Proof Reading

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3/29/23, 8:48 AM Proof Reading

NAMA  : 
Proof Reading
10 Pertanyaan TANGGAL : 

1. What is wrong with this sentence?

After school finished, i walked home with my friend.

There is no capital letter for the first

A The comma is in the wrong place. B
person pronoun.

There is no capital letter at the start of

C D There is no full stop at the end .
the sentence.

2. What is wrong with this sentence?

After school I walked home with my friend.

There is no comma after the fronted

A B There is a spelling mistake.

There is no capital letter at the beginning There is no full stop at the end of the
of the sentence. sentence.

3. What is wrong with this sentence?

After school, I walking home with my friend.

There is no comma after the fronted

A There is a missing apostrophe. B

C The verb is in the wrong tense. D There is a spelling mistake.

4. What is wrong with this sentence?

As a result of the bad weather.

A The verb is in the wrong tense. B There is a missing comma.

C There is a spelling mistake. D There is no main clause.

5. What is wrong with this sentence?

Which had been closed for over three weeks, was finally reopened.

A There is a verb in the wrong tense. B There is a spelling mistake.

C There is a comma missing. D The sentence has no subject. 1/2
3/29/23, 8:48 AM Proof Reading

6. What is wrong with this sentence?

We went their because it had been recommended to us.

A There is a spelling mistake. B There is a missing comma.

C There is a verb in the wrong tense. D The sentence does not have a subject.

7. What is wrong with this sentence?

Often, he had stayed with them, over the years.

A The sentence has no main clause. B The sentence has no main verb.

C The syntax makes the meaning unclear. D There is a verb in the wrong tense.

8. What is wrong with this sentence?

The boy who had been warned not to kicked the ball so hard that it broke the window.

A The sentence is missing a comma. B The sentence is missing a full stop.

C The sentence is missing a semi-colon. D The sentence is missing two commas.

9. What is wrong with this sentence?

Until Ive seen all the facts, I really can't comment.

You shouldn't use 'can't', you should use

A There is a spelling mistake. B

C There is a missing apostrophe. D The comma is in the wrong place.

10. How many mistakes are there in this sentence?

because she had left her umberella at home she gets soked by the sudden heavy

A 3 B 4

C 6 D 5 2/2

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