This chapter will teach techniques to
find user profiles using a desktop and
how to access the information needed
for an OSINT investigation.
The last method for profile discovery is the most
basic. TikTok uses the same URL structure for every Searching usernames directly with tiktok.com/@username (b)
This chapter will show methods to extract
the content from profiles for easy analysis
once data collection is complete.
Profile Pictures
Unlike Facebook, TikTok only allows users to
post one profile picture. Unfortunately, this
means if the user changes their profile
picture, it’s effectively lost. If an internet
archive of the page doesn’t exist, there’s no
other way to recover that image. For this
reason, it’s essential to download that image
and archive it for evidence collection
purposes and to establish a timeline
throughout the investigation in the event the
picture changes. Previously, downloading
profile pictures on TikTok was more difficult.
Now it can be done by simply right-clicking
the image, opening it in a new tab, and downloading
Right-click to save image to storage (b)
it in its full resolution.
Now that all available content on a
TikTok profile has been distracted, it’s
time to perform applied analysis.
Biographical Information Many social media platforms will use the same username as the user’s email
The most valuable identifier on TikTok, when it address, if available, by default, but some users will change this to match
comes to reverse searching, is the username. their other profiles. Both of these scenarios are helpful for investigators.
People often use the same username across Reverse searching the username from TikTok will generally help find
multiple profiles. This tends to be true not only additional social media profiles. Alternatively, suppose the TikTok profile has
for influencers or influencers to-be but also for a username that doesn’t match the username of social media profiles that
regular accounts. belong to the same subject. In that case, an email verifier tool can be used to
see if that username matches a common email provider such as Gmail,
Outlook, Yahoo, Protonmail, etc.
Next, learn what other social media networks
can be easily searched from the information
gathered from TikTok and how to create a more
complete timeline of your subject's social life.
This chapter is about going beyond social
media and going one level deeper into
your investigation through automation
The “{username}” OR “{first + last name}” command looks for the name or
site:youtube.com OR site:instagram.com
username of the subject. The “tiktok” OR “tik tok” OR “tiktok.com/@{username}”
“{username}” OR “{first + last name}“ “tiktok”
command tells Google to look for mentions of the word tiktok, tik tok (spelling
OR “tik tok” OR “tiktok.com/@{username}”
variation) or the exact URL of the subject. These three commands are chained
together by an understood AND operator, so we don’t have to specify it. Here’s
This will be the largest Google query covered in
an example.
this guide, so it’ll be step by step. The
site:youtube.com OR site:instagram.com tells
Google only to show results for YouTube or