2) Reduced Risk of Injury - One of the biggest 2) Protects Muscle Tissue - When you lose weight
mobility exercise benefits is the reduced risk of or diet, there is a risk of not only losing fat but
injury. If there is any restriction to a moving joint, losing muscle too. In order to keep muscles in tip-
then there is a high risk of injury especially if you top condition, you need to work them. The high-
like to heavy. intensity training that comes from the Tabata
method is great for developing and protecting
3) Improved technique and range of movement - muscle tissue.
When muscles and joints are more flexible, we get
an increased range of motion. This allows us to 3) Convenient and Flexible - Whether it’s children,
perform exercises with better technique. work, commuting or family commitments, time is
precious and something everyone could do more
7 Mobility Training Exercises with. Not having enough time is one of the top
1) Paint the fence – Just like you are panting a wall excuses not to exercise. But, no matter how busy
2) Wax on, Wax off – Plank position then rub the you are, all it takes is four minutes of this high-
floor using the towel in a circle motion. intensity workout to get a great workout in.
3) Black Burns – Place your arm in a T motion then
bring it back to your back, Open, T motion, Place 4) Increase anaerobic and aerobic capacities -
your arms at the back of your head. Anaerobic capacity represents the maximum
4) Cossack Squats – Side by side squats amount of energy that can be produced by our
5) Hip Pull around the world- Lateral Lunges – body in the absence of oxygen. While aerobic
Hug your one leg then squats and do like a capacity is a measure of the ability the lungs and
spiderman pose. heart have to get oxygen around the body.
6) Squat stand with arm extension- Squat position
then Hold your knee and then one of your arm 4 Safety Precautions for Tabata (What to Consider)
extend it. Owing to its rigorous nature, short span of engagement, and
7) Squat internal rotation- Squats position and then effectiveness, many people love Tabata. The workout is
rotate your feet inside. known to rebuild muscles, boost metabolism and aerobic
and non-aerobic fitness levels, and enhance lean muscles.
The history of Tabata 1) Warm-Up Adequately - Warming up is the first
Tabata is a relative newcomer to the training scene step to any form of exercise including Tabata.
after emerging in the 1990s. It’s the namesake of Dr. Izumi Warm-up exercises boost performance and reduce
Tabata, an exercise science expert in Japan who worked with the risk of muscle or tendon injuries. Owing to
that nation’s Olympic speed skating team. their nature, HIIT workouts like Tabata even put
the heart under stress. Hence, a thorough warm-up
Dr. Tabata developed the workout routine to build is essential, especially for individuals with heart
muscle strength and cardio capacity in his skaters. He conditions.
theorized that the short, punishing, high-intensity workouts
could bring gold medal results.
2) Emphasize on Form and Postures - Tabata
workouts without injuring yourself, correct form
and posture are critical. Beginners in fitness and
training, often miss out on proper form and
technique. Hence, the risk of injuries in Tabata is