1 s2.0 S2352012423004642 Main
1 s2.0 S2352012423004642 Main
1 s2.0 S2352012423004642 Main
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/structures
Keywords: The hysteretic behaviour of self-centring beam-to-column joints with posttensioned shaped memory alloy (SMA)
Numerical study strands under cyclic loading was studied in this paper. The material test of the dog bone-shaped SMA coupon was
Hysteretic behaviour carried out and used to verify the applicability of the SMA constitutive in finite element (FE) models. The FE
Self-centring beam-to-column joint
models of self-centring joints were established by ABAQUS, and the accuracy of the FE models was verified by the
Posttensioned SMA strands
Parametric analysis
relevant test results available from the existing literature. With the verified FE modelling technique, the FE model
of a novel self-centring joint was generated, and the numerical results were compared with the hysteretic per
formance of regular joints. Afterwards, the influences of the steel angle thickness, initial posttensioning force,
vertical distance of two SMA strands on one side of the beam, and SMA strand number on the hysteretic per
formance of the novel joint were discussed in detail. The novel joint exhibited excellent seismic performance. The
initial posttensioning force, numbers and vertical distance of SMA strands have significant effects on the stiffness,
bearing capacity and self-centring performance of the proposed joints, but have little effects on the energy
dissipation. The bearing capacity, stiffness, energy dissipation as well as the residual deformation of the proposed
joints improve with increasing steel angle thickness.
1. Introduction revealed that it had a high bearing capacity and stiffness, with little
residual deformation. The seismic performance of post-tensioned (PT)
The steel frame structures have been widely used in earthquake re steel connections was tested by Garlock et al. [5,6]. The angle size, the
gions. As the main bearing component, the beam-to-column joint is an bolt gauge length, the initial posttensioning forces of steel strands, the
important part of the steel frame structure. It plays a role in transmitting number of steel strands, and the length of reinforcing plates were the
and distributing the internal force, coordinating the deformation be investigated parameters. In addition, Garlock et al. [7,8] described the
tween the components, and ensuring the integrity of the structure [1]. behaviour of PT frames and PT frame systems, as well as an approach to
Previous earthquake disasters around the world have shown that beam- seismic design for PT steel frame systems based on performance. And
to-column joints are the most vulnerable part of steel frame structures, nonlinear dynamic time history analysis was used to evaluate the effects
and the destruction or even collapse of the entire structure will happen of the connection strength, the panel zone strength, and an increase in
caused by damage to beam-to-column joints [2]. As a result, many the connection strength in the upper floors on the seismic response of PT
innovative concepts and methods that can improve the seismic perfor moment resisting frames (MRFs). Pan et al. [9] compared the mechan
mance of beam-to-column joints have been closely paid attention to by ical properties of self-centring joints and regular joints with steel angle
scientists and engineers around the world. in detail by quasi-static test and numerical simulation analysis. The
Self-centring beam-to-column joints with top and seat angle have numerical analysis of PT connections with stiffened angles was per
been the subject of intensive investigation by a large number of scholars. formed by Shiravand et al. [10], who also proposed the approach to
Ricles et al. [3,4] firstly proposed self-centring beam-to-column con predict the behaviour of PT connections with stiffened angles. Moradi
nections with top and seat angle energy dissipation and posttensioned et al. [11] established a finite element (FE) model of self-centring joints
steel strands. The seismic performance test of the joint specimen with steel angles by ANSYS. After verified with the existing tests, the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Gao).
Received 7 January 2023; Received in revised form 27 March 2023; Accepted 29 March 2023
Available online 6 April 2023
2352-0124/© 2023 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
Table 2
Material properties of SMA.
Material d/mm EA/GPa σMs(fy)/MPa σMf/MPa σAs/MPa σAf/MPa εy/% εr/% εL
NiTi SMA 10 40 450 580 270 180 1.34 0.4 0.048
where the transformation stresses (σMs, σ Mf, σ As, and σ Af), Young’s moduli (EA) and maximum transformation strain (εL) are key isothermal parameters for superelastic
SMA in ABAQUS [18].
u u u
x y
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
u xu y u z
u xu y u z
x y z
x y z
x z
x z
the beam top flange, and the loading protocol is consistent with the test shim plate, and the shim plate and beam [36]. The tangential property
in Ref. [9]. for the contact pairs was finite-sliding with the penalty method, and the
The pretension forces for the bolts and steel strands were applied default hard contact model was utilized for the behaviour normal to the
using the BOLT LOAD method [35], which is a more convenient and contact surfaces [37]. The tangential behaviour of the bolt shank and
effective method than the temperature method for defining pretension hole wall contact pair was considered to be frictionless, while the fric
in steel strands. Eight different contact pairs were included in FE models, tion coefficient for other contact pairs was taken according to the test in
involving the bolt shank and hole wall, the bolt nut and steel angle, the Ref. [9]. Furthermore, the “tie” constraint was used to simulate the weld
steel angle and reinforcing plate, the steel angle and shim plate, the bolt connection between shim plates with column flange and reinforcing
head and column, the bolt head and beam, the reinforcing plate and plates with beam flange [38].
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
The material properties in carbon steel joint FE models obtained and columns. The comparison results indicate the ability of the FE model
from Ref. [9] were converted into true stress versus logarithmic plastic to accurately predict the deformation modes of self-centring joints.
strain relationship before input into ABAQUS [39]. The FE models were Fig. 8 shows the comparison of FE hysteresis curves and test results.
run with general static analysis, accounting for geometric nonlinearity Obviously, the numerically predicted F-Δ curves agree well with the test
and material plasticity. The numerically obtained load–displacement (F- ones. The test curves of joint JD1 are significantly lower than the
Δ) curves and failure modes were compared with the test results in simulation ones, which is caused by bolt slipping during the loading
Ref. [9]. process [9]. In addition, the test curves of other joints are in close
agreement with the simulated ones. It can be hence found that the FE
models are able to provide accurate simulation of hysteresis curves for
3.2. Verification of FE models both self-centring and regular beam-to-column joints.
The test and FE skeleton curves are compared in Fig. 9. The FE
The comparisons of numerical demonstration modes with test ones in skeleton curves are in acceptable accordance with the test results. It is
Ref. [9] of two typical joints are shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the noted that the skeleton curves of joint JD1 and JD3 experienced strength
gap between steel angle and column as well as the deformation of steel degradation in the last cycle during cyclic loading test, which could be
angles are precisely captured. Meanwhile, the plastic deformation of explained by the fact that the initial defects and bolt slipping in the test
joints is also reflected by the stress distributions of steel angles, beams
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
Fig. 9. Comparison of skeleton curves.
Table 5
Comparison results of carbon steel joints in Ref. [9].
Specimens K0,test/ FIGO,test/ Kθ,test/ Fu,test/ K0,FE/ FIGO,FE/ Kθ,FE/ Fu,FE/ K0,test FIGO,test Kθ,test Fu,test
(kN/mm) kN (kN/mm) kN (kN/mm) kN (kN/mm) kN K0,FE FIGO,FE Kθ,FE Fu,FE
JD1 1.82 14.47 0.29 63.86 1.85 22.99 0.33 77.55 0.99 — — —
JD2 1.71 21.20 0.30 69.32 1.80 21.31 0.30 69.79 0.95 0.99 0.97 0.99
JD3 1.17 39.41 0.30 87.78 1.32 39.08 0.31 91.00 0.89 1.01 0.95 0.96
JD4 1.11 36.92 0.28 84.62 1.26 40.60 0.28 85.04 0.88 0.91 1.02 0.99
JD5 0.11 — — 37.79 0.10 — — 41.98 1.02 — — 0.90
JD6 0.07 — — 30.82 0.08 — — 31.22 0.89 — — 0.99
Average — — — — — — — — 0.94 0.97 0.98 0.97
St. dev — — — — — — — — 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04
was not considered in the FE models. in Table 5, where the FE values are compared with the test ones.
The initial stiffness K0, imminent gap-opening resistance FIGO, stiff The mean values of K0,test/K0,FE, Kθ,test/Kθ,FE, FIGO,test/FIGO,FE and Fu,
ness after the gap opening Kθ and ultimate resistance Fu are used to test/Fu,FE are between the range of 0.94 and 0.98, and the standard de
analyse the mechanical behaviour of self-centring beam-to-column viations are all less than 0.1. It is clear that the FE values for the initial
joints [40]. The initial stiffness, imminent gap-opening resistance and stiffness, imminent gap-opening resistance, ultimate resistance, and
stiffness after the gap opening are fitted linearly from the skeleton stiffness after the gap opening are a little higher than test ones. This
curves [41], and the ultimate resistance was determined by the maybe explained by the fact that the FE displacement was smaller than
maximum value of the skeleton curves [42]. The results are summarized the measured displacement due to the ignorance of the gap between
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
Table 6
Geometric configurations of the proposed joints.
Components Material Section/mm Length/mm
4.1. Joint configurations of the regular joint (RJ) without posttensioned SMA strands is also
established for comparative analysis.
A novel self-centring joint (SJ) is proposed, as shown in Fig. 10 (a). The Chaboche model [43,44] of Q235B and Q345B materials were
The proposed self-centring joint is made up of carbon steel column, employed for modelling the hysteretic performance of the proposed
beam, stiffeners, steel angles, and superelastic SMA strands. The dif joint. The Chaboche model parameters of Q235B and Q345B presented
ference between the novel self-centring joint and the regular self- in Ref. [45] are illustrated in Table 7. In addition, the constitutive model
centring joint is that the SMA strands are used as the pretension provi of the SMA coupon shown in Fig. 2 (b) is adopted for SMA strands
sion component. In actual engineering structures, it is challenging to herein.
provide sufficient recovery pretension force for joints once the steel
strands yield, which may result in structural damage. The excellent
superelasticity of SMA enables it to maintain elasticity under significant 4.2. Results of FE numeration
displacement, which is particularly important for pretensioned steel
strands. The stress distribution results of the proposed joints at the loading
Beams and columns are made of Q345B welded H-section steel, while displacement of 30 mm are shown in Fig. 12, and the grey area in beams
the Q235B equilateral steel angle with a thickness (t) of 25 mm is and columns represents that the regions exceeds its stress at zero
adopted. The steel angles are welded to the beam and column flanges equivalent plastic strain (290 MPa). The plastic deformations of two
and the welding position is marked with red lines, as shown in Fig. 10 joints are mainly concentrated on the steel angles, which proves damage
(b). The constraint was strictly set according to the bolt position speci controllability of the joints. A mild plastic deformation on the beam of
fied in the Chinese standard GB 50017 to ensure the consistency of the specimen SJ is resulted from the large force of SMA strands, which can
yield strength between the welded angle steel and the bolted joint. For be observed in Fig. 12 (a). Moreover, the stress of SMA strands slightly
the feasibility study of pretensioned SMA strands in self-centring joints, exceeds its yield stress. In practical engineering, the initial post
the utilization of welded connections in the ABAQUS model can avoid tensioning force should be controlled within a range to avoid the
complex contact conditions and significantly accelerate the convergence yielding of the beams, columns and SMA strands.
of the simulation. The load–displacement (F-Δ) curves of specimens RJ and SJ are
A total of 4 SMA strands with a diameter (Φ) of 32 mm are employed, shown in Fig. 13. The proposed self-centring joint specimen SJ demon
which are symmetrically placed on both sides of the beam web. The strates excellent self-centring performance, with a typical “double flag”
vertical distance of two SMA strands on each side (h) is 280 mm, as hysteresis curve. In contrast, specimen RJ shows good energy dissipation
shown in the top right corner of Fig. 10 (a), and the initial posttensioning capacity but has a large residual deformation. It can also be seen that
force of SMA strands (P0) is 230kN. Geometric configurations of the specimen SJ has higher bearing capacity than that of specimen RJ.
beam, column, and steel angle are shown in Table 6. The steel angles are The skeleton curves, stiffness degradation curves, energy dissipation
employed for energy dissipation, whilst the posttensioned SMA strands curves and residual displacement curves of specimen RJ and SJ are
are used to offer the self-centring ability. The self-centring, high compared in Fig. 14. The skeleton curves of specimens RJ and SJ in
damping and high energy dissipation can be fully utilized by the pro Fig. 14 (a) are S-shaped with central symmetry, and the structural
posed joint. properties are summarized in Table 8. The initial stiffness (K0) of spec
The proposed self-centring joint FE model is developed by ABAQUS imen SJ is about twice that of specimen RJ, and the ultimate resistance
software with the previous verified modelling technique, as shown in (Fu) of specimen SJ is about 1.8 times that of specimen RJ. An obvious
Fig. 10 (b). A tie constraint is used to simulate welding connections increment of the stiffness and bearing capacity is achieved by specimen
between steel angles and corresponding flanges. The element types and SJ compared with that of specimen RJ, which is due to the post
mesh sizes adopted in the proposed self-centring joint FE model are the tensioning force provided by the SMA strands.
same as those of FE models stated in Section 3. The boundary conditions The stiffness of specimen SJ is higher than that of specimen RJ during
shown in Fig. 10 (b) are similar with those of the test joints in Ref. [9]. the loading, as shown in Fig. 14 (b). The stiffness degradation amplitude
The loading protocol is shown in Fig. 11, where the displacement of specimen SJ is larger than that of specimen RJ. Specifically, the
applied at the beam end increases with an interval of 5 mm, and the minimum stiffness of specimen SJ is 16.35kN•mm− 1, while that of
maximum loading displacement is 30 mm. Meanwhile, the joint model specimen RJ is 9.12 kN•mm− 1.
It can be found from Fig. 14 (c) that the energy dissipation curves of
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
Table 7
Chaboche model parameters of Q235B and Q345B in Ref. [45].
Material σ |0 / Q∞/ biso Ckin,1 γ1 Ckin,2 γ2 Ckin,3 γ3 Ckin,4 γ4
MPa MPa /MPa /MPa /MPa /MPa
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
Table 8
Structural properties of specimens RJ and SJ.
specimen K0/ FIGO/ Kθ/ F u/ Δ r/ Wt/
(kN•mm− 1) (kN) (kN•mm− 1) (kN) (mm) kJ
Table 9
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
Fig. 17. Pre-RF curve of specimens SJP.
Fig. 18. F-Δ curve of specimens SJA.
Table 10
5.3. The influence of SMA strand vertical distance
Model parameters of specimens SJA.
The vertical distance changes of SMA strands on each side will lead to
Specimen t/mm h/mm Φ/mm P0/kN
different elongation deformation of SMA strands. Three joint models
SJA1 30 280 32 230 named SJW with different vertical distances of SMA strands were
SJA2 28 280 32 230
designed. The model parameters of SJW joints are shown in Table 11. It
SJA3 25 280 32 230
SJA4 22 280 32 230 should be noted that four SMA strands are symmetrically placed.
Fig. 20 shows the F-Δ curves of joint models with different vertical
distances of SMA strands. Hysteresis curves of these three joint models
dissipation of specimens SJA. However, with the growth of steel angle are close to each other, together with the similar bearing capacity and
thickness, the residual deformation also increases. It should be noted energy dissipation. It can be proved that little variation of hysteresis
that the beams and columns experience residual deformation, once the curves will be caused by different vertical distances of SMA strands on
plastic deformation exceeds the deformation that the SMA strand can each side.
recover. The skeleton curves, stiffness degradation curves, energy dissipation
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
t t
t t
t t
t t
6. Conclusion
h The material tests of SMA coupons were carried out and used to
h verify the applicability of the SMA constitutive relation in FE models.
h The FE models of carbon steel self-centring and regular joints were
established using ABAQUS software, and the accuracy of which were
verified by the test in Ref. [9]. With the verified FE modelling technique,
the FE model of the novel self-centring joint with posttensioned SMA
strands was developed, and the numerically structural performance of
Fig. 20. F-Δ curve of specimens SJW. the proposed self-centring joint was compared with those of the regular
joint. The influences of steel angle thickness as well as initial post
curves and residual displacement curves of specimens SJW are shown in tensioning force, vertical distance, and numbers of SMA strands on the
Fig. 21. Little effect of the vertical distance of SMA strands on the hysteretic performance of self-centring joints were analysed. The
bearing capacity, stiffness and energy dissipation of the proposed joint following conclusions can be made:
models is observed. Nevertheless, closer vertical distance of SMA strands
results in larger residual deformation. It can be concluded that only the
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
h h
h h
h h
(1) The material properties of NiTi SMA were tested and further Declaration of Competing Interest
employed to verify the applicability of the constitutive model in
FE models. The verified constitutive model was adopted for SMA The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
strands in the subsequent analysis of a novel joint. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
(2) The accuracy of the developed FE models was verified by the the work reported in this paper.
relevant test results available from the existing literature. The
H. Qian et al. Structures 52 (2023) 205–219
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