PKIRANKUMAR worked for 30 days in June 2023 as a GRADE 01 at Accenture Services Pvt Ltd in Pune, India. His gross earnings were Rs. 102,182 which included a basic salary of Rs. 52,200, house rent allowance of Rs. 26,100, special allowance of Rs. 3,882 and a hot skill bonus of Rs. 20,000. Provident fund, professional tax and income tax deductions totaling Rs. 9,405 were made, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 92,777.
PKIRANKUMAR worked for 30 days in June 2023 as a GRADE 01 at Accenture Services Pvt Ltd in Pune, India. His gross earnings were Rs. 102,182 which included a basic salary of Rs. 52,200, house rent allowance of Rs. 26,100, special allowance of Rs. 3,882 and a hot skill bonus of Rs. 20,000. Provident fund, professional tax and income tax deductions totaling Rs. 9,405 were made, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 92,777.
PKIRANKUMAR worked for 30 days in June 2023 as a GRADE 01 at Accenture Services Pvt Ltd in Pune, India. His gross earnings were Rs. 102,182 which included a basic salary of Rs. 52,200, house rent allowance of Rs. 26,100, special allowance of Rs. 3,882 and a hot skill bonus of Rs. 20,000. Provident fund, professional tax and income tax deductions totaling Rs. 9,405 were made, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 92,777.
PKIRANKUMAR worked for 30 days in June 2023 as a GRADE 01 at Accenture Services Pvt Ltd in Pune, India. His gross earnings were Rs. 102,182 which included a basic salary of Rs. 52,200, house rent allowance of Rs. 26,100, special allowance of Rs. 3,882 and a hot skill bonus of Rs. 20,000. Provident fund, professional tax and income tax deductions totaling Rs. 9,405 were made, resulting in a net pay of Rs. 92,777.