Inhibition of Melanosis in Whiteleg Shrimp Litopen
Inhibition of Melanosis in Whiteleg Shrimp Litopen
Inhibition of Melanosis in Whiteleg Shrimp Litopen
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Dao Thi Anh Phan1, Trung Huu Bui1, Tram Quynh Thi Doan1, Nguyen Van Nguyen2, and Trieu Hai Ly3
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, HCMC University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh 70000, Viet Nam
Research Center for Aquafeed Nutrition and Fishery Post-Harvest Technology (APOTEC), Ho Chi Minh 70000, Viet Nam
Research Center of Ginseng and Medicinal Materials, National Institute of Medicinal Materials, Ho Chi Minh 70000, Viet Nam
ABSTRACT: Melanosis in shrimp usually leads to reduction in its shelf life and quality, which causes a significant loss in
economic value of shrimp products. This study reports potential applications of nine ethanolic extracts of by-products,
i.e., peel and/or seed from three Vietnamese avocado varieties as effective inhibitors of melanosis in whiteleg shrimp. Six
out of nine shrimp samples treated with the prepared extracts (0.025%, w/v) reduced melanosis and lipid oxidation more
significantly as compared to those treated with sodium metabisulfite (SMS, 1.25%, w/v) and control groups (treated with
water) during 8-day storage at 4 C (P<0.05). These six extracts had mean gray values ranging from 47.0±0.7 to 57.3±
0.4% were lower than those treated with SMS (mean gray of 39.8±0.4%). The inhibition of melanosis and lipid oxidation
in shrimp for these extracts could be attributed to their high content of polyphenols [total phenolic content (TPC) from
44.5±1.1 to 144.7±1.9 mg gallic acid equivalents/g dried weight] and strong antioxidant activities [including 2,2-diphen-
yl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and tyrosinase enzyme inhibi-
tion]. Pearson statistical analysis showed strong correlation for melanosis inhibition to TPC and DPPH scavenging (r>
0.80) followed by tyrosinase inhibition and FRAP (r>0.50). The findings obtained from this study suggest potential uti-
lization of avocado by-product extracts as safe and cheap natural alternatives to traditional sulfites for anti-melanosis and
shelf life extension of whiteleg shrimp.
Received 18 January 2021; Revised 27 March 2021; Accepted 12 April 2021; Published online 30 June 2021
Correspondence to Phan Thi Anh Dao, Tel: +84-902-373-656, E-mail: [email protected]
Author information: Dao Thi Anh Phan (Professor), Trung Huu Bui (Professor), Tram Quynh Thi Doan (Graduate Student)
Copyright © 2021 by The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. All rights Reserved.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
210 Phan et al.
ic compounds demonstrated a significant retardation of rieties from Viet Nam, and determination of their total
melanosis formation in crustaceans, which was associated phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activities; (ii)
with tyrosinase inhibitory activity (Sae-leaw and Benjakul, evaluation of the capability of these prepared extracts in
2019). Nirmal and Benjakul (2012) reported that the preventing melanosis formation and lipid oxidation in
ethanolic extract of green tea containing a high amount whiteleg shrimp during 8 days storage at 4oC; and (iii)
of catechin and derivatives could significantly decrease discussion on the relationship between the inhibition on
the lipid oxidation and melanosis formation in whiteleg melanosis of these prepared extracts and their TPC val-
shrimp during cold storage. Encarnacion et al. (2012) ues and antioxidant activities. The utilization of these by-
prepared an extract of edible mushroom (Flammulina ve- products as food additives could not only reduce the neg-
lutipes) containing rich ergothioneine, which showed pos- ative impact on the environment but also expand the
itive effects on melanosis prevention in shrimps Penaeus range of avocado value-added products.
monodon and Litopenaeus vannamei. Chamuang leaf extract
and lead (Leucaena leucocephala) seed extract that were
rich in phenolic compounds effectively inhibited mela- MATERIALS AND METHODS
nosis in whiteleg shrimp (Nirmal and Benjakul, 2011;
Shiekh et al., 2019). Materials and chemicals
Recently, studies on utilizing agricultural by-products Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, iron (III) chloride hexahydrate
for food additives and preservation have been extensively (FeCl3・6H2O), malondialdehyde (MDA), sodium metabi-
investigated due to economic and environmental benefits sulfite (SMS), potassium hexacyanoferrate [K3Fe(CN)6],
(Gómez et al., 2014; Saavedra et al., 2017). Among vari- thiobarbituric acid (TBA), trichloracetic acid (TCA), gal-
ous by-products, avocado seed and peel contained great lic acid, kojic acid, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH),
amounts of phenolic compounds, including flavanol mon- and tyrosinase were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co.
omers, proanthocyanidins, hydroxycinnamic acids, and (St. Louis, MO, USA). All other chemicals were of analyt-
flavonol glycosides (Kosińska et al., 2012). This would at- ical grade.
tribute to a high potential of antioxidant activities of those By-products (peels and seeds) from three popular vari-
by-products. Rodríguez-Carpena et al. (2011) showed eties of avocado, namely ‘Nuoc’, ‘Sap’, and ‘034’ were
that raw porcine patties treated with the extracts of avo- supplied from several local markets in Ho Chi Minh City,
cado peel and seed could effectively inhibit lipid oxida- Viet Nam. The samples were then dried to the moisture
tion and color deterioration during chilled storage. Sev- content of about 10% [using a gravimetric method fol-
eral studies also reported the applications of avocado by- lowed by the European Brewery Convention (2000)]. The
products as potential sources of natural antioxidants or dried samples were subsequently ground in a blender in-
preservatives (Gómez et al., 2014: Saavedra et al., 2017; to a homogenous fine pulp that was then extracted with
Gashahun and Solomon, 2018). ethanol.
It is worth mentioning that avocado peel and seed are Alive whiteleg shrimp with the size of 30∼40 shrimps/
discarded as wastes, accounting for about 20% (w/w) of kg were purchased from Tan Binh market (Ho Chi Minh
the fruit (Wang et al., 2010). Avocados are widely grown City, Viet Nam). The shrimps were immediately trans-
in Viet Nam, which has been considered as one of the ported to the laboratory for the experiments.
seven important fruits crops in the country. Consequent-
ly, a large quantity of avocado by-products is discarded Preparation of extracts
from fruit processing annually. Although the phenolic An extract of each avocado by-product was prepared us-
compounds, such as catechin, quercetin, and their deriv- ing a maceration technique (Azwanida, 2015). Dried
atives from avocado by-products could exhibit a potential powder (30 g) was soaked in 100 mL of 70% ethanol
in preventing melanosis on crustaceans or shrimps (Nir- (v/v) at 32 C for 24 h. The mixture was filtered to col-
mal and Benjakul, 2012; Qian et al., 2018; Tremocoldi et lect the extract solution, and the remaining residue was
al., 2018; Rosero et al., 2019), to the best of our knowl- re-extracted with ethanol twice using the same procedure.
edge, there has been no report on utilizing avocado by- Then, the mixture of three collected extracts was concen-
products as potential natural additives to prevent mela- trated using a rotary evaporator to produce a crude ex-
nosis and/or extend the shelf life of whiteleg shrimp. tract. Table 1 presents the extraction yield (E%) of the
In this study, the roles of some popular avocado by- nine prepared avocado by-product extracts. It includes
products on the retardation of melanosis and lipid oxi- three seed extracts and three peel extracts prepared from
dation in whiteleg shrimp during cold storage were eval- each variety [‘Sap’, ‘034’, and ‘Nuoc’: No. (1) to (6)], and
uated and discussed. The study aimed to obtain three three mixed extracts [No. (7) to (9)] consisting of peel
main objectives: (i) preparation of nine ethanolic extracts mixture, seed mixture, and peel-seed mixture from 3 va-
from by-products (seeds and peels) of three avocado va- rieties mixed in equal weights. Note, the extraction yield
Preserve Shrimp by Avocado By-Products 211
Table 1. The extraction yield of nine extracts prepared from Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay: Ferric reducing anti-
by-products of three avocado varieties: ‘Sap’, ‘034’, ‘Nuoc’ oxidant power (FRAP) assay was conducted according to
Sample Extraction the method reported by Yen and Chen (1995). Different
No. Formulation/mixture
name yield (%) amounts of each extract (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg) were
1 SS Sap seed 12.5 mixed with 1 mL of 2 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.6) and
2 SP Sap peel 10.0 1 mL of 1% K3Fe(CN)6. After incubating for 20 min, 1
3 OS 034 seed 10.1 mL of 10% TCA was added, blended, and centrifuged at
4 OP 034 peel 7.6 4,000 rpm for 10 min to collect the supernatant. Subse-
5 NS Nuoc seed 18.1
quently, 1 mL of the supernatant was diluted with 1 mL
6 NP Nuoc peel 7.8
7 MS Sap seed + 034 seed + Nuoc seed 13.5
of deionized water and then mixed with 0.2 mL of FeCl3
8 MP Sap peel + 034 peel + Nuoc peel 7.6 (0.1%). The absorbance was measured at 700 nm. The re-
9 MSP Mixture of all seeds and peels 9.8 ducing capacity was calculated based on the increase in
absorbance. Vitamin C was used as a positive control at
various concentrations (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 μM).
(E%) can be calculated as in Eq. (1): Tyrosinase inhibitory assay: Tyrosinase inhibitory activity
was performed following the procedure established by
mextract Nirmal and Benjakul (2011), with slight modifications
Yield (%)= ×100 (1)
mpowder using a 96-well reader. Each 40 μL of the extract (100 μg/
mL) mixed with 20 μL of tyrosinase (100 U/mL) was in-
where mextract is the weight (g) of the dried extract resi- cubated at room temperature for 30 min. The reaction
due obtained after solvent removal, and mpowder is the was initiated with the addition of 140 μL of 0.714 mM
weight (g) of plant powder. L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) at 45 C for 5
min. The absorbance of the mixture was then measured
Determination of TPC at 475 nm. The tyrosinase inhibitory percentage and IC50
The TPC of the prepared extracts was determined using values were calculated similarly to those of the DPPH as-
the colorimetric Folin-Ciocalteu method (Jung et al., say. Kojic acid was used as a positive control with the IC50
2008). The calibration curve was constructed using gallic value of 42.80 μg/mL.
acid as standard at a concentration range of 0 to 20 mg/L,
showing a linear equation of y=0.1027x+0.0365 (R2= Evaluation of melanosis formation and lipid peroxidation
0.9979). The TPC value was expressed as mg gallic acid inhibition in shrimp
equivalents (GAE) per gram dried weight (g DW). Each Shrimp treatment: Shrimp were divided into 11 equal parts.
experiment was performed in triplicate. Each part was immersed in either each of the extract so-
lutions (0.025%, w/v), or the SMS solution (1.25%, w/
Antioxidant activities v), or deionized water (as the control), in the ratio of 1:2
DPPH assay: The scavenging activity of DPPH radical was (shrimp/solution, w/v) at 4oC for 15 min. Subsequently,
performed using a method documented by Molyneux the treated shrimp were placed in polypropylene boxes
(2004). Each sample (1.5 mL) at four concentrations of and stored at 4 C for eight days. Note that the control
10, 25, 50, and 100 μg/L (in 90% ethanol) was mixed samples, known as blank samples, were performed by
with 1.5 mL of 0.1 mM DPPH solution and the mixture using deionized water as a replacement for the extract
was then incubated for 30 min under dark. The absorb- solutions.
ance of the obtained mixture and blank samples (without Melanosis evaluation: Visual images of the shrimp samples
extract) was measured at 519 nm. The inhibitory percent- during storage were taken daily. The changes in color of
age of DPPH from the tested samples was calculated as the samples were analyzed using ImageJ software (ver-
in Eq. (2): sion 1.52a, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
USA). Relative changes in the gray value of the carapace
B were calculated as in Eq. (3) (Encarnacion et al., 2012;
I (%)=(1− )×100 (2)
A Sae-leaw and Benjakul, 2019). The decrease in the % rel-
ative change indicates an increase of melanosis formation
where A is the absorbance of the test sample, and B is the in shrimp during storage. Three shrimps were used for
absorbance of the blank sample. one treatment:
The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) was
calculated from the mean values of three measurements C×100
% Relative change=100− (3)
at the used concentration range. Gallic acid was used as D
a positive control with the IC50 of 5.62 μg/mL.
212 Phan et al.
Fig. 2. Changes in mean gray values of the carapace area of whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaus vannamei treated with different extracts
[Sap seed (SS), Sap peel (SP), 034 seed (OS), 034 peel (OP), Nuoc seed (NS), Nuoc peel (NP), seed mixture (MS), peel mixture
(MP), and peel and seed mixture (MSP)] during refrigerated storage, compared with that of sodium metabisulfite (SMS) and the
control. Different uppercase letters (A-D) are related to significant differences among other storage days in the same treatment
(P <0.05). Different lowercase letters (a-g) showed significant differences among other treatments in the same storage time
(P <0.05).
treated with avocado by-product extracts (0.025%, w/v), which was comparable to the prepared extracts in this
SMS (1.25%, w/v), and the control (with water) during study after 4 days storage at similar treatments with
8 days storage at 4oC. Changes in mean gray value were mean gray values in the range of 77.10 to 81.12% for NP,
the indication of melanosis. It is also worth noting that MS, MSP, MP, NS, and SP. Overall, the results showed
high melanosis prevention level was associated with low the paramount importance of adding value to avocado by-
decreasing level in mean gray value during storage. At day products for melanosis treatment of whiteleg shrimp as
0, there were no significant differences in the gray values a cheap natural source and substituting for SMS.
(P>0.05) among the shrimp samples. However, after 4
days storage, most samples treated with the prepared ex- Lipid peroxidation inhibition
tracts (SP, NS, NP, MS, MP, and MSP) demonstrated a Fig. 3 shows changes in TBARS values of whiteleg shrimp
slight decline in the mean gray values, which showed the treated with the prepared extracts (0.025%, w/v), SMS
effective prevention of melanosis. The mean gray values (1.25%, w/v), and control (deionized water). No signifi-
then significantly decreased from day 4 to day 6 but the cant difference was observed in TBARS values among all
changes were limited the last 2 days (P<0.05). Conse- samples at day 0 (P>0.05). The TBARS values of all treat-
quently, after 8 days of storage, samples treated with the ment batches overall showed an upward trend at various
six extracts (NP, NS, SP, MS, MP, and MSP) had mean degrees (P<0.05), indicating an increase in lipid perox-
gray values ranging from 47.0±0.7 to 57.3±0.4% that idation over storage. It is noticeable that all extracts of
were significantly higher than those in SMS-treated sam- avocado by-products impeded the degree of lipid perox-
ples (the mean gray value of 39.8±0.4%), meaning that idation compared with SMS and the control groups dur-
the six extracts demonstrated better melanosis preven- ing 8 days storage (P<0.05). Among the samples, the NP
tion than SMS. Among them, NP extract showed the treatment had the smallest TBARS value of 3.3±0.1 (mg
highest efficiency of retarding melanosis in shrimp with MDA/kg), whereas the OS treatment showed the highest
the mean gray value of 57.3±0.4%. Another noticeable TBARS value of 5.5±0.1 (mg MDA/kg) at the end of the
point was that samples stored with ternary or multiple period (P<0.05). These findings indicated that extracts of
mixtures demonstrated higher mean gray values than avocado by-products could mitigate the peroxidation of
those stored with single extracts, except for NP (P<0.05). lipids in shrimp samples during storage, which was also
Other plant extracts from oyster mushroom (Llanto and reported in the literature for various plant extracts. Basiri
Encarnacion, 2018), pomegranate (Basiri et al., 2015; et al. (2015) revealed that after 10 days of refrigerated
Yuan et al., 2016a), green tea (Nirmal and Benjakul, storage, whiteleg shrimp treated with pomegranate peel
2012; Yuan et al., 2016b), and grape seed (Sun et al., extract had 30% lower TBARS values compared to the
2014) were also reported to retard melanosis. For in- control group. Similarly, Abbasvali et al. (2016) reported
stance, whiteleg shrimp treated with Pleurotus ostreatus, that aqueous saffron (Crocus sativus) tepal extract inhib-
mushroom extract recorded a relative change of about ited lipid oxidation in treated shrimp during 9 days of ic-
80% after 3 days storage (Llanto and Encarnacion, 2018), ed storage. Other authors reported a delay in the TBARS
214 Phan et al.
Fig. 3. Changes in TBARS values of whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaus vannamei treated with different extracts [Sap seed (SS), Sap
peel (SP), 034 seed (OS), 034 peel (OP), Nuoc seed (NS), Nuoc peel (NP), seed mixture (MS), peel mixture (MP), and peel and
seed mixture (MSP)] during refrigerated storage, compared with that of sodium metabisulfite (SMS) and the control. Different
uppercase letters (A-E) are related to significant differences among other storage days in the same treatment (P <0.05). Different
lowercase letters (a-h) showed significant differences among other treatments in the same storage time (P <0.05).
values in L. vannamei shrimp treated with chamuang (Gar- ing activity (IC50=63.1 μg/mL). Notably, no significant
cinia cowa Roxb.) leaf extract (Shiekh et al., 2019), a green difference (P>0.05) was observed in the DPPH scaveng-
tea extract in combination with ascorbic acid (Nirmal and ing activity among ternary, and multiple mixtures with
Benjakul, 2012), and a coat with quince seed mucilage the inhibition level ranging from 94.3±0.1% to 94.9±
and green tea extract (Noshad et al., 2017). 0.3% (IC50=5.5∼8.6 μg/mL).
At the highest concentration of 100 μg/mL, the pre-
Antioxidant activities pared extracts displayed DPPH scavenging percentage
DPPH radical scavenging assay: Fig. 4 shows the result of between 73.4±1.0 and 99.0±0.5% and IC50 values of 3.6
DPPH radical scavenging activity of the prepared extracts, to 63.1 μg/mL. It is noted that the scavenging activity of
acting in a dose-dependent manner. It is noted that, for avocado by-products in this study was significantly higher
each type of avocado, the peel extract possessed consid- than those of avocado peels and seeds in previous stud-
erably higher activity than the seed extract, which was ies. Melgar et al. (2018) showed that IC50 values calcu-
also observed for the mixtures containing peels. Among lated from a DPPH radical scavenging assay for the hy-
the extracts, at the highest concentration of 100 μg/mL, droethanolic extracts of Persea america Mill. var. Hass peel
SP exhibited the highest inhibitory activity with 97.0±0.5 and kernel were 149±5 and 220±3 μg/mL, respectively.
% DPPH scavenging activity (IC50=3.6 μg/mL), whereas Antasionasti et al. (2017) reported that the most active
OS showed the lowest activity with 73.4±1.0% scaveng- fraction of methanolic extract from avocado peel was able
Fig. 4. DPPH radical inhibitory activity of 9 avocado by-product extracts [Sap seed (SS), Sap peel (SP), 034 seed (OS), 034 peel
(OP), Nuoc seed (NS), Nuoc peel (NP), seed mixture (MS), peel mixture (MP), and peel and seed mixture (MSP)]. Different uppercase
letters (A-E) are related to significant differences among other storage days in the same treatment (P <0.05). Different lowercase
letters (a-f) showed significant differences among other treatments in the same storage time (P <0.05).
Preserve Shrimp by Avocado By-Products 215
Fig. 6. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of 9 avocado by-product extracts [Sap seed (SS), Sap peel (SP), 034 seed (OS), 034 peel (OP),
Nuoc seed (NS), Nuoc peel (NP), seed mixture (MS), peel mixture (MP), and peel and seed mixture (MSP)]. Different uppercase
letters (A-E) are related to significant differences among other storage days in the same treatment (P <0.05). Different lowercase
letters (a-h) showed significant differences among other treatments in the same storage time (P <0.05).
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