SPM - Unit 1
SPM - Unit 1
SPM - Unit 1
UNIT-1 (Lecture-1)
• Software Creation
• Software Project Management
A project is well-defined task, which is a collection of several operations done in order to
achieve a goal (for example, software development and delivery). A Project can be
characterized as:
Software Project
A software project manager is a person who undertakes the responsibility of executing the
software project. Project manager may never directly involve in producing the end product but
he controls and manages the activities involved in production.
A project manager closely
osely monitors few responsibilities:
Managing People
Managing Project
A methodology is a model, which project managers employ for the design, planning,
implementation and achievement of their project objectives. There are different project
management methodologies to benefit different projects.
In this methodology, the project scope is a variable. Additionally, the time and the cost are
constants for the project. Therefore, during the project execution, the project scope is adjusted
in order to get the maximum business value from the project.
Agile software development methodology is for a project that needs extreme agility in
requirements. The key features of agile are its short-termed delivery cycles (sprints), agile
requirements, dynamic team culture, less restrictive project control and emphasis on real-time
3. Crystal Methods
In crystal method, the project processes are given a low priority. Instead of the processes, this
method focuses more on team communication, team member skills, people and interaction.
Crystal methods come under agile category.
This is the successor of Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. This is also a
subset of agile software development methodology and boasts about the training and documents
support this methodology has. This method emphasizes more on the active user involvement
during the project life cycle.
This methodology is more focused on simple and well-defined processes, short iterative and
feature driven delivery cycles. All the planning and execution in this project type take place
based on the features.
Involving the client from the early stages with the project tasks is emphasized by this
methodology. The project team and the client hold JAD sessions collaboratively in order to get
the contribution from the client. These JAD sessions take place during the entire project life.
UNIT-1 (Lecture-2)
Categorization of Software Projects – Setting objectives
Objective of a project
Informally, the objective of a project can be defined by completing the statement:
The project will be regarded as a success “if……….” Rather like post-conditions for the project,
Focus on what will be put in place, rather than how activities will be carried out.
e.g. ‘a new payroll application will be operational by 4th April’ not ‘design and code a new payroll
UNIT-1 (Lecture-3)
Management Principles – Management Control
Management control
Management, in general, can be seen as the process of setting objectives for a system and then monitoring
the system to see what its true performance is.
Especially in the case of large undertakings, there will be a lot going on about which management should
be aware. This will involve the local managers in data collection.
Bare details, such as ‘location X has processed 2000 documents’, will not be very useful to higher
management: data processing will be needed to transform this raw data into useful information. This
might be in such forms as ‘percentage of records processed’, ‘average documents processed per day per
person’ and ‘estimated completion date’.
In our example, the project management might examine the estimated completion date’ for completing
data transfer for each branch. These can be checked against the overall target date for completion of this
phase of the project. In effect they are comparing actual performance with one aspect of the overall
project objectives. They might find that one or two branches will fail to complete the transfer of details in
time. They would then need to consider what to do The project manager would need to calculate carefully
what the impact would be in moving staff from particular branches.
This is modeling the consequences of a potential solution. Several different proposals could be modeled
in this way before one was chosen for implementation.
UNIT-1 (Lecture-4)
Payback period
The payback period is the time taken to recover the initial investment or is the length of time required for
cumulative incoming returns to equal the cumulative costs of an investment.
Total cost / total revenue (or benefits) = length of time (payback period)
Pros: Easy to calculate
It attaches no value to cash flows after the end of the payback period.
It makes no adjustments for risk.
Return on investment
It provides a way of comparing the net profitability to the investment required
A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the
efficiency of a number of different investments
It takes no account of the timing of the cash flows.
Rate of returns bears no relationship to the interest rates offered or changed by bank.
ROI = average annual profit * 100 / total investment
Average annual profit = net profit / total no. of years
UNIT-1 (Lecture-5)
In above diagram:
1. Contractor having two available contractors Low Bidder but Risky & Reliable High Bidder.
2. The demands by contractors are 110000K & 140000K respectively.
3. The late penalties by customer to contractor as 30000K/Month.
4. Chances of being late by each contractor 3 months and 1 month respectively.
5. Probability for late and on-time completion is 50-50 by contractor 1 and 10-90 by contractor 2.
6. Path value by contractor 1:
110000+3*30000=200000 & 110000
7. Path value by contractor 2:
140000+30000=170000 & 140000
8. Expected Monitory Value(EMV):
EMV by Contractor 1:
200000*50% + 110000*50% = 100000+55000=155000
EMV by Contractor 2:
170000*10% + 140000*90% = 17000+126000=143000
9. Correct decision made by decision contractor is Reliable High Bidder.
UNIT-1 (Lecture-6)
It illustrates that the project manager is required to answer five essential questions before the inception as
well as during the project execution. The answers to these questions will determine the success of the
implementation of the project.
Therefore, all the project managers of the organization need to have an awareness of the organizational
project portfolio management in order to contribute to the organizational goals when executing respective