FFP 2022 Judicial Voting Guide 3
FFP 2022 Judicial Voting Guide 3
FFP 2022 Judicial Voting Guide 3
Charles T. Canady John D. Couriel Jamie Grosshans Jorge Labarga Ricky Polston
1st DCA 2nd DCA 3rd DCA 4th DCA 5th DCA
Ross L. Bilbrey Patricia J. Kelly Alexander S. Bokor Edward Artau Jay Cohen
Susan L. Kelsey Nelly Khouzam Edwin A. Scales III Cory Ciklin James A. Edwards
Craig C. Villanti
by John Stemberger
When principled conservatives vote for elected officials, the philosophy, while the other does not attend church and appears to
primary issue usually is, “Where does a candidate stand on core lean moderate to left in politics. If the first candidate has been disciplined
policy issues?” However, thinking about how to pick the best by the Bar, lacks legal experience, has never tried cases, has a poor
judge candidates is a more complicated and nuanced than picking reputation, or is angered easily, then that candidate is probably not the
candidates for legislative races. best person to serve as a judge, especially if another otherwise highly
Even picking the best trial court judges differs from picking the qualified, though politically liberal, alternative exists.
best appellate court judges. When picking an appellate court judge While having a conservative judicial philosophy is always
judicial philosophy is the main issue. These judges are actively writing important, it is far more critical that Appellate and Supreme Court
legal decisions that become published as part of case law. So, we judges possess it than do lower Trial Court judges. This is true be-
are looking at questions like: Does the judge have a limited and cause if lower court judges behave as activists and insert their views
restrained understanding of the role of the court? Does the judge in place of the law, they can usually have their rulings overturned by
understand their role is to follow the law and interpret the law but appellate courts.
not make new law? Is the potential appellate judge committed to a In evaluating judicial candidates, our team researched campaign
textualist / originalist philosophy when interpreting the constitution. websites, news articles, disciplinary records, church/ synagogue
However, when picking the best trial court judges’ judicial philos- affiliations, Florida Bar Judicial Candidate Statements, and social
ophy is still important but not as critical. Ideally, a good trial judge will media. We also look for associations and ties with the LGBTQ
also have qualifications like an even-handed temperament, a strong political movement and listing “proper pro-nouns.”
intellect, jury trial experience, a sense of fairness, and a good reputa- We also interviewed other lawyers who know and work with
tion in the legal community. This is because a trial court judge is these candidates to determine their reputation in the community.
actively in contact with thousands of members of the community over Our process is not perfect, but there is no other voter guide
time, litigants, jurors, and others overseeing hearings and trials. product like this anywhere in Florida that evaluates and makes
For instance, consider two judicial candidates: The first claims to be recommendations for every judge candidate on the ballot, County,
a Christian or a conservative and appears to have a conservative judicial Circuit, District Court of Appeals, and Florida Supreme Court.
Alachua, Baker,
Bradford, Gilchrist, 8 12 Sean Brewer Broward 17 51 Tamar N. Hamilton
Levy, and Union
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