PN326 BRE EN 15978 Methodology

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BRE Global Methodology For The

Environmental Assessment Of Buildings

Using EN 15978:2011

PN 326 Rev 0.0

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Date: 01 Jan 2018
Methodology For LCA of Buildings Using EN 15978:2011
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Revision of the BRE Global Methodology for The Environmental Assessment of Buildings
Using EN 15978:2011 ........................................................................................................... 4
Changes/amendments issued since first publication.......................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 5
2 Normative References ................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms And Definitions.................................................................................................... 6
4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 7
5 Calculation Steps: Methodology ..................................................................................... 7
6 Identifying The Purpose Of The Assessment ................................................................. 7
7 Specifying The Object of The Assessment ..................................................................... 7
7.1 General ................................................................................................................... 7
7.2 Functional equivalent ............................................................................................ 11
7.3 Reference study period ......................................................................................... 12
7.4 System boundary .................................................................................................. 12
7.4.1 General .......................................................................................................... 12
7.4.2 The Product stage (modules A1 to A3) .......................................................... 13
7.4.3 The Construction stage (modules A4 and A5) ................................................ 14
7.4.4 The Use stage (modules B1 to B7) ................................................................ 14
7.5 The Building Model ............................................................................................... 18
7.5.1 Purpose and information needed ................................................................... 18
7.5.2 Describing the physical characteristics of the building.................................... 19
8 Scenarios For Defining The Building Life Cycle ........................................................... 19
8.1 General ................................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Requirements for scenarios .................................................................................. 19
8.3 Time-related characteristics and associated scenarios ......................................... 19
8.4 Scenarios for the different life cycle stages ........................................................... 19
9 Quantifying The Building And Its Life Cycle.................................................................. 20
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 20
9.2 Specification of net amount ................................................................................... 20
9.3 Accounting for the gross amount........................................................................... 20

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9.4 Type of data for the asssessment ......................................................................... 21

9.5 Quantification specific to operational energy use .................................................. 21
9.6 Quantification specific to operational water use .................................................... 21
10 Selection of environmental data and other information ............................................. 22
10.1 General ................................................................................................................. 22
10.2 Scenarios for the building...................................................................................... 22
10.3 Data quality ........................................................................................................... 22
10.4 Consistency .......................................................................................................... 22
11 Calculating The Environmental Indicators................................................................. 22
11.1 Environmental impacts, aspects and related indicators ......................................... 22
11.2 Calculation methods ............................................................................................. 24
12 Reporting the results of a building assessment......................................................... 24
12.1 General information on the assessment ................................................................ 24
12.2 General information on the object of the assessment............................................ 25
12.3 Statement of boundaries and scenarios used in the assessment .......................... 25
12.4 Data sources......................................................................................................... 25
12.5 List of indicators used for assessment and expression of results .......................... 25
12.6 Communication of assessment results .................................................................. 26
13 Verification of the results of a building assessment .................................................. 26
Appendix A – Calculating the impacts ................................................................................. 27

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Revision of the BRE Global Methodology for the Environmental Assessment of

Buildings Using EN 15978:2011

The BRE Global methodology for calculating the environmental performance of buildings
using EN 15978 will be revised by the issue of revised editions of amendments. Details will
be posted on the BRE Green Book Live website at
Technical or other changes which affect the requirements for the calculation of the
environmental performance of buildings will result in a new issue. Minor or administrative
changes (e.g. corrections of spelling and typographical errors, changes to address and
copyright details, update to normative reference details, the addition of notes for clarification,
etc.) may be made as amendments.
The revision number will be given in decimal format with the integer part giving the issue and
the fractional part giving the number of amendments (e.g. Rev 2.3 indicates that the
document is at issue 2 and this is the 3rd amendment to issue 2).
Users of this BRE Global methodology for building evaluation using life cycle assessment
should ensure that they possess the latest revision and amendment.

Changes/amendments issued since first publication

This is the first publication of this methodology, Rev 0.0, published in January 2018.

Date Type Text/Section affected

01 Jan 2018 Publication First publication, Rev 0.0

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In Europe, the environmental performance of a building is evaluated using life cycle

assessment (LCA) according to the calculation method prescribed in EN 15978,
Sustainability of construction works – Assessment of environmental performance of buildings
– Calculation method. Published in 2011 by the European Committee for Standardisation
(CEN), EN 15978 is part of a suite of standards and technical reports for the assessment of
the sustainability of construction works at both product level and building level. This suite
· EN 15643-1, Sustainability of construction works – Sustainability assessment of
buildings – Part 1: General framework
· EN 15643-2, Sustainability of construction works – Assessment of buildings – Part 2:
Framework for the assessment of environmental performance
· EN 15804, Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations
– Core rules for the product category of construction products (EN 15804+A1)
· CEN/TR 15941, Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product
declarations – Methodology for the selection and use of generic data
· EN 15942, Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations
– Communication formats: business to business
This BRE Global document (PN 326) describes BRE Global’s methodology for deriving the
environmental performance of buildings using LCA and is complementary to (and complies
with) EN 15978:2011. Due to the on-going nature of the work of the CEN Technical
Committee (TC 350), and the continuing developments in LCA, it is anticipated that the
information contained in this methodology will continue to evolve.
NOTE: Compliance with this methodology does not confer immunity from legal obligations.
Users of this methodology should ensure that they possess the latest issue and all

1 Scope

This methodology has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of EN 15978,
Sustainability of construction works – Assessment of environmental performance of buildings
– Calculation method. The methodology provides complementary rules for the calculations,
and is to be used in conjunction with EN 15978:2011.
The methodology has therefore also been prepared to be in conformity with the relevant ISO
standards relating to environmental management using life cycle assessment, ISO
14040:2006 and 14044:2006.

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2 Normative References

In addition to EN 15978:2011 and the normative references listed in EN 15978:2011 clause

2, the following referenced and unreferenced documents are indispensable for the
application of this document.
· EN 15603:2008, Energy performance of buildings. Overall energy use and definition
of energy ratings
· ISO 14040:2006, Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles
and framework
· ISO 14044:2006, Environmental management – Life cycle assessment –
Requirements and guidelines
NOTE: Throughout this methodology, all undated references to standards refer to the current
published version of those standards (including any amendments). Clauses with dated
references within the methodology refer only to the cited edition of the particular standard(s).
All references to specific clauses and general texts in EN 15978 refer to the cited normative
edition, EN 15978:2011.

3 Terms And Definitions

The technical terms and concepts employed in the life cycle assessment of construction
works are defined in EN 15978. Terms are not defined where they retain their normal
dictionary definition. Below are additional defined terms as used in this methodology.
3.1 Environmental product declaration (EPD / Type III environmental declaration)
Of construction products; an environmental declaration providing quantified environmental
data using predetermined parameters and, where relevant, additional environmental
information. The predetermined parameters are based on the ISO 14040 series of
standards, which is made up of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. See ISO 219301 and EN
15804+A1 for more on EPD.
3.2 Functional unit
Quantified performance used as a reference unit for comparison of buildings or assets based
on LCA. Also see functional equivalent in EN 15978 clause 3.14.
3.3 Information module
Compilation of data covering a unit process or a combination of unit processes that are part
of the life cycle of a building or asset (adapted from the definition contained in EN 15804+A1
clause 3.13).

ISO 21930:2017, Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works – Core rules for
environmental product declarations of construction products and services
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4 Abbreviations

Abbreviations in this BRE Global methodology are as used in EN 15978 clause 4.

In addition the abbreviation ‘EPD’ as used in this methodology is both the singular and plural
form for ISO Type III environmental product declarations.

5 Calculation Steps: Methodology

This BRE Global methodology is consistent with and complementary to the process steps
defined in EN 15978 clause 5 as being necessary to carry out and complete the calculations
needed for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings. These process
steps have been reproduced in Figure 5.1 below.

Figure 5.1: Process steps for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings,
adapted from Figure 3 in EN 15978

6 Identifying The Purpose Of The Assessment

As in EN 15978 clause 6.
The scope and the intended use of the study shall be defined, agreed and documented
before the study is carried out.

7 Specifying The Object of The Assessment

7.1 General
As in EN 15978 clause 7.1.
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In a building LCA study, the object of the assessment is the building and its site. In this
methodology the parts of the building including its foundations and external works within the
curtilage of the building’s site that can be assessed (subject to data availability) are shown in
Table 7.1; based on the New Rules of Measurement (NRM) by the RICS2. The NRM
organises the different aspects of the building into ‘Groups’ made up of ‘elements’ which are
in turn made up of ‘sub-elements’.
NOTE: For new build, demolition works required to clear up the site for the new construction
works are outside the scope of the assessment. If included in the LCA study these shall be
reported separately. However any preparatory ground works and various other related
construction works shall be included in the assessment, as part of the external works. For
refurbishment works, demolition works (any activities required to strip off or clear the parts of
the building that are no longer required, in order to make way for the refurbishment works)
shall be included.
Table 7.1: Building elements that can be assessed
Level 1 Group Level 2 Element (Building Level 3 Sub-elements
1 Substructure Substructure Foundations (standard, specialists)
Basements (incl. excavation and
retaining walls)
2 Superstructure Frame Frames (steel, concrete, timber,
Beams / Columns support systems
Upper floors Floors
Roof Roof elements (structure, coverings,
specialist roof systems, drainages)
Rooflights, skylights and openings
Stairs and ramps Stairs, ramps (structures and
Balustrades, handrails
Ladders, chutes and slides
External walls External walls (above and below
ground level)
Curtain walls
Windows and external doors External windows
External doors

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, RICS,
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Level 1 Group Level 2 Element (Building Level 3 Sub-elements
Internal walls and partitions Walls and partitions
Balustrades and handrails
Movable room dividers
Internal doors Internal doors
3 Internal finishes Wall finishes Wall finishes
Floor finishes Floor finishes
Raised access floors
Ceiling finishes Ceilings, including false and
suspended ceilings
4 Fittings, furnishes and Fittings, furnishes and General, domestic kitchen and
equipment equipment special purpose
Signs / Notices
5 Services Sanitary installations Appliances and ancillaries
Services equipment Equipment
Disposal installations Drainage network (above ground)
Refuse disposal
Water installations Supply and distribution network and
Heat source Equipment and related fittings
Space heating and air Equipment and related fittings
Ventilation Ventilation network and fittings
Electrical installations Equipment and fittings
Fuel installations Equipment and fittings
Lift and conveyor Equipment and fittings
Fire and lightning protection Systems
Communication, security and Systems
control systems
Specialist installations Equipment and fittings

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Level 1 Group Level 2 Element (Building Level 3 Sub-elements
Builder’s work In connection
with services
6 Prefabricated buildings Complete buildings Modular buildings
and building units
Building units Modular room units
Pods Bathroom, toilet and shower pods
7 Work to existing Minor demolition and
buildings alteration works
Repairs to existing services
Damp-proof courses, etc.
Façade retention
Cleaning existing surfaces
Renovation works Masonry, concrete, metal, timber
and plastic repairs
8 External works Site preparation works Site clearance
Preparatory groundworks
Roads, paths, pavings and Roads, paths and pavings
Special surfacings and pavings
Soft landscaping, planting Seeding and turfing
and irrigation systems
External planting
Irrigation systems
Fencing, railings and walls Fencing and railings
Walls and screens
Retaining walls
Barriers and guardrails
External fixtures Site / street furniture and equipment
Ornamental features
External drainage Surface and foul water drainage
Ancillary drainage systems
External chemical, toxic and
industrial liquid waste drainage
External services

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Level 1 Group Level 2 Element (Building Level 3 Sub-elements
Minor building works and
ancillary buildings

7.2 Functional equivalent

As in EN 15978 clause 7.2.
It includes the various aspects that are related to the technical characteristics and
functionalities of the building under assessment, and provides a minimum description of the
building suitable for making comparative assertions. Below are two examples of a functional
equivalent definition for a building, covering the core aspects:
Example 1 (Commercial):
· Building type: an office building with 2000 m2 net floor area.
· Relevant technical and functional requirements: climate controlled to maintain a
temperature range of 20°C to 25°C, lighting level and air flow to meet minimum UK
Building Regulations etc.
· Pattern of use: 100 workers, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 5 days per week, 48 weeks per
· Required service life: 60 years.
Example 2 (Education):
· Building type: a school building with 2000 m2 net floor area.
· Relevant technical and functional requirements: Resistance to the passage of sound
as described in UK Building Regulations Parts E1, E2, E3 and E4, control climate
controlled to maintain a temperature range of 20°C to 25°C, etc.
· Pattern of use: 250 pupils, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, 5 days per week, 39 weeks per year.
· Required service life: 60 years.
The significance of the required service life is detailed further in clause 7.3 of this BRE
Global methodology, and the Table 7.2 below shows examples of building types referred to
in this methodology.
Table 7.2: Building types
Sector Building types
Residential Long term stay (e.g. dwellings)
Short term stay (e.g. hotels)
Commercial Offices
Education Education
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Sector Building types

Non-standard building types Bespoke

7.3 Reference study period

As in EN 15978 clause 7.3.
For comparative assessments and benchmarking, the same reference study period ( ,
period over which time-dependent characteristics of the object of assessment are analysed,
EN 15978 clause 3.25) shall be applied. The default in a building LCA study is the
required service life of the building ( ), see EN 15978 clause 7.3, and the required
service life is an important aspect in determining functional equivalence of buildings. In this
methodology, = = is to be used as default.
However, for an assessment covering a specific scope, a suitable and applicable for
the different building types as designed can be used, and this should be clearly reported in
the LCA project documentation. This implies that in some studies the and the
may differ due to reasons including the aim of the assessment or regulatory requirements,
and there are implications of this difference on the outcomes of such building assessments.
In the building life cycle stages (see Figure 7.1 below), the quantified impacts for the product
stage (modules A1, A2 and A3), the construction stage (modules A4 and A5), the end-of-life
stage (modules C1, C2, C3 and C4), and any benefits and loads resulting from net flow of
materials and exported energy (module D) from these three life cycle stages (product,
construction and end-of-life) are all independent of the of the building. But this is not the
same for the quantified impacts of the use stage (modules B1 to B7) and for the benefits and
loads (module D) that come from modules B1 to B7; as these are dependent on the of
the assessment. These impacts are therefore first quantified for the of the building,
and then adjusted using an adjustment factor ( ) obtained from the mathematical
relationship between the and the of the building as shown below:
Adjustment factor =

Further details of the application of this adjustment factor are given in the Appendix A,
clause A.2.7.2 of this BRE Global methodology.
7.4 System boundary
7.4.1 General
As in EN 15978 clause 7.4.1.
The object of the assessment is the building and its site, and the study system boundary is
set according to the building life cycle stages illustrated in Figure 7.1 below. These life cycle
stages correspond to the modular structure for presenting environmental data for
construction products described in EN 15804+A1.

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Building assessment information

Building life cycle

Benefits and loads

Product Construction Use stage End-of-life beyond the system
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D

Operational energy use

Operational water use

Raw materials supply

Waste processing









Figure 7.1: Building life cycle, adapted from Figure 6 in EN 15978

For a new build project, the system boundary in the assessment shall include the life cycle
stages as shown in Figure 7.1. The construction, use, and end-of-life stages of the life cycle
are modelled based on scenarios (appropriate assumptions) depending on the information
Demolition works (site clearance) for the new construction are outside of the system
boundary. If assessed in the study these shall be reported separately. However, any
preparatory ground works and various other related construction works are within the system
boundary, as part of the external works in the construction stage. For refurbishment works,
any demolition activities required to strip off or clear the parts of the building that are no
longer required, in order to make way for the refurbishment works, are within the system
boundary as part of the construction stage.
For an existing building, the system boundary shall include only the remaining life cycle
stages beginning at the stage where the assessment is conducted, i.e. the remaining service
life of the building.
The following sub-sections describe in detail the application of the different life cycle stages
according to EN 15978 in this BRE Global methodology. The modelling requirements
described below are subject to the availability of suitable data, unavoidable deviations
and omissions therefore shall be clearly documented for clarity, transparency and
practical applicability of the outcomes of such assessments.
7.4.2 The Product stage (modules A1 to A3)
As in EN 15978 clause 7.4.2.
The product stage covers the cradle to gate processes for all the materials and services
required for the building, derived according to EN 15804+A1.
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7.4.3 The Construction stage (modules A4 and A5)

As in EN 15978 clause 7.4.3, summarised in Table 7.3 below.
Table 7.3: Construction stage
Module Modelling requirements
A4 Transport of the amount of construction materials and products required for the building
from manufacturing plant (gate) to the building construction site, including any
intermediate storage and distribution, as well as any related losses due to transportation.
Module A4 includes transport of construction equipment mobilised for the building
construction works, but excludes the transport of persons/personnel to the building
construction site.
A5 The construction of the building, i.e. installation of the materials and products (energy,
water), ancillary installation materials (e.g. screws/nails/glue, etc.), plus disposal of any
amount wasted (e.g. based on a representative installation wastage rate) plus A1 – A3
for the quantity of the construction products wasted during installation (that needs to be
remanufactured to fulfil the installation of the correct quantity of the products) plus the
delivery (A4) of this replacement quantity to site. Also includes any storage requirements
for the products on site before installation, where applicable.
Module A5 also includes any required ground works and landscaping and all
construction-related activities onsite e.g. all transport within the site and temporary works
on and offsite.

7.4.4 The Use stage (modules B1 to B7)

As in EN 15978 clause 7.4.4.
This stage covers the use of the building to meet the specified functional and technical
performance over the , i.e. until deconstruction or demolition at its end-of-life. The
assessment of modules B1 to B7 includes both the fabric and operation (including integrated
technical systems) of the building. The boundaries are defined as shown in Table 7.4.
In practice it may be difficult to separate use stage activities into the different modules B2 to
B5, therefore the scenarios modelled in the building assessment will always need to be
clearly described in the supporting LCA project documentation.
Table 7.4: Use stage
Module Modelling requirements
B1 Use – any emissions to the environment during the normal use of the building over the
reference study period ( ).
Such emissions includes release of substances from the building façade, coated
surfaces, floor finishes, etc.

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Module Modelling requirements

B2 Maintenance – activities carried out to maintain the required functional and technical
performance of a building component. Examples of maintenance include cleaning of floor
coverings or replacement of rubber seals in a window unit according to a manufacturer-
specified maintenance regime.
B2 covers both preventative and regular maintenance: planned cleaning, servicing,
replacement or mending of worn, damaged or degraded parts of the building
components during the . If the of the building under assessment is longer than
the reference service life of the component (see component or product as
defined in EN 15804+A1 clause 3.25), this should reflect the first service life and the
additional service life required to fulfil the building function in the study period.
Modelling example: for a planned replacement of worn out rubber seals in a window unit
as part of the maintenance schedule, the modules A1 – A3 and A4 for the replacement
rubber seals, the disposal of the rubber seals being replaced (modules C1 – C4), and
installation module A5 in order to cover the replacement process including energy, water
and ancillary materials used (e.g. glue), other wastes generated and disposed, and any
B3 Repair – works carried out to repair a building component and therefore return it to its
required functional and technical performance state, e.g. the replacement of a broken
glass pane in a window unit constitutes repair of the window unit.
B3 covers corrective, responsive or reactive repair of components of the building during
the , and includes an assumption of how many such repair situations will arise during
the study period.
Modelling example: for repairing a window unit by replacing an accidentally broken glass
pane, this covers the modules A1 – A3 and A4 for the new glass pane, the disposal of
the pieces (if any) of the broken glass pane being replaced (modules C1 – C4), and
module A5 in order to cover the replacement process including energy, water and
ancillary materials used (e.g. glue), other wastes generated and disposed, and any
B4 Replacement – replacement of damaged components which cannot be repaired, or
which have come to their manufacturer-specified end of life during the building’s .
B4 also covers the replacement of a complete component at the end of its reference
service life , if this is shorter than the of the building under assessment.
Examples of complete components in the building include window units, partition walls,
roofing, etc.
Modelling example: for the replacement of a complete window unit, this covers the A1 –
A3, A4 and A5 of a new replacement window unit, the processes for deconstructing
(removing) the damaged window unit, managing the waste and disposing of the waste
(i.e. the entire end of life C1 – C4 for the damaged window unit).
Note: the replacement of complete components of the building due to damage
shall be reported here, in module B4; while the replacement of complete
components as part of a scheduled programme of refurbishment for the building
shall be reported in module, B5 (refurbishment).

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Module Modelling requirements

B5 Refurbishment – major work carried out either to renew or repurpose the building or
aspects of the building, e.g. installing partition walls to change the layout of the top floor
of a building to change its use from a commercial space to apartments.
The refurbishment of existing components as part of a planned or scheduled programme
of maintenance, repair and or replacement of a significant part of, or the entire building in
which the component is installed; or the installation of an entirely new component in the
refurbished section of the building as part of the refurbishment processes.
B5 is therefore actually either B2, B3 or B4 (as described above) for existing
components, or A1 – A3, A4 and A5 for new components, whichever is appropriate to the
scenario being modelled in the assessment. In principle, the replacement of a
component as part of a scheduled programme of refurbishment of the building is
reported here, in module B5.
B6 Operational energy use – Energy used in the normal operation of the building during
the , to meet various functions required in the use of the building; applicable to
building integrated technical systems for activities and processes according to EN
15603:2008: for heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC), lighting, cold and hot water
supply, pumps and automation, etc.
Energy used for other technical systems according to EN 15603:2008 such as internal
transport (lifts, escalators), safety and security installations and communication shall also
be modelled as part of the operational energy demand in the LCA study for module B6
but the results obtained shall be reported separately.
See Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.
Module B6 excludes energy use of non-building related appliances. If these are included
in the assessment of the operational energy demand they shall be reported and
communicated separately.
Where energy is generated within the building’s site there is a specific hierarchy of the
use of this energy in fulfilling first the building-related energy demand, before non-
building related demand. The amount of any exported energy is reported in module B6
using the output flow indicator ‘Exported Energy’ in MJ per energy carrier (see Table 5 in
EN 15978 clause 11.1.4), while the benefits or loads of the energy exported shall be
reported in module D. See Figure 8 in EN 15978 clause
B7 Operational water use – Water used in the normal operation of the building during the
; applicable to building integrated water consuming processes for drinking, hot water
and HVAC, sanitation, irrigation of associated areas of the building and for integrated
systems like fountains and swimming pools.
Module B7 excludes water used in maintenance, repair, replacement and refurbishment
Module B6 also excludes water use of non-building related appliances. If these are
included in the assessment of the operational water demand they shall be reported and
communicated separately.

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In the UK for example, operational energy use of a building can be derived using Standard
Assessment Procedure (SAP) for energy ratings for dwellings.
Both operational energy and operational water use covers the of the building being
assessed, beginning from handover of the building to the user.
7.4.5 The End of life stage (modules C1 to C4)
As in EN 15978 clause 7.4.5.
The building end-of-life is when the building is decommissioned and is not intended to have
any future use. The boundaries are defined as shown in Table 7.5.
Table 7.5: End-of-life stage
Module Modelling requirements
C1 Deconstruction (dismantling/demolition) of the end-of-life building. Includes on- and
related offsite activities
C2 Transporting the demolition wastes to sorting/recycling or to end-of-life disposal site
C3 Sorting, collection, processing of the demolition wastes for the different routes (reuse,
recycling, energy recovery, final disposal) at a waste processing facility
C4 Final disposal of the demolition wastes at a disposal site, including any required pre-
treatment and the management of the disposal facility

At the building’s end-of-life, all the demolition wastes are considered to be ‘waste’ until they
reach the end-of-waste state. The end-of-waste state is reached when any such material
complies with the following criteria (see EN 15978 clause
· It is (commonly) used for specific purposes
· There is an existing market or demand for it
· Its use fulfils technical requirements for the specific purpose, as well as applicable
standards and legislation
· Its use will not lead to overall adverse effects by introducing pollutants to the
The boundary for this is either module C3, i.e. following sorting and waste processing, or
module C2 if the material can be obtained directly from the deconstruction/demolition
The benefits and loads from the use of end-of-waste state materials in another system (i.e.
beyond the building assessment boundary) are reported in module D, see 7.4.6 below. Note
that materials for energy recovery are materials that have reached the end-of-waste state
and are used in an energy recovery process with an energy efficiency rate (of the process)
higher than 60%.

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The potential benefits from utilising energy arising from a waste disposal process in module
C4, e.g. incineration of waste and landfill gas can also be presented in module D, using
current average substitution processes. See EN 15978 clause
7.4.6 The Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary (D)
As in EN 15978 clause 7.4.6.
Module D covers the net benefits and loads arising from the reuse, recycling and energy
recovery from materials/components leaving the system boundary, having been generated
as waste and having reached the end-of-waste state from the construction stage (modules
A4 – A5), the use stage (modules B1 – B7) including exported energy, and the end-of-life
stage (modules C1 – C4).
In addition to being a net impact calculation, module D shall also be based on average
existing technology and current practice (see EN 15978 clause 7.4.6). The principle of
module D is presented in EN 15804+A1, and illustrated in detail in BRE Global’s PCR for
construction products evaluation, PN 5143, Figure 6.1 in clause 6.3.4. A detailed example is
provided in Appendix A of this BRE Global methodology.
7.5 The Building Model
7.5.1 Purpose and information needed
As in EN 15978 clause 7.5.1.
For comparative building assessments the goal and scope definition of the LCA study should
take into account the suitability of available data to enable the quantification of the mass and
energy flows (known as the building model) of the buildings under assessment. The building
model must reflect the level of detail available, dependent on the stage at which the
assessment is carried out, e.g. RIBA4 stage 2 (Concept Design) or stage 4 (Technical
Design). This should also be clearly stated in the LCA report generated.
For example in an assessment to be carried out before the construction of a new build
project for the purpose of providing quantified environmental data on the whole life, i.e. at the
conclusion of stage 4:
· Data on the product stage shall reflect as accurately as possible the specification
contained in the finished Technical Design.
· Data for the construction scenarios shall be informed by the anticipated construction
products and materials sources as well as construction programme details and best
available or recommended construction techniques
· Data for the use scenarios shall reflect manufacturer-recommended product
performance, assumptions on user behaviour and realistic end-of-life assumptions, in
combination with data used in product and construction scenarios
· Data on the end-of-life scenarios should reflect the reality of how the respective
construction products and materials are treated at their end-of-life

PN 514 Rev 1.0, BRE Global Product Category Rules (PCR) for Type III EPD of Construction
Products to EN 15804+A1,
Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA,
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7.5.2 Describing the physical characteristics of the building

As in EN 15978 clause 7.5.2.
Also see example illustrated in Figure A.1 in EN 15978 Annex A.

8 Scenarios For Defining The Building Life Cycle

8.1 General
As in EN 15978 clause 8.1.
Realistic and representative scenarios, covering both assumptions (based on relevant
technical information) and known or actual information shall support the calculation of the
information modules (shown in Figure 7.1 above) and the assessment of the environmental
performance of a building in the construction, use and end-of-life stages.
The use stage in particular shall reflect the service life of the building and respective
information related to the building in conjunction with suitably representative product data as
may be found in EPD.
8.2 Requirements for scenarios
As in EN 15978 clause 8.2.
The key requirement is clarity and transparency – of data characteristics (actual or
estimates) and sources, assumptions, limitations, etc.
8.3 Time-related characteristics and associated scenarios
As in EN 15978 clause 8.3.
8.4 Scenarios for the different life cycle stages
As in EN 15978 clauses 8.4 to 8.8.
For modules A1 to A3, wherever possible, the product stage environmental data shall come
from EN 15804 EPD, in the absence of which other EPD and LCA study sources may be
used with appropriate value judgements.
For modules A4 and A5, if transport and construction stage environmental data from EPD
are being used in the LCA study then the scenario used in the EPD must be applicable to
the scenario defined for the building under assessment, otherwise the applicable modelling
data will have to be developed in the LCA study.
The assessment of information modules in the use stage (modules B1 to B7) are dependent
on and shall therefore clearly reflect the defined functional performance characteristics of the
building (i.e. the ‘functional equivalent’ defined for the LCA study).
All scenarios shall be according to the modelling requirements described in 7.4 above, using
the specified study system boundaries.

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As stated in clause 7.4.6 in this BRE Global methodology, module D reports the net
environmental benefits based on net output flows (derived essentially from the difference
between materials entering the system boundary in module A1 and materials leaving the
system boundary in modules A5 and C3). An example of net output flow and module D
calculation for a building component that is leaving the building in module C3 having reached
its end of waste state is provided in Appendix A of this BRE Global methodology.
For all scenarios developed and modelled in the LCA study, clear justification for various
data sources along with any additional assumptions made shall be documented, for

9 Quantifying The Building And Its Life Cycle

9.1 General
As in EN 15978 clause 9.1.
9.2 Specification of net amount
As in EN 15978 clause 9.2. The net amounts are the actual quantities of the products or
components that constitute the building under assessment.
9.3 Accounting for the gross amount
As in EN 15978 clause 9.3.
Where applicable during the building LCA assessment, gross amounts shall be accounted
for by assessing the additional quantities due to losses, e.g. losses and damages during
transport to site, storage on site, and in construction processes (installation wastages such
as due to design requirements, supply conditions or just installation processes), subject to
availability of data. This follows the modularity principle by evaluating and reporting
environmental impacts where they occur, i.e. in their respective modules, e.g. module A5
shall include the production and transport of additional quantities of construction products to
replace material wastage during construction, as well as the disposal of the wasted material.
Some products or components are replaced during the lifetime of a building or during the
used in the assessment. This is particularly applicable when assessing the use stage
module B4, and the following relationship between the estimated / reference service life of
the component ( ) and the of the building is used to derive the number of
replacements ( ) for that component:

Number of Replacements = −1

NOTE: there are no partial replacements in a building assessment. The value obtained for
from the equation above shall be rounded up to the next whole number and used in
the building assessment, i.e. a derived of 2.2 = 3 replacements while 2.6 = 3
replacements. EN 15978 clause 9.3.3 includes examples and considerations in the
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application of number of replacements in assessments, including the likelihood of

replacement occurring or being necessary in the context of the building being assessed.
Further details and examples are provided in Appendix A of this BRE Global methodology.
9.4 Type of data for the assessment
As in EN 15978 clause 9.4.
In terms of the material inputs and outputs, the assessment shall be carried out using the
most representative quantified data for the building being assessed and the stage or time of
the assessment. The criteria for the exclusion of material inputs and outputs are to be
applied as stated in clause 6.3.5 of EN 15804+A1.
The inventory process gathers all the material data that are associated with the building
under assessment. For many buildings, a large number of construction materials are used in
very small quantities and it is unrealistic to gather data on all of these.
However, it is important that significant environmental effects are not omitted by ignoring low
mass flows of construction products. Analysis may later reveal that these materials do not
significantly affect the overall result but it is important that data is provided to enable this
conclusion to be drawn. To achieve this, the following conventions are applied:
In case of insufficient data or data gaps for a building component, the cut-off criteria shall be
1% of the total mass input of the building element category. The total of neglected material
flows per information module shall be a maximum of 5% of energy usage and mass. The
exception is if they have any of the following in which case they have to be included:
· Significant effects of or energy use in their manufacture, their use, or disposal
· Are classed as hazardous waste
Table 1 in EN 15978 clause 9.4.1 shows the type of data that can be used for the
quantification of the amounts in different stages of the assessment. Therefore, for new build
projects, following the completion of detail design5, a bill of quantities provides detailed mass
values for building LCA assessments. Other sources of material quantities include building
information models and estimations from the consultants’ drawings/sketches.
For existing buildings actual material quantities are available from as-built drawings and
contractor records from measurements taken during the construction stage.
All assumptions are to be clearly stated, and justified where necessary, in the study report
9.5 Quantification specific to operational energy use
As in EN 15978 clause 9.5, and Table 7.4 in this document.
NOTE: the benefits resulting from exported energy, where applicable, are reported in
information module D.
9.6 Quantification specific to operational water use
As in EN 15978 clause 9.6, and Table 7.4 in this document.

RIBA stages of work, Work Stage E: Detail Design,
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10 Selection of environmental data and other information

10.1 General
As in EN 15978 clause 10.1.
Specifically, EN 15804 EPD for a construction product / material / component is intended to
provide the quantified information on the environmental impacts and aspects relevant to a
building assessment using the EN 15978 calculation methodology. However, care should be
taken to only use EPD data that is appropriate for the building materials used in the building
and, where the EPD provides data beyond the gate stage of the product lifecycle, on data
based on specific scenarios applicable to the building assessment. Where an EPD is not
available, or is available but is not suitable, data can also be obtained from generic material
databases and peer-reviewed LCA studies, including the use of suitable proxies.
The input and output materials attributed to imported finished materials and products are,
wherever possible, based upon analyses appropriate to the country of origin and include the
energy of transportation. Where data for the country of origin are not available, the input and
output data are based upon the most comparable product (internationally or domestically
produced) with an addition made for the transportation from the country of origin.
All details and assumptions on data sources shall be clearly stated in the report compiled for
the building LCA study.
10.2 Scenarios for the building
As in EN 15978 clause 10.2.
Realistic and representative scenarios shall be based on relevant technical performance
information and shall support the calculation of the information modules as shown in Figure
7.1 for the assessment of the environmental performance of a building in construction, use
and end-of-life stages, as well as in module D. The scenarios shall be developed relevant to
the building under assessment.
10.3 Data quality
As in EN 15978 clause 10.3.
10.4 Consistency
As in EN 15978 clause 10.4.

11 Calculating The Environmental Indicators

11.1 Environmental impacts, aspects and related indicators

As in EN 15978 clause 11.1.

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The quantified environmental impacts of the building shall be declared and reported using
the category indicators (parameters) and units shown in Table 11.1 below.
Table 11.1: Parameters for describing environmental impacts
Impact Category Parameter (Category Indicator) Unit

Global Warming (Climate Change) Global warming potential, GWP kg CO2 eq.

Ozone Depletion Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone kg CFC 11 eq.

layer, ODP

Acidification for Soil and Water Acidification potential of land (soil) and water, AP kg SO2 eq.

Eutrophication Eutrophication potential, EP kg (PO4)3- eq.

Photochemical Ozone Creation Formation potential of tropospheric ozone kg C2H4 eq.

photochemical oxidants, POCP

Depletion of Abiotic Resources – Abiotic resource depletion potential for elements kg Sb eq.
elements (non-fossil resources), ADP-elements

Depletion of Abiotic Resources – Abiotic resource depletion potential of fossil fuels, MJ, net calorific
fossil fuels ADP-fossil fuels value

In addition to the environmental impact category indicators, the following environmental

indicators describing resource use, waste and other output flows, which are derived from
data from the life cycle inventory process but not assigned to the impact category indicators
listed in Table 11.1, shall be reported in the building assessment as shown in Table 11.2
Table 11.2: Other parameters (combined for ease of presentation)
Parameter Unit

Use of renewable primary energy excluding

MJ, net calorific
renewable primary energy resources used as raw
materials, PERE

Use of renewable primary energy resources used MJ, net calorific

as raw materials, PERM value
Resource Use
Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding
MJ, net calorific
non-renewable primary energy resources used as
raw materials, PENRE

Use of non-renewable primary energy resources MJ, net calorific

used as raw materials, PENRM value

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Parameter Unit

Use of secondary material, SM kg

MJ, net calorific

Use of renewable secondary fuels, RSF

MJ, net calorific

Use of non-renewable secondary fuels, NRSF

Net use of fresh water, FW m3

Hazardous waste disposed, HWD kg

Waste to disposal Non-hazardous waste disposed, NHWD kg

Radioactive waste disposed, RWD kg

Components for reuse, CRU kg

Materials for recycling, MFR kg

Other output flows
Materials for energy recovery, MER kg

MJ for each
Exported energy, EE
energy carrier

For additional guidance, see NOTES in EN 15978 clause 11.1.

11.2 Calculation methods
As in EN 15978 clause 11.2.
A matrix calculation is provided in EN 15978 clause 11.2 for deriving the total values by
environmental parameter (category indicator in Tables 11.1 and 11.2 above) per life cycle
module (Figure 7.1) by multiplying the amounts for all the products and services in the stage
by their respective environmental parameter values.
Appendix A of this BRE Global methodology provides detailed formulae along with

12 Reporting the results of a building assessment

12.1 General information on the assessment

As in EN 15978 clause 12.1.
All environmental parameter results shall be reported to a maximum of 3 significant figures.
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To ensure transparency of the results of the building assessment, the results documentation
shall include as a minimum the information itemised in EN 15978 clause 12.1
12.2 General information on the object of the assessment
As in EN 15978 clause 12.2.
The functional equivalence, described using the appropriate functional unit which has been
used in the assessment, along with the reference study period and other relevant building
information (see EN 15978 clause 12.2) shall be provided as general information on the
building that has been assessed.
12.3 Statement of boundaries and scenarios used in the assessment
As in EN 15978 clause 12.3.
12.4 Data sources
As in EN 15978 clause 12.4.
12.5 List of indicators used for assessment and expression of results
As in EN 15978 clause 12.5.
The results shall be presented separately for all building life cycle stages and for module D,
see Table 12.1 below.
The product stage modules A1 – A3 may be provided as an aggregated total, depending on
the sources of the data for the individual materials; this is because EN 15804+A1 permits
this aggregation at the product level. For the remaining life cycle stages, it is possible to
have indicators and modules not assessed. Where this occurs these shall be reported as
INA (for indicator not assessed) or MNA (for module not assessed), and the reasons for
these omissions shall be clearly provided.
NOTE: where a comparative assessment is being carried out, e.g. for use in a building rating
scheme or for benchmarking, there may be minimum requirements for the indicators and
modules assessed, which, along with functional equivalence and data source restrictions will
ensure that comparison between the buildings assessed is on a like-for-like basis.
Further, within each life cycle stage the results may be summed, provided the values have
been determined for each module within that stage. In other words, if any module within a
life cycle stage has not been assessed, the results for this stage must be expressed
separately per module.
Table 12.1: Example table of results
Indicator Unit Life cycle stages Supplementary

Product Construction Use stage End of life Benefits and

stage stage stage loads beyond
the system

A1 – A3 A4 – A5 B1 – B7 C1 – C4 D

e.g. GWP kg CO2 eq. xx xx xx xx xx

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12.6 Communication of assessment results

As in EN 15978 clause 12.6.

13 Verification of the results of a building assessment

As in EN 15978 clause 13.
Verification is not a mandatory requirement in building assessment using LCA. If carried out,
verification provides a formal independent confirmation of the validity of the results obtained
from the assessment.
There are assessments in which verification not only adds value to the output, but may also
be a requirement, e.g. where the purpose of the assessment is for building sustainability

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Appendix A – Calculating the impacts

The equations in this Appendix are a linear interpretation of the matrix routine described in
EN 15978 clause 11.2.
The examples within this Appendix are based on an illustrative simplified building, composed
of blocks, steel, insulation and cladding. The illustrative material quantities and
environmental data for GWP are shown in Table A.1 below.
Table A.1: Example material quantities and GWP unit data for a building under assessment
Blocks Steel Insulation Cladding
Quantity, net (kg) 10 5 2 3
A1 8 12 11 9
A2 2 4 3 1
A3 16 18 17 15
A4 2 2 2 2
A5 3 3 3 3
B1 0 0 0 0
GWP (kg CO2 B2 0 0 0 2
eq.) unit data
for the B3 0 0 0 0
respective B4 0 0 0 32
modules B5 0 0 0 0
B6 0 0 0 0
B7 0 0 0 0
C1 1 1 1 1
C2 2 2 2 2
C3 5 7 6 4
C4 13 15 14 12

NOTE: in order to conduct a building LCA study it is a pre-requisite that the environmental
impacts data (unit data) for all the individual materials has already been provided/collated
from compatible generic or manufacturer/product-specific EN 15804 EPD or from suitable
LCA study reports and publicly available datasets.

A.1 Material Quantities

In a building LCA study, where the net material quantities have not been provided in
mass units these can typically be obtained from any of the following possible given units:

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From linear metre (m): = ×

From area (m2): = ×
From volume (m3): = ×
From piece/unit: = ×

A.2 Module and Stage Calculations per Category Indicator

A.2.1 General
Using the material quantities , and where
= the specified construction material
= quantity of the specified construction material
= category indicator, e.g. GWP, EP, etc.
= information module, e.g. A1, A2, A3, etc.
= category indicator unit data for P in respective information
= Life cycle stage, e.g. Product stage (A1-A3), Construction stage (A4-A5),
The category indicator result for each material in an information module is obtained from
Eqn. 1 as follows:
= × Eqn. 1
The total of that category indicator for the information module is then obtained by summing
up the results for the different materials in that module according to the Eqn. 2 below:
∑ = 1+ 2+ 3+⋯+ Eqn. 2
And, where there are results for every information module in the respective life cycle stage,
the total of the category indicators for all the modules in the stage are summed up to obtain
a total value for that category indicator for the stage according to Eqn. 3 below:
∑ =∑ +∑ +⋯+∑ Eqn. 3

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Examples of general calculations:

In order to derive the GWP category indicator results for the building’s product stage
modules A1-A3 the Eqns 1, 2 and 3 above are applied as follows:
1. The GWP result in individual information modules per material used in the building
is obtained using Eqn. 1, as shown in the following example below for blocks:

= × = 8 × 10 = 80 .

2. The total category indicator GWP for information modules A1, A2 and A3 are then
derived for all the materials in the building under assessment using Eqn. 2 as

∑ = + + +
= 80 + 60 + 22 + 27 = 189 .
∑ = + + +
= 20 + 20 + 6 + 3 = 49 .
∑ = + + +
= 160 + 90 + 34 + 45 = 329 .

3. And the total GWP results for the product stage modules A1 to A3 for the building
under assessment is derived using Eqn. 3 as follows:

∑ =∑ +∑ +∑
= 189 + 49 + 329 = 567 .

In addition to the Eqns. 1, 2 and 3 above, the following sections provide instructions and
additional equations applicable to the different modules and life cycle stages in a building
LCA study.

A.2.2 Modules A1-A3 aggregated

For construction materials where the data for the product stage have been aggregated, i.e.
where the materials unit data for modules A1-A3 have been provided as aggregated values
(this is permitted in EN 15804+A1), using the net values the Eqn. 1 for deriving the
category indicator result for each material is adapted from ‘modular’ to ‘stage’ calculation as
shown in Eqn. 4 below:
= × Eqn. 4
The total of that category indicator for the modules A1-A3 (aggregated) is then obtained by
summing up the results for the different materials according to the Eqn. 5 below:
∑ = 1 + 2+ 3+ ⋯+ Eqn. 5
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A.2.3 Modules A4 and A5

For transport to site (module A4), the category indicators shall be derived for impacts for
transporting the quantity required in the building under assessment as well as for any
additional quantities to account for transport losses e.g. due to damage, where applicable.
Where the material’s unit data for module A4 has already taken into account the loss %, the
net value is used (rather than a gross value) in Eqns. 1 and 2.
But if the losses during the transport stage have not been accounted for in the unit data, the
gross quantity is derived as shown in Eqn. 6 below:
=( )+( ×% ) Eqn. 6
The gross obtained from Eqn. 6 is then used in Eqns. 1 and 2 to obtain the category
indicator results for module A4.

Example of module A4:

In order to deliver the 8 kg of blocks to the construction site there is a transportation loss
of 2.5%. Therefore, where the loss % is not already included in the unit data for module
A4, to derive the GWP category indicator for the blocks in module A4 the gross quantity is
= 10 + (10 × 2.5%) = 10.25 .
= ×
= 2 × 10.25 = 20.5 .

Subject to data availability, module A4 shall also include the transport of the various
construction equipment to the construction site, using Eqn. 2 above, i.e.:
∑ =∑ +∑ Eqn. 7

For construction (module A5), the category indicators shall be computed for installing the
respective materials in the building under assessment, plus the impacts for manufacturing
and delivering any material lost through the installation process if applicable, and the
disposal of the wasted material.
Where the material’s unit data for module A5 is based on an appropriate scenario for the
building under assessment, it should therefore already have taken into account the loss %,
the provision of this additional material and the disposal of this installation loss (material
wasted), in which case the category indicator is derived from Eqns. 1 and 2 using the net
But if the losses during the construction stage have not been accounted for in the unit data,
a ×% value is introduced as shown in Eqn. 8 below:

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=( × )+( ×% )+( ×% )+
( × ×% ) Eqn. 8

Example of module A5:

In order to install 8 kg of blocks in the construction stage there is an installation wastage
(loss) of 5%. Therefore, where the loss % is not already included in the unit data, to derive
the GWP category indicator for the blocks in module A5, using Eqn. 8:
=( × )+( ×% )
+( ×% )
+( × ×% )
= (3 × 10) + ((80 + 20 + 160) × 5%) + (20.5 × 5%) + (13 × 10 × 5%)
= 30 + 13 + 1.025 + 6.5 = 50.5 .

The category indicator results for the construction stage (modules A4-A5) can then be
calculated using Eqn. 3 for stage calculations.

A.2.4 Modules B1 to B7
For the use of the material in the building under assessment (module B1), the category
indicators shall be derived using the net values in Eqns. 1 and 2.
For the use modules B2 to B5, where a material’s unit data for B2 to B5 is based on an
appropriate scenario for the building under assessment, the category indicators are derived
from Eqns. 1 and 2 using the net value and the given unit data category indicator.

Example of module B4 (where the given unit data is appropriate to the scenario):
The GWP category indicator for replacing the cladding material at the end of its service life
is derived using Eqn. 1:
= × = 32 × 3 = 96 .

But where the material’s unit data have not been derived using scenarios applicable to the
building under assessment, then the category indicators for modules B2 to B5 will have to be
derived in the study as these modules are directly related to the context of the building, i.e.
the functional equivalence and defined applicable scenarios. The derivation of the indicators
for these modules will require the data from the preceding modules A1-A3, A4 and A5 for the
materials in the LCA study, as well as end of life (module C4) unit data for the materials.

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Based on the respective applicable scenarios, e.g. for repair of damaged components or part
or complete replacements, the category indicators shall then also cover the additional
quantities (manufacture and transport to site) resulting from losses during the respective
activity and any end of life disposal or management required as a result. The frequency of
occurrence or cycle, the building study period and the materials’ reference service life
shall also all be taken into account when deriving the category indicators for modules
B2 to B5.
For module B2, in order to derive the category indicator for a manufacturer recommended
process such as maintenance cleaning, the Eqn. 1 for deriving the category indicator result
for each material is adapted as shown in Eqn. 9 below:
= × ×( × ) Eqn. 9
= frequency of maintenance activity (number per year)
= applicable unit data for specific maintenance operation, sourced
= study period in LCA study, e.g 60 years.
The total of the category indicators for the module B2 is then obtained by summing up the
results for the different materials in that module according to the Eqn. 2.

Example of module B2:

In order to derive the GWP category indicator for the maintenance cleaning of the cladding
in the building under assessment, where the recommended cleaning is once every year
for a study period of 60 years, where the GWP for cleaning the cladding unit has been
obtained from a suitable data source or proxy as 2.5 kg CO2eq.:
= × ×( × )
= 1 × 60 × (2.5 × 3) = 450 .

For module B3, in order to derive the category indicators for a planned repair or replacement
of a worn out material, the Eqn. 1 for deriving the category indicator result for each material
is adapted as shown in Eqn. 10 below:
= × ×( × ) Eqn. 10
= frequency of repair activity (number per year)
= applicable unit data for specific repair operation, sourced
The total of the category indicators for the module B3 is then obtained by summing up the
results for the different materials in that module according to the Eqn. 2.

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For modules B4 and B5, in order to derive the category indicators for replacing a material at
the end of its (module B4) or as part of a scheduled programme of refurbishment of
parts of the building (module B5) the Eqns. 11 and 12 respectively below are used:
= × ∑( + + + ) Eqn. 11
= × ∑( + + + ) Eqn. 12
= number of replacements during the

= − 1, rounded up to the next whole number

= number of refurbishments during the , based on the defined scenario

The total of the category indicators for the modules B4 or B5 is then obtained by summing
up the results for the different materials in that module according to the Eqn. 2.

Example of module B4:

In order to derive the GWP category indicator for the replacement of a cladding unit in the
cladding in the building under assessment, where there is a transportation loss during A4
of 2.5%, and an installation wastage during A5 of 5%, and the of the cladding is 25
years, using Eqn. 11:

× ( + +
+ )
= − 1 = 1.4, ℎ 2
= (9 × 3) + (1 × 3) + (15 × 3) = 75 .
= 2 × 3 + (3 × 2.5%) = 6.15 .
= (3 × 3) + (75 × 5%) + (6.15 × 5%) + (12 × 3 × 5%) = 14.85 .
= 12 × 3 = 36 .

=2× (75 + 6.15 + 14.85 + 36) = 264 .

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For the energy and water use of the material in the building under assessment (modules B6
and B7 respectively), the category indicators shall be derived using the net values in
Eqns. 1 and 2.
The category indicator results for the use stage (modules B1-B7) can then be calculated
using Eqn. 3 for stage calculations.

A.2.5 Modules C1 to C4
The end of life modules C1, C2, C3 and C4 refer to the fate of materials following
dismantling or demolition of the building under assessment at the end of life. Where a
material’s unit data for modules C1 to C4 is based on an appropriate scenario for the
building under assessment, the category indicators shall be derived using the net values
in Eqns. 1 and 2 (as this is the quantity of the material that is actually installed in the
building).Where the scenarios for the unit data are different from the required scenarios for
the building under assessment, the category indicators will have to be derived by applying
unit data for comparable materials in applicable scenarios using the net values in Eqns.
1 and 2.

A.2.6 Module D
Module D is outside of the life cycle of the building under assessment, and is used to
express environmental benefits or loads from a future use of end of life materials from the
building. This future use is either through reuse, recovery or recycling, including in energy
generation) and is provided as supplementary information which is beyond the building life
Where a material’s unit data is based on an appropriate scenario for the building under
assessment, the category indicators are derived from Eqns. 1 and 2 using the net value
and the given unit data category indicator.
NOTE: where a material’s unit data has not been derived using scenarios applicable to the
building under assessment, then the category indicators for module D for this material will
have to be derived in the study, requiring expert judgment in determining the net secondary
material flows and therefore the avoided impacts (burdens or loads) for the respective
Therefore, where
= the specified construction material in the building under assessment
= the quantity of the material used in the building
= the quantity of secondary material in
= the quantity of the material leaving the building having reached its end of
waste state
The net secondary material flow ∆ is derived using Eqn. 13 below:

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∆ = − Eqn. 13
= the quantity of virgin material P that can be replaced by the secondary
material P obtained from the building under assessment, i.e. ∆
The category indicator (i.e. avoided impact) for material reported in module D is derived
from Eqn. 14 below:
= −( ×∆ ) Eqn. 14

In a scenario where the recovered material is capable of replacing virgin material on a 1:1
basis ∆ = Future.

Example of module D:
At the building’s end of life, after demolition/deconstruction and other related waste
processing activities, 8 kg of bricks will be recovered.
As 10 kg of bricks were initially installed in the building under assessment, and assuming
the recovered bricks are capable of replacing virgin bricks on a 1:1 basis in a new or in
another building (i.e. the future use), then the net output flow and module D calculations
that can be reported for the 10 kg of bricks initially installed in the building are as follows:
Step 1: If the 8 kg of end of waste bricks are available to replace 8 kg of virgin bricks in a
subsequent system (e.g. another building), then the benefit of avoiding 8 kg of virgin
bricks production for that subsequent system are presented in module D for this material
in the building under assessment, by reporting the avoided impacts as negative values.
The GWP category indicator for the bricks in module D will be derived as follows:
= −( ×∆ )
= −(26 × 8) = −208 .
Step 2: If the 10 kg of bricks initially had a 50% secondary material content, i.e. based on
recycled material input in its product stage (A1-A3), then ∆ = 8 − 5 = 3 , and
= −(26 × 3) = −78 .
This avoids double counting, as the benefits of the initial use of secondary material (5 kg)
have been accounted for in the environmental impact contribution of bricks to the building
under assessment.
Step 3: Now, if the 3 kg of end of waste bricks available actually required a further
processing step to make them suitable for a 1:1 replacement of virgin bricks, resulting in a
further loss of 0.5 kg disposed as waste, meaning only 2.5 kg from the end of waste bricks
ends up in the future building, i.e. ∆ = 2.5 , and the GWP category
indicator for the bricks in module D will be derived as follows:
= −(26 × 2.5 )+( )+( × 0.5 )

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Step 4: If, however, the bricks had 90% recycled content (and not 50% as stated in step 2
above), then ∆ = 8 − 9 = −1 . This implies a negative flow of secondary
bricks, and therefore a positive value for (a load rather than a benefit). In a
situation such as this, where there is a load (burden) rather than a benefit in a future
recovery scenario, it is not likely that a module D calculation will be included for that
material in the building under assessment.

A.2.7 Additional aspects of note

A.2.7.1 Allocation of site wide data
Modules A5 (construction) and C1 (deconstruction / demolition) are intricately linked with the
overall construction practice –planned or actual – in the building under assessment, for
which research shows that there are currently data gaps. There is therefore typically no
availability of useable unit data in practice, meaning these modules may have to be derived
either from general overhead assumptions or as a fraction of values available as a total at
the building level.
This therefore involves either a mass based allocation per unit of material from a total value
per m2 of the building under assessment, or a value allocation – depending on data available
for the LCA study. Such allocation shall be clearly documented and justified in the report
compiled for the building LCA study.
A.2.7.2 Adjustments to Module B results
(Following clause 7.3 of this BRE Global methodology).
When the building’s ≠ of the building, the category indicator results for the use
stage modules B1 to B7 are first derived for the of the building, and then adjusted
using an adjustment factor ( ) obtained from the mathematical relationship between the
and the of the building as shown below:
Adjustment factor = Eqn. 15

1. If = , ℎ =1
i.e. no adjustment. This is the default value
2. If < ,
The reported impact = × .

3. If > ,
The reported impact = ( × )+

Where are the scenarios for refurbishment (module B5) to

extend the service life of the building to cover the study period or for end of life

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modules (C1 to C4) and construction including product stages modules (A1 to A3
and A4 to A5) of an equivalent new building.

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