Final 1

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University of Bahrain

College of Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering

Process Control II

Final Exam
Semester II
Date: June 06, 2021
Location: Microsoft Teams

Instructions to candidates:
1. It is a closed-book exam.
2. Answer all the questions.
3. Show your steps clearly.
4. The exam is 2 hours long (11:30-13:30).

Student name ID

Question 1 2 Total
Mark /20 /20 /40

Hot and cold streams (F1 and F2) are used to control the temperature (T3) and the flow rate
(F3) of the outlet stream.
T1=5 oC

Mixer T3

T2=50 oC

A simplified process models describing the system may be given as

F3 = F1 + F2
T1 F1 + T2 F2
T3 =

At steady state, the following values are maintained:

T1 = 5 o C
F1 = 200 kgh −1
T2 = 50 o C
F2 = 400 kgh −1
T3 = 35 o C
F3 = 600 kgh −1

(a) Calculate the steady state gain matrix

(b) RGA
(c) Recommend a control paring

The following transfer function matrix has been identified as a model for a distillation column

 12.8e − s − 18.9e −3 s 
 21.0 s + 1 
G ( s ) = 16.7 s−+7 s1
 6.6e − 19.4e −3 s 
10.9 s + 1 14.4 s + 1 

Note: In all of the simulations, show y and u.

(a) [4 marks] For 1-1/2-2 loop paring, simulate the closed-loop system response to a step change
of 0.75 in the y1 set-point (no set-point change is desired in y2.) Use
K c1 = 0.47 , τ I 1 = 3.26; K c 2 = −0.088 , τ I 2 = 9.35

(b) [4 marks] Design a steady-state de-coupler; simulate the closed-loop system response to a
step change of 0.75 in the y1 set-point (no set-point change is desired in y2.) Use
0.30 , τ I 1 =
K c1 = −0.05 , τ I 2 =
1/ 0.307; K c 2 = 1/ 0.107

(c) [4 marks] Simulate part (b) for the case 0 ≤ u1 ≤ 0.15 , while u2 was unconstrained as in
part (b). You may use the ‘Saturation/Discontinuities’ block in Simulink for this.

(d) [1 marks] Are you agree with the performance in (c)? If No, could you suggest/name a better
control strategy?

(e) [4 marks] Design a dynamic de-coupler; simulate the closed-loop system response to a step
change of 0.75 in y1 set point (no set-point change is desired in y2.) Use the same controllers
of part (b).

(f) [3 marks] Suppose that the ‘real process’ is:

 15e −2 s − 25e −4 s 
 16 s + 1 
G ( s ) = 15s−+5 s1
 6e − 22e − 4 s 
 9 s + 1 12 s + 1 
Implement on this real process the same dynamic de-couplers used in part (e), along with the
same set of two-single loop controllers; compare the response to the same set-point change in
y1 with that obtained in part (c). Comment on the effect of plant/model mismatch on the
performance of this set of dynamic de-couplers.
(a) Simulink Model
(a) Simulink Reposnce (from the sink with legend)

(a) Comment

(b) Simulink Model

(b) Simulink Reposnce (from the sink with legend)

(b) Comment

(c) Simulink Model

(c) Simulink Reposnce (from the sink with legend)

(c) Comment
(e) Simulink Model

(e) Simulink Reposnce (from the sink with


(e) Comment
(d) Simulink Reposnce (from the sink with legend)

(f) Simulink Model

(f) Comment

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