CNT 0010838 02
CNT 0010838 02
CNT 0010838 02
Accordion : Assembly Instructions
Accordion : Assembly Instructions
3 Assemble 4A and 5A in the same way as 3B (fold up one edge only), and attach them to 3B.
*When gluing, make sure that the pieces are fitted together right to the bottom, so that the corners are 90°when attached.
Do not apply glue.
Accordion : Assembly Instructions
4 Assemble 6B, and attach it to 4A and 5A. 5 Assemble the 7A reinforcing parts and glue them, equally spaced,
to the reverse side of 2A. Next, attach the assembled bellows to 2A.
*When attaching the bellows to 2A, start by gluing the 6B glue tabs (marked ), being careful
that the rest is not crooked.
Accordion : Assembly Instructions
6 Curve the parts marked with blue dotted circles. 11B is a reinforcing part.
Next, glue together in order starting from . Attach it to the back of the 11A area for dotted line.
When gluing to 11A, attach this glue tab first and then the others,
being careful that the pieces don't get crooked.
7 Glue 10C to the assembled 10B, glue all of the 9B parts (the black keys) and then attach the parts to 11A.
Mountain fold
10C is a reinforcing part.
Attach it to the back of the
10B area for dotted line.
Valley fold
Glue this part
*Make eighteen after attaching
parts. 10B. (Same for
the other side)
Accordion : Assembly Instructions
8 Glue the assembled 9A to 10A, and attach it to the parts you assembled on page 6.
*Gluing in turn starting from will result in a neater finish.
Accordion : Assembly Instructions
9 Attach the parts you assembled on page 4 to the parts you assembled on page 7.
Next, glue the remaining parts.
Attach the
reverse sides
Fold inwards and
glue the reverse
Fold 12A's glue tabs inwards and glue them together. sides together.
*Make those two parts and attach glue them next to
each other.
Accordion : Assembly Instructions