Analysis of Photodiode Monitoring in Laser Cutting
Analysis of Photodiode Monitoring in Laser Cutting
Analysis of Photodiode Monitoring in Laser Cutting
Analysis of Photodiode Monitoring in Laser Cutting
Sonia M. Garcia 1, *, Joana Ramos 1 , Jon Iñaki Arrizubieta 2 and Jordi Figueras 1
1 IDEKO, Member of Basque Research and Technology Alliance, Pg. Arriaga 2, 20870 Elgoibar, Spain;
[email protected] (J.R.); [email protected] (J.F.)
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Basque Country ETSI, ETSII-UPV, c/Alameda
de Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 25 August 2020; Accepted: 17 September 2020; Published: 19 September 2020
Featured Application: Authors are encouraged to provide a concise description of the specific
application or a potential application of the work. This section is not mandatory.
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an analysis based on the photodiode monitoring signals
obtained during the laser cutting of aluminum and stainless steel plates. The mean level of the
monitoring signal was measured and related to the process parameters and the quality achieved.
The investigation was conducted in the visible and infrared spectra simultaneously for each experiment
and a similar behavior at both spectra was observed, concluding the existence of a relationship
between the monitoring signal, the quality of the performed cut, and the characteristics of the cutting
scenario. Both visible and infrared monitoring signals were found not to vary as long as the parameter
used values ensuring that the cut quality was good. Nevertheless, their mean values tended to
increase as the cutting quality became worse. The measured intensity of the visible spectrum signal
was associated with the vapor plume formation during the cutting process, whereas the infrared
signal was related to the temperatures reached.
1. Introduction
Laser cutting is a well-stablished technology in the market, but as Decker et al. concluded [1]
when monitoring the process, some general considerations on the requirements of process diagnostics
should be taken into account. Developments of various monitoring systems have been reported,
including the direct measurement of the light emitted from the cutting front with an optical fiber [2],
the analysis of the acoustic and optical signals for evaluating the cut quality [3], and the development
of optical systems that use photodiodes and NIR (Near InfraRed) cameras as sensors for real-time
monitoring [4]. In recent years, an increase in the use of photodiodes to monitor the laser cutting
process has been observed. This increase in their use is mainly based on the enormous potential of these
sensors, together with their easy mounting, and the existing demand to incorporate monitoring systems
in industrial applications. Adelmann et al. [5] and Schleier et al. [6] demonstrated the capability of
InGaAs photodiodes for detecting penetration losses and the appearance of cutting defects, respectively,
whereas Garmendia et al. [7] employed Si photodiodes for monitoring the laser cutting process and
evaluating quality. In all cases, these sensors provided a high detection rate and minimal errors.
Therefore, photodiodes could be used as indicators of the cut quality in real industrial applications.
The understanding of the cutting process dynamics and the determination of cut quality has
been an issue for many years. For instance, Poprawe and König [8] described in their work the main
physical phenomena involved in the laser cutting process and the monitoring basis. In the same vein,
Bison et al. [9] used an IR camera to monitor the laser cutting process of a steel plate and they proposed
an analytical model that considered the phase change, transformation energy, and heat transfer by
conduction and radiation. The study of the kerf was also addressed by Genna et al. [10], who employed
an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to study the combined effect of the process parameters. Russo
employed the same procedure for the laser cutting of hot stamping boron steel blanks [11]. Pocorni
et al. [12] used high-speed imaging techniques to visualize the flow conditions within the cut region
and correlated the developed flow conditions with the corresponding process parameters and the
resulting quality.
Through monitoring of the cutting process, it is possible to extract relevant information on the
quality of the cut in-situ during the process and different alternatives have been proposed. On the
one hand, Jorgensen and Olsen [13] analyzed the cut quality based on the light emitted from the
cut kerf coaxially with the laser beam. On the other hand, Sforza and Santacesaria [14] performed
a similar analysis based on the infrared radiation coming from the cut region. Chen et al. [15] studied
the surface striation formation in the laser cutting process through an optical stereoscopic microscope
and determined that there was an optimal range of the laser energy per length unit that ensured
an acceptable cut quality. In addition, Yilvas [16] experimented to evaluate the laser cutting quality
and studied the generated kerf, postulating the first and second law efficiencies for laser cutting.
In addition, acoustic signals have also been employed for laser cutting monitoring. For instance,
De Keuster et al. [17] employed both acoustic and optical signals, for ensuring the full penetration
of the laser beam. Kek and Grum [18] also employed acoustic signals for monitoring laser cutting,
after the application of the appropriate band filter to avoid the contribution of the assist gas flow.
Advances in laser cutting monitoring have allowed the development of adaptive feed-back control
systems, improving the laser process robustness and productivity, as well as enhancing the resulting
part quality [19]. The main objective of the adaptive control systems is to maximize productivity by
means of increasing the cutting velocity, but without losing the quality. Duflou et al. [20] proposed
as control variables the monitored NIR images, the laser power, cutting velocity, assist gas pressure,
and the duty cycle of the laser beam. Wen et al. [21] included sparking behavior as a variable to
monitor. They proved that the optimal cutting speed is ensured when a maximum number of pixels of
various radiation brightness ranges were obtained. In addition, Huijuan et al. [22] studied the influence
of surface roughness during laser cutting. For this purpose, the authors performed pulse-induced
acoustic monitoring experiments and the relation obtained between the surface roughness and the
cutting velocity was used as an adaptive control strategy.
Finally, to increase knowledge in the field of laser cutting, investigations have been carried out
to correlate the monitoring signals with variations in the cutting parameters, such as laser power,
process gas pressure, cutting velocity, or gas flow rate. Long et al. [23] studied the transient regime
of the temperatures in the laser cutting process of steel plates and Karanfil and Yalçin [24] presented
a real-time monitoring system for cutting different materials. Those studies only display results when
bad quality in the cutting process is observed, concluding that the signals are strongly connected to the
cut quality. Nevertheless, the authors present no results in which the good quality is maintained.
This study quantitatively investigated the correlation between the cutting process parameters and
monitoring signals, evaluating the results in four different cutting scenarios which implied variations
in the assist gas, material, and thickness. The present work focuses on contour cutting because the
piercing operation was previously studied [25]. The results aim to contribute to future development of
monitoring systems that will allow the correct detection of cutting losses in different working scenarios,
even in cases of having too low or too high-intensity monitoring signals as a consequence of variations
in material thickness, emissivity, or any other implied process variable.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 11
the cutting head, a Precitec ProCutter, concentrated the laser beam in a 125 μm spot at the focal plane.
The assist gas flowed coaxially to the laser beam and, as it was considered as a process variable,
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3 of 11
different gases were used, nitrogen and oxygen, in both cases with purities over 99.999%. A schema
of the cutting head is shown in Figure 1.
2. Experimental Section
A double photodiode sensor system was installed coaxially to the nozzle in the cutting head.
The Si-diode registered the signal in the visible spectrum (VIS), 400–1100 nm wavelength, whereas
2.1. Laser Cutting System
the InGaAs-diode measured in the infrared spectrum (IR), 1000–1800 nm wavelength. Both
photodiodes were arranged
In the present work, a 5over a dichroitic
kW fiber mirror
laser from IPGdetecting
intensity of the
used for the radiation produced
experimental tests.
in the
The lasercutting
beam was process, enabling
carried througha asimultaneous
100 µm transportmeasurement in 125
fiber and the the mm
VIS focal
and lens
IR spectrum.
in the cuttingwavelength filters
head, a Precitec were installed
ProCutter, in the cutting
concentrated head
the laser beamto avoid misreading
in a 125 µm spot atdue
theto the
plane. Thelaser
gas flowedThe generated
coaxially to theanalogical
laser beamsignal
and, aswas analyzed
it was in a as
considered NIa cDAQ9191 from
process variable,
two Instruments
different gases wereand data
used, were acquired
nitrogen through
and oxygen, ancases
in both ad hoc
withacquisition program
purities over developed
99.999%. A schema in
Labview that permitted the definition
of the cutting head is shown in Figure 1. of the acquisition frequency and the recording time.
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Schema
Schema of
of the
the experiment
experiment for
for the
the employed
employed cutting
cutting head.
A double
2.2. Design photodiode sensor system was installed coaxially to the nozzle in the cutting head.
of Experiments
The Si-diode registered the signal in the visible spectrum (VIS), 400–1100 nm wavelength, whereas the
The experimental tests were performed on 5 and 10 mm-thick aluminum (Al) and stainless steel
InGaAs-diode measured in the infrared spectrum (IR), 1000–1800 nm wavelength. Both photodiodes
(SS) plates. In a first step, the appropriate parameters for the cutting process were established, which
were arranged over a dichroitic mirror detecting the intensity of the radiation produced in the cutting
are detailed in Table 1. These parameters were determined to maximize the cut velocity but ensure
process, enabling a simultaneous measurement in the VIS and IR spectrum. Appropriate wavelength
the resulting cut quality.
filters were installed in the cutting head to avoid misreading due to the reflected laser radiation.
The generated analogical signal was analyzed in a NI cDAQ9191 from National Instruments and
Table 1. Cutting parameters for 10 mm-thick stainless steel (SS) plate, and 5 and 10 mm-thick
data were acquired through an ad hoc acquisition program developed in Labview that permitted the
aluminum (Al) plates.
definition of the acquisition frequency and the recording time.
Cutting Parameters Al SS
2.2. Design of Experiments
Thickness [mm] 5 10 10 10
The experimental tests Gas type
were performed on 5 and N2 10 mm-thickN2 O2
aluminum (Al)Nand
2 stainless
steel (SS) plates. In a first step, the appropriate parameters for the cutting process were established,
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6556 4 of 11
which are detailed in Table 1. These parameters were determined to maximize the cut velocity but
ensure the resulting cut quality.
Table 1. Cutting parameters for 10 mm-thick stainless steel (SS) plate, and 5 and 10 mm-thick aluminum
(Al) plates.
Cutting Parameters Al SS
Thickness [mm] 5 10 10 10
Gas type N2 N2 O2 N2
Power [kW] 5 5 5 5
Velocity [mm/min] 7000 2400 680 1200
Gas pressure [bar] 15 15 10.5 12
Focal [mm] −1.1 −2.4 −3 −7.2
Standoff [mm] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Frequency [Hz] 5000 5000 5000 5000
Duty minimum [%] 100 100 100 100
Duty maximum [%] 100 100 100 100
Nozzle diameter [mm] 2.5 3 2.5 3
The gas pressure, cutting velocity, laser power, and focal position were considered to be process
variables and their values were varied in order to analyze their influence on the monitoring signals.
For this purpose, a test-cutting pattern consisting of a rectangular piece of 25 × 30 mm2 with rounded
corners, radius 4 mm, was chosen. Table 2 shows the ranges of the parameters taken for the cutting tests.
Cutting Parameters Al SS
Thickness [mm] 5 10 10 10
Gas type N2 N2 O2 N2
Power [kW] 4–5 4.3–5 4.2–5 4–5
Velocity [mm/min] 4500–7500 2000–2600 500–900 600–1400
Gas pressure [bar] 9–17 13–19 6–12 8–16
Focal [mm] −0.6–−1.6 −2–−3.2 −2–−4 −0.6–−7.8
Both IR and VIS signals were monitored simultaneously in each experiment with an acquisition
frequency of 200,000 Hz. Four gain levels were available for adapting the output value of the monitored
signals. For the VIS spectrum, gains from 1 to 3 were tested until an adequate mean level of the
monitoring signals was ensured to observe the process. In the case of the 5 mm-thick aluminum plate,
a gain of 4 was also applied in the cases where the monitoring values were too low. For the IR spectrum,
gains of 1 and 2 were appropriate to monitor the tests. For the figures of this study the whole range of
the monitoring signal (0–10 V) was used as y-scale to make the comparison easier between spectra and
the parameter values.
steel and an IR gain of 2 reached a value of 10 V, the maximum of the system maintaining a good cut
quality. In previous studies, this behavior was attributed to a loss of cut. However, in this research it
was demonstrated that it was possible to obtain saturated monitoring signals with good quality if the
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 11
used optical gain was not properly adjusted, provoking false positives in a control system.
Table 3. Signal monitoring values for different visible spectrum (VIS) and IR gains at ideal process
Table 3. Signal monitoring values for different visible spectrum (VIS) and IR gains at ideal process
parameters (Table 1). For 5 mm-thick aluminum, gain 4 was also tested with the same results as gain
parameters (Table 1). For 5 mm-thick aluminum, gain 4 was also tested with the same results as gain 3.
Monitoring Signal
Monitoring Signal Mean
Levels (V)(V)
VIS GainVIS Gain IR Gain IR Gain
Case Case
1 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 2
Al, N2, Al,
5 mm, 5 kW
N2 , 5 mm, 5 kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.7 0.1 0.7
Al, N2, Al,
10 mm,
N2 , 105 mm,
kW 5 kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.6 0.10.6 0.4 0.1 0.4
Al, O2, Al, O2 , 105 mm,
10 mm, kW 5 kW 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4 0.250.4 1.3 0.25 1.3
SS, N2 , 10 mm, 5 kW 0.1 0.25 1.5 3
SS, N2, 10 mm, 5 kW 0.1 0.25 1.5 10 3 10
Figure Monitoring signal mean
signal levels
mean for ideal
levels for laser
ideal cutting process process
laser cutting parameters: (a) Visible(a)
parameters: spectrum
and gain 3;and
spectrum (b) gain
Infrared spectrum
3; (b) Infraredand gain 2.and gain 2.
demonstrate thethe
influenceof theofmaterial in the photodiode-based
the material in the photodiode-basedmonitoring signal, aluminum
monitoring signal,
(Al) and stainless steel (SS) were chosen, maintaining the other case characteristics
aluminum (Al) and stainless steel (SS) were chosen, maintaining the other case characteristics constant, specifically,
plates of 10
constant, mm-thick plates
specifically, cut with of N as assist gas
102 mm-thick cutandwith5 N kW of laser power. The photodiode detected
2 as assist gas and 5 kW of laser power. The
the emissions
photodiode produced
detected the in the cutting
emissions process,
produced where
in the the process,
cutting registered signal
where thewas correlated
registered signalto was
emissivity coefficient (ε) of each material. For the same gain value, stainless
correlated to the emissivity coefficient (ε) of each material. For the same gain value, stainless steel steel displayed a higher
displayed asignalhighervalue than aluminum
monitoring signal value in boththanthealuminum
VIS and IRinspectrum,
both the VIS0.6 Vand
vs. IR
V and 0.4 0.6 V vs.V
10 V, respectively. The results obtained in the experiments are in accordance
vs. 1.5 V and 0.4 V vs. 10 V, respectively. The results obtained in the experiments are in accordance with the literature [26],
with theindicated that [26],
literature the ε is higher
which for stainless
indicated thatsteel,
the and
ε is thus,
highertheforcorresponding monitoring
stainless steel, and thus, signal.
To analyze the influence
corresponding monitoring signal. of the thickness in the registered signal, two aluminum plates of 5 and
10 mm Tothickness
analyze the were cut withof
influence N2theat thickness
5 kW, withinthe thevelocity, gassignal,
registered pressure,twoand focal position
aluminum platesspecified
of 5 and
in Table 1. Comparing VIS monitoring signals, the 10 mm thick plate
10 mm thickness were cut with N2 at 5 kW, with the velocity, gas pressure, and focal position displayed a higher value than
the thinner
in Table one (0.6 V vs.
1. Comparing VIS0.15 V), explained
monitoring signals, as the
a consequence
10 mm thickofplate moredisplayed
vapor plume formation
a higher [25]
value than
during the cutting process of the thicker plate, and thus, an increase
the thinner one (0.6 V vs. 0.15 V), explained as a consequence of more vapor plume formation [25] in VIS signal. IR monitoring
during showed
the cuttinga contrary
of the (0.7thicker
V vs. 0.4 V, for
plate, and5 and
mm). In thisincase,
increase VIS the measured
signal. infrared
IR monitoring
signal was related to temperature [25], which decreased in the thicker plate
signals showed a contrary effect (0.7 V vs. 0.4 V, for 5 and 10 mm). In this case, the measured infrared as a consequence of heat
conduction phenomena, according to the literature [27].
signal was related to temperature [25], which decreased in the thicker plate as a consequence of heat
conduction the cases
phenomena, where different
according assist gases
to the literature [27]. were used, the presence of oxygen caused
an exothermic reaction with the metal producing
Comparing the cases where different assist gases were more heat,used,
and thus, a higherofIR
the presence signalcaused
oxygen (0.4 V vs. an
exothermic reaction with the metal producing more heat, and thus, a higher IR signal (0.4 V vs.the
V). Furthermore, the resulting oxidation during the cutting process damaged the cut edge, which 1.3
literature associates
V). Furthermore, thewith an increase
resulting oxidation in the emissivity
during coefficient.
the cutting processIn the VIS signal,
damaged the cut on thewhich
edge, contrary,the
the nitrogen cutting process served as a shielding gas, stopping the burning
literature associates with an increase in the emissivity coefficient. In the VIS signal, on the contrary, process and allowing the
laser to vaporize
the nitrogen the process
cutting material,served
increasing the plume
as a shielding formation
gas, stopping(0.6 theVburning
vs. 0.4 V).
process and allowing the
laser to vaporize the material, increasing the plume formation (0.6 V vs. 0.4 V).
During the experiments, to determine the direct relationship between the parameter values and
the monitoring signal response, relevant cutting process parameters such as focal position, laser
power, gas pressure, and velocity were modified, testing different values that maintained a good cut
quality or that displayed different grades of damage over the lateral cut wall piece. Specifically, three
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6556 6 of 11
During the experiments, to determine the direct relationship between the parameter values and the
monitoring signal response, relevant cutting process parameters such as focal position, laser power, gas
pressure, and velocity were modified, testing different values that maintained a good cut quality or that
displayed different grades of damage over the lateral cut wall piece. Specifically, three types of defects
were detected: (i) regular quality defects in the lateral faces of the cutting pieces associated to regular
peaks in the monitored signal, (ii) increase in the monitored mean level due to continuous bad lateral
quality, andAppl.
2020, 10,saturation as a consequence of a cutting loss. Furthermore, different
x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of parameters
of the machine were registered (speed, real positions, accelerations, temperatures, etc.) to relate them
associated to regular peaks in the monitored signal, (ii) increase in the monitored mean level due to
to the cutting processbad
continuous parameters and the
lateral quality, and quality of the
(iii) signal results.
saturation as Thus, it was possible
a consequence of a cuttingto determine
loss. the
exact position of the defects
Furthermore, detected
different by the
parameters of photodiode
the machine in the physical
were registered pieces.
(speed, Thereal investigation
positions, was
conducted accelerations,
testing the VIS temperatures, etc.) to relatewith
and IR spectrum, themtheto the
aimcutting process parameters
of checking and theof
the capability quality of
the photodiode
the results. Thus, it was possible to determine the exact position of the defects detected by the
system to detect failures in different scenarios. Figures 3–6 show the results obtained in the tests
photodiode in the physical pieces. The investigation was conducted testing the VIS and IR spectrum,
carried outwith
for each
the aim case, using the
of checking theoptimum
capability gainof thefor process system
photodiode observation.
to detectAs indicated
failures in Figure 3 for
in different
stainless steel, no variations
scenarios. Figures 3–6inshowmonitoring
the resultssignals
obtained were found,
in the whileout
tests carried thefor good
eachquality wasthe
case, using conserved,
confirmingoptimum gain for process
the independence observation.
between As indicated
the process in Figure 3and
parameters for stainless steel, no signal
the registered variations in for the
monitoring signals were found, while the good quality was conserved, confirming the independence
studied cases. As the same behavior was observed in both spectra, Figures 3–6 only show results in the
between the process parameters and the registered signal values for the studied cases. As the same
IR spectrum, but generally,
behavior was observed theinVIS
spectra, presented
Figures 3–6a only
lower mean
show value
results when
in the compared
IR spectrum, but to the IR
spectrum, as is displayed
generally, the VISin Table
signal 3. Somea loss
presented lowerofmeancutsvalue
was when
also detected
compared during
to the IRthe tests, saturating
spectrum, as is the
displayed in Table 3. Some loss of cuts was also detected during the tests,
VIS and IR monitoring signal, which confirmed the possibility of using both signals in control systems saturating the VIS and IR
monitoring signal, which confirmed the possibility of using both signals in control systems for
for complete cutting loss detection.
complete cutting loss detection.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. IR monitoring mean levels (gain 1) obtained during the laser cutting of stainless steel of 10
Figure 3. IR monitoring mean levels (gain 1) obtained during the laser cutting of stainless steel of
mm with nitrogen, comparing the ideal cutting conditions (black line) with variations in: (a) focal
10 mm withposition;
nitrogen, comparing
(b) laser power; (c) the ideal cutting
gas pressure; and (d) conditions (blackimage
velocity. (e) Optical line)ofwith variations
a cut sample in: (a) focal
with the
position; (b) laser
ideal power;
cutting (c) gas pressure; and (d) velocity. (e) Optical image of a cut sample with the
ideal cutting parameters.
Figure 4 displays the tests corresponding to the 10 mm-thick aluminum plate and nitrogen as
the assist gas. The focal position of −2.8 mm generated bad lateral quality in the beginning of the test
resulting in an increase in the monitoring signal, decreasing later as good quality was achieved. The
test of −3.2 mm of focal position and the test with 4700 W show a general increase in the mean level
of the monitored signal as a consequence of bad lateral quality during all the cut. For a velocity of
2600 mm/min, the results exhibited an initial increase in the signal due to bad quality, saturating the
signal as a cut loss was obtained. Figure 5 shows the tests corresponding to the 10 mm-thick
aluminum plate and oxygen as the assist gas. The peaks correspond to regular defects in the tests
Appl. a focal position
2020, 10, 6556 of −2 mm (Figure 5a) or 12 bars (Figure 5c), and an increase in the mean level
7 of for
bad lateral quality for −4 mm, lower laser powers and gas pressures, or increasing cutting velocity.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure IRmonitoring
monitoringmean meanlevels
aluminumofof10 10mm
with nitrogen, comparing the ideal cutting conditions (black line) with variations in: (a) focal
with nitrogen, comparing the ideal cutting conditions (black line) with variations in: (a) focal position; position;
(b) laserpower;
power; (c)(c)
gasgas pressure;
pressure; andand (d) velocity.
(d) velocity. (e) Optical
(e) Optical images images of cut samples
of cut samples with thewith
idealthe ideal
cutting parameters
parameters (top), with(top),
a focalwith a focal
position position
of −2.8 of −2.8 mm
mm (center) (center)
and with andposition
a focal with a of
−3.2position of −3.2
mm (bottom).
mm (bottom).
Figure 4 displays the tests corresponding to the 10 mm-thick aluminum plate and nitrogen as
the assist gas. The focal position of −2.8 mm generated bad lateral quality in the beginning of the
test resulting in an increase in the monitoring signal, decreasing later as good quality was achieved.
The test of −3.2 mm of focal position and the test with 4700 W show a general increase in the mean
level of the monitored signal as a consequence of bad lateral quality during all the cut. For a velocity of
2600 mm/min, the results exhibited an initial increase in the signal due to bad quality, saturating the
signal as a cut loss was obtained. Figure 5 shows the tests corresponding to the 10 mm-thick aluminum
plate and oxygen as the assist gas. The peaks correspond to regular defects in the tests with a focal
position of −2 mm (Figure 5a) or 12 bars (Figure 5c), and an increase in the mean level for bad lateral
quality for −4 mm, lower laser powers and gas pressures, or increasing cutting velocity.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6556 8 of 11
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 11
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5. IR monitoring mean levels (gain 2) obtained during the laser cutting of aluminum aluminum of of 10
10 mm
with oxygen,
with oxygen, comparing
comparing the ideal cutting conditions
conditions (black
(black line)
line) with variations
variations in: (a) focal position;
(b) laser
(b) laserpower;
gas pressure;
pressure; andand
(d) (d) velocity.
velocity. (e) Optical
(e) Optical imagesimages
of cutof cut samples
samples with thewith the
ideal ideal
2020, parameters
Appl. Sci. 10, x(top), (top),
FOR with
PEER with
focal a focalofposition
position −2 mm of −2 mm
(center) (center)
and with aand
focalwith a focal
position position
of −4 of −4 mm
mm (bottom). 9 of 11
However, differences were encountered between the monitoring of both spectra, because not all
the defects were correctly detected in the VIS spectrum by the monitoring system. For the 5 mm-thick
aluminum plate, generated defects when varying focal, velocity and gas pressure tests were not
detected by the photodiode in VIS spectrum even at the maximum gain (gain 4, 0.15 V), whereas
those same defects provoked an increase in the signal in the IR spectrum (Figure 6). Isolated defects
were displayed as regular peaks in the IR monitoring signal. In contrast, a general deterioration of
the lateral cut quality was observed with a general increase in the IR mean level. The failure in defect
detection for VIS spectrum was attributed to the low signal obtained, which was due to the
combination of the intrinsic characteristics of the specific case (emissivity of the material, thickness,
assistFigure 6. the
gas). In
6. VIS (gain
VISother 4) and IR
(gain studied
4) and IRcases,
(gain 2) monitoring
2) monitoring
the mean detected
defects mean
were levels obtained
levels obtained
in bothduring theThus,
during the laser cutting
laser cutting of
in the present
study,aluminum of
it was found
aluminum 5 mm
of 5 mm with
that nitrogen,
it was
with with:
nitrogen, (a) focal
convenient position
(a) focal to use the
position of −0.6
of IR mm; (b)
−0.6 velocity of 7500
for monitoring
mm; (b) velocity mm/min.
and ensuring
of 7500 mm/min.
the laser cut quality. In addition, a system with a higher amplification of the VIS monitoring signal
4. Conclusions
would anddetection
allow better Future Work
of defects in cases of thinner plates and/or materials with low emissivity.
In the present work, the influence of the process parameters in the laser cutting process was
analyzed. For this purpose, four scenarios with variations in the emissivity of the material, thickness
and assist gas were considered and each experiment was monitored simultaneously in the VIS and
IR spectrum. The main conclusions reached after the analysis of the obtained results were:
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6556 9 of 11
However, differences were encountered between the monitoring of both spectra, because not all
the defects were correctly detected in the VIS spectrum by the monitoring system. For the 5 mm-thick
aluminum plate, generated defects when varying focal, velocity and gas pressure tests were not
detected by the photodiode in VIS spectrum even at the maximum gain (gain 4, 0.15 V), whereas those
same defects provoked an increase in the signal in the IR spectrum (Figure 6). Isolated defects were
displayed as regular peaks in the IR monitoring signal. In contrast, a general deterioration of the lateral
cut quality was observed with a general increase in the IR mean level. The failure in defect detection
for VIS spectrum was attributed to the low signal obtained, which was due to the combination of the
intrinsic characteristics of the specific case (emissivity of the material, thickness, assist gas). In the
other studied cases, all the defects were detected in both spectra. Thus, in the present study, it was
found that it was more convenient to use the IR spectrum for monitoring and ensuring the laser cut
quality. In addition, a system with a higher amplification of the VIS monitoring signal would allow
better detection of defects in cases of thinner plates and/or materials with low emissivity.
• The measured intensity of the VIS signal was associated with the vapor plume formation during
the cutting process, whereas the IR signal was related to the temperatures reached.
• For the VIS and the IR monitoring signals, it was found that they were independent of the process
parameters as long as the cutting quality was good. In contrast, the mean level increased as the
cutting quality became worse. Therefore, their values can be useful for monitoring defective
cuts online.
• This investigation revealed failures in defect detection for the thinner aluminum plate in the VIS
spectrum, attributed to the low signal value generated by the characteristics of the case. In contrast,
stainless steel displayed signal saturation with good cut quality, usually typical of cut losses.
• Gain system adjustment was revealed as the key factor for success in the detection of cutting
defects. Too low a gain prevent detection of defects, whereas gains that were too high saturated
the monitoring signal, generating false results.
To sum up, this paper shows the potential of photodiode monitoring for industrial applications as
an easy solution to work with adaptive control systems. However, it evidences the lack of the actual
commercial systems. The presented results are considered to be the key to possible development of an
innovative monitoring system that will address the problems of the current systems. At present our
research group is working on a new monitoring system that includes monitoring with photodiodes,
an infrared camera, and a visible camera. The three systems will be installed coaxially to the laser
cutting head and the information will be complementary, allowing the monitoring of all the laser cutting
process scenarios that a service metal cutting center deals with. This development will constitute
a scientific milestone for cutting monitoring systems, being the first coaxial system to integrate the
three techniques in an industrial environment.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.M.G. and J.F.; methodology, S.M.G.; investigation, J.R. and S.M.G.;
validation, J.R. and S.M.G.; formal analysis, S.M.G., J.I.A., and J.F.; resources, J.F.; writing—original draft
preparation, S.M.G.; writing—review and editing, S.M.G., J.I.A., and J.F. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the Basque Government in the Elkartek project “Digicut: Estudio
fundamental de procesos de corte y definición de las bases para su digitalización” (KK-2019/00071).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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