(Edited) Demand Side Response in The Electricity Market
(Edited) Demand Side Response in The Electricity Market
(Edited) Demand Side Response in The Electricity Market
Demand response can be defined as tariffs imposed on electricity based on the usage changes by end-
users for a specific period. Additionally, it refers to a way of reflecting the benefits of efficiencies in
production or the management of power companies. It can either be price based or incentive-based.
Examples of prices-based responses include Real-Time Pricing (RTP), Critical Peak Pricing (CPP), and
time of use (TOU) tariffs. An analysis of the role of electricity companies on their customers' consumption
behavior by exploring the cases of Bangladesh, Kenya, UK, and China has shown that there is a need to
ensure that the understanding of electricity rates in the global population is changed. The different
strategies adopted by electricity companies of the countries considered are all aimed at influencing
consumer behavior to reduce the stress on the electricity grid. The relationship between the price and the
supply of electricity in response to consumer demand is presented in this paper. The production,
management and supply of electricity by power companies has been extensively addressed, taking into
account four different countries, such as Bangladesh, China, Kenya and the UK. It provides an overview of
how demand side responses have been addressed on the premise of different time spans and
consumption according to consumer behavior.
I. Introduction
Most electricity consumers lack the understanding
of electricity rates as they vary over time concerning
demand factors and supply factors. Demand response can be
defined as tariffs imposed on electricity charges based on
the changes in the usage of electricity by end-users for a
specific period or as a way of reflecting the benefits of
efficiencies in production or the management of power
companies to the end-users [2],[11],[18]. Also, the tariffs
can be implemented to reduce the electricity costs when the
economy is going through a particular set of challenges or
when the grid's integrity is jeopardized [1]. A lot can be
achieved on the electric meter's consumer side in response Fig 1. Shows the number of biogas plants in Bangladesh
to certain conditions in the system, such as the PPN (peak [18].
period network) congestion, or peak prices that occur within Although energy production in the country has
designated times [11]. been growing steadily in response to the rapidly rising
Demand response can either be price based or incentive- demand for electricity, access to electricity has not
based. Examples of prices-based responses include Real- increased. Access to electric power has been a significant
Time Pricing (RTP), Critical Peak Pricing (CPP), and time issue in ensuring the gap between demand and supply is
of use (TOU) tariffs [2]. These tariffs are changed to show bridged.
the fluctuations in the cost of electricity through different
periods. Such prices inform the decision of the consumers to
optimize their usage of electricity. When the grid is
jeopardized or when the cost of producing electricity is high, Table 1: Electricity Access in Bangladesh
the management of power companies may opt to incentivize
Urb Rur
the participating customers through targeted offers. The
an al
main reason why electricity companies in both developed Total Access
Acce Acce
and developing countries adopt demand response
ss ss
approaches is to encourage the consumers to
optimize/manage their electricity usage in response to price 19 20 20 20 20
signals set by the electricity generating/distribution Year 2016 2016
90 00 10 14 16
companies [9]. This paper analyses the influences of
electricity companies on their customers' consumption %Popula
behavior by exploring Bangladesh, Kenya, the UK, and - 32 55 62 76 94 69
The demand response covers the tariffs that are imposed
by the electricity distribution institutions in countries around
In this case, the method is the implementation of
the world. There is a significant need to match the demand
power generation using solar photovoltaic (PV) technology
and supply of electricity consumption. exist some units that
that is not connected to the national grid. This will reduce
are expensive to operate and this may lead to the demand
the stress exerted on the grid by the excess demand for
being higher than the supply level being generated by the
power [4]. Solar photovoltaic technology is a type of
plants available. The demand response process tends to
technology that is being implemented by both governmental
cause adjustment of the power demand rather than causing
and non-governmental organizations to increase access to
changes to the supply side. China and the United Kingdom
energy in rural areas of the country to avoid jeopardizing the
are the effective states regarding the production and
performance of the already stressed national electricity grid
distribution of electricity for they have invested in quality
technology. Kenya and Bangladesh are still lagging behind
mainly due to the inability to adopt quality systems and high The national government has been able to manage
corruption levels. and control consumer behavior about power generation and
consumption over the years. Previous studies show that solar
II. The case of Bangladesh electricity usage as an alternative source of energy has
increased at a rapid rate from 513218 users in 2010 to
Bangladesh is a densely populated country with no
1655201 users in 2015 [9],[18]. This corresponds to the
electricity connection in many rural areas due to limitations
increased usage of alternative renewable energy sources,
on the supply side. It has become necessary to explore
such as solar cookers, water heating systems, biomass
methods of managing and controlling consumers' behavior
systems, etc. There are many potential areas that Bangladesh
to avoid exerting more stress on the national electricity grid
can turn to reduce the stress on the electric grid and increase
[3], [18].
access to power. These include wind energy and tidal
energy. Bangladesh boasts a 710km coastal line that offers
the perfect conditions for harnessing wind energy and tidal
energy [18]. The power generated from these sources can
either be connected to the electric grid or distributed parallel
to the grid.
Bangladesh boasts a 710km coastal line that offers
the perfect conditions for harnessing wind energy and tidal
energy [18]. The power generated from these sources can
either be connected to the electric grid or distributed parallel
to the grid.
When the electricity demand exceeds the supply,
especially during peak hours, the only way that the stress on
the grid can be solved is through load shedding. This is a
process that involves disconnecting the power to some areas
of the country [9], [13], [18]. This has negative impacts both
on a commercial, industrial, and domestic scale. Therefore,
Fig. 3 Demand for electric power for a weekday during
commercial and household consumers must change their
winter [12]
electricity consumption behavior to cope with the situation.
Most consumers are left with the option of putting in place As shown in Fig. 3, the peak power demand occurs
alternative sources of energy for their use. The power at around 11 am and accounts for approximately 15GW of
distribution company has continually encouraged most the peak energy consumption on a typical winter weekday.
commercial users to adopt renewable and cost-effective The UK aims to use demand other demand
alternative energy sources and optimize their energy uses. response measures to transform the electricity market and
This will reduce the need for shutting down the system for the power generation paradigm through the application of
load shedding. technology [4], 6], [11]. Automated timers, building systems
Production and Management capable of managing power usage, direct or dynamic
demand control devices, are used to encourage the efficient
In Bangladesh, The Power Grid Company of
utilization of energy on an industrial and commercial level.
Bangladesh is involved in the transmission of electricity. It
The devices are examples of new technologies that have
is government-owned, and it runs the power-grid system as
shown considerable effectiveness in overcoming the
a Bangladesh Power Development Board subsidiary. The
challenges of demand response and improving the British
institution is working towards ensuring that the entire
National Grid [11].
country is getting the desired distribution of electricity.
However, the country has not managed to realize the Production and Management
optimal level due to various factors that are causing In the United Kingdom, the production of electricity is
inefficiencies. done in various ways that includes nuclear, fossil fuels,
Handling Demand Response imports, and renewable energies that rely on wind, solar,
and wave. The burning of fossils, coal, and fuels provides
Bangladesh is one of the developing countries in the
the region with electricity. It makes use of imports, for it is
world, and this means that there is a rising demand of
connected to the grid system in the French territory, Ireland,
electricity that is needed in this country. The nation has a
and the Netherlands through the interconnectors. The region
single national grid, and this has a significant control over
has a National Grid that tends to cover a significant section
the electricity production in the country, and the existence of
of Great Britain.
a single system is have an effect on the ability to run the
production process effectively. Handling demand response
In the United Kingdom, the demand response is realized
through the process of raising the efficiency levels of the
III. The case of the UK production process to realize a balance between the supply
and demand processes. The region has heavily invested in
The electricity system of the UK is well placed to the latest technological systems that are optimally utilizing
meet the peak demand. Although this occurs rarely, there is the available resources to generate power for the countries
a need to encourage consumer behavior that shifts the usage.
consumption of power to times when the demand is low
[11]. Most of the power in the UK's electricity grid is
underutilized, probably due to the industrial impacts of the IV . The case of China
financial crisis of 2008, and the economic implications of
Brexit [18], [19]. However, to ensure the reliability of the China uses a combination of several Smart Demand
system, various measures have been proposed. For instance, Response (SDR) initiatives to reduce the stress exerted on
Economy 7 is a tariff program in the UK that targets the electricity grid by the increased supply-demand deficit
household consumers, especially those that use electricity and consumer power utilization behaviors [4], [6]. The SDR
for heating [4]. The tariffs lower the price of electricity strategy of China plays a crucial role in the integration of
overnight when the demand for electric power in the UK is renewable energy into the grid, load shedding, peak shaving,
lower. [12] Suggests that this influences domestic reduction of the emissions from the use of fossil energies,
consumers' consumption behavior as they shift the usage of and enhances the reliability of the electricity grid [12],[15].
electrical heating systems to nighttime when the costs are The government of China has put measures meant to ensure
more favorable. that the challenges of implementing the SDR are overcome.
distribution in the country. China is currently the largest
producer of electricity in the world before the United States.
Handling Demand Response
The key technologies that are needed for the
implementation of the demand responses are already
available. China is using these policies to handle its
economic growth programs and energy planning process.
The country has developed a mechanism that it intends to
use to ensure that it is raising the level of consumption at
times of low demand