Timetable Generation An Optimal Solution

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Charan S. Suryaa et al.

; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology

ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume 5, Issue 2)
Available online at: www.ijariit.com

Timetable Generation– An optimal solution to the multi-

constrained problem
S. Suryaa Charan Sai Theja K.
[email protected] [email protected]
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

Jagadeesh Manikkannan
[email protected] [email protected]
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

ABSTRACT given arrangement of requirements. There have been various

methodologies made in the before period to the trouble of
Timetabling is the appointing of an occasion to a specific building timetables for universities and schools. Timetabling
timeslot in a timetable. Timetabling turns into an issue when issues might be explained by assorted techniques acquired from
the allocating task turns out to be difficult to be inferred where task concentrate, for example, genetic algorithm, simulated
certain particular prerequisites should be satisfied. Genetic annealing, graph colouring, genetic algorithms, local search
Algorithm (GA) develop as one mechanization timetabling measures such as tabu search or from backtracking based
strategy to take care of timetabling issue via seeking requirement fulfilment. In our undertaking, timetable issue is
arrangement in multi-indicates and the capacity to refine the defined as a limitation satisfaction issue and we proposed a
current answer for a superior arrangement. Genetic algorithm reasonable timetable calculation which is fit for dealing with
is a met heuristic that copies the method of natural selection. It both hard and delicate requirements. It is a finished time table
might be performed in multiple different ways with different answer for universities which help to conquer the difficulties in
types but it will all follow the same concept. This research aims physically developing the timetable.
to create artificial intelligence through the use of an
evolutionary algorithm, specifically genetic algorithm
combined with adaptive and elitist traits that can generate a
university schedule timetable with the goal of generating a
valid and as optimal as a possible solution with certain

Keywords— Timetabling, Multi-constrained problem, Soft

computing technique, Scheduling problem, Genetic Algorithm,
NP-Hard problem, Automation.
Timetable scheduling the, process of creating timetables that fit
the constraint of the scenario. It is used in a magnitude of the
industry from scheduling transportations up to creating a
complex schedule for highly optimized automated factories.
Majority of small scale scheduling is done manually while larger
operations require computer-assisted scheduling. In spite of the
fact that dominant part university association work has been by
computers, the address timetable planning is still regularly done
by hand because of its characteristic difficulties.

Lecture timetable preparation demands significant time and

efforts. The manual timetable planning is a restriction Fig. 1: General view of timetable
satisfaction issue in which we find an outcome that satisfies the
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2. ALGORITHM populace. Every individual from this populace encodes a
potential answer for an issue. Every unit is assessed and
appointed wellness esteem as indicated by the fitness function. It
has been recognized that on the off chance that the underlying
populace to the GA is great, at that point the calculation has an
upgraded choice of finding a decent outcome and if the
underlying supply of development squares isn't sufficiently
expansive or adequate, at that point it would be hard for the
calculation to locate a decent outcome.

2.3.3 Selection of good populace: This administrator chooses

chromosomes in the populace for proliferation. The fitter the
chromosome, the more occasions it is probably going to be
picked to repeat. Amid each progressive creation, a part of the
available populace is chosen to select another generation.
Singular arrangements are picked through a fitness based
procedure, where fitter outcome are generally bound to be

2.3.4 Crossover: Crossover is a hereditary administrator used to

differ the programming of a chromosome starting with one
Fig. 2: Basic genetic algorithm process creation then onto the next. It is parallel to generation and natural
hybrid, whereupon genetic algorithms are based. A crossover
2.1 Timetabling takes more than one parent arrangements and delivering an
It is expansive and very obliged, yet overall the issue contrasts offspring solution. There are techniques for collection of the
significantly for various universities and learning organizations. chromosomes. Crossover subjectively trades the subsequences
It is difficult to compose an all-inclusive plan, fitting for all when that locus between two chromosomes to make two
conceivable timetable issues. Despite the fact that manual offspring’s. The crossover operator roughly does as it is a natural
making of the timetable is continued, it is as yet all-inclusive, on recombining between two single chromosomes.
account of the absence of reasonable PC programs.
There exists a lot of diverse timetable problems such as: 2.3.5 Mutation: The mutation is utilized to continue hereditary
 University Timetable variety from one production of a populace of GA chromosomes
 Exam Timetable to the following. It is very similar to the mechanism of natural
 School Timetable mutation. Alteration also knows as mutation changes one or
 Sports Timetable more than one of the genetic values in the chromosome from its
beginning circumstance. In mutation, the result may alter totally
In addition, there exists a lot of critical thinking methods, which from the previous result. Hence Genetic algorithm can come to
commonly utilize the idea of optimization algorithms such as better performing result by using this process. Transformation
genetic algorithms, tabu search, Back-tracking, Simulated can occur at each piece position in a string with some
Annealing, Constrained logic Programming. plausibility, normally little.

2.2 Genetic Algorithm 2.3.6 Fitness function: The fitness function is portrayed over the
Genetic Algorithms - GA was imaginary by John Holland and hereditary representation and systems the nature of the result.
has described this thought in his book “Adaptation in natural and The fitness function perpetually issues dependent. Specifically,
artificial systems” in the year 1975. Genetic algorithm is a in the fields of genetic programming and hereditary calculations,
metaheuristic propelled by the methodology of regular choice each plan result. After each round of testing, the musing is to
that has a place with the greater class of evolutionary algorithms evacuate then most exceedingly terrible plan arrangement and
- EA. Genetic Algorithms are persuaded by Darwin's evolution solution.
theory and hypothesis. GA comes beneath the class of
Evolutionary calculations that utilize the guideline of normal The fitness function formula is as below:
accumulation to build up a lot of arrangement towards the best
outcome. It is a search heuristic which creates answers for 𝐹(𝑥) = ∑ 𝑤𝑖𝑠 × 𝑃𝑖 (𝑥) + ∑ 𝑤𝑖ℎ × 𝑃𝑖ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑 (𝑥) (1)
enhancement issues utilizing method inspired by normal 𝑖=1…6 𝑖=3,4,6
development like transformation and mutation, legacy
inheritance, hybrid crossover and choice selection. If fitness value =0, stop generation.
If feasible but fitness >0, user can stop generation.
2.3 Genetic Algorithm Operators
2.3.1 Chromosome representation: Genetic material is a 2.3.7 Heuristics: It finds out a solution amongst all possible
collection of parameters which be an arranged outcome to the ones, but they do not prove that the most excellent will be found,
issue that the algorithm seeks to answer. The chromosome in the they may be thought as about and not correct algorithms. These
genes can be represented as an easy string. The fitness of a algorithms, usually find a solution close to the most excellent and
chromosome is determined with its capacity to address and solve they find it quick and merely. These algorithms can be correct,
the given problem. that is they convert and find the best solution, but the algorithm
is stationary called heuristic until this best solution is proven to
2.3.2 Initial population: The initial phase in the execution of a be the best.
genetic algorithm is the creation of an underlying initial

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Charan S. Suryaa et al.; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
3.2 Class diagram

Fig. 2: Flow chart

Fig. 4: Class diagram
3.1 Use case diagram Class diagram consist 6 classes.
 LoginPageContain attributes such as username and password
and operation for allowing authenticate user to get login ().
 HomePageThis class contain the selectOption () operation for
selecting select option.
 SessionnameThis class contain attributes term and operation
selectsession ().
 SemesterPageThis class contain attributes sem and operation
selectsem ().
 FacultyThis class contain attributes name, id weekly load,
subject, practical, totalwork and operation submit info (),
calculateworkload () backtohome ().
 TimeTablePage this class contain attributes recess time,
practical, slotsTime and operation backtohomepage (),
GenrateTimeTable (), printTimetable () .This a main class of
our project.

There is an assortment of imperatives to be fulfilled at an
opportunity to instantiate factors about availabilities and study
halls. The imperatives can be ordered into Hard and Soft

4.1 Hard constraints

A timetable which breaks a hard requirement is definitely not a
practical arrangement. Hard limitations contain "First Order
Fig. 3: Case diagram Conflicts",
 A study hall isn't doled out to more than one instructor in the
The use case consists of a login, select session, faculty info, same slot.
workload, calculate workload, practical hours, general timetable.  An educator can't educate in more than one class in the same
Administrator has authorized to access all the attribute and hour.
faculty can access login workload, generate timetable. A student  Courses for the comparative year-session understudies of an
can view the time table. The head of the department (HOD) or office can't occur at the same time.
the Dean of the college holds the admin privilege to make
changes. The admin can add or modify the list of subjects, its 4.2 Soft constraints
code, and credits. The admin also manages the list of faculties, Soft constraints are less noteworthy than hard constraints, and it
their designation, subjects they undertake. Preferential soft is regularly impractical to abstain from breaking probably some
constraints can also be mentioned in the program in terms of of them. The timetable is utilitarian and can be utilized to a limit
faculty availability and preferred subject hours. Input can also be level to which a timetable has abused its soft constraints.
fed in via an XLS file.

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Charan S. Suryaa et al.; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
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Fig. 5: Classification of constraints

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