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Applied Ergonomics 67 (2018) 211–217

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Applied Ergonomics
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Physiological consequences of using an upper limb exoskeleton during MARK

manual handling tasks
Jean Theurel∗, Kevin Desbrosses, Terence Roux, Adriana Savescu
Working Life Department, National Research and Safety Institute, 54 500 Vandœuvre les Nancy, France


Keywords: This study aimed to assess the physiological consequences of using an upper limb exoskeleton during manual
Workload handling task, as muscle activity, upper limb kinematics, postural balance and cardiac cost. Participants per-
TMS formed three tasks (load lifting (LIFT), carrying (WALK) and stacking-unstacking (STACK)) with (EXOS) and
EMG without (FREE) an exoskeleton. During LIFT and STACK, the activity of the deltoid anterior muscle was sig-
nificantly lower for EXOS than for FREE. During LIFT, the activity of the triceps brachii (TB) and tibialis anterior
muscles significantly increased for EXO. The TB muscle activity significantly decreased for EXOS during WALK.
The cardiac cost tended to increase with the use of the exoskeleton during LIFT, compared to FREE. The upper
limb kinematics significantly differed between the EXOS and FREE conditions for all tasks. The benefits of the
upper limb exoskeleton to reduce shoulder flexor muscle activity has been demonstrated, while broader phy-
siological consequences have also been evidenced as increased antagonist muscle activity, postural strains,
cardiovascular demand, and modified kinematics.

1. Introduction upper-limb exoskeletons regarding the biomechanical strains associated

with manual handling tasks. These tasks are also commonly in-
Manual handling activities are known to expose individuals to criminated in the occurrence of shoulder MSD, particularly due to the
considerable biomechanical strains and risks of musculoskeletal dis- combination of heavy load carrying, shoulder solicitations in flexion
orders (MSD) (Ayoub, 1982; Cole and Grimshaw, 2003; Rempel, 1992; and abduction, and overhead work (OHW) (Frost et al., 2002; Miranda
Straker, 1999). Despite the development of modern technology, many et al., 2005; Roquelaure et al., 2011; Silverstein et al., 2008; van Rijn
jobs still require manual handling tasks so that more than 40% of et al., 2010). Designed to reduce the physical strains placed on the
workers in the European Union continue to suffer from back and shoulders, upper limb exoskeletons commonly features one or two
shoulder pains (Eurofound, 2012). To deal with this prevalence of MSDs mechanical arms, fixed on a rigid jacket. A spring system designed to
in handling tasks, research is now focusing on new issues, such as the raise the arms provides physical assistance. To our knowledge, these
use of exoskeletons (de Looze et al., 2016). Defined as wearable, me- exoskeletons have been specifically assessed during OHW (Rashedi
chanical structures that enhance the strength of a person, occupational et al., 2014; Sylla et al., 2014). In both studies, the experimental task
exoskeletons have been designed to physically assist workers in per- consisted to a simulated intermittent OHW, in a standing position,
forming their tasks, and thus reduce their exposure to the associated where the participants had to holding and handling different tools or
physical demand. payloads (from approximately 1 to 8 kg) over the head. The first results
Previous studies have examined the benefits of these new technol- nonetheless demonstrated the potential of the assistive devices to re-
ogies on musculoskeletal strains, focused in particular on devices spe- duce the perceived exertion, shoulder flexor muscle activity (Rashedi
cifically developed to assist spine erection during trunk bending. The et al., 2014), and shoulder joint torque (Sylla et al., 2014).
use of back exoskeletons appears to efficiently reduce the activity of low Therefore, it is interesting to examine the impacts of using these
back muscles (Abdoli et al., 2006; Bosch et al., 2016; Frost et al., 2009; technologies on shoulder biomechanical strains during other handling
Whitfield et al., 2014), local muscular fatigue (Godwin et al., 2009; Lotz activities than OHW. It is essential to ensure that upper limb exoske-
et al., 2009), and the internal forces applied to the lumbar spine letons also provide a real advantage for shoulder MSD prevention,
(Abdoli-Eramaki et al., 2007; Graham et al., 2009) during handling without causing other biomechanical strains. For example, previous
tasks. However, little information is known on the potential benefits of studies have demonstrated that the use of similar devices could involve

Corresponding author. INRS, 1 Rue du Morvan, 54 500 Vandœuvre les Nancy, France. Tel.: +33 3 8350 98 84.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Theurel).

Received 23 June 2017; Received in revised form 29 September 2017; Accepted 11 October 2017
Available online 16 October 2017
0003-6870/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Theurel et al. Applied Ergonomics 67 (2018) 211–217

significant postural changes during OHW (Sylla et al., 2014) and ki- joints, allowing free 3D movements. The distal extremities of the me-
nematics stains (Ulrey and Fathallah, 2013). Moreover, increased chanical arms have short belts used to strap the user's hand (Fig. 1).
lumbar muscle activity has been observed during OHW with a custo- This exoskeleton provides non-linear arm lift assistance over an angular
mised upper limb exoskeleton, compared to an identical task, per- range from 0° to 135° of the shoulder anterior flexion. The assistive
formed without assistance (Rashedi et al., 2014). The inertial char- torque can be adjusted by prestressing the springs. In this study, we
acteristics (i.e. mass and balance) of upper limb exoskeletons could adjusted the system so that the exoskeleton provided a force assistance
partly explain the latter observations. It can also be expected that the of ≈9 kg for men and ≈5 kg for women at the arm end of the exos-
postural changes resulted to modifications in the motor pattern of the keleton for a 90° shoulder anterior flexion. These values were in ac-
upper limbs (i.e. focal muscular chain), due to kinematics strains. cordance with the loads handled by each group during the LIFT con-
Furthermore, the increase of postural strains associated to the increase dition. The participants had to handle routine materials (toolboxes)
of muscle activity could have significant repercussions on metabolic during the WALK and STACK tasks. The exoskeleton was adjusted to the
responses. anthropometric characteristics of the subjects.
The present study aimed to assess the impact of using an upper limb
exoskeleton on focal and postural muscle activity, upper arm kine-
2.2.2. Load lifting and lowering task (LIFT)
matics and cardiac cost during handling tasks.
The LIFT task was a standardized task consisting in load lifting from
a low platform to a high one, and vice versa for 3 min at an imposed
2. Materials and methods rate, using a rhythmic beep (ten cycles/minute). One full cycle included
both load lifting and lowering actions. The two platforms faced the
2.1. Participants participant so as to limit the movement in the sagittal plane. These
platforms were adjusted to the anthropometric characteristics of the
Four women (31 ± 2 years, 166 ± 4 cm, 62 ± 10 kg) and four workers, at knee and shoulder height, respectively. The high platform
men (33 ± 3 years, 179 ± 3 cm, 78 ± 3 kg), right-handed, without was positioned behind the low one, so as to obtain a complete elbow
back or shoulder pathologies, volunteered to participate in this study. extension in the sagittal plane (Fig. 1, A). The load was adjusted to 9 kg
Their usual work tasks mainly consisted in the manual handling of for men and 5 kg for women, respectively. This difference was related
different boxes. They were trained (97 ± 18 min) to perform the ex- to the maximum strength of the men and women observed for anterior
perimental tasks during 4 sessions, with and without an exoskeleton. shoulder flexion during the pre-tests (100% vs. 56%). A recovery period
They had given their written consent after receiving detailed informa- of five minutes was provided after the task.
tion on the objectives, protocol and possible risks. The experimental
protocol received approval from the ethical committee of the company,
including the medical staff and union representatives. Each volunteer 2.2.3. Walking with load carrying task (WALK)
participated in the present study after a medical examination. WALK consisted in walking over a distance of 30 m at a free chosen
(as usual working tasks) speed, carrying a two-handled toolbox (Fig. 1,
2.2. Experimental tasks B). For each experimental condition (EXOS vs. FREE), the task was
repeated four times and a break of 10 s was given between each re-
The participants had to perform three modalities of handling tasks petition, done by releasing the toolbox. The toolbox weight was ad-
according to the present protocol, each of them with (EXOS) and justed to 15 kg for the men and 8 kg for the women. A 5-min recovery
without (FREE) an exoskeleton, in random order. These experimental period was provided after the entire task.
tasks consisted successively in load lifting in the sagittal plane (LIFT),
walking while carrying a load (WALK), and manual load handling with 2.2.4. Box unstacking and stacking task (STACK)
a 90°-rotation in the longitudinal axis (STACK) (Fig. 1). The two con- STACK consisted in unstacking and stacking 4 boxes (≈80 cm wide
ditions (EXOS and FREE) were separated by a recovery period of and 35 cm high) with a 90° rotation of the operator on its longitudinal
20 min, in a sitting position. axis (Fig. 1, C). The full unstacking and stacking of the 4 boxes was
considered as a cycle. The subjects had to perform eight full cycles to
2.2.1. Exoskeleton complete this experimental task. Contrary to LIFT, the workers were not
The EXHAUSS Stronger® exoskeleton (EXHAUSS, France) was used subjected to any imposed pace (as usual working tasks). The free pacing
in this study. It weighs 9 kg and consists of two mechanical arms ac- advised was defined as “normal for a 5 min work period”. The boxes
tivated by springs. The arms are linked to a rigid wearable jacket, with weighed 15 kg for the men and 8 kg for the women.

Fig. 1. Experimental tasks. Each participant performed a LIFT task (A), a WALK task (B) and a STACK task (C), with and without an upper limb exoskeleton.

J. Theurel et al. Applied Ergonomics 67 (2018) 211–217

2.3. Data recording experimental tasks (PolarTeam2 system, Polar, Finland). For each
condition (FREE vs. EXOS), a 5-minute recovery period was observed
2.3.1. EMG before LIFT to record the HR at rest (the average of the lowest data
The electromyographic activity (EMG) of the anterior deltoid (AD), acquired over a continuous period of 30 s). We computed the mean HR
the long head of the triceps brachii (TB), the erector spinae longissimus value for the last 30 s for LIFT and STACK and for the last 30 meters for
(ES) and the tibialis anterior (TA) muscles was continuously recorded WALK. For each condition and task, the heart rate was expressed as the
on the right side (Cometa, Wave Plus™, Italy). Two single-use surface absolute cardiac cost (CC) which was obtained by subtracting rest HR
electrodes (BlueSensor N-00-S, Ambu) were placed on the skin in ac- from work HR. Measurements were performed under normal tem-
cordance with SENIAM recommendations (Hermens and Freriks, 1997). perature and relative humidity conditions (20.5 ± 1.4 °C and
Inter-electrode distance was 20 mm. Skin preparation allowed an im- 49 ± 5%, respectively).
pedance lower than 5 kΩ. EMG signals were recorded at 2000 Hz,
amplified (x1000) and filtered at 10–500 Hz bandpass. Then the RMS 2.3.4. Perceived exertion
(Root Mean Square) value was calculated over successive periods of Perceived exertion was recorded using the Rating of Perceived
100-ms sliding windows in 10-ms steps. Exertion (RPE) scale (Borg, 1998). The participants were questioned at
Before the first task, two isometric voluntary maximal contractions the end of each task, in both experimental conditions (FREE vs. EXO).
were performed successively for AD, TB and TA muscles. For ES mus-
cles, two isometric submaximal voluntary contractions were performed. 2.3.5. Postural balance
In a standing posture, the participants had to hold a load (9 kg for men During LIFT, a stabilometric platform (SATEL, France) was placed
and 5 kg for women) with arms extended at 90° of shoulder anterior under the feet of the participants to assess the displacements of centre
flexion. All contractions were maintained for 5 s and separated by at of pressure (CoP). The signal was recorded at 40 Hz over a period of
least 1 min recovery. For each muscle, the highest 100-s RMS value was 51.2 s at the end of the task. The CoP displacement was analysed using
used as the reference value (RMSref). Then, for the three tasks, RMS the area of the confidence ellipse (mm2) and the maximal oscillation in
values were expressed in percentage of RMSref. the antero-posterior direction (mm) (Marcolin et al., 2016).
For LIFT, an average RMS value was computed during the last 5
cycles, in their entirety. For WALK, an average RMS value was com- 2.3.6. Work duration
puted over 10 footsteps during the last repetition (between 5 and 25 m For WALK and STACK, the times taken to walk 20 m (5–25 m)
distance). For STACK, an average RMS value was computed during the during the last repetition and the last 2 handling cycles, respectively,
last 2 cycles, in their entirety. EMG was computed at the end of each were recorded.
task in order to ensure that subjects were fully immersed in the work
situation. 2.4. Statistics

2.3.2. Upper limb kinematics The results are presented as means ± standard deviations (SD). For
Right upper limb movements were recorded using four wireless each task (LIFT, STACK and WALK), the data were analysed using a
magneto-inertial measurement units (MIMU, version firmware 2.0.8, general linear model including the subject as a random effect and the
Xsens, Enschede, Netherlands). Each MIMU is a small and light device condition (FREE, EXOS) as a fixed effect. Residual normality was ver-
(34.5 × 57.8 × 14.5 mm, 27 g) that consists of a 3D linear accel- ified and a 5% significance level adopted (p < 0.05). Commercial
erometer, a 3D rate gyroscope and a 3D magnetometer. The MIMU software was used for the analyses (Statgraphics Centurion XVI).
technical coordinate system linked to an earth-based global coordinate
system was provided as an output, using the Xsens fusion algorithm. 3. Results
For an appropriate estimation of upper arm movement, the four
sensors were placed in specific positions on each upper limb body 3.1. LIFT
segment and on the trunk (Bouvier et al., 2015) on the flat portion of
the sternum, on the central third of the upper arm, laterally and slightly The EMG activity of AD was significantly (p < 0.01) lower for
posterior, dorso-distally on the forearm and dorsally on the hand EXOS than for FREE. TB and TA activities were significantly (p < 0.01
(Fig. 1). After MIMU positioning each subject performed a calibration and p < 0.001) higher when LIFT for EXOS than for FREE (Fig. 2). No
posture: upper arm along the body, elbow flexed at 90°, in neutral statistical difference in EMG activity was reported for ES between
forearm pronosupination, fingers pointing forward. MIMU data were conditions.
recorded at 50 Hz and synchronized with all the other recorded data Regarding upper limb kinematics, EXOS did not present significant
and video-recordings. wrist joint angle modifications in comparison with FREE (Fig. 3). EXOS
Following a previous study procedure (Bouvier et al., 2015), a non- induced a significantly (p < 0.05) higher averaged elbow flexion angle
orthonormal segment representation was associated with all of the in comparison with FREE (p < 0.05). EXOS was accompanied by
MIMU sensor-to-segment calibrations in order to calculate joint angles smaller (p < 0.05) averaged flexion and external rotation angles of the
(Dumas and Chèze, 2007). In accordance with ISB (International So- shoulder.
ciety of Biomechanics) recommendations, the wrist (flexion (+)/ex- The area of the confidence ellipse was significantly (p < 0.05)
tension (−) and adduction (+)/abduction (−)), elbow (flexion higher for EXOS (6870 ± 2380 mm2) than for FREE
(+)/extension (−)) and internal-external rotation (pronation (+)/su- (4076 ± 997 mm2). Similar results were found for the maximal os-
pination (−)) and shoulder (flexion (+)/extension (−), adduction cillation in the antero-posterior direction (182 ± 38 mm vs.
(+)/abduction (−)) and internal -external rotation (internal (+)/ex- 136 ± 11 mm; p < 0.05). RPE was similar between conditions
ternal (−)) angles were calculated (Wu et al., 2005). (Table 1). Finally, a strong trend (p = 0.058) towards a higher CC was
Prior to angle data analysis, a qualitative analysis of the magnetic observed for EXOS in comparison to FREE (Table 1).
sensors was realized. This analysis did not identify any MIMU pertur-
bation. The mean and standard deviation of each joint angle were 3.2. WALK
analysed independently for all 3 tasks.
TB activity was significantly lower for EXOS than for FREE
2.3.3. Heart rate (p < 0.05; Fig. 1). No significant difference between conditions was
Heart rate (HR) was continuously recorded during the three observed for the other muscles studied.

J. Theurel et al. Applied Ergonomics 67 (2018) 211–217

Fig. 2. Electromyographic activities (EMG) during LIFT, WALK

18 ** FFREE 90 and STACK. The tasks were performed without (FREE, empty
bars) and with the exoskeleton (EXOS, filled bars). RMS values
Mean EMG RMS (%RMSref)

16 80
EEXOS are expressed in percentage of RMSref obtained during maximal
14 70
contractions for the anterior deltoid, triceps brachial and tibialis
* *** 60 anterior, and during submaximal contractions for the erector

10 50 spinae longissimus. For statistical differences between FREE and

EXOS: * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01 and *** = p < 0.001.
8 40
6 30
4 20
2 10
0 0
18 90
Mean EMG RMS (%RMSref)

16 80
14 70
12 60

10 50
8 40
6 * 30
4 20
2 10
0 0
18 90
Mean EMG RMS (%RMSref)

16 80
14 70
12 ** 60

10 50
8 40
6 30
4 20
2 10
0 0
Anterior Deltoid Triceps Brachial Tibialis Anterior Erector Spinae

With regard to upper arm kinematics, EXOS involved a significantly exoskeleton on physiological responses during common handling tasks.
(p < 0.05) higher averaged flexion angle of the elbow and a higher Our results showed that the use of an upper limb exoskeleton led to
averaged abduction angle of the shoulder (Fig. 2), in comparison with significant reduction of AD muscle activity during load lifting and
FREE. stacking/unstacking tasks. The extent of these decreases respectively
The CC was similar between EXOS and FREE and the RPE was sig- corresponded to 54% and 73% of the EMG activity recorded during the
nificantly (p < 0.05) lower for EXOS than for FREE (Table 1). In ad- same tasks performed without equipment. These data are in accordance
dition, the time taken to perform the 10 steps was similar between with Rashedi et al. (2014) that also reported a reduction of the EMG
conditions (Table 1). activity of the AD muscle when using a similar wearable assistive device
during overhead work. In the study of Rashedi et al. (2014), workers
3.3. STACK had to complete 10 min of simulated intermittent overhead work con-
sisting in holding a tool, with and without an upper limb exoskeleton.
AD activity was lower for EXOS than for FREE (p < 0.001). The The drop in AD muscle activity with the exoskeleton ranged from 36 to
EMG activity of TB was higher (p < 0.01; Fig. 1) with the exoskeleton 56%, depending on the mass of the tool. The relative decrease of AD
than without it. No statistical difference between either condition was muscle activity with the exoskeleton was more important when the
observed for ES and TA muscle activity. mass of the object handled was heavy. In the present study, similar
Both the averaged flexion angle of the elbow and the averaged observations can be made, where the relative impact of the assistive
abduction angle of the shoulder were significantly (p < 0.05) lower device on shoulder muscle solicitation was greater (p < 0.05) during
for EXOS in comparison to FREE (Fig. 3). The movement direction and the stacking/unstacking task, in which the boxes handled weighed 15
angular motion of the shoulder internal rotation were significantly and 8 Kg, than during the lifting task, in which the experimental loads
(p < 0.05) different between both conditions. weighed 9 and 5 kg, for men and women, respectively. The principle of
Finally, RPE and CC were similar between EXOS and FREE while a the assistive devices, examined by Rasheidi et al. (Rashedi et al., 2014)
significant (p < 0.05) longer time to handle the last 8 boxes was re- and by the present study, was to facilitate the sagittal flexion of the
corded for EXOS (Table 1). shoulder, a movement for which the AD muscle act. These work mod-
alities, involving an arm elevation, thus proved favourable for de-
4. Discussion monstrating the benefits of upper limb exoskeletons on the shoulder
muscle studied. In contrast, when participants had to carry a heavy
The present research aimed to evaluate the impact of an upper limb toolbox while walking, the exoskeleton did not have any significant

J. Theurel et al. Applied Ergonomics 67 (2018) 211–217

Fig. 3. Average joint angles for wrist flexion (+)/extension (−) (F/
* FFREE E), wrist adduction (+)/abduction (−) (Abd/Add), elbow flexion
80 * (+)/extension (−), elbow internal (+)/external (−) rotation (IER),
60 EEXOS shoulder flexion (+)/extension (−), shoulder adduction (+)/ab-
40 duction (−), shoulder internal (+)/external (−) rotation (IER)
20 during LIFT, WALK and STACK. Tasks were performed without
Angles (°)

(FREE, empty bars) and with the exoskeleton (EXOS, filled bars). For

statistical significant differences between FREE and EXOS:
* = p < 0.05.

Angles (°)



100 *
40 *
Angles (°)


-80 *
Wrist Wrist Elbow Elbow Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder
F/E Abd/Add F/E IER F/E Abd/Add IER

effect on shoulder muscular strain compared to the FREE condition. movement. Indeed, the design of the devices (passive exoskeleton, (de
Indeed, the relative activation of the AD muscle in this case was very Looze et al., 2016)) assessed here, entailed that the energy delivered
low, even when this task was performed without assistance (3% of RMS during arm elevation (i.e., shoulder flexion) had to be stored previously
max). Based on the kinematic data recorded during this last experi- via the compression of springs (i.e. shoulder extension). As a result, the
mental task, it seems probable that the main muscular demand, placed use of this exoskeleton in the present study increased the average
on the upper limb, mainly concerned the elbow flexor muscles and not workload in the TB muscle during LIFT (+95%) and STACK (+116%).
the shoulder flexor muscles, as was initially supposed (Holewijn et al., Regarding this point, the present results contradict the observation of
1992). During the present experimentation, the tool box was generally Rashedi et al. (2014) on overhead work. These authors reported that
maintained with the upper arm down by the body (10°) and the elbow muscular demand decreased by approximately 40% in the TB with the
sufficiently flexed (98°) to maintain the tool box at hip level and not use of an exoskeleton. Although it is possible to compare the functions
hinder walking. Independently to the task to be carried out, the relative of both the exoskeletons discussed here, we assume that the role of the
positive impacts of the exoskeleton on shoulder muscular demand de- TB muscle in the action considered in our study differed from that of
pended on the gestural technique adopted by the workers. Rashedi et al. (2014). During overhead work, the TB can act for the
In addition, it was also initially expected that the use of the upper elbow extension, in order to raise the hands, or to exert an upwards
limb exoskeleton during handling tasks could have broader implica- force. In this case, the moments of both forces developed by the TB on
tions on the activity of shoulder antagonist muscles in the assisted the one hand, and by the exoskeleton, on the other hand, act jointly in

Table 1
Duration, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and cardiac cost during LIFT, WALK and STACK without (FREE) and with the exoskeleton (EXOS). A 3 min duration was imposed for LIFT and
corresponds to a 20 m distance in the middle of the last 30 m and to the last 2 cycles for WALK and STACK, respectively. RPE was evaluated on a scale of 6–20 (Borg, 1998). Cardiac cost
was computed during the last 30s for LIFT and STACK, and during the last 30 m for WALK. For statistical differences between FREE and EXOS: * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01 and
*** = p < 0.001.



Duration (s) – – 14.0 ± 1.2 14.7 ± 1.1 36.9 ± 6.7 47.6 ± 7.1 **
RPE (a.u.) 13.4 ± 1.1 12.9 ± 1.4 13.6 ± 1.5 11.2 ± 2.2 * 13.3 ± 1.2 12.8 ± 1.7
Cardiac cost (bpm) 52.1 ± 5.4 59.3 ± 8.2 49.3 ± 9.7 46.0 ± 4.5 66.6 ± 5.2 67.0 ± 7.4

J. Theurel et al. Applied Ergonomics 67 (2018) 211–217

arm extension, thereby reducing the muscular effort required by the the payload condition. In the latter study, only the right side of the
task. In contrast, in the present study, during the load lifting task and lumbar muscles was involved in this increase of ES muscle activity.
the load stacking/unstacking task, the TB muscle mainly acted in Thus the authors pointed to the imbalance of the exoskeleton studied,
shoulder extension to seize or place the load or the box in low position. which resulted in an asymmetric fixation (on the left side) of the me-
The moments of force developed by the exoskeleton and the TB muscle chanical arm delivering the physical assistance. In the present study, ES
thus acted in opposition, thereby explaining our present results. These muscle activity was not significantly affected by the use of the exos-
observations point out that the physical assistance delivered by this keleton, whatever the tasks examined (i.e., LIFT, WALK and STACK).
type of exoskeleton is not dedicated to a specific joint or to a specific Indeed, although ES muscle activity increased strongly (+55%,
muscular group, but to a specific action (here, the sagittal elevation of p = 0.08) with the upper limb exoskeleton during the walking task
the arms). The impact of the exoskeleton on muscular workload (po- with load carrying, this result was not confirmed by the statistical
sitive or negative) and the joint concerned by the physical assistance analyses. Considerable inter-subject variability regarding ES muscle
also seem to depend on the kinematic configuration of the movement. activity associated with a low number of participants could partly ex-
Furthermore, considering that the muscular strains associated with plain the lack of statistical significance. Contrary to both previous
the work task are closely linked to the gestural kinematics adopted to works, the device studied here had two bilateral mechanical arms, and
perform it, we also envisaged characterizing the potential modifications no asymmetrical moment, thus loading of the torso could be envisaged.
that the use of an assistive device during handling tasks could involve in Nevertheless, based on our kinematics analyses, which showed an ex-
the upper limb kinematics. Indeed, the exoskeleton may lead to kine- aggerated extension of the arms during load carrying with the exos-
matic constraints due to its mechanical design (e.g., rigid arms, wrist keleton, an increase of the workload placed on the low back would have
belt, rigid jacket, additional mass, etc.). In this study, biomechanical been expected, resulting from the lengthening of the distance between
analyses showed several modifications in the upper limb kinematics the load and the body (i.e. lever arm). Further investigations may be
when using the exoskeleton, whatever the experimental task. necessary to eliminate this doubt. Indeed, there is no question of in-
Specifically, the use of the exoskeleton induced significant changes in volving additional efforts on back muscles already heavily solicited
the averaged flexion-extension angle of the elbow for all the tasks during the handling task.
analysed. This could be explained by the ability of the exoskeleton to Carrying on from the above, to prevent potential negative impacts
support the load carried. Thus, for LIFT and WALK the subject kept the of using upper limb exoskeletons, the present study evaluated the car-
box in more extended postures for the elbow than in the FREE condi- diovascular responses during each experimental task examined. Due to
tion. For the shoulder joint, significant changes were also identified in the additional mass (approximately 9 kg in the present study) involved
the averaged angle and in the direction of the movement. For WALK, in wearing a mechanical structure, and to the kinematic strains which it
the slight increase of shoulder adduction was accompanied by a higher imposes, the use of an upper limb exoskeleton was expected to require
averaged angle in the F/E angle of the elbow. These differences could greater energetic demand, despite the fact that it limited muscular ac-
be explained by the kinematic strains involved by the exoskeleton tivity locally. To our knowledge, no previous study has investigated this
structure and its ability to assist the box load carried by the workers. issue with the use of an upper limb exoskeleton. Oxygen consumption
The results are consistent with the works of Jarrasse et al. (2010) and did not seem affected during a prolonged lifting and lowering task with
Sylla et al. (2014), who also proved that modifications of arm kinematic a back exoskeleton (Whitfield et al., 2014). The present results show, on
are induced by the use of an upper limb robotic exoskeleton. the contrary, that the averaged absolute cardiac cost was increased
Associated with the kinematic constraints, it was also expected that (+14%) by the use of an exoskeleton during LIFT but not during STACK
probable changes in force transmission, in movement inertia and/or in or WALK. During the load lifting task, a work rate was imposed on the
body balance entailed by the use of the exoskeleton during the manual participants, which was not the case for the two other tasks. During
handling task, would have significant repercussions on the preservation LIFT, the stabilometric and kinematics measures showed that wearing
of postural balance and thus on the activity of postural muscles, such as the exoskeleton involved muscular (TB and TA muscles), gestural and
ES and TA muscles. Indeed, Sylla et al. (2014) previously reported postural constraints that could partly explain the increase in cardiac
significant modifications in the postural strategy of the users of a uni- cost, despite the reduction of AD muscle activity. The cardiac cost was
lateral upper limb exoskeleton. In this study, the participants had to similar with and without the exoskeleton during STACK. Nevertheless,
perform a representative overhead screwing task, with or without an the time taken to complete the tasks was lengthened with the assistance
assistive device. The analyses of ground reaction forces on the medio- devices by approximately 30% in comparison with the condition
lateral and antero-posterior planes during this task revealed that without equipment. This adaptation to reduce the intensity of work had
workers lean slightly to one side or bend forward to maintain their probably prevented an increase in the participants’ cardiovascular
balance when wearing the exoskeleton. Here, during the load lifting stress, as observed during LIFT. Nevertheless, it appears more surprising
task (LIFT), the stabilometric analyses also demonstrated an increase of that cardiovascular responses was not affected by the use of the exos-
the oscillations of the centre of pressure when using the exoskeleton, keleton during walking, therefore walking speed was seen to be iden-
particularly in the anterior-posterior plane, in comparison with the tical between the FREE and EXO conditions. Indeed, the impact of the
control task. These observations thus confirm that using the exoskeleton mass carried is known to increase the energetic cost of locomotion
tends to increase postural strains. Moreover, the EMG analyses also (Holewijn et al., 1992). In this study, it could be imagined that the
revealed that the TA muscle activity was significantly higher when the muscular assistance provided by the exoskeleton to the upper limb
lifting task was performed with assistance. However, although the ac- muscles (biceps brachii, for example) offsets the negative effect of the
tivity of this muscle could have been increased by the additional mass additional mass worn on locomotion efficiency.
supported in the EXOS condition, compared to the FREE one, this According to the type of handling tasks, the upper limb exoskeleton
muscle is also strongly implicated in anterior-posterior balance reg- used in the present study had global physiological repercussions for the
ulation (Colebatch et al., 2016). Thus, based on the stabilometric ana- workers, reducing or aggravating the physiological demand. Thus it
lyses, it seems legitimate to presume that this observation is in this case was interesting to know how users perceived their effort in these dif-
due to the increase of postural strains. Rashedi et al. (2014) also re- ferent work situations with the exoskeleton, compared to without
vealed increased postural muscles stress when using an upper limb equipment. It appeared that the participants did not perceive real im-
exoskeleton. More particularly, they reported an increase of the phy- provement when using the assistive device during the lifting and
sical demands on the low back when using assistive devices. Compared stacking tasks, while they perceived a decrease in the effort required
to the same task, performed without equipment, this increase of ES during the load carrying task. AD muscle activity was not affected by
EMG activity (iliocostalis lumborum) reached 31–88%, depending on the exoskeleton during this task, contrary to two other experimental

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