NCP For Post Partum Uterine Agony
NCP For Post Partum Uterine Agony
NCP For Post Partum Uterine Agony
S= Domain 2: Class Bleeding after After a month of 1. Assess vital signs 1. The decreased After 1 month of
Bleeding and 5 delivering nursing and detect any signs fluid volume will administering the
Collapsing placenta intervention, the of shock cause blood nursing
- Deficient fluid ↓ PT will pressure to drop interventions, the
volume related Myometrium tails demonstrate the and the patient goal was met
O= to contracts.
to excessive relief of pain will go into shock. evidenced by
Pale, Chilly and ↓
blood loss after evidenced by verbal report of
Clammy Skin Uterus fills with
birth evidenced verbal report of 2. Monitor blood 2. The amount of the PT’s relief of
blood, and lack of
by Tachycardia pain with no loss blood loss and pain by the rate of
BP= 86/50 pressure on the
and Hypotension open vessels of failure of uterus blood clots will 0/10 and with no
Pulse= 130 to contract and help to failure of the
the placental site.
RR= 24 no bleeding. determine the uterus to contract
Ox= 99 Excessive appropriate and no signs of
Bleeding treatment for the bleeding.
↓ PT.
Uterine Atony 3. Assess vaginal 3. If bleeding is
hematoma caused by vaginal
hematoma, rest
and application
of an ice pack
may be a good
4. Administer IV 4. Fluid
fluids, medications replacement may
and blood products be needed and,
if needed. depending on the
amount of blood
loss and
hematocrit level,
a blood
transfusion may
be required.