BSED - ENG1A - Friday 6-8 (WS 1.2)

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Subjective Assessment
NAME: Cabigting, Pamela P. DATE: June 05,2022

YR & SECTION: 1st year - Bsed-Eng1A SCORE:_____________

Deadline: June 05 , 2022

Filename Format: Cabigting_Pamela_BSED_ENG1A_Friday 6-8

Sample Filename: SUBA_GERALD_BPED-2A_MON9-11

Title: A Summary of the Assessment

a. 150-200 words only.
b. Font name “Calibri” and size “12”

A health assessment is a plan of care that outlines a person's individual requirements

and how the healthcare system or skilled nursing facility will ful ll those needs. A health
assessment is a physical exam followed by a health history that evaluates one's health state. The
goal of a health assessment is to acquire a broad picture of your overall health, including your
mental, physical, psychological, and sexual well-being. Health exams allow you to adopt a
proac ve approach to your health by screening for illnesses. The health exam is crucial and is
frequently the rst step in determining the student's condi on. Students' medical needs are
iden ed through health assessments. Physical examina ons of students are used to measure
their health. Health assessments important to know, so that our prof knows if he will give that
kind of task to us, because what if we can’t do that kind of task and then he gave to us, we are
prone to accident if ever.

Rubric for Scoring:

Description Points
Content 15
Organization 5





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