago at Phoenix, 10 CF Montréal at Atlanta, 4 OTTAWA .................................. 2 0 1 — 3 Arizona—Wright State-Bryant—Seton Hall-TCU winner TBA 2. Stanford (9) 28-3 728 2
Boston at Sacramento, 10 Sporting KC at Chicago, 6 vs. Illinois-Chattanooga—Houston-UAB winner, TBA IN ANN ARBOR, MICH. 3. North Carolina State (1) 29-3 693 3
FIRST PERIOD Villanova-Delaware—Ohio State-Loyola Chicago winner
New England at Charlotte FC, 7 Michigan-American winner vs. BYU-Villanova winner, 4. Louisville 25-4 624 5
Scoring: 1, Ottawa, Norris 23 (Tkachuk), 2:39. 2, Arizona, vs. Tennessee-Longwood—Colorado State-Michigan TBA 5. Connecticut 25-5 605 6
San Jose at Minnesota, 8
Crouse 16 (Galchenyuk, Kessel), 7:49. 3, Arizona, Crouse winner, TBA 6. Texas 26-6 599 7
Portland at FC Dallas, 8:30 REGIONAL SEMIFINALS
Cavaliers 120, Clippers 111 (OT) Colorado at Houston, 8:30
17 (Keller, Gostisbehere), 9:00 (pp). 4, Ottawa, Norris 24
Nashville at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 SATURDAY, MARCH 26 IN WICHITA 9. LSU 25-5 505 9
L.A. CLIPPERS ............... 27 30 24 25 5 — 111 SECOND PERIOD
CLEVELAND ................... 33 23 31 19 14 — 120 Semifinal winners, TBA Louisville-Albany (N.Y.)—Nebraska-Gonzaga winner vs. 10. Iowa State 26-6 473 10
Scoring: 5, Arizona, Crouse 18, 16:12 (sh). MIDWEST REGIONAL Tennessee-Buffalo—Oregon-Belmont winner, TBA 11. Indiana 22-8 455 11
L.A. CLIPPERS: Batum 2-8 0-0 6, Coffey 7-20 1-2 19, Columbus at New York, 2 Baylor-Hawaii—Mississippi-South Dakota winner vs. 12. Michigan 22-6 413 12
Zubac 10-15 4-4 24, Kennard 5-12 3-3 14, Mann 7-21 2-4 Seattle at Austin FC, 4:30 THIRD PERIOD FIRST ROUND 13. Maryland 21-8 383 13
THURSDAY’S GAMES Michigan-American—BYU-Villanova winner, TBA
18, Ojeleye 3-4 2-3 9, Hartenstein 5-5 0-0 10, Hood 0-2 Vancouver at Los Angeles FC, 10 Scoring: 6, Ottawa, C.Brown 9 (Tkachuk, Zub), 7:30. 7, 14. Ohio State 23-6 338 14
0-0 0, Boston Jr. 4-11 1-1 11. Totals 43-98 13-17 111. IN FORT WORTH REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 15. Kentucky 19-11 301 16
Arizona, Schmaltz 17 (Keller), 7:46. 8, Arizona, Hayton 5
Kansas (28-6) vs. Texas Southern-Texas A&M CC MONDAY, MARCH 28 16. Virginia Tech 23-9 254 17
CLEVELAND: Markkanen 5-9 3-4 17, Stevens 2-5 0-0 5, (Moser, Schmaltz), 19:12 (en).
winner, 9:57 Semifinal winners, TBA 17. North Carolina 23-6 236 18
Mobley 13-22 3-6 30, Garland 8-21 4-4 24, Okoro 4-6
11-13 20, Love 4-11 2-3 13, Osman 0-0 0-2 0, Davis 0-0 T E NN I S SHOTS ON GOAL San Diego State (23-8) vs. Creighton (22-11), 7:27
18. Tennessee 23-8 218 19
0-0 0, Windler 0-2 0-0 0, Goodwin 0-0 0-0 0, LeVert 5-10 ARIZONA ................................. 6 3 6 — 15 IN BUFFALO 19. Arizona 20-7 213 20
Iowa (26-9) vs. Richmond (23-12), 3:10
FIRST ROUND 20. BYU 26-3 201 15
0-0 11. Totals 41-86 23-32 120. OTTAWA ................................ 15 17 11 — 43
ATP/WTA Providence (25-5) vs. South Dakota State (30-4), 12:40 FRIDAY'S GAMES 21. Notre Dame 22-8 159 22
Three-point Goals: L.A. Clippers 12-36 (Coffey 4-11, Power-play opportunities: Arizona 1 of 2; Ottawa 1 of 3. IN STANFORD, CALIF.
Goalies: Arizona, Wedgewood 10-13-3 (43 shots-40 22. Oklahoma 24-8 156 21
Boston Jr. 2-4, Batum 2-7, Mann 2-7, Ojeleye 1-1, BNP PARIBAS OPEN FRIDAY’S GAMES Stanford (28-3) vs. Montana State (22-12), TBA 23. Florida Gulf Coast 29-2 132 23
Kennard 1-5, Hood 0-1), Cleveland 15-30 (Markkanen saves). Ottawa, Gustavsson 3-10-1 (14-10). A: 9,201 IN MILWAUKEE
At Indian Wells Tennis Garden; In Indian Wells, Calif. (18,572). T: 2:23. Kansas (20-9) vs. Georgia Tech (21-10), TBA 24. UCF 25-3 58 25
4-6, Garland 4-9, Love 3-6, Okoro 1-1, Stevens 1-1, Purse: $8,584,055 LSU (22-11) vs. Iowa State (20-12), 7:20 25. Princeton 24-4 46 24
LeVert 1-2, Mobley 1-3, Windler 0-2). Fouled Out: L.A. Wisconsin (24-7) vs. Colgate (23-11), 9:50 IN COLLEGE PARK, MD.
Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Virginia Tech (23-9) vs. Florida Gulf Coast (29-2), TBA
Clippers 1 (Zubac), Cleveland None. Rebounds: L.A. Others receiving votes: Ole Miss 20, Miami (Fla.) 19,
IN GREENVILLE, S.C. Maryland (21-8) vs. Delaware (24-7), TBA Villanova 14, Colorado 10, Nebraska 4, Georgia 4,
Clippers 43 (Zubac 14), Cleveland 49 (Love, Markkanen MEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 32 Avalanche 3, Flames 0 Southern Cal (26-7) vs. Miami (23-10), 3:10 Georgia Tech 3, Kansas 3, Oregon 2, Florida 2, IUPUI 1,
9). Assists: L.A. Clippers 29 (Batum 6), Cleveland 28 Carlos Alcaraz (19), Spain, def. Roberto Bautista Agut Auburn (27-5) vs. Jacksonville State (21-10), 12:40 IN AUSTIN, TEXAS
(Garland 13). Total Fouls: L.A. Clippers 24, Cleveland 19. (15), Spain, 6-2, 6-0; Gael Monfils (26), France, def. Late Sunday Utah (20-11) vs. Arkansas (18-13), TBA
Gonzaga 1.
A: 18,742 (19,432) Daniil Medvedev (1), Russia, 4-6, 6-3, 6-1; Rafael Nadal SECOND ROUND Texas (26-6) vs. Fairfield (25-6), TBA
CALGARY ................................. 0 0 0 — 0
(4), Spain, def. Daniel Evans (27), Britain, 7-5, 6-3; Reilly SATURDAY’S GAMES
COLORADO .............................. 1 0 2 — 3
Opelka (17), United States, def. Denis Shapovalov (13), IN FORT WORTH SATURDAY'S GAMES NCAA WOMEN’S TOP 25
Canada, 6-7 (4), 6-4, 6-4; Jannik Sinner (10), Italy, def. FIRST PERIOD IN BATON ROUGE, LA.
Hawks 122, Trail Blazers 113 Benjamin Bonzi, France, 7-6 (7-5), 3-6, 6-4; Jenson
Kansas—Texas Southern-Texas A&M CC winner vs. San
Diego State-Creighton winner, TBA Ohio State (23-6) vs. Missouri State-Florida State COACHES POLL
Brooksby, United States, def. Stefanos Tsitsipas (5), Scoring: 1, Colorado, MacKinnon 20 (Kadri, Rantanen), winner, TBA
PORTLAND ......................... 34 33 17 29 — 113 9:55 (pp). IN BUFFALO The top 25 teams in the USA Today women’s college
Greece, 1-6, 6-3, 6-2. LSU (25-5) vs. Jackson State (23-6), TBA basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses,
ATLANTA ........................... 29 29 31 33 — 122 Providence-South Dakota State winner vs. Iowa-Rich-
WOMEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 32 THIRD PERIOD SECOND ROUND records through Monday, points based on 25 points for a
PORTLAND: Elleby 1-2 4-4 6, Watford 9-19 2-2 22, mond winner, TBA
Scoring: 2, Colorado, MacKinnon 21, 4:00. 3, Colorado, SUNDAY'S GAMES first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote
Maria Sakkari (6), Greece, def. Petra Kvitova (27), Czech SUNDAY’S GAMES
Eubanks 7-10 2-2 16, B.Williams 8-17 2-5 20, Hart 11-21 Rantanen 28 (Helm), 18:22 (en). IN STANFORD, CALIF. and last week’s ranking:
Republic, 6-3, 6-0; Veronika Kudermetova (21), Russia, IN MILWAUKEE RECORD PTS PVS
5-7 31, Brown III 1-1 0-0 2, Dunn 1-6 0-0 2, Hughes 3-4
def. Marie Bouzkova, Czech Republic, 6-4, 0-2, ret; Daria Stanford-Montana State winner vs. Kansas-Georgia 1. South Carolina (27)....................29-2 770 1
0-0 8, K.Johnson 3-8 0-1 6. Totals 44-88 15-21 113. SHOTS ON GOAL Wisconsin-Colgate winner vs. LSU-Iowa State winner,
Saville, Australia, def. Elise Mertens (20), Belgium, 6-3, Tech winner, TBA 2. Stanford (4) ...............................28-3 744 2
ATLANTA: Huerter 6-15 0-0 14, Hunter 6-17 5-6 20, 4-6, 6-3; Marketa Vondrousova (30), Czech Republic, def. CALGARY ................................. 9 15 22 — 46 TBA
Capela 4-12 0-0 8, Wright 0-3 4-4 4, Young 15-31 11-11 IN GREENVILLE, S.C. IN COLLEGE PARK, MD. 3. North Carolina State (1) ............29-3 718 3
Anett Kontaveit (4), Estonia, 3-6, 7-5, 7-6 (7-5); COLORADO .............................. 9 13 10 — 32 4. Louisville ....................................26-4 666 5
46, Knox II 0-3 0-0 0, Okongwu 3-5 6-7 12, Luwawu- Viktorija Golubic (31), Switzerland, def. Jasmine Paolini, Maryland-Delaware winner vs. Virginia Tech-Florida
Power-play opportunities: Calgary 0 of 3; Colorado 1 of 2. Auburn-Jacksonville State winner vs. Southern Cal-Mi- 5. Baylor .........................................27-6 613 4
Cabarrot 2-4 0-0 5, Bogdanovic 2-13 4-4 9, L.Williams 2-6 Italy, 7-5, 1-6, 7-6 (7-4); Elena Rybakina (17), Kazakh- Gulf Coast winner, TBA
Goalies: Calgary, Vladar 8-5-1 (31 shots-29 saves). ami winner, TBA 6. Connecticut ................................25-5 600 6
0-0 4. Totals 40-109 30-32 122. stan, def. Victoria Azarenka (13), Belarus, 6-3, 6-4; Paula Colorado, Kuemper 28-8-2 (46-46). A: 18,081 (18,007). T: IN AUSTIN, TEXAS 7. Texas ..........................................26-6 574 9
Badosa (5), Spain, def. Sara Sorribes Tormo (32), Spain, 2:27. REGIONAL SEMIFINALS Texas-Fairfield winner vs. Utah-Arkansas winner, TBA
Three-point Goals: Portland 10-24 (Hart 4-7, Hughes 2-3, 8. Iowa State..................................26-6 537 7
7-6 (7-4), 6-1. FRIDAY, MARCH 25 9. LSU .............................................25-5 523 8
Watford 2-4, B.Williams 2-6, Dunn 0-1, Elleby 0-1, MONDAY'S GAMES
IN CHICAGO 10. Iowa..........................................23-7 491 11
Eubanks 0-1, K.Johnson 0-1), Atlanta 12-48 (Young MEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16 IN BATON ROUGE, LA.
Kansas—Texas Southern-Texas A&M CC—San Diego
5-14, Hunter 3-9, Huerter 2-9, Luwawu-Cabarrot 1-3, Aslan Karatsev and Andrey Rublev, Russia, def. Marcel Kings 3, Panthers 2 (SO) State-Creighton winner vs. Providence-South Dakota LSU-Jackson State winner vs. Ohio State—Missouri
11. Indiana......................................22-8 485 10
Bogdanovic 1-8, Knox II 0-1, L.Williams 0-2, Wright 0-2). 12. Michigan...................................22-6 439 12
Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (3), Argentina, Late Sunday State—Iowa-Richmond winner, TBA State-Florida State winner, TBA
Fouled Out: Portland 1 (Dunn), Atlanta None. Rebounds: 13. Maryland ..................................21-8 395 14
7-6 (7-2), 4-6, 10-4; Andrey Golubev, Kazakhstan, and Auburn-Jacksonville State—Southern Cal-Miami winner
Portland 56 (Elleby 13), Atlanta 49 (Capela 16). Assists: FLORIDA ............................ 0 2 0 0 — 2 REGIONAL SEMIFINALS 14. Brigham Young.........................26-3 337 13
Alexander Zverev, Germany, def. Jean-Julien Rojer, vs. Wisconsin-Colgate—LSU-Iowa State winner, TBA
Portland 25 (B.Williams 6), Atlanta 28 (Young 12). Total LOS ANGELES .................... 1 0 1 1 — 3 FRIDAY, MARCH 25 15. Ohio State ................................23-6 328 15
Netherlands, and Marcelo Arevalo-Gonzalez, El Salva-
Fouls: Portland 25, Atlanta 15. A: 16,432 (18,118) REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 16. Arizona .....................................20-7 297 16
dor, 7-6 (7-0), 6-3; Taylor Fritz and Tommy Paul, United
LOS ANGELES WON SHOOTOUT, 2-1 IN SPOKANE, WASH. 17. Tennessee ................................23-8 296 17
States, def. Robert Farah and Juan Sebastian Cabal (4), SUNDAY, MARCH 27 Stanford-Montana State—Kansas-Georgia Tech winner
Colombia, 6-1, 6-4; Rajeev Ram, United States, and Joe
FIRST PERIOD 18. North Carolina ..........................23-6 228 18
Semifinal winners, TBA vs. Maryland-Delaware—Virginia Tech-Florida Gulf
Nuggets 114, 76ers 110 Salisbury (2), Britain, def. Andres Molteni and Diego Scoring: 1, Los Angeles, Kupari 4 (Spence, Byfield), 11:50. Coast winner, TBA
19. Oklahoma .................................24-8 195
20. Florida Gulf Coast ....................29-2 169
Schwartzman, Argentina, 6-3, 7-6 (7-2). WEST REGIONAL Texas-Fairfield—Utah-Arkansas winner vs. LSU-Jack-
DENVER .............................. 22 31 28 33 — 114 SECOND PERIOD FIRST ROUND 21. Notre Dame ..............................22-8 149 21
son State—Ohio State—Missouri State-Florida State 22. Kentucky.................................19-11 135 22
PHILADELPHIA .................. 37 21 30 22 — 110 WOMEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16 Scoring: 2, Florida, Luostarinen 9 (Huberdeau), 0:43 (sh). THURSDAY’S GAMES winner, TBA
Asia Muhammad, United States, and Ena Shibahara (7), IN PORTLAND, ORE. 23. Virginia Tech ............................23-9 130 23
DENVER: Gordon 3-6 0-0 7, Je.Green 3-3 0-0 6, Jokic 8-16 3, Florida, Montour 7 (Barkov, Hornqvist), 3:44. 24. Central Florida..........................22-3 125 24
Japan, def. Alison Riske and Sofia Kenin, United States, Gonzaga (26-3) vs. Georgia State (18-10), 4:15 REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP
5-7 22, Barton 7-14 3-4 20, Morris 5-10 1-2 11, Ja.Green THIRD PERIOD 25. Georgia .....................................20-9 51 25
1-6, 6-4, 10-1; Caty McNally and Coco Gauff (3), United Boise State (27-7) vs. Memphis (21-10), 1:45 SUNDAY, MARCH 27
5-6 0-0 10, Cousins 3-6 0-0 8, Forbes 2-5 0-0 5, Hyland States, def. Ajla Tomljanovic, Australia, and Maria Dropped out: None.
7-14 3-5 21, Rivers 1-2 1-2 4. Totals 44-82 13-20 114. Scoring: 4, Los Angeles, Frk 2 (Durzi), 19:28 (pp). IN BUFFALO Semifinal winners, TBA
Sakkari, Greece, 6-4, 6-1. Others receiving votes: Georgia Tech (21-10) 13; Liberty
PHILADELPHIA: Harris 4-9 0-2 10, Thybulle 4-7 0-0 9, SHOOTOUT Connecticut (23-9) vs. New Mexico State (26-6), 6:50 BRIDGEPORT REGIONAL (27-4) 12; Oregon (21-11) 10; Mississippi (23-8) 9;
Embiid 11-20 9-10 34, Harden 6-11 11-12 24, Maxey 7-13 Arkansas (25-8) vs. Vermont (28-5), 9:20 FIRST ROUND Princeton (24-4) 9; South Florida (24-8) 9; Utah (20-11)
3-4 19, Niang 2-12 2-2 8, Milton 1-1 0-0 3, Jordan 1-6 1-2 Los Angeles 2 (Vilardi NG, Kopitar NG, Kempe G, Byfield SATURDAY'S GAMES 6; Gonzaga (26-6) 4; Florida (21-10) 3; South Dakota
NG, Moore G), Florida 1 (Huberdeau NG, Barkov G,
3, D.Green 0-5 0-0 0. Totals 36-84 26-32 110. IN SAN DIEGO IN RALEIGH, N.C. (27-5) 2; Colorado (22-8) 1; Massachusetts (26-6) 1;
Three-point Goals: Denver 13-33 (Hyland 4-9, Barton 3-6,
AUTO RA CING Reinhart NG, Luostarinen NG, Duclair NG).
Alabama (19-13) vs. Rutgers-Notre Dame winner, 4:15 N.C. State (29-3) vs. Longwood-Mount St. Mary’s South Dakota State (23-9) 1.
Cousins 2-5, Rivers 1-2, Forbes 1-3, Gordon 1-3, Jokic 1-3, SHOTS ON GOAL Texas Tech (25-9) vs. Montana State (27-7), 1:45 winner, TBA
Morris 0-2), Philadelphia 12-33 (Embiid 3-3, Harris 2-4, Washington State (19-10) vs. Kansas State (19-12),
Maxey 2-6, Niang 2-10, Milton 1-1, Thybulle 1-3, Harden NASCAR Cup Series FLORIDA .......................... 11
LOS ANGELES .................... 6
5 — 32
6 — 37
Michigan State (22-12) vs. Davidson (27-6), 9:40
1-4, D.Green 0-2). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Denver 42 SCHEDULE-WINNERS Power-play opportunities: Florida 0 of 2; Los Angeles 1 Duke (28-6) vs. Cal State Fullerton (21-10), 7:10 IN NORMAN, OKLA.
(Jokic 13), Philadelphia 48 (Embiid, Harden 9). Assists: Notre Dame (22-8) vs. Massachusetts (26-6), TBA
Denver 29 (Jokic 8), Philadelphia 25 (Harden 11). Total
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 1 (Kyle Busch)
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 2 (Tyler
of 4. Goalies: Florida, Knight 10-6-3 (37 shots-35 saves).
Los Angeles, Quick 16-11-7 (32-30). A: 15,822 (18,230). SECOND ROUND Oklahoma (24-8) vs. IUPUI (24-4), TBA PGA Tour
Fouls: Denver 24, Philadelphia 17. A: 21,444 (20,478) T: 2:39. SATURDAY’S GAMES
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 3 (Justin IN PORTLAND, ORE. At TPC Sawgrass; In Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.
Kentucky (19-11) vs. Princeton (24-4), TBA
Haley) Gonzaga-Georgia State winner vs. Boise State-Mem- Indiana (22-8) vs. Charlotte (22-9), TBA Purse: $20 Million
Hornets 134, Thunder 116 Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Heat Race 4 (Joey Lightning 2, Canucks 1 phis winner, TBA
Yardage: 7,256; Par: 72
CHARLOTTE ....................... 29 36 37 32 — 134 Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Last Chance Qualifying Late Sunday Arkansas-Vermont winner vs. Connecticut-New Mexico
UCF (25-3) vs. Florida (21-10), TBA FINAL ROUND
OKLAHOMA CITY ............... 41 23 27 25 — 116 Race 1 (Denny Hamlin) Connecticut (25-5) vs. Mercer (23-6), TBA Individual FedEx Cup points in parentheses
TAMPA BAY ............................ 2 0 0 — 2 State winner, TBA
Feb. 6: x-Clash at the Coliseum Last Chance Qualifying VANCOUVER ........................... 0 0 1 — 1 $3,600,000
CHARLOTTE: Bridges 11-15 0-0 27, Washington 3-9 0-0 Race 2, (Ryan Preece) SUNDAY’S GAMES SECOND ROUND
6, Plumlee 2-3 1-3 5, Ball 6-13 4-4 21, Rozier 11-17 4-4 MONDAY'S GAMES Cameron Smith (600) .............. 69 71 69 66 — 275 -13
Feb. 6: Clash at the Coliseum (Joey Logano) FIRST PERIOD IN SAN DIEGO
30, Martin 4-6 2-2 11, McDaniels 1-5 0-0 2, Thor 1-1 0-0 2, Feb. 17: x-Duel 1 at Daytona (Brad Keselowski) Texas Tech-Montana State winner vs. Alabama—Rut- IN RALEIGH, N.C. $2,180,000
Harrell 1-2 3-3 5, Oubre Jr. 4-9 2-5 11, Richards 1-2 0-0 2, Feb. 17: x-Duel 2 at Daytona (Chris Buescher) Scoring: 1, Tampa Bay, Hedman 15 (Bellemare, Maroon), N.C. State—Longwood-Mount St. Mary’s winner vs. Anirban Lahiri (330) ................ 67 73 67 69 — 276 -12
gers-Notre Dame winner, TBA
Thomas 4-10 0-0 12. Totals 49-92 16-21 134. Feb. 20: Daytona 500 (Austin Cindric) 3:26. 2, Tampa Bay, Colton 11 (Perry), 5:06. Washington State-Kansas State winner, TBA $1,380,000
IN GREENVILLE, S.C. Paul Casey (210) ...................... 70 69 69 69 — 277 -11
OKLAHOMA CITY: Bazley 10-18 1-2 25, Mann 4-12 2-2 13, Feb. 27: Wise Power 400 (Kyle Larson) THIRD PERIOD IN NORMAN, OKLA.
March 6: Pennzoil 400 (Alex Bowman) Duke-Cal State Fullerton winner vs. Michigan State-Da-
Sarr 2-5 3-4 7, Gilgeous-Alexander 12-20 5-5 32, Maledon vidson winner, TBA Oklahoma-IUPUI winner vs. Notre Dame-Massachusetts $980,000
2-9 2-2 6, Pokusevski 6-11 3-4 17, Roby 0-0 0-0 0, Krejci March 13: Ruoff Mortgage 500 (Chase Briscoe) Scoring: 3, Vancouver, Miller 24 (Garland, Pearson),
winner, TBA Kevin Kisner (150) ................... 68 74 68 68 — 278 -10
4-7 0-0 12, Waters III 2-8 0-0 4. Totals 42-90 16-19 116. March 20: QuikTrip 500, Hampton, Ga. 5:54.
March 27: Texas Grand Prix, Austin SHOTS ON GOAL THURSDAY, MARCH 24
Three-point Goals: Charlotte 20-35 (Bridges 5-6, Ball 5-8, April 3: Toyota Owners 400, Richmond Indiana-Charlotte winner vs. Kentucky-Princeton win- Keegan Bradley (120) .............. 72 71 68 68 — 279 -9
Thomas 4-4, Rozier 4-8, Martin 1-1, Oubre Jr. 1-4, TAMPA BAY .......................... 15 11 5 — 31 IN SAN FRANCISCO ner, TBA $675,000
April 9: Maximum Pain Relief 400, Ridgeway, Va.
McDaniels 0-1, Washington 0-3), Oklahoma City 16-44 VANCOUVER ......................... 11 14 11 — 36 Gonzaga-Georgia State—Boise State-Memphis winner Harold Varner III (101) ............ 69 69 72 70 — 280 -8
April 17: Dirt Race, Bristol, Tenn. IN HARTFORD, CONN.
(Krejci 4-6, Bazley 4-9, Mann 3-6, Gilgeous-Alexander 3-7, Power-play opportunities: Tampa Bay 0 of 2; Vancouver vs. Arkansas-Vermont—Connecticut-New Mexico State Russell Knox (101) ................... 71 71 68 70 — 280 -8
April 24: Geico 500, Talladega, Ala. Connecticut-Mercer winner vs. UCF-Florida winner, TBA
Pokusevski 2-5, Sarr 0-1, Maledon 0-4, Waters III 0-6). 0 of 2. Goalies: Tampa Bay, Vasilevskiy 31-11-4 (36 winner, TBA Doug Ghim (101) ...................... 70 70 68 72 — 280 -8
May 1: Drydene 400, Dover, Del.
Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Charlotte 37 (Plumlee 11), shots-35 saves). Vancouver, Demko 26-17-3 (31-29). A: Duke-Cal State Fullerton—Michigan State-Davidson
May 8: Goodyear 400, Darlington, S.C.
winner vs. Texas Tech-Montana State—Alabama—Rut- REGIONAL SEMIFINALS $525,000
Oklahoma City 49 (Gilgeous-Alexander 8). Assists: Char- May 15: NASCAR Cup Series at Kansas, Kansas City, 18,760 (18,910). T: 2:28.
lotte 33 (Plumlee 8), Oklahoma City 31 (Mann 6). Total gers-Notre Dame winner, TBA FRIDAY, MARCH 25 Sepp Straka (80) ...................... 69 74 71 67 — 281 -7
Kan. IN BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Adam Hadwin (80) ................... 72 72 70 67 — 281 -7
Fouls: Charlotte 17, Oklahoma City 19. A: 15,810 (18,203) May 22: x-NASCAR All-Star Open, Fort Worth REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP N.C. State—Longwood-Mount St. Mary’s—Washington Viktor Hovland (80) ................. 71 73 68 69 — 281 -7
May 22: NASCAR All-Star Race, Fort Worth SATURDAY, MARCH 26 State-Kansas State winner vs. Oklahoma-IUPUI—Notre Dustin Johnson (80) ................ 69 73 76 63 — 281 -7
May 29: Coca-Cola 600, Concord, N.C.
Semifinal winners, TBA Dame-Massachusetts winner, TBA $327,222
Timberwolves 149, Spurs 139 June 5: NASCAR Cup Series Race at Gateway, Madison, Ill. Entering Monday’s games.
SATURDAY, MARCH 26 Russell Henley (57) ................. 69 73 72 68 — 282 -6
June 12: Toyota/Save Mart 350, Sonoma, Calif. GOALS GP G FINAL FOUR
MINNESOTA ...................... 40 35 46 28 — 149 Connecticut-Mercer—UCF-Florida winner vs. Indiana- Taylor Pendrith (57) ................ 68 71 74 69 — 282 -6
June 26: Ally 400, Lebanon, Tenn. IN NEW ORLEANS
SAN ANTONIO ................... 32 41 33 33 — 139 Auston Matthews, Toronto................................. 56 45 Charlotte—Kentucky-Princeton winner, TBA Keith Mitchell (57) .................. 67 72 74 69 — 282 -6
July 3: Kwik Trip 250, Elkhart Lake, Wis. SATURDAY, APRIL 2
Leon Draisaitl, Edmonton.................................... 59 39 Erik van Rooyen (57) ............... 71 67 74 70 — 282 -6
MINNESOTA: Edwards 2-7 0-0 5, McDaniels 4-7 2-2 11, July 10: Quaker State 400, Hampton, Ga. TBD vs. TBD, TBA
July 17: Ambetter 301, Loudon, N.H. Chris Kreider, N.Y. Rangers ................................. 59 38 REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Daniel Berger (57) ................... 67 75 70 70 — 282 -6
Towns 19-31 15-16 60, Beverley 5-8 7-8 20, Russell 8-12 Kyle Connor, Winnipeg ........................................ 60 37 TBD vs. TBD, TBA MONDAY, MARCH 28 Max Homa (57) ........................ 72 73 71 66 — 282 -6
0-0 19, Knight 3-7 0-0 6, Prince 5-9 1-2 13, Beasley 0-1 0-0 0, July 24: Explore the Pocono Mountains 350, Long Pond, Pa.
Alex Ovechkin, Washington ................................ 58 36 Semifinal winners, TBA Tyrrell Hatton (57) .................. 70 73 69 70 — 282 -6
Nowell 6-8 3-4 15, Okogie 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 52-90 28-32 149. July 31: Verizon 200 at the Brickyard, Speedway, Ind. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Brendan Steele (57) ................. 73 69 69 71 — 282 -6
Aug. 7: FireKeepers Casino 400, Brooklyn, Mich. Alex DeBrincat, Chicago ...................................... 60 34 MONDAY, APRIL 4
SAN ANTONIO: Johnson 13-21 3-4 34, Richardson 1-3 Aug. 14: Federated Auto Parts 400, Richmond David Pastrnak, Boston ....................................... 59 33 FINAL FOUR Shane Lowry (57) .................... 73 70 67 72 — 282 -6
Connor McDavid, Edmonton ................................ 58 32 Semifinal winners, TBA IN MINNEAPOLIS
0-0 2, Poeltl 9-12 3-4 21, Murray 10-20 9-10 30, Vassell Aug. 21: Go Bowling at the Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. $201,000
6-12 3-3 17, Collins 2-7 0-0 5, Wieskamp 0-2 0-0 0, Aug. 27: Coke Zero Sugar 400, Daytona Beach, Fla. Matt Duchene, Nashville ..................................... 55 31 FRIDAY, APRIL 1 Joaquin Niemann (43) ............. 67 73 73 70 — 283 -5
Landale 1-2 0-0 3, Jones 1-4 0-0 2, Primo 1-2 1-2 3, Sept. 4: Southern 500, Darlington, S.C. Filip Forsberg, Nashville...................................... 46 31 TBD vs. TBD, TBA Patton Kizzire (43) .................. 68 76 72 67 — 283 -5
Walker IV 8-12 3-3 22. Totals 52-97 22-26 139. Sept. 11: Hollywood Casino 400, Kansas City, Kan. Kirill Kaprizov, Minnesota ................................... 57
Gabriel Landeskog, Colorado ............................... 51
TR AN S AC TI ON S TBD vs. TBD, TBA Tommy Fleetwood (43) ........... 66 73 72 72 — 283 -5
Sept. 17: Night Race, Bristol, Tenn. Kevin Streelman (43) .............. 73 71 66 73 — 283 -5
Three-point Goals: Minnesota 17-33 (Towns 7-11, Bev- Elias Lindholm, Calgary ....................................... 59 30 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP
Sept. 25: Automotive 500, Fort Worth $143,000
erley 3-4, Russell 3-5, Prince 2-6, Edwards 1-2, McDan-
Oct. 2: YellaWood 500, Talladega, Ala. Jason Robertson, Dallas ...................................... 49 30 SUNDAY, APRIL 3
iels 1-3, Beasley 0-1, Nowell 0-1), San Antonio 13-35 Andrew Mangiapane, Calgary ............................. 59 29 NBA Semifinal winners, TBA
Corey Conners (33) .................. 70 69 75 70 — 284 -4
(Johnson 5-9, Walker IV 3-5, Vassell 2-6, Landale 1-2, Oct. 9: Roval 400, Concord, N.C. Doc Redman (33) ..................... 71 70 72 71 — 284 -4
Oct. 16: South Point 400, Las Vegas Troy Terry, Anaheim ............................................ 57 29 NBA: Fined Brooklyn $50,000 for violating local New
Collins 1-4, Murray 1-5, Jones 0-1, Primo 0-1, Wieskamp York City law and league health and safety protocols Sergio Garcia (33) .................... 71 71 71 71 — 284 -4
Oct. 23: Dixie Vodka 400, Homestead, Fla. Jake Guentzel, Pittsburgh ................................... 54 28 Alex Noren (33) ....................... 69 75 71 69 — 284 -4
0-2). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Minnesota 40 (Towns Mikko Rantanen, Colorado .................................. 57 28 during a March 13 game against New York at the Barclay
17), San Antonio 36 (Johnson 8). Assists: Minnesota 28 Oct. 30: Xfinity 500, Ridgeway, Va. Patrick Reed (33) ..................... 73 70 68 73 — 284 -4
Nov. 6: NASCAR Cup Series Championship, Avondale, Ariz. Dylan Larkin, Detroit ........................................... 54 27 Center.
(Beverley 8), San Antonio 33 (Murray 12). Total Fouls: Portland Trail Blazers: Signed G Kris Dunn to a 10-day Will Zalatoris (33) ................... 69 71 70 74 — 284 -4
x-Non-points race Steven Stamkos, Tampa Bay .............................. 58 27 Sam Burns (33) ........................ 68 69 71 76 — 284 -4
Minnesota 20, San Antonio 24. A: 14,143 (18,581) contract.
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reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default, the reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default, the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE
For routes in Hyattsville and Adelphi, MD deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustee and all of the expenses deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustee and all of the expenses OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON
of this sale (including attorneys fees and full commission on the of this sale (including attorneys fees and full commission on the 20640 PLUM CREEK CT.
gross sale price) shall be charged against and paid out of the gross sale price) shall be charged against and paid out of the GAITHERSBURG, MD 20882
Please contact Monique Reddy forfeited deposit. Any remaining balance of the forfeited deposit forfeited deposit. Any remaining balance of the forfeited deposit Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated July 22, 2005,
at 301-505-1383 shall be applied against the outstanding balance of the debt shall be applied against the outstanding balance of the debt recorded in Liber 30478, Folio 263 among the Land Records of Montgomery County,
Search our database of tested secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser shall pay all attorneys' secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser shall pay all attorneys'
MD, with an original principal balance of $559,920.00, default having occurred
under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit
recipes by ingredient or name. fees and costs, and all other damages of any kind or nature, fees and costs, and all other damages of any kind or nature, Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville,
Excellent PART-TIME Income! incurred by Trustee and the secured party, and their respective incurred by Trustee and the secured party, and their respective MD 20850, on
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Early a.m. delivery hours any such default. Trustee may resell the property at the risk and any such default. Trustee may resell the property at the risk and ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or
expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser improvements thereon located in Montgomery County, MD and more fully described in
Must have reliable transportation the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and
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Prince Georges County from any resale of the property. from any resale of the property. subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any,
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT If the Trustees do not settle as required herein, purchasers sole If the Trustees do not settle as required herein, purchasers sole and with no warranty of any kind.
PONTIAC MARYLAND remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the
deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void and of no
remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the
deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void and of no
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $65,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's
check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale.
Diane S. Rosenberg Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
Pontiac 2005 Bonneville GXT Mark D. Meyer
63,000 miles, exc cond, $13,500. Maurice Obrien effect whatsoever. effect whatsoever. at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to
3015735142 Rosenberg & Associates, LLC the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days
4340 East West Highway, Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The successful Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The successful of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement
1447 Autos Wanted Suite 600 bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
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Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of
DONATE YOUR CAR/TRUCK/RV Substitute Trustees all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all
Lutheran Mission Society of MD Plaintiff(s) of bidding. of bidding. public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
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help local families with food, v. Jason A. Pardo and Russell S. Drazin, Trustees Jason A. Pardo and Russell S. Drazin, Trustees to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. Queshana C.Long
MVA licensed #W1044. recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be
4458 Lord Loudoun Court,
410-228-8437 Unit 15-2, paid by Purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any,
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for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage
Career Training - Emp Svcs Defendant(s) to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
Case No. CAEF19-39205 status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination
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the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the
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Professional online at CTI! day of February, 2022, by the Cir-
cuit Court for Prince George's interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of
Get Trained, Certified & court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
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ABC LICENSE: MHF King Street Oper-
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sense. sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE
Indochen Old Town 1615 King Street each of three successive weeks BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION.
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Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Charles County Charles County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Fairfax County Fairfax County
Samuel I. White, P.C. GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 201 International Circle, Suite 230 Laurel, MD 20707 Rockville, MD 20852
6733 Sunset Woods Court, Burke, Virginia 22015
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 www.mwc-law.com (301) 961-6555 In execution of a certain First Balloon Deed of Trust dated April 18,
2019 (the “Deed of Trust”), granted by SUNSET WOODS HOLDINGS
VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY securing the repayment of a loan in the original principal amount
of $325,000.00, which Deed of Trust is recorded among the Land
KNOWN AS KNOWN AS FREDERICK, MD 21703 ADAMSTOWN, MD 21710 Records of the County of Fairfax, Virginia in Book 25718, Page 1995,
a default having occurred in the payment of that certain Confession
310 Elmleaf Avenue 3050 Dick Simmons Place Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Carole L. Young, dated Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated April 27, 2012, of Judgment Balloon First Deed Of Trust Note dated April 18, 2019
thereby secured and at the request of the holder of said Note, the
August 13, 2003 and recorded in Liber 4266, folio 579 among the Land Records recorded in Liber 8918, Folio 445 among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD,
Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Indian Head, MD 20640 of Frederick County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the with an original principal balance of $374,821.00, default having occurred under the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
the entrance of the Circuit Court building for the County of Fairfax,
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Virginia (4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030), on
for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701,
Deed of Trust to KHECHOK LANGCHUNG, Trustee(s), dated from JAMES E. SIMMONS JR. , dated August 3, 2007 Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on on March 30, 2022, at 12:30 o'clock PM
October 29, 2018, and recorded among the Land Records of and recorded in book 6519 , page 0501 among the MARCH 18, 2022 AT 11:00 AM MARCH 18, 2022 AT 11:10 AM the Property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above
address and described as:
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 41543, folio Land Records of CHARLES COUNTY, Maryland, default ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or The Land referred to herein below is situated in the COUNTY OF
173, the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as situated in Frederick County, Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in FAIRFAX, Commonwealth of Virginia, and is described as follows:
Trust having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by Case No. C08CV21000504; Tax ID No. 10-019869) the of Trust. The property is improved by a dwelling. the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Lot 17-A, a resubdivision of Lots 1 through 80 and Parcels “F” and “G”,
instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction CHARLES COUNTY The property, will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and WOODED GLEN, Section Two (2), as the same appears duly dedicated,
subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, platted and recorded in Deed Book 6253, a Page 1671, among the land
default having occurred under the terms thereof, and at the courthouse located at 200 CHARLES STREET ( IN THE easements, encumbrances and agreements of record affecting the subject property, if
and with no warranty of any kind. records of the County of Fairfax, Virginia.
any, and with no warranty of any kind.
request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute BREEZEWAY BETWEEN CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS ), LA Property Address: 6733 Sunset Woods Court
Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier's or certified check, or in such other Terms of Sale: A deposit of $46,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's
Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE PLATA, MD 20646 . form as the Substitute Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion, for $24,000 check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale.
Burke, VA 22015
GEORGE'S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF MARCH 17, 2022 at 12:00 PM at the time of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Tax Map No.: 088-2-25-02-0017-A
THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the purchase price is to be paid within at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to Subject to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions and ease-
MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements fifteen (15) days of the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Frederick the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days ments, if any, affecting the aforesaid Property.
thereon situated in CHARLES COUNTY, MD and more fully County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase price at the rate of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement
of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before TERMS OF SALE:
MARCH 24, 2022 at 10:00 AM described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
of 5% per annum from date of sale to the date the funds are received in the office
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all A deposit of $25,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is
of the Substitute Trustees, if the property is purchased by an entity other than the
less, cashier or certified check, will be required at the time of sale.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public
Settlement shall be by cashier's check or wire transfer of immediately
days of ratification, the deposit will be forfeited and the property will be resold at and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted
available federal funds and shall occur within thirty (30) days from
date of sale, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE. The Substitute Trustees
described as follows: same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. due from the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes, to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any reserve the right in their sole discretion (but are under no obligation)
ground rent, water rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable on an recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be to extend the date of settlement as may be necessary to complete
LOTS NUMBERED NINE (9) AND TEN (10) IN BLOCK LETTERED Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 17,000.00 will be required at the annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, and front foot paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground arrangements for settlement. The deposit, without interest, shall be
(T) IN A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS "SECTION NO. 2, CARMODY time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY benefit charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale, rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if applied to the credit of the successful bidder at settlement. The
balance of the purchase price over and above the retained deposit,
HILL" AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
with interest thereon at the note rate then being charged from the
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. The for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage
SDH 3 AT PLAT 10 AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
date of sale through the date of receipt of the balance of the purchase
price, will be due at settlement. If the successful bidder fails to
GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND. ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for CHARLES COUNTY. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural transfer taxes, status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination complete settlement as aforesaid, the deposit shall be forfeited, and
if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be borne by the purchaser. If the of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the Substitute Trustees may resell the subject Property at the risk
The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the purchaser Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the purchasers the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The Substitute Trustees reserve
without either express or implied warranty or representation, defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property shall sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without the right to cancel the sale, postpone the sale or remove any or all
portions of the Property from sale at any time before the sale is
including but not limited to the description, fitness for a be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. The purchaser purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void and of no effect, and interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of announced as final for any reason, to reject any and all bids, waive
the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condi- waives personal service and accepts service by first class mail shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property. The purchaser Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default
deposit requirements, extend time for settlement, and announce
additional terms of sale. Terms of sale announced at the public
tion, construction, extent of construction, workmanship, mate- and certified mail addressed to the address provided by said at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the property immediately after and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be auction will supersede all advertised terms of sale. All closing and
rials, liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any the sale. (Matter #17-603220). entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results settlement costs, including without limitation the preparation of the
from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will Substitute Trustee's deed, settlement and escrow fees and all state,
merchantability, compliance with building or housing codes or Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Laura H. G. O'Sullivan, et al., Substitute Trustees convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if county and local grantor tax, grantee tax, regional congestion relief
fee, and WMATA capital fee shall be paid by the successful bidder.
other laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's In addition, at settlement, the successful bidder shall pay all current
and subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE and past due assessments, sewer or water charges, and real estate
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER taxes, and any penalties and interest due on any of the foregoing, with
which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, but BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. respect to the Property, whether covering periods prior to or after the
subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise Maryland Office: (Matter No. 189402-3) foreclosure sale. The risk of loss or damage to the Property shall be
assumed by the successful bidder from and after the bid strike-down
record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at 908 York Road Towson, MD 21204 410.828.4838 PLEASE CONSULT WWW.ALEXCOOPER.COM FOR at the time of sale. The Substitute Trustees will not deliver possession
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date funds are www.alexcooper.com STATUS OF UPCOMING SALES of the Property to the successful bidder and the successful bidder
shall be solely responsible for obtaining possession of the Property.
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be no abatement of Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
The Property and all personal property applicable thereto shall be sold
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL interest in the event additional funds are tendered at the time of March 1, 8, 15, 2022 12375722 "AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS" without any warranty whatsoever
NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance of sale or any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed express or implied and subject to any and all (i) senior deeds of trust,
judgments, liens, tax liens, lis pendens, and any matters of record
the purchase price with interest at 5.375% per annum from for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes (ii) outstanding homeowner association assessments, (iii) existing
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the BWW Law Group, LLC housing and zoning code violations, (iv) filed or unfiled mechanic’s and
the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Maryland Office: materialmen’s liens, and/or (v) tenants, leasehold interests and other
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to Rockville, MD 20852 908 York Road Towson, MD 21204 410.828.4838 parties in possession, if any.
on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, (301) 961-6555 www.alexcooper.com Neither the Substitute Trustees nor the holder of the Note, nor their
respective agents, successors, and assigns, make any representa-
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE tions or warranties with respect to the Property including, without
knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON March 1, 8, 15, 2022 12375716 limitation, representations or warranties as to the structural integrity,
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner physical condition, construction, workmanship, materials, habitability,
and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit 608 GLEN ECHO RD. 872 872
association dues and assessments that may become due after
without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, FREDERICK, MD 21703 Fairfax County Fairfax County fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability of all or any
part of the Property. The purchaser recognizes and agrees that any
the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated March 26, 2004, Trustee's Sale TRUSTEES SALE OF investigation, examination, or inspection of the Property being sold
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, recorded in Liber 4529, Folio 726 among the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, 7543 Lindberg Drive, is within the control of the owner or other parties in possession and
1524 Lincoln Way,
taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association with an original principal balance of $184,200.00, default having occurred under the Alexandria, VA 22306 Mclean, VA 22102 their agents and not within the control of the Substitute Trustees,
the holder of the Note, or their respective successors or assigns.
(Parcel ID: 0924 11 0235)
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
In execution of a Deed of Trust Immediately upon the conveyance by the Substitute Trustees of the
basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701,
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the on Default having been made in the in the original principal amount of Property to the purchaser at foreclosure, all duties, liabilities and
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed APRIL 1, 2022 AT 12:40 PM
terms of a certain Deed of Trust
dated August 18, 2006, in the
$227,900.00 dated April 22, 2004
recorded among the land records
obligations of the Substitute Trustees, if any, with respect to such
Property shall be extinguished. Should Settlement not occur for any
purchaser. The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible original principal amount of of the Circuit Court for Fairfax reason on the part of the Substitute Trustees, the purchaser's sole
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or
mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided by for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser improvements thereon located in Frederick County, MD and more fully described in
$540,000.00 and recorded in the
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court
County on April 23, 2004 as Instru-
ment Number: 2004016036.002,
remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date the aforesaid Deed of Trust. of the County of Fairfax, Virginia the undersigned appointed Sub- Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we advise
Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an "as is" condition and
on August 28, 2006, in Deed Book
18716, at page 1829, the under-
stitute Trustee will offer for sale
at public auction, at the Main
you that this is a communication from a debt collector and any
information obtained will be used for that purpose. Additional terms
Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. If insurable title for any reason, the Purchasers sole remedy in subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, signed Substitute Trustees will entrance of the courthouse for may be announced at the sale.
and with no warranty of any kind. sell at public auction on April 12, the Circuit Court of Fairfax Coun-
the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned 2022 at 10:00 AM, in front of the ty, 4110 Chain Bridge Rd, Fairfax, Substitute Trustees: Jung Kim, 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Suite 1400
deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $14,000 in the form of certified check, cashier's building housing the County of VA 22030 on May 3, 2022 at 11:00 Tysons Corner, Virginia 22182 (Tel: 202-900-8595, Email: jkim@offitkur-
convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Fairfax Circuit Court, 4110 Chain AM the property described in said man.com; Alfredo Acin, 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Suite 1400
purchaser's only remedy is return of the deposit. for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030, deed of trust, located at the above Tysons Corner, Virginia 22182 (Tel: 703-745-1827, Email:
the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 48433.0026) at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the property designated as Lot address and briefly described as: [email protected]).
Trustee's File No. (74276) the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days 235, THE GROVE AT HUNTLEY Condominium Unit No. 1524-304, INTERESTED BIDDERS are encouraged to contact Substitute Trustees
Eric D. VandeLinde, of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement MEADOWS, as the same appears The Fountains at McLean Condo- for additional information and materials concerning the Property;
ROBERT A. JONES, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before duly dedicated, platted, and
recorded in Deed Book 13454,
minium, and the limited common
elements thereto, including lim-
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, all such information and materials will be
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all provided without any representations or warranties whatsoever.
at Page 1926 among the land ited common element parking
real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public records of Fairfax County, Vir- space no. G24-61, established by March 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022 12376936
and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure ginia. Sale is subject to all prior condominium instruments
sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted liens, easements, restrictions, recorded on August 2, 2002 873
Prince William County MARYLAND
to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any covenants, and conditions, if any, among the land records of Fairfax
recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be of record, or other matters which
would be disclosed by an accu-
County, Virginia in Deed Book
13178, at Page 1214 Tax ID: 0293 TRUSTEES SALE OF Roommates
paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rate survey or inspection of the 29060304. 3884 WERTZ DR,
rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if Montgomery Village, Gaithersburg -
www.hwestauctions.com premises. TERMS OF SALE: A bidders WOODBRIDGE, VA 22193 extra large room. Walk in closet,
www.hwestauctions.com any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible
March 8,15,22, 2022 12372526 MARCH 1, 8 , 15, 2022 12374318 for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage TERMS: CASH. A deposit of
$54,000.00 or 10% of the sale
deposit of $11,000.00 or 10% of
the sale price, whichever is lower, In execution of a Deed of Trust
very private, 301-538-8589
to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination
price, whichever is lower, will be
required of the successful bidder
will be required in the form of a
certified or cashiers check. Cash
in the original principal amount
of $374,000.00, with an annual
Time Shares/
of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off at time of sale. Prior to the sale, will not be accepted as a deposit. interest rate of 4.255000% dated Rentals, Sales
the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the interested bidders will be Settlement within fifteen (15) April 23, 2005, recorded among
Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without required to register with and must days of sale, otherwise Trustee the land records of the Circuit Timeshare Cancellation Experts
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of present a bid deposit which may may forfeit deposit. Additional Court for the COUNTY OF PRINCE Wesley Financial Group, LLC
be held during the sale by the terms to be announced at sale. WILLIAM as Deed Instrument Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt
court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
snow day Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default
and purchaser shall have no further liability. The defaulted purchaser shall not be
trustee. The bid deposit must be
certified funds and/or cash, but
no more than $9,900.00 of cash
This is a communication from a
debt collector. This notice is an
attempt to collect on a debt and
Number 200504260066115, the
undersigned appointed Substi-
tute Trustee will offer for sale
and fees cancelled in 2019. Get
free informational package and
learn how to get rid of your time-
entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results will be accepted. The successful any information obtained will be
or at public auction all that property
share! Free consultations. Over 450
from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will bidder's deposit will be retained used for that purpose. located in the COUNTY OF PRINCE positive reviews.Call 888-984-2917.
convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if at the sale and applied to the (Trustee # 21-006377) WILLIAM, on the Court House
school day? ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's
sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. BIDDERS ARE
sale price. If held by the trustee,
all other bid deposits will be Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee,
steps in front of Main Entrance for
the Circuit Court building for the Electronics
returned to the unsuccessful bid- LLC C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548, County of Prince William located DISH Network. $64.99 for
STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO FOLLOW CDC GUIDANCE AND WEAR A COVER OVER ders. Settlement is to be made Leesburg, VA 20177 (703) 777- at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet,
BOTH NOSE AND MOUTH AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AT THE AUCTION. within 15 days. The successful 7101 website: www.Orlans.com Virginia on April 19, 2022 at 2:00 $19.99/mo. (where available.)
(Matter No. 314749-1) bidder will be responsible for The Vendor auction.com will be PM, the property with improve-
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obtaining possession of the prop- used in conjunction with this sale. ments to wit:
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With six teams in the mix, the Big Ten could end its women’s title drought
BY K AREEM C OPELAND season. Connecticut always No. 4 seed Maryland, No. 6 seed [there’s a] team here in the Big “Our league was so hard this and Ohio State fell at unranked
bathes in attention even as the Ohio State and No. 8 seed Nebras- Ten, and I don’t know who it is, year, so deep,” Northwestern Syracuse.
indianapolis — Teri Moren Huskies counted the days until ka — have a chance to make a deep that could easily win a Final Four. Coach Joe McKeown said. “. . . I Maryland played a difficult
jumped on the opportunity to the return of Paige Bueckers. run and maybe even win the con- I love the fact that nationally, I feel like we’re just as deep as the nonconference schedule and beat
make a point as she sat behind a Stanford is the reigning national ference’s first national title since think, we are getting some recog- SEC or the ACC or any other Baylor but lost to North Carolina
giant Big Ten women’s basketball champion, Kim Mulkey has re-en- Purdue in 1999. nition. It’s not near where we league. . . . We finished seventh; State and Stanford by 18 points
tournament table skirt with a diz- ergized LSU, and player of the “I feel like we are still fighting need it to be, but winning hope- we could have finished fifth, sixth, apiece while shorthanded.
zying amount of the league’s logos year candidate NaLyssa Smith from a national perspective to get fully will solve a lot of those fourth. . . . [Iowa and Michigan] “I was like, ‘Oh boy, I did not see
plastered behind her. In fact, she has kept Baylor in the top 10 for the respect that this league de- issues.” we beat, and that in itself should that coming like that,’ ” analyst
thanked a reporter for setting her most of the season. serves,” Moren said. “But from top This season has produced the separate you on your résumé.” Christy Winters Scott said. “But I
up. The Indiana coach has guided But outside of the national love to bottom, if you look at our top deepest rosters Moren has seen The conference had an early think even with the teams drop-
the Hoosiers for eight seasons for Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, the Big seven, eight, nine — I mean, really, during her time in Bloomington. opportunity to earn more nation- ping some games early on, now
and wanted to talk about respect. Ten continues to fly under the really great teams, with great The pandemic assisted some al attention but went 4-10 in the everyone is fully healthy. . . . With
South Carolina, with superstar radar. coaches, great players. And night schools — players were able to ACC-Big Ten Challenge. Michigan so many teams returning so many
coach Dawn Staley and player of Six Big Ten teams are in the in and night out . . . we just con- take an extra year, and many and Indiana lost to Louisville and core players and everyone came
the year favorite Aliyah Boston, NCAA tournament field, and all tinue to beat up on each other. teams brought back intact rosters North Carolina State in matchups back because, ‘Hey, we have un-
has been the focus of the conver- six — No. 2 seed Iowa, No. 3 seed “This is a special year for the after four Big Ten squads ad- of ranked teams. Iowa was upset finished business’ — okay, let’s see
sation in the women’s game this Michigan, No. 3 seed Indiana, Big Ten. . . . I really feel like vanced to last season’s Sweet 16. by unranked Duke on the road, who is going to finish.”
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n 2021, as the pandemic showed no signs of abating, young people man became estranged from his lifelong pastor over alt-right politics; a
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and were trying figure out what their futures would be like. We were newborn daughter; a lonely New Orleans waitress found a community
among them — two college students who wanted to see how our through online gaming; a new teacher in South Dallas scrambled to provide
generation was coping. For six months, we crisscrossed 23 states and support for her second-grade students. Yet, like us, they hung on to hopes
interviewed more than 80 young people suspended in that transitional time for a future free of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. We asked
between adolescence and adulthood. Some returned to the homes they members of this “Generation Pandemic” to respond to the open-ended
spent their childhood hoping to escape. Others moved across the country statement “After the pandemic, I want to . . . ” Here is how they responded in
when their jobs turned remote. Each reshaped parts of themselves: a Navajo their own writing:
When Grant Williams at age 19 began studying film at New York University in 2020,
university restrictions made socializing almost impossible. He spent hours walking the
city alone, averaging 30,000 steps a day. He developed severe anxiety, lost 20 pounds
and eventually transferred to a university near his family in Dalton, Ga. Nearly two
years later, he still thinks about his time in New York every day: “It’s a form of PTSD.”
Inspired by the therapist who cared for him, he now studies biology and hopes to
become a heart surgeon.
Couvisa Washington, 26, once made hundreds of dollars a week playing drums on a
plastic bucket on a highway exit ramp in Chicago. His income evaporated when the
pandemic kept tourists away and local traffic home. “You couldn’t see nobody outside.”
Sometimes he would play for the whole day only to make $15. Performing was a way for
him to keep busy and stay safe, however. Originally from the Englewood neighborhood
in Chicago, many of his friends have died of gun violence in the past two years.
Jamie Galicia and her boyfriend, AJ, met on the first day of school at Central Wyoming
College in 2019. They started dating until the school sent people home because of the
pandemic in March 2020 — AJ to an apartment in Colorado without WiFi and Jamie to
her family home in Idaho. They drifted apart. Months later, AJ released a song on
YouTube about Jamie. They began talking again. When Jamie got covid-19, they would
fall asleep on FaceTime. Eventually, AJ found a job near Jamie and they’ve shared a home
with Jamie’s family since then. “Sometimes I wonder if covid never happened, would we
still be together?” Jamie says. SEE PANDEMIC ON E5
Talking about dying can help us confront our fears, say goodbye to loved ones. E4 | “Papa pals” help older people feel less socially isolated and aid with errands, chores. E6
As places drop mask rules, here are questions to ask about indoor air quality. E6 | Reducing salt is important for health. There are ways to cut sodium from our diets. E3
keeps it hydrated, Creak places a dling the spider, never touching as the trackers stay functional. we might as well try and coexist An octopus at the zoo in Frankfurt, Germany. Researchers say a
second sponge around its head to them with her hands. Instead, she They can sometimes become dis- and to do that, we need to know fossil indicates that the ancestors of octopuses existed much earlier
safely glue the small tracking uses foot-long forceps and when lodged, and the tiny batteries last more about them,” Creak said of than believed — approximately 330 million years ago.
device, slightly bigger than a awake, the spider is kept in a thick about a month. spiders during a recent tracking
grain of rice, to its fused head and plastic container. “In the morning, I’ll come expedition.
thorax, called the cephalothorax. Weather permitting, Creak back, and I’ll be able to see how — Reuters
ade by switching from incandes- mitted to the Energy Depart- 2,700 Kelvin. The higher the “There is definitely no reason Researchers created an algorithm to analyze thousands of pig
cent to LEDs. And unlike some ment, about 69 percent of bulbs numbers, the more blue the light. why people should not go to sounds — and say it’s a tool that could one day be used by farmers.
energy-efficiency improvements, sold in the United States (exclud- “Cool” white fluorescent lights, LEDs.”
Editors: Anjuman Ali, Margaret Shapiro • Art Director: Alla Dreyvitser • Advertising Information: Ron Ulrich, 202-334-5289, [email protected]
• To contact us: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 202-334-5031 Mail: The Washington Post, Health, 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071
to a report to be presented to the
American Academy of Neurology at its ou probably already
percent lower risk annual meeting next month. D.C.- know that you should
based researchers, from the keep an eye on your
Washington VA Medical Center and George Washington University, daily sodium intake,
tested and tracked 649,605 veterans (average age 61) for nearly a especially if you have
decade. Based on their cardiorespiratory fitness, participants were high blood pressure. But the
divided into five categories, from lowest to highest fitness level. The health risks of getting too much
researchers found that, as fitness improved, people’s chances of of the salty stuff are back in the
developing the ailment decreased. Compared with the least-fit group, spotlight. The Food and Drug
those slightly more fit had a 13 percent lower risk for Alzheimer’s; the Administration recently issued
middle group was 20 percent less likely to develop the disease; the guidelines encouraging manufac-
next higher group was 26 percent less likely; with the odds reaching a turers to scale back the amount of
33 percent lower risk for those in the most-fit group. Alzheimer’s is sodium they use in packaged and
the most common type of dementia. It is a progressive brain disorder restaurant foods.
that, over time, destroys memory and thinking skills and interferes While this guidance is volun-
with the ability to carry out daily tasks. About 6 million Americans 65 tary, its goal is to reduce the
and older have Alzheimer’s. There are no proven ways to cure the average daily sodium intake by
disease. Researchers say, however, that increasing physical activity is about 12 percent — from the
a promising way to possibly reduce risk for the ailment. Numerous 3,400 mg that people in the
studies have found that regular physical activity can benefit the brain, United States typically get to
and the Alzheimer’s Association describes it as one of the best things 3,000 mg — over the next
people can do to decrease their chances of developing dementia. 212 years. While that’s still more
than the recommended threshold
— Linda Searing of 2,300 mg, it’s a step in the right
direction, says Anne Thorndike,
an associate professor of medi-
cine at the Harvard Medical
H EAL T H S CAN School and volunteer chair of the
American Heart Association’s
Nutrition Committee.
MEDICAL SEGREGATION Much of the sodium that peo-
ple take in — over 70 percent — ISTOCK
Researchers seek help uncovering the stories comes from packaged and pro- Fresh baked sourdough bread. Unlike packaged foods, you can lower the amount of salt in your recipes.
behind first TB sanitarium for Black patients cessed foods and restaurant
meals. So if many companies
BY E RIN B LAKEMORE Piedmont Tuberculosis follow these guidelines, it could intake. hypertension or a history of dium to food you might not
sanitarium have a significant effect on heart • Take a tally. “Write down stroke, half used a substitute expect it to be in to enhance
In the 19th and early 20th Virginia Tech and the University of health, Thorndike says. how much sodium you’re getting made from 75 percent salt and flavors and textures, and act as a
centuries, tuberculosis patients from foods throughout the day,” 25 percent potassium chloride. preservative. “The sodium in pro-
Central Florida Issues with salt
sought refuge in sanitariums. Zumpano suggests. This allows After about five years, those who cessed and packaged foods can
But in states with Jim Crow Despite what you may have you to spot the top culprits and cooked and seasoned with the really add up throughout the
segregation laws, those places of They were assisted by a unique heard about sodium getting an choose where to cut back. You substitute were 13 to 14 percent day,” Thorndike says. A slice of
respite weren’t out of racism’s set of nurses — Black women unfair shake, a majority of evi- might decide, for instance, that less likely to have a heart attack bread, for instance, can have 240
reach. pursuing advanced training at dence shows that cutting back you can’t sacrifice salting your or stroke compared with those mg or about 10 percent of the
An ongoing research project is Piedmont. As they honed their protects your health. eggs but you’re okay snacking on who used salt. As for taste, check recommended daily sodium in-
uncovering the stories of the na- skills, these nurses grappled with That’s because eating too much unsalted almonds (0 mg of sodi- out the results of a blind taste test take. Certain cereals deliver more
tion’s first sanitarium for Black inequity, “eugenicist policies, and can increase blood volume, ele- um per ounce) instead of pretzels of six popular salt substitutes by a than 300 mg in a serving, and
patients — and is looking for the paternalistic assumptions,” the vating blood pressure and forcing (about 350 mg of sodium per Consumer Reports panel of sen- pasta sauces contain upward of
public’s help. researchers write for Nursing your heart to work harder, says ounce) or opting for reduced-so- sory experts. 500 mg per half-cup. When gro-
Built in 1918, the Piedmont Clio, a peer-reviewed blog project Julia Zumpano of the Cleveland dium soy sauce. • Skip salt as you cook. Salt cery shopping, check labels to see
sanitarium in Burkeville, Va., was on the history of gender and Clinic’s Center for Human Nutri- • Train your taste buds. Ac- gets incorporated into the food, how much sodium an item is
the first facility of its kind in the medicine. tion. That raises the risk for cording to the FDA, people typi- which means you might not taste packing.
nation. It served tuberculosis pa- In the mid 1960s, the state shut stroke and heart disease. cally don’t notice small reduc- it that much in the final product, • Decode claims. “Light in
tients barred by law from TB down the sanitarium. A state-run A study published in 2014 from tions — about 10 percent — in Ross says. Instead, sprinkle it on sodium” means a product has at
facilities that served White peo- geriatric hospital is now on the Tufts University in Boston sodium. Sprinkle a little less salt right before serving. When you least 50 percent less than its
ple. Over 12,000 patients were site. showed that 1 in 10 cardiovascu- onto every meal, and gradually add it at the end, the crystals rest original or a competing one,
treated at the state-sponsored Today, tuberculosis rates have lar-related deaths worldwide is lower that amount even more. on top of the food. The salt hits while “reduced sodium” means it
sanitarium. fallen dramatically, and in 2020 because at least in part of a Over time, your tastes and prefer- your tongue, so you’re better able has at least 25 percent less. But
Researchers at Virginia Tech there were just 8,916 reported high-sodium diet. And according ences can change, so you won’t to taste it — and won’t need as even with the reduction, the sodi-
and the University of Central cases in the United States. to a study of more than 10,000 need as much salt to feel satisfied, much. um content can still be high,
Florida are delving into Pied- Inequality still casts its shadow people published in 2021 in the Ross says. • Perk up food with spices, Zumpano says. Better options:
mont’s four-decade history and over TB. According to the Centers New England Journal of Medi- • Upgrade your salt. Ounce for herbs and aromatics. They add Low sodium (140 mg or less per
uncovering stories of patients for Disease Control and Preven- cine, every 1,000 mg of sodium ounce, table, kosher and sea salt flavor and disease-fighting anti- serving), very low sodium (35 mg
and the nurses who treated them. tion, 89 percent of all new cases excreted in urine (which repre- have about the same sodium oxidants with little sodium, or less), sodium-free (less than
Health disparities were a fact occur among racial and ethnic sents intake) increases cardiovas- count. But the last two often have Zumpano says. According to re- 5 mg) and no salt added (no salt,
of life for Black Virginians, and minority groups. In 2020, 3.4 cular disease risk by 18 percent. larger crystals that take up more search published in 2015 in the but not necessarily a low-sodium
tuberculosis was no different. percent of new patients were volume on a measuring spoon, so American Journal of Clinical Nu- food).
State figures from 1920 show that Black, compared with 0.4 percent Shake it off you wind up getting less sodium trition, people who cooked with
Black people died of tuberculosis of White patients. That said, finding a balance in recipes. Another smart move: herbs and spices significantly re-
nearly twice as often as their The historians are in search of between less salt and tasty food Use a salt shaker with smaller duced their daily sodium intake.
White counterparts. more information. They’re asking can be tricky. Salt has a unique holes. That slows the flow so Experiment with garlic, onion, Consumer Reports is an
In an age before antibiotics, people to contribute details about taste that’s hard to mimic, says you’ll use less salt overall, Ross fresh and dried herbs, and sea- independent, nonprofit organization
treatment options were limited. nurses, patients and associated Carolyn F. Ross, a professor of says. soning blends. “In recipes, you that works side by side with
Sanitariums were a way to isolate community members at their food science at Washington State • Swap in salt substitutes. can replace a half or full teaspoon consumers to create a fairer, safer,
patients and reduce community website. University in Pullman. These products add either salti- of salt with an herb blend,” Ross and healthier world. CR does not
spread. What’s more, sodium is found ness or enough of a savory flavor says. An acid, such as lemon juice endorse products or services, and
Black patients who “took the Do you know anything about a past in foods where you might not called umami so you don’t miss or vinegar, can also brighten the does not accept advertising. CR has
cure” at Piedmont were put on a Piedmont resident? Visit bit.ly/ expect it, such as cereal and the salt. In a 2021 New England flavor of a dish. no financial relationship with
medically supervised regimen of PiedmontTB to learn more about the bread. These expert tips can help Journal of Medicine study of • Spot hidden sodium advertisers in this publication. Read
rest, fresh air and exercise. site and pass along tips. you reduce your daily sodium almost 21,000 older adults with sources. Manufacturers add so- more at ConsumerReports.org.
Riddles remain about covid, but we know much more about controlling it
How has the pandemic
changed after two years?
Vibrant Senior Living
More countries are shifting
toward a return to normal and
learning to live with the virus.
in All Seasons
Safe, effective vaccines have
been developed and there’s
better understanding of how to
treat people sickened by the
Two years after the pandemic
began, questions remain about
the coronavirus. But experts
know a lot more about how to
keep it under control.
The virus mainly spreads
through the air when an infected
person exhales, talks, coughs or
Although it was terrifying for me, I learned to talk about death and dying
BY S TEVEN P ETROW said, “Don’t worry, it won’t be detect. By acknowledging and , supporting them if not sharing
painful.” I told her hospice had sharing my fears openly, I let their pain.
A serious illness is many things provided a “comfort kit,” which them go and they began to dis- Barry did well enough for a
— terrifying, painful, life-alter- contained medications for rest- solve. Eventually, I stopped tak- while — long enough to celebrate
ing. The prospect of losing a loved lessness, confusion, anxiety, ing those anti-anxiety medica- his 67th birthday, to make a fare-
one, or your own life, becomes an sleeplessness, constipation and, tions. well tour to friends, and to enjoy
unspeakable agony. It’s also iso- of course, pain management. I In her recent memoir, “Going the winter holidays. By spring, all
lating in a way I never could have could feel Mom’s hand relax. Fi- There,” journalist Katie Couric, that had changed. Eleven months
imagined. I’ve been the one in nally, she said, with a palpable whose husband died of colon can- after diagnosis, one of his care-
that sickbed, and I’ve also done sense of relief, “Thank you.” cer in 1998 at age 42, tells of givers posted the sentence every-
some time sitting beside it. I In the weeks after that, we feeling trapped between a rock one expected, yet dreaded. “So,
wouldn’t wish either experience began a new chapter. I hadn’t and a hard place. “I was so wor- yes, he is dying.” We understood.
on anyone. realized how much effort had ried about letting go of hope Barry’s followers made that final
Lately, however, I’ve been gone into my denial. I thought because I didn’t want Jay to spend journey together with him.
thinking about what memoirist about the many times I had said, whatever time he had left just During those final days I
Meghan O’Rourke has called “the “if you die …,” which denied what waiting to die,” she wrote. “I think thought of “The Mary Tyler
long goodbye” and trying to focus we both knew was inevitable. it takes extraordinary courage to Moore Show,” one of Barry’s fa-
on the one gift it does give us: the After I dropped the subjunctive be able to face death, and I think I vorites, specifically the final
gift of time. Time to plan, but and began to talk about when she was too scared, honestly.” scene where Mary, Rhoda, Lou,
mostly time to unearth and proc- died, a barrier was eliminated. ISTOCK
Couric’s words reverberated Ted and all the rest huddle, and
ess our feelings. And then, if we’re She knew. I knew. Now, we knew with me, especially as I’ve tried to walk offstage together, as one. It’s
fortunate, to be able to share together. from others, even myself, but in me so much, sharing my cancer take the lessons learned from my a tear-jerker, for sure.
these deep-seated fears with I don’t think Mom suffered in my mind, that was better than “experience” with patients, which mother’s death, and my own ill- We leaned in, through the Car-
those we love. her final days. After she became feeling. Or worse: talking about invariably included discussions ness: How to be present. How to ing Bridge site. One friend ac-
This is not easy. When my “unresponsive” (considered part feelings with others. of fear. I realized how helpful balance today with tomorrow. knowledged the heartbreak of
mother learned she had lung can- of “active dying”) I returned to I chose to be alone. these conversations — about hair How to find the courage to em- losing Barry. His brother, Jamie,
cer several years ago, we both that comfort kit at the direction of Every time when I returned to and weight loss, recurrence and brace what’s so often unspeak- posted: “We all know the inevi-
turned to humor to help absorb a nurse. I removed the liquid the hospital for follow-up labs remission, life and death — were able. table result, but it doesn’t keep
the meaning of her diagnosis and morphine and gently squeezed and scans, I’d medicate. But to the patients I met in the hospi- A longtime friend, Barry Owen, me from becoming emotional ev-
to deflect the pain. One after- one drop, then a second into her tal, either newly diagnosed or succeeded in all three ways. ery day.” I wrote that I’d burst into
noon, many months before she mouth. When the end came a few undergoing treatment. But these At 66, he revealed his pancreat- tears upon reading the news, but
died, Mom said with a wry smile, hours later, my sister, brother and talks changed me, too. ic cancer diagnosis in a blog post. that I felt so deeply connected to
“I think I’m really dying.” To I sat on her hospital bed, holding For far too long, For far too long, my fears had He knew, as did his husband, Dan, his friends. Amid all this, a friend
which I replied, “You mean to- hands with each other and our been caged inside me, dense and the unforgiving prognosis. (Stage reminded us that Barry’s mantra
day? Because I’m going to the mother as she died. What a gift, I my fears had been dark. Laura Wallace, a licensed IV pancreatic cancer has a five- had always been “Only connect,”
market, so if you really think so, I thought, as we helped her to let go clinical social worker whose prac- year survival rate of 1 percent, which to him spoke to the impor-
won’t shop for you.” “That’s hilari- honestly, openly, and — most im- caged inside me, tice focuses on transitions and according to Johns Hopkins Med- tance of our relationships to help
ous,” Mom countered, a hungry portantly — together. loss, explained that acknowledg- icine.) “I have no illusions about defeat “the isolation” — as novel-
smile now on her face. “What’s for Three decades earlier, when I dense and dark. ing feelings of “loss and longing,” this disease,” Barry wrote on his ist E.M. Forster put it — that
dinner?” Very adroitly, pretty was newly in remission from my while deeply painful, is a much Caring Bridge blog, which was keeps us apart.
much reflexively, we had avoided own cancer, I had so many wor- better alternative than anger, ad- read by about 30 of his closest I felt privileged to be among all
the elephant in the room. ries — about recurrence, addi- diction and anxiety. Or denial. friends, including his two broth- these beautiful souls, so in touch
Mom’s health deteriorated tional treatments, more surgery. drugs, it turns out, can do only so Releasing these fears — into ers. with their feelings and able to
over the next several weeks. But at its core the fear was always much. I’d still taste the fear in my the rooms where I had these Three months after his diagno- express them. I thought then — as
Again, she raised the question of about dying, which I never ac- throat, or notice the shallowness conversations, into the air out- sis, Barry pushed open the door to I do now — how rare this gift is.
her death, but now without the knowledged, which meant no of my breathing. A few times I side the hospital when I would a conversation about dying. “Dan When Barry died, we held onto
smile. “Will dying be painful?” opening for others to broach the vomited — spontaneously — the walk away — was liberating. and I are starting to talk about one another, tightly albeit it virtu-
she asked. In that moment, I topic. I tried hard to keep those associations too strong. No mat- Imagine a vial filled with dark planning, planning for my death,” ally. One friend posted, “Although
knew I needed to confront my anxieties buried away, mostly by ter how hard I tried, I could not blue worry. Release a drop into a he wrote. “This is not easy to write I only know a few of all the friends
own feelings about her mortality taking anti-anxiety medications. effectively lock away that demon, small cup of water and it colors about.” around Barry, I feel part of you
and not sidestep the conversation I’d pop a Klonopin and for four that fear. the water. Release another drop, It was not easy to read about, and share your grief.” Another
with facile banter. hours I’d be “fine,” as I often Then I decided to volunteer at this one into a gallon bucket, and either. But we joined the conver- wrote, “How terrible our loss.”
I took Mom’s hand in mine and repeated. Still, I felt detached the cancer hospital that had given it becomes nearly impossible to sation with Barry and Dan, I Yes, our loss.
These stories are adapted from Generation Pandemic, an online oral history archive that can be read in full at www.generationpandemicproject.com.
Max Strickberger and Alan Jinich are seniors at the University of Pennsylvania, studying English and neuroscience respectively. They have been close friends
since childhood and grew up on the same street outside of D.C.
As mask rules end, what about indoor air risks? 800 rural hospitals may
Many places have
ended indoor
The gold standard for filters is
HEPA, which stands for high
close in next few years
MARLENE mask mandates, efficiency particulate air. This
CIMONS and public health type of air filter can trap at least BY L AUREN C OLEMAN- health care in their communities.
experts say it’s 99.97 percent of dust, pollen, L OCHNER Higher costs for labor and sup-
okay to forgo mold and bacteria, including plies and lower revenue have
mask-wearing where vaccination large and small airborne Slammed by the pandemic, at trounced hospitals as they shut
rates are high and infections and particles, according to the least 40 percent of rural U.S. hos- down elective procedures to care for
hospitalizations are low. As Environmental Protection pitals are in danger of shutting critically ill coronavirus patients.
maskless people begin venturing Agency. “MERV ratings go from down, leaving millions of people Even with billions of dollars
inside, they still may wonder 1 to 16, but HEPA is even better in smaller and less affluent com- from the federal government, op-
whether it is safe. than that,” Kipen says. munities without a nearby emer- erating margins at U.S. hospitals
“There are no absolutes in this Many large air systems, gency and critical care facility. were negative-3.3 percent in Janu-
business,” says Howard Kipen, however, cannot handle a HEPA That is the conclusion of the ary, health-care consultancy Kauf-
professor of occupational and filter, so you’re unlikely to find Center for Healthcare Quality and man Hall said. That includes the
environmental health at the one in your facility. “Their fans Payment Reform, whose study strongest operators. Meanwhile,
Rutgers University School of that move the air are not strong sees 500 hospitals at immediate they’re facing pending cuts in
Public Health and lead author of enough to move air through the risk for closing within two years Medicare payments along with re-
a study examining airborne tighter filter,” Kipen says. “They and more than 300 others at high payments of funds advanced earli-
transmission in the homes of would have to rebuild their risk within five years. The grim er in the pandemic.
infected individuals. “It depends ISTOCK whole HVAC systems.” You can, assessment by the policy center What is hurting the smaller
on how crowded it is and however, buy small units with found the problems spread across providers, Miller said, is a long-
whether people are sneezing or diameter,” Kipen says.) Filters causes covid-19. “The best-case HEPA filters and set them up in the country, and that the threats standing inability to negotiate the
coughing or singing or talking or and increased ventilation are the scenario is 100 percent outdoor your home. “Portable air cleaners will persist even if the pandemic same rates as their larger counter-
yelling — and how close they are best tools to disperse and reduce air.” with HEPA filters can do the job ends because rising costs are out- parts for the roughly half of their
to you. If you live where there are their concentration, and thus How often does the air inside one room at a time,” he says. running revenue. patients who have private insur-
high rates, or people are not well their infectiousness, he says. change, that is, completely turn It’s important to remember About 38 million Americans ance.
vaccinated, there is reason to still “Wearing a mask, preferably over? that questions about ventilation live in the at-risk areas; they Bigger facilities rely on higher
wear a mask.” an N95, is the best way to “What is the ventilation rate, apply to reducing the risk of would have to drive at least payments from private insurers to
When experts talk about the prevent exposure to particles that is, how many air changes transmission from a distance, 20 minutes farther if their local offset lower reimbursements from
safety of indoor spaces, the that are in the air around you,” per hour?” Marr says. “Hospitals experts say. hospitals close, with half adding at Medicare and Medicaid.
conversation often turns to Kipen says, and it’s key “to have 6 [to] 12 changes per hour “If you are close to someone least 30 minutes, said Harold Mil- Besides that, the sparser popu-
ventilation, meaning the minimize the amount of time or more. Homes have maybe a unmasked who is infected, the ler, the center’s chief executive and lations mean costs per patient are
introduction of fresh air. you are in a potentially half air change per hour. With a ventilation won’t be as helpful,” author of the report. higher so the hospitals cannot al-
contaminated place.” gym or a locker room, for Marr says. “The more crowded it Many of the facilities are in ways count on a flow of patients to
Airborne transmissions example, you want it to be as is, the more important sparsely populated but important finance essential services such as
Even where infections have high as possible, over 4 is good. ventilation is.” farming, mining or ranching com- emergency care.
plummeted, the danger of Higher is better.” I asked my periodontist about munities. “The problem is, they don’t get
catching a virus is not zero. She says that many places his practice since mask-wearing “The myth is that these are hos- paid if you don’t go,” Miller said.
Being inside always is riskier “There are different such as bathrooms, gyms and is impossible when someone is pitals that should no longer exist This means that state and local
than being outside when it locker rooms also often have fans working inside your mouth. He in communities that should no governments — and their taxpay-
comes to airborne viral degrees of risk.” and blowers — which help push said that he uses medical grade longer exist,” Miller said in an ers — pick up more of the tab, he
transmission, of which there are Howard Kipen, professor at the air through the filters — and filters (HEPA) in each room and interview. Keeping those facilities said. His research shows margins
two primary routes, according to the Rutgers University School exhaust systems. Remember, that the air turns over every open would cost $3.4 billion, or declining with hospital size.
research. Each requires a of Public Health however, that fans just blow the 10 minutes. Both are good. less than 1 percent of total annual A representative for AHIP, a
different approach. Large air around, they don’t dilute it Not every facility, however, spending on hospitals, said Miller, health-insurance trade group, did
respiratory droplets — those with fresh air. has the answers or will provide an adjunct public policy and man- not provide an immediate comment.
bigger than 10 microns — rapidly What kind of filter are you them. When I asked a fitness agement professor and former as- Some rural hospitals do get fed-
fall onto surfaces, typically using? If you are using a MERV center about its locker room, sociate dean at Carnegie Mellon eral reimbursements that cover
within about 6 feet from the Questions to ask filter, what is its rating? where you cannot mask in the University. their costs, and a new program
source. Hand washing, social There are several questions to When it comes to MERV shower, I learned (via email) they Fifteen states have more than that takes effect next year will
distancing and face masks offer ask to help make an informed filters, the higher the number, use a MERV filter of at least 8 half of their rural hospitals at risk increase payments to qualifying
the best protection against decision about whether to stay the better. MERV stands for and pump in 100 percent of closing because of persistent facilities that eliminate inpatient
exposure to these relatively large inside without a mask: minimum efficiency reporting outdoor air. I then asked (also by losses, including Texas and a large beds, which often sit empty. But
particles that people can inhale How much fresh air flows value, is rated from 1 to 16, and email): How often does the air swath of the South and Midwest Miller said most of the hospitals
or transmit by touching mucous into the facility? represents the filter’s ability to change? Would they upgrade the such as Kansas and Mississippi, aren’t losing money on inpatient
membranes of the eyes, nose and “People should ask: How catch larger particles between filter? I received no response. the study shows. But rural hospi- services, but rather on their emer-
mouth, Kipen says. much air is outdoor air, and how 0.3 and 10 microns. The ratings I decided to take a chance, tals in New York, Connecticut and gency rooms and clinics.
Smaller respiratory droplets much is recirculated?” says were developed from a test living in a highly vaccinated Washington state are also in trou- Increasing payments can help,
ranging from a few microns to Linsey Marr, professor of method designed by the county with a low infection rate, ble. but the system also needs more
0.1 microns — the size of a single environmental and water American Society of Heating, although I remain a little uneasy. More than 130 rural hospitals coordinated planning to ensure
particle of the coronavirus — can resources engineering at Virginia Refrigerating and Air- “There are different degrees of have closed in the past decade, all communities have care, said
stay suspended in the air for Tech’s school of engineering, who Conditioning Engineers. The risk,” Kipen says. “Everyone has according to the University of Kenneth Kaufman, Kaufman
hours. (“One micron is one one- has studied airborne most effective MERV filters are to decide how much risk they are North Carolina’s Sheps Center. Hall’s chair.
hundredth of a human hair in transmission of the virus that rated 11 or higher, Marr says. willing to tolerate.” They often are the only option for — Bloomberg News