Analyzing Images EDGE

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Analyzing Images

On this page Detecting Edges Using the edge Function Tracing Object Boundaries in an Image Detecting Lines Using the Hough Transform

The toolbox also includes functions that return information about the texture of an image. See Analyzing the Texture of an Image for more information.

Detecting Edges Using the edge Function

In an image, an edge is a curve that follows a path of rapid change in image intensity. Edges are often associated with the boundaries of objects in a scene. Edge detection is used to identify the edges in an image. To find edges, you can use the edge function. This function looks for places in the image where the intensity changes rapidly, using one of these two criteria:

Places where the first derivative of the intensity is larger in magnitude than some threshold Places where the second derivative of the intensity has a zero crossing

edge provides a number of derivative estimators, each of which implements one of the

definitions above. For some of these estimators, you can specify whether the operation should be sensitive to horizontal edges, vertical edges, or both. edge returns a binary image containing 1's where edges are found and 0's elsewhere. The most powerful edge-detection method that edge provides is the Canny method. The Canny method differs from the other edge-detection methods in that it uses two different thresholds (to detect strong and weak edges), and includes the weak edges in the output only if they are connected to strong edges. This method is therefore less likely than the others to be fooled by noise, and more likely to detect true weak edges. The following example illustrates the power of the Canny edge detector by showing the results of applying the Sobel and Canny edge detectors to the same image: 1. Read image and display it.
2. I = imread('coins.png'); imshow(I)

Apply the Sobel and Canny edge detectors to the image and display them.
BW1 = edge(I,'sobel'); BW2 = edge(I,'canny'); imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2)

Tracing Object Boundaries in an Image

The toolbox includes two functions you can use to find the boundaries of objects in a binary image:
bwtraceboundary bwboundaries

The bwtraceboundary function returns the row and column coordinates of all the pixels on the border of an object in an image. You must specify the location of a border pixel on the object as the starting point for the trace. The bwboundaries function returns the row and column coordinates of border pixels of all the objects in an image. For both functions, the nonzero pixels in the binary image belong to an object and pixels with the value 0 (zero) constitute the background. The following example uses bwtraceboundary to trace the border of an object in a binary image and then uses bwboundaries to trace the borders of all the objects in the image: 1. Read image and display it.
2. I = imread('coins.png'); imshow(I)

Convert the image to a binary image. bwtraceboundary and bwboundaries only work with binary images.
BW = im2bw(I); imshow(BW)

Determine the row and column coordinates of a pixel on the border of the object you want to trace. bwboundary uses this point as the starting location for the boundary tracing.
dim = size(BW) col = round(dim(2)/2)-90; row = min(find(BW(:,col)))

Call bwtraceboundary to trace the boundary from the specified point. As required arguments, you must specify a binary image, the row and column coordinates of the starting point, and the direction of the first step. The example specifies north ('N'). For information about this parameter, see Choosing the First Step and Direction for Boundary Tracing.
boundary = bwtraceboundary(BW,[row, col],'N');

Display the original grayscale image and use the coordinates returned by bwtraceboundary to plot the border on the image.
imshow(I) hold on; plot(boundary(:,2),boundary(:,1),'g','LineWidth',3);

To trace the boundaries of all the coins in the image, use the bwboundaries function. By default, bwboundaries finds the boundaries of all objects in an image, including objects inside other objects. In the binary image used in this example, some of the coins contain black areas that bwboundaries interprets as separate objects. To ensure that bwboundaries only traces the coins, use imfill to fill the area inside each coin.
BW_filled = imfill(BW,'holes'); boundaries = bwboundaries(BW_filled); bwboundaries returns a cell array, where each cell contains the row/column coordinates for an

object in the image. Plot the borders of all the coins on the original grayscale image using the coordinates returned by bwboundaries.
for k=1:10 b = boundaries{k}; plot(b(:,2),b(:,1),'g','LineWidth',3); end


For certain objects, you must take care when selecting the border pixel you choose as the starting point and the direction you choose for the first step parameter (north, south, etc.). For example, if an object contains a hole and you select a pixel on a thin part of the object as the starting pixel, you can trace the outside border of the object or the inside border of the hole, depending on the direction you choose for the first step. For filled objects, the direction you select for the first step parameter is not as important. To illustrate, this figure shows the pixels traced when the starting pixel is on a thin part of the object and the first step is set to north and south. The connectivity is set to 8 (the default).

Detecting Lines Using the Hough Transform

This section describes how to use the Hough transform functions to detect lines in an image. The following table lists the Hough transform functions in the order you use them to perform this task. Function

Description The hough function implements the Standard Hough Transform (SHT). The Hough transform is designed to detect lines, using the parametric representation of a line:
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta)

The variable rho is the distance from the origin to the line along a vector perpendicular to the line. theta is the angle between the x-axis and this vector. The hough function generates a parameter space matrix whose rows and columns correspond to these rho and theta values, respectively.
houghpeaks After you compute the Hough transform, you can use the houghpeaks function to

find peak values in the parameter space. These peaks represent potential lines in the input image.
houghlines After you identify the peaks in the Hough transform, you can use the houghlines

function to find the endpoints of the line segments corresponding to peaks in the Hough transform. This function automatically fills in small gaps in the line segments. The following example shows how to use these functions to detect lines in an image. 1. Read an image into the MATLAB workspace.

= imread('circuit.tif');

2. For this example, rotate and crop the image using the imrotate function.
3. rotI = imrotate(I,33,'crop'); fig1 = imshow(rotI);

Find the edges in the image using the edge function.

BW = edge(rotI,'canny'); figure, imshow(BW);

Compute the Hough transform of the image using the hough function.
[H,theta,rho] = hough(BW);

Display the transform using the imshow function.

figure, imshow(imadjust(mat2gray(H)),[],'XData',theta,'YData',rho,... 'InitialMagnification','fit'); xlabel('\theta (degrees)'), ylabel('\rho'); axis on, axis normal, hold on; colormap(hot)

Find the peaks in the Hough transform matrix, H, using the houghpeaks function.
P = houghpeaks(H,5,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));

Superimpose a plot on the image of the transform that identifies the peaks.
x = theta(P(:,2)); y = rho(P(:,1)); plot(x,y,'s','color','black');

Find lines in the image using the houghlines function.

lines = houghlines(BW,theta,rho,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);

Create a plot that superimposes the lines on the original image.

figure, imshow(rotI), hold on max_len = 0;

for k = 1:length(lines) xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2]; plot(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),'LineWidth',2,'Color','green'); % Plot beginnings and ends of lines plot(xy(1,1),xy(1,2),'x','LineWidth',2,'Color','yellow'); plot(xy(2,1),xy(2,2),'x','LineWidth',2,'Color','red'); % Determine the endpoints of the longest line segment len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2); if ( len > max_len) max_len = len; xy_long = xy; end end % highlight the longest line segment plot(xy_long(:,1),xy_long(:,2),'LineWidth',2,'Color','red');

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