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Change Detection of Land Use & Land Cover and Identification of Inter-
Relationship between Geomorphology and Land Use Land Cover in and Around
Bakkhali-Fraserganj and Henry Island...

Article · March 2014

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3 authors, including:

Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay Ismail Mondal

Vidyasagar University University of Calcutta


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Coastal environmental stress and vulnerability assessment View project

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International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)


Dr. Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay1 Mr. Ismail Mondal2, Miss. Bisari Roy3
1. Assistant Professor 2. Research Scholar 3. Student
Department of Remote Sensing & GIS, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-721102, West Bengal,

Abstract: Introduction:
Land use on earth‘s landscape primarily indicates the degree The Indo-Gangetic plain is the biggest alluvial tract of the
of human activity which in turn reflects the man‘s life style. world and this alluvial fill is essentially of Quaternary age, the
Though land use is controlled by several factors like soil, Indo-Gangetic plain, more precisely, the Gangetic plain in its
hydrologic, climatic, socio-economic and political yet geology southern most part of Bakkhali-Fraserganj and Henry Island
and geomorphology play an important role. The basic area extremity, is characterized by the presence of an
landscape formation depends mainly on the inherent lithology extensive littoral belt. This stretch of coastal Quaternaries
and structure. Certain landforms in the present landscape are exhibits varied geomorphological signature (like sand dunes,
such that they are suitable to a particular land use and the beach ridge, intertidal clayey/sandy flats, tidal mangrove
human being from the very beginning without knowing this marsh, inactive tidal flat etc.) evolved out of dynamic and
natural relationship between the geomorphology and land use varied interactions of marine agencies like waves, tides and
land cover, have been using that part of land for that particular littoral currents, combined with fluvial and Aeolian
use only. Remote sensing techniques are used effectively to components, Geomorphological and Land use land cover
map the land cover, to find out the land use pattern and to studies reveal that two contrasting coastal environments are
delineate the lithology and structure. Some examples from east prevailing in the study area namely the macro-tidal Hooghly
coast deltaic plains like Hooghly estuary (Bakkhali-Fraserganj estuary in the east; and the meso-tidal Midnapore Coastal
and Henry Island) have been given here to show the influence plain to the west.
of geomorphology on broad land use and land cover pattern.
This paper examines the use of Remote Sensing data and GIS Study Area:
by mapping land use and land cover in between 1990 and
2013. The land cover and land use study was conducted by In the study area lies between latitude 21º32‘ 30‖ to 21º 38‘
mapping LANDSAT data of two different years (1990,2013) 50‖ N and longitude 88º13‘ 55‖ to 85º 18‘ 50‖ E and is a part
with the help of ERDAS Imagine and Arc GIS. The year 1990 of Bengal Basin, South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal. A
and 2013 is selected to detect the changes that have been taken network of estuaries, tidal rivers and creeks intersected by
place in this area between these years. The result of the work roughness thunderous channels, it encloses flat, marshy
shows a rapid growth in built-up land between the periods islands covered with dense forests.
1990 and 2013. Land use land cover, geomorphology and
stream channels were measured in Fraserganj-Bakkhali and
Henry Island which are situated to the south of Namkhana
Island for this detection purpose.
Key Word: Geomorphology, Land Use Land Cover
Classification, Change Detection

ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 44

International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
 To create a land use land cover map
 To determine the trend, nature, rate and location of
land use land cover change
 Detection of the change within a particular period
 To generate geomorphology map

Regional Physiography:
Fraserganj-Bakkhali is situated in the coastal areas to the south
of Namkhana Island. A comparative study of maps of
Bakkhali area between 1942 and 1986 reveals the fact that
Fig 1: Location Map of the Study Area HWL has receded approximately 490/500m towards the land;
with an average of 11m per year. Again it is seen that between
Along the coast the forest passes into a mangrove swamp and
1987 and 1999 HWL has moved approximately 125m towards
the tract of forest and saltwater swamp forming the lower part
the land in same direction; with an average of 10.40m per
of the Ganges Delta, along the Bay of Bengal from the
year; again between 1999 and 2005 it has receded 13m
Hooghly River Estuary (India). Fraserganj-Bakkhali beach
towards the land with an average of 2.16m per year.
resort and Henry Island are located on one of the islands
jutting out into the Bay of Bengal is gaining in popularity,
with improvements in transport links with Kolkata. Geomorphology:
Geomorphology is defined as the science of landforms with an
Aim: emphasis on their origin, evolution, form, and distribution
across the physical landscape. Study of landforms in this area
To find out the change of land use and land cover between a
is necessary in regular basis due to its importance and impact
particular periods and extract the inter-relationship between
on ecology, climate and economy. Remote sensing has proved
land use land cover and geomorphology of the study area.
as an important tool to study this. Multi-temporal satellite data
helps to delineate the various geomorphic classes in different
time domain and also provide inputs to study the coastal
erosion and accretion. Finer spatial and better temporal
resolution will be an added adventure for this kind of study.

Land Use and Land Cover:

The land use/land cover map is an appraisal of spatial
information of the physical and social cover types (i.e. both
natural and cultural/anthropogenic) on the existing scenario
(Andrade, et al. 1988). Land use could be defined as
anthropogenic/human activities (ef. Cultivable land,
homestead plantation/garden etc.) Where as land cover is the
vegetational (both natural and, cultural forests, plantation) and
artificial construction (ef. Settlement, road, embankment etc.)

Fig 2: Geomorphology Map (2013)

ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 45

International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

Fig: 5 Field Photo Aquaculture land

Aquaculture Land: The study area of Fraserganj-

Bakkhali Island is highly fishing zone and the area of
Fraserganj and Henry Island is mostly covered by this type of
aquaculture land. Fraserganj harbor is major fish production
area. Now a day some new aquaculture land is introduce here.
Total 2.23045 areas are occupied in study area.

Fig 3: Land Use Land Cover Map (2013) Forest-cover area (Mangrove swamp, Mud
Settlement/village with home stead orchard: flat and Plantation): In the area under study the forest
The islands of the Hooghly estuary are encircled by occupies mainly the neo-inter distributaries mangrove marsh
distributary channels with the sea in the south and and remobilized sand and dune complex. The present forest is
‗embroidery‘ of active tidal creeks within the Islands. The area mainly of shrub type and is characterized by the presence of
also was draped with mangrove forest even up to the early part typical mangrove species of Sundarban. The total mangrove
of this century. Due to this unique physiographic setting forest land present in Fraserganj-Bakkhali Island is 6.061133
human settlement actually starts since 1930 with reclamation Sq.kms. Plantation of Casurina, Acacia and Eucalyptus are
of land by constructing local bunds (embankments) along tidal present in the remobilized sand unit and dune complex along
creeks and distributary channels to protect the reclaimed area the Fraserganj-Bakkhali beach, and in the sea front part. Now
(by man-made clearing of mangrove forest) according Pargiter a day, under social forestry scheme, plantation of Eucalyptus,
(1989). The communication system here following waterways Casurina, and Acacia has been taken up along the village
is situated through the embankment, and settlement is closely roads and village boundaries at places. Plantation of mangrove
related with communication system. So that the orchard or species is newly introduced by the state forest department in
some plants are noticed here beside the settlement due to this the intertidal mud flat zone. This type of plantation could be
water based communication system, settlement has started raised in the mud flat area also bordering the tidal creeks
from the fringe of the islands first. In recent day 8.711844 within and around the Islands.
square kilometer area are occupied by settlement of the total
study area.

Fig 6: Field Photo Mangrove Swamps

Mangrove forest particularly in the intertidal flat zone, neo

Fig 4: Field Photo Settlement with homestead orchards inter distributary mangrove marsh zone and tidal shoals should
land be preserved and no kind of human settlement shall be
encouraged. Accelerated erosion in the Fraserganj is only due
ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 46
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
to the cutting of the mangrove forest in the part of the tidal Though Aman paddy is the only crop, still it suffers very
shoal by the seasonal human settlement for drying of fish. badly either due to drought or water logging during heavy
Mangrove forests are of vital ecological and economic rainfall (e.g. 409.40 mm/410.10 mm in the month of
importance. They are effective protections against erosion and July/Aug—30 yrs. Mean as recorded at Sagar Island;
greater attention is, therefore, needed for regeneration and chakrabarti, 1992). Chilli, some pulses and water melon are
exploitation of these forests. A mangrove swamp may give the main Ravi crops (semi-permanent cultivation) in the area.
rise to a non-littoral forest as the silt accumulation is a regular Some measures could be taken up for Boro paddy cultivation.
process and land level rising gradually above tidal influences.
In such areas some economic species of non-mangrove type
can be successfully introduced as the mangrove forests have
certain ecological stages in natural succession (Naskar 1983).
Very recently ministry of environment & forests, government
of India (1990) has classified this estuarine part with
mangrove as an example of environmentally fragile/sensitive

Crop Land: The terrain analysis and classification

(Chakrabarti 1991a) reveals that the development of soil
profile is very poor in the estuarine part of the Hooghly River.
The inter-disrtributary mangrove marsh terrain unit of the area
under study is extensively used for cultivation. This terrain
unit is characterized by sticky grey clay with stumps and roots
of mangrove and a thin veneer of entisol/inceptisol
(Haplaquepts–Fluvaquents group of USDA) at the top. The
soil is predominantly (about 90%) saline alkaline in nature and
contains salts more than 0.15% with pH varying from 7.9 to
6.5. sodium and calcium occur in equivalent amount while the
amount of magnesium is almost double. In view of this
preponderance of magnesium, soils are hard and compact
when dry and get flocculated when wet. The salinity of the
soil is due to the inundation of land with sea water during high
Fig 8: Land Use Land Cover Map (1990)
tides through creeks, distributary channels, by
overlapping/seepages through the embankments. During dry
The population or settlement was less here in 1990, this we
periods of the year salts creep up to the surface and from an
can understand by viewing the image of 1990. So we can tell
encrustation (i.e. saline effloresce) over the surface. About
that the growth rate of economic development and industrial
80% of the total cultivable land of the study area is coastal low
development was very less. The communication system was
lands. Due to the presence of many constraints like salinity
also very poor. Today it can be analyzed that the vegetation
(particularly in dry season), impeded drainage, lack of
irrigation potentiality and communication problem most of the growth was much higher in past than the present. This is
areas are mono-cropped. The main crop is Aman paddy only. because of environmental degradation and human activities.
(Fig no. 8)

Land Use Land Covers Change Detection in

between 1990 and 2013: Below the table shows the
statistic of Land Use Land Cover of the study year 1990 and
2013. This statistic analysis can represent the changes of Land
Use and Land Cover in between these 23 years. This analysis
was carried out to find the rate and pattern of change that had
occurred. This can be achieved by subtracting the total area in
2013 which is mentioned as (B), from the total area in 1990
Fig 7: Field Photo Crop Land Area which is mentioned as (A) that could be positive (increase) or

ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 47

International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
negative (decrease). The percentage change for each year Table 1: Land Use and Land Cover Change between 1990
(1990 & 2013) measured against each land use land cover to 2013 (Bar graph)
type. Percentage change to determine the trend of change can
then be calculated by dividing observed change by sum of DIFFERENCE TWO YEARS LAND USE LAND
changes multiplied by 100. Percentage Change = (Observed COVER CHANGE BETWEEN (1990-2013)
change / Sum of change) * 100

During the period from 1990 to 2013 Settlement/village with 40

home stead orchard area increased by 4.099228 square

kilometer, a percentage increase of 24.56420835. Mangrove
swamp area saw a decrease during the same period from
8.778087 to 6.061133 square kilometer. The change in area of
Settlement/village with home stead orchard was the maximum 0
when compared with all the classes. River and Tidal creeks
area decreased from 27.212117 to 23.299043 square kilometer
during the period 1990-2013 There was an increase in non-
forest Settlement/village with home stead orchard area which
Area of a
may be attributed to a decrease in Crop land area from
class in %
26.4130143 to 24.699039 square kilometer causing the growth 1990
of population and human activities. In other hand the
Aquaculture land area increased by 0.258704 square kilometer
by the socio-economic improvement of the study area.

Table 2: Land Use and Land Cover Change between 1990

to 2013 (Area of Percentage)

1990 2013 1990-2013

. (D)
Aquaculture 1.97174 2.2304 +0.258 0.25870 1.55025
land 6 5 704 4 7501
8.77808 6.0611 - 2.71695 16.2810
7 33 2.7169 4 7149
2.33332 6.2023 +3.869 3.86905 23.1849
Mud flat
78 058 8 3795
- 0.1168 +0.116 0.11681 0.70000
15 815 5 2049
27.2121 23.299 - 3.91307 23.4486
River and Tidal
17 043 3.9130 4 993
Settlement/villa 4.61261 8.7118 +4.099 4.09922 24.5642
ge with home 6 44 228 8 0835
stead orchard
26.4130 24.699 - 1.71397 10.2708
Crop land 143 039 1.7139 53 2328
71.3207 71.320 16.6878 100
02 702 083

Fig: 9 Land Use Land Covers Change Detection in

between 1990 and 2013

ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 48

International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

Table: 3: Inter-relationship between Geomorphology and Land Use and Land Cover

SL. Geomorphology Land Use and Land Cover Management

NO Practices Suggested

1 Beach face: Fazerganj and Bakkhali area are Sea Beach: Fazerganj and Bakkhali area are I) Stabilization/
Smooth (almost) flat,gently sloping towards sea, No soil cover, vegetation typically absent. conservation of dunes;
(MSL-1.50 mts. to 3.30mts.) width varies Bare land no agriculture. Coastal processes formations for neo dunes by
from150 mts. to 500 mts with sufured outline in (i,e., tide, wave and wind action)active. Tide artificial methods.
the lower part. ―windows of interdistributary and storm induced flooding in this area. II) Improved coastal
Mangrove Marsh with stilt roots and protection system to
pneumatophores of mangroves. Sand, grayish check/avid natural hazards
white to yellowish white, fine, subrounded to III) Infrastructural
sub-angular (accasionaly angular), moderately development for tourism as
sorted to well sorted, nearly symmetrical to a sea resort.
symmetrical, skewed, mesokurtic. Little heavies Ideal sites for brackish-
and mica flakes present. cum-fresh water fisheries,
2 Remobilised Sand: Nearly flat or very gently Plantation: In this area very sparse natural shrimps farming could be
sloping terrain (towards land) behind the dune, vegetation (sand loving grasses and utilized based both on
formed by the spread of sand from dune by wind creepers). No agriculture. Aeolian action ethno-sciences and techno-
action. Sand, grayish white, fine moderately well dominant. Sand storm in summer season by sciences.
sorted, sub rounded with little heavies and mica strong south-west wind.
flakes. Some rosy variety quartz grains present Anthropogenous infiltration
3 Beachfront Dune: (steeoly) sloping, irregular Planted Vegetation: No soil cover, Aeolian (e.g. human settlement, fish
and elongated dome. Sand, yellowish white to action dominant. Especially casuarinas drying etc.) to be cautioned
grayish white, fine plantation are observed here. Destruction of to maintain natural eco-
dunes by sea level rising or other natural system.
hazards. I) Infrastructural
4 Present Day Intertidal Mud/Sandy Flat: Mud Flat: Sparse to moderately dense development of urban and
Nearly flat terrain (between high tide and mean mangrove herbs (e.g. Dhani and chord rural built up land.
low tide) bordering the distributor channels in grasses) and shrubs (e.g. Bani, Gaon,Tara, II) Optimum utilization of
width present depending on the tidal inundation Hantal etc.) almost barren land excepting agricultural land by
limit and fluvial discharge lifvel. Mud flat some local fisheries along mud flat zone of technical irrigation (e.g.
characterized by clay, grayish black and less major tidal creeks. Coastal processes active. proper scientific use of
sticky; sandy flat characterized by sand, grayish Flooding during high tides. surface and ground water
white and very fine to fine. resources).
5 Mangrove Swamp: Without any soil profile. III) Safeguarding to the
Neo-Inter Distributary Mangrove Marsh: Mangrove forest (mainly shrubs) e..g. built up lands high
Nearly flat terrain dissected by tidal creeks; ‗khalsi‘,‘keora‘,‘Geon‘,‘Garan‘,‘Bani‘,‘Tara‘ productivity areas under
inundated regularly during high tide through tidal ‗Hantal‘, etc. ideal sites for shrimp farmint. technical irrigation with
creek system. Gray clay to silty clay; less sticky Coastal processes active. Flooding during improved protection system
when wet and hard when dry. Microflora viz high tides. Without any soil profile. to minimize the adverse
palmoe(phoenix),chenopodiaceae, Graminae, side effects eg.
Nymphaeaceae, Rhizo-pharaceae etc. present Embankment failure etc.
during storm upsurges.

6 Inactive Tidal Flat with Soil Profile: Nearly Settlement/Village with Home Stead
flat terrain, no more inundated by tidal effect. Orchards & Crop land: soil and vegetation
Traversed by tidal channel and sediment type are less thin venner of antisole to incept sol
less sticky grey with silt intercalations (quartz in (clayey loam), and cultivable land scattered
major amount and illite in good amount) with human settlement and sparse natural
marine microfossils. Melonis sp, Ammnia sp, vegetation (grass) and plantations at places.
Elphidim sp, and Dentaline. With huge agriculture and converted built up
land (settlement). Slow denudation processes,
water logging during rainy season at places.

ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 49

International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
or fallow land caused false land use changes and these could
Conclusion: be minimized by using more frequent data covering different
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1. Dr. Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay, Assistant

Professor, Department of Remote Sensing &
GIS Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-
721102, West Bengal, India.

Mobile No /+919433455107
E-mail No: [email protected]

2. Mr. Ismail Mondal, Research Scholar,

Department of Remote Sensing & GIS
Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-721102,
West Bengal, India. Mobile
No+919836952240: E-mail No:
[email protected]

3. Miss. Bisari Roy, Student Department of Remote Sensing &

GIS Vidyasagar University, Midnapore-721102, West Bengal,
India. Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Vidyasagar
University, Midnapore-721102, West Bengal, India.
Fax: 03222-275329,

ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 51

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