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Technical collection

The IT earthing system:

a solution to improve electrical
network availability

Application guide
Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

The IT earthing system

A solution to improve
electrical network

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

Ensuring continuity of service

in the event of an insulation fault
Continuity of service is an essential operational
requirement for power networks. At the same time,
the installation must comply with specific rules
for the protection of people and property.

These safety requirements involve the use An IT ("isolated from earth") earthing system
of protective devices which operate when there is the only one in which safety is assured without
is a risk that could cause the network to become the need for additional protective equipment.
partially unavailable. The installation can operate without endangering
The consequences of which can be significant: people even in the presence of an initial
Total or partial stopping of the process, insulation fault.
Partial or total loss of production.

What do the standards say?

The IT earthing system is described These standards clearly state that,
in several standards: with the IT earthing system, the installation
IEC 60364-4-41
Electrical installation in buildings:
protection for safety,
must be isolated from earth or connected to
earth through a sufficiently high impedance.
In the event of only one ground or earth fault,
Our solution
protection against electric shock. the fault current is very low and interruption complies with
is unnecessary.
IEC 60364-7-710 standards
Since a second fault would cause a circuit
Requirements for special installations or locations –
breaker to trip, an insulation monitoring device
Medical locations.
(IMD) is required to indicate an initial fault.
IEC 61557-8 This device must activate an audible
Insulation monitoring devices for IT earthing systems. and/or visual signal.

IEC 61557-9
Equipment for insulation fault location
in IT earthing systems.

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

Earthing systems
Protecting people
Why several earthing systems?
These systems arose from research into the best ways to protect people and property.
Once this requirement is met, further choice depends on cost, physical- and energy-availability requirements.

people from Direct contact Indirect contact
electric shocks
When a person touches when a person touches
There are two sources
of electric shock: a live are conductor the metal casing of an electrical device
(consumer) that has an insulation fault

Protection Protection
The protective The basic solution
measures are is to connect all the
insulation and/or exposed conductive
distancing. parts of the consumer
These measures to earth via protective
may be reinforced at a conductors.
terminal distribution unit However, this does not
through the protection eliminate the possibility
afforded by residual of a contact voltage
current devices (RCDs). that is dangerous if it is
higher than the safety
limit voltage.
This contact voltage
depends on the
earthing system.

Earthing systems
Earthing (neutral) systems TT earthing system:
are defined by two letters: This is suitable for tertiary-sector distribution
over long distances. An earth connection is made
at each building.

In the presence of an insulation fault, the contact
The first letter defines how the transformer’s voltage depends on the earth resistances, but it can
neutral point is connected to earth: still reach dangerous levels.
The fault is detected by a residual current device
3 3
that trips a circuit breaker. The fault current is limited
by the earth resistances.

L1 L2 L3
Neutral linked to the earth T Neutral insulated from the earth I N


The second letter defines how casings or exposed
conductive parts are connected to earth:

N TN earthing system:
This system is simpler to implement and more
cost-effective on a building or industrial-site scale.
Load casing linked to Load casing linked to An insulation fault is a short circuit.
the earth T the neutral N Therefore, a protective device would be triggered,
leading to a very high fault current.

> TN-C earthing system

L1 L2 L3


Depending on the application, Frame

there are three types
of earthing systems: The neutral and PEN are Combined

> TN-S earthing system


L1 L2 L3
for tertiary-sector and domestic networks. PE


2 TN
for industrial networks.
The neutral and PEN are Separate

> TN-C-S earthing system

L1 L2 L3

for the navy, specific areas in hospitals,
and high-availability requirement applications Frame
in industry.
The neutral and PEN are partly Combined and partly Separate

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

The IT earthing system

In an IT earthing system, the neutral of the transformer's secondary
is not connected to earth, and the load casing is connected to earth.

In the event of an insulation fault,

current cannot loop via the transformer's neutral:
> IT earthing system
L1 L2 L3
N No dangerous contact voltage
PE when touching metal parts.

Very low fault currents.

Therefore, an IT earthing system guarantees

the best continuity of service.
The installation can operate without endangering However, the faulty circuit must be detected
people and equipment even in the presence of and repaired before a second fault occurs
an initial insulation fault. because a second fault would cause a short circuit
As a result, protective devices are not triggered. between phases and trigger protective devices.

230 V
110 V

110 mA

230 V IT
0.7 V

< 1 mA

Advantages of an IT earthing system
The main advantage of an IT earthing system is continuity of
service. It also offers advantages related to low fault currents.

Improving Eliminating
energy availability fire risks
Controlling this risk is becoming increasingly Many fires are started by intense, concentrated
important. If clearing a fault involves automatic heating or by an electric arc from an insulation fault.
disconnection of the faulty part, the following The higher the fault current, the greater the risk.
may result: (A point of contact between a conductor and
Financial risk due to production loss. a metal part may, in particularly sensitive areas,
This risk is a particular concern for process start a fire when the fault current exceeds 500 mA).
industries since restarts can be drawn-out
and costly affairs. explosion risks
Risk to personnel. For example: The same approach applies here.
sudden loss of lighting, This risk is present particularly in mines,
unavailability of safety-related equipment. silos, oil rigs and the chemical industry.

corrective maintenance
The standard recommends clearing the first fault as quickly as possible. However, since a characteristic of
the IT earthing system is to allow the installation to continue operating in complete safety, without
endangering people or equipment, the degree of urgency is very much a relative judgement.
In TN and TT earthing systems, the only solution is to clear the fault before resetting the circuit.
In an IT earthing system, clearing the fault can be postponed for a few hours depending on the probability of
a second fault occurring rapidly.
Hence, the IT earthing system is used in processes that can tolerate an interruption but have the aim
of optimizing maintenance: 24-hour x 7-day continuous processes with a maintenance team present
during working hours.

Facilitating Limiting
preventive maintenance indirect costs
The IT earthing system requires the presence of an (increasing the life of the installation)
insulation monitoring device (IMD). This device also A high fault current can result in significant damage
provides good visibility over the electrical network. to the installation or the consumer, which would
Even when there is no fault, monitoring therefore require the cost and time for repairs.
the insulation resistance enables identification of By having very limited fault currents,
the degradation in the insulation of a circuit or equipment is subjected to less stress
a device, so intervention is possible before and its life cycle is increased.
an actual failure occurs.

At the first fault:

In TT : 5 A < fault current < 50 A
In TN : 1 KA < fault current < 100 KA
In IT : 70 ma < fault current < 2 A (highly capacitive circuit)

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

Limitations of an IT earthing system

Is an IT earthing system What is the limitation of an IT earthing system?
more beneficial than other The limitation is associated with the size and complexity of a network. On a very
large network, the impedance between the phases and earth (associated with
earthing systems? the coupling capacitance of cables and loads with respect to earth) will be low.
Each earthing system has its pros and cons. Beyond a certain limit – several tens of kilometres – this system becomes
Ideally the application should determine the type equivalent to a TT earthing system, and a dangerous contact voltage will occur
of earthing system to choose. Often the best in the event of an insulation fault.
compromise is the coexistence of various
earthing systems. For example, in an industrial 1
environment, a TN earthing system can be
applied to non-critical parts and an IT earthing The network's
system to critical parts. distributed
are impedances
The main disadvantage of an IT earthing system
through which
is the need for a transformer and a CPI per the 50 Hz current
3 2
island. Nevertheless, the cost of these items can will flow.
be recovered very quickly through gains in
productivity and maintenance. C C C

The maintenance team must be capable of

locating the fault. This is possible through a
knowledge of earthing systems and associated
IT & high C Flow of current

What do the standards say?

According to the IEC 60364-4-41,
in a.c systems:
RA x Id ≤ 50 V
RA is the sum of the resist ance in Ω of the earth electrode
Id is the fault current in A of the first fault

It is so necessary to have a very low earth

resistance. It is also necessary to monitor C as Id
depends on the impedance of C (Id = U/Zc). Solutions
Only Schneider Electric monitors permanently C. Display the value of C to check whether the limit has been reached, thereby
preventing an entire industrial site from being on a single isolating transformer.
Apply multiple earthing systems according to the application and/or islanding.
(Example limits: 70 µF for 440 V, 40 µF for 690 V).

In short Earthing system TT TN-C TN-S IT

Safety and services
Safety of persons
Safety of equipments against the fire hazard
Poor for machine protection (1)
Availability of electrical power
Electromagnetic influences (2)

(1) In case of an insulation fault

(2) All electromagnetic influences:
external: a default on the HV network, operating overvoltages, atmospheric overvoltages etc.

IT earthing system applications
There are many applications which vary from country to country.


 perating theatres
O  irports: control tower,
A Tunnels I ndustrial applications
and certain medical runway lighting with continuous or
quarters in hospitals sensitive processes
 fficial buildings:
Silos Oil and Gas Refinery
Ships parliaments,
stock exchanges, Oil rigs Automotive
Cold storage
Laboratories Rail
 uclear power
N departments,
stations etc. Solar Hydro

Apart from mandatory situations (hospitals, the navy), the IT earthing system is typically used in instances
where the unavailability of power would result in lost production or incur a significant non-production cost.
Other applications concern minimizing the risk of fire and explosion.
Lastly, the IT earthing system is chosen in certain cases because it can help facilitate preventive and
corrective maintenance operations.

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

Insulation monitoring devices

An indispensable solution for implementing an IT earthing network.

Insulation monitoring device (IMD):

These devices are mandatory in
an IT earthing system.
An insulation monitoring device injects DC or
low-frequency AC voltage between the network
and earth. The resulting current that flows through CPI
the IMD is then measured.
The insulation value is calculated from this
low-frequency current.
Note: in an IT earthing system, a 50 Hz fault current is difficult
to measure since it loops through the capacitances distributed
in the network.
Depending on the device, it can also be used to:
The IMD indicates the fault locally on its front panel Display the insulation resistance value locally,
depending on the adjustable threshold set on the Display the leakage capacitance value for the monitored network,
device. It also activates a relay output to a visual or Store time-stamped alarms,
audible indicator. Communicate with a supervisor.

Fault location:
On networks with many circuits, the IMD can be associated with a locator (XD301 – XD312) that can identify
the faulty circuit.
Such locators use the 2.5 Hz signal injected by the IMD to determine through which circuit the fault current
is flowing. There is no link between the locators and the IMD.

Measure - Indicate - Locate - Repair


12-circuit 12-circuit No connection

Locator Locator between the locator
and the IMD.
Possibility of R and
C measurements per
Locator circuit (XL and XML

fault finding

2.5 Hz current

These locators can be fixed devices connected to Advanced versions of these locators (XL and XML)
toroids that measure the injected current, or mobile. provide the insulation value on a circuit by circuit
They can monitor 12 circuits or one separate circuit. basis. This simplifies maintenance of large

A reliable and effective architecture
Schneider Electric, a global specialist in electrical power management,
offers a range of architectures tailored to your network: expanse, number of
circuits, presence of coupling, etc. Schneider Electric is highly experienced
in this area. We have been in the IMD business for more than 50 years.

Small networks or islands Network with many feeders:

(c max = 40 µF) simple solution




Easy to install and use Advanced monitoring and fault location

 here is a transformer to create the IT island.
T This architecture is simple to implement since there
Its neutral is not connected to earth. are no connections between the various modules.
 here is an IMD (EM9) to detect the first fault:
T The IMD (IM400) injects a 2.5 Hz current and
It is generally powered by the network measures R and C using this current.
that it monitors, When the IM400 indicates a fault, the maintenance
It is connected to neutral (or to one phase) team must locate and clear the fault.
and earth, On a continuous process, this fault tracing operation
Its only setting is the fault threshold level, cannot be done by tripping circuit breakers.
It has a single relay output to a light
or alarm sound. The XD312 modules measure the 2.5 Hz current in
These products are available in both Multi 9 each circuit and compare it with a threshold value.
(DIN rail) and flush-mount formats. The fault can then be located without interference
on the network.
Further options depending on model include
 isplay of R value to facilitate preventive
 isplay of the network's C value.
Modbus serial link.
Alarm log.

The advantage of the

Schneider Electric offer

Measurement and display of C Fault location without connection to the IMD

Monitoring of C is essential on large networks since the C‑related impedance This feature can simplify the implementation
can cause these networks to drift towards a TT arrangement, which would give and use of the sytem. It also removes any limit
rise to a dangerous contact voltage and a high fault current after an insulation on the number of XD312 locators.
fault. Only Schneider Electric displays the C value.

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

A reliable and effective solution

Per-feeder measurements for highly critical networks.

This feature, Large networks Improvement

which is exclusive
to Schneider Electric, and/or several buildings of preventive maintenance
can meet the
following needs. Easy to manage IT islands are ideal for large Per-feeder measurements enable constant
networks. If this is not possible, then it is beneficial monitoring of the insulation change for each group
to have R and C measurements per building of critical circuits.
or per critical circuit. This gives the maintenance team a better overview
of the entire network and the capability to anticipate



XML316 XML308

Per-feeder measurement
In this architecture, the XML products provide both
the IMD function and per-feeder measurements.
All measurements and time-stamped alarms are
accessed via the supervisor.
The XLI300 provides both a communication
interface and IMD exclusion when the second
circuit breaker is closed*.
This solution can also be combined with fault
XML316 location by an XD product, thereby enabling fault
location lower down in the network tree.

* Exclusion
The IMD injects a low frequency into the network. In a network with several incoming feeders, depending on the circuit breaker
position, there must be no more than one IMD injecting into the network. This injection exclusion is managed by the XLI300 interface.

At least one IMD, but no more than one, per subnetwork.

Operation by the supervision system
Power Monitoring Expert software
Communication with a supervisor
over a Modbus serial link is possible
through the XLI300 interface*.
The data can be used locally on the supervisor or remotely
via an Ethernet network.
Integration with an existing system is simple since only
a limited amount of information is transmitted.

Data table

Example with Ethernet gateway


Trend line

Ethernet gateway EGX300


Modbus Serial link

XLI300 IM400 IM20

Trend line

Vigilohm internal bus

Timestamped values
XML308 XM300

* The IM20 has a direct Modbus serial link.

Data table

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

Choosing the best architecture

Rather than a single architecture, there are Selection criteria
a variety of possibilities depending on the type Except in simple cases, particular features of the
network to be supervised can also affect choice:
of network to be supervised:
I s it a large network where it is preferable to
A simple motor or a small AC network: IM9. measure the earth leakage capacitance?
A motor that is normally off: IM9-OL. I s there a requirement for a prevention threshold
indicating a change in insulation to less than
A small DC or AC network: IM10 or IM20.
a non-critical value set by the user?
 larger network for which fault location would be a long
Is there coupling present in the network?
and tedious task if done manually: IM400 + XD's.
 re there electrical disturbances generated
 very large network for which main-circuit measurements
A by consumers such as variable-speed drives,
would be beneficial: XML308/XML316 or XM300 + XL308/316 UPSs, etc?
if the circuits are not in the same substation.

System choice
Supervision and event logging There are four steps to choosing a system:

1 To define the need: display, fault location,


Supervisor Select the appropriate locators
(manual fault tracing, XD locators,
XML or XL local measurement).

Select the IMDs that are compatible
XLI300 with fault location or local measurement.

4 Check whether an interface

is necessary.

The IM20 as a direct Modbus link

Permanent insulation monitoring

XML308/316 XM300C

IM400 IM20 IM10 IM9

This system
XD308C is scalable.
XD301 XL308/316 It is simply a matter
of adding devices to
adapt it to changes in
the network or in the
degree of monitoring.


Off-line insulation monitoring
For all earthing systems: IT, TN, TT

Failure to start The risk of a motor failing to start is often due to insulation problems caused by
some motors humidity that accumulates in the microscopic cracks of the insulation during
can have serious periods when the motor is not running.
consequences. In the event of a dead short, powering up the motor can result in a high fault
Such motors current that can destroy the motor (if the motor is configured as TN).
are used in: The IMD constantly monitors the insulation of strategic motors during periods
Safety equipment when they are not running.
(fire pumps, smoke IM9-OL
extractors), Depending on the insulation value:
Certain industrial It only signals the fault (pre-alarm threshold),
processes. It prevents start-up (alarm threshold).

Example application:
On a car carrier ship,
there are many elevators for passing cargo
from one level to another.

The cargo-elevator
motors are used only
during loading and

An insulation fault on one

cargo elevator will bring
the entire process to a

By monitoring
the motors when
they are off, a fault can
be anticipated to ensure
the availability of the

The same approach applies to fire pumps,

smoke extractors and motors for handling
or lifting operations.

Smoke extraction from a tunnel Handling operations

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

The IT system is the rule for ships

Continuity of service is a fundamental requirement for the operation
of electrical networks on ships.

Limiting the risk of fire and explosion

on ships is also imperative.
At the same time, the system must
comply with the rules for protection
of property and human life.
The IT earthing system is
the only earthing system
suitable for the specific
conditions required by ships.

Architectures adaptable to Potential that is still

a variety of needs not well known
Ship electrical networks are very diverse.
In all cases there will be at least one insulation
Whereas, in industrial environments,
advanced solutions are very widespread,
Our solution
monitoring device for each sub-network. this is not the case on ships. complies with
In complex networks where there are numerous Except for some types of ship, such as navy international
couplings, monitor exclusion must be managed ships and liners, they often have minimal standards.
according to the couplings. equipment, with mere fault threshold monitoring.
This exclusion is ensured by a module which The use of monitoring devices capable of displaying
manages inter-monitor dialogue. the insulation value and recording time tagged
events greatly facilitates corrective and
The fault location: invaluable preventive maintenance.
The more systematic use of fault pinpointing is
on certain types of ships also greatly appreciated by users and can reduce
When operating conditions are severe (humidity, the number of maintenance personnel for
etc.), insulation faults can be frequent. critical applications.
If there are a large number of feeders, these faults
are hard to locate.
Vigilohm allows fast and easy pinpointing because
the locating devices do not need to communicate
with the insulation monitoring devices.

Photovoltaic is a unique application
with unique specifications

Choice of the IT power system

In industry, the IT power system is used when availability is required.
It’s the only grounding scheme that provides people safety on first insulation
fault without having to operate the protection devices and interrupting
the power system.
It also allows limiting the faulty current on insulation fault in area that
shows fire or explosion risks. Insulation Monitoring Devices such as
Vigilohm provide then an insulation alarm but do not trig the interruption
of the power system.

In photovoltaic applications, the IT power system allows limiting of the

faulty current. People safety against the risk of electric shock is provided
by using class II DC power system (double isolation) in combination
with class II PV modules.
Within a grounded photovoltaic installation, an insulation fault may allow the
circulation of an important faulty current with risk of fire and/or destruction
of material. Using the IT power system (ungrounded power system) would
Increased value of C allow limiting the faulty current on a first insulation fault thus preventing any
Given the large surface area of PV modules risk for the installation. However it is then required to correct the insulation
constituting the photovoltaic field or the fault reported by the IMD as in case of a second insulation fault the faulty
installation condition, it is possible to have a current would be very important. In some cases, upon detection of a first
value of the leakage capacitance (C) much insulation fault the faulty part of the PV field and/or the inverter may be
higher than those usually witnessed in industry. disconnected; insulation fault correction is to be executed however.
In industry, if the C value is very high,
the impedance (Zc) linked to C could drive
this network towards a TT network leading to Architecture
risk of dangerous contact voltage and high String 1
faulty current.
In photovoltaic applications like every DC MV
applications, the high value of C has no
String n
consequences on people’s safety nor on the
faulty current. On installation with non isolated
inverter, the IMD can be placed either on
AC or on the DC side.
On installation with isolated inverter, the IMD Example of an architecture using the IM400 insulation alarm to disconnect the PV field
from the inverter.
must be placed on the DC side. Optionally
an IMD can be placed on the AC side
(if in IT power system).

IM20 for PV field with up-to 150 µF leakage capacitance

(generally 750 kW peak).
or IM400 for demanding installation with up to 2000 µF capacitance
(generally above 750 kW peak) including installation with paralleled
IM20 IM400

Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

IT system in hospital
The IT isolated system is particularly well
adapted for operating theatres.

The patient's survival is highly dependant on continuity and quality
of electrical supply.
Many electronic instruments / appliances are used by the medical staff.
The major design problem is to avoid electrical hazards and obtain
continuity of supply simultaneously.

What do the standards say?

In group 2 rooms for medical use, the medical IT system should be
used for the circuits powering medical electrical equipment and systems
Our solution complies
for survival and surgical applications, and the other equipment located

with international standard
IEC 60364-7-710 and national
in the environment of the patient.
standards and regulations Schneider Electric offers an innovative solution for operating theatres.

Architecture: Secure power distribution and monitoring solution for operating theater

Example architecture 2 using IM20-H the HRP

in the operating room and a global supervision
The Modbus communication provides the nurses’ room
and/or the maintenance personnel:
insulation value
transformer load level Vigilohm Vigilohm
alarms Electrical fault HRP Electrical fault HRP

timestamping of events.
Insulation fault Sensors Insulation fault Sensors
This ensures event traceability.

Operating room 1 Operating room 2

4 wires Modbus

3 wires (common, insulation fault, transformer monitoring)

2 wires (+24 V 0 V) Supervisor

No power cutoff on
first fault.
Permanent digital
ABL8 MEM24003
display of insulation Existing or specific power supply
value. Ex.: ABL8 MEM24003
Customer Fault indication by
benefits failsafe contact.

Continuous process
Cement works in Spain

Spain. Cement manufacturing.
The site has about 25 IT islands that mainly
supply motors.
The IT earthing system is chosen because of
the availability requirement for continuous
Faults occur frequently, especially when it rains,
because the motors are only partly protected.



1 2 25

TR22 TR22 XM200


25 IT islands

The IMDs are essentially TR22s. On some "polluted" circuits, XM200s are used.
A few previous-generation IMDs are also present. These have been in place for 25 years
and are still in perfect working order.
Fault location is carried out by the portable system.

By choosing The architecture The client is considering

the IT earthing system, is simple. replacing the oldest products
availability and safety Fault location with the latest-generation
are combined in an is carried out by products in order to take
environment in which the portable system. advantage of automatic fault
Customer faults occur frequently. location (XM200 + XD).


Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

maintenance scheduling
Transforming plastic material in France
Tarare. Manufacturing of PVC flooring.
The site has approximately 20 IT islands that mainly supply variable-speed
drives. The overall capacity of the site is 17 MW.
The IT earthing system is chosen, not in relation to a continuous process,
but to simplify maintenance. In a TN earthing system a fault would trip a circuit
breaker, and the maintenance team would have to intervene immediately.
This would involve a qualified technician being permanently available.
In an IT earthing system, a fault that occurs during the night or over
a weekend is inconsequential, so the maintenance team can wait to deal with
it during work hours.



1 2 20

XM200 XM200 XM200


20 IT islands – 440 V

The IMDs are XM200s. In this instance the alarm output Since the process is not continuous, fault location is
of each IMD is connected to a single light outside the unnecessary and the fault can be traced by sequentially
substation. A fault will be noticed from outside during patrols. tripping circuit breakers.
The TR22 has not been used because the variable-speed
drives generate disturbances that are incompatible with
DC injection.

The architecture The return on The choice of an IT earthing system provides other
is simple to implement investment is realized customer benefits:
and operate. within a few years Preventive maintenance by monitoring changes in
through maintenance insulation values. The failure of certain equipment,
optimization and power particularly electric motors, can be anticipated.
Initial investment
Customer is limited to the supply continuity for Increased equipment life by virtue of low fault currents.
the process. An IT earthing system limits the stress endured by
benefits transformers and
equipment during a fault condition.
the IMDs.

Continuous process in
a food-processing plant
Transforming agricultural products in China

Lian Yun Gang. Food processing plant.
A large part of the electrical installation is an IT earthing system.
Three agricultural products (maize, wheat and potatoes) are transformed
into food ingredients. The transformation process is continuous and takes
about one week. Interrupting this process would lead to lost production
and spoil the products being transformed.
The IT earthing system is the logical solution in this scenario.

TN 2 Supervisor

TN 1

1 2 8

IT XML316 IT XML316 XM300C XML316

1to16 1to16

This architecture exploits all the Vigilohm system capabilities. Since the network is large, there are Of the eight islands, two are critical and therefore have dual
eight islands (one per building). There are also a large number of secondary circuits. Each main incoming-feeder circuits (normal/backup).
circuit is measured locally (only Schneider Electric offers this local measurement solution). The IMD that is active when the island is supplied by a backup
In the event of an insulation fault, the fault is first located automatically at the main-circuit level, feeder is an XM300C, which does not need to provide the local
and then at secondary-circuit level via the mobile search process. measurement already carried out by the XML316.
Each XML316 provides the IMD function and 16-circuit measurement in the same unit. All the data is transmitted to a supervisor.

The architecture All the values Additionally, it provides

provides all the usual can be accessed for a more detailed awareness
advantages of an IT on the supervisor. of the change in insulation
earthing system. for all of the main circuits.
This capability is exclusive
Customer to Schneider Electric.


Using an IT earthing system to improve electrical network availability

Container Ships
Transport of refrigerated containers.
On this type of ship faults are frequent because the electricity
distribution system is subjected to weather conditions.
The IT system makes it possible to maintain the power supply
for the refrigeration units, in complete safety, despite the existence
of an insulation fault.
The fault must be pinpointed quickly because another fault on another
phase will trip the circuit breaker. A prolonged loss of power will cause
the whole of the container's cargo to be lost.

2500 A – 800 A 6000 A – 1000 A Busway

Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel



LV Connection of
Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel Dist. panel refrigerated
Vigilohm monitors
Vigilohm locators
MV generator
The system comprises two Vigilohm insulation monitoring Installation is easy, because there
devices, one for each busway. is no link between the monitor and MV/LV transformer
In addition, locating modules can indicate the faulty feeder. the locating devices. 6600 V/440 V

Benefits of advanced IMD's

Fault location helps simplify corrective maintenance
Basic IMD's provide only the fault detection so you can quickly realize your return on investment
alarm. Advanced IMD's also provide: (e.g., saving sensitive cargo in shelters that require
Preventive maintenance using the insulation constant refrigeration at specific temperatures).
value and pre-alarms
Customer Fast and easy maintenance via the event log
With communication it is possible to have a global view
of the electrical network, which helps facilitate both
benefits and communication to a supervisor.
preventive and corrective maintenance.

The IT earthing system

A solution to improve
electrical network
High-value-added services
Throughout the world, our Schneider Electric Service experts and our local
partners are attentive to your needs and propose to you a comprehensive
and unique service offering.

Expert services In Search of Excellence

For improved performance… Schneider Electric conducts an ambitious
> Energy efficiency, innovation, quality and efficiency policy:
> Installation reliability and safety, > Around 5% of turnover is invested in R&D,
> Reduced capital expenditure,
> 6,500 researchers and developers.
> Reduced power consumption,
> Reduction in the number of failures,
> Reduction in downtime and repair time, A close relationship
> Training of operation and maintenance teams,
> Longer equipment service life.
with our customers
> A strong international footprint with 105,000
… Over the entire life cycle employees in 130 countries. With our partners,
of the installation distributors, panelbuilders, contractors and
> Installation design, engineering offices, we want to establish
> Commissioning, with you a relationship of trust and help
> Operating aid, you achieve an optimal level of performance.
> Maintenance and revamping,
> Energy efficiency audit,
> Customized services.
A strong social commitment
> Sustainable development is key in Schneider
Electric’s strategy. Our solutions help those without
Customer support electricity obtain access to it and favour a reduction
and online services in energy consumption.
> 91% of our plants are certified ISO 14001.
> Call centres, online diagnosis services
The Schneider Electric product offering complies
and technical assistance,
with all existing standards worldwide.
> Services via Internet: electronic catalogues,
downloadable software, information and training.

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Schneider Electric Industries SAS

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