Sequential Persuasion
Sequential Persuasion
Sequential Persuasion
• Pregiving creates a sense of indebtedness
• Seen in Regan's (1971) study
• Also seen in the real world
• Example - Suit Salesman
• Study by George, Gournic, and McAfee
Pre-Giving • If women allow men to buy them drinks,
both men and women perceive the women
to be more sexually available than if the
drinks are refused.
• Beware of unfair exchanges
• When pregiving is perceived as a bribe or a
pressure tactic, it decreases compliance
• Liking Explanation
• Gratitude Explanation
Why is Pregiving
Persuasive? • Impression Management and
Internalized Social Norm
the Door so • When you agree to comply with a small request, you
see yourself as an altruistic person who is likely to
persuasive? help
• However, people may be less willing to comply with a
request if they think most other people would reject
the request
• The following conditions play an important role in
determining the effectiveness of the FITD tactic:
• Size of the initial request - must be small enough to
ensure compliance, but not so small as to appear trivial
• Who makes the requests - first and second requests need
When does a not be made by the same requester
• External incentives to comply - should not be present
Foot in the • Labeling - positive social labeling can help
• While these tactics differ from each other, one thing they all have in common is
a home in the real world
• They also allow you to see that persuasion as a dynamic event and not a one
time thing