Kreith PrinciplesOfHeatTransfer 1958
Kreith PrinciplesOfHeatTransfer 1958
Kreith PrinciplesOfHeatTransfer 1958
Heat Transfer
Associate Professor of
Mechanical Engineerint:
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
January, 1958
PREFACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vll
1. INTRODUC'riON. . • • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • . . 3
1-1. The Relation of Heat Transfer to Thermodynamics...... 3
1-2. Modes of Heat Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1-3. Basic Laws of Heat Transfer.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1-4. Combined Heat-Transfer Mechanisms...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1-5. Analogy Between Heat Flow and Electrical Flow. . . . . . . . 18
~-\PPEI\DIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .521
I. Nomenclature .................... . .. .. ............. 521
II. Units, Dimensions, and Convt•rsion Factors ............ 527
I II. Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:3:2
Heat Trans!er
ing flow into free convect·ion and forced convection. When the mixing motion
takes place merely as a result of density differences caused by temperature
gradients, we speak of natural, or free, convection. When the mixing
motion is induced by some external agency, such as a pump or a blower,
the process is called forced convection.
The effectiveness of heat transfer by convection depends largely upon
the mixing motion of the fluid. Consequently a study of convective heat
transfer is predicated on a knowledge of the characteristics of the fluid flow.
In the solution of heat-transfer problems, it is necessary not only to
recognize the modes of heat transfer which play a role but also to determine
whether a process is steady or unsteady. When the rate of heat flow in a
system does not vary with time, i.e., when it is constant, the temperature
at any point does not change and steady-state conditions prevail. Under
steady-state conditions, the rate of heat influx at any point of the system
must be exactly equal to the rate of heat effl.ux, and no change in internal
energy can take place. The majority of engineering heat-transfer problems
are concerned with steady-state systems. Typical examples are the flow
of heat from the products of combustion to water in the tubes of a boiler,
the cooling of an electric light bulb by the surrounding atmosphere, or the
heat transfer from the hot to the cold fluid in a heat exchanger.
The heat flow in a system is transient, or unsteady, when the tempera-
tures at various points in the system change with time. Since a change
in temperature indicates a change of internal energy, we conclude that
energy storage is part and parcel of unsteady heat flow. Unsteady-heat-
flow problems are more complex than are those of steady state and can
often be solved only by approximate methods. Unsteady-heat-flow prob-
lems are encountered ~uring the warm-up periods of furnaces, boilers, and
turbines or in the heat treatment and stress-relieving of metal castings.
A special of unsteady heat flow occurs when a system is subjected
to cyclic variations in the temperature of its environment. In such prob-
lems the temperature at a particular point in the system returns periodically
to the same value; also, the rate of heat flow and the rate of energy storage
undergo periodic variations. Problems of this type come under the clas-
sification of periodic or quasi-steady-state heat transfer. Typical examples
are the variation of temperature of a building during any twenty-four-hour
period or the heat flow through the cylinder walls of a reciprocating engine
when the temperature of the gases within the cylinder changes periodically.
+T +T
I ------•+s
l +s
F1o. 1-l. Sketch illustratmg sign convention for conduction heat flow.
r-- -!!:'·carbon
20 ............
18-8 Stainleu Steel
Silicon Carbide
- I I
r---r-- ..._ Mogne5ite Brick
s·\·IICa ~·IC k
'\ ~ce
0 0.8
1 ....-
~ v~
u Missouri firebrick
0 0.6
.s:: 0.4 ~
/ Water
0 .2
. .,j
Diatomaceous Earty
- -
Methane V V !
E~ICo•bon I o;.,,;d. '
i I
O.Ql j 7 Benzene I
0 .008 (gaseous!
0.006 I I
200 600 1000 I .COO 1800 2200 2600
Absolute Temperature, Rankine
Material kin Btu/hr ft F
Gases at atmospheric pressure .......... . ..... . . 0.004-D.10
Insulating materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 02-o. 12
N onn1etallic liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 05-0. 40
Nonmetallic solids (brick, stone, concrete) . . . . . . . 0. 02-1 . 5
Liquid metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . Q-45
Alloys. ...................................... 8. Q-70 ·
Pure metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Q-240
For the simple case of steady-state heat flow through a plane wall, the
temperature gradient and the heat flow do not· vary with time and the
cross-sectional area along the heat-flow path is uniform. The variables
in Eq. 1-1 can be separated and the resulting equation is
- dx = - 1Tcold kdT
A 0 Thot
Qk = £ (Tbot - Tcold) = L iAk (1-2)
F10. 1-3. Temperature distribu-
tion for steady-state conduction
through a plane wall.
Btu/hr sq ft F (1-11)
Condition h in Btu/hr sq ft F
Air, free convection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Superheated steam or air, forced convection . . . . . . 5-50
Oil, forced convection.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-300
\Yater, forced convection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-2000
\Vater, boiling. . ... . . .. . . ... . . .. ...... . . .. .. . . 500-10,000
Steam, condensing . . . ... .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . ...... 1000-20,000
Using Eq. 1-13, we can define the thermal conductance Kc for con-
vect.ive heat transfer aR
and the thermal resistance to convective heat transfer Rro which is equal
to the reciprocal of thP conductance, as
. 1
Rc = --- (1-17)
In the preceding section the three mechanisms of heat transfer have
been considered separately. In practice, however, heat is usually trans-
ferred in steps through a number of different series-connected sections, the
transfer frequently occurring by two mechanisms in parallel for a given
section in the system. The transfer of heat from the products of com-
bustion in the combustion chamber of a rocket motor through a thin wall
to a coolant flowing in an annulus over t.he ontl-:iide of the wall will illustrate·
~uch a case (Fig. 1-4).
Products of combustion contain gases, ~uch as CO, C02, and H20
which emit and absorb radiation. In the first section of this system, heat
is therefore transferred from the hot gas to the inner surface of the wall of
the rocket motor by the mechani~ms of convection and radiation acting in
parallel. The total rate of heat flow q is
q = Qc + Qr
= hcA(Tfl - TIJu) + hrA(Ta - T,a) (1-18)
or q = + hrA) (T a - T,u)
= (Kc + Kr) (T a - 1\a)
In the steady state, heat is conducted through the shell, the second section
of the system, at the same rate and
q = qlc = L (T,II - TIC) (1-19)
T,ll - T,c
where T,c = surface temperature at wall on coolant side;
R2 = thermal resistance of second section.
After passing through the wall, the heat flows through the third section of
the system by convection to the coolant. Assuming that radiant heat
transfer is negligible compared to convection, the rate of heat flow in the
last step is
Two systems are said to be analogous when both obey similar equations
and also have similar boundary conditions. This means that the equation
describing the behavior of one system can be transformed into the equa-
tion for the other system by simply changing the symbols of the variables.
For example, the flow of heat through a thermal resistance is analogous to
the flow of direct current through an electrical resistance because both
types of flow obey similar equations. If we replace, in the heat-flow
crt nation
q=- (1-26)
the symbol for the temperature potential tlT by the symbol for the electric
potential, i.e., the voltage difference, tlE and the symbol for the thermal
resistance R by the symbol for the electrical resistance R ,, we obtain the
equation for i, the flow rate of electricity, i.e., the current
. =~
t - (1-27)
Having once established the basic analogy, we can apply certain concepts
from direct-current theory to heat-transfer problems. For instance, an
Metal Wall
Hot Gas
PhyJical SyJtem
Thermal Circuit
Rel c
Analogous Electrical Circuit
electric circuit has a corresponding thermal circuit, and vice versa. In the
problem of the preceding section, the heat flow from the hot gases to the
coolant can be visualized as analogous to the flow of current in a simple
direct-current circuit. In the equation for the current flow, analogous to
Eq. 1-21 for the heat flow, we find that
t - (1-28)
heat flow, the other to the thermal resistance met by the heat flow from
the gas to the wall by radiation. The thermal circuit and the electrical
circuit for this problem are shown in Fig. 1-5.
Example 1-1. In the design of a heat exchanger for aircraft application, the maxi-
mum wall temperature is not to exceed 1000 F. .F'or the conditions tabulated belo\'".
determine the maximum permissible thermal resistance per square foot area of the
metal wall between hot gas on the one side and cold gas on the other.
Hot-gas temperature = 1900 F
Unit-surface conductance on hot side ii. = 40 Btu/hr sq ft F
Unit-surface conductance on cold side ii3 = 50 Btujhr sq ft F
· Cold-gas temperature = 100 F
Solution: In the steady state we can write q/ A from gas t~ hot side of wall = q I
from hot side of wall through wall w cold ga.-.
Substituting numerical valueH for the thermal resi::ttances and temperatures yields
1000 - 1000 1000 - 100
1/40 n~ + 1/50
1=36 Amp
FIG. 1-6. Electric circuit analogous to
the thermal circuit for Example 1-2.
Example 1-2. Draw the analogous electrical circuit for the preceding problem and
determine the values of the electrical resistances in ohms if an 18-volt (v) d-e battery
is used to provide the electrical potential, and a heat-flow rate of 1000 Btu/hr ~q ft
corresponds to 1 ampere (amp) of current.
Solution: \Ve first determine the heat-flow rate per unit area in the thermal sy8tetn
The current in the electric cireuit is therefore 36 amp and the total electrical re~istanee
of the three elements in series is 18/3() = 0 ..5 ohm~.
The analogy between the flow of heat and the flow of electricity may
be used as an aid in visualizing relations in a thermal system by relating
them to a more familiar electrical system. The analogy is also an aid in
the quantitative analysis of a thermal circuit because methods and tech-
niques familiar from d-e-circuit theory can be applied. There are numer-
ous instances where solutions to heat-transfer problems are available in
terms of an analogous system.
The analogy between electrical and thermal systems illustrated in this
section is by no means complete. Other useful analogies will be considered
in later chapters in connection with problems in two-dimensional heat
conduction and in transient thermal systems.
1-1. Heat is transferred through a plane wall from the inside of a room at 70 F
to the outside air at 30 F. The unit-surface conductances at the inside and outside
~urfac~ are 2 and 3 Btu/hr sq ft. F, respectively. The thermal resistance of the wall
per unit area is 3 hr sq ft F /Btu. Determine the temperature at the outer surface of
the wall and the rate of heat flow through the wall per unit area.
1-2. Draw the thermal circuit for heat transfer from the sun through a window to
the air in a room. Identify each circuit element.
1-3. Steam is condensing inside a pipe at 134 psis. The unit-surface conduct-
ance on the steam side is 1000 Btu/hr sq ft F. The thermal resistance of the pipe
per unit area is 0.001 hr sq ft F /Btu and the unit-surface conductance at the ou~ide of
the pipe is 5 Rtu/hr sq ft F. (a) Estimate the per cent of the over-all thermal resistance
offered by (I) the steam, (2) the pipe, and (3) the steam and the pipe. (b) Determine
the temperature at the outer surface of the pipe if the pipe is suspended in a room
at 70 F. The values of the unit conductances and the reRistance are ba..qed on the outside
ares of the pipe.
1"""'- Using Table 1-2 as a guide, prepare a similar table showing the order of
magnitudes of the thermal resistances per unit area for convection between a surface
and various fluids.
1-6. Draw the thermal circuit, determine the rate of heat flow per unit area from
a furnace wall, and estimate the exterior surface temperature under the following
--1. Convective heat-transfer coefficient at the interior surface is 10 Btu/hr sq ft. F.
2. Rate of heat flow by radiation from hot gases and particles (3500 F) to interior
Wall surface is 20,000 Btu/hr sq ft.
Example 2-1. The interior surfaces of the walls in a large building are to be main-
tained at 70 F while the outer surface temperature is -10 F. The walls are 10 in.
thick and constructed from a brick material having a thermal conductivity of 0.-l
Btu/hr ft :F. Calculate the heat loss for each square foot of wall surface per hour.
&lution: If we neglect the effect of the corners where the walls meet and the effect
of mortared brick joints, Eq. 1-2 applies. Substituting the thermal conductivity and
the pertinent dimensions in their proper units (e.g., L = H ft) we obtain
Thus, 38.4 Btu will be lost from the building per hour through each square foot of wall-
surface area. An.-..
Effect of nonuniform thermal conductivity. It has already been
mentioned that the thermal conductivity varies with temperature. The
variation of thermal conductivity with temperature may be neglected if
the temperature range under consideration is not large or if the temperature
dependence of the conductivity is not too severe. On the other hand, if
the temperature difference in a system causes substantial variations in the
thermal conductivity, the temperature dependence must be taken into
For numerous materials, especially within a limited temperature range,
h (T) •O.OJ1+0.000031T
=o.03111 +O.oom
X Experimental Points
Solution: (a) By means of the graphical method illustrated in Fig. 2-1, the slope
of the straight line connecting the thermal-conductivity curve between 100 and 300 F
i1" found to be +0.000031. The ordinate intercept at 0 degrees (deg) is 0.031. Thus
we have
k(T) = 0.031 (1 + 0.001 1') for 100 F < 7' < 300 F
The mean temperature is 200 F and the mean value of the thermal conductivity is
b) The rate of heat flow per unit urea i~, from Eq. 2-4,
r qk 200
- = - (3112 )/(0.0372 ) = 2.15 Btu/hr sq ft Ans.
q" = - kA-
where r is the radius and l the length of the cylinder. The rate of heat
ftow by conduction can thus be expressed as
qk = -k21rrl - - (2-6)
Separating the variables and integrating between To at ro and T i at r i
the equation for calculating the rate of heat conduction through a hollow
circular cylinder such as a pipe. An inspection of Eq. 2-7 shows that the
rate of radial heat flow varies directly with the cylinder length l, the
thermal conductivity k, the temperature difference between the inner and
outer surfaces T, - To, and inversely as the natural logarithn~ 1 of the
ratio of the outside and inside radii ro/ ri or the corresponding diameter
ratio Do/ D i· By analogy to the case of a plane wall and Ohm's law, the
thermal resistance of the hollow cylinder is
1 The natural logarithm of a number, In, is 2.3026 times the logarithm to base 10.
Rt = In (ro/ri) (2-8)
The temperature distribution in the curved wall is obtained by inte-
grating Eq. 2-5 from the inner radius ri and the corresponding temperature
T i to an arbitrary radius r and the corresponding temperature T, or
r qk dr = _lT(r)dT
l rj
k(21rl) r
which gives
For some applications it is helpful to have the equation for heat con-
duction through a curved wall in the same form as Eq. 1-2 for a plane
wall. To obtain this form of equation we equate the right-hand sides of
Eqs. 2-7 and 1-2, using, however, L = (ro - ri), the thickness through
which heat is conducted, and A = A in Eq. 1-2. ~This yields
_k.At:.T = 2rklt:.T ~-'f
ro- r, In (ro / ri)
from which A is
21r(r o - r i)l
A- ln (ro / ri)
Noting that 27rTol = 4o, the area of the outside surface, and that ro/ri =
A ol A i, we can express A as
Ao- Ai
A- (2-9)
In (Ao/ A i)
The area A defined by Eq. 2-9 is called the logarithmic mean area. The
rate of heat conduction through a hollow circular cylinder can then be ex-
pressed as
qk = - - - - - - = (2-10)
(ro - ri) / kA
The rate of heat flow Qk will be in Btu / hr if To- Ti is in F, ro.- ri is in
ft, k is in Btu/ hr ft F, and A is in sq ft.
For values of Ao/A • < 2 (i.e., ro/ ri < 2) the arithmetic mean area
(A o + A i) /2 is within 4 per cent of the logarithmic mean area and may be
used with satisfactory accuracy. For thicker walls this approximation is
generally not acceptable.
Example 2-3. Calculate the heat lo8s from 10 ft. of 3-in. nominal-diameter pipt:•
covered with 1 ~ in. of an insulating material having a thermal conductivity of 0.040
Btu/hr ft F. Assume that the inner and outer surface temperatures of the insulation
are 400 and 80 F, respectively.
Solution: The outside diameter of a nominal 3-in. pipe is 3.50 in. This is also
the inside diameter of the insulation. The outside diameter of the immlat.ion is 6.50 in.
The logarithmic mean area is
Ao - A, 107r(6.50 - 3.50)/12
A- ln(AofA,)
- ln(6 ..50/3.50)
= ~:~ = 12.70 sq ft
Since r0 jr, < 2, the arithmetic mean area would be an acceptable approximation and
Ao + A, = ! 6.50 + 3.50 =
13 · 10 sq f t
2 2 12
handled in a manner analogous to that used for the plane wall. Substi-
tuting Eq. 2-1 into Eq. 2-5, separating the variables, and integrating
qk = ------=- (2-11)
(To - T,)jk,.A
where k.. = ko [1 +
fJ~c ( T, + To) /2], the thermal conductivity at the
arithmetic mean of the temperatures at the inner and outer surfaces.
Equations 2-7 and 2-10 apply only to radial heat flow at right angles
to the cylinder axis. If the length of the cylinder is short in comparison
with its diameter, end effects become important because the direction of
heat flow near the ends is no longer perpendicular to the axis. Such
cases come under the classification of two-dimensional heat flow.
Solution: {"nder ~teady-state conditions the power consumption will equal the heat
loss. The inner surface area A a is
(6 X 8) + (6 X 12) + (8 X 12) f
1 144 = 3 sq t.
Since 1 Btu/hr = 2.H3 X l0- 4 kw, the power consumption is about 2.56 kw. Ans.
side. The surface conductances between the medium and the surface will
-~- be taken as constant over a given surface.
Composite walls. A composite wall, typical of the type used in a large
fumace, is shown in Fig. 2-5. The inner layer, which is exposed to the
high-temperature gases, is made of firebrick. The intermediate layer
· consists of an insulating brick and is followed by an outer layer of ordinary
- red brick. The temperature of the hot gases is Ti ' and the unit-surface
conductance over the interior surface is h;. The atmosphere surrounding
the furnace is at a temperature To and the unit-surface conductance over
the exterior surface is iio. Under these conditions there will be a con-
tinuous heat flow from the hot gases through the wall to the surrounding;~.
q ... q
Thermal Circuit
Since the heat flow through a given arf'a A is the san1e for any sectioll.
we obtain
- klA (T 1 - T2)
L1 ,
where the resistances may be detcnnincd from Eqs. 1-3 and 1-1:3 or hy
or q=
The result expressed by Eq. 2-17, namely that the heat flow through the
five sections in series is equal to the over-all temperature potential divided
by the sum of the thermal resistances in the path of the heat flow, can also
he obtained from the thermal circuit shown in Fig. 2-5. Using the analogy
between the flow of heat and the flow of electric current, Eq. 2-17 can be
written directly.
Example 2-6. · A furnace wall consists of two layers, 9 in. of firebrick (k = 0.8
Btu/hr ft F) and 5 in. of insulating brick (k = 0.1 Btu/hr ft F). The temperature
inside the furnace is 3000 F and the unit-surface conductance at the inside wall i~
12 Btujhr sq ft F. The temperature of the surrounding atmosphere is 80 F and the
unit-surface conductance at the outer wall is 2 Btujhr sq ft F. Neglecting the thermul
resistance of the mortar joints, estimate (a) the rate of heat. loss per square foot of wnll
und the temperatures at the (b) inner !'lurface and (c) outer surface.
Solution: (a) The rate of heat flow is obtained from Eq. 2-17 as
q 3000 - 80 2920
-- = -------------------- - -----------------------
A +
l2" l"2"/0.8 +
-r~~/0.1 ~ + 0.083 + O.U4 + 4.17 + 0.50
= .
5 69
= 513 Btu/hr sq ft Ans.
It is of interest to note that the insulating brick, while representing only about one-third
of the wall thicknes~, accounts for three-quarters of the total thermal resistance.
Applying Eq. 2-14, the temperature drop between the furnuce ga.~es and the interior
~urface ifo; T, - 1', = q R, = (5• 13) (0.083) = 43 F
---- -· j;_-- --- .4-........,_.,......
FICi. 2-6. Thermal circuit _for a para~lel-serics composite wall. (L1 = 1 in.;
Lt - h m.; La == t m. ; for Example 2-6.)
- K
-- k.,bt k1b2
2 =
+-- --
k - ·-
per unit length of,vaiJ. O~i:; Eq. 1-24, t~~ ove:-~n unit transmittance U
from surface to surface is
u= 1 -
R. + ~ + Ra £. + --------------+--
b1 + b2 La
kt (kt~l LJ},. + (~2bt! ~) ka
Solution: The real system is first idealized by assuming that the a.Rperities of the
surface are distributed, as shown in Fig. 2-6. \Ve note that the composite wall is sym-
metrical with respect to the center plane and therefore only consider one-half of the
system. The over-all heat-transfer coefficient for the composite wall is then
u = ------~~-----
R. + Rc + R. + Ra
from an inspection of the thermal circuit.
The thermal resistance of the steel plate R3 is, on the basis of a unit area, equal to
L, 1/4
Ra == k. ... (l ) (30) == 0.694 X
to-• hr sq ft F /Btu
The thermal resistance of the brick asperities R4 is, on the basis of a unit area, equal to
- 0. Ltko -- (l )(0.1/32 = -a
7 2 7 )(0.02 ) 187 X 10 hr sq ft F /Btu
The factors of 0.3 and 0. 7 in R4 and R6 respectively, represent the per cent of the total
area for the two separate heat-flow paths.
The total thermal resistance for the two paths, R4 and R6 in parallel, is
R.R. (8.7)(187) X to-e _ _1
R t = Rt + R. == (8 .7 + 187 ) X to-a - 8.3 X 10 hr sq ft F /Btu
The thermal resistance of one half of the solid brick, R1, is
1 Lt 1 2
R. =
2 k =
6 2 (12 ) (l.O) == 83.5 X to-a hr sq ft F /Btu
in a radial direction. In the steady state, the rate of heat flow through
each section is the same and is represented by
Thot - T1
q = 21rr1lhi (T i - 1\) for the inner surface
21f'ktl Tt - T2
q= . (Tt - T2) for the inner cylinder
ln(r2:r1) R2
21fk·i T2- Ta
q= (T2- Ta) - for the outer cylinder
In (r.,/ r2) Ra
Ta- T('O)d
q = 2Trralho(Ta - To) - -- - - -- for the outer surface
In most practical applications the temperature of the fluid inside and
the temperature of the medium surrounding the insulation are known or
specified. The intermediate temperatures can be elimina.ted by addition
of the temperature-difference terms and transposition. The resulting
expression for the rate of heat flow through two concentric cylinders then
q = U Ao(Thot - Tcold)
Example i-7.. Calculate the heat loss per linear foot from a 3-in.- steelsched. 40 pipe
(3.07 in. lD, 3.500 in. OD, k = 25 Btu/hr ft F) covered with a ~-in. thickne..q8 of a.sbest&.;
insulation (k = 0.11 Btu/hr ft. F). The pipe transports a fluid at 300 F with an inner
unit-surface conductance of 20 Btu/hr sq ft F and is exposed to ambient air at 80 F with
an average outer unit-surface conductance of 2.0 Btu/hr sq ft F.
-= ·" I I 1( I
i;(3.07 /12)20 + 11 (a~: 2~· 07 ) + 11
2~(~.·~~· 5
) + ~""(4.5/12)2
- 0.0312 + 0.000:5 : 0.363 + 0.212 =
362 Htu/hr ft Art!.
have previously noted that the radial rate of heat flow through a hollow
cylinder is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the outer radius and
the rate of heat dissipation from the outer surface is directly proportional
to this radius. Thus, for a single-wall tube of fixed inner radius r i, an
increase in outer radius ro (e.g., the insulation thickness) increases the
thermal resistance due to conduction logar:ith1nical~y
. .. ' -
\ ./.
and at the same time
reduces the.thermal resistance at the outer surface l?,nearly with ro. Since
the total thermal resistance is proportional to the sum of these two resist-
ances, the rate of heat flow may increase as insulation is added to a bare
pipe or \\'ire. If the insulation thickness is then further increased, the heat
loss gradually drops below the loss for a bare surface. This principle is
widely utilized in electrical engineering where lagging is provided for cur-
rent-carrying wires and cables, not to reduce the heat loss, but to increase
it. It is also of importance in refrigeration, where heat flow to the cold
refrigerant should be kept at a minimum. In many such installations
where small-diameter pipes are used, insulation on the outside surface
would increase the rate of heat flow.
The relation between heat transfer and insulation thickness can be
studied quantitatively with the aid of Eq. 2-18. In many practical
situations the thermal resistance is concentrated in the insulation and at the
outer surface. We shall therefore simplify Eq. 2-18 by assuming that
T i is the temperature at the inner surface of the insulation. This boundary
condition applies to an insulated electric wire whose outer surface tempera-
ture T, is fixed by the current density, the wire size, and the material.
where ro is the outer radius, r, the inner radius, and k the thermal con-
ductivity of the insulation.
For a fixed value of r,, the rate of heat flow is a function of ro, i.e.,
q = q(ro), and will be a maximum at that value of ro for which
From Eq. 2-21 the radius for maximum heat transfer, called the critical
radius, is Toe ik/ho.
Enm.ple 2-8. An electrical cable, ! in. OD, is to be insulated with rubber (k - 0.09
Btu/hr ft F). The cable is to be located in air (h0 = 1.5 Btu/hr sq ft F) at 70 F.
Inv~tigate the effect of insulation thickne~s on the heat diAAipation, assuming a cable
~urface temperature of 150 F.
Solutwn: Applying Eq. 2-20, the rate of heat dissipation per unit length is
If the wire were bare, the mtP of heat di~~ipation would be 15.7 Btu/hr ft length,
a reduct.ion of 45 per cent.
0.72 2.0
r0 , Inches
nuclear reactors, and the combustion of fuel in the fuel bed of a boiler
furnace. The dissipation of heat from internal sources is also an important
consideration in rating electric motors,. generators, and transformers.
In this section we shall consider two simple cases: steady-state heat
conduction in a flat plate and a circular cylinder with homogeneous internal
heat generation. For a treatment of more complicated problems such as
svstems with nonuniform
~ . heat sources, constant local heat sources, or
moving heat sources, see Refs. 3 and 8.
Flat plate with uniformly distributed heat sources. Consider a flat
plate in which heat is generated uniformly. This plate could be a heating
element such as a flat bus bar in which heat is generated by passing an
electric current through it. If we assume that steady state exists, that
the material is homogeneous, and that the plate is large enough that end
pffects may be neglected, an energy equation for a differential element
(Fig. 2-9) can be expressed semantically as
Heat conducted in heat generated by heat conducted out
through the left + sources in the element through the right
face during time ll8 during time ~8 face during time tl.8
The corresponding algebraic expression is
dT dT
at :c
~8 + q(A~x)~8 = -kA -
dx at (.r + ~:c)
tl.8 (2-22)
dx at (.r + .1.r)
dx nt .r
[ d (dT )]
dx dx at .u
AX (2-23)
dx .r
+ q(Aax) = -kA -dT
dx .r
-kA - [d (dT )]
dx M
ax (2-24)
__ j _________ _
[4~~;:}] 11 4s .Jr~-----+-: ~{~~
--1----1 I M
I :
I 1 I
I 1 I
_ ___,_1 4s.-J
1 I I
FIG. 2-10. :\lean-value thPorem u.pplied to heat conduction.
\Ve can simplify Eq. 2-24 by canceling the terms -kA (dT idx)atr and
noting that
d (dT) = -
dx dx
If we divide the above equation by A ~x and let the size of the clement
T = - - x2
+ Ctx + Ct (2-27)
Solving for Ct we obt.ain C1 = - -
Substituting tlw~e expressions for Ct and C2 in Eq. 2-27 yields the tempera-
ture distribution as
T = - -
x2 + -qL
X + To (2-28)
or q£2 [ ( X )
T - T 0 = 2k 2 L - ( LX )2]
Thus, the temperature distribution across the plate is a parabola with the
apex at the median plane, x = L.
\Ve can check this last result from another point of view. Since the
l':iystcm is symmetrical about the mid-plane at .r = L, no heat can flow
as expected.
The temperature difference between the ~ter
planQ and the surface
(T - To)max = k (2-29)
If the plate is immersed in a fluid at Too and the surface conductance
at both faces is r~.o, then the heat generated in one half of the plate must
flow continuously through the adjacent face under steady-state conditions.
This condition, expressed algebraically for a unit of area, is
qL = - k - = ho(To- Too) (2-30)
ax atz=O
In Eq. 2-30 the first term represents the rate at which heat is generated
in the plate, the second terrn the rate at which heat is conducted to the
surface. and the third term the rate at which heat flows by convection and
radiation from the surface to the surrounding medium. The temperature
difference To - Too required to remove the heat from the surface is therefore
Solution: Disregarding the heat dissipated from the edges, Eq. 2-29 applies and
the temperature difference between the mid-plane and the surface is
(T - T ) = qLt = (100,000)(1/12)1 = 0 87 F
" max 2k (2) (25) ·
The temperature drop in the iron is so low because its thermal conductivity ts high
(k = 25 Btu/hr ft F). From Eq. 2-31 we get
- = qL _ (100,000)( i /12)
h 0 - - - - - - = 14 Btu/hr sq ft F
To - Too 150
Thus the minimum unit-surfaee conductance which will keep the temperature in the
heater below 300 F i!-1 14 Bt u/ hr sq ft F. .~1 ns.
The energy equation for an annular element (Fig. 2-11) formed between an
inner cylinder of radius rand an outer cylinder of radius r + dr is
dT dT
-kA, -d
r r
+ ql21rrdr = -kAr+dr -d
r r+dr
where A, = 21rrl and Ar+dr = 21r(r + dr)l. Using the mean-value the-
orem to relate the temperature gradient at r + dr to the temperature
gradient at r, we obtain, after some simplifications,
qr = -k (dTdr + r rPT)
dr 2
- (2-33)
d ( dT) dT d2T
dr r dr =-+r-
dr dr2
and rewriting it in the form
qr = -k .!!__
(r dT)
The second integration constant C2 must satisfy the condition that the
maximum temperature T ma-x occurs in the center, so that ( '2 = Tmr,x· The
temperature distribution in a long solid cylinder can then be expressed as
--;:--;- =
_ qr"~
- -,- .
( -r )2 __l-. \ (2-36)
1 rnax 4/.' J :.1: , :~; l'o
The rate of heat flow by conduction at the outer ~urface equals the rate of hPat flow by
conve<"tion from the surfare to the water
from which
k (dT/dr)r(l
Tr0 =
hv + T water
l'pon !'llh~tituting the data speeified in the statement of the problem, we get
fuel Column
Biolooicol Shield 0
Cooling Tube
+ :~
transfer coefficient between the surface of the fin and the fluid is ii. '\Ve
shall assume that transverse temperature gradients are so small that the
temperature at any cross section of the rod is uniform, i.e., T = T(x)
only. The limitations of this simplification, which reduces the problem to
one-dimensional heat flow, has been investigated analytically in Ref. 10.
The results of this study show that, even in a relatively thick fin, the error
in a one-dimensional solution is less than one per cent.
To derive an equation for the temperature distribution, we make a heat
balance for a small element of the fin. Heat flows by conduction into the
left face of the element, while heat flows out of the element by conduction
through the right face and by convection from the surface. Under steady-
~tate conditions, the rate of heat flow into the element is equal to the rate
of the heat flow out of the element, or
Rate of heat flow rate of heat flow by rate of heat flow by con-
by conduction conduction out of + vection from surface be-
into element at x element at (x + dx) tween x and (x + rl;r)
In symbolic form, this equation becomes
[ -kAdT- + d-( - k A
dx dx
- dx +hPdx(T-Ta)
J - (2-36)
where P is the perimeter of the rod and Pdx represents the surface areu
between sections x and (x + dx) in contact with the surrounding fluid.
r:quation 2-36 can be simplified to
dx 2 = rn 2 (T - T 00) (2-37)
To solve for C1 and Ct we need another equation, i.e., another boundary
condition. The second boundary condition depends upon the nature of
the problem. Since the appropriate selection of boundary conditions
often causes considerable difficulty, we shall consider several cases which
will assist the reader in gaining some facility in applying physical concepts
to a mathematical analysis. Figure 2-14 illustrates schematically the
conditions described by the three boundary conditions to be analyzed.
a) If the rod is infinitely long, its temperature will approach the tempera-
ture of the fluid as x--+ co, or T = Too at x--+ co. Substituting this con-
dition in Eq. 2-38 yields
Since the second term is zero, the boundary condition is satisfied only if
C1 = 0. Substituting 0 for(\ in Eq. 2-39 gives
C2 = T. - T c.o
and the temperature distribution becomes
T - T 00 = (T - T , 00 )e-m.r (2-41)
The heat-flow rate from the fin to the fluid can be obtained by two
different methods. Since the heat flowing by conduction across the root
of the fin must be transmitted by convection from the surface of the rod
to the fluid,
q,in = - kA -dT-
dx z =o
= J.oo-
hP(T - T aJdx (2-42)
Differentiating Eq. 2-41 and substituting the result for x = 0 in Eq. 2-t2 \ )
yields 'l ~ ,..; ~\
qfin = -kA[ -m(T,- Too)e<-'">o] =...JhPi:A(T,- TaJ (2-43)
The same result is obtained by evaluating the convective heat flow from
the surface of the rod
~ . ~·
~----~- - - L - - - - - t
b) If the rod is of finite length, but th~ ll<'at loss from the end of the rod
is neglected, or if the end of the rod is insulated, the second boundary
condition requires that the temperature gradient at x = L be zero, or
dT /dx = 0 at x = L. Differentiating Eq. 2-38 and inserting this con-
dition, gives
C2 = (\e2mL
T.~ - Trn
Ct = - - -- -
1 c2m L +
emz e-mx )
T - Too = ( T a - T 00 ) (
1 + e2mL
+1+ e-2mL
.-\s L becomes infinite, Eq. 2-44 redueeH t.o the pre\"iou~ solution, a~ would
be expected.
The heat loss from the fin can be found fron1 Eq. 2--!2 by substituting
the temperature gradient at the root
dT 1 1
= (T. - T oo )m (
1 + e2m 1.-
1 + e-2m L
% = 0
The above equation can be put into more convenient form by placing the
final member of the right-hand side over a common denominator, and
noting that
emL _ e-mL
L L = tanh (mL)
e"' +e- m
where tanh is the hyperbolic tangent. The heat-flow rate from the rod
is then found to be
c) If the end of the rod loses heat by convection, the heat flowing by
conduction to the face at x = L must be equal to the convection heat flow
from the end section of the rod to the fluid, or
z = L
what more involved, but the principle is the same. It is left as an exerci:-;t_.
for the reader to show that the dimensionless temperature distribution
along the fin_ is
T cosh m(L - x) + (hL / mk)sinh m(L - x) :'
T, cosh mL + (iiL.hnk) sinh mL
and the heat-flow rate from the fin is
= ~ (T,- Tm) sinhhmLL:
cos m
m -s
L_ 4
c: m~ ..(2-,48~
m -
It is important to check the end results of more complicated cases by re-
ducing them to the results available for simpler rases, because this often
shows up errors which might otherwise remain unnoticed. Comparing
Eqs. 2-47 and 2-48 with the corresponding results for case b (i.e., the end
face insulated), we note that, for hL = 0, these equations indeed reduce to
those obtained previously for (dT /dx)at z-L = 0. Only the second terms
in the numerator and the denominator contain ii L· These terms indicate
the influence of the heat loss from the end face of the rod and modify the
results obtained when the end losses were neglected.
Example 2-11. The temperature of steam flowing in a 3-in. steel pipe has been
meSBured in the laboratory by means of a mercury-in-glass thermomet-er immersed iu
an oil-filled steel well. \Vhile a reliable pressure gauge in the line read 153 p.~ia, the
mercury thermometer indicated a temperature of 355 F. Reference to steam tahl~
indicates that the saturation temperature of steam at 153 psia i8 360 F. At first glant'e
the thermometer reading, since it is below the flaturation temperature, seems in error.
For the temperature-measuring station shown in Fig. 2-15, show that the ther-
mometer reading is not inconsistent with the pressure reading and estimate the true
temperature if the pipe-wall temperature is 200 F and the heat-transfer coefficient
between the steam and the thennometer well is 50 Btu/hr sq ft F.
Solution: The thermometer well is essentially a hollow rod protruding into steam
at temperature T aJ· Since heat flows from the steam along the well toward the cooler
pipe walls, the thennometer does not indicate the true Rteam temperature, but rather the
temperature at the bottom of the well. \Ve can estimate the steam temperature by
treating the thermometer well a.s a rod. The conduction along the glSB~ (k ::a 0.5
Btu/hr ft F) is neglected, since it is very small compared with the heat flow along thP
steel well. The cross-sectional area of the fin A is (r/4) 10/2.) 2 - (1/4) 2] = 0.147.:;
sq in. The perimeter P is ~ r = 1.57 in. The thennal conduC'tivity of steel is 25
Btu/hr ft F. Thus
(50) (1.57)
m ::z {hE - 12 16
\}IT (25)(0.1475) =
of the well. Since heat also flows from the end of the fin, Eq. 2-47 is more nearly true.
For x :::&L, we get
T - T a:~ .... (T, - T a:~) 1i .
cosh mL + ( L/mk) smh mL
The preceding equation yields a steam temperature T a:~ of 365 F. Therefore, the steam
in the pipe is actually superheated and the error in the thermometer reading was 10 F.
This error could be reduced to less than 2 F by increasing the length of the thermometer
well to 3 in. and inserting it at a 45-deg angle to prevent it from touching the wall.
Rumple 2-12. Estimate the increase in heat-dissipation rate which could be ob-
tained from a cylinder wall by using four pin-shaped fins per square inch, each having
a diameter of h in. and a height of 1 in. Assume that the heat-transfer coefficient
between the surface of the cylinder wall or a fin and the surrounding air is 25 Btu/hr
sq ft F, the cylinder wall is at 600 F, and the air at 70 F. The wall and the fins are made
of aluminum.
&lution: The heat dissipation per square inch of surface, without the fin, is
The heat dissipation for a single fin can be estimated from Eq. 2-4.5. The rate of heat
transfer per fin q is equal to
VPf"Ak (T, - T a:~) t.anh mL
mL = _!_ g_p =
12 '\j!CX
(25)(0.0492) - 0 192
(120)(0.000192) .
Thus we see that the use of the fins can increase the heat-dissipation rate by over
50 per cent. Ans.
Rectangular Fin
The straight rectangular fin (Fig. 2-16) can be treated by the same
methods as those used for the rod. If the width of the fin b is large conl-
pared with its thickness t, then the fin perin1eter is
p = 2(b + t) ~ 2b
m= {hP ~ {2h
\}JZ4 \}Tt
The development of the equations for the temperature distribution
and the heat flow in a rectangular fin are identical to the previous cases,
and the results may be applied directly.
Tapered fin. 4 The tapered fin (Fig. 2-17) is of practical interest because
it very closely approximates the shape yielding the maximum heat flow per
unit weight. \Ve shall base our analysis upon width band again assume
that the temperature is only a function of x. A heat balance for a dif-
ferential section of the fin between x and x + dx yields
(kA dT(x))
= JiP(T(x) - T 00
) [ 2-36]
''1lile A and Pare constant for a rod, they are both functions of x for the
tapered fin. Upon performing the differentiation with respect to x, Eq.
2-36 becomes
'Ve note that Eq. 2-49 is a linear second-order differential equation with
variable coefficients. The coefficients kA (x), k [dA (x)/dx], and hP(x) are
variable because their values depend on the independent variable x.
Equation 2-49 can be written in more convenient form by dividing
through by kA to give
d T (dA / dx) dT _ iiP (T _ T ) O
dx 2 + A dx kA oo . -
Taper.d or Wedge f'an
If we neglect the effect of the sides, then P ~ 2b, and the cross-sectional
area of the fin can be obtained by noting that the thickness of the fin at
any point xis equal to t(x/ L) so that A = (bt/ L)x. Substituting this ex-
pression for A in Eq. 2-50, we find that
dT +! dT _ 2Lh (T _ T ) = O (2-61)
dx 2 x dx ktx co
The solutions to this type of equation have been worked out and tabulated
(see, for example, Ref. 6) in much the same fashion as the sine and cosine
functions. Therefore, we shall transform Eq. 2-51 into the same form as
Eq. 2-52 in order to take advantage of the available solution. For con-
venience, let B 2 represent the constant 2Lh/kt and let y = (T - T 00 ) .
This is almost the desired form for n = 0, except for the coefficient - B 2x
in the last term. We shall therefore try to find a variable related to x
which will modify this term. Whether or not such a variable exists can
be determined by a. technique which has been outlined in detail by \Vylie (7).
In our case we can readily see that, if the coefficient of the last term B 2x
is to be the square of some other variable, it must be proportional to Bvx,
the square root of B 2x. If we assume that this new variable, which we
shall call z, is equal to a constant, C, times By'X, we obtain by differentia-
tion the following relations:
z = CBvx or
dz = CB x-t
dx 2
dy dy dz dy CB _1.
dx dz dx dz 2
d y = !!_ (dy CB x-!)
dx 2 dx dz 2
= dy CB
dz 2
(-!2 x-t) + ddzy dxdz CB2
Substituting the preceding relations in Eq. 2-53 changes the variable from
x to z and the resulting equation is
d2y dy 4
z2 - + z---z
2y=O (2-M)
dz 2 dz C
where cl and c'l. are constants of integration which must be determined
from the boundary conditions, while I o(z) and Ko(z) are modified zero-
order Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively.
For convenience, selected values of I o(z) and Ko(z) have been tabulated
in Table 2-1. 6 It should be noted that Io(O) = 1, while Ko(O) = oo. To
evaluate C1 and C2 we apply the boundary conditions. The first boundary
condition is one which we have used previously, namely, that the tempera-
ture at the root of the fin is T.. Note, however, the manner in which the
coordinate system of Fig. 2-17 is set up. In this coordinate system the
first boundary condition is T = T. at x = L.
The second boundary condition is that the temperature of the fin must
be everywhere finite. At the tip of the fin (x = 0), Ko(O) approaches in-
finity and therefore the coefficient C2 must be zero for the temperature to
remain finite. Substituting these two boundary conditions in the usual
manner gives the temperature distribution
T - Too I o(2Bvx)
- (2-66)
T. - Too I 0 (2Bv'L)
The heat-flow rate from the fin is obtained by differentiating Eq. 2-56,
evaluating the temperature gradient at the root x = L, and multiplying
the result by the root area. For the purpose of differentiation we use the
relation (see e.g. Ref. 7)
d[I n(Cz)] = I n+l (Cz) d(Cz)
so that, for n = 0,
, I o<z) I,(z)
;r K tt(Z)
0.0 1.0000 0.0000 Infinity Infinity
0.2 1.0100 0.1005 1.116 3.040
0.4 1 .0404 0.2040 0.7095 1.391
0.() 1.0920 0.3137 0.4950 0.8294
0.8 1.1665 0.4329 0.3599 0.5486
1 .0 1.2661 0.5652 0.2680 0.3832
1. 2 1.3937 0.7147 0.2028 0.2767
1. 4 1.5534 0.8861 0.15512 0.2043
1. 6 1. 7.500 1.0848 0.11966 0.15319
1.8 1. 98H6 1. 3172 0.00200 0. 11626
2.0 2.2796 1.5906 0.07251 0 .08904
2.2 2.6291 1.9141 0.05683 0.06869
2 .4 3.0493 2.2981 0.04470 0.05330
2.6 3.5533 2.7554 0.03527 0.04156
2.8 4. 1573 3.3011 0.02790 0.03254
3.0 4.8808 3.9534 0.02212 0.02556
3.2 5.7472 4.7343 0.017568 0.02014
3.4 6. 7848 5.6701 0.013979 0.015915
3.6 8.0277 6.7927 0.011141 0.012602
3 .8 9.5169 8.1404 0.028891* 0.029999.
4.0 11.3019 9.75H5 0.027105 0.027947
4.2 13.4425 11.7056 0 .02.5648 0.026327
4.4 16.0104 14.0462 0.024.551 0.025044
4.6 19.0026 16.8626 0.023648 0.024027
4 .8 22.7937 20.2528 0.022927 0.023218
5.0 27.2399 24.3356 0.022350 0.022575
5.2 32.5836 29.2543 0.021888 0.022062
5.4 39.0088 35.1821 0.021518 0.021653
5.6 46.7376 42.3283 0.021221 0.021326
5.8 56.0381 50.9462 0.039832 0.021065
6.0 67.2344 61.3419 0.037920 0.038556
6 .2 80.72 73.89 0.036382 0.036879
6 .4 H6.U8 8U.03 0.035156 0.03.5534
6.() 116.54 107.30 0.034151 0.034455
(). 8 140. 1-1 129.38 0.033350 0.033588
7 .0 1f>8. {j 156.04 0.032704 0.032891
7.2 202.H 188.3 0.032184 0.032331
7.4 244.3 227.2 0.031765 0.031880
7.6 2H-1.3 274>2 0.031426 0.031517
7.8 354.7 331. 1 0.031153 0.031225
8.0 427.6 3B9.9 0 .049325 0.049891
8.2 .515.6 483.0 0.047543 o.047mH
8.4 621. H 583.7 0.046104 0.0464.=>8
8.6 7.:>0.5 705.4 0.044941 0.045220
8.8 005.8 852.7 0.044000 0 .044221
n.o 10~)3. 6 1030.9 0.043239 0 .043415
9.2 1320.7 1246 .7 0.042624 0.042763
U.4 1595.3 1507.9 0.042126 0.042236
U.6 1927. 1824. 0.0417226 0.041810
9.8 232U. 2207. 0.0413962 0.041466
10 .0 . • • 0. ... .. 0.0411319 0.041187
• In tLe enlnmn!! f,,r K. IZ) and Kif;-) from thi11 point down, the fi~t integ('r indicates the number of
zero~.for in~tanct• 0.0288~1 = O.U088!H.
1100 1-
' "-
~ -- r-- - V . . Tapered
- -
.... 700
...... """ ~ ...... - I...- -
I! 600 - -- '~
1-5()0 ~
RSt•oio>t )
~ .........
' '
'~ !'-/Taper~
0 1 2 3 -4 5
length of Fin from Cylinder Surface, Inches
= 5050 Btu/hr ft
q - _ == 744 Btu/hr Ibm
'hP 2V6
m=~kA-= (15)(2) =
The temperature distribution along the fin is plotted in Fig. 2-18. The rate of
heat flow from the fin per foot width can be found from Eq. 2-48:
The weight of the fin is twice that of the tapered fin, i.e., 13.6 lb/ft, and the heat
dissipation per unit weight for the straight fin is 428 Btu/hr Ibm. Hence, the taper~d
fin can dissipate 75 per cent more heat per unit weight than the straight fin. A n3.
at which the fins are attached. The addition of fins will therefore notal-
ways increase the rate of heat transfer.
For a fin of uniform cross-sectional area, the limiting condition can be
obtained by differentiating the rate of heat flow (Eq. 2-45 or Eq. 2-48)
with respect to the fin length for given values of ii, k, P, and A and setting
the result equal to zero. This operation shows that increased heat
transfer can be expected by the addition of fins only if iiA/Pk < 1. In
practice, however, the addition of fins is hardly ever justified unless ii is
less than 0.25Pk/A.
Using the values of the average surface conductances in Table 1-2 as a
guide, we can easily see that fins effectively increase the heat transfer to or
from a gas, are less effective when the medium is a liquid in forced convec-
tion, but offer no advantage in heat transfer to boiling liquids or from con-
densing vapors. For a i-in.-diameter aluminum pin fin in a typical gas
heater, hA/Pk = hD/4k = [(20)(0.125/12)]/[(4)(115)] = 0.00045,
whereas in a water heater, for example, hA/Pk = [(1000)(0.125/12)]/-
[(4)(115)] = 0.022. In the gas heater the fin would therefore be much
more effective than in the water heater.
It is apparent from these considerations that, when fins are used, they
should be placed on the side of the heat-exchange surface where the heat-
transfer coefficient between the fluid and the surface is the lowest. Thin,
slender, and closely spaced fins are superior to fewer and thicker fins
from the heat-transfer standpoint. Obviously, fins made of materials
having a high thermal conductivity are desirable.
Fins are often attached circumferentially to the outer surface of tubes.
The performance of such fins can be calculated approximately by using
the equations for straight fins with the area A and the perimeter P taken at
a mean between the root and outer radii of such a circumferential fin.
This approximation is satisfactory so long as the fin height is small com-
pared with the base diameter. Exact methods of calculations are pre-
sented in Refs. 3, 8, 9 and 10.
To calculate the over-all conductance of a finned surface and to evaluate
its thermal performance, the temperature gradient along the extended
:,"Urfaces must be considered. The unfinned portion of the surface is at the
wall temperature and transfers heat at 100 per cent efficiency. The por-
tion of the surface to which the fins are attached is not directly in contact
with fluid, but heat flows through it by conduction to or from the fin. The
heat transfer to or from the surface of the fin is by convection, but since the
temperature varies along the fin, its surface does not operate at maximum
efficiency. To evaluate the thermal performance of the fin, its efficiency
must therefore be known. The fin efficiency .,, is the ratio of the heat
transferred across the fin surface to the heat which would be transferred
tanh v'4L h/ kD 2
T}f =
4L h/ kD
~~ Fin Efficiency - Circular and Straight F in~
0 .9
~ ~~ I
"-'~~ s.',aigh:Fi•
0.8 '~~
~ '\__~~~- -
~ t'-. t': L
0.7 :-
~~ill~ l I
.,,, I
1 ~~~~
0 .6 1 J. "'-"';:::~t'---:c-
\ \\ I """'~ r--.._ ~~
U /A ~ r,I :- "~"' ~~"'~
r-- (1 1)/
~ .......,i''ro+~ r,z......_~
~ 1- ~ I ......_ 1.25 f...
~ -: • .....
i'--.. 1.f0- ~ t:::' r--
~ ....._
2.r ,
1- - 1- -f- ........_
l.po, ~'-.......
0 0.2 o...c 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 16 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.
(ro+ ~-r;) 312 ihTki(ro--;:~ or (L+trh Y21i/klL
F1 .. 2- 1 . Efficiency f ·ireum fercnt in.l fin .- f f(' ·la ngulu.r
obtain th t tal effici nc) f a . urfac with fin 17t w ombin th
unfinn d portion f th ·urfa . at 100 p r nt ffi i nc; with the urf e
ar a f th fin at YJI r
AY}t = A - AI+ 1171 = A - AI (1 - .,.,,) (2-60)
wh r A = tot l h at-tran fer nr a·
A 1 = h at- r n f r ar a of the fin .
Th \ r- 11 h at- r · n.·f r > ffi i n , ba:ed n th al ut .r urfac
Original from
area, for heat transfer between two fluids separated by a wall with fins can
then be expressed as
1 (2-61)
1 Ao
+ R~c w
att + TJt~ahi-
where Rk wall = thermal resistance of the wall to which the fins are
attached, in Btu/hr F sq ft outside surface;
A o = total outer surface area, in sq ft;
A i = total inner surface area, in sq ft;
TJto = total efficiency for outer surface;
T/ti - total efficiency for inner surface;
ho - average unit conductance for outer surface, 1n Btu · hr
sq ft F;
Jil - average unit conductance for inner surface, 1n Btu l1r
sq ft F.
For tubeH with fins on the outside only, the usual case in practice, T/ti lH
unity and A i = 1rD,l.
In the analysis presented in this chapter, details of the convection heat ·
flow between the fin surface and the surrounding fluid have been omitted.
A complete engineering analysis not only requires an evaluation of the fin
performance, but must also take the interrelation between the fin geometry
and the convection heat transfer into account. Problems on the convec-
ti,·e heat transfer part of the design \Vill be considered in later chapters.
1. R. Schuman, Jr., },-fetallurgical Engineering, Vol. I, Eng-ineering Principles.
tCambridgc, l\lass.: Addison-\Vesley Publishing Company, Hl.~2.)
2. I. Langmuir, E. Q. Adams, and S. F. ~Ieikle, "Flow of Heat Through Furnace
Walls," Trans. Am. ElecLrochem. Soc., Vol. 24 (1913), pp. 53-84.
3. P. J. Schneider, Conduction Heat Transfer. (Cambridge, .Mass.: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, 1955.)
-t. l\1. E. Barzelay, K. N. Tong, and G. F. Holloway, "Effect of Pressure on Thermal
( 'onductu.nce of Contact Joints," N ACA TN 3245, l\lay, 1955 .
.5. T. N. Cetinkale and l\1. Fishenden, ' 4Thermal Conductance of ~leta] Surfaees
in Contact," General Discussion on Heat Transfer, pp. 271-275. (London: I~IE; ::\ew
York: ASl\iE, 1951.)
6. E. Jahnke and F. Emde, Tables of Functions urith Formulae and Curves, 4th ed.
1:\ ew York: Dover Publications, 1945.)
2-1. The interior of a refrigerator, having inside dimensions of 1!-by 1!-ft base
area and 4-ft height, is to be maintained at 45 F. The walls of the refrigerator are
constructed of two 1-in. mild-steel sheets with 3 in. of glass-wool insulation between
them. If the average heat-tranl'lfer eoefficients at the inner and outer surfaces are 2.0
and 2.5 Btu/hr sq ft F respectively, estimate the rate at which heat must be removed
from the interior to maintain the specified temperature in a kitchen at 85 F. What
will be the temperature at the outer surface of the wall?
J 2-2. In a manufacturing operation, a large sheet of plastic, ~ in. thick, is to be
glued to a 1-in.-thick sheet of cork boarrl. To effect a bond, the glue is to be maintained
at a temperature of 110 F for a considerable period of time. This is accomplished by a
radiant heat source, applied uniformly over the surface of the plastic (k = 1.3 Btu/hr
ft F). The exposed sides of the cork and of ..the plastic have a heat-transfer coefficient
by convection of 2.0 Btu/hr sq ft 'F, and the room temperature during the operation
is 70 F. Neglecting heat losses by radiation from the sheets, estimate the rate at which
heat must be supplied to the surface of the plastic to obtain the required temperature
at the interface. The thermal resistance of the glue may be neglected. Draw the
thermal-circuit for the system.
\/' W.' Steam having a quality of 98 per cent at a pressure of 20 pRia is flowing at a
veloeity of 3 fps through a !-in. steel pipe (1.05 in. OD, 0.824 in. ID). The heat-transfer
coefficient at the inner surface, where condensation occurs, is 1000 Btu/hr sq ft F. A
dirt film at the inner surface adds a unit thermal resistance of 1.0 hr sq ft F /Btu. Esti-
mate the rate of he~t loss per foot length of pipe if (a) the pipe is bare, (b) the pipe is
covered with a 2-in. layer of 85 per cent magnesia insulation. For both cases a.~ume
that the unit-surface conductance at the outer surface is 2.0 Btu/hr sq ft F and that the
environmental temperature is 70 F. Also estimate the change in quality per 10-ft
length of pipe in both case~:~.
2-4. The rate of heat flow per unit length q/ L through a hollow cylinder of inside
radius and outside radius To is
where A - 2r(ro - r,)/ln (rofr,). Determine the per cent error in the rate of heat
flow if the arithmetic mean area r(ro + r,) is used instead of the logarithmic mean area
A for ratios of inside to out~ide diameters (Dol D,) of 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0. Plot the results.
2-6. Estimate the rate of heat loss per unit length from a 2-in.-ID, 21-in.-OD steel
pipe covered with asbestos insulation (3f in. OD). Steam flows in the pipe. It has a
quality of 99 per cent and is at 300 F. The total thermal resistance at the inner wall
PROB. 2-6.
J'2-1. Estimate the rate of heat flow per sq ft area through a furnace wall consisting
of an 8-in.-thick inner layer of chrome brick, a center layer of kaolin insulating brick
(-1 in. thick) and an outer layer of masonry brick (4 in. thick). The unit-surface con-
ductance at the inner surface is 15 Btu/hr sq ft F and the outer-surface temperature
i~ 150 F. The temperature of the gases inside the furnace is 3000 F. What tempera-
ture~ prevail in the steady state at the inner and outer surfaces of the center layer'?
~ r---·-+-1·-!·~
PROB. 2-8.
2-8. A composite insulating wall is made of two layers of cork (k - 0.025 Btu/hr
sq ft F) as shown in the accompanying sketch. If the spaces are filled with atmospheric
air, determine the total unit thermal resistance of the wall and compare it with that of
a solid wall.
2-19. The heated aircraft wing-deicing system in the leading edge (nose section l
i!'O arranged substantially a.~ indicated in the sketch. That is, air heated to a temperatun-'
7\ Rupplies a Rpanwise duct, D, and is diRtribut.ed, at a rate of JVlb/hr ft of Hpan.
into trapezoidal-shaped "double skin'' chordwise ducting at a temperature of 7'z. l.. et
7'4 = out~ide air temperature; heat-transfer coefficients ha = outside surface, h2 = inside
trapezoidal duct surfaces, and h1 = inside D-duct surfaces, d = depth, 2h and b th<>
width:-\, and L the length of the trapezoidal ducts. Assuming that T1 ~ T2 = 7',..
derive n. formula for the rate of heat transfer to the outer air per foot of span lPnKt h
for n trapezoidal thu·t i'! per foot.
Section A-A
PROB. 2-19.
2-20. For a finite fin of evlindricnl cross sertion, radius ro, insulated at the end. t lu•
relation governing the heat lo!'ls is
q = V2 ii k n- 2 r03 ( T. - 1'coi tanh mL
where m == V2hjkr, and L is the length of the fin. Find the length of such a fin thut.
is m~t et"onomical from the ~tandpoint of the lea..~t amount of material used to give the
maximum heat dissipation. A m1. L = 0.222/111
/Steel Liner
t ;'//
0'---"--i _"______,,_!
c llH
\ Alumin-um--------..11 ii
Jo+-----+,~-+----5" -·
PHOB. 2-21.
2-21. An aircraft cylinder has the dimension~ ~hown in the accompanying ~ketch.
For an in ... ide wall temperature of 1500 F and an he of 30 Btu/hr sq ft F, find the
temperature distribution through the cylindP.r and along the fin. For the same cylinder.
fin dimensions, and spacing but with radial fins, find the temperature distribution.
Compare the heat transfer rate with the circular fins to that with the radial fins. What
assumptions or simplifications have you made in this problem?
2-22. In practice, the end of a tapered fin will be flat, as shown in the accompanying
sketch. Find an expression for the temperature distribution and the rate of heat loss
from this fin, assuming that the end is insulated. Also, plot the temperature distribu-
tion along the fin if To - 0 F, T Ql - 212 F, b - l in., and he = 10 Btu/hr sq ft F.
The fin material is aluminum.
r; /
2-21. The handle of a ladle used for pouring molten lead is 12 in. long. Originally
the handle was made of l- by !-in. mild-steel bar stock. To reduce the grip tempera-
ture, it is proposed to form the handle of tubing n in. thick to the same rectangular
shape. If the average unit-surface conductance over the handle surface is 2.5 Btu/hr
sq ft F, estimate the reduction of the temperature at the grip in 70 Fair.
. ..•
--1! .
. .
PROB. 2-29.
2-30. The addition of insulation to a cylindrical surface, such as a wire, may some-
times increase the rate of heat dissipation to the surroundings. (a) For a No. 10 wire
(0.102 in. diam), what is the optimum thickness of rubber insulation (k - 0.08 Btu/hr
ft F) if the unit-surface conductance is 3 Btu/hr sq ft F? (b) If the current-carrying
capacity of this wire is considered to be limited by the insulation temperature, what per
cent increase in capacity is realized by addition of the insulation?
1-31. (a) Derive an expres.qion for the temperature rise of the center of a current-
carrying wire relative to the surface as a function of the current, the diameter, and the
electrical and thennal conductivities. (b) Compare the temperature differences be-
tween center and surface for No. 14 wires (0.064 in. diam) of copper and nichrome when
both are carrying 15 amps. (c) Compare the surface temperature rise of these wires if
the unitrsurface conductance is 2 Btu/hr ft F for both.
A88ume: Thermal conductivity of copper - 220 Btu/hr ft F
of nichrome - 8 Btu/hr ft F
Electrical conductivity of copper - 1.47 x 101 mho/in.
of nichrome - 3.76 x 10' mho/in.
1-32. A standard 4-in. steel pipe (ID - 4.026 in., OD =- 4.500 in.) carries super-
heated steam at 1200 Fin an enclosed space where a fire hazard exists, limiting the outer-
surface temperature to 100 F. In order to minimize the insulation cost, two materials
are to be used; first a high temperature insulation (relatively expensive) applied to the
FIG. 3-1. Sketch illustrating nomenclature
for the derivation of the genera] heat-con-
duction equation in Cartesian coordinates.
The heat conducted into the element per unit time across the left face
in the x direction, q z, can according to Eq. 1-1 be written as
q. = ( - k ~~ ) dy dz
Subtracting the heat-flow rate out of the clement from the heat-flow rate
into the element yields
a(k ~:)
q,+dv - q, = dx dy dz
• - a(k
~) dx dy dz
Substituting these relations into the energy balance and dividing each
tenn by dx dy dz d8 gives
where the constant a = kfcp is called the thermal diffusivity and has the
units, ~ ft/hr, in the engineering system. Equation 3-3 is known as the
If the system is steady, but heat sources are present, Eq. 3-3 becomes
the Poisson equation
For one-dimensional steady heat conduction, Eq. 3-6 becomes rPT /dx 2 =
0, which yields, after integration, dT /dx = constant, as anticipated from
Eq. 1-1 for steady one-dimensional heat conduction.
~e are numerous problems in heat conduction which ran he handled
1nore conveniently in a cylindrical or spherical roordinate system. The
a2T + ! aT + ~ aT
2 2
+ a T_ + ~ = ~aT (3-7)
iJT 2
T iJT r2 iJcp2 iJz 2
k a iJ8
' !
' . 'f
' ·_ j
,...------ ----
Fw. 3-3. :-;pherieal eoonlirmte sy~t<.•m.
Fw. 3-4. Rectangular adiabatic
and therefore
1' = X}p = (A cos X x + B sin X x)(Ce->-" + De>-11) (3-14)
where A,B,C, and D are constants to be evaluated from the boundary
conditions. As shown in Fig. 3-4, the boundary conditions to be satisfied
T=O at y = 0
T=O at x = 0
T=O at x = L
. 7rX
T = T m Sln- at y = b
so that only the first term in the series solution with Ct = T "'/ sinh (1rb / L)
is needed. The solution therefore becomes
sinh(1ry I L) . 1rX
T(x,y) = T"' sinh(1rb/ L) sin L- (3-17)
The corresponding temperature field is shown in Fig. 3-5, where the solid
lines are isotherms and the dotted lines are heat-flow lines drawn perpen-
dicular to the isotherms.
- - hotherms
- - - - Flow Unes
T -_ !_
~oo sinh(n1r/L)y . 1rn
. h n1r (b ;/L ) Slll L
s1n X
J.LF( ) . X Sill
~~ d
L X X 13_18 )
Direction of
Heat Flow
"/ / ·· / · ..
Insulated Surface
heat-flow lines, the total rate of heat flow equals the rate of heat flow per
tube ~'1 times the number of tubes N.
An inspection of the net in Fig. 3-6 shows that isotherms and heat-
flow lines cross at right angles everywhere. This condition is obvious for
the plane wall, but it must be satisfied, as we shall see, in any system.
In fact, the basis of the graphical method is to draw, by trial and error, the
isotherms and flow lines so that they are perpendicular at their points of
intersection and satisfy the boundary conditions. Once such a net has
been drawn, the temperature distribution and the rate of heat flow can
be determined. This technique, called potential-field, or flux, plotting.
will now be considered in detail.
which shows that the ratio Am/ An is a constant when heat flows at the
same rate between any two adjacent flow lines and the temperature
difference is the same between any two adjacent isotherms. Equation
3-21 indicates that, in general, a net of isotherms and heat-flow lines in a
tw<Hlimensional heat-flow region consists of small rectangles having a
width Am and a length An. To facilitate the graphical construction of a
net, it is convenient to select An = Am, so that the net consists of small
squares. A net of square blocks is the easiest to draw by eye because any
deviation is easy to detect. It is also convenient to use for numerical
work because the rate of heat flow in each stream tube is related to the
temperature difference between adjacent isotherms by
AI}= -kAT (3-22)
irrespective of the size of the squares.
To show that isotherms and heat-flow lines intersect at right angles, we
write a heat balance for the triangular element abc of Fig. 3-7. Heat is
conducted into the element across the face ab at the rate AlJ. If lJz and
iJ, are the x and y components of the heat flux iJ, heat is conducted out of
the element at the rate lJ zA!/ - iJ ,dx, where the minus sign of the second
tenn is a result of the sign convention which specifies that the heat flow
is negative when it is in the negative direction of a coordinate. As the
size of the element approaches zero, the heat balance at a point x,y can
be written in the form
d[q(x,y)] = l}:rfly - q;lx
.-\long a line of constant heat flow, the value of lJ is constant. The dif-
ferential of lJ is therefore zero along a constant-heat-flow line and the
slope of a constant-heat-flow line at any point is
~~q = const = ~:
Also the temperature is a function of x and y, and a differential change in
temperature may be written as
d[T(x,y)J = - dx
+ -aT
dy ( 1 )
dx T = const = - dyjdx q =canst (3-23)
ab + de = ae + bd
composite wall with equal series resistances (Sec. 1-4), and the rate of
heat flow through it is, from Eq. 3-22,
AfJ = M (T2 - Tt) (3-24)
where .llJ is the number of curvilinear squares in the channel. Finally, for
..V tubes, we get
q = lrl k(T2 - Tt) = Sk(T2 - Tt) (3-26)
"·here the ratio N I M, the number of flow tubes divided by the number of
squares (i.e., AT's) in each, is called the shape factor, S, of the system. It
should be noted that the number of flow tubes and the number of tempera-
ture increments enter only as a ratio. Hence, the size of the unit curvi-
linear square makes no difference in the result. If the number of either
flo\\" tubes or temperature increments is not integral, a fraction of a tube
or cunrilinear square must be interpolated.
Freehand flux plotting is something of an art, and no set of infallible
rule-S can be given. However, the following general suggestions by Bewley
(fl) \Vill help to reduce the amount of trial and error:
1. Note conditions of symmetry. Lines of symmetry are flow lines
and divide the temperature field into compartments.
2. Select a known isotherm as a datum, and mark all known isothern1s.
3. At each comer of an isothermal boundary, draw a short line bisPf't-
ing the angle. All such lines are the beginnings of flow lines.
4. Tentatively extrapolate the lines of (3) to other isotherms .
•=J. Start isotherms in a region (if there is one) where flow lines arc uni-
formly spaced.
G. Begin with a crude network and first find the approximate orienta-
tion of the isothermal and heat-flow lines with a minimum of
7. At first attempt it will usually be found that the flow lines cannot
be made orthogonal to the isotherms and at the same time form a.
network of curvilinear squares. To satisfy the requirements, indi-
vidual or simultaneous adjustments may have to be made in the lo-
cations of isotherms and flow lines.
After a plausible-appearing network has been drawn, it is sometimes
advisable to sketch in the diagonals in order to expose errors. The diago-
nals should also form an orthogonal grid and bisect each other at right
angles in each square. A cross, scribed on a tran~parent sheet, aid~ in
checking orthogonality.
{a) c D {b) c D
(c) c D
FIG. 3-8. Construction of potential field for Example 3-1.
Solution: (a) The evolution of the flux plot is shown in Figs. 3-8b and 3-Sc. The
faces AF and CD are insulated, and each of them forms, therefore, one boundary of a
flow tube. \Ve select initially five equal temperature increments, and start the isothermF
perpendicular to the two insulated faces. Then we bisect the comers at B and E, the
lines being the beginnings of flow tubes. The first trial plot is shown in Fig. 3-8b.
The blocks in the corner are not curvilinear squares, and the 200 F isotherm muet bt·
shifted upward. This necessitates other adju~tments which have been made in Fig.
3-Sc. In this plot the comer sections have been further subdivided to check the net-
work there. The lines form an "arrowhead'' pattern which, if subdivided further,
wnnld eventually evolve into curvilinear square~.
Horizontal thin circular disc buried fur 1, ),\), \ ')'>.\ ~\ ' >")""
l-..elow an isothermal surface in a homo- : . / / / ,' / _>// 4D
geneous material of thermu.l conductivity k I/ ·> T~
.!!..// / ///
! /
· -:;D//
<,~ •
tf:'rial of thermal conductivity k betwN~n i ·L ' ,_0 ' ~
two long parallel cylinders a distnnce L . , ,'
a part /,· / / / / //·
Conduction through the corner section c of
three homogeneous walls of thermal conduc-
tivity k-inner and outer surface tcmpPra- 0.1.5 .1x
tun"s uniform •
• Thf"~ ,.h3pe fnctors apply only to enclosures whose iru~itle dimenHion" nre grc:-tter than one-fifth
tbe wall thi,.knet.t~ .U. For enclosures having smaller in~idc ciimen~ion" ~ee Ref. 8.
From the final plot we obtain the number of flow tubes ( N = 15) nnd the number
of curvilinear squares per flow tube (M = .5 ). Thul-'1, the shape factor is
S - N = 15 =3 Ans.
1\-1 5
J! N
~ It-/_
'r-1 tf b( } ~ I
~ Df'VK / ~
~ ~ ~ l/" v y
~ 7-- ~
K l)Z
v I--
[\ J
"" f'..
"""" K7
v eo"
--- ~
FIG. 3-9. Potential field for Example 3-2.
Soltdion: (a) The flux plot for this problem iH shown in Fig. 3-9. Because of the
symmetry, only one half of the heat-flow field has been plotted. There are 18 heat-
flow tuhes leading from the pipe to the surface, and each flow t ube con~i~t~ of 8 curvi-
linear squares. The shape factor is therefore S = 18/ 8 = 2.25
shows that the electrical potential E(x,y) can be regarded as the analogue
of the thermal potential T. In other words, constant-voltage lines in an
electric field correspond to constant-temperature lines in a heat-flow field,
and lines of electric-current flow correspond to heat-flow lines. A similar
correspondence can be established between a two-dimensional potential
fluid-flow field in the steady state and either of the two aforementioned
phenomena. Table 3-2 illustrates the analogy.
There are many heat-flow problems for which solutions cannot be
obtained analytically and for which experimental solutions in a thermal
system would be too expensive or too time-consuming. It is often possible,
however, to obtain experimental solutions of such problems quite simply
in an analogous system and reinterpret the solution in terms of the thermal
problem. The application of an experimental solution obtained in one
system to an analogous system is the basis of the experimental-anal-
ogic method.
Null Detector
Power Supply
Power u~- - -- -- - - L Leads
Slider of Vottage Divider
- -----vi :
~ ~--------~
,. I
I 1.....
I ' ',-------,
..... .....
........ Marking Stylus
Drawing Board
The Analog Field Plotter (12) makes use of a thin sheet (0.004 in.) of
electrically conducting "Teledeltos" paper of relatively high resistivity
which can be cut to a shape geometrically similar to that of the heat conduc-
tor. An electrical-current-flow pattern can be set up in the paper by means
of suitably attached and energized electrodes. The resultant pattern of
constant-voltage lines is detected and marked (i.e., plotted) directly on the
paper by means of a searching stylus which is attached to a high-sensitivity
detecting instrument. Figure 3-10 is a schematic sketch and circuit
diagram of the equipment. Boundary conditions corresponding to a
constant-temperature potential in the heat flow are obtained in the electrical
field by applying copper wires, or highly conductive areas of silver paint,
to the surface of the paper and attaching them to a direct-voltage source.
Vofloge Sou~
I 0-C R«tdifier
I Pow•r Unit
I 6-8 Volts
,., /
..l '
/ .......
Plotting Sheet
FIG. 3-12. Arrangement of the Analog Field PI tt r for olving Ex mpl 3-2.
(Courte y of un hiue cientific In trument)
/t\ /t'2
X= 0 y = 0 56 34
:lx = 14 0 4.8
fly = 24 24 0
~X= 6 . 0 6
fly= 3 3 0
:lx = 1 -1 1
X= 21 y = 27 -1 1 a
ax= -0.3 0.2 0.7
6y = 0.4 0.6 -0.1
ax = 0.1 0.2 0.0
X= 20.8 y = 27.4 0.2 0.0
11Ft tJ.F2
11% 1 IIIII -4 1
Ay- 1 1 -2
11% = 1, Ay = 1 -3 -1
at any stage but it is of particular value in the initial step of the calculation.
If we add the residuals and divide the sum by the total effect of the unit
block operation ( -4 in our case), a block operation with a step of this
1If a mistake is discovered at this point, there is no need to repeat the eal<mlations.
One simply continues relaxing, hut uses the corrected values for the residuals.
AFt ~F,
x- y=-0 56 34
~ = ~y - - $::$ 22 -10 12
y-6 -4 0
X- -1 0 -1
X =- 21, y - 28 0 -1
size will reduce the net sum of all the residuals to zero. This initial step
substantially reduces the number of subsequent steps required to eliminate
the residuals. The table above illustrates the application of the unit step •
in the solution of Eq. 3-26. We observe that the number of steps required
to eliminate the residuals is now only four instead of the six steps neces-
sary without the unit block operation. In addition to the modification
considered here, group relaxation and multiplying factors are useful. For
these and other useful hints, the reader should consult Refs. 16 and 17.
Application to heat-transfer problems. Before the relaxation method
can be applied to a heat-transfer problem, or any other physical prob- ·
lem described by a differential equation, some preliminary steps are
necessary. The purpose of these preliminary steps is to approximate the
differential equation and the boundary conditions by a set of algebraic
equations. This is accomplished by replacing the continuous domain by
a pattern of discrete points within the domain and introducing finite-
difference approximations between the points. If n points are selected,
a set of n algebraic equations is obtained. It can be solved by the nu-
merical method for the values of unknown at the n points.
The preparation of a problem for solution by the relaxation method
can be accomplished mathematically or physically. In the mathematical
approach the derivatives in the differential equation are simply replaced
with finite-difference approximation ( 1, 16). We shall follow here a physical
approach and obtain the pertinent equations from simple heat balances.
To apply the relaxation method to a heat-conduction problem we sub-
divide the system into a number of small but finite subvolumes and assign
a reference number to each. Then we assume that each subvolume is at
the temperature corresponding to its center and replace the physical system
by a network of fictitious heat-conducting rods between the centers, or
nodal points, of the subvolumes. Now, if a thermal conductance corre-
sponding to the conductance of the material between nodal points is
assigned to each rod, the heat flow in the rod network will approximate the
heat flow in the continu.pus system.
In the absence of heat sources or sinks within the system, the rate of
heat flow toward each nodal point must equal the rate of heat flow away
from it in the steady state. To satisfy this condition we set up heat
balances for each nodal point, estimate nodal-point temperatures, and
correct them in successive steps until the rate of heat inflow equals the
rate of heat outflow at every point in the system. The details of the
numerical method will be illustrated in the following examples. A one-
dimensional heat-flow problem has been selected as the first example
because it illustrates the basic concepts without introducing unnecessary
conceptual difficulties.
One-dimensional example. Consider the circular pin fin shown in
Fig. 3-13. l)t is 0.25 ft long and 0.05 ft in diameter. Its base is attached
to a wall at ~()() F, while its surface is exposed to a gas at 100 F through an
average unit-surface conductance of 20 Btu/hr sq ft F. The fin is made
of a stainless steel with a thermal conductivity of 10 Btu/hr ft F. The
temperature distribution along the fin and the rate of heat dissipation are
to be determined numerically, and the results are to be compared with the
analytic solution obtained in Sec. 3-5. ~
T.= 100 F
First Step. The first step is to subdivide the system. 'Ve choose the
uniform linear network shown in Fig. 3-13 with six equally spaced nodal
points. This selection yields four complete subvolumes with half sub-
volumes at the base and at the tip of the fin. Increasing the number of
nodal points will improve the accuracy of the solution but will also increase
the amount of work and time required.
Second Step. The second step consists of writing heat-balance equa-
tions for each of the nodal points. The same heat-balance equation holds
for all interior points, but the nodal points at the base and at the tip (i.e.,
the boundary conditions) require separate analyses. For the interior
point 3 (Fig. 3-14a), the heat-balance equation is simply
\\·here Q1c 2-a = K~c 'lt-3 (T2 - Ta), the rate of heat conduction from 2 to 3;
qc oo-a = Kc oo-a (T (X) Ta), the rate of heat flow by convection
The physical basis of Eq. 3-28 is analogous to Kirchhoff's first law for
electrical circuits. The equation simply states that the algebraic sum of
a.ll the heat flows (or currents) at a junction point of a network equals
zero in the steady state. The arrows indicate that the direction of positive
heat flow is toward the nodal point 3. This, of course, does not imply
that heat flows only toward point 3. If T2, T. or T m is less than Ta,
any one of the three terms may be negative.
(b) {c)
Frn. 3-14. Skt"tdws illustrating heat ualance::;.
then Qa is the residual at 3 which must be zero in the steady state. The
residual in Eq. 3-29, Q3, can be interpreted physically as the rate of in-
ternal energy change at point 3.
Assuming straight-line temperature distributions along the fictitious
rods between nodal points, a reasonable assumption when the points arc
close together, the conductances can be evaluated from Eqs. 1-4 and 1-16.'
For the circular fin we have
In the residual Eq. 3-29, terms of the order of .:U4 are neglected (see Ref. 19).
\\.ith these expressions for the conductances, Eq. 3-29 can be written
or in simplified form as
r- , Q 4h~x2 ( 4h.lx2)
Q3 = krD2j4~ = T2 + T, + kD TC»- 2 + kD Ta
where the term involving Too drops out if all tempera turPs are measured
above or below T and Too is taken as zero.
At the base of the fin (Fig. 3-14b) the temperature T1 is equal to the
wall temperature and remains constant. The residual equation with Too =
0 becomes therefore
' Q 4~x ( 2h.lx2) .·
Q = 1 k1rD 2I 4~x = k1rD 2 qb +T 2 - 1+ kD T1 ·./
where qb is the rate of heat conduction from the wall to the base of the fin.
At the tip of the fin, heat is transferred by conY£lrtion (Fig. 3-14c)
and the residual equation for point 6 is -, :. ,~ \'7 ~ _ -r(_ ) 1 · '
' Q ( 2h.lxl h.lx2 ) ,· ,, J ,
Third Step. The third step consists of collecting the re~idual equations--
for all the nodal points and evaluating the coefficientH. For the circular
fin these equations are summarized below.
Point Equation for Q'
I 2. 54 q, + T 2 - 240
2 200+Ta-2.4T2
3 Tz + T,- 2.4 Ta -
4 T3 + T1 - 2.4 To~
5 T&+T,-2.4T5
6 T6 - 1.3 T 6 "
'j ' ,_
I '..;
The only remaining problem is that of finding the values of T2, Ta, T.,
T,, and Ta which satisfy the residual equations and eliminate the residuals.
Since we have a set of five equations in five unknowns, the relaxation method
can be used. Following the procedure previously outlined, we guess
initial temperatures and set up a relaxation pattern corresponding to the
operation table. The relaxation pattern for the fin is shown in Table
3-4, which includes, in the last line, the changes produced by a unit block.
Because T1 is fixed, there is no relaxation pattern at point 1. How-
e,·er, once the temperatures have been calculated, the rate of heat flow
r, r.
7', r. • iin
( fi d)
'" Tt ~
.., 1 110
80 . 10
- - --
-;, - 34 - 32 - 1 +11
- 4.0 - 40
10<' - 0 - 40 - 4.0 - 40 3
-- --
+ -1 - 1 + +23 + 0
--- -- --
+2 +11 -3
- 10 - - ~. +
- + - l.J - 6 I
0 +O. - +
- 1 - .8 -1.4
- 1.6 - 1 + A - - 1. I
-- --
- --
2 1 34 1 11
-- - - --
2 143 2 52 2
- 2 1.6 - 14 - 1. - 2. - 2
- 1.
- 1
- -A
- -- -
-- -- --
HI k- - 2 - i - 2 - 2 - 2
-- ·-- -
+ 1.2 - 0.2 - .4 . - l
T-Tr»( r I 2
1 7
-- --
32 2
lll 1
- -
T-Tr» n ly i I) 1 7 3- l 1 lf 1
where Qo is the residual which must be zero in the steady state and
KA: 1-o = = kb = Kk 2-o = Kk 3-o = K~; 4-o
Since ~l, the size of the subvolume, cancels, it is evident that, for square
subdivisions, the numerical value of the conductance is independent of
the actual size of the squares. The residual equation for an interior point
can therefore be written
L-- L - ..J .. - ...J lnsulat.d Surface
l1 T2•To
~ (T2 is Fictitiovs)
(a) Nodal Pomt ot an (b) Nodal Point ot an
lso ....rmol Boundary Insulated Surface
Fluid at r.
in Contact with
This Surface
r 4 -= r.
Insulated Surfoces
T1 -= r 2 • r.
Ic 1-o z.Kc 2-o = lidlb/2
(e) Nodal ,oint at an Exterior Comer (J) Nodal Point at an Exterior Corner
letwHn Insulated Surfaces in Contact with o Fluid
r.= o I
(B) Nodal ,_.. at an Interior Corner {h) Nodal Point at on Interior Comer
.... ..,. lnsulatwd Surfoces wflose Surfaces are in Contact
with a fluid at Tat 0 =
Fw. 3-16. Sketches illustrating heat balances for nodal points at boundaries
of a two-dimensional system.
where ij is the rate of heat flow per unit area from the outside to the sub-
volume having its nodal point at 0.
b) Nodal point at an insulated surface (Fig. 3-16b). In this case
heat can flow between the points 1 and 0, 3 and 0, and 4 and 0. How-
ever, the area between points 1 and 0, and points 3 and 0 is only ~lb/2,
i.e., one half of the heat-flow area between points 4 and 0. Thus,
+ Ta) + T4
Qo = kb = }(T1 - 2T0
are identical to those used for the one-dimensional case. When dealing
with a relatively large number of nodal points, time will be saved, however,
if a coarser network is relaxed first and the results used as a first approx-
imation in the final network. The recording of the numerical computa-
tions can be done either in a table or in a form suggested by Emmons
(20). In the latter method the initially assumed temperature and its sub-
sequent corrections form a column to the right of each nodal point, while
the values of the residuals form a column to the left side. The largest
residual in the net is relaxed in accordance with the appropriate residual
equation, and the resulting changes in the neighboring residuals and
temperatures are recorded. When the residuals have become as small as
V. th Section of Tall
Solution: From the observed symmetry we need consider only the one-eighth section
which is Ahown enlarged in Fig. 3-18. A large meNh has hef.>n cho~en for the rela..xation
,. / ... r-41- .. -~
Q' r u•
~===(4 ----+------~-_-:_-:_-_--=®
-400o 300, o, lOOa o0 ; 300o o, lOOa
0 -100, -1~ - 25 1 - 25 2 - ll 4 -16.
/-50, -20, o, 74 -1. o. -4'
- o... , ~0
-28. -7, (296J
161 +.c, -
o, o, o,
/ [IE] .. , 12681
9 (}}----------{JI't----------1
100 100 100 100
FIG. 3-18. Xumerical network for the chimney section of Example 3-3.
The heat-flow rate from the furnace is found by summing the heat-flow rates through
the rods terminating at the inner surface, or
q - 8 k ({500- 268) + (500 - 291)
) ,
+l (500 - 296)] - 4356 Btu/hr
.J-.' . , . 1
Example 3-4. For the tall chimney wall whose cross section is shown in Fig. 3-1 i,
determine the temperature distribution and the rate of heat loss per foot height. As-
sume that the temperature of the gases flowing through the chimney is 100 F above
that of the surrounding atmosphere, T a:~, which is taken as the datum and set equal t.o
zero. The unit-surface conductances at the interior and exterior surfaces are 12 and
3 Btu/hr sq ft F respectively. The thermal conductivity of the wall is 1.0 Btu/hr ft F.
so that Q1 - 2[0.5 (T, - T1) + 0.75 (0 - T1)) - (Tt - 2.5 T1) Btu/hr
and Q~ - Qafkb - (Tt - 2.5 T1) F
since kb is 1 Btu/hr F. The same result is obtained from caaef in Fig. 3-16 where both
Ts and T. are equal to T~ in this network and T co = 0. The residual equations for the
12 nodal points are !-lummarized below.
I ~(J; AQ; i_AQ~
: A(/~
~Ta I I ... . .. 2.0 1.0 -4.0 2.0
ATe J ... ... ... . .. 1.0 -9.0 ... ... 0.5
AT, 1 ... ... . .. 0.5 ... . .. -3.5 1.0 . .. 1.0
. ..
. ..
.. .
. ..
. ..
- .. 1.0
-- I
I ...
.. .
. .
. ..
. ..
. ..
.. .
. ..
' . .
. ..
' ..
-4.0 I 1.0
- -- I
AT., 1 ... ... . .. ... . .. . .. ... ... 0 ..') .. 1.0 -8.0
4Tt ATt
.... .ATu 1 -1.5 -1.5 0 -1.5 0 -6.0 -1.5 0 -6.0 -1.5 0
I -6.0
the gas temperature. \Ve guess 95 F for the initial temperature at these points. At.
the outer surface the thermal resistance is larger than at the inner surface; also, near
the comer the effective heat-transfer area is larger than near the midsection. The
temperatures at the exterior points 7 and 10 will be taken as 20 F, at 4 as 15 F, and at
1 as 10 F. The interior-point temperatures will be assumed to be at a mean value
between the wall temperatures as shown in the first line of Table 3-7. The residuals
corresponding to the initial temperatures are then calculated and recorded next to
the temperatures in the first line. The sum of the initial residuals is -95 F. From
the relaxation pattern we find that the sum of the residual changes due to a unit block
is -25.5. The initial block operation should therefore be a step of 95/25.5 - 3.73 F,
or 4 F when rounded off to the nearest whole number. The results of this and subsequent
T .t: lc • 1 ltu/Hr f1f _
r- -u---
r- ~1---
11 I
rl- lOOF
Jip• 12 ltv/Hr Sq Ft F 9 )::::==*~
relaxation operations in which overrelaxation is freely used are shown in the relaxation
table. After 14 steps the residuals in line 15 are checked by substituting into the residual
equations the temperatures obtained by adding the various incremental changes to
the originally assumed values. Although mistakes are discovered at nodal points
8, 9, and 11, the relaxation operationA are continued without tracing back to find out
where the errors were made, but with the correct residuals. The final temperatures
are agam substituted in the residual equations, the residuals are calculated, and the
values thus obtained are compared with the values in the table. This check completes
the relaxation operations on the coarse network. The corresponding isotherms, shown
in Fig. 3-20, will help in visualizing the temperature distribution in a quarter chimney
section. The rate of heat loss through the wall is found by summing up the rates of
12 lioe
0 ~ Tt <b Tt Q~ Ta Q; T, ~ Ta Q~ T, Q7 Tr Q~ T~ ~ Te cbo Tto Q;. Tu T11 1 c
Initial VaJuee -10 10 12.5 15 -50 50 7.5 20 -15 60 -40 95 10 !!() -5 60 -5 95 10 20 -5 60 -5 95 1 .....
_, _, _, _, _, _, _,
Unit stl'p,
~T- -4
~Ta- -14
~Ta- -8
~T.- -4
-· 18.5 _,
13.5 _,
3 -8
4 -4
16 -5
-4 16 -4 -5 19 -4 2
~T1 • 6
~Tt- 2
~Tto • 6
8 .5
I 7
9 1 I
1 8 1
21 7
0 .!1Tt, - 3 4 -3 I g
.!1T8 =
.iT, =
2 -I
1.5 I
1 I 10
.1Tt =
AT, =-
-2 1 -I u 13 z
~Tu = 1
0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8
2 0 1 -2
) .} >
-- - ·- · (/)
Check { 6:~
4 lt 29 18 4~ S7.6 22 .lS 93 22 57 !l-1 ......
- - -- - ·
1 1.5 2 }..')
0.6 0.6 1 -12.
'1...s• 2 •• -2
16 m
~T " = -3 -2.4 -2 0 -3 l.l\ -- -
r--- -.
- 17 >
.!1Ta = -0.6 0.8 0.9 0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.6 18
~T10 = 0.6 -1.7 -0.1 · --o:e --.l...4 19 -<•
ATt = 0.2 -0.4 -0.4 0.2 0 .1 -~- - - -1.8 20 (/)
.1Ttt = -0.:3 o.os -1.7 o.o~&.al! - ......
ATu = -0 ..1 -O.fl 0.6 0.3-0.1 0.1 22 )'>
c ~Tr = -0.6 0.6 0.4 -0.8 -1.5 -1.2 23 ......
z AT,= 0.6 1.6 0.6 0.6 2.0 0.9 24 m
m ~Ta = 0.6 0 -0.4 0.6 0.6 I 2.~ n
;:o ATt = 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.3 26
VlO AT,. = -0.4 0
AT1o = -0.·1
0.2 0
0.1 -0.4 -0.35 -0 ..)
0.2-0.4 -0.9
28 zc
0!!!. AT, = O.:l 04.5 -0.15 0.3 0.5 0.05 29
AT, = 0.1 -0.2 -o.o;, 0.1 0.1 -0.2 0.1 0 -0.1-0.1 -0.1 30 c
'TI -
:s::o ATt = 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 31 n
AT, = 0.1 -0.0.5 0.1 0.1:)
0 0 0.1 -0.2 0.05 0.1 -0.35 0 -0.1 -0.1
Tt>mpcraturt'tl 4.7 11.7 29.6 18.3 4i ..'i 87.6 21.4 1 54.6 93.2 22.2j 56.3 93.7 z
heat flow through the rods terminating either at the inner or at the outer surface. At
the inner surface we have
When a body has an irregular shape, a square net will not fit the con-
tour exactly. In such a case the residual equations for the nodal points
hi•12ltv/hr ft2 r
L~ J~,.--l.Oft.--~~
FIG. 3-20. Isotherms in chimney
cross section of Example 3-4.
point 1 to the boundary are given in per cent of al, the distance between
interior points. The symbols with appropriate subscripts indicate th~
fraction of Ill.
Using the rectangular subdivision shown in Fig. 3-21 the conductances
pt>r unit depth are
2'-1 -
_ k A2-1 = k al(l + Su,) / 2 -
k(l + Stfi)
£,._. al8t2 2s12
= k il3-1 = k .1l(l + 812) / 2 -
k(l + 8t2)
L3-t al 2
K _ k A•-1
4--1 -
= k .1l(l + 8u) / 2 -
k(l + su)
L•-• .11 2
Q1, = 2 T 2 7~ 2 T
812(1 + Sn) 2' + 1 + St& 3 + 1 + S12 4
Su( 1 + SIO)
T 6' - 2 (_!_
+ __!_) T
1 (3-32)
It may be observed that, when s12 = St6 = 1, Eq. 3-32 reduces to Eq. 3-:31
for the rectangular network.
Three-dimensional systems. The application of the relaxation method
to three-dimensional systems requires no additional concepts. However.
an interior nodal point will now have six neighbors and there will be 6 fic-
titious conducting rods emanating from it. If the body is subdivided into
cubes of sides alas shown in Fig. 3-22, a heat balance on an interior nodal
point, such as point 0 gives
Qo = Kt-o (T1 - To) + K2-o (T2 - To) + K3-o (Ta - To)
+ K4-o (T .. - To) + K,_o (T, - To) + K6-o (Ts - To) (3-33)
where Kt-o = K2-o = K3-o = Ko~-o = Kr.-o = Ks-o = kal
Dividing Eq. 3-33 by kal yields the residual equation in the form
Qo' = Qol kal = T 1 + T2 + T a + T _. + T r, + T6 - 6 To
3-1. Determine the rate of heat flow per foot length from the inner to the outer
e-:urface of the molded a-14hestol-< inl-<ulation ~hown in the a('('Ompnnying Rketeh fk = 0.1
Btu/hr ft F).
PRuB. 3-1.
/i •2.51tv/hr sq. h. F
PuoH. 3--2.
ae -
k (aarT + -;1 aT
1 atT CJIT) .
ar + -;:2 a~ 2 + az' + q
(a) Simplify the above equation by eliminating terms equal to zero for the case of
steady-state heat flow without sources or sinks around a right-angle comer such as the
one shown in the accompanying sketch. It may be assumed that the comer extends to
infinity in the direction perpendicular to the paper. (b) Solve the resulting equation
for the temperature distribution by substituting the boundary conditions. (c) Detennine
~he rate of heat flow from 'l't to T~. Assume k = 1 Btu/hr ft F and unit depth perpen-
dicular to the paper.
Pnos. 3-3.
7 1•270 F
72•280 F
r,•m F
.. _l I
I T~·260F
.. --~
• I
_ j _____ JI
Pnun. 3-5.
3-6. A 6-in.-OD pipe is buried with its center line .10 in. below the surfuce of the
ground (k of soil is 0.20 Btu/hr ft F). An oil having a specific gravity of 0.8 and a specific
heat of 0.5 Btu/lh F flows in the pipe at 100 gallons per minute (gpm). Assuming a
ground-surface temperature of 40 F and a pipe-wall temperature of 200 F, e.~timate thr
length of pipe in which the oil temperature decrca.~eH by 10 F.
Pnon. 3-7
3-7. Compare the rate of heat flow from the top to the bottom in the aluminum
structure shown in the Aketeh with the rate of heat flow through a solid slab. The t{)p i~
at -34 F, the bottom at -32 F. The hole8 are filled with in~ulation which does not ron-
duct heat appreciably
3-8. Derive Eq. 3-7 starting with an energy balance.
3-10. Determine the rate of heat transfer per foot length from a 2-in.-OD pipe
at 300 F placed eccentrically within a larger cylinder of rock wool as shown in the sketch.
The outside diameter of the larger cylinder is 6 in. and the surface temperature 100 F.
3-11. Suggest an experimental technique for simulating a convection boundary con-
dition in a model cut out of electrically conductive Teledeltos paper.
3-12. Calculate the rate of heat transfer between a 6-in.-OD pipe at 250 F and a
4-in.-OD pipe at 100 F. The two pipes are 1000 ft long; they are buried in sand (k = 0.19
Btu;hr ft F) 4 ft below the surface (T, = 80 F); they are parallel and separated by
9 in., center to center. Ans. 74,700 Btu/hr
3-13. Calculate the rate of heat loss from the hotter pipe in Prob. 3-12 to the ground
surface. Ans. 58,600 Btu/hr
3-14. Derive Eq. 3-8 starting with an energy balance.
3-16. Determine (a) the temperatures at the 16 equally-spaced points shown in
the accompanying sketch to three figure accuracy, (b) the rate of heat flow per foot
thicknes...~. Assume two-dimensional heat flow, k = 1 Btu/hr ft F, and make use of
the ~ymmetry of the system. Ans. 20.8, 41.65, 45.8
l • • •
• OF 3ft
• •
• • • ~ •
PROR. 3-1.5.
3-16. A turbine blade 2! in. long, cros.~sectional area A = 0.005 HQ ft., perimeter
P of 0.40 ft is made of stainless steel (k = 15 Btu/hr ft F). The temperature of the root,
T'fC. il" 000 F. The blade is exposed to a hot gas at 1600 F, and the unit-surface condue-
tance his 80 Btu/hr sq ft F. Using the network shown in the accompanying sketch,
estimate the temperature distribution and the rate of heat transfer by the relaxati.:>n
method and compare your results with those obtained analytically in Hec. 2-5 or Prob.
2-15. Assume that the tip is insulated.
Pam~. 3-16.
3-17. Hhow that for a semi-infinite plate of width L, having the boundary condi-
tion for T (x. y)
1' (0, Y) - Tt =0
1' (L, y)- T1 =0
7'(.r,oo) 1't =0
T (x. Q) 1'1 - (7'2- Td
1' -
- ---
= -4 [ e- ( r '.1• 111 Sin
T1 1r •
. -
7r + -31 P--' ( IL) 11
Jr .
• 37r
~In - -
·- L
X + ···
For Tt = 0 and 1'2 = 100 F. plot i~othermR of 2.~, 50. and 75 F.
y •
PRoR. 3-17.
1i=51tu/hr~q ft f
PROB. 3-18.
3-19. A 6-in.-tall mild steel wedge, 1 in. on the top, 3 in. on the bottom, 5 ft long,
is used as a footing for a high temperature vessel (900 F). The wedge is insulated along
the sloping sides. Estimate the heat loss from the vessel through the wedge if the
hottom of the wedge is at 300 F.
n·ason for this phenomenon is the existence of a time lag before tempera-
ture equilibrium between the inside of the building and the outdoors can
be reached. Another typical example is the periodic heat flow through
the walls of engines which are heated only during a portion of their cycle
of operation. After the engine has warmed up and operates in the steady
~tate, the temperature at uny point in the wall undergoes cyclic variations
with time. \Vhile the engine is warming up, transient heat flow phenomena
are superimposed on the cyclic variations.
In this chapter we shall consider a number of heat-transfer problems
in which either periodic or transient temperature variations are of primary
concern. \Ve shall first analyze problems which can be simplified by as-
suming that the temperature is only a function of time and is uniform
throughout the system at any instant. In subsequent sections of this
chapter we shall consider various methods for solving practical problems
of unsteady heat flow when the temperature depends not only on the
time, but also varies in the interior of the system. Throughout this
chapter we shall not be concerned with the mechanisms of heat transfer by
convection or radiation. Where these modes of heat transfer affect the
boundary conditions of the system, an appropriate value for the unit-surface
conductance will simply be specified.
resistance of the system is so small that the temperature within the system
is substantially uniform at any instant. This simplification is justified
when the external thermal resistance between the surface of the system
and the surrounding medium is so large compared to the internal thermal
resistance of the system that it controls the heat-transfer process.
A measure of the relative importance of the therm~l resistance within --L
a solid body is the ratio of the external to the internal resistance. This
ratio can be written in dimensionless form as hL / k,, the Biot number, .
where ii is the average unit-surface conductance, L is a significant length ·
dimension obtained by dividing the volume of the body by its surface
area, and k. is the thermal conductivity of the solid body. In bodies
whose shape resembles a plate, a cylinder, or a sphere, the error intro-
duced by the assumption that the temperature at any instant is uniform
\\;11 be less than 5 per cent when the internal resistance is less than 10 per
cent of the external surface resistance, i.e., when hL/ k. < 0.1.
A typical example of this type of transient heat flow is the cooling of
a small metal casting or a billet in a quenching bath after its removal from
a hot furnace. Suppose that the billet is removed from the furnace at a
unifonn temperature To and is quenched so suddenly that we can approx-
imate the environmental temperature change by a step. Designate the
time at which the cooling begins as 0 = 0, assume that the heat-transfer
coefficient ii remains constant during the process, and that the bath tem-
perature Too at a distance far removed from the billet does not vary with
time. Then, in accordance with the assumption that the temperature
within the body is substantially constant at any instant, an energy balance
for the billet over a small time interval dO is
The change in internal energy the net heat flow from the
of the billet during d8 billet. to the bath during d8
-cpVdT (4-1)
where c = the specific heat of the billet, in Btu/ lb F;
p = density of the billet, in lb/ cu ft;
V = volume of the billet, in cu ft;
T = average temperature of the billet, in F;
A, = surface area of the billet, in sq ft;
dT = temperature change during dO.
The minus sign in Eq. 4-1 indicates that the internal energy decreases when
T > T co· The variables T and 0 can be readily separated and, for a dif-
ferential time interval dO, Eq. 4-1 becomes
dT _ d(T - T 00 ) _ _ iiA, d
-7'---7'-ro - ( 1' - Too) - Cp V O
q == T - T ce = -C dT ,; = E - Eoo == _ C dE
R d8 .. R. e dfJ
1.0 l.O
o~------~,~------• o~------~,~-------
The current i flowing from the condenser through the electrical resistanec
R~ is related to the voltage difference by
Hence, the internal resistance may be neglected and Eq. 4-3 applies. From the data and
the properties we have
C = cp l' = 2.72 X 10--.. Btu/F
R = _J_ = 61.4 F hr/Rtu, for air
hA, 8.18 F hr/Btu, for water
The temperature rc1<ponse is given by Eq. 4-3, and we get
Th r ul ar plotted in Fig. 4-2. '\\ e note hat the time required for the temperature
diff renee between the wire and ·urrounding to reach one-half of the ini ial t mperature
difference i 42 ec in air but on ly 5.6 ec in water. An ;:; .
therm couple of -in. diameter would therefore lag con iderably if it were used to
m ure rapid change in air t-emperature and it would be advi able to u e wire of the
mallest avai lable diameter to reduce thi lag.
I\ -
\ " ~'-,
....• \\ """ r-- ....
~'-- ........
-- -
i\ ..............
\ 1--
-~'-- r--
war'--. t---- i---
0 20 <40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
the d nominator of the exponent hoj cpL by Lka. Separating there ulting
expr ion into two dimensionle s groups gives
Example 4-2. Determine the time required for a mall aluminum c tin t
h in a furnace to 950 F by gase a 2200 F if the casting i put into the oven at 60 F.
The ignifi nt length of the casting V /A , is i ft and the unit- urface on u tanc ii.
tw n the ting urfa e and the gas . i. 15 Btu / hr . q ft F.
1.0 -- - - - ·-.------- . - - -
0.8 "
' "lo
: ~
0. .. l
0 .2
,o .1
0 .8
"'"' "'
I" ' I
I i
I 1'.
"' ~
l ~
0.00 2
0.00 0
,i I
3 .. .5 6 7
(BI)(Fo)=h91c p £
Fw. 4-3. Dimensionless temperature ratio (T - T co)I(To - 1'oo)
vs. product of Biot and Fourier moduli (Bi ) (Fo).
From Fig. 4-3 we get Bi Fo =- 0.5. From Table A-1, a - 3.70 sq ft/hr at an average
temperature of 500 F, and therefore
9 ... 0.5 [(0.5)(130)/(3.7)(15)] - 0.585 hr
The time required to heat the casting from 60 F to 950 F is thus roughly 0.585 hr. A ns.
For some problems the change in the internal energy of the system dur-
ing a given time interval must be determined. From Eq. 4-1 the in-
stantaneous rate of heat flow at any time (J is
q = cpV dO
aJ - To)
e-<TtA 1 /epV)Id8 = 1 _ e-<XA 1 /cpV)8
The same general method can also be used to estimate the tempera-
ture-time history and the internal energy change of a well-stirred fluid in a
metal container when the entire system is suddenly immersed in a fluid and
heated or cooled by the surrounding medium. If the walls of the container
are so thin that their heat capacity is negligible, the temperature-time
history of the fluid is
_ _ _=_ = e-<UA 1 /cpV) (4-3]
To- T aJ
ture time history of the fluid in the container, when the entire system, origi-
nally at To, is suddenly immersed in a medium at temperature T is 00
Kle-BIK• - K-!C-B!K,
K1- K,.
w~ere K1 and K2 arc obtained by solving the equations
but since Too now varies with time, i.e., Too = Too (0), we cannot simply
1 Thi:-; R('<'tion may he omitted without breaking the continuity of the prest'ntu.tion.
potential and will generally be of the same form. If the periodic steady
state is a cyclic variation of T 00 , then the temperature of the system T
will also be cyclic. For example, if Too is sinusoidal, the steady-state
response of T will also be sinusoidal.
The second part of the solution, called the complementary function,
makes the left-hand side of Eq. 4-9 equal to zero. It contains the con-
stants of integration whose values must be obtained from the initial or
boundary conditions and represents physically the transient response of
the system temperature. The transient response arises because of a lack
of initial equilibrium and will decay exponentially as when T co is constant.
In summary, the complete solution to Eq. 4-9 consists of two parts:
T = T, + T, (4-10)
where T,, means the steady-state part and T, means the transient part of
the system temperature T. It should be noted that the boundarv con-
-- - tf _ _ _ _ _ ___ ,
,di tions and the initial conditions must always be applied to the complete
solution, T = T., + T,, and never to the transient part alone.
Example 4-3. Compare the temperature-time response of a bare iron-constantan
thermocouple with that of a mercury-in-glass thermometer when these instruments are
used to measure the temperature-time history of a gas whose temperature is a sinwmidal
function of time, 8, i.e., Too = (100 + 50 sin 2~8) F. Al-11-'Ume that the over-n.ll heat-
tran~fer coefficient for both instruments is equal to 5 Btu/hr to;q ft. F. The thermocouple
i~ ! 2 in. in diameter with 2 in. of length immersed. The thermometer i~ idealized by a
mercury cylinder 1 in. long and i in. in diameter. The initial temperature of both im~tru
ments is 60 F.
and substitute Eqs. 4-11 and 4-12 into Eq. 4-9, the original expres.'iion forT. If we let
m • hA,fcp V, we obtain, after collecting terms,
(2rCs + mCa) cos 2ri + (mC, - 2rCa) sin 21rll + mC.
= mlOO + m50 sin 2ri
This can be an identity for all value.'! of time 8 only if the coefficients of like terms on
each side of the equation equal and we have
2rCt + mCa ""' 0 from the cosine tenns
mCs - 2rCa - 50m from the sine tenns
= 100 from the constant tenn
Halving these equations for C2 and C3 simultaneously, we obtain
50 (2r/m)50
Cs -= 1 + (2r/m) 2 and c.- 1 + (2r/m) 1
The steady-state temperature response is therefore
50 . (2r/m)50
T .. - 100 +1+ (2r/m)lsm 2ri - 1 + (2r/m)' cos 2ri
Terms such as Ct sin 2ri - Ca cos 2ri can be combined by using the relation
C, sin 2r6 - Ca cos 2r6 - v' C12 + C11 (- _ Ct sin 2r8 - Ca cos 2r6)
V Cz + Ca"
v' Ct + Ca"
If we now construct a right triangle with v' C11 + C11 as the hypotenuse and C1 and C a
as the sides, we get C 1/ v' C ~ + Ca1 =- cos 6 and
Ca/YC22 + Ca1 -= sin 6. But since sin (A - B) - sm
a A cos B - cos A sin B, we get C2 sin 2ri
- Ca cos 2r8 - VC 21 + Ca1 sin (2r6- 6)
where ~ is equal to the tan- 1 CCa/C2).
where a =- tan-• (2r/m) a.nd represents the time lag in the temperature response of the
ill.8trumen ts.
The constant of integration C1 ca.n now be evaluated from the initial condition, i.e.,
T - 60 F a.t 8-0. Substituting this condition into Eq. 4-15 yields
T = [ 100r/m - 40 e-"''
1 + (2 r/m)l
J + 50 . (2ri - a)
sm + 100
V1 + {2r/m)1
To obtain the time lag 6 in units of time we first find the time required for the system
to go through one complete cycle. In the problem under consideration, the bath or the
!'teady-state response of the instruments will complete one cycle each hour (i.e., 2.-6 in-
crea~es by 2r radians as 8 increases by one). The time lag a in hours is therefore obtained
hy dividing the lag in radians by the number of radians corresponding to a. unit increMe
of time, which is 2r radians in this case.
In order to plot the results, we determine the numerical value of m for the instru-
ments. By definition we have
liA, 1i rDL 41i
cpV cp (r/4)D 1L
For the thermometer, using physical properties of mercury
p= 849 lb/cu ft
C a 0.0325 Btu/lh F
D - 0.021 ft m == 35.2 hr- 1
p -475 lb/cu ft
c = 0.12 Btu/lb F
D - 0.0026 ft m = 135 hr- 1
The final equations for the temperature respon~ of the thermometer and thermo-
couple are respectively within slide-rule accuracy
T = 100 + 49.3 ~in (21r8 - 10.3) - 31.35 e-~- 2
T couple = 100 +50 sin (21r8 - 2.7) - 37.7 e- 1361
TFiuid 1OO+ SO 5in 2tr8
~ ~- -- ._..
..,?/ ~ T 55 =100+50sinl27r9-2.71 ~ .......... I'
~ v< =100+49.3 sin t2tr8 -10.31
100 ~
,..,.. /
T 55
' ~
z0... 60
E TFiuid
~ • 40 - - - - T Couple
- -----TMeter
- 13.59
Tt= -37.7
1 L
_+-- T
I(, / ~Tt= -31 .35 e- 35· 29
2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Time, Min.
Fw 4-4. Transient and ead '- tat r pon of the thermocouple and
the th rmom t r in Example 4- 3.
The e re ult are plotted in Fig . 4--4 and 4-5. In the graph of Fig. 4-4, the t ady-
stat and th t ran i nt repon e ar plott d epara ly. We note hat the t ransi nt
resp n. e of the th rm meter i on. id rably lower- it takes about 6 min odie u -
than that of t.he thermo ouple. Thi i n unexpected "ince t he time on tan of t he
thermometer i I .7 min , while th t ime c n. tant f the thermae upl i le t h n ne
half of a minu t.e. Th teady- tat lag of h thermom te r i 11 arly a minu te "bile
the thermocouple lag. I . han five c nd b hind the t mperature of t h ba h. The
reason f r t hi behavior i the la rge thermal cap citanc of the mercury therm me ter,
whi h mak thi y pe of in rum 11 un ui tab le when high s n i ivi ·y and f . t r -pon e
are de ired.
~ -- .-..,
~ ~-~
-~ ~
v,? /
~ .....
~ I'..._
.... 100 ~ //
0 1/ v ~
8.E 1/
~ II
T Fluod = 100 +SO sin 2tr6
40 - - - - T couple =
100+50 sin 12tr6-2.71 -37.7 -1359
- - - - - - TMeler 100 + 49.3 sin !2K()-10.31- 31.35e- 35 · 29
2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30. 32
Time, Min .
+B 1 Sill -
8 +B .
2 Sill -
8 + ... (4-19)
Onee the temperature variation in Eq. 4-9 is expressed in this form, a solu-
tion can be obtained by algebraic addition of the solutions corresponding to
each term of the series. The type of series shown in Eq. 4-19 is called a
Fourier series. It can be written more compactly as
fJn = tan -t(B,./ An), the phase angle of the nth harmonic;
n = positive integers 1,2,3,etc.
The solution of Eq. 4-9 can be written compactly as
Since heat losses from the outer surface are generally so small that one
may assume the surface is insulated, the boundary conditions conform ap-
proximately to the problem under consideration if the wall thickness is
small compared to the motor diameter. Another example is the vulcaniza-
tion of tires. The tire is placed in a mold, steam is admitted to both sides,
and the surfaces are maintained at an elevated temperature until the central
layer has been heated to a specified temperature. This system also meets
the specifications of the problem at hand if it is recognized that uniform and
equal temperatures on both sides of a wall (or a geometry which approxi-
mates it) result in a temperature profile which is symmetrical about the
center plane. Thus the temperature gradient at the center must be zero,
and this is exactly the boundary condition for the insulated face.
•I ,.., , J.--------
per unit volume, the rate of temperature change will be slower than in a
material that possesses a large thermal diffusivity.
Since the temperature T must be a. function of time 8 and distance x,
we begin by assuming a product solution, i.e., multiply one function which
only depends on time, 9 (8), by another function which only depends on
distance, X(x). The nature of these functions is not known at this point,
but will be determined as we proceed.
Thus, if
T(x,8) = X(x)8(8) (4-24)
it follows that
aT= x ae and
a8 a8
Substituting these partial derivatives into Eq. 4-23, yields
1 ae a 2
- X - = 8 -2
a o8 ox
We can now separate the variables, i.e., bring all functions which depend
on x to one side of the equation and all functions which depend on 8 to
the other. By dividing both sides of Eq. 4-25 by X9, we obtain
1 ae 1 a2X
- - = - - -2 (4-26)
ae o8 X ox
Now observe that the left-hand side is a function of 8 only and, the ref ore, is
independent of x. Similarly, the right-hand side is a function of.x only and
will not change as 8 varies. Since neither side can change as 8 and x vary,
both sides are equal to a constant which we shall call JJ.. Hence, we have
two ordinary and linear differential equations with constant coefficients
and (4-28)
can be written as
X(x) = C2 cos~ + Ca sin~ (4--30)
where A = C1C2 and B = CtC3, both A and B being constants which must
be evaluated from the boundary and initial conditions. In addition we
mtL"t also determine the value of the constant ~ in order to complete the
The boundary and initial conditions, stated in symbolic form, are:
1. At x = o, aT ;ax = o.
2. At x = L, -(aT ;ax) = (h/k,)(T z = L - 0).
3. At 8 = 0, T = To (initial condition).
In order to meet boundary condition 1, we take the partial derivative
of T(x,8) with respect to x and set the resulting expression equal to zero,
which gives
= e-aX
' (-A~ sin ~ + B~ cos ~x) =0
Z""O .r=O
Now sin 0 = 0, but the second term in the bracket, involving the cos 0
ran be zero only if B = 0. The solution for T(x,8) becomes, therefore,
In order to satisfy the second boundary condition, namely that the heat
flow by conduction at the interface must be equal to the heat flow by con-
vection, the equality
- e-a~
A X Sln XL = -
ii (T z-L - 0) = - ii 2
e-a~ B A cos XL
ax z =L
k, k,
:. cos XL = X sin XL
or rot XL = --- XL = Bi XL (4--33)
Equation 4-33 is transcendental, and there are an infinite number of
values of X which will satisfy it. l\1athematicians refer to these values of
Each term of this infinite series contains a constant. These constants are
evaluated by substituting the initial condition, i.e., the initial tempera-
ture distribution, into Eq. 4-34. For our problem, we have
It can be shown that the characteristic functions, cos ~nx, are orthogonal
bet ween x = 0 and x = L and the ref ore3
J 0
cos Xnxdx = -
sin ~,.L
d _ X,. sin L:\,.. co~ L:\,. - :\,.. sin LX,. cos LX,.
f 0
L :\
cos ,...x cos
,.X X - 2L(X,.'J - X,..2)
\Ve note that the time dependence is now contained in the dimensionless
Fourier modulus, Fo = 8a/ L 2 • Furthermore, if we write the second
boundary condition in terms of {).,., we obtain from Eq. 4-33
cot {).,. = --- {)" (4-39)
or o.,. tan {)" = -
= Bi
\Ve observe that {)" is a function only of the dimensionless Biot modulus,
Bi = hL/k.. Hence the temperature T(x,8) can be fully expressed in
term~ of the three dimensionless quantities, Fo = 8a/ L'-, Bi = hL/k~,
and x/L.
It is not difficult to determine also the internal energy change of the
slab. At any instant 8, the rate of heat flow per unit area from the fluid
to th<· surfaee of the slab is given by
q _ -k aT
A • ax
If we let dQ represent the heat flow per unit area during a time interval
dO, we can write
dQ dO (4-40)
Substituting Eq. 4-41 into Eq. 4-40 and integrating between the limits of
8 = 0 and 8 gives the change in internal energy of the slab during the time
8, which is equal to the amount of heat Q absorbed by (or removed from)
the slab. After some algebraic simplification, we obtain
Q - 2T L Cp ~co (
1 -
e-a n 2Fo) -
----.---- ( 4--42)
- 0
0" +
«5n Sln «5n COS On
-- ---- --
~ .-......;;; ~ r-- :--- :::::;;;::: :::-- /
r-.. i"'::-...:: c--
06 ~~ ............
~...... , ...........
"'-- ~- ~
1.5 ..._ 210- ~......
r--..... ...............
r-- r-- ~
- 2,_
~......,_ ................
'< 050...._ .........
0.2 r-...
(') /')(,
~ I ...........
~/ I'....... ...........
o5o_ 0
0 .._ i. =o.oo ~
....... I
r =o.6o- - ks / .......
}__!!J...L ""'-...
f5 . . . _ F-- - 0.00....... ............0 10 ""o 25 ....... t-.....
- . 0.00' 0 10 .......... o
~-- -4
B -Il L IlL ......
0 25.
rv 08 ~ ~ t--.
........ , ............ ~~
,.._ -r--
L 4o ~ ~ t-
......... t--:::- t----.. - r---
~ ~
............ '-....
!":~~ r--r=::r-=:.r--
7""'- r--u
I I '.._\ ' ...,_
-.....I'- --r-=:: -r---r-- ~ .,
t- r-- ~r--- r- 5--r-- "'
2 o_ \ ' ......_......_
r--r-- F::::J:::
!"'--.. ~""-.. r--~ / j-- I
04 ......,_ ......,_ ~ 1;5=-
!"-... ~
........._ 1:--., 1.0_ ' ~ .......... ~ -~~oo.' :I:
!'.. .:---., ....... ~ -- l\ ~ .............. ./ r--. ~ m
........ ~ ........ --r--.. \Oooc::::::;
........ b-. ,.....-.....t-..... 0{5- '-.. r---... -t--...
~ ......
r-- ...........
............_ / ')(i'...,_ .......
.............. 050 ~ ·:><:..r--.. 075- -4
.............. ~ I % "
-- ~
nk s ~,.-/'-t-- ~'-....... z
x I r =o.8ol " ' - .... 1
.............. ['-.. r--r-.0 50 -
~'o I25' ~.::-~ooo
r - r=o2o ......
~o.oo"'- ......0 10 'o1o........._ 'o25..... -4
............ L . !'-. ~ I
c ....._~ 100 25 m
z 08 ~~-=- . our-=
,.. . . . ._. . . r-.... ~t:--: - .., 4.0
!--= ... .o c:
- --
. . . ["'--.. "" r-...-r- t--- I" I I . '\ !'-....--r--- -r---
~~"'r---...... . . . . ._ ~- -:::::;:.r--_ t?'- t:::::: r 2 10 - ~t--- ---....,. z
r-- 1.5 r -
'-'r-..........1'....... . . . . . . . --r--- Zr--- I\ . . . . r--...
-........ . . . . . . r--~ ~
I -4
~~: o.. ::::::-- -1 o::- 1 ........._ .._ 15~ m
~ --~ 0
"'hi i - \ ~
!'-... -t--1 'o
r---o 1
........... -<
"' t-......
n .............. r-..
02 5o \
~ ~"' ~=1.~"' --~-:::- (/)
G) x ks lL"' ..... -, - 0\0 -4
f - r =o ... o
- r-- !::'.
t-o .~
. . . f'.
0. 1~
. . . . . . r-..-.. J
0 ~~ 1..
0.00 '
I t ~
0 ?5 . . . . it "~
---r-- 1
o 0.2 o.~ o6 o.8 1.0 1.2 14 o' 0.2 0 .4 o6 o.8 1.o 1.2 14
fo = a 8
Fro. 4- 8. Dimensionless te mperature distribution in a wall subjected to a. sudden change in environmental
I • ""
presented here have been taken from Refs. 9 and 10, and for details of the
mathematical solutions, the original references should be consulted.
Flat plate. The first series of charts (Figs. 4-8 and 4-9) apply to a
Jarge flat plate of thickness 2L. Initially the temperature of the plate is
uniform at To· At some instant of time which will be designated as
8 = 0, the plate is immersed in a fluid at T oo• If T is larger than To, CD
heat begins to flow from the fluid to the plate. The rate of heat flow de-
pends on the temperature difference T To, the unit-surface conductance CD -
h bet,veen the plate and the fluid, the physical properties of the plate, and
the plate thickness. The temperature distribution and the internal
energy in the plate at any instant are functions of the same variables.
The functional relationshipR, derived in the preceding section, are given by
I v V:::?' / v- --·-
I vv V/: 7 ..,. 7
f-- - - ~;o-;o -)o-}.o-; o- 1.0
/ I
/ I /
7 ·r
- -·-
. I / / v v / /
0 .5
// i
.i I / / / v A' / .. --
• vv v~ v /v _;'
p 0.1=--
o.os- -·-
~ / v v v v v [/" ..-...... __..... v...,........ ~ I
~ ::::..-:::.r.:::::::- v_ ~
...... :--- - ~~
2 2 5 2 5 2 2 , 2 5
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 Cit
Fo, the Fourier modulus a8/ L2 • There are six separate graphs for depth
ratios x/ L of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, where x is the distance from the
central plane as shown in Fig. 4-6. The upper left-hand graph (x/L = O)
shows the temperature at the center plane where oT I ox = 0. The graph
in the lower right-hand comer applies to the surface of the slab in contact
with the fluid.
The constant parameter for each of the dimensionless temperature-
time curves is the reciprocal of the Biot modulus, i.e., k, / hL. The curves
labeled k, / hL = 0 are for an infinite surface conductance, that is, a sudden
change in the temperature at the face x = L. An inspection of the graph
for x/ L = 1 shows that the temperature at the face x = L is equal to T c:o
at 8 >. . . 0. For small values of the Biot modulus, say hL/k. < 0.1, there is
little difference between the temperatures at x = Land x = 0 at any time.
For such cases the assumption that a uniform temperature prevails through-
out the body does not introduce a serious error, and the simplified analysis
presented in Sec. 4-2 may be used. The justification for this assumption
i~ now substantiated for one system by the results of an exact analysis.
Figure 4-9 is a plot of Q/ Qo vs. the Biot modulus for various values
of Fo. Here Q represents the total change in internal energy per unit area,
i.e., the amount of heat transferred per unit area in the time interval be-
tween 0 = 0 and 0 = 0 in Btu per square foot; Qo represents the initial
internal-energy per unit area relative to the fluid temperature T i.e., 00 ,
transferred from the wall to the fluid, while a negative value of Q shows that.
the direction of heat flow is into the slab.
Example 4-4. A concrete wall, 1ft thick and originally at 100 F, is suddenly expo~l
on one side to a hot gas at 1600 F. If the heat-tran~fer coefficient on the hot side is
5 Btu/hr sq ft F and the other side is insulated, determine (a) the time required to"e
the temperature at the insulated face of the slab to 500 F, (b) the temperature di~tri
bution in the wall at that instant, and (c) the heat transferred to the wall per square foot
of surface area.
k. = 0.54 Btu/hr ft F
c = 0.20 Btu/lb F
p = 144 lb/cu ft
\Ve note that the into~ulated face corresponds to the center plane in a slab of thickness
2L, since aT ;ax = 0 for both at x = 0. The temperature ratio at the insulated face is
T - T 00
To - Too
Iat z 500 F 1600 F
= o = -100--F--1-600--F =- O. 733
k. 0.54 I
ii.L = ( )( 1). = 0.108
From the chart of Fig. 4-8, a8/ L 2 I at z = L = 0.25 under these conditions, and there-
fore 8 = 0.25 X 1/0.0181 = 13.3 hr. An~.
b) The temperature distribution in the Blab at this instant is determined from the
~raphs for the various depth ratios as shown below.
The temperatures at various distances from the insulated face are tabulated below.
c) The heat transferred to the wall during the process can be obtained from Fig. 4-!l.
For hL / k. equal to 9.25, Q/Qo at a8/ L 2 = 0.25 is about 0.5. Thus, we find that
• Q = cpL (To- T aJ) (0.5) = (0.2) (144) (1) (100- 1600) (0.5) = - 21,600 Btu Ans.
The minus sign indicates that the heat flow is into the wall and that the internal energy
of the wall increased during the process. A positive answer would of course indicate
the opposite conditions.
aT (a 2
T 2 aT)
- = a - 2 +- -- fora sphere (4-46)
iJ() iJr r ar 2
The initial and the boundary conditions for which the sohtt.ions to Eqs.
4-4-t and 4-45 have been evaluated are described as follows:
1. The initial temperature distribution in the cylinder or the splwre
is uniform and equal to To, i.e., at () = 0, T = To.
2. At time 8 = 0, the cylinder or the sphere is exposed to a fluid whose
temperature is T aJ' This temperature is used as the datum above
or below which changes in temperature are measured.
3. The unit-surface conductance, ii, between the surface of the body
and the fluid is uniform and does not change with time.
The charts of Figs. 4-10 and 4-12 show the dimensionless temperature
ratios ( TTj To - TaJ I ( TB-0 - T00) as a function of the Fourier modulus a8; ro'!
for various values of k, j hro, the reciprocal of the Biot modulus; T Tf To is tlw
temperature at time 8 at the location r/ro. As for the slab, there are six
~eparate graphs for depth ratios r/ro of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, when~
ro is the outside radius and r the radial distance from the center.
The ratios of the total amount of heat transferred during the proress to
the. initial internal energy are plotted in Fig. 4-11 for the cylinder and in
\ ' ~~
'-'t--...."""r-::::-,_ -.--..: -
T 1--:
0 .8 ""-'t---..;;::::;; :::::-- - - - I \ .......... ::---:.b ,_ ,
\ t\.. ""'-.., ~ . . ._ ._-........--- r--- ~ - ~6 0 I \ "- '"""'r--... r---:: :::::- r---:.r-- ---.~ - 6 .0 ( - -
06 \ "\."""' ........_........ ......., -- -r-- "'o- \ "- """"""' b.. """'-.....6:-r--- -r--.,.k...- r--4 .0 -
o•l,_L =oo
i\ r\. "' ~ ~ "'r><t'
- . . . ~"'--........ -- ~ 20- --- !. =0,6 ,
-r--............ 3.0:-t::-- 1\ [\.. ~"-... ~............... -- ~ · C'""<.r--
' "\. ~ ").K..'>............._
- -
- 30 :::+==:
a-: \ '-, ~-~ '-...i'....... --i--... --r--20 n
---~ I ~ -- """'
N 0
ro "- ""- "'-.... .............. I ""......_ -............._ --.. I ......::;; 0
0"" 0 . 2 ~ .!!. ~ .. \ '-. "~ "'-.... ............... ~ s::::::- ks .c:.:X' I\_ ""'-. "~ .........._~ ;-1 5 ~ z
........,~ '{a \, \ '\,~ '~ '-. . ,. ~
hr? ' ,\ "- "'-"-. ""'-i'-......_ J 0
CJ c
0 'd.oo\ ~.2.5"' "o5o t.ol.. . . . . . . j 'o.cili ~.2.5 o.5o 'o1s
r---.07.5 ~
I -, I ........... I \ 1'- I I .......
,......... 08 z
\ -~~ .._I'-__ ---r-- r- .-6 0 1 1\ \ f'.........._::--....... """-..=--!'-- r---:..:::::=~ 1-- 6 0-
\ "- !""'-.., 1"--.......... L:::::::, --r-- ~t:::::::::, 4.0- \ ' ......._, ~ --r--.. .__,__ ~!=;.... -r--- 4.o..L___ 0..,
~ ~ o... "' ~ ["-... ~..... ~ """'b:--5 .:=:-<t:-:- 30 t-- .\ \. """ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ --.. . . . t--< ;:-<-~ --r-- t:::::::=f~
I ..!.... = 0 .2 \ -" ~ _::-. r-- ~. - ~...!.... :. 0 8 '........ ..... - f""'-.... --~ ..1 ::I:
~-......... ~ ~
0 ro \ D.. t.:::::, -20..., ro . 1'. ' _..,-::[S .........., 26 - m
----t """...-~ ~ """- ~ r--...b. I ,- t- ' \ . - - '-.. !'-. .........._~ -......r--. ., ~ )>
~ s <._-;: l~ ~[\. ....
. . . . . . . . !'-- ~ ~\c. .. '- "' "' 't---.., .....~ """-.. r-
1.5-. 1 .5
0 .2
r-+ hr0 \---'\ '- ........_ ..... r--........ hr0 \ r-.... f'...., r---........._r--.. 1 -.
L_J 1 - - ~ ~ ,o ~- - ~
O. l ~ _
b~oo 6.25 -"
I \ ~ 1 ...;;:;
ro 75
j ........_
. 1'---- 0.00
I \
~2.5 -. '6so
1'\ 1 r--
l ~
1 '·0.,.,__
~ OO•
~~~ ~ ....__ \~ ....,., 1 m
c v .or ~~~~-t--:-, J::::::::::-~ -t::::::::::, 10.0 11\~::---...--r-. r-- - ' 10.0.::+==1
z ~ '~'~ =:::-:.. :::--r--.-r:-:--r--- ~!:::= ~"""- r-- -~-- r-- c
0 .6
o..t ·
l"." :--....... -. ~ --...t--
' '~"b-. ---~f---t::---.
6 .0 r--1\ \.
r- \ "' ~...............
4 .o\ " "l""'.......
...........r- ;~' -r--r-- . 3 o-
"""'r--.. r-~"--
r---t--,....:1--.-.- r--- r-- 4 o+=
6 .0 -
~~: 1\ "-" ""' l"o. ""--K ~r--...._ ~r--t-- "r.......- ~- r--.,.__ -..r--r-....._ ~ - ·~
r _
- 0 .4 ~ ~ I -.
_ 7.0-r- o
=1.0 !'...
l ........
t:-- ~ f - l """t--....._ . 1 -.~ t-
ro ~ -~- " L'--... . . . ~ -~ I ~- r . . . . ........ I """'r- --r-- 2 0 c
0 .2 f -
ks .::-~
1\--- l"-
'\ ~
. . . . ._
1 ~ ::::t-hro
~s ~·-
t\....... ~
"r--., .........._b-,
'r--.... ""-
J. r;;;:: -<
I l~ . -~ ' . . . ['--.. r--...... I '. - "t-, I ' I ......_ ~ ' .__ ~
G) )>
A\ ~ - •~ , ~ I' ..... 1.0 •... - ~ ,.......... ........~.
)> 0 .00 0 .25 0.75 , ....... o.oo 0 .2.5 0 .50 0 75...._ 1.0-....... ~
z n. ~ ~ ~ ~ .1~ ~ .1.
0 .1 J. I , I ' I ......._ _1. .1. .J m
0 0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0 0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 I •
I > 1._
o Q_
Fw . 4- 10. Dimensionless temperature distribut.ion in a long circular cyli nder subj ected to a sudden change
in cnvironmentH.l t emperature. ( By permission from L . .1\tL K. Boelter, V. H . Cherry, and H. A. Johnson,
Ilea l T ransf er, 3d ed., 1942)
Fig. 4-13 for the sphere against the Biot modulus at various values of the
Fourier modulus. The initial energy stored is measured with respect to
T and is defined as Qo = cp-rrro2 (To - T CD) per unit length of the cylinder
I ~~ v v" v 17 ~
~· -
i / 1/ / / / v v -
I / j J
v v / - ~ -.::
~ 1.0 ·'
I 2s
;; I ~ .0 2.5 0.5 o.2s _0.10~
I f/ 7 I
v !I v ~
~ ~ -- ,-
I I I J v J
. /_ ~-05,. j
.i f-- -
v / / f/ / / / / """ ,.
v v.....,..., - v ~v /
./ / ,. 7 ./ ~
~ · --
f--. /
v~ v~ v
. . . V~ v 7 ;iii' -
t----· ~ " 0.01
0.0 I
J--:: ::::::- ~ ~-::: f.--
5 2 5 2
- ~ ~---:: ~
2 5
2 5 2 5
liot'a Modulus li =~
Fxo. 4-11. Dimensionless heat flow to or from a long circular cylinder sub-
jected to a sudden change in environmental temperature. (By permission from
U. Grigull, "Die Grundgesetze der Warmelibertragung," Springer Verlag,
3d ed., Berlin: 1955)
heat loss and also heats the air. To specify the heating requirements, it is necessary
to estimate the temperature at the center of a 4-in.-diam orange originally at 65 F when
exposed to an environment at an effective temperature of 25 F for a period of 6 hr. The
over-all surface conductance is estimated to be 2 Btu/hr sq ft F. Since the juice of an
orange consists largely of water, the physical properties of water given in Table A-3
may be used.
Solution: We shall assume that the exposure to the cold air is quite sudden and
' use Fig. 4-12. The Biot modulus is (2 Btu/hr sq ft F) (2 in.)
-k- - (0.33 Btu/hr ft J:4")(12 in./ft) .. 1.0
and hence we cannot neglect the internal resistance. The Fourier modulus is,
a8 _ (0.005 sq ft/hr)(6 hr)(l44 sq in. /sq ft) _
1 08
ro 1 2 1 sq in. ·
In Fig. 4-12 we obtain from the graph for r/ro - 0 the temperature ratio
T - TaJ - 0.10
To - Ta:J
1 \~~~t=;::
\~'~ ~t--- - ~::,_
p-1 0 0 __, . _J
0.6 ~ \ "\.'~ ~ ............. -r-- -r--,_
,\\ :'-...."-,'"""' !'-., - - - : - - - -r---
~6 oo:::..r--- -~ .
I :-;,
r--_ - --- --
l--r~ oo_ ' -,
I \ V\ '\ "' "-. ""'-.. --.........~ 1::::-~ - r -.. oo \' .\ '\. "~~ ~:----...... k s :;::-~~-=:::-t-. 00 _ r--i
0 .<4 ks
\ \ "\. -~~ hr0 .' \ \ -~ '\1- ~ """""~ ::: hr; I '..;;;;;.~
N ::::::-,..._ I _ - I .
Q_ \ 1\ \ '\. " "-, I ........_ ~............. 3.00....._ L\.l.\ ~ , _ ......., 5 --31)() n
r \ ~ '\.. r--..._ i"'-... --......... I _::: I \).]\~ '-.. _ __::::..:--...,. ~
- - r 1 -~ '"'}..... 0
021 0 =0.0 [\ \ \ '\. " "r-.._ ~ """""!'--- I ~=06 ~ '-.. " I "-......_ -~ r z
. . _lo.~o \ '\. "'- 'I'... \ I ........_.........._ 2.1oo-.... ............. o \o' IO 1\ '\ '~ ~ ~- I -2100--.......J. 0
\ 1,\ 1'\ "\. ~ r-..., • I I"- I ' \ .. - ' r-.... . . . . .. I ~ n
o~ \ 0.2~ o~{ o.7st'... 1.~ ?o-...... o. ~
1 o 2~ o ~~ 0.1~ 1 '-1~ 1 so~ -t
-- - - -1--· 0
('V 08
. ~ 0-..·~~ -~ -
~\~ ;s;:::::5 ~
~~~-~r=. -~
100-= - z
~\'\ "'"" ~r--... r-- -t:-- ' :\'f"-...'-..R'r--... ~ - - -~
0.6 \\\ '\. "~ .......... r---...... r-- --- __ r::-6.00 __ ,\\ '\. '~ r-....... I'-.... r-- -~~ -:::~600_
EJ ~ 0•,. \\ \ '\ "'- "' r--....... --.........~ k s >-<:... - -.c.oo
,\ \ '\ "" ~ j',.J . . . . ._ . . . _ .!.!.
"'"":--k.- ?"""-~ 00 _-L-1
r-- I ~ -k.....l
\ \ 1"\. ' ........_ 1--. I - _l\ "\. "'- "- ::I:
l.!'lo \\\ '\."'-........_ ........._orr---...., 3.00..., \~\ '\. "........_ ........._ ~ ~300 1 m
~ ~ \ r>-.. ~ i"---.. -........ I - \ ~ \ ' r-.... .......... 1 r---...... I I -r-. >
f.-=0 .2 i\ \ ~ ~ ~ '--....,. b., ........._......_ I ~=08 \ '\. " ' "- '..~.. ........_........_ I l -t
o.2 o 1 \o\o \
r'\.. ~ "~ '
~\ \ ~ ~ ~-I
2.r. . . . . . . . _
\o\.o \
I\ ~ \
\i\. ""-
1'\ ~
'r--... _L . . . . . . . . . . .
....... ' "
~2'oo ..
o.~ \ 0.2{ o.s~ o~ 1\ o 12~ os ~
o. o.75r>-.. LOQ. o.7; '\,oo 1 so........._ -t
1 ::I:
c m
z ~~ ~ I ~ ~ :::--+--.
< 0.8 \'\: ~' ~-......:: ::--- - - ,1'\ ~ r--....---- r---- c
m 06 \ ~\ "\: ~ " " ' -1'--- - - 1~.0 ,, -.........:::::---.... ~r-- ~ .:..._ t- 10 0-
. l\ \ ~-.....::::' . . . . ~-r--.... ---- -~--- :::"'6 00- \ '............ ............ -........ r--- --- -r----6 6 00 z
~~: O..t
[\\\ '\. "'-....... 1'--. . . . . . . _ k s - ::;--..,; ~ _. : - - - I \ ~"' ."... "- ~--....~'-..., r- k s...,. ...-"::'1>-<r:::..... l I - -t
~ ~;.. "'- ~\ ""~ "'!'...... -........~-...~ ' -r--r-.... .c joo: ~
\\ \ '\." 't'-.... ............_' - - - : ·,: - '\ >
n3 \ i\ \ "' " '- t--...... \ 1-... j -- r 1'\. ~ . . . . . . "' ........._ \ -3 oo .. ~
I 02 I~ =0.<4' \ \ ['\. ""- ............ ~ ................... I r=o=l.O "' ", ~ ........... ~ \['........ I -....
~o. to '~ I'-. """~ \ "'-...... r\. "'- '-...._ .......,~~oo
)> • o I \ 2ioo ... ........_ o.'{l> \ '!'...... \ -t
z ~ ~. . . . . I ~ f J )..t-1
O.l L
10.~ I\ Oj2{ 0. 5~
p.75, (~
1.50_e-....... o.r \
0/~ Oi5~
0 7l\ 001'-., ~0""-
_l ~
0.2 O•.t 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.<4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.
Fw. 4- 12. Dimensionless te mperature distribu tion in a sphere sub jected to sudden change in environ-
mental temperature. (B y per m ision from L. l\1. I<. Boelter, V. H . C herry, a nd H . A. J ohnson, H eat Trans-
~ r, 3d ('d., 1042)
. .
/ I / // / ...-
I / / I / v /
~ I 25~ 10~ 5.0 2.5 1.0 9.5 o.2r ,•-::
/ / I I J / v v-·
v I vv / /
/ v 0.10
I-"'" - ----
. / / / / /L_ ./ L 0.05
/ v /
/v ........
/ / / /
-- --
./ •• ·--=
/ / ./: / ~ / / .L
v ....... v .- ~ . 01
0 .0
f--" ~ ~
2 5
... ::::::.. ....:::::::
2 5
- :.---:::.-::::::
2 5 2
0 .0001 0.0()1 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 ,J
sufficient degree of accuracy. However, Boelter (9) and Heisler (11) have
prepared special charts for short-time heating or cooling to supplement
Figs. 4-8 to 4-13.
Semi-infinite body. If the temperature in the interior of a slab does
not change during a process, the temperature distribution near the surface
is identical to that in an infinitely thick slab and we have a so-called semi-
infinite solid. For transient heat conduction in a semi-infinite solid
(Fig. 4-14), solutions are available in the form of charts subject to the fol-
low·ing initial and boundary conditions.
1. The temperature distribution in the body is originally uniform at To.
2. At time 8 = 0, the face of the semi-infinite solid is brought in con-
tact with a fluid at Too·
3. The unit-surface conductance ii over the face x = 0 is constant and
These boundary conditions are also valid for a wall of finite thickness, or for
a long rod which is insulated around its circumference when L/2Wa is
larger than 0.5; they are approximately correct for cylinders and spheres
as long as the depth to which the heat conduction has penetrated is small
compared with the radius of curvature.
We shall first consider the special case of one-dimensional transient
heat conduction in a semi-infinite solid with no thermal resistance at the
surface. This assumption simplifies the problem because, at 8 = 0, the
Fm. 4-14. Sketch illustrating no-
menclature for semi-infinite slab.
temperature change occurs directly at the surfaee, i.e., T z-o - Ten for
8~ 0.
For this case4 the solution to Eq. 4-2:3 h('comes
T-T T ,
G( Z~
X )
= --;
%/2va8 -82
r df' ( 4-47)
In Fig. 4-15, G(xj2Va8) is plotted against x/2v;;B, and the curve may lw
used for convenience in computation. The variable xj2v;;8 is a dimen-
sionless quantity. If a is in sq ft/hr, 8 must be expressed in hours and I
in feet.
The instantaneous rate of heat flow at the surface can be readily oh-
For details of the solution, see Refs. 1, 2, or 3.
tained from Eq. 4-46 by evaluating the temperature gradient at the sur-
face, or
q = - k A iJT
• ax
! ' J' qdO = k,A T -T
lrid8=2k,A(T00 - /e
0 0
0.0 v
0.0 0.2 o..c 0.6 0.8 1.0
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
FIG. 4-15. Gaussian error integral.
G( z -) = 0.467
z == 0.44
Solution: The time period of interest is short and the radius of curvature of the
refractory wall is large compared to the wall thickness. We therefore treat the system as
a semi-infinite slab. For 8 = 1/60, the boundary Fourier modulus is
hla/J (40)!(0.02)
k;Z = (0.6) 2 (60) = 1.4 8
For this value of the time parameter, the temperature at various values of x can be
found from Fig. 4-16. The results are tabulated below.
The temperature distribution permits an analysis of the thermal stress due to the dif-
ferential expansion of the lining.
0.10 0.20
= - 2-
8. 9 10 11 12 13 ).( 15 16 17 18
Local 8iot Modulus ~:
FI . 4-16. Dimen ionle temperature di tribution in a mi-infinit l b
ubj ted to a udden change in nvironmental temp ra ur . (B) p rmi i n
from L. M. K. B elter, V. H. Ch rry, a.nd H. . John n, H at T ran f r, 3
ed., 1942)
Original from
~~4---- 2a ----~
_,_. -: A - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - , 1
\) / I
h~ :
(a} (b)
(c) {d)
i .. /CIO
---•x ---•x
(e) (f)
(T- T)
To - T: bar = (T - T)
To - T: 2o plate
(TTo -- T)
T: 26 plate
where the temperature ratios at the respective locations for any point in
the system may be taken from Fig. 4-8 at con·espond1"ng time parameters.
The Biot moduli are of course different for the two infinite plates from
which the solution to the rectangular bar is formed.
At the instant the fire breaks out, the beams are exposed to gases at 1200 F and the
uni~urface conductance is 3.0 Btu/hr sq ft. F over all of the faces. Estimate the time
ela~ before the wood reaches the ignition temperature of 800 F.
According to Eq. 4-50, the temperature ratio for this rectangular beam equals the product
of the tem~rature ratioR for two large plate~. one of them 4 in., the other, 2 in. thick, or
To obtain the time required for the temperature to reach 800 F we use the charts of
Fig. 4-8. The ~urface will reach 800 F first and therefore the graphs for x/ L = 1
apply. The solution, however, cannot be obtained directly, but requires some trial
and error. We assume various values of time, use Fig. 4-8 to determine the tempera-
hare ratios for each of the plates. and multiply theRe ratios. The value of 8 at which
t hf• product equals 0.35 is the desired answer.
from the graph for x/ L = 1.0 in Fig. 4-8. Similarly, for the other plate (L == 1 in.)
we find at 8 = 0.5
T - TCZ))
( 7' == 0.27
0 - T aJ 2-ln. plate
(T - Teo)
To ~ T co oyl 2a lone
= To -
Tco infinite cyl
(TTo - Teo)
Tco 2a plate
(T - T) _
To - T: x, 11
- - -Original T~e-8=o
I ;
I l I
f I
~ ~~~t 4~ _;
2 3 5 6
where the superscript indicates the time and the subscrip_t _ ~~~__lp~ation
(e.g., T1 1 is the temperature at the plane 1 after a time interval equal to
one ~8 has elapsed). Dividing each term of Eq. 4-56 by kli8/21ix yield~
T •o - T 2 o - Tt o = ( T I - T o) cp~x'l
1 (4-67)
\Vith this relationship, Ax is fixed by the choice of A8, and vice versa.
\\tnen Eq. 4-57 is now solved for T1 1, the temperature at plane 1 after a
time interval A8 has elapsed, T 1°disappears and we have
t - T.o- T2o
T1 - (4-59)
\Ve see that the choice of llx and A8 in accordance with Eq. 4-58 has
eliminated T1° in Eq. 4-57, and the new temperature T 11 is simply equal to
the arithmetic mean of the temperatures in the planes on each side of
section 1. Consequently, if we draw a straight line connecting T. 0 and
T% 0 , its intersection with section 1 is the temperature T11 at sectional
plane 1 after a time interval A8 has elapsed.
In the same manner it can be shown that the temperature in any plane
at a time (t + 1)A8 is the arithmetic mean of the temperatures in the
planes on each side-of it at t A8, or
where the superscript t refers to the number of time intervals A8 and the
subscript n to location. Figure 4-18 illustrates the graphical construction
by which the approximate temperature distributions at times lAO and 2AO
are obtained. It is interesting to note that the effect of the higher surface
temperature is not felt at section 6 until 3A8's have elapsed.
The rate of heat flow per unit area into the slab at any instant (q/ A)l
can be obtained from the slope of the temperature gradient between the
surface and section 1, that is
_q )' = k _T_.'_-_T_l' (4-61)
( A I AX
From a mathematical point of view, the Schmidt plot is a step-by-
step solution of the unsteady conduction equation in one dimension,
1 iJT iJ 2T
- -=-
a iJ8
[ 4-23]
Equation 4-60 can be obtained from Eq. 4-23 by writing the latter as
a finite difference equation (i.e., for finite A8 and Ax), or
1 AsT
a :18
where the subscripts 8 and x indicate whether the time 8 or the location x
is the variable effecting the change in T. If we again adopt the subscript
and superscript notation to indicate time and location, we can write the
left-hand side of Eq. 4-62 as
Temperature gradient at
timet between n and n -1 =
T,.' - T,._ 11
FIG. 4-19. Second derivative by finite difference method.
The second derivative of T with respect to xis actually the change of the
slope ATI Ax with distance x at a given time. This can be expressed in
finite difference form (Fig. 4-19) as
Asbestos Steel
k - 0.087 Btu/hr ft F k - 26 Btu/hr ft F
c - 0.25 Btu/lb F
p == 36 lb/cu ft
Solution: Since the steel plate has a thermal conductivity about 300 times greater
than that of the asbestos and is also relatively thin, it offers no appreciable resistance
to the heat flow and has only a small thermal capacity. Therefore, we need only to
analyze the temperature-time history in the asbestos. We first divide the asbestos
wall into five equal layers, the number of layers being arbitrarily ~~elected. The layer
thickness will be evaluated from Eq. 4-58 after the number of time intervals required
for the inner surface to reach 300 F has been found .
., F10. 4-20. Schmidt plot for Example 4-9.
The graphical construction of the Schmidt plot is shown in Fig. 4-20. A straight
line between section 0 and 2 yields the approximate temperature at plane 1 after M
has elasped. The next step consist8 of connecting T1• and Ta• by a straight line which
yields Tr'. It should be noted that in this problem, as in any other problem in which
the initial temperature throughout the body is constant, the temperature at any plane
8eparating two adjacent layers changes only during alternate periods.
After four periods have elapsed, the temperature at the inner surface begins to rise.
The temperature in the interior of the safe will be assumed to be equal to the temperature
at the inner wall surface. This boundary condition demands that the temperature
gradient at the inner surface be zero. Accordingly, we find the temperature at the
inner surface at the end of the fifth time interval by constructing a horizontal line
from T.•.
If the construction is continued in this manner, after the end of the seventh time
interval the temperature at the inner surface is seen to reach almost 300 F. To meet
the specifications seven M's must therefore equal 1 hr, or
Substituting this value for AO and the numerical constants for the asbestos properties
c, p, and k in Eq. 4-58 yields
Ax' - kM
= (2) (0.087 /7) (0.25) (36) = 0.00276 sq ft
Hence, the thickness of one layer is 0.0475 ft and the total thickness of asbestos requireJ
for 1-hr protection is five times that value, or about 2i in. A ns.
= ii(Tm - T.) = -k, (4-66)
at z- 0 at z- 0
'vhere q/ A is the rate of heat flow per unit area; fi, the unit-surface con-
ductance; k,, the thermal conductivity of the solid; T the fluid tenl- 00 ,
perature far away from the surface; To, the surface temperature anJ
(aT ;ax)lat z _ o, the temperature gradient at the surface.
In the graphical solution, the boundary condition expressed by Eq.
4-66 can be handled very simply by writing it in the form of a difference
equation as
Equation 4-67 states that, at any time tA-8, the temperature gradient at
the surface (aT jax)o', must be equal to the temperature difference between
the surface and the fluid, To' - Too', divided by k,/h. The fraction
ks/h has the dimensions of length and (To' - T oo')/(k,/h) is therefore
equivalent to a temperature gradient. In the graphical construction we
simply extend the solid by the distance k,jh and draw the temperature
curve as a continuous straight line between the temperature at plane 1
through the surface of the solid to the temperature of the fluid Too' ut a
distance k,/h from the surface. The extension of the wall represents
physically the thermal resistance between the surface and the fluid. It
should be noted that this resistance is not combined 'vith a thermal ca-
pacity. The fictitious distance k,/h is therefore not subdivided in the con-
struction of the temperature lines. 8
To clarify this point we shall draw an electrical circuit analogous to the
thermal circuit under consideration. In Fig. 4-_21 each layer of the slab
is represented by a capacity C e and resistances Re/ 2 on each side of it.
The resistance R, between the first layer and the voltage supply corre-
sponds to the thermal resistance between the fluid and the solid surface.
The voltage potential ECD is analogous to the difference between the fluid
and the original slab-temperature. Closing the switch in the electrical
system is analogous to exposing the slab to a fluid at temperature Too·
Section: 0 2 3
!lJ Re
~ T
Fw. 4-21. Analogous electrical circuit for a wall subdivided into finite sections.
The flow of current is analogous to the flow of heat, and the charging of
the condensers corresponds to increasing the internal energy stored in the
finite layers of the slab. Electrical networks similar to the one shown in
Fig. 4-21 have been used in practice to obtain solutions to a variety of
transient-heat-transfer problems. For a detailed description of the con-
struction and application of these so-called thermal analyzers see Refs. 4, 5,
6, and 15.
Example '-10. A steel casting (k, = 10 Btu/hr ft F, a =- 0.48 sq ft/hr) having
the shape of a large plate 12 in. thick is to be heat-treated in an air furnace. The
rasting, originally at 100 F, is suddenly put into the furnace where the temperature
is 3000 F. If the unit-surface conductance is 25 Btu/hr sq ft F, determine the time
required for the center to reach 700 F. Neglect end effects.
Solution: The plate is first divided into 12 layers, each having n. thickness of
1 in. The thermal resistance at the surface is then repre!'lentcd by an extension of the
plate thickness by a distance of
k 10 Btu/hr ft F in. = .
12 48
~ = 25 Btu/hr sq ft F ft · m.
The steps of the graphical solution are shown in Fig. 4-22. To start the construction,
a ~traight line is drawn between the fluid temperature at a plane 4.8 in. from the ~ur
f:we and the temperature of the ca.~ting at plane 1. This line is taken as the tempera-
• Some refinements for handling the conditions at the solid-fluid interface have hPPn
suggested hy Jakob (3). However, if the solid is divided into sufficiently thin sections,
the ffi(•t hod preRE~ntNl here is satisfactory in practice.
'1 3
OUtonce ,lio..l
ture di tribution at time !19 after the cMting has been put into the furnabe. Because
of the symmetry, only the left half of the plate i con idered, and th temperature
plane 5 and 7 are identical. Accordingl), the temperature in the center i.e., plane 6,
are determined by connecting corre ponding points in plane 5 and 7. For example,
the temperature in the center after 11 M's have elap ed i found by connecting h
points representing the temperatures in planes 5 and 7 after 10 !1fJ's have elap d.
&. 300
100 --------
' -
2.i'!.... -4--- - - - - - -
~----- 3.48'' ' -- ......
3 . 88!!-----~
-4 .2•::..."----~
FIG. 4- 23. chmidt plot for time dependent boundary condition-Example 4-11.
Example '-11. A large pl tic plate, 8 in. thick, i exposed to a hot environment on
one id and a cold environment on the other. The temperature distribution under
tead tate condition i a straight line, as hown in Fig. 4-23 by heavy dashes. The
mperature on the hot ide i uddenly reduced to 100 F and the heat-transfer coef-
6 ient on this ide depend upon the temperature difference between the surface and
th fluid as given by the expre ion
olution: In thi problem the boundary ondition varie with time. Therefore,
we . hall change the r i tance at the urface wi h time. Thi can be done conveniently
by preparing a table which can be completed a.s the construction of the Schmidt plot
progresses. In this table we shall record the time in terms of .:ltfs elapsed, the surface
temperature (read from the plot), the heat-transfer coefficient, and the effective sur-
face resistance. By dividing the wall into eight layers, .:l.x = 1 in. = 0.0833 ft and.
from Eq. 4-58, ~8 =- 1.16 hr. The fictitious surface resistance is k/h as in the previou~
example. The first six steps of the solution are shown in Fig. 4-23 and the following
- - --
T~(Fl T.- Too ('F) (Btu )
h hr ~~~ -It F
I k
~ X 12 fin.)
-- -- - - --
Using the subscript notation and repeating the development of Eq. 4-65
we obtain
7 The rest of this section ma.y be omitted without breaking the continuity of the
pr<.'s('ntat ion.
The reason for changing the variable X to is to avoid any disconti-
nuity in the graphical construction at the interface between the slabs I
and II. At this interface, we must have continuity of heat flow, that is,
Hence, we simply divide each slab into equal increments of As and then
use the Schmidt technique in the same manner as before. That is, w~
select A8 so that
= 1 (4-71)
In order that the A8 increments in both materials be the same, we must abo
satisfy the requirement that
A(} I kpc(As)l21
- 1 - (4-72)
A811 kpc(AsPI
- ~(kpe)ll
As11 (kpe)I
Example 4-12. A special type of combustion chamber intended for repeated short-
time operation~ consiRts of an interior layer of alumina refractory i in. thick and an
outer layer of stainless steel 1.0 in. thick. The following properties are given.
Refractory (r) Steel (1)
kr =- 2 Btu/hr ft F k. = 10 Btu/hr ft F
a,. - 0.05 sq ft/hr a. """ 0.20 sq ft/hr
There is no external cooling, and the walls will fail if the refractory reaches a temperature
of 3000 For the steel a temperature of WOO F. If the beRt-transfer coefficient between
the hot gases and the inner lining is 15 Btu/hr ft F. determine the total time of opera-
tion p sible if the initial temperatur i 100 F and the combu tion g reach 5000 F
almo tin tantaneou ly after ignition.
ru:. = ~ = v'4 = 2
f1Ir '\) ~
If we arbitrarily divide the refractor \-\all into fiv · qual. parts (!1x = O.Ofl in. /(12 in. / ft)
= 0.00417 ft), the Ax for th l will be 0':00417 X ~0 = 0.00834 ft and ther will
be 10 layers in 1.0 in. However the actual width of each layer in the plo will b ~x /k,
4000 2 3 5 ( ~..(')=
k s
0 .025
Resista nce
and a convenient way to lay out the slices is to begin with a slab of refractory Lr/kr =
0.25/2 = 0.125 units thick and a steel slab 1-J./k. = 1.0/10 = 0.10 units thick and
divide these into 5 and 10 layer~ reApectively a.~ shown in Fig. 4-24. Now the problem
is to describe the boundary condition between the gas and the refractory. Neglecting
contact ~istance this boundary condition can be written as
q =k-
at z = 0
-- AT
Thus, using the r coordinate system, the surface resistance is represented by an exten-
sion of the refractory equal to 1/h units. Then, if the temperature curve is continued
at the slope equal t.o that at the SUrface, (i.e., at r :. 0) 1 it will reach the gas tempera-
ture a distance 1/h from the surface. The details of the solution are illustrated in
Fig. 4-24.
We begin the construction at time 0 by drawing a straight line between the edge of
the extended refractory at 5000 F and plane 1 at 100 F. Then we find the new tempera-
tures and continue in the usual manner. The numbers on the lines indicate the time
in terms of AIJ'A elapsed. \Ve note that the surface temperature will reach 3000 F
after 16 AD's. At this time the steel has only reached a temperature of 600 F, from
which we conclude that the critical design parameter is the refractory.
To determine AIJ we use Eq. 4-71
Hence, the safe operating time for the liner will be 16 A8's == 10 sec. Ans.
If the liner were replaced by a material of similar conductivity, Rpecific heat, and
density, but capable of withstanding 3500 F, the operating time could be more than
doubled. If the refractory could withstand 3800 F, the steel would reach a tempera-
ture of 1600 F before the liner would fail.
Long cylinder. The Schmidt method can also be applied to long solid
or hollow cylinders. If the wall of a hollow cylinder is thin, it is usually
satisfactory to treat it as a plate, hut for long solid circular cylinders or
thick-walled hollow cylinders, Eq. 4-44 must he used. The equation
= a (oor 2
+ ~ aT)
r or
[4 44 1
1 aT (4-77)
:~=ac::n (4-78)
since the terms (1 1r 2 ) (aT ,~ a71) can('el. Finally, Eq. 4-78 is written in finite-
difference form as
or T t+ I - T t -
2a~() (T,-r1
+ Tn-1 + T 1
" n - (r-171)2 2 n
- 1 (4-80)
4-GO). The graphical construction for the cylinder is therefore the same
as that for a wall or a slab. However, instead of layers of equal Llx thick-
nes...o;;, Eq. 4-80, the Schmidt rule for the cylinder, prescribes constant incre-
ments of rdfl. Since according to Eq. 4-75 dfl = Llr/r, we see that each
partition of a cylinder for a Schmidt plot has to he Llr /r thick. A mean
radius for each section is sufficiently accurate in practice. If the initial
temperature is not uniform, it must be plotted on a scale corresponding
to the dfl increment, that is, on a logarithmic scale, in accordance with
Eq. 4-74.
Example 4-13. A fluid at 300 F bulk U!mperature is flowing through an 18-8 stain-
less-steel, type 347, pipe of 1 in. ID and 2 ~ in. OD. Initially the temperature at the
outer surface of the pipe is 100 F and steady-state condition~ prevail. The unit-surface
conductance at the inner pipe surface is 250 Btu j hr sq ft F.
If the fluid is suddenly heated, and itH tempem.ture increa:;jeH linearly u.t the rate of
100 F / ~ec, determine the remperature distribution in the pipe 6 sec after the heating
of t.he fluid is initiated .
.-\ veragc physical properties for the stu.inlt•S8-~tct•l pipe are
k, = 10.5 Btu / hr ft F
a, = 0.1H7 sq ft / hr
Solution: The pipe is first divided into Rix annular ~ctionH of tl.r - i in. The
corre~ponding value~ of .177 and their calculat.ionR are shown in Table 4-1.
TABLE 4- 1
The equivalent resistance at the inner boundary i~ calculated from the boundary
condi t.ions
k, aT
q = h(T
- co - To) = k, (aT
-- a11) = ---
A a'l or r - ri
1------ ~ -------+--~--.------+-o.....-++---1............
z•e soo
0 0.5 1.0
dynamics, as can be seen from Eq. 4-82. In practice, although smaller ., _~, , . .
values of 8 improve the accuracy, 9 is usually set equal to ~ because this ~
choice reduces the amount of labor in the computations. With 8 equal ,... -
to!, the numerical method is equivalent to the graphical method, so that
the techniques for handling convection boundary conditions, composite
structures, and cylindrical systems are identical to those described in
Sec. 4-6. However, as shown in Example 4-14, selection of half volumes
at surfaces is necessary for a complete correspondence between the results
of the numerical and graphical methods.
Solution: We begin the solution by dividing the asbestos into five equal slices of
thickness .::U - 0.0475 ft, with half slices at the two surfaces. Selecting 9 = !, the
time increment in each step of the calculation is
The details of numerical solution are illustrated in Table 4-2. The reader should
verify the individual ~t~ps and compare his intermediate results with those obtained
previously by the graphical method, whose final result-a are listed in the last line of the
fJ (hr) 1 2 3 4 5 6
table. The accuracy of the graphical solution was obviously limited by the small scale
U8ed in the construction of the temperature curves.
1. P. J. Schneider, Conduction Heat Tramfer. (Cambridge, M&SS.: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, 1955.)
2. H. S. Carslaw, and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids. (Oxford:
don Press, 1947.)
3. ~1. Jakob, Heat Transfer, Vol. I. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1949.)
4. V. Paschkis and ~1. D. Baker, "A Method for Determining Unsteady State Heat
Transfer by Means of an Electrical Analogy," TraM. ASME, Vol. 64 (1942), pp. 105-
5. C. B. Ncel, Jr., "An Investigation Utilizing a.n Electrical Analogue of Cyelir
De-Icing of a Hollow Steel Propeller with an External Blade Shoe," N ACA T.V 28.12,
6. D. I. Lawson and J. H. McGuire, "The Solution of Transient Heat Flow Prolr
lems by Analogous Electrical Networks," Proc. (A) Inst. Mech. Engra., Vol. 167, ~o. 3
(1953), pp. 275-287.
7. G. A. Hawkins and .J. T. Agnew, "The Solution of Trn.nsient Heat Conductio11
Problems b~, Finite Differences," Eng. Bull. Res. Series 98, Purdue Univ., 1947.
8. G. M. Dusinberre, Numerical Analys-is of Heat Flow. (New York: McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., 1949.)
9. L. 1\l. K. Boelter, V. H. Cherry, and H. A. Johnson, Heat Tran&fer, 3d ed.
(Berkele~·: Universit.v of California Press, 1942.)
10. H. Grober, S. Erk, and U. GrigulJ, Grundgesetze tkr Wlirmeii.bertragung, 3d Pd.
(Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1955.)
11. l\1. P. Heisler, "Temperature Charts for Induction and Constant Temperature
Heating," Trans. ASME, Vol. 69 (1947), pp. 227-236.
12. B. 0. Peirce, A Short Table of Integrals. (Boston: Ginn & C-ompany, 1929.)
13. G. Leppert, "A Stable Xumeriral Solution for Transient Heat Flow," J. Am.
Soc. Naval Engrs., Vol. 65 (19.53), pp. 741-752.
14. C'. l\1. Fowler, ''Anal.vsi~ of ~umerical Solutions of Transient Heat Flm•; Prob-
lems," Quart. Appl. Math., Vol. 3 (194!>), pp. 361-376.
15. .M. Jakob and G .. A. Hawkin~. Flenu.>11ls of Rent Tra11sjPr, 3d ed. (!\ew York:
John \Vile.v & l-\onfol, Inc .. 1B57. '!
t 60
1 .co
u 0
~1 ~2
PROB. 4-5.
time required to cool (a) the center of the billet and (b) the surface of the billet to
500 F.
4-9. Estimate the time required to heat the center of a 5-Jb roast in a 400 F oven to
300 F. State your assumptions carefully and compare your results with cooking instruc-
tions in a standard cookbook.
4-10. To determine the heat-tram~fer coefficient between a heated steel ball and
cooler ground or crushed mineral solids experimentally, a serieR of SAE 1040 steel balls
were heated to a temperature of 700 C and the center temperature-time history of
each was measured with a thermocouple while it was cooling in a bed of crushed iron
ore which was placed in a steel drum, rotating horizontally at about 30 rpm. For a
2-in.-diam ball, the time required for the temperature difference between the ball center
and the surrounding ore to decrease from 500 to 250 C was found to be 64, 67, and 72 sec
respectively in three different test run~. Determine the average unit-surface conduc-
tance between the ball and the ore. Compare the results obtained by assuming the
thermal conductivity to be infinite with those obtained by taking the internal thermal
resistance of the ball into account. Ans. ""'54 Btu/hr sq ft F
4-11. A fireproof safe is to be constructed. Its walls consist of two rrin. steel
sheets with a layer of asbestos board between them. Using the chart for a slab, estimate
the thickness of asbestos required to give 1 hr of fire protection on the basis that, for
an outside temperature of 1500 F, the inside temperature is not to rise above 250 F
during this period. The heat-transfer coefficient at the exterior surface is 5 Btu/hr sq
ft F.
4-12. A large slab of 1-ft-thick steel armor plate (k = 10 Btu/hr ft F, a == 0.12
sq ft/hr) is initially at a uniform temperature of 1300 F. One surface is maintained at
1300 F while air is blown over the other surface at a velocity which gives rise to an
average heat-transfer coefficient of 20 Btu/hr sq ft F. The temperature of the air
varies with time as Too =- (600 - 106) F, where 8 is in minutes. Determine the surface
temperature at the distribution after 1 hr has elapsed.
4-13. A long 2-ft-OD solid steel (k = 12 Btu/hr ft F) cylindrical billet at 60 F room
temperature is placed in an oven where the temperature is 500 F. If the average
unit-surface conductance is 3 Btu/hr sq ft F, estimate the time required for the center
temperature to increase to 450 F by (a) using the appropriate chart, (b) dividing the
solid into two equal lumped thermal capacities with appropriate thermal resistances
between them. Also (c) determine the instantaneous surface heat fluxes when the
center temperature is 450 F.
4-1'- Repeat Prob. 4-13a, but assume that the billet is only 4 ft long with the
average unit-surface conductance at both ends equal to 6 Btu/hr sq ft F.
4-16. A large billet of steel originally at a temperature of 500 F is placed in a
• ••
PRoH. 4-·15.
where C. - ("A~
• "A n L "A " L) L
fL J (x) sin >..,.xdx
Calculate the temperature at the end (x - L) of a 0.1 in. diam, 2-in.-long stainleM-steel
rod as a function of time, if the initial temperature distribution is linear, with 100 F
at the end, and h. = 10 Btu/hr sq ft F at the end.
4-29. A turnip (assume spherical) weighing 1 lb is dropped into water boiling at
atmospheric pressure. If the initial temperature of the turnip is 62 F, how long does
it take to reach 197 Fat the center? Assume that:
hr = 300 Btu/hr sq ft F Cp == 0.95 Btu/lb F
k = 0.3 Btu/hr ft F p - 65 lb/cu ft
4-30. Two gas streams are passed alternately for a duration of 5 min each over
the surface of a steel plate. The one stream is hot (1000 F), the other cold (100 F).
but for both streams li = 5 Btu/hr sq ft F. Determine the temperature variation with
time of the plate surface if the imposed free stream temper!lture variation is approxi-
mated by the Fourier series {8 is in min).
The unit of wavelength which will be used in this chapter is the __ micron.
----- -micron,
- -- - -- - or J.&, is 10-e m or 3.94 X lQ-6 in.
- - --- - ---
A qualitative explanation of the mechanism by which radiant energy
is transferred may be given in terms of the wave theory. In the process
of emitting radiation, a body converts a. part of its internal energy into
electromagnetic waves, which are a form of energy. These waves move
101 2 3 I" 5 , 1 s 9 10
Uhrosonic t
Slow 0Killations
Hertzian Waves-~
1 Kilocycle 1 Megacycle
I 1 fresnel
(!tel Imel lfl
is warm inside even when the outside air is cool. Glass permits radiation :
at the wavelength of the sun to pass, but it is opaque to radiation in the .
'_'·avelength range emitted by the interior of the greenhouse. Thus solar 1
radiation may enter, but once it has been absorbed, it cannot leave th~_ .
Wo ,.length, )I
Glass and rock salt and other inorganic crystals are examples of exceptions
among the solids because, unless very thick, they are to a certain degree
Incident Radiation
\ \
\ \
\ Reflected Radiation
\ 1/ 1
\ \ I I I
\ \ I I
\ \ I I
\ v.
I\ I
\ \ ~'- Absorbed Radiation
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \ \
Tronwni"ed Racf10tion
tion as a black body (Sec. 5-3). For most practic~,l situations the reflection
may be treated as though it were completely diffuse.
The relative magnitudes of a, p, and T depend not only on the material,
its thickness, and its surface finish, but vary also with the wavelength of
the radiation. The numerical evaluation of these properties will be taken
up in Sec. 5-5 for opaque bodies and in Sec. 5-10 for gases.
Like the ideal gas, the black body is a theoretical concept which can
only be approximated in practice. A black body, or ideal radiator, may
be defined either as a body which absorbs all radiation incident upon it
and reflects or transmits none or as a radiator which emits at any specified
temperature the maximum possible amount of thermal radiation at all
wavelengths. The black body is used as a standard with which the radia-
tion characteristics of other bodies are compared.
The concept of a black body can be clarified by considering a simple
experiment. Suppose that two small bodies Bt and B2 of surface areas At
and A2 are placed in a large evacuated enclosure which is perfectly insulated
from its surroundings. Radiation will be exchanged between the bodies
and the walls of the enclosure until equilibrium is attained and both bodies
and the walls have reached the same temperature. Then the rate at which
each body emits radiation must equal the rate at which it absorbs radiation.
If G is the rate at which radiant energy from the walls falls on each of the
bodies, at and a2 are the absorptivities, and Et and E2 the emissive powers
of Bt and B2 respectively, ~n ene~gy b~l~nce y_i_eld~
A1 G a1 = At E1 and A2 G a2 = A2 E2
from which
_cavity acts like a hlack body because practically all the radiation incident
upon it is absorbed.
- In a similar manner, the radiation emitted by the interior surface of a
cavity is absorbed and reflected many times and eventually fills the cavity
uniformly. If a black body at the same temperature as the interior surface
is placed into the cavity, it receives radiation uniformly, i.e., it is irradiated
isotropically. The black body absorbs all of the incident radiation and,
since the system consisting of the black body and the cavity is at a uniform
temperature, the rate of emission of radiation by the body must equal its
rate of irradiation. Otherwise there \vould he a net transfer of energy as
heat between two bodies at the same temperature in an isolated system,
an obvious violation of the second law of thermodynamics. Denoting the
rate at which radiant energy from the walls of the cavity is absorbed by
- black-body irradiation, by Gb and the rate
the black body, i.e., the -- -
at which
. --- - - ~
~he black body emits energy by Eb0~·e _thus obtain G, = E 6• This means
that the irradiation in a cavity whose walls are at a temperature Tis equal
to the emissive power of a black body at the same temperature. A small
hole in the wall of a cavity will not disturb this condition appreciably, and
the radiation escaping from it will therefore have black-body characteristics.
Since this radiation is independent of the nature of the surface, it follows
that the emissive power of a black body depends only on its temperature.
A quantitative relationship between the temperature and the total
emissive power of a black body was obtained by the Austrian physicist,
Stefan, in 1879. He deduced empirically from experimental data obtained
earlier by the scientist, Tyndall, that ~e~ergy_ radia~ l?Y a black body
is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature, o~
per square foot and T in degrees Fahrenheit absolute (i.e., degrees Ran-
~~).!- The fourth-power law was later also derived from thermodynamical
considerations by Boltzmann, and Eq. 5-4 is commonly known as the
Stefan-Boltzmann law.
The emissive power determined from the Stefan-Boltzmann equation
represents the total radiant energy emitted by a black body in aH directions
of a half space per unit area and time over the entire wavelength spectrum.
It does not reveal the distribution of energy in the spectrum. A relation-
ship which shows how the emissive power is distributed among the different
wavelengths was derived by Max Planck, in 1900, by means of his quantum
theory. If Eb>. is the emissive power of a black body at the wavelength X,
so tha~ E,~ (A ~s th~. radiant power emitted from a black surfaee peru~!t
area ID the wavelength interval dX, Planck's law can be expressed ~
total area under any one of the curves of Fig. 5-2 represents the .... - total
energy radiated by a black body at the indicated temperature and is
i1umerically equal to uT", or
~ V T
ond A.T foro bloc body
0 .8 I \
0.7 \ A mox T = 3215 .6}1 R
0.6 \
b>. mox _
0 5 \
0 .~
0 .2
I ~ ·r -
) """ ----r-
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
T max
Tl!_e 9la k-body emi ive power over a pecified wavelength range can
be obtain d ith r from Fig. 5- 7 where the ratio of
i plotted v . 'AT or from Table A-4 where thi ·ratio i tabulated a a fun -
ti n on T. "The procedure is illu trated in the following example.
..... ·--- - -
Example 6-1. ilica glas transmi 92 per cent of t he incident radiation in tb
wavelength range between 0.35 and 2. 7,.,. and is opaque at longer and hort r w ve-
l ng h . ' timate the per cent of ola.r radiation which t he glas will tran mi . Th
, m may be umed to radiate as a black body at 10,000 R.
rt - 1- -
- 1-- - f---
- - - - - •- - - ~ -
~ E~IIIG· VL T -~ -- -- f-- -
- -- - ~ -
1- ~~~~aa •C3T 5 Btu/hrsqft Micron
0 -l II I I I J 106
-- C3•,216.018-U1o--
1 1
Btu/hr sq ft
'- I Mti:ron(Jtl
1 7
~- I
-- -7-c
; t-
-·- -l
- 1--
- -
t-+- r
5~-~ ---
t-- -1-·l - !
!, - - --
1-- ·- - - -
t, · · ~-~ -
I -- -- f -
~ t-
I 1- -
- ·- t--
1---- f-
-- - f-----j -- t-- -- - --
- ~ - - ~----I -- -
5 --
I I f---
~~- r 1--
·-- i- t- 1
t--- - · r- I
--- -
-j I
I -
~ 1/
0.00 2
100 1000
Solution: For the wavelength range within which the gl888 is transparent, >.T- 3500
at the lower limit and 27,000 at the upper limit. From Fig. 5-7 or Table A-4 we find
Jo E,.,.d>.
= Q.6 per cent
1... I
0. 9 ~ I I
/ I
0. 8
v . I
/ ~
Y1. f mox
and A.T fof ~ black body
o.3 I I
0. 2 I I I i
0. 1 I I I
0.4 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
5.0 6.0
~~~j_ _ .____._______._,..-J_ . .J ----4----4.- ..L L---......1,._ ;__j ___ l __ _ _ ____ ; _.L__,ol,._.! _ _ :_ =-::-----~~! ~
0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000
A.T IMicton- Rankine I
.Fm. 5-7. Fraction of total emissive power in spectral region be-
tween A = 0 and A as a function of AT.
t .7
f o EbxdX
- - - - = 96.9 per cent
:r~'"' .1
Thu8 .96;3. per cent of the total radiant energy inri(~,upon the gl&BB from the sun i~
in the wavelength range between 0.35 and 2.7/A and per cent of the solar radiation
i~ transmitted through the glws. Ans.
we can relate the intensity to the emissive power by integrating the radia-
tion intercepted by an elemental area dA2 over the half space represented by
the surface of the hemisphere, or
where dA2/r 2 is the solid angle d<.J1 subtended by dA2 at dAt, since a solid
angle is by definition numerically the area subtended on. a sphere of uni.t
radius, or, for a sphere of radius r, the intercepted area divided by r.
From Fig. 5-8 we see that
.J __ (r sin q,)dt/;(rdcp) . d ~A.
uw 1 = r2 = Sin cp tYl«P
E = I f. d>/t f.
2r r/2
sin q, cos q, dq,
AI 1.
e .Polished Copper
~ I
I ~~/
20 I" .............._
~,cO .._/
I "-../'
r\ ~
J c
0.5 1 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9Jl
Wavelength l
Fw. 5-9. Variation of monochromatic absorptivity or
emis."ivity with wavelength for an electrical conductor.
(According to \V. Sieber, Ref. 3)
~. I
20~~~~7-7-~~--- I
fire-Cloy, White
0.5 1
2 3
.. 5
· - - _ _ _ __ _ j_ _ ___l__
6 7 8
Wavelength A.
Fig. ,j - 10. Variation of monochromatic absorptivity or
cmi:-;sivit ~· with wavdength for an electrical noneonduetor.
(.\e<'ording to \V. Sieber, Hef. 3)
sion occurs at a given temperature and measuring the area under the curve.
An average emissivity for each temperature can be obtained by dividing
this area by the area under the spectroradiometric curve of a black body
at the same temperature. The total average emissivity at a given tempera-
ture is thus given by
0.12 o.u
a=,E.,dx/ fmE.,d>.
The numerical evaluation of this integral may be simplified by noting
that the denominator i~ equal to u T 4 • Changing the variable of integration
from X to XT yields
a =
! 0
a,. -
(1 7
l& d (XT)
-- - r?- - -·-
~ to..
r" ~~
f': ~ !. 1--'" -
~~ ~ ~ ~~ i'.
r-. 'r--
I'- ~
~ .............
60 -~
\ ..........
~ '- ~ ~
~ ~
\ r-- ...
~ ' ~ ~..... r<~ -t ~
...,...... ~
~ ......
600 1000 2000 4000 I 0,000 I
Enmple 6-2. A small body at 100 F is placed in a large heating oven whose walls
ure maintained uniformly at 2000 F. The average absorptivity of the body at 100 F
varies with the temperature of the emitter as shown in the table below.
Estimate the rate at which radiant energy is (a) absorbed by and (b) emitted from the
body per unit surface area.
&lutwn: (a) The radiation incident upon the borly is characterized by the tem-
perature of the oven walls, and the absorptivity of the body for this radiation is 0.5.
Thus 50 per cent of the incident black-body radiation is absorbed, and the rate of
energy absorption G is
- - - - - - -- - -·- - - - - - - - -- - --
9.=~#1 I. .'l.-1~ :i.6#£ l.Sp
100 F ;j()() F 1000 F 2500 F
Polished ... . . .... . ....... . . .. . . 0.04 0.05 0 .08 0.19 ---<l . 3
Oxidized ... . . .. . . . . ..... . . .. . . 0.11 0 . 12 0.18
24-ST weathered. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0.4 0.32 0.27
Surface roofing . ... .. .. .. . . . . . . . 0 .22
Anodized (at 1000 F) . . . . .. .. . O.H4 0.42 0 .60 0 .34
Polished .................... . . . 0.10 0.10
Oxidized ... ....... . ...... ... . . . 0.61
Polished . ................ ..... . 0 .08 0 .17 0.26 0.40 0 .49
Polished . . ................... . . 0.04 0.05 0.18 0.17
Oxidized . . .... .... ......... .. . . 0 .87 0.83 0 . 77
Polished .. . ... . . . ........... . . . 0.06 0 .08 0.13 0.25 0.45
Cast, oxidized .. .... . . ....... . . . 0.63 0 .66 0.76
Galvanized, new .... .. ... . ..... . 0.23 0.42 0.66
Galvanized, dirty . . . ..... . . . ... . 0.28 0.00 0.89
Steel plate, rough . . ........... . . 0.94 0 .97 0 .98
Oxide .................. . ..... . 0.96 0.85 0.74
1\rlolten . . .... . ................ . 0.3-Q.4
Magnesium ... . .............. . .. . 0.07 0 . 13 0.18 0.24 0.30
1\rlolybdenum filament . . .......... . "-'0.09 "-'0. 15 --<1.2•
Polished... . .. . . . ........... . 0 .01 0 .02 0 .03 0.11
Stainless steel
18-8, polished .............. . .. . 0.15 0.18 0 .22
18-8, weathered .. .. . . ..... . ... . 0 .85 0.85 0 .85
Steel tube
Oxidized .... . ........ . .. . .... . 0 .80
Tungsten filament . ............. . . 0 .03 "-'0. 18 0.35t
Polished . ..................... . 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.46
Galvanized shPct ......... . . . . . "-'0.25
Building and Insulating .M aterials
Asbestos paper . ..... .. ... .. . .... . 0.93 0.93
Asphalt . . ..................... . . 0.93 0 .9 0.93
Red .. . . . . . ............... . . . . . 0 .93 0 .7
Fire clay . ....... .. .. . . .. . . . .. . 0 .9 "-'0.7 "-'0.75
.." 1 tea ..... . .. . .. . .......... ... . 0 .9 "-'0.75 0 .84
l\lagnesit.e refractory ....... ... . . o.n "-'0 .4
Enamel, white ... . . .... .. . ..... .. . 0 .9
:Marble, whitl' . . .. ... .. ..... . .. .. . O.H5 0.93 0.47
Paper, white . . .. . ... . . . .... .... . . O.H5 0.82 0.25 0 .28
Plaster ........... . .. . ..... . .. .. . O.Hl
• At 5000 F.
tAt 6000 F.
tAt 32 F.
SOURCE : Refs. 11, 15-18.
The sub tended angle dw1-2 is equal to the projected area of the receiving
Substituting Eqs. 5-10 and 5-15 for dw1.2 and /1 respectively in Eq. 5-14
dQ1-2 -_ E b1 dA
. 1
(cos c/>1 cos t/>2 d. .4 2) (6-16)
where the term in parentheses is equal to the fraction of the total radiation
emitted from dAt that is intercepted by dA 2 • By analogy, the fraction of
the total radiation emitted from dA 2 that strikes dA 1 is
d q2-1 _
E d 4 (cos 4>2 cos cl>t dA
l;2 .. 2 2
1) (6-17)
To determine Q1-=t2, the net rate of radiation between the entire surfaces
A 1 a~_d A11 wesimply integrate the fraction in the preceding equ;tiori over
·b()th surfaces and obtain
_ (E bl
ql;::t.2 - -
E b2 ) 11
cos cl>t cos
c1>2 dA 1dA2 (5-19)
A .F ,_, = f f
At A2
cos cl>t cos 4>-l dA ldA,
1rr 2
From Fig. 5-15, cos cf»1 =- coN cf»2 - L/r, r = Vp1 + L1, and dA 1 - pd.ydp. Substituting
these relations, we obtain
AtFI-1 = ---;-
A1 fa0 Jzr
0 (pi
+ £2)2 pdpd.VJ ~ ·
Fw. 5-15. Nomenclature for the evalua-
tion of the shape factor between a small disk
and a large disk located parallel dircetly
a hove.
Example 6-4. A room 12 ft on one side by 24 ft on the other has a ceiling height
of 12 ft. Determine the shape factor of the floor with re~pect to a Rmall window of
urea A 1 located in the ceiling 6 ft from two walh~.
2 l\tcehanical d(•viet•s whieh perform the double integration indi<·nted by Eq. 5-19
un• dP~crihPd in H('ff'. 6 :uul 7. \\'ith th<.>ir aid, l-ihap(' fnctor~ for odd configuration:->
can he dt>t£•rmined quih· ~imply and accurntdy.
O L-~~~~L-~~~--L-L-~~--~---L--~--~L-~
0 1.5 2.0 2 ..5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.5
D/Lt , Dimension Ratio
Iy 0.1 ·-
v '1:: Dimension Ratio, 1 =0.1
I l0-
I v v- 0.3
I(J v /
06 1--
Va; ......- --
A1 =Area on which heat
v r/ v/ ~ ~ transfer equa ion is bos.d. I
.f =y;~
/ ---
.,j I~ •I~
- ---
~ /
~ ~
:~ I
0 .10
vt ~ ~ - - ~~
1-- ·-
.... Asymptot
1 5 6 7
Fla. 5-18. hape factor for qual and parall 1 quar , recta.ngl , and
disk . The curve lab 1 d 5, 6, 7, and 8 allow f r continuou variation in
th ide-wall mp r tur s from top to bot om. (By p rmi ion from H. C.
Hottel, "Radia nt H at Transmi ion," M hanical Engineering, Vol. 52,
.• 1.0 ~ r-----r--. ~
c ~
Non-conducting refrodofy
..2 .......... I
\ '
~ 0.8
"' ~
'!!to,lo 6o
.... ~,.~
i 11>,,. "'
£ 0.6
o..,.~ ~ r---
'j '-.. r. . . ..rI Ofo .~Ot!e /)
r I lo I Sf~
- l'ese,,
~ ....__ ~
~o ..- .... Total to 2nd row -----
/ r--
0 Radiating plane - ..4t
j 0.2
/ Ordinate is fraction of heat radiated
I from the plane to on infinite number
of rows of tubes Ot' to a plane replacing
2 3 ~
Ra . Center-to-c•nter distance
5 6 7
the tubes
ho, Tube diameter
Solution: If the floor i divided into four r ctangle , two 6 by 6 ft each and wo
6 by 18 ft each, then each r ctangle me t the onditi n of th graphical s lu i n
pre ented in Fig. 5-16. The hap fa tor f the n ir fl or ar a will b he urn f
he hape factor for each of t he re tangle . The dim en ionle ra io D I L, and D I L,.
f r each of t he smaller re tangle a.r 1216 = 2.00. From Fig. 5-16 the hape fa tor
Surfaces Between Which Radiation Shape Factor, F1-t
Is Being Interchanged
for one section is about 0.06. For each of the larger rectangles DI L1 == 0.66, DI Lt ==
2.0, and, from Fig. 5-16, the shape factor between the window and one of the larger
rectangles is 0.10. The shape factor for the entire floor is therefore 0.32. Thus,
32 per cent of the total emissive power from the window will strike the floor, and
A1F1~ a~ AzFt-t == 0.32 At. Ans.
Fig. 5-20. The numerical solution for cases involving four or more sur-
faces is most easily accomplished by actually constructing an equivalent
electric network and measuring the current flow. Analytic methods of
solution can be found in Refs. 9 and 10.
by convection to and the heat flow by conduction from the surface that
the walls act essentially as reradiators.
A simplified sketch of a pulverized-fuel furnace is shown in Fig. 5-21.
The floor is assumed to be at a uniform temperature T 1 radiating to a nest
of oxidized-steel tubes at T 2 which fill the ceiling- <rl-th~- furnace. The side
walls are assumed to act as reradiators at a- uniform temperature T R· If
we neglect radiation between the tubes and the ceiling and assume that
the floor and the tubes are black, the equivalent network representing the
radiation exchange between the floor and the tubes in the presence of the
reradiating walls is that shown in Fig. 5-22. A part of the radiation
emitted from A 1 goes directly to ..4 2 , while the rest strikes A R and is re-
flected from there. Of the reflected radiation, a part is returned to A 1, a
part to A!, and the rest to ..4 8 for further reflection. However, since the·
refractory wall must get rid of all the incident radiation either by reflection -
or reradiation, its emissive power will act in the steady state like a floating I
potential whose actual value, i.e., its emissive power and temperature, '
depends only _<>~ the relative values of the conductances between ER and
E bt and E R and E b2· Thus,
..... the net_e!!ec_~ ~~ ~his rather co~plicated radia- _
- -- ~H Bt.1 R• 1 • 1 8u
Hili"". -
...1,1-Z ... z.l"z-1
F10. 5-22. Equivalent network for
radiation between two black bodi('s in
a reradiating enclosure.
If neither of the surfaces can see any part of itself, F1-R and F2-R can be
eliminated by using Eqs. 5-20 and 5-22a. This yields after some simplifi-
The details of this derivation are left as an exercise (see Pro b. 5-33).
The net rate at which radiation is leaving a gray surface per unit area
and time is equal to the difference between the radiosity and the irradiation,
that is
dq net = J _ G (6-25)
vy For a gray surface, p is constant a~<.! .P_-±-_ !-- __t__ The irradiation G can
"therefore be eliminated from Eq. 5-25, and we get
dq net = .!_ E L - 1 - p E (
dA P u P J = ; E, - J)
the condition preceding Eq. 5-27, a heat-transfer surface is that portio~
·.of an area which is not only at a constant temperature but is also uniformly
irradiated. With this stipulation the effect of the reflectivity and emissiv-
ity can be taken into account by connecting a black-body potential node Eb,
to each of the nodal points in the network by means of a finite conductance
AE/p. In the case of a black body (AE/ p) is infinite since p, = 0. In
Fig. 5-23 the equivalent networks for radiation in an enclosure consisting
of two and four gray bodies are shown. \Ve can see from these networks
r Some two-component gray enclosures, such as two parallel and infinite
pla~s, concentric ~yli~ders of infinite height, and concentric spheres, are of
; considerable practtealinterest. For these systems each component surface
is uniformly irradiated and the network reduces to a single line of resistances
' __ - ~ -
Fw. 5-23. Equivalent networks for radiation in gray
enclosures. (a) Two gray-body surfaces. (h) Four
gray-body surfaces.
where A 1 is the smaller surface and 5=1-2 is the gray-bo_d]L shf!-Ee factor \_\'hich
is often written F AF E' the product or
ilie-geometnc shape faetor FA and
a factor F 8 that aUows for the departure of the surface from black-body
For radiation between two parallel flat plates, the gray-body shape far-
tor reduees to ff1-2 = 1/ (1 / Et + 1/E2 - 1) if end effects are neglecte_d. For
a small gray body in black surroundings we obtain A tfft-2 = A 1E1 according
to Eq. 5-29.
Example 6-6. Liquified oxygen (boiling temperature, - 29i F) is to be stort>d
in a spherical container of 1-ft diam. The gystem i~ insulated by an evacuated ~pnc·t•
The rate of heat flow to the oxygen is then, according to Eq. 5-21,
• ' .,..- ,,
_/'- ,-.--} , I ~, ' r
. I
q1~2 = A1~1-t (Ebt - E112) = (0.~) (0.1714) (4.9 4 - 1.634 ) = 6.55 Btu/hr Ans.
, The radiant heat flow between a gray heat source and a gray heat sink
in an enclosure consisting of reradiating surfaces can also be solved without
A1~1-2 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- (5-30)
~ + ~ + ______________1 _____________
EtAt E2A2 At [Ft-2 + } / (1/Ft-R + At/A2F2-n)]
where the denominator of the last term is the conduf'tanf'e for the blaf'k-
body network given by Eq. 5-23.. The expression for the conductance
can be recast into the more convenient form
\yhere Ad~\-2 is the total conductance for the black-body network, equal
to the denominator of the last term in the original expression. The
equation for the net radiant heat transfer per unit time between two gray
surfaces in the presence of reradiating surfaces at uniform temperature
can then also be writ ten
/ \ Ql+=t2 = _A1ff1-~. u (Tt 4 - _'!'22_/ (6-32)
Example 1-8. A muffle-type furnace has a floor 16 by 16ft made of refractory ma-
terial (e - 0.7). Two staggered rows of 3-in.-OD tubes on 6-in. centers are placed about
10ft above and parallel to the floor. The floor is at an average temperature of 1640 F,
and the tubes, made of oxidized steel, are at 540 F. The side walls and the ceiling are
made of refractory and may be assumed to act as reradiating surfaces. Detennine the
rate of radiant heat transfer from the floor to the tubes.
Solution: We usyme that the floor and the tubes behave as gray bodies h~Yi!li
emissivities o(0.7 and 0.8 -respeclively.-rrwe-J\irlher assume- that---the reradiating
surfaces are at a uniform temperature, the shape factor between the floor, acting a.~
the heat source, and the tubes, which constitute the heat sink, can be obtained from
Eq. 5--;31. However, to evaluate the shape factor it is first necessary to determine an
"effective" emissivity for the tubes. Since some of the radiatioq __reflected_ from the
first row of tubes will be absarbeq by the second row, the effective emissivity_ is _higher.
-than 0.8. \Ve can determine the etie_c_ tiv_e emissivity b_y considering the radiatif~n
between the tubes and the refractory ceiling and a parallel black surface A 1 plll('ed
just below the tubes. If A • is at the same temperature as the tubes, we have
A. ff •• , T1 4 - A, ffc-t T,"
where the subscript t refers to the tubes. From Fig. 5-19 for a ratio of center-to-center
distance to tube diameter of 2, the shape factor F•. , between A 1 and the tube-ceilin~
c·ombination is 0.9i. Substituting this value for Fa-'l in Eq. 5-31 gives
I . ol ,. 1 • i ; :
1 ) fl, - (16)(16)
+ (16)(3r/12)(32U~) , 0.8 - 1 +0.97
( 1 ) 1 J - O.OOAa
Thus. the tubes emit 90 per cent of black-body radiation~ and lllB.Y _be replaced hy n
plane A • having an emissivity of 0.9. The a<~tual system can then he simplified to
mdiution between two 16- by 16-ft rectangles, A 1 and A,, separated by 10ft of reradiating
walls. Equation 5-31 now applies and, using Fig. 5-18 to obtain F1• 2 , we get
A. -
A tfft-t = 1
- 0.48At
1 1
(o.i - 1
) + (o.~} - 1
) + o.65
for an cmi~sivity of 0. 7 for the floor. The net radiation rate between the floor and the
t nh('~. nrf'ording to Eq. 5-32, is therefore
Qnet = (Jfil (Wl 10.-tH) CO.I7-ll (21 4 - 104 ) = 3.H6 X 106 Htu/hr .\ns.
Eumple 6-7. A hot-air duct having an outside diameter of 9 in. and a surface
temperature of 200 F is located in a large room whose walls are at 70 F. The air in
the room is at 80 F and the heat-transfer coefficient for free convection between the
duct and the air is 1 Btu/hr sq ft F. Estimate the rate of heat transfer per foot of
duct if (a) the duct is bare tin (e = 0.1) and (b) the duct is painted with white lacquer
(e - 0.9).
Solution: (a) The duct may be considered as a small gray body in black surround-
ings and, from Eq. 5-29, At 5't-t = At Et. From Fig. 5-25 we have Fr = 1.5, and
v v v l0 ~
60.0 ~L
v l / I" ~
v .J'
/ v /
/ / /
v _, / / v~
1/ ~
50.0 ~'l~/ /
v v v
v V/ ' / V'/. ~
40.0 k:::l~'/ v v / / / V/ ./ ~
~ v / / / / r/ V/ //
v v/ v/ '/ Vh v
~ v~
F-~v / ~
v~v/ / rn v
20.0 ~v L /
v/ VJ v~ ~ /
I~ II v v '77)
I lL L / I 'I
v v [/ VI. If
v 1/f
/ J I
I v V!J If
9.0 r7
j / / If/
8.0 ~~
v VI v
l7 / I 1/
v vj 'I
~~ j fIj v
/ /
17 V"~
~r V7J
" 0.112~.~~-(.~)j
lfJtlif I r• Tl-T2
T• degrHI Ranki!M
1"' {
therefore ~ =- 1.5 e,. The thermal network is shown in Fig. 5-26. \\r e note that.
there are two hea~flow paths in parallel but the lower temperature potentials are not
equal. The total heat-flow rate is given by
qtotal - qr + q, - A, 1.5 tt (Tt - 70) + At he (7\ - 80)
For the bare duct the total hea~flow rate is found to be 326 Btu/hr ft of which 14
per cent is due to radiation. AM.
b) If the duct were painted, the total rate of heat flow would increase to 698 Btu/br ft,
of which the contribution of radiation represents 60 per cent. .·1 11~.
Tw <, Duct Wall
Radiation Shield
I Ts
lrn .d,
Fm. 5-27. Physical system and thermal network
for Example 5-U.
the shield T, and of the gas To must be determined. The latter two temperatures are
floating potentials. A heat balance on the shield can be written as
Rate of heat flow from rate of heat flow
To and Tr to T, from 7', toT.
he, 2A, (To - T,) + hrr Ar (Tr - T,) == hr, A, (T, - T.)
A heat balance on the thermocouple yields
her .tlr (To - Tr) = ~r Ar (Tr - T,)
where the nomenclature is given in the sketch. Taking Ar as unity, A, equals 4 and
we obtain from Eq. 5-29
1 1
Ar:Tr-• = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = 0.547
1 - tT
- +
1 - t,
- - 0.80.2 + 1 + 0.7
ArET Ar A,t, 4 X 0.3
A comparison of the results in Examples 5-8 and 5-9 shows that the
indicated temperature of the unshielded thermocouple differs from the true
gas temperature by 176 F, while the shielded couple reads only 26 F less
than the true gas temperature. A double shield would reduce the tempera-
ture error to less than 10 F for the conditions specified in the example.
In this section we shall consider some basic concepts of radiation from
gases and flames. A comprehensive treatment of this subject is beyond
the scope of this text, and the reader should consult Refs. 9, 11, and 12
for details of the theoretical background and complete calculation tech-
l\:l any of the common gases and gas mixtures, such as 02, N 2, H2, dry
air, etc. have symmetrical molecules and are practically transparent to
thermal radiation: they neither emit nor absorb appreciable amounts of
radiant energy at temperatures of practical interest. On the other hand,
radiation of heteropolar gases and vapors such as C02, H20, S02, CO,
NH3 , hydrocarbons, and alcohols is of importance in heat-transfer equip-
ment. \Ve shall restrict our consideration here to H 20 and C02. Not
only are they the most important of the gases in furnaces, but they also
illustrate the basic principles of gas radiation in general.
Whereas solids radiate at all wavelengths over the entire spectrum, gases
I -----
:~; Car~n Dioa~•
1500 F I /:~ Woter Vapor
/ ~~
~ ! I
/ l~ ~ j I
I II ~~ ~
~ ~ i
I ~ ;:·:;1~~./ ~ I
..1 ~ ~
~~ ~:
/. f f;A ·zi:?-/t ·~~411
. ·'/.' ·• · • I
'o 2 6 8 10 12 16 18p
Shape L
1. Sphere ................................ . J X diameter
2. Infinite cylinder ........................ . 1 X diameter
3. Space between infinite parallel planes ..... . 1 . 8 X distance
between planes
4. Cube .................................. . J X side
5. Space outside infinite bank of tubes with
centers on equilateral triangles; tube diam-
' eter equals clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 8 X clearance
6. Same as (5) except tube diameter equals one-
half clearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 8 X clearance
SOURCE: Ref. 14.
.. :--
-- t-- r---
- ~
-r-- '--
- r--.:.: . -~
~ PL::::lOFt -a,
r-- r-- ....
t-- ~
..... I--
......... ...... r--. ~ r-- r-110 r-..
0.3 r-- ...... ~
r- t-- .._-r-- r--1- t--
t-- 1--. 1--.t-- t-- ~·s
......... t--
--r-- r-- r--.._ r- r-- r-- --t--
' r-- ~ r-..
0.2 3
r-- r-.. r--...
j I~ "' ~
r-- ~
~ i'--.
-r-..t-... r--. r---- r---- 1;- ~
1--. t-.
' ......... r-.. ......... -- - --..... -
""- t-.
~ ~
'- .... ,.......__ I--..
Oi4 ....
:f 0.06
,..... !'---.. p..,
l 0.04
- 0.2 .... I--
~ 0.03 """" ............ .......... r--.... !'-....
' ' ' ["-..
I'- """"' ............
i'-.. ......
r---...... ...
0.1 ......
' I'."' t'-.. ' "'~ ~ .... "' t'-..
...... ......
' I" r-.....
I""' t'-. t'-.. ............
I'-. "t'-..
"" "' """'
......... ~
ojoo~ 0.007- 1-'0.rl-
....... ~""-
o.T,s-roJ. "" 0.04...
-- -- --
-- ---
-- ..-- ~
2.0 1
.... 1.0 I-..
r--.. r--
~ --,"""
:- ~~ '0. 8~
f::::: ~ r---..
... -- ~~
0.2 ~
- r-..
0.08 0.1 - - --..,...:,·-· r-- r-- ............ f-..... ....
0.06 -~
... 1..--"
--.. I'.
r-..... ~""'-...
0.02 ........... !'..... "'........... .......
......... ......
"'..."_'- ~
- ~
f".. to...
....... to..
r-...... .........
"'to.. ....
- -... -... -~' [""-.... ......... .....
~- ~
~-... o.oo.s
........ !'-.... ..........
~~~~...... ~ ['..... """.....
8 0.008
- -- 0 .003~
0.002 ........
'" .........
............ .............
......... to.. ......... ['.... ...........
- ~
I'. ......
.... ""'-
.... " ....
0.00 10 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
Temperatvre, f
When both C02 and H20 are present, the emissivity can be estimated
by adding the emissivitics of the two constituents. The value obtained
by a simple addition is slightly too large because some of the absorption
bands of these two gases overlap. A correction may be applied as shown
by Hottel (9), but the error incurred by simple addition of emissivities is
not appreciable.
To calculate the rate of heat flow by radiation between a nonluminous
gas at T a and the walls of a black-body container at T w we evaluate the
absorptivity CX(} at the temperature T w and the emissivity Ea at the tempera-
ture Ta. The net rate of radiant heat flow is the difference between the
emitted and absorbed radiation, or
o... ~~~+---+----+----+----+-----1
0 0.2 0.-4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
(P+J\)/ 2, atmosphem
Fw. 5-31. Factor C11 for correcting emis-
sivity of water vapor to values of p and pr
other than 0 and 1 atmosphere. (By permis-
sion from H. C. Hottel and R. B. Egbert,
"Radiant Heat Transmission from Water
Vapor," AIChE Trans., Vol. 38, 1942)
Example 5-11. Flue gas at 2000 F containing 5 per cent water vapor flows at
atmospheric pressure through a 2-ft-Rquare Bue made of refractory brick. Estimate
the rate of heat flow per foot length from the gas to the wall if the inner-wall surface
temperature is 1850 F and the average unit-surface convective conductance is 2 Btu/hr
sq ft F.
Solutwn: The rate of heat flow from the gas to the wall by convection is
qc = h~A (Tgaa - T wan)
= (2) (4) (2 X 1) (150) = 2400 Btu/ft length
To determine the rate of heat flow by radiation, we calculate fir8t the effective beam
length, or
3.4 X volume 4
L - - - - - - - - = (a.4)( ) - 1.7 ft
surface area 8
Effect of Total Pressure on - -
Carbon Dioxide Radiation .qo'l
......-- - .o
D!*2.:--'- ~
1.0 L
~ I-"'
' )~
~ ~ ::::::..: ~ ,.,....
-:;..... ~
~--~1 ·0
f-~. 2
:::.:::;: ~
..,.... ::::::v
~ 1-- ~ ..... ~ ~
~ -~ .... o~s.,... v
o... k-
v -~ ....-lo.o~
........ v .... 1---"
0.3 ....... v
0.05 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0
Pr , Total Pressure, otm
Fw. 5-32. Factor (' P for correcting emissivity of C02 at 1 atmosphere total
prPssurc to emissivity at Pr atmo~phere.
The calculation of the radiant heat flow between a gas and its enclosure
becomes considerably more complicated when the enclosure surface is not
black and reflects a part of the incident radiation. The reader is referred
to Refs. 9, 10, and 30 for an analysis of such problems. An approximate
allS\ver may be obtained when the emissivity of the enclosure is larger than
0. 7 by multiplying the radiant heat flow calculated from Eq. 5-32 by
(E, + 1), where E, is the emissivity of the enclosure surface.
The value of Ta is slightly less in the summer than in the \vinter because
the atmosphere contains more water vapor during the summer. It also
varies with the condition of the sky, ranging from 0.62 on a clear day to
0.81 on a cloudy one. A mean value of 0. 7 is generally considered ac-
ceptable for most purposes.
The value of m depends on the position of the sun given by the zenith
distance z, the angle between the zenith and the direction of the sun. As-
suming that the thickness of the atmosphere is negligible compared to the
radius of the earth, the relative air mass is equal to secant z. This relation
is sufficiently accurate for z between 0 and 80 deg, and beyond this angle
solar radiation is almost negligible.
If the receiving surface is not normal to the direction of the sun, ~he
incident radiation per unit area G, will be reduced by the cosine of i, the
angle between the sun direction and the surface normal, or
a globe. The time of day is expressed in terms of the hour angle, h, which
indicates the apparent rotation of the celestial sphere about the earth's axis.
In other words, it is the angle through which the earth must turn to bring
the meridian of a particular location directly under the sun. The hour
angle is measured in degrees westward from local noon (i.e., from the south
meridian). As a result of the earth's rotation, h varies from zero at local
noon to a maximum at sunrise or sunset. The maximum value of h
depends on the latitude and the solar declination, ~.. The latter can be
obtained directly for any day of the year from an ephemeris. 6 It can be
sho\vn (e.g., Ref. 21) that the equation
where His the total hour angle traversed by the sun between noon (zero)
and sunrise or sunset. Its value can also be obtained from the ephemeris.
For a surface which is tilted (Fig. 5-34) at an angle 1/1 degrees to the
horizontal and whose normal faces a degrees westward (measured along the
horizon from the south meridian), the normal solar irradiation Gn can be
divided into two components respectively perpendicular to and parallel to
the tilted surface. Only the perpendicular component Gi impinges on the
surface. The ratio of the effective radiation component to the normal
intensity is given by
~: = cos i = cos jz - 1/-J - sin z sin 1/- + sin z sin 1/- cos jA - aj ( 5-43)
where A, the azimuth of the sun, is sin- 1 [cos 8, sin h/cos (9D-z)]. Brown
and l\1arco (22) have prepared the graphs shown in Fig. 5-35 from which
the values of the pertinent angles in Eq. 5-43 can be obtained for the
hours from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. for various northern latitudes. They recom-
mend that the curves for a solar azimuth A of 30 deg be used for latitudes
from 25 to 35 deg and the curve for A of 45 deg be used for 40 to 50 deg
latitude. When local and sun times do not coincide, a correction of I hr
Horizontal Plane
Tilted Surface
w... - L
Fta. 5-34. Definition of solar and surface angles for Eq. 5-43.
l\ ..,...25 deg.N.Iat.
~~ / /~0
I"~~~~ .. 0
-~~~ /~5 70
P.M. A.M.
'~ ~50
~ ~
'' k'~lfor30~
...........N. Iat
1\~. ,,
i 100-260
~ ~~~"5dev. for .............. "' .
~ ~·'
50 ...•
.,~ 90-270 '
- ......._N.Iot. '
~l .. .•..
~ :--.....
80-280 .,c:
r •o ::t
c~ ~', 1',
.......... ,~
"'-· " ~- .
~' ,
~ 70-290 ~
-~ -<
60-300 ~~ ~' .. .. ....
...... ~ .. 50 •
-· r--- --- -- --- ~ .....
r\ .......
..5 K1 - ...
' '\"o
' t
~' I 35 .........
~0-320 '• 20
~~ ~ +
30-330 ~ ~30~
4 i'\:bl 10
I \
\ 0
A.M.-. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
P.M.- 6 5 . 3 2 1
Mean Sunr~
Fm. 5-35. Solar angles for the period from l\lay to August in
northern latitudes. (By permission from A. I. Brown and S. l\I.
l\larco, Introduction to Heat Transfer, 2d ed. New York: l\lcGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., 1951)
for every 15 deg of longitude by which the location departs from the
standard meridian should be applied.
Equilibrium temperature. The total amount of radiant energy received
by a body on the earth is the sum of the direct radiation from the sun and
the diffuse radiation scattered from the atmosphere. The latter may
amount to only 10 per cent of the total direct radiation reaching a hori-
zontal surface on a bright sunny day; in partly cloudy weather it may
amount to 50 per cent, while on completely overcast days it comprises the
total radiation. The diffuse radiation is relatively independent of the
geometry of the receiver.
0 1 2 3 4 5
0.2~ . 40 #l 7.2* 4.3* 2.7* 1. 5* 1.1* 0.6*
0.4--o. 7 I' 40.8* 45 .2* 44.3* 47 .6* 40.4* 38.1*
Above 0.8J' 52.0* 50.5* 53 .0* 55 .8* 58.5* 61.3*
Norma) solar irradia-
tion, G" Btu/sq ft hr 442 310 248 203 170 143
Transmission coefficient .. .. 0.702 0 . 748 0 .771 0 .788 0 .799
• In per cent of the total radiation within the wavelength range shown in the first eolumn.
Sotmcx: Parry Moon, "Solar Ra.diation Curvee for Engineering Use," J. Franklin ln3t., Vol. 230
(1940), pp. 583-618, with correction for more recent value of the solar ooMtant from Ref. 15.
37.5 110~-
7.5 .so~-~~~~~~--~~~2~~--~~~~-~2~~~-~J~.oo~--4~.oo~--~s~.oo~
Time P.M.
keep the roof temperature as low as possible for the comfort of the occu-
Example ~12. Calculate the equilibrium temperature of a polished-aluminum
swface at 2 P.M. on a clear day. The surface faces southwest, is inclined 15 deg with
the horizontal, is located at 30 deg north latitude at a longitude where the local time is
1 hr ahead of sun time. The atmosphere is at 50 F and the unit convective surface
conductance is 2.0 Btu/hr sq ft F. Conduction effects may be neglected.
1 glass cover ........... . .. . 186 225
2 glass covers ............. . 207 253
3 glass covers ............. . 228 282
Concentration 5 times .... . 400 520
Concentration 10 times .... . 630 830
Concentration 20 times ... . . 1015 1360
convection loss from the collecting surface. The glass plates, being opaque
to the long-wavelength radiation emitted by the collecting surface, reduce
radiation losses. For efficient operation, the exposed surface is painted
black, preferably with a substance which has a high absorptivity in the
0.3- to 2.0-JJ wavelength range and a low emissivity in the 5- to 10-JJ range.
Such a surface has been produced by depositing thin black metallic films
on a copper surface (26). Below the metal plate which absorbs the solar
radiation, the medium to be heated is circulated in thermal contact with
the plate. It has been calculated (20) that, under favorable weather
conditions, steam at over 100 pounds per square inch (psi) pressure can
be produced in such a collector. According to preliminary estimates (20),
this type of collector operating in solar weather similar to that prevailing
in Texas can attain equilibrium temperatures of the order of 250 to 300 F
and yield on a yearly basis an average work output of 77 kw per acre of
1-1. For an ideal radiator (hohlraum) with a 4-in.-dia.m opening, located in black
surroundings at 60 F, calculate for temperatures of 212 F and 1040 F, (a) the
net heat-transfer rate, in Btu/hr; (b) the wavelength at which the emission is a. maximum,
in microns; (c) the monochromatic emission at X max, in Btu/hr sq ft J.&i (d) the wavelengths
at which the monochromatic emisflion is 1 per cent of the maximum value.
Ans. (a) 19.5, 747; (b) 7.72, 3.46; (c) 30, 1652; and (d) 2.54 and 50.8, 1.14 and 22.8
'" 1-2. A tungsten filament is heated to 5000 R. At what wavelength is the maxi-
mum amount of radiation emitted? What fraction of the total energy is in the visible
range (0.4 to 0.75 microns)? Assume that the filament radiates as a gray body.
6-3. The radiant-heating ceiling of a 12- by 20-ft room is 8 ft from the floor and
is maintained at 110 F while the room air is 50 F. Assuming both surfaces are black,
estimate the net rate of heat transfer per square foot of floor surface at 80 F, located
(a) in the center of the room, (b) in the comer of the room. AM. 18.5, 7.1 Btu/hr Aq ft
6--i. Calculate the equilibrium temperature of a thermocouple in a large air duct
if the air temperature is 2000 F, the duct-wall temperature 500 F, the emissivity of
the couple 0.5, and the convective-heat-transfer coefficient, he, is 20 Btu/hr sq ft F.
6-6. Repeat Prob. 5-4 with the addition of a radiation shield (e =- 0.9, he == 20
Btu/hr sq ft F).
Paoo. 5-6.
6-6. Derive an equation for the net rate of radiant heat transfer from surface 1 in
the system shown in the accompanying sketch. Assume that each surface is at a
uniform temperature.
5-7. Show that the moon would appear a.~ a disk if its surface were perfectly diffuS(>.
5-8. Two 5-ft-sqnare and parallel flat plates are I ft apart. Plate A1 is maintained
at a temperature of 1540 F and A~ at 460 F. The emissivities are 0.5 and 0.8. Con-
~idering the surroundings black at 0 Rand including multiple interreflections, determine
A l\11-t -
A 1 ( 1 +2 FI-t)
Compare the results from this problem with the curves in Fig. 5-18, where allowance
is made for a continuous variation in the temperature of the reradiating walls.
6-11. Determine the steady-state temperatures of two radiation shields placed in
the evacuated space between two infinite planes at temperatures of 540 F and 40 F.
The emissivities of all surfaces are 0.8.
6-12. A rectangular flat water tank is placed on the roof of a house with its lower
portion perfectly insulated. A sheet of glass whose transmission characteristics are
tabulated below is placed i in. above the water surface. Assuming that the average
incident solar radiation is 200 Btu/hr sq ft, calculate the equilibrium water temperature
for a water depth of 6 in. if the unit-convective conductance at the top of the glMs is
1.5 Btujhr sq ft F and the surrounding air temperature is 70 F. Disregard interreflec-
TA of gl888 0 for wavelength from 0 to 0.35 ~
0.92 for wavelength from 0.35 to 2. 7 ~
0 for wavelength larger than 2.7 ~
PA of glass 0.08 for all wavelengths
6-13. Derive an expression for the geometric shape factor F1-2 for a rectangular
surface A., 1 by 20ft, placed parallel to and centered 5 ft above a 20-ft-square surface At.
6-1'- Calculate the net radiant-heat-transfer rate if the two surfaces in Prob. 5-13
are connected by a refractory surface of 500-sq-ft area and Ar is at 540 F and At is at
40 F. \Vhat is the refractory surface temperature?
, 6-16. A black sphere (1 in. diam) is placed in a large infrared heating oven whose
walls are maintained at 700 F. The temperature of the air in the oven is 200 F and
the heat-transfer coefficient for convection between the surface of the sphere and the
air is 5 Btu/hr sq ft F. Estimate the net rate of heat flow to the sphere when its surface
temperature is 100 F.
6-16. The irradiation received at a point on the earth's surface was found to be
394 Btu/hr sq ft. If the transmissibility (i.e., the per cent of the emitted radiation
which reaches the receiver) of the earth's atmosphere is about 82 per cent, the distance
from the earth to the sun is 93,000,000 miles, and the diameter of the sun is 433,000
miles, estimate the temperature of the sun. The emissivity of the sun may be taken
as unity.
6-17. Two concentric spheres, 8 and 12 in. in diam, with the space between them
evacuated, are to be used to store liquid air (- 220 F) in a room at 68 F. If the sur-
faces of the spheres have been flashed with aluminum and the liquid air has a latent
heat of vaporization of 90 Btu/lb, determine the number of pounds of liquid air evapo-
rated per hour.
will be reached when the temperature increases to 120 F). During a fire, the cylinder
is completely exposed to the irradiation from flames at 2000 F (f == 1.0). For the
specified conditions, c. == 0.60 Btu/lb F for C02. Neglecting the convective heat
transfer, determine the time the cylinder may be exposed to this irradiation before the
diaphragm will fail if the initial temperature is 70 F and (a) the cylinder is bare oxidized
steel (E == 0.79), (b) the cylinder is painted with aluminum paint (E == 0.30).
Ans. (a) 0.47 min, (b) 1.24 min
~2'1. A large slab of steel 4 in. thick has in it a 4-in.-diam hole, with axis normal
to the surface. Considering the sides of the hole to be black, specify the rate of heat loss
from the hole. The plate is at 1000 F, the surroundings at 80 F. A.ns. 1,110 Btu/hr
~28. A thermocouple is used to measure the temperature of a flame in a combus-
tion chamber. If the flame temperature is 1400 F and the walls of the chamber are
at 800 F, what is the error in the thermocouple reading due to radiation to the walls?
~~ume all surfaces are black and the convection coefficient is 100 Btu/hr sq ft F on the
thennocouple. A ns. 168 F
~H. If the thermocouple of Prob. 5-28 is enclosed by a thin cylindrical shield
i in. in diam placed with it~ axis in the direction of the flow, what will be the error in
the thermocouple reading? Assume the shield is black and long enough to allow
neglect of end effects. Also, the thermocouple surface is negligible compared to the
shield surface. A ns. 32 F
rHIO. A small sphere (1 in. diam) is placed in a large heating oven whose walls
are at 2000 F. The emi..'lBivity of the sphere is equal to 0.4 - 0.0001 1', where T is
the surface temperature in F. When the surface temperature of the sphere is 1000 F,
determine (a) the total irradiation received by the walls of the oven from the sphere,
(b) the net heat transfer by radiation between the sphere and the walls of the oven, and
(c) the radiant-heat-transfer coefficient.
6-31. Repeat. Prob. 5-30, but assume that the ovPn cavity iH a 1-ft cube filled with
air containing 3 per cent water vapor.
6-32. A 1-in.-diam cylindrical refractory crucible for melting lead is to be built
for thermocouple calibration. An electrical heater immersed in the metal is shut off
at &Jme temperature above the melting point. The fusion-cooling curve is obtained by
observing the thermocouple emf as a function of time. Neglecting heat losses through
the wall of the crucible, estimate the cooling rate (Btu/hr) for the molten lead surface
(melting point 621.2 F, surface emissivity 0.8) if the crucible depth above the lead sur-
face is (a) 1 in., (b) 5 in. Assume that the emissivity of the refractory surface is unity
and the surroundings are at 70 F. (c) Noting that the crucible would hold about 0.2 lb
of lead for which the heat of fusion is 10 Btu/lb, comment on the suitability of the cru-
cible for the purpose intended.
6-33. Derive Eq. 5-23a from Eq. 5-23, filling in all the !:!teps in detail. Also show
that the temperature of the reradiating surface T n is
Tn == (A1 F1n T1
+ A2 F2n T1. )l
A! FIR + A2 F2R
6-34. Fill in the remaining stepM of the trial-and-error solution in Example 5-9.
5-36. The overhanging eaves on the south side of a house are designed to shade
its entire glass wall. (a) If the eaves are 10 ft. from the ground, how far should they
overhang to shade the wall on l\fay 10 at 12:00 noon? \Vhat will be the effect of these
eaves at 4:00 o'clock on the same day'? Latitude is 34 N. (b) If the solar transmi:o-
sivity of the glass wall is 0.85, how much solar energy is supplied to the room per hour
at 12:00 noon on January 10? Assume the glass wall area is 120 sq ft.
5-38. The radiant ~ction of a small thermal-cracking combu~tion chamber hn.s a
volume of 3200 cu ft and a total surface of 2000 sq ft. A single-row tube-curtain of 4 in.
schedule 40 pipes on 7-in. centers covt>rs 760 sq ft of the wall. \\' hen the furnace is
fired with gas of composition (CHt).r at a. rate of 2000 lb/hr, an Orsat analy~is shows
that 13 per cent C02 are present. Estimate the rate of heat transfer to the tubes under
these conditions, using the simplest furnace model that can be justified.
Additional data:
Tube emis~ivity = 0.9.
Fuel heating value = 250,000 Btu/lb-mole of C.
Mean molar heat capacity of combustion products = 8.2 Btu/lb-mole F.
Mean radiating gas temperature is 200 F above the bridge-wall gas-temperature.
Air and fuel enter at 60 F.
6-37. Derive an expreAsion for the net rat-e of heat trant~fer between a small gray
sphere of area A 1 , emissivitye., and temperature 7\, and a small fiat disk radiating
from both 8idcs (area A2, emissivity f!, and temperature 1't). These two bodies are
separat-ed by a di~tance, large compared to the area of either, and are enclosed in the
center of a very large, well-insulated chamber with black walls.
6-38. Show that (a) (E,-,.)d(E,>.)2 = 7'26 /1?, and (b) E,>./1'" = j(XT). Also, for
X1' = 10.000 R - JJ, (c) calculate E,.,.;r•
and check your result with Table A-4.
6-39. Compute the average emissivity of anodized aluminum at 200 F and 1200 F
from the spectral curve in Fig. 5-9. Assume t>. = 0.8 for X > 9JJ.
they can be solved; the effects of viscosity on the flow can be determined;
and the frictional drag along a surface can be calculated. The boundary-
layer concept is also of great importance, as we shall see, to an understand-
ing of convective heat transfer.
The shape of the velocity profile within the boundary layer depends on
the nature of the flow. Consider, for example, the flow of air over a flat
plate, placed with its surface parallel to the stream. At the leading edge
of the plate (x = 0 in Fig. 6-1), only the fluid particles in immediate contact
with the surface are slowed down, while the remaining fluid continues at
the velocity of the undisturbed free stream in front of the plate. As the
fluid proceeds along the plate, the shearing forces cause more and more of
the fluid to be retarded, and the thickness of the boundary layer increases.
The growth of the boundary layer and typical velocity profiles at various
stations along the plate are shown in Fig. 6-1.
0 LU.O
leading Edge I I
%=0 I . . . -----r--
, I
J-- I
1 I
I Laminar Sublayer
Fm. 6-1. Velocity profiles for laminar and turbu-
lent boundary layers in flow over a flat plate. (Ver-
tical scale enlarged for clarity.)
The velocity profiles near the leading edge are representative of laminar
boundary layers. However, the flow within the boundary layer remains
laminar only for a certain distance from the leading edge and then becomes
turbulent. We do not know enough about the mechanism of transition
to predict precisely when the transition will occur, but the phenomenon
leading to the growth of disturbances in a laminar boundary layer can be
described (see Ref. 1 for detail8). There are always small disturbances
and waves in a flowing fluid, but as long as the viscous forces are large they
will prevent disturbances from growing. As the laminar boundary layer
thickens, the ratio of viscous forces to inertia forces decreases, and even-
tually a point is reached at which disturbances will no longer decay, but.
will grow with time. Then the boundary layer becomes unstable and the
transition from laminar to turbulent flow begins. Eddies and vortexes
form and destroy the laminar regularity of the boundary-layer motion.
Quasi-laminar motion persists only in a thin layer in the immediate vicinity
of the surface. This portion of a generally turbulent boundary layer is
(~J_j( J
J J)) ~) ) (:J ')
Turbulent Core
)//////////7////////////)///////////////////////////////////////ff///////////).'.... •• 0 l
z. ,
Flo. 6-4. Temperature distribution in a turbulent
boundary layer for a fluid flowing over a heated plate.
(i.e., at y - 0) heat flows only by conduction, the rate of heat flow cu.n
be calculated from the ~quation
This approach has indeed been u~cd, but for engineering purposes the
concept of the convective-heat-transfer coefficient is much more convenient.
In order not to lose sight of the physical picture, we shall relate the heat-
transfer coefficient defined by Eq. 1-13 to the temperature gradient at the
wall. Equating Eqs. 6-1 and 1-13 we obtain
qaurface...:...fluid = -kl A -ay = hcA (TIJ - TaJ (6-2)
Since the magnitude of the temperature gradient in the fluid wi11 be the
same regardless of the reference temperature, we can write aT= a (T - T.) .
Introducing a significant length dimension of the Hystem L to specify the
geometry of the object from which heat flows, we can write Eq. 6-2 in
dimensionless form as
ar TIJ- T)
ay o
11 =
a T, - T,.v
-= (6-3)
(TIJ- Too)
L a(r) u=O
The combination of the convective-heat-transfer coefficient he, the
significant length L, and the thermal conductivity of the fluid k1 in the
form hcL/k1 is called the Nusselt modulus, or Nusselt number, Nu. The
Nusselt number is a dimensionless quantity.
Inspection of Eq. 6-3 shows that the Nusselt number could be inter-
preted physically as the ratio of the temperature gradient in the fluid
immediately in contact with the surface to a reference temperature gradi-
ent (T,- T )/ L. In practice the Nusselt number is a convenient measure
We observe that, for a given value of the Nusselt number, the convective-
heat-transfer coefficient is directly proportional to the thermal conduc-
tivity of the fluid but inversely proportional to the significant length
dimension describing the system.
The temperature distribution for a fluid flowing past a hot wall, as
sketched by the solid line in Fig. 6-4, shows that the temperature gradient
in the fluid is confined to a relatively thin layer, ~,, in the vicinity of the
surface. We shall now simplify the true picture by replacing the actual
temperature distribution by the dashed straight line shown in Fig. 6-4.
The dashed line is tangent to the actual temperature curve at the wall
and physically represents the temperature distribution in a hypothetical
layer of fluid of thickness ~,' which, if completely stagnant, offers the
same thermal resistance to the flow of heat as the actual boundary layer.
In this stagnant layer, heat can flow only by conduction and the rate of
heat transfer per unit area is
q iic (T •
- = k I T. -~,' T co = -
T )
An inspection of Eq. 6-5 shows that he may be expressed as
- kl
c ~,'
transfer mechanisms can be written only for laminar flow. Even for
mathematical equations describing the fluid flow _a._nd the heat-
~------ -~-- ~- -
laminar flow the equations are quite complicated, but solutions have been
obtained for a number of simple systems such as flow over a flat plate or
a circular cylinder.
Exact solutions are important because the assumptions made in the
course of the analysis can be specified accurately and their validity can be
checked by experiment. They also serve as a basis of comparison and as
a check on simpler, but approximate methods. Furthermore, the develop-
ment of electronic computers has increased the range of problems amenable
to mathematical solution, and results of computations for different systems
are continually being published in the literature.
·The details of the mathematical solution are quite complicated. They
are, however, not essential to a correct application of the results. We
shall here only derive the boundary-layer equations to introduce the
fundamental concepts, indicate how they can be solved, and finally illus-
trate the application of the results for the simple case of flow over a flat
1 The algebraic theory of dimensional analysis will not be developed here. For u
rigorous and comprehensive treatment of the mathPmatical background, Chapters 3
and 4 of Ref. 2 are recommended.
4 A square bracket [] denotes that the quantity has the dimensional formula stated
0c and J, whose dimensional formulas can ht' derivt'd from the primary dimensions, mu~1
be included among the phy:.;ical quantities.
. A more rigorous rule has heen proposed by van Driest (3) and is illustrated in
Example 6-1.
T-ube diameter
. .... .. ................ .. . ..... . D [L]
Thermal conductivity of the fluid .............. k [J.f L/fJ3 TJ
Velocity of the fluid ....... ... ........... . . . .. v [L/8]
Density of the fluid ................. . ... .... . p [~\f I £2J
Viscosity of the fluid .. ..... .. . . . .... . ........ [AI-/ L8]
Specific heat at constant pressure ..... . ... .. . .. "'c,, [L 2 /fP Tl
Heat-transfer coeffieient ..... . .... . .... . . . ..... he r~u /tP TJ
There are seven physical quantities and four primary dimensions. \Ve
therefore expect that three dimensionlc~s groups will be required to cor-
relate the data. To find these dimensionless groups, we write 1r as a
product of the variables, each raised to an unknown power
This dimensionless group is a Reynolds number, ReD, with the tube diameter
as the length parameter.
If we let e = 1 and c = g = 0, we obtain the third dimensionless group
~ 25
i~ I
·1=?to v
5 /
....... ~
0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 .5.0 10.0 20.0 .so 100
Velocity fpe
I I )'
j 1:10
I I I /
~ I .I /
z 100
.:; I
I I /
; 80 l
~ I
l I /
I j ___ _j ___ _ ~
0 I 1 :.-- r - 1
100 200 500 1000 2000 ,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 100,000
Reynolds Number- YDp/P
Fw. 6-6. Variu.tion of :\us.-;elt number with Reynolds number for flow
of air over a 1-in.-OD pipe.
that all of the data follow a single line reasonably well, so that they can be
correlated empirically. For example, in the range of Reynold numbers
between 3 and 100 a straight line on the log-log plot i a ati ·r ctory
approximation to the best correlation, hown by a heavy dotted line in
Fig. 6-7. The slope of thi traight line i approximately 0.4 and i
ordinate value at Rev of unity i 0.82. The rnpirical correlation equation
within the range of Reynold numbers between 3 and 100 is therefore
Nu / Pr0·3 = 0.82 Rev 0 · 4
Co rre lat ing EQua l on or I
3 <R D < 100 Ia
I -~ ~p~
- +; r- ~..-
f.'-- ):~
~- ~~
- ....
_n ~-7-;:::_ lo_
.-t-"9'1 'jJ
~- ~ ... ~~
·- '~ '¥'
_ ........
!Q,.SI-Q---..n: ,r4Jf t-r
_..--- r;-·
Symbol Fluid Diom CinJ Ref .
0 Waler 0.001 25
+ Oils 0.004-0.008 2~
Air 0 .0079-5.9 26
Air 0.0011-0.006 s
Physical Prope rties at
Tt =(Ts+Tm)/2
0.1 1.0 10.0 100
eD =J-'DpjJl
FIG. 6-7. orrelation of xp rim ntal h at-tran ·fer data f r various fluids
in cro flow over cylind rs of various di meters.
Solution: The physical quantities affecting the cooling of the billet as variables
are shown with their dimen8ional formulas in Table 6-3.
TABLE &---3
In this problem there are five variablef:l and four primary dimensions. Hence the
Buckingham r-theorem predicts that only one dimensionless group is required to cor-
relate the results. \Ve perform the initial steps in the usual manner by writing r a.'i
Dimensional analyl'li~ could only predict that '~~'"1 i~ a function of 11'"t, but not the nature of
the function.
Eumple 6-2. The physical properties of glycerin obtained from various sources
are listed below. The dimensionless Prandtl number is to be evaluated.
c =- 0.60 Btu/lb F
k = 0.15 Btu/hr ft F
1.1. = 10 centipoises
<dion: The pertinent physical properties of steam and their units are as read
from the tables. Viscosity (Table 6), 1.1. - 3.49 X I0-7 lb sec/sq ft; thermal conduc-
tivity (Table 5), k - 19 X IO-:-• Btu/hr ft F. The specific heat at constant pressure is
obtained from Table 3 by dividing the enthalpy difference between 380 F and 420 F
by the temperature difference, i.e., 40 F. This yields
The Prandtl number is evaluated by substituting the above numerical values into it.'!
definition. We obtain
Pr - ~,,.,. _ (0.49 Btu/lb F)(3.49 X tO-Tlb sec/sq ft)
k 19 X to-a Btu/hr ft F
The Prandtl number will be dimensionle~s only if all of the physical properties are
expreseed in one consistent set of units. \Ve shall check whether or not thi~ is the case
by canceling the names or symbols. Performing the algebraic manipulation and cancel-
ing similar symbols in the numerator and denominator yields
_ X _, Btu F lb ft sec hr _ _, lb sec hr
Pr 9.0 10 Btu F lb ft 9 0
. X 10 lb ft
Since the symbols do not cancel, it is apparent that the units of measurement are not
consistent. At first glance we might be tempted to cancel the symbols of pound, lb.
• J. H. Keenan and F. G. Keyes, Thermodynamic Properties of Steam (Xew York:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1937).
- 1.03 (dimensionless)
[pa~ + ~~ (pa~)J d%
pudy I
I rL_P• + flsa (pu~~ dy
- --=--t-1--• I •
1 I
1 Control Volume 1
L_____j_____ J
Flo. 6-8. Sotation for continuity and momentum equations. (upper left)
Control volume in boundary layer. (upper right) !\lass flow through surface
of control volume. (lower left) 1\-lomentum fluxes in x direction through
surface of control volume. (lower right) Forces acting on surface of control
mass of fluid leaving in the steady state. The mass of fluid entering through
the left fnce of the control volume during d8 is
(pu) (dy) d8
The mass of fluid leaving through the right face during d8 is
Equating the mass leaving to the mass entering per unit time we obtain
o(pu) a(pv)
pudy + pVdX = pu + ox dxdy + pV + oy dydx
au+ ov = 0 (6-14)
ax ay
The above expression is genera1ly known as the continuity equah~on f01
incompressible, steady, two-dimensional flow. It must be satisfied by the
flow in the boundary layer. In addition to the conservation of mass, the
flow of fluid, like any dynamic process, is governed by Newton's second
law of motion. In a form suitable for our purposes the law can be stated
in symbolic form as
"!;F = _!_d(m V)
gc d8
or in words as, The summation of forces acting on a body iB equal to the time
rate of change of its momentum (i.e., mass X velocity).
While this principle is relatively easy to visualize when it is applied to
a single solid body, its application to a fluid often causes some difficulty. 10
There is, however, no difference conceptually if we simply picture any body
as made up of a number of particles, with or without ties between them,
and consider the change of momentum taking place at the center of mass
10 An excellent discussion of the application of the momentum principle to fluids, and
n detailed discus.~ion of the use of the control volume ure presented in Ref. 29.
of the solid body or the aggregate of particles. Only external forces need
to be considered because the internal forces of action and reaction ex-
erted between the particles within the system cancel each other.
The time rate of change of momentum of the fluid particles flowing
through the control volume dxdy may be obtained by subtracting the
momentum of the particles entering from the momentum of the particles
leaving the volume per unit time. Since both force and velocity are vector
quantities, the momentum principle must be applied with due regard to
direction. In the boundary layer the velocity is nearly parallel to the wall
and the velocity component normal to the wall v is very small. Hence
we can ignore the VIscous shear in the y direction and consider only the
forces and the momentum change in the x direction. A more rigorous
argument to justify this assumption may be found in Ref. 1.
Referring to Fig. 6-8, the mass of the fluid particles entering through
the left face per unit time is pudy. The velocity of these particles is u
and therefore the x momentum per unit time entering from the left is
(pudy) u = pu2 dy
Fluid particles flow into the control volume through the lower face at the
rate pvdx. Also these particles have a velocity component in the x direc-
tion, and their contribution to the x momentum entering per unit time is
(pvdx) u = pvudx
The momentum per unit time leaving through the right face is
a(pu) ) ( au )
( pu + ax dx u + ax dx dy
Carrying out the multiplication and discarding the higher order term
(a(pu)jax](aujax) dx2dy yields
pu2 + pu au dx + u a(pu) dx] dy
ax ax '
Similarly, the momentum per unit time leaving through the upper face is
pVU + pV au dy + U a(pv) dy] dx
ay ay
Subtracting the momentum per unit time entering from that leaving, the
net increase of momentum per unit time of the fluid in the control volume
au au
ox ay
+ o(pv)
]1d d
( pU ax
au + pV OU) dxdy
The increase in momentum is produced by the forces acting on th~
surface of the control volume. In general there are three types of forces
to be considered:
1. Inertia or body forces such as gravity.
2. Dynamical forces such as pressure.
3. Frictional forces such as viscous shear and wall friction.
In forced convection the forces due to gravity are usually negligible.
Furthermore, for flow over a flat plate the static pressure in the flow field
is nearly uniform and we need only consider the viscous shear.
Since the wall is stationary, the shear on the fluid at the lower face of the
control volume (Fig. 6-8) acts in a direction opposite to that of the flow
(i.e., in the negative direction), while the shear on the upper face is caused
by fluid tending to pull in the direction of motion. The net positive shear
is thus
[( T11 z + --
ar z dy )
- T11 z dx = -a ( -~"-au)
ay Yc ay
- dxdy
Equating the net force to the increase in the momentum per unit time
produced by it yields the 1nomentum equation for the boundary layer.
After dividing by pdxdy, we obtain
au au
+ vay
- = (6-16)
we can let
Expressing iJu/iJx, iJu/iJy, and iJ 2u/iJy 2 in terms of 17 and inserting the resulting
expressions in the momentum equation yields the ordinary, nonlinear,
third-order differential equation
J(.,) d2[j{.,)] +2 d3[j(.,)] = 0
d.,2 d.,a
which can be solved subject to the three boundary conditions that
....... r-~- ~--·o-
- ·v
~. ~
jir .,,.
... ; i>
• z• 1 em
+ 2
•• •
v·o D
+ •
0 7 ..5
a 10.0
1.. +
0 ..5
• 12.5
~ A 1.5.0
• J~lla1ius
0 17.5
0.332 • u_.8m/•
·A +
v 2 3
.. 5 6 7
s ~ p
Fw. &-10. Veloeity profile iu the laminar boundary layer twcordiug to
Bla..o;ius with ex.perimental data of Hansen (13). (Courtesy of ~ational
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, N ACA TJI 585)
10.0 i'--.
. ..............
..... '-..
'--r-.. Tro nsilton
f.J ~
1.0 r.......
FIG. 6-ll. Varia i n f l cal fri t ion ffi ien t wit h dim n ionl
di tanc from le8.<.ling dg for la mina r A w over a fla t pla t .
and thus at any specified value of x the velocity gradient at the urf e is 0
au - 0.332 UCD ~
ay X
Substituting this velocity gradient in Eq. 6-15, the wall shear per unit
area r. becomes
Ji. iJtt
- 0.332 _j!_ Uco ~
T, = -- (6-18)
Uc iJy Uc X
)1- 0
We note that the wall hear n ar the 1 ading edge is very large and d -
with incr asing di tance from th leading dg .
For a graphical pre entation it i mor onvenient to u dim nl
coordinates. Dividing both id of Eq. 6- 18 by the velocity pr f
the free stream pU 2 / 2gc we obtain 00
(6-19 )
\\here c,% i a dim n ionl numb r call d the local drag or frictio-n c tfi · nt.
C, = L1 J L
C1 :c dx ,-;;::;;L
= 1.33/'\j---:-- (6-20)
Thus, the average friction coefficient C1 is equal to twice the value of the
local friction coefficient at x = L.
Energy equation. To evaluate the rate of heat transfer by convection
we must determine the temperature gradient at the surface. The equation
governing the temperature distribution in the boundary layer is obtained
with the aid of the first law of thermodynamics, the principle of conserva-
tion of energy. Since we are dealing with a moving fluid, energy stored in
fluid particles is transported by their motion. The rate of transport de-
pends on the velocity of the fluid particles, and it is therefore always neces-
sary to solve the hydrodynamic problem before the temperature distribution
can be obtained.
To derive the equation governing the temperature distribution, consider
the elementary control volume in the boundary layer shown in Fig. 6-12.
Let the surfaces ab, be, cd, and da define the boundaries of the system,
1 ( u:r+tt2 )d
I pu h+ 21gc y+
!-k~u(h+ -;J;:
oL----- --- -\--"_jb
. . .__.- · u_!!_ 1M. ds
Jgc dy
and make an energy balance under the same assumptions used previously
for the hydrodynamic equations. The energy equation for the system
can be expressed semantically as
Influx of rate of rate at effiuxof rate of rate at
enthalpy heat in- which enthalpy heat out- which
and + flow by + workis - and + flow by + work is
kinetic conduc- done by kinetic conduc- done as
energy tion frictional energy tion a result
shear on of
the fluid frictional
in control shear by
volume the fluid
in control
or in symbolic form as
pu (h + ut2g~J
+ v') dy + pv (h + u2 gcJ
+ v2) dx
- k - (aT)
dx 1[
+ J- u - ~-' -au dx
Yc ay
+ -aya ( uYc.J.L -au
- dx)] dy
= pu ( h + u2 + til )
2gcJ dy + axa [ pu ( h + u2 + ,_.2 )
2gJ dy lh
+ pV ( h + u22+
v2 )
dx + aya [ p~· ( h + u2 +
v2 )
-k - (aT)
[ -k (aT) J 1(u~-'- au)
-.- dx dy+-
ay J
ay Uc
dx (6-21)
The frictional work terms represent the work done by shearing forces on
the surface of the control volume as faster fluid particles slide over slower
ones. At the lower surface, the fluid inside the control volume exerts a
force on the fluid outside because the former moves faster. The force
times distance per unit time (i.e., velocity) u (J.LIUc) (aulay) represents
the rate at which work is done by the fluid in the control volume. Sim-
ilarly, the last term in square brackets on the left-hand side of Eq. 6-21
represents the rate at which work is done on the fluid in the control volume.
Conduction along the x direction has been omitted because, in the
boundary layer, the term - k aTI ax is negligible compared to - k aTI ay
and the convection terms.
The term h + (u2 + v2 )12gcJ can be written c11 To for fluids having a
constant specific heat. To is the stagnation temperature, i.e., the tern-
The last tenn of Eq. 6-22 represents the net rate at which shearing forces
perfonn work on the fluid in the control volume. The mechanical energy
or frictional power increases the internal energy of the fluid in the control
volume appreciably only at high velocities, but for low subsonic flow in
the main stream the frictional power term is small compared to the other
terms and can be neglected. With these simplifications, Eq. 6-22 becomes
oT oT o2T
u-+v-=a- (~23)
ox ay ay2
where a = k1 fpcp.
The velocities in the energy equation, u and v, have the same values at
any point (x,y) as in the dynamic equation. For the case of the flat plate,
Pohlhausen (7) used the velocities calculated previously by Blasius to
obtain the solution of the heat-transfer problem. Without considering the
details of this mathematical solution, we can obtain significant results by
comparing Eq. 6-23, the heat-transfer equation for the boundary layer,
with Eq. 6-16, the momentum equation for the boundary layer. The two
equations are similar; in fact, a solution for the velocity distribution
u (x,y) is also a solution for the temperature distribution T (x,y) if v = a
and if the temperature of the plate T, is constant. We can easily verify
this by replacing the symbol T in Eq. 6-23 by the symbol u and noting
that the boundary conditions for both T and u are identical. If we use
the surface temperature as our datum and let the variable in Eq. 6-23 be
(T - T.)/(Tm - T,), then the boundary conditions are:
T- T, = O
at y = 0 and
Tm - T.
T- T. = 1 u
at y ~ oo and - = 1
T T,
Pr = CpJL =!
k a
For Pr = 1 the velocity distribution is therefore identical to the temperature
distribution. An interpretation in terms of physical processes is that the
transfer of momentum is analogous to the transfer of heat when Pr = 1.
The physicaJ properties of most gases are such that they have Prandtl
numbers ranging from 0.65 to 1.0, and the analogy is therefore satisfactory.
Liquids, on the other hand, have Prandtl numbers considerably different
from unity, and the preceding analysis cannot be applied directly.
Using the analytical results of Pohlhausen's work, the temperature
distribution in the laminar boundary layer for Pr = 1 can be modified
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 .c.o
FIG. 6-13. Temperature distribution in a fluid flowing over
a heated plate for various Prandtl numbers.
Temperoture Distribution
f VRe1 Pr""'
FIG. 6-14. Dimensionless correlation of tem-
perature profiles for flow over a flat plate at
constant temperature.
and the local rate of heat transfer by convection per unit area becomes on
substituting aT I ay from Eq. 6-25 in Eq. 6-1
q -kaT
-= (&-26)
A ay
y ::::11 0
The total rate of heat transfer from a plate of width b and length L, ob-
tained by integrating q from Eq. 6-26 between x = 0 and x = L, is
q = 0.664kReLi Pri bL(T. - T co) (6-27)
where ReL = ~t,;L/v.
The local convective-heat-transfer coefficient is
q k
her = -A-(T-,--T- -) - 0.332;; ReztPri (6-28)
The average value of the Nusselt number over a length L of the plate
is therefore twice the local value of Nuz at x = L. It can easily be verified
that the same relation between the average and local value holds also for
the heat-transfer coefficient, that is,
In practice, the physical properties in Eqs. 6-24 to 6-30 vary \Vith
temperature, while for the purpose of analysis it was assumed that the
physical properties are constant. Experimental data have been found to
agree satisfactorily with the results predicted analytically if the propertie~
are evaluated at a mean temperature halfway between that of the wall and
the free-stream temperature.
a) Boundary-layer thickness.
b) Local friction coefficient.
c) Average friction coefficient.
d) Local drag or shearing streHs due to friction.
e) Thickness of thermal boundary layer.
f) Local convective-heat-transfer coefficient.
g) Average convective-heat-transfer coefficient.
h) Rate of heat transfer by convection.
p = 0.071 lbm/CU ft ·
Cp = 0.240 Btu/Ibm F
JJ. = 1.285 X 10-• lbm/ft sec
k = 0.0154 Btu/hr ft F
Pr = 0.72
The loeal Heynoldl-" number at x = 1 ft. is
Rcr - 1
= llroPX = -
(10 ft/scc) (0.071 lhm/c_u ft)(l ft)
------------ = 5.5,200
JJ. 1.285 X 10-1> lhm / lt SPC
A!-'1'1Uming that the critical Reynolds number is .5 X 10~ . the critical diRtance is
5 X 10~JJ. (5 X 1~)(1.285 X I0-6lbm/ft sec) f
Xc -
= (10 ft/sec) (0.0711bm/cu ft)
= 9 t
The desired quantities are determined by substituting appropriate values of the variable
into the pertinent equations. The results of the calculations are shown in Table 6-4,
and it is suggested that the reader verify them.
Part ~yrnhol Unit _I Ect. Used I Re8ult (.r = I ft) ' Reeult (.r = H ft)
A useful relation between the loral Nusselt number Nux and the cor-
responding friction coefficient C1 z is obtained by dividing Eq. 6-29 by
H.ezPrl, or
• • Direction of Row
pds J.'udy
,....,__ __,~--:---.c
~~pJ.'ud;r + p ~~ (J.'u:r) d:c
~-~----l'(P+ :~ ds)dy
for the aggregate of particles in the boundary layer. For this purpose we
choose a control volume (Fig. 6-15) bounded by the two planes ab and cd
which are perpendicular to the wall and a distance dx apart, the surface
of the plate, and a parallel plane in the free stream at a distance l from the
surface. For a unit width in the z direction we can write the continuity
equation, the momentum equation, and the heat-transfer equation, follow-
ing the general procedure outlined in Sec. 6-7. Under steady-state condi-
tions for a fluid of constant mass density p, the mass flow per unit time
entering through the face ab is p f.' udy and the mass flow per unit time
leaving through the face cd is
p J.'udy + :x (J.'udy) dx
pdx ax
a Jz 0 udy
must flow into the control volume per unit time through upper boundary
surface be. The velocity at y = lis for all practical purposes equal to the
free-stream velocity uco and the x momentum per unit time entering through
face be is therefore
ucJ)(lx ax
a Jz 0
p f.' u 2dy
The increase of x momentum per unit time of the fluid in the control
volume, obtained by subtracting the rate of x-momentum inflow from the
rate of x-momentum outflow, is
-pdx ax
Jz 0
dy a
+ UcoPdX ax Jz 0
udy = a
pdx ax
(uco- u)udy
For y > a (i.e., outside of the boundary layer) the velocity u becomes
equal to the free-stream velocity uco. Therefore uco - u is zero for y > a
and we only have to consider the integrand within the limits from y = 0
toy = a. The net outgoing momentum flux is therefore
- pdx ax j"0 (uoo - u)udy
Since the velocities on both sides of the face be are equal, no shearing
stress exists there.
Equating the forces to the rate of momentum increase yields finally
ax 1
, (uoo - u)udy =
__ T, + j" -ap
ax dy
0 0
This is the von Karman momentum integral equation of the boundary layer for
incompressible flow. It applies also to flow over slightly curved boundaries
if xis measured along the surface andy normal to it. The last terin can be
determined if the pressure along the wall or the velocity distribution out-
side the boundary layer is known. In that case the pressure can be found
from Bernoulli's equation
pu 2
Pco + 2gc - const
dpco pU auoo 00
- ---
ax Yc ax
Since the boundary layer is very thin, it may be assumed (I) that the
pressure at any x location is constant throughout the boundary layer, i.e.,
p(x) = Poo(x), and
For flow over a flat plate the velocity U is constant and consequently00
Solution: The equation describing the velocity distribution for a linear increase in
velocity from u = 0 at y = 0 to u = lla:> at y = 8 is
u - -6-
geT, -
-au\ ~- =--
O?li 11 .... o
Sub!oltituting for u and T. in Eq. 6-33 yields
p?Jml -
ax f o
(t - Y-)6 -Y6 dy = -
a ----·
Evaluating the integral above yields
a dy - Ja '!!_ dy = -1 JL I a -
f 0
(5 0
«5 2 8 2
I 0
1 y'
-2 -
6 3 0
Then, we get
which yields
ada -= d (~)
- ~
uoo =
c1 ~ - c2 ~
( y )3 (6-36)
8 = 4.64x /~ (6-3~)
a value only 8 per cent below that of the exact analysis. Since most of
the experimental measurements are only accurate to within 10 per cent,
the results of the approximate analysis are satisfactory in practice.
To determine the rate of convective heat transfer to or from a surface
we make an energy balance for the aggregate of fluid particles within th~
control volume of Fig. 6-Hl. To simplify the problem we~~ -·
---rl~· [!rotJy +
pe,[~r.~ --~
• : I pe, k(fo•r,tl~tl•
J : r,...,. Sw~aco
_,ttl, .. 1.•
the shear \Vork due to the frictional forces along the wall and assume also
that the physical properties are independent of the temperature.
Energy is convected into and out of the control volume as a result of
the fluid motion, and there is also heat flow by conduction across the inter-
face. The energy flow rates across the individual faces of the control
volume are listed in Table 6-5. To satisfy the principle of conservation
be pdx-
J:' 0
udy pepdx -a
f'o uT, oily
cd P[J:' udy + a~ (J:' udy )dxJ pep J:' uTady + pep a~ (J:' uTody) dx
da 0 -kaT \ dx
ay u = o
of energy in the steady state, the rate of energy influx must equal the
rate of energy efflux. Equating the net rate of convective energy outflow
to the net rate of heat inflow by conduction we·obtain
Jl (Tooo- To)udy = -- ·
k aT
o u= o
comes zero for values of y larger than~''" We therefore replace l, the upper
limit of the integral, by ~'"' and the heat-transfer equation of the boundary
layer becomes ·
-aaX j~th
(Tooo- To)udy = -
k *lT
a Y
a(T- T,) = O
(T- T,) = (Too- T,) and at y = ~tJa
a(T- T,)
. ay
Y ""'a
Solving for Ct and C2, and substituting these expressions in Eq. 6-38 yields
T - T, 3( y ) 1( y )a (6-39)
Too - T, = 2 ~ '" - 2 t;;;
Using Eqs. 6-39 and 6-35 for (T - T,) and u respectively, the integral in
Eq. 6-37 can be written as
= (T 00
- T,)uoo 1 0
[1 - ~ __!_ + ! (Jj_)
2 ~ th 2 ~til
] [~2 (_]!__)
- ! (_]!_)•] dy
2 ~
<T 00
- T )u 8 00
~ (~ ,.2 - ~
20 ~
280 ~
~ u ( T - T ) r2 a~ = a aT = ~ a T" - Too
20 00
• ay 00
y ... 0
2 ~r
1 a~
10 uoor ~
or ax = a
Except for the numerical constant (0.9 compared with 1.0) the foregoing
result is in agreement with the exact calculations of Pohlhausen (Eq. 6-24).
The rate of heat flow by convection from the plate per unit area is,
from Eqs. 1-1 and 6-39,
!L = -k iJT 3 k
- - - - (T - T)
A iJy 2 ou, CX) •
Jl- 0
and (6-42)
This result is in agreement with the exact analysis (Eq. 6-29) except for
the numerical constant, \vhich is about 9 per cent larger.
The foregoing example illustrates the usefulness of the approximate
boundary-layer analysis. Guided by a little physical insight and intuition,
this technique yields satisfactory results without the mathematical com-
plications inherent in the exact boundary-layer equations. The approxi-
mate method has been applied to many other problems, and the results
are available in the literature.
diffusion. The amount of cross flow is so small that, when a colored dye
is injected at some point into the fluid, it follows a streamline without
appreciable diffusion. In turbulent flow, on the other hand, the color will
be distributed over a wide area a short distance downstream from the
point of injection. The mixing mechanism consists of rapidly fluctuating
eddies which transport blobs of fluid in an irregular manner. Groups of
particles collide with each other at random, establish cross flow on a macro-
scopic scale, and effectively mix the fluid. Since the mixing in turbulent
flow is on a macroscopic scale with groups of particles transported in a zigzag
path through the fluid, the exchange mechanism is many times more
effective than in laminar flow. As a result, the rates of heat and momentum
transfer in turbulent flow and the associated friction and heat-transfer
coefficients are many times larger than in laminar flow.
Instantaneous streamlines in turbulent flow are highly jagged, and it
would be a hopelessly difficult task to trace the path of individual fluid
elements. However, if the flow at a point is averaged over a period of
time, long as compared with the period of a single fluctuation, the time-
mean properties and the velocity of the fluid are constant if the average
flow remains steady. It is therefore general practice to describe each
fluid property and the velocity in turbvlent flow in terms of a mean value
which does not vary with time and a fluctuating component which is a
function of time. To simplify the problem, consider a two-dimensional
flow (Fig. 6-17) in which the mean value of velocity is paraiiel to the
x direction. The instantaneous velocity components u and v can then be
expressed in the form
u = ii + u'
I (6-43)
v= v
where the bar over a symbol denotes the temporal mean value, and the
l I
_l ___ _ /
L,dii --1 dy
Ftc:. 6-17. :--;k('teh illu~trat ing mixing )('ngt h
for momentum transfer.
prime denotes the instantaneous deviation from the mean value. Ac-
cording to the model used to describe the flow,
!,. udt (6-44)
where 8* is large compared with the period of the fluctuations. Figure 6-18
shows qualitatively the time variation of u and u'. From Eq. 6-44 or
from an inspection of the graph it is apparent that the time average of
u' is zero, i.e. u' = 0. A similar argument shows that v' and (pv)' are
also zero.
The fluctuating velocity components continuously transport mass, and
consequently momentum, across a plane normal to the y direction. The
instantaneous rate of transfer in the y direction of x-momentum per unit
area at any point is
- (pv)' ('a + u')
where the minus sign, as will be shown later, takes account of the statistical
correlation between u' and v'.
The time average of the x-momentum transfer gives rise to an apparent
turbulent shear or Reynolds stress r t defined by
YeT£ = - 1*
j'* (pv)'(u + u')d8 (6-46)
Breaking this term up into two parts, the time average of the first is zero, or
1* j'* (pv)'Ud8 = 0
since u is a constant and the time average of (pv)' is zero. Integrating the
second term, Eq. 6-45 becomes
g,T, = - ~
8 j" (pv)'u'd8 = -
(pt•)'u' (6-4.6a)
or if p is constant
It is not difficult to visualize that the time averages of the mixed products
of velocity fluctuations, such as for example v'u', differ from zero. From
Fig. 6-17 we can see that the particles which travel upward (zJ' > 0)
arrive at a layer in the fluid in which the mean velocity u is larger than in
the layer from which they come. Assuming that the fluid particles pre-
serve on the average their original velocity u during their migration, they
will tend to slow down other fluid particles after they have reached their
destination and thereby give rise to a negative component u'. Conversely,
if v' is negative, the observed value of u' at the new destination will be
positive. On the average, therefore, a positive v' is associated with a
negative u', and vice versa. The time average of u'v' is therefore on the
average not zero but a negative quantity. The turbulent shearing stress
defined by Eq. 6-46 is thus positive and has the same sign as the corres-
ponding laminar shearing stress,
rlu P du
Tll:t = J.l.f - = - II - [ 6-16]
dy Or dy
It should be noted, however, that the laminar shearing stress is a true stress,
whereas the apparent turbulent shearing stress is simply a concept intro-
duced to account for the effects of the momentum transfer by turbulent
fluctuations. This concept allows us to express the total shear stress in
turbulent flow as
viscous f oree
T = .
untt area
+ -Or1 (turbulent momentum flux) (6--47)
\Vith this model we can write the turbulent shearing stress in a form anal-
ogous to the laminar shearing stress as
I I dii,
gc Tt = - pVU = p EM dy (6-49)
where the symbol EM is called the eddy viscosity or the turbulent exchange
coefficient for momentum. The eddy viscosity EJI is formally analogous to
the kinematic viscosity v, but whereas vi.., a physical property, EM depends
on the dynamics of the flow. Combining Eqs. 6-48 and 6-49 shows that
E.u = - Ill. Substituting Eqs. 6-15 and 6-49 in Eq. 6-47 gives the total
shearing stress in the form
P du
T = -
(v + EM) -dy (6-60)
In turbulent flow EM is much larger than v and the viscous term may
therefore be neglected.
The transfer of energy as heat in a turbulent flow can be pictured in
an analogous fashion. Consider a two-dimensional time-mean temperature
distribution as shown in Fig. 6-19. The fluctuating velocity components
continuously transport fluid particles and the energy stored in them
across a plane nonnal to the y direction. The instantaneous rate of energy
transfer per unit area at any point in the y direction is
(pv') (c"T) (6-61)
where T = T + T'. Following the same line of reasoning which led to
Eq. 6-46, the time average of energy transfer due to the fluctuations,
called the turbulent rate of heat transfer q,, is
T(y) ~ +T'
I l
LJ__________________ _
T' ~ l dT (6-53)
This means physically that, when a fluid particle migrates from the layer
y to another layer a distance l above or below, the resulting temperature
fluctuation is caused chiefly by the difference between the time-mean
temperatures in the layers. Assuming that the transport mechanisms of
temperature (or energy) and velocity are similar, the mixing lengths in
Eqs. 6--48 and 6-53 are equal. The product v'T', however, is positive on
the average because a positive v' is accompanied by a positive T', and vice
Combining Eqs. 6-52 and 6-53, the turbulent rate of heat transfer per
unit area becomes
qt - dT
- = Cpp v 'T' = -c p v 'l - (6-54)
A p dy
where the minus sign is a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics
(see Sec. 1-2). To express the turbulent heat flux in a form analogous to
the Fourier conduction equation we define En. a quantity called the turbulent
exchange coefficient for temperature, eddy diffusivity of heat, or eddy heat
conductivity, by the equation E// = v'l. Substituting EH for v'l in Eq. 6-54,
q, dT
- -c p pEu-
The total rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to the mean stream
velocity can then be written as
q molecular conduction turbulent transfer
unit area unit area
or in symbolic form as
q dT
- - Cpp(a + Eu) -d
This relation was originaJly derived in 187 4 by the British scientist Osborn
Reynolds and is called the Reynolds analogy in his honor. It is a good
approximation whenever the flow is turbulent, and can be applied to
turbulent boundary layers as well as to turbulent flow in pipes or ducts.
Ho,vever, the Reynolds analogy does not hold in the laminar sub layer.
Since this layer offers a large thermal resistance to the flow of heat, Eq. 6-57
does in general not suffice for a quantitative solution. Only for fluids
having a Prandtl number of unity can it be used directly to calculate the
rate of heat transfer. This special case will now be considered.
In this section we shall derive for flow over a plane surface a relation
bet\\'een the heat transfer and the skin friction for a Prandtl number of
unity. In the following section we shall show how to calculate the skin
friction and consider some improvements over the simple analogy.
In two-dimensional flow the shearing stress in the laminar sublayer
T 11 z IS
YeT 1/Z = J.J - [ 6-15]
and the rate of heat flow per unit area across any plane perpendicular to
the y direction is
q _ -k dT [ 1-1]
A dy
An inspection of Eqs. 6-57 and 6-58 shows that if Cp - k/u (i.e., for
Pr = 1), the same equation of heat flow applies in the laminar and turbu-
lent layers.
To determine the rate of heat transfer from a flat plate to a fluid with
Pr = 1 flowing over it in turbulent flow, \Ve replace k/u by Cp and separate
the variables in Eq. 6-58. Assuming that q and rare constant, we get the
q, du - -dT (6-69)
AT,Cpgc ,-
where the subscripts is used to indicate that both q and Tare taken at the
surface of the plate. Integrating Eq. 6-59 between the limits u = 0 "·hen
T = T,, and u = U 00 when T = T yields 00
c, = £1 iLc,xax
o = o.o12
(u: )-i L (6-64)
Nux = hc:rX =
0.0288 Pri ( llr:oX
)o.s (6-66)
\Ve observe that the local heat-transfer coefficient hcz for heat transfer by
eonvection through a turbulent boundary layer decreases with the distance
x as h(':r ex: 1/x0 •2 • Equation 6-66 shows that, in comparison with laminar
flow where hex ex: 1I xi, the heat-transfer coefficient in turbulent flow de-
creases less rapidly with x and that the turbulent-heat-transfer coefficient
is much larger than the laminar-heat-transfer coefficient at a given value
of the Reynolds number.
The average conductance in turbulent flow over a plane surface of
and Eq. 6-66 between x = Xc and x = L for the integration of her· This
yields for Rec = 5 X 1()6
NuL = 0.036 Prl (RcL 0 ·8 - 23,200) (6-68)
Solution: Using physical propertit.•s of at 100 F from Table A-3 in Appendix III,
the Reynolds number is
UooPL (60 mph)(88 ft./see) /mph (0.071 lhm/eu ft.) (30/12) ft
ReL = ----
= ~--~----~----~--------------------
1.285 X 20-" lbm/ft sec
- 1.21 X 108
The over-all area is 4.84 sq ft and the rate of heat loss is therefore
q = he A (T. - 7'r.rJ = (14.55) (4.84) (160-40) = 8430 Btu/hr Ans.
~ = (~Y (H9)
B tn een the laminar ublayer and the turbulent portion of the boundary
lay r i a tran 'ition r gi n where the turbulence 1 ' l i variable. Because
the laminar ublayer a w 11 a the tran ition lay r are v ry thin we hall,
fir t approximation, negl t both of them and u Eq. 6- 69 to ev luate
the momentum chang in th integral quation . Thi approximation
c nnot be u ed, how v r, to d termine the hearing tre s because, accord-
ing to Eq. 6-69, th velocity gradient i
du 1 uco
-= -
dy 7 f/rY"
which would lead to infinit ly large hearing tre at th wall (i .. , at
~ 1 d~ = 0.235 (-v-)
~ = 0.376 Re.r-1 (6-71)
where Rez = (uco x/v). It can be seen from Eqs. 6-36 and 6-il that, at
any given value of x, a turbulent boundary layer increases at a faster rate
than a laminar boundary layer. Despite its greater thickness, the turbu-
lent boundary layer offers less resistance to heat flow than a laminar layt>r
because the turbulent eddies produce continuous mixing between warmer
and cooler fluids on a macroscopic scale. An inspection of the velocity
profiles in Fig. 6-20 shows, however, that the eddies diminish in intensity
in the buffer layer and hardly penetrate the laminar sublayer. Unless the
Prandtl number equals unity, the relative magnitudes of the eddy conduc-
tivity and the molecular conductivity in the vicinity of the surface have a
pronounced effect on the heat-transfer coefficient.
The effect of the diminution of the turbulent mixing near the surface
on the heat-transfer coefficient for fluids having Prandtl numbers larger
than unity was considered by Prandtl (16,1i) von Karman (18), and most
recently also by Deissler (19) in their respective improvements of the
Reynolds analogy. l\1artinelli (20) also treated the problem of ht."at
transfer to liquid metals, which have very small Prandtl numbers.
Prandtl divided the flo,v field into a laminar and a turbulent layer but
'Ve observe that, for Pr = I, Eq. 6-72 reduces to the simple Reynolds
analogy. The second term in the denominator is a measure of the thermal
resistance in the laminar sublayer. 'Ve see that this portion of the total
thermal resistance increases as the Prandtl number becomes larger and
accounts for most of the thermal resistance when the Prandtl number is
very large.
Prandtl's analysis was later refined by von l{arman (18), 'vho divided
the flow field into three zones: a laminar sublayer adjacent to the surface
in which the eddy diffusivity is zero and heat flows only by conduction;
next to it a buffer layer in which both conduction and convection contribute
the heat-transfer mechanism (i.e., k / cp and En are of the same order of
magnitude); and, finally, a turbulent region in which conduction is negli-
gible compared to convection, and the Reynolds analogy applies. He
used experimental data for the velocity distribution and the shear stress
to evaluate EM from Eq. 6-50 and assumed EM = Ell in his analysis. He also
postulated that the physical properties of the fluid are independent of the
temperature. 'Vith these simplifications he determined the thermal re-
sistances in each of the three zones. The results of von Karman's analysis
are given below for flow over a flat plate:
for the local value of the Stanton number for flow over a plane surface at
1. H. Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory (translated by J. Kestin). (New York:
l\lcGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1955.)
2. H. L. Langhaar, Di~ Analy8i& and Theory of Models. (New York: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1951.)
3. E. R. Van Driest, "On Dimensional Analysis and the Presentation of Data in
Fluid Flow Problems," J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 13 (1940), p. A-34.
4. A. P. Colburn, "A Method of Correlating Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Data and a Comparison with Fluid Friction," Tram. Am. lmt. Chem. Engrs., Vol. 29
(1933), pp. 174-210.
5. W. J. King, "The Basic Laws and Data of Heat Transmission," Mech. Eng., Vol.
54 (1932), pp. 410-415.
6. l\1. Blasius, "Grenzschichten in Fhissigkeiten mit Kleiner Reibung," Z. Math. u.
Phys., Vol. 56, No. 1 (1908).
7. E. Pohlhausen, "Der Wiirmeaustausch zwischen festen Korpern und Flii.ssig-
keiten mit kleiner Reibung und kleiner Wirmeleitung," ZAMM, Vol. 1 (1921), p. 115.
8. T. von Karman, "Vber laminare und turbulente Reibung," (translation) N ACA
TM 1092, 1946.
9. E. R. G. Eckert, Introduction to the Tramfer of Heat and Mass. (New York:
1\fcGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1950.)
10. L. Prandtl, ''Vber die ausgebildete Turbulenz," ZAM M, VoL 5 (1925), p. 136;
Proc. 2nd Int. Cong. of Appl. Mech., Zurich (1926).
11. S. E. Isakofl and T. B. Drew, "Heat and l\fomentum Transfer in Turbulent
Flow of l\1ercury," Inst. Mech. Eng. and ASME, Proc. General Disczusion on Heat Trans-
fer (1951), pp. 405-409.
12. W. Forstall, Jr. and A. H. Shapiro, "Momentum and l\ Transfer in Co-axial
Gas Jets," J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 17 (1950), p. 399.
13. M. Hansen, "Velocity Distribution in the Boundary Layer of a Submerged
Plate," N ACA TM 585, 1930.
14. Van der Hegge-Zynen, "Measurements of the Velocity Distribution in the
Boundary Layer along a Plane Surface," Thesis, Delft, 1924. (Delft: I. Waltman,
15. F. Schultz-Grunow, "A New Resistance Law for Smooth Plates," Luftfahrt
Forsch., Vol. 17 (1940), pp. 239-246: (translation) N ACA TM 986, 1941.
16. L. Prandtl, "Bemerkungen tiber den Wanneiibergang im Rohr," Phys. Zeit.,
Vol. 29 (1928), p. 487.
17. L. Prandtl, "Eine Beziehung zwischen Wanneaustauch and Strohmungs-
wiederstand der Fliissigkeiten," Phys. Zeit., VoL 10 (1910), p. 1072.
18. T. von Karman, "The Analogy between Fluid Friction and Heat Transfer,"
Trans. ASME, VoL 61 (1939), pp. 705-711.
19. R. G. Dei.'JS]er, "Investigation of Turbulent Flow and Heat Tran.lifer in Smooth
Tubes Including the Effects of Variable Properties,'' Trans. AS,U E, Vol. 73 (1951), pp.
20. R. C. 1\lartinelli, "Heat Transfer to l\1olten :M etals," Trans. ASME, Vol. 6H
(1947), pp. 947-959.
21. J. 1\f. Coulson and J. V. Richardson, Chemical Engineering, Vol. I, (New York:
l\lcGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1954).
22. K. Goldmann, "Heat Transfer to Supercritical Water and Other Fluids with
Temperature Dependent Properties," Chem. E1lg. Prog. Symp. Serz:es Nuclear Eng., Part
1, Vol. 50, ~o. 11 (1954), pp. 105-110.
8-1. Evaluate the dimensionless groups he D /k, V Dp / ~~o, Cp~~o/k, and hc/Cp G for
water, ethyl alcohol, mercury, hydrogen, air, and saturated steam over as wide a tem-
perature range as possible and plot the results vs. temperature. For the purpo.~ of
these calculations let D = 1 ft, V = 1 ft./sec, and he = 1 Btu/hr sq ft F.
'8-2. The average Nusselt number for flow over a 2-ft-long plate is 100. What is
the value of the average surface conductance for the following fluids: (a) air at 60 F,
(b) steam at 212 F and 15 psia, (c) water at 100 F, and (d) mercury at 200 F, and (e)
ethyl alcohol at 212 F.
6-3. Plot the velocity and temperature distributions in the laminar boundary
layer for air at 60 F flowing over a flat plate at Rez = 1~ if the free-stream velocity
is 1.0 fps and the surface temperature is 160 F using (a) the Blasius solution, (b) an
assumed straight line, and (c) a cubic parabola.
6-4. Steam at 1 atm and 212 F is flowing across a 2-in.-OD pipe at a velocity of
20 fps. Estimate the Nusselt number, the heat-transfer coefficient, and the rate of
heat transfer per ft length of pipe if the pipe is at 400 F.
6-6. Hydrogen at 60 F and at a pressure of 1 atm is flowing along a flat plate at
a velocity of 10 fps. If the plate is 1 ft wide and at 160 F, calculate the following
quantities at x =- 1 ft and at the distance corresponding to the transition point, i.e.,
Rez == 5 X 106• (Take properties at 110 F.)
a) Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness, in inches.
b) Local friction coefficient, dimensionless.
c) Average friction coefficient, dimensionless.
d) Drag force, in lbt.
e) Thicknes.'! of thermal boundary layer, in inches.
f) Local convective-heat-transfer coefficient, in Btu/hr sq ft F.
g) Average convective-heat-transfer coefficient, in Btu/hr sq ft F.
h) Rate of heat transfer, in Btu/hr.
8-6. Repeat Prob. 6-5 for x == 10 ft and u00 = 200 fps, (a) taking the laminar
boundary layer into account and (b) assuming that the turbulent boundary layer
starts at the leading edge.
8-7. Determine the rate of heat loss in Btu/hr from the wall of a building in a
10-mph wind blowing parallel to its surface. The wall is 80 ft long, 20ft high, its ~ur
face temperature is 80 F, and the temperature of the ambient air is 40 F.
puc, -
+ pvc,. -aT uap + k a- T + - (au)
- - -
- Jl 1
ax ay gc ax ay 1 g~ ay
Hint: ~Iultiply Eq. 6-16 hy u and suhtrRct the rc~ulting exprP~I'lion from Ef1. 6-21.
PaoB. 6-9.
6-14. For Proh. 6-13 estimate the frictional pressure drop in the entrance l'lect ion,
taking into account the pres~ure drop due to the frictional drag Wl well as the pressure
drop due to the momentum change. Assume that the velocity at the inlet is uniform
and that the velocity profile~ of both boundary layer~ can he approximated by cubic
para hoi~.
6-16. Experimental pres~ure-drop data obtained in a ~eric~ of tests in which water
w~ heated while flowing through an elect rieally heah·d t uhc of 0.527 in. ID, 38.6 in.
long, are tahulated below.
lRothermal pre~ure-drop data for the fo\Rme tube are given in term~ of the dimensionless
friction coefficient f = (.lp / p l ' 2 ) (/J / 2L (/c) and the Heynold~ number based on the
pipe diameter, ReD = l' J)j, below.
6-17. Tabulated below are reduced test data from measurements made to deter-
mine tht heat-transfer coefficient im~ide tubes at Reynolds numbers only slightly above
transition and at relatively high Prandtl numbers (as w-sociated with oils). Tests were
made in a double-tube exchanger with a counterflow of water to provide the cooling.
The pipe used to carry the oih~ wa..-. l-in. OD, 18 B\VG, 121 in. long. Correlate the
data in term~ of appropriate dimenf'ionless parameters.
where he: = mean surface heat-transfer coefficient, ba..._~d on the mean temperature
difference, Btu/hr sq ft F;
pV = mass velocity, lb/hr sq ft;
Cp = specific heat, Btu/lb F;
k = thermal conductivity, Btu/hr ft F (based on average bulk temperature);
J.'b = viscosity, ba..~d on average bulk (mixed mean) temperature, lbm/hr ft;
1'! = viscosity, based on average film temperature, lbm/hr ft.
Hint: Start by correlating Nu and ReD irreto~peetive of the Prandtl numbers, sinee
the influence of the Prandtl number on the NusRelt number is expected to be relatively
tomall. By plotting Nu vs. H.e on log-log paper, one can guess the nature of the cor-
relation equation, ~u = /t (Re). A plot of Nu//t(Re) vs. Pr will then reveal the
dependence upon Pr. For the final equation, the influence of the viscosity variation
should al~o be con~idered.
-- p VD ( C#-(b)0.2 (
One possible answer: N UD = 0.0067 ~ k,
#lh) 0.3
6-18. A thin flat plate 6 in. square is suspended from a balance into a unifonnly
flowing stream of glycerin in such a way that the glycerin flows parallel to and along
the top and bottom surfaces of the plate. The total drag on the plate is measured and
found to be 9 Ib,. If the glycerin flows at the rate of 50 fps and is at a temperature of
112 F what is the heat-transfer coefficient he in Btu/hr sq ft F?
6-19. l\lercury at 60 F flows over and parallel t.o a flat surface at a velocity of
10 f~. Calculate the thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary layer at a distance
12 in. from the leading edge of the surface.
6-20. A thin flat plate 6 in. square is tested for drag in a wind tunnel with air at
100 fps, 14.7 psia, and 60 F flowing across and parallel to the top and bottom surface~.
The observed total drag force is 0.150 lb. Calculate the rate of heat transfer from this
plate when the surface temperature is maintained at 250 F. Neglect radiation .
.4 ns. 9600 Btu/hr
6-21. The convection equations relating the Nusselt., Reynolds, and Prandtl
numbers can be rearranged to show the heat-transfer coefficient iiz explicitly as a func-
tion of the absolute temperature T and the group v;;;;;;.
This formulation is of
the form h:,. == CT" ~, where n and C are constants. Indicate clearly how such
a relationship could be obtained for the laminar flow case from Nttz = 0.332 Re..,0 ·6
Pf"l·DI for the condition 0.5 < Pr < 5.0. State restrictions on method if any such
rP~trietions are necessary.
6-22. Experimental data for the transient cooling of a thick slab are to be cor-
related by dimensional analysis. The temperature of the slab is originally uniform at
To. At time 8 = 0, the temperature at face x = 0 is suddenly lowered to T ,. Thenno-
couples are imbedded at various depths. Determine dimensionles..~ groups relating Tz.
the temperature at x, to the cooling time 8.
6-23. The boundary-layer-displacement thickness a• is defined as the distance by
which a plane surface, past which a fluid is flowing, would have to be shifted into the
stream to obtain the same flow rate with an in viscid fluid as with the real fluid. Mathe-
matically a• is defined by the equation
48 1'20
.co 100
\ --
,.- ...
' :,
- - - -
I ''
- --
' -' ~ -
32 80
' , , ,ulyl Ij
u I
"¥ • I ' ' .,I
~., ~
24 60 r-
!E I
...• I
I ''
16 40
: '~ ',,,
8 :10
0 0
L 2
8 10 12
state conditions have been established, the total force on a volume ele1nent.
dxdydz in the positive x direction perpendicular to the floor consis~ of
1. The forre due to the prp:-;surP gradient
#-' a2u) dxdydz
( 2
- - - - - - - - - Yc ay
Force due to the de - - ~tio of th~ fluid element will he neglected in
view ·the low. v-~~~~
The rate of change of momentum of the fluid element is pdxdydz
[u(au;ax) + v(aujay)] as shown in Sec. &--1- Applying Newton's second
la\v to the elemental volume yields
au au) ap a2u
p ( U -
+ t' -
:.: - Yc -
- pg + #-' - 2
after canceling dxdydz. The unheated fluid far removed from the plate
is in hydrostatic equilibrium, or g('(ap(!jax) = - Peg where the subscript
e denotes equilibrium conditions. At any elevation the pressure is uniform
and therefore apjax = ape/ax. Substituting PcY for - (ap 1 a~t) in Eq. 7-1
p ( u ;-
. uX
+ v au)
= (pt: - p)g + a2u
#-' ~
Poo/P - 1 T/Too- 1 1
{3= - =- (7-6)
T-T 00
T-T 00 Tc:o
'Ve can express the equation of motion for system Bin terms of the quanti-
ties pertaining to system A by inserting the relations previously listed.
Then Eq. 7-7a becomes
The next step is crucial in this type of analysis and should be noted
carefully. Equation 7-8, the equation of motion for system B, is identical
To see the physical significance of Eq. 7-9, we substitute for the reference
quantities (i.e., the C's), the equalities relating systems A and B in the
tabulation (for instance C13 = f3s/{jA, C ~ = J.Lsl JJA, etc.). To simplify the
relationships we shall use the symbol V for the significant velocity and
L for the significant length. Then we have
PB s 2 /Ls
PBYBfJB(T - T oo)B
JlB s!Ls2
PA V A2 /LA PAYAf3A(T- T 00 )A JJA V A/LA2
( _T_ + v _aT_) 2
= k _a_T [ 6-23]
-·-- - - -~ - --
ay oy2
- - - --
2 .0
l. .C
---c l'eaoo1
Oa •
...,. ~.
9 16
D Oa • cet . 0 015 1 13 18·63
+ [)a.,, G lyc l'r,.,e OOI.S 1 19 24-69
[)o .., , Tol..en 0015 1 1.S.S 20·65
u... ..... 7 6·16 1 20 140·180
I 1 - • Ac ermon Wat r .s 1 30-50 34·92
oc:h 1 4·10 1 20 30-190
-..... WO!Tij1 r 2 O.S-8 9 1 1.5-30 SS·2•0
~ 10 0
~ •
,.< 08
0.6 Coordinol s of
Recomm nd d Cvrv
FIG. 7-3. C rr la ion of data for fre -conve tion heat tran f r from hori-
z n 1 cylind r in gru and liquid·. (By p rrni., i n fr m ~. H. l\[ . dam ·,
Heat Transmi ion, 3d d., N w York: ~Ic raw-Hill Bo k ompany
Inc., 1954)
King (18) has shown that the correlation in Fig. 7-3 gives approxima
r ults also for thr e-dimensional shape such as hort cylinder and bloc
if the characteri tic length dimension is determined by the equation
1 1
L Lhor
+-1 Lvert
where Lvert is the height and Lhor the average horizontal dimension of h
body. For spheres, the radius is the pertinent length dimen ion.
A similar correlation for free convection from vertical plate and v rti . 1
cylind r is shown in Fig. 7-4. The ordinate is h('L / k th average N lt
f- 0
Vertical Cylinder }
y · 1 PI !Reference 17, Fig . 25-31
i-- V
rt1co onl!'
9 .0 1-in . Plote
2 .99-in . Plole
} !Reference 9, Fig . 129
Compressed Air)
l ~
~-- Region ·-- 1'
Tron i it ion
0 l/~
~"--- Nu = 0.021o(Gr Pr)s
lom inor Region
7 Turbulent Region
60 l: #!"/ '
y /
.2 v Nu = 0.555 (G r Pr)i
20 v
10 /
10 5 10 9 1011 IOU
( G;:Pr
FI . 7 ' rr lat ion of data for fr - onve tion ht>a tran f ' r frum
v rt i ·a l plat.c. and ') lind cr .
number based on the height of the body, and the absci a i the pr due
Grand Pr, i. / cpp 2{3gtlTL 3 / J.Lk : \Ve note the flow i laminar up
Grashof number of about 10 · passe through a tran ition r gim b t\\-
10 and 1010 , and become fully turbul nt at Gra hof numbers abov 1
Thi typ of behavior is typical of fre conv ction on vertical surfa
und r normal condition th ritical value of Grashof numb r i u Uv
tak n at 10 •
( 0 . 95 :~ Pr GrrPrY
plate. (CourtesyofPro-
Nu. = 0 ..508 (7-20) fpssor E. R. G . Eckert)
2 .. 6
y- Distance from Plote Surface in mm
For turbulent free convection over a vertical plane Eckert (5) derived
the equation
NuL =
( Pr
0.024 1 + 494 0.
p~ GrL
)l (7-22)
_____ .,
L __
Example 7-1. The maximum allowable surface t€mperature at thf' center of an elec-
trically heated vertical plate. H in. high and 4 in. wide, is 270 F. E~timate the maxinHim
rate of heat dissipation from both sides of the plat(' in 70 F atmo~pheric air if the unit-
surface conductance for radiation iir is 1.5 Btu/hr sq ft F for the specified maximum
rmrface temperature.
Soluti(Jn: The arithmetic mean temperature is 1_4() F and the corresponding value
of Gr1. i8 found tQ be 1.2 X 106 L3 (T. - 1'00 ), from the last column in Table A-3 by
interpolation. For the ~pecified conditions we get
GrL = (1.2 X 106 ) (ti/12)3 (200) a:: 3 X 107
:-\ince the Gra.~hof number i.s less than 109 the flow is laminar. For air at 170 F the
Prandtl number is 0.71 and GrPr is therefo~2.1 X 10 1• Fro-m Fig. 7-4 the average
Nusselt number is 38 at GrPr of 2.1 X 10 7 and therefore
= [
sq ft.
J[(1.31 + 1.5) Btu/hr sq ft F] (200 F)
= 187 Btu/hr Ana.
Note that more than half of the heat is transferred by radiation.
The equations for vertical plates can also be used to calculate free-
convection heat-transfer coefficients from the vertical surfaces of cylinders
with satisfactory accuracy.
The behavior of horizontal surfaces, however, is slightly different.
For heated square plates facing upward or cooled plates facing downward,
1\lcAdams (9) recommends the equation
hcL t
T = 0.14(GrLPr) (7-24)
a 90 60 30 0 30 60 75 00
.P(a) 0.76 0.75 0.72 0.66 0.58 0.46 0.36 0
--- - -- -- - - - -· -- - -- - - - - --- -
Bottom h:df Top h:tlf
, --~----------~----~--~----·~----~
\ oCr•42050
~ 0 t 0
~--~----~-- ~·~--~~=~~~----+---~----~ -----~--~
• • I ~
~-- ------+----;-~ -- ~~
Nu• I f -~--- 'r--·.:___·_,_!--..::----~-.:
-... +-l\_--t----;
: -r-i-,~
Cr''·: I : !
I ,_l
----+-----t-:----- _
:_l ~'
1-----+ - - - . _ __ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,____ - - t - - -+ ----t-----'"'t.'1
I ~
0 40 80 120 160
.\n equation for the average heat-transfer coefficient from single horizontal
wires or pipes in free convection, rflcommenderl by l\-fcAdams (9) on the
basis of the experimental data in Fig. 7-3, is
1'his equation is valid for Prandtl numbers larger than 0.5 and Grashof
numbers ranging from 10 3 to 109 • \Vhereas in the case of the vertical flat
plate the lower limit of Gr for which Eq. 7-20 is valid does not imply a
!'t'rious restriction in practical applications, it does in the case of Eq. 7-28
for a cylinder. There are many engineering problems where the heat
transfer from small wires is important. Since the diameter appears to
the third power in the Grashof number, very small values of this parameter
are not uncommon. For very small diameters, Langmuir has shown that
the rate of heat dissipation per unit length is nearly independent of the
wire diameter, a phenomenon he applied in his invention of the coiled fila-
m~nts in gas-filled incandescent lamps. The average unit-surface condur.-
correlates the available data (12) for cylinders larger than small wi rP~.
No data on small wires are available to date.
Equation 7-28 also applies to spheres at Gr > 10 3 when the spherP
radius is used as the characteristic length in N u and Gr. For very small
spheres when the Grashof number approaches zero, the N usselt numh(•r
approaches a value of 2. This condition corresponds to pure conduction
through a stagnant layer adjacent to the surface.
Example 7-2. A 1 ~-in.-OD pipe carrying slightly wet steam at 15 psi~ il" in~t::.diPd
in a location where it is covered by water after a heavy rain but is cxpo:-lcd to air under
normal conditions. Compare the rate of heat tmn~fer to uir with the rate of ht."'at
transfer to water, a...~suming that both fluids are at 50 F.
Solution: From steam tables we find that the temperature of the ~team at 15 p,.:i Jl.
i~ 250 F. Assuming that the pipe temperature equals the 8team temperature bee-aU:-'(_"'
the heat-transfer coefficient inside the pipe is large (Table 1-1), the meun film temiX'ra-
ture is 150 F. From Table A-3, the produ<"t of the Grashof and Pnmdt I numbers i~
GrvPr = (0.85 X 1011 )(200) = 3.3 X 10!> for air
he = Nu ~ = 1fl
0 384
~~~~h~ ft F = 23,6 Btu/hr sq ft F for water
The rate of heat loss by convection per foot length of pipe is therefore
Qc = heA(T, - Tcr:J = (236) (1.5/12) (200) - Ul 1688 Btu/hr ft in water
Qc = (1.66) (1.5/12) (200) ~ Btu/hr ft in air
'There is no appreciable radiation in water, but in air the heat transfer by radiation is
from Eq. 1-7
p'\/ ~ ----
v 1 f4
/ b ... t+
0.001 ··-· ·-
O.t tO tel 1ol to•
-(GrbPr)5 i
FIG. 7-10. Free-convection heat transfer
from two pamllE>l vert.tcal plates spaced a
distance b apart. At P the rate of heat
transfer pPr unit area is the maximum.
(Courtesy of \V. Elenbaa.o;;, ~. V. Philips'
Glocilampenfabrieken, Ref. 13)
where the subscript s indicates that JJ. and p are to be taken at Ts.
Example 7-3. EHtimate (a) the optimum spacmg and (b) the average heatl"'tran:-~ft•r
coefficient for vertical rectangular fins attached to the sides of an electronic devic<'
having the shape of a box. The height of the box is 6 in. and the maximum allowable
~urface temperature i~ 200 F. The cooling medium is still air at 100 F.
Solution: (a) The oplimum :-;pa<"in~ i~ calc·ulated from Eq. 7-33. l' 111ing property
values from Table .-\-3 we J(<'1
b = (0 ..5 ft.)l(0.144 X to-~lbru l ft t>Pr)1(500 R)t ( ~~)
opt (32.2 ft / :.-e(' 2 )1(0.()6lhm/ eu ft)~(IOO R)l ft
= 0.'295 in.
Thus, t.he fim; should he :-~paced about 0.3 in. apart. An ...:.
b) Although the temperature iH not constant. along the cooling nb!', we shall negleC't
the temperature variation to l"implify the rnl<'ulntion~. From Table .-\-3 we find
p {Jgc!_ = (GrbPr). = 0.594 X 106 nt. 200 F
'"'k b 3 ~T
Forb = 0.3/12 ft, 1.~ = OJ) ft, and ~ 1' = 100 F, we get b/ L (Grb Pr). = 0.464. From
Fig. 7-10 we find Nu". ~ 1.0 and
= ~ ~:~~~
fie Nu, c: X 1 .0 = 0.606 Btu/hr sq ft F A~~.
Additional information on free convection between parallel plates is pre-
~ented in Refs. 21 and 22.
The ordinate in Fig. 7-11 i the Nu elt number Nur - ii, rj k, and th
ab ci . i (r/ L) Grr Pr where, a in th pr viou ca , the phy i al prop r-
l I I I :---
- Ur,1 :: 1
..! IG<Pd
L r,s
~- [Y'•·l( .~; ~ q•
~I ~
~ I I_l
0 ..5
0 ~0 1--
0 .2
ol 0
1 ~
~ I om~L I
r-o ~r-s 1 0 I
0 .0.5
2o · -:1. .
~~ i:~t
5o - '
0 .02
0 01
· 0 1
~ w
02 0 .5 2
10 20
( Gr, Pr ~
50 100 200 500 I 000 2000 5000 10,000
10 J ---
1 ·-~ - -- --
-It 8
~~~--- ~
_l-- ....-
1ol 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 10 4 10 5 Jo• 101
Gr~ -__.
ttf' b
horizontal layers heated from below and when Grb is less than 8000 for
vertical layers. This means that, below these values of Grb, heat flows
only by conduction, or U = k 1 /b. As the Grashof number is increased,
convection currents are set in motion and the over-all unit conductance
increases. The motion is laminar until the Grashof numbers reach about
6 X 10 4 • In the horizontal position, the laminar motion is cellular and
looks somewhat like a honeycomb (Fig. 7-13). In the transition stage
between laminar and turbulent flow, Ubjk1 is nearly independent of Grb.
For Grb larger than 2 X 1()5, the flow is fully turbulent and
- = 0.0426 Grb 0 · 37 for horizontal layers (7-35)
- = 0.0317 Grb 0 · 37 for vertical layers (7-36)
It appears from the available data that the heat transfer per unit area in
enclosed air layers is independent of the size of the heat-transfer area as
long as the distance between the plates is small. One would therefore not
expect that compartmental partitions would influence the heat transfer.
At high temperature, radiation between the plates transfers appreciable
amounts of heat and the problem of insulation becomes one of reducing
radiation rather than convection.
In all of the problems considered so- far in this chapter, the force actuat-
ing free convection was gravity. However, free-convection processes,
similar to those discussed previously, occur also under the influence of
centrifugal forces. For example, in rotating components of turbines,
compressors, and jet-propulsion device:-;, the centrifugal-force field may be
many times larger than the gravitational force, and substantial free-convec-
tion velocities and effective heat transfer can he achieved without external
pumps or fans . o-de of the most important potential applications of free
connected to a coolant supply, and the cooling fluid fills the entire passage.
When the blades are heated by the combustion gases, the layer of cooling
fluid near the surface of the holes is heated and its density becomes smaller
than the density of the cooler liquid in the center of the passage. In the
rotating turbine, the fluid in the cooling passage is subjected to a centrifugal
acceleration equal to rw 2 , where w is the angular velocity and r is the radius.
Since the resultant centrifugal forces per unit volume prw2 are smaller in
the heated layer where the density is less than in the center, the warmer
fluid flows towards the axis of rotation. This motion is similar to that of
hot air rising near the surface of a vertical heated flat plate (Sec. 7-2).
and h-e = ~
8600 = 0.3B3 Btu/hr ft F 8fiiV\
2.5/12 ft 1'\J\J
= 16 200 B
' tu
/h R f F
r ·q t Ans.
40,000 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I 1 I I I I II I I I I I I I II I 1 1 1 I I I II I I I I I I I ill
r::r 20.000 I I l itIr i i i i i' -~. , I
/ /////
• I
/ /
rI I I T
L/ D -= 25 · Pr = 1 0
V 1
CJ ! ;u L I I II~ ~l v ..
1· ~ ~~
10.000 I ·- f f f '- L/ 0 = so: p, = · ·0- /
0 ?/ 1 f f f Vv .... ~
8000 _l I ' - /
c£,......... 6000 :T
-I -
i·.J. ,_
?.' t f /,
// '/
,. . .-. ,. ....... , ~
.. :
I~ ~ +
_:._ x -• ·
-"~ ~~XX~ 0 z
VlO 1
~~: II -:---- --rJ" _ 1 1· I •
0 ·····-·. __
200 1 1 1; .
l d "''""'· Rof.l · Cl)l ~ _
Hole Diameter ln,ufticienl
I Data
NACA ll •0 =2SI t-H l
Ref. 31
t-+-t-t I I I I I I I I I I f ft
Ifor Proper Flow. I
PasJCJge Choke•
G) 100 I I I I I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I II I I I
z .4 .6 1 • 10H 2 " 6 10 x 1on 20 40 60 100 ~~ 1ou 200 400 600 1000. 1ou 2000 4000 6000 10.000 x 1011
fGr Prl
FIG. 7- 15. Comparison of experimental and tlworctical turbulent free convect ion in restricted and unrestricted flow.
when the diameter of the cooling pas age is mall compared with its length,
o that the boundary lay r fills mo t of the pa age and the cooler core
become too mall to provide effective circulation. Thi eff ct i illu trated
in Fig. 7- 15 \\here xperimental data for natural convection cooling of
turbine blade with coolant pas age of 0.06 to 0.125 in. diam are compared
with Eq. 7- 22. The olid line was calculated from Eq. 7- 22 with Pr =
0.72 while the he vy dott d line repre ent an average of the experimental
r ult obtain d at NA A by Freche and Diaguila (31) with a 14-in.-diam
water-cooled turbine. While experimental results of everal inve tigators,
Section A·A
E . 7-22, the exp rim nta1 data obtained with fre -convection cooling of
the turbine blade fall below th cal u1at d v lu , b ing e ntially con-
nt over the range f Gra hof number inv ti t d. Thi indicat
th t the pas age iz limit d th flow and r du d h t transf r, compar d
with unr tricted flow. ckert and J n (1 ) h v tim t d th thi k-
ne of fr e-conv cti n bound ry 1 y r , nd th r ad r i r f rred t th ir
work for furth r inf rma i n. "hen m 11 hol must u d to r du
he thickne f lid mat rial through whi h the h t mu t flow b f r
r hing the c olant p , th circulati n c n ften impr v d by
nn ting a m 11 h 1 to I rg ron , a ho\\n in Fig. 7- 16. Th fl w
through the smaller hole is then only in one direction and is similar to fiow
through a pipe in forced convection.
transfer. At speeds greater than critical (Rew > 8000 in air) the peripheral
speed Reynolds number 1rD2w/v becomes the controlling parameter. The
combined effects of the Reynolds, Prandtl, and Grashof numbers on the
average Nusselt number for a horizontal cylinder rotating in air above the
critical velocity can be expressed by the empirical equation
hD o.n
NuD = k = 0.11 [ (0.5 Rew2 + Gr) Pr] (7-38)
eo 110
Rev/Min Rev/Min
l40 (Just
-~~"{!!!! Below
::i Critical)
~.. _j
{a) {b)
FIG. 7-18. Veloeity and boundary layer profiles for a disk rotating
in an infinite environment.
carried away at the rim by the radial velocity component as energy stored
in the fluid. The total rate of heat transfer from the disk to the fluid can
therefore be expressed as (see Fig. 7-18)
q,1rr .. = 21rr. fT v
,(y)c,.oT(y) Jay (7-39)
where the upper limit in the integral may be replaced by 8, the boundary
layer thickness. For a disk rotating in air below the critical velocity
\Vagner (30) evaluated the integral in Eq. 7-39 and found that
Nu,. = h~.
= c("':.'). (7-40)
and the average value of the Nusselt number for laminar flow between
r = 0 and rc, and turbulent flow in the outer ring between r = rc and
r o is approximately
To estimate the Nusselt number in the turbulent regime for heat transfer
to a fluid having Prandtl numbers larger than unity it is recommended
that the right-hand side of Eq. 7-41 be multiplied by Prl. This recom-
mendation is based on unpublished experimental data obtained by the
author in a system corresponding to Pr = 2.5.
7-1. An empirical equation proposed by Heilman (Trans. ASME, Vol. 51, 1929,
p. 287) for the unit-surface conductance in free convection from long horizontal cylin-
ders to air is
he == 1.016(T. - 7'00 ) 0 ·*
IJ0 ·2T l.uu
The corresponding equation in dimensionless form is
- - == C Gr, .. PrJ''
By comparing the two equations, determine those values of the constants C, m, and n
in the latter equation which will give the same results as the first equation.
7-2. Consider a design for a nuclear reactor using free-convection heating of liquid
bismuth. The reactor core is to be constructed of parallel vertical plates, 6 ft tall and
4 ft wide, in which heat is generated uniformly. Estimate the maximum possible
heat-dissipation rate from each plate if the surface temperature of the plate is not to
exceed 1600 F and the lowe~t allowable bismuth temperature is 600 F.
7-3. A 10-gal tank full of water at 60 F is to be heated to 120 F by means of a
~-in.-00 copper steam coil having I 0 tuml-l of 12 in. diameter. The steam is at atmospheric
pressure, and its thermal resistance is negligibly small. Neglecting heat losses from the
tank, el'ltimat~ t.h~ -h~~tii!.KJime requ~re«!.
7-4. An 8-in.-diam sphere containing liquid air (- 220 F) is covered with 2-in.-thick
glass wool. Estimate the rate of heat tran~fer to the liquid air from the surrounding
air at 70 F by convection and radiation. How would you reduce the heat transfer?
7-6. A horizontal 2f-in.-OD, 21-in.-ID 8team pipe carrying saturatoo steam at
50 psia is covered by 1-in.-thick molded-asbestos insulation. Estimate the rate of heat
loss to surrounding air at 70 F fora 100-ft length. \Vhat would be the quality of the steam
at the outlet if it is saturated at the inlet'? The unit-~urface conductance at the st~am
side is 2000 Btu/hr sq ft F and the average velocity is 10 fps.
7-6. A small transformer is to be cooled by free convection. The shell is 1 ft tall
and 1 ft by 1~-in. in cross section. Estimate the optimum spacing of vertical 4-in.-wide
flat-plate fins in air and in a light heat-transfer oil for an average surface temperature
of 200 F and a coolant temperature of 100 F. \Vhat is the rate of heat dissipation in
both cases?
7-7. Estimate the rate of heat transfer by free convection and radiation across a
j-in. air space formed between two horizontal 24-ST aluminum sheets, the upper one
of which is maintained at 300 F while the lower one remains at 70 F.
7-8. Repeat Prob. 7-7 for the case in which the air space is divided in half by a
very thin sheet of bright aluminum foil, placed parallel to the surface.
7-9. Estimate the heat-transfer coefficient in a free-convection-cooled turbine
the average Stanton number for turbulent flow of a fluid with Pr = 1 on a rotating disk
of radius ro is given by
- li l
St = CpfXtJTo
c = 0.0116(J~/r 2w)'
7-17. A mild steel, 1-in.-OD shaft, rotating in 70 Fair at 20,000 rpm, is attached to
two bearings, 2 ft apart. If the temperature at the bearings is 200 F, determine the
temperature distribution along the shaft. HINT: Show that for high rotational speeds
Eq. 7-38 approaches Nuv = 0.076 (rD2w/") 0 · 7 •
7-18. Estimate the rate of heat transfer from one side of a 6-ft-diam disk rotating
at 600 rpm in 70 Fair, if its surface temperature is 120 F.
7-19. A 4 ft by 4ft flat, chromeplated plate, supported horizontally on 6-ft legs, is
exposed to the sun at 12 o'clock noon on May l. If the air temperature is 80 F, (a)
determine the equilibrium t~mperature on an average clear day; (b) determine the equi-
librium temperature for an irradiation of 350 Btu/sq ft. hr.
7-20. Estimate the equilibrium temperature of a polished aluminum plate mounted
on an insulating pad when exposed on a clear day to the noon sun. The irradiation is
255 Btu/sq ft hr and the ambient temperature is 80 F. Assume that the effective sky
temperature is also 80 F.
The heating and cooling of fluids flowing inside conduits are among the
n1ost important heat-transfer processes in engineering. The design and
analysis of all types of heat exchangers requires a knowledge of the heat-
transfer coefficient between the wall of the conduit and the fluid flowing
inside it. ·The sizes of boilers, economizers, superheaters, and preheaters
depend largely on the unit-convective conductance between the inner sur-
face of the tubes and the fluid. Also, in the design of air-conditioning and
refrigeration equipment, it is necessary to evaluate heat-transfer coefficients
for fluids flowing inside ducts. Once the heat-transfer coefficient for a
given geometry and specified flow conditions is known, the rate of heat
transfer at the prevailing temperature difference can be calculated from
the equation
[ 1-13]
The same relation can also be used to determine the area required to trans-
fer heat at a specified rate for a given temperature potential.
The heat-transfer coefficient he can be calculated from the Nusselt
number he D 8 /k, as shown in Sec. 6-4. For flow in long tubes or conduits
(Fig. 8-la) the significant length in the Nusselt number is the hydraulic
diameter DH, defined as
flow cross-sectional area
DH = 4------------------- (8-1)
wet ted perimeter
For a tube or a pipe the flow cross-sectional area is 7rD 2 /4, the wetted
perimeter is 1rD, and therefore the inside diameter of the tube equals the
hydraulic diameter. For an annulus formed between two concentric tubes
(Fig. 8-lb) we have
_ _(7r l 4)(Dt 2 - D·l)
Du 4 (8-la)
1r(D1 + D2)
I "
-- ---
____ ..... ..,
I ....
....... _..... _ -
(a) (b)
Arbitrary eross-scetion Aunulus
Fw. 8-1. Hydraulic diu.nwter.
sectional area of the conduit during a given time interval would assume if
the fluid were collected and mixed in a cup.
The usc of the fluid bulk temperature as the reference temperature in
Eq. 1-13 allows us to make heat balances readily because, in the steady
state, the difference in the average bulk temperature between two sections
of a conduit is a direct measure of the rate of heat transfer, or
q = mc,~T,
In long ducts, where the entrance effects are not important, the flow is
laminar when the Reynolds number is below 2100. In the range of
Reynolds numbers between 2100 and 10,000, the transition from laminar
to turbulent flow takes place. The flow in this regime is called transitional.
At a Reynolds number of about 10,000, the flow becomes fully turbulent.
In laminar flow through a duct, just as for laminar flow over a plate,
there is no mixing of warmer and colder fluid particles by eddy motion
and the heat transfer takes place solely by conduction. Since all fluids
with the exception of liquid metals have small thermal conductivities, the
heat-transfer coefficients in laminar flow are relatively small. In trans-
itional flow a certain amount of mixing occurs by means of eddies which
carry warmer fluid into cooler regions, and vice versa. Since the mixing
motion, even if it is only on a small scale, accelerates the transfer of heat
considerably, a marked increase in the heat-transfer coefficient occurs
above Re = 2100. This is illustrated in Fig. 8-2 where experimentally
measured values of the average Nusselt number for atmospheric air flowing
~ Nu aReo..l
2. 0
- ..,.....
1. 0
100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10,000 20,000 50,000
FIG. 8-2. N usselt number vs. Reynolds number for air flowing in a pipe.
TurbulentCore 7 -b -_,- ) f) J ; t
FIG. 8-3. Flow pattern for a fluid flowing turbulently
through a pipe.
the surface of the conduit occurs in this layer. The turbulent portion
of the flow field, on the other hand, offers little resistance to the flow of
heat. The only effective method of increasing the heat-transfer coefficient
is therefore to decrease the thermal resistance of the laminar boundary
layer. This can be accomplished by increasing the turbulence in the main
stream so that the turbulent eddies can penetrate deeper into the laminar
layer. An increase in turbulence, however, is accompanied by large energy
losses which increase the frictional pressure drop in the conduit. In the
design and selection of industrial heat exchangers, where not only the
initial cost but also the operating expenses must be considered, the pressure
drop is an important factor. An increase of the flow velocity yields higher
heat-transfer coefficients which, in accordance with Eq. 1-13, decrease
the size and consequently also the initial cost of the equipment for a
specified heat-transfer rate. At the same time, however, the pumping
cost increases. The optimum design therefore requires a compromise
between the initial and operating costs. In practice it has been found that
increases in pumping costs and operating expenses often outweigh the
saving in the initial cost of heat-transfer equipment under continuous
~ r lominor Subloyer
4 l l u h r Loyer
~00 /,
f ,_.,.,- ~
- ~ ,.._ ~ /
p~ /
v•mo• v / ~
I ~ /
/l 0.7< I~~
. 0.01 'l /
~ 0.6
I I ~~0.001
/ /
I I ~
0 ..4 vj / :/
/~ '\0
j /
I ~/
ReD •10,000
/j I'
r 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0
lotto Lro
FIG. 8-4. Effect of Prandtl number on the temperature
profile for turbulent flow in a long pipe. (Extracted from
"Heat Transfer to l\Iolten l\letals,' by H. C. :\lartinclli,
Trans. ASl.tE, Vol. 69, 1947, with permis.'lion of the pub-
lishers, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
~pecific heat; their Prandtl numbers are therefore small, ranging from
0.005 to 0.01. The Prandtl numbers of ga~cs range from 0.6 to 0.9. l\Iost
oils, on the other hand, have large Prandtl numbers because their vi~cosity
is large and their thermal conductivity is small.
Entrance effects. In addition to the Reynold~ number and the Prandtl
number, several other factors can influence the conditions of heat transfer by
forced convection. For example, when the conduit is short (L/ Du < 50),
entrance effects are important. As a fluid enters a duct with a uniform
velocity, the fluid immediately adjacent to the tube wall is brought to
rest. For a short distance from the entrance a laminar boundary layer is
formed along the tube wall. If the turbulence in the entering fluid stream
is· high, the boundary layer will quickly become turbulent. I rrespectivc
of \vhether the boundary layer remains laminar or becomes turbulent, it
will increase in thickness until it fills the entire duct. From this point on,
the velocity profile across the duct remains essentially unchanged.
The development of the thermal boundary layer in a fluid which is
heated or cooled in a duct is qualitatively similar to that of the hydro-
_ _ _.,..X
' ·'
FIG. 8-5. Velocity distributions, temperature profiles and variation of
the unit-convective conductance near the inlet of a tube for air being cooled
in laminar flow.
and 8-6 illustrate qualitatively the growths of the boundary layers as well
as the variations in the local unit-convective conductance near the entrance
of a tu,be for laminar and turbulent conditions respectively. An inspection
of these figures shows that the unit-thermal conductance varies considerably
near the entrance. If the entrance is square-edged, as in most heat ex-
changers, the initial development of the hydrodynamic and thermal
boundary layers along the walls of the tube is quite similar to that along
a flat plate. Consequently, the conductance is largest near the entranre
and decreases along the duct until both the velocity and the temperature
profiles for the fully developed flow have been established. If the pipe
Reynolds number for the fully developed flow VDp/,.,. is below 2100, the
entrance effects may be appreciable for a length as much as 50 diameters
from the entrance. For velocities corresponding to turbulent-pipe Rey-
nolds numbers, the entrance effects disappear about 10 diameters from
the entrance.
Variation of physical properties. Another factor which can influence
the heat transfer and friction considerably is the variation of physical
,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Growth of
--+-- - -
Boundary layers
----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---
t9 t9 tq 1
- -- -- ~-
Distribution _
laminar "'
Loyer Turbulent Boundary layer fully Established Velocity Distribution
FIG. 8-6. Velocity distribution and variation of unit-
convective conductance near the entrance of a tube for a
fluid in turbulent flow.
This relation, as shown in Sec. 6-9, takes into account the heat flow by
conduction as well as by eddy convection. In purely laminar flow En = 0,
and, except for liquid metals, the term k I pep is negligible in highly turbulent
motion. Similarly, the shearing stress caused by the combined action of
the viscous forces and the turbulent momentum transfer is given by
T ,g Y ) ( p. ) d ll
p c (
1 - --;::- = - -;; + E.\[ dy (8-6)
A,pc, r,
q, ( 1 - - - - - k
( + EH) -
If EH = EM, the brackets on the right-hand side of Eqs. 8-5 and 8-G are
equal provided the molecular diffusivity of momentum Jl l p equals the
molecular diffusivity of heat k/ pe,, that is, when the Prandtl number i~
unity. Dividing Eq. 8-6 by Eq. 8-5 yields under these restrictions
q, du = -dT (8--7)
Equation 8-7 can be integrated between the wall where u = 0 and T = T$.
and the bulk of the fluid where u = V and T = Tb. The integration then
since he- is by definition equal to q,/ A, (T, - Tb). ~Iultiplying the numer-
ator and the denominator of the right-hand side of Eq. 8-9 by 1) 1111k
and regrouping yields
ii,.D HJlk k 11
c,pV D11Jlk VD11p Re Pr
which we recognize as the Stanton number, St. To bring the left-hand
side of Eq. 8-9 into a more convenient form, we make a force balance on
a cylindrical mass of fluid as shown in Fig. 8-7. The pressure difference
Pt - P2 exerts the force (Pt - p2) 1rD 2/ 4, which is balanced in steady flow
by the shear at the wall, or
(Pt - P2)D
T, = (8--11)
In fluid mechanics the pressure drop is usually expressed in terms of a
drag-friction coefficient I as2
L pV2
P1- P2 = 4f--- (8--12)
D 2gc
Substituting Eq. 8-13 for r, in Eq. 8-9 finally yields the equation
f- (8-14)
St = RePr 2
which is known as the Reynolds analogy. 3 It agrees fairly well with experi-
mental data for heat transfer in gases whose Prandtl number is nearly unity.
According to experimental data for fluids flowing in smooth tubes in
the range of Reynolds numbers from 10,000.
to 120,000, the friction coeffi-
- ~ - ..._~ -
tIt should be noted that some authors write Eq. 8-12 in the form
L pV1
Pt - Pt == f D-W D 2g,
This expression is called the Darcy-Weisbach form. The friction
factor f D- w is four times larger than the drag-friction coefficient by definition.
a The Reynolds analogy can be extended to mass transfer. The analogies among
mass-, heat-, and momentum-transfer will be discussed in Chapter 13.
- ~
!:!,~ r-
0 \ J)l 0
0 .0$I ; .\ n
.« a. ~·.;\t'
,........ 0
\\ .01
(i) OI S
~ ...... <
... m
I\ ~ ' ~ 1---
......_ ,_ .01 n
~Q, \
~ ~
.... _,_ '- oat -4
~ f.-
..... ........_
!... 03
~~ ~-
' j z
• ~
.004 J
J 02$I t z
J ~~
i .02
:--...... -- ...
00 1
z ~ :--..... 0006 c
~~0 .ouI
t§::: ~--..
- - 0004 OJ
- --
-...... (/')
~~: 0001
......_ ...
.000 1 z
13::d ~ 1- 0
n ~ ~ t-. .ooo.os
.0 I 0
I -....;::::::
-....; r-- c
I~ '
"""~~tt,; $ n
z ~ ~::-... - r- -4
.DOl ... , - - - -· - - - .. - ..... -
- . o• (/')
F10. 8-8. Friction vs. Reynolds number for laminar and turbulent flow in tubes of various surface rough·
ncsses. (Extracted from "Friction Factor for Pipe Flow," by L. F. Moody, puhlishPd in Trans. ASM E,
Vol. 66, 1944, with pcrmiR.Sion of tho publishers, Tho American Society of 1\fccluurical Engln eN~)
\Ve observe that, in fully established turbulent flow, the convective-
unit conductance is directly proportional to the velocity raised to the 0.8
·power and inversely proportional to the tube diameter raised to the 0.2
power. For a given flow rate, an increase in the tube diameter reduces
the velocity and thereby causes a decrease in he proportional to 1/DL 8•
The use of small tubes and high velocities is therefore conducive to large
heat-transfer coefficients, but at the same time the power required to
overcome the frictional resistance is increased. In the design of heat-
exchange equipment it is therefore necessary to strike a balance between
the gain in heat-transfer rates achieved by the use of ducts having small
cross-sectional areas, and the accompanying increase in pumping require-
Figure 8-8 shows the effect of surface roughness on the friction coeffi-
cient. \Ve observe that the friction coefficient increases appreciably with
the relative roughness, defined as ratio of the average asperity height E to
the diameter D. According to Eq. 8-14 one would expect that roughening
the surface, which increases the friction coefficient, also increases the
ronvective conductance. Experiments performed by Cope (8) arc quali-
tatively in agreement with this prediction, but even a considerable increase
in surface roughness improves the rate of heat transfer only very little. 4
Since an increase in the surface roughness causes a substantial increase in
the frictional resistance, Cope found that, for the same pressure drop, the
rate of heat transfer obtained from a smooth tube is larger than from a
rough one.
The equations relating the Nusselt number to the flow conditions have
heen developed above for fluids having a Prandtl number of unity. The
analogy between heat and momentum transfer has also been applied to
fluids having Prandtl numbers other than unity (2,3,4,5,6,7). However,
when the Prandtl number is not equal to unity, it is necessary to obtain a
relationship between the velocity u and the coordinate y, as well as between
the molecular diffusivities of heat and momentum, to integrate Eq. 8-6.
11artinelli (5), in a refinement of the simple analogy, assumed that E.v = Eu
and used experimental data obtained by Nikuradse (9) to perform the
integration. For the purpose of his analysis he divided the flow field into
three separate regions:
• The effect of surface roughness on heat transfer to air has hcen investigated recently
in detail by Nunner (23). The results of his theory and expNiment~ eorroboratt.' Cope's
eonclusion qualitatively.
sublayer and the turbulent core, the eddies build up in intensity and
the transition between laminar and turbulent flow takes place.
3. A turbulent core in the center of the duct.
Although, as Deissler (7) has pointed out, the subdivision of the flow
field is somewhat artificial and ceases to be valid for large Prandtl numbers.
it is helpful in visualizing the fluid flow and heat-flow mechanisms. Figure
8-4 shows the cross-sectional temperature distribution in dimensionless
coordinates for flow through a tube at a Reynolds number of 10,000. \Ve
observed that, for a viscous oil (Pr = 100), about 95 per cent of the total
temperature drop occurs in the laminar sublayer, whereas for a liquid
metal (Pr = 0.01), it is less than 5 per cent. For air, the temperature and
velocity fields are nearly identical, as would be expected from the Reynolds
analogy. As mentioned earlier, the reason why the thermal resistance of
the laminar sublayer is only a small fraction of the total resistance in the
case of a liquid metal is that the molecular diffusivity term k/ pc, in Eq.
8-6 is much larger than EH when the thermal conductivity of the liquid is
large. Hence, the main contribution to the total heat transfer comes from
the conduction mechanism when the Prandtl number is small, whereas for
fluids having a large Prandtl number the conduction is negligible compared
to mixing in the bulk of the fluid.
The term StPrl is usually called the Colburn j-factor in the heat-transfer
To account for the variation in physical properties due to the tempera-
ture gradient, ~IcAdams (11) recommends that all of the physical properties
~. -Digitized by Coogle~
Original from
'vhere G = p V, i.e., the mass velocity per square foot of cross section in
lbm/hr sq ft. Equation 8-20 has been found to correlate the results of
numerous experimenters for moderate temperature differences, T. - Tb,
\vi thin 30 per cent. In many practical problems the wall temperature and
the bulk temperature are unfortunately not directly available, and then a
trial-and-error solution becomes necessary. For this type of problem the
Stanton number can often be evaluated more conveniently by a method
'vhich was originally suggested by Sieder and Tate (12) and later improved
by Kays and London (13). This method uses, for gases flowing in long
ducts, an equation of the type
F0r liquids having Prandtl numbers larger than 1.0 the exponent n of th
viscosity ratio (p., j J.Lb) in Eq. 8-22 is
The variation of the Stanton number with the Prandtl number in Eq. - 22
is shown graphically in Fig. 8- 9 for variou value of the bulk R yn 1 ,
number GD H / p.. This graph i based on an analy i by Dei l r (7 f I
circular tubes which is in excellent agreement with availabl xp rim
results. Its use is recommended to evaluate the Nu elt number f r h t-
ing and cooling of liquid when large wall-to-fluid temp ratur cliff rene .
exist. For liquid having Prandtl numbers larg r than unit) Eq. 8- 22 p-
plies to any type of wall-temperature variation, so that no di tin
between uniform heat input and uniform wall temperatur 1 nee a
25 ~~ ~
'""~~ "~ -t,
,.-.._ 20
~~ """""" '-...o ' J
~ ~ ~ ~ ........ i'-
' ~ ........
" ..........
........ ........
t-.... .........
t-.... .........
....... ['........~ .....................
5 ~""' ~ r--............. .......
~~ ~~
" ~~
~ ~
~ ~"'-- .......
. 2.5
.""' ~t---. ' :---. ........
~ .......
1.5 I""
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 .20 25 30 40 50 607080 100
Note - n = "0.36 for Heating
na0.20 for Cooling
Fro. 8- 9. Varia ion of the , tanton number with Prandtl number for
variou valu of th bulk R ynold number. (By p rmi ion fr m
W. M. Kay and A. L. London, ornpact Heat E xchangers, K tional
Pr , Palo Alto, 1955)
For gases and liquids flowing in short circular tubes (2 < LID < 60)
with abrupt contraction entrances, the entrance configuration of greatest
interest in heat-exchanger design, the entrance effect for Reynolds num-
bers corresponding to turbulent flow (II) can be represented approximately
by the equation
Untermeyer !lead-bismuth plus magnesium) .,.. ~ Nu = 0.62SPeOA
..- S.ban lleod-bismuthl
,......... l~ltoff and Or- (mercury; inside wall temperatures [0
(\) Q-
u 6
cokuloted from Auid temperature profiles)
lsakoff and Drew (mercury; inside wall temperatures
calculated from outside wall temperatures)
0 John~n. HartneH, and Clobauoh llead-bismuthl
Cl Styriltovich and S.menovlter (mercury)
t> MacDonald and QuiHenton hodiuml
0~ ~ ~~
'!G ~•..L ~~ )
~~ Pb~
A. AL\
' 0
<I Elser lmercuryl
t> "~
-- -
~ ""v lit.
~ r.:::l'lli
'.o '1
- 0
.lr. . ~ ~Sol\
z D (/)
':. ~~ <13~
l:h £.,/\~ r-..1\
~ ~~ ~
c 6 r" "'
z iDJ""' <J
< ~~ ~ ~§ ~~ ~~
) ~ FJ<J c
m b ~<J
::0 c1 51. OJ
· c; ~ [~ ... [> [;l
p~ ,<J m
t>r>~ ~
::::1 -{:}(
I 0~ A
I ""T1 ~ "0
n J 0
' Gl
p D
.... .... c
z '-10 toa to' 104 10'
Pedet Number Pe = leD Pr (/)
Fw. 8--10. Comparison of measured and predicted Nm~"4elt number for liquid metals heated in long tubes with constant heat in-
put. (Courtesy of National Advisory COmmittee for Aeronautics, NACA TN 3336)
Solution: Firl-lt we determine the He~·nol< number to determine whether the flow
JH laminar or turbulent. Evaluating the viscosit~· at the bulk temperature we get
Re _ VDp _ (10 ft/sec)(l/12 ft)(l.03)r62.4 lbm/fP)
15 600
Db p. - (5.1 centipoiscs)(0.000672 lbm/SN' ft./centipoise) = '
and thus establish that the flow is turbulent. The avPrnge film temperature according
to Eq. 8-19 is
T 1 = 0.5 (T, Tb)= 0.5 (68 +
212) = 140 F +
and the Reynolds number HeD/ is 56,800 when the viscrn~ity is taken at T 1• The
Prandtl number, based on the property values at the hulk temperature, is
Cp. (0.5 Btu/lhm F) (5.1) (0.000672 lhm/:"Pe ft) (3600 sec/hr)
Pr - - - :a 61 5
k 0.100 Btu/hr ft F ·
[The conversion factor (0.000{)72 lbm/sec ft ;'centipoise) is taken from Appendix 11.1
\Vhen the properties are taken at 7'/1 the Prandtl number is 18.4. Using Eq. 8-20 to
evaluate the unit-convedive conductance we have, after some rearrangement,
1ic: -
k, ReD G.8Pr °· 13 = 0.023 (0.098) (10,100)(2.58) - 710 Btu/hr sq ft F
0 .023D 1 1
St ( ;; ) ,. = 2. 7 X to-•
For heating liquids n = 0.36 and the viscosity correction factor is
( ~)"
-= (~)O.M
= 2.16
\Ve note that, for the example which represents unusually large viscosity
variations (P.b/ p.. = 8.5), Deissler's analysis predicts a value of he which is
6 per cent smaller than the value predicted by l\fcAdams' empirical equa-
tion. This sort of discrepancy between different methods is not unusual
in convective heat transfer.
Example 8-2. Determine the unit thermal convective conductance for water
flowing at a velocity of 10 fps in an annulus formed between a 1-in.-OD tube and a
J !-in.-ID tube. The water is at 180 F and is being cooled. The temperature of the
inner wall is 100 F, and the outer wall of the annulus is insulated. Neglect entrance
effects and compare the results of Eqs. 8-20 and 8-22. The properties of water are
given in the accompanying tabulation.
T A: p c
(F) "'
(lhm/hr ft) (Btu/hr ft F) Obm/cu ft) (Btu/Ibm F)
Solution: The hydraulic diameter Dn for this geometry is 0.5 in. The Reynolds
number based on the hydraulic diameter and the bulk temperature properties is
VDIIP (10 ft/sec)(0.5/12 ft)(62lbm/cu ft)(3600 sec/ hr)
Re Db a: = 0.75 lbm/hr ft
= 125,000
Based on the mean film temperature T ,, the Reynolds number is ReD! = 82,000.
The Prandtl number at the hulk temperature i~
Pr, =- Cp. =- (1.0 Btu/lhm F)(0.75 lhm/hr ft) = 1. 92
k 0.39 Btu/hr ft. F
and at T 1 , we find that Pr1 = 3.0. According to Eq. 8-20 we have
St = - - = 0.023 ReD 1 ~ · 2 Pr1-i
= 0.023/(9.6 X 2.08) = 0.00! 15
so that he :::a (1 Btu / Ibm F) (62 lbm/cu ft) (10 ft/aec) (3600 sec/hr) (0.00115)
= 2570 Btu/hr sq ft F
Using Fig. 8-9, we get
tabli hed much more rapidly than the velocity profile a a result of the
me 1 'high thermal conductivity, and the a sumption of a uniform velocity
profile may not inv lve large errors for many applications. For gase , the
temperature and velocity profile develop nearly at equal rates along the
tub nd the actual behavior of both mu t be considered in a heat-transfer
naly i .
Effect of free convection. An additional complication in the determina-
ion of a heat-transfer coefficient in laminar flow ari e when the buoyancy
f rce are of the same order of magnitude a the external forces due to the
forced circulation. Such a condition may ari e in oil cooler when low
fio\v v locities are employed. AI o, in the cooling of rotating parts, such
ro or blades of ga turbine and ramjet attached to the propellers of
heli opter , the free-convection force may be o large that their effect on
h v I city pattern cannot be neglected ev n in high-velocity flow. When
th buoy ncy fore are in th arne dire tion a th xternal force ,
.g., he gravitational fore uperi mpo d n upward ft w, they increase
he rate of heat tran fer. When the external and buoyancy forces act in
---- 7
- · - 3.0
- · · - 3.0
Ref 16
Pr "" 0 .7
l / 0=5
laminar Turbulenl
opposite direction, the heat transfer is reduced. Eckert (16) studied heat
transfer in mixed flow in a vertical pipe, and his results are shown quali-
tatively in Fig. 8-11. In the darkly shaded area, the contribution of free
convection to the total heat transfer is less than 10 per cent, whereas in
the lightly shaded area, forced-convection effects are less than 10 per cent
and free convection predominates. In the unshaded area, both free and
forced convection are of the same order of magnitude. These results are
only qualitative; they are presented primarily to call attention to the
existence of phenomena of mixed flow. In cases where it is doubtful
whether forced- or free-convection flow applies, the heat-transfer coeffi-
cient is generally calculated by using forced- and free-convection relation~
separately, and the larger one is used ( 11). The accuracy of this rule of
thumb is estimated to be about 25 per cent.
Correlations and empirical equations. The details of the mathematical
solutions for purely laminar flow are beyond the scope of this text. Refer-
ences listed at the end of this chapter, especially Refs. 17 and 18, contain
the mathematical background for the engineering equations and graphs
which are presented and discussed in this section.
For engineering applications it is most convenient to'~ent the result~
of analytical and experimental investigations in terms of a N usselt number
NuD = -k-
reciprocal of the Graetz number Gz. To determine the mean value of the
Nus elt number for a given tube of length Land diameter D, one evaluates
the Reynolds number Rev, the Prandtl number Pr, form the dimensionless
parameter Rev PrD/ L, and enters the curve of Fig. 8-12. The selection
of the curve representing the conditions which most nearly correspond to
the phy ical conditions depends on the nature of the fluid and the geometry
of the system. For high-Prandtl-number fluids, uch as oils, the velocity
profile is established much more rapidly than the temperature profile .
100 v
80 /
60 +-i Very " long " Tubes VUy "ShOrt'";; Tub.s ............ / ,., v
I / k
v .,/"'_
,., .....
,....v / :,....
Groetz Uniform V locoty, ~
vv _...1--'"'"'
Pohlhausen Modified for Tube Pr=0.7, .,.,.- / ~--- ~
) v ... ~
'"' le .. eque Approximotoon
I l l l _l
~ ::::- " Pohlhousen Flat Plate Pr = 0 .7
-- '-
- --~
...... r--
~ ~
J - Region of Interest in
Gal Flow Heat E~tchangen ~-
2 I I I I I
0 .I 0 I .5 0.2 0.3 0 .4 0.6 0 8 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8 .0 10 1.5 20 30 ~0 60 80 100
Re 0 Pr D
----=....,, . - X I 0- 2
solution for slug flow. For very short t.ub~s or rectangular ducts with
initially uniform velocity and temperature distribution, the flow condition:.;
along the wall approximate those along a flat plate, and the Pohlhausen
analysis presented in Sec. 6-7 is expected to yield satisfactory results for
liquids having Prandtl numbers hetween 1.0 and 15.0. The Pohlhauscn
solution applies (18, 19) when L / D is less than 0.00-!8 ReD for tuhes and
when L / /) is les.~ than 0.0021 ReDn for flat ducts of a rectangular cro:':-;
section. For these conditions the Pohlhausen equation for flow over a flat
plate can he converted to the coordinat(ls of Fig. 8-12, or
RenPrD 1
NuD- - - - - I n (8-27)
1 - - Pr 0 · 167 (He~·PrJJ7L) o.:~
Conlt . Temperature Difference
I _.... ~ I--'
Langhaar V•locity -..., I
· 1.,.----
J..,...- t/""'
\ _. j,....o-"
_, 1:/ .\.--
8 _. """" 1
L--::: ~
- j.....-- n
~'!ant Wall. Tem~roture
~ Longhaor Velocity
Parabolic Velocity
e::::::: ~----~ I I I
2 I I I
. .2 .3 ... .5 .6 .8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.010.0
ReD Pr D
---=---=--- X I 0- 2
Original from
;; - -
-Nu = 1.86(RenPrD/L) 0 · 33
p., (8-28)
where the empirical correction factor (P.b/ p.,) 0·14 is introduced to account for
the effect of the temperature variation on the physical properties.
In liquids the viscosity decreases with increasing temperature, while in
gases the reverse trend is observed. \Vhen a liquid is heated, the fluid
near the wall is less viscous than the fluid in the center. Consequently,
the velocity of the heated fluid near the wall is larger than for an unheated
fluid, hut less in the center. The distortion of the parabolic velocity
profile for liquids when heating or cooling is shown in Fig. 8-14. For
gases the conditions are reversed, but the variation of density with tempera-
ture introduces additional complications.
0.1 ,
I 0
i ::0
CJ n
0 0
~ .. '
~ ~~L/DH=loo <
~ n
I~ ~ ~~
~ I I
~ ........ ="" z
"" ""
8 ~ i I
c-. 7 ........ J l
. .Q
0 ~
~ I
4 r---L/ ~H ~ 2.~- K
i' l"~
~,..... ·""' '
.... ~ "~
~~ -- .... -I'- ......
33 -r--
./ ./ ;.."
I I .......... 1--.
.~ I~ r- r- ~
z 2i
' .L ~ ~
r-- r- r-r--
< I ~~ ~"'t-- Cl'
:::0 r--- r- ,... m
l/'10 ~'-t- ~""-- ,... t--b (/)
~<9: 0.00 I
:::J 102 103 10 4 105 106 10 7
0~ z
:s:a Reynolds Number p YDH/.Ub 0
FIG. 8-15. Recommended curves for determining heat-transfer coefficient in the transition rf'Jl:ime. (R('printPd from 0
G) c
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 28, p. 1429, DecembPr Hl36, with JWrmis..-,ion of the eopyright O\\·ner, The n
American Chemical Hocil•ty) (I)
~: )".
\Vhere n = 0.25 for a gas heating in a tube, and 0.08 for a gas cooling in a
Effect of heat transfer on the friction coefficient. The variation in
physical properties also affects the friction coefficient. To evaluate the
friction coefficient of fluids being heated or cooled it is suggested that, for
liquids, one modifies the isothermal friction coefficient by
3. T. von Karman, "The Analogy between Fluid Friction and Heat Transfer,"
Trans. ASJrlE, Vol. 61 (1939), p. 705.
4. L. l\1. K. Boelter, R. C. Martinelli, and F. Jonassen, "Remarks on the Analogy
Between Heat and :\tomentum Transfer," Trarnt. ASJrl E, Vol. 63 (1941), pp. 447--455.
5. R. C. Martinelli, "Heat Transfer to MoltPn Metals," Trans. ASM E, Vol. 69
(1947), p. 947.
6. R. G. Deissler, "Investigation of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Smooth
Tubes Including the Effect of Variable Properties," Trans. ASJrlE, Vol. 73 (1951 ). p. 101.
7. R. G. Deissler, "Analysis of Turbulent Heat Transfer, .Mass Transfer and Fric-
tion in Smooth Tubes at High Prandtl and Schmidt Numbers," N ACA TN 3145, l\la.\·,
8. W. F. Cope, "The Friction and Heat Transmission Coefficients of Rough Pipe$,''
Proc. /nat. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 145 (1941), p. 99.
9. J. Nikuradse, "Wiederstandsgesetz und Geschwindigkeit von turbulenten \Va.---
serstrohmungen in glatten und rauhen Rohren," Proc. 3rd Int.. Cong. Appl. Mech., Vol. 1
(1930), p. 239.
10. A. P. Colburn, "A Method of Correlating Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Data and a Comparison with Fluid Friction," Trans. A/ChE, Vol. 29 (1933), p. 174.
11. W. l\1. 1\lcAdams, Heat Transmission, 3d ed. (New York: :McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., 1954.)
12. E. N. Sieder and C. E. Tate, "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Liquids in
Tubes," Ind. E'lfl· Chem., Vol. 28 (1936), p. 1429.
13. W. M. Kays and A. L. London, "Compact Heat Exchangers-A Summary of
Basic Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Design Data," Tech. Rep. 23, Stanford Univer-
sity, 1954.
14. R. G. Deissler, "Turbulent Heat Transfer and Frietion in the Entrance Regions
of Smooth Passages," Trans. ASME, Vol. 77 (1955), pp. 1221-1234.
15. R.N. Lyon, Ed., Liquid Metals Handbook, 3d ed. (Washington, D. C.: Atomic
Energy Commission and Department of the Navy, 1952.)
16. R. G. Eckert and A. J. Diaguila, "Convective Heat Transfer for !\fixed Free
and Forced Flow Through Tubes," Trans. ASM E, Vol. 76 (1954), pp. 497-504.
17. T. B. Drew, "Mathematical Attacks on Forced Convection Problems: A Re-
view," TraM. A/ChE, Vol. 26 (1931 ), p. 26.
18. W. M. Kays, "Numerical Solution for Laminu.r Flow Heat Transfer in Circ~ular
Tubes," TraTUJ. ASME, Vol. 77 (1955), pp. 1265-1274.
19. R. H. Norris and D. D. Streid, .. Laminar-Flow Heat-Transfer Coefficient.s for
DuctR," Trans. ASME, Vol. 62 (1940), p. 525.
20. B. Lubarsky and S. J. Kaufman, "Review of Experimental Investigations of
Liquid-Metal Heat Transfer," N ACA TN 3336, 195.5.
21. J. P. Hartnett, "Experimental Determination of the Thermal Entrance :U.ngth
for the Flow of Water and of Oil in Circular Pipes," Trans. ASME, Vol. 77 (1955), pp.
22. L. l\1. K. Boelter, D. Young, and H. \V. Iverson, "An Investigation of Aircraft
Heaters-XXVII Distribution of Heat Transfer Rate in the Entrance Section of n Cir-
eular Tube,'' N ACA TN 14.51, 1948.
23. W. Nunner, "Wiirmeiibergang and Druckabfall in Rauhen Rohren, '' r J)f
Forschr.mgshrft No. 455, V /)/ Verlag G:\1 B;.\1, Duesseldorf, 1956.
l) 8-1. \Vater at an avera~c temperature of 80 F is flowing through a smooth 2-in.-ID
pipe at a velocit~· of 3 fps. If the temperature at the inner surface of the pipe is 120 F.
determine (a) the unit-surface conductance, (b) the rate of heat flow per foot of pipe,
(c) the bulk-temperature rise per foot, and (d) the pressure drop per foot in psi.
Ans. (a) ii = 620 Btu/hr sq ft F ( ::1:: 10%); (b) q/ft = 13,000 Btujhr;
(c) 6T /ft = 0.89 F; (d) 6p/ft ~ 1 psi (depending on roughness)
8-2. A double-pipe heat exchanger is used to condense steam at 1 p.~ia. \Vater at
an average bulk temperature of 50 F flows at 10 fps through the inner pipe (copper,
1 in. ID, 1.2 in. OD). Steam at its saturation temperature flows in the annulus formed
between the outer surface of the inner pipe and an outer pipe of 2 in. ID. The average
unit-surface conductance of the condensing steam is 1000 Btu/hr sq ft F, and the thermal
resistance of a surface scale on the outer surface of the copper pipe is 0.001 hr sq ft
F /Btu. Determine (a) the over-all heat-transfer coefficient between the steam and the
water based on the outer area of the copper pipe. Also sketch the thermal circuit and
(b) evaluate the temperature at the inner surface of the pipe. (c) Estimate the length
required to condense 1 lb of steam. A ns. U = 350 Btu/hr sq ft F; T ~' = 65 F
8-3. Determine the rate of heat transfer per foot length to a light oil flowing
through a 1-in.-ID, 2-ft-long copper tube at a velocity of 6 fpm. The oil enters the
tube at 60 F and the tube is heated by steam condensing on its outer surface at atmos-
pheric pressure with a unit-surface conductance of 2000 Btu/hr sq ft F. The properties
of the oil at various temperatures are listed in the accompanying tabulation :
0 8-4. Atmospheric air at a velocity of 200 fps and a temperature of f>O F enters a
2-ft-long square metal duct of 8- by 8-in. cross section. If the duct wall is at 300 F,
determine the average unit-surface conductance. Comment briefly on the L/ Dn ~ffect.
Ans. ii ~ 14 Btu/hr sq ft F ( =*= 15%)
8-6. Air at 60 F and atmospheric pressure enters a i-in.-ID tube at 100 fps. For
an average wall temperature of 212 F, determine the discharge temperature of the air
and the pressure drop in inches of water if the pipe is (a) 4 in. long, (b) 40 in. long.
Use the average bulk temperature of the air between the inlet and the outlet to evaluate
the rate of heat transfer between the wall and the air.
Ans. (a) Taut = 82 F, D.p = 3.8 in. H20; (b) Tout. = 175 F, 6p = 9.1 in. HtO
8-6. Evaluate the rate of heat loss per foot from superheated steam flowing at
600 F and 250-psi pressure through sehedule 80 4-in. pipe at a velocity of 100 fps.
The pipe is lagged with a 2-in.-thick layer of asbestos. Heat is transferred to the sur-
roundings by free convection and radiation.
Q 8-7. Determine the heat-transfer coefficient for liquid bismuth flowing through an
annulus (2 in. ID, 2.5 in. OD) at a velocity of 15 fps. The wall temperature of the
inner surface is 800 F and the bismuth is at. 600 F. It may be assumed that heat losses
from the outer surface are negligible.
8-8. Assume that the heat source in Proh. 8-7 is an aluminum-clad rod of uranium,
2 in. OD and 6 ft long. Estimate the heat flux that will raise the temperature of the
bismuth 100 F and the maximum center and surface temperatures nece.._~sary to transfer
heat at this rate.
8-9. Air at an average temperature of 300 F flows through a short square duc-t
(4 by 4 by 1 in.) at a rate of 116 lb/hr. The duct-wall temperature is 800 F. Deter-
mine the average heat-transfer coefficient using duct equation with appropriate L ,/D
correction. Compare ynur results with Bow-over-fiat-plate relations.
8-10. In a long annulus (1.0 in. ID, 1.5 in. OD), atmospheric air is heated by
steam condensing at 300 F on the inner surface. If the velocity of the air is 20 fps and
its bulk temperature 100 F, calculate the heat-transfer coefficient.
8-11. If the total resistance between the steam and the air (including the pipe
wall and scale on the steam side) in Prob. 8-10 is 0.20 hr sq ft F /Btu, calculate the
temperature difference between the outer surface of the inner pipe and the air. Bhuw
the thermal circuit.
8-12. Compute the average unit-surface conductance, he, for 50 F water flowin~
at 10 fps in a long 1-in.-ID pipe (surface temperature of 102 F) by three different equa-
tions and compare your results. Also determine the pressure drop per foot length of
8-13. In a pipe within a pipe heat exchanger, water is flowing in the annulu~ and
oil having the properties listed in Prob. 8-3 is flowing in the central pipe. The innN
pipe is 0.527 in. ID, 0.625 in. OD, and the ID of the outer pipe is 0.750 in. For a
water bulk temperature of 80 F and an oil bulk temperature of 175 F, determine t ht·
over-all heat-transfer coefficient based on the outer diameter of the central pipe anJ
the frictional pressure drop per unit length of the water and the oil for the followinf!
velocities: (a) water rate 1 gpm, oil rate 1 gpm; (b) water rate 10 gp.n, oil rat~ I gp:n:
(c) water rate 1 gpm, oil rate 10 gpm; and (d) water rate 10 gpm, oil rate 10 gp~.
8-1,. \Vater in turbulent flow is to he heated in a single-pass tubular heat exchan~t."r
by steam condensing on the outside of the tubes. The flow rate of the water. it~
pressure drop, its inlet and outlet temperatures, and the steam pressure are fixed.
Assuming that the tube-wall temperature remains constant, determine the dependenN'
of the total required heat-exchanger ares on the inside diameter of the tubes.
Ans. A total ~ (1 / ID :
8-1&. The following thermal-resistance data were obtained on a 50,000 sq ft
<"ondenAer constructed with 1-in.-OD brass tubes, 231 ft long, 0.049 in. wall thickne~!
at va,ious water velocitieR inside the tubes I Trans. AS.\IE, Vol. 58 (1936), p. 6721.
I. Water \'elocity I 1 Wst('r \ 'elncit,:\·
u. 1~ ( I tr s 'l f t F/ H t II) (Cps) II 1
-: X 1o-a ( h r ~q Ct F I Rt u ) (fr~>
Assuming that the unit-surface conductance on the steam side is 2000 Btu / hr ~q ft F.
determine the scale resistance. HINT: Plot U vs. 1I V0 · 8• (This method is called the
lVilson plot.)
8-16. \Vater at 180 F is flowing through a thin copper tube (6 in. ID) at a velocity
of 25 fps. The dud iR located in a room at 60 F and thP. unit-~urface conductance at the
outer surface of the duct is 2.5 Btu/hr ~q ft F. (a) Determine the heat-transfer coefficiPnt
ut. the inner surface. (b) Estimate the length of duct in which the water templ"'rature
drops 1 F. Ans. (a) he ~ 3800 Btu/hr sq ft F; (b) L ~ 1500 ft
was recommended by H. Hausen (Ze,it&chr. Ver. Deut. lng., Beiheft No. 4, 1943) for
forced convection heat transfer in fully developed laminar flow through tubes. Compare
the values of the Nusselt number predicted by Hausen 's equation for Re = 1000,
Pr - 1, and D/ L = 2, 10, and 100 respectively with those obtained from appropriate
equations or graphs in the text.
8-18. The equation
Nu = 0.116 (Rei- 125)Prl [1 +(D/L)I] (J.&~J/J.&.)o.u
has been proposed by Hausen (op. cit.) for the transition range (2300 < Re < 8000) as
well as for higher Reynolds numbers. Compare the value~ of Nu predicted by Hausen·~
equation for Re = 3000 and Re """ 20,000 at D/ L of 0.1 and 0.01 with those obtained
from appropriate equation or charts in the text. Assume the fluid is water at 60 F
flowing through a pipe at 200 F.
\ \
Associated with the eparation of the flow are large pressure losses,
ince the kinetic energy of the eddies which pa off into the wake can not
be regained. In flow over a streamlined body, the pressure drop is caused
mainly by the skin-friction drag. For a bluff body, on the other hand, the
~ kin-friction drag i mall compared to the form drag in the Reynolds-
number range of commercial intere t. The form or pres ure drag arises
from the separation of the flow which prevent the closing of the streamline
and thereby induce a low-pressure region in the rear of the body. When
the pressure over the rear of the body is lower than over the front, there
xis a pre ure differenc which produces a drag force over and above the
kin friction. The magnitude of the form drag decreases as the separation
moves farther to\·vard the rear.
The geometrical hapes which are most important for engineering work
are the long circular cylinder and the phere. The heat-tran fer phe-
nomena for the e two hape in cro sflow have been tudied by a number
of inv tigators, and repre entativ data are ummarized in Sec. 9- 2. In
ddition to the average urface conductance over a cylinder, the variation
f conductance around the circumference will be con idered. A knowledg
of the peripheral variation of the heat tran fer a ociated with flow ov r
cylinder i important for many practical problem uch as heat-tran fer
calculation for airplane wings, who e leading-edge contour are approxi-
mately cylindrical. The interr lation b t\\ n heat tran fer and flow phe-
nomena will also be tre d becau e it can be applied to the mea urement
of the velocity and it flu tuation in a turbulent tream by means of a
hot-\vire anemome r. Heat transfer to or from pherical bodies is of
importance in y tern where particle u pended in a fluid tream are
heated or cooled. Examples of uch ystem are met in fluidization
proc es, ettling operation , and c ment preheater ·.
Original from
:; d=by~ Ie~!!!ii!iii-~~~~--....- N IVERSJIY OF MICHIGAN_
reaches a maximum at both sides of the cylinder, then falls again to zero at
the stagnation point in the rear. The pressure distribution around the
cylinder corresponding to this idealized flow pattern is shown by the solid
line in Fig. 9-5. Since the pressure distribution is symmetrical about the
vertical center plane of the cylinder, it is clear that there will be no pressure
drag in irrotational flow. However, unless the Reynolds number is very
lo\v, a real fluid will not adhere to the entire surface of the cylinder but, as
mentioned previously, the boundary layer in which the flow is not irrota-
tional will separate from the sides of the cylinder as a result of the adverse
pressure gradient. The separation of the boundary layer and the resultant
wake in the rear of the cylinder give rise to pressure distributions shown for
different Reynolds numbers by the dotted lines in Fig. 9-5. It can be seen
that there is fair agreement between the ideal and actual pressure distribu-
tion in the neighborhood of the forward stagnation point. In the rear of the
cylinder, however, the actual and the ideal distribution differ considerably.
The characteristics of the flow pattern and of the boundary layer depend on
the Reynold number, V ooDoP! JJ. which for flow over a cylinder or a phere
is based on the velocity of the oncoming free tream V and the ou ide CD
diameter of the body D 0 • The flow pattern around the ~ylinder underg
t.O --Theoret Prenure Distribution Cylind r Diameter d=25.0 em.
~ I
- -aupercrit , / ""'\. It• =6.7 )( 1o5
I~ I \ JUpet'UII
I ~.
- - - -1ubcrit • I \ It aubcrrt=l.B6x lOS $
I I \' I I 1 l I \ ~
I I ~ I I I I I i/1
I l \~. : I I
- Y' \ .~1
_1 I
1' \ I j
I / 7 r-- 'II
I I I' \ I I I \ tJ!
1\\ 1\ : I I \ \ II
--- '
I I \ \j I LV ............ J l \ I lr/J
I I \\ '~' I - _f= --- ---- e- -r-- -, '../ II
I \\ I :
I \ I
I 1\ I I I \ I If/
I I I I \ l\ I
I \ I l
- 2.0
\' I I If \ fiJ
I I I I \ \ I / I /J
I I I I \ I '~ I I \ \ /I
\ I
\ I
: I 1\ 1 I \ I
1 \.. / '\.. /
1 l _1 I I
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 2~0 270 300 330 360
FIG. 9- 5. Pr ure di tribution around circul r vlinder in ro flow a
variou Reynolds numb r. ; p, local pr ure; p V ro 2 / 2gc, free- tream impact
pre ure · 8, angl me ured from tagnation loint. (By permi ·ion from L.
Fla. h bart, Handbuch der Experimenta Physik, Vol. 4, P~o rt 2)
Eddi.s Wake
Turbvlent Wake
Laminar 1
Boundary l.crpr a., "" 10
Fla. 9-6. Sketches illustrating flow pattern for crossflow over
a circular cylinder at various Reynolds numbers.
The following discussion strictly applies only to long cylinders, but it also
gives a qualitative picture of the flow past a sphere. The letters a to e
refer to Figs. 9-6 and 9-7.
a) At Reynolds numbers of the order of unity or less, the flow adheres
to the surface and the streamlines follow those predicted from potential-flow
theory. The inertia forces are negligibly small and the drag is caused only
by viscous forces, since there is no flow separation. Heat is transferred
by conduction alone.
b) At Reynolds numbers of the order of 10, the inertia forces become
appreciable and two weak eddies stand in the rear of the cylinder. The
pressure drag accounts now for about one-half of the total drag.
c) At a Reynolds number of the order of 100, vortices separate alter-
nately from both sides of the cylinder and stretch a considerable distance
downstream. These vortices are referred to as von Karman vortex-streets
in honor of the scientist Theodore von Karman, who studied the shedding
of vortices from bluff objects. The pressure drag now predominates.
d) In the Reynolds-number range between 103 and 1()6, the skin-friction
drag becomes negligible compared to the pressure drag caused by turbulent
eddies in the wake. The drag coefficient remains approximately constant
because the boundary layer remains laminar from the leading edge to the
"' "~ \
~ - -........ .......... t--
0 .8
0.6 " "' .....
~ "-
Spheres_ ~ ~ r-----
0.1 \
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
FIG. 9- 7. Drag o lfici nl v . R ynold , numb r for long ir ular cylind<'
and ph re in ro fl w.
and the eparation point mov to\\'ard the r ar. The clo ing of the tream-
lin r du th iz of the wak and th pre , ure drag i ther fore al u
tantially reduc d . xp riment y Fag and Falkner (1 2) indi th
nc th boundary layer ha b c m turbul nt, it will not · parat efor it
h · r ach dan angular p ition corT ·ponding to a 0 of about 130 d g.
Analy of th boundary-lay r O'rowth and th variation of th 1 al
unit- urfac condu an e \\ ith angular po ition ar und ci r ular cylinde
nd ph r h \ ·· h n _only partially ucce ful. Squir (3) h soh
t h .quation of m tion and en rg) f r a rylind r at constant m rature
Over the forward portion of the cylinder (O < 8 < 80 deg), the ernpirieal
equation for he,, the local value of the unit-surface conductance at 0,
h ]) 0
= 1.14 ( v [)
0 )lPr 1°· 4( 1 - (8 / 90)3] (9-2)
has been found to agree satisfactorily (4) with experimental data. For air,
Eq. 9-2 can be written in the form
because the eddies recirculate part of the fluid and, despite their high
turbulence, are not as effective in mixing the fluid in the vicinity of the
surface with the fluid in the main stream as a turbulent boundary layer.
At Reynolds numbers large enough to permit transition from laminar
to turbulent flo\v in the boundary layer "·ithout separation of the laminar
Reo 219,000 /)
/ I
., ~ Iff/
" \\ r
'"' r''\\. J ~~
~ .........,
"' '\\\
~ \\ ~~ \/
b..L....,. )o.
"\ \ ~v ~
1\' / v
1\\ {~ ).-oO-
.,.., /
\\ v r-~
0 80 120 160
&- De9ree from StoQnotion Point
FIG. 9-8. Circumferential variation of the unit-surface conductance at high
Reynolds numbers for a circular cylinder in crossflow. (Extracted from "In-
vestigation of Variation of Point Unit-Heat-Transfer Coeffi('ient Around
a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream,'' by \\'. H. Giedt, publishoo in Trans.
ASME, Vol. 71, 1949, with permission of the publishers, The American Society
of l\lechanical Engineers)
boundary layer, the unit-surface conductance has t\vo minima around the
cylinder. The first minimum occurs at the point of transition. As the
transition from laminar to turbulent flow progresses, the unit conductance
increases and reaches a maximum approximately at the point where the
boundary layer becomes fully turbulent. Then the unit-surface conduc-
tance begins to decrease again and reaches a second minimum at about 130
d~g, the point at which the turbulent boundary layer separates from the
cylinder. Over the rear of the cylinder the unit conductance increases to
another maximum at the rear stagnation point.
E:umple 9-1. To design a heating system for the purpose of preventing ice forma-
tion on an aircraft wing it is neceRSary to know the unit-surface conductance over the
outer surface of the leading edge. The leading-edge contour may be approximated hy
a half cylinder of 12-in. diameter. The ambient air is at -30 F and the surface tem-
perature is to be no less than 32 F. The plane is designed to fly at 25,000 ft altitude
at a. speed of 500 fps. Calculate the distribution of the convective unit-surface conduc-
tance over the forward portion of the wing.
8 (deg) 0 15 30 45 60 75
hc8 (Btu/hr sq ft F) 16.2 16.1 15.6 14.2 11.4 6.88
Diameter Oiometef v
Wire No.1
1-- • Wire No. 2
0.0 189mm
0 .0245mm
o Tube
No. 9 25.0
Wire No.3 0 .050 '""' Tube No. 10 44 .0 """
Wire No.4
Wire No.6
2 1- .. Wire No.7
0. 099 """
0.500 mm
1.000 '""'
0 Tube
D Tube
No. 11
No. 12
""" /
A, ~
1/ • 1
0 2 3 s 6
log leD
hcDo = C (V Do)" 00
kl ,,
where C and n are empirical constants whose numerical values vary with
H('Df (,' tl
(•) {b)
FIG. 9-11 Hchematic circuits for hot-wire probes and associated cquipmen t.
Solution: Since the wire is very thin, conduction along the wire can be negl~et<-d;
also, the temperature gradient in the wire at any cross section may be disregnrdPd.
At the mean film temperature of 260 F the air has a thermal conductivity of 0.0 I ~l.=;
Btu/hr ft F and a kinematic viscosity of 2.81 X I0-4 sq ft/sec. At a velocity of 4 fp~
the Reynolds number is
Re = (4 ft/sec)(0.005/12 ft) =- _
5 92
2.81 X l0- 4 sq ft/sec
The Reynolds-number range of interest is therefore from 6 to 30. In this range t.h<>
\~· = 0.821 Re 0 · . ,
applies according to Table 9-1 and Eq. 9-3. The average conve<'tive unit-~urfnce
conductance is therefore
/i - (0.0195 Btu/hr ft F) (O 821 ) [
O.OOS ] ·"' , o.•
0.005/12 ft . (12) (2.81 X I0- l 4) CD
= A (1', - 1'00 )
= C1E (T.• - _Too
T, - T 00
) = 0.173 X I0- 8 E (7', 2 + TooZ)(T, ..j_
R' = (1 "
0.25 in.
7 1 X 10-4 0 h m em) [ (1r) 0.0025 2 sq in.
J( 1 in.)
2.54 em
== 0.0858 ohms
i == 0.46 v
CDO.l9U = 1.25 v CDO.lllli amp
(0.0858) (3.413)
from which the current can be readily calculated for any velocity within the specified
range. Ans.
Spheres. A knowledge of heat-transfer characteristics to or from
spherical bodies is important to predict the thermal performance of systems
'vhere clouds of particles are heated or cooled in a stream of fluid. When
the particles have an irregular shape, the data for spheres will yield satis-
factory results if the sphere diameter is replaced by an equivalent diameter,
i.e., if Do is taken as the diameter of a spherical particle having the same
surface area as the irregular particle.
The total drag coefficient of a sphere is shown as a function of the free-
stream Reynolds number in Fig. 9-7 1 and corresponding data for heat
transfer between a sphere and air are shown in Fig. 9-12. In the Reynolds-
number range from about 25 to 100,000, the equation recommended by
l\1cAdams (9) for calculating the average unit-surface conductance for
spheres heated or cooled by a gas is
hc~o =
0 6
0 _37 ( V roProDo) " (9-4)
kt ~I
1 When the sphere is dragged along by a stream, u.s for example a liquid droplet in
a ga.~ stream, the pertinent velocity for the Reynolds number is the velocity difference
between the stream and the body.
may be used for heat transfer in a gas. For h at tran fer in a liqui
f- V.D. 8ome 5.9 1.0 j j
0 Buttner 5.0-5 .2 1.0 ~
I-- A 7.5 0 .8
~-~ ~J+r
•c Meissner ond Buttner 4 .7-12.0 1-1.5
~ ....
Johnstone, Pigford and Chopin 0.033 -0 .055 1.0
100 ~
f- - loy%onslcy ond Schwab 7-15 1.0
---- Johnstone, Pigford ond Chopin
Theoretical line !Ref 10 I
lA(. ~
,. !
L.t' ~ ~·
, (! _,..,...
.., ,/
- /
~ ~
1.0 10 10 2 10 3
10 10,~
l Ccu
"'·~· .,
0 0
tO :::0
Cull. I
CJ n
0 0
AJt Ovtlet z
~,....... Co1 Ovtlot
('iJ ~
'"'-' 0
eo. Oo-w nl\ow
IUt ond Co• Counooollo-
Ai• C.O..W.ftrftow . Thrte -,a.u
Cot Upl\o• ond O......A-
IUt C.O.,.,terllow, ~lo - Pon
S.•;'- Pou ... 0
eo, :::0
,.,. X
...... ~
c :::0
z 0
...lw A" O~~tl ot
VlO (J)
~~: c
1<1• Ovtlet
:r: m
Cotlnl (J)
)> Got Ovt...
z Co• Upf\ow ond Oownii- Cot Upllow Goo Oownllow
/4M C"""torllow. ~'- ·'ou AI• C.O....terllow, Two·P'o u lUI ' otOIIolflow, Thr o~u
Fro . 9- 13. Some arrangements for tubular air heaters. (Courtesy of The Babcock & \Yilcox Company) w
_oigi~z~~ by _
Original from
FIG. 9- 14. Flow patterns for in-line tube bundle . (By permi ion from
R. D . Wallis, "Photographic t udy of Fluid F low Between Bank of Tubes,'
Engineen"ng, 148, 1933)
used to correlate the data for flow over a single tube. To apply this equa-
tion to flow over tube bundles it is necessary to select a reference velocity.
since the speed of the fluid varies along its path. The velocity used to
of flow
build the Reynolds number for flow over tube bundles is based on the
minimum free area available for fluid flow, regardless of whether the mini-
mum area occurs in the transverse or diagonal openings. For in-line tube
arrangements (Fig. 9-16), the minimum free-flow area per unit length of
tube A min is always A min = S T - Do, where S r is the distance between
centers of the tubes in adjacent longitudinal rows (measured perpendicu-
larly to the direction of flow), or the transverse pitch.
For staggered arrangements (Fig. 9-17) the minimum free-flow area
may occur, as in the previous case, either between adjacent tubes in a
row or, if SL/ST is so small that VST 2 + Sr 2 < 2Sr, between diagonally
opposed tubes. In the latter case, the maximum velocity, V max, is
2Sr/(vfSL2 + Sr2 - Do) times the free-flow velocity based on the shell
area without tubes. The symbolS r denotes the center-to-center distance
between adjacent transverse rows of tubes or pipes (measured in the direc-
tion of flow) and is called the longitud1"nal pitch.
or in the form
~- SL :
fb~---~- 0·
-~ ~·- \- - q?-- -~ ~ - ----e
. (})-. -- :- (])- - r- -
- - - !_~ - ~- -Eb---- ---- ~----e-
--+----11 -- --j---$-
FIG. H-17. Sketch illw.,trating nomenclature for
stH.ggered tuhe arrangement~.
~oig~iz~d by Google-~- __
Original from
- ---
"\ 2 10 3/ 8 1.25
3 1-4 3/ 8 1.25
2 1\.
'\. ~ •5
3/ 8 1.50
'""0 ' ""-/"' "'"' .......
~ ""-
v" " '"' ' ~
Model 2 ' -
frict ion
~~ ' "'-'
Oil~ ~
~~ ........ .....
r'-... r--..
............ ......__
'"' ----
' -. J
;;;; ~
,'~ " Model 5
~~Q -
~~'~::--......... E!)
I t
~ ..........
.::::: :::;;;;
Heat Transfer ~
....... /
\ ~~
2 .. 6 8 1 2 ... 6 8 1 2 .. 6 8 1
102 lOl 10 4
. m n n 1
It will be noted that the form of the curves for in-line and staggered tube~
are different in the transition zone. There is a dip region, similar to that
observed in pipe flow, for the curves of in-line tubes, but not for staggered
tubes. It is believed that the flow in the free channels between the ~..akes
(Fig. 9-14) of in-line tubes resembles flow in a pipe or a duct and the onset
of turbulence occurs throughout the tube bank. In simple cross flo'-v over
staggered tubes, on the other hand, turbulence begins at the exit end,
gradually works upstream as the flow is increased, and finally spreads
throughout the tube bank. These general remarks apply only to simple
crossfiow and may not be true for baffled arrangements where no similar
experiments have as yet been performed.
The effect of the number of transverse tube rows on the heat-transfer
coefficient has been investigated for the laminar regime by l\Ieece (14)
with square in-line tube arrangements having one, two, four, six, eight.
and ten rows of j-in. tubes with a pitch-to-diameter ratio of 1.25. ::\Ieece
found that, for a given Reynolds number, the average heat-transfer coeffi-
cient for a single row of tubes was 50 per cent larger than for 10 ro,vs.
For the tube arrangements used, the variation of the heat-transfer coeffi-
cient with N, the number of tube rows in the direction of flow, can be
generalized by the equation
• I.
J Nrows / }10 rows =
NO ·18 (9-9)
when the flow is laminar. Figure 9-18 shows the results for 10 ro\vs oi
tubes and can be combined with Eq. 9-9 to predict the average heat-transfer
coefficient at Reynolds numbers below 1000 when the number of tube ro,\·s
is less than 10. For more than 10 tube rows it is suggested that no cor-
rection be applied to the value of iin obtained from Fig. 9-18.
Experiments similar to those described above have also been perfonned
by I{ays et al. (15,16) with air fio\ving over banks of i- and j-in. tulx~s
in various arrangements. The Reynolds numbers in these tests cove~d
the transition regime and the low range of the turbulent regime, but did
not extend into the laminar region. In the transition range the ~~lt~
obtained by Kays et al. are in fairly good agreement \\~th those shol\~ in
Fig. 9-18 for similar geometries. A summary of the results of these tests
is presented in Ref. 17.
For turbulent flow (i.e., Remax > 6000) over banks of tubes or pipes.
irrespective of whether they are staggered or arranged in-line, the experi-
mental heat-transfer data agree well with the equation
Original from
=--=- ----=-- -=Digiti zed by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
RATIO OF he FOR N TRA!Il'SVER!-\E Rows TO fir f'OR TE!Il TR.\S:o;VER:-;E RowR
3 I
5 I
7 I ~
, to
Stagger«"d I i I I I I
tube-s ...... 0.68 0.75 0.83 0. 8~) 0.92 0.95 0.97 O.H8 o.mJ 1 .0
In-line I
tubes .... . . 0.64 0.80 0.87 0.90 I O.H2
I I O.H4 0.96 O.H8 O.H9 1.0
- - ---
The frictional pressure drop in lbrlsq ft for flow o\·er a bank of tub~s
.lp can be calculated from the equation
where Gmax =
mass velocity at the minimum area, in lhm/hr sq ft;
p = mass density, in lbm/cu ft;
~v = number of tran~verse rows;
and f' iH an empirical friction factor which can be estimated, according to
.Jakob (23), for values of Reynold~ number hu·ger than 1000 from the
The results obtained by Pierson (20) show that the smallest possible pitch
in each direction results in the lowest power requirement for a specified
rate of heat transfer. Since smaller values of pitch also permit the use
of a smaller shell, the cost of the unit is reduced when the tubes are closely
packed. There is little difference in performance between in-line and
staggered arrangements, but the former are easier to clean. The Tubular
Exchanger Manufacturers Association recommends that tubes shall be
spaced with a minimum center-to-center distance of 1.25 times the outside
diameter of the tube and when tubes are on a square pitch, a minimum
clearance lane of i in. shall be provided.
Example 9-3. Atmospheric air at 58 F is to be heated to 86 F by passing it over a
bank of bra.~s tubes inside which steam at 212 F is condensing. The unit-surface
conductance on the inside of the tubes is about 1000 Btu/hr sq ft F. The tubes are
2 ft long, ! in. OD, B\VG No. 18 (0.094-in. wall thickness). They are to be arranged
in-line in a square pattern with a pitch of i in. in~ide a reetangular shell 2 ft wide and
15 in. high. If the total mass rate of flow of the air to be heated is 32,000 lbm/hr,
(•stimate (a) the number of transverse rows required, and (b) hte pressure drop.
Solution: (a) Since the thermal resistance on the air side will be much larger than
the combined resistance of the pipe wall and the steam, we shall first assume that the
outside surface of the pipe is at the steam temperature. The mean film temperature
of the air Tt will then be approximately equal to
The mass velocity at the minimum cross-sectional area, which is between adjacent
tubes, is calculated next. The shell is 15 in. high and consequently holds 20 longi-
tudinal rows of tubes. The minimum free area is
== (
0.016 Btu/hr ft
O.S/l ft
F) (0.33)(33,000°· )(0.905)
= 64.2 Btu/hr sq ft F
\Ve can now determine the temperature at the outer tube wall, which was originally
R3 = 1
ho r DoL 1 ) 3.14 (0.5)
= ( H-1. -f2 2 = 0.0595 hr F /Btu
The total resiRtanee is then
T8 wam -
Talr = 212 - (58 +2 86) = 140 F
The specific heat of air at constant pre:f-!~ure is 0.241 Btu/Ibm F. Equating the rate of
heat flow from the ~team to the air to the rate of enthalpy rise of the air gives
+ Rz + R 3 = Gcp(Tout - Ttn)atr
Solving for N, the number of transverse rows, yields
N = (32,000)(0.24) (86 - 58)(0.0645) =
Since the number of tubes ii leRS than 10, it is necessary to correct lie in accordance with
Table U-2, or
Repeating the calculationH with the corrected value of the average unit-surface condur-
tancc on the air side we find that six transverse rows are required for heating the air
according to the specifications. An.~.
b) The pre~sure drop is obtained from Eqs. 9-11 and 9-13. \Ve first calculate the
frict.ion factor f. For the arrangement of the heater, SL = 1.5 Do, and we get from
Eq. 9-13
!, = [
0.044 + (1.5 co.o 8 )(1. 5 )
- l)O.U + 1.13/1.1'1
J 33 ooo-o.u -
' -
o 067
heat-tran fer coefficient on the h 11 ide in thi · ype of unit d pend not
nly on th iz and pacing f th tub , the v lo ity and phy ·i al prop-
.rti of the fluid, but al o on th pacing and hap of th baffi ·. In
addition, ther i alway leakag through th tub h l in the baffi and
tween the bafl:l and the in ide f th hell, and th r i · bypa in tw n
the tube bundl and the h ll. B cau of th mplic ti n , th h at-
transfer coeffici nt can b ·timat d only by appr xim t m th d r fr m
xperience with imilar unit . Ac ording to on ppr ximat m th d
which i widely u ed for d ign al ul ti n (24), th av rag h t-tr n ·f r
coefficient calcul t d for the c rr ponding tub arrang m nt in ·impl
cro flow i multiplied by 0.6 t all w f r I akag and oth r d vi ti n ·
from the simplified model. For additional information the reader !:-
referred to Refs. 24, 25, 26, and 27.
1. A. Fage, "The Air Flow Around a Circular CyJinder in the Region ~~ere the
Boundary Layer Separates from the Surface," Brit. Areo. Res. Comm'., R and ...ll 11 i~!.
2. A. Fage and V. l\1. Falkner, "The Flow Around a Circular Cylinder," Brit. Aem
Res. Comm., Rand M 1369, 1931.
3. H. B. Squire, Modern Developments in. Fluid Dynamic&, 3d ed., Vol. 2. (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1950.)
4. R. C. l\Iartinelli, A. G. Guibert, E. H. 1\-lorin, and L. M. K. Boelter, "An Investi-
gation of Aircraft Heaters VIII-A Simplified Method for Calculating the Unit-Surf:H't·
Conductance over Wings," N ACA ARR, 1\larch, 1943.
5. W. H. Giedt, "Investigation of Variation of Point Unit-Heat-Transfer Coefficient
Around a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream," Trans. ASME, Vol. 71 (1949), pp. 375-
6. R. Hilpert, "W~rmeabgabe von gehcizten Drahten und Rohren," For8ch.. Gebult
lngenieurw., Vol. 4 (1933), p. 215.
7. H. Dryden and A. N. Kuethe, "The l\leasurement of Fluctuations of AirS~
by the Hot-Wire Anemometer," NACA Report 320, 1929.
8. C. E. Pearson, "Measurement of Instantaneous Vector Air Velocity by Hot-\Vin·
1\fethods," J. Aero. Sci., Vol. 19 (1952), pp. 73-82.
9. W. H. 1\-lcAdams, Heat Transmission, 3d ed. (New York: l\lcGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., 1953.)
10. H. F. Johnston, R. L. Pigford, and J. H. Chapin, HHeat Transfer to Clouds of
Faliing Particles," Uuiv. of Ill. Bull., Vol. 38, No. 43 (1941).
11. R. D. \Vallis, ''Photographic Study of Fluid Flow Between Banks of Tul:)(·~<·
Engineering, Vol. 148 (1934), pp. 423-425.
12. 0. P. Bergelin, G. A. Brown, and S. C. Doberstein, "Heat Transfer and Fluid
Friction During Flow Across Banks of Tubes," Trans. ASME, Vol. 74 (1952), pp. 953-
13. 0. P. Bergelin, A. P. Colburn, and H. L. Hull, "Heat Transfer and PN>.s.~ure
Drop During Viscous Flow Across UnbatHed Tube Banks," Bull. 2, Univ. of Delawar•·
Eng. Exp. Sta. (1950).
14. W. E. l\1eece, The Effect of the Number of Tube Rows Upon Heat Transft!r aT1~'I
Pressure Drop During Viscous Flow Across In-line Tube Ba11ks, 1\l.S. Thesis, Univ. of
Delaware, 1949.
15. W. l\1. Kays and R. J{. Lo, ''Basic Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Design
Data for Gas Flow Normal to Banks of Staggered Tubes-Use of a Transient Tech-
nique," Tech. Rep. 1.5, Navy Contract Xf>-onr-251 T. 0. 6, Stanford Univ., 1952.
16. \V. :\1. Kays, ''Basic Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Design Data for Flow
X ormal to Bank~ of I n-li1w Circular Tulws ~ lJ:-:;p of n. Transient Technique," Tech. Rep.
21, Navy Contraet ~6-onr-251 T .0. 6, Stanford Uuiv., 1954.
17. W. :\L Ka.yH and A. L. London, "Compact Heat Exchangers-A Sun1mary of
Basic Heat Transfer and Flow Friction D<•sign Data," Tech. Rep. 23, N a.vy Contract
:\6-onr-2.51, T.O. 6, Stanford lJniv., 1!}5-l. (.\lso published in book form under same
title by 1\ a.tionul Pr('s:-<, Palo Alto, Calif., 1U;);').)
18. :M. Fislwndt~n a.nd 0. A. Saunders, An lntroductum to Heat Transfer. (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1950.)
9-1. Determine the unit-surface conductance at the stagnation point and the
average value of the conductance for a single 2-in.-OD, 24-in.-long tube in cross flow.
The temperature of the tube surface is 500 F, the velocity of the fluid flowing perpen-
dicularly to the tube axis is 20 fps, and i~ temperature is 100 F. The following fluids
are to be considered: (a) air, (b) hydrogen, and (c) water.
9-2. A spherical water droplet of -h-in. diam is freely falling in atmospheric air.
Calculate the average convection heat-transfer coefficient when the droplet has reached
its terminal velocity. Assume that the water is at 130 F, the air is at 70 F and neglect
mass transfer and radiation.
H. A mercury-in-glass thermometer at 100 F (OD = 0.35 in.) is inserted through
the duct wall into a 100 fps air stream at 150 F. Estimate the unit-convective conduc-
tance between the air and the thermometer. Ans. he ""73 Btu/hr sq ft F
9-4. Steam at 1 atm and 212 F is flowing across a 2-in.-OD tube at a velocity of
20 fps. Estimate the Nus..~elt number, the heat-transfer coefficient, and the rate of heat
transfer per foot length of pipe if the pipe is at 400 F.
Pin fin
Air--- !. ~-e--
0 Flot-Piote Temperature
1200 F
PROB. 9-6. PR B. 9-7.
9-7. A tainl - teel pin fin 2-in. long, -in. OD extend from a flat pl t in t
-100 mph air r am a hown in the ac mpanying ketch. (a ) E tima the av
heat-tran fer coeffi ient betw en the air and th fin. (b) E timate the temperat-ur
t.he end of the fin. ( ) E timate the rate f hea flow from the fin.
9-8. Repeat Prob. 9-7 with glycerin fl wing over he fin at 7 fps.
9-9. n inventor claim hat pumping power can be r du d if the tub tn a
in cro flow ar r pla d by hollow tr mlin d b di wh e r E.' ti n h v .
hape of an cllip . H cl:tim hat. nergy lo s in th wak would b r du(·
affecting th rate of h at tran f r adver ly. A t h accompanying k t h.
your evaluation of he inv n tor'. claim in t.he form of a hort r p rt, and ub n i
your conclu ion by order-of-magni ude alculat.ion . tate all of your umptio ..
PROB. 9- .
9-10. The instruction manual for a hot-wire anemometer states that "Roughly
~peaking, the current varies as the fourth power of the average velocity at a fixed wire
resistance." Check this statement, using the heat-transfer characteristics of a thin
wire in air and water.
9-11. In a lead-shot tower, spherical f-in.-diam BB shots are formed by drops of
molten lead which solidify as they descend in cooler air. At the terminal velocity, i.e.,
when the drag equals the gravitational force, estimate the total unit-surface conductance
if the lead surface is at 340 F (e = 0..63) and the air temperature is 60 F. Assume CD =
0. 7 5 for the first trial calculation.
9-12. Water at 350 F and at 10 ft/sec enters a bare, 50 ft long, l-in. wrought-iron
pipe (1.05-in. ID, 1.32-in. OD). If air at 50 F flows perpendicular to the pipe at 40 ft/se<·,
determine the outlet temperature of the water. (Note that the temperature difference
between the air and the water varies along the pipe.)
9-13. Estimate the unit-surface conductance for liquid sodium at 1000 F flowing
over a 10-row staggered-tube bank arranged in an equilateral-triangular arrow with a
1.5 pitch to diameter ratio. The entering velocity is 10 ft/sec, based on the area of the
shell, and the tube-surface temperature is 400 F. '\Vhat is the outlet temperature of the
. ?
sod IUID.
9-14. Estimate (a) the unit-surface conductance for a spherical fuel droplet injected
into a. diesel engine at 180 F and 300 ft/sec. The oil droplet is 0.001 in. in diam, the
eylinder pressure is iOO psia, and the gas temperature is 1iOO R. (b) What is the time
n~quired to heat the droplet to its self-ignition temperature of 580 F?
usually small and does not control the rate of heat flow. A very different
problem, however, has been encountered recently in high-performance
machines such as nuclear reactors and rocket motors (1). In these devices
very large quantities of heat are released in relatively small volumes, and
if boiling heat transfer is to be used to cool the structural components,
its mechanisms and limitations must be known accurately to ensure reliable
operation. The cooling problem in these devices is illustrated by com-
paring the rate of heat release per unit volume in a conventional boiler
with that in a rocket motor and a nuclear reactor. A heat release of about
40,000 Btu/hr cu ft is considered good practice in a modern boiler, but in
a rocket or a nuclear reactor it may be 1,000,000,000 Btu/hr cu ft. A
characteristic common to nuclear reactors and jet engines is that the rate
of heat generation is essentially constant, and if the cooling is inadequate,
the surface transferring the heat will fail by melting or, possibly, by very
rapid corrosion caused by its high temperature.
To acquire a physical understanding of the phenomena which are
characteristic of the various boiling regimes we shall first consider a simple
system consisting of a heating surface, such as a fiat plate or a wire, sub-
merged in a pool of water at saturation temperature without external agita-
tion. This is called pool boiling. A familiar example of such a system is
the boiling of water in a kettle on a stove. As long as the temperature of
the surface does not exceed the boiling point of the liquid by more than a
few degrees, heat is transferred to liquid near the heating surface by free
convection. The convection currents circulate the superheated liquid, and
evaporation takes place at the free surface of the liquid. The heat-transfer
mechanism in this process, although some evaporation occurs, is simply
free convection, because only liquid is in contact with che heating surface.
As the temperature of the heating surface is increased, a point is
reached where, in certain places, the energy level of the liquid adjacent to
the surface becomes so high that some of the molecules break away from
the surrounding molecules, are transformed from liquid into a vapor
nucleus, and final1y form a vapor bubble. This process occurs simulta-
neously at a number of favored spots on the heating surface. The vapor
bubbles are at first small and condense before reaching the surface, but as the
temperature is raised further, they become more numerous and larger
until they finally rise to the free surface. These phenomena may be
observed when boiling water in a kettle. They are also illustrated by the
sketches of Fig. 1Q-1 for a horizontal \vire heated electrically in a pool of
distilled water at atmospheric pressure and corresponding saturation tem-
perature of 212 F (2). In the curve accompanying the sketches of the
various boiling regimes, the heat flux is plotted as a function of the tempera-
ture difference between the surface and the saturation temperature. This
temperature difference, 6. T :c, is called the excess temperature above the boiling
3 4
~ dT.,.=II - 65 F
dTx=65-<400 F
dTx=<400-tOOO F dT1 1000 F
dTx,F - - -- -
FIG. 10- 1. Typical iling da ta for 1'\ wir h ted 1 rtri ally in a p 1
f wat r at atm pheri pr ur . (Extr ct d from "H a Traru f r t
'Yat r B iling UndPr Prr.:. ure ' by . A. Farb r and R. L . ._' · r~, pub-
li h diu Tran . A k ME, V I. 79, 194 , wi ·h p rmi ion of th pu lishers.
Th Am ri an oci ty of l\'lecha ni 1 Engine r )
The vapor bubbles receive only a small fraction of the total heat dissipated,
hut they create intense turbulence and mechanically pump hot liquid from
the vicinity of the heating surface into the cooler pool.
'\Vhen the excess temperature is raised to about 100 F, we observe that
the heat flux reaches a maximum of about 500,000 Btu/hr sq ft, and a
further increase of the temperature causes a decrease in the rate of heat
flow. The reason for the inflection point in the curve may be found by
examining the heat-transfer mechanism during boiling. At the onset of
hoiling, bubbles grow at certain favored spots on the surface until the
huoyant force or currents of the surrounding liquid carry them away.
Although the product of the size of the departing bubbles times the fre-
quency of their formation at any particular spot does not vary appreciably
with heat flux (3,4,5), the number of spots at which bubbles form increases
nearly in direct proportion with the excess temperature (6). The increase
in bubble population per unit area promotes the heat transfer by convection
to the liquid, but since the thermal conductivity of the vapor is so much
smaller than that of the liquid, the portion of the surface covered by vapor
bubbles at any instant is effectively insulated. Thus, increasing the
number of bubbles promotes the flow of heat by virtue of the agitating
motion of the bubbles, but at the same time the area available for heat
transfer to the liquid diminishes. As long as the agitation effects pre-
dominate, the heat flux rises with increasing surface temperature, and
nucleate boiling prevails. However, when the number of spots at which
bubbles form becomes so large that an appreciable portion of the surface
is covered by vapor, the insulating effects overshadow the beneficial effects
of fluid agitation and the heat flux decreases with increasing excess temper-
ature. The regimes in which vapor blankets all or an appreciable portion
of the heating surface are'k:no\vii"as j{lln boiling.- Tlie maximum heat flux
occurs just before the-transition from nucleate to film boiling takes place.
The photographs in Figs. 10-2 and 10-3 illustrate the nucleate and film-
boiling mechanisms on a wire submerged in water at atmospheric pressure.
Note the film of vapor which completely covers the wire in Fig. 10-3. A
phenomenon which closely resembles this condition is also observed when
a drop of water falls on a red-hot stove. The drop does not evaporate
immediately but dances on the stove because a steam film forms at the
interface between the hot surface and the liquid and insulates the droplet..
The film-boiling regime is usually subdivided according to the behavior
of the vapor film. Just beyond the peak heat flux, in regime 4 of Fig. 10.:_1,
an unstable film forms over the heating surface and large vapor bubble~
originate at its outer surface. The film periodically collapses and form~
again under the action of circulating currents. In regime 5, vapor cover~
the surface continuously and only the shape of the outer film surfacC'
changes. At values of AT x larger than 1000 F, radiation hecomc~ in-
creasingly eff ctive. In thi regime, 6 in Fig. 10-1, the film is very stable
and large bubble form on it outer urface.
The characteri tic boiling curve hown in Fig. 1Q-1 can be readil
obtained in a y tern when the urface temperature can be controll
A urface heated by hot ga es or by vapor conden ing at variou pre ur ·
would co titute uch a y tern. However, there are many applicatio
in which the h at flux i the indep ndent variable and the urfa.ce temper -
ture adju t to provide the c ndition nece ary to tran fer the heat from
the surface. A wire heated by 1 ctric current, in which the heat gener -
virtue of the inertia of the liquid, but at a slower rate than during stage c
because it receives less heat per unit volume.
e) The inertia of the liquid has caused the bubble to gro\V so large that
its upper surface extends far into cooler liquid. It loses more heat by
evaporation and convection than it received by conduction from the heat-
ing surface.
f) The inertia forces have been dissipa~d and the bubble begins to
collapse. Cold liquid from above follows in its wake.
g) The vapor phase has been condensed, the bubble has disappeared,
and the heat wall is splashed by a stream of cold liquid at high velocity.
h) The liquid film has settled and the cycle repeats.
The foregoing description of the life cycle of a typical bubble also
applies qualitatively through stage e to liquids containing dissolved gases.
FIG. 10-4. Sk<'tehcs illu!-itmting tlw flow puttPrn induced hy a bubble in a
suhC'oolPd boiling liquid.
This parameter is often called the bubble Reynolds number and it takes, in
nucleate boiling~ the place of the conventional Reynolds. If we use thC'
bubble diameter Db as the significant length in the Nusselt number, Eq .
8-2 can be modified for nucleate boiling into the form
T lzbDb
Nub = k = ct>(Reb)~(Prt) (10-11
where Prz is the Prandtl number of the saturated liquid and hb is the nu-
cleate boiling heat-transfer coefficient defined as
Ilb = - -
and c.,is an empirical constant which depends upon the nature of the
heating surface-fluid combination and whose numerical value varies from
system to system. Probably the most important variable affecting C.1 i~
the angle of contact between the bubble and the heating surface, which is
a measure of the wettability of a surface \vith a particular fluid. Thr
~ketches of Fig. IQ-5 show that the contact angle decreases 'vith greater
wetting. A totally wetted surface has the smallest area covered by vapor
at a given excess temperature and consequently represents the most
favorable condition for efficient heat transfer. In the absence of quanti-
tative information on the effect of wettability and surface conditions on the
constant C•h its value must be determined empirically for each fluid-
surface combination.
2 X 106
I II 1
7t~ L l.l
I 11 J 1 _l
-~ I 'I I I I
~,~/I I I
~!~~/ :
lJ ~ ~~- IR v~
r ~0 I
I Jv I
v;v I I
I Jv
~ I
I ./ I i I
I I 1 I
I I II . I 1
I I. I v I
/ I r/ v I
I j, 'I v /j
47'1 ,F
v 8 10
I 20 40 60
FIG. lo-6. Heat flux vs. exc<>ss temperature for nucleate boiling of watPr
on a 0.024-in.-diam electrically-heated platinum wire. (Extracted from "A
.\lethod of Correlating Heat-Transfer Data from :-5urface Boiling Liquid!'," h~·
\V. ~1. Rohsenow, published in Trans. AS l\1 E, Vol. 74, 1B55, with permission of
t lw publishers, ThP AmPrienn Soriet y of l\ Iechanical Engineer")
o 14.7 psio
(>. 38.3 II
• 1205
no "II
X 1602 a
0 2465 •
straight line faired through the experimental points is 0.33; for water
boiling on platinun1, the value of (·~~,is 0.013. For comparison the experi-
mental values of C sJ for a number of other fluid-surface combinations are
listed in Table 10-1.
TABLE 10-1
Surnout Points f p • 1
a 12
· - - - ·-+---~1
1-----+- r
I ,
:: ,.··~' /
';•/ '. ~ :~
I ' - ~+-,
~ ,~-------
/ /
1/I ~-~i
,'/ -c- l j -----,-_.___ _.......__--l
_/ Jl,,/ 1-----L_m_e-+--S_ubc_oo_lin-=-g- - i
/~ / / ,,Q;~?
--- 20 F
.L ~ %i-~ ---------- 50
_(:--·" ' ---- 100
10 4 /./1 ! .,..___
! ~1----L..'"'T"""""-~--.--~
10 2 ... 6 8 100 ...
FIG. 10-8. Typical boiling data for sulwool<>d
forced convection-heat flux vs. temJWrature
difference hetwPerl surface and fluid hulk. (Bv
permission from\\'. :vr. l\lc:\dams, \Y. E. Kennei,
C. S. l\Iinden, R. Carl, P. :\L Picarnell, and .J. E.
Drew from "Hent Transfer at High Rates to \\·ater
with Rurface Boiling," lnrl. Eng. Cllem., Yol.
41, 1945)
dicate the deviation from forced convection caused by surface boiling. \Yc
note that the onset of boiling caused by increasing the heat flux depends on
the velocity of the liquid and the degree of subcooling below its saturation
temperature at the prevailing pressure. At lower pressures the boiling
point at a given velocity is reached at lower heat fluxes. An increase in
velocity increases the effectiveness of forced convection, decreases the sur-
face temperature at a given heat flux, and thereby delays the onset of
boiling. In the boiling region the curves are steep and the wall tempera-
ture is practically independent of the fluid velocity. This shows that the
agitation caused by the bubbles is much more effective than turbulence in
forced convection without boiling. The heat flux data with surface boiling
are plotted separately, in Fig. 10-9 vs. the excess temperature. The result-
ing curve is similar to that for nucleate boiling in a saturated pool ~hown in
/'1 ~0
~~ p
_r ~ i
D. ~ -
rJ 12
0: 0
6 .6 -4 -
0 1 F9 ~ I
-.. 0
L. oo~
i ..
0 ~
60~ 0 6. lA
2 u 0
6. :.::. 0
10 5 f ,
I 0 I
- 1---- - -
v o I·- -- - I
10 20 40 60 80 100
dTx = T1 -Tsu, F
Flo. 10--9. Approximate correlation of data for
nucleate boiling with forced-convection obtained
by plotting heat flux vs. excess temperature.
(By permis.c;ion from \V. 1\l. McAdams, \V. E.
Kennel, C. S. l\Hnden, R. Carl, P. l\L Picarnell,
and J . E. Drew from "Heat Transfer at High Rates
to \Vater with Surface Boiling," Ind. Eng. Chem.,
Vol. 41, 1945)
Fig. IQ-1 and emphasizes the similarity of the boiling processes and their
dependence on the excess temperature.
To apply the pool-boiling correlation to forced-convection boiling, the
total heat flux must be separated into two parts, one a boiling flux qb/ A, the
other a convective flux qc/ A, or
qtotal = qb + qc
The boiling heat flux is determined by sub,tracting the heat- flow rat(\
accountable for by forced convection alone, from the total flux, or
r\.~ ,cP
cjl"' ':!:-0
c· ,.<-o 0 o
(., ~ ~oq o ,cP
oq o
20 '<; 0
o ,)~ c·
~ 1-
0 0 ~ (.,"
10 ,cP
...;- OQ
ct 8 ,() 0
fi I ~
~0 ,o
~- 6
d 0
0 0
I . .§"' c..P
o"-; 0 o (\~ (
-..;;:.. ~o o ~Q 0
~ cs0'\. 0
. ~P
o c ·
1- - e
,u 0 ~~o<'
\," ~0 ....
0"' -
2 ~~
•\• 0
· ~~
-~''0(., "1-
<J.cP c~
. . <~
~' ·,<-
, d'Q ,.~'4>
e' fi
~0 ~0
0 0
.006 .01 .02 .06 .08 .1 .1
Liquid Surface
lbt /sq in.
•0 • abs
- -.,
u qchelli and Bonilla 1131 , !
.... I
-- 1 o C2H50H Clean 928
V) ~ I
• n-C5H12 .C85
0 >-
t • C,Ha 617
0 I
' • n-CsHa2 Dirty .C85
....0 ....0 ,
! I • C3 H1 617
"' ~· ~·
280 u
v n-C.,Hl& 474
lA. 200
_r • ~0~ • I
~ ·-
..... a.
I ., rn•
iii .co I ~~ I
' I 1'\. I
0 .1 .2 .3 ..c .5 .6 J .8 .9 1.0
Fw. 10-11. Peak heat flux in nucleate boiling at various pres-
sures-correlation of Ciechelli and Bonilla. (By permission
from ~1. T. Ciechelli and C. F. Bonilla, ''Heat Transfer to Liquids
Boiling under Pressure," AIChE Trans., Vol. 41, 1945)
sures (13). The ordinate is the n1aximum heat flux (q/..4 )max in Btu hr
sq ft divided hy the critieal pressHre p, in psia while the ahsci:;sa is tlw
ratio of the systen1 pressure to the critical pres..~ure p. ip,. The cur,·e fa ire]
through the exrwrin1ental points represents an average for clean surfact.~~.
If the surfarP is dirty or otherwise contaminated. the maximum hClat flux
is increased h~' about 15 per cent. All of the data shown in Fig. 1{}-11.
as well as thosP presented in Refs. 11 and 20. arP also correlated within
about 10 per cent (21) h~· the dimensional equation
If the temperature of the bulk of the liquid is below the saturation tern-
perature, considerably higher heat fluxes than those shown in Fig. 1Q-11 can
ht> obtained without vapor binding. Figure IQ-12 illustrates the influence of
o Degassed Water
X Degassed Water-A.rotOI Solution
£ .. ~
~ ><f. Ellion Theory
I(~ ~ ""'
~ r--....
ii: (9)
I2 I( /
< I(~
'-...,x ~
"-~ 0
the bulk te1nperature on the peak heat flux for disti11ed water and a 1 per
eent aqueou:s ~olution of a surface-active agent boiling on a stainless-steel
heatPr. The addition of the ~urface-active agent decreased the surface
ten~ion of \YatC'r from 72 to 3--l dyne~ 1 cn1. This caused an appreciable de-
crease in the peak heat flux, an effect which is in agreement with a theo-
retical analysis by Ellion (9). The presence of dissolved gases also reduces
the peak heat flux at a given bulk temperature.
The superposition of forced convection on boiling has a similar effect
on the peak heat flux as a reduction of the bulk temperature. Table 10-2
shows a summary of some recent correlations (22) which have been pro-
TABLE 1(}-2
Pressure (psi) m c
500 0.16 0.817
1000 0.28 0 .626
2000 0.50 0.445
while, except for "A', the other symbols are the same as those used in Eq. 10-
2. The symbol "A' is deflned as
h ( 0.4~ T .r Cpt')
= /D 1 + }· /u
liquid is flowing past the surface of the tube, Bromley (27) suggests the
Steam Separator
l=ted - Heated Riser
FIG. 10-13. :'.J' at ural cireulation system.
system is in equilibrium, the mass flow rates and the pressure drops in tht_)
downcomer and in the riser are equal. The rate of flow depends on the
difference of the densities of the respective fluids in the riser and down-
comer. Since the density of the fluid in the riser is a function of the heat
transfer, there exists a complicated interaction between the pressure drop
and the heat transfer.
The heat-transfer coefficient at any point in the riser depends on the
local temperature, the pressure, and the velocity. The rate of heat transfer
is therefore not only a function of these quantities but also of the source
tPmperatur<' nnd thP thPrmal re:-;i~tanc<'~ at thP outer Rurface of thf' pipe
and the pipe itself. As the rate of heat transfer to the riser is increased,
more of the water evaporates. This, in turn, increases the density differ-
ence of the fluids in the riser and the downcomer, which tends to accelerate
the rate of flow. However, as more of the fluid turns into vapor, the
velocity of the mixture increases and, for a given mass flow rate, a larger
pressure gradient is necessary to overcome the frictional drag. Since the
pressure losses increase with the square of the velocity, a point will he
reached 'vhere a further increase in heat flux causes the pressure losses to
increase faster than the available pressure difference. \Vhen the heat
flux is increased beyond this point, the flow rate begins to decrease and the
~ystem may become unstable. A properly designed natural-circulation
system should therefore operate in the region where the flow rate rises
with an increase in heat flow (19).
When a saturated vapor comes in contact with a surface at a lower
temperature, condensation occurs. Under normal conditions a continuous
flow of liquid is formed over the surface and the condensate flows downward
under the influence of gravity. Unless the velocity of the vapor is very high
or the liquid film very thick, the motion of the condensate is laminar and
heat is transferred from the vapor-liquid interfuce to the surface merely
hy conduction. The rate of heat flow depends, therefore, primarily on the
t.hickness of thecondensate filml \vnich ·in
ttlt~i} - ·depends on-
the- ·r ate ·at
which vapor is condensed and-ti1e r~teat~vhi~h ti1(~- c(nitlell"sate-is ·-reniov-ed·.
On vertic.alstirf~ce_-the fiim thickne~~iit~~~~s -coritiil:t~~~~sl)~ from top to
bottom, ~s sho~y_njn_Fig. 10-14. As the plate is inclined from the vertical
position, the drainage rate decreases and the liquid film becomes thicker.
This, of course, causes a decrease in the rate of heat transfer.
Filmwise condensation. Theoretical relations for calculating the heat-
transfer coefficients for filmwise condensation of pure vapors on tubes and
plates were first obtained by Nusselt (28), in 1916. To illustrate the
('lassieal Nusselt approach we shall consider a plane vertical surface at a
constant temperature T, on which a pure vapor at saturation temperature.
T,. is condensing. As shown in Fig. IQ-14, a continuous film of liquid
flows do,vnward under the action of gravity, and its thickness increases as
more and more vapor condenses at the liquid-vapor interface. At a dis-
tance x from the top of the plate the thickness of the film is 8. If the flow
of the liquid is laminar and is caused by gravity alone, we can estimate
the velocity of the liquid by means of a force balance on the element dxol.
The downward force acting on the liquid at a distance greater than y from
the surface is (8 - y) dxpg. The foree retarding the do\vnward motion:-;
consists of the drag of the vapor at the liquid-vapor interfare and the drag
at the inner houndary of the element. Pnless the vapor Ao\\"s at a vPr:v
%•1 / /
-Y I
~ \W /
high velocity, the shear at the free surfare is quite small and may he nr~
lectcd. The retarding force will then simply be the viseous shear (JJ du . d!f)-
d~r at the vertiC'al plane y. rnder equilibrium conditions the upward and
downward forces are equal, or
(o - y)pg - J.L- (1G-10)
The velority u at y is obtained hy sPparating the variables in Eq. 10-10
and intPgrating. This yields the expre:--sion
pgh,u 2d -
--~~- k·(T
- n - T)
• dx (10-14)
,u ~
Solving for the film thickness ~ at a distance x from the top we get
~ = [4,ukx(T~~· -: T
5 )]1 (10-16)
and from Eq. 6-4 the dimensionless local Nusselt number at xis
_ _hxT _
Nu ; r - -
[ p2nh
Y fa :1·3 ]1 (10-18)
k 4,uk(T~v - Til)
- = L1
he 1L 0
hxdX = 4 h:r:-L
or (10-20)
It can easily be sho'vn that, for a surface inclined by an angle 1/; \\;t.h the
horizontal, the average conductance is
he = 0.94 [ p2gh,ak3 sin 1/1
JJ.L(T,. - T,)
]1 (10-21)
Solution: (a) At the average temperature of the condensate film [ T 1 = ( 170 + 130 l /
2 = 150 F), the physical-property values pertinent to the problem are
k = 0.383 Btu/hr ft F
61.2 lbm/cu ft.
p =
h1 = 996.3 Btu/lb (from steam tables)
ii = O
[ (0.383 3 )(61.2 2 )(4.17 X 1()11)(996.3)]1
c • (0.5/12) (1.06)(170 - 130)
= 1920 Btu/hr sq ft F Ans.
b) In the vertical poHition the tube may be treat~d as a vertical plat~ of area 1rDL
and, according to Eq. 10-20, the average unit-~urface conductance i~
ii, == 0. [ (61.2 2 )( 4.17 X 10S)(996.3)(0.3833)Jt
c (1.06)(5)(170- 130)
= 730 Btu/hr sq ft F An~.
larger than 2.87 times the outer diameter, as can be seen by a compari~on
of Eqs. 10-21 and 1Q-22. However, both of these equations are based on
the assumption that the flow of the condensate film is laminar and conse-
quently do not apply \Vhen the flow of the condensate is turbulent. Turbu-
lent flow is hardly ever reached on a horizontal tube but may be established
over the lower portion of a vertical surface. When this occurs, the average
heat-transfer coefficient becomes larger as the length of the condensing
surface is increased because the condensate no longer offers as high a
thermal resistance as it does in laminar flow. This phenomenon is some-
what analogous to the behavior of a boundary layer.
Just as a fluid flowing over a surface undergoes a transition from laminar
to turbulent flow, so the motion of the condensate becomes turbulent when
its Reynolds number exceeds a critical value of about 2000. The Reynold~
number of the condensate film Re 4, when based on the hydraulic diameter
(Eq. 8-1), can be written as Re 4 = 4Arc! P~" where P is the wetted per-
imeter equal to 1r D for a vertical tube and A is the flow cross-sectional aren
equal to PtJ. According to an analysis by Colburn (30) the local heat-
transfer coefficient for turbulent flow of the condensate can be evaluated
from the equation
0.8 ....
...... ~
v. ~
-. 0.6
~ - Pr 1•5
I \.I~ ~
.....• v-
Recommended Curve1
-- - - :---
.... ~ ~
""" 0.3
:--/:. for Film Type Conden1atlo
on Vertical Surface ~ '.
\ ...... ~
e ~ ~
'-i;,,..,, 1- ...
leo' . . . ~ ....
....... .......
~ .:-~....
~ !.. i-"' ~~ r"( ,.,
Stream liM
~~l/ Turbulent
10 2 2
3 4 6 8 10 3 2 3
4 6 8 104 2 34 6110S
(4rc/P 1)
FIG. lQ-15. Effect of turbulence in film on heat transfer with condensation.
Solution: The Reynolds number of the condensate at the lower end of the tube can
he written with the aid of Eq. 10-12 a.~
4r c 4p 2g~a
Re a= -
Pp 1 2 3,.,.1 1
Substituting Eq. 10-16 for 8 yields
Rea = 4p g[4,.JcL(T," - Ts)JI
2 2
3JJJ gh!aP
== ~ [4kL(T," - T,)plgl]t
3 ,.,.,h/a
Inserting in the expression above the numerical values for the problem yields
Re _ ! [ (4 X 0.383 Btu/hr ft F) (10 ft) (40 F) (61.2 lbm/cu ft)l (4.17 X 1()8 ft/hr')l]t
a 3 (1.06 lbm/hr ft)§(996 Btu/Ibm)
= 960 (dimensionless)
~incethe Reynolds number at the lower edge of the tube is below 2000, the flow of the
condensate is laminar and the result obtained from Eq. 10-20 is valid. Am.
* Over-alllu:• at-tmnsfcr coefficient U for water velocities between 4 and 8 fps (35) inside the tube.
Solution: (a) Ten tons of refrigeration are equivalent to 10 X 200 (Btu/min) = 2000
Btu/min of heat removal in the system. Neglecting losses, this is also the steady-st.att>
rate of heat flow from the ammonia to the water in the condenser. The rise in thr
temperature of the cooling water is therefore
The average water temperature is about 80 F, the Prandtl number is 2.3, and the
heat-transfer coefficient, according t.o Eq. 8-20, is
- k
he= D ReD 0 ·8 Przl = 760 Btu/hr sq ft F
1 1 1 1
U = 400
= h.ammonia + R," pipe +cn water D-/D
' o
T'he temperature drop between the ammonia and the wall surface is
~ow apply Eq. 10-22 to calculate the unit-surface conductance on the outside of the
1ubes. Using property values of ammonia at 85 F, Eq. 10-22 for 2 tube rows gives
Since this value is larger than that assumed in the first approximation, we correct the
calculations and obtain
1 1 1
U - + 0.000294 + = 0.00234 hr sq ft F /Btu
2200 630
T..: - T. = 1.22 F
liammonia = 2500 Btu/hr sq ft F
The second iteration will not change the value of the over-all heat-transfer coefficient
appreciably because the thermal resistance at the condensing side is less than one-fifth
of the total resistance. It yields
U = 440 Btu/hr sq ft F
and with this value of the over-all heat-transfer coefficient, the required total area is
q (2000)(60)
Ao = U(Tllt' - Twater) = (440)(6.3) = 43 ·5 sq ft Ans.
The shell of such a condenser is probably too long. The large surface area-to-volume
ratio would make it difficult to insulate the shell and give a clumsy appearance. It is
therefore suggested that 30 parallel tubes be arranged in 5 rows. This will reduce the
length of the unit to about 6 ft. A ns.
The details of this calculation are left as an exerciRe to the reader.
/!Ur Acting
en Heat Sink
9 ke.
fa, ~~~"'~==~~~
--- ~ ~ -~ ~Water -==--rtr ~-- :: Interface
• r•
-· - - -- ·-- -
. -- · --- -- - ---- -- -----
· -·-- - ----
- -- -- ·--- - - -
- . -- --- - -- --- ..
T, T,
Fw. 10-16. Tt'rnperature di~trihution for ieP forming on water with air
m; IH"at :-iink, tl.lld simplified tlwrmnl C'irt'uit for tht:> HyHtem with lwat
capaeit y of :-;olid eonsidered to IH' negligihll·.
to the ice, by conduction through the ice, and by convection to the sink.
'l'he ice layer is subcooled except for the interface in contact with the
I iquid, which is at the freezing point. A portion of the heat transferred
to the sink is used to cool the liquid at the interface SL to the freezing
point and to remove its latent heat of solidification. The other portion
:--:erves to subcool the ice. Cylindrical or spherical systems may be des-
cribed in a similar manner, but solidification may proceed either inward
(a..'; for freezing of water in~iide a can) or outward (as for water freezing
c )n the outside of a pipe).
The freezing of a slab can be formulated as a boundary-value problen1
in "·hich the governing equation is the general conduction equation for the
~olid phase
at x = 0 lk ~ · - ,-~0 (T T (.() )
ax I=O -
at X = E
1/ii, = 0), and that iio and Too are constant during the process.
The rate of heat flow per unit area through the resistances offered hy
the ice and the air, acting in series, as a result of the temperature pott:>n tial
( T fr - T is 00 ) ...
-= (10--26)
This is the heat-flow rate which removes the latent heat of fusion nece&.."3rv
for freezing at the surface x = E, or
-= (10--27)
where (dE/dO) is the volume rate of ice formation per unit area at tlw
growing surface in cu ft/hr sq ft, and pL 1 is the latent heat in Btu/ cu ft.
Combining of Eqs. 10-26 and I0-27 to eliminate the rate of heat flow
yields the equation
T,r - Too L dE
- = p ,- (10-28)
1/ho + E/ k dO
which relates the depth of ice to the freezing time. The variables E and 8
can now be separated and we get
To make this equation dimensionless let
E+ = -
- T/r - Too
and o+ = Oh/· ----
Substituting these dimensionless parameters in Eq. 10-29 yields
dE+ (I + E+) = d(J+ (10-301
or + = -
E I + v 1 + 20+- (10-32)
\Vhen the temperature of the liquids T z is above the fusion t~mperature
and the convective resistance at the liquid-to-solid interface is Ft,, th(•
- d8+ (10-33)
1 + R+T+(l + x+)
\Vhere R+ = h,lho;
r+ = (Tz - T,,)/(T,, - Too);
'vhile the other symbols represent the same dimensionless quantities used
previously in Eq. 1Q-30.
For the boundary conditions that, at o+ = 0, E+ = 0 and, at(}+ = o+,
E+ = E+, the solution of Eq. lQ-33 becomes
1 ( R+T+E+ ) E+
o+ = - (R+T+)'l In 1 - 1 - R+T+ - R+T+ (10-34)
The results are shown graphically in Fig. 10-17 where the generalized
thickness E+ is plotted VS. generalized time 9+ With the generalized potential-
resistance ratio R+r+ as parameter.
Example 10-4. In the production of "Flakice, '' ice forms in thin layers on a hori-
zontal rotating drum which is partly -Rubmerged in water. The cylinder is internally
,.,f 1.0~-~---+---~::.___,~-+---~~+--~~F----+---::::J-;;~-j
+.., 0.5
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.S 3.0 3.0 4.0
e+=&iao2(T,,-TIIl)/PLt lc
FIG. 10-17. Solidification of slah-thicktw~~ vs. time. (Ex-
tracted from "Rates of Icc Formation,'' by A. L. London and
R. A. Hehun, Trans. ASME, Vol. 65, 1943, with pPrmis..;:ion of t}u-.
puhlishPr-:-;, Th(' :\rnPrif":Ul ~ocif't~· of ~l(•ehunical En~illPPr:-:)
refrigerated with a brine spray at 12 F. Ice formed on the exterior surface is peeled r, ;-:-
as the revolving-drum surface emerges from the water.
For the operating conditions listed below, estimate the time required to fonn a.n ic•·
layer 0.1 in. thick.
\Vater liquid temperature .... 40 F
Liquid-surface conductance .... 10 Btu/hr ~q ft F
Conductance between brine and
ice (including metal wall) ...... 100 Btu/hr sq ft F
Tt - TJr 40 - 32
T+ = T1r - Too = 32 - 12 = 0.4
\Ve assume now that the ice is a sheet. This is justified because the thickness of thr
ice is very small compared to the radius of curvature of the drum. The boundar_\·
conditions of this problem are then the same as those assumed in the solution of Ec1-
10-33. Hence, Eq. 10-34 is the solution to the problem at hand. Substituting num~·r·
ieal values for n+, T+, and E+ in Eq. 10-34 yields
Equations for the rate of ice formation on the inside and outside of
cylinders of radius r o have been solved by London and Seban (3G) und('r
the same assumptions used to derive Eq. lQ-33 for the slab. Their result:-:
are shown in Fig. 10-18 for freezing outside a long cylinder containing a
heat sink and in Fig. 10-19 for freezing of a liquid in a long circular cylin-
drical container immersed in a medium at a temperature belo\v the freezin~
point of the liquid. The dimensionless time for complete solidification of
the liquid in the latter case corresponds to the abscissa intercept r+ = r ro =0
at the appropriate value of the system parameter horo / k. The din1en~ion
less time parameter 8* plotted as the abscissa in Figs. 1Q-18 and 10-19 i:'
defined as
(Tfr - T crJk8
Ltpr o 2
10 5 2 0.75
~ 0.5
11 2.5
3 ----~~------~
5 ----~
~ 0 .61---\~-\-: ~-;-~,..-c"'c--t--.3o~f-----+-----'::a......:t-----+----+----+-------t
.. 0.-41-----'c:--t'i~---\---i\----~--3-+----"t----_._
E +To
r*- - - -
O* - (1', - Too) kiJ
pLro 1
.\ssume that the ·.vatcr is originally at the freezing temperature T" that the cooling
medium inside the tube surface is below the freezing temperature at a uniform tempera-
ture T 00 , and that ho is the total conductance between the cooling medium and the
pipe-ice interface. Also show the thermal circuit.
1o-2. In the manufacture of can ice, cans having inside dimensions of 11 by Z2
by 50 in. with l-in. inside taper are filled with water and immersed in brine having a
temperature of 10 F. !For details of the process see The Refrigerating Data Boo!.- .
ASRE, Vol. II (1H40), pp. 9,56). For the purpose of a preliminary analysis, the actual
ice can may be considered as an equivalent cylinder having the same cross-sect ionnl
n.rea as the can, and end effects may be neglected. The over-all conductance h<'t ween
the brine and the inner surface of the can is -10 Btu/hr sq ft F. Determine the time
required to freeze the water and compare with the time necessary if the brine-circulatio11
rate would be increased to reduce the thermal resistance of the surface to one-tenth of
the value specified above.
lo-3. Estimate the time required to freeze vegetables in thin, tin, cylindrical coll-
tainers of 6-in. diameter. Air at 10 F is blowing at 15 fps over the cans, which are
stacked to form one long cylinder. The physical properties of the vegetables may he
taken as those of water and ice respectively.
lo-4. Develop the Nusselt film-condensation relation for condensation inside smalJ
vertical tubes where the film builds up an annulus.
lo-G. Consider a !-in.-ID vertical tube at a surface temperature of 150 F with
atmospheric saturated steam inside. Determine the tube length at which the con-
densate fills the tube and chokes the flow.
1()-6. Calculate the average heat-transfer coefficient for film-type condensation of
water at pressures of 1 in. Hg abs and 14.7 psia for (a) a vertical surface 5 ft high; (b) th<'
outside surface of a 1-in.-OD vertical tube 5 ft long; (c) the outside surface of a 1-in.-OD
horizontal tubes 5 ft long; and (d) a 10-tube vertical bank of i-in.-OD horizontal tube~
5 ft long. In all cases, assume that the vapor velocity is negligible and that the ~nr
face temperatures are constant at 20 F below saturation temperature.
lo-7. Predict the nucleate-boiling heat-transfer coefficient for water boiling at
atmospheric pressure on the outside surface of a 1-in.-OD vertical tube 5 ft long.
Assume the tube-surface temperature constant at 20 F above the saturation temperature.
lo-8. Estimate the maximum heat flux obtainable with nucleate pool boiling on a
clean surface for (a) water at 1 atm on brass, (b) water at 10 atm on bras-3, and (c) n-butyl
alcohol at 3 atm on copper.
lo-9. Determine the excess temperature at one-half of the maximum heat flux for
the fluid-surface combinations in Prob. 10-8.
1o-10. Estimate the time required to freeze a l-in. thickness of water due to
nocturnal radiation with ambient air and initial water temperatures at 40 F. l\eglect
evaporation effect.
characteristics and dimensions into a unit which can be built at a lo\v cost.
Selections of materials, seals, enclosures, and the optimum mechanical
arrangement have to be made and the manufacturing procedures must he
To achieve maximum economy the majority of manufacturers have
adopted standard lines of heat exchangers. The standards establish tube
dian1eters and pressure ratings and promote the use of standard drawing~
and standard fabrication procedures. Standardization does not mean, how-
ever, that heat exchangers can be delivered off the shelf, because service
requirements vary too much. Some engineering design is necessary for
almost every exchanger, but if service conditions permit, the use of ex-
changers built to standard lines saves money. The engineer concerned
with the installation of heat exchangers in power plants and process equip-
ment is therefore often called upon to select a heat-exchanger unit which
is suitable for a particular application. The selection requires a thermal
analysis to determine whether a standard unit of specified size and geometry
can meet the requirements of heating or cooling a given fluid at a specified
rate. In this type of analysis the initial cost must be weighed against such
factors as life of equipment, ease of cleaning, and space required. It is
also important that the requirements of the safety codes of ASl\lE be met.
and for this purpose the Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manu-
facturers Association (TE:\lA) should be consulted.
The simplest type of shell-and-tube heat exchanger is sho'vn in Fig. 11-1.
It consists of a tube· or a pipe located concentrically inside another tube
which forms the shell for this arrangement. One of the fluids flows
through the inner tube, the other through the annulus formed between the
inner and the outer tube. Since both fluid streams traverse the exchanger
only once, this arrangement is called a sZ:ngle-pass heat exchanger. If both
fluids flow in the same direction, the exchanger is a pa1'aUel-fl.ow type; if
the fluids move in opposite directions, the exchanger is of the counterflow
T,. in
FIG. 11-1. Ding ram of a simplP tulw-wit hi n-a-t ulw eounterflow heat exchanger.
AJr In
Flo. 11-3. ro Aow air heate r ill u trating crossBow with one
fluid mixed, the oth r unmixed.
of a heat exchanger with two tube pas es and one cro -baffled hell p '"".
Th baffie · are of the egmental typ Thi and oth r typi l typ f
baffle are hown in Fig. 11- 5. In a baffled exchang r, the flo\\ patt rn
on the hell side i compl x. A shown by th arrow part of the tim tb
flow i p rpendicular, and part of the time parallel, to the tube.
The heat exchanger illu trated in Fig 11- 4 ha fix d tube pla a.
each end and the tube are welded or expanded into the plate . Thi t yp
of c n truction ha the lowe t initial co t but can only b u ed f r ll
t mperature difference between the hot and the cold fluid b cau e n
provi ion i made to pr vent thermal tre es due to the cliff r ntial exp -
. ion b tween the tube and the hell . Another di advantage i that th
tube bundle can not 1 e removed for cleaning . Th e dTawbacks c
O\ ercome by the modification of the ba ic de ign hown in Fig. 11
In thi arrangem nt one tube plat is fixed but the other i b lted a
fl ing-h ad cover which p rmit the tube bundle to mov r lutiv the
~ ~ ~ ~
t::E~ ~ ·~ g
~ rn~
r ~
~ I
I - i~]
~ I I I I I I I I ~
l "'\(
r-.."l "'-"\1 )
1m~ ~ fz ~
1:?22 ~ ~ ~
Free Ar.a BetwHn Baffles
frH Ar.a at Baffle
I' ,,)
\ I
~ ~ ~
Fro. 11-5. Three typ of afu s u ed in shell-and-tube
heat exchangers. (After C. B. Cramer, Heat Transfer, 2d
ed. International T extbook Company, Scranton, Pa.)
hell. The floating tube heet is clamped between the floating head and
a flange so that it i po ible to remove the t ube bundle for cl aning. Th
heat exchanger sho" n in Fig. 11- 6 ha one hell pas and two t ube pa . e .
For certain pecial application uch as regenerator for aircraft or
automobile gas turbine , the rate of heat tran f r per unit weight and unit
volume is the prime con ideration. Compact, lightweight heat exchang r
for thi type of servic have be n inve tig t d by Kay and London (1).
A typical de ign i shown in Fig. 11- 7. For a c mplet de cription and
analy ·i of compact h at exchang r p cially forth application of fins t
incr a e the effectivene of uch unit , the reader i referred to the origin 1
paper (1 ,2,3,4,5) .
F1 . 11- 7. T y pi l mp v f
h H a rrii" n R a liat
a b
0 Atotol
a b
Tc ~----'------------~
colder fluid can never reach the exit temperature of the hotter fluid in
parallel flow. For counterflow on the other hand, the final temperature
of the cooler fluid may exceed the outlet temperature of the hotter fluid,
since a favorable temperature gradient exists all along the heat exchanger.
An additional advantage of the counterflow arrangement is that, for a
given rate of heat flow, less surface area is required than in parallel flow.
a b
__UJd~----~-~ T Tcour
0 Jftolal
~ounterflow. If the specific heats of the fluids do not vary with tempera-
ture, "'e can write a heat balance from the inlet to an arbitrary cross section
in the exchanger, or
- CA(Tia - T1a in) = Cc (Tc - Tc in) (11-3)
'vhere C.,. = rn.,.cp~.,
the hourly heat-capacity flow rate of the hotter fluid
in Btu/hr F;
Cc = rnce,c, the hourly heat-capacity flow rate of the colder fluid
in Btu/hr F.
Solving Eq. 11-3 for T~a gives
from .,vhich we obtain
Substituting Eq. 11-5 for T~a - Tc in Eq. 11-2 yields after some rearrange-
dTc UdA
--------------------------------- - ---- (11-6)
Integrating Eq. 11-6 over the entire length of the exchanger (i.e., from
A = 0 to A = Ato~l) yields
In j- [1 + (Cr / C11)] Trout + CqclG__h) Tc in - T, in~
1- [1 + (Cc/C~a)] Tc in + (Cc / Ch) Tc in - T1a in~
= -(_!_Cc + ~)
UA (11-8)
From Eq. 11-3 we obtain for the total length of the exchanger
Thout- Thin
Tc out - Tc in
which can be used to eliminate the hourly heat capacities in Eq. 11-8.
After some rearrangenH~nt we get
= [(1',, out - Trout) - (Thin - Tc in)J - - (11-10)
where the subscripts a and b refer to the respective ends of the exchanger
(see Figs. 11-10 and 11-11). In practice it is convenient to use an a\·erage
effective temperature difference ~ 1' for the entire heat exchanger defined by
q = UAXT (11-12)
Comparing Eqs. 11-12 and 11-11, one finds that, for parallel or counterflow
, ATa - aTb
A7 = - -- · - --- - - (11-13)
ln(ATa / a7\)
0 .9
\t-)·o -:\ _,·a-
\ ~
~'j ~·~
v ~R~ I\ '
\ \0
·-!·~-·~\0 ~
· ~~ ~ f ~~I\ \ \\ V\
0 \ \
- f- -
\ \ \ \ \ \' \ _·-f - \ -1 1-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0... 0.5
\ I
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
P =(T, out - T t in)/(T 1 in -T r in)
-~~--+--+-........,Tt out
'-+---+-----+-,.._ Tt In ·
T, our
Digitized by Coogle Original from
I l
( I Ttout
i I I
- Tr In
T 1 out
F I G. x hanJ!er wi h
two f th Tu ular
t--,..--= ~
""""' '\ ~ ""' ............
f\.. ~ ~ r--..._
~ t::::::: t-- t-- -
t - r--...
Ts ln
\' \ I" 1'\. "\
~ ~ "' ~
0.8 \ ~ 1\ i\ \ \ 1'\ \
F \ \ \ \ i\ 1\
2 ... .c .o 3.0\ 2.0\ U.\ 1.o\ o.8\ o.6\ 0.~ 0.2\
\ \ \ y.,, \
\ \ 1\
0 .6
I i \ 1\ -, Ts ou t
0 .5 [J 1\ \ 1
0 0.1 0.2 O.J O..c 0 .5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
T , out- Tt ,~
T, ,~- T, in
FIG . 11-14.
m n an ci
I ' \
' ""'\ ",1\ ~
~ ~
...... ['...
.... "{ 1\
i z ::: <4.0 3.0 2.0~ u\ 1.0\ 0.~\. 0.~ o.~\o.2\
~ i\ 1\ \ 1\\ \ \
\ \I \ i\
0.6 l l
i ! \ ' \ ,\ T, OVI
1\ \ \ \ \
0 .5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.<4
0 ..5
oyt -7j in
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0.
FIG. 11-15. Correction factor to counterflow Ll'viTD for crossflow heat ex-
changer, both fluids unmixed, one tube pass. (Extracted from "1\lean Tem-
perature Difference in Design," by R. A. Bowman, A. C. 1\Iueller, and \V. M.
~agel, published in Trans. ASJIE, Vol. 62, 1940, with permission of the pub-
lishers, The American Society of l\lechanical Engineers)
the heat capacity of the two fluids m,cptfm,cp,. This ratio is also equal to
the temperature change of the shell fluid divided by the temperature
change of the fluid in the tubes, or
Z = 'mtCpt = Tain- Tsout
m,c,, Tt out - Tt in
Solution: (a) The outlet temperature of the water for any of the four arrangements
l'an he obtained from an over-all energy balance, assuming that the heat loss to the
atmosphere is negligible. \\'riting the energy halance as
from which the outlet temperature of the water is found to be 97 F. The rate of heat
flow from the alcohol to the water is therefore
q = Tn~t.C 1 ,1t.(Th in - T11. out) = (55,000) (0.91) (150 - 103) = 2,350,000 Btu/br
From Eq. 11-13, the L~ITD for parallel flow is
Z = _rr_l_cC_
·pc_ = l
From the chart of Fig. 11-13, F = O.~H and the heat-transfer area is
A =
.! = 4f>O sq ft Am.
Cc(Tc out - Tr in)
0 = ---- - --- - - - (11-17b)
ern in ( 7\ in - T,. in)
where Cmtn is the smaller of the mhcp~a and mccp,. magnitudes.
Onc-e the effectiveness of a heat exchanger is known, the rate of hf'at
transfer can be determined directly from the equation
'7 = E('lllin (7\ in - T,. in) (11-18)
Tr in) = (\ (7\ in - 7\ out) = ('c (Tc out - Tc in)
heat capacity, and the difference between the inlet temperatures. It re-
places Eq. 11-12 in the L~ITD analysis but does not involve the outlet
temperatures. Equation 11-18 is of course also .suitable for design pur-
poses instead of Eq. 11-12.
We shall illustrate the method of deriving an expression for the ef-
fectiveness of a heat exchanger by applying it to a parallel-flow arrange-
ment. The effectiveness can be introduced into Eq. 11-8 by replacing
(Tc in - Tc out) / (Th in - Tc in) by the effectiveness relation from Eq. 11-17.
We obtain
8= (11-20)
.1 .1 I ..--
r-- ~Cmin/Cmo•=O
80 / 0.25
/ ./
....... ~ _,. -
/; ~ .--
! 40 ~~ - 1.00
w 20 /'
0 2 3
No. of Transfer Units, NTU,.0 a=AU/Crnln
Fw. 11-16: Heat-exchanger effectiveness for parallel flow. (By pennis-
sion from \V . .M. Kays and A. L. London, Compact Heat Exchangers, National
Press, 1955)
The effectiveness curves for some common flow arrangements are shown in
Figs. 11-16 to 11-20. The abscissas of these figures are the NTU's of the
heat exchangers. The constant parameter for each curve is the hourly
heat capacity ratio Cmin/C max, and the effectiveness is read on the ordinate.
Note that, for an evaporator or condenser, Cmin/Cmax = 0, because if one
fluid remains at constant temperature throughout the exchanger, its effec-
tive specific heat, and thus its capacity rate, is by definition equal to
Example 11-2. From a performance test on a well-batHed single-shell, two-tube-
pass heat exchanger, the following data. are available: oil (cp = 0.5 Btu/lb F) in turbulent
flow inside the tubes entered at 160 Fat the rate of 5000 lb/hr and left at 100 F; water
flowing on the shell side entered at 60 F and left at 80 F. A change in service conditions
requires the cooling of a similar oil from an initial temperature of 200 F but at three
fourths of the flow rate used in the performance test. Estimate the outlet temperature
of the oil for the same water rate and inlet temperature as before.
Solution: The test data may be used to determine the hourly heat capacity of the
water and the over-all conductance of the exchanger. The hourly heat capacity of the
water is from Eq. 11-9
(5000)(0.5) (
: =~O ) = 7500 Btu/hr
2 3 5
No. of Transfer Units, NTUmoa=~U/Cmin
" Tube Fluid
(nac),-=Ct ql
- Cm.~/C~)~ ~ -
.,.-0. 25-
80 v
/v -
0.50 -
~ ~o-0.75
...... 60 ·-
• ~ ~ ~ r-1.00
Vfjj v
20 Jl
0 l
0 1 2 3 4 5
No. of Transfer Unih, NTUmoa =..4U,t;min
/i ~old Flui_d
-4'r/HP- L-:~~:
~ --+
l!;mtn/Cmoa =~
/ / .....v~ ~o.~- b-----'
I ~ / v o.75 ~_1.oo- -
~ V-: t:...- v
ID ~ v
: 40
0 1 2 3 4 5
No. of Transfer Units, NTUmoa =~V/Cmll'l
A ~
j ~ M;,od Flu;d
' ~
~mixed Fluid
Cml ..,
c..-i..d v
/.. ~
~ P'""
~--- r-
·4 r--
I / ~~
~- ~- - ~ ·2
~~ ~ 1.33
It ~ v 1\ Cmiaed
0 2 3
No. of Transfer Units, l'IT'Vmoa • .A V,tt;nun
FIG. 11-20. Heat-exehanger effectiveness for crossflow with onP fluid mixed,
the other unmixe-d. \Vhen CmixcJ / Cun~iu.t > 1, :'\TUmu is htl.$ed on ('unmixeJ ·
(By permission from \V. l\1. Ka.ys and A. L. London, Com pad II cal E.rchangcrs,
• . l I> re ~s,
, 1(I,,<>~
r: -)
p -= Tt out - T, In = 60 =- 0. 6
T, ln - T 1 In 100
z 20
= 60 -= 0.33
From Fig. 11-12, F == 0.94 and the mean temperature difference is
Since the thermal resistance on the oil side is controlling, a decrease in velocity to 75 per
cent of the original value will increase the thennal resistance roughly by the velocity
ratio raised to the 0.8 power. This can be verified by reference to Eq. 8-17. Fnder
the new conditions the conductance, the NTU, and the hourly heat capacity ratio will
therefore be approximately
From Fig. 11-18 the effectivcnel's is equal to 0.63. Hence from the definition of S. the
oil outlet temperature iR
Toll out - Ton In - -- -- - e!lTmu = (160 - 0.25)(0.63)(100) = 144.3 F Ans.
Enmple 11-3. A flat-plate-type heater (Fig. 11-21) is to be used to heat air with
the hot exhaust gases from a turbine. The required air-flow rate is 6000 lb/hr, enterin~
at 60 F; the hot ga.qes are available at a temperature of 1600 F and at a rate of 5000 lbjhr.
Determine the temperature of the air leaving the heat exchanger.
Sol?dwn: Inspection of Fig. 11-21 shows that the unit is of the cross-flow type.
both fluids unmixed. As a first approximation the end effects will be neglected. The
flow systems for the air and gas streams are similar to flow in straight ducts having the
following dimensions :
Length of air duct, La = 0.583 ft
Hydraulic diameter of air duct DHa = 4Aa/ P 11 = 0.0427 ft
Length of gas duct La = 1.13 ft
Hydraulic diameter of gas duct DHa = 4Au!Pa = 0.0516 ft
Heat-transfer surface area A =- 23.6 ft
The unit condurtances may be evaluated from Eqs. 8-23a and 8-18 for flow in ducU!
(La/DHa = 0.583/0.0427 == 13.7, LuiDHa = 1.13/0.0516-=- 21.9). A difficulty ari~!l,
however, because the t.emperature8 of both fluids vary along the duct. It is therefore
necessary to e8timate an average temperature and refine the calculations after t.he outlet
temperatures have been found. Selecting the average air temperature at 160 F and
Gas Out
Air In
Gas In
Air Out
0.03" Thick
== [ (0.023) ( 0.0185)
0 0427
(1720)(0.87) J (1 + 0.16) == 17.3 Btu/hr sq ft F
If the thermal re~istance of the metal wall is neglected, the over-all conductance i~
1 1
VA == - -- - - - ar 250 Btu/hr F
and from Fig. 11-19 the effectiveness is 0.15. Finally, the average outlet t~mperature
of the air is
which is sufficiently close to the assumed value of 160 F to make a second approximation
unnece&.,ary. To appreciate the usefulne~s of the approach based on the concept of
heat-exchanger effectiveness, it is ~uggested that this same problem be worked out by
trial and error, using Eq. 11-12 and the chart of Fig. 11-15.
or above the knee of these curves, increasing the surface area will not
itnprove the performance appreciably, but may cause an undue increase
in the frictional pressure drop.
TABLE 11-1
Hteam to water
Instantaneous heater . ................ . 400-600
Storage-tank heater .................. . 175-300
:';team to oil
Heavy fuel. ......................... . IQ-30
Light fuel. .......................... . 3Q--60
Light petroleum distillate ............. . 50-200
~team to aqueous solutions ............... . lQ0-600
Steam to gases . ......................... . 5-50
\Vater to compressed air .................. . 10-30
\Vater to water, jacket water coolers ....... . 15Q-275
\Vater to lubricating oil. .................. . 2Q-60
\Vater to condensing oil vapors ............ . 4Q-100
\Vater to condensing alcohol . . . . .......... . 45-120
\Vater to condensing Freon-12 .. ........... . 80-150
\Vater to condensin~ ammonia ............. . 15Q-250
\Vater to organic solvents, alcohol ......... . 5Q-1.50
\Vater to boiling Freon-12 ................ . 5Q-150
\Vater to gasoline ........................ . 6Q-90
\Vater to gas oil or distillate .. . ............ . 35-60
\Vater to brine .......................... . lOQ-200
I . . ight organics to light organics ............ . 4G-7.5
:\Iedium organics to medium organics ...... . 20-60
Heavy organics to heavy organics .......... . lQ-40
Heavy organics to light organics ........... . lQ-60
Crude oil to gas oil ......... . ............. . 3Q-55
souRcE: Ref. 13.
filled either with solid pellets or with metal matrix inserts. During one
part of the cycle the inserts store internal energy as the warmer fluid flows
over their surfaces. During the other part of the cycle internal energy is
released as the colder fluid passes through the regenerator and is heat-ed.
Thus, heat is transferred in a cyclic process. The principal advantage of
the regenerator is a high heat-transfer effectiveness per unit weight and
space. The major problem is to prevent leakage between the warmer and
cooler fluids at elevated pressures. Regenerators have been used success-
fulJy as air preheaters in open-hearth a.nd blast furnaces and in gas liqui-
fication processes.
The theories of the regenerators are very difficult and involved. The
reader interested in the design and operation of these units is referred to
Refs. 14 to 16 for detailed information. Reference 14 contains a summary
K oTE. The problems marked • require the direct or indirect evaluation of heat-
transfer coefficients before the heat exchanger can be analyzed.
11-1. In a tubular heat exchanger with two shell passes and eight tube p~, 100,000
lb/hr of water are heated from 180 to 300 F. Hot exhaust gases having roughly the
!'arne physical properties as air enter at. 650 F and leave at 350 F. The total surface.
baS(>d on the outer tube surface is 10,000 sq ft. Determine (a) the log-mean temp<>rs-
11-3. • Repeat Prob. 11-2, but a.·~sume that the design should contain a safety factor
to allow for scale formation on the steam side which could add an additional thermal
resistance of 0.02 hr sq ft F /Btu.
11-4.* A small space heater is constructed of ~-in., IS-gauge brass tubes, 2ft long.
The tubes are arranged in isosceles, staggered triangles on 1!-in. centers, four rows of
15 tubes each. A fan blows 2000 cfm of atmospheric air at iO F uniformly over the
tubes (see sketeh). Estimate: (a) heat-transfer rate; (b) exit temperature of the air;
(c) rate of steam condensation, assuming that saturated steam at 2 psig inMide the tubes
is the heat source. State your a.._~umptions. NOTE. \Vork parts a, b, and c of this
problem by two methods. First use the Ll\1TD, which requires a trial-and-error or
graphical solution; then use the effectiveness method. (d) Also, estimate pressure drop
of the air, in inches of water; (e) size motor required to drive the fan.
--$- 1
cb ' 22.5 11
Pnoa. 11-4.
11-1. • Calculate the over-all conductance and the rate of heat flow from the hot
gases to the cold air in the cross-flow tube-bank type of heat exchanger shown in the ac-
companying illustration for the following operating conditions:
Air In
Air In
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Minimum Flow Ar.a
shown by Heavy Line 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Air In 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Section at A-A
PRon. 11-5.
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ten1perature (F) 65 109 135 152 163 lI 172 179 I 186 190 195 198
Calculate (a.) average over-all heat-transfer coefficient Uo based on the outside tube
area; (b) average water-side heat-transfer coefficient li~ (assume steam-side coefficient
at fi. == 2000 Btu/sq ft hr F), (c) local over-all coefficient U z based on the outside
tube area for each of the 10 sections between temperature stations, and (d) local wa.ter-
~ide coefficient~ hvz for each of the 10 sections.
Plot all items vs. tube length. Tuhe dimensions: ID = O.i90 in., OD = 0.985 in. ,
l~nJ(th = 8.5 ft. Temperature Rtation 1 is at tube entrance and station 11 at tube exit.
PRoD. 11-12.
of the intermediate metal wall. Then determine the outlet temperature of the air.
comment on the suitability of the proposed design, and if possible, suggest improvement :-o.
11-13. \Vater is heated while flowing through a pipe by steam condensing on thr·
outside of the pipe. (a) Assuming a uniform over-all conductance along the pipe, derin·
an expression for the water temperature as a function of distance from the cntranN'.
(b) For an over-all conductance of 100 Btu/hr sq ft F, based on the inside diameter of
2 in., a steam temperature of 220 F, and a water-flow rate of 500 Ibm/min, calculate thr·
length required to raise the water temperature from 60 F to 150 F. An.s. 475 f1
11-1~. An oil having a specific heat of 0.50 Btu/Ibm F enters an oil cooler at 180 Fat
the rate of 20,000 Ibm/hr. The cooler is a counter-flow unit with water as the coolant.
the transfer area being 300 sq ft and the over-all heat-transfer coefficient being 100 Btu
sq ft F hr. The water enters the exchanger at 80 F. Determine the water rate requir('tl
if the oil is to leave the cooler at 100 F.
11-16. Steam is to be condensed at atmospheric pressure in a shell-and-tuhe he:1 :
exchanger consisting of 72 eight-foot lengths of standard l-in. 18 B\VG copper conden&>r
tubing (0.902 in. ID, 0.049 in. wall thickness). Water is available at a rate of 500,00l
lhrn/hr; it flows inside the tubes, entering at 60 F. For the average unit-surfaee ~on
du<'tances listed below, estimate the pounds of steam per hour conden~. The unit-
~urface conductances (based on actual area) are:
11-17.• The following data were obtained with an experimental parallel-flow he.nt
exchanger that consisted of a horizontal steel tube (0.053 in. ID and 1.002 in. OD) ~ur
rounded by a concentrically-arranged steel tube (1.263 in. ID) well insulated externall~·
A high pressure steam (2400 lb/hr) at an absolute pressure of 1643 lb/sq in. and at 821 F
entered the inner tube and left with an absolute pressure of 1523lb/sq in. and a tempera-
ture of 722 F; 953 lb/hr of low pressure steam at an absolute pressure of 189 lb/sq in. at
424 F entered the annular space and left at an absolute pressure of 122 lb/sq in. with s
t~mperature of 744 F. Predict the heat-transfer rate if the steam flow in the inner tu~
were reversed, the entering temperatures remaining the same as before.
11-18. One hundred thousand lb/hr of benzene are to be cooled continuously from
180 to 130 F by 80,000 lb/hr of water available at 60 F. Using Table 11-2 estimate the
surface area required for (a) cross Bow, six tube passes, one-shell pass, neither of the
fluids mixed; (b) reversed current exchanger, two-shell passes and eight tube passes,
colder fluid inside of tubes.
11-19.• An oil is being cooled by water in a double-pipe parallel-flow heat P:t-
changer. The water enters the center pipe at a temperature of 60 F and is h~.ated to
120 F. The oil which flows in the annulus is cooled from 270 to 150 F. It is proposed to
cool the oil to a lower final temperature by increasing the length of the exchanger.
Neglecting external heat loss from the exchanger, determine: (a.) the minimum t.empers-
ture to which the oil may be cooled; (h) the exit-oil temperature as a function of the frs("-
tional increase in the exchanger length; (c) the exit temperature of each stream if the
exiHting exchanger were switched to counterflow operation; (d) the lowest temperature
to which the oil could be cooled with counterflow operation; (e) the ratio of the required
)pngth for counterflow to that for parallel flow as a function of the exit-oil temperature.
11-20. In gas turbine recuperators the exhaust gases are used to heat the incoming
air and CmJ 0 /Cmax is therefore approximately equal to unity. Show that for this ease
e - 1 - e-NTU for counterflow and 6 - i (1 - e-2 NTU) for parallel flow.
11-21. In most ga.~ turbine regenerators the heat capacity ratio Cmt 0 /Cmax is near
unity. For rapid cost e8timates it is desirable to have performance curves for thiR con-
dition showing the effectiveness, 6, as a function of the Number of Transfer Units, NTC.
Prepare a series of such curves on one graph for counterflow, parallel-flow, 1 shell-2 tube
p~~e~. and unmixed cros8 flow. \Vhat conclusions can you draw?
11-22. It is proposed to preheat the water for a boiler with flue gases from the staek
lcp - 0.24 Btu/Ibm F). The flue gases arc available at 300 F, at the rate of 2000
lbm/hr. The water entering the exchanger at 60 F at the rate of 400 lbm/hr is to be
heated to 200 F. The heat exchanger is to be of the reversed current type, one shell pass
and 4 tube passes. The water ftowM inside the tubes which are made of copper (1 in. ID,
1.25 in. OD). The heat-transfer coefficient at the gas side is 20 Btu/hr sq ft F, while the
heat-transfer coefficient on the water side is 200 Btu/hr sq ft F. A ~ale on the water
side offers an additional thermal resistance of 0.01 hr sq ft F /Btu. (a) Determine the
over-ull heat-transfer coefficient based on the outer tube diameter. (b) Determine the
appropriate mean temperature difference for the heat exchanger. (e) Estimate the re-
quired tube length. (d) What would be the improvement in the effectiveness if the
water flow rate would be doubled, giving an average-unit conductance of 320 Btu/hr
!o!Q ft F?
11-23. The heater arrangement of Prob. 9-6 is to heat air from 65 to 220 F with
steam at 11 psig condensing inside the tubes. If the bank i~ 40 rows deep with 30 pipes
in each row, estimate the capacity of the heater in pounds per hour of air and the pressure
drop in inches of water. The pipes are 6 ft long and the free cross-sectional flow are.a is
60 ft'? A ns. 83,000 lbm/hr
when the temperatures become so high that the gas dissociates ( 19) or when
the gas is so rarefied, as for example at very high altitudes, that the mean
free path of the molecules becomes of the order of magnitude of the bound-
ary-layer thickness.
and hambre (16). The ubdivision are hown in Fig. 12-1 a olid lin
while the dotted line indicate the corre ponding altitude for a body h in
a characteri tic dimen ion L of unity.
The conventional continuum regime of fluid mechanics and ga dynami
is limited to M/ VRe <0.1 and Re>> 1.0. At the other end of the cal f r
valu s of M/ Re larger than 3, the mean free path is much larger than L .
Thi is called the free-rnolecule flow regime in which molecule to mol ul .
colli ion can be neglected in compari on with molecule to body- urfa
collision . No boundary layer xi ts in thi regime.
In the transition reg 'me the colli ions between molecule and tb
collisions between molecule and the body are of equal importance. Th
regime of mall, but not negligible Knudsen number i called the sli p fl
regtme. As the name implies, in thi regime the mol cule imm i t 1y
~ =3 I
Region Investigated in Refs. I
10, 16, 20, and 22
adja nt to a urface do not tick to it, but lide over it with a d fini
t~ ng ntial v l city. The m an fr path in lip flow i of the order of 1 t
10 p r c nt of th boundary lay r thickne or the characteri ic b '
dim n ion L. The flow and h at tra f r phenom na in the tr i i n and
·lip flow r im ar xc dingly com pi x. Our kno\\ ledg about them i ,
till limit d nd they will not be di cu d here. Figure 12-1 how th
r ng in which data hav b n obtain d and the p rtinent r f r n
In addition to the ubdivi ion cited abo\ e, the field of ga dynami
al o ubdivid d c rdin to the value of the Mach number. If the M h
numb r i I · th n unity, th flow i ub onic. When the Mach number ex-
d unity, the flow i up r onic, but at xtrem ly high Mach numbe w
assume, that the gas behaves as an ideal gas which has a constant specific
heat and obeys the perfect gas law.
To gain a qualitative picture of high-speed flow in a continuum, con-
sider first a laminar boundary layer in high-speed flow over an insulateJ
plate. The velocity distribution is qualitatively similar to that observed at
low Mach numbers but the temperature profile (Fig. 12-2) is quite different.
'\Ve observe that the temperature increases in a direction toward tht·
insulated surface and reaches at the wall a value only slightly less than tlw
total temperature of the free stream. This temperature rise is a result of
the viscous forces in the boundary layer which slow down the gas anJ
dissipate the kinetic energy of the free stream. The shape of the tem-
perature profile depends on the relation between rate at which shear work
increases the internal energy of the fluid and the rate at which heat is
conducted toward the free stream.
Temperoture Profile
r - - - - t -- YCID --~
/ - - Velocity Profile
v 00
Tooo =Too+ (12-1)
• YcCp
--- --- - - - - - - ·· -
Tooo- T 00
Temperature Profile for Heat flow ' '<" Temperature Profile for Heat Flow
To the Surface ' from the Surface
- - Tas - - - ___,
FIG. 12-3. TPmpNature profiles in high-spePd
boundary layer for lwat ing and c·oolin~.
Experiments with air in laminar flow (1) have shown that, for practical
over wide ranges of velocity and temperature, whereas for turbulent
boundary layers, the recovery factor can be approximated (1) by the
'\\-1len a surface is not insulated, the rate of heat flow between the gas
and the solid surface q. is governed by
qtJ /A = -kaT
pu ( c11 a To) pv ( c, a
- To) = -a( k aT) 1 -a ( J.LU. au)
ax + ay ay -
ay + -J
Yc ay
[ 6-22]
Rearranging Eq. 6-22 with the aid of the above relations and dividing by
cp yields
pu aT
- -o
ax + pv-
ay ay - 0) +-
aT o= -a ( ,.,. aT
a [( k -
ay c,,.,.
1) J.L-
J (12-6)
The energy equation in this form may be used to illustrate, at least quali-
tatively, the effect of high velocities on the heat transfer and the tempera-
ture distribution in a laminar-boundary layer. Since high-sp~d-flow
phenomena are of practical importance only in gases where the Prandtl
number c, J.L!k is not too far from unity, we shall further simplify Eq. 12-ti
by assuming that Pr = I. This will make it possible to point out important
practical results with a minimum of mathematical difficulties.
~laking this simplification, the energy equation takes the form
aTo- + paTo
pu v-=a- ( ,.,.-
oTo) (12-7)
ax ay ay ay
for which one particular solution is
Physically, Eq. 12-8 states that the total temperature equals the ffe<l-
stream stagnation temperature throughout the boundary layer. The tem-
perature at the wall is therefore equal to To since u = 0 at y = 0. Th~
00 ,
q, /A = _kaT ku
This condition is satisfied when the wall is insulated. We note, however,
that the temperature gradient for y > 0 is finite, and heat flows from fluid
in the vicinity of the wall toward the outer edge of the boundary layer.
According to Eq. 12-8 this is only possible when the rate of heat conduction
in the fluid across any plane parallel to the wall is equal to the rate at which
shear work crosses this plane in the opposite direction, or
-kaT I
ay lat II
(r + Pr 2JgcCp
) = 0 (12-9)
12-9 that, for a Prandtl number less than unity, not all of the kinetic
energy is converted into enthalpy and the temperature at an adiabatic
wall T"' is therefore less than the total free-stream temperature Tom·
However, for Pr = 1 the total energy is constant throughout the boundary
layer even when the flow is not frictionless and the energy equation for
adiabatic temperature changes applies. This simplification is a result of
that particular combination of cp, JJ., and k for which the Prandtl number is
unity. Results obtained from this analysis apply, however, qualitatively to
air with Pr = 0. 7. Hence, the analysis confirms the observation made
previously that the temperature at the surface of a body in high-speed
flight is much closer to the free-stream stagnation temperature than to
the free-stream static temperature.
To avoid unnecessary complications we shall restrict our subsequent
consideration to parallel flow over a flat plate at a constant temperature T(J.
The results obtained from this analysis apply approximately to flow
over curved surfaces M long as the pressure gradient is not so large that it
causes separation of the boundary layer.
The momentum equation developed in Sec. 6-7 applies also to high-
~peed flow, but the frictional-work term cannot be neglected. For flow
over a flat plate we have
pu -
au + pv au
- = -a ( ll au)
- [ 6-16]
ax ay ay ay
Inspection of Eqs. 6-16 and 12-i shows that they are quite similar. They
can be reduced to the same equation if we assume that the total temperature
is related to the velocity by the relation
To = T + 2c,gJ = a + bu (12-10)
but at the wall (i.e., at u = 0) the velocity u is zero and the last term drop~
out. Since by definition
- J.l.-
or in dimensionless form
_h!_ = St = ! -_YrTtJ -
c, (12-16)
V ooCPPro 2 Poo V oo /2 2
\Ve recognize that also for high-speed ftow the Stanton number equals
one-half the skin friction cocffici~nt if ( 1) the unit-surface conductance is
defined according to Eq. 12-15 and if (2) the physical properties remain
constant. Figure 12-4 shows the variation of the skin-friction coefficient
with l\'l ach number, Reynolds nun1ber, and heat transfer as calculated by
Van Driest (9). The factor T s/ T is an indication of the effect of heat
Mach Number, Me
FIG. 12-4. Mean skin-friction coefficient for high-speed flow over a flat plate
with heat transfer, based on calculations of Van !>riest (9) for Pr .. 0.75
and a viscosity-tem~rature relation of the type p./llo:J - 1.505(T /Tm)l/
[(T /Tco) +0.505]. (Courtesy of the National Advisory Committee for Aero-
nautics, TN 597)
for flow over a flat plate are similar. Hantsche and Wendt (8) showed
that the laminar-flow flat-plate heat-transfer coefficient equations apply
when modified by a multiplication factor determined by the geometry of
the flow. The factors are v'3 and 2/ v'3 for the local and average heat-
transfer coefficients, respectively. From Eqs. 12-17 and 12-19 we obtain
therefore the relations
for the local and the average Nusselt number respectively for a cone with
an attached shock if x and L are measured along the surface from the tip.
The physical properties and the velocity in the dimensionless parameters of
Eqs. 12-20 and 12-21 must be based on the conditions behind the shock.
The flow conditions behind the shock can be determined from charts or
tables (e.g., see Ref. 7).
The equations for laminar flow are appropriate only up to the transition
point where the flow becomes turbulent. The problem of determining the
transition point is a very difficult one, and the information available to
date is insufficient for accurate predictions. Gazley (5) has surveyed the
available data and theories and Fig. 12-5 presents a summary of some
experimental results on the effect of the 1\Iach number on the transition
Reynolds number. Other factors such as heat transfer, shocks, pressure
gradients, and surface roughness influence the transition phenomena.
--- .... "- .... ...
-_ ----
-- -- -
.... ' .... ... """- .... , .
B _
....... ~
...... 6.,. ....
.. .... -~ '-6 ~~ ' 'b
~ 2·101
- _...., rJ'
·- > '"~ -
-- . _.,.. . J?b~ .. ~.,.
z.. ~
"- -
l•• _ '..Jr..A ... r-o
J: ......
101 --a
~- -
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Mach Num~. M•
eept of a mixing length which i~ outlined in Sec. 6-9 for incompressible flow.
Fur engineering calculations it is preferable to rely on experimental result:-o.
Eckert (-l) has made an extensive survey of the available data, and hi~
recommendations for calculating the skin friction and heat transfer in
turbulent high-Hpeed flow are summarized belo\L
The local skin friction coefficient for flow o\·er a plane surfa~P at T~
ran be calculated at Reynolds numbers up to 10 9 and :\lach numbers below
5 from the equation
Cfz = ------
CI L = 0.029_6_ ( :co•
(logiORe Lco)2.6s ,_
)0.2 (PPco*)0.8 (12-22)
he = - ___q_,. _ _
A (Ta;; - T,)
and the Nusselt number for a cone are approximately 15 per cent larger
than the corresponding values for the flat plate.
Turbulent heat transfer and friction in fully developed high speed sub-
sonic flow through tubes have been investigated by Lelchuk (23). The
results of his experiments, involving simultaneous heat transfer and friction,
\\·ith the 1\-lach number varying along the length of the tube, are in good
agreement with Reynolds analogy. The pipe friction coefficient for di-
ameter Reynolds numbers up to 106 can be represented with satisfactory
aecuracy by
f = 0.079 Hen- 0 •25 (12-24)
Reynolds analogy yields t_herefore
NU = 0.0395 Ren°·75 Pr (12-26)
which can be written for air (Pr = 0.72) in the form
Nu = 0.0364 (RenPr) 0 · 7c, (12-26)
Experimental results for Mach numbers varying between 0 and 1 (23) are in
good agreement with Eq. 12-26, thus indicating that the Reynolds analogy
i~ not appreciably influenced by compressibility if the heat-transfer co-
efficient is evaluated in accordance with Eqs. 12-.5 and 12-15.
where is the energy flux which would be reflected from the surface if all
the incident molecules were re-emitted with l\Iaxwellian distribution ( 17) at
the body surface temperature T,. Values of a can be determined only hy
experiment and Table 12-2 lists some of them for various air-surfaee
TABLE 12-2
SurfucP a
Speed Ratio, I
Cl. 0.6
-..... Cylinder in Cross-flow
, ; 0 ..5 Flat Plate Perpendicular
• to Flow
0 6 7 8 9 10
Speed Ratio, I
curves for a flat plate, parallel and perpendicular to the flow, a cylinder in
cross flow, and a sphere are shown. It will be observed that in free molec-
ular flow, in contrast to a continuum flow, the recovery factors are larger
than unity and consequently the adiabatic surface temperature is larger
than the local stagnation temperature of the gas.
Eumple 12-1. Estimate the equilibrium temperature of an aluminum sphere having
a diameter of 0.2 ft and travelling at a 1\'lach number of 12 at an altitude of 390,000 ft
where the molecular mean free path is about 1.0 ft, the temperature about 200 F, and t hP
density of the air 2.4 X 1o-8 Ibm/ cu ft.
Solution: Since the ratio 'A/ L is greater than 3, free molecule flow prevails. Th•·
molecular speed ratio i~
s = 1\Iro ~/"Y /2 -= 10
and from Fig. 12-7 St"Y /a ("Y + 1) - 0.125
For aluminum a is about 0.9 according to Table 12-2. The flight velo<'ity i!' ~l-;
V-yffigr7' == 15,000 ft/sec and the unit-tmrface convective conductanee i:-o therefof"('
he - 0.125a{"Y + 1)p VCp/"Y
= 0.125 X OJ) X 2.4 X 2.4 X 10-11 (ll>m/cu ft l X 15,000 X 3.ti00
(ft/hr') X 0.24 rBtu ; lh F)/1.4
= .06 Btu/hr sq ft F
The adiabatic ~urfacc temperature i~ obtained with the aid of Eq!". 12-3 and Fig. l2-4i
from which
Rr = 2 X 1.4/2.4 = I. Hi
of the kinetic theory of gases, the dissociation and ionization of gas mol-
ecules, and of the catalytic interaction between the molecules and the body
surface is necessary for a complete analysis. Readers interested in follow-
ing the development in these fields are referred to the current literature, in
particular to the Journal of the American Rocket Society, the Journal of the
Aeronautical Sciences, and the publications of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics. An up-to-date survey is presented in the
High-Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion Series of the Princeton U ni-
versi ty Press.
1. J. Kaye, "Survey of Friction Coefficients, Recovery Factors, and Heat Transfer
Coefficients for Supersonic Flow," J. Aeronautical Sci., Vol. 21, No.2 (1954), pp. 117-12H.
2. E. R. Van Driest, "Turbulent Boundary Layer in Compressible Fluids," J. Aer-
Ottauiical Sci, Vol. 18, No.3 (1951), pp. 1-15-161.
3. W. W. Fisher and R. ~1. Xorris, "Supersonic Convective Heat Transfer Corn·-
lation from Skin Temperature l\lea8urements on a V-2 Rocket in Flight," Trans. ASM E,
Vol. 71 (1949), pp. 457-469.
4. E. R. A. Eckert, "Engineering Relations for Heat Tran~fer and Friction in High-
Vt'locity Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow over Surface with Constant
Pressure and Temperature;' Trans. ASJ/ B, Vol. 78 (1956), pp. 1273-1284.
5. Carl Gazley, ''Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition in Subsonic and Super-
sonic Flow," J. Aeronautical Sci., Vol. 20, No. 1 (1H53), pp. 19-28.
6. l\1. W. Rubesin and H. A. Johnson, ''A Critical Review of Skin-Friction and
I I eat-Transfer Solutions of the Laminar Boundary Layer of a Flat Plate," Trans.
ASltiE, Vol. 71 (194H), pp. 383-388.
7. A. H. Shapiro, Compressible Fluid Flow, Vol. II. Ci'\ew York: The Ronald Pres;;
Con1pany, 1954.)
8. W. Hantsche and H. Wendt, ''The Laminar Boundary Layer of a Circular Con<'
in Supersonic Flow at Zero Angle of Attack," Jahrbuch der Deutschen Luftfahrtforschw,g,
1941, Part 1, pp. 76-77.
9. E. R. Vun Drie~t, "Investigation of Laminar Boundary Luyer in Compressible
Fluids Using the Crocco !\Iethod," N ACA T.V 597, 1952.
10. H. S. Tsien, "Supraerodynamics, l\1echanics of Rarefied Gases," J. of the Aero.
Sci., Vol. 13 (1946), pp. 653-664.
11. L. L. Kavanau, "Heat Transfer from Sphere to a Rarefied Gas in Subsonic
Flow," Trans. ASJJ E, Vol. 77 (1955).
12. R. l\1. Drake and G. H. Backer, ''Heat Transfer from Spheres to a Rarefied Gas
in Supersonic Flow,'' Trans. AS.~U E, Vol. 74 (1952).
13. F. 1\f. Sauer, "Convective Heat Transfer from Spheres in Free :Molecule Flow,"
J. of the Aero Sci., Vol. 18 (1951 ), pp. 353-354.
14. J. R. Stalder, G. Goodwin and ~1. 0. Creager, "Heat Transfer to Bodies in a
High Speed Rarefied Gas Stream," N ACA TN 2438, 1951.
15. R. l\·1. Drake and G. J. ~Iaslach, "Heat Transfer from Right Circular Cones to a
Rarefied Gas in Supersonic Flow," Univ. of Calif. lnst. Eng. Res. Rep. Jri.E., {1952) pp.
16. S. A. Schaaf and P. L. Chambre, Flow of Rarefied Gases, High ~peed Aero-
dynamics and Jet Propulsion Series, Vol. IV, Part G, Princeton University Press, Hl5f>.
17. ~1. \V. Liepman and A. Roshko, Elements ofGasdynamics. (New York: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
where CA = concentration
of component A in a mixture of A and B, in
lb-moles/ cu ft;
8 = time, in hr;
D., = mass diffusivity, in sq ft/hr;
11 = distance in the direction of diffusion, in ft.
In the steady state the concentration at any point does not vary with
time, and
- NA
-D dcA
- "dy
where N A! A is the mass flux in lb-moles/ hr sq ft. The negative sign
appears because the f'oncentration gradient is negative in the direction of
mass transfer.
Jntegration of Eq. 13-6 between any two planes in the fluid gives
rA <RT(y2 - Yt)
Diflusion of A-----+-
Diflusion of B -
Distance, y---
FIG. 13-1. Partial pressure gra-
dients in equimolar counterdiffusion
of two gases.
Diffusion of I -+---
Diatance, 1 -
since dpB/dy = -dpA/dy. Since gas B is not being produced at the intel·-
face, even though it is diffusing away from the interface, some other mech-
ani~m must supply gas B to maintain a constant concentration of gas B at
the interface. A bulk flow of gas toward the interface replenishes the gas
B which is diffusing away. The bulk flow will consist of a mixture of A and
B. The bulk flow of B toward the interface must equal - N B! A to balance
the diffusion of B in the opposite direction. The presence of A in the bulk
flow will effectively increase the rate of transfer of A toward the interface.
Since the bulk flow rate of B toward the interface equals - N B! A, the bulk
flow rate of A toward the interface equals
moles in bulk flow X bu 11( fl ow o
moles Bin bulk flow
fB = -PAPB (-N
---B) = - -PA - (-N B)
The total bulk flow rate equals the sum of bulk flow rates of A and B
(l + PA )
p - PA
The total flux of A toward the interface is the sum of the diffusion of A and
the bulk flow of A, or
J - .
NAt= -D. dpA + PA (-NB) (13-9)
A CRT dy p - PA A
Substitution for N B from Eq. 13-8 yields
+ PA
p - PA
) dpA
Integration gives
D P p - p ..
= -" In 42 (13-11)
<RT Y2 - Yt P -
but since PB :::z P - PA,
NAt D,P In PB2 (13-12)
A <RT(y2 - Yt) PBl
( 13-14)
Combination of Eqs. 13-12, 13-13, and 13-14 yields
NAt -D.,P(PA?. - PAl)
- (13-16)
A CRT PBm(Y?. - Yt)
Comparison of Eq. 13-15 'vith Eq. 13-7 shows that the factor P / pR,. is
introduced when diffusion through a stationary gas is considered. For a
dilute mixture of A in B, PBm is approximately equal to P and Eq. 13-1.1
reduces to Eq. 13-7. It should be noted that the "stationary" character-
istic of B does not imply that B is not moving, but refers to the nd beha,yior
of B. Since B is supplied by bulk flow at the same rate it diffuses away.
TABLE 13-1
The coefficients for gases in Table 13-1 are for either cotnponent diffusing
through the other. The liquid-pha.r;e diffusivities are several orders of
rnagnitude smaller than the gaseous diffusivities. This is due to the small(•r
anolecular mobilities in liquids. Diffusivities for systems where no dircrt
r·xperin1ental data are available may be predicted by semiempirical equa-
tions (see Refs. 2,6,i). Diffusion coefficients for gases and vapon; var~·
approximately with the 3/ 2 power of the absolut€ temperature and in-
versely with the total pressure.
Example 13-1. Cnl<'nlate the ru.te of diffu1-1ion of water vapor from a pool of watPr
at the bottom of a 20-ft well to dr.v air flowing over the top of the well. Assume thP
air in the well i~ stagnant and that the entire sy~tem is at 77 F and 1 atm.
Soltdion: This is the case of a gas diffm~ing through a second, stationary, gas.
The bottom of the well is taken as point 1 and the top as point 2, and Eq. 13-15 is
applied. Air is nearly insoluble in water. so diffusion of air into water can he ignored.
The diffusivity of water vapor in air is taken from Table 13-1: D, == 0.99 sq ftjhr.
The partial pressure of water vapor ut the water Hurface at the bottom of the well il'
equal to the saturated vapor pressure of water at 77 F. Then•fore. from vapor pressure
~ince the water vapor partial pressurE' is small, Eq. 13-7 may be used~ an approxim&-
tion. It yields N AlA = 4.03 X 10-e lb-moles/hr sq ft. The difference is only about
1 per cent.
Ilaminar Subloyer
t--e+--- Buffer layer --~- Turbulent Zone
Yi 1t 1
Oilfance from Air-Water Interface, 1 -
''"here PA 0 = average partial pressure of the water vapor in the bulk gas
phase (Fig. 13-3);
PA, = partial pressure of water vapor at the gas-liquid interface;
y Jg - y, = effective boundary-layer thickness for mass transfer, 1/ '"'
discussed previously in Sec. 6-3. Its resistance to molecular
diffusion is the same as that offered to total diffusion by the
sublayer, buffer layer, and turbulent region combined.
\Vhile simple theory predicts that the effective film thicknesses for mas~
and heat transfer should be the same, the experimental data available show
that this is only an approximation.
Since the effective film thickness cannot be measured directly, Eq. 13-9
is re\vritten
A = ka(PA, - PAa) (13-17)
where k0 is the gas-phase mass-transfer coefficient, defined by
ka = T ( ) lb-moles/ hr sq ft atm (13-18)
CR PBm Ylo - Yi
The mass transfer coefficient k 0 is analogous to the heat-transfer coeffi-
cient he.
For mass transfer in the liquid phase
-D"c,(cA i - C..t L)
------- = kL(CAi- C..tL) (13-19)
CBm (y i - Yll)
k LL
= </> (L V p) Y, ( pD.
p. ) (13-22a)
_kL_L_cB_m = </>
(-L~-'p) Y, (-p.
p. pD.
) (13-22b)
The group on the left of Eq. 13-23 is the Sherwood number, Sh, which i~
analogous to the Nusselt number used in heat transfer. The functions
<1> and Y, are usually taken so that the dimensionless groups are relatrd
exponentially, in the same form as Eq. 8-2 for heat transfer.
From an equivalent analysis for heat transfer by convection it wa~
found that
number Sc. The Schmidt number characterizes mass transfer in the same
manner as the Prandtl number characterizes heat transfer.
Since the mechanisms of mass, heat, and momentum transfer are closely
related, one might expect data taken for one transfer operation to be useful
in predicting the rate of transfer in the other operations. The interrelation
of heat and momentum transfer was discussed earlier in connection with
the Reynolds analogy, where
Nu f he
--=-=-- (13-24)
RePr 2 CppV
he P
or ka = - - - - (13-26)
Cpp <R.TpB,.
}M- - -
where j u is the J factor for heat transfer and i.1r is the j factor for ma~:
transfer. Combination of Eq. 13-27 with Eq. 13- 29 gives
j 11 = 0.023 Re- 0 · 2 (13-311
and combination of Eq. 1:3-28 with Eq. 13-30 gives
j.,, = 0. 023 Re-o ·17 (13-32)
Experimental data for flow in tube~ show that i 11 - ! f = i.v \vi thin th(>
accuracy of the data. This correlation considers only skin friction. In
How past blunt objects and in typical industrial mass-transfer equipment.
separation of the boundary layer often induce~ additional pressure losses.
and j 11 and i.u are not equal to ! f. However, in many cases, jH is still
approximately equal to JM, and mass-transfer coefficients can be predicted
by the relation
. .
}II - }M
So that
ko _ (~)( p
c,p CRTpBm
pD.., )]o.87
If the Prandtl and Schmidt numbers are equal, Eq. 13-33 reduces to
Eq. 13-26. \Vhere direct mass-transfer data for a new system are not
available, Eq. 13-33 may be used to predict mass-transfer coefficients from
heat-transfer data taken in a system of identical geometry and flow
Example 13-2. Predict the mass-transfer coefficient for liquid ammonia vaporizing
into air at 77 F and 1 atm, knowing that the heat-transfer coefficient in the same equip-
ment, at the same gas and liquid flow rates, is 800 Btu/hr sq ft F.
Solution: Equation 13-28 cannot be used, since equipment size and flow rates are
not given. In any event, Eq. 13-28 is valid only for a wetted-wall column. Equa-
tion 13-33 will therefore be used.
For &mmonia at 77 F, Dr = 1.08 sq ft/hr. The physical properties of the gas pha.._'"E'
will be evaluated assuming a dilute mixture of ammonia in air. For at 77 F and
1 atm:
#-' == 0.018 centipoise == 0.044 lbm/ft hr
p = O.Oi4 lb / cu ft
o._ T I-1-------+-t
,.,, 'i Yn
Distance, 1 - -•
considered in detail here, but it should be noted that when the chemical po-
tentials of two phases are equal, they are in equilibrium. Thus, the chemi-
cal potentials at the interface in mass transfer are equal.
A simple illustration will show the possible great difference in n1a.--~
concentration of two phases in thermodynamic equilibrium. ConsidPr air
at 77 F and 1 atm in equilibrium with water at the same temperatur(:. If
the air is saturated with water vapor, the partial pressure of the water vapor
is 0.031 atm and the mole fraction of water vapor in the gas phase is 0.0:31.
In the liquid phase the mole fraction of water is 1.0, since only \\·ater i~
present. (Actually a very small quantity of air would be dissolved in thr
water, but this will be ignored here.) Obviously, the concentrations of the
two phases at equilibrium are not equal.
Experimental data for phase equilibria must be gathered for each sy~tem
TABLE 13-2
m X 10-4, atm/(lb mole/cu ft)
TC Ail' 02 Xz C02
[ 13-19]
t Gas Uquid
~ -
a' all
r,, ,.1 Yn
Dlatonce, 1 -
and (13--41)
or (13--42)
~ince PAi - mcAi, Eq. 13-40 may be subtracted from Eq. 13-42, and
PAo - ko = meAL + kL (13-43)
Eliminating PAa- PA* between Eq. 13-38 and Eq. 13-4-! gives the relation
1 1 m
= ko
- +kL- (13-46)
is very small and by Eq. 13-45, Ka "" ka. Therefore, the absorption
of a very soluble gas is said to be "gas-phase controlling." ~lany system~
are approximately either gas- or liquid-phase controlled. This approxi-
mation is made whenever possible, since calculations then require knowledge
of only one individual phase coefficient. However, in certain system:'
resistance to mass transfer is appreciable in both phases, and both of the
individual coefficients must be evaluated to calculate the mass-transf ('r
rate. An example of a system where the resistance to mass transfer ap-
pears to be appreciable in both phases is the absorption of sulfur dioxide
in water. The system has an additional complication of a chemical reac-
tion between the sulfur dioxide and water in the liquid phase. The rat(·
of such a chemical reaction may also influence the rate of absorption in
such cases.
In cases of mass transfer where a pure phase is involved, no resi~tatw(·
to mass transfer exists in the pure phase. For example, in the humidifica-
tion of air by water, the liquid is pure water and all resistance to rna:-.:-;
transfer lies in the gas phase where there is a mixture of air and wat{Jr
vapor. If this concept is applied to mass transfer between two pure plut..~:-;.
one concludes that there is no resistance to mass transfer at all for such a
case. An example of this would be the vaporization of "Tater into pun·
steam, with no air present. In this case the rate of vaporization is deter-
mined by the rate at which heat is supplied to the liquid.
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer must be considered in vaporiza-
tion and condensation operations. Operations of particular interest to
mechanical engineers are humidification and dehumidification of air. Thi:--
discussion will he limited to the air-water system, but the theory also
applies to any system of a condensing and a noncondensing gas.
When air is humidified in contact with liquid water, the latent heat of
the water which is vaporized must be supplied by the gas, the liquid, or an
outside source. Conversely, in condensation, heat must be removed hy
one of these agents. A number of cases will be considered from a theoretical
Humidification where equilibrium is established between water and
air which is at a constant temperature. This is the case of water-cooling
towers in power-plant installations. A limited quantity of liquid \Yater
is contacted with a stream of air. The quantity of air is sufficiently large
so that the air temperature and humidity do not change appreciably, and
it is assumed that no heat is supplied from the surroundings. If the air
and water are initially at the same temperature, vaporization will tend to
lower the temperature of the remaining water. This will establish a
temperature gradient and heat will be transferred from the bulk gas phas<'
Since mass and heat are transferred by similar mechanisms, one might
expect the ratio h0 _lk 0 to be constant. It is essentially constant for the
conditions usually encountered in humidification. Equation 13-51 relates
the wet- and dry-bulb temperatures for any mixture of water vapor and
air. It is often written in terms of humidity
1 he
Ywb- Ya = - '· ·l i--P- (Ta- Twb) (13-62)
A hGl " G
where r = absolute humidity of the air, in Ibm water vapor /Ibm dry air;
X = specific latent heat of vaporization of water, in Btu 1lb.n;
},f0 = molecular weight of the gas phase-in this case air, in lh/lb-
P = total pressure, in atm.
Equation 13-52 follows from Eq. 13-51 when the humidity is defined as
y = Mw Pw ( 13-63)
1lfo P - p,.
where M UJ = molecular weight of water;
pUJ = partial pressure of water vapor in the gas phase.
Usually p. is small compared to P and
y = MwPw (l3-M)
TABLE 13-3
Vapor ha!koMoP
Water 0.26
Benzene 0.41
Carbon tetrachloride 0.44
Methyl alcohol 0.35
\Vhere direct experimental values are not available, the j factor relation
can be used to calculate the group. Rearrangement of Eq. 13-33 give~
h0 ) ( P )
( kopffi.T pn,. = Cp
( p./ pD ..
)o.n (13--65)
where the physical properties are those of the gas. For most humidifica-
tion problems PB,./P ~ 1. From the perfect gas law, p(RT = },fGP.
Equation 13-55 then becomes
- - - - Cp
_ ( J.L! pD" )o.s7 -_ ( Sc )o.e7
Cp (13-66)
koAfoP Cpp.jk Pr
Equation 13-56 gives a value of ho/koMoP of 0.21 for the air-water
system, compared to the experimental value of 0.26.
Ya = 0.080- ( . )i~~~-
1 0 26
90) = 0.0721bH20/lbdryair AnB.
If the air has a dry-bulb temperature of 120 F and an adiabatic saturation temperature
of 90 F, Y G may be evaluated from Eq. 13-58
y2 t G, Air Out
L+dL c
1 y
L c
Water Out L1
Y1 G, t /~tAr In
aecirculating Water
Integration from the bottom to the top of the tower, assuming k}·a i~
constant, gives.
Z- ( 13-66)
Solution: (a) First calculate kya. Neglecting the humidity of the incoming air,
L _ (20 ~)
(601 min)
(8.34 Ibm
H20 ) ( 1 )
25 sq ft
This shows that an infinitely tall tower is required to reach the equilibrium condition
of saturation.
on condensation of the mass transferred across the gas film. Figure 13-7
represents such a system. An expression for the heat transferred acros~
a unit area is
13- 8 has been plit into two part which are placed side by side to reduce
the over-aU height of the unit.
In equipment uch a pack dab orption, di tillation, or humidifi ti n
towers the contact betw n th Jiquid nd ga i cont1:nuou throu h th
quipm nt. Th r i n m
quipm nt. F r thi '
In rat d ov r h h i h
illu r t d in c. 13 nc unter d in p
,,.u" t:
Appendix II
F = _!___A,[ a
where gc is an experimentally determined constant whose dimensions are
always };fL/FfJ2, but whose magnitude depends on the units of force, mass,
length, and time as shown in the following tabulation.
In the engineering system which is used in this text and is shown in the
first line of the tabulation, gc equals 32.1739 Ibm ft/Ib, sec2, but a value of
:~2.2 is a satisfactory approximation in practice. It is important to note
that gc is a universal constant entirely different from the acceleration of
gravity which has the dimensions L/f1l and whose numerical value depends
on the location.
Once Newton's second law of motion, including the proportionality
constant gc, is known, it is possible to redefine any one of the units of
measure in terms of the other three, thus reducing the number of primary
quantities by one. For example, if the mass };f is divided by gc, we obtain
a new mass unit, the slug. In equation form we have then
M' = M
where M' is the mass of the body expressed in slugs. The slug has the
dimension F82 /L in a force-time-length system. The equation of motion
becomes in this case
F = ltf'a
and we note that now the dimension of mass has been eliminated as a pri-
mary dimension.
Ptwrgy pc>r degree:
' 1 1\: tdt•gre<~ 1\:elvin)
1 f'al / g C
- 1.8 F
- 1 Btu/Ibm F
ThNmal conductivity: 1 eal/st·e :sq em (C/cm) = 24l.U Btu/hr sq ft (F /ft)
1 watt~ / sq em (C ; em) = 57.7~) Btu/hr :-;q ft (F / ft)
1 Htu / hr sq ft (F / in.) = 0.08333 Btu/hr sq ft IF.i ft l
Uuit thermal condtwtance: 1 cal / ~ee sq em C = 7373 Btu/hr sq ft F
1 watt / sq c·m C = 1761 Btu/hr sq ft F
1 cal j hr sq em C = 2.048 Btu/hr sq ft F
Visco:-:-:ity: 1 ep (eentipoi..;.;<•) c:: 0.000672 11> 111 /scc ft
1 cp = 2.42 lbm/hr ft
1 lbr SPC / Sq ft. = 32.174 lhm/~ec ft
Volume. 1 gal (t·.s.) = 0.1337 cu ft.
KoTE: To eon vert a givPn quantity from one set of units to another:
1. \\·rite after the magnitudP of the quantity th<' nanws of the units in which it is
2. HephlC'e pach nnnll' h~: its equival<·nt iu t lw IIPW units, and arithmetically combine
allHumlll'r~ in th1· ra·w PXpn·:-!"ion.
For exam piP, to C'bang<· t lu· dl'n~it y of water from slu~s pc·r ruhic foot into pounds-mass
J><'r cubic foot, "''' havt· (to t hn·<· sig11ifif'allt figun·=-)
The following tables have been compiled to facilitate the solution of the
problems at the end of each chapter and are not intended to take the place
of a handbook. Whenever answers to problems are given, they have been
obtained with the aid of these tables.
Table A-1 gives the properties of metals and alloys. Table A-2 lis~
physical properties of nonmetals such as insulating and building materials.
Table A-3 presents the property values of several gases at atmospheric
pressure, of some liquids, and of three liquid metals. The property values
have been extracted from various sources. The bibliography following
Table A-3 lists these sources with the exception of some manufacturers'
catalogs which may not be readily available. The reader interested in
additional information on physical properties should consult the publica-
tions listed in the bibliography.
In Table A-4 the radiation functions described in Chapter 5 are tabu-
lated. Tables A-5 and A-6 list the dimensions of tubes and steel pipes
respectively. It should be noted that the schedule number is now used
exclusively to characterize the pipe-wall thickness which was previously
designated by "standard" or "extra strong."
Table A-7 contains selected physical properties of the atmosphere at
altitudes up to 900,000 ft. The values above 300,000 are likely to be re-
vised at the end of the International Geophysical Year.
Aluminum .......... 117 119 133 155 0.208 169 3.33
Bismuth ............ 4.9 3.9 . . . . •• 4 • 0.029 612 0.28
Copper, pure ........ 224 218 212 207 0.091 558 4.42
Gold ............... 169 170 .... . ... 0.030 1203 4.68
Iron, pure .......... 35.8 36.6 . . 0. .... 0.104 491 0.70
l..,ead ............... 20.1 19 18 .... 0.030 705 0.95
Magnesium ......... 91 92 . • 0. .... 0.232 109 3.60
Mercury ............ 4.8 .... . ... . ... 0.033 849 0.17
Nickel ............. 34.5 34 32 .... 0.103 555 0.60
Silver .............. 242 238 .... .... 0.056 655 6.6
Tin ................ 36 34 .... . ... 0.054 456 1.46
Zinc ............... 65 64 59 0 ••• 0.091 446 1.60
Admiralty metal ..... 65 64
Brass, 70% Cu,
30% Zn .......... 56 60 66 .... 0.092 532 1.14
Bronze, 75% Cu,
25% Sn .......... 15 .... .... . ... 0.082 540 0.34
Cast iron
Plain ........... 33 31.8 27.7 24.8 0.11 474 0.63
Alloy ........... 30 28.3 27 .... 0.10 455 0.66
Constantan, 60% Cu,
40% Ni 12.4 12.8 .... . ... 0.10 557 0.22
18-8 stainless steel,
Type 304 ....... 8.0· 9.4 10.9- l2.4 0.11 488 0.15
Type 347 . . ..... 8.0 9..3 n.o 12.8 0.11 488 0.15
Steel, mild, 1% C . . .. 26.5 26 25 22 0.11 490 0.49
Average k c p a
Material Temperature (Btu/hr ft F) (Btu/lbmF) (lbm/eu ft) (8Q ft/hr)
Insulating Materials
Asbestos 32 ( 0.087 0.25 36 -..0.01
392 qo.i2 · .... 36 "'0.01
Cork 86 tJL.@§_. 0 .04 10 "'0.006
Cotton, fabric 200 0.046
Diatomaceous earth,
powdered 100 0.030 0.21 14 ,_, 0. 01
300 0.036 ....
600 0.046 ....
Molded pipe covering 400 0.051 .... 26
1600 0.088 ....
Glass wool
Fine 20 0.022 ....
100 0.031 I I I I 1.5
200 0.043 ....
Packed 20 0.016 ....
100 0.022 I I I I 6.0
200 0.029 ....
Hair felt 100 0.027 .... 8.2
Kaolin insulating
brick 932 0.15 .... 27
2102 0.26 ....
Kaolin insulating
firebrick 392 0.05 .... 19
1400 0.11 ....
85% magnesia 32 0.032 .... 17
200 0.037 .... 17
Rock wool 20 0.017 .. .. 8
200 0.030 .. ..
Rubber 32 0.087 0.48 75 0.0024
Building Materials
Fire-clay 392 0.58 0 .20 144 0 .02
1832 0.95
1\'la.sonry 70 Q.38 0.20 106 0.018
Zirconia 392 0.84 .... 304
1832 1.13 ....
Chrome brick 392 0.82 .... 246
1832 0.96
......,70 144 0.019
10% moisture ""70
... --·
140 "'0.025
Glass, window ""70 ""0. 45 0.2 170 0.013
Limestone, dry 70 0.40 0.22 105 0 .017
Dry 68 0.20 - .... 95
10% HsO 68 0.60 ••• 0 100
Dry 70 ""'0. 20 0 .44 . . . . "'0.01
Wet 70 ""' 1 .5
. . . . 0 • • • • • --0 .03
Oak J. to grain 70 0.12 0.57 51 0.0041
II to grain 70 0.20 0 .57 51 0.006H
Pine J. to grain 70 0 .06 0 .67 31 0.0029
II t~ grain 70 0.14 0.67 31 0.0067
Ice 32 1.28 0.46.. 57 0.048
Digitized by Coogle Ongmal from
(All Gas Properties Are for Atmospheric Pressure)
200 0.060 0.241 1.440 0.239 0.0174 0.72 1.20 1.52 0.850
300 O.fi52 0.243 1.610 0.306 0.0193 0.71 1.53 1.32 0.444
400 0.04f) 0.245 1.750 0.378 0.02'12 0.689 1.88 1.16 0.258
500 0.0412 0.247 1.890 0.455 0.0231 0.683 2.27 1.04 0.159
600 0.0373 0.250 2.000 0.540 0.0250 0.685 2.68 0.943 0.106
700 0.0341 0.253 2.14 0.625 0.0268 0.690 3.10 0.862 70.4 X 10'
800 0.0314 0.256 2.25 0.717 0.0286 0.697 3.56 0.794 49.8
900 0.0291 0.259 2.36 0.815 0.0303 0.705 4.02 0.735 36.0
1000 0.0271 0.262 2.47 0.917 0.0319 0.713 4.50 0.685 26.5
1500 0.0202 0.276 3.00 1.47 0.0400 0.739 7.19 0.510 7.45
2000 0.0161 0.286 3.45 2.14 0.0471 0.753 10.2 0.406 2.84
2500 0.0133 0.292 3.69 2.80 0.051 0.763 13.1 0.338 1.41
3000 0.0114 0.297 3.86 3.39 0.054 0.765 16.0 0.289 0.815
212 0.0372 0.451 0.870 0.234 0.0145 0.96 0.864 1.49 o.877 x toe
300 0.0328 0.456 1.000 0.303 0.0171 0.95 1.14 1.32 0.459
400 0.0288 0.462 1.130 0.395 0.0200 0.94 1.50 1.16 0.243
500 0.0258 0.470 1.265 0.490 0.0228 0.94 1.88 1.04 0.139
600 0.0233 0.477 1.420 0.610 0.0257 0.94 2.31 0.943 82 X 103
700 0.0213 0.485 1.555 0.725 0.0288 0.93 2.79 0.862 52.1
800 0.0196 0.494 1.700 0.855 0.0321 0.92 3.32 0.794 34.0
900 0.0181 0.50 1.810 0.987 0.0355 0.91 3.93 0.735 23.6
1000 0.0169 0.51 1.920 1.13 0.0388 0.91 4.50 0.685 17.1
1200 0.0149 0.53 2.14 1.44 0.0457 0.88 5.80 0.603 9.4
1400 0.0133 0.55 2.36 1.78 0.053 0.87 7.25 0.537 5.49
1600 0.0120 0.56 2.58 2.14 0.061 0.87 9.07 0.485 3.38
1800 0.0109 0.58 2.81 2.58 0.068 0.87 10.8 0.442 2.14
2000 0.0100 0.60 3.03 3.03 0.076 0.86 12.7 0.406 1.43
2500 0.0083 0.64 3.58 4.30 0.096 0.86 18.1 0.338 0.603
3000 0.0071 0.67 4.00 5.75 0.114 0.86 24.0 0.289 0.293
0 0.0955 0.2185 1.215 0.1271 0.0131 0.73 0.627 2.18 4.33 X 1()8
100 0.0785 0.2200 1.420 0.181 1 0.0159 0.71 0.880 1.79 1.76
200 0.0666 0.2228 1.610 0.242 0.0179 0.722 1.20 1.52 0.84
400 0.0511 0.2305 1.955 0.382 0.0228 0.710 1.94 1.16 0.256
600 0.0415 0.2390 2.26 0.545 0.0277 0.704 2.79 0.943 0.103
800 0.0349 0.2465 2.53 0.725 0.0324 0.6H5 3.76 0.794 48.5 X 10a
1000 0.0301 0.2528 2.78 0.924 0.0366 0.690 4.80 0.685 25.8
1500 0.0224 0.2635 3.32 1.480 0.0465 i 0.677 7.88 0.510 7.50
Digitized by Coogle Original from
TABLE A-3 (Continued)
0 0.0840 0.2478 1.055 0.125 0.0132 0.713 0.635 2.18 4.55 X 10'
100 0.0690 0.2484 1.222 0.177 0.0154 0.71 0.898 1.79 1.84
200 0.0585 0.2490 1.380 0.236 0.0174 0.71 1.20 1.52 0.876
400 0.0449 0.2515 1.660 0.370 0.0212 0.71 1.88 1.16 0.272
600 0.0364 0.2564 1.915 0.526 0.0252 0.70 2.70 0.943 0.110
800 0.0306 0.2623 2.145 0.702 0.0291 0.70 3.62 0.794 52.0 X 1()1
1000 0.0264 0.2689 2.355 0.891 0.0330 0.69 4.65 0.685 27.7
1500 0.0197 0.2835 2.800 1.420 0.0423 0.676 7.58 0.510 8.12
Carbon Monoxide
0 0.0835 0.2482 1.065 0.128 0.0129 0.75 0.621 2.18 4.32 X 10'
200 0.0582 0.2496 1.390 0.239 0.0169 0.74 1.16 1.52 0.860
400 0.0446 0.2532 1.670 0.374 0.0208 0.73 1.84 1.16 0.268
600 0.0362 0.2592 1.910 0.527 0.0246 0.725 2.62 0.943 0.109
800 0.0305 0.2662 2.134 0.700 0.0285 0.72 3.50 0.794 52.1 X 1()l
1000 0.0263 0.2730 2.336 0.887 0.0322 0.71 4.50 0.685 28.0
1500 0.0196 0.2878 2.783 1.420 0.0414 0.70 7.33 0.510 8.13
Carbon Dioxide
0 0.132 0.184 0.88 0.067 0.0076 0.77 0.313 2.18 15.8 X 10'
100 0.108 0.203 1.05 0.098 0.0100 0.77 0.455 1.79 6.10
200 0.092 0.216 1.22 0.133 0.0125 0.76 0.63 1.52 2.78
500 0.063 0.247 1.67 0.266 0.0198 0.75 1.27 1.04 0.476
1000 0.0414 0.280 2.30 0.558 0.0318 0.73 2.75 0.685 71.4 X 10'
1500 0.0308 0.298 2.86 0.925 0.0420 0.73 4.58 0.510 19.0
2000 0.0247 0.309 3.30 1.34 0.050 0.735 6.55 0.406 7.34
3000 0.0175 0.322 3.92 2.25 0.061 0.745 10.8 0.289 1.85
150 61.2 1.00 0.292 0.477 0~_?8.!_ 6.27 3.1 440.0
'200 60.f f]J{J-- -o-.205 -0.34f 0.394 6.55 4.0 1.11 X 10'
250 58.8 1.01 0.158 0.269 0.396 1.45 6.69 4.8 2.14
300 57.3 1.03 0.126 0.220 0.395 1.18 6.70 6.0 4.00
350 55.6 1.05 0.105 0.189 0.391 1.02 6.69 6.9 6.24
400 53.6 1.08 0.091 0.170 0.381 0.927 6.57 8.0 8.95
450 51.6 1.12 0.080 0.155 0.367 0.876 6.34 9.0 12.1
500 49.0 1.19 0.071 0.145 0.349 0.87 5.99 10.0 15.3
550 45.9 1.31 0.064 0.139 0.325 0.93 5.05 11.0 17.8
600 42.4 1.51 0.058 0.137 0.292 1.09 4.57 12.0 20.6
Commercial Aniline
n-Buty] Alcohol
60 55.1 0.40 46.0 0.835 0.093 7.2 4.22 0.60 0.3 X 1Q9
80 54.6 0.42 39.6 0.725 0.092 6.5 4.01
100 54.0 0.44 35.1 0.650 0.087 5.1 3.53
150 53.5 0.46 26.0 0.480 ..... 4.5
200 ... 0. . . . . . 20.3 0 • • • • . .... 4.0
Light Oil
lbm F)
11. X 101 • X 10'
(lbm/(sq ft/ (Btu/ " Pr
(sq ft/hr)
fJr X lQI
- p.'l
cu ft) ft sec) sec) hr ft F) (1/F cu ft)
600 625 I 0.0345 I 1.09 I t.7-t 9.5 0.014 0.44 0.065 0.687 X H~
800 616 o.o357 I o.9o lt.5 9.0 0.013 0.41 0.068
1000 608 0.0369 0.74 1.2 9.0 0.011 0.40 0.070
1200 600 0.0381 0.62 1.0 9.0 0.009 0.39
1400 591 0.0393 0.53 0.9 9.0 0.008 0.39
Digitized by Coogle Original from
TABLE A-3 (Continued)
I c.
~£ X 10'
, X 1QI
(sq ft/
(Btu/ I Pr
(sq ft/hr)
{Jr X 10'
- -
cu ft)
I Ibm F) ft sec) sec) hr ft F)
I (1/F cu ft)
50 847 0.033 1.07 1.2 4.7 0.027 0.17 0.1 2.02 X 109
200 834 0.033 0.84 1.0 6.0 0.016 0.22 0.1 2.02
300 826 0.033 0.74 0.9 6.7 0.012 0.25
400 817 0.032 0.67 0.8 7.2 0.011 0.27
600 802 0.032 0.58 0.7 8.1 0.008 0.31
. 200 58.0 0.33 0.47 8.1 49.8 0.011 2.6 0.150 73.5 X 106
400 56.3 0.32 0.29 5.1 46.4 0.007 2.6 0.20 243
700 53.7 0.31 0.19 3.5 41.8 0.005 2.5
1000 51.2 0.30 0.14 2.7 37.8 0.004 2.4
1300 48.6 0.30 0.12 2.5 34.5 0.004 2.4
).T E>..• X JQI E•co ->..r> ).T E~ X 10' Et(O-A.f') ).T E~ X 101 E•<•->..~ >
trT• trT• trT• trT• ,ra trT•
~ ; .. :"'~
0.527 18 .049 1.9635 0.1636 6.1115 0.218 2.616 0.0015 0.011 661
~ 0.495
.083 1 1 1 0.193 2.316 0.0013 0.010
0.166 1.992 0.0011 0.009
0.652 18 .049 2.3562 0.1963 5.0930 0.334 4.008 0.0023 0.017 431
0.620 16 .065 0.302 3.624 0.0021 0.016 477
~ 0.584 14 .083 0.268 3.216 0.0019 0.014 537
0.560 13 .095 1 1 1 0.246 2.952 0.0017 0.013 585
0.902 18 .049 3.1416 .2618 3.8197 0.639 7.668 0.0044 0.033 225
1 0.870 16 .065 0.595 7.140 0.0041 0.031 242
0.834 14 .083 0.546 6.552 0.0038 0.028 264
0.810 13 .095 1 1 1 0.515 6.180 0.0036 0.027 280
1.152 18 .049 3.9270 .3272 3.0558 1.075 12.90 0.0075 0.056 134
1.120 16 .065 0.985 11.82 0.0068 0.051 146
13-( 1.084 14 .083 0.923 11.08 0.0064 0.048 156
.109 l l 0.882
.109 l l 11.343
Cross- lm11ide
Nominal Out!!ide Wall Inside sectional Cf088-
pipe dia.m, Schedule thick- diam, area se<-tional
t~i.ze, in. in. :\1 o. ness, in. in. metal, area
Set in. sq ft.
Croee- Inside
Nominal Outside Wall Inside sectional erose-
pipe diam, Schedule thick- diam, area lle<'tional
size, in. in. No. ness, in. in. metal, area,
8Q in. 8Q ft
Altitude, Altitude, Jute Absolute Pressure Density, Density Speed
ft miles Tern- PreMure, Ratio lh./cu ft Ratio of
pera- lbr/sq ft Sound.
ture, R
50,000 9.470 392 243 1.15 x to-• 1.16 x to-' 1.52 x to-• 973
60,000 1t.364 392 t5t 7.t3 x to-• 7.32 X to-a 9.45 X tO-t 973
70,000 13.258 392 94.5 4.47 X IO-t 4.5t X to-a 5.90 X tO-t 974
80,000 15.152 392 58.8 2.78 X 10-t 2.80 X to-a 3.67 X tO-t 974
90,000 17.045 392 36.6 1.73 X tO-t t.67 X to-a 2.28 x to-• 974
tOO,OOO 18.939 392 22.8 1.08 X to-a l.t X to-a 1.4 x to-• 975
t50,000 28.409 575 3.2 1.5 X to-a 9.7 x to-• 1.3 X to-a 1,t90
200,000 37.879 623 0.73 3.6 x to-• 2.2 x to-• 2.9 x to-• t,240
300,000 56.8t8 487 0.017 9.0 X tO-t 6.9 X l0-7 9.0 X tO-t t,llO
400,000 75.758 695 O.OOlt 5.2 X t0-7 2.7 X to-s 3.5 X t0-7 1,430
500,000 94.697 9t0 1.2 x to-• 8.5 x to-• 3.1 x to-• 4.t X 10-. ....
600,000 113.64 1,130 4.t x to-• 1.9 X tO-t 5.7 X to-•o 7.5 x to-• ....
700,000 132.58 1,350 t.3 x to-• 6.2 x to-• 1.5 X to-so 1.9 x to-• ....
800,000 151.52 1,570 4.6 X tO-t 2.2 x to-• 4.6 X to-n 6.0 X to-•o ....
900,000 t70.45 1,800 1.9 X tO-t 9.0 X to-so 1.7 X to-u 2.2 X Io-•o • • • a
Original from
Di git ized by Coogle UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
548 Index
Fins (cont.) Freezing
selection and design, 58-60 boundary value problem, 431
tapered, 57-58 of cvlinder, 434-435
uniform cr088-8eCtion, 45-53, 58-59, ice formation, 430
396 of slab, 433-434
FJSHENDEN, M., 389 Friction coefficients
Flow of fluids effect of heat transfer on, 361
over flat plate effect of surface roughness, 345
lantinar, 254-262,27Q-273 flow in tubes and ducts, 343-345
turbulent, 278-281, 287-290 flow over banks of tubes, 387, 389-390
in tubes and ducts flow over cy Iinder, 37Q-372
laminar, 333, 338, 354 flow over sphere, 379
transitional, 334 in high-speed flow, 48(}--482
turbulent, 335, 339, 343-345 laminar flow over plate, 262-263
laminar and turbulent, 234 turbulent flow over plane surface, 284-
over long cylinder, 371-374 285
relation to heat flow, 234
over sphere, 369 GARDNER, K. A., 58
Flux plotting; tJU Potential field plotting Gas heaters, 382
Forced convection Gaseous radiation, 211-217
effect~ of free convection, 355-356 effective beam length, 213-214:
entrance effects, 337, 358 emission bands, 212
in flow over tubes; tJte Banks of tubes nonluminous gas, 215
heat-transfer coefficient, 14 Gases
in high-speed flow, see High-speed flow diffusion through, 492-495
inside tube and ducts forced convection over cylinders, 373
compressibility effects, 340, 482-483 forced convection over spheres, 379-
effect of variation in physical prop- 380
erties, 339-340, 346-348 free convection, 301, 304, 314
laminar flow, 354-361 Henry's law constants, 503
Reynolds analogy, 340-343 laminar forced convection in tubes,
thermal boundary conditions, 340 358-359
in transition flow, 361 mass diffusivities for, 495
turbulent flow, 340, 354 perfect gas law, 301, 491
reference fluid temperature, 332 physical properties of, 535-536
Fouling factors, 461-462 turbulent forced convection in due~,
FouRIER, J. B. J., 9
Gaussian error integral, 146, 147
Fourier boundary modulus, 148 GAZLEY, c., 324
Fourier equation, 72; tJU alao Heat con- General heat-conduction equation, 131
duction equation Geometrical shape factors; tJee Shape
analytical solution, 73 factort1
Fourier modulus, 121, 136-145 GIEDT, w. H., 373
Fo~er series, 69, 129 GIER, J. T., 222
Free convection, 8 Graetz number, 357
in centrifugal-force fields, 298, 319-324 Grashof ~umbeiJ 304, 306
cooling ot gas turbines, 320-324 Gray -body, 13
enclosed air spaces, 318
equation of motion, 300-302 emissive power, 187
heat-transfer coefficient, 297 GREGG, J L., 310
horizontal cylinders, 305 GRIMISON, E. c., 389
interior surfaces, 317 GROsH, R. J., 390
in nuclear reactors, 297, 329
rotating bodies, 324-327 HANSEN, M., 260
similarity parameters, 299-305
three-dimensional shapes, 306 HARPER, w. P., 58
transition, 306 Heat capacity, hourly, 453
Free-molecule flow, 472 Heat exchangers
convective heat transfer, 483-487 basic types, 440-444
recovery factor, 485 compact, 443-444
Stanton number, 485 design, 331, 390, 439-440
Original from
Di git ized by Coogle UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
550 Index
Liquid metals N a vier-Stokes equations, 235
advantages for heat-transfer purposes, NEwToN, IsAAC, 14
349 Newton's law of cooling, 14
croe&-ftow over tubes, 390
forced convection in ducts, 348, 349- Newton's second law of motion, 256-257
351 NIKURADSE, J., 345
heat-traDBfer mechanism, 351 Nocturnal radiation, 224
wetting, 351 Nodal point, 92-94, 98-99, 107, 108
Local heat-transfer coefficient Nonhomogeneous equation, 125
definition of, 14
over fiat plate; see Boundary layer Nonuniform thermal conductivity, effect
in free convection, 308-314 of, 23
in laminar duct flow, 356-359 Nuclear fission, 43
in turbulent regions, 310 Nuclear reactor, 64, 297, 329, 399 ·
Logarithmic mean area, 28 Nucleate boiling
LoKSBIN, v. A., 389 bubble mechanism, 400
LoNDON' A. L., 347, 434, 443 geometrical shape, 409
LYON, R. N., 351
maximum heat ftux, 405, 412
NUNNER, w., 345
M~h number, 340, 471, 472 NussELT, W., 453
MARCO, s. M., 220 Nusselt number
MARTINELLI, R. C., 288, 341 average value for laminar flow over
plate, 268
Martinelli's analogy, 345 definition ~3.9 1 . 241
Mass transfer, 3 derivst1on- t>y dimensional analysis,
concentration, 491 247
by convection, 496-498 in free convection, 305, 308-310, 314,
gas phase, 492-495, 498 317
from gas to liquid, 501 in high-speed flow, 280, 283
interphase; see Interphase mass trans- in high-speed laminar ftow, 479
fer local value for flow over flat plate, 268,
mechanism, 489 277, 285, 289
molecular diffusion, 490-491 in long tubes or conduits, 331,332,343,
resistance to, 501, 505 351,356,358,361
Reynold's analogy, 499 relation to boundary-layer thickn~,
simultaneous heat transfer, 490 241
M888-transfer equipment relation to convective heat-transfer co-
classification of, 515 efficient, 240
distillation column, 515, 517 rotating disks and cylinders, 324, 327
M8.88-transfer coefficients
gas phase, 497, 498 Opaque bodies, 178
liquid phase, 497 OPPENHEIM, A., 484
over-all, 504 Orthogonal functions, 135
evaluation of, 498-501
Over-all temperature potential, 17
Maximum monochromatic emissive pow-
er, 184 Over-all transmittance, 17-18, 207
for composite structures, 33
McADAMs, W. H., 310, 377, 379 for concentric cylinders, 36
Mean-film temJ)era~, 290 for finned surfaces, 61
Mean free path, 471 for heat exchangers, 446
Mean-value theorem, 40, 43
Parallelepiped shells, 30
Mechanical equivakiDt of heat, 529
Partial pressure,· 491, 492
Micron, 175 gradients in diffusion, 494-496
Molecular speed ratio, 484- Perfect gas la_w, 301, 491
MooRE, A. D., 86 Periodic heat -ftow
MUELLER, A. c., 448 in bodies with negligible internal re-
Muffie-type furnace, 206 sistance, 128-130
MuLL, W., 318
definition of, 8
Phase equilibrium, 502
NAGLE, w. M., 448 Pi theorem; see Buckingham pi-theorem
Index 553
Transient heat conduction (cont.) Units
in compoeioo walls, 162-165 consisoont sysoom of, 527
in cylinder, 141-143 conversion of, 252-254, 528-531
electrical analog, 159 engineering sysoom, 245
graphical method, 153-168 Unsooady stare, definition of, 8
numerical method, 168-170
product solution for, 132-137, 150-153
m rocket motors, 130 VANDER HZGGE-ZYNEN, B. G., 287
in eemi-infinioo bodies, 145-148 VAN DRIEST, E. R., 245 fn., 479
in&ab, 130-137, 146-148,153-162 Vapor, condensation of, 419-430
in spheres, 141, 144-145 Velocity distribution
in systems with negligible inoomal re- effect of heat transfer on, 359
sistance, 117-124 in free-molecular flow, 484
Transition in high-speed flow, 474
effect of Mach number, 481 in laminar boundary layer, 236, 261
flow in ducts, 334 in laminar flow through tubes, 338
flow over cylinders, 371, 374 in turbulent boundary layer, 236, 287
flow over plane surface, 237 Velocity fluctuation in turbulent flow,
for free convection, 306-314 280
mechanism, 236
Viscosity, 5, 246
Transmissivity, 178 eddy, 281
Transmittance; BU Over-all transmit- units of, 253, 531
tance VON DER HELD, E. F. M., 318
TsiEN, H. S., 471, 484 VON KARMAN, T., 270, 277, 288, 289
Tube banks; Bee Banks of tubes von Karman vortex-streets, 371
Tubes, dimensions of, 541
AssociATION, 391
WAGNER, C., 326
Turbine blade, cooling, 64, 320-322 Water
evaporation of, 399
Turbulence level, 377 freezing of, 430
Turbulent flow, 234 physical properties of, 537
apparent shear, 279 cooling tower, 462, 506, 513
boundary layer; Bee Boundary layer Waoor vapor, radiation from, 214, 216-
over cylinders, 371-373 217
exchange mechanism, 277
in free convection, 310 Wavelength of radiation, 175
at high speeds, 481-483 Wavelengths, visible range of, 182
mixing length, 278-280 Wet-bulb temperature, 507, 509
momentum flux, 280
in a pipe, 341-349 Wetood-wall column, 499
Reynolds analogy; Bee Reynolds anal- Wien's displacement law, 182
ogy Wilson plot, 364
structure of, 237
transfer of energy as heat, 281
velocity fluctuations, 278 Zenith distance, 218
Original from